i wish i could tell everyone how bad im struggling 
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sky-is-the-limit · 8 months
Nah, imagine walking around Piccadilly Circus while mfs are blowing shit up and you see these two in front of you:
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fagtainsparklez · 4 months
today on: ao3 is not tiktok and you do not need to censor yourself (please do not censor yourself)
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this is supposed to say sexual.
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I want Lucifer and Alastor to bully Vox together soooo bad...
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lookinglass-fic · 8 months
A bit personal, and also cw/tw for mentions of suicide/suicidal ideation//
I lost my best friend to suicide two years ago. And I can't lie, the themes in OFMD season 2 are hitting hard. Ed is definitely my comfort character, and I love him so much and just want good and nice things for him and want him to be happy.
The sucide themes are... heart-rendingly accurate and make total sense, in ways that I feel certain that someone(s) in the writing team and/or crew have had experiences with this particular thing.
It's bringing up a lot of grief and some unearthed trauma for me, I think. But I think it's also a great opportunity to talk about what you can recognize in friends and loved ones who might be having ideation.
In re-watching episode 2, I noticed some things. The day after the cake topper incident, the morning where Ed tells Frenchie, "I had a very rough night last night, but I think I got all of the poison out of my system," he's cleaning up the cabin. He's cleaned himself up. He's chipper. It's the same morning he gives the gun to Izzy, the same night that he goads the crew into killing him.
And please note, I am not an expert. I'm not a psychologist or therapist, I'm not qualified to dole out real advice. I've just become... intimately familiar with warning signs of suicide the past few years after joining some support groups and being part of discussions and hearing dozens upon dozens of stories from the people left behind. And this is just advice from one human being to others who might need to hear it.
People who have long-term ideation can tend to have a sudden upswing in the day or two immediately preceding death, and it's because they've made the decision to go ahead with it.
My friend had seemed to be getting better. He was chipper, sending photos of things he liked and generally texting/calling people in a cheerful mood. The day it happened, he was on a hike sending me pictures of rabbits and magpies.
If your loved one is going through an incredibly rough patch and has a sudden upswing in mood, if they start cleaning up by giving things away or making big changes, it's time to check in. It's time to find a way to break through to them and see if there's anything at all you can do to stop them from going through with it.
This show brings so much attention to so many things, and they get so many things right. I'm in a kind of a weird mental place right now just because this is bringing up a lot of feelings for me, but it's only because it's so accurate and hits so close to home. If this can help even one person, then it's worth me being weird on the internet about it.
And for anybody out there struggling... just find one thing. Just one thing to keep you here until tomorrow. Just one thing to stay for. Warmth. Food. Intercourse. Anything. Just please stay.
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finillatte · 10 months
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Last Waltz
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binkrls · 1 year
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1sthisevenre4l · 8 months
I should kill myself, I should end it, I have the pills I could just them all make this all over, make it end, nothing matters anymore, go out with a bang and make it pretty. I won't have to worry ever again never ever ever, I get to be at peace for once no more human worry no more issues it'll finally be peace, a peaceful sleep. I don't want to do this anymore I don't want this life I was given someone else's gift I'm not deserving of it.
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leclerking · 11 months
The Williams 😭
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mintymoe · 1 year
New Year's Resolution:
1. Get skinny
2. Die
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akkivee · 3 months
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i think it’d be very fun if a reason we got kuukou juto and dice paired up was because they have a side of themselves they keep hidden from others lol
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spicyclover · 10 months
All the things you said | Finale part
Summary: A big dinner is organized by Charles to bring together some pilots and their wives, girlfriends, sister and friends. Everyone enjoys the evening until a topic of conversation leads to dark revelations. What secrets will be revealed?
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section!
I'm open to requests.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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If you need help. Please get help. You are loved, and your life is valued. Even if you don’t see it, you are loved.
DISCLAIMER:  This story is fiction and has no correlation with reality. All site names making acts, violence or any other type of aggression are used for artistic purposes, and they did not commit those acts.
