#souvenirs cs au
christophe76460 · 13 days
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✝️ Ils dansaient, ils sont morts ✝️
Suite à un drame dans un bar clandestin d’East London, en Afrique du Sud, la police a déclaré : “Ils sont morts alors qu’ils dansaient. Ils dansaient, ils sont tombés et ils sont morts…”
Ces tristes faits nous font prendre conscience que la mort est une réalité qui peut frapper n’importe quand.
Lorsqu’on est jeune, on pense avoir “la vie devant soi”, pouvoir découvrir le monde, goûter à ses divertissements et ses plaisirs sans limite, et on oublie que notre vie est fragile.
Mais la Bible nous avertit sérieusement : “Réjouis-toi, jeune homme, dans ta jeunesse, et que ton cœur te rende heureux aux jours de ton adolescence, et marche dans les voies de ton cœur et selon les regards de tes yeux ; mais sache que, pour toutes ces choses, Dieu t’amènera en jugement” (Ecclésiaste 11, 9).
Dieu n’est pas indifférent à ce que les humains font de la vie qu’il leur donne. Nous sommes invités à nous souvenir de notre Créateur et à nous approcher de lui dans notre jeunesse, quand les facultés sont encore intactes.
Un livre complet de la Bible a été écrit “pour donner aux simples de la prudence, au jeune homme de la connaissance et de la réflexion” (Proverbes 1, 4).
Que l’on soit un jeune homme ou une jeune fille, on n’est jamais trop jeune pour saisir la grâce de Dieu en Jésus, pour avoir la vie éternelle : la vie peut s’arrêter brutalement. Le moment le plus approprié pour croire en Dieu, c’est maintenant. Il faut être réconcilié avec Dieu avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. “Nous supplions pour Christ : Soyez réconciliés avec Dieu !”
(2 Corinthiens 5, 20).
Bibles et Publications Chrétiennes
30 rue Châteauvert – CS 40335
+33 (0)4 75 78 12 78
La bonne semence, 25 mai 2024
© 2024 Bibles et Publications Chrétiennes
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marzipanaufreisen · 2 years
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Prag — eine der Stationen, auf die ich mich am meisten gefreut hatte – und die ich am wenigsten genießen konnte, da meine Beine noch mit der Verarbeitung unserer Wanderung in der Hohen Tatra zu schaffen hatten. Aufgrund meiner Gebrechen haben wir also nach einer alternativen Erkundungsmethode gesucht und uns für einen Hop-on-Hop-off-Bus inklusive einstündiger Bootsfahrt entschieden – und es bereut. Das Ganze war eine ziemliche Tourifalle: Die Scheiben des Busses waren verdunkelt, die eine der beiden Touren fand in einem Kleinbus statt, der gar keine Haltestellen hatte, den Audio Guide musste man über eine App auf dem eigenen mobilen Endgerät nutzen und er bestand aus einer freundlichen KI-Stimme, die einem erklärte, wo man die besten Souvenirs findet und dafür so lange brauchte, dass man mit den verschiedenen Stationen nicht hinterherkam. Das Beste an dem Spaß war tatsächlich die Bootsfahrt auf der Moldau: Wir hatten die untere Etage mit den wohl unterforderten Käptns für uns und uns wurden schnieke Ausblicke auf die Stadt und den Hradschin geboten. Außerdem haben wir erfahren, wieso nur ein so kleiner Abschnitt des (musikalisch so malerisch beschriebenen) Flusses befahrbar ist: Ein Wasserwerk nutzt die Stauung des Stroms, um Energie für beinahe die ganze Stadt zu generieren. Nun ja, so oder so war die Tour notwendig, damit meine Überdehnung sich erholen kann und wir haben sicherlich Ecken Prags und ein Paar Side Facts kennengelernt, die wir anders nicht erfahren hätten. Nichtsdestotrotz bleibt die beste Art eine neue Umgebung zu erkunden, zu Fuß oder auf dem Rad.
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Zur Aufheiterung gab es am Ende dieses Tages ein Festmahl: original Pilsener Urquell Pivo (Bier), tschechische vegane Sülze (nicht so eklig wie die fleischliche Alternative), Böhmische Knödel mit Gulasch und Kartoffelknödel mit butterweichem Rotkraut (alles mit Kohl und Kraut können die hier).
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seriouslyhooked · 7 years
Souvenirs (A CS AU) Part 14/14
A Modern CS AU where Emma has grown up in Maine her whole life and runs a store with Ruby and MM. Killian Jones is the new guy in town, who just bought the local bar. Only Emma and Killian have met before and now she can’t help but wonder if their past has influenced his plans for the future. Includes tons of fluff and a happily ever after. Rated M.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven,Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen. Also on FF Here.
A/N: This epilogue is my best attempt to close out ‘Souvenirs’ in the fluffy, happy way I’ve always intended. Expect CS babies, smuff, and more fun friend interactions. Just want to thank you all so much for reading and the continued support, and I hope you enjoy!
Eighteen Months Later
The funny thing about trying to sleep as new parents was that it always came in waves. Some nights, it came swiftly, with Emma and Killian giving in to slumber as soon as their head hit the pillow. But others, like tonight, the fight was harder. Exhaustion wasn’t enough of an inducement for their minds to shut off, so what could have taken seconds took far longer. Then, when a thready cry came through the baby monitor, it felt like they’d never been asleep at all.
Emma groaned slightly as she stretched to get out of bed, but Killian was lightening fast, already at the door and only holding himself back to be with Emma. He was like super dad, always ready, never seeming like he couldn’t handle the terrible sleep or the spit up everywhere. He was all positivity all the time, and while that could have in theory gotten annoying, it was truly a godsend. Killian was her center in everything, especially in this. He kept Emma grounded, and reminded her that these less than stellar moments were just ensuring that they could have the many good ones.
Making their way from their bedroom to the nursery next door, they found the source of the crying was their daughter Hope, while her brother, the ever serene Connor happily babbled in his basinet beside her. Emma couldn’t help but smile at her son’s happy face even as his sister cried.
“What’s the bother, lovely girl?” Killian asked softly to his daughter, and Hope continued to fuss even if the crying had stopped. She certainly had her father wrapped around her finger, but she also held Emma just as tightly. “I can’t say I know what the problem is, love.”
Killian’s worry was etched on his face and Emma bit back a smile, offering her arms out to take her and then moving to the rocking chair.
“Let me try. Hey there baby girl, miss me?”
Instantly the fussing stopped and Hope’s little hand came to play in Emma’s hair bringing a full-blown grin to Emma’s face. Gone were any thoughts of being sleepy, for seeing her precious little girl so softened just by her presence made Emma surge with pride.
“That’s what I thought. You just needed your Mama, huh?”
Hope cooed happily and Emma ran a finger across her sweet girl’s nose. Soon, enough, with a bit of humming and rocking back and forth, Hope’s eyes started to close and she let out a big yawn. When Emma looked back at Killian, his eyes were filled with a distinct sort of wonder and awe that always came when she sat in this chair. She could feel nothing but love in his gaze, and it was a magical sensation.
“I believe that’s our cue, love.” Killian said and Emma agreed, placing her daughter back in her crib to settle for the rest of the night. Once they were sure both babies were back on their way to a sound sleep once more, Killian took Emma’s hand and led her back into their bedroom.
“Is it crazy for me to feel lucky even when they’ve now woken three nights in a row?” Killian shook his head as they both got into bed, and wrapped themselves around each other. His arms came around her back, holding her to him and making her feel fully protected.
“No, love. I think we’ve hit it out of the park with those two.” Emma rolled her eyes.
“Okay, Captain Ego, just don’t go around telling people you think so highly of them, or we’ll become those parents.” His arms tightened around her.
“Too late. I am positively overwhelming with pride. Between my children and my wife, I am quite easily the most fortunate man there ever was.” Emma smiled, despite how overwhelmingly sappy his words were. There was no fighting off the happy thump of her heart; she loved her charming wordsmith of a husband.
“You’re incorrigible.”
“And you, my love, are saddled with me. The day I made you mine was the best day of my life, tied only with the birth of the twins, because we made our promise for forever. You’re going to have to just bear that burden, Emma.” She sighed happily at that, feeling the need for sleep settling back in, but she just wanted to make sure she said her final piece.
“I’m holding you to that Mr. Jones.”
Killian brushed his lips against her shoulder, which was exposed from her tank and a little shiver coursed through her. Still, there would be no exploring that little thrill tonight. It was 3 AM and they had the twins’ first birthday in the morning. Her reaction didn’t go unnoticed though, and just as she was drifting off to sleep she heard Killian whisper.
“We’ll pick up right there tomorrow, love.” As she fell asleep, she dreamed of what tomorrow might bring and it was downright glorious.
“Do you ever think about how different our lives are now?” Ruby’s sudden question was posed to Mary Margaret and Emma as they set a tray to be brought out to the festivities in the other room.
“From when? Because honestly, I’m having flashbacks to Lizzie’s first birthday when the three of us were doing the exact same thing at my house.” Mary Margaret’s words were accurate, for the three friends had been just as involved in helping with Mary Margaret’s first born. Now Mary Margaret and David had another on the way, this time a little boy, much to their mutual happiness.
“Well, I guess two years ago was when all of this kind of set into motion. Killian came to find Emma, Graham got it together, and now here we are. We’re all married, which in itself is crazy, and we’re all Moms. Like seriously, who decided to let us do this?”
Emma laughed at that, because of course no one had decided. This was something that each couple had wanted to do. But Ruby had a point - things were vastly different than they’d been two years ago. In truth, things were infinitely better.
“And then there’s the store,” Mary Margaret acknowledged. “I mean did you ever see us opening more locations?”
Emma shook her head for she definitely had not. They were opening their third this summer, and would now not only be in Storybrooke, but in Boston and New York. With Mary Margaret’s projected figures, they could stand to make it a far bigger chain, but they had all decided that this was enough, especially for now. Even hiring staff to delegate was a lot to handle as Moms raising still very young families. For each of the friends, those families took the forefront always.
“Not to mention the blog, I mean really, none of us could have predicted hiring Belle could land the brand the hottest accessories style blog of the year right?”
“You know, there isn’t much I predicted,” Emma began as she took Mary Margaret and Ruby’s hands in hers holding firmly. “But I did see the three of us together, still best friends.”
Mary Margaret made a hiccup that sounded an awful lot like a muffled sob as she placed her other hand over her mouth and hugged Emma tight. Emma fully expected Ruby to join, but her friend smirked at her instead.
“Emma, honey, I don’t mean to freak you out, but falling in love and having babies really made you soft. I mean obviously, you’ve always loved us, but you’re just as cheesy as your husband now.”
Emma gasped in feigned horror and pulled her hand out of Ruby’s while moving back from Mary Margaret as well. She grabbed the cheese knife from the tray before her and then turned it towards Ruby and waved it a little in the brunette’s direction.
“You take that back, Ruby Bernadette Lucas-Huntsman.” Ruby’s eyes lit up in amusement before flicking over Emma’s shoulder. Whatever they saw made her grin.
“Emma, love, whatever’s transpired, I am on your side, but I feel you will likely regret killing Ruby. She’s the godmother of your son, your business partner and one of your best friends.” Emma turned to Killian who was all smiles in the face of the little standoff. Stepping to her and removing the knife, before wrapping his arms around her, Killian continued. “Besides, the children need their mother and I need my wife. Killing Ruby will land you in prison, and we just can’t have that.”
“But you don’t know the slanderous things she was saying. No friend of mine would ever spread lies like that.” Emma couldn’t keep the humor from her tone, try as she might, and the humor turned to laughter as she watched Ruby roll her eyes and flip her hair.
“Oh please-“ She held a hand up as she stepped into the living room and shouted to the rest of the guests. “Excuse me, everyone? Is it, or is it not true, that since meeting Killian, Emma has become just as cheesy as her man?” The chorus was a resounding yes, but Belle popped her head in to supplement.
“I actually think it’s likely that she was always cheesy, but she was just waiting for the right person to bring it out of her.” Emma acted affronted to the very end, until Killian turned her face up to his and looked in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry to tell you this, love, but the verdict is in, and it’s not in your favor.” Emma giggled and kissed him swiftly.
“That’s alright, I like cheesy. Besides, think of all the damage we can do to the kids as they get older. Someday they’ll be teenagers and you’ll make Dad jokes while I play the obnoxiously doting mother.”
“I dare say it’ll be a riot, love,” Killian replied as he tucked a loose strand of her golden hair behind her ear.
“Cheesy or not,” Mary Margaret said loudly enough to burst into the moment, “You have to admit their adorable.” Mary Margaret slapped at David’s arm.
“Ow, what was that for?”
“We could be that cute too, you know.” David looked at Killian and Emma a little lost, having come into the kitchen at the tail end of the conversation.
“Why would we want to be cute? We’re better than cute, we’re beautiful.” A beat passed and then everyone was laughing at that, still Dave looked confused.
“Alright, actually, that line right there just won the whole thing, so congratulations kids, this round has gone to you.” Ruby handed Mary Margaret Emma’s cheese knife as if that was some sort of token for couple cuteness and Mary Margaret took it happily. Without shame she slipped it into a napkin and placed it in her purse.
“Hey I just-,” Emma was cut off as Killian whispered into Emma’s ear.
“Let her have it love. I’ll buy you a dozen more.” Emma turned the tables, sliding more sensuality than was necessary in her response.
“Really? Because that makes me feel…” She ran her fingers over Killian’s chest lightly.
“Feel what, love?” Killian asked, voice thick with his own desire and Emma just smiled before pushing back.
“On second thought, I’d rather not say.”
Emma knew it was cruel to tease him that way, but she couldn’t help feeling triumphant in the moment. The growly sound that came from him as she walked into the living room with the tray of cheese and crackers was probably louder than it needed to be, but when their other guests looked at her for explanation, Emma simply shrugged.
“My husband gets a little grumpy when he’s hungry.” The muttered words behind her from him sounded something like ‘Messing with a man’s hunger is bad form,’ but Emma wasn’t one hundred percent on that.
To focus on something else and prolong the little tease between her and Killian, Emma made her way to Tiana, who they had convinced to stay on with the store and with the line. She brought her fiancé to the party and he was none other than the notorious Naveen. A once proud, rich playboy turned actually good guy, Naveen was an interesting character and a good fit for Tiana. He respected her ambition, loved it even, and he was always there to support her. That was all the proof Emma needed to know they would work.
“This is a lovely party, Emma.” Emma smiled at Tiana’s kind words before joking that it was really a party for adults, since the twins would never remember.
“So no Liam and Elsa and the boys today?” Naveen asked and Emma shook her head. They had all been there just a few months before for the holidays, and during their weeklong trip, Tiana and Naveen had been reintroduced to the extended Jones family and made quite an impression, the latter especially. Turned out being the only child of rich diplomats made a man a little boyish whether he grew up or not.
“Afraid not. The boys still had school, but they’ll be visiting again in just a few months. I’ll make sure they leave the hover board at home after last time.” Naveen puffed out his chest.
“Hey, they still thought I was cool.” Meanwhile Tiana patted his arm reassuringly.
“Right, and the opinion of two boys in elementary school really takes precedence over that of adults.” Naveen nodded like that was a given and Emma laughed, excusing herself to go check on the babies who were being awfully spoiled this afternoon as nearly every guest was taking turns holding them.
“I think he might actually be the calmest, happiest baby on the face of the planet,” Belle said as Emma approached. She was holding Connor in her arms, and looking at him like he was some kind of mysterious, otherworldly figure.
“Don’t let those quiet smiles fool you, this little guy is going to be just as much trouble as his sister. He’s just sneakier about it.”
As if he could understand his mother, Connor intertwined his little fingers in Emma’s hair into a miniature vice grip. He didn’t pull, just stayed there, holding tight.
“See what I mean? One gets you with shrieking, the other with silence.” Belle laughed heartily at that as she handed Connor off to Emma.
For the remainder of the party, Emma focused solely on the twins, watching as they were put in their high chairs and presented with cake. In an unexpected twist by many, Connor was the one who dove into his little cupcake with the most ferocity, causing a huge mess, but an adorable scene that then inspired his sister Hope to rise to the challenge. By the end of that, both babies were in need of a serious bath and the guests took this as their sign to take their leave. Thanks to plenty of practice, Emma and Killian were able to get Connor and Hope cleaned and changed and ready for a nap in record time. Soon enough the house was quiet, the happy chaos of before subdued to a comfortable peace. They returned to the kitchen once more to put some of the last of the plates and dishes away.
“You know, this is going to start getting tricky when there’s more than one party a year.”
Emma had a moment, perhaps from the frenzy of the afternoon or just her own fatigue, where she could not for the life of her understand Killian’s meaning. As he came to wrap his arms around her she wrangled with the words, so he supplemented.
“Unless we are very precise, it’s highly unlikely our other children will have the same birthday.”
“We just barely got by throwing a party for twin one year olds and you’re already talking about more kids?” Emma pretended that his words were crazy, but she felt a bit of longing tugging at her chest. Even if she didn’t think now was the optimal time to do it, she did want more kids. Still, who was she kidding, there would likely never be an ideal time to have more.
“I’ve been thinking of more since the day you told me you were pregnant.” Emma rolled her eyes and he chuckled. The sound shouldn’t have caused the spark of lust that shot through her, but it did. Talk of babies led to thoughts of making babies. It was the natural progression, after all.
“How would you suppose we do this, Killian? We both work, and childcare for the twins is enough of a balancing act.” Killian grinned in response.
“Easy. I’ll be a stay at home Dad.” Emma gaped at him but he continued on. “I have the luxury of delegating to an extent that I don’t need to be at any of the bars love, here or elsewhere. Let me do this, and if you want you can return to a full week, or keep your two days at home. Lord knows I’d love the excuse to see you more.”
“You’re serious?”
“Aye, love. I’m lucky enough to have made my fortune early and I hate being away from them. I miss them all day long, and for what? So I can run a ship that really runs itself. Trust me, love, this can work.” Emma considered for a moment and then whispered her reply.
Killian instantly brought her into a huge hug, twirling her about a little bit and Emma giggled, for really, how else could one respond to that reaction. When he stopped twirling though, his hands immediately went under her shirt, his fingers tracing patterns on her bare skin, quickly setting her on fire.
“You want to start right now?!”
