#sour tour packs
livfolkys · 2 years
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olivia rodrigo sour tour icons
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oliviarodrigostan · 2 years
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chrissv4mp · 11 days
trying to figure out a way to incorporate sabrina into my new liv one-shot .....
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oliviaoty · 2 years
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call-to-the-wyatt · 2 years
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< pics of Olivia from SOUR tour 3
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coconut-dreamz · 3 months
you're losing me
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'how long can we be a sad song' || tom blyth x reader
part two
a/n: i felt angsty and i love this song so i wanted to write something based off of it
you say, "i don't understand, " and i say, "i know you don't" we thought a cure would come through in time, now i fear it won't
the fights felt as if they were never ending lately. it hadn't always been this way, but that felt like a lifetime ago. the problems had started when tom began filming for tbosas but they had ceased when filming for it wrapped. but your relationship wasn't the same as it was before. now it was time for promotions and the fights had started up once again.
"i don't understand! why do we keep having to have this fight over and over again!" tom shouted. you scoff in disbelief at his outburst. he didn't know why you felt so insecure and jealous? it wasn't like you had told him at least a dozen times before.
"you know what, just go on your tour alone. i don't want to ruin it with our fighting." you resign, taking your already packed suitcase back into the apartment, away from the door. "you should go, the cab's waiting." you tell him quietly, unable to look up from the ground.
he just sighs, "alright, i'll see you in a few weeks." staring at you, waiting for you to look up at him. " have a safe flight," you look up at him, but refuse to meet his eyes. he just thanks you and heads out the door.
remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
you sat in the dark room of your shared apartment with tom. you had picked it because of the view of the city lights, but now it just felt cold and desolate, like nobody lived here. in all honesty, it hadn't been lived in for awhile. with tom gone for movie promotions, you hadn't been able to be here alone, opting to stay with a friend instead.
you don't know where to go from here. should you salvage what remained of your relationship with tom? or should you scrap everything and start new?
the latter choice had been seeming more and more appealing as of late. you hadn't heard from tom in days. at first you chalked it up to him being busy and the time difference, but you saw he posted a new croissant review and realized he was ignoring you. where had it all gone wrong?
i'm getting tired even for a phoenix always risin' from the ashes mendin' all her gashes you might just have dealt the final blow
you had made the mistake of watching one of tom's latest interviews with his costar rachel. you watched it because you'd missed him, but now that you'd watched it, you wished you just stayed missing him. you didn't miss the way they looked at each other. it'd been so long since you'd looked at each other like that. your eyes were always filled with rage or tears whenever you saw him lately.
you were just so tired of it all. you contemplated texting him and breaking things off. it'd be a whole lot easier that way. maybe the weight on your chest would be lifted. but a part of you didn't want to let go of him. he'd been your everything once.
stop, you're losin' me i can't find a pulse my heart won't start anymore for you 'cause you're losin' me
"how are you baby?" tom asks, his voice cutting through the silence, breaking you out of your reverie. he managed to find some time to call you while on his press tour. "huh? oh, i'm fine. how are you? how's press tour going?" you ask absentmindedly, hearing you ask about tour sparked a light in tom's eyes. he started rambling about the antics he and his cast mates had been up to.
you smiled fondly hearing him talk, until he mentioned rachel. she'd been a sore spot in your relationship lately. the mere mention of her name left a sour taste in your mouth. the grin on your face immediately swept off.
"it's getting late, i think i'm gonna go to bed. i hope the rest of your tour goes well," you fake a smile, trying to hurry to end the facetime call. "oh, i guess it is late over there. i love you, sleep well.” he bids you a goodnight. "love you," you reply and end the call. you bury yourself in your blankets, tired of the emotional turmoil that was caused by your relationship lately.
every mornin', i glared at you with storms in my eyes how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'? i sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick my face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick
you'd lost the glow your skin once had. it'd became increasingly noticeable to those around you. your makeup artist had to try harder to make it less noticeable on red carpets and photo shoots. but it was all in vain, everyone noticed how you'd looked sickly lately, everyone but tom.
or, if he did, he didn't mention anything about it. "you look great." he complimented as you two climbed into the car that was to take you to the premiere of his film. it had taken your makeup artist a lot longer than usual to do your makeup, having to cover up the blemishes and gray tone of your skin from the lack of care you'd given yourself lately. you’d been opting to lay around in bed, moping.
"thanks," you mutter as the car begins to move. you picked at your nails, something you'd picked up lately to help deal with your nerves. you no longer could have any type of nails, you'd bit them down to nubs lately. but tom didn't seem to have noticed. he didn't seem to notice anything about you lately.
and the air is thick with loss and indecision i know my pain is such an imposition now, you're runnin' down the hallway and you know what they all say you don't know what you got until it's gone
"stop! where are you going?" shit. you stop dead in your tracks, tom was home early for once. you'd thought he wouldn't back for another day or two. "did you hear me?" he makes his way in front of you. you try avoiding his gaze, but it was difficult when his icy blue eyes stared into your soul.
you tried to formulate the words to tell him it was over. "i'm leaving." you finally managed to say. his concerned eyes turn frantic at your words. "what?" he whispers out, grabbing your hand. "you're leaving? why?" you take a breath, you tried leaving when he was gone because you couldn't face him. "things haven't been the same lately. i think we need a break. i'm going to stay with a friend. i'll come back for the rest of my things later. i think it's best if we don't talk for awhile." you manage out, finally meeting his eyes.
what a mistake. his previously concerned eyes were now filled with sadness. you tried moving past him to your car. he grabs your hand one more time, "can you at least tell me what's wrong?" you sigh hearing this, "i think you know why, tom." is all you answer, dragging your suitcase behind you.
how long could we be a sad song 'til we were too far gone to bring back to life? i gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy and all i did was bleed as i tried to be the bravest soldier fighting in only your army frontlines , don't you ignore me
it'd been a few weeks since you'd moved out of your shared apartment with tom. you felt relieved when you had finally walked out of the apartment. it had been feeling less like a home and more like a prison lately. you felt stuck in time in there. everyone around you was moving forward their lives, your friends, family and especially tom, but there you were. stuck waiting around for tom to give you the time of day.
you'd spend too long waiting around for your relationship to go back to how it once was. you'd given that relationship your all but got the bare minimum back in return. you should've called time of death on it months ago, but a big part of you wasn't ready to let go. you had spent your best years with him after all.
and i wouldn't marry me either a pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her
you and tom used to talk about the future all the time. laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling and giggling about your thoughts on what the future had in store. you told him about your dream wedding and he told you about how he wanted a cozy home with a big yard for your future children.
but that seemed so far in the past. you suppose he changed his mind. who'd want to marry a person who'd give every piece of themselves for someone who won't even bat an eye at them? you'd given him your all in the last year of your relationship, but had gotten nothing in return. all in an attempt to bring back what you both once had.
and i'm fadin', thinkin' "do something, babe, say something" "lose something, babe, risk something" "choose something, babe, i got nothing to believe unless you're choosin' me"
you laid in the makeshift bed of your friend’s studio apartment waiting for tom to reach out. you were aware of what you had told him, but you wanted to see if he truly did care about your relationship.
it hurt to see him happy on set of billy the kid. you followed his castmates and it hurt to see the snippets of him on their stories. he looked so happy and carefree. the exact opposite of how you were feeling and probably looked.
you hoped he was just respecting your wishes of having no contact for a few weeks, but the small voice in the back of your mind was screaming that he didn't care. that he was happier without you, that he was better off now that you were gone.
you're losin' me stop, you're losin' me stop, you're losin' me i can't find a pulse my heart won't start anymore
a constant buzzing woke you up from your deep sleep. you blindly search for your phone. when you find it, the clock shows that it's exactly 12 in the morning. you hit answer without looking at the contact. "hello?" you answer, your voice raspy from lack of use.
"love? it's me, tom. it's been exactly 6 weeks like you said. can we finally talk?"
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ashwhowrites · 4 months
Older! Rockstar! Eddie Munson x Rockstar! Reader, what if they have to do like a tour together, and they realize that they hate each other, like hate to share the stage, hate to spend time together, until the two of them end up hooking up after some drinks at some bar, then, they find each other being like all nervous with each other, because of what happened and bc they're catching feelings, but they hate each other, right? (You can write a tiny bit of angst for the "hate" part, smut and fluff!)
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! I had a lot of fun with this 🫶🏻 thank you for requesting
We got angst, we got smut and we got fluff
Rockstar love
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Y/N was excited as hell when her manager, Samantha, told her she had a summer tour lined up. Y/N was a small independent artist and she couldn't headline a tour on her own, she was grateful for the opportunity to be an opener for one of the biggest artists in the industry, Eddie Munson.
She loved his music and she loved his style. Their writing dynamic was very similar and their music blended well. Even Eddie's manager couldn't pick a better person to open for him.
