#statutory rape mention
spookside · 1 year
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suzukiblu · 4 months
And 'Celebrity Status' by Marianas Trench makes me think of "teen idol superhero" Kon and terrible manager Rex Leech, so maybe "Way worse advantage"? I know you haven't actually posted any snippets for that yet, but the idea sounded great.
Superboy has no idea how he ended up here. A week ago he was living it up as the Hero of Hawaii and now he's back in Metropolis for the first time in months and standing outside the elevator to Lex Luthor’s penthouse den while a very hot and very dangerous-looking omega in a chauffeur's uniform types in the bizarrely involved-seeming code to it. He could've just flown them up, but she'd looked at him like he was an idiot when he'd pointed that out. 
He's considering doing it on principle at this point, but he’s not exactly looking forward to meeting his new . . . “guardian”, as the court order very clearly insisted. His new alpha, as the court order very clearly insisted.
Superboy thinks that’s some fucking bullshit, but guesses that means he’s, like . . . a kept boy now or whatever, which isn’t ideal because he’s pretty sure Lex Luthor is a supervillain no matter what the legal system says or calls libel, but Superman’s been off-planet with half the Justice League for, like, a month and a half now, and the courts and Cadmus both said it was all legal and kosher and whatever, and he does not, actually, give a fuck what either the courts or Cadmus say, but he also didn’t really know who else to talk to and didn’t want to fuck up and get his stupid ass, like . . . arrested or something, he doesn’t know. 
Can he get arrested for ignoring a custody order? Is that a thing? 
He has absolutely no idea, and again, he didn’t really know who to talk to about it, so . . . yeah. Again, Superman's off-planet, and he hadn't been able to track down Steel or Supergirl in time, so . . . 
Rex was real pissed off about it, and Roxy wasn’t too thrilled either. Tana didn’t really say much. Dubbilex said . . . not much either, really. Told Superboy he’d take care of the stupid dog, like that was somehow something he thought he gave a shit about in this situation? 
Superboy–well, Superboy just doesn’t wanna fucking be here at all, but Superman’s not back from whatever the fuck he’s doing in space yet and Cadmus said he had to come here and the government definitely said he had to come here, so . . . so he’s here, he guesses. 
He doesn’t really know what to do about it, except for wait for Superman to get back to Earth and talk to him then. 
And, like, hope Luthor's not an asshole in bed, he guesses.
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traumatizedjaguar · 6 months
Why people need to stop being obsessed with Johnny Depp:
JD defends film director Roman Polanski in 2010 interview about Roman Polanski's arrest in 1977 and 2009.
Here is what we know about Roman Polanski from 2010 and years before:
In 1977, Roman Polanski was arrested for raping 13-year-old Samantha Geimer in Hollywood.
Roman Polanski arrest in 2009
Y'all wanna keep supporting a rapist who defends rapists? What about when JD lied to the police about his 15 year old daughter, Lily-Rose at the time, dating a 23 year old man by the name of Ash Stymest?
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We're still ignoring the fact that JD dated Winona Ryder when she was 17, in her own words, while he was 25/26 years old.
He has a history of ignoring child rape, minors dating adults, and defending child rapists.
Want me to go over all the close friends he has?
And the abuse/murder accusations against his friends by their ex-wives and CHILDREN? You can literally just google search it but since I have to do all the work:
His best friend Marilyn Manson abused:
Esmé Bianco
Evan Rachel Wood
Ashley Morgan Smithline
His best friend Beatles member Paul McCartney abused two of his exes, Heather Mills and Linda:
Here's some articles and interviews. One of the victims was painted as a liar, a gold-digger, bullied and told misogynistic things which is typical that victims go through "revenge" by their abusers and labeled these things. Other members of the Beatles were also extremely abusive to their partners, John Lennon admitted to it in a PlayBoy magazine and interview. Abusers stick with abusers.
His close friend, Keith Richards, was accused of sex crimes.
Damien Echols was accused of murdering three 8 year old boys with evidence presented in court which is why he was arrested, convicted and served time.
Johnny Depp raised money to pay for tests and legal fees for Damien Echols and preached publicly that Damien Echols was innocent. Johnny Depp and Damien Echols became close because of JD's ongoing support for him, and Echols stated, "We’ve grown to love him [Johnny Depp] dearly. He’s become like a brother to me.” Echols and Depp both got matching tattoos together.
 Greg Ellis, incarcerated 5 times for making threats to his ex-wife and their children.
There was violent stalking Greg Ellis committed, he lost visitation rights to his children, and was violent to his family in which his ex-wife and children accused him of abuse. In 2003, he worked in another movie with JD, 3 movies in total with JD and they knew each other well. JD also wrote a forward to Greg Ellis's book, The Respondent, stated he sided with Greg Ellis, said Ellis deserves to tell his side of the story, and in JD's own words exactly said as, “If you’re trapped in the dungeon that is the family court system, The Respondent should be your constant companion."
Johnny Depp has about 100 best friends, but you can go do your own deep-diving research into each of his close friends or people he actively supports and gets along with.
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fanficfanattic · 5 months
Six Sentence Sunday
From the chapter following:
From behind him Roy growled, “Why are you here Tartt?”
And that was a fair question. Why wasn’t Jamie at a police station? Or a hospital? Or anywhere that would make more sense than his old club that he’d hated being at until the last two hours of his loan.
“I need to use a phone.”
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freakbleeds · 11 months
Unfriendly fucking reminder that lying about your age to someone *older* than you in order to get them to have a relationship with you is ALSO a violation of consent. If you're 15 telling 18, 19, 20 year olds that you're 18, 19, 20, you are lying to them and taking away their ability to knowingly consent.
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devil-changmin · 5 months
The way BL watchers react to characters is insane. It’s either ‘I’m overlooking the crimes for my meow meow’ or ‘he’s a criminal and the thought police will arrest you if you don’t cancel him’
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thedeviousdevilxx · 1 year
What’s a disturbing element I’ve noticed on here, but elsewhere (Twitter) is this assumption of rock bands or any musicians, rock is by NO MEANS THE ONLY MUSIC GENRE with groupies, and issues about consent, and underage fans being groomed/exploited etc that this issue is a thing of the past, it isn’t.
There have been allegations about current or “modern” bands aka, bands/musicians from the 2000s onwards. A Canadian rock band called Hedley had their lead singer charged and sentenced for SA. I’ve read alleged accounts, accusing Jared Leto during his 30 Seconds to Mars era of approaching underage girls, all of this is ~alleged~ of course. I’ve seen threads on Twitter of grown adult musicians/youtubers/etc dm’ing underage girls etc (again this is found in all spheres of the entertainment business).
Like grown ass adult musicians lusting after underage girls IS NOT IN THE PAST. And people pretending it is, only perpetuates these dangerous and criminal activities by fostering harmful toxic attitudes that continue to allow this shit to continue! 
It is NORMAL for teen girls to lust after celebrities, it is NOT OKAY for these celebrities to reciprocate.
And more on a less serious note, again from seeing stuff on tumblr I realize most are harmless fantasies, but for me, I adore certain rock stars, but I know that many did not have an ounce of respect for most of the groupies they engaged with sexually or not. These men viewed them as objects of entertainment for their own pleasure(with many pushing the boundaries taking advantage of fans adoration for them to gross extremes thus abusing their power over their fans), and rarely saw/thought about them as full people with thoughts and feelings. But by all means write your smutty flifty fantasies I can’t judge given what I write, I support that fully (just put it under a Keep Reading please!!!!!!!!!!!) I just seriously hope y’all don’t actually fully believe groupie-rock star relationships were all roses n rainbows, that there was a lot of fucked up stuff occurring.
I just think we need to be more mindful and aware of how just disturbing, dangerous the entertainment business is too minors and minor fans, especially underage girls and it IS not a thing of the past. It’s a deeper wider societal issue too but as a fan of music during the 70s and 80s, I feel obligated not to fall into full fantasy nostalgia about a past I never experienced.
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bqstqnbruin · 2 years
Sometimes I think about the fact that Conservative Christians were more ok with ABC Family broadcasting the statutory r*pe storyline of Ezra and Aria in Pretty Little Liars than they were with the storyline about Emily being gay and kissing some women
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suzukiblu · 27 days
Way worse advantage pls I love seeing kon in a situation of some manner
Assuming Luthor doesn’t just ditch him in some random apartment somewhere, anyway, and only call him over when he wants to have some fun. Assuming Lex Luthor is actually capable of having “fun” that doesn’t involve, like, kryptonite death rays or evil robots, anyway. Who knows, really. Superboy wouldn’t exactly complain about having his own place either, though, as long as the guy lets him work enough to cover his bills or whatever. Luthor’s probably pretty busy, right? He’s not gonna want him around all the time or anything, probably. 
Shit, maybe he’ll get an allowance, if he’s lucky. And, like, if he’s good enough in bed. Some alphas do that, right? If they like you enough, anyway. Superboy doesn’t exactly love that idea compared to just earning his own money, but at least it’d be something. 
Superboy’s pretty good in bed by this point, he thinks. As long as Luthor doesn’t want him to answer to “Superman”, it’ll probably be fine. 
He hopes so, anyway.
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dirt-grub · 1 year
Sorry for being eternally mad about the (tumblr) audience reaction to times up for the gang but I seriously shudder to think about what your grasp on consent must be if you saw the gang misses the boat and thought oh this is so obviously consensual because nobody yelled “AH! I’m getting raped!”
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echosluvr · 3 months
thinking about how soo many of the hated female characters on shameless were just little girls who went through the worst
svetlana - was sold in sexual slavery at 10, bought into a new country through sex, and was violated at the same time mickey was.
debbie - was constantly abandoned by her parents and older sister. groomed by a 20 smth year old and was forgotten until someone needed something of her
fiona- imo she isn't as hated on, but still she was 9 and had to raise herself, her siblings while simukatnouely taking care of frank. she wasn't even in the double digits when she had to take on the role of a caretaker
mandy- was raped by her own dad on multiple occasions and therefore started seeing her body as a tool she could use to get validation . not to mention she wasn't even 20 when Kenyatta started abusing her and she left Chicago
karen- had to take care of her own mother instead of it being the other way around. her own dad humiliated her and had married a guy much older than her which I think could also ground for statutory rape and grooming in her case
tami - we don't know much about her but her mom died when she was really young and then was groomed by her teacher that she thought was giving her the attention she didn't get at home
also this was inspired by @lovekenney 's post
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lokisprettygirl · 13 days
Rain to his Fire (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon 80s Au) (18+)
Read Chapter 7 here// Series Masterlist
Chapter 8
Summary: For the first time in your life, you experience real pleasure by the hands of Daemon.
