#suddenly hit by the. not that i'm annoying?? but that i blog too much
loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
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agnesafterhours · 10 months
[02:22 am] [smut]
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“i feel pathetic.” he grumbles under his breath, bobba eyes following your finger’s path down his chest through his open hoodie—the sides of his lovely kuromi outfit currently being zipped together by a centimeter or two of the tailpiece in front of the cropped fabric.
you lean down towards his face until you feel the ghost of his minty breath against your lips, his hands slighty shaky where he holds your hips on his lap.
“good.” your smirk gives him goosebumps, “isn’t that what you call me when i’m whining about how much i need you? pathetic?" you watch as he swallows, pretty blown pupils rapidly switching from staring at you lips and back at your eyes again. “and isn’t that just what you’re doing, bunny?”
“i’m not whining about anything,” his voice comes out in a whisper, hands slowly stroking your sides as you gently kiss along his neck, “i’m just saying how i feel. isn't that what you want me to do, anyway?”
he refers to all the times you asked him to voice his needs for you, know-it-all grin plastered on his pretty face. it was astonishing how annoying he managed to be even when he's under you. minho never gives up control, not really. not for long.
and even though you're very much aware of his nature, it still hits you like a truck every time he suddenty starts to run his mouth.
“so tired, aren't you, pretty? can't even ride me right.” sweat dribbles down your naked chest, hips swaying faster with each word that leaves his lips. “wanted to be on top so bad.” a moan slips his open mouth. “you can't take it”
“i can take it. i can.” you try to refrain your eyes from rolling to the back of your head, you can't seem to be enjoying this more than he is. you won't give him the satisfaction. “you just look so pretty in this, i-”
he chuckles, a sudden spank to your ass leaving you breathless. “thank you, baby. you look so pretty when you're fucked stupid. don't you wanna look pretty for me?”
you fall forward, both hands caging his head under you. “i do! wanna be pretty for you, minho.”
he tilts his hips in an attempt to switch positions, but your method of keeping him under you by forcing your knees on the bed backfires— his cock hitting a spot so deep you can't hold back the cry that leaves your swollen lips.
“no! i can- make you come- make us come.” you're breathing heavily above him, hips swaying frantically as you fight your way through each word.
“i'm too deep inside you, pretty. it's too much.” his hoodie’s ears sit unassuming beside his red face—the stark contrast between the outfit and his red toned chest glistening under it making you grunt each time you opened your eyes.
“it's not- fuck! shut up, minho.” you feel your throat becoming sore with each loud moan.
“i know you don't want me to.” you suddenly feel his harsh hold on your ass, groping the skin as he forced you up his cock. he grunts when he feels you scratching him, hand easily sneaking in the zipper above his shoulder.
“now be good and bounce for me, baby. come on.”
© all rights reserved. i do not allow reposting and/or translations of my work. minors and empty blogs do not interact.
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justporo · 8 months
Hi! Could I please get some headcanons or a drabble of Astarion x anemic!Tav and how things may differ when it comes to him feeding on them, how he'd take care of them if they needed it, etc? Would love to see what you come up with. Thank you for your time! 💜
Hello and thank you very much, Anon! Since I'm actually hit with the Bloodless debuff today myself... What else could I have written?
This is a very sweet idea to write something - which I took and then made it sarcastic... I hope you like it.
Also - idk why, but for this I pictured Tav as velnna's Staeve - you probably know who I'm talking about and if you don't you should very quickly go over there and find out, because I love Steven and you should really give this incredible incredible artist who has contributed so much to this fandom a lot of love. All the love. (I didn't wanna tag them because I didn't know if it was okay and didn't want to annoy them but go check out their blog!!)
Pairing: Astarion / Tav (You) Wordcount: 1,6k
The sun was burning in the sky. You felt sweat almost drip from your skin. Every step seemed to be harder than the last one. Your heart was fluttering although your pulse seemed flat. Damn this Mountain Pass.
You and the rest of the party had been hiking through the mountains for days. It was exhausting for everyone, but especially for you it seemed. Surely, the fact that you had offered Astarion your blood almost every other night (and that he was always very keen and graciously grateful to take it) had quite obviously to do with how much your stamina had dwindled.
But you knew offering up your blood was very much helpful. Not only to the vampire, but the party as a whole: Astarion had basically become a menace on the battlefield since he’d been able to feed properly. Also, you were stubborn – a bit of missing blood wouldn’t knock you out. Or would it?
You tripped on a loose stone and almost face-planted on the ground. Only in the last moment were you able to catch yourself and dampen the fall with your arms. You quickly got up again and hoped no one had noticed since you’d dropped to being the last in the group today.
But trying to raise yourself so quickly had been a mistake and you suddenly felt overly woozy, your vision blurring and you were immediately back on one knee.
And of course, it hadn’t gone unnoticed: Astarion had been in front of you and had seemingly been alarmed by the noise of your fall – twice.
“What is it, Tav, got too distracted looking at my back, hm?”, he taunted and came over to where you were doubled over – leaning on your arms too now because you felt so dizzy all of a sudden that you felt you had need of all of your four limbs on the ground to support you.
When the vampire realised you weren’t getting up and also didn’t respond to his quip in your usual witty manner, he quickly gave the others a shout to let them know not to go too far ahead. Then he came over to you. You were desperately trying to not pass out when you saw the hands of the pale elf through your blurred vision reaching for you.
“You do hear me, yes?”, Astarion whispered to you. You could only nod curtly. His hands hesitantly touched your shoulders.
“Alright, can you get up? There’s a big stone over there where you could sit down.” You shook your head which made you even dizzier.
“Oh hm”, Astarion seemed a little helpless on how to proceed with you. You felt him turn away.
“Don’t tell the others!”, you exclaimed breathlessly. The vampire whipped around: “But… why?” “Just don’t please”, you whispered and carefully looked up at his face. Was that… actual worry?
“Please just… Help me sit on this rock, let me have some water… and rest and we’ll keep going in a few minutes”, you pleaded with him. Astarion didn’t look completely convinced but sighed in defeat after a few of your racing heartbeats.
“Alright – could you please not die for a moment while I go and talk to the others?”, he said in a sassy tone that couldn’t completely gloss over the worry in his voice.
You let your head fall down again and simply nodded. Astarion went off towards the rest of your companions.
Ever so slowly you felt a little bit better. Cautiously you knelt back onto your feet – at least not on all fours anymore! Shortly after you tried to carefully get up and move over to the rock Astarion had mentioned.
That was when the vampire returned. “Oh no no, you stay right where you are, you poor helpless creature that would have perished already had it not been for me.” He ran the last few feet over and grabbed one of your arms to slowly put it around his neck and help you get up and walk over to sit on the boulder. You wanted to say something witty at his taunt, but your mind was too blank.
“Also, we are actually taking a break – all of us, so don’t even try to keep on walking”, he scolded you as he placed you down.
“What did you tell the others?”, you asked simply as you placed your forearms on your thighs and just sat leaning forward like that for a little. “Tss, does it matter now? Something like I broke a nail of mine and needed a moment to mourn it or whatever”, Astarion replied annoyedly.
“Can’t believe they actually stopped for that”, you said slowly and chuckled with your head between your knees and threw up a look at your vampiric companion. “Yeah well, seems they care a lot about my wellbeing. And I take it they would about yours, too”, he gave back – again very sassily. You just chuckled but didn’t reply. You saw that he relaxed a little.
“Ah here. You should probably drink and eat a little”, the vampire said after a while of the two of you just sitting there. He offered you a water bottle and some berries from a pouch – both of which weren’t his for obvious reasons.
You narrowed your eyes at him: “Where did you get those?” “By the Gods, you are so reluctant to help, I should’ve left you in the dirt.” Astarion rolled his eyes at you. “The druid gave it to me – you’re not as inconspicuous as you might believe, oh mighty leader of our adventure troupe.” You had a desire to punch this cheeky elf but you knew you were in no condition to act on something like this, so you sighed and first took the water and then started to munch on some berries from the offered pouch.
Silence spread once more between the two of you. Before Astarion broke it again: “Listen, Tav, darling, I know this must be because you’re letting me drink your blood so often.” You immediately wanted to start protesting but the vampire hushed you, brows furrowed.
“No, for once, you’ll let me do the talking. Don’t think I’m blind – your form has been declining for quite some time now. We can’t go on like this. I mean, Halsin has also noticed already.” You stayed silent and kept popping berries in your mouth and silently thanked the druid for his kind gesture – even if you didn’t want the others to know of this weakness. You slowly started to feel better.
“As much as I enjoy our little late night… sessions. We should probably take a break – at least concerning these particular ones. And maybe later, keep longer breaks in between if you insist to keep throwing yourself at me to drink your blood”, Astarion continued and sighed theatrically.
He tried so hard to be sarcastic about the whole thing, but you noticed that he was actually worried, judging by the guilty glint in his red eyes. And maybe it was that the blood loss was affecting your brain too much but you stared at him and just dryly said: “You know, you could just admit that you care about me, Astarion.”
The vampire huffed in surprise, then he sneered with a click of his tongue: “Bah, of course I do, you seem to be the only one to get this group of clowns to work together after all. It’s not like I care for you much as a person. As a blood bag maybe, but other than that…”
You pursed your lips and let him ramble, digging his own verbal grave by trying to talk himself out of it.
You didn’t even reply afterwards, just let him steep in the own awkwardness he created.
You kept looking at him – even offered him a berry, he scrunched his nose at – then shrugged and ate it yourself.
You slowly opened your water bottle…
“Okay, maybe a little. Tiny bit. Because you’re the only one in the group who seems to have a real sense of humour – at least when you’re not lying in the dirt being a dried out husk”, Astarion exclaimed.
You grinned at him wolfishly and shook the last of the berries from the small bag into your mouth ignoring his insult. “Now, wasn’t even that hard, was it? I really like you to, Astarion”, you said and then slowly stood up – careful not to immediately make a fool of yourself again.
“I liked you better when you were staring at the dirt up close”, the vampire replied and jumped up while crossing his arms over his chest, then sauntered away.
“Sure, if that’s what you need to tell yourself”, you kept teasing and slowly went after the brooding vampire.
You met up with the rest of the camp then went on your way for the rest of the day. The others were already so used to the two of you missing from the camp at the same time (mostly during nighttime, of course) that they didn’t even look up when the two of you came back.
Later when you all had settled down for the night you saw that Astarion went over to Halsin and talked to him softly. They both threw you looks in between which made you uncomfortable because you certainly could imagine what the topic was. Before Astarion had also made sure you’d gotten the first serving of tonight’s dinner (and also seconds).
Even later when the others were already at rest the vampire confessed, he’d been asking the druid about how he could go about drinking your blood without putting too much of a strain on you. Again, you noticed that he seemed not only concerned about his blood rations when he explained that to you.
The next days you also noticed that Astarion had started carrying some water and the bag from Halsin containing the berries.
And you thought to yourself that – for a blood bag – Astarion seemed to put an awful lot of thought and action into making sure you were okay.
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bygiornogiovanna · 11 months
Hello there! Apologies if I sound rude! But may I request a scenario where Giorno and Josuke are hit by a Stand and act different?