So Y/N was all packed up and ready for the summer of her life, on tour with someone that she admired. She couldn't possibly think of one bad thing to change her mind.
Well, that was until she met Eddie.
"Hi! I'm Y/N, I'm so ex-" Her introduction was cut off when Eddie's painted nails waved in her face.
"I know, baby. You are so excited to finally meet me, and you're my biggest fan. But I'm in a rush, so why don't you just give me your number and I'll call you tonight?" His smirk was so confident and smug. She couldn't believe he was this conceited.
She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Is that how you talk to women?"
Eddie blinked at her aggressive tone but shook it off. "Women? Nah, that's how I talk to my girl of the night. So interested or not? Like I said I'm in a rush for a meeting." He checked his watch, knowing he was meant to meet whoever his opener was going to be for his tour.
"Not. Nice to meet you, asshole." She gagged and walked off.
This summer started a whole lot worse than she thought.
"Eddie! Glad you made it!" Samantha said with a big smile, no idea Y/N already had a run-in with the man of the hour.
"I'd like you to meet Y/N, she'll be your opener for the tour!" Eddie's eyes switched over to the girl that sat at the table. He choked a little on his spit when he realized it was the girl from outside the building.
"Oh shit, you're my opener?" Eddie asked. He did not make a good first impression.
"I know, baby. You are so excited to finally meet me, but I'm in a rush so can we sign the contract and get a move on?" Y/N said, his words leaving her tongue in a sassy way that Eddie couldn't help but like and hate.
Eddie sent a glare her way but signed the papers.
After the meeting, Y/N was quick to leave. Eddie ran out after her, an apology on his tongue.
"Hey, look, I'm sorry for how I talked to you. Can I make it up to you? Maybe dinner?" Eddie asked, a hopeful smile on his face.
Y/N debated for a while but figured making amends might be better for the summer ahead.
"Dinner is good."
Y/N applied the final touch of her lipstick before she walked out of the small hotel room. Eddie's room across from her. She knocked on the door, waited, and waited.
She huffed when she checked the time and realized she'd been outside his door for five minutes. She gave up and went back into her room, figuring she'd just wait there until he came to her.
But he never did. After two hours, she heard his voice slurring in the hallway as he tried to open his door. She looked out the peephole and saw his arm wrapped around another girl.
She gave up on him immediately.
Half the summer was sour, they hated to be in the same room with each other. She knew she had a right to be pissed, but Eddie didn't. He hated her because she hated him. He never bothered to apologize or admit he was a selfish asshole. And that's all she wanted.
"Can you stop moving off your X? It's there for a reason!" Y/N snapped, she groaned as they had to stop rehearsal, yet again.
"I'm a rockstar! I'm meant to move around!" Eddie argued. He wasn't used to sharing the stage and he hated it.
"I'm one too! And in case you haven't noticed, I'm doing perfectly fine on my X!"
"You want a fucking gold star for being boring? Difference between an opener and the main show" Eddie snapped, Y/N didn't fight back. She just growled and began the song again.
"Y/N, THAT WAS SO GOOD!" Samantha cheered as Y/N walked off the stage. The first night of your was in the books and Y/N loved the way she felt on the stage. The crowd seemed to like her and she felt like she got them pumped for Eddie's set.
Even though she hated him, she looked his way for approval. After all, she was his opener and cared what he thought about his tour.
"Why the hell are you looking at me?" He asked, his guitar strapped to his body as he waited for his cue.
"I don't know. Just maybe thought you'd like to share your thoughts?" She said, a little shy that she had to admit she wanted to know.
Eddie was taken aback by the nervousness in her eyes, for once she looked vulnerable and not ready to shoot fire. But he couldn't give in, the hatred between them was too powerful and he refused to give in first when she chose to be a bitch towards him.
"I've seen better, you're nothing special." He shrugged and jumped on the stage as his cue was hit. The screams of the arena sounded muted as his words rang in her ears.
She marched off into her dressing room. She didn't bother to watch his set. Unlike him, she can admit when someone has talent and he doesn't deserve her compliments. Instead, she focused on the anger she felt and put it into a song. If he wanted special, she'd show him special.
Within a week, she finished the song and began performing it. It was full of anger and the crowd loved it. The music was loud and it shook the whole place.
Eddie knew the song was about him. She stood there, banging on her guitar as she swore about the big-headed men in her life. He was pissed, it was his tour and here she was bad-mouthing him to his fans. The fans didn't know it was about him, they just related it to a man in their life. But still, he didn't take the disrespect lightly.
And she didn't care. Ever since that first show on tour, she never asked for his thoughts again. She'd get off stage, place down her guitar, and walk straight to the dressing room.
It bothered Eddie that she never sat to watch his set, but he refused to let her know that he cared.
About a month and a half into the tour, they barely spoke. And if they did, it was to tear each other apart.
But when Y/N's new song was officially released and hit the radio, the crew wanted to go out to celebrate. And to her shock, Eddie showed up.
"I'd like to make a toast!" Y/N slurred, already a few shots in and the alcohol was taking over her body. The table raised a glass, and Eddie rolled his eyes. He might have been a little irritated by all the success she earned from a song that was about him.
"...and thanks to Eddie, the man who inspired the song. Thanks for being an asshole and treating me like shit. Cheers!"
Eddie bit his tongue as he took the shot in front of him, he didn't want to make a scene in a public place. He knew better than that. There would be cameras everywhere.
As the night went on, the more drunk she and Eddie became. The crew called it a night and left. Bad move to leave them alone.
"You know that I can't fucking stand you sometimes." Eddie hissed, trying to ignore the way her lips were wet and glossy from all the drinks she had.
"Yeah, I got the message." She laughed sarcastically. She hated how he got hot and had to throw his hair in a bun. With stupid curls hanging down to frame his perfect face.
"Why did you write the song? Just knew making money off me would be a career move?" He argued, the venom on his tongue was strong and she knew a fight was brewing.
"Oh fuck off. I'm going to the bathroom." She said as she rolled her eyes and walked off.
But Eddie was too mad to let it go. He followed her into the bathroom, locking the door behind them.
"Are you crazy!? This is a bathroom!"
"Answer my fucking question!"
"Yes, Eddie. It was a career move! You were a complete dick the second I met you and looked down on me all because I was an opener! I was grateful for the opportunity and now I realize, you are a selfish prick who only cares to get his dick wet." Her words were knives and perfectly sliced into Eddie's skin. Her eyes are dark as she gets in his face. Every word against his lips as he puffed and huffed.
The fire in his body with all the anger he felt. She stood tall and confident. Right in his face with no care in the world. Her lip snarled and her eyebrows scrunched.
"Jealous or something baby?" He smirked, he noticed the flicker of lust in her eyes before she remained unbothered.
"Of what?" She sneered
"The girl I took to my hotel room instead of you." His smirk was a target and she wanted to smack it off his face. He knew she was waiting and watching. And he had the nerve to never once apologize.
"Not. I like to end my nights with an orgasm." She said with a bitter smile, her hand reached behind him to grab the door but the growl that left his lips made her stop.
She looked up into his eyes and knew she struck a nerve. And she couldn't help but feel how wet her underwear became.
Before she could say another word, insult, or make a noise, his hot mouth was on hers. His hands dived into her hair as he took over her body. His tongue was in her mouth before she could blink. And she hated how easily she moaned.
Her body was against the sink as his hands scrammed to take off her jeans. He pulled away to unbuckle his belt and yank down his jeans, she took a second to catch her breath and remove her shirt. Her head against the mirror as his mouth attached to her chest, his teeth biting down on the flesh as she whined out.
She wasn't thinking, and she knew that. But his mouth felt so good and her cunt ached.
"Is that what this has always been about? Jealous I wasn't fucking your cute cunt?" Eddie teased, and he pulled away his mouth, which allowed her to understand his words.
"No, it's not. You were a dick the second I met you, and discredit me because I'm younger and newer to the industry. Don't flatter yourself." She scoffed. He was so big-headed and she couldn't believe he still didn't understand where he went wrong. "plus I wouldn't care about the girl if I wasn't waiting for you for dinner." She barked out. The hatred and anger filled her body again. Almost like it reminded her why she shouldn't be doing this. She pushed him back and reached for her shirt.
"Oh come on! Don't take it so personally. I forgot we had plans, okay?" He tried to defend but she was already throwing on her shirt.
"Forgot? Or decided that getting a quick fuck meant more?" Maybe in a way, she was hurt by the fact he completely shoved her off for someone else. She liked Eddie, and she always found him attractive and it sucked to meet him and see he was nothing like she thought.
"DO YOU WANT ME TO ADMIT THAT? Would that even make it better?" He laughed out, he couldn't believe it was even a big deal. "if I sat here and told you straight to your face that I wanted some wet pussy wrapped around me instead of sitting at a dinner with you, that make it BETTER? Huh?"
