#ofmd s02e03
ratchet · 8 months
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I'll never leave you. I'll never leave again.
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lookinglass-fic · 8 months
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Warmth. (I'm processing some stuff.)
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zstraps · 8 months
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All night I stretched my arms across him, / rivers of blood, the dark woods, singing / with all my skin and bone Please keep him safe. / Let him lay his head on my chest and we will be / like sailors, swimming in the sound of it, dashed / to pieces.
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ofmd-ann · 7 months
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The Gravy Basket never looked so good ☠
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latulipeblanche · 8 months
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cowboysmp3 · 8 months
going back and watching ofmd s1 now after most of s2 has aired provides SUCH context to why Izzy acted the way he did. S2 puts SO much more weight on Blackbeard's 'i havent tried dying i should try that next' statements that he makes in S1E04, and it gives a reality of how horrible Blackbeard can be. I think Blackbeards erratic behaviour and mild suicidal ideation can be dismissed when watching s1 for the first time, which makes Izzy's reaction feel disproportionate, but I think the reality is Izzy has been watching Blackbeard steadily decline and make decisions that actively go against the survival of himself and the crew. Stede and the revenge are part of an emerging pattern for him!!
s2 just really makes it so much easier to empathise with Izzy and the decisions he makes have more weight and sense behind him. His actions aren't really out of feeling antagonistic or jealous or w/e, he has been watching Blackbeard spiral out of control, and Izzy's own life spiraling with him! AOUGH it just makes Izzy less of a mindless antagonist and much more of a character who is desperate for some semblance of control and normalcy again !!!
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slinkpinkiller · 8 months
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sarucane · 7 months
OFMD Meta Series Master Thread
My brain works in meta series for some reason, and a couple of my individual metas have been really popular! So in case you're looking for more of my stuff, or to read a meta related to one you already liked, here're my series. I'll update them as I go.
Metas about Stories and Storytelling in OFMD
Do we just keep telling the same story forever? Meta on OFMD S1E7 "This is Happening"
(Note: writing this while on a holiday, there'll be more metas in this series once I get home and go through drafts ;) )
The Fuckery's the Thing: Finding truth through lies in "The Art of Fuckery"
True Stories, False Stories: "The Best Revenge is Dressing Well"
Stories within Stories (within more stories!): OFMD Meta Analysis of Ep 1 E4
Stede Bonnet's Stories (S2)
Ed Teach's Stories
Stede Bonnet's Stories (S1)
Storytelling in Our Flag Means Death
Character Analysis Question Metas
Why was finding Stede's letter so important for Ed?
Why did Ed think becoming a fisherman made any sense at all?
Why did Ed throw away his leathers?
Why did Ed want to "take it slow"?
Why didn't Izzy shoot Ed (then)?
Why did Ed headbutt Stede?
Why didn't Ed always protect Stede?
How did Stede leave pirating so easily?
Did Ed really want to die?
How did Stede know that Ed wanted to "watch the world burn"?
Why did Ed shoot Izzy then?
Spiral Parallels: The second season of OFMD references the first a lot, generally in ways that add a lot to the emotional depth of an original scene. Here's a heap of metas about that because I think it's cool.
53: Ed's Suicidal Spiral (S1E10, S2E1-3)
52: Weddings (S1E4/10, S1E1/2/8)
51: Pinocchio (S1E1, S2E1/8)
50: Beards and Unconditional Love
49: Whims, Self-Knowledge, and Commitment
48: Lessons of Episodes 5 (S1E4/5 & S2E5)
47: What would Jeff do? (S1E5 & S2E3/6/8)
46: Izzy Being Wrong Part 4--Izzy's redemption (in which he learns to be right) (S1E10-S2)
45: Izzy Being Wrong 3 (S1E6-9)
44: Izzy Being Wrong 2 (S1E5)
43: Stede's Fantasies Creating Reality (S1E1/3/8, S2E1/3/4/8)
42: Sandy Beards and Self-Hatred (S1E8 & S2E3)
41: Izzy and the Queer Community of the Revenge (S1E5 & S2E6)
40: Izzy Being Wrong Part 1 (S1E2-4 & S02E8)
39: Wearing Fine Things Well (S01E05 & S02E05)
38: Mad Devil Blackbeard (S01E04/10, S02E01/02)
37: Ed and Izzy in Those Scenes 2 (S01E10 & S02E08)
36: Ed and Izzy in Those Scenes 1 (S01E10 & S02E08)
35: Lighthouses (S01E04/10 &S02E06/08)
34: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 5 (S01E08 & S02E04)
33: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 4 (S01E08 & S02E04)
32: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 3 (S01E08 & S02E04)
31: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 2 (S01E08 & S02E04)
30: Manipulative Pirate Buddies 1 (S01E08 & S02E04)
29: Silk Robes and Ed's Self-Identity (S01E10 & S02E07
28: Izzy and Stede Talk Blackbeard (S01E06 & S02E03)
27: Ed's Despair (S01E10 & S02E02)
26: A Fall into Dark Water (S01E10 & S02E03)
25: Mary and Stede, Stede and Ed (S01E10 & S02E08)
24: The Character Development of a Belly Flop (S01E01 & S02E03)
23: Stede's Duels (S01E06 & S02E07)
22: Ed Leaves Stede (S01E08 & S2E07)
21: Executions of Stede Bonnet and Ned Lowe (S01E09 & S02E06)
20: Lucius and Pete (S01E6 & S02E05)
19: Ed and Izzy Sing (S01E10 & S02E06)
18: Izzy's Interventions (S01E06 & S02E01)
17: Stages of Intimacy (S01E06 & S02E06)
16: Poison and Positivity (S01E06 & S02E06)
