#spencer reid is autistic
ok i was thinking about a fanfic where Spencer (probably a single dad) has a daughter (13-14) like tina belcher from bobs burgers, i just imagine they’d both be so awkward (and definitely autistic) and they’d both have glasses. But while Reid can talk lots and can get excited easily about things, she’s like the opposite, imagine her meeting the team
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Spencer Reid X Autistic Daughter Reader
Request : ok i was thinking about a fanfic where Spencer (probably a single dad) has a daughter (13-14) like tina belcher from bobs burgers, i just imagine they’d both be so awkward (and definitely autistic) and they’d both have glasses. But while Reid can talk lots and can get excited easily about things, she’s like the opposite, imagine her meeting the team
Third person pov...
In the quiet suburban town of Quantico, Virginia, there lived a man named Spencer Reid. He was a brilliant criminal profiler, working for the Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI.
Spencer was known for his encyclopaedic knowledge, his ability to connect the dots, and his unwavering dedication to his work.
Spencer had a daughter, Y/N, who was around 13-14 years old. She was a carbon copy of her father in many ways, with her glasses and her love for knowledge.
However, unlike her father, Y/N was a shy and introverted girl, who found it difficult to express herself. She was often compared to Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers, as they both shared a similar awkwardness and a penchant for the unusual.
Y/N's quiet demeanour was a stark contrast to her father's animated personality. Spencer could talk for hours about his latest research or a new theory he had developed, while Y/N would prefer to spend her time reading or drawing.
Despite their differences, the two shared a deep bond, and Spencer was fiercely protective of his daughter.
It was a calm Saturday after weeks of cases the team had a couple days off, which pleased the Dr greatly, happy to spend time with his daughter,
The last one had been hard, a woman was going around killing young girls who reminded her of her high schools' bullies, Spencer couldn't wait to get home and see his daughter, they had called every night.
The two were currently sitting in the living room on the sofa, Spencer was reading a book, leaning against the arm of the sofa and his daughter next to him she was sketching in her sketchbook, she was exceptionally good.
Spencer smiled when his daughter showed him her drawing, he loved it when she showed him what she was drawing, her sketches are incredibly detailed. "Amazing N/N" he comments making his daughter smile and continue drawing.
In the background classical music played, neither liked a silent background so music was necessary. As they spent the quiet morning together around lunch Spencer received a call from his boss, Aaron Hotchner.
"Hotch is there a case?" he asks having stood up from the sofa.
He watched his daughter continue to draw, a smile still on his face. She was in her own world now "Hi Reid, not a case but I was hoping you could bring Y/N in" Spencer was confused.
He stands near the kitchen. "I could, be there soon" the two then end the call, Hotch had explained that there was an important case that required the team's immediate attention, and Hotch believed that Y/N's unique perspective could be valuable.
He then walked back over to his daughter, now to tell her they are leaving. "Hey N/N, want to come to my work with me?" He asks the girl.
This made the H/C girl look up from her sketchbook, E/C eyes wide. "Really" she asks, she always wanted to go to her dad work, she loves the job he does and all the caseshe solves.
Spencer was surprised. Usually Y/N doesn't like new places. "You do?"He asks the girl, Y/N grins at him. "Want to see where you work" she tells him.
Spencer laughs and pulls her in for a hug, one thing about Y/N is she loves hugs mainly the pressure from them. "Great, go get ready we need to leave soon" He tells her.
The teen then runs off to her room to get her things, once ready the father and daughter leave the apartment and make their way to the FBI headquarters.
As they entered the BAU office, Y/N was immediately overwhelmed by the bustling activity and the presence of her father's colleagues. She clung to Spencer's arm; her eyes wide behind her glasses.
Spencer helped her calm down by handing her headphones, Y/N quickly took them and put them on, the noise canceling happening immediately.
This made her feel calmer, but didn't let go of her Dad. The two find the rest of the team standing and chatting to each other about the case.
"Hey pretty boy" calls Derek, this made the rest turn to the two reids, Penelope instantly turns to the girl next to the young doctor. "Who's that with you Baby genius?" She asks waving at the teen.
Y/N looks down at the floor, avoiding the gazes of the team. "Guys this is Y/N my daughter" he explains, the team is shocked.
Derek wraps an arm around Spencer. "Pret-ty boy, how come you never told us you have a kid?" He asks.
The young Dr blushes and shrugs the arm off him. "Because you didn't ask" he grumbles, making Derek raise his hands and back away from him.
The team was initially taken aback by
Y/N's quiet demeanour, but they soon realized that her unique perspective was indeed valuable.