Giorno acts hyper, bubbly and adorable while Josuke acts super shy, timid and cute? And Reader has to deal with all the cuteness?
Flip The Switch (Giorno Giovanna/Josuke Higashikata x GN! Reader)
anon, u are offically my ˢᵐᵒˡ bean. in your further requests *if there will be more, please sign yourself like that.
the images below represent both me when I read your request and saw how POLITE (and adorable) you were and y/n seeing josuke/giorno ily so much
also excuse that my requests are taking so long. i'm just lazy.
to anyone who requested something, I see your requests!!! and i am working on them, they will come...eventually haha
also, happy one year anniversary to this blog!
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"You don't stand a chance against my stand, Y/N L/N!" bluffed the villain under the boss's command, Akari Massimo. He was a tall, light-skinned man, probably in his twenties. If you looked past his evilness, you would see a handsome young man, with golden eyes and a beautiful, healthy white hair, whose smile was nothing but sweet and charming. However...His power of turning one into its opposite wasn't that sweet and charming. His Stand, Flip The Switch, could turn you from woman to man, from sweet to mean, but worst of all...from powerful to weak. Of course, your lover could easily defeat him. The problem was...your lover wasn't there.
You were honestly scared. You weren't weak, but you weren't strong either, so you didn't know what his stand would do to you. You had to buy some time until him or his friends arrived. You couldn't risk it.
"Do you really think all that cheap talk will scare me? Oh please, I've encountered people way scarier than you!" you let yourself do what you knew the best: annoy people. He seemed one that loved his pride, and he wouldn't stand the fact that someone like you would dare insulting him like that.
"I suggest you keep your mouth shut if you want to live! You have no idea what my stand, Flip The Switch, is capable of!" Massimo said and you huffed.
"What is it going to do? Turn me into a cat? Please, it sounds pathetic." you saw his left eye twitch and a satisfied smile crossed your face. "Actually, I wonder, if you use it on yourself, would it turn you into a clown or into the whole circus?" you gave him your sweetest, most fake smile.
You saw his stand appearing behind him and launching an attack towards you. You managed to avoid it, striking back, managing to scartch his face. "You fucking bitch, you scratched my handsome face! You'll pay for this!" he said and you swore you could see fume raising from his ears.
"Oh my..." you said, and before you knew it, another attack was right about to hit you, but...
☆Giorno Giovanna☆
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"Not on my watch." You heard Giorno's voice and, suddenly, he appeared in front of you, blocking the hit with his body. You gasped and your eyes filled with tears when, after a few seconds, he didn't get up.
"Giorno!" you voice broke and you felt like your knees would give out when you saw your precious lover laying on the ground while clenching on his stomach.
"Awh, what a shame. Poor blondie boy couldn't save his poor little lover." Massimo said mockingly and he was about to say something else, but you heard Giorno mumble—Golden Experience Requiem.
"Uh oh...If I were you I would start saying my prayers." you said cockily and, before your enemy could react, he disappeared without a trace, probably trapped in the Infinite Death Loop. "Giorno, amore mio, are you okay?!" you rushed to his side, kneeling worriedly before him.
"Y/N..." he started softly and nothing seemed wrong...Until the blonde immediately crashed into your arms, hugging you tightly. "I missed you so much, tesoro!" Giorno yelled and you could swear you never heard him sound so excited.
"I-...Giorno, amore, are you okay?" you laughed and he hugged you tighter, laughing too. The moment you heard that, everything stopped.
Giorno Giovanna, the Don of Passione, laughed.
A sound so heavenly. You last heard him laugh more than two years ago. Giorno never laughs—all somebody, mostly you, can get out of him is a faint giggle. That's all.
You looked at him in shock and the blonde boy looked at you with a cute face, confused. "What's wrong, tesoro?" he asked in a smooth tone and he touched your cheek.
"...you laughed..." you whispered and a smile made its way onto your face. "It's been so long since I heard you laugh. Are you sure you are okay, amore?"
"I'm fine, promise. You don't have to worry about me." he said and his voice sounded ao tender, so smooth and soft, love-filled even. Although Giorno was never aggressive towards you, he never displayed his affection, and especially not in public.
You thought it was just the adrenaline and the fear of losing you making him act like that, but no. This kept going on for multiple days, Giorno acting the opposite of his usual personality.
In the small amounts of time you had alone, because, apparently, Giorno was extremly clingy, never leaving your side, you were thinking about what could've possibly happened for your dear boyfriend to act like this.
Then it hit you.
It was Massimo's stand.
Flip The Switch did that to your boyfriend.
Not that you complained, it was very cute to see your stoic boyfriend be a big baby, but...That wasn't Giorno. You had to talk with Bruno, to find a way...
Suddenly, your trail of thoughts was interrupted by your baby boyfriend coming home and directly jumping in your arms, whining about how much he missed you.
Giorno Giovanna, Italy's biggest man, was whining in your arms.
Yep, you had to do something about it.
☆Josuke Higashikata☆
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"Not so fast." Josuke's smug voice could be heard and his tall frame shadowed yours, blocking the Stand's hit with his body. You felt like the world stopped when you saw your boyfriend groaned in pain, taking a few steps aside.
"Josuke!" you yelled and turned him to you. "Are you crazy?!"
"In love, yes." he said smugly and chuckled, clearing her throat. "See? I'm all fine, don't..." he stopped and then scrunched his nose, as if a rush of pain went through him. "Oi, Koichi, Okuyasu, handle this guy f'r me!" Josuke yelled and his two friends nodded, fighting with Massimo.
The pompadour boy fell to his knees, coughing a little. You kneeled by his side, softly rubbing his back, trying to comfort him.
"My love, are you okay?" you asked sweetly, your soft hands caressing his hair. You were the only one allowed to touch the man's hair whenever you want without getting yourself killed.
"I-...I...I a-am okay..." he stuttered, the sound of his words coming out as breathy. You were relived to hear, but then it hit you. Your boyfriend just stuttered.
Josuke Higashikata stuttered.
He shied away from your arms, hiding his blushing cheeks. You frowned confused and you looked between him and Massimo. Quickly, you put the pieces together.
It was Flip the Switch's work.
"Josuke..." you whispered to him and you hugged him tightly. Instead of hugging you back, he squirmed shyly, as he did the first time you hugged him. It made your heart melt and you chuckled softly.
"Y-Y/N what...a-are you doing?" he whispered back.
"Hugging my boyfriend? Is there something wrong?" you chuckled and hugged him tighter, making him blush embarrassed.
"N-no...Everything is okay..." his voice was barely above a whisper and he hugged you back, awkwardly and slowly.
You chuckled and nuzzled your face in his neck. Maybe it wasn't that bad that he protected you from Flip The Switch's attack—now you can be the one who teases and makes him flustered.
It will be fun. Won't it?
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yaksha-lover · 11 months
OH MY GOD I FINALLY FLIND YOU AGAIN! I remember finding your blog a long time ago when it was new I believe and sent a request later on
(this one)
I remember reading this response and was so excited and happy! I I just want to say thank you again for it ☺️🙏 (if I didn't say thank you then I'm sorry I was really nervous to send asks back then)
Request part! Can you make it the same as my last ask, but instead of the first years it being Lillia and anyone else you think will fit!
I think it'll hit harder with him since he's the one in actual power to let us go 🌝
Have a lovely day!! Make sure to drink water 💓
Haha happy you found me again! Thanks for the request, I hope you like it! Part 1
MC who believes they’re going back home (Vampire AU) - Lilia, Idia, Leona, Vil
You would probably try your best to avoid saying things like this around Lilia because of both the awkwardness and the fear that he’ll misinterpret things.
He’d end up overhearing you say this to others sometime and his reaction is definitely ambivalence. While Lilia does feel guilty for keeping you at the mansion, he knows the guilt is worth protecting everyone.
He wouldn’t be angry or anything at your words, he understands your reaction is completely natural. If this is at a point where the two of you have gotten closer, he may feel a bit upset that you’re so desperate to leave everyone behind, but he’s aware enough to realize it’s pretty much his fault.
Lilia would approach you to talk and explain that, while he doesn’t feel comfortable just letting you go right now, he’s willing to compromise and give you some more freedom than before, like chaperoned trips.
He’d ask what else he could do to make your life comfortable and make you happy, other than letting you go. Lilia would do anything in his power, spoiling you with gifts and luxuries. He would also try and send Silver to comfort you, because he knows you would rather be around his son than him.
He’d also be willing to promise you that one day you would be allowed to leave, even if it isn’t soon, but he hopes that you will at least come back and visit them occasionally, even though he knows you rightfully resent him.
Idia would be pretty down whenever you bring it up, going from being normal around you (since he’s gotten used to you) to suddenly closing up sullenly when you start talking about going home.
Not many of the residents can tolerate him for too long, so he pretty much relies on you and Ortho to keep him company and not become a complete recluse.
Idia is far from delusional and, given his own experiences of feeling trapped, understands your desire to leave and live a normal life again where you have freedom.
That said, it’s hard when one of the only people who actually likes him and who he doesn’t get anxiety hanging around wants to leave.
This kind of talk, while rationally he knows has nothing to do with him, is pretty upsetting for him to hear because he feels like he’s not enough for you to stick around.
He can also be pretty blunt about it, telling you to be realistic and that it’ll be a long time (if ever) before you leave. Also isn’t afraid of weaponizing his little brother against you by telling Ortho to ask if you’ll keep playing games with them forever to guilt you.
It’ll probably be a big source of conflict between you, until you’re able to actually sit down and have a conversation about why he’s saying these things and why he feels this way.
Leona is similar to Idia in that, while he’s smart enough to understand that your feelings are valid, he also can’t help but feel annoyed at your desperation to leave.
He thought the two of you had gotten pretty close and it feels like a bit of a slap in the face when you’re willing to talk about how happy you’d be to leave while simultaneously cuddling beside him.
When Leona is feeling rejected or hurt by your words, he’s quick to become more cold and dismissive, pushing you away when you try and touch him affectionately.
You don’t seem like you’ll miss him when you leave, so why should he allow you to touch him now?
If you keep pushing the issue, he’ll probably start mocking you, saying what a naive little herbivore you are for thinking you’ll ever escape. Unfortunately, Leona is hardly forward about his true feelings so you’ll pretty much have to be the bigger person here.
He’ll stay grumpy for a while unless you’re able to catch on to his feelings being hurt and properly comfort him by saying you’d want him to come with you or that you would be willing to stay with him.
At this point, Vil is just getting to know you, so he doesn’t respond with the same vitriol as some of the other residents.
He’s pretty neutral about it, he understands your reasoning and thinks it’s understandable, although it does annoy him a little when you constantly bring it up, completely oblivious to the change in mood from your friends.
Vil sees how upset you make Epel when you talk about leaving, so he’s willing to have a private conversation with you about it later. He explains that while he understands, it would be nice for you to spare the feelings of others.
If you argue back, I think Vil would begin to point out that, while it definitively sucks that you can’t leave, other than that you have a good life. You don’t have to work, Lilia gets you everything you want, you get to spend endless time with people that care about you. That’s much more than other people can say.
He would just emphasize to you that while the situation isn’t ideal, all you can do is make the best of the situation and not spend all your time dwelling on leaving.