He acquires at her request despite himself. Unable to fight anymore, fatigue slowly eats him away, and he knows that he is of no help if he is exhausted. He leaves the room not without a last kiss, a last look, a last goodbye.
On the following day, Charles came. Staying for hours next to you. Stroking your hair, mumbling your name, praying for you to wake up. He can't take you out of his brain. He can't take you out of him. You're haunting him. We realize how important it is in our life when we lose someone we take for granted. Charles looks at you as a friend until he realizes he loves you. Is it too late? Were you supposed to be?
Sebastian came a few times, only a few minutes. He can't unseen what he saw. He plays and plays the night in his head over and over again. Wondering what he could have done differently.
The doctors are not really optimistic about your recovery. Your body is tired. Your mind is exhausted. They did all they could do. All we have to do is wait. Wait for you to come back. Wait for you to fight for your life. How could you fight if you're not even awake? It's painful.
Strangely enough, he came. The rapist. The abomination of your life. You came late at night when everyone left. He felt bad. "It's too late to feel bad," you think when you feel his hand and you. You wanted to cry, to scream, but nothing. He left shortly after. Looking at you one last time. Looking at what he did to you. You hear from Lando a few days later that he got arrested. Other girls spoke, and there were enough accusations to start a trial. Even more strange, it did nothing to you. Well, how could you feel? When he toked everything you got and smashed it in a million pieces?
Sometimes, you can feel the warmth of the afterlife tingling your skin. You feel it right near you, calling you. Calling you to answer the call. You want to feel this feeling of peace, this quietness. You don't know how to feel. You just want to float. You forgot how to be happy. How to be. Why fight if you may never find yourself again? What were you made for? You wonder to yourself.
Time flies. A couple of weeks passed. You made some improvements for the doctors to feel optimistic for you to wake up eventually. You're stabilized by all those machines. Your parent finally arrived a few days after you were admitted. You can feel your mother's tears on your cold hands and the soft kisses of your father on your forehead. You can smell the sunflower Heidi brought you every time she comes to see you. Sometimes you want to react. To show her you listen. But you can't. Or you don't want?
The feeling of loneliness passed. You can see now how much you're loved. How they love you. You love to hear Arthur talking about your favourite series. You love to hear Sebastian remembering childhood moments whenever he found the courage to come. You love to listen to your mom singing your favourite songs. You love to hear Daniel telling dad jokes, hoping you'll smile in your sleep. You love hearing Lando talking about his latest Quadrant adventures or Twitch lives. You love to listen to Charles saying how much he loves you. How much his life is plain without you. You can't imagine somebody else cared so much about you.
That makes you cry. You can't show them you can hear. You can't show them you love them too. You can't show them how grateful you are or will be. More time passed, and the more you could slowly feel you were losing yourself. All you need to do is happen your eyes, but for some reason, it seems an impossible task to do.
"This is impossible," Alices says in disbelief at the creature rising upon her.
"Only if you believe it is." The hatter whispers, scared of the outcome of all this adventure. But wasn't this all the point of this madness?
"Sometimes, I believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
"That is an excellent practice." The hatters says. "However, just now, you might want to focus on the Jabberwocky."
"Six impossible things. Count them, Alice. One, there's a potion that can make you shrink. Two, and a cake that can make you grow. Three, animals can talk. Four, Alice, cats can disappear. Five, there's a place called Wonderland. Six, I can slay the Jabberwocky."
You feel yourself falling into the rabbit hole, and you have been in Wonderland all this time. That's it! You can do it. Six impossible things before breakfast.
"One, you will get a major in architecture."
"Two, you can drive an F1 car."
"Three, you can be happy again."
"Four, Y/n, there's a place for you in this universe."
"Six, I will fight for my life."
At this, though, he feels darkness rising upon you. Everything fades away slowly. You can hear the constant beep of the machines around you. You can feel Charles's hands against yours. You can smell the hospital room you're in. You can see the light shutters again you close your eyes.
Then... you breathe.
Feeling the grass on your feet. The autumn breeze cools down your spine. For the first time, you appreciate being alive. To fill your lungs with air, to hear the water crash against the rocks, to feel the sun warm up your skin, and to taste food again.
