#story: fallen kingdoms
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This is a really simple little proof of concept doodle based off of some really stupid jokes but that's fine because this is a propaganda post first and foremost. Turn him into a squirrel!!! If for no other reason than to mess with my sibling specifically pretty please 😊
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Soo,, I've been watching some of the witch's castle lore (thank you Royal Mike) and I just can't get this idea outta my mind..
The First Counsel of Everything AU
(In this AU, Witch's Castle came before Kingdom, and the gingercrew are basically stuck in a cycle of being rebaked as normal cookies until the counsel is needed again.)
The Counsel members (the gingergang) bellow the cut.
Gingerbrave - The Happy Emperor of Shadows.
The ruler of all shadow and darkness! Even if some of his recent subjects may not know it, though the oldest shadows that knew his rule definitely hope for his return again! With such a smile and kind personality, he made the shadows and darkness just as safe of a place that the light was, such a contrast to what it sadly is today. Debatably the leader of the counsel.
Strawberry Cookie - Queen of Imagination.
The shy ruler of all creativity, imagination, and dreams. Beloved by her subjects in the land of dreams, as she herself understands the love and care that goes into every art, even the ones baked up in the mind! Her thoughts can blend and bleed into the world by portals, making her a power house among the counsel. What she reigns over may never be in danger, but she will always spring back in to aid her friends and counsel!
Wizard Cookie - High Wizard of Insight.
No doubt deserving of his title, this High Wizard is the head of all magic, magical beings, and the smarts, too. He never seems to get a spell wrong, nor forget a face! The ones who follow his teachings can't deny that he's fit for the head of all magic. After all, what's a better fit than the one who got magic into every cookies' hands and books! His return is expected, as magic is in everything these days, and he is undeniably the brain of the counsel.
Gingerbright - Empress of Harmony.
The empress of all connections and harmony! All who can live in peace and friendship or thrive in their life with a bond, those are her subjects. Spirits and ghosts await her return, waiting for the cheerful giggles and unhinged sneers of command to lead them and the ones without leaders to whatever or wherever she will go. She is as kind, clever, and sweet as she is as threatening, and all who made an enemy of her sweat and tremble at the thought of her return. She seeks fun and adventure, and with her unity and harmony under soon threat, she no doubt will be with the rest of the counsel to stop the overflowing havoc to come.
Gingerdozer - Soft Emperor of Light.
Appearing the least, but no less one of the most vital, this is the ruler of light and divine. Few of his subjects know of him, but he is loved by those of his subjects who do. The boy's smile was said to have been able to bring light to a dark room and hope to the hopeless. The unity between light and dark came from his bond with his brother, and he kept the light in balance with the shadows. With how his divine light has changed for the worst, he is bound to wake and return the sharp, overwhelming light back to a soft, warm glow. Just as the counsel's second in command should!
I love them all so much plz feel free to ask literally anything about them.
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Legend of Zelda is not now, never was, and will never be about getting rid of the monarchy in place, or Zelda examining her motivations. It's an adventure game with puzzles in a fantasy world where suspension of disbelief is expected and required. It's not that deep bro. People playing it are not going to assume the divine right of kings is correct, actually, from this game. It leans heavily on popular tropes, and regardless of whether or not those tropes are unproblematic, they are -popular- which is the point.
You can get deeply introspective about themes and such, but in the end it's a game for fun made to appeal to the widest audience possible and trying to paint the characters as anything other than fictional and therefore without agency beyond their writers will is both exhausting and pointless. And baffling. Nothing that exists is morally pure and perfect and the point is not whether the characters and setting adhere to a that and more about what the story is telling you. You can't assume anything about it beyond what is explicitly stated, and THAT has to go through the filter of fiction.
Look, I'm gonna be honest here, I didn't get much sleep and I'm done with TOTK anyways, so I really can't be fucked to reply to most of this.
But I do just need to take a second here to question that last point you said. I. Did you really just say. That when discussing the themes and morals of a narrative. People cannot assume ANYTHING about a fictional world except what an author has specifically said?
