#subin is such a sweetheart
filmbyjy · 1 year
TWITTER SUCKS! > twenty-four! is that ENHYPEN?
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synopsis > who knew you could become famous overnight for paying $8 for a single blue checkmark? however, it does come with consequences…what happens when the actual BELIFT Lab comes knocking at your door. all because you simply impersonated your bias.
masterlist | previous | next
a/n: this is a small filler written chapter but it’s as important for the story bc this has y/n’s background story and stuff so yeah👍🏻
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ENHYPEN were like saviours of your life you’d say. you found them at the lowest point of your life. you started college when ENHYPEN first debuted. you also so happen to have broken up with your ex-boyfriend, who was also your childhood sweetheart.
— placing this so the read more doesn’t mess up —
you caught him cheating on you after dating for a total of 4 years. you thought he would be the one. clearly that was a joke. who knew he was capable of cheating on you? to explain, your ex-boyfriend was a typical nerdy guy with glasses. you gave him a chance because you knew guys like this wouldn’t hurt you. clearly, you thought wrong.
subin was the first to know about this since you didn’t get to know Mae when you were still a freshman. she had comforted you a lot, seen you at your worst as you cried on her shoulder. complained about how you shouldn’t have given the nerd a chance. to which subin just said that ‘not all nerds are like this, rather the idiot you dated got too cocky thinking he could get with anyone he wanted.’
subin knew you needed a distraction so she decided to introduce you to ENHYPEN. she watched I-LAND so she knew them before. she thought that maybe they were the best group you could be introduced to.
“here, these are the k-pop boys I listen to. this is jay, jake, sunghoon. oh and that’s-”
“who is that?” your eyes caught with a particular doe eyes. it reminded you a lot of your ex but he was way prettier and definitely way more hotter.
“that’s heeseung. oh! unnie, he is the same age as you.”
“wanna listen to their debut album? oh right and did you know they are vampires?”
you were thankful for subin for introducing ENHYPEN. their songs helped you get over your ex. their content always made you smile and laugh and you eventually started to call yourself an ENGENE because you wanted to support them.
one day, you bumped into Mae. she was intimidating at first but when her earpiece accidentally unplugged and you heard a familiar song play, you uttered…
“is that ENHYPEN?”
the rest was history between you and mae.
to bring it back to current situation with heeseung…
you knew dating an idol wasn’t the best ideal situation. moreover, it’s an idol you admire. you thought you were insane to think you’ve fallen for him because what if you were delusional. what if heeseung just flirted with you the way he did with other fans. it was probably just fan service.
when mae said you were in love with heeseung, your whole world came crashing down. no, there was no way you were in love with him. you had to back off, you can’t fall for him. not when you were a broken record. you can’t let heeseung’s reputation get tainted by some girl who got cheated on.
his fans would’ve loved for him to date someone pure, beautiful and amazing. you weren’t any of those. you were bawling your eyes out. hands shaking to pick up your ringing phone.
your voice quivered, “mae, can you come over?”
mae came over in a heartbeat, she sent subin a text too letting her know. she comforted you as subin makes her way over. subin bursts through your dorm door, a worried look all over her face.
“hey, what’s wrong?” she says.
“(name) hasn’t told me anything yet.” mae says as she rubs your shoulder. you were in tears, weeping next to her.
“did ‘he who shall not be named’ text you?” subin asks.
you shook your head.
“(name), you need to tell us. I know it hurts to say it out loud but I promise we can help more if you tell us.” mae softly says.
they nod and egged you further so you could finish your sentence.
“I think I love heeseung.”
both subin and mae stared at each other. they knew they had to do something. something to get you to realise maybe it isn’t so bad to date an idol. they needed help.
and maybe mae knew just the right people for it.
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series taglist[open]: @lovers-szn @shiguresohmas @moonshoon @byunappetit @strvlveera @rikisly @4lythe @lalalalawon @beansworldsstuff @enhastolemyheart @jaehaki @shinsou-rii @jeanbob @sxftiell @renchai @nyfwyeonjun @invusblog @lhees01 @donghyckl @enhafika @dimplewonie @foxsunoo @luv2lia @lvrjjun @curly-fr13s @bubblytaetae @raikea10 @ce1ight @luvlee1313 @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @soobisrealgfnotfake @justkatehere @l0tisflower @jseobsky @haerinism @liliansun @kyanmeai @nobodyshallenter @faeryhee @pkjay @mlink64 @luxurystark-jackson @aleombre @yenqa @heestrawberries @soaen @ckline35 @http-gyu @climbingmandevillas @stopeatread @y4wnjunz @aetherlol @whippedforbeomgyu @elisabeth-02
(to be added please send an ask or click here)
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Subin is absolutely adorable! As soon as he realises he's hard he'd want to run back into his room and just hide under his covers but he can't move an inch, your piercing gaze nailing him to the ground and making him sweat nervously. You could make him do whatever you wanted, like wetting your cock with his mouth before you use it on Sejun (who's trying desperately to act unphased by the presence of his younger bandmate). Seeing you all dominant and ethereal, he'd be the softest and most obedient sub 🥺
He'd also start to finger himself when he masturbates and moan the house down cause daaaamn had he been missing out on pleasure
Subin is just the sweetest boy 🥺🥺 he'd get so shy around you afterwards cause whenever he masturbates he can only think of you and he knows it's wrong cause you're already dating his bandmate but he just can't help it. Eventually he'd start to get curious and he ends up buying a dildo for himself just to see what it feels like, so he stretches himself out the way you did to sejun and as soon as he sat down on it he had to cover his mouth to stop the embarrassingly loud moan that almost left his lips cause even when he fingered himself he hadn't felt this kind of pleasure before! It hits places inside him that he didn't even know were there and if adjusts a little bit and accidentally hits his prostate his eyes roll back in his head and he moans like a little bitch 🥴 sweet boy's arms get so weak he can barely hold himself up as he fucks himself onto the toy, desperate to find that spot again and when he does he cums harder than he's ever cum in his entire life.
