mari-m-rose · 9 months
Closing the R
Hewo it's me again, as usual hope you are having a nice day.
Just came by to tell you I just closed my Redbubble! Not only because of the new terms but also because I kinda want to offer print files in my future Patreon. So, I just wanted to say thanks. Because I remember some followers and mutuals from here bought some of my things and well, thank you so much for the support!!!! Even if it was years ago! It made me really happy ♥ (I still have photos from happy clients saved in my PC for when I'm depressed hehe). And hopefully I can finally mutter the courage to open the Patreon with this small step... Or just become a tiny bit more active would suffice for me.
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mari-m-rose · 10 months
People You Want to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @yamineftis, thanks bb! This type of thing makes me so nostalgic! Favorite color: pink, teal, white, green, rosegold Currently reading: bunch of DnD material...but last manga I read was Fumetsu no Anata e, good stuff. Last series: I'm actually watching "The office" for the first time, just wanted to watch some comedy. Also weirdly enough I'm watching a lot of anime this season: Jujutsu K, Zom 100, My happy marriage (fave of this season) and after taking my distance from this franchise for years because of the nasty thing the author did, who I will never forgive btw: I'm picking up the remake of Ruroken. It still makes me a bit guilty but I am finally able to separate the manga from its author...I've been waiting for too long for it to have a proper adaptation, so yeah I'm watching that. My donghua for this season is: Link Click season 2! The opening and ending slap so hard, the drama is top notch. It's the perfect time to pick Link Click up now that it has a second season tbh. I was hesitant to recommend it before cause the cliffhanger on season 1's finale was shocking af. Idk how could I patiently wait for season 2. But yeah I recommend. Oh even tho this anime is from last season, Tengoku Daimakyo is great af, wanted to read the manga because of how great it is. Def not like anything I have watched these years. Bruh the prompt said last series but Ig I did it my way. Sweet/savory/spicy: what is savory? Spicy for the win tbh. Currently working on: catalogue design for family business, 2 commishes and bunch of OCs and fanarts, especially DnD OCs. I might show...later. Tagging: Anyone who read this is tagged :3 if you want ofc.
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mari-m-rose · 10 months
Life update (?)
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Hi! It's been a while since I did one of these. I still remember about how writing these would make me feel better, whether they were read by someone or not. Still, thank you in advance to whomever reads this, I appreciate your care/curiosity towards me. Wishing you happiness and success from the bottom of my heart. So, what has been going on with me.
So many things it's overwhelming. Everyday is. Especially when I remember all that has happened in the past few years. Probably because it's been hard to process? Both the good and the bad, all it's hard to process. Not like I process stuff easily, the opposite in fact. Tbh I don't even remember much of what I did during 2019... was I still active here during 2018? Bearly right? I think I got a new job in 2019 which was a cool job, or so I used to think... I remember the beginning of 2020 because I was so fucking happy in January-February during 2020. I was enjoying myself at work, I had a stable relationship with my partner as usual, I was engaged and about to get my own apartment. I was excited about my life which is something that never happens to me xD. And well, before covxd happened I actually got hit by a car... It was at low speed but it still wasn't nice. Listen, never do what I did. If you get hit by a car and you realize you can walk, do not go straight to work by scooter. Actually report the person who did it, call in sick, go to the hospital. Try not to shut down and just go to work normally. Short story: by lunch I couldn't stand up from my seat. I actually almost cried when I had to at the end of the day to go home because it hurt like a bxtch. I sort of healed? Actually it has been 3 years and I still feel something in my leg ahaha. Never be like me, love yourself. Covxd exploded not much after I "healed" and it ruined all my plans. No wedding, no apartment, I actually had to quit my job cause my bosses got so toxic I got depressed like never before. I was now trapped more than ever at my parents' house and the hope of leaving it soon was almost non-existant. I know it was hard for everyone and I hope that you all ended up surviving it just fine. Thankfully on my end everyone survived even tho my dad was always at risk cause he was forced to go to work despite it all. Since I didn't go through any tragic event, I am fortunate enough to appreciate that at least I spent a lot of time with my parents and cat, very important since I wanted to leave the house the next year. I got married in 2021 even tho covxd was still around, risking it all. Naturally it was a small event because of it. I actually just wanted to move out. My parents are very old-fashioned and they were not gonna be happy, so to say, if I left before marriage. Thankfully my husband did want to marry me so it worked out, but was it stressing... I just suck at events like that but yeah I finally got married and moved out. And the most amazing time of my whole life began. It was honestly magical. I was so happy I felt like I was living an actual dream. The moments in my life at that time felt eternal in a good way, there was warmth and love, pure happiness. I didn't know life could be like that. My relationship with my family fixed really quick after I moved out. Now we get along fine and I'm very thankful I get to experience this before I imminently lose my parents to time. I'm a very fortunate person. But this happiness soon ended cause I'm...dummy? I'm mentally ill and I'm not used to being happy. So I started to get massive anxiety about some upcoming event ruining all my life. I still dread this, even tho it doesn't arrive yet. Something bad actually happened tho... I lost my cat in 2022. I...probably will never not miss her, she was the one who kept me sane at home for 16 years. My most beloved baby...I just hope she's around somewhere. Uhm let's try not to cry while I write this... Btw did I mention I'm still unemployed and very ashamed of it? I do housewifey things, I do help with family business and have commissions from time to time but most of the time I'm not that active. That also is eating me alive. My husband is very chill about it but I'm not happy with myself, tho I can feel like little by little I want to change this, ...I wish I wasn't that stressed about the idea of still working in graphic design. What happened in my past job was a bit like my last bit of energy for it...