...Have you ever taken a language arts class before? Performed a novel study? Read a fanfiction? Had a single conversation about a story?
Analyzing a story to figure out what ISN'T being specifically stated is like. Literally the bare minimum of engaging with a narrative.
And that argument for 'totk is good actually' just shoots yourself in the foot there, because I've already said part of the reason I talked so much about the fucked up implications of the worldbuilding was because if I just took the story at face value, I could not give less of a fuck about it. It's flat, there's nothing to connect to, and nothing changes. Zelda explains the entire plot in the opening sequence, and it's never challenged. Nothing changes, nobody learns anything, there's no character arcs... it's just boring. I don't care. I mean oh my god, 95% of the actual plot just takes place in optional memories, which all happen in the past without the player characters involvement. Whose decision was that??? It's a role playing game! That means the story is important, and the player being personally involved in the story is not optional.
If I take the story of TOTK at face value, then I'd say as far as writing quality and character depth goes, it's about on the same level as the Zelda CDI games. And for writing I'm still gonna have to side with the CDI games for being funnier, and also less repetitive - sure, they reused a few cutscenes in the CDI games, but they were like five seconds long. Meanwhile TOTK reuses the same five minute cutscene four times during the main story quest. I'm glad you're enjoying the game anon, this isn't me personally attacking you or anything, but people are only calling the story good because of the sheer amount of hype. The gameplay is fucking amazing of course, that's some 10/10 work. But if we just look at the story they were trying to tell? It's a fucking mess. This thing will not age well, mark my words.
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lunalunawillow · 5 months
Honestly I was about to come back to crk (again) because of White Lily releasing but then I saw what content the update and-
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Ok I'm like grasping at straws here and not getting my hopes up but Kerri Maniscalco mentioning she would like recs for second chance romances gives me a tiny bit of hope that maybe we'll get the Pride and Claudia/Lucia second chance romance that I long for!! Hoping praying crossing fingers! I want it so bad!
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genopaint · 1 year
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So be careful what you wish for, my friend 
Kingdoms often fall in the end 
Heed the words of those who are wise 
And with some luck your kingdom may rise
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fagdyk · 1 year
I found a shrine trapped between lore and gameplay
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hyliacursed · 1 year
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
HAPPY! BIRTHDAY! part2 bc i realized its also wipwednesday :3c you should post a snippet for old times sake
HI HIIII THANK YOU STAR!!!! i honestly thought you were finally gonna deliver on that promise to ask abt the yaoi metanarrative so that i could have a reason to rant about it to people but like mark my worms that will be up on the neocities anyway soon enough
also EXCUSE U. we did six sentence sundays not wip wednesdays smh
fortunately For You i have Actually Written.... 197 words today (so far) so there is indeed something new for you to see hehehe
this is so hard none of them feel particularly good out of context. here's something i wrote on a car ride in my talk-to-self discord channel that has no context whatsoever:
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will it ever be used for anything?? idk!! it'll probably be worked into something, if i remember it hehe
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cryptidcalling · 6 months
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My most recent Vesper drawings compared to the very OG adopt I bought from Lazette-Menhir on Deviant art almost two years ago now! It took me a while to really focus on and develop him but I love him very dearly <3
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couldbebetterforsure · 10 months
Bruh……BRUH………The Valentine’s Day event between Kisa and Suzu actually KOd me 🥺
From start to finish it was nothing but love and sweetness!!! From Kisa going to check on Suzu and offering to get something for him. To Suzu “sneakily” being like “oh actually I’m in the mood for something sweet today!!! specifically seasonal sweets!!!” And Kisa just…not realizing what day it is….and being like “oh you always like seasonal stuff so sure ☺️☺️☺️”
At least she managed to get it soon enough once Mare showed up! Oh man Mare genuinely had me questioning if he actually knew what was going on with how much he was like “oh wow Kisa you know you and Suzu really like each other huh 😏😏😏 there’s so much love and you work great together” only to swerve and be like “oh it’s because of this drama I was watching 😇” Like, if it wasn’t for the fact that I HIGHLY doubt Mare could be sly to save his life I would truly suspect something there.