Warning: 18+, smut, crude language, description of Statutory rape, discussion of mental health (it's a fic based in a mental health facility), mention of child molestation, mention of physical assault, the fic would contain several mentions of several disorders like mpd, did etc, if something triggers you don't read, smoking,
Note: One of the dialogues between the two was inspired by the film x men ❤️
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You looked at him shocked as he revealed that Dr. Vis was his brother. Suddenly, their behavior with each other made sense, but it also bothered you. How could brothers look so different from each other and why there were so many differences among them?
“Is he really your actual brother?” You asked Daemon to confirm the lingering doubt so he grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you into his chest.
"How about we get you out of this constraining dress and put you in something more comfortable, like my shirt? And then I'll answer every question you have” his voice low and soothing as he asked made you sigh.
“I can't stay the night” as much as you wanted to, it was a risk you didn't want to take “Tell me something okay? If he's your brother then how come he's so harsh with you?”
“Because he hates my guts, always did.. always will” his voice raised slightly as he let out his frustration.
“But why?”
“Because I'm a dragon and he's not, or that's how I have come to interpret it now, all my life he has driven me insane, making me believe that I was not well, that I was sick like mum was-” his eyes welled up as he mentioned her so you held onto him tenderly by scooting closer to him and wrapping your arms around his waist.
"He doesn't even look like you," you muttered, comparing the striking differences in their appearance. Daemon's silvery silks were nothing like his brother's brown hair.
“He does not..he looks like my mum, she was a human-” he cut himself mid speech as he looked at the bewildered expression on your face “it's complicated darling”
“I'm trying to understand you daemon -” you mumbled to assure him that you weren't going to judge him for anything he'd share with you.
“I know”
You had so many questions running through your mind, especially regarding his mother but you knew that this wasn't the time or the place to ask them as he already seemed so distressed at the mere mention of her name.
“Why didn't you tell me before?” you asked softly
“I was waiting for the right time.. nobody knows here that we are related” he looked at you somberly so you brought your hands up and fiddled with the collar of his dress shirt.
“So he's the brother that raised you? Whose girlfriend chose to take advantage of you?” you questioned so he sighed deeply.
“Oh god..does he know about that?”
“He didn't care. .women are disposable commodities for him..why do you think he's been divorced twice?” your eyes widened at the reveal, you didn't think of Dr Vis as a person that had any interest in marriage once. Besides your question wasn't for the woman, you just wanted to know if he protected Daemon after his girlfriend had taken advantage of his little brother like that.
“I didn't know that” you murmured under your mouth as you tried to process everything.
“He was married..his first wife was a real sweet woman, real motherly and then he betrayed her over and over again until she gave up on him”
“Do you miss her?” you asked him curiously so he chuckled.
“I miss being cared for at times -” he mumbled nonchalantly, and even though his words seemed as if he didn't care one bit, his eyes told a different story.
“I care about you”
A small smile spread across his lips as you said that.
“Oh you do now do you?” he asked in a teasing manner so you crossed your arms.
“Don't you feel cared for by me?” you asked him so he let out an audible smile and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I wouldn't be baring my soul to you if I didn't..sometimes I ask questions just to watch that pretty mouth move”
You couldn't help but smile at the admission, his words often caught you off guard and made you feel all giddy in the best possible ways..
“Is it okay if I despise him?” you asked him as you tried to come to terms with the fact that Dr. Vis or Viserys was his older brother and not just his doctor.
“Feel free, he deserves it” he replied, his voice laced with a hint of bitterness and resentment and you didn't blame him at all, you had seen first hand how he has treated Daemon ever since he got here.
“Why are you here Daemon? Why did you agree to come here?” You asked him softly so he sighed and pressed his forehead down on yours.
“I hurt someone out there, it was either prison or this” your eyes flickered with a mixture of surprise and confusion all at once.
“Who was it?”
“Just some random prat I caught hurting an innocent girl. I didn't want to lose control but then he pulled out a gun. I felt threatened and I changed” Daemon replied with a hint of anger in his voice,
“Is he dead? That man?” you asked him curiously so he shook his head before he gave you a smile that some might have interpreted as sadistic in nature.
“No he's in an asylum somewhere being treated for catatonia” he mumbled as he grabbed the back of your neck and made you look him in the eye “Your old pal Criston and that moron Otto, they arrested me but Viserys convinced them to hand me over to him as I am supposedly unwell” he emphasized on the term unwell as he finished his sentence.
“First of all we are not pals. Secondly, let me get this straight, so the only time you have attacked someone is when you see people get hurt or disrespected” you asked him as you felt a genuine sense of admiration for the man in front of you.
“I'm not a good man or a hero if you're onto that” he scoffed so you gave him a smile.
“Mmmmhm that's not for you to decide” you said with a hint of teasing in your voice.
For a moment, it seemed as though Daemon was about to protest but his resolve seemed to fade as you looked at him so adoringly.
“Did your mother love you real good?” he shifted the conversation so you sighed.
“Mmmmm well she was gentle but she spent half of her days here, at times she wouldn't even come home. My father left her for a younger woman when I was like 10 so she was all I had” his eyes softened as he heard your voice barely above a whisper.
“I'm sorry..I can beat him up for you if you want me to”
You giggled as he said that and the sound of your giggles warmed his rigid cold heart. You were affecting him in ways he never thought possible. His guard was slipping away more and more everyday. You were bringing out a side of him that he had never let anyone else see, a side that was gentle, genuine, and real.
“You're cute” you mumbled as you stared at him for a moment before you caressed his scalp with your fingers and then a thought came to your mind “I want to see you like that..in your other form i mean..i want to see the dragon in you” you mumbled with clear determination in your voice. His expressions darkened as he weighed his words before speaking.
“Mmmmm you believe me then?” he asked softly so you raised your brow.
“I do believe in you”
“You must be insane to believe such a thing” his tone was riddled with playfulness and you couldn't help but chuckle again.
“Am I though?”
Without a second thought Daemon's lips met yours once more as he kissed you passionately. The heat of his body against yours was almost overwhelming, the tenderness in his kiss so deep that you felt your heart pounding in your chest, wondering how you had gone thirty years of your life without experiencing this feeling but then you remembered that unwanted kiss you had shared with that man and you knew you had made the right choice by waiting to get touched by a man who made every inch of your skin tingle with a mere look.
The next morning you were outside in the garden where patients were enjoying the sunny day, playing cards and having a picnic with each other while Daemon sat all alone on the grass, distancing himself from everyone, but his eyes were fixed on your form so you looked around and made your way towards him, the smell of freshly mowed grass and blooming flowers filling your nostrils as you walked.
“You should mix up, aren't you bored?” You asked him so he grinned at you and chuckled,
“It's not my idea of fun really”
“Mmmhm, I can't believe I have never really asked you this, but what did you do out there? For living, I mean?” you questioned him so he leaned his head back and sighed, his eyes lost in thought.
“I used to teach” he finally replied and it took you a second to respond because you felt as if he was messing with you.
“Really? That's... unexpected”
Teaching was the last thing you'd have thought of if you had to guess his profession.
“What's that look for? I can't be a teacher?” he teased, his brow raised with a hint of humor.
“What grade? I can't picture you teaching little kids,” you questioned him as a smile creeped onto your lips.
“They're not so little, I was a professor in a state college”
“What subject?” you inquired, your curiosity piqued.
“Sociology” he replied with a small smirk.
Despite his rough appearance and the fierce way in which he carried himself, you somehow still found it believable that he was in the teaching profession. You could totally picture him as the charming, dashing professor who captivated his students with his wit and intelligence. The hot mysterious professor every girl in the classroom had a secret crush on, fawning over his every word and gesture.
“You're something mister, I must admit” you smiled as you sat down next to him, though maintaining a proper amount of distance. "Why were you so rude to me on the first day?" He turned his head to look at you as you questioned him before he looked away.
“I was embarrassed” his voice sounded hurt so you grabbed onto his fingers to caress it with your thumbs.
“Why?” you asked
“Didn't want a pretty girl like you to think of me as some sort of deranged lunatic, I was projecting really” he mumbled as he turned his head to look at you
“What changed your mind?” you asked him so he smiled like a cheshire cat.
"Your scent did, that night when I sniffed you i was able to read you like an open book"
Just a day later Dr. Vis was called away from King's landing to attend a seminar in London and luckily it was your day off so you knew you were going to spend your whole day with Daemon because it was unlikely that Viserys would return tonight amidst the storm and heavy rains.
Taking the opportunity, you decided to shower and dressed up in a beautiful red dress, you also did some makeup but didn't go overboard with it.
You had informed Shyla that you would perhaps go out and meet up with your friends, that totally didn't exist anymore, just so they wouldn't really look for you in case of an emergency.
With a skip in your step and your heart filled with anticipation, you made your way to Daemon's room, the sound of the thunder striking and rain pattering brought a feeling of contentment.
The thought of seeing him was both exciting and terrifying, making butterflies rage in your stomach.
As you arrived at his door, you took a deep breath before knocking. He was taking his own sweet time to open but as he finally let you in you noticed that he just had a towel wrapped around his waist as he was freshly out of the shower so you turned around to give him some privacy. Despite your passionate kissing encounter since the night of the gala, you still weren't quite used to the intimacy between the two of you.
“Put on your pants sir”
You heard him chuckling at the command but then he moved around his room to grab a trouser from his closet.
Suddenly you were grabbed by your arm and pulled into his chest as he leaned down to kiss you. And you'd be lying if you said you hadn't been thinking about being kissed by him all night long and perhaps do more Today. A gasp escaped your throat as he picked you up by the waist effortlessly and wrapped your legs around him as he led you to the bed.