Although his words may seem harsh, they come from a place of maturity and care for both you and the others. Vil would offer to try and get you more freedom with Lilia, taking you to his filming sets when they’re nearby enough, bringing you back souvenirs, etc.
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midnighmoonligh · 2 months
hello hello! I just recently found your blog and I have learned so much from it! I was wondering if you could do another Voltron story w Keith and Lance, but their roles reversed? Could you also do different backgrounds? As in, Lance in your last story had been a caregiver before, I don’t want Keith to have the same story, y’know what I mean?
you don’t have to do any of this ofc! It’s just a request! Otherwise, I love all your stories and I appreciate what you’ve done to make other people aware.
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Hope I somewhat hit the mark! Took forever to figure out what you meant then I didn't really have any ideas until suddenly I did and now I have too many. I'll think about doing a part two but for now here you go! 💞💞
Lance ;; 18 ;; He/Him ;; Little
Keith ;; 20 ;; He/They ;; CG
⚠Content Warnings⚠
Violence, War stuff, General Voltron themes.
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" Shiro I don't know what you're on about today with bringing this up suddenly, " Keith huffed as he shut down the training bot. His sword remained tight in his hand, breaths uneven from the exercise.
Just behind him, Shiro was leaned against the wall by the doors. His arms were crossed calmly over his chest. A long sigh left him.
" I guess, I just... have been thinking about it a lot recently, " Shiro told him truthfully. " I mean, I know you have always wanted to be a caregiver.. " he trailed off.
Keith gave a short nod. The day that both of them found out they were caregivers was awkward as hell in Itself, but it also gave them something to bond over. The sword in his hand retracted as he turned on his heels and walked toward his oldest friend.
" Just spit it out. What are you thinking? " he spoke harshly, visibly disliking the drag on the conversation.
" What if a little is on our team? Or several? What if we find one out there-"
" Shiro that's really unlikely, " Keith cut Shiro off without hesitation. He ran his fingers through his hair, more intending to get the sweat from his face than anything. " Besides what would you do if you found one out there, " he huffed.
" It's not like the team would suddenly agree to bring a random alien on ship just because you pleaded with them, " he rolled his eyes. However, he paused after. His expression turned into a saddened one, rather than annoyed. " Not after everything we've been through. "
" I know, you're right, " Shiro sighed and pushed himself off the wall. " I'm done now, I guess that just scratched my itch to talk about it, " the older shrugged off before tossing an arm across the youngers shoulders.
" I'm starving and you smell, so let's go, " he smiled down at him.
" Whatever, " Keith grumbled.
Keith couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't believe what was right in front of him. This had to be a joke. He knew the fight they had just barely survived was a lot, but really?
How did Shiro know?
God he is NEVER telling him he was right. He'd never live that down. Just after an attack from the Galra occured, everyone had thought they made it out okay. Besides soreness and bruises from being tossed around. Getting back and removing their gear, Lance seemed to hang by. He seemed off, from dropping things to generally seeming to lack in motor skills. This set off Keith's caregivering instinct, but he decided to ignore it.
As usual, Keith waited until the room was empty before removing his gear. He hadn't realized Lance decided to do the same this time. Which was strange. Usually, he was messy scrambling out of it and one of the first people to leave. When he had finished and turned around, he found Lance in tears. Lance. Crying.
It made his heart sink. Sure they fought constantly and he always was getting on his nerves, but something about their most optimistic team member crying genuinely scared him. He watched for a moment, hot tears falling from Lance's eyes while his gloved hands failed to get a grip on the armor enough to remove it. Carefully, as if approaching a scared animal, Keith inched towards Lance.
" Do you want some help? " he asked, quietly and gently.
Despite his efforts, he still startled him. Lance jumped, head shooting up to stare at him. His eyes were wide, like a deer caught in headlights. His lip trembled, absolutely breaking his heart.
" I just want to help, not to fight if anything, " he reassured.
" Please, " the word, slightly slurred, stumbled out of Lance.
With a short nod, Keith carefully helped Lance out of the armor. Once it was removed, damage under it could be seen. Sometimes, it dug into the wrong places despite fitting to their body types. Taking the wrong blow could cause it to cut in or heavily bruise spots. Lance seemed to have taken too many of these wrong blows.
Keith helped all the way until he was dressed. Then he stepped back. He didn't know what to do, it was making him nervous. Of course he didn't want to assume Lance was regressing or anything, nor force the very idea onto him. He swallowed thickly. Before he got the courage to speak, Lance got it first.
" Can I hug you? " he'd whisper.
The request surprised him. Lance didn't even look at him, rather, the floor looked much more interesting to the younger paladin. Taking a deep breath, Keith loosely wrapped his arms around the taller. He pulled his head against him, where it landed just under his chest since he was sitting on the bench still.
" I know I'm not the best at comfort and all that, but are you okay? " Keith mustered up the courage to ask.
Arms slowly wrapped around him. Soon, hands gripped his jacket while a short sobbed escaped Lance. Keith held him a bit tighter. His chest ached, but he knew this was all he could do for now. He gently ran his fingers through his hair, adjusting a bit to be craddling his head better. It seemed to help, since after ten minutes of straight messy crying Lance had calmed.
" Sorry, " Lance tried to pull away.
Keith only pulled him back, not letting him go just yet. He didn't fight back either just accepted it and buried his face back into his stomach.
" Don't be, " Keith huffed, " I get it. "
" It hurts, " he whined quietly, accidentally cutting off his neee somewhat friend.
" I know, " he sighed sadly, running his fingers back through his hair. " We should get you to bed little fawn. "
This visibly startled Lance. He pushed back from Keith, gently pressing his forearms against his stomach to do so. He got free easily, as a result. His eyes wide as he stared up to him. He looked scared, anxious, all of it really. There was too many negative emotions for Keith to entirely pick up.
" You-"
" Don't judge, " Keith cut him off swiftly. " And accept who you are. There's nothing wrong with you, your mind just doesn't know what to do, " he told him gently. He reached a hand out and ruffled his hair. Then be turned to grab Lance's shoes.
" You know what's happening to me? " Lance asked, stumbling over his words. " You know at all? " he hiccuped.
The sound made Keith worry. He grabbed the worn out tennis shoes then quickly returned. He kneeled down in front of him to help him put them on. Even tying them for him, knowing very well how little it'd make Lance feel.
" I do. It's called age regression, and it's just a coping mechanism. Loads of people do it for various reasons. Some have caregivers and some don't. Me and Shiro are caregivers, if that isn't obvious. "
" You? " Lance questioned with a small giggle, lifting an arm up to wipe his face with his sleeve.
" Come on, don't give me that " Keith rolled his eyes with a huff. Using the bench, he helped himself up. The soreness was definitely getting to him too. " There's loads of things you don't know about me, " he teased with a playful smile.
" Now come on, let's get you laying down at least. "
Lance nodded, offering a hand to Keith who quickly took it. The tired and bruised little pulled himself up with a wince. They walked out of the, sort of, locker room then headed towards where the bedrooms were at. They walked very slow, more because any faster and Lance kept tripping. He held Keith's hand the entire time they walked to his bedroom. When they reached Lance's room, they quickly got him inside and straight to bed.
Keith removed his shoes, helping him get comfortable and even going as far as to tuck him into bed. He sat by him on the bed, just gently petting his hair.
" Why fawn? " Lance asked quietly, slightly fumbling the word.
" You look like a deer when you're surprised, " Keith chuckled with a rare smile. It made Lance smile at him.
" Okay, " he accepted the answer with a small nod.
Then he moved to lay on his side, well, the one that didn't hurt too bad anyways. Keith remained there, quietly humming while tracing circles on his back instead of playing with his hair. It reminded Lance of his mom, his family. As he began to doze off, getting the much needed sleep, he sucked on his thumb without even thinking about it. The exhaustion completely crashed into him now that he was laying down. He accepted it with ease, allowing Keith's humming to guide him through his dreams.
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alligaytorswamp · 6 months
i've seen few posts of kaeya and childe together on ur blog. And i'm kinda curious on why ur fascinated by this ship
"few posts"?? 😭
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asdjhkajlhdjjshslkda sorry it's just this ship takes up too much of my personality to be just "few posts of kaeya and childe together" 😭😭😭
uhhh 1. i am not the guy to give good explanations for any ship im crazy about 2. bad memory and inability to talk eloquently be damned
i'd say that first of all they just *feel* right. which is -naturally- subjective as shit i just can see them interact, i can see the potential in their dynamic, kinda like... they have enough in common but also plenty of stuff they would have different opinions on. and all of it matches nicely where it's not "people who wouldnt get along due to crazy differences in morals and worldviews", it's more like "compatible people, whose differences can actually help them improve themselves"
uhhh ofc the whole abyss thing, kaeya being part of tartaglia's trial, hydro+cryo swag, them both being excellent big bros, etc etc (i probably am forgetting smth important) all of which helps me pretend they are real and canon
idk really how to explain it, it's just very real to me, and most of it i can only astral project into ur brain through vivid hallucinations i have about their interactions
and if i had to talk about my *personal* taste and why chaeya hits so hard, well it's just my fav "trope", where a character i don't care that much about (tartaglia) is simping HARD for the character a love (kaeya) LMAO i loveee seeing love fucking up imaginary people ok, AND my fav gets to receive all the attention teehee ^_^ (all of this is naturally kind of a joke, and only the surface level of what i think or i like about this ship)
maybe i could come up with more "reasons" .. errr.. tartaglia is crazy, but kaeya could handle that easily and make him better AND worse their banter would be immaculate, like u know they could have annoying fake conversations about weather and work with vague jabs and threats and somehow it's them flirting, but then also!! them talking fr?? being all fucking honest??? bruh. a man dedicated to his country and a man who had to question where he even belongs? wOooOOoOOw... angsty! deep! fascinating! now also take tartaglia's loyalty/dedication and throw all of it at kaeya? wow. have anyone ever gone crazy for kaeya like tartaglia could?? i need that and i think kaeya deserves that both are good with kids.... augh.... like consider all the 'political' tension there may be and them being on guard since this other guy lowkey highkey could be an enemy and then they both interact with klee. and like. WOW. no way this guy suddenly showing so much of his sweet and caring side?? 2094893 injured and 1 dead (it's me) ohhh they have such hardcore slowburn potential too... bc DENIAL ... and they shouldnt even like each other, but when they talk the sparks are fucking speeding thru and the flirting happens so naturally and oopsy daisy they are now casually writing each other letters totally insisting that all of it is to get some secret information out of the other but both long forgotten what that secret info even was AAAA ah.. there is just so much............... i could have written many novels of just my incoherent thoughts about them 😔
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sassykattery · 2 years
Deleted Scene from Love, Eternal: Chapter 5 - Scenting
Alright sinners, I decided to release this to maybe ease the pain of the cliffhanger I made everyone suffer through earlier. Maybe it won't help, who knows.
You can thank @leavesandflowers for basically prompting me to do this (my little "something, something" as it were). And it sounds like I have a chokehold on @delphi-dreamin with my scenting work.
And yes, I have deleted scenes saved in certain places. It's essentially crack that I removed from the story because it wasn't super important or felt too ooc at times.