As they discussed the case, Y/N offered insights that the others had not considered, drawing on her vast knowledge of human behaviour and her keen observational skills.
Over time, Y/N began to open up to the team, sharing her thoughts and ideas more freely. She found a kindred spirit in Penelope Garcia.
who appreciated Y/N's love for all things geeky and her passion for learning. The two bonded over their shared interests, and Y/N began to feel more comfortable in the BAU office.
As the team worked together to solve the case, Y/N's confidence grew. She began to speak up more often, offering her insights and ideas without hesitation.
Her father watched with pride as his daughter blossomed, finding her voice in the midst of the BAU team.
In the end, the team successfully solved the case, thanks in part to Y/N's unique perspective.
As they celebrated their victory, Y/N stood alongside her father and the rest of the team, her glasses slightly askew and a smile on her face. She had found her place among the BAU team, and she knew that she would always be welcome there.
From that day forward, Y/N became a regular fixture at the BAU office, offering her insights and ideas to help solve the most challenging cases.
And though she was still quiet and introverted, she had found her voice, and she knew that she could have influence in the world.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the wait! Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1170
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demisexual-eddie-diaz · 11 months
There are people attacking me in the comment section of a Spencer Reid post because I said he was autistic-
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itsclairehoes · 2 years
I feel like If Spencer was rambling on the jet about something, someone would put on one of those baby therapy videos with the dancing fruit and they would just watch him disassociate
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Y’all I’m rewatching Criminal Minds and I’m on season two episode 14 (the first episode with Tobias Hankel) and everyone talks about Reid and his friend Ethan having major chemistry but why is no one talking about Reid and Anderson like 👀
Anderson quizzing Reid on Star Trek is giving major “admiring your boyfriend as he talks about his special interest” vibe and I love that
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reidselle · 2 years
I’m autistic. Reid is not. He says in 6x18 that “their brains” work differently. Not “our brains”. Telling people their autistic when they say their not, like Reid is, is ableism. You are labeling people on your preconceived notions of what an autistic person “should” be like. What boxes they “should” fit. I hope this is not how you behave in real life, because it’s disgusting.
i’m also autistic and trust me when i say the last thing i would want to be doing in 2011 is single myself out even more than spencer already was. just because ur autistic doesn’t make my what i say any less valid and neither does urs but honestly idk what you’d expected from saying this off anon because again anything u say is being taken with a grain of salt. stay safe out there!
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bobadiin · 1 month
last day of autism awareness month please be aware of him
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spidersdad · 30 days
Kidnapper: we have your son.
Hotch: but my son is with me right now.
Kidnapper: ..shit. then who is this? he asked to pour him 250 ml of chocolate milk because I quote “statistically-
Hotch: fuck they have Reid. BABY, HOLD ON I’M COMING!
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venusbyline · 23 days
my type: pretty boys who are professors, FBI special agents, ex-con, probably autistic and have real puppy eyes
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beautifulbrainrot · 10 months
autistic!spencer reid x gn!reader
cw reader has an unspecified accent, autistic!spencer, just fluff !
“very fancy, em!” you smiled, admiring emily's new necklace.
“fancy.” someone repeated from behind you.
you and emily turned around to see spencer holding his coffee, wide eyed.
“fancy.” he said again, copying your tone of voice, smiling at the sound of it.
he repeated it again, small smile on his lips. you smiled back. you knew spencer was autistic, and had some vocal stims, including echolalia.
“sounds kinda funny in my accent, doesn’t it?” you giggled, repeating the word yourself, in an even thicker version of your accent.
“very fancy!” he said, copying your voice perfectly, now grinning.
“you guys are sickeningly adorable.” emily laughed, both of you blushing bright red.
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pinkglittergelpenink · 2 months
the team whenever Spencer talks:
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Spencer Reid x semi verbal Autistic teen reader
Request from Ao3
Request: Could you also do a request of a semi verbal autistic/adhd teen with Spencer? They are smart and like talking to Spencer about their special interests? I don't mind how they are related, but it would be really nice.
Summary: The team arw on a case and Spencer needs to get some information from a teen but doesn't know how to start it so he starts talking to the teen about his special interests
Third person pov...
The team were currently out on a case it was a messy one, a family had been murdered both the parents and the younger siblings, the only person left was the eldest child, Y/N L/N.
When the police arrived after being called by the neighbours, they found the teen knelt next to the bodied of his family rocking back and forth in a trance, he was holding something in his hands which was a toy dinosaur covered in blodd, it was his younger brothers favourite toy and one of Y/Ns special interests.
