#soto related i suppose
topguncortez · 1 year
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Bad Medicine | Chapter 5
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synopsis: A wealthy Italian mobster sets up his daughter to marry the head of one of the last remaining mafias in California. The union was supposed to create and heal the damage between two families, but all it does is cause more harm than good.MAJOR SLOW BURN (ENEMIES TO LOVERS)
word count: 4.8k
WARNINGS: drugs, guns, stripping, violence, abuse, fighting, prostitution, blood, alcohol usage, mentions of sexual assault, torture, death, cops, stalking, description of gruesome injuries.
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Dante Soto was a fearless leader. The gang he ran was ruthless, a bunch of outlaws. Dante ruled his land with an iron fist, and wasn’t one to let things slip up and get messy. That’s what Jake admired about him. Dante was the one who offered Jake a partnership, promising to expand the Seresin gun business. Except, he was never true on his word. Jake had tried countless times to get in touch with Dante, and have a civilized meeting, but finally was fed up with the Outlaw’s antics. Jake had ordered the destruction of several of the Soto stock houses, destroying drugs, and guns. Jake knew the relation that would fall on his back, but he never expected Dante to drop dead bodies, literally, on his doorstep.
“Dante is smart,” Bob said, walking into Jake’s office, a folder in his hand, “But I’m smarter,” He smirked, “He’s been hiding at his side chick’s house, she lives down in Encinitas. Mickey says he’s a hot commodity with ATF.” 
“We can’t all be super geniuses like you, Bobby,” Jake said, taking the folder from his friend. His green eyes scanned the surveillance photos that Bob had pulled, along with documents and records of where Dante had been, “Put a sight on him?” 
“Of course, I told Rooster we’d talk about it when they get back. They should be back soon,” Bob reported, “Javy said she found a dress.”
“Lovely.” Jake deadpanned, not looking up from the folder. Bob rolled his eyes and Jake looked up at him slowly, “I’m good, you can go.”
Bob sighed, “Try to be nice to her. She’s been through a lot.” 
“Just because she’s fucking damaged goods doesn’t mean I have to treat her with respect.” Jake spat, “I just want the guns to expand, and the fucking money. I could care less about marrying the Don of Italy’s fucking daughter. Thanks for the info Robert, you’re free to go.” 
Bob didn’t say anything as he walked out of the office, his head hung low. His relationship with Jake had become strained in the past couple years. He was a lot closer to Rooster out of all of them, confiding in his best friend during fights with the man he once considered a brother. Javy and Jake always pushed Bob the hardest, trying to make him tougher. Bob hated it. He hated every aspect of the life that was forced upon him. Sure the clubs, the drugs, the money and the women were a bonus. But having to take another person’s life had kept him up at night. Bob could remember the first time he had to kill someone, the imagery forever ingrained in his mind, playing over and over like a broken record every time he closed his eyes. 
Jake placed the folder on his desk, looking over the pictures, making notes on them. He scanned closely, looking at the cars, the street signs, the house markers, anything that would give away what Dante had been up to. He sighed, pushing the folder away and leaning back in his chair. He rubbed his chin as his eyes fell to the locked bottom drawer of his desk. He leaned forward, hitting a button under his desk to open the drawer. His hand pulled out the manila envelope, opening it, and pulling out the images hidden inside. 
“Sick fuck. . .” Jake whispered to himself, taking in the gruesome images of his future wife and his deceased mother-in-law. 
Jake only knew the information that everyone else in the mafia world knew about Francisco Solano. He was the oldest boy in his family, inheriting his father’s fortune and failing empire. Francisco’s father had set it up for him to work for Rafael Santiago, and that’s how he met Y/N. When she moved to New York, he came with, telling her that he was working at one of his father’s businesses in the city. She liked having someone from home around to hang out with. Their relationship went from platonic to romantic quickly. Every picture that graced the front page of tabloids showed two loved up people. 
Everything between them was picture perfect, until it wasn’t. No one really knew the horror of what happened that night between Francisco and Y/N, but the images staring back at Jake were enough to give him an insight. 
Her clothes had been torn, hardly covering her body. Every inch of tan skin was covered in blood and bruises. Stab wounds littered her body, varying in sizes. His eyes scanned the picture of her ribs, some clearly broken, and the bright red burned letters in her skin. Jake felt sick seeing the pictures of her broken jaw and eye socket. The written description of her injuries was even worse. Jake couldn’t even finish reading the doctor's notes when he slammed the folder shut, throwing it on his desk. He ran his hands over his face, he felt like he needed therapy just reading and looking at everything. 
“Knock, knock,” A sultry voice sounded out, as the door to his office opened. 
“God, why do you hate me,” Jake whispered, his eyes looking up at the ceiling. He looked over at the entry, as Isabella walked in. The dress she wore left little to the imagination, showing off her legs. The deep V cut showed off almost too much cleavage as she moved over to the desk, standing in front of it.
“Where have you been, daddy? I miss you,” Isabella said in a silky sweet voice that usually turned Jake on, but right now it made him want to vomit. 
“I didn’t miss you,” Jake responded. 
“Don’t be like that,” Isabella purred, moving over to him, “Let me make you feel better. Bobby said you looked stressed.” 
“Don’t call him that.” Jake said back to her, and put his hand on her throat. She smirked at him, biting her lip and rubbing her thighs together. Jake could hear the slam of a car door and he smirked, “Go wait upstairs. Main bedroom, I’ll be there soon.” 
“Any other requests?” 
“Naked. On all fours, ass up.”
Isabella nodded and Jake let her go. She quickly ran out the door, disappearing into the main bedroom as the front door opened. Rooster held the black and white dress bag, as Javy led them through the door. Reuben and Y/N were in a discussion about what type of flowers she should order. Bob walked into the foyer, greeting them with some file in his hand.
“Hey! How was it? When do we get to see the dress?” Bob asked, walking up to give Y/N a hug. 
“On the wedding day,” Y/N answered, hugging him briefly. 
“That’s not fair. They all gotta see it!” 
“Should’ve come with,” Rooster shrugged and Bob squinted his eyes at him. Y/N shook her head at their interaction and placed a hand on Rooster’s shoulder. 
“I’ll go run this up to my room. What else do I have to do today?” Y/N asked them. 
“I think we were going to start talking about some of the clubs. We’ve got a club on Broadway that could use some serious female touch.” Bob said, “We’ll send someone up to come get you.” 
Y/N nodded, taking the dress bag from Rooster and heading up. When she got to the hallway, she noticed the door to her room slightly open. She slowly and cautiously walked down to the door, and peered inside. Her face turned red at the sight of a naked girl waiting on her bed, probably waiting for her future husband to arrive. Y/N pushed the door open more, letting it bang against the wall as it did. 
“You’re- Who the hell are you?” The girl spoke up, looking over her shoulder. 
“Y/N Santiago. Who the hell are you?” 
“None of your concern. The other rooms are on the third floor. This one is being used.” The girl smirked at her. Y/N scoffed and threw the dress bag down on the floor, before turning on her heel and storming down to Jake’s office. She knew better than to just barge into people’s offices, but the anger in her body had her going to blind to the rules that were ingrained in her body. 
“I just want the bare minimum done to the club-” 
“Why is there some whore on my bed!?” Y/N yelled as she interrupted whatever conversation Jake and Bob were in. Jake’s face contorted in anger at the outburst as he pushed himself up from his chair. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are just barging into my office like that?” Jake demanded. 
“Your future fucking wife. Now, explain the goddamn whore in my room!” 
“Oh,” Jake smiled, “I see you’ve met Isabella.” Bob looked between the two angry people. The tension thick enough to be cut with a butter knife, “Robert, give her the rundown of the club. I got something to take care of.”
Jake walked out from behind his desk, shamelessly fixing himself as he walked over to Y/N. She hated to admit that he looked good in his all black get-up, his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. Y/N could see a cross tattoo on his forearm. He grabbed her arm and lowered his head, his lips grazing over the shell of her ear. She felt goosebumps rise on her body from the heat of his breath fanning over her neck.
“Let’s get a couple things straight here, doll,” Jake whispered, “I can fuck who I want, where I want, and when I want. And you’re not my future wife. You’re just some whore I got in a deal.” Y/N looked up at him, anger in her eyes. Jake smirked and bit his lip, “I heard you used to dance. . . that might be the one thing you’ll be useful for.” 
Jake placed a kiss on her cheek, and let her go, walking out the door and going upstairs to Isabella. Y/N stood frozen, looking down at the ground. She tried her best to not let Jake’s words affect her, but she couldn’t help it. She hated comparing the two of them, but in this moment she would take a day with Francisco over this interaction with Jake. 
“Y/N. . . “ Bob said softly, noticing the silent tears falling down her face. 
“No,” She responded, wiping her tears, “Show me these club plans.” 
— — — ♱♱♱ — — — ♱♱♱ — — —
Bob had left a while ago to talk with the rest of the guys about solidifying the overseas gun trades. Y/N hadn’t really paying much attention when he told her, and she hadn’t realized how much time had passed until he walked back into the office. She looked up at the sound of the door opening, watching as Bob walked into the office. Her eyes fell back to the laptop she had been staring at, holding her fingers over the keyboard, unmoving.
“I think it’s time for bed Y/n, you’re falling asleep looking at-” He moved around the desk looking over her shoulder to see what she was staring at, “-upholstery?”
“I’m fine, Bob,” Y/N said, trying to shake him off. She didn’t know where she was going to sleep anyway. She was guessing that Jake had done his business with Isabella in her bedroom, and she didn’t dare to go in there. 
“Don’t stay up all night,” Bob said and Y/N nodded, whispering good night under her breath. 
Her eyes were straining as she watched the screen, not really paying attention to the different colors of leather that were being displayed. She was fighting off sleep, feeling her body getting heavier and heavier. She sighed, closing her laptop, and pushing away from the desk. 
The house was quiet and dark except for the soft lighting from the hallway lights. She didn’t even bother going upstairs to her room, instead she walked to the couch, pulling out a blanket from the chest. Y/N let out a sigh as she laid down on the couch and covered herself up. She rolled her eyes as she looked at the giant portrait of her future husband hanging above the fireplace. If she didn’t know any better, she would think he was a narcissist with the amount of pictures of himself he had everywhere. Y/N turned on her side, looking out over the pool and seeing the distant lights of the city, slowly drifting to sleep. 
Jake woke up to the sound of what he assumed was the office door closing. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked over at the clock sitting on his bedside table. He assumed it was probably Bob finally going to bed. Jake sighed as he tried to fall back asleep, staring at the ceiling for a few moments, before giving up and sliding out from under the covers. His eyes were barely open as he walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen, but the slightest movement caught his eye. 
His lips twitched into a slight frown at the sight of Y/N trying to be comfortable on the couch. He knew that the couch was the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Quietly, he moved over to the couch and picked her up in his arms. She stirred in his arms a bit, curling her body towards the warmth of his. The walk back to his bedroom was quiet, the only sound his ears registered was that of her steady breathing. He gently pushed his bedroom door open and ambled to the side of his bed. Jake gently laid her down in the spot he was once in, and pulled the covers up her body. 
He couldn’t help the warm feeling that filled his body as he watched her nuzzle herself into the warmth of his pillow. The slightest of sighs left tumbled from her lips as she breathed in the scent of his sheets. Jake caressed her hair lightly, before placing a kiss on her forehead.
Jake left the room as quietly as he could, walking to the floor below and opening the door to the master bedroom. He was barely conscious as he walked to the edge of the bed, pulling back the covers just enough to slide beneath them before letting his exhaustion take hold of him. 
— — — ♱♱♱ — — — ♱♱♱ — — — 
“You awake Y/N? Breakfast is almost ready, and we’ve got shit to do today.” Bob knocked softly on the bedroom door. His soft tone was telling, where he was usually fairly monotone when speaking about business, Bob’s tone changed depending on who he was talking to. When he spoke to Jake it was usually firm, and strong, not a hint of fear in his voice. But, with Y/N, he was soft, calm. 
Jake groaned as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept in the main bedroom, it was probably before Natasha’s ordeal. He pulled the blankets back and trudged over to the door. Bob jumped back a bit as the door swung open and Jake was on the other side. He leaned in slightly, seeing if he could see Y/N’s body on the other side. 
“Why-“ Bob began to ask, quickly being cut off when Jake moved past him, walking towards the stairs. 
“She fell asleep on the couch because she didn’t want to sleep in that room.”
“Okay, and?” Bob said, following Jake. 
“I took her to my room, figured I’d just sleep in the master bedroom.” Jake said with a shrug as they made it to the top of the staircase.
“Go eat, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Jake said, waving off his friend before turning on his heel and walking to his bedroom. He slowly opened the door, peering in to see the curtains still shut, the darkness remaining in contrast with the light that had overtaken the rest of the house. 
Y/N was still asleep, curled up further into his bedsheets with her head almost entirely beneath the blankets. He hated that he felt a flutter of feeling in his heart at the sight of her sleeping frame. She looked peaceful as she slept, but the angry red scar on her face stuck out. Jake sighed as he brushed a hand over her face, his knuckles lightly touching the scar. Every scar had a story and her’s was certainly one that no one would ever want to know. He moved quietly towards his closet, pulling a pair of dress pants on and pulling a button up shirt over his arms and walking back out. 
The other boys noted Jake’s entrance to the dining room, Rooster giving him a curt nod before moving his attention back to the food on his plate. One of the maids handed Jake his iPad so he could check the morning sales, and Emile set down a single cup of black coffee in front of him. 
“Should I wake Y/N? We’ve got shit to do today.” Rooster asked. 
“It’s fine, let her sleep. You can show me what she came up with after breakfast.”
The four of them ate, small talk cutting up the silence. Once they were all finished, they stood from the table, heading for the door. Jake stopped and waited for the guys to get a few steps out of the room before turning to Emile, “Could you have a plate sent up to my room?”
“Miss Y/N coming down for breakfast?” Emile asked him softly. 
“No, she had a long day. I think the jetlag and all is catching up to her,” Jake said and Emile nodded. 
“You’re taking good care of her?”
“I try,” Jake sighed, “She’s a pain in the ass.” 
“So are you,” Emile laughed, “Karma for your teenage years.” 
Jake smiled at the older woman. Emile was hired when Jake was first born by his parents. At times, she felt more like their mother than their own mother was. Emile had seen the good, bad and the ugly of working for a crime family. She had also picked Jake up off the ground when he had fallen. She saw the good in his soul, no matter what he did. Emile was the soul who was too kind for the world she was involved in. 
“I wasn’t that bad. You have to admit, Sam was worse,” Jake joked, mentioning his older sister. Emile smiled and kissed his cheek, before gathering a plate and taking it upstairs to Y/N. 
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open, and she immediately sat up in the king sized bed. Her eyes scanned the unfamiliar room, looking around at the clothing that was haphazardly thrown around. She wasn’t sure how she got there, or even who’s bedroom it was, but she could guess by the red suit coat that was thrown over a chair, the room belonged to Jake. She pushed back the blankets, noticing the plain black t-shirt she was wearing and looked around for her own clothing. 
“Miss Y/N? Are you awake?” Emile’s voice sounded out from the otherside of the door. 