I really want to like open a patreon or a youtube channel idk, I always say this but its hard to start.. Aside this anxiety I'm also currently without passion...without fandom, without OTP, without a spark that motivates me to draw. It has been annoying cause this is happening since like 3 years ago. I hate this fr. Being without an art community has been hard but you know what? Being in one was also hard. I had major fall offs with a lot of my friends. We either fought a lot and took our distances or were involved in disgusting drama, others really mistreated me till the point I ended up feeling I didn't want to make new friends ever again. I isolated myself, this ofc didn't help my "art block" or mental health. Now at 32 yo, how am I supposed to like engage in a fandom or art community? I geniuinly don't know how. Also it's full of kiddies. No offense towards you babies but, I'm a grown ass lady. I feel so much like I don't belong...BUT I still want to belong. Not with the teens ofc but.... is there any discord server for old ladies like me? If there's a quiet place for "art grandmas" xD, hit me up. I am opened up to hang out but also ngl, I'm so awkward. New discord server I join is like another one I will never speak in. Idk what to do tbh. I just want to be excited about a fandom or art again. Anyways thanks for reading this text about me. I hope you are doing fine. I also hope you enjoy my art, even tho I hardly update, I'm trying to do my best. I'm most active on instagram (mari_m_rose) and X (aka former twitter, same as ig). I still love sinja and remain somewhat knowledgable about Magi. So if u wanna send asks about anything related to those or myself, I will be happy to answer! Hugs and kissus.
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mari-m-rose · 9 months
I was tagged by alemanriq (a lot of time ago...I'm revising my drafts. Thanks tho, Ale! ♥)
Tag the person who tagged you and let them know when you’ve finished. (I'm not doing this, tagging people gives me anxiety)
Answer the questions/tasks and then tag 20 people and let them know they’ve been tagged
1. How tall are you? 1.58 m
2. What color and style is your hair? Dark brown and straight
3. Which color are your eyes? Dark brown, almost black
4. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I used to wear glasses but I never got used to them so I dropped them, didn't need them that much.
5. Do you wear braces? I should but I'm not.
6. What’s your fashion style? I like formal attire or close to formal: coats, boots, shirts and jeans, maybe a sweater but a thin one. Dresses in summer.
7. What is your name? Mariana, but I prefer to be called Mari
8. When were you born? 21st December 1990
9. How old are you? 32
10. Where are you from/live now? Perú
11. Do you have any siblings and what are their names? Older brother
12. What school/college do you go to? Graduated at the supposedly best uni in Perú but not actually.
13. What kind of student are you? In uni I was a bad a student, like a bit bellow average. In high school I was a very good student most of my life.
14. Do you even like school? I loathed high school. I liked most of my uni years, more because of friends, less because of learning.
15. What are your favorite subjects? Literature, art, music, language, english, french, biology, art history.
16. What are your favourite tv shows? Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are amazing shows. As for anime, my fave are Yu Yu Hakusho, HunterxHunter 2011, Akatsuki no Yona, Re:Zero, Digimon tamers/02 and those are all I can remember right now.
17. What are your favourite movies? I adore Pride and Prejudice (basic I know), but in general I tend to adore horror movies more like Midsommar, Hereditary and zombie movies in general.