Y/N is autistic and semi-verbal (Semi-Verbal is a term used to describe people who are between full-verbal and non-verbal  Semi verbal is still having some access to verbal speech but being restricted in some way.) So it was difficult for the officers to get him out of the house and to the police station.
Since they found him kneeling in the blood of his family Y/N hasn't spoken a word to anyone, the teen was currently sat in an empty office in the police station.
The teen was pacing around the room still holding onto the dinosaur, when the officers tried to take the Dinosaur off him as it was covered in his baby brothers blood the teen freaked out and had a meltdown so they didn't take it off him.
A couple of hours later the FBI arrived to profile the Unsub and to also see the witness, Hotch saw the teen body language, from the file he already knew the teen was autistic.
Based on those facts he picked the perfect person from his team to go and ask the teen some questions and that person was their own resident genius Spencer Reid.
Spencer eyed the teen with curiosity. He knew that getting the information he need was going to be a challenge and that he needed to think outside of the box.
As he watched the teen from outside the room, he noticed that he seemed to be fiddling with something in his hands and looked like he had an affinity for it.
Spencer took a breath and stepped through the door, he watches as thw teen stops his pacing but doesn't make an eye contact.
Spencer steps closer to the teen but not to close he knows how much he likes his personal space, the Dr then asks his question "Hey, what is that you're holding?"
The teen looked up at him for a moment, confusion evident on his face. He was semi-verbal, Spencer knew, and being Autistic made communication even more difficult.
Spencer felt for the boy, knowing how hard it must be for him to communicate. He decided to try a different tack, gesturing to the object the teen was holding and stating, "I'm interested in what you have there; can you tell me more about it?"
At this, a smile slowly spread across the boy's face and he eagerly started to talk about the dinosaur he was hanging on to.
He spoke quickly, but Spencer was able to piece together the story behind the toy dinosaur.
Not only did Spencer get the information he was looking for, but he also learned more about the teen's special interests.
He realized that having an understanding and compassionate ear could go a long way with someone who struggled with communication.
"He's my brother favourite dinosaur, Alfie always let me hold him knowing thay he comforts me" says the teen not realising how much he had spoken in such little time.
Spencer was nodding along with everything he was saying which gave the teen courage to keep talking. "Thank you for telling me about him" says Spencer.
"Actually I have another question, if you don't mind" Says Spencer, Y/N goes quiet and looks down at the dinosaur clutched in his hand, the teen nods his head ans Spencer takes that as a yes.
Spencer watches how the teens body language changes, he goes back to the quiet traumatised teen from before. "I was hoping you could tell me about the person who killed your family?" He asked knowing it was a delicate subject.
Y/N swallows and clutches the dinosaur tightly so tight he almost made himself bleed, the teen Continues to look at the dinosaur before speaking.
"It was supposed to be a calm night, mum and dad where late getting home, so I was babysitting Alfie. We were playing Dinosaurs in the living room, I was busy telling Alfie all about the Dinosaurs before someone knocks at the doors, we didn't answer because it wasny mum or dad" Says thr quiet teen a tremble in his voice.
The fidgets with the Dinosaur in his hands before continuing, Spencer wasn't planning to rush him into it. "Then it went quiet, we went back to playing and then the door was unlocked, mum and dad were home, I remember Alfie running out of the room to greet them, I stayed behind and waited"
Y/N paused to take a deep breath, the next part still scared him as he remembers everything that happened to his family. "Then I heard someone behind me, i thought it was Alfie but I was wrong, when I turned around it saw a intruder, it wasn't mum or dad, but a man he was tall and very angry, he grabbed me abs held a knife to my throat, I remember being dragged outside and into the kit hen were my family were."
Spencer watches as Y/N sniffs and whines his eyes quickly hands shaking. "He theb told them to do as he says or he would kill me, Alfie was scares he started crying, the man then took all of us to the living room, then he killed them all, not me I don't knke why he left me alive, I wish he didn't" Y/N finishes his story with a sob as he falls to the floor.
The teen the begins to rock back and forth trying desperately to comfort himself and stop crying but nothing worked. Spencer quietly slips out of the room and back to his team to tell them what he know about the Unsub.
Hours later the team successfully find the Unsub as he was targeting another family similar to the L/Ns, when they arrive back at the station Spencer is ambushed by Y/N hugging him.
The teen was crying as he thanked the Dr fir finding the perosn responsible for killing his family, Spencer hugged the young boy back just as tight.
