#sorry this is so lengthy
t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
Hi, a friend sent me you post about overthinking stuff with the tags about Enter's nails because they remembered me, a maniac, talking about Enter's nails before. I was wondering if you were aware of the actual reason behind Enter's nail change or if you would be interested to know, Enter fan to Enter fan?
I have read a few interviews and most of the blog posts from the Go-Busters run (which can be read on Toei's website), and while I have not seen the change in nails discussed, it does seem to have been a deliberate decision (i.e. not just the nails growing out normally).
The reasoning for such a decision may be related to some tropes commonly associated with villains, such as Femme Fatalons, Evil is Angular or other villainous tropes. Although the specifically named tropes are not listed under the TV Tropes guide for Go-Busters for Enter, I feel they could apply. I also believe there are quite a few other tropes that could apply under other characteristic changes that coincide with the nail change, but I do not want to get off topic.
Minor Go-Busters Spoilers Below
Along the line of following tropes, I am also saying this seems deliberate as the timing of the change correlates with an event in which Enter was altered, and there was a shift from Messiah being the primary antagonist to Enter being the primary antagonist. In such cases, tropes like the ones above may become more apparent than before or first appear.
To clarify what I mean with his nails changing, here’s some images to clear it up:
Here’s his nails in episode 1:
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Here are his nails in episode 32 (note that they seem to be fake as they look a bit separated from the natural nail bed, which indicates to me that the nails are a design choice):
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Also, note how Femme Fatalons covers fake nails, but as these are never canonically said to be fake I am unsure of the validity of it falling under the trope.
I went back to look at this again to confirm some things, and it actually seems that his right hand’s nails were slightly shorter than his left, at least for a period. This may or may not be intentional, as a lot of shots where it is noticeable are not close-up shots like the ones above:
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Basically, it seems pretty clear that Enter uses his hands a lot when he speaks, moves from one place to another using his avatar abilities, and even when he fights (see his battles with Hiromu and how he wields his weapon). With this in mind, it is possible to infer that decisions regarding his nails would be deliberate and may or may not have meaning. It could just be to look cool, to follow tropes, to contribute to the visual representations of shifts in mindset/position from a storytelling perspective, or for any number of other reasons. All I know is I think it is a neat little detail that really fits in with his character presentation.
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lazylittledragon · 2 days
right now i'm very torn between "taking critique is important as an artist and it's not an attack on me personally" and "people commenting about my same face syndrome under my posts upsets me an unreasonable amount and i wish they would stop doing it"
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its here Babey!!! and its Shorter than the first one!!!
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lorephobic · 6 months
literally nobody asked for it, but here's my list of saltburn essays that i've slowly been drafting over the course of the last week which WILL be required reading for anybody trying to engage with me about this movie. my very personal saltburn 101 syllabus just dropped
A Wolf in Deer's Clothing: Saltburn's Attempt at Innocence
an examination of party costumes and our character's last attempts to masquerade as something they're not: felix—an angel, all-forgiving and all-knowing, something to be worshiped; and oliver—a prey animal, prey to class-divide, prey to saltburn, prey to felix.
thoughts about oliver specifically are loosely organized in my #bambi tag
A Midsummer Night's Mare: Farleigh Start as the Ultimate Victim of Saltburn
a farleigh character study, about the ways he was mistreated and manipulated at saltburn, about fighting to stay alive and the scars left behind by knowing when to give in
alternatively titled "QuickStart", may be adapted into a conclusive essay specifically focusing on oliver and farleigh's relationship
The Eye of the Beholder: On Saltburn's Voyeurism & Violence [working title]
how wealth and class pushes the catton's toward the volatile reality of being able to look, but not touch. on desire and the lack thereof, and portraying yourself as an object to be desired
may end up as two separate essays on wealth and aestheticism but i'm pushing toward a conclusive essay about the intersection of the two, which i feel is at the heart of saltburn
alternatively titled "Poor Man's Pudding: A Melvillian Approach to Saltburn's Class", again, may be adapted into it's own essay
Gender-Fluid: A Study in Sexuality and Saltburn's Desire to be Dry
a deep dive into the bodily fluids of saltburn and how oliver upsets the standard of men who are just so lovely and dry. on the creative choice to lean into the messy wetness of sex and desire and the audience's instinct toward repulsion
a celebration of the grotesque and an examination of why we would label it as such
least developed of the four, heavily inspired by @charnelpit's lovely post about the fluids in saltburn
if anybody is actually interested in any of these, i can work toward something closer to a finished piece instead of just bullet points and quotes in a google doc, but mostly this is so i can share my very brief takes on a multitude of themes in saltburn that have been haunting me
edit for people seeing this in the future: all posts about my essays are being organized into my #saltburn 101 tag if you’re interested in following these through to development!