You feel a hand around your waist, and Charles brings you closer to him. He sticks you to his bare chest. He holds you firmly for fear that you will disappear again. It makes you smile to see him so loving, so gentle, and so attentive. You turn your gaze from the blue horizon to meet his emerald eyes. He smiles tenderly. His eyes sparkle with a thousand lights when you return his smile. You hold these eyes a few moments before you look wandering towards his lips.
If only it could be true.
If only you could be with him.
This is the end of All the things you said. I know it's sad, but it must come to an end. Let me know what you think in the comment. <3
Tag list: @tyna-19​ @dessxoxsworld @ynbutbetter @alexander-hamilhoe @honethatty12 innieblogg janeholt3 mloyer heeseung-baby 
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someguy404 · 6 months
scared of dying, tired of living
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as-tro-nauts · 5 months
what actually happened? I used to be big into btd, joined gato’s server briefly when tpof was in development, but haven’t paid to actually stay in the server, so i just see the announcements that it’s closing in 2 days
Hey! I’m glad you reached out to ask. A lot of people are in the dark, it seems to be that way when someone’s fave gets accused of excusing bigotry/g/nm. That being said, I’m going to lay out everything that’s been made public first, and then add in my own thoughts and things I’ve noticed.
The News:
As posted here a member(who I will be calling spieler in reference to their twt handle, and for privacy of their other accounts) of the patreon server(which I was also a member of up until news broke) reached out to Gatobob regarding untoward comments made to them by a mod, Melon who was a prevalent member of the fan community but also has a history of making members uncomfortable enough to leave server. Spieler operated under the assumption of good faith based on the language of the message and based on what myself and others had seen in mutual servers with them. The story develops in the thread and the two ensuing ones linked here and here detailing Gatobob’s handling of the situation. Reminiscent of but FAR worse than her handling of the Carnivorekitty situation. She knew spieler was going to reach out, it is implied she was aware of Melon’s subpar apology, minimized the situation to the fan’s face, and unrelatedly Spieler experienced enough harassment from diehard fans to not feel comfortable in the fandom space anymore.
Reports from members in server prior to its closure confirm that Melon was active until the very end, and did not face consequences for the frankly unacceptable comments made, which were far more than “cringe on main”.
My Thoughts:
Given how she didn’t bother handling the Carnivorekitty situation, and was more focused on smoothing things over here than anything, I’m not shocked. Frustrated and disappointed? Deeply. But it’s definitely a pattern of behavior to weaponize mental health(whether her own or others, as shown in Spieler’s threads), to shut down conversation on these serious matters, and that she doesn’t act like it’s her responsibility to curate a space reflective of her “good values”. It’s really hurtful and evidently untrue, it is the responsibility of a creator to manage the space their fans occupy to create a zone as free of bigotry as possible. Anything less than an enthusiastic FUCK NO to any kind of xenophobia is complacency. She did not boot Tom when he derrided the POC and LGBT+ fans that gave her this platform and this income. She did not remove Melon when confronted with the hurtful and unnecessary commentary she made, and instead allowed the pattern to continue for the duration of the server’s life span. Protect yourselves and take your money to someone who cares about their fan community, and won’t shut it down when confronted with serious issues.
I would like to make it very clear I disavow Gatobob’s actions, the people who harassed Spieler on her behalf should feel ashamed, and no party in this deserves harassment.
I just think maybe I’m tired of creators not doing better, and yet again my trust was ill placed.
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numb-little-bugg · 2 years
the feminine urge to go jump off a bridge
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madhatter30 · 5 months
I literally feel like all of my feelings are wrrong and irrelevant. When people ask me how I am I smile and say "I'm fine" when inside I am screaming. I feel like I can't tell anyone that I feel like I'm failing myself and eeveryone around me because they'll just tell me that I'm not and logically I know I'm not but that isn't how it feels. I feel like I'm holding evryone else back aand they would all be better if I was gone. I don't want to d!e though. I just want to disappear and not feel or think anything ever again.
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