I had Kisa make a pound cake for Suzu since I feel like it means more for Kisa to give him something homemade instead of store bought, even if chocolate is more associated with the holiday itself. And awwww Suzu was sooooooo excited for the cake, I could practically see him bouncing in place, ready to try Kisa’s baking!
Suzu eating that cake and being like “this is the best cake I’ve ever had, 10/10, number one in the world” and Kisa just being like “I mean it does taste nice but number one in the world???” Like Suzu honey, you are something else!!! He really would be the number one wife guy, huh 😂😂😂 Listen I am so sad this game doesn’t seem to go as far as White Day because I need Suzu putting his own cooking skills to use and making a wonderful tasty White Day present for Kisa in return!!!!
And then 🥺🥺🥺🥺 him being all like 🥺🥺🥺🥺 “if it was Chance receiving something like this from Sissia he’d probably think ‘ahhh I really love her’” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 He really pulled the “I’m saying this as Chance” card to get away with telling Kisa how in love with her he is. Like I need to put down Suzu’s lines verbatim because of how absurdly precious they are!!!
Suzu: “You know…If Chance received something as good as this from Sissia. I’m sure he’d tell himself dozens of times, hundreds of times, ‘I really love her.’ He’d be head over heels all day, then he’d be thinking at night when he’s about to sleep, ‘Oh, wow, I love her.’”
Like wow Suzu you lovesick baby boy!!! Way to out yourself!!! I mean…he’s flirting with Kisa, there’s no way around it. The guy is seriously flirting with Kisa!!! Suzu, I didn’t realize how smooth you are 😏😏😏
And then he….asks Kisa if he can receive something sweet from her again next year….And Kisa agrees!!!!! And after she leaves the room, Suzu is basically blushing and kicking his feet and screaming in joy and says in the most adorably soft voice “I’m so happy!” Honey, I’m happy for you 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
And then the bow that ties this entire event together…Kisa thinks over how Chance and Sissia feel about each other. And then compares that to how she and Suzu feel about each other. And she goes down the list slowly, her voice becoming more and more tender and soft with each word…before the realization hits her….
She likes Suzu. She realizes she truly does like him…She had been having difficulty with the romance scenes between Chance and Sissia after Suzu stopped hiding his own feelings and used his own love for Kisa to act as Chance. Because she felt she couldn’t match Suzu’s passion and wasn’t even consciously aware of how she felt about him yet. But now she’s gone over everything and rethought all the thoughts and feelings she’s had about Suzu until this point. And she’s accepted she loves him…and she’ll use that love in her own acting as Sissia…
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spinosauridae · 1 year
It's kinda sad how excited i was at first for Jurassic World Dominion, but as we got closer to the movie i saw more concept designs release and all of that excitement for the franchise went out. Now, I staunchly refuse to watch that movie and buy any more JW merch. I realized they weren't trying and that they were never going to try. A lot of the new toys are just... disheartening to see. Especially when it's a spinosaurid (my specialty) that's got very limited material and every time i try to keep up with possible new papers on them these cheaply made plastic abominations flood the Google feed.
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Ngl my best friend and I are doing a kind of rewrite of totk for fun and like. We had a more nuanced story in around thirty minutes, and I kind of want to work on it more. Here's the thing though, it's so easy to write this as a good story because it has so much potential, and it's like you said!! Taken at face value it's so boring!! I'm genuinely so frustrated with this!!
I know, right? Something I've noticed is that like literally anytime I mention the story being kinda shit, it takes like maybe a minute for people to look at the existing setup and think of something more interesting. Like, I briefly complained about the boring writing in a youtube comment, and I've seen three different people reply to that with more compelling takes on the story using very minor fixes. There's just so many bad decisions in the writing, I have no idea how the fuck Nintendo thought this was acceptable.