Your nerves were a wrecked mess at the moment, adrenaline soaring high, as much as you wanted him to touch you everywhere, all of this was really intimidating for you.
You had never been with a man like him before or any man for that matter but especially a man of his caliber brought you plenty of excitement but also terrified you. He was so physical with you in general so you could only imagine how intense he must be in bed with a woman.
You snapped out of your thoughts as he laid you down on the bed before he got on top of you so you looked at him nervously, your eyes raked over his chiseled torso, he looked so strong but so beautiful at the same time with his silver locks and dark piercing eyes.
“What scares you the most?” he asked as he tucked your hair behind your ear so you gave him a small smile.
“That you would not enjoy me?” you mumbled, your voice barely above a whisper as you looked away, feeling embarrassed by your admission
“Enjoy you huh?” he repeated, a smirk evident on his features.
“I wouldn't know what to do daemon..I'm a grown woman who should have been married with children but here I am, a virgin, flinching everytime your fingers are near my ummm-...myy” he interrupted you as you clearly hesitated to finish your words. "I can't even say the words"
“Your warm cunt?” he spoke huskily, making your face flush at the unabashed words.
“My bits yes..”
“Can I kiss you again?” He asked you so you nodded immediately and he had his lips latched onto yours without any further delay, his fingers tightened around your hair as he caressed your scalp gently.
“That's crazy talk sweet girl..i am going to enjoy you more than i have ever enjoyed anything in my life, and it's not just your body that makes me want to ravish you, it's you, your sweet scent” he mumbled as he placed his nose into the crook of your neck “and this generous spirit that you carry, and honestly?” He looked at you intently as he cupped your cheeks, his thumb dragged over your already swollen lips.
“It's really hot when you're squirming underneath me. You have no clue what it does for an animal like me”
“You're not an animal -”
“ I am and you dig it pretty girl don't you? Thirty years and you didn't allow a man to touch you and it took me a few weeks to get you so willing to be underneath me hmm?” you gasped as you feigned an offense at his words.
“Are you calling me easy?”
“You're not easy, far from it" Daemon said, his eyes fixed on you as he puts both hands on your cheeks, his fingers tracing your jaw and lips. “But that's okay..You can be easy for me, you can be my easy girl and it won't make a smidgen of difference to how i feel about you” he whispered, his voice low and raspy in your ears, hands went under your dress as fingers trailed over the soft skin on the inside of your thighs, sniffing deeply he let out a grunt. The scent of your arousal thick in the air.
“It's exciting isn't it? Being spoken to this way?” He whispered in your ear so you hummed in response but it came out in the form of a whimpering moan instead.
“Turn on your side for me” he mumbled softly so you obliged “that's it ..good girl” your breath hitched as his husky voice gave you goosebumps all over again. Your fingers clenched around his biceps as he unzipped your dress and turned you around on your back again,
He grabbed the sleeves and lowered the dress until it was resting on your sternum, you had your bra on still but you still felt completely exposed.
“Daemon –”
“Mmmm I'm right here darling..I won't hurt you i promise, tell me to stop anytime you want me to yeah?” he rolled your dress up to your thighs, making your back arch on its own, placing your arms over your head you clutched onto the bedsheets in anticipation of what he was going to do to you next.
“No sex okay? You promise?” Your eyes teared up as you questioned him so he placed his head on your torso and placed a soft kiss.
“I'd never do anything you don't want or need my darling yeah? Can you trust me?” He asked, his voice gentle so you nodded in response.
You wanted him to show you the actual meaning of pleasure. You wanted him, no that wasn't right. In that moment you needed him, you craved him. He crawled up to meet your eyes as he slid your soaked underwear down your legs which made you shut your thighs close together as tightly as you could.
He caressed your legs with his fingers while he kissed you softly, the longer his lips stayed on yours the more comfortable you got with the idea of having his fingers between your legs, he didn't even have to force your legs open, the cold air hit your bare wet soaked cunt as you spread your legs apart involuntarily. Breasts squished into his chest as you felt his fingers rubbing over your dripping lips,
“Dae–” you moaned as his digits played with your intimate flesh. Hazy fog clouded your mind as you allowed the reality of the moment to kick in, a man was touching you, a man so hot, so sexy, so goddamn attractive was touching you in places you have barely touched yourself.
“Mmmm there it is..” he whispered in your ear as his fingers caressed your bundle of nerves.
“Mhhhmmmmm ohhhhh god”
“How does that feel sweet thing?” He whispered in your ear so you bit on your lips so harshly he was afraid you'd draw blood, as his thumb rubbed over your clit you couldn't help but squeeze your thighs around his hand.
“It's…unreal..your hands are on my–” you hesitated to finish your sentence so he grabbed your chin with his vacant hand.
“Your cunt”
“My ..”
“Cunt..say it”
“Mmmmmmm my cunt” you mumbled almost inaudibly, the whimper in your voice made him want to mate with you right now but he knew he had to control that monster inside of him.
“That's it..that's a good girl, breathe for me darling” he mumbled softly as he rubbed your clit slowly in circular motion with his thumb.
The strings of moans that left your mouth only enchanted him further, the sight of you with your arched back and eyes rolled so far into your head was better than what he had imagined in his head in the past month, the scent of your arousal intoxicated him as if he was heavily drunk.
It felt too much at once but at the same time it didn't feel enough, you needed more of him and the thought scared you. What was he doing to you? How did he carry such power to turn you into this person you had never been before? The person you never thought you'd ever become.
His lips trailed down wet kisses from the valley of your breasts, for a moment he sucked on your clothed nipples and that's when you brought your arms down to clutch your fingers around his silver locks.
No matter what you did though, your eyes remained closed, you didn't want to see yourself or his face between your legs as if you were committing a sin, a sin that you were most definitely basking in.
He held onto your thighs and stared at your dripping hole for a moment, your virginity intact as the day you were born and the knowledge only warmed his blood further.
You let out a cry of pleasure as he placed his mouth on your clit, he knew he had you all whipped for him, he never had a woman drip this way into his mouth before, you were gushing with want and he was more than eager to consume you completely.
“Daemon..daemon ohhh daemon please” you murmured under your breath and he looked up at you once to commemorate the view, engraving the succulent sight of you in his head as you experienced the pure carnal pleasure for the first time, then he got back to sucking on your dripping juices as if he'd never get a taste of you again. And good lord if you didn't taste divine to him. To know that no other man had the opportunity to see you like this only increased his appetite for you. He didn't know what he had done to deserve this but he was grateful nonetheless.
For once in his life he felt worthy of something good in his life and it wasn't because of anything he had done to warrant such satisfaction but it was all you. When you looked at him he didn't feel like such a failure in life.
He placed his tongue flat on your clit and halted his movements for a second just to feel those swollen nubs pulse over his tongue.
“Daemon– i am –”
“I know” he kissed over your clit before he sucked them into his mouth again “Let go princess, you deserve it”
Your fingers pulled on his ear as you felt the knot twisting and breaking in the pit of your stomach. Body thrashed around, chest heaved like a crashing wave, thighs closed around his head, almost suffocating him as you rode through the best orgasm you have ever had in your life.
He wrapped his lips around your lips and sucked it in once before he got up slowly, leaving a trail of your own release on your skin.
As he looked into your eyes, you cupped his cheeks, your thumb rubbed over his lips, they seemed red and swollen and wet and you wanted to kiss him but you didn't know if you were keen on tasting yourself so you refrained.
“That was…something” you mumbled as you got back to your senses slowly and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle and grabbed your panties to wipe his mouth before he kissed you senselessly.
“I'm keeping that” he mumbled as he pulled away a little and shoved the panties into his pocket, your face flushed at the blatant shamelessness as if he wasn't between your legs just now.
“Are you okay?” He asked you softly as he caressed your cheek so you nodded.
“More than okay…I'm good” he smiled as he pecked your lips once more.
“I'll go clean myself up” you mumbled as you tried to get up so he looked at you with his brows furrowed.
“Let me take care of it”
“No it's okay i promise” you kissed his cheek so he didn't make a fuss about it. He wanted you to take the pace as you saw fit, approach this in whichever ways it felt the most comfortable.
A few minutes later you stepped out of the bathroom and jumped into the bed to lay down next to him,
“Should we do something to you now?” you asked him nervously so he chuckled in response.
“Pleasing you is not transactional for me..quit worrying”
“Okay I just…don't want you to think that I don't want to”
“ And I just want you to enjoy the aftermath of what you just experienced alright?” He mumbled as he turned to you and pulled you closer to rest his forehead against yours.
“Tell me something about yourself” he said as his fingers caressed your cheek.
“mmm like what?”
You went quiet for a moment seemingly lost in your thoughts.
“Daemon?” You mumbled softly after a moment of silence so he propped himself on his elbow to look at you as he tucked your hair behind your ear
“I think I was molested as a child”
Okay that's so far from whatever he was expecting to hear from you.
“Go on”
“it's nothing ..never mind” He grabbed your chin between his fingers and made you look at him
“Talk to me”
“I just.. have this memory of being so little, perhaps I was five, and I was in school and my mom often used to pick me up very late so I'd just stay in my classroom, drawing or just learning my alphabets” he nodded as you mumbled hesitantly even though the glare in his eyes was unmistakable. “There was this gardener i remember who made me sit on his lap one day and then he caressed my behind but i remember his hands being under my skirt”
His brows furrowed as he caressed your scalp with his fingers to calm his nerves, fire burning inside him in several ways as he thought of such a little girl going through something so terrible.
“At the time i didn't really understand, I was uncomfortable but I didn't know that it was a bad thing, it was only when I got older that i really figured what he was trying to do”
“Was that a one time incident?” He asked you softly so you nodded but then there was a look of uncertainty on your face that he didn't quite miss.
“Would you recognise him if you see him today?” he asked so you thought about it for a moment. You remembered his face but you weren't really sure if you would recognise him today.
“I like to think that i would but he must have gotten older and I'm not really sure if would recognise him instantly, I just hope I was the only girl he had ever touched like that”
Well that was wishful thinking.