“Y-yeah, come in,” Y/N answered. Emile opened the door, her smile lighting up the room, a tray of food in her hands, “Oh, you didn’t have to bring anything-” 
“Mr. Jacob asked me to,” Emile said, setting the tray in front of her, “Mind if I tidy up a bit? I love the boy, but cleanliness is not his first name.” 
“Neither is respect,” Y/N mumbled as she picked up a piece of toast, “Go ahead.” 
Emile nodded, and walked over to the windows, pulling back the heavy black curtains to allow the sun to shine through. Y/N blinked at the bright light, as she picked around her plate of food. She sat in bed, scrolling on her phone as Emile cleaned up the room. Once she was done, she gave Y/N a small nod, taking the finished tray of food with her. Y/N pushed herself out of bed, and into the bathroom to shower. She stepped into the hot water and let it hit her muscles, leaving red marks behind. 
Jake whistled as he walked up to his room, and paused, hearing the water running. He walked in, noticing the clean room, and a single black t-shirt laying on the floor. He walked into the bathroom, and smirked, seeing her naked from behind the steamed up glass door. He could faintly see white scars on her back and he added just another reason as to why Francisco Solano needs to die. Jake leaned against the bathroom door and crossed his arms over his chest. Y/N could feel his eyes on her without having to turn around and look at him. 
“Who said you can shower in here?” Jake asked. Y/N could practically hear his smirk. She rolled her eyes, and turned so he could see her naked frontside. 
“Myself,” Y/N responded, grabbing the washcloth and squeezing it, letting soap run down her breasts, “Got a problem there, sir?” 
“Hurry up,” Jake clenched his jaw, trying to think of anything but how good her tits looked, “You gotta go to the club, handle some shit with Javy.”
Y/N nodded as Jake left her alone to finish her shower. He sat on his bed, scrolling aimlessly on his phone, for another ten minutes before Y/N came strolling out of his bathroom. His eyes glanced up for a second, and did a double take. Y/N shamelessly walked towards the door, as bare as the day she was born. 
“Whoa, where the fuck are you going?” He asked, standing from his bed and grabbing the towel from the floor. 
“To my room…” She said, glancing back at him, confused.
“Butt ass naked, I don’t think so. I don’t need everyone in this house seeing my soon to be wife naked.”
“Again.” She stated plainly.
“Again…” Jake repeated, drawing out the word as he tossed the towel over her shoulders. She grunted and wrapped it around her body. 
“Since when was I soon to be wife? I thought I was just some whore you got in a deal.”
“Don’t get smug, you’re still a whore I got in a deal, you just so happen to also be my fiance.”
“How did I get so lucky?” 
“Bite me, princess,” Jake smiled at her, before walking out of the room and leaving her alone. 
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The club was tucked into the busy street that was Broadway in San Diego. It wasn’t flashy, and didn’t stick out like others, and that’s what caught people's attention. During the day, it wasn’t anything spectacular, but a two story building, next to a dingy alleyway. Jake had stayed back at the house while Javy, Rooster and Reuben accompanied Y/N to see the place she’d be hopefully saving. 
“Welcome,” Javy said, pushing open the backdoor. The stale scent of alcohol and blood hit her nose, “Yeah, I know, it kinda smells.” 
“Kinda?” Reuben asked and Y/N giggled, “Why not just tear it down and start over?” 
“That’s what she’s here for,” Javy shrugged pointing at Y/N. 
At first the club wasn’t much, the first floor was a giant dance floor, two gold dance poles near the front by the dj stand, and a decent bar tucked in by the front. Y/N glanced over the selections of alcohol they had, most of it being fruit flavored seltzers and vodkas. She took note of how much glassware they had, and what their average stock of alcohol was behind the bar. She also took note of the furniture that was on the bottom level; the dingy looking leather couches that looked like they needed to burn in a biohazard fire. 
“It’s not horrible. . . The couches gotta go,” Y/N said. 
“Yeah, I wouldn’t touch those things with a ten foot pole,” Rooster added and walked over to the bar. 
“Oh the boys are here!” The sounding of a shrill voice sent a chill down Y/N’s spine. She had recognized the voice from her interaction in her bedroom yesterday. Javy rolled his eyes as Isabella strolled through the abandoned club, “So nice to see you and the uh. . . her.” 
“Isabella, play nice,” Javy said, “This is Y/N Santiago, Jake’s soon to be wife.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” Isabella said, looking Y/N up and down. The girl felt like she was under a microscope and stepped closer to Reuben, for some kind of confidence and shelter, “Her? This is the Mafia queen he hasn’t shut up about?” 
“I’m standing right here,” Y/N spoke up. 
“I don’t care,” Isabella said, glancing at her and then back at Javy, “She know his cock was buried inside me yesterday?” 
“And yet I’m still the one marrying him…” Y/N murmured.
“Okay, how about I go show you the private rooms in the back?” Rooster interjected, trying to steer the conversation away. 
“Oh! Jake and I’s favorite!” Isabella added, taking a step forward. 
“No, you stay here. Y/N and I will go check out the back,” Javy said, grabbing her and making her stand still in her spot. 
Rooster placed his hand on the small of Y/N’s back, leading her to the back, where they had about ten private rooms at. Y/N glanced at them quickly, not daring to step foot in them. She knew what these rooms were used for, they looked similar to the private rooms back in New York. 
“How often do these get cleaned?” Y/N scowled. 
“You really don’t wanna know…” Rooster said as they made their way down the long hallway. “These four on the end get cleaned most often… they’re uh…”
“The Seresin posse’s own private rooms?” She asked, opening the door to one of the last ones and peaking in, “Let me guess, this belongs to my future husband?” 
“Did the giant picture of himself give it away or. . .” Rooster said, pointing to the large portrait of Jake above the bed, “He’s kind of cocky about placing pictures of himself everywhere. I’m not sure why either, I heard his dick is small.” 
“Clearly,” She scoffed, “Anyone who has the nickname ‘Hangman’ must be lying about something,” before turning to Bradley with a smirk on her face, “What about you, hm? Rooster. . . must mean something, right?” Y/N tilted her head a bit, looking the mustached man up and down. Rooster licked his lips, plastering a cocky smirk on his face. 
“Mama, I would break you,” He said, nearly growling as his voice dropped into a lower octave. 
“Is that a threat or a promise?” Y/N asked, taking a long step towards him. Rooster gently lifted her chin with his knuckle, making her look up at him. He was a bit taller than Jake was, and Y/N could tell that he was a bit thicker than him. Y/N watched as Rooster leaned in closer, and closed her eyes. Her senses were overrun by the scent of his Armani cologne, and the feeling of his hand on her cheek. His lips brushed against hers for a split second, before he pulled back. 
“A hypothetical, sweetheart,” Rooster said and Y/N nearly whined at the loss of his touch, “I’m not risking my life to fuck you, as much as I’d like to. Now come on, there’s a whole second floor to look at.” 
Y/N sighed, and stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind her, but not before secretly flipping off the portrait. The two of them walked back down the hallway, back to the main part of the club, and she froze. Reuben’s eyes were looking at her, as Isabella was basically pressing her breasts in his face. Javy looked less than amused at the whole situation. Rooster looked between the two men and the girl who was practically fuming in her spot. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Y/N yelled and stormed over to them. 
“What?” Isabella said innocently, “You get one, sweetheart, not all of them. Besides, I like them a little bit beefier.” She giggled as she ran her hand up Payback’s bicep.
“Quit fucking touching him,” Y/N snatched Isabella’s wrist, holding it in a tight grip. 
“Ow, fuck, daddy teach you how to do that one?” Isabella asked. 
“Daddy taught me nothing, but I’ve done a whole lot more for so much less.”
Isabella huffed and tried to pull her wrist away, but Y/N tightened her grip, “You’re just another hang around whore for him. He’ll dump you sooner or later, doll.” 
“Oh I fucking wish, but sadly, I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart,” Y/N spat, “Stay the fuck away from them.” 
She let go of Isabella's wrist, and the girl immediately brought it to her other hand, rubbing the red mark left by Y/N’s grip.
“That wasn’t a request, get the fuck out.” Y/N said, nodding towards the door.
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new-dinosaurs · 1 year
Gonkoken nanoi Alarcón-Muñoz et al., 2023 (new genus and species)
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(Select bones and schematic skeletal of Gonkoken nanoi [scale bars = 50 mm for B–G, J, K–N, Q, S, and V–X, and 100 mm for H, I, O, P, R, T, and U], with preserved bones in white, from Alarcón-Muñoz et al., 2023)
Meaning of name: Gonkoken = duck/swan-like [in Tehuelche]; nanoi = for Mario “Nano” Ulloa [discoverer of dinosaur bones at the site where the original fossils were found]
Age: Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), between 70.5–71.7 million years ago
Where found: Dorotea Formation, Magallanes, Chile
How much is known: Numerous bones including parts of the skull, limbs, hips, and vertebral column. It is unknown whether any of these bones belonged to the same individuals, though at least three individuals are represented.
Notes: Gonkoken was a hadrosauroid, closely related to but not a member of the “core group” of duck-billed dinosaurs (hadrosaurids). All other hadrosauroids previously named from South America were true hadrosaurids. In fact, prior to the discovery of Gonkoken, non-hadrosaurid hadrosauroids near the end of the Cretaceous were not known from the Americas.
However, reexamination of supposed hadrosaurid fossils from Southern Patagonia and Antarctica suggests that these may also be remains of non-hadrosaurid hadrosauroids. It might have been that hadrosaurids (which probably originated in the Northern Hemisphere) never made it to the southern reaches of South America prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, allowing other types of hadrosauroids to persist there in the absence of competition.
Reference: Alarcón-Muñoz, J., A.O. Vargas, H.P. Püschel, S. Soto-Acuña, L. Manríquez, M. Leppe, J. Kaluza, V. Milla, C.S. Gutstein, J. Palma-Liberona, W. Stinnesbeck, E. Frey, J.P. Pino, D. Bajor, E. Núñez, H. Ortiz, D. Rubilar-Rogers, and P. Cruzado-Caballero. 2023. Relict duck-billed dinosaurs survived into the last age of the dinosaurs in subantarctic Chile. Science Advances 9: eadg2456. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adg2456
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dysthanasia-series · 4 months
Thin Edge of a Wedge Pt. 1
Summary: Isaac approaches Renato with a surprising request. (Possible future scene taking place shortly after Phagophobia, based loosely on this prompt.)
Words: 2,075
Content Advisory: Sexual themes and situations, consensual vampire hypnosis, angry sexual tension, enemies-to-forced-allies-to-lovers, swearing, kissing, biting, consensual blood-drinking, violent vampire feeding thoughts, enthusiastic consent, fade-to-black ending
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Renato turned his head and leaned in a fraction as if his hearing had failed him. “I’m sorry. I thought you said—”
“Hypnotize me. Dorian says it’s possible to learn how to break out of bloodborn trances with practice. So, help me train.” Despite the direct words and his matter-of-fact tone, Soto kept his gaze—usually so bold, so sharp—trained on a far corner of the motel room. An arm crossed over his middle, gripping the opposite as he sat on one of the two shabby beds.
While his body already knew which way to cast its vote, Renato’s finer faculties hesitated. “What prompted this?”
“Hm, gosh, let me think. Oh, right. We’re surrounded by Unseen Hand agents who’d love to stab us in the back.”
“Are you implying you could get lost in another bloodborn’s eyes? Agent Soto, you wound me.”
“Can you give being an asshole a rest for, like, half a second? I’m serious.”
It wasn’t an unreasonable request, truth be told. Quite pragmatic really. Possibly even laudable, given all Soto had recently suffered—no small amount of which sat at the top of Renato’s ever-growing list of mistakes.
That’s precisely what made it so suspicious.
Renato took a seat on the bed across from Soto’s, the rickety frame squeaking as he crossed his legs and leaned back on both hands. “You didn’t have a problem snapping out of my hypnosis the first time. And you seem to have at least some level of immunity to Kinslayer’s version now.”
“That’s not the same as being able to resist questioning in a casual situation I’m not expecting, or with weird soul magic involved. Like you keep pointing out, if Oleander or Motley or any of the Unseen Hand gets wind of what we’re actually up to we’re dead.”
Again, a bit of strategic paranoia worthy of an aquila. Something was definitely off.
“Fine, suppose I agree,” Renato said. “What, exactly, do you expect me to do?”
“I dunno. Ask me stuff I wouldn’t want to answer and I’ll try to resist.”
The sensible thing to do on his end was to walk away, of course. Ignore Soto and whatever strange impulse was driving him for the rest of the evening. Heaven knew there were a hundred and one tasks actually related to their survival that needed his attention.
Only none of those sent a thrill up his spine.
“Okay, let’s do it.” Renato leaned forward and put his hands on his thighs, smiling. He had enjoyed the odd sleepover party—sharing secrets, truth or dare, all that—as a child when they’d been possible. A shame Ollie wasn’t staying in the same motel. He wouldn’t have minded asking for a couple of her facial masks.
With just a trace of trepidation, Soto mirrored his posture. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Released it. Met Renato’s amused gaze with grave determination. “Ready.”
“What’s your name?”
A divot of annoyance appeared on Soto’s brow. “You know it already.”
“Remind me.”
“Isaac Soto Marquez,” he huffed.
“Your birthday?”
“July seventeenth. Which you also know.”
Well, he’d glanced at it in the Coven’s personal file on Soto, although that had been weeks ago. Considering Renato didn’t remember the exact date of his own birth (which might have already passed since he did know it occurred during storm season), he’d have to make a note to write Soto’s down. Get his favorite grumpy researcher a little treat. Speaking of which…
“What sort of cake do you like?”
There. Surprise smoothed out Soto’s expression. Without disapproval or anxiety etched around his mouth or eyes, it was easy to remember he was barely coming up on age thirty. “Cake? Er, tres leches. With fruit on top, not cinnamon.”
“What kind of fruit is your favorite?”
Shoulders relaxed. Pupils dilated slightly. “Well, uh, I like summer ones the most. You know, mangoes, cherries, peaches.” A pause. “That last one’s my favorite, though. I love peaches. Even from a can.”
“Really? I used to love oranges, though of course I can only enjoy them for their smell now. Some of my best memories are of stopping at ports with orchards so I could pick some.” Renato smiled, earning a shy one in return. “Have you ever eaten fruit straight from the tree or vine, Agent Soto?”
“I…yeah. Yeah, a lot of the werecreature communities I’ve visited have gardens. And I did the whole picking strawberries thing during the spring once with Jeremy.” A soft, faraway sheen shone over dark brown eyes.
Renato ran his tongue along the back of one fang. He had Soto now. While their little game hadn’t been Renato’s idea initially, he wasn’t sorry he’d played, whatever the true stakes. “Who’s Jeremy?”
Creaking as weight shifted the other bed. “My ex.”
Careful. The trick was not to let the prey become too distressed. To give him a little guiding nudge here and there along the path, but to always keep him going with the flow of conversation, not against. Not until the trap had sprung and it was too late. “I see. How many relationships have you had, Agent Soto?”
“Just two. Long term ones.”
“Oh, that’s hardly anything to be embarrassed over.” He had one more than Renato under his belt, after all. And, well, he doubted Soto could have done any worse than Ollie and him had. “Even if you’d had hundreds that didn’t last past sunrise it still wouldn’t be.”
“I know. I guess…sometimes I wish I’d been more aggressive or outgoing or whatever. Elfy always gets pissed when we go out and I turn someone down.”