“Yes, Swan, that’s the idea. And just think of all the fun we can have trying to get pregnant. I’ll have to bed you every night.” She moaned as he brought her shirt above her head and unclasped the front of her bra.
“Killian, you already ‘bed me’ every night.” He smiled again as he ripped his own shirt off over his head and unbuttoned his jeans while Emma did the same with hers.
“You drive a hard bargain, love. I can guarantee two a day, three if you’re working from home.” Emma liked the sound of that and she loved the feel of Killian stripping off her bra and running his hands across her breasts, teasing her nipples in the way that drove her crazy. Screw sleeping, she didn’t need it if she could have this.
With that, his lips were crashing to hers, dancing in a delicious interplay of heat and passion as his hands slipped lower over towards her waiting sex. When she moaned into his mouth, he bit at her bottom lip, only making her want him more. Placing her on the table, Killian pulled back to speak again.
“Tell me what you want, love.” Hell, Emma could barely think she was so turned on.
“Hard and fast.”
Killian’s smile ticked up at the side and Emma knew that her request had been open ended enough for him to still have his way too. His hands drifted, widening her legs as he knelt down before her. Her fingers moved to his hair, trying to gain some kind of purchase as he licked and sucked at her needy sex until he was making good on his promise and giving her that oh so satisfying release. He pulled back only a moment and raised a brow as if to ask if she wanted more and she shook her head. Even if it was mind-blowingly fantastic, she needed him with her. He stood again and kissed her neck as his hands came to her hips.
“First rule of making babies,” Emma said as she took his cock in hand, “You fuck with your cock, not your mouth.” The growl that came from her husband’s through had Emma’s desire hurtling into overdrive and as he thrust into her they both moaned.
“Fuck if I can stand your dirty talk, Swan. It does things to me.”
Emma would have responded with some more, or perhaps a witty comeback, but all she could do was grind against him seeking that friction and rhythm until they were both spiraling towards a shattering climax. With just a brush of his thumb against her clit they were there, both panting in the aftermath of such excellent lovemaking.
“You know this won’t matter since I took my pill last night,” Killian nodded but then surprised her by taking her in his arms and carrying her up the stairs to their bedroom. Once there, he made her watch as he threw all the birth control pills in the trash.
“Let’s consider this afternoon practice love, and remember, I’m nothing if not thorough.” Yes she knew, and she was thanking her lucky stars for that.
In a few months time, Emma and Killian were blessed with the news that they were pregnant once more, and in a move that some called crazy, they had four babies in four years. While it might have been the essence of insanity in the beginning, it was also an incredible blessing. All of the kids were happy and healthy and close and in the end, the Jones family was a bonded one, tight knit and supportive in ways many other families could only dream of being.
The years passed, and more successes came with the store and with the line, but if anyone ever asked, Emma always said that her family and her friends were the best part of her life. Each and every day, good, bad, or in between, was a part of a happily ever after that Emma and Killian fought hard for. That single truth made each day worth having and made life together all the sweeter. From the outside, their story was a charmed one, filled with hope and love and possibility. And the beauty was it was just the same on the inside too.
The End.
Post-Note: I hope that you guys have enjoyed the reposting of this story. Know that all your kind words have meant the world and I love all the great feedback I get from you guys. I am thinking my next story back will be ‘Just a Taste’ my Great British Baking Show AU because I need a little more cooking in my CS AU life. Anyway, thanks again so much for reading and I hope you all have a lovely rest of your day!
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scabopolis · 3 years
the gift of gab, the gift of you
Here it is @thisonesatellite! your 2020 CS Secret Santa gift. It was a complete and total delight to get to be your gift giver this year. That is not hyperbole - you are a gosh dang delight! Each of your message responses left me in stitches and while I will NEVER try and convince you a movie you think is bunk is good, I am delighted at the opportunity to recommend rom coms that don’t make you want to gouge your eyes out. 
This fic is heavily inspired by your love of coffee shops AUs (except...you know, a pub), your travel stories (which I shamelessly incorporated into the fic) and I believe rates about a 4 on the reindeer scale of Christmas cheer.  You’re a total eagle eye, so I just need to say I am well aware that Colin O’Donoghue’s accent in no way resembles an accent from Cork, but I just need that to be ignored, please and thank you.
Also, I’ve decided we’re fandom friends now. Okay? Okay! Finally, thank you to @cssecretsanta2020 for organizing this exchange and being the actual best and most patient fandom soul. 
*** Title: the gift of gab, the gift of you
Summary: Emma needs an Irish man. Wait! No! It’s not what it sounds like. And then the universe just has to go and provide her with the world’s chattiest, flirtiest, blue-eyesiest Irish man in existence. 
Available on AO3. ***
Emma is in no position to complain. From where she sits both literally – (perched upon a comfy barstool in the world’s coziest pub) – as well as existentially – (traveling abroad for the first time in her life) — she is fortunate and blessed. 
It’s just – 
It’s just it would be easier to enjoy it all if she didn’t have to deal with a rather annoying request from her rather annoyingly persistent mother. 
Her headphones are in but Emma still takes great care to speak in hushed tones over video chat. There’s nothing she wants less than to be the loud American who shares her private conversation with an entire establishment. The pub she found is at the end of a quiet lane off of Cork’s high street. The customers within the pub appear to be locals well known by the staff who tend the pub. In truth, she wouldn’t even be having this conversation if it wasn’t for —
“Who have you talked to today?” her mother asks. 
“Uh, I’m pretty sure I thanked the barista who made my coffee. And I ordered a pint in this pub.” 
“That’s not talking.” 
“It is by definition talking.” 
“That’s not what I meant. How else are you going to get to know the city?” Her mom interrupts before Emma can properly formulate a snarky reply. “And don’t you dare say ‘guidebooks.’ Your father and I raised you better than that.”
“Mom, please don’t make me do this.” 
“You said I could have anything I wanted as a souvenir.”  
“What about a mug? I bought Grandma Ruth one with a big fat sheep on it.” 
“Sounds lovely, sweetie, but no.” 
“Mom.” Emma realizes that as a twenty-six year old woman it is probably unbecoming to whine, but her mother is being absolutely ridiculous. Where is her dad when she needs him to rescue her? All he requested was a bottle of whiskey. What a sensible person!
“No. It’s fine. If you don’t want to get your mother the one thing she asked for on this trip that’s okay. I won’t say one word about paying for this celebration trip, or paying for graduate school, or —” 
“Shit, mom. Did you take a Guilt Trip 101 class or just Google how to?”
“Oh, this is natural talent. My present, please.” 
“Fine.” There’s a group of bearded men, the ones she pegged as locals, tucked into one corner of the pub. They’re probably her best bet, but she just arrived last night, and the combination of jet lag and travel nerves make her feel not yet up for that. Which leaves the staff working the bar. 
One of the two men she’s seen pouring pints and serving up food has gone missing. Besides, Emma wouldn’t trust herself in her sleep-deprived state to not say something utterly absurd to the blue-eyed, dark-haired, scruffy bartender. Probably a good thing he’s gone. Much safer is the other man working the bar – the one who refused to serve her Guinness but was very kind about it. While arguably attractive, he is a decidedly less intimidating sort of handsome. Unfortunately, he is in the midst of a heated discussion with one of the patrons, the two of them gesticulating to something happening with a football match on the screen. Which leaves the blonde haired woman currently polishing glasses. 
Emma lightly clears her throat. “Excuse me, ma’am?” When the woman turns to look at her, Emma smiles, and signals her over. She sets aside the pint glasses and tucks the polishing rag into her apron. Her mother, on the other end of the video call, is not satisfied. 
“Did you say ma’am?” 
“Mom,” Emma whispers.
“I said an Irish man, Emma Blanchard Nolan. Man.”
“No. You said person.” 
“The man was implied.” 
“Then you should have been more specific.” 
“Ready for another?” the woman at the bar asks. 
Emma looks down at her half-full pint. “Not quite.” She frowns. “And, uh, you’re not Irish, are you?” 
“No. Canadian.” 
“Ah. Okay.” Emma lowers her voice again and looks at her phone screen. Her mother remains unimpressed. “That’s foreign. Technically she’s a foreigner.” 
The sternness of Mary-Margaret’s expression is evident even over the video call. “Emmaline —” 
“Not my name, mother.” 
“Emmaline Blanchard Nolan, you promised me.” 
“I’ll find an Irish person tomorrow.” It’s about this time Emma realizes she’s rudely ignoring the very kind and apparently Canadian bartender. The one she asked to speak with. What’s more, the very kind and apparently Canadian bartender has been joined by the curly haired bartender. Both of whom peer at her with matching expressions of amused befuddlement. Emma removes her headphones and addresses the man. “You’re Irish, right?” 
“Well, miss,” and the gentle brogue of his accent, even with those two short words, is quite evident, “you are in Ireland.” 
“Excellent! Can you talk to my mom?” She detaches the headphones from her phone and turns the camera around to face the man and woman. “My mom wants to have a conversation with an Irish person.” 
“Irish man,” her mother corrects.
“An Irish man. Out in the wild.” The bartenders stare at her, nonplussed. “It’s her souvenir.” 
The woman presses her lips together – an obvious attempt to stifle a laugh. 
“Well, uh, aye.” The man tugs at his ear. “I guess I could —” He’s interrupted from his stuttering by the return of the blue-eyed, stubbly bartender, hauling a new keg into the back of the bar. 
“Actually,” the woman cuts in. “My husband,” she hip checks the curly-haired man, “needs to replace the keg.” 
“I do?” he asks. 
“He does?” This from tall, dark, and holy hell! also possesses an Irish accent. 
“But Killian is in the middle—”
“Shh,” the blonde woman interrupts her husband. 
“Yeah. Killian is—”
She goes on to shush the man Emma now knows to be Killian. 
“Oh no,” Mary Margaret whispers over the video call, “there’s two of them.” 
“What is happening?” Emma’s not sure which of the two men asked, this whole interaction spinning rather absurdly out of control. 
“I don’t know,” Emma says.
The woman ignores all of them. “I’m Elsa, this is Liam, and that,” she points to Killian, frozen with a hand on the keg like he’s uncertain what to do, “is my very single, very Irish brother-in-law.” And all at once it becomes clear what Elsa’s intentions are. “Killian, can you come over here and help our lovely patron and her lovely mother?” 
“Oh, Emma, Killian even sounds like an Irish name.” 
“Mom!” Originally she found her mother’s request to be silly but harmless. The more people who become involved, however, the quicker it approaches mortifying. Emma watches as Elsa whispers something to her brother-in-law, likely explaining the unconventional request. 
“I’m very friendly,” Mary-Margaret reassures anyone who might be listening. 
“You are a flirt, is what you are,” Emma scolds. “And what would dad say if he found out about this?”
“He asked for whiskey. I asked for this.” 
“Come on, lass. Don’t deprive me of a dashing rescue.” Killian leans across the bar, his hand reaching out for her phone. All that stubble and the blue-eyes and the accent are worse when directed directly at her. “Besides, your mum sounds like a woman after my own heart.” 
“If you’re sure—?”
To her abject horror, the moment she hands Killian the phone, he walks away with it in hand. 
“As requested, milady,” he says to the screen, “one genuine Irish man.”
Her mother’s delighted giggle is embarrassing for all Americans everywhere but it seems to delight Killian. She can just makeout her mother’s question about where he grew up when he rounds the corner, out of her hearing. 
“Where is he going?” Emma asks, craning her neck. “Where is he taking my phone?” 
“If I know Killian, your mum is probably about to get the most thorough oral history of Irish pubs she could have asked for,” Liam says, tossing a towel over his shoulder. 
“Oh. Okay.” She drums her fingertips on her glass. “I’m sorry about all the trouble.” 
“Nonsense,” he waves her off. “This is the most exciting thing to happen in our pub since Seamus and Willy hosted their wedding reception here.” He jerks his chin towards the group of bearded men she noticed earlier, though which one is Seamus and which is Willy she can’t be certain. 
After another fifteen minutes, Emma has finished her pint and Killian still has possession of her phone. He crossed through the room once, merrily chatting with her mother as he regaled  her with the story of how he got the scar on his cheek. 
Elsa is filling a series of pint glasses for a group of women standing at the bar, and Emma feels the need to apologize again. “This isn’t what I expected,” she explains. 
“What’s that?” Elsa asks. 
“I was kind of thinking, best case scenario, there’d be an exchange of hellos and that would be that.” 
Elsa nods, hands the pints off to the women, and then fills one more. “Are you familiar with the legend of the Blarney stone?” 
Emma nods. She has absolutely no intention of kissing the dang thing (her research indicates local teens do all manner of ungodly things to the stone, knowing that tourists intend to kiss it), but it’s on her list to go see. 
“Well, Jones family legend —”
“I take it your husband and his brother are Jones’?” 
“And me by marriage. Jones family legend has it that Killian must have been birthed upon the stone because never has there been a man more endowed with the gift of gab.” Elsa finishes pouring the pint and sets it in front of her. 
“Oh, I didn’t order this.” Right at that moment, Liam returns to the bar and sets a turkey sandwich in front of her. “Or this,” Emma says. 
“Knowing my brother, you might be here a while,” Liam explains. 
“Gift of gab?” 
He nods, pleased that the Jones family lore has reached her. “Gift of gab.”
Liam proves to be correct, which means Emma has ample time to get to know both Elsa and Liam. The two of them are freakishly adept at juggling bartending, interacting with their customers, and keeping up a steady flow of conversation with her. The highlight is hearing the full story of Seamus and Willy (she is able to identify them by their matching navy sweaters – sweaters which Willy apparently handknits for the both of them), two men who worked on the same fishing boat for decades before realizing they were in love. 
“Once they sorted that bit out, they got married three weeks later,” Elsa says. 
“So which one of them is the designated driver?” Emma asks. 
“That whole lot lives down the street.” Liam raises his voice so the group can hear them. “And they do nothing but hassle me every day of my life!” The group all raise their pint glasses and cheer, indicating this kind of teasing is something central to the pub’s dynamic. 
Killian returns from wherever it was he was busy flirting with her mother and sets her phone on the bartop. She looks down at the display only to find it blank.
“Uh, your mum had to run to the market, but she indicated she’ll call you later.” 
“She didn’t even say goodbye? Unbelievable.” As Emma gears herself up for peak mom-annoyance, she gets a text message. “Speak of the devil.” 
4:38 PM - Mom to Emma hubba hubba
“Ah, geez, mom,” she grumbles. 
“What’d she say about me?” Killian asks. 
“What makes you think that text was about you?” 
“Because you have roses in your cheeks.” Emma frowns. She what? “You’re blushing,” Killian says. 
“No I’m not.” 
“It’s getting deeper, I’m afraid.” He takes away her empty pint glass. “Another?” 
“Yes, please.” 
He sets another pint of Murphy’s in front of her (Liam was the one to inform her that one drinks Murphy’s when one is in Cork). “Your mother is lovely.” 
“Yeah, she’s something alright.” She sips the beer and licks the foam off her lip. “What were the two of you talking about for so long?”
“Oh, just having a chat. She wanted to know about the pub and how Elsa and Liam met.” 
“The gift of gab.” 
“Ah,” he says, “Elsa told you of that, then?” 
“Like my mom didn’t tell you anything about me?” 
“It was all good, Emma.” 
She snorts. “Yeah, I’m sure.” 
“Why a conversation with an Irish man?” Emma frowns at Killian, not quite certain of what he’s asking. “For a souvenir. That’s truly all your mum wanted?” 
“Oh, that. In between flirting, did she tell you anything about her and my dad?” Killian shakes his head. “It’s kind of a long story.” 
As if waiting for his cue, Liam comes up behind Killian and slings an arm around his brother’s shoulder. “My dear little brother has time.” 
“Younger brother,” Killian corrects. 
“Shorter brother.” Liam bumps Killian towards the other side of the bar. “Why don’t you keep Emma company?” 
“I have another three hours on my shift.” 
“I think Elsa and I can handle it until Will arrives.” 
“Don’t make me fire you.” 
“You can’t fire me. We’re co-owners.” 
“Fine. Don’t make me quit.” 
Killian rolls his eyes but slides out from under Liam’s arm. He crosses to the other side of the bar and sits beside Emma. “I’ll take a pint, then.” He raps his knuckles on the bartop. “And make it quick.” 
Emma hides her smile in her pint glass. Both Liam and Elsa have been so lovely. There’s no reason to switch allegiances at this point. Regardless of how much she might be tempted by the stubbly-faced, blue-eyed flirty Irish man sitting beside her. 
“Between the two of them and my mother,” Emma says. 
“Yeah, not the most subtle lot.” Liam shoots Killian a glare as he sets the pint down to which Killian responds with the cheekiest grin Emma has ever seen. The interaction has older and baby brother written all over it. “So, your mom and Irishmen. Go.” 
“Oh, that.” Unlike her mother, and even her father, Emma holds the details of her life close to her chest. She’s made the mistake in the past of sharing too much too fast. When people leave her, either by choice or circumstance, it physically pains her to know there are people out in the world with knowledge of her worries, fears and dreams. But maybe it’s the sandwich sitting warm in her stomach, or the jet lag, or simply the buzz of international travel, because she feels inclined to share at least a few details of her life with Killian. 
“My mom and dad both took a gap year after high school and met while backpacking across Europe. They met at the Roman Colosseum, decided to match up their itineraries, and by the time they arrived in Budapest five months later they were in love and my mom was pregnant.” 
“And they’ve been together ever since?” 
“Almost 27 years.”
“That’s quite the story.” 
She nods. “They cut their year of travel short, and went to live with my Grandma Ruth, my dad’s mom. They always talked about returning to Europe, finishing their trip at some point, but by the time I was old enough to leave behind with my grandma, dad was in vet school, mom was teaching, and they were running a wildlife rescue from the family farm. They kept making new plans to travel but they just kept getting pushed back and back and back. Until, one day, they decided to put all that money towards sending me on my first trip instead. So, as much as I fight every silly request she has of me, I would do anything if it made her smile.”
“Your mum and dad never made it to Ireland?” 
“Thus the strange request.” 
“Thus the strange request.” 
“Well, it gave me a reason to chat with the lovely lass at the bar, so for that I’ll be forever grateful.” 
