#sucks to be them
p-redux · 7 months
The haters already have their knives out and are salivating like starving wolves, they want TCND to really really suck and Sam to be particularly bad. They are such a sorry twisted coven of witches. I hope the show rocks and Sam is great.
What they don't get is IT DOESN'T MATTER. Sam Roland Heughan was born under a lucky star, and his Samshine has not dimmed in all these YEARS, no matter what has happened.
Sam has an established fan base due to Outlander and they're not going anywhere, family and long term friends who love him, his pick of women to date, he's healthy, looks amazing, has all his charities that are thriving, and his liquor business that's taking off. He's been smart enough to branch out and diversify. So, any failures in any of his endeavors will just be a blip on the radar. He's got too many things going for him. He's set.
So, whether The Couple Next Door does well or not is irrelevant...Samshine always comes out shining. He just does. 🤷‍♀️
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that-one-enby-ranger · 3 months
Crowley: How has life been treating you lately?  Halt: Horribly.
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assumptionprime · 1 year
when someone asks what I want for christmas or my birthday, it tells me they haven't been listening to my optional dialogues
hell, maybe they entirely missed me standing by one of the save points in the later zones
it's like they don't even want to advance my questline
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yelenabemylova · 4 months
the kids of today will never have the experience of making "potions" by putting dirt and stuff into puddles because they're too focused on stanleys and sephora
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(Backtracking to day 13, general warnings for like injury, infection, horrific care of it, cannibalism, me having not watched the relevant source material so I'm coming at this from a 'QSMP backstory' not a 'FI slight AU' angle (I'm told in FI canon Pac doesn't loose his leg, which is what I mean by slight AU). But if that's all good with you, enjoy! ... And, poor Mike.)
Human mouths are, it turns out, filthy. Despite their best efforts it takes a day for infection to become apparent, and another two because Pac is near entirely lost to fever and delirium.
It took another five hours before Mike accepts that they need, if not help, then at least more equipment than he has to hand, two thirds of the way home from jail.
They can't go to a hospital. Hospitals will ask questions like "why are there human teeth marks" and "why didn't you call an ambulance" and "why do you look like and have the names of the wanted criminals escaped from a max security prison all over the news". Which leaves... Well, it leaves them here.
Pac, delirious and barely conscious, lying on the kitchen table of a back alley doctor. Mike, with a bone saw and a needle, because fresh out of prison all they can afford is to borrow somewhere mostly clean and some tools, not actual expertise.
It's fine, it's fine, Mike's done this before.
Sort of.
Not really.
... To a corpse.
(He had to learn anatomy /somehow/.)
The quack, in his generosity, or perhaps not wanting to deal with a corpse, did leave them already measured anesthetic, antibiotics, and gave Mike a run down of what he needed to do. His sister and assistant is a little more gracious, or maybe a little sweet on them, or maybe a little too into the gore, because she is willing to provide an extra pair of hands and a little expertise to keep the surgery going smoothly.
She asks him if he's ready. Mike swallows, and nods, and holds Pac's hand as they put him to sleep.
Hours later, Pac is still out. The quack and his sister took everything the two owned and, once the bleeding was definitely stopped and Pac full of antibiotics, tossed both of them to the street.
Mike found them shelter under some old awnings, and keeps them safe for the night. He curled Pac into his lap, keeping the bandages from the filthy floor, and his friend's head against his chest. He can only pray the infection had not spread into Pac's blood, and that no new one sees fit to set in.
Their base of operations is, thankfully, uncomprimised, or at least it was last Mike knew. If they can get to the river, and then a boat upstream... It's a fair distance, but Mike can row that far. If it means saving Pac, he will.
Not tonight, though, not right now; all around them thunder roars, and rain splashes up and off the ground.
They can't wait as long as morning, though - Pac needs a bed, somewhere warm, and Mike only stole enough bandages to last until tomorrow.
In his arms Pac stirs, and Mike hushes him back to sleep as best he can. He manages it, but Pac is crying in his sleep.
Painkillers, right, the quack didn't sell them painkillers. Not Mike's forte - Pac's always been better with the chemistry set - but they have some back home.
What else back home... Their tools, their gadgets, their machinery - it will be months before Pac can use it, if he even survives, but Mike is already thinking through thoughts of prosthetics and wheelchairs and any changes that need made. They can't get hospital ones for much the same reason Mike /had to cut off his own friend's leg/, but maybe that's better, a custom one, suited to their adventures and exploits. Maybe Pac loosing the leg is better, when the bite had already taken too much for the muscles to ever recover.
(What is he thinking? Of course Pac will survive, Pac has to survive, and of course this isn't better, huddled under an awning in a thunderstorm and just trying to last the night.)
In thoughts of numbers and schematics and artificial limbs Mike drifts, never quiet sleeping, always there.
Pac wakes thrice on their way upriver, passing out from the pain each time. The third time Mike, exhausted, fails to notice quickly enough - instead of giving his friend water he's met with screaming and thrashing, and ripped stitches. For a few terrifying moments the blood starts cascading once again, until Mike can swallow down the fear and pin the flesh together again.
He won't be able to a third time. There's no good places to shove the needle left.
Somehow, they make it. Mike drags Pac onto the shore, and cuts the stolen boat loose. Then he picks him up, over the shoulders because any other way leaves them both unsteady, and gets him inside.
Bed first, then painkillers - at least he remembers how to work an IV. Mike barely even thinks as he forces painkillers, antibiotics, fluids into Pac's veins, frowning at how cold he feels.
Once he's sure he will be okay left alone for a moment, Mike runs to turn the heating on. It has always been a bit finicky, and time away has only made it worse.