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Mashle: Magic and Muscles Original Drama CD: Mo Mo Tarou
This drama CD was bundled with the third blu-ray/DVD volume of Mashle's first season. Basically, it's Mashle's main five characters in a Momotarou alternate universe.
Mash as Mo Mo Tarou (he also sang the parodied version of Momotarou song in this drama CD)
Finn as the Dog
Lance as the Pheasant
Dot as the Monkey
Lemon as the Ogre
Momotarou itself is a well-known traditional Japanese folklore centered around a boy who was born from a peach. For more information about Momotarou folklore, check here. You can also read the original Momotarou story here.
Each volume of the first season's blu-ray/DVD is accompanied by an exclusive illustration about this alternate universe, drawn by series creator Hajime Komoto. This one is from the first volume.
You can listen to the preview of the Drama CD below, and the rest of the tracks under read more. They're all untranslated, however.
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
i was thinking about that post a little more re: sampo being a part of the masked fools or even the stellaron hunters so i'm trying to keep my eyes peeled for some evidence for both sides
For the Stellaron Hunters, the only things I can really come up with is the Stellaron Hunter Logs in the Data Bank, with the name "Sam..." written down but trailing off
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as well as trying to find some connection with the name "Epsilon" during his scene at the end of the Belobog arc, with Epsilon being the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet and there being 5 people known in the Stellaron Hunters: Blade, Silver Wolf, Sam (?), Kafka, and Elio.
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As for the Masked Fools, using the same screenshot as above, the quote "True happiness always entails the manifestaton of the dignity of mankind" highlights the drive/motivations of Aha the Elation, with happiness being the true meaning of existence for humanity. The Masked Fools take this an extra step to seek out happiness by stirring trouble wherever they can.
There's also this tavern he mentions on his farewell to the unknown person
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In the Simulated Universe, a tavern is also mentioned known as Tavern World's End, belonging to the Masked Fools.
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Personally, I feel like there's a lot more argument for Sampo being a part of the Masked Fools here, but not against him being a Stellaron Hunter just yet. Just need more proof is all
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daz4i · 10 months
i think we should stop making fun of the way ppl dress. saying this as someone who doesn't know shit abt (current) fashion and doesn't want to. all trends are manufactured by corporations you are not better than anyone else for being able to afford keeping up with them. also clothes can be used for self expression and making fun of anyone who dresses in any way that's not the norm is just kind of disney channel school bully behavior of you (that's not even getting into how certain disabilities affect your ability to wear certain clothes so some people literally CAN'T keep up with trends even if they wanted to and could afford it)
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peridots-pixiwolf · 10 months
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sketches from @mipexch 's whiteboard a couple days ago!!
also feat. a very small reference to @onlineviolence :]
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raylex · 4 months
hey, i’m actually very curious abt ur interpretation of raymans sexuality, and was wondering if u could share the reasoning behind it (no pressure to answer, just itching 2 know lol)
of course! for starters - gay, gay, homosexual, gay. I think there's something to be said about the fact that there have been multiple attempts at giving rayman a girlfriend, and yet not a single one of them has worked out. x)
ly was shown with rayman in a romantic light in one single rayman 2 wallpaper and their relationship was never even hinted at anywhere else. simonhe was completely scrapped, along with the entire raving rabbids prototype - and, y'know, maybe that was for the better, considering how racist the whole "the only black character in the cast gets enslaved" thing would've been... yikes. raynette was only present in a mural that was exclusive to the ps vita version of rayman origins and never got referenced in any other version of the game, nor has it ever been mentioned again since (and honestly, you're a terrible partner anyways if you chase your boyfriend/husband off a cliff just because he got a haircut you didn't like... 😆)
rayman with a girlfriend... just doesn't really work. it doesn't stick! and a large part of it is because romance doesn't have much of a place in the rayman games. however, I choose the path of ✨self indulgence✨ because I Can.