“Elfy? Your friend from the spirits department?”
“Yeah. She’s always telling me to loosen up and stop thinking with the head on my shoulders so much.” A hand flew up to cover a giggle.
As far as life’s little delights went, Renato ranked witnessing the angriest, most stubborn human he’d ever met giggle just below watching his aquarium. “But that’s not really your style?”
“Nope.” A twitch of the fingers, flicker in the eyes. “Well, okay, once in a while—when I’m really drunk—it is.”
This entire situation came into sudden, cold focus. Decades of training kept Renato’s expression, his mask, from slipping, though. “Would you say you’re bashful when it comes to flirting?” He had certainly read Soto that way during their fateful first meeting at that diner. Though he’d swiftly shed whatever reservations he’d had once they crawled into the backseat of the car.
“Mm. Not really. Not after I get what’s going on.”
“No? High standards maybe?”
“Don’t think so. I don’t have a…a type or whatever.”
“Perhaps you have a hard time surrendering control then?”
Another fidgeting ripple disturbed Soto’s reverie. “I…something like that.”
“Is that why you asked me to hypnotize you, Agent Soto? To surrender control?”
With a jerk, his flustered prey wrenched his gaze away, half-collapsing onto the mattress. Soto panted, his skin gleaming from a light coating of sweat, like he’d just finished running a lap. The tart, candy-apple scent of fear wafted over to Renato, prompting a flood of saliva. Swallowing, he let his lips twist into a smirk.
“That’s a failing grade, as far as I’m concerned.”
“Your tactics could use some work,” Renato continued, uncrossing his legs and rising in one smooth, dignified motion. “Also, I don’t appreciate being subjected to hidden tests. I may not have made the best choices in life, but I��m not so despicable as to ravish someone under the influence either.”
Blinking owlishly but stare quite clear, Soto whipped around to gawp at him. “What do you—”
“Good night, Agent Soto.” He could understand, at last, why Ollie and his reluctant human roommate relished their perches atop a high horse. The rush of victory was amazing as he spun on his heel and strode toward the room’s door.
The sound of grating bedsprings warned him before a hand latched onto the back of his shirt. With a deft turn and shrug, Renato broke the laughable hold on him.
“What the hell—” Soto began.
“I understand the need to hold a grudge.”
“—do you mean—”
“What I don’t get is digging for more reasons to fuel it.”
“—by ravish?”
They stared each other down. Any possibility of hypnosis taking hold tore apart in the clashing currents of hot and cold fury radiating between them.
“I wasn’t testing you,” Soto said, breaking first.
“Oh, really? Please do explain. I’m all ears, as they say.”
“I told you, I want to learn—”
“You’re terrible at lying, Agent Soto. Even to yourself.”
He bristled, the all too familiar defiance setting his jaw and sparking in his eyes. “I’m not—”
Renato whirled and reached for the doorknob.
Weak human fingers scrabbled at him once more. “I don’t know how else to talk to you, all right? And I didn’t think you’d pry into my love life, for fuck’s sake!”
The truth at last. Instead of melting, the rage inside of him expanded, sinking fresh, keen icicles deeper into his chest.
Of course Soto couldn’t simply talk to him. Renato was a bloodborn. Worse, he was an aquila. He wasn’t capable of human mistakes. Or emotions like remorse. At best, he could pretend he was. Wear a charming disguise. Beguile. Lure. Distract. But never offer anything permanent. Never anything real.
“Say something already!” The grip on his shirt tugged. “Don’t give me this silent treatment bullshit.”
Whatever mask had settled over his features made Soto let go and take a step back when he turned.
“Do you want me to make you lose control, Isaac?”
Soto stiffened. It didn’t hide the tremor in his limbs. “You conceited prick.”
“Isaac.” He’d forgotten how good the name felt in his mouth. “It’s a yes or no question.”
Narrowed brown eyes spat death curses at him before darting away again. Soto’s tightened lips parted. No sound came forth. They sealed shut again.
Renato sighed. “You’re a bad liar, but I never took you for a coward when it came to being honest.”
He could have dodged, easily. Instead, he allowed Soto to grab his shoulders and bring their mouths crashing together. Let him decide, too, when to break away and stagger back, chest heaving, stare wide at his own daring.
“That’s not an answer, Isaac.”
Renato slipped one hand around the back of Soto’s head, weaving his fingers into careless black curls but not pulling. Not yet. The other cupped Soto’s jaw, pleasantly rough and raspy from a couple day’s worth of stubble. With his thumb Renato wiped the frown from his lips.
“Yes or no.”
Soto closed his eyes, but it was already too late to hide anything going on behind them. A half-choked swallow made his throat flex in the most enticing way. “I…yes. Yes, okay? I want it.”
It. He wanted it, nothing more. Of course. Still, Renato could do better than a grudging confession.
His hand went from cradling Soto’s face to tearing open his shirt—the shirt always fucking buttoned up to the collar. He should have been a priest, truly. Soto gasped from the sudden violence or the air hitting his exposed shoulder and chest or both. Not giving him a chance to recover, Renato leaned in and started sucking on every bit of bared skin he could get at. Not biting, no, never that again, no matter how much he wanted to chew and rip until Soto’s pulse burst in his mouth like a ripe slice of orange. He only let his throbbing fangs graze over warm flesh, press against it to leave imprints of his teeth behind. Maybe prick it here and there so his tongue could lave over the precious ruby beads of blood afterwards. Savor each tiny shock that shot through him and made the world’s colors scintillate for an instant. Soto threw his arms around Renato to stay standing. Each sharp kiss drew a new, delightful prey noise from him.
He was even more intoxicating than memory served.
Pulling back, Renato inspected his work. Half a dozen little reddish-brown bruises trailed from Soto’s neck and skimmed along just above the curve of his collarbone. A satisfactory start.
“Yes?” Renato prompted again.
Eyes still shut, Soto shivered. “Yes.”
Much, much better. Smiling, Renato guided his willing victim back a pace and shoved him onto the nearest bed.
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blanketorghost · 2 years
Now that FictIf and The Arcana have been bought out by Dorian, I feel the need to remind y'all as the only person who's spoken out about this but;
Heir To Love And Lies is an extremely racist story to its core.
The love inrerests are either harmful stereotypes or key players on the violence and corruption here in Colombia.
Even if Nathalie has a Colombian father, she has failed to accurately represent the country, the spanglish abhorrent and the treatment of rural Colombia is one of the worst I've seen.
The MC is a white saviour stereotype and is such an awful character whom barely cares about the town; especially when their decisions will affect the livelihoods of workers.
Chava and his whole family are a huge stereotype of low income workers and farmers in the perifery. Their relationship with the drug cartel was unnecessary and insulting— especially when Colombian people already struggle with discrimination about being poor coca and marijuana farmers.
Sergio is literally the epitome of everything wrong with Colombia and shouldn't be romantisized as a love interest— especially as he is related to an assasination which happen in Colombia on the daily .
Val is part of the most corrupt, homophobic and racist institutions and attempting to make her a love interest makes me want to barf as an lgbt Colombian. Especially when I receive news on the daily of lgbt people getting abused by police. I'm glad her route never got released.
The whole story glorifies the foreign colonization of Colombia's economy; which have affected our country gravely— even leaving entire regions of ours in extreme poverty.
'La Dama Roja' is such an awfully constructed character; both character design and story-wise. Her dress is mexican right out of the bat. Her whole character crumbles apart once you actually learn about Colombian politics and culture.
The whole story is a complete regression for Colombian representation and a slap on the face for me, and many other latino users whom have shared their concerns privately to me. It perpetrates so many harmful stereotypes and completely misunderstands the intricacies of Colombia and its people. It ignores our pleas for positive rep after being thrown and dragged through the mud as a druggie country for upwards of fourty years and refuses to acknowledge that Colombia is more than just drugs and coffee.
If you want 'good' Colombian representation, you are much better off watching Encanto in spite of its issues.
If you want Colombian rep that is more mature leaning I would recommend;
Los Viajes Del Viento for a culturally accurate depiction of the north of Colombia
Señorita María: La Falda De La Montaña for a documentary about being lgbtq+ trans in rural Colombia
Los Colores De La Montaña for a depiction of how the drug war has affected innocent farmers in rural Colombia
These are all critically acclaimed movies that all tackle living in the small towns that HTLAL is supposed to be based upon and do a much better job at it.
Also, I've said this many times but I think it's worth mentioning that if you want a more in-depth representation of all the issues HTLAL fails to tackle respectfully, y'all should read The Rebellion of The Rats by Fernando Soto Aparicio
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knight-of-the-thorn · 17 hours
Any opinions w the teasers and retrospective from anet recently? I’m still picking through it
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OH BOY DO I sorry this got very long and really should be two seperate posts
First of all vis a vis the retrospective, it said exactly what I wanted to hear from Arenanet, and exactly what I expected. You'd be surprised how far in marketing transparency, or the illusion of transparency, gets you. It was very neccesary to do this and address that there were huge problems in the production of this and trying to clear that before marketing Expac five properly was exactly the right move, they could not possibly make any promises for the next expansion without distancing themselves from the fact that they fucked up the production of SoTO big time. The fact that they can't market off the back of SoTO and say "The next adventure with the astral ward!" or whatever is pretty tough,they really shot themselves in the foot there, but marketing off of a relatively clean slate is easier than trying to claim that SoTO was a massive success, or ignoring what happened altogether. I think what they've done here is going to garner them some good faith, it certainly has granted them a little more trust from me, I still think I need one hell of a sales pitch to preorder this.
The fact they actually acknowledged that a lot of this felt flat and left too many hanging threads is incredibly reassuring. It does mean that they have been paying attention to player feedback and are at very least aware this is a problem, and taking them at their word they want to fix it and have a better idea of the studios capabilities to release using this structure. I suspect we're still looking at releases being shorter for now, which is disappointing but also conjecture, but if those releases are high quality, (I'm holding them to the standards of the Gyala releases here MINIMUM) then I can grudingly live with that. They've discussed here and in gamerrant that they didn't catch the specific time and resource issues with the Nayos arc until it was too late to fix them, which one hunderd percent tracks with my reading of the latter two releases being slightly cleaner than the first but also a little beyond help. I hope they're right that they also caught onto it early enough in Expac five development.
Not trying to release the third map with the first post expac update is a very good idea, a lot of what made SoTO so jarring was abandoning everything happening with the tower and Amnytas so quickly, we didn't get a chance to spend any time there. Not trying to get the map out so quickly, and splitting it into halves instead of thirds is a good distribution of time and resources. The fact they keep citing Bjora Marches as their attempted format of release for the third map of the fifth expansion I personally find reassuring, it's certainly a good marketing move to invoke the idea of Bjora in relation to future maps, because Bjora Marches was almost universally well recieved.
Overall, I understand that the very solid set in stone roadmaps and the countdowns to the next story patch are detrimental, it is interesting to see that they are continuing with it going forward all things considered but it would be pretty shitty to change it now I suppose. I understand the idea is about transparency and consistency, and updates have been at a more regular interval, but there should be the capability to move back patches that aren't ready, I care more that the content being released is ready to be released than that they're regularly released. It's a difficult tradeoff. That solid timeframe is still there going forward, I still worry that it is going to be a hinderence to the story.
OKAY so with that out of the way, the teaser itself
It's so exciting that they've implied that underwater weapons will be usable on land, (possibly another big underwater combat update?) Especially when I am a few hundred gold off having all the underwater legendary weapons. I'm hoping for legendary aquabreathers, fingers crossed everyone.
Not a lot right, just enough to stir interest, like we know a lawyer from the same address that trademarked SoTO filed a patent for Janthir Wilds which means I was right that we're going North Kryta, judging from the look of it maybe North eastern closer to the shiverpeaks? Really hard to say because the assumed commander stand in there is a Norn so we're all kinda thinking Norn but I'm not actually thinking Norn here, it screams Dwarven to me.
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It's hard to tell from this distance but that glass could be the same aurened glass we see associated with Tarir, Augury Rock, but also the Hall of Heroes. This is VERY interesting because there's sort of that obvious question about wizard ascension right, what the fuck is up with that how is that different from Forgotten Ascension how is it different to Godly Ascension, the fact that the memories are not erased, just surpressed but clearly there. Pretty interesting. The fact we're going near the homeland of Tyrian Mursaat presumably with the shining blade if Anise's letter in the final instance is anything to go off of, The fact that the memory of Mabon's we've encountered is specifically him meeting Isgarren and how that compares and contrasts with the interactions between him and Lyhr during the Skywatch meta and the implications therefore of, I think these are very relevant here.
If my instinct is right and this is Dwarven architecture that could be something, we could have something to do with Rand happening, we're also working with the concepts that the brotherhood of the dwarves revered Glint, and that Lyhr is specifically referred to as a heretic, which the brotherhood also were, and that he can split himself into facets like Glint could. If I'm right about the dwarves and the glass I think this is what we're looking at.
Now for my insane conspiracy theorist bit because I am not going five minutes without talking about varajar fells and how it will eventually relate to the Wizards, The location is also interesting because of the gw1 quest path to revelations, which dealt with the origins of the gods, depending how close this is to Drizzlewood that is in the same broad area, if we're looking at dwarves we have the Deepstone connection, we know we're dealing with unspeakable horrors from underwater, so we have the Kormir/Abaddon/Arachnea connection. It's all coming together. We also have a very interesting Krait connection, who we know had their prophets eaten by unspecificed underwater horrors, and also have association with the forgotten by virtue of being snakes. I'm just saying it it's a partially underwater expansion the fact that Varajar fells is underwater is not longer a deal breaker for my insane bullshit that only makes sense to me. Deepstone is Wet. Think about it Jane.
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It also looks kinda like this early Asura concept art to me. Worth noting, a lot of what Asura ended up using as their aesthetic was actually taken from Guild Wars Utopia concept art for Xoteca. This may be nothing, it is worth mentioning.
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tofueggnoodles · 1 year
Saiyuki Reload Blast Drama CD 1 – Track 4: Free Talk
Summary: The voice actors talk about sports – ones they’re currently doing and those they’d like to try. Only, some of their definitions of sports are pretty open to debate 😛.
Note: As @soto-translates pointed out, free talks aren't scripted, so the voice actors often interrupt each other, talk over one another, and mumble. Some lines are just beyond my listening capabilities and my, to borrow a nifty term from @ratty000, dollar-store Japanese. I’m pretty sure I did not get everything right, so any correction or suggestion will be much appreciated.
Hoshi: We’ve just finished recording the first volume of Saiyuki Reload Blast Drama CD. Thank you for your hard work.
Hirata and the others: Thank you for your hard work.
Hoshi: Now that we’ve been able to wrap up the recording in this nostalgic mood, it’s now time for the cast talk. But first, this is Hoshi Souichirou, who plays Saiyuki’s Son Goku. Pappi! Thank you for listening to us.
Hirata (mumbling): What’s he getting hyped up about?
Hoshi: Next, over to you, Seki-san.
Seki: This is Seki Toshihiko, who plays Genjo Sanzo. Pappi!
Hoshi: All right, next, Hirata-san, please.
Hirata: What are you laughing about? Yes, yes, this is Hirata Hiroaki, who plays Gojyo. Pappi!
Hoshi: Pappi! Next, Ishida-san, please.
Ishida: Yes. Well, this is Ishida Akira, who plays Pappi.