Also, I felt like this was a good way to maybe show how MC interacts with everyone a little, since the focus on the story is Diavolo and Lucifer most of the time.
CW: MC is afab, uses she/her pronouns. MC is poly. MC is a demon. Highly suggestive in some parts, slightly smutty but only at the end and only kinda smutty.
Themes: Scenting, romance, LuciferxMC, DiavoloxMC. Headcanons + Love, Eternal lore
Characters: MC="you", Satan, Levi, Beel, Mammon, Belphie, Asmo, Lucifer, Barbatos, Diavolo
Minors and ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
"Satan," you said, "Can I try something?"
Satan brought his head up and looked at you curiously. You two were sitting at the dining room table studying together. Your mind had started to wander and suddenly you found yourself staring at him.
"What is it? Is it about being a demon?" he asked, still looking at his textbook.
"It is," you replied, but you hesitated to say more.
"Can I... see what you smell like?" you whispered, but he heard you loud and clear.
"Ahh, you figured out the power of scent. Sure, I'm happy to indulge your curiosity," he said. He sat his chair back and faced you. "Well, come here," he ordered with a sly smile. You shyly stood from your seat and came over to where he sat, pulling a chair up close.
Satan waited patiently with an annoying smirk, but you could only roll your eyes as he was technically helping you.
"What? I don't bite... hard, at least. Unless you ask of course," he murmured, watching you hesitate.
"You're not helping, Satan!" you snapped. He chuckled and sat forward in his chair.
You sat forward too and leaned in close, a few mere inches from his face. Focusing your mind, you inhaled deeply. Your eyes widened slightly as it hit you. He reminded you of the tang and sour of citrus, but there were darker notes subtly playing underneath, like tobacco and amber. Much like him, there was pleasantness on top with the suggestion of something else, something sinister beneath it.
"Interesting," you stated, sitting back. When you looked at Satan he looked away, a tinge of blush decorating his cheek bones. "What?"
"Oh, nothing. I hope you found what you were looking for," he replied, eyes flitting back to yours.
"I did, thank you Satan."
The rest of your study session seemed a touch bit awkward after that.
"Here, MC, I was going to sell some of these games but I realized you might like to play them," Levi said, walking into your room without knocking. As usual.
"Oh, thank you Levi," you smiled up at him regardless. You sat at your table working on some things Lucifer gave you to sign. Levi set down a box and then turned to leave. You then remembered something and said "Can I ask something of you?"
"What... What is it?" Levi asked a touch nervously, turning back to face you.
"I'm trying to learn about... you know, being a demon, and I wanted to know what your scent is," you explained. His eyes widened and he began furiously blushing.
"And-and you... you want to know mine? What for? I mean you don't need to-" and you held a hand up, knowing he was about to start self-deprecating. He stopped.
"I'm just curious, but if you don't want to that's fine-" you started to say before he took a step forward.
"O-okay you can," he said. You stood and slowly approached. When you were just a few inches away, you leaned in and closed your eyes, hoping maybe the lack of eye contact would ease his nerves.
Breathing in deeply, you sensed similar hints of eucalyptus, a refreshing and bright scent, immediately followed by a sandalwood, bringing a rounded out musk layer.
When you leaned back opened your eyes, you saw Levi was holding his face in his hands.
"Are you okay?"
"Are you done?" he whispered.
"Yes, but Levi-"
"Bye MC!" He yelled as he ran out of your room. Just as he turned you could see his entire face was red.
Well, I'll have to talk to him about that later, you thought sadly.
"MC, can you hand me the devil salt?" Beel asked, standing over the pot of soup he was stirring at the stove. You nodded and started looking for it in the kitchen.
Once you found it, you walked over to stand beside Beel to manage how much he added, and so he wouldn't just eat the seasoning.
"Thanks," he said, taking it from you. You nodded and watched as he added it. When you looked up at him, you realized how close you were standing, and without thinking, you leaned in closer and took a deep whiff.
"MC? What are you doing?" Beel asked, looking down at you almost pressing your nose into his arm, just above his elbow.
"Oh! Sorry. I've learned about demon scents and I wanted to know how yours smelled," you stated.
"Oh. Okay. Can I do it too?" He asked sweetly, putting the ladle down and turning to you.
"Sure!" You chirped. You wrapped your arms around his waist and took a breath. He leaned down and did the same, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
He reminded you of golden amber with hints akin to the sugary sweetness of cream. At the base layer, he was very musky and masculine smelling, like how he would smell after a workout, but you realized that was how he always smelled. It was rather comforting, actually.
"Oi! What in the great ninth circle are you doin' huggin' MC, Beel!" Mammon griped, stomping into the kitchen. Mammon grabbed your elbow and yanked you toward him. You huffed and gave him a scowl. Mammon ignored it and glared at Beel as the second-born drug you out of the kitchen and to his room. When you looked at Beel one last time, his cheeks were tinged a bright pink.
Once inside Mammon's room, he kicked the door and turned, folding his arms and staring at you.
"What, Mammon?" You groaned.
"Aren't you going to ask me?" he asked, looking at an adjacent wall instead of you.
"Ask what?"
"You've been askin' everyone else what their scent is and you haven't asked mine!" He whined, shifting on his feet.
You frowned, your face deadpanning.
"Mammon, can I check out your scent?" you asked in a monotone voice.
"If you're gonna ask like that, no. You know what, this is dumb. I don't know why I even bothered-" he started to complain before you rushed him for a hug.
He instantly stopped talking and held his arms above you as he was trying to figure out what you were doing. You breathed deeply and instantly clutched him tighter. He smelled like home, like family. He was comfortable, and you relished in it. There was an earthiness to him, woodsy even, with flashes of a whiskey scent. At the end was just a touch of sweetness, like a warm sweetened tea.
After several moments, he put his arms around you and did the same. Immediately he wiggled around, unable to settle himself after breathing you in.
"Thank you Mammon," you murmured into his jacket.
"Yeah yeah..." he tried to pull it off as if it were nothing, but he was so distracted by your scent he couldn't focus.
You pulled away first and smiled as you saw Mammon blushing from the tips of his ears to his neck. It was curious, but you thought that was just part of his usual behavior.
"Belphie," you whispered, walking into the twins' room quietly. It was dark, and you could hear Belpie snoring from his bed. Gingerly, you walked in and approached.
Carefully, you slid into the bed and curled up against his side. It was early morning the following day.
"Nightmare?" He asked quietly, remaining still.
"Sorry for waking you... Yes," you replied softly.
"I got ya," he said, curling his hand against the back of your head. You felt his magic seeping in, making your eyes heavy and breathing slow.
Within seconds, you were asleep. And though it felt like seconds more, you were being woken up again.
"MC," Belphie said. Your eyes blearily opened. "You slept all day. I thought I'd wake you up before dinner," he murmured. He was hovering over you with his arms on either side of your head.
"Thanks," you mumbled, rubbing your eyes.
"Your scent is alright, by the way," he gloated. Your eyes widened. "I overheard you talking to Beel, so I thought I'd investigate it myself while you slept."
"Oh, well I'd like to know what yours is like," you replied.
"Hm, alright," he said. You narrowed your eyes as you saw that glint of mischief in his. He then dropped his whole body weight on yours and you gasped as the wind was knocked out of you.
"Just doing what you asked, MC," he said cheekily. You rolled your eyes and sighed, wanting to get this over with so he'd move. You took a breath and felt his scent permeate your senses.
He reminded you of a lavender tincture with hints of cedar. It was a peaceful smell with flares of spice, like patchouli, almost.
"Hmm, not bad," you murmured.
"Not bad? Try again, go ahead, I'll wait," Belphie said sleepily. You had to start screaming in order to run him off of you. Brat, you thought as you walked to the dining hall for dinner.
MC: Can I come to your room?
Asmo: OH, MC, I thought you'd never ask. But what will Diavolo and Lucifer think? I guess they'll just have to get used to sharing some more.
MC: Asmo. No.
Asmo: Boring! Fine, yes, come in darling.
After a few minutes, you were standing in front of Asmo's bedroom door, knocking. It was after dinner with the brothers.
"Hello, precious MC. Come in, come in," Asmo purred as he opened the door and stood aside, gesturing you to walk in.
Once you two were sitting on his bed, Asmo placed his head on his palm and gazed at you adoringly, waiting for you to speak.
"I want to see what your scent is like," you stated confidently.
Asmo tutted. "Oh my dear MC, that makes me happy. I've been dying to get to know your new body more intimately myself," he purred.
"Asmo, we're not having sex," you corrected him.
"Pfft, fine. I'll tell you, you're missing out, but I respect your wishes. I'll just have to ask Lucifer again when he'll start sharing you outside of him and Diavolo," he retorted, looking at his nail polish.
"Wait - you've asked him?... You know what, nevermind, I don't want to know," you groaned. "So, may I?" you gestured vaguely to Asmo. He smiled sweetly and nodded, settling his arms back to expose his torso more to you as he sat on one hip, legs tucked behind him.
You scooted forward and leaned in. Looking up, you saw his golden peachy eyes trained on yours with a sly smile on his lips. You rolled your eyes and then closed them to inhale. There were swirls of different scents, more interesting mixes than the other brothers. Vanilla and merlot came up first, a mix of sweet yet fruity, and then beneath those notes were layers of musk and woodsy ones. He was a balanced mix of androgyny. You realized how enticing he actually smelled, then you raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, MC... You're rather intoxicating. I don't believe I've ever smelled anyone like you," he praised. "I'm surprised none of my brothers have threatened to jump your bones."
"Ah-uh, oh..." your eyes opened and went wide as you leaned back. "I thought just Diavolo and Lucifer liked it."
Asmo chuckled. "No, dear, you smell like sex and love incarnate," he stated. "Your demon body entices humans and demons alike. Mine is meant for luring humans only, but I can charm anyone. I wonder what else you can do, my little vixen," he purred.
You became flustered and looked away.
"There she is. Come here, dove," Lucifer said as he heard the office door creak open, knowing it was you. It was late in the evening, and you wanted to say good night to him before heading to bed.
You quietly approached, and as you got closer to his desk, Lucifer rolled his chair back and patted his lap first while still staring down at his paperwork. Following his silent command, you came around and perched yourself on his thigh. He immediately looked up from his paperwork and threw his pen down.
"Did you spend all day with my brothers?" he asked, almost looking offended.
You tilted your head. "I mean, I studied with Satan, talked with Levi, cooked with Beel. I also hung out with Mammon, Belphie, and Asmo at some points." Reading his expression, you realized he was rather unhappy. "Why?"
"Hell, you smell like all of them," Lucifer growled, leaning back in his chair and gripping onto your hips.
"Oh, well I did ask them all what their scents were like. I didn't have them do what you and Diavolo do, but I was curious," you admitted.
Lucifer's crimson eyes seem to glisten then, and he shot forward like a bullet, pinning your back to his desk as he forced himself between your legs.
"Well, I simply can't have this," he seethed. You stared at him wide-eyed, looking slightly frightened. Seeing this, he softened, easing up his grip. "I apologize, you'll come to find out we can be possessive about our mates," he explained softly. "If you don't mind, I need to remind everyone who you belong to. I would appreciate it if you didn't let anyone else except Diavolo and I do this." He then kissed you rather intensely, his tongue taking ownership of your mouth.