and for the record, since this conclusion can also be drawn from everything I've mentioned - aroace rayman is also a headcanon I love and support! I'm aroace too, after all - fictosexuality/romanticism is on the aroace spectrum. outside of Videogame Men, I am as romance-repulsed as can be. so it makes me happy to see that represented in others' interpretations of his character. :) I just personally see him as a gay man! I think he's a lil fruity.
either way, rayman is QUEER in one way or another and that is something I stand by. 🫡
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thebramblewood · 10 months
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Ulrike's Big Night, Part I
Previous / Next
Transcript under the cut.
Helena: “Enough stalling, Faust! At this rate, it’ll be over before we reach the front door.”
Ulrike: “Patience, Zhao. One should never enter the hornet’s nest stone-cold sober.”
Helena: “You make it sound like torture. I thought art was, like, your reason for existing.”
Ulrike: *sighs* “It’s the art itself that matters to me, not the bullshit surrounding it. Sadly, participation is required if you ever want your real art to be seen.”
Helena: “Well, if you’re intent on getting through this thing stoned, I can’t in good conscience let you do it alone. Now, hand that over.”
Ulrike: “Let’s just get this over with.”
Helena: “You won’t even give me a hint?”
Ulrike: “Nope. But they wanted postmodern and I think I outpostmoderned everyone here by a mile.”
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heirtotheempire · 2 months
The Bad Batch season 3 has been interesting thus far. I really liked episodes 1-7 and I've nothing particularly bad to say about any of those episodes. But honestly episode 8, and after today, episode 9, it's once again gotten to be a bit of a pain to get through. Maybe I'm just too much of a Crosshair guy, idk. Today's episode especially irked me but last time I discussed the topics it delves into I got some pissy people in my notes and I'd rather avoid that this time around.
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my tinder date wants to know why you’re banned from tinder
Ask and ye shall receive!
Gather round, folks, and lend an ear as I tell you about Arnold.
No, he’s not a first date gone wrong, nor is he a scorned ex-lover who came up as a potential match. He isn’t a rival to whom I am bitterly attracted, and he isn’t an unrequited crush.
Arnold is my son.
He is also a rubber chicken.
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[image description: a white hand holds a blue rubber chicken against a white wall. The rubber chicken has a red beak, comb, wattles, and feet, as well as a gold collar that’s says “SQUEEZE ME!”]
Let me set the scene.
A couple years ago, on a cold night in late autumn, I went to a grocery store with some friends. We all separated to get what we needed.
I don’t remember if I actually got anything for myself in that trip, but I do remember wandering around, only to come across a giant bin of rubber chickens.
Immediately thinking of the vine where that person presses a bunch of rubber chickens (geese? some sort of fowl) to make a loud noise, I did the same thing, probably to the chagrin of fellow shoppers.
Some of my friends joined me in my shenanigans, and we left the store in a jolly mood.
Days later, one of my roommates, who was one of the friends from the first grocery trip, came back from another grocery trip with a gift for me.
It was a blue and red rubber chicken.
I looked on my new child with complete adoration and named him Arnold. I thanked my roommate with all my heart and left to plan the many hijinks I would get up to with Arnold. (He has admittedly been through a lot, but the wear and tear mostly comes from love.)
One day, i had the bright idea to make Arnold a Tinder account.
I did not give myself much time to consider the idea before diving in. Arnold had a photo shoot, and I uploaded as many photos as Tinder would allow for his profile. I believe I put his age somewhere in the 20s. I picked the option for any gender to match so as many people as possible would see him. According to what I put in his bio, he got the Covid vaccine, has a natural talent for singing, lives with his mom, and likes Kpop.