Suddenly the only way he can cum is if he plays with his ass and he finds that so embarrassing but it feels way too good to stop. He'd end up only looking up porn of femdom stuff cause nothing else makes him feel good anymore- omg don't get me started on the way he'd lose his mind if he ever found out about fucking machines 🤤🤤
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trashcankatie · 2 years
snoo kiss for u hope u are having a good day 💕💘💖💗💞
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me reading the text: awh that's so sweet
[opens the ask]: was not prepared for those pictures but I love the both of you none the less
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lqvicton · 6 years
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k-dokja · 3 years
Jiwoo having a crush sounds like one of the worst things to happen 😭 WHAT WILL KAYDEN AND HIS DUMBASS SQUAD TELL HIM TO DO. Anyway, Jiwoo fr so precious
The entire messiness of this... mostly because when Jiwoo has a crush, everyone except Jiwoo's crush knows Jiwoo has a crush. He has this pair of unmissable puppy dog eyes that follows his crush wherever they go when his crush isn't looking.
It's nauseating how much he adores them, and it's utterly cute because he's simply smitten. You know how some people in love have this dopey grin when they look at their loved one? That's Jiwoo.
Kayden pretends he doesn't see because once he sees, he will have to make it his business. Kayden excels in the business of turning down people not making them like him. Any affection Kayden ever received is superficial, he doesn't know how to act in this situation.
Unless Jiwoo actually comes to him to help, Kayden will stay away from it and let kids be kids. He'll not interfere, he'll not help either.
Once he is asked by Jiwoo, which was inevitable, he'll give either a noncommital answer or something down the line of "go on ahead and tell them, the worst thing could happen is them rejecting you." Which is fair, not going to lie, it's not going to be the end of the world.
However, in general, Kayden is horrible at love advice. He's too practical and logical, he thinks little of the emotional side. Even a Kayden in a relationship would help with little. It's like asking your dad for relationship advice, nobody wins.
Don't even get me started on Jisuk. He is second on this scale of the horrible advice givers. He has minimal dating experience and would be struggling if he was in that situation, too.
If it was anyone else crushing instead of Jiwoo, they'd be teased to death by Jisuk. He will give some completely bad advice which he probably copied from seeing them in drama shows.
He has an extremely "bad boy love interest" approach to love when he's not actually in a relationship. It's good for no one, especially himself. Jiwoo tunes him out the moment Jisuk mentions cornering his crush and tells them to become his. Bad idea all around, only go with him if Jiwoo can pull off the bad boy vibe with a straight face.
Wooin definitely has no idea what's going on ever, do not ask him for relationship advice. He barely managed to function a friendship much less dating. The first friend he got was Jiwoo and that was barely a year ago.
Wooin is not even a choice in most's eyes. However, he might manage to give some pretty sweet and considerate advice. If you want to go for endearing angle, go with Wooin. He will either help Jiwoo become a total sweetheart or Jiwoo might turn out so pathetic that his crush will take pity on him.
Subin is the best choice in the dumb squad, mostly because she's actually a girl. She'll give pretty traditional dating advice, mostly about what to do on a date, how to ask a girl out.
But then... one must remember that she's about as out of touch when it comes to dating as the rest.
Her advice splits fifty-fifty between hits and misses. Some works, some are even more horrible than whatever coming out of Jisuk's mouth. Trust in Subin if you live on the edge.