Hoshi: The one who plays Pappi, is it? Or should it be Papkai? Papkai?
Ishida: Pappi. It’s Pappi. Next–
Hoshi: All right. Thank you, Ishida-san. Let’s get on to the Saiyuki specialty – the cast talk. It’s been quite a while since we’re gathered together like this, isn’t it?
Ishida: Seems so....
Hoshi: We just recorded the type of interesting CD Dramas that Hira-san likes, didn’t we? How did you find them, Hira-san?
Hirata: They sure were interesting.
Hoshi: Were they? You sounded tired though.
Hirata: Say, it’s been a long time since we’ve last convened at the conclusion of a recording.
Hoshi: Isn’t it? Feels like you’d like to do more of it, doesn’t it?
Hirata: Yeah, the way I feel about the Urasai sections.
Hoshi: You were an active member in those.
Hirata: But, I’d like to attempt more of those. You know, until the lines start ring in my ears. Lines like, “stop messing around” or “I’m tired”.... But, he was in serious trouble, wasn’t he? The pappi guy.
Hoshi: Trouble? Pappi?
Hirata: Not you.
Ishida: Eh? Ah, you mean the Pappi I played.
Hoshi: Ah, yes, the Pappi Ishida played. This time–
Hirata: He was in serious trouble.
Hoshi: Yes, he was. After the long speech he gave, it turned out into an awful ending for him.
Hirata: An awful one. You hate it, don’t you?
Ishida: Yes, I hate it.
Hoshi: You hate it?
Hirata: You must be seething.
Seki: But, this is Pappi-san’s fate.
Ishida: Indeed, it is.
Hoshi: Pappi’s drowning his sorrows....
Ishida: And he was the one who explained their situation in the first place. [In track 1: At the gym, Hakkai explained why the Ikkou, especially Sanzo and Gojyo, needed to use the gym but turned out to be the least fit of them all according to an age meter.] I think everyone’s who’s listened to the CD Drama could imagine his frustration. That’s Hakkai all right. I mean, Papkai.
Hoshi: All right. Moving on, since this talk is also supposed to revolved around a particular theme.
Hirata: There’s a theme?
Hoshi: Yes. We’re just done with the part about our thoughts on the recording. So, let’s move on to the theme. Which is related to the audio drama we’ve recorded [Track 1: At the gym]: sports you’ve recently done and sports you’d like to try – do you have any of those? Let’s take turns to talk about it. Seki-san, would you have something to say about this topic?
Seki: Me? Quite recently, I did some ‘life bowling.’ I pushed myself and perform some hiphop music. It’s not something one typically does at the age of fifty-five, I think.
Hirata: Would you perform a bit for the listeners? (made some hiphop sounds) That’s awesome, Sanzo-sama!
Seki: This is the limit.
Hirata: It’s really a big deal.
Hoshi: You should really show us.
Ishida: It’s your real nature coming out.
Seki: Well, let’s put that aside and talk about the sports I’d like to try. There’s this sport I want to try the most – have you guys seen this program called Honyaguchi Hiroishi on TV? The guy in it ran, jumped over a railroad crossing and walked on the wall.
Hirata: Ah, the Velcro Guy.
Seki: I want to do that sport.
Hirata: It looks fun.
Seki: When I looked it up, I found out it’s called “wall-crashing.”
Hirata: It even has a proper name.
Seki: I thought, that was not really sport, but it turned out that it’s indeed listed as a type of sport.
Hirata: Is there something like an international competition for it?
Seki: Yes, but there’s also a rental service available for it.
Hirata and Hoshi: Rental service?
Ishida: Isn’t that something that’s impossible outside of that TV program?
Seki: It seems possible to do it outside of the program, as evidenced by the existence of the rental service.
Hoshi: So it’s doable.
Seki: Yes. The cost for a day’s rent of the equipment is seventy-five thousand and six-hundred yen.
Hirata: I have a question!
Seki: Yes, please go ahead.
Hirata: For our wrap party, let’s–
Hoshi: It might be doable!
Seki: Sounds fun!
Ishida: What are you trying to do?
Hirata: Hey, you at the back–
Hoshi: It sounds fun though.
Seki: Hold on for a second, Hira-chan. It’s written here, though – the rental costs seventy-five thousand and six-hundred yen for a day for one person and covers one course.
Hirata (referring to the staff member he called out to): Ah, they got away.
Hoshi: Oh boy, that’s all for this amount of money? This is–
Seki: It’s a sport that’s gained popularity in a short time. There’s a note about an electric fan being included in the price as well.
Ishida: What is it for?
Seki: I have no idea, though.
Ishida: For cooling down after sweating?
Hoshi: Maybe they’re being generous?
Hirata: To spur you onward, maybe?
Seki: Maybe it’s like what Ishida-san said – you’ll run easier with the wind [from the fan] blowing on you.
Hirata: With lots of newspapers flying in your wake....
Seki: Ah, like what Hira-chan said, blasting against the frontier.
Hirata: It’s decided then. We’ll do it [wall-crashing] for the wrap party.
Ishida: What sort of a wrap party is that supposed to be?
(They talk over each other, mostly repeating the same thing.)
Hoshi: All right.
Ishida: Everyone’s fired up.
Hoshi: I’m really curious about this sport. At any rate, that’s the sport Seki-san wants to try. All right, moving on. Hirata-san, please.
Hirata: Me? What would you like me to do?
Hoshi: Tell us about a sport you’ve been doing recently or a sport you’re interested in trying.
Hirata: A sport I’ve been doing recently, right? I bet it’s something you guys aren’t up to.
Hoshi and Ishida: What is it?
Hirata: Tossing and turning in bed.
Hoshi: Eh?! Is that sport?
Hirata: I think it is!
Hoshi: Tossing and turning is sport?
Ishida: I think it’s the first time I’ve heard tossing and turning being described as a sport. I guess it could be considered a sport for someone leading a bedridden life. Are you all right?
Hirata (emits a few mock coughs): It’s tough, you know.
Ishida: Ah, is it?
Hoshi: Is tossing and turning tough?
Hirata: Yes, it is. The other morning, while I was tossing and turning, I got this cramp in my leg.
Hoshi: Ah, that’s happened to me too.
Hirata: The pain woke me up immediately.
Hoshi: I see.
Hirata: It started with just a little spasm but it went cramping on for a while after that. I opened my eyes and said to myself, “Oh shit, I did it this time.” ** I didn’t think I would get such a cramp.
Ishida: Did you make it to the toilet in time?
Hirata: I barely made it somehow.
Seki: They say tossing and turning really makes a big difference to the quality of sleep. If you’re not able to toss and turn properly, you won’t get get the best out of your sleep.
Hirata: Understood. I’ll aim for the black belt.
Ishida: In tossing and turning?
Seki: Who will award such a thing?
Hirata: I’ll aim for rank eight.
Seki: It’s an amazing “sleeping technique,” isn’t it? [A pun: newaza (寝��) is made of the kanji for sleep and technique, but the term itself means pinning technique in wrestling or martial arts.]
Hirata: Tossing and turning in your sleep, rank eight!
Hoshi: Does that mean the sport you’d like to try is also tossing and turning in your sleep?
Hirata: I guess it can still count as that, even though I’ve already tried it. And there’s also the sport Seki-san was talking about.
Hoshi: That one, right? Fine, understood.
Hirata: For the wrap party. Yes, when is it? When is the wrap party?
Hoshi: Hira-san is the most fired up about this, isn’t he?
Hirata: Let’s do it, let’s do it. I’ll be the one in red, wearing the red, uh–
Hoshi: What will you be wearing that’s red?
Ishida: You want to dash about in a red boiler suit.
Hirata: Yeah, I want to appear in that.
Hoshi: You’re really filled with motivation.
Hirata: The boiler suit comes with Velcro fasteners, doesn’t it?
Seki (chuckling): Does it?
Hoshi: That’s about it from Hira-san. Well, how about you, Ishida-san?
Ishida: You guys seem to be into one or other type of sports, don’t you? I don’t exercise at all, you know.
Hoshi: Indeed you don’t, as far as we know.
Ishida: Since I’ve not been doing any sort of sports regularly at all up to now, I’ve been thinking I should do them. For instance, I should try running. Or going to the gym, like the scenario in the CD Drama.
Hirata: Indeed.
Seki: Even if it’s not the balance ball.
Hirata: If the four of us were to measure our bodies’ actual ages in real life, perhaps Akira would turn out to be the–
Ishida: Ah, but I’d be fine with forty-six. Yes, please let me be the age my character is supposed to be. [Forty-six is Hakkai’s biological age according to the age meter in track 1: At the gym. In 2017, Ishida Akira (born November 2, 1967) would be fifty.]
Hirata: No, no, no.
Hoshi: In reality–
Hirata: We’re talking about real-life measurements.
(Ishida laughs.)
Seki: Ah, have you heard? The sound director Takakuwa got his biological age measured and it turned out to be really young.
Hoshi: I saw it.
Ishida and Hirata: What was it?
Hoshi: Believe it or not, it was twenty-eight years.
Seki: Amazing. [According to myanimelist.net, Takakuwa Hajime was also born in 1967.]
Hirata: Is it his body age? Or skin age?
Ishida: How much on earth did he pay to get such a young age?
Hoshi: It was his body age.
Seki: If that’s really the case, it’s amazing.
Hoshi: I did take a good look at the printout of his result.
Seki: But Akira-kun, you own a bicycle, don’t you? With a bicycle, you could try doing stuff like–
Ishida: Something like trick riding?
Hoshi: Seki-san, it’s dangerous to suggest things like that to him.
Seki: Is it? But, it should be fine in places like public parks.
Ishida: It’s probably not allowed to ride a bicycle in public parks.
Hoshi: It’s dangerous with children around.
Seki: It’s not allowed, is it?
Ishida: But, a long time ago, when I was appearing in a play, I got my hands on a balance ball on the off-chance that we might be using it on stage.
Seki: So you own a balance ball!
Ishida: Indeed, I should’ve used it since it’s in my possession, but it’s already covered in dust.
Hoshi: Ah!
Seki: Ha.
Ishida: The only thing I do with it is to keep it inflated, with the optimistic idea that I’d be using it one day.
Hoshi: I see. You’re just keeping it in place.
Seki: Talking about keeping it inflated, it’s important to maintain the symmetry.
Ishida: Well, isn’t it basically just a balloon?
Seki: Hira-chan, should we have him bring it to the wrap party?
Hirata: A balloon?
Hoshi: That too?
Hirata: You could come as a cross-dresser, run and jump up and down onto the balance ball–
Ishida: So you mean I should use the balance ball like a trampoline.
Hoshi: It could be fun.
Ishida: I guess one could really use it that way.
Hoshi: But normally, couldn’t you sit on it?
Ishida: Indeed I could.
Seki: I saw on TV that it’s possible to train your muscles just by sitting on a balance ball.
Hoshi: It is, isn’t it?
Ishida: It’d be great if one could. **
Seki: What color is it? Is it red?
Ishida: It’s silver.
Hirata: If it were green, I might feel like using it.
Ishida: Ah, what a pity I didn’t get the green one.
Hoshi: What a pity.
Seki: Let’s paint it green.
Hirata: We can use it for a watermelon splitting game then.
Ishida: I’m sure everyone will be okay with that at the wrap party.... having the ball smashed to pieces at their feet.
Hirata: What about the monkey?
Hoshi: It’s my turn, isn’t it? As for me, I’m not doing any sports at the moment. Well, Ishida-san, you know this, don’t you? I keep thinking about this: You don’t look like someone who runs regularly, yet you don’t get fat at all.
Ishida: About that – if I were to take of my clothes, it’d be a dreadful sight.
Hoshi: Come on! That’s not something you can hide [under your clothing].
Hirata: Me too!
Hoshi: Really? You can’t hide that [being fat].
Ishida: That’s because I’m deceiving you using an outfit-coordinating trick.
Hoshi: No, no, you’re not.
Ishida: It’s a trick set I bought via mail order.
Hoshi: You're just having me on. Alright, moving on–
Seki: Hold on, Hoshi-kun. The main topic is just beginning. We can spend the next ten minutes on it.
Hoshi: We don’t need a main topic. Wait, main topic? Well, for now, I’d like to try running.
Hirata: Are you running [regularly already]?
Hoshi: I want to try it.
Hirata: Then don’t. [He’s trolling poor Hoshi-san again....]
Seki: Hey, Hoshi-kun, which club did you belong to during high school?
Hoshi: High school? Quite a number of clubs, actually: court tennis, natural science, lounge tennis... that’s it.
Hirata: Why did you join the lounge tennis club when you were already in the court tennis club?
Hoshi: Well, I was in the lounge tennis club in middle school. When I went to high school, I got the impression that court tennis was more suited to high-schoolers. It was tough, though.
Hirata: Did you quit court tennis and return to lounge tennis?
Hoshi: Yes, I did.
Seki: Basically, the sport you’re into is tennis.
Hoshi: It was. All I do these days are juggling with tennis balls. I belong to the go-home club.
Hirata: Go-home club.
Hoshi: Yes, in the end, it’s go-home club for me.
Seki: But if you were to stand at a court now, would you still be able to deal the opponent a powerful smash?
Hoshi: I was probably never able to do that in the first place.
Seki: Why don’t you try doing it for the Saiyuki wrap party?
Hoshi (laughing): Why do you and Hirata-san ask for everything at the wrap party?
Hirata: You could jump onto the balance ball, then leap onto the wall and walk on it, before hitting the smash.
Seki: After that, we can let Hira-chan fulfill his wish [of wearing the boiler suit].
Hoshi: Wish?
Hirata: My wish is the last event of the wrap party? Saving the toughest item for last, are we?
Hoshi: I see. Well then, let’s go with that.
Ishida: Are you fine with that?
Hoshi: Well, one would really sweat it out if one were to perform that thing Seki-san was talking about.
Others: What?
Ishida: The sport in which you jump onto the wall and walk on it.
Seki: It’s called “wall-crashing.”
Hoshi: Wall-crashing? Yes, in the end, it turns out to be the sport to try.
Hirata: For whom?
Hoshi: All of us.
Hirata: Not really.
Hoshi: Yes. And we’ll be riding the balance ball while doing it.
Seki: And tossing and turning as well. Hoshi-kun, how about you? Will you be playing tennis at the same time?
Hoshi: Tennis, yes.
Hirata: Will you?
Hoshi: I won’t.
Hirata: Will you or will you not? Which is it?
Hoshi: I’ll stick to wall-crashing. I think I’d like to give it a try. Okay, everyone, that’s it. I guess at our age, we might as well take this opportunity to exercise, right?
Seki: What the heck! In the end, this is the take-home message you wanted to deliver!
Hoshi: Make sure you do your exercises, okay?
Ishida: Be a good boy and listen to him, everyone.
Hoshi: Let’s try to lower our body age as much as we can.
Hirata: Understood.
Seki: Okay.
Hoshi: All right! As for Saiyuki, the journey ahead won’t be continuing for long. I hope for your support in the next installment. Well, that’s it for the cast talk in the first volume. See you again in the second volume! Until then, goodbye!
Ishida and Seki: Goodbye!
Hirata: Bye-bye!
Translation of the Drama CD track referred to during their conversation:
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes and clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am really not sure of.