“i won't hesitate to kill that bastard if I could get my hands on him”
You smiled as he mumbled with such determined rage evident in his voice
“I know you would” you caressed his cheek before you leaned into him to kiss him softly, his rigid tensed body instantly softened in your arms as you snuggled against him.
“So what are you planning to do with my panties?” you turned the conversation so he sighed.
“Well later this night, I'm going to get naked, have it wrapped around my cock as I jerk off, all while pretending that I'm fucking that sweet wet cunt of yours” he whispered in your ear, voice deep and husky but at the same time playful.
“You're filthy”
“Mmmmm and you like that don't you?”
“I do..will you..can you touch me here again?” You asked him as you placed his palm over your breasts, making his breath hitch in his chest.
“Your tits hmm? Sure I can ..That feels good? Becoming an addict already huh?” he teased you but you couldn't even retort as you felt his fingers began to glide over your clothed curves,
“You're so inappropriate love” he mumbled before he sucked harshly over the soft skin of your neck, his hands continued to fondle your tits as he called them.
Your dress rode up again he wrapped your legs around his waist, the scent of your arousal was thick in the air as you didn't have your underwear on and his touch enticed you all over again, your cunt dripping salaciously. You felt like a slut but you loved it.
“Fuck i love your sweet scent” he murmured under his breath, his voice was deep but whispery. “Want to please me?” He asked you so you nodded immediately, you wanted to make him feel good even if you didn't really know how, you wanted to hear him moan and groan on top of you.
“What should I do?”
“Nothing, just let me do this, yeahh?” He mumbled as he drew a gasp out of you again by bucking his hips into your dripping core..
Even with the layer of his black trousers you could feel his hard thick muscle rubbing against your wet naked cunt, your fingers caressed over his back and as you traced your fingers over the scars on his back he let out a grunting moan,
“How did you get them?” You asked him softly and for a moment his hips stopped rocking against you and he grabbed your jaw between his fingers to kiss you deeply before he continued again. His hold was rough and possessive in nature.
“My wings ..they come out of there”
Your eyes flickered as he said that, you weren't even thinking about it but you were beginning to believe in the myth that he might be.
“They hurt when they come out?” you asked as you rubbed your fingertips over the scars, making him growl in response.
His fingers clutched around your hair and you winced as he pulled on your roots harshly, your back arched into his chest again and the sensation was only building more and more for both of you but then he stopped all of a sudden and got off you to get away from the bed. You were in shock for a brief moment, not knowing what you had done wrong or why he seemed so upset all of a sudden. Once the shock withered you lowered down your dress and sat up to look at him standing a few feet away from you with his hands resting on his waist, he was breathing heavily and he was looking everywhere but you, his sudden shift in the mood made you feel awkward so you fixed your dress and zipped yourself up.
“What's wrong?” You mumbled softly so he wiped the sweat beads on his forehead with his palm,
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked nervously,
“It's not you alright?” he immediately affirmed.
“Okay” you clasped your hands together on your lap as you stared at him for a moment. He took a deep breath and finally approached the bed to sit down next to you.
“Are you okay?” you questioned so he let out a deep sigh.
“Yes, I was losing control and you don't deserve that..yet” he mumbled softly so you looked at him all perplexed.
“What do you mean, I was enjoying it?”
“Don't say stuff like that”’
“Why not? I'm just telling you the truth”
“I just want to be gentle with you love and take care of you, you don't know what you want yet, this is all so new for you”
You stared at him lovingly as he said that before you turned towards him and cupped his cheeks to kiss him softly.
“You're a good man”
“I am not-”
“You're good to me” the smile on your face only got bigger.
“You make me want to be good with you”
“You like me” it was more of a statement than a question and for the first time you saw a hint of blush apparent on his cheeks as if he was caught red handed.
“Of Course i do”
“I like you too” you mumbled as you kissed him again, his body felt hotter than usual but it brought you a weird sense of comfort you have never felt before. You often heard of women getting clingy to men after sleeping with them and you never wanted to be that woman but it seemed inevitable at this point.
Unbeknownst to you Daemon didn't just stop because he was losing control or becoming rough in literal meaning of the word but because he could feel himself turning, as soon as you had placed your fingers on the scars over his back he felt himself shifting and it scared him.
Because he knew he'd end up scaring you if you had to see him like that.
“I have been here all day, i should sneak back”
You mumbled softly as you kissed him so he groaned but then hummed in response. This affair with you was going to get dangerous and both of you needed to keep it as discreet as possible.
You stepped out of his room feeling every cell in your body flaming, the feeling of his mouth between your legs, the touch of his fingers all over your body was exhilarating but your nerves shut down suddenly as you bumped into Criston on the stairway to the fourth floor.
“I have to show you something” he said hurriedly as he grabbed your arm so you looked at him shocked.
Now what did he want?
@anukulee @ammo23 @littledark11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
@daenny-t @avalyaaa
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whatswrongwithblue · 5 days
The Fire in the Sin
Chapter 9 - Wretched and Joyful
Word count: 9,210. Read on A03. Series Masterlist. <- Previous Chapter.
Summary: Alastor and Mina reunite a year after he tried to claim her soul. Adorable, "young love," fluffy smut. TW: canon typical language, self image insecurity, smoking, drinking, mentions of incest and statutory rape - not involving Alastor or Mina, breeding cycles, fingering, oral - fem receiving, p in v, creampie, light biting.
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Series Summary:
In the 1950's, Alastor met the woman he would eventually marry but unfortunately his Radio Demon persona went for her soul rather than her hand. He has to learn what it means to love, and cherish, without possessing and he does. Their relationship is beautiful, strong, unbreakable . . . but he carries a dark secret through their marriage for decades until eventually he has to face the consequences of that secret and leave her, without warning, for seven years. He returns, finding her at the Hazbin Hotel, and has to convince her to forgive him, while being literally bound to secrecy, unable to tell her any of things he now is desperate to explain to her.
(This is a duel timeline fic, timestamps will be a the top of every chapter.)
Chapter 9 - Wretched and Joyful
Pride Ring
These parties were even worse than Alastor remembered.
Most of the Hellborn royalty worth a damn were here tonight and therefore most of Pride Ring’s most prominent Overlords were in attendance. It would be poor form if he hadn’t made an appearance, but he found the whole thing really . . . stupid.
He was a man of principle and believed in keeping one’s manners in check when appropriate but the over-the-top air of sophistication, of white collar, blue blood privilege among these Hellborn’s made Alastor’s skin crawl. It reminded him far too much of the type of people he had to associate with while working in radio as a human. He had to dress nicer, change his accent and speak with more refinement, force his hair straighter . . . hell he even spent as little time outside during the daytime to keep his slightly tanner than Caucasian skin tone as light as possible.
These days, he only made a point of showing up to these parties to see how uncomfortable he could make the Goetia Ars family before dipping out in less than an hour’s time. Some of their lower status members had been a few of his first targets when he had come into power there in Hell and he always made a point of re-airing their family members’ screams to his broadcasts for days in advance before arriving to their palaces.
There was only one reason he was still hanging around that evening and it was the woman who he had just watched make her exit out onto an empty balcony.
He hadn’t seen Mina in over a year. Not since his mishap with attempting to get her soul. He had known very quickly in their budding friendship that he genuinely enjoyed her company, but it wasn’t until he had tried to force her hand, and she had nearly died, that he realized the depth of his feelings for her. And it had made him extremely uncomfortable, to say the least. He had meant it when he had told her that he never wanted to see her again.
Or . . . at least he thought he had.
But then he had seen her that evening from across the ballroom, eagerly speaking with an owlish royal easily twice her height.
Like him, she hadn’t arrived in anything fancier than she normally wore, although her usual dress was classy enough to not stand out. The long, loose fitting black sleeves of her top were modest but the sweetheart collar and bow around the front of her waist accentuated her curves pleasantly. The dress ended with a long flowing skirt of burnt orange, the rich color of a southern sunset he hadn’t seen in decades.
Alastor had always enjoyed the company of women. Although he admired their beauty in a purely aesthetic way, he found he related to them better and preferred their company over that of men’s. Therefore, almost all of his closest acquaintances were women. But it wasn’t until that night, when he was forced to come to terms with how much he had missed having her in his life, that he felt a stirring of something he hadn’t experienced since his teenage years, when even his hormones had been challenging to control. Still hesitant to approach, he’d watched her from a distance; debating with himself on whether or not to act on the stirring of emotions he could feel brewing inside him.
And then. . . Mina looked upset. She walked through the large glass doors, clearly agitated, and went towards the edge of the outdoor balcony, out of his line of sight.
Perhaps it was because he had separated himself from her completely over the last 15 months, allowing both of their tempers to cool off enough to think. Or maybe it was just the utter distraught look on her face that drew him to her. Or maybe, something in his dark and twisted mind had finally softened; matured enough to allow him something more in this afterlife.
Whatever the reason, Alastor could no longer find a reason why he shouldn’t allow himself to be around her. Taking his still full glass of scotch with him, he stepped out onto the balcony, and shut the door behind him.
Mina was at the corner of the balcony, elbows on the railing, and holding a cigarette. She looked over her shoulder at him, then turned away again, and with a slight tremble in her hand, brought the cigarette to her lips and took a long drag.
“You were right, you know,” she said once she exhaled. “These parties are terrible.”
He chuckled as he approached her, leaning one elbow on the railing himself but turned more directly towards her. “It’s almost criminal that I tried to get you to make a deal for the chance to go to one. Really, I’m ashamed.”
Her face broke into a smile then. “I did sneak off and find this amazing library upstairs. There were texts so old they were in scrolls. Even a few clay tablets. None of it in English, of course.” Her smile fell and she took another drag. “No one here even thinks it’s of any interest. These Goetia’s, they’re so ancient and powerful, they know so much about . . . everything. And they spend their time doing this? Standing around in outfits and jewelry that costs thousands of dollars just to talk shit about their children and make jokes about who their husband is fucking. I don’t know why I thought they’d be different. Turns out Hell really isn’t much different than Earth.”
“And yet they’re one of the few who are summoned by living humans,” Alastor agreed. “Oh, the irony. What I wouldn’t give to make deals up on Earth.”