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theboyzism · 3 years
[VICTON] S/O is on their Period
➳ genre: fluff ➳ ficstyle: bulletpoints ➳ requested: "Can you do Victon when their girlfriend is on her period? 🥺"
- Admin 💫
the sweetest
a little awkward the first few times tho
but he recovers quickly
not the type to log your period
but he'll just instinctively know from the way you act a couple days before your period
anyone else gets really sore boobs exactly 2 days before? I'll cry
he's always a caring and considerate boyfriend
but on your period he'll be extra caring and considerate
he has 2 sisters so he definitely knows plenty
has pain killers ready
and your favourite snacks
coddles you more than usual cause you're his baby and you're in pain
if you had a long day he'll be waiting with dinner & make you a hot bath after so you can relax
if you want him to he'll also massage your back & stomach
would literally do anything for you and give you anything you need, you just have to ask
will spoil you mainly with home cooked food
contrary to Seungwoo he actually logs your period on his phone
he stocks up your pads/tampons so you don't have to worry about it and makes sure you never run out
and he probably also carries an extra one with him when you go out just in case you need it
makes sure you eat and drink enough all the time
draws you a bath and will wash your hair for you if you're too tired
cooks all your favourite dishes
gives you these cute belly rubs when you’re laying in bed cuddling
does all the chores too so you can rest
tries every trick he knows and figures out the stuff that works best for you
i don’t think you’d really have to ask him for anything you need
contrary to Seungwoo I feel like he’d just know
instinctively gives you all you need before you even had the chance to ask
or if you’d ask for something like stocking up the fridge or doing the laundry, he would’ve already done it 💔
tries to lighten the mood by making you laugh
i think he might be a little awkward especially at first
will help you subtly tho?
before you leave the house in the morning he sneaks some of your favourite snacks into your bag
as well as some painkillers
if you ask him he just gonna be like
"Omg how did they end up there?"
acting like it wasn't him and that he doesn't care
he sends you cute or funny texts throughout the day to subtly check in on you
while you're gone he might also clean a little
which surprises you a lot
usually never helps cleaning lmao
tries to hold back on the teasing but fails
apologises by making you some tea or hot chocolate before sleeping
cuddles you until you fall asleep
it's uterUS
definitely uses your period as an excuse to eat all the snacks he wants and order a bunch of take out
"What? My baby is on their period, leave me alone"
will cuddle you while watching a bunch of movies and eating all the food you possibly can
makes you a hottie for your stomach aches
he's a teasing boyfriend but will hold back on the teasing until your period is over
scared you might lash out at him lmfao
flames with you when you say it's unfair to go through all of this ever damn month
he'll just fire you up and encourage your flaming
contrary to all the snacks and take out he always reminds you to take your daily vitamins and to drink enough, especially during hell-week
very chill tbh
he does what you ask
you want cuddles?
ok cool, he loves cuddling
you need him to run to the store and pick up pads/tampons for you?
he's out the door and on it
he’s very close to his sister so I feel like for him it's just kind of whatever?
texts you a little more than usual
if he has to stay late for work he'll order take out for you so you can at least eat already when you get home and don't have to wait for him
makes up for getting home late by giving you all the cuddles and strokes your head or belly whatever you prefer
literally will do everything you want, you just have to ask
he's a little awkward and blushy when you're like
"It's cause I'm on my period"
or if you just ask him to do something period related for you
but he's really just such a sweetheart
and like Hanse he does all you ask him to
I feel like he definitely had a relationship before so he knows some things
loves that you're in an extra cuddly mood when on your period and takes advantage of that
"Oh no babe! Come here into my arms, let's cuddle :("
picks up your favourite food/snacks on his way home from work
wraps you in blankets before you sleep
tries his best to make some sort of breakfast for you to eat before you leave the house
awkward and shy
he'd either subtly ask his mom for tips
or just ask the other members
or good old naver
tries everything at once and you're like
"Where tf is this coming from"
and then he admits he asked for tips
and you're soft
I feel like he's gonna be a little shy, awkward and blushy around the topic for a while
just freaks him out a little cause you're bleeding and in pain and he doesn't know what to do to help you
but he's gonna try his best and figure out what helps you along the way
together with you 💔
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
How about a fluff #15 with anyone from victon!? Fluff 15 kinda sounds like a weird food order and it’s making me laugh it’s either funny or I’m overtired! Thank you!
Subin + Fluff - I chose Subin, I hope that's okay!! Haha -
(I prank call you with my friends to cuss you out but you end up being a sweetheart) - This one stumped me, so I switched it up a tiny bit -
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"I can't do this." You say, handing the phone over to your friend.
"Why not?" She annoyingly whines. "Let's mess with him."
You roll your eyes at your friend's unwillingness to move on from her stupid idea of prank calling your ex-boyfriend. She had somehow managed to talk you into dialing his number into her phone, but no part of you really wanted to do this. Sure, Subin was an asshole and he hurt you, but why would you waste any more time on him?
"Fine. I'll do it." Your friend finally says, already hitting the speaker button and letting the ringing sound fill the air.
You sit there and stare at her as Subin answers the phone, but offer her no help at all. This is on her.
Panic fills her eyes for a second and you already know it's bc she had no idea what she was going to say before making the call, and what she ends up blurting out has you cringing.
"Is your refrigerator running?"
You roll your eyes until they're so far into the back of your head, you're sure you're about to see your brain. What is she five?
Subin is silent for a moment. Clearly, taking in the situation before answering. "Should I go catch it?"
You smile at his response and enjoy the lost look on your friend's face. This obviously isn't going how she expected it to go.
"Should I warn the police about it? It sounds like a safety concern..." Subin continues, sweetly feigning concern and causing you to laugh out loud. You cover your mouth as soon as you realize what you've done.
"Ah... so it's you..." He says, immediately recognizing your laugh.