Before the team left for Virginia Y/N surprised Spencer by giving him the dinosaur he was holding, when he was asked why he said "because you found the killer responsible, my brother is abke to be put to rest now he has been avenged" he said this made Spencer tear up he took the toy and kept it safe.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes as usual, also so sorry for not updating for a while.
Request are open!
Word count: 1280
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h2des · 12 days
Lemon Sharks
Spencer Reid x autistic!reader
Summary : Spencer comes home from a case and finds the reader exhausted.
Cw : Emotional exhaustion (?)
Word count : 551
A/n : This is my first time writing here! It’s very short. English is not my first language. Please let me know if you like it!
The apartment is illuminated solely by the television's light. A documentary on marine wildlife has been circulating there for more than two hours. You must know it by heart by now.
Lemon sharks are named after their yellow-brown skin that helps them camouflage in the sandy, tropical waters they inhabit.
The day was anything but easy. This morning, the subway was unusually crowded. To run it all, your noise-cancelling headphones ran out of battery. Every noise was amplified in your head. This old man banging his cane against the ground, this lady loudly chewing her breakfast,... You mechanically pulled the skin of your thumb without even noticing it.
The day has only gotten worse. The usual work schedule is exceptionally changed by another. The only colleague you got along with left. And finally, your long-time boyfriend, Spencer, is still not home.
You thought about texting him, but you knew that on the jet, he probably wouldn’t get it. You missed him terribly. You missed your hugs. So you missed the way those hands stroked your hair. It’s been five days since you last saw him.
Sicklefin lemon sharks are highly adaptable and intelligent animals, and their behavior can vary depending on their habitat and environmental conditions.
Learning is one of the things you love the most in the world. Documentaries help a lot with that. You’re on your couch, a heavy blanket on the shoulders, eyes staring at the television absorbing every word of the presenter when the door opens.
"Hi" is the first word you hear from Spencer when he walks through the door. Your head is resting on the armrest and it seems too heavy at this time of day to lift it. You still manage to say a sleepy hello to your boyfriend. You can see him getting rid of his shoes and jacket before he heads to the living room. "I see that someone is tired" He said leaning against the couch to put a kiss on your forehead.
"Sorry, hard day. I can’t wait to hear yours" Your voice barely audible. Each syllable requires considerable affort to come out of your mouth. "Sure, but did you eat today and drink a minimum of 1 liter of water ?" It has occurred so many times to be immersed in something so intense that you fail to make yourself food or even drink water. "Yes, I didn’t forget anything this time! Did you take something to eat on the road ?" Spencer gently nods.
"What are you watching ?" Excitement takes over. "A documentary about Lemon Sharks! Did you know they could live more than 27 years ?!" He knows, of course, but pretended not to please you. You position yourself on the couch so that your boyfriend can sit behind you and softly rest your head on his thighs. His hands run through your hair. Forming circles that almost make you fall asleep. "Do you want to go to bed ?" He asks, his voice is sweet. You nod, eyes closed.
You are now in your bed, in comfortable clothes, your head rests on Spencer’s chest while he holds your hip firmly. Your eyes are close, his are on you. Everything seems to be better. "I missed you", were the last words heard before you fell asleep.
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bluecitylight · 2 months
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Silly & happy Spencer Reid
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thirtyratsinasuit · 28 days
𝚜𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚎 - 𝚜.𝚛.
ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ | ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ
𝙨𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨; 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘶𝘴, 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘲𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨; 𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘤𝘮 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴, 𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘹 𝘥𝘳𝘶𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘭, 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺, 𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘨𝘢𝘱 (𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 21, 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 36)
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you were top of your class, graduating from harvard at age fifteen with a degree in psychology and several other certifications. it was no surprise that you got in to the bau, given that you're just what they needed. well, most of them would say that.
from the moment you walked through the doors and agent hotchner introduced you to everyone, there was one person in particular that stood out. he stared at you like he wanted to watch you 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘭. it made your blood boil.
"earth to spencer," penelope, the woman with the colorful clothes spoke as she snapped her fingers in agent reid's face, causing the man to blink. "you were staring at her like she was dinner!"
"its okay, i'm used to it by now. a lot of people arent used to seeing a twenty-one year old in my position." you shrugged, stepping closer, holding out a hand to shake as you told the brunette your name.
"i dont do handshakes," spencer narrowed his eyes as you awkwardly put your hand in your pocket. "doctor spencer reid."
"its nice to meet you, doctor."
"likewise." spencer spoke, studying you. "autism?"