You accepted his apology and kiss by looping your arms around his neck. His lips curved up on yours as you relaxed into him. Oh, he had some ground to cover to make sure you were clearly marked as happily taken. If not by scent and visible love bites alone, then by the delicious sounds you emitted that carried throughout the whole house as he reminded everyone who you belonged to.
Breakfast was awkward the next morning.
"Barbatos," you called out, looking for the butler.
"In the library, MC," the butler replied back to you. You followed his instruction and found him organizing the poisons section in the palace. It was the following day.
"I have a question, if you don't mind," you informed him.
"Go on, I'm listening," he replied, putting away more books with fast, skilled hands.
"Can you explain scenting to me? As in... a more detailed explanation?" You squeaked out.
Barbatos stopped after putting away the last book on his cart and turned to you with a smile. "I think I can help. Meet me in my office," he replied. You nodded and quickly walked off in that direction.
In just a few short minutes, you sat in a chair facing Barbatos' desk as he stood in front of it.
"Scenting is an important aspect of demon biology, sociology, and psychology. It gives us much of the information we require to approach one another. Not only information about other demons, but humans and angels as well. As a human, you never noticed demon scent because you did not have the olfactory glands for it. Now you do. You also now retain the scent glands to mark things as yours," he explained. You nodded and he continued. "Scenting is a powerful tool for demons as it can be helpful in giving us information that we would otherwise have to verbally inquire for. Now, what I am about to explain may seem odd, but keep in mind this is how we are, and by extension now, you are."
You nodded again, crossing a leg over to listen intently to Barbatos.
"After you started making pacts with each Avatar, they each began scenting your things. Of course, my lord and I noticed this, but it was actually in your benefit for them to do so. It keeps lower demons from thinking you were an easy target. Knowing an Avatar of Sin claimed you, or was keeping watch over you, warded off unwanted demons for the most part. When you began dating Lucifer, he regularly scented you, your clothes, and other items, but the intent was far more explicit. He was warding off all demons from you."
You began shifting slightly, as you found it humorous to hear this about the oh-so-proud eldest Avatar.
"And then after you began dating my lord, he took it upon himself to do the same. There was one evening he did it so much I had to scold him because it could have started a fight with those brothers, and I was in no mood to clean the aftermath. Simply being around particular demons is enough to get their scent on you, however, being scented can be a rather intimate process. If there's someone we want and they've been scented by another demon, it makes us either frantic or incredibly possessive." Barbatos stopped and looked you over.
A lot of things made sense after having heard that. "Okay..." you drawled. "Why is everyone so bashful around mine then? Asmo said it's special."
"May I?" He asked. You hesitantly nodded. Barbatos approached and drew in close. "Ah, yes. I believe as the Sin of Vanity, you were gifted some affects with your scent. It draws people to you, regardless if they are human or a demon, and if they understand why or not they're attracted to you. You're also a female demon, so you're awarded with other affects as well."
"Like what?"
"Female demons can easily let anyone know if they are interested in finding a mate or not just by their scent. It can also be indicative of if they're interested in a specific demon or not. You weren't born this way, so it may not come naturally to you to have these abilities. You'll learn to use them," he replied. He then smirked. "Unfortunately for you MC, I can tell some of your human scent is mixed in, which I think makes for a deadly combination for those who have an attraction to humans. I can't imagine why it still lingers, but it is there."
"Are... you affected by this? By... me?"
Barbatos then leaned in extremely close, his nose a couple inches from yours. "As if you need to ask."
Your face heated up with the admission.
"But I digress, what happened with Mammon is an example of how scenting can go haywire. It is an important aspect of demon life and demon relationships, but we do try to be respectful and keep it minimum as to not stir up the denizens. Do you have any other questions?"
"Not right now, but if I think of any I'll let you know," you replied. The butler nodded and gave you a small smile. You stood from your chair and opened your arms, and he accepted your hug.
"Come in," Diavolo called from his office. He looked up and beamed when he saw it was you.
"Hi, my love," you called out, sauntering over to his desk.
"My darling, come here," he ordered, holding an arm out. You slid behind his desk and accepted your spot at his side. He then swung you around to sit on his lap, facing him with your knees locked around his hips.
"And... what have you been up to?" he asked curiously.
"I came by to see you but stopped to talk with Barbatos," you replied sweetly, running your fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck.
"I see," the prince replied. He pulled you in for a loving kiss, his hands kneading your waist. You gave a little half-giggle, half-moan before he started to ravish you, kissing your jaw and neck.
Damn him, Diavolo thought. Barbatos thinks this is so humorous.
Barbatos had actually scented you in your brief hug before sending you off to the prince, likely as a reminder to be more careful. Unfortunately, this had the opposite effect.
"Would you like to stay for the night? Maybe watch a movie?" He murmured against your flesh. "I'll be done with my work soon and would like to spend time with you."
"Spend time with me? Or..." you purred as your hand drifted down to lightly graze his erection.
"That too," he growled before mercilessly kissing you and grabbing you all over.
You two never made it past the opening sequence of the movie he put on. The both of you were too busy in the soixante-neuf.
Thanks for reading! <3
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
What are your fav pre S2 fics and post S2 fics?
Sanji's Bridgerton Fic Recs
Am I allowed to plug myself? 😂😂 I just never end up on fic rec lists so you know what Imma be shameless and link my masterlist:
I'm really proud of my Kathony one shots (My 10 Things AU is a vibe but I've abandoned it sorry yall 😭) and I think my NB!Sophie fic deserves more love so please if you're interested have a read and let me know what you think 💞
As for the other recs - I'll be honest, I don't read as much fics as I should especially when I have so many amazing writer friends I really feel bad I haven't read or commented enough on their fics! That being said here's all my fave fic writers (literally mainly my friends shsjjsjs cos they're the only ones I trust to get the characters right):
@newtonsheffield aka Molly! She is first fandom friend I ever made in this fandom and the reason I ended up making this blog. I always saw her in the main tag and got really curious about her fics. Then I fell into the rabbit hole that is BSCU which I still need to finish 💀💀. I would rec all of her works tbh she has written something for everyone but my personal faves are the following:
1) Mysterious Fathoms Below - A Little Mermaid Kathony AU that's very soft and hella intimate. I was SUPER hyped for this one and Molly really delivered
2) Through The Wire - This was an intense and angsty AU where Anthony gets amnesia after an accident a little while after dumping Kate when they were getting too serious. It was brilliantly written and I honestly think this is her best work. It's so annoying that the puritans of the fandom gave her so much shit for some of her chapters, they can fuck right off this was my absolute fave fic of hers ever!
3) Royals - Hello we ALL LOVE a Princess Diaries 2 AU! This was such a fun read honestly it's been so long I need to go back and reread. Also watching the movie right after hits different and gives you all the feels
[Ik she has other faves she'd hype up more but I haven't read those yet jshdjjd so I can't really comment on them but oh! Honourable Mention because she's mentioned she loves this AU but it's very underrated and I still need to read it: Post Traumatic. It's a Jurassic Park AU AND Kate is a fight pilot it's iconic]
I would also recommend going through the tags of those fics because she always has fun snippets, edits and playlists for them! It really drums up the hype while you're waiting for it to be updated.
Next up we have Lil aka @sharmasandcorgis whose writing I absolutely adore and I think she's hella underrated so please go give her some love on her AO3
1) Leap Year - If you haven't already guessed I go feral for movie AUs I think its a film writer thing lmao. Based on the movie of the same name, it's enemies to lovers EXCELLENCE, with a side of fake marriage we love to see it!!
2) Mornings - It's pregnancy Kathony fic and is so so soft and comforting. I was literally Agnes reading it: IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GOING TO DIE!!
3) So I need to catch up on her other fics but she's so brilliant I couldn't pick a 3rd I'm just reccing her entire AO3 works!!
Zaira aka @jeanvanjer who needs to write more fics for us because her writing is AMAZING, currently only has The Ghost of You up at the moment. Very soft but angsty and sad, get tissues ready before reading.
Look out for her Sugar Daddy Professor Anthony AU at some point down the line.
Triv aka @hptriviachamp is my fave Regency fic writer because she's very good with the language of the time, does thorough research for every fic and as a Poli-Sci major, always has a political touch in her fics it sets her writing apart from the rest of the writers and makes her stories so unique!
1) Suddenly A Smile, Shyly Obscene - Johncesca's first meeting fully fleshed out. I watched this fic come to life in our GC whenever we had writing sprints and let me say I'M OBSESSED! She really understands Johncesca and the way she writes John makes me go feral, her John is now Canon John imo.
2) The Courtship of Charlotte Bridgerton - IT'S *THE* NEXT GEN FIC! Charlotte and Clairmont are super compelling especially with how it progresses and no spoilers but there's a suprise on Clairmont's part 👀. It's a really refreshing take on a certain kind of relationship and the characters are just so fun to read about.
3) A Very Bridgerton Diwali - The very first fic of hers I've read. It made my heart sing because it reminded me so much of how my family and I are during Deepavali so it hit close to home in a very soft way.
Author's Pick: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Senior Year (Just Rage) - A Kathony HS AU with all the tropes of a HS au and beats of their story in one fic.
Honourable Mention: I'm Your National Anthem - A very spicy politically charged Kathony Politics AU but it's on the back burner as a WIP and hasn't been posted 😭😭 if it ever comes out please go read it!
Belle aka @sophiamariabeckett !! My fandom wife 😍���. Heads up, we're moving into Benophie territory.
1) Bridgertons' Anatomy - IT'S A GREYS AU!! I was really surprised to hear her tell me this wasn't hyped up more like don't yall love Greys?? AND OFC THE BRIDGERTONS WOULD BE A HIGH POWERED DOCTOR DYNASTY FAMILY!
Of course it's Benophie centric and Ben/Sophie (Baek!! She's Korean yall) are super cute in it but my fave chapter is Nepotism Babies where Anthony and Simon meet for the first time 🥺🥺🥺
Soo gooo read it - Belle also made a lot of edits for it, go give it some love!
2) Fallen Through Time - Outlander AU nuff said, very angsty and just iconic I mean when Jamie and Claire are the blueprint and you apply to Benophie it's just chef's kiss!
3) Author's Pick: Dusk Til Dawn - Violet Bridgerton II's Birth! Another fic that was born in our GC and it is so so soft. Okay but like the way I initially wrote From Dusk Til Dawn til I realised that's a video game 💀💀
Last but certainly not least, Michaela aka @minim236 is literally our fandom's Bob the Builder fix-it fic writer. Canon broke it? Michaela can fix it, yes she can!
Her AUs are unmatched! Lots of fun rarepairs but she makes them work and you can see why they fit together. My personal favourite fic is tied between these two so I'll put them in the order I read it:
1) The Marina/Simon Series - An AU where Simon and Marina strike a deal to enter into a marriage of convenience so she won't be ruined and Simon can say Fuck you to his dad by not having any biological kids to take the Dukedom. Also these two deserve better than being ending up with r*pists (Ik Show Phillip didn't since they won't need to consummate their marriage and she doesn't seem to have PPD but still Book Philip can go die.)