“Didn’t you kill a few of them?” Mina asked.
“Ages ago, but yes. Still one of my finer moments,” he said, taking a sip of his drink.
She was staring at him openly now, a small smile playing across her lips, as she eyed him up and down.
“You look . . . really good,” she said after a beat.
He brought his glass down, and though he could tell she was flirting, he pretended to be confused. Glancing down at his red pinstriped jacket, he said, “I look how I always look.”
“Sorry,” she said, flicking her cigarette out over the edge without bothering to stamp it out, “I’m not myself tonight. Forgive me if I seem a little . . . irritable and forward. Could you conjure me one of those?” she asked, eyeing his glass.
“Jameson?” he asked, assuming.
“Please,” she scoffed, “Bourbon.”
“Developed a different taste while you were in the south?” he teased and produced the glass with a flourish.
She took a rather large gulp before answering. “It’s sweeter.”
Mina pulled her hair over one shoulder, fanning air over the exposed skin with her free hand and sighed. “I know it’s Hell, but does it always have to be so God damn hot?”
Alastor noted that it was actually a cooler evening as far as Hell was concerned and quite comfortable until suddenly, he understood. Mina was shaky, on edge, flushed, and eyeing him like he was a cool drink of water, even more so than she had before he had betrayed her trust. And she was drinking liquor, which he had never seen her do before. He didn’t know much when it came to the biology of demon women, but he knew then that Mina was in heat. Probably just the later stages of it, but still.
She was drunk and hormonal, and he had been flirting with her.  
“Alastor?” she asked, after he hadn’t responded to a single thing she had said.
Normally the idea of someone being attracted to him either amused him or it was like a bucket of ice water down his back, completely repulsing him. But he was realizing now that Mina’s attraction to him, which was remarkably still there despite everything he had done to her and was surely a sign of her susceptible state of mind, pleased him. He felt warm and happy and suddenly perversely excited about her aroused state.
She was watching him, and he had to think, think of something he would normally do or say, and not how much he wanted to touch her. That could come later, if he still wanted it, but he could not lose control of this situation and take advantage of her.
“I don’t find you to be irritable at all. You are being remarkably pleasant, given the circumstances in which we last parted,” he finally managed to say, with a confident smile, thankfully always there to hide his inner turmoil.
“It’s funny how much a year makes a difference,” she said, inching a little closer to him and taking another sip of her bourbon. He should not have given that to her. “I figure, if you wanted to hurt me, you would have done it that night. Instead, you let me be. You let me live. And after a while, I really had to start asking myself, why? Why didn’t you just kill me?”
“I didn’t have a reason to,” he answered, sounding much more composed than he felt.
“Bullshit. I’ve seen you kill people for less.”
He had no smart response for that. She was right. Anyone else would have at least faced a painful death before respawning but likely would have ended up on his radio broadcast as a permanent entertainment piece.
“It wasn’t all for show, was it? The time we spent together?” she asked when he failed to answer.
“No,” he admitted, and looked down to see a lock of her hair now wrapped around his fingers. When had he done that? “No, I’m afraid . . . none of it was.”
She shifted her weight, processing what he had just confessed.
“Then why-“ she began, and now she was running her hands over the lapels of his jacket, “-why did you do it? Why couldn’t you just let things continue the way they were going?”
“I suppose,” he swallowed, and he was sure not even his smile could hide his exponentially growing desire for her any longer, “I had forgotten how to do that.”
She smiled back at him, seemingly satisfied and believing that answer.
“Let me show you how,” she whispered.
She raised herself up on tip toes and kissed him. It was soft, gentle, and surprisingly controlled. Despite the rush of hormones Alastor could practically smell coming off her, she wasn’t losing herself in the heat of the moment. If she had been all tongue and grabbing hands it might have snapped him out of it but instead, she was sweet and almost shy with him. And now he was good and turned on and he was the one deepening the kiss, getting handfuls of her hair at the back of her head, and pulling her towards him.
His tongue danced across hers and God bourbon had never tasted so good. He had barely had a double of his own drink and yet felt more drunk than he had in years with the feel of her pressed so well against him. She was so right for him, understood him so easily, wanted him as much as he wanted her-
A glass shattered and Mina broke away from the kiss. Without stepping out of his arms, she looked down at the glass of whiskey she had dropped in order to grab hold of his jacket with both hands.
“Oops,” she said and then broke into a fit of giggles.
Right. She hid it well but was clearly more drunk than he had initially wagered.
“You should get yourself home,” he said reluctantly. “Who did you come here with this evening?”
“Rosie,” Mina answered. “But she already left.”
“Did she now?” Alastor said, and then laughed. “Mina, my dear, I believe we’ve been set up. She’s the one who talked me into coming here tonight but you’re right, she’s nowhere to be found.”
“It’s not a problem, really Alastor. I’m a big girl, I can see myself home.” Mina said, “There’s just one more thing I need to do.”
As if on cue, a Goetia woman opened the doors and stepped out on the balcony.
“Do you mind?” Alastor said, irritated at the intrusion. Even if there was a chance that this was this owl woman’s house, he and Mina were clearly in the middle of a private conversation.
“Don’t tell me what to do, Sinner,” she said.
“It’s alright, Alastor, I asked a favor of her.” Mina said, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. “Actually, would you be a dear and step inside. Close the doors behind you.” She leaned in and whispered, “And just to be safe, keep a bit of a distance, would you?”
Alastor caught a sinister look in Mina’s eye and catching on, nodded to her.
“My apologies, my lady,” Alastor said as he turned to face the hostess and made his exit.
“Alright, what is it you wanted to see now?” the heiress said to Mina without acknowledging Alastor further. She sounded impatient and bored.
He did as he was told and quietly brought the two doors closed together and stepped away from the glass. Though he couldn’t hear a thing, he could see Mina turn and face into the night, the broken glass at her feet forgotten.
After a moment, he watched in fascination as the Goetia’s body stood a bit straighter and stared at Mina as if in a trance. After what must have been only another 10 seconds, Mina finally turned to face the Goetia who then turned away and went back through the doors, with Mina following close behind.
The heiress walked wordlessly out into the middle of the large hall full of other demons while Mina stopped at Alastor’s side, watching the Hellborn with a coy smile on her face.
Wordlessly, the heiress began to rip off her ballgown.
She tore it off in chunks; first bits of the sleeves and then large strips of the skirt, exposing layers upon layer of silk and tool, before finally revealing skinny, scaled legs that were far from appealing to Alastor’s gaze.
“Darling, what are you doing?” Another Goetia said with alarm and ran towards her from the other side of the room. “Gwenore! STOP!”
“I’ve been fucking your nephew!” the woman screamed in what must have been her husband’s face.
“Oh shit,” Mina said with a laugh. “That’s even better than I expected.”
“My neph-“ the man said with a pause, “BUT HE’S FIFTEEN!”
“You did this to her? A Goetia?” Alastor asked, tilting his head.
“IT WAS MY COUSIN BEFORE THAT!” the woman shrieked and as her husband let go of her, she began ripping out the beautiful long feathers that fell down her shoulders from her head.
“I only managed it because she was so unsuspecting but . . . yes. I just put the suggestion in her head that she make a fool of herself,” Mina answered. Neither of them had taken their eyes off the show.
“And sometimes . . . sometimes . . .” the woman was hyperventilating and cackling with hysteria now, eyes gone bloodshot as she continued to rip off bits of clothing and feather. “Sometimes I wonder how good our son will be when he’s more grown!”
A resounding gasp came from all the onlookers at that. ‘Gwenore’ hadn’t screamed that confession as loud as the others, but it was still plenty audible to the dozens of people around her.
“I may have also made her confess her deepest secrets,” Mina said and giggled the same light laugh she had made when she dropped her whiskey glass. “I guess she’s even worse than I judged her for.”
Alastor looked down at Mina, and saw all at once, the potential of having her by his side. Not under his control, not limited by his own ideas and fancy. Completely free and standing next to him as his equal, simply because of her own desire for him. She was more than cruel; she was creative about it. Took pleasure in it, just as he did. And even outside of her remarkable power, Mina was lovely to be around.
“You are stunning,” Alastor said, still watching her.
She looked up at him and her malicious grin turned back to that sweet, innocent smile she had used on him earlier.
“Take me home?” she asked, and what was he to do, but oblige her?
Mina had been polite and well-mannered during the cab ride home, looking very composed and in control of herself. It was impressive to Alastor, who had heard tales of women losing their minds to their own various animalistic hormone cycles. His own rut got the best of him occasionally, making him more aggressive and likely to lash out than normal. Thankfully the sexual urges were rather dormant in him, even for those two weeks out of every year, and were nothing he couldn’t take care of himself in the privacy of his own place.
But Mina had all the signs that she was aroused now that he was looking for them. Her vertical pupils were completely round, she had a red blush to her face and even across her collar bone, and she fidgeted often with her legs, crossing, and uncrossing them several times. To an untrained eye, she was nothing less than a lady while seated next to him in the small cab that was barely tall enough to accompany the height of his ears, but Alastor could tell she was doing a fine job of restraining herself.
Once the excruciating ride back to The Pit was over, Mina casually took his hand and guided him towards her apartment. This area of the neighborhood must have been far from where most of the torture took place as it was fairly quiet, only the occasional scream came from the lake of fire he could see from between the apartment buildings. It didn’t have the same quaint charm as Cannibal Town, but Alastor had to admit, the gothic splendor of the place was admirable.
“Well, I guess that settles it,” Mina said as she walked him up to a front door he gathered to be her own, “You must really have no ill feelings towards me.”
“Did I just pass some test I wasn’t aware I was taking?”
“Oh, definitely,” Mina answered, that wicked smile back in place. “No one can cross the threshold into Abadon’s territory if they mean harm to anyone who lives here. You would have burst into flames the second your feet hit the pavement here.”
He felt his ears shoot straight up in surprise.
“You were willing to set me ablaze to make sure I wasn’t still after your soul?” he asked, shocked and impressed.
Mina shrugged and turned her back on him, producing a key and unlocking her front door.
“You were willing to burn me to get my soul. Fair is fair.”