I mean goddamn, even putting aside all of the Everything with the imperialism in the memories, the memories existing at all is a horrible decision! They seriously made a role playing game where 95% of the story occurs in the past, where the only involvement the player has is our character being namedropped a few times. It worked in BOTW, because Link was there the whole fucking time, and also the memories WEREN'T the story - that was everything leading up to the actual plot kicking off! If a player just totally ignored the memories, the only real consequence was that you didn't really get to know Zelda! If you ignore the memories in TOTK, you are missing the entire fucking plot.
It's such an easy fix too, I mean ffs if the ancient past is where everything interesting is going to happen, just send Link and Zelda back in time together. Link can actually interact with the story and characters, he can develop his own beef with Ganondorf instead of them literally having nothing to do with each other beyond other people saying they should fight, and it'd fix the gaping plot hole of literally all the Sheikah tech being gone - none of it's been built yet. The story could take Link through working with the Sages, finding a way to heal the decayed Master Sword - fuck, he could even wield the ancient Master Sword in its place while he's in the past! They fight Ganon, seal him away, then for the grand finale Link and Zelda return to the modern day Hyrule shortly after they left, and discover it's basically an apocalypse kicking off, because why would Ganon bother to just wait for his enemies to get ready to stop him, he can just go apeshit the second he's free of the seal. This works in story, but also excuses the finale having some railroading - the chaos of the apocalypse stops Link from going off track, ensuring the devs don't need to put in the entire BOTW map just for that one finale sequence. Link retrieves the formerly decayed Master Sword from wherever he left it to heal for the last ten thousand years, and then him and Zelda go fuck up Ganon together, for real this time. Bam, problem solved. Link's in the actual plot, Zelda gets to actually exist for more of the story than just the ending cutscene, there's a reason for the map being completely different, and the Sheikah tech isn't just retconned into non-existence. Fuck, they could explain the runes being gone as just Zelda dropping the Sheikah Slate in the chaos before being yeeted into the past, or the slate being hit by Gloom and destroyed as well. Also, the expanded list of monsters and old monsters having different designs to include the new horns makes sense; they're ten thousand years in the past, of course things are different. Yeah it'd suck that we wouldn't really get to see the characters from BOTW, but... come on. They barely did anything with them anyways.
Alternatively, they could just do the story in the past with Zelda as the player character, if they're that hellbent on ensuring Link isn't allowed to do anything. It'd be a really cool twist! They wouldn't even need to change the gameplay that much, it's been years since the Calamity and Zelda's been travelling around with Link the whole time, it makes perfect sense that she would have learned how to fight over the years, and Link teaching her would give her a very similar fighting style.
It would have been so easy to give the game a more interesting story, it's just embarrassing that they fucked it up so badly.
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trueprinces · 1 year
ყơų ɖơŋ’ɬ ɧą۷ɛ ɬơ Ɩơơƙ ɬơ ɬɧɛ ɧɛą۷ɛŋʂ
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𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩𝔰 <3
PrinceS 🌒✨
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bories · 2 years
fallen kingdom makes me cry
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hellothepixel · 2 years
There's a lot to be excited about for Minecraft Legends honestly... From the expanded lore of the Minecraft world, to the more minecraft-oriented yet still fairly unique gamepaly, to even to how the "piglin army" reminds me of the old Fallen Kingdom saga.
...So why is a part of me like. Absolutely frustrated with this premise. "The evil monsters from far away want to destroy us!". Is this what Piglins are? Not the plague-torn society that actually fights against the player for attacking their own and stealing their stuff, but dumb rude evil monsters?
I want to hope that we get some like, Piglin npcs that are against the invasion and join your side. Or are we supposed to accept that the entirey of the piglin civilization is evil? I can accept Illagers as in, vampire-types, that chose to join an immoral structure of power for the purposes of greed. But not this.
Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic... or maybe I'm being too sensitive, idfk. It also heavily bothers me that they didn't take the chance to have you play as a villager... maybe they'll finally give a lore explanation on why you look different to them though. Or maybe not. Maybe you're just the Godsent Human who is the only one who can defend the commonfolk from the forces of Satan. Maybe in Minecraft you are morally right in stealing from the villagers because you are the Hero, and the Piglins are evil and that's why they get angry when you steal their goal. I don't fucking now.
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