Her Grandma Ruth, Aunt Ruby, and frankly everyone who knows her parents well, routinely comment on the resemblance between Emma and her dad. Apparently in temperament and affectation they are almost identical. But maybe she’s more like her mom than anyone knows because the conversation between her and Killian flows fast and easy. Easy enough that she barely notices when she and Killian finish their pints and Elsa slides new glasses in front of them. Emma’s head is feeling a little buzzy, and that turkey sandwich was more than a couple hours ago. Maybe she can hint at Killian that she wants to go to the Christmas market. Hint even more specifically that she wouldn’t hate if he went with her. 
No, she can’t do that. To even think such a thing would be ridiculous. 
She can’t possibly ask a practical stranger to walk up and down the stalls of the festive market with her. She can’t expect him to want to sample all the baked goods and food they can handle. Or to hold her hand while they drink spiked apple cider. That kind of thinking is romantic, and hopeful, and not at all her brand. 
“This is really your first trip out of the states?” Killian asks.
“I mean, Canada, but that’s so close to home it doesn’t count.” Emma catches herself, eyes darting to Elsa. “Don’t tell your sister.” 
“Your secret’s safe with me.” Killian angles his body on the stool to face her more directly. Without Emma realizing it, they’ve drifted close enough together over the past hour or so that the move makes it so their knees knock together. Emma could move away, put some distance between them, but everything is foggy and hazy in that delicious way, and she can’t bring herself to move. “What does that make me, then? The ruggedly handsome foreigner you intend to seduce as a notch on your bedpost?” 
“Who said anything about seduction?”
“You’re giving me bedroom eyes.” 
“I do not make eyes of any kind. Especially bedroom eyes.” 
Elsa jumps in, setting glasses of water down for each of them. “Yeah, but Killian does. And he needs to put them away.”
Emma tries to react quickly enough to Elsa’s teasing to evade Killian’s detection, to turn away and hide her smile in her shoulder so he can’t see, but the gentle tug on the end of her braid indicates he caught her. 
“Think that’s funny, do you?” 
“You and my mom ganged up against me. I deserve to join with your family against you.” 
“Your mum is great.” He shrugs. “Well, based on the little I know.”  
“I know she can be a little intense. I hope she didn’t—”
“She was as lovely as her daughter.” Before his words can fully sink in, perhaps bringing that blush back to her cheeks, he’s moved on. “You’ll have to bring her with you when you return.” 
She rests her chin on palm, blinking up at him. Okay, maybe she sometimes makes eyes. “What makes you think I have any plans to come back?”
“Ireland gets in your blood. You’ll be back.” 
This time they’re interrupted by Liam. He swipes away the pint glasses in front of them, remaining beer and all. “That’s about all I can stomach of that.”
“What do you mean?” Killian asks. 
“You’ve been flirting with the kind tourist long enough. Time to go.” 
Oh. Emma looks down at her boots. A surge of deep embarrassment heating her cheeks and causing her stomach to churn. “Sorry,” she says quietly, her eyes turned down. “I didn’t mean to—”
“No!” The twin cries from both Liam and Killian startle her. She’s not sure which one appears more stricken by her announcement she intended to leave.   
“Apologies, Emma, I wasn’t clear,” Liam says. He extends his hand to Killian. “Apron.” It takes Killian a moment to react but when Liam stays in his place, his hand extended, Killian removes his apron and hands it to him. “See you tomorrow, little brother.” 
“Not a word.” Liam stalks back over to Elsa who is shaking her head at the whole display. “They’re both idiots,” Liam says, and Emma is just going to pretend she didn’t hear that, thank you very much. 
“Have you been to the Christmas market yet, Emma?” Killian’s voice brings her back to the pub, and this particular bar stool, with this particular man. This particular man who has somehow intuited the secret desire of her heart to go to the town’s Christmas market with him. 
“No. No. Not yet.” 
Killian jumps down from his seat and extends a hand to Emma to help her down. “Come on, love. Let’s sail away.” 
There’s 100 ways Emma could respond to that. She could tell Killian she isn’t his love. She could jump down from the stool on her own. She could insist she’s fine going to the market by herself. But she tries to channel a little magic, that particular magic which for her mom and dad turned one day in Rome into a lifetime, and chooses differently. 
(Not that she’s saying she expects—)
She takes Killian’s offered hand and his answering grin is all the confirmation she needs she made the right decision. 
And so they go to the Christmas market, and at Killian’s insistence she tries mulled wine but quickly trades it in for a cup of boozy cider. They ride the ferris wheel, the cold stinging her cheeks from the top, the lights of Cork spread out before her, and that thrum of love for this place beats loudly in her veins. Suddenly every travel story her parents have ever told her makes sense and maybe Killian is right  – maybe Ireland is in her blood. 
They walk together side-by-side and at a point Emma can’t remember – somewhere between sampling whiskey, buying several bottles for her dad, and licking salt and malt vinegar from hot chips off her fingers – they transition to walking hand-in-hand. The heat of Killian’s skin, even through two layers of gloves, is what she blames for the fact that she actually starts humming along to Christmas carols. Where’s that deep cynicism she has been committed to for her life when she needs it? 
“Told you,” Killian says after the two of them step away from a stall with handmade ornaments. She must have been channeling her mom because she couldn’t stop herself from striking up a conversation with the vendor. Somehow by the end of the interaction she’d agreed to join him and his wife for their annual holiday pub crawl the following night. 
“Told me what?” 
“That you would fall for Ireland.” 
“You get the honor and privilege of keeping me company on my first full night on my first real trip out of the country and all you can say is ‘I told you so’?” 
“I believe what I am trying to say, love, is you appear very much at home here.” 
The sentiment makes everything in Emma buzz, but she does what she does best and works to diffuse it. “Well, uh, I don’t know. Does it ever snow here?”��
“Eh, we get about 50 mm every year?” At her look of confusion Killian smiles. “Not much.” 
“Have you ever had a white Christmas?” 
“Can’t say I have. They’re pretty rare in Ireland.” 
“In that case, I think this means you should come to Maine. We do a great white Christmas.” 
“Maybe I will.” 
“Great. Next year sound good?” 
Killian laughs and squeezes her hand. “Sounds great.”
She hears the faint echo of advice her dad once gave her. It was right when she was fresh off her heartbreak with Neal and wasn’t sure she had it in her to apply for grad school. He said something to her about moments. About the need to notice good moments even in the midst of bad ones. 
Standing here hand-in-hand with a man she met only five hours ago, the glow of Christmas lights dancing in technicolor hues against his cheeks and hair, Emma is absolutely certain this is a good moment. 
She answers Killian’s question by rising up on her toes and kissing him. It’s quick and fleeting, barely a brush of her lips against his, but the look on his face as she pulls away, all bright eyed-wonder, deserves to be classified as a good moment all on its own. 
It takes self-control Emma wasn’t aware she possessed to not drop their shopping bags to the ground, grip him by the lapels of his jacket, and kiss the crap out of him. Instead she loops her arm in his. 
“It’s getting late,” she says. “Want to walk me back to my hotel?” 
He swallows, that poleaxed expression still on his face. “Aye.” 
The next morning, Emma is woken up by the sound of her video call alert and boy it was a mistake to not extend her do not disturb until noon. She reaches out and blindly bats at the bedside table until she makes contact with her phone. As soon as she swipes up on her mom’s call, she squeezes her eyes shut again. 
“Oh, sweetie. Are you still jet lagged?” 
“And a little hungover.”
“Sounds like you had a very eventful night.”
Killian grumbles from somewhere behind her. “What time is it?” he asks.
It’s right about this moment Emma realizes her error. Her mom goes quiet and Emma considers taking the opportunity to end the call. And then maybe ignore every call thereafter for the next five days. 
“Emma Nolan. Is there a man in bed with you?” 
“No,” Emma answers, though it’s perfunctory and not at all convincing. 
Killian presses closer to her, and shifts so his chin rests on her shoulder. “Hello again, Mrs. Nolan. And this must be Mr. Nolan.” 
That gets Emma’s attention and she opens her eyes enough to see her mom and dad sitting beside one another on the couch. While her mom is positively gleeful, her dad looks as though he wishes he could melt into the couch cushions and disappear. 
“There are certain things I don’t care to see,” her dad says. “Certain things I don’t care to know.” 
Emma rotates in bed and onto her back, holding the phone above her head so both she and Killian are still in view of the camera. “Oh hush, Dad, you and mom did it the first night you met.” 
“You told her that?” 
In response, her mom shrugs. “She asked.” 
“And not that it matters, but Killian and I didn’t have sex.” 
Though it didn’t stop them from trading long, slow kisses that left her dizzy and wanting more, more, and more. Killian must have felt the same because it took little to no convincing to get him to stay the night. Perhaps most remarkably, after extending the invitation, Emma had no desire to retract it or pretend it didn’t mean anything. 
“Your daughter was far too drunk to have sex.” Emma turns her head so fast in Killian’s direction she hears something crack. 
“That, for instance, is one of the things I don't want to know about,” her dad says.  
Killian cheerfully waves at the camera, ignoring both her father’s indignation and her glare. “I’m Killian, by the way. Happy to meet your acquaintance, Mr. Nolan.” 
Emma elbows Killian. The man is a total menace. “I’ll call you guys back when I’ve had coffee,” 
“I want details,” her mom says. 
“And I want no details.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Emma hangs up the phone and tosses it in the direction of the foot of the bed. She flips over onto her side and Killian mirrors her, reaching out to trace the freckles on the bridge of her nose. “So that was my dad.” 
“He seems a charming fellow.” 
“Don’t let the responsible tough guy act fool you,” she says, and snuggles closer to Killian. He responds just as she hoped, by wrapping his arms tight around her. “He once spent all his money on a cross country train ride and stole oyster crackers from the dining car for food. And during a California road trip, my mom almost froze to death sleeping in her wet bathing suit on the side of the road.” 
Killian chuckles, the vibrations of his laugh making her feel even warmer. “You’re saying they can deal with a half naked man in their daughter’s hotel room?”  
“Yeah, they can deal.” After a moment’s hesitation, Emma slips her hands up and under Killian’s shirt. It’s the one he wore to work, and she can still smell the faint aromas of beer and fried food that linger. She presses her palms against his back and bunches the shirt up, up, and then over his head. 
A girl could get used to the way his voice moves over the syllables of her name. “They might have a problem with a fully naked one, though.” She kisses his bare shoulder.
Killian’s hands move under her shirt to span her waist. Goosebumps breakout across her skin. By the slight twist of his lips, Killian notices. “So you’re saying—?” 
“I’m saying you should quit gabbing and kiss me before they call again.” 
“As you wish.”
And a week later, when she is back in Maine celebrating Christmas with her family and Killian is in Ireland with his, Emma convinces herself she imagined it. She must have. She must have imagined how safe she felt in the presence of another person. Imagined the comfort she felt as he joined her for a quick road trip to Dublin. Imagined that it could feel like your heart was split in two, half residing in the chest of a person you just met. 
But the week of New Year’s Eve, when he arrives in Maine to celebrate with her, she’s startled to find it was all real. 
The morning after Killian arrives, she sits with her mom in her parents’ breakfast nook, the two of them sipping coffee as Killian and her dad make waffles. 
“Not such a dumb souvenir after all, huh?” her mom whispers.
Emma shakes her head, too happy to even react to her mom’s shameless gloating. “No. Not so dumb.” 
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foxravenblog · 4 years
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Les enfants, aujourd'hui, Tonton Fox vous parle de littérature. Mais pas n'importe laquelle. Lorsque Gérald Gardner, met en forme, et d'une certaine façon, crée la wicca dans les années 50, il suit un mouvement déjà existant. D'une certaine façon, l'idée était dans l'air.
Les livres pour enfants, par leur fausse innocence, permettent de dire pas mal de choses. C'est le cas de Mary Poppins, pas le film de Disney, mais les livres de Pamela Lyndon Travers. Sous une forme dissimulée, l'occultisme y est partout présent. Chaque chapitre est une petite histoire à méditer et qui est comme une leçon de magie donnée à la petite Jane qui est au centre de l'histoire. D'ailleurs l'auteur était elle même occultiste. Dans le deuxième tôme, le passage de l'arrivée du nouveau bébé, qui comprend le langage des oiseaux, et se fâche car il va oublier ses vies antérieures, ne laisse pas de place au doute.(Seule Mary Poppins peut se rappeler qui elle était avant).
Parfois c'est plus discret. Comme dans "Le vent dans les saules" de Kenneth Grahame. Le moment où Ragondin retrouve les petits lapins perdus est marqué par le grand dieu Pan qui fait vivre aux personnages un moment de grâce, d'exaltation, dont ils ne garderont qu'un souvenir confus.
Pour ce qui est de Pan, une des interprétations de Peter Pan, pas la seule, est que Peter Pan est en réalité le grand frère mort de Wendy. L'ile des enfants perdus serait les limbes où vont les enfants morts trop jeunes. Les autres œuvres de James Barrie ont aussi un caractère fantastique marqué.
"Le grand dieu Pan" est aussi un roman de Arthur Machen. Moitié fantastique moitié science fiction, il montre le coté redoutable de l'incarnation de la nature dans le paganisme. Le même écrivain reprendra cet aspect dans ce qui est sans doute le plus extraordinaire roman fantastique:"Le peuple blanc". Lorsqu'Arthur Machen a quitté la Golden Dawn, il est revenu à l'église d'Angleterre. Il a alors eu une vision de l'occulte comme diabolique, et, selon ses propres termes:"Ne voulait plus rien avoir à faire avec toute ces pleines lunes". Dans cette histoire, la jeune fille a été initiée enfant à la sorcellerie par sa nounou galloise (celte). Elle effectuera des rituels païens avec les moyens du bord devant une terrible idole datant de l'occupation romaine. Basé sur l'idée de survivances antiques, c'est un roman étonnant.
Souvenons nous aussi que c'est dans les années 30 et 40 que sont publiés "Le seigneur des anneaux" de Tolkien, et "Le monde de Narnia" de CS Lewis. Les deux compères qui ont écrit ces sagas étant tout deux collègues professeurs d'histoire à Oxford.
On pourrait dire que cette littérature anglaise a préparé le terrain. Elle est surtout la manifestation d'un courant de pensée qui a fini par se répandre sur l'ensemble du monde.
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Tag Game Top 5/Bottom 5 Kudos Fics
I was tagged by @laschatzi and @kmomof4 to share my top five and bottom five fics based on the number of kudos they received.  Thanks ladies!  So here you go:
Top Five:
Fluffy Fridays: (T) A series of unrelated, fluffy one shots featuring Killian Jones and Emma Swan and the relationship that makes us all swoon. Will contain both canon and AU stories. My contribution to Operation Rainbow Kisses and Unicorn Stickers (aka, my attempt to drown out the season 4 finale angst with ridiculous levels of fluff.)
Caribbean Shores: (T) AU. After a nasty breakup with her long-time boyfriend, Emma Swan takes a job as the security guard at Once Upon a Time Academy. She reluctantly agrees to attend the school’s annual fundraising gala, Caribbean Shores. Prepared for a boring night, Emma has no idea what’s in store for her when Killian Jones, the sexy new owner of the Jolly Roger Marina, is seated next to her.
Taking Back Neverland: (T) AU. After actress Emma Swan's lead role in a popular TV show is at an end, she is offered the leading role in the Regina Mills film, Taking Back Neverland, a fresh retelling of the Peter Pan story. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Only problem? She'll be starring opposite Killian Jones, who she positively can't stand. (Originally part of my Fluffy Fridays collection.)
The Honeymoon: (T) With the Black Fairy defeated and the Final Battle won, Emma and Killian are able to focus on the important things—like their honeymoon. Thanks to a souvenir from the latest curse, Killian comes up with a way to give Emma the wedding trip of their dreams.
After the Kiss: (M) A canon divergent take about what might have happened after the Neverland kiss if Emma hadn't walked away and insisted Killian take five minutes. Rated M for almost smut. This story doesn't quite venture into smut territory, but it comes about as close as you can get without actually going there.
Bottom Five:
Home For Christmas: (T) Today’s story is a Christmas story from a couple years ago. It was written during the hiatus between 5a and 5b, so obviously a number of the Underworld events referred to in the story did not come to pass. We’ll just call this a canon divergence.. Newly back from the underworld, Emma finds a way to give Killian the best Christmas present he could ever hope to get.
Tying the Knot: (T) CS future Fic. Killian has decided to propose to Emma, but before he does so, he hopes to get the blessings of the two most important guys in Emma’s life—Henry and David. (Captain Swan/Captain Cobra/Captain Charming). This story was originally posted as part of my Fluffy Friday's collection.
New York Christmas Serenade: (G) CS canon divergence. A re-imagining of what New York City Serenade might have looked like if Killian had found Emma’s NY apartment just before Christmas. Can the music of the season help Killian bring back Emma’s and Henry’s memories?
Cold Winter’s Light: (T) Today’s story is my CSSS gift for @treluna2. It’s a future fic about CS and the Charmings celebrating the traditional Enchanted Forest holiday Winter’s Night. A visitor they were not expecting shows up during one of the worst blizzards Storybrooke had ever seen. Happy Holidays!
A Pirate’s Christmas Carol: (G) CS Christmas Future Fic. With only a month to go before the birth of his and Emma Swan’s first baby, Killian begins to fear he doesn’t have what it takes to be a good father. Three ghosts—from Killian’s past, present and future help him see that he is ready for the adventure that is fatherhood.
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kmomof4 · 5 years
Today for CS fic rec Monday...
I’d like to highlight one of my very favorite authors in the fandom today for @csficrecmonday!!!
I remember telling her years ago that I was seriously hooked on her fics. Her tumblr handle made it very easy to remember her! She is my go to when I want CS falling hard and fast, over the top fluff, no angst, hot smut, and the best of happily ever afters!!! I have read all her CS work and they are all absolutely FANTASTIC!!! Most of it is on fanfiction, but some has made its way over to ao3. My absolute favorites, in no particular order are:
The Lady In Red
Originally part of her Mixtape, that I also heartily recommend, this one is mine. As in I asked for it, and boy did she deliver!!! I’m so glad Emily moved just it to ao3, because I have no idea what chapter it is on the mixtape. Prompted from the song by Chris De Burgh.
Hope Springs
Emma Swan never expected life to be this good: her kid is happy, she has the best friends anyone could ask for, and she's living her dream working with horses on a ranch. But all of that changes when her best friend Ruby comes home married to Liam Jones, because Liam's brother Killian is the kind of man that makes a good life an amazing one. All Emma has to do is give him a chance.