18. What are your favorite books? Dracula, uh... polemyc I know but I will always say HP series and ...I can't remember any other one rn tbh.
19. What is your favourite pass time? Playing videogames but also organizing stuff and fixing stuff around the house
20. Do you have any regrets? Majoring in graphic design.
21. What’s your dream job? character designer...and if I learn how to draw/shade/color better: illustrator.
22. Would you like to get married one day and where? I did get married, I think the places were nice. It was a beautiful church with a gothic design and the reception was in a house on the country side. The house had a vintage colonial style and it was pretty elegant, the garden with the pool looked nice and the decor me and husband chose was top notch.
23. Would you like to have kids one day and how many? I don't earn enough money to have kids but if I got money I would have 2 kids.
24. Are you a girly girl, a regular girl, or more of a tomboy? I was a regular one most of my life? Kinda like comfy type and no make-up. Now I'm girly, I want all the pink and all the make up!
25. Do you like shopping? Just the right amount of time but yeah.
27. What is the most scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Some guys entered my family home and killed everyone. I even remember feeling the bullet in my stomach and the blood coming out of me before I woke up.
28. Do you have enemies? I have no enemies.
29. Who are your best friends? I'm not so sure, I'm insecure in this field. I used to think I had 3, but idk anymore.
30. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and what is their name? Husband and he doesn't like his info to be disclosed so I won't name him.
31. What is the biggest lie you have ever told anyone? I'm not a good liar.
32. Do you believe in miracles? Yes
Put your music on shuffle and write down 30 songs that come up without skipping. (How about just 5) 1. Almost Home - mxmtoon 2. That's What I like - Bruno Mars 3. Golden Time Lover - Sukima Switch 4. Helena - My Chemical Romance 5. This is Love - Utada Hikaru
This is the part where you tag 20 people! As for me, if you read this you are tagged! You can tag me if u fill this btw, my anxiety only goes one way.
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mari-m-rose · 3 years
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A summary of Parthevia arc in Snb Not shipping intended, but I don’t mind it being taken that way.
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mari-m-rose · 3 years
Omg I’m back again...
Lmao hi guys, it’s me... Idk how many are still active over here but I hope some of you are...since I’m gonna be posting some old stuff and new too. The thing is I still hold this blog dear...and sinja and Magi and since I still ocassionally draw Ja’far and Sin, I want to keep posting. So if you are around nowadays, idm getting a reply in this post or an ask on the blog. Anyways hope you all are ok. And as a life update I’m finally a married woman who moved out with the love of her life, so I actually feel like I’m finally starting to live my life and thus I’m happy. And that’s all actually, planning a wedding is hard thus I’ve been way too silent everywhere but I want that to end. Commissions will be open soon as well, if you are interested already you can comment here or in ask too. I wish you guys the best!!!
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mari-m-rose · 3 years
guys I can’t even write “redbubble” on my posts because then tumblr blacklists me (hence I edited the sticker post 4 times), like.. It’s not like I’m making a fortune writing the word redbubble, tumblr...damnit, let a woman earn a few cents.
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mari-m-rose · 4 years
My sinja, Ja'far, Sinbad (Magi) Merch!
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Get these on my redbubble store! <---- Just press the link
Hello everyone, I've finally updated my Redbubble store! So now you can get these and more over there. If you are not interested in these type of merch, remember all of these are available as prints and stickers as well.
I've included some art from my sinjazine entries, so if you didn't get a sinjazine (from 2 years ago) at least you have my part there.
I've also added 2 sinja halloween pics that I think could be cute to use this upcoming october. Plus one christmas piece for later.
Anyways if you get some of these I hope you enjoy them and if you want, take a photo and tag me and I'll reblog the post with a big thanks to you! ♥ Thanks in advance for the support! ♥
My art | Twitter | Instagram | Ko-fi | Redbubble
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mari-m-rose · 4 years
It’s been a while
Hello guys, are you all fine?....I know it has been a while. Tbh honest I’m uh trying to come back a bit, but I’ve been instantly discouraged since it appears tumblr has shadowbanned me by leaving my most recent post out of the tags, which is really off putting...
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I’ve already sent them a complaint but who knows when they will reply.
It’s funny because the other time I wanted to come back, the queue feature was down and I couldn’t do the usual queued posts....
Well this time I will keep pushing as much as I can. 