She shouldn't care, she really shouldn't. They weren't even friends and she had no reason to feel the burning jealousy in her stomach that someone got to spend the night with him when it was supposed to be her. She hated that no matter how much he made her hate him, she still felt something pulling her towards him.
She didn't have words, and she wasn't sure how to respond.
All she wanted was an apology
"Because that pussy was the best I've ever had and I don't regret it." He seethed out, and that struck a nerve in her. Apart from the jealousy and stupid high school games, he felt she wasn't worth apologizing to. She realized she'd never get that apology.
This time, she did go to smack the smirk off his face. Her right hand was high in the air as she aimed for his cheek, but his hand caught her. A deadly look in his eyes. They were breathing hard into each other's faces. She felt her cunt pulse, and he felt his cock pulse in his boxers, his jeans still on the floor.
She whimpered as he took control, again. He kept his grip on her arm, turning her around and pressing his cock against her ass. He held her arm behind her back, she was trapped between him and the sink.
No words were said, both relieving their aches as his free hand ripped off her underwear. The sound made her clench, then his fingers were inside of her. She moaned as he didn't care to be soft or gentle. Three fingers deep inside her cunt as his cock pressed against her ass. She moaned out and her head was thrown back into his shoulder.
His hand let her arm free, and she moved it to grip the sink, his fingers pumping inside of her. He was skilled, experienced, and knew exactly how to hit the right spots. Her head was fuzzy as she got lost in the feeling. With his free hand, he grabbed her chin and turned her head towards him. Her eyes closed in bliss as his lips touched hers.
His fingers moved faster inside of her as his lips tasted her. He felt the moan in the back of his throat as she clenched around him. His stomach flipped when her warm tongue worked inside of his mouth. He growled as her tongue dominated his.
The aching in his boxers became too much, he removed his fingers, smirking as she whined at the lost touch. But he was quick to fill her again, but this time with his pulsing cock. She moaned as she fucked into her. Nothing about it was romantic. It was heavy breaths, growls, moans, and the sound of their skin smacking. Her nails dug into the sink as he destroyed her. His mouth was on hers again as he moved his hips against her, loving the way she clenched around him. Her knees were weak when his fingers began to rub her clit.
She couldn't focus on anything except that burning feeling in her stomach and the build-up of her orgasm.
"Eddie." She squeaked, her hands moved up her body and reached behind her, feeling him underneath her fingertips.
"Shh, I know, baby. Let it go. I got you. Cum for me, gorgeous. Be right here." He said softly, she didn't think she'd ever heard him sound so sweet. She nodded as she gasped, letting herself go. She shook on his cock as she came. The relief she felt from every aching part of her body vanished.
She hissed as he slipped out of her, but she was fast to wrap her hand around him. Jerking him off as she looked in the mirror ahead. His forehead was against her shoulder as he breathed hard. His hands gripped her hips and he moved his hips to her rhythm.
"Watch yourself." She said, her tone demanding. He looked up, his blown-out lustful eyes took in their reflection. The sight of her hand wrapped around his red cock made his thighs shake.
He kept his eyes on her reflection as he painted the sink and her hand with his cum. He panted hard as she needed him off through it.
She washed off her hands and got dressed. Awkwardly handing Eddie his clothes.
He silently grabbed the jeans from her hands and put them on. He watched as she dressed herself.
"I'm, um, I'm sorry for the way I treated you and for ditching you," Eddie whispered, not to her but to the floor.
"Thanks, Eddie." She said, and she meant it. She knew that's all she would get. She gave him a small smile and walked out.
Where the hell do they stand now?
After that event, things between them got blurry. They found themselves feeling something different. Almost like they got out every bit of anger inside of them. Like the anger was just the first layer. And now other feelings were being revealed.
Y/N couldn't help but notice she was putting more work into her appearance. More makeup touches and asking for more sexier clothes for when she performs. She almost felt like she wanted Eddie's eyes on her all the time. Because she couldn't help but have her eyes on him.
Eddie couldn't help but stare whenever she was near. It was like his eyes automatically found her in the room and he couldn't get enough. He noticed things about her that he didn't see at first. He always found her attractive, but now it was deeper than that. He found a new favorite thing about her every day. He started watching more of her performances and found the compliments slipping off his tongue.
The air changed between them. Now they were nervous and didn't know what to say. They didn't talk about what happened but both wished that the other still thought about it.
They tried to ignore how nervous they were and how awkward it made things. Y/N felt like they both needed to talk about what happened to either go back to normal or discuss what was next for them because this situation was too weird.
It was nearly midnight when they made it back to the hotel after their show, Eddie went to head into his room when Y/N spoke up.
"Do you think we could talk?" She asked, the shakiness in her voice made it clear she was nervous.
"Uh sure," Eddie said, his nerves kicked in as he unlocked the door.
She followed behind and took a seat on the bed. He removed his shoes and then took the spot next to her. His shoulder against hers as he waited for her to speak.
"About the thing that happened," she started, already hating the conversation. Eddie coughed awkwardly as he stared at his hands. "I'm just going to be fully honest and I can leave right after. But, it hasn't left my head. I know it was full of hatred and anger. And it probably didn't mean anything and I didn't think it would. But it almost feels like I let out all that anger and now I'm left with other feelings." She admitted, slowly looking towards him to read his expression.
"What kind of other feelings?" He asked, he turned his head to look at her. He hoped she meant the same feelings he'd been feeling. The feeling of wanting each other again. And maybe wanting each other always.
"Feelings like that I like you and my stomach hurts when I think about all the girls in the crowd that want to go home with you." She admitted, looking down at her own hands as she blushed.
She was surprised when Eddie reached for her hand and laced their fingers together. He reached over and used his pointer finger to tilt up her chin. Her eyes looked into his as she anxiously waited for him to speak.
"I tend to be a dick so girls want anything to do with me after sex. But, I'm fucking grateful to hear you still like my dumbass." He joked, a smile on his face as she laughed. "Even though we had sex out of anger, there was something so real there and it hasn't left my mind. The way you pulled so much emotion out of me. I've never had someone do that. I like you too, and I'd like a chance to take you on a date and treat you the way you always should have been treated."
She felt her heart skip at his words, and a feeling of excitement bubbled in her stomach.
"I'd like that." She said as she tried to bite back her smile.
"Perfect, let's go right now." He said he stood up with their hands still laced.
"What? Right now! It's midnight!" She argued, her eyes looking to the clock.
"Don't care. I'm not wasting a second to take you out. The world is asleep, let's go have our fun before it wakes up ." He said with a wink, smiling as she stood up and together they ran out of his room like idiots.
Maybe the summer was finally looking up.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger
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a-d-nox · 7 months
wyrd web: what to gift a person based these three numbers
this is just a theory of mine because these bubbles of the matrix should represent earthly desires. this is not to say that you can't enjoy things not listed in your category / under your energetic number. this is simply what i believe people with these numbers would enjoy receiving as a gift.