Modern AU where Emma has grown up in Maine her whole life and runs a store with Ruby and MM called Three Fates Treasures. Killian Jones is the new guy in town, who moved here to buy the local bar. Only Emma and Killian have met before, and now she can't help but wonder if their past has influenced his plans for the future. Includes tons of fluff and a happily ever after.
Scoring Your Love
Modern AU where Killian is a world famous soccer star who has hit rock bottom and been sentenced to the place where ‘football’ legends go to die – America. While here he crosses paths with Emma, an up and coming musician and film scorer who challenges everything he thought he knew and makes him want more than the game he’s always loved.
Wedded Bliss and Asterisks
Emma Swan is a self-proclaimed enemy of love who just so happens to be an up and coming wedding dress designer. She's convinced that true love is nowhere in her future but then she meets Killian Jones, a handsome and charming man whose magazine is covering the opening of her new boutique. Suddenly Emma finds herself drawing up new plans for her life, ones that seem to all be leading towards her own form of wedded bliss. Includes falling in love on trains, lots of friend fun, and all the CS cuteness your heart could ever want.
Within Your Ocean Eyes
AU period piece set in our world where Killian is a pirate in the early 1800s and Emma is a local girl, who though an orphan is beloved by the people of her small town of Storybrooke Maine. Emma is a school teacher and Killian is the Captain of his ship. They fall madly in love despite staggeringly different ways of life, and become the stuff of legend.
Accidentally on Purpose
Emma Swan is a small-town schoolteacher who thanks to a friend's bachelorette party has been dragged to Vegas. The city of sin isn't exactly Emma's speed, until she meets Killian Jones. They agree to one night but sort of get married accidentally (on purpose). Now Killian must convince Emma this thing between them is real despite how it began. Includes smuff and a CS happily ever after.
Lifted by Love
I believe this was the first of Emily’s works that I ever read. And it still holds a very special place in my heart!
An 8 part series that follows Emma, Mary Margaret, Ruby and Belle on a girls' vacation in the white mountains. Killian, David, Graham and Will also happen to be in the same complex. Thanks to some typical male stupidity, the groups cross paths and sparks fly as a result. One part per day of the trip and eventual epilogue.
And finally,
Lost Souls and Reveries, her CSSNS fic for last year.
Killian Jones is a wolf shifter without roots, without plans, and without a pack. He’s a rogue, someone humans should avoid and shifters should be wary of given his lineage. But one night years back set him on a path he didn’t realize he was taking, a path leading to the future he was destined for. That future is tied up in one woman – a human named Emma Nolan. Together Emma and Killian will find not only answers but a love that’s truly fated. But will love be enough to set both of them free, or will past demons win out in the end? (Answer: love always wins – I am writing this so despite some tiny pockets of angst it’s basically a fluff-filled insta-love fest).
All of her fics are so sooooo good!!! I hope you enjoy all these as much as I have!
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artistic-writer · 6 years
Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) - CS Werewolf AU - Ch 12
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Title: Alii Dimidium Lunam (The Other Half of the Moon) by @artistic-writer   artwork by @cocohook38 & @artistic-writer
Rating: E (overall rating) for explicit sexual content, language and themes throughout. Trigger warnings will follow and be added as they are needed to avoid spoilers.
Art by @cocohook38 - Poster - Emma - David - Killian - James - Walsh - Graham
Chapter Art by @cocohook38 - Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 (NSFW)
Art by @artistic-writer - 1 - 2 - 3 -
Also on: AO3 - FF
A/N: This chapter contains a fight scene which does not go in the favour of Killian.  Like, in a four against one scenario.  If you would like to know more before you read, please message me, but the trigger warnings are in the tags.  Lots of you have been asking about the last chapter - and thank you for all your lovely comments - and all will become clear from here on out :D
Massive thanks to my wonderful betas, @hookedonapirate who is one of the best beta’s this fandom has to offer - I seriously love her guys, and she deserves all the good things <3 <3 and @kmomof4 to whom this fic is also gifted for her upcoming birthday, and creating the @cssns  Thank you to my crew, @hollyethecurious  @resident-of-storybrooke@courtorderedcake @doodlelolly0910 and special thanks to @killian-whump @killianmesmalls and @sherlockianwhovian for how they helped later on. And to @flipperbrainwho drew THIS piece of art for this fic in December, before it was even written!
Taglist: @cssns @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook@snidgetsafan@sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight@ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr@blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan  @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver  @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910@tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer@rachie1940 @unworried-corsair
Want to be tagged/untagged? TELL ME HERE
Walsh took another long drag of his cigarette, inhaling the smoke, which had now become so familiar to his senses that he no longer exhaled in disgust. The back of his throat was coated in the earthy taste of tobacco, the faintest hint of charred herbs lingering along the taste buds at the back of his tongue, and the crackle of burning paper echoed in his hyper sensitive ear canals as the thin paper burnt away. He blew the off white cloud into the air in front of him and threw the remaining butt to the ground where he crushed it beneath his boot. Walsh kicked the butt aside, and the crooked, foam filled tip landed in a pile of discarded kin.
It felt like days since he had left Neverland, half way to Misthaven before he had caught a scent of something intriguing in the breeze. It was familiar, he’d smelled it before, but it was tainted with something that he had not been able to forget since visiting Misthaven and it made his skin itch with excitement. It was a sweet, honey like scent that was poorly hidden by the human sweat that lingered with it, and it made him salivate when he realised what it was.
Walsh could smell Emma Nolan, and she had her wolf heat.
He had hightailed it back in the direction he came from, unsure as to why Emma would have ventured Neverland bound, but trusted his nose nonetheless. The scent became stronger the closer he came to the city and he had followed it around the streets, crisscrossing over his own tracks more than once as he dedicated his time to tracking Emma. James had given his orders, but there was nothing wrong with having a little fun first.
It wasn’t just Emma who Walsh could smell in the wind. He recognised the Misthaven beta too, his scent much stronger in some places than others, but Graham was without a doubt nearby. This meant he had to watch out and be on high alert. Who knew why Graham was in the city, or why he was there now, but Walsh didn’t need to take the risk that Graham would find him. Staying downwind was his only option, so he had been reduced to lurking through alleyways and over rooftops in search of his quarry.
When Walsh had finally seen Emma, he was sitting on the roof of a building, where he had found her scent the strongest. He had waited all night, not eating or sleeping, just waiting to catch a glimpse of her. When he did, she had been coming out of the opposite apartment building, alone and with nothing on her person. She had a man’s sweater on, which was clearly too big for her, and she was smiling proudly to herself. Whatever was in the building had her happy and distracted, which gave Walsh the perfect opportunity to strike.
But he was also intrigued. Why was she here? Why was she so far away from Misthaven, and if she wasn’t with the beta she so clearly did not want to marry, then who was the owner of the sweater whose scent offended him so violently? It was triggering a rage inside of him that was overriding his orders from James, his internal questioning almost sending him insane as he watched her stride down the sidewalk.
As he was about to light up another cigarette for the smokey burnt char taste he had become addicted to, the sun peeked over the top of the opposite side of the building, rendering him almost blind. He heard a muffled scream from down the street, and by the time he had moved his position to the corner of the building, Emma was gone. He quickly scanned the street below for any trace of her, but she was nowhere to be seen. He was about to head from the building to pursue her last known location on foot when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket.
With an angry growl, Walsh slapped a flat palm on the edge of the building, spinning on his heels and grabbing the phone from his inner pocket. He didn’t even look at the screen as he swiped across the glass, lifting the device to his ear and kicking at some rooftop gravel nearby.
“What?” He spat, jaw clenched and teeth grinding together.
“Is that how you talk to your alpha now?” James asked smoothly, his voice striking fear into Walsh and making his blood run cold.
“Boss, I…” he stammered.
“Never mind. I’ll deal with you later,” James said casually, the air in his voice unnerving. “Sitrep,” he demanded darkly. It was not a question.
“Right.” Walsh swallowed hard, turning to stalk back towards the edge of the building. He still couldn’t see Emma, but her scent was strong as it lingered in the air, so she couldn't have gone too far. “I found her,” he declared excitedly. “Close to home, too. I was halfway to Misthaven before I caught her scent and followed her back to the city.”
“The city, eh?” James’ voice was a little higher, the lilt of intrigue lacing his words. “What’s she doing all the way out here?”
“That’s what I am going to find out,” Walsh said confidently.
“Good,” James snapped. “Find out what she came here for, or who, and make sure she regrets it.” The anger was evident in his words, and Walsh knew it was for David.
Their plan involved hurting Emma, essentially hurting David and causing the start of the breakdown of Misthaven. No one would want to follow an alpha who couldn’t even keep a leash on his own daughter. The intention of leaving Emma with a little souvenir of the Neverland pack would give David no choice but to exile his only heir.
A disgusting smile spread over Walsh’s face, his teeth yellowed from tobacco. “She is in heat, too,” he told James, the words slithering from his mouth. He threw his head back, inhaling a gust of wind that whipped around him, the smell of Emma covering his tongue. “I can almost taste her.”
“You know what needs to be done,” James instructed cryptically.
“And if she resists?” Walsh frowned a little as he peered over the edge of the rooftop once more and spied Emma exiting the diner down the street. In one hand, she was precariously balancing a cardboard tray which held two coffee cups and a white paper bag that was folded over the top and perched across them. As she neared the opposite building again, Walsh spied a man, tall with dark, messy bed hair and a scattering of stubble across his jaw as he greeted her at the door.
He looked familiar, but Walsh could not place him for a second. He was Were, Walsh could smell that, and he smelled like someone he had encountered once - the wolf who had given him the scar on his neck. But looking at him as a man, Walsh couldn’t be sure it was him. They had crossed paths, but that was over a decade ago, and he just couldn’t be sure it was the same wolf. They were both older now and the battle he had lost was whilst they werewolves, but when the man met Emma at the door and turned to give her a soft, lingering kiss, his boyish grin was unmistakably that of his nemesis.
It was him, the mongrel, and he had given Walsh the same shit eating grin when he was but a pup, taking his money and his dignity that night. Walsh instinctively reached up to brush his fingertips over the raised bumps of his scar. It had been years since the bite was inflicted, and the tissue still burned with the fire of his rage every time he looked upon it. The mongrel would pay, and so would Emma. Walsh couldn’t believe he was lucky enough to have found both of them at the same time.
“On second thought, I don’t think she will resist,” Walsh grinned, his lips creepily curling back over his teeth.
“You found something already?” James enquired, his interest piqued.
Walsh could hear him taking a swig of beer at the other end of the line. “She’s with a wolf,” Walsh spat. “A mongrel,” he growled, his fingers gripping the phone so tightly his fingernails turned white. “I can smell his disgusting musk from the other side of the street.”
“Sounds like you know this wolf,” James suggested. “Will he be a problem?”
Walsh’s lips curved into a sly smirk. “Oh, on the contrary,” he beamed, watching Emma and Killian walk back into the building hand in hand. Her head was resting on his shoulder, and he had relieved her of the breakfast items, which freed up her hand to snake over the curve of his spine. Their affection was clear, and suddenly Walsh had the most tyrannical idea. “I think this will work to my advantage.”
“He what?” Killian asked, aghast. “Are you okay?” he all but smothered her, hands running up her arms and over the delicate lines of her neck, trying to find any sign of injury. Emma shrugged him off, but couldn’t deny she loved the attention.
“I’m fine,” Emma assured him. “He just wanted to talk.”
Upon her return, Emma had told Killian about Graham’s ambush and how he had ushered her into the alleyway in order to convince her to help him. She had followed him to the diner to hear him out, and the more she listened to his scheme, the more she realised it might actually work.
“About what?” Killian demanded, jealousy lacing his words as he searched her face once more for any sign of hurt. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, letting his fingers linger on the patch of skin there.
“Killian, I promise, I’m okay,” Emma smiled at him, her tight-lipped smile a mixture of adornment and frustration.
Killian sighed, defeated. “If you are sure,” he nodded at her. To Killian, Graham was just a name and a voice at the end of a phone call. Yet, he wasn’t thwarted from feeling the gut-wrenching rage for the wolf who thought he could command Emma at the drop of a hat. “Tell me what he thinks is such a spectacular idea.”
“Death,” Emma said, looking up at him through her eyelashes.
Killian gave her a confused look, eyes narrowing and head tilting to the side. “Forgive me, love, but I would call that a rather permanent solution to your troubles.”
“Not mine.” She slapped his chest, his flinch overly emphasised. “His.”
Again, Killian frowned, and although he was tempted by the idea of Emma’s betrothed meeting his end, he wasn’t convinced it wouldn’t be without consequences. Before he had time to question her further, Emma continued.
“If Graham fakes his death, we don’t have to get married and he can be with the woman he loves, who is human and also pregnant…” Emma informed him.
Normally he found her rambling endearing, but he was immediately struck with a sense of utter confusion.
“Wait.” He held up his hands to slow her words, pinching his eyes closed in thought. “So there is a human?”
“Yes,” Emma nodded.
“Who is pregnant?” Killian clarified slowly.
“Yes,” Emma repeated with another nod.
“Isn’t that forbidden?” Killian asked softly, his brow twisting as his temples began to throb. Emma rolled her eyes upwards, twisting her lips into a sideways smile.
“Technically.” She shrugged.
Killian shook his head in disbelief. “And Graham thinks he can fake his own death?”
Emma nodded.
“And then what?” Killian asked more seriously. It hadn’t escaped his notice that Emma’s pack was more than persistent when it came to finding their missing members.
“He thinks he can run away with her and the child, and live a normal life I suppose,” Emma said firmly, almost believing it herself.
Killian’s mother had been human, rejected for simply being that by the pack that owned his father in a bond of blood. It was almost impossible to escape, far short of actual death, and Killian’s scepticism was written all over his face. He had been too young to remember the Werewolf Council’s sentence of death on his father if he had chosen to stay with his human mate, but Killian had heard the stories from his older brother. “Emma…” he offered softly, stepping towards her and taking her hands in his.
“Killian, this means we can be together,” she told him enthusiastically. “You can come home with me to deliver the news of Graham’s demise.” The smile on her face was innocent and childlike, something Killian loved about her and her green eyes shone with a sparkle he saw every time she was so optimistic. “It would be the start of change,” she beamed passionately.
If only.
Before Killian had time to answer, he heard the whirr of an alarm from the street below. His apartment was on the second floor, so it was easy to recognise the loud, high pitched pips as that of his car alarm. With an apologetic twitch of his lips, he dropped her hands and headed to the window. Emma followed him, pressing herself to his back as he peered out of the curtains.
“Son of a bitch!” he barked, spinning on his heels and heading for the door. He grabbed the doorknob quickly, pulling the wood from the hole and letting it hit the wall behind with a thud. He took off, barely slipping his boots on in his haste, leaving the door open in his wake.
“Killian! Wait!” Emma called, but he was gone. When she turned to look out at what he had seen, there were two men, most likely Were from the smell that was coming through the window, with baseball bats in hands and gleeful grins plastered over their faces. They were smashing the classic Ford, one after the other taking it in turns to render the car absolutely worthless by ridding it of every single light, mirror and last bit of trim.
Emma rushed from the apartment after Killian, the feeling of dread in her gut too much to ignore. This didn’t feel right. It felt staged, too planned, and as Killian burst through the doors and onto the street, the two wolves stopped their assault on his car and turned their attention to him. Emma ran out after him, colliding into him as he held her back.
“Stay back, Emma,” he warned, holding her behind him as his eyes flickered between the two wolves in front of him. One of them sidestepped, widening the gap between them and began tapping the wooden bat into his palm. The other ran his tongue over the point of his canines as he approached from the other side, their maneuver clear to both of them. They were trying to cut them off, leave them with nowhere to go. Their intentions were as clear as day.
Killian stepped back, pushing Emma as he moved, holding out a shaking hand between them and the two advancing wolves. He felt a bead of sweat roll down his neck and disappear into his shirt, the hairs on his skin standing to attention as the adrenaline surged through his body.
“We can take them,” Emma whispered gruffly into the back of his ear, her fingernails digging into his biceps tensely.
“We’re outnumbered,” Killian told her, moving his gaze to the opposite building, where two more burly looking werewolves emerged from the lobby doors, fists clenched and jaws closed tightly. He took another step backward, trying to shield Emma from them as he did so, and inched his way to the alley at the side of the building.
“We can’t run.” Emma looked behind her, the end of the alleyway in sight, but blocked by a chain link fence that stretched between the buildings.
“No, we can’t,” Killian agreed with her as they entered the entrance to the alley and the stench of rotting rubbish invaded their nostrils. Killian’s fist closed at his side and he snorted through his nose, his anger and need to protect Emma pinking the tips of his ears and making his heart pound. “But you can,” he told her firmly, nudging his head towards the end of the alleyway.
“What? No!” Emma protested, but before she could say anything more, Killian was pushing her backwards and lunging forward for the wolves, who had entered the space between the buildings.
“Emma! Run!” Killian screamed as he ran towards their would-be attackers. The gap was narrow and they bottlenecked a little, unable to swing their bats as they had probably hoped and Killian landed a punch to one of their noses with a sickening crack. Blood poured from the wolf’s nostrils, staining the front of his jacket and eliciting a furious growl as he clutched his face in pain, stumbling back into one of his comrades who simply tossed him aside like dead weight.
Emma took heed, rushing towards the fence as fast as her legs would carry her in human form, and launched herself against the cold, metal crisscross panel. It gave a little under her weight, curving outward and she hung on tightly as it swayed around loosely. Finally, it stabilized and she scaled the fence with ease, clambering up and over the top, spinning to face the other end of the alley from the safety of the other side.
Killian was giving his all, grabbing a larger werewolf previously referred to as Rufio, by the lapels of his jacket and smashing his forehead into its mouth. Teeth broke skin as the wolf bit his tongue and cried out, staggering a little until Killian pulled him harder towards him and delivered a headbutt that knocked him clean out. One of the newly arrived wolves grabbed Killian’s shoulders, pulling him off the unconscious Rufio and sending a balled fist into his stomach. Emma cried out when Killian doubled over with a silent gasp.