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jlf23tumble · 9 months
Bless you, @alienfuckeronmain, love these games!
Relationship Status: Third rail status, bb!
Favorite Color: Stealing your answer on hooker's green because I'll take green in all her forms, but for real, how can you pick any color??? I feel them all every day!
Favorite Food: Varies on mood, but it pretty much always involves cheese.
Song Stuck in My Head: Vampire, Ms. Olivia Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrodrigo
Last thing you Googled: How long prohibition lasted (I'm in a food-related affinity group at work, and every Friday, the mod sends out a food-related quiz that I tend to try and cheat via google search)
Time: 11:31 PM
Dream Trip: Lately, I'm feeling the European urge, to see friends and family, and most of that is places I've already been, but in terms of dream trips, still very much want to go to India, Egypt, Mexico City
Last Thing You Read: Carrie Soto Is Back (bb)
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: It was a bit mixed because it was a deep dive into Julia Morgan's work, which I loved/enjoyed, but the ending is just brutally sad about how she died.
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: I'm so into things that are a one (pot) and done, so I've perfected the basics like a good Bolognese, a roast chicken, a whole pile of enchiladas.
Favorite Craft to do in Your Free Time: Anything photography related!
Most Niche Dislike: I'm gonna go based on profession, and as an editor, I know I'm supposed to be some kind of asshole word nazi about typos in the wild, etc., but I truly don't give a shit when I'm off the clock, and it annoys the fuck out of me when anyone professional writers/editors get so goddamned annoyed about it, people make mistakes when they're smashing keys, we ALL do, who gives a shit, let it goooooooooo. Pay me? I'll care. Don't pay me? I won't.
Opinion on Circuses: Human performers? Yes, I'm assuming they consented. Animal circuses? Not so much, plus they smell (unrelated: I love how fucking random this ?? is)
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: I SURE DO, if I've been there, I will get us in/out, if I haven't, pam will get us thru, and I can read her like a map
I should tag a bunch of people, but I feel like I left a TON of people off last time, so if you see this, PLEASE DO THIS and act as if I tagged you. Hey, you can make it a niche dislike that I didn't at you if you like, I just wanna see!
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ARC Review: Forget Me Not by Julie Soto
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Publication Date: July 11, 2023
An ambitious wedding planner must work with her grumpy florist ex, whose heart she broke, on the most high-profile wedding of her career, in this spicy and emotional romance from popular fanfic author Julie Soto. He loves me; he loves me not...  Ama Torres loves being a wedding planner. But with a mother who has been married more times than you can count on your fingers, Ama has decided that marriage is not the route for her. But weddings? Weddings are amazing. As a small business owner, she knows how to match her clients with the perfect vendor to give them the wedding of their dreams. Well, almost perfect… Elliot hates being a florist, most of the time. When his father left him the flower shop, he considered it a burden, but he’s stuck with it. Just like how he’s stuck with the way he proposed to Ama, his main collaborator and girlfriend (or was she?) two years ago. But flowers have grown on him, just like Ama did. And flowers can’t run off and never speak to him again, like Ama did.  When Ama is hired to plan a celebrity wedding that will bring her business national exposure, there's a catch: Elliot is already contracted to design the flowers. Things are not helped by the two brides, who see the obvious chemistry between Ama and Elliot and are determined to set them up, not knowing their complicated history. Add in a meddling ex-boss, and a reality TV film crew documenting every step of the wedding prep, and Ama and Elliot's hearts are not only in jeopardy again, but this time, their livelihoods are too.
My Rating: ★★★★★
*My Review and Favorite Quotes below the cut.
My Review:
This was such a fun book. It had a lot of influence from fanfic, which I appreciated. I love a good fanfic trope. This one had a bunch of my favorites: grumpy/sunshine, second-chance romance, flower shop, mutual pining... It was so well-written, with witty humor and very relatable characters and situations. The characters were also very unique and felt real. There was a lot of millennial humor, which I really appreciated. I am a millennial, I suppose, so that makes sense. I loved Ama and Elliot. They were such a good couple, and it was so satisfying when they slotted so seamlessly together in work and in their personal lives. They made each other better which always makes for the most satisfying romance. There was a lot of sex, which would normally have been way too much for me, but because of the rest of the book being so good I can forgive that. (Yes, I realize I'm probably in the minority here). Just be warned. There is... a lot. I absolutely adored that Ama has a cat name Lady Cat-ryn de Purrgh. Also that said cat is a menace and really lives up to her name. And I laughed so hard when I got to the Four Seasons joke. It was so unexpected. Elliot's tattoos were perfection. I cried when Ama saw his latest one, even though I was expecting it. Actually, I teared up in a lot of places. The mutual pining was painful and exactly what I like in a romance. I was hooked from the very first sentences and flew through the book in two days because it never let me go. Ama and Elliot were just so wonderful and so relatable. I LOVED Jackie and Hazel Renee. They were the perfect couple to center the wedding planning around. Ama was so competent and good at her job, especially when working with Elliot. And Whitney was deliciously terrible. Her comeuppance was absolutely brilliant. I am impressed that Julie Soto included her actual AO3 username in the 'about the author' section, instead of leaving it at "Yes, I write fanfic" which is what authors usually do. (And even that is new, being proud to write fanfic instead of ashamed of it.) I'm glad things are shifting and fanfic is starting to be recognized as a legitimate form of writing and not something to hide. But still. She's brave and I admire that. Overall the book was brilliant and in turns heartbreaking and heartwarming, as all the best romances are. The cover is gorgeous and fits the characters so well. Just excellent all around. *Thanks to NetGalley and Forever for providing an early copy for review.
Favorite Quotes:
I wonder if she’ll look up the Language of Flowers and figure out I just told her, You are immature and I resent you. Go away.
It’s the one thing my father ever did that convinced me we were related. He’d charge a PITA fee sometimes. Pain in the ass. It was only ever ten dollars, so he used to donate it to the library or the high school.
Lady Cat-ryn de Purrgh flicks her tail at me and ignores her chow.
It’s beautiful if you love roses. And who doesn’t? Except for angry florists who have endangered flowers tattooed all over their bodies, but I digress.
She’s the kind of girl that guys fall over themselves for, but who I decided long ago isn’t for me. I don’t like falling over myself.
He’s actually talking to me. Berating me, to be precise, but still it’s language.
“What’s an amaryllis look like?” Hazel says, turning to where Elliot pointed out the calla lilies. “I don’t keep them in the shop anymore.” The arrow hits bone.
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woke up wifi back on I'm almost disappointed, I think I'll start doing no phone times. like a few hours in the afternoon. for a little entertainment you literally sell your soul.
been reading 'the idiot' tried to read it once long time ago and got bored and hated it but I really fuck with it now. and I relate to the main character. not because I'm wholly good or something, because I'm an idiot lol. on the spectrum of good to wicked I'm probably somewhere in the middle, leaning towards good, I mean I am somewhat simple and my heart is pure, but also the average leans towards wickedness these days I think, so I seem more innocent and pure when really I'd probably be burned at the stake a few hundred years ago lol.
I'm only like 100 pages in but the title even it's all so emotionally effective "the idiot" referring to what is supposed to be a wholly good man, it's just so cruel and again so effective. proving your point by seeing things from the other perspective, like sotos lol, or how I look at sotos. I also like how slow it is, I mean, fucking glacial. it moves almost in real time, the like three page long paragraphs. again, at first annoyed me but I sort of like it, and I mean what an imagination I won't even try to spell his name... dostoyevsky(?) had. I mean these characters feel like real people, I literally have to write out little descriptions of them because the names are weird too and he refers to them by first and last name interchangeably, which confuses me. but that's sort of nice too I really have to pay attention. also I mean the fact that this guy was literally born 200 years ago and just gets it so much. it's amazing. he just gets it. anyways I'm dostoyevsky pilled now. but for the English translation they should just change the names to like Robert and Mary and Steven LOL. I cannot fucking keep track of these weird ass Russian names. like he was saying with the French kids they call him Leon instead of lyov, yeah call him Leo Milson or something lol. I could remember that more easily.
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psychicdreamsuit · 2 years
The Talk Over Dating
Casey Deidrick is dating Jahan Yousaf. Online dating has quickly change into the number one selection for Herpes singles to meet people to date. Jess' comfort movie of alternative isn't "Ghost," however "Dirty Dancing," which she watches on repeat after her breakup. Greater than you'll suppose. More than most individuals dwell on, because I can. Fortunately, most individuals do care about style a minimum of a little bit. Fernando Colunga’s girlfriends: Prior to Blanca Soto, he had not less than six relationships. Logan Lang had at the least a number of earlier relationships, in keeping with CelebsCouples. Yes, in just a few different ways. Yes, it is feasible! As little as possible. It is rather possible that he remains to be upset about a divorce and he isn't able to get severe. Greater than is sensible, given my income and the instability in my business, however nonetheless not much. Rarely. That is, even for those who placed on a plain pair of blue denims and a white T-shirt, and even when neither of them suits very effectively and has never been ironed, you're still making an announcement, even if that statement is, "I actually do not care how I look. Truly, I have given up. Fie upon society and its materialistic values!" That's why whether or not you care about type or not, type cares about you, and you're going to must face it sooner or later!
Blue jeans and a T-shirt! Think you'll be able to handle it? I don't think men's hair works that way. It feels good to know which you can dress your physique in a means that is flattering and that sends a positive and appealing message to folks round you. Because Phoenix is the capital metropolis, a business mecca, and a well-liked tourist vacation spot, it does have its fair share of crime as you realize. The second thing you could know is: it’s completely legal to search out an ideal match, to meet and marry her, no matter what services you’re using. Following a two-month American tour, Lean released his debut album Unknown Memory in late summer time 2014. On February 25, 2016, Lean released his second studio album, Warlord. Which of the following places would you like to visit? I like to speak them out. I moderately speak with my fists, to be sincere.
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Dissatisfied One shot +14 (Part 1)
This story contains sexual themes, Domestic abuse themes, Toxic relationships, Suicide, cigarettes use, bad words and prostitution references. If you are sensitive or underage please don't read this story.
Dissatisfied.... i don't think it's difficult to found out why do i feel like that..
I wasn't always being the inappropriate whore my grandmother or even my uncle used to call me.. I was supposed to be a innocent child.. tsk yeah.. an innocent child with the shitty luck of having such a shattered family and a stupid child with the shitty luck of having a pedophile as teacher who tried to rape him when the bastard child was just 10.
It's alright.. I guess.. I just woke up in the bed from one of my classmates, let's say he wanted a fun night so I accepted to gave him pleasure.. at least he paid me money so I can leave this room, .. but that didn't satisfied me.. nor even filled me.
I taked my stuff making sure he didn't woke up too but he still..
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Rocky: Hey Bunny~, are you leaving to soon?~.
Bradley: Are you Horny again? we did it for almost 2 hours the last night, if you want to continue you most pay again.
Rocky: I have not enough money
Bradley: *change on his clothes* Then I have nothing to do here
Rocky: Tsk, you lost...
Bradley: Lost what? *Sarcastic Chuckle* Your "Buddy" is just bigger than mine, is not the big thing..
Rocky: *chuckles* As if you were that hot~.
Bradley: *takes his backpack* You didn't said that that night.
I left that room, that guy seemed mad by my comment, I can't help it, they still see me as the bastard son of the fire ghost which mess with their city but they actually desires me to gives them the pleasure that a girl or anyone else can't gave them..
I was walking through the hallways, then suddenly someone touched my hand to catch my attention, it was that big blue guy who uses to play American football, another client more.
Bradley: Unwin? Are you sure about this? You didn't had a girlfriend?
Unwin: Well yes.. i have a girlfriend, she asked me to do it one day but I'm not ready to do it nor even i have no idea about how to do it.
Bradley: so.. your first Time?
Unwin: Yep..
Bradley: alright.. we will do it this night, don't forget you have to pay for the fun night, i will teach you how to do it.
Unwin: Ok.. thanks man, Heheh now I see why people calls you Bunny, and not just for being little~ *leaves quickly while he was laughing at Bradley* Slut~.
Bradley: But Rabbits are cute...
After that I went to the school restrooms to take a quick bath to at least go to classes without any boy smell.
Since when i thought that this shit was a good idea?.. why did i thought that this would make me feel complete or even satisfied? I questioned myself while the shower drops were falling on my face.
I have a lot of missed calls from my uncle who is surely mad instead of worried by not arriving at the round house.
I dried myself quickly to then change my clothing and go to classes in time, at my seat I saw him.. Skeebo, after that day it's not the same being next to him. He used to bully me by the same old shit as the others but he stopped since that day I saved his life and i snapped to that lemon head which calls himself hero for a nonsense reason.
If you are asking why the heck I was selling my body like this if I have a traumatic event related with this?
I will answer your question, hate me or not depends of you, I will explain.
First my uncle is a hypocritical stingy, he will not give me any fucking money not even for a candy, he just gives money to my cousin, understandable, and the stupid lemon for his mediocre work.
The second reason... Everything happened in a normal school day (yes, after I got Skeebo's respect), also a normal day of ghost attack, there was a new ghost around the netherworld, this one has a weird power which makes everyone Who touches him or is slimed by him, that person ends into a lust state, it was easy to recognize when he attacked someone...at least for me, he has peculiar smell to Cherries, Strawberries and... saliva.
I didn't had to hide, the ghosts didn't attacked me as always, that lemon ball was around eating them and burping their eyes. That clumsy Pac crashed against me and suddenly Skeebo which was running away locking us in a locker by accident.
Bradley: shit...
Skeebo: Arghh!.. that lemon head!!...
Bradley: *sighs*....
Skeebo: are we in a girl's locker?.. this place smells good~
Bradley:*sniffs*... Oh.. shit.. we are not in a girl's locker...It's my locker....
Skeebo:*sniffs on Bradley's hair* is it you? You smell so good~
Bradley: Well my perfume used to be from my older sister, and i use Pactene Shampoo because my uncle has lots of them for my cousin and me, so it has sense.
Skeebo: It's still so good~
Bradley: fuck fuck fuck fuck... Skeebo.. you were infected by a lust ghost.. and you will not snap from that state until you....
Skeebo: me what?~
Bradley:... *Sighs* i-i.. I'm still scared for t-this... But.. just do it with me... D-d-dont worry.. you will not remember any of this moments...
Skeebo: you're so cute~ you're so sweet~..
Bradley: Ok i think he lost the control short time ago..damn it..
Then Skeebo slowly was ripping off my virginity.. I thought it would hurt as when that awful man tried to do to me.. but... This time.. I felt different.. I felt.. strange... i was embarrassed.. it hurted but I liked it..I don't know how nor why...He where keep going for 1 hour until he ended inside me.. for me it was difficult to still up but that feeling was too difficult to describe... Did I feel satisfaction?.. is this what am I looking for to feel full, did I feel good for at least one time of my life, he finally snapped out that state he didn't understand what happened and suddenly the locker door opened, I was a little naked so I acted quickly and transformed myself into a rabbit to escape from a already embarrassing moment leaving him with the shame. Because of me everyone saw Skeebo half-naked and stained in with his own fluids.
Ms Globular: Mr Spheros.. Mr Skeebo! Wake up!
Bradley: Huh!?...
Skeebo: What!?
Almost Everyone laugh about that.. specially to Skeebo
Ms Globular: Please focus yourself in the exam.