She held the door open for him and gave a welcoming gesture for him to follow her in.
“I really shouldn’t,” he said.
She frowned at him. “Why not?”
“Because if I go in there, I’m afraid I might actually stay. And tonight . . . tonight is not the right night for that.”
Now she was positively pouting at him. “I’m not langered, Alastor. You don’t have to treat me like a child.”
“That is not-“ he began, and then sighed and tried again. “I’m sorry if I don’t know a more polite and proper way to address this issue, but I’m concerned that your . . . ‘timing’ . . . if I may, paired with your alcohol consumption, may allow you to consent to things you wouldn’t normally consent to.”
Her jaw dropped and for a moment, Alastor worried he had deeply offended her.
“You burned down a bar and caused damage to an entire city block.”
“That’s not exactly unusual for me-“
“You locked my best friends up for hours!”
“Again, Mina-“
“You trapped me in an alley and tried to burn me alive!”
“I’m not sure I understand where you’re going with this.”
“And now you’re being a gentleman?!”
He opened his mouth to try and speak again, but once again, Mina left him speechless.
She started laughing.
After a beat, Alastor’s own smile turned to that of strained confusion to genuine affection. She had a point. It sounded a bit silly when put that way, but it didn’t mean he was going to change his mind.
 “You’re insane,” she said, “and I think I really like you.”
He stepped closer into her space, tilted her chin up slowly with his index finger, and placed a single, lingering kiss to her lips.
 She sighed as they parted. “Are you sure?” she asked in a small voice.
“Yes,” he answered, “I’m very sure. Because I’d very much like to have more than one evening with you, and I think if I take this one, I will have ruined that chance.”
“Wow,” she said breathlessly, “that is the loveliest thing a man has ever said to me.”
“Dinner then? Two nights from now?”
“I can’t wait,” she smiled. “Where?”
“My radio tower. I’ll cook.”
Alastor had told her a year ago, before he had sent her running, that he had never had a guest there before. He was counting on her remembering that and based on the shocked but pleased look on her face, she did.
Two days later, Mina was feeling much more in control of herself. She still wasn’t sure if she really would have thought less of Alastor if he had stayed the night with her that evening; especially because in her fantasies, it had been a wonderful time. But the fact that he had been so considerate of her, she knew in the long run, only made the sudden return of her feelings for him much stronger.
Alastor made her feel like an addict falling off the wagon. It wasn’t a gradual decent; she was right back to that evening in the park before he had offered her his first deal. Mina was falling for him, hard and fast, all over again, after having spent hardly an hour in his presence. And the only part of her that even cared a little was her pride. Mina had enjoyed her years as a strong, independent bachelorette. Although it was often lonely, and sexually frustrating, it gave her a sense of freedom that she had killed for when alive. But her heart and her body wanted Alastor so damn much, that together they drowned out that pesky voice of independence as she stood under his radio tower, looking up.
She knew where it was; everyone in Pentagram City did. The giant, black and red tower soared over the heart of the city and was impossible to miss. But it was raised up on a deadly looking lattice of support beams, with no ground floor entrance, or even a ladder to climb.
How was she supposed to get up there? How did he get up there?
Something in the corner of her eye moved, down near her feet, and she glanced at it too late. The shadowy hand had broken free from its camouflaged surroundings and already had her by the ankle and even her cat-like reflexes weren’t fast enough to react by the time she was dissolving into darkness herself.
She felt the sensation of being pulled up and seconds later, was looking out over a red-tinted cityscape.
“I suppose I should have warned you,” Alastor’s voice said from behind her, “but it really is the easiest way up here. Believe me, you wouldn’t want to try and make that climb. Everyone who has, has ended up in the airwaves.”
He was setting food down on a small rectangular table set for two, pressed up against a large window, as if to give the diners a perfect view.
Mina turned a slow 360, taking in the whole room.
It was nothing like what she imagined a typical radio tower to look like. She had envisioned a cramped, windowless room, with walls consisting of nothing but dials and controls she couldn’t even begin to understand the workings of. She had seen videos of phone operator rooms, women wheeling back and forth, placing wires into one port after another, and that was the closest thing her early 20th century mind could come up with.
This place was exactly the opposite of all that. It was a large round room, surrounded by several floor to ceiling windows that gave the occupants a nearly uninterrupted view of the city below. There was only one small control panel with a few dials, and one old-fashioned radio from the 1930’s sitting on a stand next to it. Alastor must have done the majority of his work using his magic rather than actual technology, which appeared to be only supplemental to his tasks.
And the décor was cozy, giving the room a lived-in feeling, rather than what one would expect in a professional setting.
There were antlers and wildlife paintings mounted on the few narrow walls of the room, and a long and deep-seated couch placed against the opposite window from the dining table. A few cabinets and shelves placed strategically throughout the room, holding everything from books, to liquor bottles, to shrunken heads.
“Not what you expected?” Alastor asked after she turned back around to face him.
“It’s lovely,” she answered truthfully. “You live here?”
“Well, it’s not the only room, but it is my favorite.”
She quickly scanned the room again. There were no doors indicating the existence of other rooms. Or an exit. Mina should have felt trapped then, but instead she felt safely secluded, much like she did in her own home.
“Ah, yes, well,” Alastor said, realizing what she was noticing. “Since no one else has ever been here, I didn’t have to think of a design that would accommodate anything other than my preferred method of moving about.”
So, he just moved from room to room, via shadow? For a man who could conjure just about anything he wanted with a snap of his fingers, Mina supposed that made sense.
“No one else has really ever been here?” she asked.
“No one,” he answered, and pulled a chair away from the table, indicating for her to sit down. She did and he joined her, sitting opposite from her.
“And why me? Why now?” she had an idea, but she wouldn’t be a woman if she didn’t like to hear it said out loud.
“My biggest problem with you, Mina,” Alastor began, “is that for some inexplicable reason since we’ve met, I’ve been desperate for you to know everything about me. And vice versa.”
Mina felt her face grow warm. He had been honest then, when he admitted to her that their time spent together wasn’t all just to get her soul. Their hours and hours of conversations, often deeply personal, had been as real and intimate as she imagined.
“Speaking of,” Alastor continued, “please, try the food.”
She did, taking a tentative bite of rice and sausage. It looked to her like some kind of curry and must have taken at least a couple hours to make. Just the first bite had such an explosion of flavor and mixed spices, far more than her European palate was used to. This is what he should have tried to bargain for her soul over.
“That’s positively deadly,” she said with a smile.
“Not too spicey?” he asked. He was smiling as well, as always, but something in his eyes and the extra crackle in the static of his voice made Mina think he was a little nervous.
“No. I mean, it’s more than I’m used to, but it’s incredible. Really.”
He visibly relaxed a little then and Mina’s heart gave a little flutter. Alastor really had been nervous, and it was entirely too sweet to think he cared that much about her opinion.
“It’s called jambalaya. It was my mother’s recipe,” he admitted.
Oh . . .
Mina felt the significance of the evening shift into something more serious. This was the closest he could come to introducing her to his mother and men didn’t do that unless they were pursuing something serious. Her heart began to beat just a little harder at the realization, but less out of nerves, and more out of excitement. That notion sat just fine with her.
“Here,” he said, setting a glass of red wine before her. There was no bottle in sight, but again, this was Alastor. She wondered if she would ever get used to his ability to just create things out of thin air like that. “It’ll help if the spice starts to build up too much for you.”
Mina recognized the flavor as a Chianti, which was normally a dryer wine than she preferred, but she had to admit, it paired wonderfully with the spice of the jambalaya. She would never have though to mix Italian with Creole, but clearly, Alastor knew what he was doing.
It was hard to say how long their dinner lasted. Their conversation continued far longer than the meal and it seemed there wasn’t a topic they didn’t cover.
He spoke in much more detail about his mother than he ever had before, and Mina felt an empty kind of ache that she hadn’t acknowledged in years. She never had such an unconditional bond with anyone. Even her baby sister, who she had loved more than anyone, had distanced herself from Mina by the end of her life. Rather than feel envious of Alastor though, she felt relief. This man, as deadly and cold as he could be, had a soft side. Was capable of love and empathy for another person. If Mina were ever to let herself be with another person again, he would have to toe the same line between psychopath and caring partner that she did.
The conversation turned more to their work, both while alive and in Hell, and how it had defined them so much as the people they were now. They shared the same love of music, were driven by the same desire to not be controlled by the kind of people they loathed the most, and to be powerful enough to feel free.
It was so easy to talk with him about these things, to be here in the comfort of his home for hours, when normally she would begin to feel her social battery draining and get the urge to leave for the peace and quiet of her own solitude. She wanted the opposite of that. She wanted to stay here with him and never, ever leave.
Eventually, the conversation did come to a lull, and Alastor asked if she would like to dance with him.
Mina felt that feeling return, that this was really the start of something big between them, something that could be permanent, and eagerly took his hand.
The radio hummed to life as together, they strode to the middle of the room, and Mina stepped into his arms as the music began to play.
Life is a song, let’s sing it together
Let’s take our hearts and dip them in rhyme
Let’s learn the words, let’s learn the music together
hoping the song lasts for a long, long time
Life is a song that goes on forever
Love’s old refrain can never go wrong
Let’s strike the note Mendelssohn wrote concerning
spring weather
Let’s sing together and make life a song
Mina was familiar with the song, although love songs had never really been her cup of tea, and it had been popular on Earth a few years after her death. She couldn’t help but pay more attention to the lyrics now though, as Alastor moved them in gentle circles around the room. If she had read a scene like this in a book, she would have scoffed and called it cheesy and unrealistic. But there in real life, feeling for the first time how easy it was to fall in love with someone when they were actually right for you, Mina began to understand what those romance novels were trying to tell her all along.
As the last of the lyrics were sung, before the music had completely faded out, they were kissing. Mina should have been out of practice, but just as their kiss on the balcony had been, it was perfect. There was no hesitation in it, but it was slow and tender . . . at first. She could taste the spices and wine on his tongue, smell the lingering scent of Spanish moss and cypress on his skin, and feel the strength of his power emanating from his body beneath her hands.