All of the air left Killian’s lungs, expelled with a strike to his diaphragm, and his eyes glazed over for a second. Time seemed to stand still, and he watched with blurred vision as the cut on his forehead dripped onto the ground in front of him, staining the concrete red with each drop. Finally, he felt like he could breathe again and stood just as the fourth wolf hooked his arms into his and secured them behind him, holding Killian still for more punches.
“Killian!” Emma cried out, gripping the chain link fence in frustration. “Leave him!” she screamed at the wolves, her pleas falling on deaf ears as the back of a closed fist made contact with Killian’s face.
Killian went limp, relaxing into the attack but felt the sting of skin splitting and tasted the tang of blood on his tongue. He lifted his head, a red welt forming under his left eye as it slowly swelled shut, and spat a mouthful of blood into his attacker’s face. He grinned a blood stained smile when the third wolf, Felix, winced away, the spray of droplets coating his face, but it only served to anger him further and the Were shifted his weight, lifted a leg and planted a firm, flat foot right into Killian’s solar plexus.
Killian’s entire body felt stretched beyond control, fighting to curl up against the hold of the wolf behind him. His lungs stung and he could tell every rib down one side was shattered from the impact of the boot, the splinters of bone in his chest aggravating his laboured breathing even more. He gritted his teeth, blood-filled spittle dribbling from his lower lip as he finally gave in to his pain, knowing Emma was safe.
“Enough,” a voice said from behind his assailants and Killian was dropped to the floor. He barely managed to break his fall with one outstretched hand before he collapsed onto the cold, harsh pavement with a gurgling noise from the back of his throat. Killian blinked, trying to clear his vision, and he saw the two still conscious wolves step aside to make way for a fifth.
This wolf was tall, lean and not a fighter. He clearly had bigger wolves do his bidding, but Killian recognised his scent from years ago. He knew this wolf, they had clashed before, only this time Killian was not lucky enough to have found the wolf alone. This time he was the one alone. The searing pain in his spine, the grinding of bones in his torso and the copper taste in his mouth attested to that. Killian couldn’t move, both his fight and flight responses paralysed by pain, at the total mercy of wolf number five.
“Tut, tut, tut,” Walsh enounced slowly, dropping to a squat in front of Killian. He reached out, grabbing Killian’s hair and wrenching his head up and off the pavement until he was choking on the blood that had pooled in his throat. “Do you remember me?” He asked Killian who rolled his eyes away guiltily. “Of course you do,” Walsh said sadistically, reaching up to claw at the scar on his neck with one hand whilst he tightened his grip on Killian’s hair with the other.
Killian spluttered, more blood leaving his mouth as he tried to cast a look to the fence at the end of the alley. Walsh followed his gaze, an evil smile spreading over his lips as Emma recognised him and pale faced with shock, took off down the opposing alley. “Don’t worry,” Walsh told him, looking him over with disgust and then dropping his head again, Killian’s face colliding with the concrete and another gash opening up on his cheek. “Emma will come for you,” he smirked, patting Killian’s cheek before pushing himself to his feet. “I’m counting on it.”
Emma ran. Emma ran as fast as her legs could carry her, out of the alley and into the street running behind Killian’s apartment building. Her adrenaline was coursing through every fibre of her being and she panted with each breath she gulped down, the air invading her lungs and burning at the organs in her chest. Killian had told her to run and she had to fight every nerve-ending she had to obey, her devotion to him setting her body into a panic of the unknown, her brain fighting with her legs with each step she took.
The wind rushed past her ears, arms dragging against the side of her torso as she sprinted. She knew where she was going. Sort of. The lingering scent of Graham wafted through the air, the strong, masculine aftershave he always wore having no effect at masking his musk. Emma threw her head back, inhaling hard when she came to a cross in the road and discovered that his scent faded away to the right. He had gone left and as Emma’s nose twitched to confirm her suspicions, the smell of cedar and bergamot flooded her senses.
The only sound Emma could hear was the rush of her own blood in her ears. Her heart pounded, throbbing behind her eardrum at every beat, rendering her sensitive wolf hearing almost useless to her. Emma’s footprints made no sound as she ran, her feet slapping the pavement with only the sensation of her lower legs shuddering with the impact. A fine layer of sweat began to form behind her ear, showing her exertion and wetting the back of her hairline, a few beads rolling down the column of her neck.
Emma had never been so panicked, so struck by not knowing what was happening to Killian. Walsh was a sadist, even more than your average wolf, and her heart ached at the thought of Killian’s fate. They were in Walsh’s territory without even realising it. His domain. He knew every way to extract what he wanted from Killian on order to get to her. It was her he wanted after all, and she knew why.
Emma had felt it for days, the steady buzz under her skin increasing tenfold, the sound of a pin dropping ten times louder than before. She could track a scent far more accurately, the taste buds on her tongue able to process a thousand flavors much quicker than before. She became in tune with nature, yearning to run more often than before, her human self fading into the background. She became at one with the wolf inside of her. It happened once every year and would explain her insatiable sexual appetite for Killian.
Emma had her wolf heat. Killian had said he could smell it coming, he was just wrong about which form.
It wasn’t like a human period. It was far more intense, far more personal, the wolf clawing at the inside of her skin each time she was around him. More often than not, a she-wolf did not have her wolf heat until a suitable mate presented itself, the hormonal reactions invading her body giving her the clearest signal. In human form, and not in heat, Emma would never get pregnant. She was free to fornicate as many times as she wanted with as many wolves or humans as she wanted. Only she didn’t want them. She wanted Killian.
He had been the one to unlock her wolf heat, creating the surge of need inside of her that could only be sated by him. Her body was preparing for breeding, the shift of organs and imbalance of hormones sending her into a daze. It was another seal to their bond, another thread of connection they shared so intrinsically she was sure she could feel the pain he was going through right now. She clutched at her chest, bunching the material of her shirt in her hands and groaning low in her throat. She couldn’t leave him, she wouldn’t, and as the concrete under her feet turned to the dusty, dark red dirt of a farmyard track, she felt relief.
“Graham!” she called out, her voice tiny and desperate despite its volume. “Graham, help!” Emma made her way to the top of the track, her feet kicking up dust as she spun on her heels, trying to pick up the faintest scent of Graham in the wind. Her nostrils were filled with so many smells, of the horses and the feed, the oil from farmyard engines and the faraway remnants of leather, that she didn’t know which way to turn first.
“Graham!” She called out again, a shaky palm flattening over her forehead and pushing her hair back over her scalp. She searched the yard, unable to see the wolf who had left such a pungent odor all the way here, and she felt the sting of tears in her eyes. “Please…” she whimpered, half to herself and half to anyone who might listen.
The creak of a door alerted her, and she spun away from the barn to face the house. The whitewashed wooden porch with chipping paint groaned under the weight of the man on top of it, his hands gripping the wobbly rails and his eyebrows knitting together in a frown when he laid eyes on her. “Emma?” he called softly, his brunette companion, Ruby, appearing behind him.
“Graham!” Emma cried, relief washing through her words as she hastily jogged towards the couple. “They have him!” She wailed, tears staining her face.
“Who?!” Graham shouted, his voice booming over her sobbing. He almost ran down the steps after an encouraging push from Ruby told him to, and she flew into his arms, her fingers linking together behind his back. Graham held her to him, the force of her impact spinning him around and he gave Ruby a confused look over Emma’s head. “Who has who? What happened?” he asked softly, trying to calm her sobs by running a hand up and down her back.
“Killian,” Emma managed, her breath catching in her throat. “Neverland,” she added on a hiccupped sob.
“Neverland?” Graham frowned, planting his hands on her shoulders and pulling her away from his body. He was much taller than she was, so he had to dip his head down to meet her gaze. “Emma, what does Neverland have to do with anything?”
Emma swallowed hard, the stubborn lump sticking in her throat, not budging. She couldn’t breathe through her nose anymore and quickly wiped it on the oversized sleeve of Killian’s sweater she was wearing. “Walsh, that bastard…” she mumbled angrily, half to herself.
“Walsh?” Graham shook his head again, his hands jumping from her shoulder to hold her face in his hands. He wasn’t getting the answers he wanted; Emma was clearly distracted by her rage, so he forced her to look at him with a stern grip around her cheeks. “Emma, tell me,” he said slowly with an imploring gaze.
“Walsh,” Emma bit out, closing her eyes. “They came for us. We were ambushed,” she said, her lip trembling at the mere thought of her next words. “They have Killian.” She launched herself into Graham’s arms again, tightening her grip around him and accepting the comforting hand Ruby laid on her back as she joined them.
“I’m sorry,” Ruby interjected softly. “Did you say, Killian?”
Emma looked up from Graham’s chest, the hackles on her back raised defensively. She looked at Ruby, the beautiful, kind-faced human full of innocence and she suddenly realised what Graham saw in her. She was more than just stunning; she was angelic, everything from her hair to her words washing over Emma’s senses with a calming nature. She nodded, sniffing. “Yeah, Jones,” Emma clarified. Killian wasn’t a common name by any means, but she felt the need to just make sure Ruby meant her Killian.
“Oh my God,” Ruby gasped, her hand flying up and covering her mouth. “Graham, you have to help save him.”
“How do you know Killian?” Emma asked curtly, her eyes narrowing a little.
“We grew up together,” Ruby said matter of factly.
“But you are human,” Emma blurted.
“It hadn’t escaped my attention either,” Ruby said with a grin. “Don’t worry, I’ve known about werewolves my whole life. Killian and his brother Liam are my friends.”
Graham looked between them, Ruby comforting the she-wolf he thought of as his little sister. Emma was overly emotional and he had never seen her like this before, the jealousy in her eyes instantly abated when Ruby gave her that smile he loved so much. Something about her was different, like she was finally relaxed and released of a tension she hadn’t even known she was under. He had felt the same way when he had met Ruby, even in wolf form he felt like he belonged and he would do anything to make sure she was safe.
Werewolves rarely talked of love, but Graham knew it when he saw it. What else was powerful enough to render the strongest wolf he knew such a blubbering mess?
“Why would Walsh attack you?” Graham asked again, still trying to fathom the Neverland packs angle. Things had been good, almost amicable between Neverland and Misthaven, a far cry from the hostility James had once shown them.
“I don’t know!” Emma screeched. “All I know is that he did, and now they have taken Killian!” Emma’s sobs began again and Graham sighed.
“Do you know where they would take him?” Graham asked Emma quickly, encouraging her to focus her rage.
“I can’t lose him, Graham! I just found him!” Emma was shaking, her hands trembling as she nervously fidgeted with her hair again, tucking strands of blonde behind her ear which were already in place.
“Emma, stop. Look at me,” Graham told her firmly, clutching her hands in his even tighter and making her look at him. “We’ll find him. I promise. Now, do you have any idea where they would go?” Finally, lip quivering, she shook her head. “That’s okay,” Graham told her softly. “We can track him.”
“And if he is hurt,” Ruby added tentatively, “I can help him.”
Emma regarded her again, wondering just how it was possible that a human could know everything about werewolves, as Ruby seemed to, but also refrain from exposing them. It was against everything Emma had ever been taught by her father, by The Chronicle, and by her elders, and she was fighting really hard to show her appreciation and not her distrust.
“Now, where were you guys when the Neverland wolves attacked?” Graham prompted, quickly checking the time on his watch. It was almost dusk and prime-tracking time, so if they could make their way back to the scene of the ambush, they could pick up a fresh scent. “How many were there?”
“Uh,” Emma stumbled, trying to remember. “Four. Five, including Walsh.” Her mind was still racing. “At Killian’s,” she said, looking at her feet in concentration. They were covered in mud, her shoes worn unevenly from running so fast, and one of her shoelaces had snapped at some point too. Graham looked up and met Ruby’s gaze.
“I know where it is,” she informed.
“Okay, let’s get going,” Graham said hurriedly, waving them both towards the truck.
“Let me just get my bag,” Ruby told him, ushering Emma into his arms and rushing back into the house. Graham helped Emma to his truck and she melted into the covering of the seat, the exhilaration of her dismay having settled. She covered her face with her hands, emotion overwhelming her once more and Graham simply watched her cry through the tinted windows of his truck.
“This could be bad,” Ruby called from behind him, letting the spring door of the porch close behind her with a wooden slapping noise. She emerged with a huge duffel bag slung over one shoulder, waddling down the steps awkwardly because of her huge pregnant belly. Graham met her halfway, releasing her of her burden and giving her a sad nod.
“Walsh is bad news. Neverland has been biding their time for decades,” he told her. “Their alpha, James, is Emma’s uncle. This has to be something to do with Emma.” Graham looked over to the truck once more, the blonde in the backseat struggling to compose herself.
“You think?” Ruby asked softly, following his gaze.
“Absolutely. James always thought he was the rightful heir of Misthaven and has been even more bitter since Emma’s birth. Her being born meant he would never hold the crown, so to speak, and it hasn’t gone down too well with James who was always under the impression his brother and wife could never reproduce.” Ruby followed his story with a nod, encouraging him to continue. “Emma has her wolf heat,” Graham admitted, looking suddenly sheepish. “I can smell it.”
“Creepy,” Ruby teased, poking him in the bicep.
“I’m just saying, if I can smell it, so can Walsh,” Graham told her. “It does crazy things to less stable wolves. God only knows what James has planned. We have to be careful,” Graham told her seriously, his hand gravitating to her protruding stomach. “You don’t have to come, you know.”
“I know.” Ruby graced him with her trademark smile. “But you can’t stop me. Killian is my friend too. I’ve been patching him up for as long as I can remember.” She flicked her hair over her shoulder and covered his hand with hers. “He’s the reason I became a vet.”
Graham snorted a laugh through his nose. “To patch up your werewolf friends?”
“And to run a few over,” she laughed, biting her tongue between her teeth.
Graham rolled his eyes and moved towards the truck. “I’m never living that down, am I?” Ruby shook her head and followed him, her toes curling in her flat shoes to stop them slipping from her feet. When they reached the truck, they paused, each with their hand on the handles, giving each other a last, fleeting smile over the vehicle hood.
“You know this is a trap, right?” Ruby said seriously, her voice losing its playful tone, and her pale face losing its smile.
“It’s definitely a trap,” Graham told her firmly. “But as long as we have the upper hand…”
“Don’t you mean paw?” Ruby winked, pulling the truck handle until the mechanism creaked and sprung open.
“Humans,” Graham sighed dramatically, pulling his own door open and sinking into the well worn driver’s seat.
The drive back to Killian’s apartment was quicker than Emma thought, considering it had taken her three times as long to run to the farm as it had taken Graham to drive back. The entire time, she had felt sick with anguish, her head resting against the cold glass window and bouncing against the pane everytime the truck hit a pothole. She was numb to the bump appearing on her forehead, staring blankly out of the window until she perked up when Killian’s car came into view.
Graham pulled up in front of it, Ruby’s gasp of horror shaking Emma from her daze. They all jumped out of the truck and Ruby rushed to the car, running her hand over the dented body work with a forlorn expression. “What happened to his car?” She asked, snatching her hand back when a piece of the bodywork fell off at her feet.
“It’s how they got us out of the building,” Emma recalled. “Killian loves his car.”
“Yeah, I know,” Ruby sighed. “We worked on it together. He’s had it since we were kids.” The look of sadness on Ruby’s face was as much as Graham could take, and he moved to her side, grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the wreckage.
“Where did you see Killian last?” he asked Emma and she motioned to the alley between the buildings.
“Over here,” she motioned with a wave, rushing to the narrow passage, but stopping dead and gasping in horror.
There was blood everywhere. It was low in volume, survivable, but it had been splattered all over the walls, dumpsters and broken crates that littered the alleyway. Ruby covered her mouth with a hand, muffling her gasp and turned away, burying her face in Graham’s shoulder. He held her tight, his heart splitting in two for Emma who simply stared at the scene before her, paralysed.
“He’s okay,” he soothed, giving her shoulder a squeeze. “It’s not enough for…”
“I know,” Emma interrupted him, swallowing hard. Her eyes followed a line of blood out of the alleyway where she had fled before, the chain link fence now cut in half and peeled back revealing a fabricated doorway. It was an invitation, Killian’s blood the breadcrumbs that she had to follow. “It’s a trail. They want me to find him.”
“And where would they be?” Ruby asked, fixing her gaze on Graham’s; she didn’t have to see the carnage behind her. Graham shifted his hold on her and pulled out his phone, swiping the device open and tapping at the screen. “What are you doing?” Ruby blinked in disbelief.
“Checking maps,” Graham told her with a shrug, and Emma was at his side in an instant. “There has to be some woodland or an abandoned building nearby. They can’t have gone far.” Ruby stared at him, raising an eyebrow. “What? We are wolves, darling, not dinosaurs.”
“There,” Emma announced, pointing to a patch of woodland in the upper north east part of the screen. She pinched at the phone screen, spreading her fingers apart and zooming in on a clearing in the center of a patch of trees. Emma didn’t know how, but she just knew that was where Walsh had taken him.
“How do you-” Ruby began, but Emma cut her off.
“I just know,” she said firmly, committing the directions to memory. “Let’s go.”
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yes-bernie-stuff · 2 years
Samedi 25 décembre 2021 Un enfant nous est né, un fils nous a été donné, et le gouvernement sera sur son épaule ; et on appellera son nom : Merveilleux, Conseiller, Dieu fort, Père du siècle, Prince de paix. Ésaïe 9. 6 Aujourd’hui, dans la cité de David, vous est né un sauveur, qui est le Christ, le Seigneur. Luc 2. 11 Noël La fête de Noël est censée rappeler la naissance de Jésus Christ, dont la date n’est d’ailleurs pas connue. C’est vers 330 que Noël a commencé à être fêté à Rome, le 25 décembre. Il s’agissait de remplacer les fêtes païennes du solstice d’hiver : on célébrait alors, dans l’Empire romain, la “renaissance” du soleil lorsque les jours recommencent à grandir. En parlant de la venue de Jésus, l’évangéliste Luc parle de “l’Orient d’en haut qui nous a visités”. D’où l’amalgame de cette fête du soleil avec la naissance de Jésus qui venait illuminer notre nuit.Certes Jésus est la lumière du monde (Jean 8. 12). Il le dit lui-même. Mais la fête de Noël instituée par les hommes ne porte pas ce caractère car elle n’est pas mentionnée dans la Parole de Dieu. Si, pour beaucoup de chrétiens, Noël reste une occasion particulière de célébrer la naissance de Jésus Sauveur, celui qui le reconnaît comme le Seigneur et qui croit qu’il est mort et ressuscité peut se souvenir de lui et de ces événements merveilleux tout au long de l’année. Cela le remplit de joie et de reconnaissance, et le pousse à une louange permanente. Il se remémore sans cesse ce fait unique : Dieu est apparu dans ce monde. Il a pris la forme d’un petit enfant. Sa venue parmi les hommes était annoncée depuis 700 ans : “Voici, la vierge sera enceinte et enfantera un fils, et on l’appellera du nom d’Emmanuel, qui se traduit : Dieu avec nous” (Matthieu 1. 23 ; Ésaïe 7. 14).