Bradley:..*sighs* yes Ms Globular..
Rocky: what's wrong Skeebo aren't you playing with your "buddy" again?
Izod: Yeah, please don't splash us~
Skeebo: *blushed and mad* you 2 shut up!
Yep... also that day was even worst for Skeebo than the day became into Heebo-Skeebo, he was even a bigger mock for almost all the students, it was my fault by running away as a coward..
Izod: Or what?
Bradley: Do you have any idea about how pathetic you look making fun with a guy because of an embarrassing moment he clearly wants to forget?
Rocky: You have no rights to speak slut!
Skeebo: Don't call him slut!
Izod: Aww the Sper-Man is defending the Play-Bun?.
Bradley: So sad that the sizes of your "Buddies" are not that good enough to compensate your lack of brain..
Ms Globular: That's enough you 4!! If you don't quit speaking that dirty stuff in the class i will send you to detention!
Izod/Rocky: Fine Ms Globular..
Bradley: Alright Ms...
Skeebo: *sighs*
The School Bell rings
It was now lunch time, i wasn't hungry so i left to the school yard to smoke a cigarette, a cherry one, I'm allergic to the normals.
Bradley: *sighs*
"Can i sit with you?" - a voice sounded..
It was Lexy Soto, one of my classmates and the most popular in the school for being so kind with all and bringing desserts from his Dad's restaurant also one of the most famous restaurants in Pacopolis), for it Lexy is really respected and beloved here, especially for that Lemon Ball.
Lexy always left a single meal for me and comes to me to give me company, it's still incredible that he is my friend without caring about my Dad's actions, did Latins are like this?
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Bradley: Sure Lexy.
Lexy: Good, *sits to him* i noticed that you weren't in the Cafeteria so i left this cupcake for you.
Bradley: Thanks Lexy, you don't had to do it.
Lexy: I have to, Weon
Bradley:*smiles a little and takes the cupcake* Thanks Lexy, *bites it* Hmm~ is so sweet and soft.
Lexy: Chocolate with raspberry cream.
Bradley: Also.. let me guess, did you put ice cream for the cream?
Lexy: You got me.
Bradley: I knew it!
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Lexy: *giggles*... *Starts sniffing Bradley* where selling your body again!?.
Bradley: Oh shit.. you got me
Lexy: Bradley, please you don't have to do it..
Bradley: Lexy, i don't have money to buy any stuff i need, and my uncle doesn't give me a shit.
Lexy: And i thought that presidents in Latin America are awful.. but please... You don't have to do it if you don't like it..
Bradley: That's the problem Lexy.. I think like it..but I hate to do it with that bastards.
Lexy: How you can like that awfull thing?...
Bradley: Because I'm sick Lexy..I know i am sick...but i can't cry for help.. because my uncle will not understand..
Lexy: I could ask my Dad to help you but.. i don't want to bother him...
Bradley: *pets him*... Lexy.. you don't have to do it... Maybe i could be sick.. but i will be okay.
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Lexy: *starts sobbing* You're lying!... You are not okay! You said that you would be okay but that's not true.. i know you are suffering.. and it... It worries me a lot!! *Cries*
Bradley:...it's because that awful neighbor did to you, right?
Lexy: !!..
Bradley:*hugs Lexy* I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you like this.. maybe it would hurt but.. If something happens to me.. i already have a place in the netherworld with my Dad..
Lexy: If Pacopolis were your home too...
Bradley: Even if i live in netherworld, we would still be friends.
Lexy: At least.. please found a solution...
Bradley: I promise I will try.. *dries Lexy's tears* cheer up BerryPie.
Lexy: you most be the one who most smile first Cabro Culiao!..
Bradley: Heh..*smiles* sorry, like this?
Lexy: *cheers* much better~
6:00 pm
The school And clubs activities ended, Lexy have left to his home early to help out his father with his job as always, it was getting late and time to start my job with that moron, so i left the reading club (Club Wich has a single one member, me) to meet up with that guy i just forgot his name and i don't give a care in remember it.
Unwin: Finally..
Bradley: we will do this quickly, i have to go back to the round house.. i have piano practice at 8:00 pm.
Unwin: All you have to do is please me..
Bradley: just if you pay the price, if you don't i will make sure one of my boys to torment you, got it?
Unwin:*sighs* fine!..*pays him 10 Pac Dollars*
Bradley: Good Boy~.
And well i did it with him as i did with the rest of the boys from Maze High (Except by Pac and Spiral, dude i have my limits, i can't leave that stinky lemon to touch me, and Spiral, i know he likes Pacster since long, it's kinda obvious and i prefer them to have that experience by theirselfs) but ..i didn't felt nothing similar to that curious feeling i felt with him.. it wasn't the same.. but it wasn't possible.. even after he ended as a mock because of me.. i would not be able to stand the guilt...
7:00 pm
By finishing, i just put in my clothing to take my stuff and left the dorms, it was almond late for my classes and even worst i was having a lot of walking problems, fortunately or well.. unfortunately my uncle's limousine arrived next to me And taked me to the round house, the bodyguards didn't looked at me in any moment.. it was uncomfortable.. when we arrived to the round house, there was my uncle waiting for me, he seemed completely mad.
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Bradley: *sighs*..
Stratos: Bradley..Where the heck you have been!? Why you didn't come back to home yesterday!? Or not even answered my calls!!??... And ugh!.. what's that awful smell!!??
Bradley: Do you care?.
Stratos: wait.. don't tell me you where sleeping with a guy!!?
Bradley: So what!?, If i was sleeping with someone or i was making out with someone, that's not of your business!!
Stratos: of course it's my business to take care of you!
Bradley: As it was your business to take care of my dad when he needed you more than anything... You cared so much of me that you left me with grandmother!
Stratos: It wasn't that bad!
Bradley: That Bad...It wasn't..That Bad!? I was her fucking Boxing bag and used me to turn off her cigarettes
Stratos: You are exaggerating, she was educating you to be a disciplined and decent man!.
Bradley: So sad, it didn't work..
Stratos: It was for you could not end like your father.
Bradley: Should I'll remember you the boiling water cup she threw me in that Barbecue in the round house by "Accident?
Stratos: Agh just go inside and take a bath right now!.. don't let Cedrick see you!.
Bradley: Whatever...
Yep the same old shit of always... I taked another bath and went to my room, i was so tired, Quartzy was sleeping on my lap to comfort me.. but i still had to play that piano.. so i get up to go to the piano room.. my Uncle wasn't there... that was a good thing, that means he would not bother me.
So i sat in that sit and taked a cherry cigarette from a box i use to hide from my uncle and cousin.
I smoke one of them while I was playing a soft melody in the piano..I was losing myself in my thoughts and the music.. then suddenly someone entered in.
Cedrick: Hey Brad!
Bradley:*throws the cigarette through the window* Oh, hi Cedrick
Cedrick: what where you eating?...
Bradley: oh, it was nothing.
Cedrick: Oke, can I stay with you? I love how you play the piano :D.
Bradley: Alright little bud.
So I played a melodies for my little cousin, I didn't wanted him to see me like this..
I'm at least a little alright if my cousins, my people, my sister, Buttler and my Dad are alright too.. maybe.
Lately when I was close to Skeebo I was feeling something unusual.. like a hungry.. hungry for his virility, hungry for his touch.. I sounded like a monster... I'm sorry..
Suddenly i felt that someone was calling me.
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inmyarmswrappedin · 3 years
Episode 4 and episode 5 of 19 can be found on the NRK site. 😊
I failed to post yesterday, but I still like how the season is progressing. 
I was confused about yesterday’s episode because it opens with Aisha having breakfast at home, when she notices a noise behind her and asks someone what they’re doing up so early. It’s a girl carrying her shit (shoes included) in her arms, who sheepishly leaves the house. I was like, “Does Aisha have a sister or something???” Then I checked the episode credits and the girl is credited as Yusuf’s one night stand gfhfhsf. 
The interesting thing is that Aisha was composing a message to apologize to her girls for her outburst in ep 3, but after she sees Yusuf’s hook-up, she deletes the message and doesn’t send anything. I guess maybe seeing that girl made her think she wasn’t really wrong after all.
And then, when she goes on the subway, Ali (Yusuf’s friend who got on his case for not monitoring his sister’s wardrobe) is there. He checks her out and is all, “I wasn’t lying (as in yesterday), you look so hot.” Who asked you. :( 
So Aisha goes to work and she’s annoyed, so Chanel says after work they should hang out at her place. Liya is at home and she apparently scored cheap plane tickets to Barcelona (I’m pretty sure that’s the city they’re talking about). Can. People. Please. Stop traveling to Spain without a vaccine. Chanel wants to go, but it coincides with her shift on Friday, so Aisha offers to do it for her. I really enjoy Chanel and Aisha’s interactions, I think the way they are there for each other is one of the best examples of #sorority I’ve seen on these shows. Like they’re not super close, ultimately they’re just co-workers, but Chanel is so perceptive and Aisha is quick to return the favor.
Then they talk about boysssss. They’re hanging out with this guy Emilio, who’s a friend of Chanel and Liya’s and apparently is always there. Chanel says she doesn’t want any commitment because she’s Cris Soto. Then they ask Aisha if she’s into anyone, and she’s all, “no,” but she’s clearly thinking of Emrah. She gives a bit of exposition, and explains that after he got out of jail, Emrah texted her. They’ve been hanging out since. 
The girls and Emilio are like, “hottt.” But Aisha says they’re not hooking up. So Emilio says Aisha is leading Emrah on, hanging out with him every day, but not committing to a relationship with him, and she should either drop Emrah and find someone else, or commit to him. Aisha protests that she’s not in love with Emrah or can be in love with him because he has bad values, but Emilio is unmoved.
Then when Aisha gets home, she texts Emrah about meeting the next day, with a smile on her face. So it looks like Emilio did get to her and she made up her mind to tell Emrah she like likes him.
In today’s episode, Aisha is studying at home, having trouble with some calculations. Yusuf just walks in, in true “family don’t knock” fashion. Aisha has to hide all her shit, because it’s clearly not law-related. 
But Yusuf has prepared breakfast and they get a really nice scene together. Yusuf is checking girls out on insta and asks Aisha for her opinion. Aisha’s like, “lower your standards.” Yusuf might have good values and a good job (not that they say what his job is, stifling me once again), but he’s a mommy’s boy, doesn’t know how to clean or cook. 
Yusuf is like, “how about this other girl?” And Aisha’s like, “you know that’s my co-worker Chanel! Leave her alone! She’s not looking for anything serious! Besides aren’t you seeing that girl from yesterday?” And Yusuf’s like, “just gotta make sure I find the right girl.” I’m on team Aisha here, it would make her job so awkward if things between her and Yusuf didn’t work out, and I like their friendship the way it is. Hoes before blood bros.
But anyway, Yusuf once again shows how proud he is of Aisha. He says that even though he can’t help her with her law studies, he’s there for Aisha any other way he can be. He’s on her side. #siblingsforever Noooo, it’s too sweet. 😭
Emrah finally texts Aisha back, and they agree to meet. Then Jamilah takes the first step in reconciling, and asks Aisha if she wants to hang out. This episode is seriously twisting the knife lol. Aisha says she has to study (GIRL), and then composes an apology, but finally sends something that doesn’t acknowledge the outburst.
I have to say that Emrah and Aisha’s actors have really nice chemistry. I started watching 17 ages ago, and Emrah’s actor was SUCH A WEENIE then, that I wasn’t sure how he was gonna fare as a LI. But they’re cute. They’re on a hill overlooking Oslo, and they point out different buildings. Emrah says he once went to a rooftop party and it was so lit. Aisha says she used to live in Tøyen (which wikipedia tells me is rife with social problems). Aisha misses it though, she says people minded their own business there compared to Stovner. I guess because it’s much closer to Oslo center, you know, where the Radisson Blu hotel is and so on. Like it’s easier to get lost in the city compared to Stovner. 
Emrah says that shouldn’t matter to her, since she’s going to be a big shot lawyer and get an amazing apartment. Aisha says she wants to be a judge, and Emrah says he always forgets, because both lawyers and judges are from the state. Technically correct! At that point he says he wants to give Aisha something and reached for his backpack, and I was like, “omg not a ring???”
No! He brought them Kinder eggs! Emrah and Aisha are lowkey such evak remakes. In episode 1, Emrah was caught in the bus without a ticket, and now the Kinder eggs, like Joana. Emrah says Kinder eggs are the best chocolate, because they’re chocolate and a toy! I fully agree, and I also agree that the best Kinder toys are the ones you have to build yourself, and the ready made ones suck. Emrah is full of great opinions today. 
Somehow the convo moves back to lawyers, and Emrah talks about his lawyer. Aisha gets quiet at that, and Emrah becomes annoyed. He says he’s done with that life now, but Aisha won’t believe him. He makes to leave, and this sucks so hard because Aisha wanted to confess yesterday! I know we’re barely into the season, but I want the resolution now! Anyway, Aisha asks him what she’s supposed to do, how can she be with him when she’s a law student and Emrah is such a handsome, handsome criminal. Emrah says he’s leaving because he has to wake up early for his job tomorrow. That’s right! He got a job, and he was excited to tell Aisha, but she had to ruin it! 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃
And just to hurt me a little more, when Aisha gets home, she finds that her parents bought her a law-themed travel coffee mug, because the other day she mentioned how she has to have a job because the coffee in campus is so expensive. Now she can bring it from home! It’s so sweet I want to make Aisha confess right there.
Aisha seems to have the same idea, because she goes to find Yusuf, who’s making himself pretty for a date. (I bet it’s with Chanel.) She clearly wants to confide in someone, but Yusuf’s on his way out. Aisha asks him repeatedly when he’ll be back, and Yusuf’s like, “lol who knows where the night might take me.” YUSUF PLS THIS IS NOT THE TIME. :( 
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the-lady-of-thorns · 4 years
On a crisp afternoon in Shirogane’s Ninth Ward, Amaterasu walked along the road from the ward’s markets to the estate of her free company, the Soul of the Sword. She was dressed in her tactical gear with her samurai sword on her side and her white hair pulled into a side ponytail. Walking next to her trying to keep in lock step was a child that was clearly a miniature version of her with red eyes and matching red markings on her face. She was dressed in her school uniform with a wooden samurai sword tied to her waist and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her crimson eyes were bright as she tried to imitate her mother’s serious face as they walked up to the gate of the company’s estate and through the courtyard into the house. As she walked into the main reception area with its open space of portraits on the marble trimmed walls and the main staircase leading up to the second floor, she looked around for anyone who could be nearby. From the upstairs kitchen, the smell of coffee wafted down and the sound of conversation was prevalent. Amaterasu gently gripped her daughter’s hand and climbed the stairs to the kitchen.
“Come on, Touka, let’s see if we can find someone,” Amaterasu said as she looked back to make sure her daughter didn’t lag behind since she was in a bit of a hurry.
The young girl’s ears flicked as she excitedly nodded; she loved coming to her mother’s second workplace since she wasn’t allowed near the Sekiseigumi Barracks in Kugane. The pair climbed the first flight of stairs and turned right to go up to the second floor and into the kitchen. As they crossed the threshold, Amaterasu smiled in relief as she saw the person she had hoped to seek out standing on the other side of the counter with a cup of coffee sitting in front of him. The Hrothgar was very well built despite the silver hair that graced his brow and chin that gave away his advanced age. Across from him on the stool was another elderly man with a rather suspicious looking mustache and who was dressed like he belonged in an estate working as a butler, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. On the counter next to him sat a bag with some tangerines in it. Amaterasu waved quickly to the pair and brought Touka in with her as she let go of the child’s hand and watched her climb onto a nearby stool.