This time it was her who increased the intensity of the kiss, moving her hands from his jaw line up into his hair, playfully scratching at the short clipped black hair before tangling her fingers in the longer red strands. She felt Alastor’s arms tighten around her in response, his own hands wandering lower until they were gripping her hips.
He broke away from her lips only to then leave a trail of kisses across her jaw and she moaned when his mouth reached her neck, using the sharp points of his teeth to take a feathery light bite out of her pulse point before kissing away the playful marks. She tilted her head back while still holding the back of his, encouraging him to continue.
Alastor was a full head taller than her, and while standing it was difficult and awkward for him to go any lower. His breath was hot and heavy against her exposed neck, a signal to Mina that he was just as needful for her as she was for him.
“The couch?” she managed to pant out, wanting desperately to be somewhere where he could be properly on top of her.
He shook his head. “Allow me,” he said, and with another kiss, Mina felt that now familiar feeling of shadow wrapping its essence around her, and the room dissolved into darkness.
When they reappeared, they were in a much smaller, windowless room but it wasn’t cramped or claustrophobic. Rather, it felt like the bedroom in a quaint, cozy cabin. The walls were wood paneled, in a well-done, rustic kind of way. The only pieces of furniture were an extra-long bed tucked into a corner, made neatly up with a dark green quilt, and a small mahogany dresser on the opposite wall. There didn’t seem to be a closet of any kind, but there was one door that was left just slightly ajar that appeared to lead to a bathroom that must have been near the size of the bedroom itself by what she could see of the distant wall. 
Mina noticed all of this in a distracted, half paying attention sort of way, considering her focus was almost entirely preoccupied by the red deer demon looming over her. Their mouths were on each other after half a second of her processing their new location; their hands exploring each other in a much more forward way than before.
Her hands slipped under Alastor’s jacket, grazing over his shirt in an attempt to feel as much of him as possible. Quickly losing patience with the restrictiveness of the item, she pulled her hands back out from underneath the jacket and began unbuttoning it until she could shove it off his shoulders and discard it behind him. He dutifully helped pull his arms and hands out of the sleeves and once free, they were back on her own body, untying the sash made up into a bow at her navel to loosen the fit of her blouse so that he could pull the hem out from the top of her skirt.
Alastor’s hands found skin as they explored under her shirt, ghosting up her sides and tickling her ribs. She froze at the contact, pleasurable as it was, as it occurred to her for the first time that she’d have to take her blouse off.
“What’s wrong?” he asked her, noticing her sharp intake of breath.
“Nothing, I just . . .” she tried to explain but hesitated.
“We can stop,” he said simply, not a trace of disappointment in his tone.
“I don’t want to stop,” she responded quickly; desperately. His small grin twitched at the corners at her reply.
“Then tell me what I just did wrong,” he said, his voice teasing but understanding.
“Nothing, you . . . you’re perfect,” she sighed, knowing what she had to do. “I need to show you something.”
Mina reached behind her and undid her zipper herself and pulled her blouse up over her head, standing before him in her bra. She knew he would be able to see the beginning of her spots across the tops of her shoulders, even if he couldn’t see them trailing down her back from his position.
His smile widened further, though he looked a little confused.
“I was hoping to see more than that tonight,” he quipped.
Mina frowned. “You don’t mind them?”
“Are we talking about the same things?” he asked with a playful tilt of his head.
She rolled her eyes at his inuendo and gestured with her chin to her shoulders.
“Oh,” he said, eyebrows raised in understanding. “No, of course not. Why would I?”
“Well they’re . . . they’re hideous,” she said in a small voice.
“Mina,” he chided, “I don’t think you know what hideous is.” He leaned over her and placed several small kisses along her shoulders, his hands coming behind her to trail his claws down the pattern of spots before cupping her ass and pulling her tightly against him. “You look absolutely delicious.”
The heat between her legs rekindled at his words and she aggressively began kissing him again, growling a bit when he responded in kind, biting at her lower lip. She got back to work undressing him, finding his belt buckle and making quick work of it, before untucking his shirt from his pants and working first at his bow tie and then at his shirt buttons.
In seconds she had everything undone and began yanking his shirt off him the same way she had made quick work of his jacket.
She broke the kiss to get a glimpse of the present she had just unwrapped and then took pause, sucking in a sharp breath at the sight before her.
“I told you, you don’t know what hideous is,” Alastor said, in a quiet, calm voice, but his smile was the smallest she had ever seen it.
Mina touched some of the scars etched into the skin of his chest. There were dozens of them, all jagged and irregular, many of them clearly made by teeth. Scars were so rare in Hell, as Sinners always healed eventually from their injuries, unless they were made by very specific weapons or magic.
She didn’t find them to be hideous at all but they made her incredibly sad, even before she knew the cause.
“What happened to you?” she finally asked.
“Nothing. Not since my death, at least,” he answered. “I was quite far gone by the time the dogs started in on me, I didn’t feel any of it. Who knows how or why we take the forms we do as souls.”
Mina thought back to her own last moments of life there on the beach, the jaguar’s weight on her, and the teeth that ripped open her neck. She must have seemed very foolish to Alastor for being insecure about her spots. It really dawned on her then, that though he was a powerful Overlord now, he was once a human like she had been. Fragile, mortal, and very capable of succumbing to violence.
She ran her hands down his chest and then wrapped her arms around him, pulling him as close as possible, and buried her face in his chest, kissing several of his scars as she did so. The hurt in her heart for the life he had led, and the way he had died, settled in her chest like a knife.
“Mina,” he whispered, soothing her, and guided her chin upwards, as he leaned down to capture her lips with his own.
The rest of their clothes were divulged more slowly after that, each item being removed as if exposing the most precious gift imaginable. They explored each other’s bodies with near worshipful touches, delighting in the similarities and differences. They caressed each other’s ears, admired the way their limbs almost matched in skin tone, as they each darkened at the elbows and knees, down to fingertips and toes. Mina stroked his antlers with her hands, as her mouth found a sensitive spot on his neck, and her toes playfully ran across his hooves that began at the balls of his feet.
They were lying in bed together then, on top of the still made-up quilt and both completely naked, his erection teasing her as she felt it against her stomach, making her ache for more. He was busy still tasting every inch of her skin that he could get a hold of when she noticed a surprise flicker of red in the corner of her eye and peered down his backside, getting the first good look of what would soon become her favorite piece of his anatomy; the little secret only she was ever able to know about him.
“You have a tail!” she gasped out in surprise.
He made something between a groan and a sigh, his mouth occupied with sucking and biting at her right breast.
“Alastor!” she squealed and pushed at his shoulders until he relented.
“Unfortunately so,” he huffed, not enjoying the interruption as much as she was.
“Let me see it,” she said, trying sit to up.
“Later,” he said, keeping her down.
“Please,” she pouted, “you see mine all the time.”
“Yours is not an insult to your character,” he replied, not budging.
She reached her own long tail around, using it to stroke the back of one of his calf muscles.
“Pleeeaase,” she said, sultrier this time.
He reached and snatched at her tail, sliding his hand down it until he had it by tip, and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss before letting it go, and settling his weight on top of her with finality.
“I said ‘later’.”
“Tease,” she said before he quieted her mouth with his own, and then reached between them and down between her thighs. A finger spread through her already wet folds, easily stroking her up and down from opening to clit.
“Oh, fuck,” she panted against his mouth, feeling the vibration of his low chuckle, clearly pleased with the reaction he was getting from her.
No one had ever touched her that way, besides herself. Every other time for her had just been a quick fuck, the man taking what he wanted with her until he was finished. It was always just enough to leave her desiring more but completely unsatisfied, like an itch that was never properly scratched.
She was almost mortified when she felt herself begin to purr but Alastor quickened his pace, circling her clit in tighter, faster circles, spurred on by her reaction. It was enough of a sign from him that he liked her purring, so she relaxed and let her body react the way it wanted to.
Then he began working his way down her body, kissing her neck, spending a moment at each breast, and then her stomach. Her nerves got the better of her when he tried to go lower, and she shot upright moments before he settled his face between her thighs.
“What are you doing?” she gasped.
He looked mortified at her reaction, eyes wide and smile strained.
“Do you not like that?” he asked, reaching out for her hips. She let his hand settle there, thankful for the reassuring touch, but still felt tense and unsettled.
“You-you don’t have to do that,” she stammered.
His eyes stayed steadily on hers. “I know I don’t have to, Mina. Why don’t you want me to?”
“Men don’t . . . men don’t do that to women,” she said, sounding naïve even to her own ears, but she just couldn’t fathom being on the reciprocating end of oral.
He seemed to relax a little as understanding came to his features.
“I promise you, the good ones do,” he said, guiding her back to laying down beneath him.
She followed but was still insecure.
“You don’t have to,” she repeated, but his mouth was already on the flesh of the inside of her thigh, making her shiver with desire and nerves.
“If you don’t like it, I’ll stop. But please, allow me to try?” he said, peering up from her, mouth only inches from her sex. When she gave a small, hesitant nod, she felt the breath of his sigh warming her flesh before his mouth was on her and she was suddenly very okay with what he was doing.
His tongue matched the rhythm his fingers had made moments before, alternating between long strokes and quick circles. Although she had no experience with it, Mina knew there was no getting better at this than he was. She felt her face heating up as the pleasure overwhelmed her, overstimulating her senses until she was no longer purring, just gasping for air and moaning loudly. She felt tingly from head to toe and when he shifted his weight so that he could curl two fingers inside her, stroking her walls as he sucked at her clit, Mina reached down and took hold of his antlers, watching him work her until she began to see stars. Within seconds she was cumming hard; a deeper, longer orgasm than she had ever experienced.
She collapsed back on the bed, breathing deeply as she felt her body going limp. Alastor had released her from his mouth, wiping his chin with his free hand, and she had a moment where she realized she hadn’t felt the sharpness of his teeth or his claws during that whole wonderful experience, before he was crawling back up her, repeating in reverse the kissing trail up her body until he was back at her mouth. There was a slight lingering scent and taste of her own sex on his face, and surprisingly to her, it only helped turn her on all over again.