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1 - the magician
flowers / garden seeds, gear for their passion project(s), business/self-help books, a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, art supplies, things that are homemade/artisanal, careof for brain support, things for their computer or car, a diary or journal (moleskine), sunglasses or blue-light glasses, joke books (for the dads with 1 placements here), paid classes, rosetta stone subscription, genetic tests (ancestry.com or 23&me), manicure/pedicure voucher, merchandise from their favorite singer / group / tv show / movie, mittens / fingerless gloves, house plant, sewing/knitting/crocheting supplies, stationary, or tickets to a concert
2 - the high priestess
things that support their spiritual practices, things that support feminine health (hum women's probiotics bundle, honey pot oral vaginal care probiotic, etc), bake goods / baking gear, barbecue sauce sampler / grilling gear (for the dads pt 2), bar in a jar (for those of drinking age) or really any beverage tester kit, bath/spa kit, beach vacation, boat, cruise, careof for brain support, truly nice melons boob butter, candles (it doesn't have to be yankee candle either - bent candles, spiced votive candle, etc) or candle making kit, imported cheeses, clothing staples (blue jeans, black turtleneck, etc), juice cleanse or other things that support digestive health, cooking classes or meal kits (hellofresh, homechef, etc), a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, or outdoor cameras or other home security tools
3 - the empress
pillows, stuffed animals, rose quartz, personal celebrity cameo, clothing, tickets for an art museum tour, ballet tickets or classes, art supplies, makeup pallets and/or brushes, flowers, jewelry, candy/sweets, money, bells / wind chimes, clothing, designer pieces, cosmetics, dolls, a trip to a fancy restaurant, fruit basket / dried fruits, gardening supplies, jewelry, concert/orchestra tickets, poetry book, tickets to a play, a purse, lingerie (if y'all are close like that), trip to a vineyard (for those of drinking age), couples' dancing classes, or a wallet
4 - the emperor
skincare, rock climbing voucher or some other physical activity they enjoy, an adrenaline rush activity (skydiving, bungee jumping, etc), careof for brain support, crafted wooden objects (cutting boards, tables, etc), coffee trials/samplers, sunglasses, blue light glasses, hair care products/supplies, scalp treatments/care, oral health care (thera breath, whitening products, etc), meditation app subscriptions / in person sessions for meditation, or a planner
5 - the hierophant
moss agate (don't question how random that sounds this is some intuitive stuff), artwork, an architectural tour, beauty products/supplies, historically significant objects, pastries or sweets/candies, earrings, sour dough starter kit, jewelry in general, piano/organ lessons, singing lessons, a wallet, or any classes where they can learn something fun and new to them
6 - the lovers
car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), bicycle or bicycle accessories/gear, books (the more educational the better), briefcase / work tote, bus tickets for a day trip, gym membership or soulcycle classes, crystals, a standing desk / cute office supplies (for the work girlies both those who work in office and from home), hand & foot message, manicure voucher, newspaper subscription (i am a fan of new york times, washington post, and the new yorker), language classes or rosetta stone subscription, magazines subscription, merchandise from their favorite singer / group / tv show / movie, train trip, or we're not really strangers card packs
7 - the chariot
gardening supplies, hermit crab, baked goods, bath products / beauty products, boat, cruise, car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), truly nice melons boob butter, juice cleanse, gut health thrive market kit, glassware / blown glass, stuff they need / need for their home (security system, chest freezer, etc), hotel or bed & breakfast stay, kitchenware, lake trip, pearls, real estate / land, restaurant voucher / gift card, silver jewelry, shopping gift cards, a trip, or intention journal
8 - strength
amusement park tickets, supplies for their passion projects, ballroom dancing classes, tea sampler, games (video games or board games), movie theater gift card, personal celebrity cameo, flower garden supplies/seeds, stuff for their pet, or a belt
9 - the hermit
pet related gifts (if they have a pet that is), bookshelves (they probably need one), juice cleanse, gut health thrive market kit, a cat, clothing, oral health products (thera breath, whitening products, etc), stationary, emergency preparedness (ready to eat meals, fire blanket, etc), cook books, dining ware (new plates/bowls, cups / glassware, silverware, etc), food subscriptions (home chef, hello fresh, pickle of the month club, bokksu japanese snack box, etc), careof subscription, gloves, herb garden kit, a one way ticket to anywhere, or a hiking trip
10 - wheel of fortune
incense, cleansing herbs, bow and arrow, sapling, land, dried berries, budget book, gym/exercise membership, religious/spiritual/philosophical books, poker set, cloth (if they like sowing), wool (if they like weaving, crocheting, and/or knitting), wool clothing, a coat, trip to a country or place they have never been, oral health products (thera breath, whitening products, etc), etiquette classes/books (this is great for the traveler because they are often interested in learning customs before going on their trip), figs, fruit basket (like edible arrangements), honey sampler / royal jelly, horseback riding lessons, lottery tickets, merchandise from their favorite singer / group/ tv show / movie, shoes, really any game, any subscription they have not tried, things that support their spiritual practices, or book on positive mindset
11 - justice
personal celebrity cameo, tickets to a ballet or to an art gallery, air purifier, portable heating pad, spa voucher, cosmetics, lingerie (if y'all are close), closet organizational items (space saving hangers, linen bins, accessory hanger, etc), pastries and sweets, diamonds (perhaps propose to your lover), a dress, tickets to a fashion show or exhibit, flowers, a luxury chair, jewelry, concert tickets, poetry books, any quartz pieces, chocolates dipped strawberries, hair extensions, logic puzzles, a voucher for an escape room, or a kitchen/baking scale
12 - the hanged man
bar in a jar (if they are of drinking age), a book on angel numbers, a book on natural medical remedies, ballet classes or tickets to see a ballet, bath bombs and other bath goodies (salt, bath table, candles, sugar scrub, bath teas, etc), beach vacation, tea or coffee sampler, butterfly farm kit with caterpillars, disposable camera or a camera they would like (polaroid, filming, etc), scientific kits (geode kit, grow your own crystals, etc), cigars (for the dads in your life), unsolved mysteries or crime kit, dance classes, smutty/romance/fantasy books, fairy garden, a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, budget book, makeup palettes or other cosmetic they enjoy, concert tickets, paint, poetry books, clue the board game, a pass to an indoor pool, a book on poppet making, meditation membership or a voucher for in-person sessions, or something to support their curiosity for new spiritual insight
13 - death
hermit crab, a jumping spider, a reptile, homeopathic books for natural cures and remedies, operation the game, butcherbox subscription, a book on how to cook and trim meats, beginners chemistry kit, a colon cleanse, sea monkeys, unsolved mysteries or crime kit, philosophy of death books, books on magic, magic the gathering the card game, period products (portable heating pad, the diva cup, etc), poisonous plants (belladonna, foxglove, lily of the valley, etc), a frog pond, a scorpion, a snake, a burr/boo basket (these people love seasonal stuff), or marie kondo's life changing magic of tidying up
14 - temperance
a hunting trip, bow and arrows, books on religion or philosophy, book of devotions, book on dream meanings (hello, freud haha), a certification course or college class, horseback riding lessons (for the newbie or a younger sibling or your child/niece/nephew), horse drawn carriage ride (for the couples *smirk*), logic puzzles, things that support their goals, or a book of angel number meanings
15 - the devil
a fan or air conditioning unit, if you have the land for it a cow/horse/goat, kinetic tape, arnicare bruise cream (this is a joke... unless...), coal or a diamond (this is also a joke... unless...), a clock or a watch, cuticle trimmer (and other nail care things), room darkening curtains, a happy lamp, lotion/cream, hat/scarf/gloves, hair products (extensions, shampoo subscription, etc), leather fashion-ware, gardening supplies, ice maker, or a juice cleanse
16 - the tower
tiger balm or other pain relieving ointment, acrobatic/gymnastic classes, homeopathic books for natural cures and remedies, first-aid kit, baking kits, barbecue sauce sampler, barbecue sauce sampler / grilling gear (for the dads), gift card for haircut, dollar shave club (for the dads pt 2), metal works (spoon handle rings, metal roses, etc), boxing lessons, boxing match tickets or monster truck tickets, butcherbox subscription, a book on how to cook and trim meats, crafted wooden objects (cutting boards, tables, etc), cactus plant, beginners chemistry kit, cookbook, pocket knife or leatherman/multitool, tool kit, jenga, emergency kit, food, first aid kit, merchandise for their favorite superhero(es), electric lighter, liqour or bar in a jar (if they are of drinking age), rock music (a vinyl or concert tickets), pepper plant, pipe for smoking (if they like to smoke that is - my grandfather had a collection), lego kit, or lincoln logs
17 - the star
friendship bracelets, a fan / ac unit, model airplane, flight lessons, compression stockings/socks, architectural tour, astrology reading, car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), club memberships (golf, racket ball, sam's, etc), electronic devices (a new phone, amazon fire stick, solar portable charger, etc), movie on blue-ray or dvd, movie gift card, a camera (polaroid or another type they have been eyeing), disposable cameras, camera gear, shadow work journal, aesthetically pleasing bluetooth retro radio, streaming service subscription, a book on health or mental health, or a book on positivity
18 - the moon
abstract art, bar in a jar (if they are of legal age), a fish, a fish tank, tickets to an aquarium, cocktail book (if they are of legal age), a fishing trip (for the dads), book of conspiracy theories, the conspiracy theory map, a crystal ball, unsolved mysteries or crime kit, a jellyfish, a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, a camera (polaroid or another type they have been eyeing), disposable cameras, camera gear, poetry book, hydroponic starter system, games that involve bluffing (clue, poker, herd mentality, etc), shoes, sleeping eye mask, silk pillow cases, new bed sheets, bonnet, socks, a computer keyboard, typewriter, a book on shadow work, a puppy, or a book on dream meanings
19 - the sun
maine coon, autobiographical books, ballroom dancing lessons, poker set, oral health products (thera breath, whitening products, etc), card games, personal celebrity cameo, circus fruit basket, chocolate gold coins, classes that encourage creativity (create it and break it sessions, pottery classes, etc), jewelry or an engagement ring (if it's been more than 2 years y'all should know what you are doing at this point), flowers, indoor herb garden, tickets to race of some sort (cars, horse, sporting events, etc), sporting equipment, ivy plant, a pottery painting voucher / gift certificate, or something for their passion project / hobby
20 - judgment
a reptile, ant farm, a guide on astral projection, operation the game, the chameleon game, clue game, unsolved case files game, grand theft auto video game, assassins creed video game, dungeons and dragons the game, yahtzee, emergency preparedness kit, magician kit, poisonous plants (belladonna, foxglove, lily of the valley, etc), the divine comedy, puzzles, a rodent of some sort, or lingerie (if y'all are close)
21 - the world
gardening supplies, acoustic guitar, air conditioning or fan, architectural tour, teddy bear, snow globe, boots, calendar or planner, supergoop (sun protectant) products, wooden objects (cutting board, chest, box, etc), carpet, clay (air drying or via kiln), a clock or watch, compression stockings/socks, collectible coins, pain patches or kinetic tape, crystals, budget book, lotions for dry skin, dried fruits, gloves/mittens, hair care products, ice machine or ice making trays, ice cream subscription, pottery classes, rain coat, real estate or land, zen sand garden, sculpture, or snake
22 - the fool
flight lessons, model airplane, a flight to anywhere, car stuff (seat covers, cup holder coasters, etc), an astrology reading, bath products, biking gear, movie theatre gift card, clock or watch, club memberships (golf, racket ball, sam's, etc), mood lighting or strip lights, a train ride, fun magnets, motorcycle accessories/training, microphone (maybe they are filming or recording something), patterns for cross stitch / knitting / crocheting, a camera (polaroid or another type they have been eyeing), disposable cameras, camera gear, stuff for the tv (surround sound, sound bar, streaming subscription, etc), or classes for one of their interests
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wrathofrats · 23 days
Day 11- long distance- Swiss and aether
Thanks to @forlorn-crows as always 🫶
Tensions rise on tour, Swiss calls aether to try and make it better.