I think this was the first ever fic I read from her?? So definitely has a special place in my heart!
2) [Also Author's Pick:] A Papa Sharma & Mary Love Story. My soft spot is Kate and Edwina's parents I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING and this fic series fulfilled that!! Their love story was so so sweet and we had baby Kate and Mary moments I was sobbing! We also had a moment where Vi was being a ignorant white lady lmaoo it was funny and I lowkey wish she had been called out for it within the narrative hshshs.
Bonus Sequel: Letters Sent & Read
Sorry M I gotta admit I haven't read this one yet but I will soon! The premise is promising and I'm excited to read it 🤗🤗
3) Ruin
He would not ruin her. How could he ruin such beauty? Benedict is an artist without a muse or motivation. Until he is introduced to Sophie Beckett, a guarded ballet dancer who lacks passion and does not want to be his muse. The attraction between them is confusing, especially to her.
I need to read this but it's a monster of a fic and I love that! Hopefully it will be finished by the time I can start it and I'll be able to binge it ehehhe. I will say I always see edits for it and they are amazing!!! So please go give them some love 💞
Also anon I know you asked for Pre-S2 and Post-S2 fics, but I can't recommend any good fics that are canon compliant with S2. I've given up on trying to find good ones without a Kathani jumpscare and I have talked about it on my blog a couple of times (recently talked about it in the comments here) but I hate HATE the trend of Abusive!Sharmas and White Saviour Kathony saving Kate from her 'oh so horrible' family, it's fucked up. Please go read TVWLM and come back with better characterisations of the Sharma Family Unit thanks, we don't claim the dysfunction on the show.
Thanks again for the ask anon and everyone goooo read my friends' work, just absolutely brilliant writers!
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
Shy Anon here. I got HARDCORE Dean Stan in the quiz. It's funny cuz well. I used to hate Sam a lot up until recently (i was 13 when i started watching, I'm now 25). But now i just. Tolerate him? Because Dean loves him, and so I try.
Like i don't care about Sam or Cas, i have plenty of other characters I love. Like Ree. Ree my dearly beloved. I actually think that nickname will identify me in the fandom because I'm the only one that uses it but 🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻
And yes. Plenty of things happened to me in this fandom over the years. I grew up in it. I got bullied. I had anon hate thrown at me, and this especially because I do not ship Destiel but i have plenty of Rare Dean Ships. I changed blogs a few times because of it. Whatever. I've learned to just stay in the Dean-side or neutral-Side of the fandom
I think a lot of people find themselves trying to tolerate one character or another, because we all analyze the chars usually starting out from just one char's perspective (or they might do things that dig into very specific hangups for us). As you know, I consider myself to be TFW positive, but if you were worried about it, I don't stop people from following me who don't like one char or another—even Dean. I doubt anyone with extensive issues with Dean follows me on this blog (unless it's a hate follow lmao) but Dean crits and Dean antis follow me on my other blog, and I don't care as long as they aren't constantly being annoying in my notes (because I actually mod the posts on that blog to keep the mood light-hearted for followers—anything overly nasty about a char gets removed so if someone is being annoying a lot, it gets to be a lot of work to mod and they might get blocked, but it's very rare that that happens).
I know I've told you over DM's Shy, but I'm really sorry to hear about the way people have treated you over some harmless rarepairs. I think it's a damn shame that some people in this fandom have such thin skins that they develop animosity toward people just for shipping something besides destiel (or other things), and I don't know why some people feel an entitlement to be so cruel about, what is, at the end of the day, all of us enjoying a TV show. I have seen some absolutely vile bullying happen in our fandom at times that will simply never ever make sense to me—who is doing that or how utterly pathetic and depraved and miserable they have to be to do what they do.
The destiel side of fandom can be really fun to engage with (because some of them will be happy to engage with you and others won't and the ones who will engage are generally nice), but interacting with the destiel fandom is also kind of like playing with fire—even for people firmly entrenched in that community. From an outside perspective though, you have a post that makes it too far into that community and someone who isn't as nice and kind stumbles across it and reblogs it to their toxic little circle and suddenly shit hits the fan. Some people are just unbelievable assholes, and I think destiel, being the biggest of the spheres we all drift through in this fandom, is naturally going to contain more people like that because the share of toxicity is (usually) proportional to size. But then if someone gets mad at you... it is, again—proportional to size, so instead of having like... 2 toxic non-shippers screaming at you from a total draw of less than 50 who make posts, you have... way more people to deal with than that. I understand wanting to stay away from that for safety—especially with a previous bad experience. Please know if you ever have issues with bullies, you can always come to me. I can't always promise much besides emotional support, but there have been a couple of small situations where I've been able to do a little more than that. Regardless, this blog is a safe place for you and you are always welcome here. <3
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
You've become my inspurration baby, my mewse, you've singlehandedly made me want to craft my very own Yan meownster blog, I want our blorbos to touch mouths and/or kill each other 🥺
I wanted to ask your opinion, p-pls, as I'm creating the starter content for it, writing drabbles if you will, on some of these ideas I'm juggling. I'm unsure which to do first, and I would just like to ask you what you think of these 😳👉👈
The first is a dream demon that obsesses over a lucid dreamer darling. Honestly I thought of this one because of a weird dream I had that I couldn't really remember but I could remember the feeling of being chased or hunted by something. Dreamer darling uses lucid dreaming as an escape from reality, sleeping and dreaming constantly, probably to an unhealthy degree. They don't really remember their dreams, or even remember how talented they are in lucid dreaming (in terms of crafting and controlling dreams) but they know that sleep is more comforting than any other past time. At least it used to be, until suddenly, rather than feeling rested and happy as usual, they wake up anxious, unable to shake the feeling that they've caught the attention of something dangerous. They start staying awake, some small voice in their head telling them that sleeping is dangerous now, and every time they do inevitably fall asleep, they wake up feeling more and more worried and scared each time, as something unknown gets closer and closer.
The second is a royal obsessing over a commoner/ servant, I'm inclined to say gardener or knight cause I love the dynamic of, small man in power who has never labored in his life attempts to seduce/ intimidate bigger, work hardened commoner who is just mildly annoyed by their boss bothering them when they have things to do. The prince is bratty and spoiled but not much of a threat considering he's a long way off from ascending the throne and can't get away with anything too crazy until then. He always seems to be everywhere their favorite servant is though, talking their ear off about how when he rules he'd make it illegal to reject him so they'll have to come around eventually, why not make it easier and just come to his chambers with him now? When he overhears his favorite commoner telling other servants of their plans to travel, go far away from this kingdom and him with it, he decides its prudent to put a rush on that ascending to the throne thing, sorry dad, it's for love ❤
(I hope your weather is nice by your standards and that your food just hit Different today, love u pinnie🙏❤)
Hi, the first paragraph of this ask is so radioactive it fried some of my brain cells, I'll be holding you accountable for any gray mass leaking out my ears from henceforth. Eitherway, I'm extremely flattered and very happy to hear I motivate you in any way. <3
I like the first concept lots. Mostly because I'm big on creatures that are related to the mind. Monsters who always seem to have different features when you see them, they can't quite decide what you react best to yet so they're going to expose you to multiple versions of themselves until they hit the nail on the head. Do you ever wonder if dream demons (nightmares?) get lonely? Maybe some lucid dreamers have the ability to see/interact with them, but those are so rare... I can definitely see curiosity or loneliness as the basis of an obsession for a dream demon. Or may not. Maybe they're already so powerful they just sought you out to snuff the life out of you while you slumber, but you manage to impress them somehow, perhaps with your abilities to shape dreamscapes?
As much as I just eat up power imbalances, I'm probably not the best person to ask about for king/peasant or prince/commoner stories, since I don't really consume many of those, nor am I honestly cultured enough to make one minimally immersive. 💀 Though, if you're doing a kingdom of monsters, I can totally see humans being either discriminated against or glorified, and that's an interesting twist in my opinion. I definitely love the idea of a yandere character already showing signs of hysteria but not being taken seriously because of their appearance or their position in society, it makes their victory sweeter. You know what we don't see enough of? Royal darlings and yandere peasants. Maybe several yandere commoners at once! >:]
Ultimately, do what you feel works best for you! <3
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hotdadlicense · 1 year
Gif asks 💜 2,4, 5, 9, 16, 27, 32, 34, 41, 47, 49 (i, too, am nosey <3)
hello laura i Love you.
2. what is your least favourite set you’ve made?
well. there is various answers to this one. but overall it's pretty much just most of my early stuff like on my old @ianchaloner blog becos i was a photoshop Baby that did NOT have a clue what they were doing. but like even some of my earlier billy sets and daryl sets are like...........girl that colourings Messy. this billy sets in my activity every now and again and every time i'm like. i need to fix you so bad.
4. a set that flopped but deserved better?
never really got why part 2 of this set got like 500notes but part 1 only got like 50notes?
5. what is your favourite movie/TV show to gif?
i rly liked giffing julie and the phantoms cos the lighting on that show was incredible so the colouring was like. i'm not gonna say easy but also it wasn't a constant battle to get rid of yellows or blues or greens y'know? like if i was writing a report card i'd be like. julie and the phantoms, you were a joy to colour in class <3. tragically netflix axed it after one season so guess i'm never getting that joy again.
9. what/who inspired you to start making gifs?
i don't think it was any one person, i think - like you - i was in a lesser known small fandom and there wasn't a heap of content so i was like. guess i'll try figure this shit out. thanku to all my nick friends for indulging me when my attempts weren't actually that good ily 🥺
16. how long have you been making gifs?
since 2012/2013 i think? wow 10+ years omg
27. have you ever made a set, decided you hated it and deleted it? what was it?
omg probably although i can't remember off the top of my head? i know i've posted a few only to spot the spelling mistake the second i've hit post and had to quickly delete and fix lmao
32. what is your favourite tool/adjustment layer in photoshop?
selective colour, my beloved. blacks and neutrals, my deeper beloved. also i love curves, she's my best friend.
34. a set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out?
this lyric set was my first attempt at the glitch transition and it kicked my ass a bit but i do like how it turned out! also this set was my first attempt at getting the lines around the words(?) effect but the original tutorial i had up was like......not great. so it took hours of trying and retrying and it still wouldn't work so i eventually searched for a new tutorial after like hour 5 and it suddenly worked within line 20 minutes 🙃 ALSO this set from the walking dead took so much configuring to get all the scenes onto one set etc like every afternoon after work i'd get back into it trying to get it all in and i eventually got something that i was okay with posting? it was like the fourth attempt after scrapping the first three attempts and i think all up i made like over 60 gifs 🙃🙃🙃
41. what is your least favourite part about your gif making process?
before u came along and changed my life with avidemux, it was the way that every time i imported video frames to layers, there would ALWAYS be duplicates, so every time i had to go through every frame and layer manually and delete all the double ups, otherwise the gifs would be laggy. but then you DID introduce me to avidemux and now i don't have that problem. i owe u my life and my sanity. now i think the most annoying part is clipping up the parts for the gifs? like i have a billy set in mind for billy week but it requires multiple gifs, and i have started clipping up most scenes and saving them, but i've only really got season two, and the scenes i need are season three. and i'm definitely procrastinating by replying to this instead of doing that cos its like. i just hate clipping up vids and waiting for them to save.
