#specimen of a man
maxsix · 7 months
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xynnoix · 10 months
A warmup. Something about Oscar Isaac is just so MMM
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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Bye - 1x03 - The Ones Who Live
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dovewingkinnie · 7 months
Heyyy. Can we uhhh. Get a Doug infodump maybe IDK….. .. he interests me. I'm looking at him under a magnifying glass.
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im still figuring out his story so i only have a few things to share about him BUT he does have a wife and he loves his wife his wife is his everything (his wife is named cookie, their names combined equal cookiedough eheheh i am SO smart)
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coffee-bat · 3 months
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can't get over this part btw
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kitamars · 1 year
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the light that filters through the leaves
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orengesz · 11 months
God tier shit.
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Bestie sent me this one. Og poster, I know you're out there somewhere.
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edgepunk · 4 months
It might've been a consequence of Sony rushing Insomniac, but I don't like that it wasn't expanded upon why the symbiote made Peter more aggressive. If you're unfamiliar with other Spider-Man media, then you don't know that Peter has a lot of repressed anger. To be fair, it was shown in the flashback where he punched a hole in the wall of his room, but it wasn't really followed upon? We don't see any of the characters question where all that anger came from. Peter doesn't mention it either, there could've been a line or two about how he's been feeling progressively more stressed, which caused him anger issues that he tried repressing.
It looks like the symbiote wanted to make him evil "just because" or to start the half-cooked invasion, which makes it seem like a generic evil alien and strips away a lot of nuance from both the symbiote and Peter. Originally, it wasn't a metaphor for drug addiction, but a toxic relationship where both people are bad for each other. The symbiote loved Peter partly because of his power and partly because he was treating the "suit" kindly. But it loved him too much, it started pushing him and using his body while he was asleep. Peter liked the power boost, note: there originally wasn't a power boost, Peter wasn't holding back so much due to stress + exhaustion. in later adaptations he mentions he grew stronger the longer he wore it.
Peter liked the power at the cost of his relationships with other people, he started isolating himself and snapping at others, saying the suit is all he needs. It was kind of a fucked up two-sided relationship that was messing with both Peter and the symbiote, so seeing it all stripped away is one hell of a bummer. It would've been interesting to see this version of Peter facing the fact that he isn't as "nice" and "wholesome" as he comes off, but that there is an ugly side of him that he doesn't want people to see. He was aware of it, but he kept pushing it away with his toxic positivity, which would've been another interesting thing to see, because toxic positivity is a real thing that can mess people up.
Yeah I am totally not frustrated with Sony rushing Insomniac (and the current state of AAA gaming) so we're stuck with this uncooked story that could've been great if they let them cook for another year or two. Man.
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mrgriffiths · 3 months
And that's definitely a Happy St.Patrick's Day indeed!!🍀🥹🫶
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this would be something specimen 14 would do for some reason
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maxsix · 2 years
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karasukarei · 2 days
Daily questions 9 - 💙Umemiya Hajime💙 (full compilation)
For each individual day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
For all other translations, see this post!
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Umemiya's answers:
If you have 500 yen, how would you use it? - I'll refill the stock of candy! (t/n: he even calls it "ame-chan" which is so cuteeeee)
If you could travel to somewhere in Japan for a holiday, where would you go? - I want to go to all the places I haven't been to before
What's your favourite condiment? - I like sauce on sunny-side-up eggs!
What do you think about before you sleep? - I'm concerned about the plants, so tomorrow's weather!
What would you eat for your last meal? - Kotoha's omurice! (t/n: he is SO SO SO happy saying this you can FEEL ALL HIS LOVE FOR HIS IMOUTO this is so sweet i want to lie down and cry)
Recently, was there something that made you a little happy? - A seed that wasn't sprouting finally sprouted! (t/n: HE IS SO HAPPY HERE IT'S LIKE HE JUST WATCHED HIS FIRST BORN SON GROW UP)
If someone of the opposite gender asks you for your contact number, what would you do? - Ohh! Let's be friends from today onwards! (t/n: CAN WE BE MORE THAN FRIENDS)
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x05 - Become
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and-so-he-rambled · 15 days
The thing I’m struggling with a lot writing Vlad is the balance of being soft with the kids while being a genuinely not great person.
He grows to love the kids dearly and will kill for them, but they are his exception to his dislike of people. This man does not like people and sees them as tools, and while the children thaw his heart, it’s a process. I work with kids so I make it too easy for him to adjust because I know what you’re supposed to do, but Vlad has zero fucking idea what he’s doing. My man is terrified of killing these little freaks.
And they really are little freaks. Normal children are weird, but children raised by the Fentons now freshly traumatized are a special kind of weird.
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leonsliga · 3 months
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Leon for Adidas (X)
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mokutone · 2 years
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late entry for 4th day of @tendaysoftenzo ! the prompt was:
Day 4, November 4th: Science Fiction | Wild West (Cowboys)
mostly because i really missed drawing space stations shgkshgksjdhgskdjhg
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