It was then she noticed his fingers were still inside of her, and as he lazily stroked his tongue against hers in a deep, sensual kiss, he began moving his fingers again. Long, slow movements, right at the shallow part of her entrance, curling his fingers so that the pads of his fingertips put just the right pressure on that sensitive internal part she barely had registered the existence of before that evening.
Mina moaned against him as he worked her up again, impressively fast, considering she could still feel the aftereffects of her first orgasm.
Right as she was beginning to feel her walls clench at his fingers in earnest, he pulled away from her and settled his weight differently until their hips were perfectly aligned.
“May I?” he asked, but she was already spreading her legs to wrap around him.
“Oh please,” she begged, feeling the tip of him right at her entrance. “Please, please, please,” she whispered.
He was big and now she truly understood his need for foreplay with her in order to prepare her to take him. He guided himself in until he was buried as deep as he could go, the girth and length of his cock stretching her to the point of stinging for a moment before she felt herself relaxing. Alastor looked into her eyes as if searching for any change of heart or hesitation from her. Finding nothing but wanton eagerness in her expression, he began to move.
Mina would later find him to be a rather quiet lover, not one for dirty talk or frequent noises in general, but he did moan quite audibly with that first thrust; a low sound, the static affect breaking it up and making it sound much deeper than his normal voice. She cradled the back of his head as he breathed into her neck, stroking the base of his ears and playing with the soft tufts of fur there.
Together they found a rhythm, a lovely friction that completely filled her up, stroked her inner walls, and rubbed against her clit just right when their hips came together. Mina would never understand why missionary was considered such a ‘vanilla’ position. She loved being face to face with Alastor like this, watching his eyes go black with desire, while also being chest to chest, and hip to hip. He was everywhere, holding her, on top of her, filling her up. No other position could give her this kind of intimacy and paired with the physical pleasure of it, it was perfect for their first time together.
She was so close now, feeling right on the edge of her second orgasm but she needed just a little more. Changing the tilt of her hips, she was able to relax her hips into spreading wider, encouraging Alastor to go deeper and harder into her. He responded immediately to the lusty noises she made as the change in angle built her up, stretching her to the point of nearly being painful, and it was delicious. Her orgasm slammed into her, making her clench hard onto his cock and it was all she could do but whimper as it seemed to continue on forever. Letting go of her grip on the mix of hair and fur near the base of his ear, her hand found an antler again, surprised and aroused that it had grown much thicker and longer as he chased his own completion.
Her body finally began to relax as she came down from her orgasm, just beginning to feel the first stages of overstimulation, when his movements became erratic, and she felt the stinging bite of his teeth into the flesh in the crook of her collarbone as he came inside her. For the first time, without the worry of pregnancy involved in the act, she found she loved the sensation of his cock twitching inside her as he coated her walls with his seed, making her feel incredibly satisfied. She basked in the feeling of being bred; the feminine pride of being claimed, by both his cum and his bite.
Alastor was slowly coming down from his own high; his antlers retreated back to their usual two-pointed form, the blackness in his eyes returning to their normal shade of red.
“I’m sorry,” he panted but she was already purring again. “Was that too . . .”
He trailed off, and she brushed her nose against his, until he gave a soft laugh and responded with the same motion and kissed her.
“I like you like that,” she said. “You can do that to me again, anytime you want.”
They smiled at each other, like the two idiots absolutely smitten with each other that they were, and enjoyed another tender kiss before Alastor finally pulled out of her and shifted onto his side. Mina snuggled into his arms, burying her face into his scarred chest, and began purring in earnest as he lazily stroked her hair and the backs of her ears.
In post orgasmic bliss, they fell into a light sleep like that, still on top of the blankets and tangled up in each other.
A short while later, Mina began to stir, feeling a chill against her bare skin as the heat of their lovemaking finally dissipated from her body. Alastor moved against her, also waking up, and Mina smiled when she noticed the sound of a radio humming to life that accompanied him when he awoke. As much as she would come to love watching him sleep, she would always find that little sound affect to be the most fucking adorable thing about him.
That, and his tail.
She sat upright.
“Alright, love. Let me see it.”
His eyebrows came down in a frown, already knowing what she was asking for, and was not amused.
“I’d rather you join me in the bath,” he said, trying to lure her into something else. Anything else, really.
“You said you’d let me see it!” she whined.
“I only recall specifically using the word ‘later.’ I did not specify when that would be.”
“Alastor,” she said sternly.
“Fine,” he huffed but then continued to lay where he was rather than moving and making it easier to see.
“Well?” she asked, gesturing for him to move.
“I am neither standing for this, nor will I lay on my stomach. This is not a physician’s exam and I refuse to make this anymore humiliating for me.”
“Jaysus Christ, you are a child,” she huffed and got up on her knees so she could more easily peer over him to see his backside.
He curled forward and bit her on her outer thigh, making her jump and squeal, but she didn’t relent.
There it was, in all its fluffy glory, red like his hair but with a black stripe along the bottom side where most deer had stripe of white. It was . . . really cute. But she would never tell him that as it would devastate his massive but fragile ego, and she had a feeling that was exactly why he hid it from view.
She reached over and touched it, feeling the incredible softness for only a second before he reacted viscerally, turning around and grabbing at her hand.
“Are you kidding me?!”
“Sorry,” she said, immediately regretting it. “I’m sorry. If it really bothers you that much, I am. Really sorry.”
He sighed, relaxing at her apology, and pulled her down with him to return to the position they had been in before.
She peppered his chest with kisses, purring again as it seemed to soothe him, and listened as his thundering heart began to slow down. He really was incredibly insecure about that tail of his.
“You know,” she dared, once she was sure he had finally calmed all the way down, “you might like it being touched if you just let me try again.”
He rolled on top of her, kissing her hard and pressing her into the mattress, before standing up and leaving her in bed.
“Ready for that bath?” he asked, holding his hand out to her, completely ignoring her statement.
She took it, eagerly following him out of the room, enjoying the full view of his tail and naked backside that it awarded her, but she didn’t dare try to touch it again . . . that night.
Next Chapter ->
@saccharine-nectarine, @inuhalfdemon
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buck-yyyy · 1 year
actually i think theo should have done MORE drugs in the movie. there shoulda been more booze too. the goldfinch is not a story about a little rich boy who made One mistake being corrupted by scary teenage alcoholic drug dealer, it’s a story about love life and loss and how people are messy and fuck up and do shitty things, but the movie watered it down and placed so much emphasis on boris’ bad influence on theo to the point where it made it seem like theo only did drugs for boris’ approval, therefore seemingly making boris the cause of his addictions. what about tom cable as a sort of gateway? what about theo’s instant approval when boris offers him a beer? what about his zero mentioned hesitation towards drugs, with the exception of asking a couple questions about acid and turning down the Mystery Powder?
and that’s just the DRUGS, what about the fact that theo has never had a satisfactory relationship with a woman due to seeking out people who fuel his self destructive tendencies in an effort to fill the void that his mother left and that he fails to get pippa to fill? what about the woman who took advantage of him as a young teenager and bought him booze in exchange for sex, as a direct parallel to his prior concern about statutory rape with boris’ comments about xandra? what about the fact that he regularly cheats on his partners? what about how creepy and possessive he is with pippa, how he collects her hair and irrationally hates her boyfriend? why did they go so weak with pippa and make him seem like some sad pine-y puppy dog? what the fuck happened to kotku, further fueling his internalized homophobia by adding conflict around boris both with theo’s obvious feelings for him and boris’ blatant abuse towards her? what about boris mirroring the people around him, saying the N word to seem cool, or tattooing himself to appear jewish to mr. silver in hopes of getting a job? what about boris’ fake very real family to add even MORE subtle conflict with theo’s sexuality? why was hobie always so put together? why was hobie’s speech moved to BEFORE amsterdam and not after, because while i love boris’ ending speech in the movie hobie’s would have been far more impactful and painful? why does movie!theo seem to actually be in love with pippa as opposed to her being the morphine lollipop, as well as an attempt to fill the place his mother left as is specifically addressed BY theo in the book?
the book wasn’t made for thirteen year olds, why did the movie seem to be?
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 2 months
I am very curious was it ever stated in the show that Karen was a victim of sexual abuse? Or is it just your theory? Or are you referring to that one time Jody went down on her while she was in a coma, because that was messed up
she says in season 3 when talking to lip outside that she was almost sex trafficked, and as you said, jody raped her while she was comatose and he also did it again in a deleted scene (that time she wasn’t comatose but she was still very brain damaged and a teenager). the entire relationship with jody was that because he was in his thirties and she was only sixteen, so it was statutory. and i don’t really count it but it’s worth mentioning frank told her that he liked it when she had sex with him… and that was fucking odd
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somthing-lavender · 1 month
Here's a Hc (mostly based on Stephanie in Robin 1993 till she gives birth. So sorry if this is way off).
Stephanie liked Tim & Dean because of their cars/hj (but it's actually more than that).
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Stephanie wanted the respect, responsibility (and the implied trust that is need to be given responsibilities), and freedom Tim had. "What does this have to do with a car?" Well the car gives him freedom to head anywhere. He's trusted enough to be responsible for it. And his Robin car shows he's respected enough by Batman to be his crime fighting partner. Being with him would mean getting a car ride, giving her a taste of that freedom. And if Tim trusted her to be his crime fighting partner, shouldn't that be worth some respect?
What about Dean? He mentions driving his father's car. He has car freedom + enough respect/trust to drive his dad's car. Another thing of note is the fact Dean is hc to be older than Stephanie. All these traits are associated with adulthood and maturity. I personally hc that Stephanie dated Dean cause hanging out with an older guy made her feel more mature. She states she didn't know him that well. From what I've seen his personality wasn't great(And it could just be the art style, but his looks aren't making anything up). *another note on Dean, but it'll be below
This also plays back into Timsteph. Tim is this more serious boy who has all these traits associated with maturity + he's actually her age + he's cute + he has an actual decent personality. Talk about an upgrade from Dean (So she could of easily known Tim longer because [insert timeline rant])
*Tw talk of statutory rape
This could also play into why she had sex with Dean (so if he was 19+ it would have been 2nd degree SA under New Jersey law).
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