47. any advice for novice gif makers/people who want to start making gifs?
literally just read and try various tutorials and see what feels best! my way of giffing is literally just a mix-matched version of like 10 different tutorials that i've read over the years and sometimes i'm like well obviously i'm doing this wrong since i don't do it the exact way This Tumblr User said to but every time i try and change it always looks worse? also it's not a job and the second it goes from being fun to feeling like a chore??? take a break!!!!!!! literally at the end of the day it's not that important!!! also make sure ur making it for urself and maybe a select few friends!!! cos tumblr interaction these days is very low so like, if ur not making it cos for yourself specifically? u will probably get really discouraged really quickly. literally every set i make these days is just so i can cry in the tags instead of crying in the tags of someone else's post dkljfak
49. how much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing?
feel like i've got a much better grasp on colouring also feeling slightly more confident with blending! not a pro by any means but i do put effort in!!!
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tahitianmangoes · 2 years
A long, rambling non-fandom post about loneliness
So I've been using Bumble BFF (like bumble for dating but for friends) for around 3 months now and it's really not great.
I thought it would be a good idea to meet new people in my area because making friends as an adult is seriously hard. Pretty much everyone at work is older than me and while I don't mind having older friends, they're very different to me - mainly cishet white ladies who are married with kids. And as much as articles and blogs about making friends as an adult will tell you to just "put yourself out there", a) it's not that easy, esp during a pandemic and b) it's not normal. I can't just strike up conversation with someone at the gym because not only is that annoying, it can be taken the wrong way (ie people think I'm hitting on them) and just come off as plain weird. People don't really just strike up conversation with strangers here and if it does happen, you're spending the entire conversation wondering when this weirdo is going to leave you alone. I also think people can sense desperation. Clinging onto a new, potential friend too tightly can also drive them away because it freaks them out. Being too available, too happy to do this and that for people... It reminds me of some cringey times I had at uni when I was just trying so hard to connect with people that I ended up pushing them away because it made them feel uncomfortable. I think I do it to the majority of people, whether they be real life friends or online. It led me to start thinking maybe I'm just better off alone.
I decided to use Bumble BFF after seeing an ad for it but it just ends up with me matching with people, playing messaging ping pong with them for a bit until one of us forgets or gets busy and then that's the end of that. A couple people added me on What's App but one just messages me about Kpop stuff (as we're both into Kpop) and doesn't seem to have any intention of meeting up and the other ghosted me. I've also ran into some transphobic profiles too which is not encouraging. I actually had the premium account for a while as it was on a discount and found the experience to be better despite not meeting anyone in person as now I think I'm shown less profiles and I also can't filter people anymore. I just assumed that people using an app to get new friends would be more interested in... making friends? Maybe I'm wrong. Some people just seem to want to grow their social media followings, find travel/gig companions, housemates and unfortunately lots of the men seem to be using the friend app disingenuously.
All of this to say, I'm still super lonely and haven't made a friend since downloading the app.
So I took a step back. My therapist said that maybe it's hard for me to make friends when I'm working on myself, which I can understand. Although I started therapy and I've started taking meds, it's only the beginning of my journey. So I was excited when an acquaintance of mine messaged me following a post I made on IG during pride month about being nb/trans. I've never "come out" publicly as I feel it's not important. They are also trans and suggested we hang out sometime. I gave them my availability and that was 2 weeks ago. The message is marked as seen and they've just not replied. Maybe I should have known as they tried to organise a hang out between us before which never happened either so maybe they're just majorly flaky but I can't help but take it to heart. I've really wanted more trans and nonbinary friends but finding them is just so hard, especially ones more my age.
I had told my therapist about all of this, saying that once I had stopped looking for friends, this person came to me and wanted to hang. But that turned out not to be true. And now suddenly I feel like that person all those years ago at uni, stretching myself, changing myself, doing whatever it took just to get someone to come back to my flat and watch stupid movies with me and hang out like normal people do. And even now, years on, I'm still being rejected and ghosted. I still can't make people stay.
I'd never voiced that I was lonely until I spoke to my therapist. It feels so stupid. People my age shouldn't be lonely, I should have an army of pals that I go on nights out with, to festivals with, on holiday with. But the truth is I have 1 friend and although I love her, our relationship was built on toxic foundations and now I've been having therapy and thinking more about the past, I can see that they abused me when I was super vulnerable. Sure, people grow and change and I have no doubt that she has in the 10 years I've known her but I feel a certain way about what happened and what she did and feel like new relationships might be better for me.
So I guess I'll continue matching with people on Bumble BFF and never hanging out with them, I'll keep scouring local meet up boards to see if I can pluck up the courage to go to something and keep trying to find trans/non binary events in my city.
Years ago, when I was a teen, I went through this weird phase of being obsessed with Sex and the City. In the movie on New Year's Eve, Carrie goes across New York to Miranda who's moved to Brooklyn and is spending the New Year alone because her ex has their kid that weekend. Carrie turns up on the doorstep with takeout and they spend New Year together. For some reason, I have that imagine in my head of friendship. I know it's unrealistic, movies aren't realistic but one day it'd be great to find the Carrie to my Miranda.
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lunarmochi · 2 years
feel physically and socially drained. didn't even do much today.
i really just... want to face-plant into someone's arms. i can't tell if depression, loneliness, or both are hitting me tonight.
i just feel so down, and my stomach hurts (for some other reason).
i have to shower tonight, but i don't think i have many spoons left. i used up a bunch earlier cooking two batches of ramen, and more being on a voice call.
i can't tell if i want company or to be left alone. i just want these feelings to go away.
i'm in that reflection phase of the day where i'm suddenly regretting everything i've said today, and felt like anything i felt confident about was just stupid and insignificant.
i feel like i'm annoying them, too. i don't provide anything significant to the conversation, and i feel so useless when they come off as upset/annoyed. i know it's not at me, but i can't help but react that way whenever someone is noticeably upset, pissed off, or pessimistic when talking to me. it's a trauma response, but i don't have the heart to say anything.
i shouldn't even be talking about anything on my blog, should i?
i already embarrassed myself in front of them last night.
god, i don't know how to handle this. i don't know how to handle how i feel right now.
i'm sorry for anyone that reads this.
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rvrindousvpet · 2 years
HII, I LOVE UR FANFICS AND BLOG SM(ITS SO PRETTY OGMGOGMG) YOU CAN LEAVE THIS HERE BUT HEAR ME OUT, bonten x tomie!reader (shes from the junji ito collection) where bonten is a bunch of down bad dogs for her and would do anything for her, the plot is up to you but if you're not comfy with writing it then its totally fine mwa!! <3
bonten with tomie!reader
characters : sano manjiro, akashi haruchiyo, hitto kakucho, kokonoi hajime, haitani ran, haitani rindou, akashi takeomi.
pairings : bonten x tomie! reader
warnings : swearings, graphic gore, death, mention of death, rape, attempted murder.
genre : fluff, angst?
note : hiiii hehe thankyou for you kind words anon! tbh I've never read junji ito, but i do know tomie. i actually can't handle horror shit- like idk i just can't handle it and it scares me like crazy, but just for this reqs, i prepared myself to read 2 volumes of tomie. hmm more than scared, i feel annoyed and bad for tomie cause she's surrounded by shitheads, so yeah I'm not really scared but more to angry. also I'm sorry if the reader doesn't really act like tomie, i tried my best to portray her and I'm sorry if did such a shitty job, well that's too much i hope you enjoy this! and I'm also sorry if y/n is too ooc, or not like tomie
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- hmm let me be honest, we don't know why tf your presence is not affecting them, like if it others they would hate you like crazy or obsessed over. but not with bonten... it's like they're bunch of people who's immune to you and it felt so weird lmaooo
- how you met with bonten? well just another normal day for you.
- you're pinned down on the dark alleyway by man with his eyes glazed like crazy and uncontrollable man.
- "ahhh, I'm about to die again huh?"
- well that shithead start making his move, groping all over your body while threatening you
- just as you're about to accept your fate and let the disgusting man lick you
- suddenly a bang* sounded out, and the bullet hit that man shoulder
- suddenly he was thrown off you in seconds
- a man with black hair and big scar ran across his face was in front of you
- "miss, it's okay you can go and run away now, we'll take care of him"
- huh? why is he not affected???
- seeing you not responding that man decided to ehem carry into some car heading to idk where.
- "oh well hello there beautiful, what a pleasure to meet a beautiful woman like you, the name's ran, what's yours?"
- umm another man that's not affected??? what the actual fuck!
- fast forward
- basically uhm, they bought you to bonten hideout/place. and you're introduced to bonten executives, and now that you know them. ain't no way you're escaping from them.
- all of them r real down fucking bad for you. like sure at first they're memerised at how gorgeous you are, but after spending more time and observing you they've fallen for your behaviour and personalities.
- they love how confident, how you stand tall, how you have your own principal, how you never bow down to others, how you behave towards them and how indifferent you act to them
- basically bonten is a simp for your my queen.
- there's one time wherein you're on your way to supermarket to buy groceries, you bumper into man at the isolated walkway. the man become enchanted with you, he's obsessed with you and slowly that turned into hate filled with urges to get rid of you out from this world
- as the man corners you and about to kill you merciless, a baton was bashed into his head knocking him aside.
- looking up you saw the bonten trio, ran and rindou being infront of you and sanzu is on the side pushing his feet into the crazy man face
- "say how crazy you are to disturb bonten's property huh?" rin spited out feeling angered at how that shitty man almost hurt you
- "oioioi where the fuck you you're going bitch, you gonna sit here and take what i give you as your punishment for touching bonten girl" sanzu said while pointing his katana on the crazy neck that keeps on muttering how he needs to kill you.
- "ahhh, you're annoying me :)" ran said after bashing his baton into the man head once again to the point he's fainted.
- when all bonten executives ge to know what happened all of them were fumed in fear, mikey even instructed his man to put the crazy bitch into one of their torture room
- after a while of silence, kokonoi voiced out asking "say y/n why that man is so fixed on killing you as if he's posessed?"
- welp here we go telling them the truth.
- after explaining to them, how you attracting people attention that will either be obsession or hate and will develop to them hating more than anything wishing you to be gone from this world
- how if you're dead, you'll get regenerated from your own dead body, how you healed so fast and all of that stuff. and also you kinda? told them what shits you've experienced and been through.
- instead of them freaking out, throwing you away calling you monster. they actually felt sorry and hurt and angry for you, for all the things you've been through.
- takeomi said "y/n, even though you've been through that shit thousands times and be resurrected even if you're dead, it doesn't change the fact that it's hurting you. don't get used to giving your life away so easily please. You're worth more than anything"
- fuck. they just make you feel something.
- "y/n" mikey calls out to you "if there's any people that disturb you or want to kill you just inform any of us. we'll get rid of them for you. you can't be injured"
- "sweetheart, dyya remember those shit heads name lemme kill em and get rid of em for you kay?" sanzu let out while grinning maniacally
- "y/n, if anything remember that we're here for you. we love you for who you are and anything else didn't matter" kakucho said
- fuck. you've never feel so loved and complete. after all of this time, after those ressurected time, after countless of death, after countless of time being called monster left alone and hated. you've finally get to feel what is it like to be loved to feel happiness
- they managed to bring another side of you, the side that no one ever saw.
