#sugar mama scam
wahminsc · 2 years
Romance and sugar mama/daddy scammers
Another day, another romance scammer #becareful #scammersareeverywhere
Romance scammers are (excuse the expression) a ballsy bunch. They start by telling you how beautiful you are and get insulting when you decline the advances. It usually escalates quickly. Sometimes I have the energy to play with them a little before shutting it down and others, not so much. I’ve shared screenshots of some exchanges on Twitter for funzies. Here’s one of the most recent ones: See…
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lostiphone · 11 months
HEY so watch out for @mitbery
theyre catfishing using an Insta model's photo.
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leajdh · 6 months
Gold rush
Chapter four: Ayo, fuck this. Are we dating? Are we fucking? Are we best friends? Are we something in between that? I wish we never fucked, and I mean that. But not really..
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He was just a few more steps away from becoming a living legend. Already praised by the media as the honored one, he made a grave mistake which not only put his Ice Hockey career on hold, it disappointed even his most loyal fans so much so that his reputation sank to an all-time low.
Then he meets you; a retired figure skating champion who is now trying to find her purpose in life after her triumphs, all while still being loved and cherished by the media and public likewise.
Satoru Gojo sees his chance to not only get back unto the rink, but also to regain his former popularity.
But he soon realizes it will be a lot harder to get on your good side, because he's everything you despise combined into one person.
Will you give him a second chance and allow him to redeem himself, or is this going to be the match for your life time?
Gojo Satoru x reader (first person narrator)
Ice Hockey AU
Enemies to lovers
English isn't my first language, so expect some grammar errors
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Against all odds, everything is going smoothly. 
It’s only been two days since the picture was posted on my instagram, so I shouldn’t crow too soon, but how can I not when the wildcard Satoru Gojo follows all my rules without any objections?
It’s just too good to be true, but it is true. 
At least for now.
We haven’t really started yet with creating a narrative. So far we just handled everything between each other. I sent him a list of rules that he agreed on and we both signed a contract. Our contract likewise our fake relationship needed an expiration date, so we came up with 21 days after his first game at the Stanley cup. 
With that we make sure that people don’t suspect us from faking the relationship. We also decided the reason why we will break up is the long distance, something like; My life and home is in Idaho and his life and career is in New York City. I know, not romantic at all, but realistic. 
Coming to my rules, they are simple but strict.
Satoru isn’t allowed to post anything without asking me beforehand (exceptions are campaign pictures and videos).
The reason for this rule is simple. I don’t trust Satoru to not post anything stupid that will ruin the narrative I’m going for. With the picture of his head on my thigh, he set a tone for our relationship from which I want to break away. Everything will be family friendly from now on. A lovestory Disney would want to cinematize.
This rule also includes no talking to the media unless his team (which I am part of) approves.
2. Decluttering his social media.
Initially I thought I had to do much more. Suguru told me after the crash Satorus PR-team deleted every party picture or video. It didn’t matter if alcohol was in the frame or not. All this is gone. However, I decluttered even more. Yesterday I started my research on the people Satoru follows. Without mercy I deleted everyone I thought wasn't good for his image to be associated with. The only problematic one I didn’t unfollow is one of his teammates. Toji Fushiguro. 
Apparently a welcome visitor at casinos and race tracks. Bad enough for me already, but the cherry on top are the allegations from older women that, before he became a pro ice hockey player, he used to scam them for money and housing. 
But I looked more into it and I would rather say these old hags did not really get scammed. More so they were his sugar mamas and now they are mad at him for leaving them. Hence there was never a criminal prosecution. 
The biggest problem with Satorus social media are all the girls he follows. 
With a lot of them, he publicly hooked up. All gorgeous women; either models, singers or actresses. I gulped at that and thought on how to handle it. My initial thought was to simply not do anything. Just let them follow each other. I don’t want to come across as the girlfriend who is super jealous and if the media figures out (which they will) that Satoru unfollowed all his former liaisons, it will be a headline and I will be the villain. 
But this issue clashes with another rule.