"Absolutely not. I had nothing to do with this."
Subin makes a noncommittal sound, obviously not believing you. "You know, if you missed my voice so much, you could've just called me."
Snatching the phone from your friend's hand, you say, "Who says I miss you or your voice?"
"Oh... so, it's just me that misses you then..."
Your heart hammers in your chest and your eyes widen at his words. This is not an outcome you had expected and you are stunned silent.
After a moment, Subin quietly says, "I guess, maybe, a small part of you does miss me."
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beyoncesdragon · 3 years
an introduction of VICTON♥︎༄
my favorite emo punk fairies of kpop, @aixy-hpsa bub buckle up.
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-`about victon´-
Victon actually means Voice to New World or some, and we, the cult-followers, are to be yelled at by the name of ALICE. They debuted 2016 and have so far produced a bunch of mindblowing, amazing, superior, beautiful, showstopping (...) bops:
-`studio albums´-
Voice : The Future is Now (2021) *scream*
-`mini albums´-
Voice To New World (2016)
Ready (2017)
Identity (2017)
From. VICTON (2017)
Nostalgia (2019)
Continuous (2020)
-`single albums´-
"Time of Sorrow" (2018)
"Mayday" (2020)
they are amaaaaazing oke. look here have my favorite songs of them. (Yes I’m forcing my love for them down your throat now I’m sorry)
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♥︎ 16. April 1995 ♥︎ 🐶 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
He became Victons leader after Seungwoo started participating in Produce X 101 and then officially became Victons leader when Seungwoo came back from X1.
This man is blessed with a set of insane vocal chords and we all love him for it.
congratulations to Victon for being the only group with Kang Seungsik
He’s the mom of the group :,)
Supa caring dude, cleans up the mess of OT6
Is “Health” in persona, which kinda fits doesn’t it.
Naturally gets bullied by the younger ones.
Also has dimples
Great leader and we should all respect him for it and give him never ending credits, victon wouldn’t be victon without him periodt.
♥︎ - HAN SEUNGWOO - ♥︎
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♥︎ December 24, 1994 ♥︎ 🦊 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Lead rapper, lead dancer, lead vocalist lead everything
Except Leader.
He gave that position up after he returned from X1 (where he by the way also was voted leader)
YOOO the members missed him so much they cried when he was gone
Oh boy that man...dangerous
He has the funniest laugh? Like u would never expect that laugh to be his???
He. Has. His. Own. EP. And I dare everyone to listen to „Sacrifice“. It’s a masterpiece.
Seunggu also has tattoos!! 3 in total.
This dude is ripped yet u will probably catch him imitating goats and pikachu...?
Will roast the maknae but with love
Hes so much more than just his face.
♥︎ - DO HANSE - ♥︎
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♥︎ 25. Sept. 1997 ♥︎ 🐱 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Hello you’re looking at the loml
Main rapper.
(Of victon and of Kpop ex.1 and ex.2)
Sese ♥︎
Puts the sweet in sweetheart and really, he only looks like he could kill
Semicolon on his wrist; cross on his left shoulder and chest (he church boi); roses on his arm: writings on his collar bone; so many more
bestest sense of fashion hands down
Iconic lip ring
His own solo EP is on the way!!!
Somehow this man is also main dancer
Talented boy.
♥︎ - LIM SEJUN - ♥︎
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♥︎ May 4, 1996 ♥︎ 🍓 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
You are looking at an icon here
Most coziest-est VLives in history of Vlives
Easily scared (victon does enjoy that, naturally)
Very whiny but it’s oke
Lead Vocalist, Visual, Face of the Group
Insane vocals too, here ex.1
Another member of kpops cucumbers-anti squad
He’s very much BTS fanboy (not as much as Wooyoung but that’s hard anyways)
Competitive eater (listen, the maknae said that and we will believe him)
Will never leave Subin do a Vlive in peace ever
Will Never leave Subin live in peace ever either
Clingy boy
Walking noise-machine, he goes “ouh? Oh? Eh?” Like 372892 times a day
So much love for the dimple-prince
♥︎ - HEO CHAN - ♥︎
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♥︎ December 14, 1995 ♥︎ 🦖 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
May I introduce...SUNSHINE OF VICTON ☀️
Mood maker of the group!
Mr Main Dancer and Vocalist also has dimples
And even tho he wanted to be a dance instructor, he somehow ended up becoming an idol
He even trained with TBZ mr leader sir Sangyeon
Mans can drive!!
Like Lee Know, he once was a backup dancer. For A-Pink tho, which is pretty cool
Hes considered the uncle in our lovely family dynamic
Expensive boi be collecting sHOES
And he said he polishes them from time to time and I do think that’s adorable
He’s also allergic to cats (unless it’s Hanse. That’s okay ig)
Cutest sunny boy, will take good care of your heart always☀️💛
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♥︎ November 12, 1997 ♥︎ 🐥 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Welcome to Victon where everyone has a mandatory crush on Byung
Like he doesn’t even have to enter your biasline
You will still have a crush on him because Byungchan
Softest biaswrecker i have ever had 112/10 would recommend
Tall boi. Like really tall and really broad👀
I keep forgetting he’s maknae line tbh
Prettiest Dimples ever.