Eventually he gets it going, abandons the basement to the heater and drags himself back upstairs.
Maybe, maybe, he can lock up and pass out on the couch for twenty minutes... Surely if he managed the night and the boat trip Pac will last twenty minutes?
The scream implies no.
Adrenaline gives Mike the strength to get back to Pac, brandishing the wrench he had still been holding like an actual weapon. What he finds is no intruder, but Pac awake, but distant, feverish and screaming and panicking.
Mike drops the wrench, and grabs his hands instead.
"Pac!" he almost yells, as though saying anything will help. "Calm down!"
Something of Pac must be less delirious than Mike thought, as the tears stutter for a moment. When they come back quieter Pac all but flings himself at Mike, mumbling his name again, and again, and again.
Mike pulls Pac closer, holding him tight for as long as he dares.
When he pulls away Pac whines, the noise growing more distressed as Mike settles him back onto the pillow.
"I need to get your bandages," Mike as good as scolds him. "It's going to get even worse if I don't."
"Mike," Pac manages to whine. "Mike... It hurts."
"Well you did get eaten," Mike snaps back. He tries not to, he really does, but its been so long since he slept...
From Pac's panicked glances around the room, it was entirely the wrong thing to say.
"He's not here," Mike says. "We left him. Bandages."
He doesn't stop talking there, though, instead he talks Pac through what he's doing - half to comfort, half to remind himself what he's doing. Take off the bandages, clean the wound, apply dressings, ignore the confused giggling from Pac, rewrap the severed leg, tuck the blankets back up and around, try to leave and have his sleeve caught instead.
It's fine.
Mike didn't really want to leave anyway.
"Fine," with a sigh he doesn't quite mean he climbs up on the bed, taking Pac's less injured side. It's against medical advice, but they only have the one and, well, what of the last few days /hasn't/ been against medical advice?
Pac shoves his face into Mike's neck, and Mike catches him.
Sweaty, feverish, still very, very sick...
Mike knows there is more he should do before he rests, but it's been so long since he slept...
He'll work it out when he wakes up. This close, if anything goes wrong, he hopes he'll wake up to it too.
"Goodnight Pac," he manages.
He chooses to believe that the mumbled response is 'goodnight Mike' in response, and he chooses to believe that they will get through this, too.
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soggywarmpockets · 26 days
For my final in Environmental Storytelling I will be submitting this piece titled "Why the Gas Station Should Have Closed for these Renovations."
Please enjoy.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Oh look, someone fudged the numbers and tried to create drama. If anyone bothered to check actual sources, they'd see that Walker still hit a .04 in the demo (for a repeat right before a major holiday.) Remember kids, don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Even if you look at the showbuzz numbers (which is what they claim is the source in that tweet), even that shows it wasn't 0.00 it was 0.04 in the 18-49 which is what most look at. The person who made that tweet looked specifically at the 18-34 demo just to make it look worse (when that is not even the primary demo used). I only realized they did that because I had figured they had rounded down with the Walker numbers (.04 down to .00 which is still not accurate, but at least mathematically more understandable) but then the Indy ones didn't line up either (they had a .05 not a .03) so I checked and realized they tailored what demo they reported to manipulate the numbers. I mean, especially when you look at the showbuzz chart its very clear that they use 10-49 specifically, not 18-34 because the chart itself breaks down the important 18-49 demo into groups to see the demographics better, they don't do that with the 18-34 because that isn't the demo people use when talking about shows and ratings.
All this for a repeat. These people are so determined to find something to hate that they throw facts and logic out the window and fail to realize they come off looking like idiots when they are so easily proven wrong.
And if GK or TW fans really want to compare... I could point out that TW finale 18-49 demo was .05 (for a new episode), and GK's new episode last week came in at .06 (their previous repeat was only .03). Regardless, none of them are great demos compared to the major networks and they're all so close that a 10th of a percent difference in demo isn't going to be a deciding factor (as we already saw with Walker being renewed and TW being canceled).
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
so that jvke guy posted on twitter that there's still another surprise coming. seeing he posted a gif with jikook in it and we already got a jimin collab announced, the other collab must be jungkook (or by some miracle, jikook, lmaoo) i wonder how jjks are gonna act after dragging the man through hell yesterday. 💀 it must be so embarrassing being them omg. and tkkrs will mad as hell because they anticipated tkk collabing with him but got jikook instead
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heathenkweer · 1 year
heaven ain’t close in a place like this || chapters 3 & 4
Fandom: Resident Evil 4 (Remake) Character(s)/Relationship(s): Luis Serra/Original Female Character, Luis Serra, Leon S. Kennedy, Ashley Graham, others from the game Additional tags: Friends to Idiots to Lovers, i acknowledge that the canon exists but it can get fucked, no betas we die like luis, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Multiple CONTENT WARNING(S): Gore, body horror Summary: Two lost children return home. It all goes to hell from there.
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qu-artz · 2 years
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When the guy you shouldnt have trusted betrays you and now you turn into a bird monster :/
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characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that
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citricacidprince · 2 months
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Was forced to get a new phone today
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slyandthefamilybook · 14 days
why do you guys talk like you think not voting means no one gets elected
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roninkairi · 1 year
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You can only reblog this today.*
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visualnovelboyfriend · 7 months
why should palestinians have to leave behind their land because israel wont stop killing them. why should anyone have to leave behind their life and memories and sentimental value just because an aggressor is left unchallenged. please think this sentiment through and delete it from your thoughts. instead of blaming an oppressed people for living in a hostile land, ask who is making that land hostile to live in.
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sunnibits · 4 months
just out of curiosity bc some people I know with glasses can just go a few hours or a day without them and be chill but I need them on all the time or I’ll go crazy
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