“Afternoon Ragnard, I apologize for springing this on you, but could I ask you to keep an eye on Touka for a few...oh, is this a bad time?” she asked in her customary stoic tone.
The burly Hrothgar looked at Amaterasu and waved as he answered her with his cordial but booming voice. “Hello, young Amaterasu, and hello again young Touka! This isn’t a bad time at all for Ragnard. I have returned from my daily training and was just having a discussion with Mr. God here about my crusade to rid Ragnardia of the evil witches that seek to corrupt the children of the land. I’d be happy to make sure young Touka is watched over.”
Amaterasu looked at the other man Ragnard mentioned and studied him carefully. “God? As in a relation to Sela God?”
The Hyur Midlander practically leapt off the stool effortlessly, a feat that seemed impressively spry for a man of his years, and with an over the top flourish bowed to Amaterasu and Touka before standing and twirling an end of his suspiciously odd mustache. “I am indeed! Kazmir Eld Soto God, at your service Miss Amaterasu and Miss Touka.” He took note of Amaterasu’s attire and warily inched his way back to his seat and picked up his cup of coffee; hoping that his apprehension wasn’t noticed. “I just happened to stop by to bring Sweetie some tangerines and ran into the great ruler of Ragnardia; he and I were just talking about past exploits when we were younger men.”
Amaterasu stared at what she believed had to be a fake mustache and noticed his apprehension. She went to open her mouth to investigate further when her linkpearl chimed in and the sound of fighting could be heard on the other end. She looked at Ragnard and nodded as she tried to not show her concern for what she had just heard in her ear. “Thank you Ragnard; I’m sorry but I have to go.” She turned and looked at Touka and patted her head between her ears. “Behave. I’ll be back in a few hours.” She quickly strode out of the kitchen and ran down the stairs and out the estate door.
Touka blinked a moment before she hopped off the stool and turned her attention to Ragnard, Kazmir, and the tangerines. She pointed at them and smiled with a slightly mischievous grin as she spoke. “Can I have one of those?”
 Kazmir looked at the child and smiled back with an equally mischievous grin as he sensed an opportunity. “I suppose you could have one, or….,” he smirked as he looked at the wooden sword. “You could try and win one.”
Touka looked at him confused, tilting her head slightly as she narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you mean, Mr. Kazmir?”
“Call me Pops, little one,” the man said as he hopped off the stool while he picked up a tangerine and held it in his hand before he pointed toward her sword. “If you can land three strikes on me with that sword you have there, I’ll give you the tangerine. But..,” he made a large flourish of his arms and smirked as he made the tangerine disappear. “You have to find me first.” Suddenly a plume of smoke appeared and the man and the tangerine were gone. 
“Hey!” Touka said with a frown as she put her hands on her hips. She turned to Ragnard with a smirk and excitement in her tone. “My mom is the best samurai there is and I will be too. If he thinks he can hide, he’s wrong; I always find my friends when I play Hide and Seek.”
Ragnard grinned and nodded as he set his coffee down on the counter, impressed by the child’s confidence and eagerness for the challenge. He lifted her up and sat her on one of his broad shoulders and laughed. “Let’s go find him, young Touka! Ragnard is always up for a hunt; I used to hunt with my twelve children when they were younger and earned the title Ragnard the Hunter then. I taught each of them to be honorable fighters and to never suffer a witch to corrupt the young.”
Touka laughed as she was hoisted onto his shoulder and held on to his silver locks. As they walked out of the kitchen, the young girl ducked her head to avoid hitting the top of the door frame. Suddenly, Pops’ voice seemed to echo throughout the estate. 
“I taught my children how to hunt as well, Ragnard; but my children learned to wield magic as well as blades. They learned to train their minds as well as their bodies.”
Ragnard looked up at Touka and let out a scoff as he set her down to roam the second floor’s open space. He scanned the area looking for anything out of the ordinary with a predatory gaze; clearly taking the game somewhat seriously. He noticed an out of place planter that seemed to have what looked like several small tangerines on it in between a pair of large red Hingan chairs. He pointed to the planter and crouched down to Touka and whispered as though the pair were actually hunting. 
“I shall gain his attention, young Touka, you strike from behind.” 
Touka nodded and ran down and back up the other side of the stairs and came around from behind with her wooden sword drawn as if she were an actual samurai. Ragnard strode up and looked at the planter with his large paws on his hips and let out a booming and taunting laugh. “You should have done a better job if your best is to make yourself look like a plant.” As he finished speaking, Touka took a swipe at the planter and spun like a top as the wooden sword would only slice air as the illusion of the planter disappeared.
“You will have to try harder than that if you think I am that easy to find Ragnard. You see, I taught my children to be quick as well as smart. We Gods have travelled the world, and we are masters of disguise; but I will make this one easy since it’s Touka’s first time playing this game.” 
Ragnard watched as the Hingan chair behind Touka moved and Kazmir seemed to jump out and appear from it. The elder Midlander went to tap Touka on the shoulder with the tangerine still in his hand, but the girl seemed to sense his presence as she wheeled around and whacked him on the side of the thigh with her wooden sword.
“Ha, got you Pops! That’s one; two more to go.” She turned around and looked at Ragnard and beamed. “This is fun!”
Ragnard laughed at Touka and pointed to Kazmir. “You gave up too easily; Kazmir! Next time make sure that you don’t quit.” The Hrothgar looked at Touka and puffed up his chest. “Learn this lesson from Ragnard well, young Touka; never quit before the contest is over and always fight harder.”
Kazmir grabbed his thigh and attempted to rub the stinging sensation out of it as the child had quite good form and had hit him dead on a nerve. He composed himself and looked at Ragnard as he smirked and twirled his suspiciously odd mustache. “The fun has just begun Ragnard. You do recall my penchant for dirty tricks right?”
Before Ragnard could even answer, the elder God snapped his fingers and both he and Ragnard disappeared! Touka looked around in bewilderment at what had just happened before she shouted throughout the estate. “That was awesome! But I’m still going to find you both; I’m the best Hide and Seek player in all of Hingashi!”
A playful chuckle from the Midlander rang throughout the estate as the only response to her boast. It was followed by a banging sound and muffled displeasure. Touka jumped at the sound in nervousness at first before letting out a slow breath. She gripped her wooden sword and narrowed her eyes as she made her way downstairs. She moved like a small samurai as she emulated the way she had seen her mother move during their training together. As her feet hit the floor of the foyer, she looked around for anything that looked different from the times she had visited before. Suddenly, the loud banging sound rang out again from her right where the company’s trophy room was located. She quietly crept to the doorway of the trophy room and peered inside.
The room was full of various trophies and awards from the company’s ventures and commendations for their service. The last time the child visited there were fewer trophies; clearly the company had been busy in the time between then and now. Touka raised her wooden sword, ready to strike at anything that caught her eye as a moving target. Slowly she made her way into the room and noticed the couch had new cushion covers and pillows on it. For a brief moment, she thought about how fun it would be to jump on the couch with no one around to stop her before she shook the thought from her mind.
“Maybe later,” Touka said to herself. As she got near one of the trophies, the sound of a bottle falling on the table behind her made her turn around. She glanced at the overturned bottle and looked around to find an empty room. She stood there silently a moment before an idea occurred to her. She lowered her sword and smiled mischievously as she tucked her sword into her waist. “Well, since you and Ragnard are now hiding, there really isn’t anyone to stop me from just getting a tangerine from the bag now is there?”
A silence seemed to fall over the house for a moment as Touka stood there. A slight creaking of a stair got the girl’s attention and she ran out of the room and up the stairs to the kitchen. As she crossed the threshold into the kitchen, she saw Kazmir with his back turned holding the bag of tangerines. As it appeared that he was unaware of her presence, Touka quickly took out her wooden sword and took a swipe at the man’s other thigh. As she did, he disappeared along with the tangerines.
“Very clever, Touka! For that, I will give you the tangerine,” Kazmir’s voice said as it rang out throughout the house as a tangerine appeared over the child’s head. Touka quickly tucked the sword away as the fruit bounced off her head gently and landed in her hands. “However, the game has changed. Now you will have to find Ragnard!” 
“What?! Hey, that’s not fair changing the rules,” Touka protested.
“Who said life is fair, little one? Learn to adapt,” Kazmir’s voice replied gleefully.
Touka frowned before lifting her chin in defiance. “Fine! I’m the best Seeker in Hingashi! I’ll find Ragnard and then eat this tangerine.” She sat the fruit down on the counter and returned downstairs to hear the sound of banging once more, but this time it came with the sound of a door closing. Touka looked just in time to see the front door of the estate close and bolted for the door without a second thought. 
Once outside, the girl’s ears flicked as she listened for anything that would give away the location of her quarry. She kept her wooden sword at the ready, standing on the front porch of the estate. As she looked about, a splashing sound from the fountain in the courtyard caught her attention. She slowly moved towards the fountain, only to see the koi fish swimming. She put her sword down by her side and giggled.
“Cool fish! I wonder when they got these?”
A small clinking sound caught her ears and caused her to look towards the gazebo behind her. On the table under the lush greenery with pink flowers that hung from the top of the gazebo sat a teapot and some cups and a small globe with a figurine in it. As she neared the table, Touka realized that the figurine in the globe was the source of the clinking sound. She walked up to the table and leaned her sword against it as she reached for the globe. As she did, Kazmir appeared in the chair next to her with his legs crossed at the knees as he fiddled with his obviously false mustache. His clothes looked a bit wet as though he had been submerged in water.
“And so you have found Ragnard; very good. You are as good of a seeker as you claim to be; but how will you get him out?” The elder God’s eyes seem to gleam with curiosity to see if the child could figure out the answer to the puzzle he placed in front of her.
Touka looked at the orb in her hand and saw a very small and very animated Ragnard. It was clear from his movements that he was upset, even though she couldn’t make out what he was saying despite the fact that his lips were moving. She looked at Kazmir and then back at the orb, perplexed by the question as she tried to figure out the solution.
“I could smash the orb, but it might hurt him if I do. Even if it doesn’t, you shrunk him; you have to fix it.”     Kazmir’s eyes lit up with intrigue at how quickly the girl seemed to be on the right track. “Very true, but what makes you think that I will fix it? I don’t have a reason to change Ragnard back,” he said with a smug look as he poured himself some tea.
Touka kept the orb in one hand and picked up her sword in the other, as she internally panicked. She knew that if her mother came back to find Ragnard in that state she would be upset and probably not let Touka be babysat at the estate again. She pointed the end of it at the elder God and and with her best impersonation of her mother’s stoic behavior said, “If you don’t change him back, I’ll….I’ll….I’ll take him to the med ward and let them fix Ragnard! They’ll help me and you will be sorry for messing with Ragnard!” 
The Midlander man laughed and casually waved his hand. “Little miss, by the time you do that I’ll be long gone; so threats don’t scare me.” In truth, the man’s words were false. He knew that if his granddaughter found out about his lesson that word would quickly spread back to the one person in the family he didn’t want to find out about his trick on Ragnard: his wife.
Touka grew frustrated as she heard the clinking from Ragnard within the orb grow more frequent. She took a deep breath and with a surprisingly respectful tone looked at Kazmir and bowed. “Mr. God, please put Ragnard back the way he was.” She set the orb in front of the man and stepped back.
Kazmir watched the child as he sipped his tea. A smile of approval spread across his lips and he snapped his fingers. In an instant the orb disappeared and Ragnard unceremoniously landed on his backside in the water of the fountain as he reappeared. He quickly got up and ran toward Kazmir ready to fight him. Touka saw how angry Ragnard was and moved to the other side of the table out of the way.
“Witchcraft! You would try to corrupt this child! I will fight you here and now,” Ragnard growled as he drew his fist back. 
As he did, Amaterasu walked through the gate and took in the scene with calm reservation. “What is going on here?”    
Touka came around the table and ran straight for her mother. “Ragnard and Mr. God were teaching me how to hunt by playing Hide and Seek; but they…”
“Ended up teaching the little samurai a couple of lessons,” the Midlander replied as he quickly disappeared in a puff of smoke before reappearing behind the pair. “Ragnard was kind enough to demonstrate why one should never give up on a fight.” He turned to Touka and placed his hands on his hips and smiled as he looked down at the child. “What else did you learn?”
The girl’s ears flicked a moment as she thought. Amaterasu looked at Ragnard, who had relaxed his position and stood in the gazebo with his arms folded over his massive chest as he seemed to give Kazmir an angry glare. As Amaterasu went to say something, Touka looked up at Kazmir and spoke as though a moment of enlightenment had hit her.
“You must know when to be humble and ask for help; you can’t do everything by yourself,” she said thoughtfully. She looked at her mother to explain further. “I was boasting about being the best seeker in Hingashi, but Mr. God played a trick on Ragnard to make it so I had to really look for him. When I did, I had to figure out how to make Ragnard himself again, but I couldn’t. I had to be humble and ask for Mr. God’s help to fix Ragnard.”
Amaterasu stood quietly with her hands on her hips and listened to her child. A smile spread across her face as she looked at Touka. “While I don’t approve of how it was done, it’s good you learned this lesson. There are times where we can’t do something and have to be willing to ask for help; it was good that you recognized this. It will be something you see others struggle with as you go through life; so be proud you learned this.”
Kazmir twirled his suspicious mustache one too many times as it fell off into his hand. He quickly palmed it and waved with an embarrassed smile. “Well, uh, I should really get going; tell Sweetie that I came by won’t you?” Before anyone could say anything in response, the elder God disappeared in a puff of smoke.
 Amaterasu looked at Touka and gently patted her head before she turned her attention to Ragnard as he shook his head in annoyance at the quick escape of his desired adversary. The large hrothgar grumbled as he started toward the estate before he picked Touka up and put her on his shoulders. “Come young Touka, young Amaterasu; let’s go enjoy the spoils of our hunt. I believe there is a bag of tangerines with your name on it.” 
Amaterasu nodded and followed the pair inside as Touka held her hands up to tap the frame of the estate’s front door. She giggled as she ducked and rode on the shoulders of Ragnard the Hunted.   
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thehollowprince · 5 years
Skamverse / Parallel Universes / O Helga Natt / Theory of Evolution / Best Buds / Be Kind always / Kattehooker for skam ask :)
Skamverse - who is your favorite character from the entire universe?
Oh, that's a lot of characters to choose from. If I had to pick one and only one, just based on them as a character, it would have to be... that random classmate of Isak's who had such a hangover from the weekend on that Wednesday.
Out of the main characters... I don't know. I like them all for different reasons. Maybe Martino, because I relate to him the most?
Parallel Universes - what character in the entire universe do you relate to the most?
Martino Rametta, hands down. From him living with his mother to trying to avoid his problems by just ignoring them in the hopes that they'll eventually go away, he handled a lot of things in the same way that I would have.
I also relate to Matteo a lot.
O Helga Natt - favorite change a remake made?