"youre avoiding eye contact and youre swaying, which is a common attribute to stimming." the man spoke nonchalantly, leaving you speachless.
"how did you?-" "someone who belongs in the bau would know."
an; sorry for being so short!! btw this is post prison reid
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Autistic Spencer Reid
Happy Autism Acceptance Month, everyone! By request, my wonderful friends and I have taken on the daunting task of documenting the reasons why Spencer Reid is considered Autistic. Big thank you to you @spencer-reids-adventures and @foxy-eva specifically for their help. We hope everyone enjoys! This is not an exhaustive list.
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Stimming/Self-Stimulatory behavior, including rocking/spinning in his chair, twiddling with his fingers, gripping sheets, bouncing his legs, biting his lip/tongue, rubbing his eyes, spinning pens, pacing (e.g., S6E12 "Corazon")
Averse to touch, dislikes hugs (S7E13 "Snake Eyes" & S11E11 "Entropy")
Explains multiple attempts at masking, including "being more conversational," (S2E19 "Ashes and Dust"), scripting conversation (S15E4 "Saturdays"), saying what people want to hear (S6E20 "Hanley Waters")
Verbosity - Difficulty recognizing when he's talking too much/speaking at inappropriate times (e.g., S1E16 "The Tribe" & S10E16 "Lockdown")
Began studying behavioral science to understand behavior that made him frustrated/confused (S11E22 "The Storm")
Averse to hosting/hanging out in his space; didn't invite his friends to his apartment for over 15 years (S15E9 "Face Off")
The only team member capable of proficient communication with other Autistic people (S6E16 "Coda" & S11E22 "The Storm")
He is referred to as Autistic by multiple characters, including a literal profiler, and does not deny or question it (S1E5 "Broken Mirror" & S8E3 "Through the Looking Glass")
Lack of social awareness, such as focusing on a convention while at a workplace shooter crime scene (S7E3 "Dorado Falls")
Various special interests, like Doctor Who (S6E16 "Coda" & S7E23 "Hit")
Literal thinking, such as focusing on scientific accuracy of a star-based fable (S5E13 "Risky Business")
Difficulty recognizing common phrases, such as the "sitting in a tree" song (S3E14 "Damaged") or jokes (S7E9 "Self-Fulfilling Prophecy" & S1E8 "Natural Born Killer")
Makes inappropriate references, such as to Derek's playboy behavior (S1E18 "Somebody's Watching") and Rossi's age (S7E13 "Snake Eyes")
Coordination/Spatial deficits (S1E17 "A Real Rain" & S8E6 "The Apprenticeship")
Hyperfocuses on a task to the point he doesn't notice his surroundings (S5E20 "A Thousand Words")
Unusual/hyper-specific pedantic language (S3E6 "Remembrance of Things Past")
Resistance to change, manifested as a luddite dislike of technology (S6E7 "Middle Man" & S8E4 "God Complex") and struggling with Gideon's death (S10E14 "Hero Worship")
He receives (apparent disability) accommodations to be in the field (S6E10 "What Happens At Home...")
Introverted, difficulty sharing emotions, even with his closest friends (S10E13 "Nelson's Sparrow")
Heavily bullied as a child (S3E16 "Elephant's Memory")
Difficulty making friends (S2E1 "The Fisher King Part 2")
Trouble with eye contact, which persists throughout the series
His mother is schizophrenic, which has a strong genetic link to Autism
Dislikes small talk (S8E3 “Through the Looking Glass”)
Enjoys memorizing lists (S7E11, “True Genius”)
Savant skills - eidetic memory and hyperlexia
Matthew Gray Gubler has also explained that, regardless of the canonical confirmation, he views and portrayed Spencer Reid as Autistic. Specifically, he stated:
"He's an eccentric genius, with hints of schizophrenia and minor autism, Asperger's syndrome. Reid is 24, 25 years old with three Ph.D.'s and one can't usually achieve that without some form of autism." (Note: Asperger's is an outdated term with Nazi origins, which is now referred to as a part of "Autism Spectrum Disorder" by most countries)
DISCLAIMER: I am Autistic, as diagnosed when I was a toddler. These thoughts are my own and shared for fun. If you disagree, please make your own post about it rather than posting them here. This was a labor of love for fans like me and those who love Autistic people and the characters like us. Thank you for respecting and understanding my boundaries!
Looking for more to read? Check out my Autistic headcanon posts for Penelope and Hotch!
Thank you everyone! 🌈♾️❤️
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bobadiin · 4 months
thinking so hard about autistic spencer reid <3
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