Then I published his account.
While matching with people amused me at first, keeping Arnold’s Tinder account active eventually became a chore. Every so often, Tinder would email me and say my his account would be hidden if I didn’t open the app and use it.
I swiped through people, and whenever i matched with people, i would just shoot them a simple “yo.” I tried not to carry on any conversations, though, because I myself was not interested in going on any dates. This was just to entertain me and maybe some other people who came across Arnold.
One day, I got an email saying Arnold’s account was reported and I was no longer welcome on Tinder. I assume someone reported Arnold bc he isn’t an actual person, so I was technically breaking the laws of Tinder or whatever. It was honestly a relief; no more swiping through profiles just to keep the account alive.
I still have Arnold, and I still love him. But you will never see him, or me, on a dating app again.
TL/DR: I made a Tinder Account for Arnold, my rubber chicken. It took over half a year, but Arnold’s account was eventually reported for not being a real person, and I was banned from Tinder.
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katsigian · 2 months
hiiii, for the character building questions: 1,2,3,8 & 46 for Valen? 🖤
Hiii thank you so much for the ask! ♡ from this list here
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1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
I think that would be "I'm not bothered by it." It's something Valen tells himself until he believes it when faced with something that does indeed bother him. It's an ability he picked up pretty early on in life and it's because of his dad, Callen. When Valen was a young kid and something would upset him, he would cry easily. Callen would kneel down in front of Valen, grab his shoulders, and tell him "What kinda VP are you going to be if you cry at the drop of a hat? You can't let everything bother you. Toughen up. Or at least pretend you're tough. Convince yourself that it doesn't bother you." So Valen did. He hardly ever cries now and part of his aloof attitude is simply because he convinces himself that he's not bothered by anything.
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Valen is pretty strict with his usage of 'friend'. It takes quite a bit for him to become attached to someone and he'll really only gravitate towards certain kinds of people. So until he's sure that he can trust someone and they really are who they say they are, then he'll hold off on calling someone friend. A friend to him is someone he's let into his very small inner circle and he doesn't do that very often.
3. How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
It depends on who he is around. Valen's emotional reactions to most things out in public are reserved. He's not completely stone-faced, though; Valen will show fairly surface level emotions around people he doesn't know in public, but keeps a lot of the bigger, deeper feelings to himself. For example, Valen goes out in the evening to pick up dinner and the person getting his food around cracks a joke about something. Valen'll chuckle along with them and if he's in the mood for it, he might continue the joke.
But, when he's safe with someone who he knows cares about him, Valen will be a little more upfront with his emotions. It took him a long time to feel comfortable showing his emotions to his loved ones, and he still sometimes has a bad habit of minimizing or simplifying them. He grew up with a father (Callen) who really only fostered certain emotions in his son; anger, disgust, devotion, disdain, contempt, rage, superiority, and love in a very twisted sense. Sadness, worry, fear, gentleness, and affection were not encouraged and sometimes were even punished if Callen caught Valen expressing them.
So, Valen had to re-learn how to show those emotions once he was free of his dad and he still struggles to this day with some of them, though he has put great effort into becoming self-aware and controlling his emotions. By that I mean he's learnt how to feel his emotions without letting them control him and he knows how to use them to his advantage. Sometimes he slips up and his emotions will get the better of him. Valen is at his most volatile when his control breaks and his actions become fueled by emotion.
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
About as loose as a bolt that's been rust-welded onto a 50 year old nut. Valen does not use the term loosely, though that's not to say that he doesn't love anyone. Valen loves very deeply and there's many people that he does love more than himself. His husband is at the top of that list. It also holds Vesper, Vega, Reid, Nikita, Noel, Ilya, and so on. Valen loves them enough that he'd be willing to kill and die for them. He just struggles to say that out loud. It eventually becomes easier for him, but Valen is much better at expressing that love through actions. He's a guard dog, he's happiest when he's acting in service to someone he loves. Valen submits to the people he loves in the same way that guardian dogs submit to the sheep they protect. That's how you'll know he loves someone.