- they love you nonetheless, they also love your new side. how you would get all clingy and waiting for them. they love all of you.
- at the end of the day, they will never leave you. even after knowing the truth.
- for a few days you noticed that they've gotten a lil bit busy?
- uhmm lemme just say that bonten is doing their business over what they say, lemme quoted "now it's time for payback motherfuckers, you messed with our y/n you mess with bonten."
- they would do anything. anything for you.
- got a creep that obsessed with you? considered it done, that motherfucker will die in no time
- don't tolerate shit. like literally, if they ever caught someone talking shit bout you or take your picture. uh well yeah they'll be 6 foot under in no time.
- absolutely fucking wholesome, will you praise anytime, anywhere.
- watch them fight each other to over who should take care of you.
- refuses you to let you do anything on your own
- love taking care of you, will baby you at any chance they get
bonus : since you're not apart of bonten officially? you didn't really have a desk or office, but! mikey decided to do something for you, ehehehe he actually make a lil space for you inside his bigass office and all bonten executives will take any chance to get into mikey's office just to see you or talk with you ><
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pastel-peach-writes · 3 years
Hey! Found your blog and love it! Would you write something with Korra and a waterbender reader? Maybe they spar and korra gets too rough bc ya know she's the avatar and it ends in cuddles?
YESSSS. Korra and cuddles is my favorite combination. Thanks for your request!
Water Is Hard As Concrete | Korra x WaterBender!Reader
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PLOT: Korra had a rough week of people telling her what to do and what to be. Practicing with Y/n is her stress reliever, what happens when Korra lets her thoughts get the better of her?
WARNINGS: Mentions of Death(there is none), Cursing(?), Pain ( I SWEAR ITS NOT AS BAD AS IT SEEMS!), Kinda Long 1500+ Words
A/N: can yall tell I'm going through formatting problems. LOL.
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"Ugh, Korra!" Y/n exclaimed as they walked into their practice room. The room had wall-length mirrors on the front and back walls, soft padded flooring, barrels of water for Waterbending, bins of dirt discs for Earthbending, and smelt like plastic gym mats and sweat. It was the perfect sparring room for both benders and non-benders.
However, you can't spar if your partner isn't around. And Y/n's partner, Korra, was for sure not around.
Instead of waiting for her to show herself, Y/n wrapped their hands with white athletic tape and wiggled their fingers. Korra would show up eventually, and it would be a waste to sit around and wait for her.
"Y/nnnnnnn," A familiar voice whined. From behind the barrels, Korra had revealed herself. Her long brown hair in her infamous ponytail, her signature blue shirt, and sweats. She wasn't wearing any fur or boots today. "You were supposed to find me!"
They chuckled, throwing aside the small roll of tape. "How was I supposed to find you if I didn't even know you were here?" Y/n walked to their girlfriend, holding her waist once close enough. They leaned down/went on their tiptoes to peck Korra's lips. "I don't know. Didn't it concern you that I wasn't on time?"
"Nottt really. You can be late sometimes, so I didn't think much of it." A groan escaped from Korra's lips. "Oh, whatever. Let's just get this over with."
The two were getting their weekly waterbending workout in. With Korra being the Avatar and having to master all elements, it can be hard to drawback to her roots. Thanks to Y/n being a waterbender themselves, they get to help Korra keep her skills sharp and master their own.
The two started in the middle of the gym. Y/n used their abilities to pull water from the barrels and swirled it around themselves as Korra grabbed water as well. Now it was up to someone to make the first move.
Korra wasn't typically the one to start, but she grew suddenly impatient. Remembering today’s earlier events and constant nagging of Tenzin made her teeth grind and her blood boil. Why can't she ever do things her own way? Why was no one trusting her judgment? She was growing sick and tired of being treated like some kid. 
"Ugh!" Korra grunted, thrashing the ball of water toward Y/n. Moving their head away from the ball of water, Y/n scoffed. "Someone's fiery today. What happened to the girl hiding in the barrels?" Y/n led the water to Korra, wrapping it around her wrist and pulling her forward.
Korra stumbled over her feet as she was pulled, her cheeks hollowed as she took an annoyed breath through her nose. She pulled water from the dark oak barrel and formed it into a rope. There was something brewing inside Korra. Something dark and filled with anger. However, her mind was too clouded with her thoughts to notice this feeling in her chest and stomach. 
Korra pulled her hands back, causing Y/n’s rope to snap and her own rope to follow. She abruptly thrust it forward to attack Y/n. The water hit Y/n's back with a small snap and the sound of water crashing. Y/n winced in pain as the water hit their back. It stung and what made matters worse was they were now soaked a lot earlier than they were planning to. 
Hunching over to hold the spot Korra hit, Y/n looked up from a spot on the floor and at Korra. "She's gone. Realized she wanted this done quicker than she thought." Korra spat. 
Y/n rubbed their back, trying to analyze Korra’s face and body language. Her eyebrows were furrowed, sweat began to show on the top of her forehead, her lips curled. Her breaths were shallow and fastly paced. Korra seemed to grow angrier the more Y/n stared. "Oh, okay-" 
Standing up straight despite the pinch in their back, Y/n took some water and manipulated it into small ice discs. They threw them at Korra but made sure not to hurt her or go too far. This was simple training, not a fight to the deaths.
Skillfully, Korra dodged almost every disc with her hand-to-hand combat and gymnastics. She threw quick punches at the front-facing discs, used her skills to break them just with a simple flick of the wrist, and used kicks just to impress Y/n.
Y/n’s discs started to fade out as Korra grew defensive. She threw small, almost golf ball-like water balls back at Y/n as her next move. However, Y/n was quick. They made a baton out of ice, twirling it in front of them to create a small shield. The water aimed for them began to splatter from the contact. 
"Too easy, Kor," Y/n began, resting on their staff once the attack was finished. "You gotta do better than that to beat me."
Korra chuckled, rolling her shoulders back with a wiggle of her fingers. "Now look who's the fiery one." Even though she was angry and stressed before, using waterbending seemed to calm things down internally. Nothing would go too far if she kept this up, right?
"Eh, not fiery, more so confident." Y/n retaliated. Y/n used the water steaming technique to melt a bit of the ice. It would take too long to watch or wait for it to melt, they were just speeding up the process. Korra shrugged. "Whatever floats your ice parade." The Avatar began to create the same ice discs Y/n used.
Y/n watched their girlfriend create the discs. Dodging/avoiding the ice discs wasn’t something Y/n was good at. Sure, they could make them left and right WITH their eyes closed, but fighting against them was a different story! 
Y/n was nowhere near Korra's skill in combat, they weren't flexible or agile in any way. The only way to avoid these discs was to distract and confuse the creator, so, that’s what Y/n decided to do.
Ribbons of water started to rise from the barrels and make its way towards Korra. The multiple ribbons began crashing into Korra's legs from behind and poking that soft spot behind her knees to mess with her balance. This plan was foolproof!... Until it wasn’t. 
Moments before Korra fell to her knees, the discs in her hands were making their way towards Y/n's arms and thighs. “Y/n! Watch out!” Korra called out, watching the thin ice make its way towards them. Since Y/n was too busy focusing on the ribbons, they didn't have enough time to process Korra’s words and dodge.
A disc cut the side of Y/n's bicep. The water poking Korra fell limp onto the ground. The cut wasn't deep enough to cause major injuries to the muscle, but man did it hurt like a mofo.
With a painful wince, Y/n held onto their cut arm. "Korra!" They wailed, watching as their girlfriend attempted to maneuver the discs away from Y/n. Unfortunately, another one attacked their clothed leg. Thanks to the thick clothes however, the disc crashed on impact.
Y/n groaned. They fell to their butt as Korra successfully moved the other discs. “Y/n, I’m so–” Y/n sent daggers at Korra. “I don’t want to hear it right now, Korra. Just, hold on.” 
Y/n removed their hand to check the cut. It was worse than they thought, they needed some medical attention, or else the stinging and burning won't stop any time soon. Y/n should’ve never tried to avoid the attacks and Korra should’ve never made the discs.
They both messed up.
Korra placed Y/n on their plush bed with cotton sheets and fluffed pillows. She carefully wrapped them up in the sheets and held their hands, kneeling by their bedside.
"Again, babe. I am so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking making the ice discs. I was focused on trying to challenge you, but I think I got my head wrapped around everything everyone wanted me to do. I know that sounds crazy, but, this whole week has been so stressful. Even training with you started to feel like work. I don’t remember much of our match, just a lot of grunts, water, and splashes. So, when I heard your cries of pain, I realized I went too far. I should’ve warned you I was making the discs and had been mindful of them as I fell down.”
Y/n's injuries weren't extraordinary. The cut on their arm was now bandaged, their back was mildly bruised from Korra's water whip, and there was barely any soreness from the disc that crashed on their thigh. Korra was overreacting, it wasn’t entirely her fault. Y/n made some faults too. "Korra, come here." Y/n scooted over to give Korra space on the bed and patted where they wanted her to go. 
Korra sighed, letting go of their hands and slipping off her shoes. She sat next to Y/n with her back against the wall and her hands in her lap. A soft smile spread across Y/n's lips. They gently led Korra's head onto their shoulder and wrapped their arms around the Avatar. "Listen to what I say carefully.” 
Korra gave a slight nod in reply. “I. am. fine. There were no tears, stitches, surgeries, or death. Just bandages and bruises! You're stressing yourself out."
"I know! I know I am. I can't help it. I have to be this all-mighty person and be responsible and make the correct choices... I can't even throw a bafoon into the walls anymore. Hurting you goes against everything I’ve worked for. How can I be the Avatar if I hurt my partner? People would see me as a fool." Korra let a deep sigh escape from her lips. 
Y/n chewed on their lower lip, thinking of what to say next. They wanted to reassure Korra, but didn’t have the right words to say. They wished they could tell her this wasn’t her fault. Oh, wait––
"Korra, this wasn’t entirely your fault. If I didn’t make those ropes to throw you off your balance and to distract you in the first place, we wouldn’t be here. Don’t be so hard on yourself." A sweet kiss was placed on the Avatar’s forehead. Korra looked up at Y/n pouting. “So, you don’t think I’m the worst?”
"No, I don’t think you’re the worst.”
“Do you think I’m the best?”
Korra loudly gasped, sitting up to look Y/n in the eye. “Whoa! EH?? Why don’t you think I’m the best! I’m the Avatar, yanno!” Y/n laughed. “I know who you are. Also, what happened to the girl laying in my lap who was in her feelings?” “She’s gone! She wants to know why her partner doesn’t think she’s the best!”
“Korra, please--” “COME ON! Out with it! Why aren’t I the best?”  “Well, no one is better than me. Sorry, hon.” Y/n shrugged, a playful smile on their lips. “Oh, so you think you’re funny.” Korra deadpanned, sucking on her teeth. 
“I don’t think; I am.”
"I won't hesitate to turn those bruises into broken bones, yanno."
"DANNNG. I was just kidding!"
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