Very active on his Instagram and we love him for it
Top tier bf material
Hes the softest boy and yet only one who isn’t scared of fucking bugs (victon scaredy cats)
Try not falling too hard for the mister
He knows so many girlfroup dances
He also shows them off quite always
He’s a bit tinie liddol but clumsy sometimes
Gosh I love him
♥︎ - JUNG SUBIN - ♥︎
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♥︎ April 5, 1999 ♥︎ 🐰 ♥︎ 🇰🇷 ♥︎
Vocalist, Rapper, Heart-stealer, Actor...
Like I don’t know if any maknae ever received as many kisses as this one
Gets (rightfully) babied to the Max by every. Single. One. Of. Them.
He’s also a babie. Like yes he’s a grown man and he looks hella intimidating on stage but-
It’s Subin
He’s also the smolest in Victon (uwu)
At the same time, maknae on top, this man gets everything (except his own room lmao) he wants
Sometimes not so baby (ex.1)
Saiubin-bby was supposed to debut with Pentagon but he yeeted last minute (we thank)
The child himself has children too: dog Toto and 2 cats: Mimi and Jaws.
He’s close friends with my favourite, formerly pink-haired elf-twink Yeonjun of TXT
Chairman of Victon.
he has the BEST insta user: subsubey.
Best boi.
-`very valid victon-moments to begin with´-
- because its pride: 🌈
- general victon-feelsies: 🌸
- for bad mood: ☀️
- moments when you want to question their sanity: 🌻 🌼 🌺 🌹
- victon being talented on studio CHOOM
- victon being talented whilst covering kehlanis "Gangsta"
alright that was long. and yes they are exactly as loud and noisy and annoying and time consuming as they seem but they are also best boys who can bring very much happiness into ones life, so they are very much worth it
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baka-writings · 3 years
Dirty request coming through 😈 Who in Victon would like to give oral and why? Like if you think some of them would be more into receiving than giving explain that a little bit too pls. Thanks in advance 🖤
𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆
- Seungwoo, Seungsik
They are sweethearts, they'd prefer your needs over their own. Of course they'd never say no to you If you wanted to go down on them ;) But most of the time they'd just want you to relax while they eat you out ehehe-
Seungsik himself would just live hearing your moans and that would keep him going and never stop giving you what you want.
𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆
- Sejun, lowkey Chan, Subin
Sejun is quite obvious, he'd be enjoying it way too much honestly. He could be so bratty about it and smirk at you while you succ him off💀
As for Chan, well he'd like to give as well, but I put him here, because this way he could use his hips to thrusts himself into your mouth? Like he'd enjoy it slightly a bit more.
Subin is obvious as well. He's a babie so going down on him would be natural ya know, I feel like he might be also a bit nore shy If he was about to eat you out, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't 😈
𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒉
- Hanse, Byungchan
Well Hanse is very obvious tbh. He'd LOVE eating you out and using his tongue on you 👅 just imagine feeling his tongue and lip ring on yourself. Damn. As for recieving he'd LOVE it as well, he'd not even thrust himself in your mouth. Just would let you do your thing. But If you have a tongue or lip piercing..oof he might like it way too much.
Byungchan, well I put him here because he's said to be the least manly member, so he'd WANT to show you this way that he is very manly indeed. Even while eating you out he'd never forget to show off his dimples💀 For recieving it's kinda obvious, since he is a sub he'd enjoy it being domed so succing him off would be the natural thingie for him 💀
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Foreplay with Victon
Victon Masterlist                                                 Group Masterlist
@kpoporacle​:  So, I might have something request worthy... I was looking at a pic of Seungwoo with his abs exposed, and it got me thinking... What would foreplay with Victon be like?
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Lazy makeout sessions, his hands moving up and down your sides gently before taking the next step just to make sure his actions are wanted. Then he’ll slowly allow his hands to travel under your clothes but staying over your underwear, Seungsik likes taking things slow, not teasing but slow. But he’s in no means gentle. Sloppy kisses down your body and over your thighs, leaving little traces and small marks that would most likey be gone the next day. Kisses that slowly lead down to your core. Kissing you through the thin fabric that keeps you from him before pulling them off and kissing the newly revealed skin. 
Very intent on making you feel good as foreplay.
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A lot of cheeky smiles as he let’s his hands move over your body. Traces shapes into your skin as you whine for more touches and wriggle against him. Seungwoo loves to use his hands over your skin, loves the sight of his fingers on your skin and loves the sounds of your frustration as he teases you. It’s only a win-win situation for him. He teases so much, not only with touches but with words. Maybe a slight tint of degradation at how needy you are for him. However he does like it when you suddenly take control and switch the roles, as long as he’s in the mood to let you get away with that, that day. 
He controls the foreplay, unless you catch him by surprise. 