And sooo I am still working on my sinja AUs  but it’s obviously taking time since I’m also drawing for another fandom now. I don’t want to make any promises but at least I wanted you to know that I will do my best.
As for the shadowbanned post, if it gets fixed I will have to repost it so, sorry for the upcoming repetition.
Anyways have a good life~
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mari-m-rose · 4 years
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Well it has been a while...
Idk who is still active over here, but Imma try to be more active again...
I’m kinda sorry I haven't been answering messages....Idk what happened to me but this place even tho it’s still dear to me, as my blog is, it’s too difficult to update nowadays...it’s emotionally difficult in a way.
I have been drawing a lot but I can’t show anything finished (I mean sinja ofc) >+o  I’m having the biggest artist block ever...but I’m trying to get out of it.
I will leave you some wips and let’s hope they won’t stay as wips... :0
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And I have more :D ....
And even more from other fandoms. Someone pls give me strength to finish.
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mari-m-rose · 5 years
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Did this on discord and forgot that I usually post stuff like this on here too.
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mari-m-rose · 5 years
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*appears all of a sudden* Damn it has been a while! There’s queue tomorrow yay!!! ~~ Even tho Magi content is really scarce nowadays I do my best to still reblog it and I will keep trying, but not as frequently as I did in the past. Personally I want to keep this blog magi/sinja forever ascsffbfdba with my new fandoms there too ofc, but recently I dont even check this site, so I might disappear in the end hehe. I just lost the habit to look in here..... If somehow I retake my love for tumblr blogging ...things will be pretty much the same I guess. Sorry for not replying any asks lately and thanks to those who still remember me fondly! I hope you are having nice lives~~ ♥♥
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mari-m-rose · 5 years
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Old married couple spending new year’s somewhere in the world. After Sinbad came back from the death, they eloped together and lived happily ever after♥♥.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Happy new year 2019!
I hope you all had a great new year’s eve and also wish your year is full of wonderful things!!!
I’m sorry for being absent this past year on my blog, it was both work and sinjazine. But work was more exhausting ofc. There are a few things I want to talk about: My giveaway: I wanted to announce happily when all the stuff reached the winners but couldn’t do it. Anyway, everyone got their stuff and they seemed happy!! Which also makes me happy ofc.   Idk about more giveaways in the future tho, we’ll see.
Sinjazine: I got my zine a few weeks ago ocisodhviods. I will make a post about it soon but I have to say: this was the highlight of my entire year and I’m incredibly happy to have been part of it. Friends: Thank you to all my friends for putting up with my crap this 2018. I won’t tag y’all but I’m really sure you know who you are! Mainly my girls at sinja discord and my friends from always, who don’t seem to forget me yet. Thanks for all your support this year.
That was all ♥ Hope you all have lovely days.
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mari-m-rose · 5 years
Changed theme
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Hello again loved ones! After about 2/3 years (I think) I finally changed my tumblr theme. So I invite you to go check it out and play around!!! If you find something that’s not working please do tell me. I do see there are some weird color changes according to the tags one accesses to but idk how to change that and I’m a bit tired to try now.... Aside that, do tell me if you encounter difficulties. With that said I hope you have a lovely day~~
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mari-m-rose · 5 years
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays
Hi everyone, hope you are all good.
So December is about to end and I havent drawn much still. The reason is I’m cleaning my room which is a disaster and I couldnt bear it any longer. SO these short christmas holidays, I’ve only been cleaning. Such a disaster is gonna take more than one day to clean after all. I’m very depressed a lot of my manga got moldy....these months have been very busy for me so I couldnt do my regular cleaning..so yeah mold invaded. I’m really frustrated about it...at this rate I’m gonna have to replace them all. I’m so tired tho, I need to get up and clean faster, because my body can’t stand it any longer. After the office party, my bday party, going shopping for christmas and my bday, cleaning everything, using high heels....my entire body is swollen. Everything hurts.....It kinda sucks I have to go back to work tomorrow. I’m gonna need mom to shot me something so I can walk without pain. Anyway, the day I’m free is near so, maybe this blog will be revived. Since I’m having a hard time finding proper Magi content to reblog, this blog might switch to being more multifandom like in the old days.  But you’ll have my art here and there too.
Happy holidays to y’all and even tho not everyone shares my beliefs, bless you all.
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(^ classic bday pic I put on my bday but didn’t have the time this year).
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mari-m-rose · 6 years
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I’m almost sorry I have nothing to offer but this new piece of art ahaahahaha....
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