15: The Kraken (S01E06 & S02E08)
14: Party Time 4 (S01E05 & S02E07)
13: Party Time Part 3 (S01E05 & S02E07)
12: Party Time 2 (S01E05 & S02E07)
11: Party Time Part 1 (S01E05 & S02E07)
10: Attention Crew of the Revenge, may I present… (S01E04 & S02E05)
9: Breakroom Chats (S01E04 & S02E06)
8: Ed, Izzy, and the Death of Blackbeard (S01E04 & S02E02)
7: Blackbeard and his First Mate (S01E03 & S02E01)
6: Cowards (S01E04 & S02E07)
5: The Unicorn (S01E04, S01E08, S02E04, S02E08)
4: Stede's Letters (S01E04 & S02E08)
3: Rise and Shine, Pirate (S01E04 & S02E04)
2: Stede's Grand Entrance (S01E03 & S02E08)
On the Spiral Narrative of OFMD 1: Pirates and Mermen (S01E03 & S02E03)
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kaelleid · 8 months
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OFMD, Izzy & Lucius, 300 words
Lucius and Izzy share a smoke. A s02e03 followup.
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ananott · 8 months
The ending scene of OFMD S02E03-- I wanna scream so bad, this is so beautiful, and mad, and so uniquely them.
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ratchet · 8 months
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like landmarks to a treasure [ed/stede || rated m || 2k]
There's a lot Stede can't protect Ed from, he knows that. But he can keep him warm, and he can keep him fed, and he can make sure Ed knows he's loved unconditionally.
or: Ed never talks about his reasons for living. Stede figures them out anyway. (contains spoilers for ofmd s02e03: the innkeeper)
[read on ao3]
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lookinglass-fic · 8 months
A bit personal, and also cw/tw for mentions of suicide/suicidal ideation//
I lost my best friend to suicide two years ago. And I can't lie, the themes in OFMD season 2 are hitting hard. Ed is definitely my comfort character, and I love him so much and just want good and nice things for him and want him to be happy.
The sucide themes are... heart-rendingly accurate and make total sense, in ways that I feel certain that someone(s) in the writing team and/or crew have had experiences with this particular thing.
It's bringing up a lot of grief and some unearthed trauma for me, I think. But I think it's also a great opportunity to talk about what you can recognize in friends and loved ones who might be having ideation.
In re-watching episode 2, I noticed some things. The day after the cake topper incident, the morning where Ed tells Frenchie, "I had a very rough night last night, but I think I got all of the poison out of my system," he's cleaning up the cabin. He's cleaned himself up. He's chipper. It's the same morning he gives the gun to Izzy, the same night that he goads the crew into killing him.
And please note, I am not an expert. I'm not a psychologist or therapist, I'm not qualified to dole out real advice. I've just become... intimately familiar with warning signs of suicide the past few years after joining some support groups and being part of discussions and hearing dozens upon dozens of stories from the people left behind. And this is just advice from one human being to others who might need to hear it.
People who have long-term ideation can tend to have a sudden upswing in the day or two immediately preceding death, and it's because they've made the decision to go ahead with it.
My friend had seemed to be getting better. He was chipper, sending photos of things he liked and generally texting/calling people in a cheerful mood. The day it happened, he was on a hike sending me pictures of rabbits and magpies.
If your loved one is going through an incredibly rough patch and has a sudden upswing in mood, if they start cleaning up by giving things away or making big changes, it's time to check in. It's time to find a way to break through to them and see if there's anything at all you can do to stop them from going through with it.
This show brings so much attention to so many things, and they get so many things right. I'm in a kind of a weird mental place right now just because this is bringing up a lot of feelings for me, but it's only because it's so accurate and hits so close to home. If this can help even one person, then it's worth me being weird on the internet about it.
And for anybody out there struggling... just find one thing. Just one thing to keep you here until tomorrow. Just one thing to stay for. Warmth. Food. Intercourse. Anything. Just please stay.
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zstraps · 8 months
no but it’s so important to me that ed’s reasons for living are such mundane everyday pleasures. warmth. good food. orgasms. no grand purpose, nothing about sailing or pirating or captaining, nothing about maybe finding love again. all of those things are exhausting and weighing him down. but the little everyday things. being warm. a good meal when you’re hungry. physical pleasure. even when everything else brings him nothing but hurt, even if he was as unlovable as he believes he is, those things still exist. even with his one big con overwhelming them, they’re still there. constants. things that’ll always be there, if he chooses them.
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ofmd-ann · 6 months
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Edward Teach (S02E03 - The Innkeeper)
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ofmd-ann · 7 months
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Stede (S02E03 - The Innkeeper)
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zstraps · 8 months
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this episode is so important to me
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