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Soft adorning looks coupled with praise as his fingers tease you. Chan is a good combination of give and take, giving you enough to satisfy you but also taking enough first to tease you. A lot of praise while he marks your body and listens to your sounds. He loves it when you sit on him and roll your hips over his thighs, he loves the praise that spew from your lips when you do it and loves how vulnerable you are in the moment. Watching you throw your head back and leave your neck exposed for him to mark up, your chest being so inviting for his lips too. 
Get’s off on you getting off, but he likes to tease you every now and then. 
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Fingers threading through your hair to pull your head back, giving him more access the leave hot open mouth kisses over your neck and collar bones, Sejun wants them covered. He wants to whisper dirty things in your ears as you get off on his thighs, his fingers moving over your core teasingly only to move back up to your chest. He doesn’t give in to your whimpers easily and he wants you to work for release, even if it is just foreplay. However he does have his sweeter moments, where he has a moment of weakness at your expression. Loving the way you sound and the way you look to him so much he gives in and gives you everything you want.
Hard with just a dash of soft foreplay. 
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Foreplay with Hanse is filled with body worship and dirty words. Giving and receiving them. He loves feeling your tongue tracing over his tattoos and hearing the soft praises over how pretty he is. Hanse likes doing the same for you, tracing his tongue over your skin. You just get absolutely obsessed with the feeling of his cold peiercing tracing over your skin, travelling lower and lower. But that’s only after he let’s you know just how fucking gorgeous you are. He always says the sweetest things in the lewdest of ways. 
A sweetheart with a potty mouth type of foreplay. 
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Byungchan is a total sweetheart. He asks you what you want and delivers. Gives you so much and doesn’t really tease, physically. With his words he comments on your neediness, finding it endearing, cute even. Loves it when you praise him, but he won’t admit that but you’ll know when you see his ears turn pink. Get’s shy at your words as you get down in between his legs, but radiates confidence when he gets inbetween yours. Soft compliments as you make eachother feel good. 
Shy when the attention is on him, but confident when the attention is on you. 
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Soft kisses that progress into more. His hands carefully moving from your cheeks down your body, only resting over your chest lightly before moving down again to tug on your hips and pull you closer. Doesn’t speak much but let’s his actions speak for themself. Looks at you alot to make sure everything’s okay, eye contact is his way of communicating. Once he gets more into it, the shy smiles turn confident and so do his touches. Getting cheekier and teasing more and more. 
Unsure... at first but gain confidence quickly. 
A/N: Hi this sucks and I’m sorry
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villainsblog97 · 3 years
Victon as your Boyfriend
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(Hello my sunshines! It's currently 11:30 PM and I'm laying in bed thinking about the types of boyfriends our precious 7 boys would be, so of course I've gotta write about it!!!)
Scenario: Pure, fluff and sprinkles! 🥰
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Our brave and fearless leader!
He's the mom of 6 boys! (Seungwoo included)
You're no exception!
Seungsik is always taking care of you
The full mom experience too
We're talking cooking with a pink flowery apron
Always telling you to be careful
He loves movie nights (idk why 🤷‍♀️)
He loves having a blanket over the two of you
You curled up in either his arms or on his lap
You are his baby (along with Subin)
I feel like he would tell you when your outfit is too short or revealing
"Don't you think that outfit is a bit.... short Jagiya?
Other times
"You're not going out like that!" 🤨
He doesn't like arguments
But he doesn't want people touching what belongs to him either
Would definitely be you DD or pick you up when you've been partying with your friends.
Lays you in bed
Sets a tray down with a cup of water and Tylenol next to the bed.
Hangover soup the next morning!
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Seungwoo is that all around perfect boyfriend!
He's always hyping you up.
New outfit?
Cooked something?
He's always complimenting you
Even when you're in sweats, his hoodie and a messy bun.
Boys got hearts in his eyes
Speaking of hoodie...
He loves to see you swim in it!
Because he's so tall
He absolutely hates when you guys fight
He sometimes snaps under stress
Right after, he's pulling you into his arms and holding you
You're his rock
You keep him sane
But every now and then, you just let him break
He loves laying on your stomach or chest as you run your fingers in his hair
Vice versa 💯
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Chan is a switch
Not the way you're thinking either 🙃
I mean he can be either really sweet and goofy
Or very serious and stern
Mostly its sweet and goofy
He loves seeing you smile
You are his pride and joy
But if you piss him off
He's gonna let you know
Like the others, he hates fighting with you
But what couple doesn't
You two usually need a couple hours away from each other
But after you both cooled off you Apologize
I get the feeling he loves back hugs (both giving and receiving)
He loves holding you in his arms
Anytime of the day
In the kitchen, outside, in bed after a long day
You'd be lying if you deny you love it too
I'm just gonna say it
This man loves 10000000X more when he's drunk
He already loves you to the moon and back
But he gets really touchy and clingy when he's drunk
"Baby... I love you so much"
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My boy! My dork! My favorite!