Bibles et Publications Chrétiennes 30 rue Châteauvert – CS 40335 26003 VALENCE CEDEX FRANCE +33 (0)4 75 78 12 78 [email protected]
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dinapaume · 6 years
La graisse entre moi et moi
La graisse entre moi et moi, entre moi et moi la graisse. On dit que les victimes de viols et/ou inceste grossissent pour ne plus plaire, pour ne plus être “ attirantes” pour les hommes. En ce qui me concerne ce fut faux. J’ai été soumise malgré moi à de la peur mais aussi de l’excitation à peu près 24 h/24... Autrement dit malgré moi, Mon COCorpsObjet est devenu mon pire ennemi et réclamait, réclame encore sans cesse pénétrations, apaisement, jouissance. Mon COCorpsObjet est devenu le premier des complices de l’i, plus que tout autre il m’a trahi et a fait le bonheur d’Ilil.
Des images défilent sans cesse dans ma tête... Ce ne sont pas forcément des souvenirs, cela peut être des souvenirs de l’i mais pas que, ça peut être des souvenirs de mes relations sexuelles précédentes, images qui m’aident à combattre d’autres images, défilé d’indigences, moi buvant avec un collier de chienne dans une écuelle, les yeux bleus de mon M(a)-î qui plongent dans les miens juste après m’avoir collé une baffe pour me faire revenir à moi, des phantasmes nocturnes ou diurnes, les photos de V offerte par ILil... Et puis des lèches de feu de ceintures pour me calmer.
Seuls les plantes et le beau ciel peuvent, de temps en temps, effacer ces images, mes petits chats aussi. Les animaux, la nature apaisent mes yeux, mon âme...
Malgré tout,  il faut compter avec les sensations qui traversent COCorpsObjet et qui se rappelle à moi CSCorpsujet... Des tensions dans le bas ventre, des vaso congestions, un clitoris gonflé on ne sait pas pourquoi, je mouille... Je mouille et je ne peux pas tout le temps me calmer, je mouille et je ne m’en rend pas toujours compte. Je mouille alors je me ressers une deuxième part de dessert, je mouille alors je trempe la cuillère à soupe dans un gros pot de nutella. Je mouille, je reprendrai bien un peu de chips ? Je m’engonce des fournées et des fournées de nourriture, mon super allié du stade oral : le chocolat ! Je croque avec violence le chocolat et me décharge sur lui, et en échange, il m’offre de l’apaisement, de la douceur, du confort et du réconfort. Je me viole la bouche, je me remplis le ventre, au bout d’un moment, je ne ressens plus rien que de l’apaisement... je vais m’endormir, je suis bien. Entre moi et moi, entre CO et CS une couche de graisse s’installe... Les symptômes sont estompés, moins d’images, moins de sensations désagréables mais de la cellulite à tout va.
Et puis, ça recommence. Il faut encore les voir, ces images. Il faut encore que mon inconscient me les projettent dans la rétine de la nuit, il faut que je les sente encore, ces envies, il faut que je le désire encore, ... Ilil.
Et si je l’appelais, encore, encore,  pour une dernière fois ? Et s’il me léchait une dernière fois et que j’avais encore, une toute petite fois, ce fabuleux orgasme qui m’est venu en feux d’artifice, un truc que j’avais encore jamais senti ? Et si, et si je ne ressentais plus jamais ça, comme il me l’avait prévenu, comme il me l’avait dit : “ Tu es un trésor ma chérie, il ne faut pas te voler, une trésor qui m’appartient “. “ Ce que tu as connu avec moi, tu ne le connaîtras plus jamais, tu sais.”...
Mais non, non, tu ne m’auras pas. Je niquerai avec tous les hommes de la terre, avec des chiens s’il le faut mais pas avec toi. Va-t-en ! Sors de mon corps ! Tu n’es plus là, tu n’es plus à l’intérieur de moi... Fous le camps, dégage, sors, décarre, crève, meurs, péris, pourris, fous le camps, fais toi ronger par la gueule, disparais en petite crevures de peaux, fous le camps de mes pores sale porc, dégage, pars, pars pars pars ordure....et ferme bien la porte.
Je fais un régime, je perds 12 kilos. Je retrouve ma taille. Il n’y a plus de graisse entre moi et moi, presque plus. Mais je ne sais toujours pas  comment faire pour que CO et CS soient en harmonie, et s’entendent bien.
Entre moi et moi, quand il n’y a pas de graisse, il y a mon père.
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christophe76460 · 21 days
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✝️ Vers le but ✝️
Je me souviens des travaux dans les vignes pendant mon enfance. J’aidais mon père à piocher entre les pieds de vigne. Vu mon âge, il me fallait juste faire une ligne de ceps ; mais qu’elle était longue ! Pour m’encourager, mon père me demandait de regarder toujours en avant et de ne jamais me retourner… et c’est pourtant ce que je faisais souvent pour voir le chemin parcouru… Mais c’était si peu, et j’ai compris qu’il est décourageant de regarder en arrière.
La vie chrétienne est une longue ligne au bout de laquelle Dieu a placé un but merveilleux : être pour toujours avec Jésus dans la maison du Père céleste.
Lorsque l’apôtre Paul écrit sa lettre aux Philippiens, il a déjà une longue expérience : un passé de savant religieux dans la pure tradition judaïque, qui l’a amené à persécuter les chrétiens. Puis, après sa conversion au Christ, une vie au service de son nouveau Maître, qu’il a appris à connaître et à aimer. Son seul désir est de se rapprocher toujours plus de Christ, jusqu’au moment où il le verra face à face, dans le ciel. Dans cette démarche tournée vers un seul but, “gagner Christ”, Paul comprend que les souvenirs du passé peuvent ralentir sa progression : un grand savoir qui avait servi son ego, un confort matériel qu’il avait abandonné pour servir son Seigneur, et même des expériences spirituelles dont il pouvait s’enorgueillir…
Ami chrétien, ne t’attarde pas sur tes échecs ou tes réussites du passé, remets-les au Seigneur qui apprécie chaque recoin de ta vie à sa juste valeur ; et regarde en avant, vers le but, vers Jésus !
Bibles et Publications Chrétiennes
30 rue Châteauvert – CS 40335
+33 (0)4 75 78 12 78
La bonne semence,16 mai 2024
© 2024 Bibles et Publications Chrétiennes
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epongecarre · 4 years
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divaguer, réfléchir, penser, cogiter, gamberger, songer, mûrir... 
Dalgona Café en souvenir du ㅊa
2 cs de café instantané 
2 cs d’eau chaude
1 et 1/2 cs de sucre 
mettre tous les ingrédients dans un bol. battre le tout environ 5 minutes. servir un verre de lait frais, ajouter quelques glaçons et surmonter du mélange. déguster, touiller, déguster. (cf la photo)
cette réalisation est belle mais après réalisation et dégustation...
mettre au fond d’un verre une cs du mélange, le surmonter de quelques glaçons puis du lait froid. mélanger délicatement. prendre une cuillère à café du mélange et la déposer en surface de manière à enrober le verre. déguster. 
à Chloé
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seriouslyhooked · 7 years
Souvenirs (A CS AU) Part 13/14
A Modern CS AU where Emma has grown up in Maine her whole life and runs a store with Ruby and MM. Killian Jones is the new guy in town, who just bought the local bar. Only Emma and Killian have met before and now she can’t help but wonder if their past has influenced his plans for the future. Includes tons of fluff and a happily ever after. Rated M.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven,Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve
A/N: Okay, here we are, another day, another Captain Swan wedding! This variation of the nuptials has the same spirit as all of my other wedding chapters – lots of fluff, smut, and cute friendship moments. I also managed to incorporate some elements of the title choice that I’ve had in my mind throughout writing this that I hope you guys like. Thanks as always for reading, and I hope you enjoy!
The sun today was perfect - the way it hung in the sky, the way the warmth was still tangible but not oppressive, the way the light lent a bit more beauty to the world around her. Emma shouldn’t have been surprised, of course it would be a lovely day because today was the day she was marrying Killian. And yet, the forecast could have called for torrential down pours and she’d still have found the beauty in it.
“Emma, have you even moved in the past few hours?” Mary Margaret’s call from the ground floor of the lighthouse pulled Emma from her musings, and tore her gaze from where it was fixed on the ocean.
“No. Figured I’d get enough of that –“ she looked at her watch “in two hours or so.”
Mary Margaret huffed and Emma could just imagine her friend’s face at the moment. She was pregnant, but probably already formally dressed for the ceremony ahead, and now she was on bride duty. A bride who had no grand imaginings of a huge white wedding, only ones about a life with the man she loved. Mary Margaret was probably having a blast with that.
“Are you really going to make a pregnant woman climb all these stairs to get you?”
Emma sighed, caught as she knew she would be, because no of course she was not going to do that. Instead, she grabbed her sketches and headed down the stairs at a leisurely pace. Once in front of her friend, she handed her the designs.
“Great news, I managed to come with an entirely new line today.”
Mary Margaret’s shocked expression was priceless and Emma laughed as she linked her arm with her friend’s and led the woman back out to the car. Emma took the wheel to drive, allowing Mary Margaret to see the sketches.
“Emma, these are… they’re genius.” Emma smiled, for she thought so as well. Still it was good to get some feedback. “Souvenirs, though? Why that name?”
“I like the idea that the big moments in our lives are these grand adventures, even if they are only flashes in the journey. This line can be a physical manifestation of those big milestones, and it’s something to remember the moment with.” Emma had one such piece in her engagement ring, and in the pile of papers before Mary Margaret there were half a dozen others that could be made for their customers.
“Inspired, and think how long a line like that can go on, with the different variation and everything.” Emma smiled, knowing her friend was the business savvy one and thinking about how good that would be for the line and for the store.
“Exactly. But I’ve had enough of work today. Right now, I think it’s time to get me married.” Pulling up in front of her house, Emma saw Ruby, Belle and Tiana waiting on the porch; the three of them also donning bridesmaids dresses.
“Finally, the woman of the hour.” Ruby said as she raised her hand, gesturing with frustration. It brought a huge smile to Emma’s face.
“Oh come on, Ruby. It’s my day.”
The teasing in Emma’s tone was not lost on her brunette friend who laughed before pulling Emma inside. Once there, Emma made her way to her bedroom and found her wedding dress. None of the others had seen it yet, as Emma had opted to travel to Boston alone to pick it up from the up and coming designer who she’d been consulting with.
The dress was elegance itself, and a beautiful ivory color that clung to Emma before billowing out into a truly remarkable skirt. It was light, despite its appearance, and easily moved in, so that she and Killian could share more than one dance tonight. That had been a big concern of Emma’s – she absolutely needed to spend most of the night dancing with her husband.
To go with the style that simultaneously harked back to the forties (with sheer sleeves that cut halfway between shoulder and elbow), while being modernly infused, Emma was wearing her hair up in a braided twist. Instead of a veil, though, she’d opted for a headband that had intricate beading that matched the belt of the gown. In complimenting beaded ivory shoes, and wearing her ring and a rose gold wreath necklace and bracelet set she’d designed, Emma felt like maybe, finally, she understood what so many women were on about when going crazy over their wedding.
“What do you guys think?” Emma asked, turning to her four friends, and there wasn’t a dry eye among them.
“Emma, you look gorgeous.” Belle’s words were heartfelt and Emma smiled, then turned to Tiana who was nodding, clearly stunned.
“I don’t know what to say, except you look like royalty.”
Emma laughed at that, for that had kind of been the aim, if only because royals tended to be meticulous about the classic element in a gown. That was what Emma wanted. If she was standing up in front of the world, she was damn well going to do it right.
“They’re going to have to hold him back, babe,” Ruby said as she hugged Emma tight and Emma was a little surprised. Of her two best friends, Ruby was the less affectionate, but it was a pleasant occurrence, and Emma was happy that her friend thought Killian liable to lose his mind.
“Mary Margaret?” As if the hiccupped sobs weren’t enough testimony to Mary Margaret’s happiness, the woman wiped away her tears and exhaled sharply.
“It’s perfect, Emma. Really perfect.” Emma took Mary Margaret’s hand in hers and then looked around to her other friends.
“I want to thank you all right now, before the madness, for standing with me today. It means more than I can say.” There was a moment of companionable silence before Emma spoke again, trying to lighten the heavy emotions before she cried herself. “But it’s best to tell you guys now, since when I see Killian in a suit, all bets are off.”
The laughter that came next stayed with the women who were light hearted and excited as the got in the limo set to take them where the wedding was. Emma knew some things to come, but she had largely stayed out of the planning, leaving it to Mary Margaret who’s instincts she trusted. Killian, though, had been a little less excited to hand over the reigns to her pixie-haired friend, and currently, Emma was listening to Mary Margaret go on about one particular disagreement over the band.
“I thought the best thing for sure would be a string quartet. But he was adamant that he wanted a band to play the old standards. He had a very distinct vision. ‘I am holding Emma while someone sings like Ella Fitzgerald or you will never hear the end of it.’ He actually said that!” Emma muffled her laughter with her hand, believing it to be true, especially after their conversation at Mary Margaret’s wedding, but Mary Margaret’s eyes turned thoughtful before she turned back to Emma. “Did you show him your dress, Emma?” Emma shook her head.
“Nope, just marrying a guy who knows me, I guess.” That set Mary Margaret off on more stories about the week’s planning that had Emma smiling more and more. Her soon to be husband was very opinionated as she well knew, but there was one thing that Mary Margaret was not permitted to talk about.
“He came as close to threatening me as I think he could given that David was there. Above anything else this week, he wanted this to be a surprise.”
Whatever ‘this’ was, Emma was intrigued, but soon the limo was pulling up and her wondering was over. Instead, she looked ahead to the entrance of the park that they would have to go through to get to the wedding itself, and there prepared for them to arrive was... a series of golf carts?
“Guys, couldn’t we have just parked at the Derby House?” The field in question was part of a Storybrooke estate that was the sight of the town’s historical society. This, to put it mildly was a back ways trek for them to get there.  
“I wanted to contribute too! So Mary Margaret let me decorate these for us to drive over.”
Emma was laughing like she couldn’t ever remember having laughed before. This was rich, and not at all what she was expecting, but actually made a lot of sense. Far more than walking to the field in heels did, at least. Ruby came over and handed Emma a giant white poncho to protect her dress and with that, the friends were off, speeding a bit more than was probably necessary through the path and to their designated zone for the aisle. When Emma exited the cart, she didn’t give a damn about her hair, she just knew that it was an amazing way to start the evening. The sun was starting to lower, and soon, very soon, she’d be heading down that aisle.
“Elsa, is that Aunt Emma?” Emma turned at the sound of a small child’s voice and saw a blonde woman who she recognized holding the hands of two young boys. She smiled at them happily and the smaller of the two ran up to Emma and hugged her. “It is her, I knew it!”
“Hi William, it’s nice to meet you too.” The little boy pulled back, eyes wide.
“You know my name?”
“Of course I do. You’re my family.” William grinned and looked back at Elsa and Patrick who were now just before her as well.
“She’s even more beautiful than the phone showed us.” William thought he was whispering, but all of them heard and Emma only smiled, extending her hand to Patrick, who she could sense thought himself a little too old for hugs.
“And you must be Captain Patrick. I heard you’re learning to man a sail boat all by yourself.” The boy brightened instantly and nodded.
“Yeah, Dad’s been helping and Elsa and I went to the library last week to learn all there is to know. When you and Uncle Killy come to visit, I can take you.”
“That sounds great.” Then Emma looked at Elsa and gave her future sister-in- law a big hug.
“I feel like I already know you, but it’s really good to meet you in person.” Elsa had a voice that was light and airy as she replied.
“Same here. Did you guys really get to ride over here in golf carts? That’s awesome!”
Emma nodded and looked back at her friends, pulling them all forward to introduce them. Once the worlds had collided, Mary Margaret reminded Emma of the time, and things went very quickly from there. Elsa moved with the boys so they could take their seats and then the music began. One by one her friends walked down the aisle, until only Emma remained.
When it was her turn, Emma moved with a fluidity that wasn’t intentional, but felt completely natural. Each step was tied to the music as it played, all in the hopes of getting to Killian sooner, and when her eyes caught his, it was like the whole world melted away. All she could see was him, and all she could feel was this incredible desire to get to this happily ever after she’d found with this man.
The look in Killian’s eyes was enough to set her on fire, while also making Emma feel like she was the princess every bride thought themselves to be. There could be no doubt looking in his eyes, that he was as devoted to her as she was to him, and that set the pounding of her heart at ease just a bit. When she was finally within arms reach, he extended his hand that she gladly took and he raised hers to his lips to kiss gently.
“Hello, my love.” He whispered, and just as she was about to respond someone cleared their throat behind Killian.
“Beg your pardon, love, but I hate to watch my brother get married without my actually meeting the bride.” Emma looked at Liam who was coming around Killian and pulling her into a big hug before she could think twice about it. Their guests laughed at that and Emma heard little Connor berating his father from his seat.
“Let Aunty Emma go, Dad! Uncle Killy loves her, and we don’t want to scare her off.” Emma smiled at the boy before turning to Killian once more and bringing her hand to graze his cheek.
“For the record, there isn’t anything that could ‘scare me off.’” His eyes burned an intense cerulean even as his expression softened.
“I’m very glad to hear it. Now, if my dear brother will allow us, I think it’s about time I make you my wife.”
Not for the first time, Killian considered the magical feeling that came when he held Emma Swan – well now Emma Jones – in his arms. With her pressed against him as they made their way about the dance floor, Killian was floating on air, light as a feather, but ready to face anything that came their way.
“You look so happy,” Emma whispered and the sound made its way to his ears like the chime of a bell.