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Aether answered the phone in a groggy tone. Swiss cringed at the sleepiness in his voice, rough as if he had just woken up. The time difference tended to escape him whenever he missed aether and sunny and picked up the phone to contact them, but neither minded. They were always happy to hear his voice.
“Aether? Did I wake you?” Swiss practically whispered. It was an unconscious attempt to not overwhelm him if he had actually woken him up, hoping the gentle tone could coax him out of being tired.
“Don’t worry about it, what’s up?”
Aether could hear the anxiety in Swiss’ voice. He could picture him picking at his nails and fiddling with whatever blanket was on his lap. He had always been a nervous fidgeter, one of his main tells that something was wrong.
“Well nothings wrong per say- it’s not an emergency but-“
“Swiss, tell me” aether cut him off
“How do you do it? How do you make every situation better?” There was a solemn air to the question. Aether knew Swiss well. Aether knew that something had happened and Swiss wasn’t handling it well. The pack could tend to be a lot sometimes, they all loved each other but conflict could sometimes be hard to tackle. Rain tended to retreat instead of handling issues, dew tended to blow up without thinking before he acted, cumulus got overwhelmed easily, and cirrus usually shut down, equipped with sharp sour words to ward off others.
It was always aether and mountain who would have to handle things if they got out of hand, a calming presence to drag everyone back and figure out a solution. Swiss could do this, but as much as he seemed like a more forceful figure, he was a people pleaser at heart. A pushover in the worst cases.
“Did something happen?”
Aether assumed there would be mild problems now that he and Sunny had been replaced with phantom and Aurora. Both were sweet ghouls, a little rowdy, but knew what they were doing. There hadn’t been any changes in a long time, not since ifrit and zephyr retired.
Dew had always taken it the hardest, the transition and ifrit stepping down made dew practically shut down inside. Quiet and harsh with his words for the first leg of that tour. He had processed and gotten better after a while, especially with aethers help.
But now that aether wasn’t there, there was question on how he would handle having phantom around in replace of him.
“Not exactly, it’s just been …… tense, to say the least” Swiss sighed, “nothing feels right. No one seems like themselves.”
“It’ll get better, everyone just needs time”
“No, I know, but I feel like I should be able to do something. If you were here you probably would have by now.”
Aether sighs, an ache in his heart for how hopeless Swiss sounds. There’s no solution, there’s always some kind of tension on tour. Living in a bus with even those you love the most will create problems after a while.
“It’s not your fault stardust”
“Well no, but mountain can usually have everyone happy again with a bit of time, but it shouldn’t be solely his responsibility”
“The fact that you care so much is all you need to do, you can only be you, you can’t be me. And we love you for you only”
“I know, I just-“
“I’m proud of you. You’re doing fantastic. They don’t need another aether, they need you right now.”
“Are you sure?”
“Do you know how often I miss you guys and I look at your smile in photos and it makes me feel better?”
“You do?”
“You’re doing the best you can. You’re our stardust, remember? It’ll be ok”
“I love you aeth”
“Love you swiss”
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oliviarodrigostan · 2 years
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halloween w/ conan and liv🎃👻💜
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coffeeghoulie · 5 months
a prompt request, pls: i'm always a sucker for "i didn't know where else to go"
i'm picturing newly summoned phantom having nightmares and showing up at swiss' door
i love swiss and bug so much, and I am also a sucker for that prompt in particular.
prompt from this list
anyways, enjoy!
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Hotel nights are a rare treat during tour, especially one that feels like it's been going on forever like this one. Swiss doesn't know what city the band's in, not after a long Ritual, set up and tear down stretching on longer than he can imagine, before he and his pack pile on to the vans to the hotel.
Once he gets the door to his room shut behind him, he barely has the wherewithal to shower, smudging what grease paint he didn't wipe off at the venue down his chin. He throws on a pair of somewhat clean sweats, and passes out the moment his head hits the too firm pillow. He doesn't even turn off the lamp.
Swiss, even when he's not bone deep exhausted, is a deep sleeper. He can sleep through even Aether's snores, and he's slept through more alarms than he can count. It doesn't matter where he is, once he's out, he's out.
Which is strange when he wakes up to a quiet knock on his door.
He startles, glamour fading in and out as he tries to remember where he is. He manages to pull himself together, scrubbing at his eyes as he gets up with a grunt, padding to the door. The digital clock on the nightstand reads 3:21, and Swiss groans at the lost sleep. He leans down, peers through the peephole on the door, startling when he realizes it's one of his newest packmates.
Swiss flicks the deadbolt open, and yanks on the handle. Phantom startles, arms wrapped around themself. Their glamour is flickering, and Swiss grabs them by the shoulder and pulls them into his room, shutting the door behind them.
"Bug, you have to be sure you've got your glamour up where humans might be able to see you," Swiss begins, grumbling as they turn to face them. He stops in his tracks as he really takes in Phantom's expression, mismatched eyes wide and glassy, their face flushed and head hung, the sour scent of shame clinging to them.
"'M sorry, I didn't know where else to go," they whisper, voice hoarse.
"Bug," Swiss breathes, tone softening exponentially. "Buggy, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"
They keen, tail padding against the shitty carpet anxiously. "Not hurt," they whisper. "Pit dream."
"Oh." Swiss takes a deep breath, opening his arms. "I know you're still not super keen on touch, Ant, but I've got you."
Phantom nods, swallowing hard. Their eyes dart around for a moment before they steel themself, diving into Swiss's chest. He keeps his balance thankfully, but the breath rushes out of him with an oof. Phantom's frame trembles in his arms, and Swiss carefully runs his palm up and down the quintessence ghoul's spine, trying to soothe.
"I've got you, bug," he whispers, burying his nose in the messy dark hair just above their ear. It flicks, and Swiss presses an impulsive kiss to their temple. Phantom keens again, their voice wet, and Swiss just holds them tighter.
They start to pull back, and Swiss lets go the moment they start to pull against his grip. Phantom stares up at him with wide eyes, brows furrowed in confusion. "Do you wanna know what I was dreaming or?" They trail off, picking at loose skin around their claw.
Swiss hums, shakes his head. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, bug," he says, his arms still open in invitation. "You're still very new, but we all had bad dreams after we were summoned Up Top. I mean, we didn't all dream of the same things, but those were the worst dreams I'd ever had."
"They were really bad," Phantom whines, trailing off into a yawn, baring their sharp fangs. Swiss chuckles and yawns too.
"Do you want to try to go back to sleep here, bug?" Swiss asks, backing up against the bed and sitting down. He stretches, groaning when something in his shoulder pops. "We've got a long day in the morning." He glances at the clock. "Well, a long day in a couple of hours."
Phantom nods, hesitantly moving to sit beside Swiss. There's half an inch of space between their thighs, before Phantom shrugs and plasters themself to Swiss's side.
He chuckles, carefully wrapping an arm around their waist as he lays the two of them down. Phantom chuffs softly, blushing as the noise escapes them before hiding their face in the crook of Swiss's neck.
"It's alright, buggy," Swiss whispers, chuffing back as he grabs the duvet from the foot of the bed. "I've got you. Won't let anything get you."
Phantom clings tighter, and Swiss settles a large hand on the back of their head, holding them gently close. He waits in the lamplight until their breathing settles, puffing rhythmically against his throat, before he reaches over and turns out the light.
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blackopals-world · 5 months
I just had a thought about your Trappola twins!!!!