Having Martino live with his mother. Or just SKAM Italia in general having the mains live with their family as opposed to sharing an apartment. I don't know how it is in Europe, but its very rare for children to live away from their parents here in the States. Having Marti and Ele in particular live with their families offered a new dynamic to the whole thing, rather than just a nosy roommate.
And while we're at it, WTFOCK doing away with the bullshit London storyline. Here's hoping they don't invent trouble for Zoë and Senne this season instead of just letting them be happy for a little.
Theory of Evolution - least favorite change a remake made?
Cris Soto from SKAM España.
I couldn't actually get into España all that much, despite trying, but how they adapted Cris from Chris irked me. Not the fact that they made her bisexual or gave her a girlfriend, but the fact that the Chris character is supposed to be fat. They had the chance to do something completely unique to all the remakes and instead they chose to just take Isak's/Lucas' storyline and give it to her, without any of the stuff that Chris from the OG dealt with. It would have been so refreshing to see an overweight character, either by having them deal with some kind of eating disorder or having them be body positive and telling others to fuck off.
Also, the fact that my boy Lucas VDH did get his season! How is a network going to pick up and remake a show but not at least go through the original four seasons?
Best Buds - best dynamic between characters across the remakes?
Marti and Gio. The entirety of the Contrabbandieri, if we're being honest. This group felt like they had been friends for years before the show started and I loved their entire dynamic, from Gio and Elia exchanging looks when Marti was acting weird to Marti trying to help Luchino get the girl, to Gio being willing to throw down at a moments notice in defense of his friends.
Be Kind Always - unpopular opinion about Skam?
I've ready stated an unpopular opinion about the Skam fandom, but in regards to the show itself...
Probably the fact that the story presents them all as living happily ever after. Not that there's anything wrong with that, because we all know that real life sucks balls, but for a show grounded in realism, the fact that all of these characters get over their traumas so quickly feels like some kind of propaganda. Like... "all you need is love and all your problems will go away".
No! I don't except that. Yes, finding love does make it easier to bear, but it doesn't erase the trauma of things that have happened to you. It doesn't make mental illness go away. As much as I enjoy the message that you are capable of being loved no matter how damaged you think you are, that doesn't go away. I want a continued message that tells people that live makes it easier but your mental illness is still there, your trauma is still there, and it doesn't make you lesser. You're not broken or defective, you're human and love isn't going to make all of this go away.
I feel like I could be working this so much better but I want shows like this to give people the message that it's fine of they have something like BPD or Bipolar disorder, but that it doesn't disappear once you've declared your love to someone.
Kattehooker - favorite boy squad member?
Gio, as previously discussed, he is the Ultimate Friend and totally willing to throw down for his friends at any moment in time, even when he's trying to enjoy his espresso.
Aside from Gio, Arthur is another who seems ride-or-die. Same with Tyler. I know a lot of people didn't like him on Austin, but the way he stood up for Shay at the drop of a hat, of the buffer he tried to be between her and Megan was commendable.
Send me more!
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zitrolena · 5 years
What’s meant to be will always find a way (7/7)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: On our own
So guys, this is the last chapter of the fic and I’m really happy that some of you liked it and commented on it and sent me asks about it - It all has been pretty amazing and it made me want to keep on writing and it's actually the first longer story I finished, and that's all because of you, so thanks! :) Hope you like it!!
~ As you awaken, you will come to understand that the journey of love isn't about finding "The One". The journey of love is about becoming "The One" - Creig Crippen ~
It’s Friday night and she’s alone in her room, laying on her bed, hugging the same pillow that she has been hugging for the past 2 days. It’s crazy how many ways there are to miss someone. You miss the closeness you had with them. The calmness or the heat that they caused in you. You miss what they said and did and how they made you feel. You miss the way they’ve loved you. But you also miss the way you’ve been with them; because of them; for them. The way they let you love them. And right now Cris misses Joana with everything she is.
It’s weird how when love is lost, some people lose themselves as well, because they do not know who they are without the other person. But it’s exactly the fact that we think that we are defined by our environment that we do not realize that we often don’t know who we are on our own. And deep inside some people think that they need someone else to show them who they are. But nobody really tells you that loving someone isn’t always the right way to find yourself. And just like knowing that people love you isn’t always enough, loving people isn’t enough either, if none of your love is directed at yourself.
And then you’re left realizing that wanting isn’t the same as having and having isn’t the same as needing and needing isn’t the same as loving and it’s all just a big mess of emotions no one really understands.
And sometimes you lose yourself. Without any special reason or trigger or warning and it is on you to find yourself again. But no one teaches you how to do that and nobody really explains to you that it’s something you actively have to work for – At least for Cris. The hardest part of it all is that you have to choose for yourself if you want to change or learn to love yourself the way you are.
‘Love shouldn’t need to be fixed’ Joanas words still echo in Cris’ mind, swallowing her whole when she’s trying to fall asleep. The letters spreading a bitter taste when she eats. Causing her chest to ache whenever she breaths. She doesn’t want her to be right.
She’s writing in her journal, something therapeutic she had started during her travels, when she gets a notification on her phone. She looks at it, her eyes heavy from the lack of sleep and all the crying; so, she squeezes her eyes together so she can read the text.
“Dear Cristina Soto Peña,
You attended the online entrance examination for Psychology 2 weeks ago and we’re happy to inform you that you achieved to be under the top 500 and we’re looking forward to have you as a new student at our university.
A warm heat rises inside Cris and her whole body shakes as she feels like a living being for the first time in two days. And in this moment the first thing in Cris’ mind is Joana and how everything inside her wants to tell her the good news. 
Maybe that’s then thing about love: That you want them with you when you’re happy because being with them, makes you even happier than you are alone. That it’s not only about being there for each other through the good, the bad and the worst times; but also the best. That you want that specific person next to you when everything is right. 
Cris wants Joana near her, wants to tell her the news and tell her that she loves her over and over and over; making up for all the times she has missed saying it while she was away. She misses saying it; just as much as she misses hearing it back.
Cris studied for the admission test when she was still in India; sitting in the hostel room with the fan on, studying while the other ones went out to party. She decided that it was worth fighting for. So she worked to get in, and now she did. She earned it because she fought for it.
In a fast motion she rips out a page of her journal and searches for a lighter to burn the edges; making it look like all the letters Joana had sent her in the past. And then her mind goes completely still as the pen touches the paper and her heart speaks for her; it’s messy and confusing and repetitious but it’s everything she is.
Dear Madame Joana,
You said love shouldn’t need fixing and maybe you’re right about that. Love shouldn’t be about damage control, but it’s okay when love needs fighting. Love is the only thing worth fighting for. And I don’t mean that only in the romantic sense but overall. If you want to get into university, you study hard for it. If you want to achieve something, you work for it. If you love someone you need to show them how much.
Fighting for you is no different. The whole concept of fighting for something is the belief that they are worth the possible suffering. And you’re worth everything. 
I can’t give you an explanation that will make all this okay. I didn’t leave because someone pressured me to. I didn’t miss to call you because a monkey stole your phone number. I didn’t have a near-death-experience that made me come back. I know I hurt you, and even if I never meant to do that, I have to make peace with the fact that I did. All I can tell you now is that I’m sorry. And I hope one day you’ll forgive me, because you deserve it. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I’m so happy that you’re good; that your life is on track. You started studying and moved out and are such an adult, it’s crazy amazing. You’re the strongest person I know, Joana, and I’m working on being just as strong.
Do you remember when we talked about our wishes for our future and I couldn’t really answer it? It took me a while to understand that you should want things; I was always so scared to want anything, accepting that I want you was so much harder than it’s supposed to be. But life is nothing without wanting things. And well, I have a list for the things I want to achieve and I’m working on fulfilling one of the tasks right now.
I went on travels in search of me, I thought I would find the answers to things I couldn’t find here. I was lost and I didn’t know who I was or who I wanted to be. I thought that I would find the answer if I searched for it long enough and got out of my comfort zone. I wanted a clear answer to who I am.
But now I know that there’s not just one answer. I was different before, I changed during my travels, and I’m still changing. I am not just one thing. I am a million things in one body. I am daughter and a sister. I am a friend. I am a will-be student. I am a party-girl and I am a couch-potato. I’m confused, and I’m certain.  I am strong and I am weak. I’m a good person that sometimes does stupid things. I make mistakes and sometimes I make up for them. I am an asshole and an idiot. I am bisexual. I am a paradox, and I’m easy to relate to. I am a fighter and I am pussy. I’m a girl in search of herself. And I am a girl in love.
I read so many articles on how to get your ex back, you’d actually make fun of me for it, and I’m breaking all the rules. They say that I should give you time to breath. I should try to make you jealous and show you how happy I am. I shouldn’t talk about how much I missed you and I shouldn’t talk about getting back together right away. And most importantly, I should not be clingy; and I should wait for you to want me again. But I can’t. I can’t wait. I’m so desperate for you.
And I know you may think that I only want you back because I’ve never been with anyone else or because I am lonely or that I want you back so I can forgive myself for what I did. But I don’t.. I want you back because I love you and I want you back because it’s the only thing that makes sense and I want you because no matter where I went my heart was with you. And I want you because it’s you and I want us because it’s us.
I missed you so much; I spend every Sunday morning with you even though you weren’t there. I walked around wherever I was, imagining being in our park and talking to you like we always did. I told you about my fears and I dreamed that you were less fearful than I was, telling me to face my fears and not run from them. You were with me; then and every single day.
And I want to tell you so many things.
I want to talk to you about the memories I made and what weird things made me think of you; like the fact that a German asked for oregano and the waiter had no idea what it is.
And I want to tell you of the time I screamed your name from the top of a mountain at sunrise and I felt like it reached you.
And I want to tell you that the way I miss you, hurts in my whole body, but I survive it.
And I want to tell you that you smell the same like all those months ago and that our bodies fit together like a key into a lock.
And I want to tell you that I missed my favorite place and that I want to hold you and I want to lean back into your arms, knowing that you’ll catch me.
And I want to tell you that the idea of spending my Sunday morning in Madrid without you instead of strolling around in the park together, is ripping me apart, but I understand if you need time.
And I want to tell you that I love you and that it’s something that makes my tongue tingle out of excitement as if we just met.
And I want to tell you that I want you, every day and that wanting you is my favorite thing.
I spend 15 months travelling, meeting people from all over the world and the only person I ever wanted is you. If nothing means anything, then that does. We’ve loved with a love that is more than love. I can’t explain it, but If someone understands, then it’s you. And if you ever decide to trust me again, I know we’ll be stronger than ever.
I love you. I’m in love with you. Both. Everything. I feel everything for you. I get why it’s hard to trust me again and I will fight for you and prove to you that I mean it every day in every possible way.  
I love you and I won’t give up cause we are worth fighting for.
Yours forever,
It’s Sunday morning and Cris is in the park as if she had never left. The sun is throwing shades behind her body, keeping her company. She’s lurking around, looking at the trees around her, notices how the leaves fall off them, like children letting go of the hands of their parents on their first day of school. She’s strolling up and down the little hill; the wind touching her face, showing her that she’s alive. She walks underneath the bridge, the tunnel as she calls it, where they had that big fight at and where they also kissed 5 weeks after that in public to make up for that. All the memories are a blur and still everything is so clear.
She remembers how the whole ritual in the park started; the way Joana explained to her why it became her favorite place. Her second favorite place after she met Cris; Cris’ arms becoming her favorite place after a while. Cris recalls how important it was for Joana that Cris liked it too, just like Joana liked Cris’ roof.
When they went there together for the first time, arriving and leaving together, Joana showed her the tree she sat down under after she had her first doctors appointment after they moved to Madrid. How everything suddenly was okay.
It became their place from then on, spending Sunday mornings there together and sitting under the tree, body on body, talking about nothing and everything.
Cris touches the giant tree and leans onto it, wondering if trees ever wish they could leave and if they would if they could. And then she looks up and sees her and everything inside her goes numb. Joana looks even more vulnerable and tiny from far away; holding herself as she walks down the hill, her hair loosely falling around her cheeks. And then she looks up and they lock eyes from the other side of the park, the tunnel being the only thing separating them.
The thing about tunnels is that what you see depends on where you’re standing; and from what angle you’re looking at it. If you’re standing right next to the tunnel, it looks like a blockade; something that cuts the street, separating it forever. But when you take 3 steps to the side.. and you stand right infront of it.. you realize that you can look through it.  You see the continuation of the way, the thing that you didn’t even know could exist.
And right this second, Cris and Joana are both standing at the beginning of the tunnel, seeing each other from the other side. Time is dragging so slowly, and everything’s blurry and dreamlike.
Their eyes are fixated on each other drawing their bodies closer and closer; both of them equally scared and sure; until they are standing right in front of each other. Right underneath the bridge of the tunnel. Cris’ breathing speeds up and her fingers start tingling.
“Hey”. Joanas voice is soft and her eyes vulnerable, reminding Cris of the last time that she went to Joanas place, when so many things were still unsaid. Joana wasn’t ready then, and maybe she isn’t yet either, but she’s here, and that’s what matters. Joana tries to focus on the warmth of her shoulders and not her heartbeat going crazy. Anything to keep her centered and stop her from biting on her nails.
“Hi”, Cris’ voice breaks and her neck is hot, aching to get closer to the girl in front of her. Her mouth is delicately opened, too overwhelmed with feelings to fully close it. Her legs feel wobbly but her mind is clear.
For a moment, neither of them speaks. And when Cris opens her mouth again, she doesn’t even know what she’s about to say, before the words slip out of her tongue. “You’re here”, she breaths out, not fully processing anything but the heat in her chest warming her whole body.
Joana wears a warm smile on her face, the kind that Cris only gets so see, when Joana fully lets her guard down. And her hazel eyes are looking right at her, the sunlight shining on her face, making her whole face glow like a light in the dark. “You’re back”, Joana mouths.
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nicolasnelson · 5 years
skam españa??
the first character i ever fell in love with:Eva. I could relate to her so much, and I really loved her friendship with Lucas.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:Cristian. I thought he would be a good option for Eva in the beginning, but he proved himself unworthy of her.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:Jorge/Lucas
my ultimate favorite character™:Cris Soto. They’ve really done so well with her in Season 2. I feel like I really know her, and can relate to her journey a lot (though I’m definitely not one to party lol)
prettiest character:Joana Bianchi. She is perfection, and I really dig her hair.
my most hated character:Viri. She’s one of the most annoying Vildes imo. I think it’s because she’s a lot more intense and socially awkward. And she gives such a judgy look. I feel so scrutinized watching her lol
my OTP:Crisana
my NOTP:Viri/Alejandro
favorite episode:2.06 “Are You a Lesbian?” This episode was perfection. I really enjoyed Cris and Joana’s days together, the party where Cris came out as bisexual to her friends, and just how wonderfully Joana got along with Cris’s friends. I even liked the last part where Joana disappears after saying “I love you.” It has such dramatic impact, and I’m really interested to find out what’s going on with Joana.
saddest death:Thankfully none
favorite season:Season 1 and 2. You can’t make me choose!
least favorite season:None. I love them both.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:Viri? I don’t know. Do people love her?
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:Joana. Not that I think she’s actual trash, but she has been hot and cold (just like Even is supposed to be), and I still love her regardless. Even if it turns out she’s up to something shady lol
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:Lucas Rubio!!! And also Amira Naybet. They’re both wonderful and accepting and too precious for this world.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:None
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:Nora/Alejandro
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