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Valen is very much a listener most of the time. He much prefers to attach himself to people who can do enough talking for the both of them. But that's not because Valen is shy or socially inept, far from it. He's fully capable of chatting with strangers and doesn't get anxious in public. He's just introverted and has spent most of his life observing and listening as means to stay one step ahead of other people. Valen works in fields where being reserved and vigilant is more important than being chatty.
Even when he's not working or actively involved in gang work, Valen still lets his talkative counterparts take the lead. He's more than happy to let his chatty husband or chatty brother do all the talking to strangers while they're out and about.
That being said, Valen will get more talkative when he's around people he loves and focusing just on them. For example, when he and his husband are at a restaurant and they've sat down, then he's happy to chat because it's just him and his husband. Or, if he's in a group of people he's comfortable with he'll become more chatty. He just needs to feel comfortable around the people he's with for him to turn to talking and joking rather than observing.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
Does Peppino actively enjoy using himself as a subject or does he just use it for marketing? What other things does he usually like to draw or make? Is he a wood carver? I can see him as a wood carver
Oh this is interesting; ive been stuck on this for a little bit. The needle swings between yes and no mid response lol. I think he enjoys being able to use his likeness for marketing, but less so for personal, artistic use. It feels obvious to use ur own face and/or name for ur business (one that u put so much blood sweat n tears in) but he doesnt feel compelled to draw himself. There is a level of self awareness(?) i think u have to have to even desire depicting oneself in art and i think he would be too focused on his failing business to start that process. He has more important things to do. But on the flipside; i think he would look at his own creations (for his business) and regard them as reminders of his failures. So he wouldnt have the best opinion of himself.
But! i think he would enjoy others depictions of his likeness. Despite his awkwardness, he enjoys putting on a show, he enjoys performing to some degree, he likes entertaining a crowd. He feeds off of positive attention (like most people do) even if it leaves him a little flustered. People take pictures of him and he smiles earnestly. He doesnt have the words for it, but it is grounding to see himself outside of his business and existing outside of his failures.
This obv gets better postgame as he gets more support for his business. But also, as Pepperman starts to take genuine interest in his form to use as a muse. It is the perfect balance of him enjoying being an art subject, without him having to Make the art. And tying his visage to a now profitable, successful shop, makes him feel a bit better about seeing his own caricature on the storefront. I can see him in Peppermans studio being convinced to draw himself on canvas, and instead of his usual caricature style, it is an attempt at realism with him waving hi towards the ‘camera’, which is a nice contrast to Peppermans first picture of Peppino looking very blue and very sad. Pepperman is delighted lol look at his muse branching out !!!! Pepperman does not do this for anyone but he lets Peppino take the picture home with him (‘But you must promise to give me a copy of this to hang in my studio 😊 PROMISE ME-‘)
And yes, Peppino wood carves bc Peshino is a wood carved toy!! Hes got some bits in him to let him move around w a simple wind up mechanism. I dont think Peppino would do this in his free time prior to postgame, but as he gets more (positive) time to himself, he starts to take up some easy crafts. Wood carving when hes home and watching tv, and sculpting/painting when hes at Peppermans studio.
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moviestarmartini · 3 months
i’m literally screaming at my latest jude fic, i think it’s even going to be a two parter and that’s NEW
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dailynakaharachuuya · 7 months
(Thank you so much for joining me this month and for following all these daily drawings! It was so much fun to make all these!! Now that the month is pretty much over, I obviously won't be posting dailies since the challenge is finished haha
I want to be able to do some more original stuff!! Anything I do is going to be posted on @featherphoenixart so if anyone is interested in seeing drawings and ideas of my funky little detective OCS, please go over there! It honestly means so much for me for people to be interested in my own ideas!!
This blog will, of course, continue to update with any Chuuya-related drawings I have in mind so do not worry if you are here just for Chuuya!!
Thank you for the little comments in the tags of each daily drawing, it means a lot to hear that people like what I do ❤️)
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