So yk how Koko likes gumdrops (sweet) and Jojo likes lemondrops (sour) whereas koko hates lemons (sour) and jojo hates caramels right right??? (Hopefully I'm not getting mixed up 😅)
So, in my country, you can buy a package that contains a variety of different candies (gumdrops, toffees, lemon drops, sour bombs, caramels, and like 3 other candies). What if Jester!Yuu had bought these variety packs for the twins when they were little? I like to think they would be able to perfectly split the sweet and sour candies between then! Or maybe (here's an idea that I thought was really cute 😭) one of the twins really hated sweet/sour candies, and their sibling decided to let them have all of the candies of the opposite flavour? Like maybe koko hated the sour candies like the sour bombs and lemon drops, and jojo let her have all of the sweet stuff that she preferred instead, and overtime he ended up developing a liking for sour stuff 😭 it probably happened really early on and neither of them can remember it, the just know that one likes sweet and the other likes sour (or maybe jester!yuu realised and was over the moon about it)
You were actually very close to the truth. Koko and Jojo have opposite tastes but how it was discovered is different. Between Ace's love for cherry pie and Jester's for cotton candy everyone but Jojo has a sweet tooth. When he and Koko were little their parents would give them candy they picked up while touring. Koko could tell that Jojo didn't like anything sweet like their uncle Cater. So she'd methodically sort the candies and place them back in the candy bowl and put the sweet ones in a hidden place. Jojo would be sad that they don't have sweet candies for his sister and ask for more candy from his parents and sort the sour from the sweet ones. He then put the sweet candies in the candy bowl.
They would go back and forth switching the candy from sour to sweet. Jester knew and played into it the entire time. They never told the twins what happened and to this day the twins believe that they were taking care of the other by making sure they always had something they wanted. It's one of the many ways Jester kept them from fighting and making sure they always had each other's back.
Also is so cute watching them think they are being sneaky. It on camera too.
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sweetracha · 1 year
First Sleep Over with Stray Kids
Goodnight Moon: Lee Know
Sugar Content: Spicy Sweet (Smut), Sugary Sweet (Fluff), Sour Sweet (Mild Angst)
Allery Warning: Idol Member, Secret Relationship, Lowkey Unhealthy Relationship, Possessive Minho, Dom Minho, Nicknames (Kitten, Princess, Master, Sir), 'Public' Intercourse
The Sweetest Treats: @cr4ziee0szn
Confectioner's Note: This is my first time actually writing smut. While I read it, it was definitely different to write it. Hope you all enjoy!
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Amber glows through the cracks of the log as embers burn out into a dark night sky becoming the stars. The moon chandeliers above as the subtle fog surrounds the venue. The world became the stage for lovers, dancing as if a part of nature itself.
Minho held you close. His hold was gentle as if he'd shatter you but secure as not to let the soft breeze take you from him. Nothing will take you from him again. 
All Min knew was flashing lights, tabloids, gossip, packed stadiums, little sleep, and dancing. That was his safety in this all. When he danced he was able to block out the whole world around him. It didn’t matter if he was one of the biggest idols or an absolute nobody, dancing was his lifeline. Then he met you. 
You were working at a small cafe located in the heart of Seoul. Patrons easily missed the quiet escape amongst the hustle and bustle of the city. Music played over the speakers in a low hum. Almost unconsciously you swayed along. Slowly you began to lose your mind to the calm melodic tunes. DING! You snapped to attention as the little sliver bell rang, alerting you of a customer. There you were met with a different Lee Know than the world knew. No longer was he the confident, cocky, stone-cold idol. Instead, he was a shy captivated boy who now knew what his childhood storybooks meant by love at first sight. Sweet as the sugar you baked with, you greeted him. 
The next year went by like a flash. Two comebacks, a world tour, hosting, and everything else that took him away from you. As an idol, he was not allowed to date, especially a nobody like you. He hated how the company described you that way after finding out. JYP himself organized a meeting to discuss "outside influences" affecting the team. Minho's blood boiled when he saw those words. The boys loved you! Chan saw you as a gift to them. The maknaes came to you for comfort most days. Even Changbin admitted on more than one occasion that he would protect you from any threat. To imply you were hurting the team made Minho want to quit altogether.  But he knew that wouldn't be what you wanted. You told him one night after a tearful confession that he was not allowed to pick you over his career, you made him swear by it. 
So without much of a choice, he had to break your heart. He showed up at your apartment and delivered the bad news then left. The staff made him delete all your information and scrub any trace of his once beloved sweetheart from his life. 
Or at least that's what the company believed.  After the meeting concluded Chan pulled Min swiftly into a supply closet, sporting looks of confusion from other idols. Christopher laid out the plan in full. Lee Know was to remain single and tell the public the reason why he frequented the bake shop was upon staff's request. However, Lee Minho would be fully committed to his blushing love as long as he kept it hidden. That meant no photos, no open lines of communication, and no more visiting his favorite Cafe. Everything began to weigh on you two until a little chicken came up with an idea.
"Why don't you two go camping?" Felix stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We can't 'just go camping' Felix, it's not that easy" Minho snapped back, he hated talking about you in this way. "Why? Chan only stated that you two can't be in public or visit each other's places…the woods are pretty private if you ask me" Lixie said with a hint of suggestion and a wink in his eye. He was right though, camping had been another escape for Minho before his life became crazed. Maybe it could be an escape now for the two of you? A place where he can have you all to himself, where no one can get in the way.
“I need you” he stated bluntly. His sudden words shook you out of your trance. With a giggle you responded “But you have me”
Long slender fingers tilted your chin upwards, making you stare into Minho’s now possessive eyes. “Kitten I need to show the world you are mine. I need every single living thing to know only I can have my kitten.” You nodded and he approved of your now redding complexion. 
Minho laid you down on the previously discarded blanket you two used for dinner. Soft fabric barely protected you from the rough ground but you didn’t care, not with how Min is feeling you up. He groped and grabbed as if he needed to know this wasn’t a dream. The now naked beauty in front of him was too good to be true.
“Minho touch me, please” You pleaded as he took his sweet time savoring your skin under his lips. You tasted as if you were created in that little cafe he loved so much. “Please sir” your weak little voice lit a fire in him.
“Look at you begging for me darling. Your sweet little moans are so tempting kitten. We are alone you know? Finally alone…and I am going to give you so many reasons to scream” His eyes went dark.
Minho lowered himself down your body as he slowly spread your legs. His grip was enough to tell you not to move them. While you both knew you were more than capable of being a brat, the way he was acting tonight told you that you better behave. A gentle test lick was given to your clit not long after a confident stripe followed. 
“You taste fucking delicious kitten, and you sound even better” he continued with his actions upon hearing your cries of pleasure. Once he felt you were wet enough, Minho easily slipped in two fingers. “I haven’t had time to fuck you properly baby, You've gotten so tight on me again. I need to prep you isn’t that right pretty girl?” His words were sweet but laced with a mocking tone. You were drunk on him. All you could do was cry out incoherent statements as Minho felt you clench around his digits. “Come on baby, you know what to do. Show the stars just how good I can make you feel.” With one final thrust, he felt you convulse through your orgasm. Min helped you down from your high but in your foggy state, you didn’t notice him pull his cock free from his sweats. It wasn’t until you felt the tip pushing through your entrance did you realize.
“I can’t it's too much” Your oversensitive mind took over. “You can princess, you are going to lay there like a good obedient kitten and take what I give you. Got it?” “too big” “I said ‘Got it’” Minho emphasized with a hand to your neck. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you whined out in satisfaction. 
He wanted to start slow, he really did. But with the way you were looking at him, glossy-eyed and innocent as you babbled away he had to ram into you. Quickly he sent a hard and steady pace that made you scream out. It was when you went completely silent, face contorting in pure ecstasy that he knew he found it. “Does that feel good kitten, did your master find your sweet spot?” he asked rhetorically as he slammed into that spot over and over again. With the way you were clenching around him, he knew he wouldn’t last long. He doubled his efforts if that was even possible.
“PLEASE” is all you could get out before you constricted again. “Cum for me pretty kitty, fucking cum” and with that you did. Shortly after Minho followed with a rumbling growl of your name. He fell next to you on the blanket, heart beating rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. A warm soft feeling came over him. Looking down he found a sleepy kitten curled into his chest. He knew he needed to clean you up and take you into the tent…but that can wait for a few moments. Right now he just wanted to be with you. He wanted to spend time with his true escape. 
Sleep Over Series Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, I.N
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
Abuse those I love
while i ostracize the ones who love me back.
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paring: cc!wilbur soot x musician!fem!reader
summary: you and wilbur have broken up, wilbur realizes he messed up.
authors note: tell me how I can write about a breakup without ever being in a relationship ever... I hope this is good idk I apologize if not, I haven’t written anything in months but this man is making me crawl out of my hiatus and WRITE. This was supposed to be longer but i haven’t had motivation to finish it so maybe one day ill make a part two!
warnings: break-up, just pure agnst, short, unedited!