3. For the entirety of our fake relationship neither him nor me are allowed to engage in any romantic or sexual relationship with another person. Doesn’t matter if it is happening in real-life or just online. Nothing that can cause any fanfare.
Personally I do not think it will be a problem for me but I have less (a lot less) faith in Satoru. He is known for his playboy lifestyle, so I was generally surprised as he agreed so easily to this rule. Even as I wanted to include a paragraph in our contract that I am given the honor to cut his penis of if he cheats. 
Sadly Ichiji told me such a paragraph isn’t legally allowed. 
It would have definitely strengthened my trust. 
Back to rule 2. I therefore just unfollowed some of them. Some had been canceled before for actually serious stuff like internet scams or selling their fans overpriced junk. As soon as I saw a post with CODE: whateverhernameis20 I unfollowed. 
4. I created an excel list with amazing athletes, especially female ice hockey players for him to follow. As an athlete himself, he needs to be more supportive and generally show more interest in what is going on in the sports world. 
On different dates he will follow certain athletes so it doesn’t look suspicious that he randomly decides to follow a ton of them. Everything in nibbles. 
Saving his reputation is a climb not a shortcut. 
5. He attends AA meetings each week. For this rule I was given an annoyed snort from Satoru but he did not say anything after I looked daggers at him. I will drive him there and pick him up, no excuses. 
Five rules but the most important one isn’t for him. It is for myself. 
I need to try to trust him. 
Trusting someone isn’t easy, especially after everything he did to me. But I have to overcome my issues with him to make this work. 
In spite of everything, I want him to be loved by his fans again. I want the best for him.
Only when he succeeds will I be able to make peace with myself and move on. 
Every therapist would shake their head and rip out their hair at this statement but I never learned how to correctly get over things and move on. All I know are challenges and they made me move forward, so I will handle this my way. The way even Suguru thinks would suit me the best. 
Today I am late as I run down the tribune in my boots. Satoru is already training, skating sideways in zigzag lines as Mei Mei screams instructions at him. 
Stumbling down the stairs I notice Suguru, who’s intensely watching the training. With a huff I fall next to him on the bench. “Sorry, I’m late but I couldn’t find the pink stockings off the set. I hope white is fine too”, I breathe as I tie my white skates on. Suguru turns his head to the side and watches me, blinking a few times. 
As for today, we will take the first official photo of Satoru and I together. Essentially confirming our relationship. So far everything is just rumors, neither of us has confirmed anything. With this picture we will officially start the fake dating storyline.
“White’s his favorite color and it suits you, you look really pretty”, his eyes are glued to my face and he smiles. Before I have the chance to turn red, Mei Meis' scream startles me. 
“You’re late!” 
I look at her as she is now turned towards me. Apologetic, I put my hands up and Suguru snickers beside me.
“How did your ears survive her screaming all those years?”, Suguru asks me as I finish tying my skates. I put a hand behind my ear and joke: “What did you say?” 
He laughs lightly again and I am happy about his reaction. 
Standing up I stretch a bit before I go on the ice. Upon hearing no more skates scratching the ice, I look at the rink and see Satoru staring at me, which sends a shiver down my spine. 
Since the day I agreed on being his fake girlfriend I have had a hard time maintaining eye contact with him, hell, even being near him makes me unbelievably nervous. 
Worst of all, I can’t tell why. I should actually be more relaxed around him since we buried our conflict and work together now, but as soon as I feel his freaky blue eyes on me, I feel like a deer in the headlights. 
Suguru softly strokes his index finger over my hip bone. I quickly turn my head towards him.
“Hey, are you alright?”, he asks and looks at me with a frown. His glances never make me nervous. When he looks at me, it feels nice and warm. Meanwhile Satorus peeks make me feel vulnerable like he can see right through me. 
All flaws, all my thoughts, open for him to see and mock. His stare gives me a weird sense of self doubt. 
I shake the thought off. 
“Just feeling a bit fussy”, I sigh: “You know, this is all really weird.” 