Y'all already know where this is going
Sejun is an absolute crackhead
So obviously you're gonna have one crackhead of a boyfriend
You literally can't take him ANYWHERE
You love being silly with him too
But sometimes
You feel like you're babysitting more than dating him
He doesn't know your real name anymore
Hes got so many pet names for you
Baby, princess, sweetheart, my love, cupcake, (tried to call you mochi then got really hungry)
Always taking you to restaurants
Because he loves food! (Sometimes you think more than you)
But then he would give that 😮 face and tell you no
He's also a big tease
Never fails to make you blush or get flustered
You're always using his full name to scold him
You two don't fight a lot, but if you do
Its probably because you ate his food
If it's something serious, he wants to work it out IMMEDIATELY
He's always gotta hold you in his sleep
You comfort him
Don't forget the voice that was given to him by God himself!
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Do Hanse is a whole package deal!
He's the E-Boy you didn't know you needed
He's the dork you didn't know you needed
He's the romantic you didn't know you needed
This man L-O-V-E-S you! 💕
Everything you do puts a smile on his face
He's a Slytherin (you know what that means)
Harry Potter marathons
IN COSTUME! (Wands, robes, plushies, butterbeer, the whole thing)
Fights with him rarely happen
Because he's a pretty understanding guy
They do happen though
You always hug him and apologize for your behavior, or vice versa.
(Gonna get a little PG-13)
Hanse can never kiss you without getting into a heated make out session
It always ends with the bedroom door getting locked (I'll leave the rest to your imagination)
He loves taking pictures of you
And loves being your model (who wouldn't wanna snap some pics of this beautiful human being)
You're a sucker for his tattoos and piercings (don't deny it!)
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Byungchan is no doubt the sweetest boyfriend ever!
He loves everything you do
He points it out all the time
He loves being next to you
Rather its watching a movie
Or just chilling in bed
Byungchan would be hella clingy
But not the annoying clingy
Just when he's touch starved of you
He loves cuddles
He'll pull you into his chest and hold you
He loves playing with your hair
And singing you to sleep
He'll stay beside you until you fall asleep or He'll fall asleep beside you
If you guys have a fight
It doesn't last long
Because he has things he needs to tell you
"Jagiya... can we just forget our fight and go get some Boba???"
You'd laugh and nod before running into his arms
He loves forehead kisses too
He feels like they'll protect you
He whines a lot when wanting your attention
Of course you can't resist him 😂
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I feel like because Subin is the baby
He's a little more shy
Like the first couple of dates, he'd ask to hold your hand
He'd also ask you everytime if he could kiss you
He never wants to overstep his boundaries
He's kind of slow with everything
Like putting an arm around you when you're watching a movie
He likes to test the waters
Fights absolutely kill him
He always shows up in front of you
Puffy cheeks and red eyes
This sight hurts you and you just fall into his arms
He does get these little bursts of confidence and just goes in for a kiss every now and then.
Leaves you speechless, and he'll just stare at you until you ask for more.
His hyungs are always teasing you.
"Yah! You can't have him he's our baby!!"
You're the baby now too 🤭
He just loves you so much (you're his first love)
He doesn't want to mess anything up, and neither do you
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daybreakx · 4 years
Another request! Pet name(s) that the Victon members would call their S/O by (ex. baby, love, kitten, etc.)
Omg I’m so sorry this took me so long!! But thank you so much for sending in a request❤️
Okay here we go with pet names!
↳I’m sure this man would call his s/o baby girl/boy idk, it just seems that way to me because he can give it different context, from trying to be loving and adorable to being a whole tease. 
↳ I think Seungsik would call his s/o mostly by their name but in some ocassions he’d use “dear” or “darling”, he seems very sweet to me and that would be a very cute name!
↳ Chan would probably use ‘baby’ or ‘babe’. It also depends on the context but I think it would be more usual for him to go ‘baby’ all the time, specially if he wants to whine about something.
↳ another member of the ‘baby girl/boy’ club. Listen, this demon will mostly do it to tease you and make fun of your reaction to basically anything. But when he’s being a nice boyfriend will call you ‘love’.
↳ soft boy uwu. I think Byungchan would use ‘love’ or ‘prince/princess’, I think he’s cheesy af honestly, so the latter would be common for him to use, and he would actually treat you like royalty.
↳ I think Hanse would use ‘Honey’ a lot or ‘my love’, which, if you ask me, is adorable. He’d tend to call you that in front of others without problems, smiling sweetly at you.
↳ Subin would also be one to call you by name most of the time, but from time to time he’d call you ‘sweetheart’ or ‘love’, being a bit awkward at first but eventually getting used to it because you like it.
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fairychannie · 4 years
Victon’s reaction to their s/o poking their dimple/cheek
Smiles at your touch so your finger sinks into his dimple (this is true for all members).
“You’re cute,” you say to which he says that you are cuter and a fight erupts about who’s cuter.
You are the cutest and to stop you from arguing, he uses your closeness to grab your hand and kiss your nose.
And then kiss you all over your face because in his eyes, you’re the cutest person in the world.
Looks at you in confusion at first but then smiles automatically.
Laughs and looks at you with so much love in his eyes because you’re so cute.
Lets you poke his cheeks because he’s a sweetheart and just wants you to be happy and smiley.
He also really enjoys your attention, affection and light touches.
Gives you an exasperated look when he feels your finger touch his cheek.