You were an absolute wreck the first month after Wilbur broke up with you. Everything reminded you of him, the bed you shared you've reluctantly crawled into every night. The apartment you lived in, that he left you in.
Too quiet.
No longer filled with laughter, and late-night talks, and the sounds of Wilbur's guitar playing when he was figuring out a particular part in a new song he wrote. It felt hollow, It didn't feel like a home without him.
Most days were spent trying to suppress any thoughts of him. How he made you feel. You wished it was all just some fantastical dream you made up in your head, but the memories plagued your mind every time you close your eyes. Flashes of your time together scrambled into a messy fast paced movie in your mind. How his warm palm's skin felt pressed against yours as you intertwined your fingers. His contagious laughter resonated in your ears as he reacted to a dumb joke you made. The nights he held you after a nightmare and you'd cry into his shoulder. The inside jokes and the times you'd sing in the living room making up songs on your guitars. All about love and being in love of course. It was all gone.
It drove you mad to the point where you'd just cry and cry into the pillow that still faintly had the smell of him still lingering. He had left behind some items you refused to get rid of, like the countless polaroids of the two of you, kissing, being cheek to cheek smiling like lovesick fools. Being yourselves because you were safe with one another. The stuffed bear he'd won you at the arcade pier on your fourth date. His clothes were left on the floor in a pile. His dirty dishes in the sick. The shampoo bottle he left in the shower. All of it you refused to touch. As if getting rid of it would finally convince you he was really gone for good.
You thought things were going well between you two, but things quickly turned sour after his band did more frequent shows and a headlining tour for their EP.
When you met for the first time it was like fate. Honestly, it was like out of a movie. You were at a concert hosted by one of your favorite local bands. Wilbur had just come out of a particularly nasty relationship. Being mostly miserable he didn't really want to join Ash and Mark who invited him out to see a local band, he just wanted to lay in bed and willow in his own self-pity. He reluctantly got up from his state when his bandmates wouldn't stop pestering him. Something told him he should stop being such a grump and go out.
Wilbur was having an average time, the band was good, Mark and Ash seemed to be enjoying it, and that was alright in his eyes. They both tried to get him to at least smile once or twice but failed. His ex kept creeping back into his mind as the bass of the instruments playing an upbeat tune roared from the speakers it shook the floor of the small club they were all packed into like sardines.
People were bouncing around, cheering, and enjoying their lives in the moment so, why couldn't he? It was such bullshit that he couldn't even thoroughly experience this moment when his thoughts were so consuming. He contemplated stepping outside and leaving, apologizing to his friends tomorrow for being a dick, but then-
Then he noticed you standing beside him in the crowd, enjoying the music and singing along to your favorite songs. your hair swishing around you in slow motion with every movement. He thought you were adorable, it made his heart jump in his throat at how fast he instantly was drawn to you like a black hole.
He wanted, no, needed to talk to you. Even if all he could get out was a simple line to get the conversation going. You felt his eyes on you long before he opened his mouth. Of course, you noticed the tall handsome stranger glimpsing at you every once in and while smiling at your antics. So his comment wasn't an unwelcome one.
"So, you really like them huh?" he had asked over the loud electric guitar and the lead singer's vocals. What possessed him to start talking to you, you had no clue but you smiled politely and nodded.
"One of my favorite bands they're awesome!" you shouted still bobbing your head to the beat. "Their sound is so versatile yet unique!"
He smiled, witnessing you genuinely enthusiastic about something you loved made him want to get to know you in a way he's never felt with anyone before. When you smiled back at him with a light in your eyes he knew he was in deep now.
"I'm Wil!" he shouted over the cheers since the song had ended amidst your conversation.
That same night he had gotten your number and you texted each other for weeks before meeting up again.
You both quickly found out that Music was both of your passions. His band was only just starting out but quickly taking off and getting recognized more. You were still making covers in your bedroom, uploading them onto your small youtube channel, and writing your own songs on occasion but too afraid to put yourself more out there.
Wilbur was the one who actually motivated you into finally posting an original song. He always supported your music more than anyone in your life, always driving you, being your muse in a sense. The video had gotten over 50k views in under a month and you could honestly say it was one of the proudest moments in your life.
Of course, you gave him your full support in his career tenfold. Going to his shows and being the loudest in the crowd, singing along to all his songs you knew by heart. Catching your eye in the front row as you watched him on stage like you knew he was born to be. constantly thinking how lucky he was to have you support him. Flattering in chords for a moment when you would look back at him with the most adoring smile pulling at the corner of your lips. You felt so proud of him, and you made sure he knew all the time.
Now when Wilbur played shows it wasn't the same. When he'd peer out into the sea of people screaming his name he didn't see you. For a while, he pushed his feelings to the side. He was the one to call things off. So why did his heartache when he didn't see you and the adoring smile on your lips?
After a few months, it hit him without warning. One particular night on stage was hell for him. The lights were so bright making his eyes burn, sweat dripping down his forehead as his throat felt raw from singing two nights in a row. Still, he pushed on as the band finished up the first song on the setlist Sex Sells. Next was the song he had written about you, for you. He has performed it countless times and people yelled back to his those lyrics more times than he could count. Lyrics that were so intimate to him. why, why was it bothering him now? It was too late to change it. So he fought back the tears and sang his heart out.
throwing himself into the performance had intercepted his thoughts. Determined to put on a good show he pushed his ever wandering mind to the side. It was only when he sang a particular line that he messed up a chord or two and his throat closed up. He hoped no one caught it as he continued but his mind told him everyone could tell his gears shifted. The rest of the show went somewhat well for the most part. He still couldn't shake you out of his mind.
The band had taken their final bows as they finished up the very last song of the night. The cheers had gotten louder and people were already chanting for an encore. Wilbur, wiping the sweat from his forehead on his arm had spoken into the mic once last time.
"We have been lovejoy, thank you so much for coming out!" he panted out.
As soon as it was over Wilbur walked off the left stage, post-show adrenaline pumping through his veins is what carried his feet as he slung his guitar over his head and handed it to a stage attendant. Quickly making an escape to the stage door before one of the guys could stop and ask him something. The cold Manchester air hit his skin almost instantly cooling his body down from the burning lights and stress, but his chest heaved and his heart was pounding in his ears. Trying to calm himself down by taking deep slow breaths didn't help, instead, he finally excepted everything he had pushed down for months and let it spill out. Wilbur sank to his knees on the concrete and huddled into himself, squashing his face into his knees attempting to hide from the world he let himself sob.
He stayed like that for a long time, just sobbing and wondering to himself why... It had finally struck him intensely just how much he had fucked up.
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everybodyshusband · 1 month
mushy may 2024 - day 2 ; late night snacks
pairing(s): swiss/cumulus tags: fluff, snacks, thievery, implied sexual context/fade to black words: approx. 450
read under the cut or on ao3 :)
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“I swear to fucking Satan,” Aurora shouts, stalking her way around kitchen area of the bus as if she’s on a mission. “If whoever keeps stealing my snacks doesn’t own up soon, I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
Cumulus shushes the ghoulette, gently reminding her that it’s much too late for her to be shouting on the tour bus filled with exhausted ghouls but Swiss smiles to himself; it’s nice to see Aurora finally feeling comfortable around the pack.
“Swiss I see you smirking! You better not be the culprit or you’re so gonna regret it…”
He holds up his hands in surrender. “Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart. I promise.” As Aurora gives up questioning him and turns back around to go and rummage around in her bunk for an emergency packet of snacks, Swiss’ eyes flit briefly over to Cumulus, whose hand has been suspiciously hidden behind one of the couch cushions during this entire encounter. “I don’t suppose you’ve got anything to do with this, do you, Lus?” His tone is falsely innocent, eyes overly wide and questioning.
“Of course not, Swissy.” She mimics his tone perfectly, even managing to curb her grin as she pulls out the last packet of Aurora’s snacks from out behind the cushion. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“No,” he agrees, watching with careful eyes as Cumulus opens the packaging as quietly as possible. “Because that would be unfair and wrong.”
“Extremely wrong.” She pops a sour watermelon lolly in her mouth, her eyes half-rolling into the back of her head at the delicious taste. “Mmm, fuck, why are these so good?”
Swiss snorts. “Sounds like you’re having fun,” he teases. “Those snacks showin’ you a good time?”
Cumulus nods, replying with a muffled “Mhmm” through a mouthful of the sweets. Her eyes are closed now, head tipped back in ecstasy as she chews. Once she swallows she turns her head to look at Swiss, grin wide and mischievous. “Hell of a lot better of a time than you ever do.”
Swiss gasps in mock offense, bringing a hand to his heart as if she’s betrayed him. “You take that back!”