“I know”, he grins: “but it will all work out, so no need to worry.” I wish I could be as much of an optimist as Suguru. He gets up too and I notice the significant height difference between us. Even with my skates on he is taller than me. Half a head shorter than Satoru, but Satorus is also freakishly tall. 
“You are going on the ice too?”, I point at  Sugurus' feet which are in skates. 
“Somebody has to take the pictures”, he responds. 
“Right”, I reply with a neutral smile but internally I am pouting and stomping my feet. 
This makes everything even harder. Playing all lovey-dovey with Satoru will be hard enough, but now having Suguru focus on all the details and probably giving pointers. 
I should have stayed in bed. 
We walk down to the rink entry. I throw the blade protectors to the side and step on the ice, gliding over it with ease. I stop next to Satoru, whose entire focus is on me. 
“Good to see you, princess. Looking like there was no pea under your mattress”, he grins and I twist my mouth in confusion. 
“The princess and the pea. Did your dad never read you fairytales?” 
He knows the answer to that, but he still likes to get a rise out of me. 
“I know the fairytale but your comment still makes no sense.”
He skates closer to me and I focus on his nose, so it at least looks like I am looking in his eyes. 
“It’s no fun explaining it.”
“No one is forcing you.”
“Well, maybe there was no pea under your mattress but you definitely stood up with the wrong foot.”
I roll my eyes and skate a bit backwards. 
“It is my way to say that you look well rested.”
“Thank you?”, I frown, unsure what well rested means. A weird compliment? A strange gag? Whatever it is, nothing about us screams boyfriend and girlfriend. 
“And you look well exhausted.”
His hair is flat on his scalp, single pieces of hair glued to his sweaty forehead. He has reddish cheeks and sweat drops travel down his neck to his covered collarbone. He breathes still a bit heavy, the hot air he puffs out turning white due to the temperature. 
I curse myself for finding him incredibly hot at this stage. 
Why does he have to look hot all the time? 
This is unnatural!
“I’ve been here since 7am while you probably had some sweet dream about me”, he grins again, well not again. He is grinning at me the entire time. 
“You mean about your sponsors. Burberry wants inclusive rights for my public outfits, making me an ambassador.”
“No need to thank me.”
“I am not thanking you, I will thank you once Dior comes through. Checked clothes do not really suit me.”
He chuckles: “Quite picky.” 
“Are you really surprised?”
“Not at all.”
I foolishly look in his eyes and feel that shiver again. Turning my head instantly, I gulp and look for Suguru. He’s talking with Mei Mei, both of them stepping on the ice as well. As they glide towards us, I feel strong arms slinging around my shoulders from behind, holding me into place so I do not slither away. Satoru places his sharp chin on my head and exhales. I’m as frozen as the ice under my feet. 
“I know women hate this more than anything, but smile. We are in love or have you forgotten?”
He is right, but how can I smile at him if I can't even look in his eyes. This is going to be a disaster. 
“You’re messing up my hair”, is all I can mutter.
He inhales and I feel his broad chest extend against my back. His body is a living heater in this cold hall. 
Warmth spreads through my entire body, especially in places I should not feel hot for him. 
“Nonsense, you look like an angel”, his chin moves from my head to my shoulder as he leans more forward, his arms still around me. 
“Have I ever told you how much your little skirts turn me on?”
My breath is stuck in my throat, even if I had something on my mind to return, I physically couldn’t.
“Well, have I?”
Why does he have to torture me? I shake my head, still unable to move much less talk. 
He huffs disappointed. “I would prefer if you used your words, but I will teach you another time.”
He instantly lets go of me and I can barely stand on my wobbly legs, only now noticing that he held me really secure. Before he skates past me towards Suguru and Mei Mei, who are only a few feet away now, he pinches my left butt cheek. 
“Now smile, we are in love, don’t forget it”, without giving me a second look, but I know he is grinning like the devil himself. 
I will kill him. 
“Are you ready?”, Mei Mei asks me. With a dry mouth and still in a state of shock I nod. 
I’m the furthest away from being ready. 