Tries to hold back a smile and look annoyed because “please, don’t much me...” but also he doesn’t brush your hand away because “please, keep doing it!!!”
“But I just wanted to make you smile.”
He melts on the spot and stares as you like the brightest, most precious light of his life.
Immediately breaks into a smile.
“Two can play this game,” he says and pulls you into his lap, making you squeal.
Starts poking your cheeks and kissing you playfully.
May or may not ends with the two of you making out.
Pretty flustered because you caught him off-guard.
Just laughs at you because he’s not really sure how he is supposed to react.
The conclusion here is that you’re precious and he loves you.
So he reaches out and pinches your cheeks before squishing them.
Lets out a surprised “Oh?” before smiles and laughs at you.
He’s probably the person you should go to if you want to poke someone’s dimple because he loves it!
But also he pokes you back. Not necessarily on your cheeks.
It will 100% end up in a full-blown tickle fight.
Very offended that you would just poke his cheek.
But also he blushes and stutters when trying to fight back.
He scoffs when you point out the way his cheeks turned red under the touch of your finger.
In the end, you kiss him all over his face until he starts giggling.
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scintillasofbeomgyu · 3 years
I'm quite a bit late but I've read the last chap of ' A star called you ' and honestly I'm in awe . First of all! Can I just say that I can't believe it ended already! It feels like yesterday where I just found out this smau ; waiting for chap 6 to come out! 🥲
Back to the last chap; it's so wholesome- like when gyu came down frm the stage and when- and when he took y/ns hand into his and intertwined their fingers!! PLS 😭 it ws so sweet like omg . I even cried with them sjdjej
Also even tho i hate subin, after all the sht he did. I gotta admit the part where he says to y/n gdluck, sweetheart ' it ws cute doe but tragic for him sjsj as ' he deserves '🙄😤
Ahhh the part when gyu finally says what he needed to say and then the kiss- 😭💞 ISTG I FELT A PANG OF UWUNESS IN MY HEART 💘I loved the ending part where y/n exposes gyu 😂 ending it by gyu chasing them in the rain 🥺
Before I didn't knew that 'smaus' were a thing 🤡 till I came across the tagg and saw your smau! I actually was having a bad day and coming across ur smau at that night felt like 'destiny' 🤩😂💞 So this was the first smau I've ever read! ❤
Lastly, Tysm for taking your time into writing this! Even during your exams * praying that your exams went well! *🥺 Your writing is really good! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise! 😾🦯 Ty for the laughs and happy tears :') I'll look forward to more of your works in the future! 💞 Please do take care of yourself and stay safe aisha! 💖
NO BECAUSE 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️❤️ thank you so much 😭😭😭😭 you're an absolute gem !! tysm for reading this smau and i'm so happy you like it 🥺🥺😭 i'm so absolutely elated knowing i made you guys smile 😭❤️ AND THE TAGS 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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prettygirlcore · 4 years
do you have any favorite blogs or anything??
@rosiethefairy the love of my life??? i love her so much like she’s such a sweetie pie and idk i just wanna meet up with her and give her the biggest, warmest hug ever. 10/10 my actual angel.
@ace-yeollie lol her post reminded me this was in my inbox, but i love her. she’s such a good writer and like she said we thirst over victon and ateez together lol it’s always a good time with her.
@yunwoo she’s a sWEETHEART i love her. she offered to beta read beauty like milk after i asked for some advice on it and she’s a really big help :] she’s honestly like such a kind person i want to wrap her up in a bunch of blankets like a burrito.
@atinylandtostay my homie. my angel. 10/10 she writes the good shit. look i’m not a dude but i can filter out some parts and enjoy the subby content. i will not apologize for being horny lol plus she called me cute :,)
@gucieguciekook my first ever tumblr friend lol i was really really shy on tumblr up until recently and talking to her really made my day :,) plus the way she used to do the ‘take to yandere!kpop group’ was i c o n i c can you tell how much i love her?
ahh these next few won’t be moots but just blogs i really like!
@ratchetmonstax we stan a queen i was the one who requested what became ‘work bully’ that she wrote and let me tell you it’s the g o o d s h i t. she’s just my icon i aspire to be like her.
@monstaxnight their writing is iconic like we stan and their writing style is just so beautiful and poetic i wanna scream sometimes.
@vanillavision i requested the really soft subin one and let me tell you i wanted to cry he’s so precious. i love their writing and i wish them all the best muah.
@drippinlovetalk hi i love her so much. subby nct be where it’s at that’s just how it be i don’t make the rules 😔✊
@eternallybri just really like their writing??? like they’re so talented and amazing and iconic and i’m just over here :,) edit: did you delete all ur works?? i’m big confused
alright that’s all for now! i’m so sorry if i missed someone i really didn’t mean to!! take care everyone and i love you all!!
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ateezgf · 3 years
anon: you are a person full of love, a sweetheart and an amazing cc 💕
GABI !!! are we about to kiss right now??? i think we are 😳💓... i'll tell subin & san to close their eyes
make an anonymous assumption abt me & i'll either confirm/deny!
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