“Nope.” She sticks her tongue out at him, smiling widely. “Not unless you wanna come and reclaim your title…”
That gets his attention. He sits up straighter and leans towards her, lowering his voice slightly. “Here?” He’s not a prude by any means and everyone knows he’s always more than happy to engage in the most lustful of sins in the most public of places but the tour bus feels different somehow; they’re all exhausted enough as it is, no one needs to be woken up at this late hour just because neither he or Cumulus could keep their voices down.
She nods. “Right here. C’mon, big boy. Prove it.”
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msmoony7 · 5 months
hey!! can you please do a fic with calum hood, maybe enemies to lovers and reader is the bands photographer or something like that (it’s okay if you don’t want to🫶🏼🫶🏼)
Love your work!!
note: hope u like it! I haven't written for 5sos yet AND i’ve never written enemies to lovers so i hope it’s good and enemy-y angsty enough. also pretend the first stop was LA and that the tour was six weeks idk how long it actually was this is just what i imagined for my little fanon fic LMAO. I kinda left this on a cliffhanger. Maybe part 2 soon??
calum hood x reader
word count: 1.84k
You wake up to the sun peeking through the cracks in your bedroom curtains. Although the weather on this day is perfect, your mood was anything but, and you wake up feeling sour. Today, you are presented with the difficult task of joining the band 5 Seconds of Summer as their tour photographer. You’ve been photographing artists for years now and it has truly become your passion. Whether it’s following an artist on your, or taking album art, you are living your dream with every picture you take.  
That’s not where the difficulty lies. You know that you’re capable of doing your job and doing it well. The difficulty lies within the band. The name of that difficulty being the band’s bassist, Calum Hood. By now, you have a long history with the band. They first invited you to join them on the Take My Hand tour last year. You quickly became good friends with Luke, Ashton, and Michael. But for some reason, Calum just could not stand to be near you. Many days and nights were spent bickering between the two of you. Arguments would come up, about your creative direction and other bullshit he brought up, leaving you no choice to fight back, creating a lasting vendetta between the pair of you. 
Of course, he made your job difficult as well. When photographing him onstage, he would mess with you and your work. Sometimes getting up in front of the camera and in your face, sometimes not letting you take any photos of him at all. And once offstage, he wouldn’t even look in your direction. Wouldn’t even address you. Despite this, your work speaks for itself and you received a message from Luke inviting you to join them again on this year's tour, The 5sos Show.  
It’s been weeks since you got the tour invitation, and months since you’ve last seen the band. All the time in the world couldn’t prepare you for six weeks on the road with Calum Hood. What he had against you, you may never know. What you do know is that as long as he presents this dislike towards you, you will be doing the same right back at him. 
Was putting yourself through all this stress worth it? You ponder for a moment when you wake up, but ultimately decide you made the right choice. You are set to meet up with the band and crew this evening before you set out on the road together, marking the start of the long six weeks ahead. You put on some music and start packing your suitcase. 
After a while, you’re happy with everything in your suitcase and zip it up. Living out of a suitcase was difficult, but you’ve had prior experience so you know the do’s and don'ts of packing. You pack your backpack, carry on, and your camera supplies and before you know it, the day is behind you and it’s time to converge with the band. You call an uber to take you to the address Luke gave you and you’re on your way. 
Traffic isn’t too bad, so you make it to the address quicker than you would have liked. The crew is already there, but the band is nowhere to be seen. You help yourself onto the bus and begin putting your things in your designated area. You feel the bus shift as someone steps on. Before you can turn around, you can already tell who is walking up behind you. 
“Well, what do we have here?” you hear a sarcastic voice say behind you. You turn around and lock eyes with the bassist. He’s wearing grey sweatpants and a green 5sos sweatshirt. He looks adorable and cozy, and you hate him for being so gorgeous and so annoying all at the same time. 
“Not even the first day of the tour and we’re already fighting, are we?” you spit back at him. 
“Seems that way,” he replies before scurrying off to whatever hole he’s gonna bury himself in until he needs to be found again. 
The rest of the boys slowly scatter onto the bus, and your meetings with them go better than yours with Calum. Everyone picks out their bunks and once everyone is settled onto the bus, the driver begins driving to the first stop on the road and you allow yourself to fall asleep for the night. 
You wake up to the sound of fighting. It takes you a few seconds to shake off your grogginess before you hear two voices shouting back and forth at each other from the other end of the bus. 
“You can’t keep acting like this!” you can hear Luke yell. 
“Sure I can! I can't stand her being here and I’m not going to pretend I do.”
“Whatever, man. Do what you want, I give up. Just don’t come complaining when it comes to bite you in the ass.”
You can hear them shuffling around the bus as you stay hidden behind your curtain. Although your hatred for Calum was mutual, you couldn’t help but let a tear fall down your cheek as you lay in your bunk, thinking about everything you’ve had to endure from him in the past and will have to in the future on this tour. You are tired of feeling like this. Feeling beat down by him and his words, his actions. Now, you’re determined to get to the bottom of his hatred for you. You wipe away your tears, jump out of bed, and get ready for the day. 
Tonight is the first night of the tour at The Kia Forum in Los Angeles. You’re excited. After all, you do love your job. You decide that the best way to get through the tour is to ignore Calum and his antics. 
The day goes by quickly. The opening band is onstage and you’ve successfully avoided Calum the entire day. You grab all your camera equipment so you have it ready to go when the boys go onstage. 
Calum sneaks up behind you, bass in hand. “Where’ve you been, y/n? Haven’t seen you all day, it’s almost like you’re ignoring me. You wouldn’t do that though, would you?”
“For the love of god, fuck off. Get away from me.” You huff at him while grabbing your camera and walking towards the side stage. The lights go off and he shoots you a wink before walking onstage. You push all this out of your head and get in front of the stage and start taking photos of the boys. 
The night goes as well as you could have expected given your circumstances. You get some good photos of the boys. Calum was his usual self. This time around, he decided that whenever you got too close to him, he would turn around, making sure that you don’t get photos of his face or his instrument. Despite this, you do get some good photos of him. In all honesty, you think this is some of your best work. Calum looks really good. Even if you can’t see his face.
The boys all run offstage after the encore, high off of the energy from the gig. You shoot them a congratulations and you can see Calum heading in the opposite direction of you. Typical, you think. 
The next stop of the tour wasn’t for another two days, so the boys are having a party to celebrate the tour kicking off. You follow Luke, Ashton, and Michael and see that the party is already in motion. Calum’s already at the bar grabbing a drink and your body moves before you can think and all of the sudden, you’re sitting next to him. 
“What do you want,” he mutters sharply, not even looking up from his drink.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Vodka cran,” he says to the bartender and nods at you. “I swear, whenever you get within ten feet of me I can feel my blood pressure rising,” he says in defeat as he gets up from his seat.
“Where’re you going? I thought we were finally getting along.”
“Back to the bus before I say something I’ll regret.”
And with that, he disappears out the door, leaving you confused as the bartender hands you your drink. 
“I don’t know what his issue is,” you confess to Luke once you find him later that night. An hour or two has passed since you last saw Calum and you’re feeling tipsy from the alcohol. 
“I wish I could tell you, y/n. I really wish I could. But we have no idea why he’s like this. We all love you and we love your work, I don’t know why he has it out for you.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. If I’m honest, I’m getting to my breaking point. I don’t think I can handle it anymore.”
“Want us to talk to him?” Luke says with concern written on his face. You can tell him and the other boys genuinely do care about you. It makes you feel good knowing that you have people to fall back on in this drama. 
“Thanks, but I think I’m actually gonna go speak to him now. I’m just tired of it and I need answers now.”
“Well, good luck. Let us know how it goes.”
You say bye to everyone at the party and you leave to find Calum and get some long awaited answers for yourself. The walk to the bus is not far and as you’re approaching, you see Calum sitting on a bench outside, smoking a cigarette and looking up at the sky. He hears your footsteps on the ground and groans when he realizes it’s you. 
“Following me now, are you?” 
“Oh shut up, will you?” you say as you steal the cigarette from his hand, taking a drag before handing it back to him. “You’re an ass, you do know that, right?”
“What do you think, y/n.”
“I wanna know why.”
“Why what?”
“What do you think, Calum? You’ve never liked me. I’ve done nothing wrong. I literally can’t do this anymore, I don’t know what to do!”
He sits and thinks for a minute, leaving the two of you in silence. You stare at him as he stares at the ground ahead of him, waiting for a response. A minute goes by, then two. No response. 
“Are you gonna answer me?” you yell. Still, no response. “Whatever, I’m done. Bye.” You say as you get up. You start walking in the direction of the tour bus when you feel him grab your arm and turn you around. Before you realize what’s going on, his lips crash into yours. At first, you don’t know what to do and you stand there frozen. He pulls away and just stares at you, and you stare right back. 
“That an answer enough for you?” he says to you. 
“Oh will you just shut up?” you say as you cusp his cheeks, pulling him towards you once more.
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