“I feel even more than I am giving away, love, trust me,” Killian replied and Emma kissed him, her own smile winning over when she did so. Then she looked around them again, still in awe of their reception. It did his heart good to see Emma so pleased with her wedding day.
“I still can’t believe you managed all this. I never even would have thought to dream this, but you still knew.” Killian brought a hand up to cup her cheek, his thumb lightly brushing away another of Emma’s happy tears.
“You are the best part of me, love. I only had to look into my own heart to know what you might find desirable.” The happy little sigh that escaped his wife had Killian’s hold tightening and then the joy in her eyes heating over into wanting.
“As lovely as all of this is, it still feels like we’re on display, doesn’t it?” Killian looked around and saw that his bride was quite right. Though they’d only invited fifty people or so, nearly every eye was trained on them, and Killian had a plan.
“Do you trust me, Emma?” he asked.
“Of course I do. With all my heart.”
Killian stepped back, keeping her hand in his and kissing it lightly before leading her towards the back of the party. There was an opening in the trees that led down a small path and with a nod at one of the wedding attendants, twinkling lights soon lit the way in the trees overhead. Emma’s gasp at the lights was exactly the response he’d hoped for, and as they made their way farther from the party, Killian felt a tension he hadn’t realized he had dissolving away.
“You really do think of everything, don’t you?” Emma asked as they reached the next grove and Emma’s face, lit up by the moon and the lanterns that were placed out here was so beautiful, Killian couldn’t respond.
“I know it’s probably bad manners to run away during our wedding, but I don’t care. This, Killian Jones, is exactly why I put a ring on it today.” Killian couldn’t help but laugh at that as he moved over to the set up that was meticulously laid out.
“I thought we might rather like a break, my love. I do believe we have earned it.”
Emma nodded and, with Killian’s help so as not to ruin her dress, she laid back on the lush blanket set up out here. Killian immediately took his spot next to her and found the remote control that had been placed at the corner of the quilt so he could shut the lights off, leaving only the stars in their wake. Now it was just the two of them, and the soft background sound of the music and the murmuring from their party. They were far enough away that constellations made their way into view, but near enough that it was still clearly their wedding.
“I used to see the stars as a little girl and think how small I was, how the Universe was so big and how I was alone in it. Here with you, right now, I’ve never felt more alive or more important.”
The confession from his wife had Killian’s throat closing. She would never be alone again, not as long as he lived, for he could never bear to part with her. Soon enough, they’d add to their family too, and when that day came that they welcomed a child, Killian would love them just as much as he did their mother.
“I have champagne chilling, love. Would you like some?” Emma shook her head and then looked over at him with something to say. Killian ran his hand over her features, wanting to understand why she looked a little worried.
“Did you notice that I didn’t actually drink during the toasts?” Killian shook his head, not having been paying attention, but the fact that she wasn’t drinking sparked a profound hope in him. Still, he wanted Emma to say the words, so he simply shook his head. “I’m pregnant.”
Killian pulled his new wife towards him and kissed her fiercely, pouring all his excitement into it, and trying to make her see how truly joyous he was at the news. God the day had already been perfect, but Emma continued to give him so much more than any one man deserved. Being this happy should be a crime, but damn it Killian couldn’t deny his want for life to always be this way, and he knew it would be as long as he had Emma.
“How long have you known?”
“About a week, but I thought it might be a nice surprise for you tonight. It might be the only thing that could compete with this to be honest.” Killian scoffed at that.
“Your news is the single best thing I’ve ever heard other than you saying ‘I do’ today, love.” Emma ran her hand across his cheek and kissed him once more.
“I have a doctor’s appointment next week, and I know I don’t have to ask if you’re coming or not.”
“I’ll be there. Just try shaking me over the next few months, love.” Emma laughed at that, but the thoughtful look returned to her eyes and Killian wanted everything. He needed to know what she was holding back.
“Tell me what’s troubling you, love. Are you not happy?” She shook her head.
“I am happy, really. I just – I’ve been having the craziest dreams, and in them we don’t have one baby, we have two.” Killian felt a wave of pride surge through him, which he knew to be ridiculous, for dreams weren’t indicative of reality, and there was no proof that they’d have twins. Still, the thought of not one but two babies, both a blending of him and Emma was an even sweeter life to imagine.
“Whatever happens love, our children will know nothing but love and protection from us. Besides, if we have two now, we’re that much closer to our goal.” Emma raised a brow at that.
“Just how many do you think we’re having?”
“A dozen?” Emma barked out a near hysterical laugh.
“Not even close, buddy.” Killian rose to his feet then and offered his hand to help her up, once she was standing flush against him, he pushed a lose tendril of hair behind her ear and smiled.
“Perhaps that is a trifle excessive. How about six?”
“Any more than five, and we are both liable to lose our minds. Even five is a lot.” Killian grinned, knowing five had always been the number he wanted, and reveling quietly in his success.
“Whatever you want, Emma.” He felt a zing of sensation when her hand pressed against his chest, warming him through the thin material of his shirt.
“We probably have to get back now, don’t we?”
“Aye, love. But I promise, just one more dance and then we make our getaway.” Emma looked skeptical at that.
“You want me to spend my last dance of the night with your brother? He already called dibs for one more. Poor Elsa, she must be so tired with all his constant demands.” Killian laughed low at that.
“He made that demand of you, because Elsa is a terrible dancer, love. Two left feet is too generous a description. “ Emma looked surprised at that.
“Really? She looks so graceful, I just assumed she would be great at dancing.”
“Quite the opposite I assure you.”
By now they were back to the original party, and though they were noticed as being recently returned, no one made any unsavory remarks, which Killian appreciated. Sure enough his brother came to claim his dance, and then Killian staked out one more before making good on his promise that he and his bride could make their getaway. He was anxious to get her back to their home and out of this dress.
“Where did all your steely control go? You’re Mr. Impatient all of a sudden.” Emma giggled as Killian swept her up in his arms once they’d arrived to carry her over the threshold, into their house and then through the corridors to their bedroom.
“My show of control was nothing short of heroic all evening, love. I expect a parade thrown in my honor for all I’ve done.”
Killian put Emma down to stand on the floor of their bedroom and Emma smirked as Killian watched her kick off her heels. She then turned around to have him unzip the gorgeous dress that had fit her so superbly all evening long. He probably should have made a moment of it, teasing them both with a slower pace, but his blood was boiling, simmering hot just beneath the surface of his skin, and the only thing that could help was his Swan naked and crying out his name, lust thick in her voice. With the dress now shed from her person, Killian had a moment where he stood at deaths door. His heart nearly pounded out of his chest as he saw the white lace lingerie she’d been donning underneath the classy design of her wedding dress.
“Like what you see, babe?”
Killian’s smile ticked up at the endearment, but words escaped him. Instead of trying to find them, he ran his hands along her smooth, creamy, skin and savored the feel of her warmth and the way her breathing swallowed when he traced absent minded designs along her flesh.
“I love you more than anything, Emma. Surely you know that by now.”
“I do. And I love you just the same. That being said – you better get out of those clothes soon, or we’ll be ruining a perfectly good suit.”
Not one to upset his new bride, Killian did just that, watching Emma’s features heat as he stripped the expensive suit from his person. He wondered if the rumors he’d heard about pregnant woman was true. If they could be trusted, it meant Emma would be more sensitive to his touch and hungrier for the love between them. There was only one way to test the theory.
“Your call, Emma. Do you want me doting and gentle?” She shook her head.
“No, I want you at that point where you’re nearly out of your mind with needing me.”
Her hand came down his chest, across the slope of his abs to grip around his already hard cock, pulling a growl from Killian. If that was how she wanted things, he would not disappoint. Still he removed her hand, instantly missing it, but needing to take things a very different way.
“On your knees, holding the headboard love.” The flash of excitement that washed over her expression had Killian grinning, but Emma moved quickly to accommodate his request. “That’s a good girl. Now, as your husband, I have certain duties do I not?”
Killian asked and Emma nodded, arching to meet his hands that trailed along her back as he took his place behind her. With deft hands, he unclasped her bra and threw the strapless garment across the room. Watching Emma’s unwitting response to the gesture had him grinning. His chest was pressed against her back as he brought both hands around to tease her now very alert nipples.
“Fuck, Killian!” She lifted her hands from the headboard slightly and Killian nipped at the back of her shoulder.
“Keep your hands where they are love.”
She immediately returned them to their original place and Killian continued to pay attention to her breasts until her squirming against him signaled that she needed more. With one of his hands, he traced down her chest over the abdomen that in a few months time would be swelling with the presence of their child (or children, if premonitions rang true). A low grumble emanated from his chest at the thought of Emma carrying such a gift. Still he allowed his hand to go lower, finally ending up between her spread legs, and finding her dripping sex, needy for him. As soon as he made contact with her clit, Emma was moaning his name.
“How do you do that?” She asked breathily.
“Do what, love? Drive you slightly mental with only my hands?” She nodded. “Simple – I know you better than I know myself. I know each and every motion, each and every touch that sets you ablaze. I know that when I give you more…” he slipped a finger inside her waiting heat, “it helps the ache, but doesn’t fill the need. What you need is me, love. Isn’t that right?”
“God, yes. Only you, forever.” Killian kissed at the juncture of her shoulder and neck as he inserted a second finger and felt Emma tighten around him, already so close to coming.
“I will give you the best forever there has ever been, Emma. But now, I need you to let go.” She did just that, crashing into a climax that had her shaking with exertion, and Killian had never seen her so beautiful. When she finally looked back at him, her green eyes were still desirous and her cheeks were now flushed a lovely shade of pink.
“Can I move my hands yet?” He nipped at her lower lip, but pulled back before it was truly a kiss.
“Yes, love.”
Emma moved quickly, pulling him down for a demanding kiss that Killian couldn’t help but lose himself in. Emma turned the tables then, pushing him back on the bed, and straddling him as she pulled the few remaining clips she had in her hair, setting her golden locks tumbling around her.
“My turn. Now you, have to keep your hands right there.”
Emma started with a kiss, moving further and further until Killian thought he would likely expire from the torment. When her mouth kissed the head of his cock, all rational thought was gone, and when she took him in her mouth, he really tried to heed her wishes and keep his hands where they were, but he couldn’t.
“Emma, love I won’t last like this, and I need to be inside my wife this first time.”
Emma smiled at his phrasing, and let him thwart her plan, no doubt knowing her own satisfaction was ensured this way. And in the end, they both got exactly what they wanted, a first union as man and wife that was perfect, sensual and satisfying. As they lay next to each other, both catching their breath before more inevitable love making, Killian ran his hand through Emma’s hair and smiled, taking stock of everything, so he could remember this moment for the rest of his days.
“You’re making a souvenir,” Emma said.
“I’m what?” Killian asked confused and Emma giggled, so carefree and light it had Killian’s whole world brightening.
“You’re painting a picture in your mind. I take them all the time with you, so I can remember all of our moments.”
“Aye, love, I am doing just that.” She ran her hands across his chest, the feel of her fingers against him bringing warmth and calm even as they stirred the craving he had for her once more. “I love you, Emma.”
“I know. I love you too.” Those words shared between them in truth, were the most important thing, and it would be that love that would see them through everything that was to come.
Somewhat surprisingly, Emma had been right, the dreams a bit of magic no one could really explain, but a week later they received the news. They were expecting not one but two babies, all of whom would know exactly how much they were loved and cherished. And so it was, that they had a magical, wonderful start to a much deserved happily ever after.
Post-Note: This story was such a magical way for me to write another Captain Swan wedding! To be honest all this time later I am still emotionally compromised from it, but I love it all the same. That being said, there is only one chapter left for ‘Souvenirs’ and it is an epilogue. Hope you guys enjoyed, and thanks as always for the lovely words! Truly they are so great, I love hearing if you guys like the chapters or not!
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mybulletjournalblog · 5 years
Crêpes et Pleine lune
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La semaine dernière, je t'ai parlé d'IMBOLC et de la pomme de la connaissance. Aujourd'hui, je dévoile une recette de crêpes à ma façon à déguster un soir de pleine lune. Crêpes et pleine lune sont symboliques.
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Crêpes et pleine lune IMBOLC est célébré par les femmes. Quoi que tu en penses, la connaissance est transmise aux enfants par la mère avant même la naissance, les apprentissages s'enrichissent ensuite toute la vie. Digne représentante féminine, j'ai expérimenté une journée pas comme les autres. Si ma grand-mère m'a appris les bases culinaires Celtiques, j'ai le devoir de créer mes recettes personnelles. J'ai quelques restrictions alimentaires pour le mois en cours. J'ai donc fait preuve d'imagination avec les ingrédients possibles. Pour faire les crêpes, il te faudra : 300g de farine 3 oeufs 3 CS de sucre 50g de beurre ramolli 60cl de lait Tu peux ajouter de l'huile (2CS) ou l'utiliser pour ta crêpière à la cuisson. Mettre la farine dans une terrine et former un puits. Déposer les œufs, le sucre et le beurre. Mélanger en ajoutant le lait au fur et à mesure jusqu'à obtenir un liquide épais Parfumer avec 10 gtes d'huile essentielle de citron Je te montre les photos des farines et laits utilisés. La pleine lune Papy et moi sommes partis à 17h dans les hauteurs de Vanosc avec Gécko, des pommes, quelques bougies et du thé. J'aime ce contact avec la nature. Son énergie est source de bien être. Entre chien et loup, nous sommes arrivés au Moulin Laure près duquel nous nous sommes installés pour admirer la lune à la tombée du jour. Comme tu n'étais pas avec nous, j'ai immortalisé ces instants (je vais mettre une photo dans mon bullet journal). Je partage avec toi le souvenir de ce précieux moment éphémère mais très intense. En silence, réchauffés par nos gobelets de thé chaud, nous avons assisté au spectacle que les mots ne sauraient décrire. Marche nocturne La pleine lune nous a offert sa lumière pour notre marche de retour au foyer. La lampe frontale était presque inutile. Le spectacle nous a accompagné jusqu'à notre retour dans le village. Dégustation des crêpes A notre retour, j'ai servi crêpes et pleine lune accompagnées d'une compote de pomme à la lueur des bougies. Les crêpes représentent la pleine lune d'hiver et le chercheur ouvert à toute lumière qui peut venir à lui. La pomme est la connaissance qui lui est offerte. Les chandelles sont allumées par Mamy qui vous souhaite toute la lumière possible au cour de l'année. IMBOLC célèbre le huit (8), état de conscience des êtres ayant retrouvés leur état de divinité. Je vous retrouve pour l'équinoxe de printemps. Je vous invite à tester ma recette de crêpes et de me dire si ces saveurs vous ont plu. Read the full article
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Top 5/Bottom 5 Fics
I was tagged by @laschatzi to list the 5 fics that have gotten the most kudos on AO3 and the five that have gotten the least.  Thanks, Sandra!
Top Five:
Fluffy Fridays Rated: T, Chapters: 108, Summary: A series of unrelated, fluffy one shots featuring Captain Swan.  Contains both canon and AU stories.  
Caribbean Shores Rated: T, Chapters: 12, Summary: AU. After a nasty breakup with her long-time boyfriend, Emma Swan takes a job as the security guard at Once Upon a Time Academy.  She reluctantly agrees to attend the school’s annual fundraising gala, Caribbean Shores. Prepared for a boring night, Emma has no idea what’s in store for her when Killian Jones, the sexy new owner of the Jolly Roger Marina, is seated next to her.
Taking Back Neverland Rated: T, Chapters: 10, Summary: AU. After actress Emma Swan’s lead role in a popular TV show is at an end, she is offered the leading role in the Regina Mills film, Taking Back Neverland, a fresh retelling of the Peter Pan story. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Only problem?  She’ll be starring opposite Killian Jones, who she positively can’t stand
The Honeymoon Rated: T+, Chapters: 12, Summary: With the Black Fairy defeated and the Final Battle won, Emma and Killian are able to focus on the important things—like their honeymoon.  Thanks to a souvenir from the latest curse, Killian comes up with a way to give Emma the wedding trip of their dreams.
The Dark One He Loves Rated: T, Chapters: 1, Summary: Distraught over Emma becoming the Dark One and disappearing from Storybrooke, Killian returns to the Jolly Roger and reflects on a good moment with Emma from the past—involving muscle memory.  Set immediately after the season 4 finale. (This was a spec fic written during the s.4-s.5 hiatus.)
 Bottom Five:
Mysterious Fathoms Below  Rated: T, Chapters: 30, Summary: AU.  Sequel to A Wish Your Heart Makes and Getting to I Do.  Emma and Killian have finally gotten married, but their honeymoon is quickly interrupted by a new threat to the Enchanted Forest—a threat that it will take everyone on land and under the sea to defeat.  Can Regina find Robin Hood and Roland before it’s too late?  Will Killian survive a battle with an old foe out for revenge?
The Music of the Heart Soulmate Finder Rated: G, Chapters: 3, Summary: CS Soulmates AU. Emma Swan is skeptical of the newest rage in the dating world—The Music of the Heart Soulmate finder.  When Mary Margaret convinces her to get one for herself, will it point her to her own soulmate?  Will she have the courage to open her heart to the possibility of True Love?
Tying the Knot Rated: T, Chapters: 3, Summary: Killian has decided to propose to Emma, but before he does so, he hopes to get the blessings of the two most important guys in Emma’s life—Henry and David (Captain Swan/Captain Cobra/Captain Charming fic written during the 6a/6b hiatus)
New York Christmas Serenade Rated: G, Chapters: 3, Summary: CS canon divergence from 3x12. A re-imagining of what New York City Serenade might have looked like if Killian had found Emma’s NY apartment just before Christmas.  Can the music of the season help Killian bring back Emma’s and Henry’s memories?
A Pirate’s Christmas Carol Rated: G, Chapters: 2, Summary: CS Christmas Future Fic.  With only a month to go before the birth of his and Emma’s first baby, Killian begins to fear he doesn’t have what it takes to be a good father. Three ghosts—from Killian’s past, present and future help him see that he is ready for the adventure that is fatherhood.
I tag anyone who wants to play!
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kmomof4 · 7 years
Fic Rec List Post 1 of 3 tonight
Hi everyone! Ok, first of all I’d like to thank everyone for their patience while I’ve worked on this list. I figured since it’s been over 6mos since my last list, it was time to do it again. My original post was too long, so I’m having to break it up into 3 posts tonight. The whole thing is the definitive list of all my favorite fics. Hopefully the rest of the list will be up Monday. This will be the last time I post everything in one list. It’s just too much. From now on, I’ll only list new favorites. On a scale of 1-10, all of these are rated 11 or higher. A single asterisk next to a fic is a desert island fic that I couldn’t do without. A double asterisk is a #1 all time favorite fic that I reread regularly. All links, Tumblr handle (if I know it), ao3 and/or ff profile, links to fics on ao3 and/or ff, are included.  So settle in for some fabulous reading from this EXTREMELY long list. 
From @winterbaby89 on Tumblr, ao3, and ff 
*The Red Dress Affair is a smutty one shot where Emma is tired of waiting for Killian to make a move. Rated M on ao3 and ff.
*As Destiny Has It’s Eyes on You is a EF AU. Princess Emma Swan of Misthaven has been prophesied as the Savior since before her birth. Now with the help of a Lieutenant from her past she is going to take her destiny into her own hands, to defeat the Evil Queen. 16 ch, rated M. On ao3 and ff. 
From @hollyethecurious on Tumblr, HollyeLeigh on ao3 and ff
***A Knight for a Swan is a medieval/fantasy AU. The kingdom has been overthrown. Sir David's lands have been conquered, and his daughter has been captured. The new king offers her and her family's lands up as prize to the winner of the celebratory tournament. Many Lord and Knights throw in their lot to claim her, but only one sees her for the prize she truly is. Rated T (except for the last chapter), 10 chapters. ao3 and ff.
And I Don’t Want to Go Home right Now is a modern AU. Killian Jones had not left his apartment in two years, four months, and thirteen days. Not since he’d finally decided to shut himself away from the whole blasted world after a freak accident had left him without his hand, and for all practical purposes, his heart. Rated T one shot. ao3 and ff.
Operation Pirate Law is a canon divergent. All of Liam’s efforts to get his older brother together with the town Deputy have not had the desired effect. Maybe he needs to change tactics and find himself an accomplice? Fortunately, the Deputy’s son has the same idea, and together they put into action -- Operation Pirate Law. Rated K 2 shot. ao3 and ff.
Operation TouRING, sequel to Operation Pirate Law. Rated G one shot. ao3
Until We Meet Again is a canon divergent one shot. All wishes come with a price. Now that a wish has brought Liam and Nemo to the very time and place that Liam's older brothers washed up after the tempest sunk their ship, what will the price be, and who will have to pay it? Rated K on ao3 and ff
*A Harem of One is an AU 1 shot, with a possibility for more. Killian Jones, younger son of Prominent Turkish Businessman, Brennan Jones, meets Lady Emma during the height of the London season just a few weeks before he must head back to Constantinople to take over the family shipping business. Despondent over the fact that he had to leave the woman he loves behind, things get interesting when Brennan tries to give Killian a welcome home gift. Rated M. ao3 and ff.
And COMING SOON from @winterbaby89 and @hollyethecurious Dark Hook Comes to Storybrooke. Captain Hook has succeeded in killing the Dark One and is sucked up in the curse. A season 1 canon divergent coming in October.
From @totheendoftheworldortime on Tumblr, totheendoftheworldortime79 on ao3 and ff
***We Own Tonight is a canon divergent in which Princess Emma and Lieutenant Killian Jones are inserted into the Frozen storyline. With the added bonus of FrozenJewel! Rated E, 35 ch. ao3 and ff.
***The Unlocked Series is a rated E modern au polyamory series featuring Emma, Liam, and Killian. Includes Unlocked with 8ch ao3 and ff, Unbound with 14ch ao3 and ff, Unchained with 21ch ao3 and ff, and Unbroken with 11ch so far ao3 and ff. There will be a 5th book to complete the series. Link to the series on ao3.
Poem Without Words is a modern AU in which Emma is a struggling college student who poses in Professor Killian Jones art class. Rated E with 32ch. ao3 and ff. 
Forbidden is an AU in which Emma is an Amazon and Killian is a Spartan captured at the battle of Troy. Rated E with 11ch. ao3 and ff. 
*Within Temptation is a canon divergent season 2 one shot in which Killian confronts Emma after he arrives in Storybrooke. Rated E. ao3 and ff.
Burning Bridges is a canon divergent one shot in which Emma makes her choice between Neal and Killian. Rated E. ao3 and ff.
How Lucky We Are is an EF AU. What happens when a revenge obsessed pirate meets a princess at a ball? Rated E, WIP with 13ch so far. ao3 and ff. 
Mischief Reimagined is a Harry Potter/Swan-Jones trio crossover. Rated E WIP with 5ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Out of Sight ao3 and ff and its sequel I Can’t Change the World ao3 and ff are modern AUs in which Emma is a bounty hunter looking to take down thief Killian Jones. Both rated E one shots.
Alone With You is a modern AU in which Emma is a star investigative journalist and Killian is her boss’s brother. Rated E with 5ch. ao3 and ff.
This Isn’t Everything You Are is a canon divergent from season 2 fic with 13ch. ao3 and ff. Its sequel Fallen Empires ao3 and ff, has 18ch. Both rated E.
From @kymbersmith-90 on Tumblr, Kymbersmith90 on ao3
Patience is a canon divergent season 2 WIP with 4ch so far.
*Read All About It and its sequel *Rule the World are modern AUs in which crown princess Her Royal Highness, The Princess Emma of Cambridge meets and falls in love with Killian Jones, lead actor on her favorite television show. Both rated E. RAAI is complete with 143ch. DO NOT LET THE CHAPTER COUNT SCARE YOU!!!! The chapters are very short. These are both beautiful, fluffy sweetness!!! RtW is a WIP with 31ch so far.
Fairytales is a modern AU in which Emma Swan meets her favorite actor Killian Jones at a convention. Rated E WIP with 15ch so far.
From @seriouslyhooked on Tumblr, EmilyBea on ff
***Within Your Ocean Eyes is an AU story set in our world where Killian is a pirate in the early 1800s and Emma is a local girl, who though an orphan is beloved by the people of her small town of Storybrooke Maine. They fall madly in love despite staggeringly different ways of life, and become the stuff of legend. Rated M with 22 ch.
*Lifted by Love is a modern AU 8 part series that follows Emma, Mary Margaret, Ruby and Belle on a girls' vacation in the white mountains. Killian, David, Graham and Will also happen to be in the same complex. Thanks to some typical male stupidity, the groups cross paths and sparks fly as a result. One part per day of the trip and eventual epilogue. Rated M with 8ch.
*Some Call It Magic is a modern AU. When Killian moves to Storybrooke he instantly senses something strange about this little town in Maine but he's willing to overlook it for one reason: the single Mum living next door. There's only one problem. Killian is nearly positive she's a witch, a brewing potions and casting spells witch. But when true love is involved, does a little thing like magical powers really matter? Rated M WIP with 13ch so far.
*Wedded Bliss and Asterisks is a modern AU in which Emma is an up and coming wedding dress designer who meets magazine editor Killian Jones on the train. Rated M with 22ch.
False Alarms is a modern AU with fake dating that turns out to be not so fake after all between cop!Emma and firefighter!Killian. Rated M with 11ch.
Accidentally on Purpose is a modern AU married in Vegas fic. Killian tracks his wife down to convince her that what is between them is real. Rated M with 15ch.
In Your Light is a modern AU. Killian Jones is a recently discharged British soldier trying to start over. His brother Liam has found happiness in a small town in Maine and while visiting, Killian meets Liam's fiancé's sister Emma Swan. Before he knows it, Killian finds himself completely and irrevocably in love. Now all that's left is to convince Emma to let him stand in her light and by her side forever more. Rated M with 19ch.
Like You Do is a modern CS college AU. AU in which Emma lives in a co-ed dorm at a college in Maine. She hates crowds and so tends to shower at 2 am. One night, she gets caught up in singing, drawing the attention of Killian Jones, and sparks fly. Rated M with 26ch.
*Souvenirs is a modern AU in which Killian finds Emma after spending one night with her. Rated M with 14ch.
*Hope Springs is a modern AU in which Emma meets Killian Jones after Ruby comes home from her vacation married to Liam. Rated M with 20ch.
From @whimsicallyenchantedrose on Tumblr, jdmusiclover on ao3
By Land or By Sea series which is a rated T canon divergent from 3x11 and includes A Wish Your Heart Makes with 33ch, Getting to I Do with 10ch, and Mysterious Fathoms Below with 30ch.
Taking Back Neverland is a retelling of 3a in which the gang are working on the movie Taking Back Neverland. Originally part of Jen’s Fluffy Fridays series, which is also highly recommended. Rated T with 10ch.
Under the Apple Tree is, I believe the only OutlawQueen fic on this list. I’ve never read OQ, but for Jen I made an exception and I’m so glad I did!! This is a season 6/7 canon divergent fic that is fabulous and marvelous and brings Robin and Regina back together again for their happy ending! Rated T with 10ch.
The Princess and the Pirate is a canon divergent EF fic where Killian is recruited by Snow and Charming to get their daughter to safety so she can prepare herself for the Final Battle against the Black Fairy. A rated T WIP with 11ch so far.
From @flslp87 on Tumblr, flslp87 on ao3 and ff
***The Beach House is a modern AU based on the movie The Lake House. Will Emma and Killian be able to overcome their separation by time to find their happy ending? Rated T with 19ch. ao3 and ff.
The Promise is a brand new WIP that is already giving The Beach House a run for its money as my favorite in Misty’s repertoire. Rated T WIP with 2ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Flickering Lights- CaptainSwan Style is a canon divergent/missing scene of CS’s first time and Emma’s magic goes a little haywire! Rated T with 3ch. ao3 and ff.
A Gift From a God is a rated G canon divergent one shot where Emma and Killian are married with a very special guest in attendance. ao3 and ff
A Family Addition for CS is a future fic covering from positive pregnancy test through birth. Rated G WIP with 8ch so far. ao3 and ff
From @bromfieldhall on Tumblr, bromfieldhall on ao3 and Katrina on ff
*Just Tonight and its sequel *Just Forever are modern AUs. JT is rated M with 5ch. A night of unexpected passion leads to something infinitely more precious between two friends who don't realise the hidden depths of affection each has for the other. Romance/Angst and a little bit of Christmas fluffiness...eventually. ao3 and ff. JF is a rated G 1 shot of CS’s first Christmas together as a family. ao3 and ff.
Glimpses of Love and Affection is a season 3 canon divergent. Rated T with 26ch. Rated M for ch20 only. ao3 and ff. It’s sequel No Quarter is a WIP with 6ch so far, but hasn’t been updated in over a year. ao3 and ff.
From @its-like-a-story-of-love on Tumblr, captainswanismyendgame on ao3 and its-like-a-story-of-love on ff.
I Can Make You is a canon divergent one shot from the mid-season finale of season 3. What if TLK brought back memories? Rated M. ao3 and ff.
4 Bodies, 3 Swords, 2 Hooks, and a Savior is a canon divergent season 6 fic where Killian gets shot with Dr. Jekyll’s serum. One shot rated E. ao3 and ff.
To Guard You and to Guide You is a rated E one shot in which Killian is commissioned to protect Emma as she enters adulthood. ao3 and ff
Extra Credit is a rated E one shot where Emma is getting distracted in substitute teacher Killian Jones’s calculus class.
From @qqueenofhades on Tumblr, qqueenofhades on ao3 and ff
***The Dark Horizon is a OUAT/Black Sails crossover. You do not have to be familiar with BS to enjoy the fic. Set in 1715 in the Caribbean. Rated M with 42ch. ao3 and ff. Its sequel, The Rose and Thorn is 25 years later when ghosts from Killian and Emma’s past come back to haunt them. WIP with 15ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Incarcerus is a vampire fic where Emma and Killian are vampires and solve a murder mystery together and help prevent a supernatural war. Rated M with 31ch. ao3 and ff.
When In Rome and its sequel Ghosts of Britannia are historical AU’s. WiR tells the story of slave gladiator Killian Mac Daithi and his forbidden love with Emma Aurelia. Rated M with 7ch. ao3 and ff. GoB picks up 10 yrs later when Marius Henricus Maximinus loses his parents in a fire and sets out to find his birth mother, Emma Aurelia. Rated M with 8ch. ao3 and ff. 
From @pocket-anon on Tumblr, PocketAnon on ao3
Scar Tissue is a modern AU in which Killian is starting to wonder if the scars on his heart are as permanent as his physical ones. Until he meets Navy surgeon in training Emma Swan. Rated M with 20 ch.
***A Fairytale Beginning is a CaptainSwan/Enchanted AU in which Killian tries to outwit the Evil Queen and finds himself in the Land Without Magic and in the company of one Emma Swan. Rated G with 9ch.
From @joneskillian on Tumblr, joneskillian on ao3 and KillianJones on ff
Love, Kindness, and Other Useless Things is a historical AU set in 1815. Lord Killian Jones has hired Emma as nanny to his daughter. Rated M WIP with 19ch so far. ao3 and ff.
Beautifully Dangerous is a modern AU that is too much fun! Emma and Killian are both trained assassins. Rated E with 4ch. ao3 and ff.
The Importance of Taking a Break is a modern AU in which Killian and Emma are the adult children of business competitors and go make out whenever they're forced to sit through meetings. Rated M one shot. ao3 and ff.
Love Is a Ghost You Can’t Control is a rated T WIP with 2ch out of 3ch posted. Emma has lived in her small apartment for as long as she can remember, when things start to get strange, she's convinced she's dealing with a ghost and calls professional medium Killian Jones to help her get rid of the ghostly presence. ao3 and ff.
From @welllpthisishappening on Tumblr, WelpThisIsHappening on ao3
You Play Ball Like a Girl is a modern AU where Emma is the newest sports columnist for The New York Record. Killian is her editor. Rated M with 47ch.
Out of the Frying Pan is a modern AU where Emma and Killian are both celebrity chefs doing a year long Food Network all-star competition. Rated M WIP with 36ch so far.
From BlackWidowNat on AO3 
 Never Forget (How Much I Love You) is a modern AU WIP with 14 chapters so far in which Killian Jones learns a big secret when he returns home to Storybrooke to help Liam adjust to civilian life. Rated T.
From @xhookswenchx on Tumblr, AO3, and ff
 Storytime is a modern AU. After getting out of prison, Emma Nolan returns home, and tries to piece her life back together. Dealing with a betrayal that led to the false charges and imprisonment, a divorce, and getting to know her toddler son again, she doesn't have time for the blue eyed charmer who helps run the StoryTime program at the local library. 10 chapters, rated T on ff and ao3
From @thegladelf on Tumblr and  ao3, TheGladElf on ff 
An Open Heart is an Open Wound is a CS AU WIP with 11 chapters so far. What if Emma met Killian before she met Neal? How would that change things? If it changed things at all. Cursed!Killian AU. Sort of. Rated T on ao3 and ff.
From Katie_Dub on ao3, @katie-dub on Tumblr The Masks We Wear is a modern AU WIP with 8 chapters so far in which Killian and Emma are madly in love with each other and work together at their day jobs and their night jobs as superheroes. Unfortunately they don’t know they work together at their night jobs... Rated M.
From @spartanguard on Tumblr, SpartanGuard on ao3 and ff
A Tall Tail is a canon divergent from when Ursula throws Killian into the sea in 4x15. Rated K with 29ch. ao3 and ff.
I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas is a fic based on the movie with Killian and David following sisters Emma and Mary Margaret to Maine for Christmas. Rated G with 5ch. ao3 and ff.
***A Rose In the Deeps of My Heart is an AU in which Killian is an immortal fae. Rated T with 5ch. ao3 and ff.
From @dassala on Tumblr and ao3
Kentledge Hall is a historical AU in which a penniless dock worker inherits a title and his family's destitute estate. In order to save the house and grounds, he puts an ad in the paper for a wealthy wife from the United States. The damaged Emma Swan is desperate for a new start anywhere but New York. Together, will they save Kentledge Hall? Rated M with 17ch.
A Lesson is a rated E one shot where Professor Emma Swan has to teach student Killian Jones a lesson after he acts up in her class.
Deep Cover is a modern AU in which Killian goes undercover to nab a drug dealer in a small town in Maine. Unfortunately, he starts to fall for his target’s girlfriend. Rated M with 11ch.
Reward is a EF AU in which Emma gets a lesson in pirate behavior and charm on her first night as a prostitute. Rated M WIP with 9ch so far. It hasn’t been updated in over a year, but as I love it sooooo much, here it is!
From PhiraLovesLoki on ao3 and ff, @phiralovesloki on T,
 Once Upon a Kinky Prompt Ch. 21 Emma and Killian are getting busy and Neal is nearby and watching. The rating for the fic overall is Explicit, this chapter is probably a hard Teen. 
Killian Jones, Concertmaster Extraordinaire is a modern AU in which Killian, as concertmaster of his youth orchestra is furious that flutist Emma Swan will be performing HIS solo. So he sets out to sabotage her. He didn’t count on falling for her. 5 chapters, rated T. ao3 and ff
Falling Slowly is a canon-divergent set after season 5. When Henry is kidnapped by the Evil Queen, Emma rushes to save him. Along the way, she receives the help of a ship's captain with a shared past, though she has no idea just how deep that shared past really goes. 15 ch, rated M. ao3 and ff.
The Fix-It Sisters is a modern AU in which sisters Emma and Mary Margaret team up with Killian Jones to fix up his house for their reality TV show. Rated T with 4 chapters. ao3 and ff
Rescue Me is a modern AU in which Emma and Killian meet through a save-me-from-my-horrible-date app appropriately called Hinder. A rated T one shot. ao3 and ff.
Capture the Flag is a canon divergent where Emma gets roped into an extremely competitive match of capture the flag during Granny’s annual 4th of July bash. Rated T one shot. ao3 and ff. 
Expect part 2 early next week. Tagging those authors listed here who are on Tumblr. @winterbaby89 @flslp87 @hollyethecurious @whimsicallyenchantedrose @totheendoftheworldortime @seriouslyhooked @qqueenofhades @pocket-anon @spartanguard @phiralovesloki @dassala @katie-dub @thegladelf @xhookswenchx @welllpthisishappening @joneskillian @its-like-a-story-of-love @bromfieldhall @kymbersmith-90
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