After what felt like hours, we still did not manage to take a good picture. We tried different poses, tried to fake spontaneous pictures and even left the rink to take some pictures on the tribune. I cross my arms over my chest and try to remain positive. Just one good picture and I can get away from him. 
Get a grip!
The worst thing is, Satoru is a natural talent. He looks perfect on every photo, while I look- “It looks like you just met a fan!”, Mei Mei tells me: “You know you can look at him, right?” Why does everyone have to torture me? As if this entire situation isn’t awkward and embarrassing enough. 
I sigh loudly and throw my hands up in frustration.  “I’m trying”, I mutter. I can’t even look in his eyes for a second, before turning my face away and becoming a nervous wreck. 
“Then stop with this customer-service-smile!”, Mei Mei spits back. She isn’t known for having patience. 
“I don’t know, each pose seems way too unnatural. I don’t like how the pictures turn out”, even if I had been able to look at Satoru all lovey-dovey, the pictures wouldn’t give me the vibe I want. 
“Usually you aren’t being that difficult”, she adds and I want to strangle her. 
Satoru says nothing, just leaning on the edge of the rink, waiting for instructions. He hasn’t tried anything funny, but his gaze never leaves me and I am too well aware of that. 
I shake the goosebumps off. 
“I just don’t like it…”, I mumble and Mei Meis nose flares. I can tell she is angry with my behavior. 
Before the situation can escalate, Suguru suggests: “How about we try it again tomorrow with a new approach? It has no value to try and force it now, besides Satoru has a massage appointment in thirty minutes.”
I don’t want another try, I want to get this over with, but Suguru is right, as always. Whatever block I have in my mind, it is my problem and I need to fix it. I chew on nothing and act as nonchalant as possible. 
“Okay fine, tomorrow.”, I hum and want to set off, just getting out of the rink and home. But Suguru stops me just as I am about to leave the ice. “Hey, just so you know, you did well. This”, he swirls his index finger in a circle “isn’t easy. It takes time to get used to each other.”
He is so nice. I sometimes hate him for it. 
“But Satoru and you will be a great team, I can feel it”, he cracks a crooked smile at me and I smile back.
“That’s the smile I wanted!”, Mei Mei screams over and I instantly lose it, looking back and forth between her and Suguru, whose smile turns softer. 
“I will see you tomorrow”, I step off the rink and wave good-bye to Mei Mei and ignore Satorus gaze again. 
I’m such a coward. 
With a groan I fall on the couch next to Utahime, who is eating soup and watches TV. She turns down the volume and pats my head. 
“From your reaction I guess it didn’t go well.”
I just groan more into the soft cushion of the couch.
“What happened? Do I need to kill him? You know I would do it.”
Utahime was against this entire fake relationship. She can’t stand Satoru, thinking the same things as me. He’s arrogant, self-centered and reckless. And his good looks do nothing for her. 
I wish I was immune to it too. 
“No, not he is the problem. I am!”, I flip over on my back and look up at her: “I get so uptight and irritable when I am around him. I don’t know how to explain it and it affects the photos.” 
She frowns.
“You know what this sounds like?”, then she gives me a small grin. “Stop, no, it isn’t like that at all.” And it really isn’t. 
The more I think about it, the more it is clear that everything is connected to the first day we met. Hell, we nearly had sex in my car and afterwards we wanted to blackmail each other. Not the best way to start a fake relationship, but I can’t tell her. Nobody knows about any of this and I am just glad no one asked how Satoru even got a picture of his head on my thigh. I’m a good liar but I have no tale for this one.
“So what is it then?” 
“I don’t know”, I sob in my hands. Hime just keeps on patting my hair. 
“You can always quit, right?” 
Another slight fabrication I told her, so she wouldn’t get too concerned. Contractually I’m bound to Satoru until our end date. 
“Yes, but I don’t want to”, I sigh: “I just need to get a grip.” Suguru is right, it takes time to adjust to the entire case. 
I managed tougher challenges. 
I can do it. 
“And rethink this entire photoshoot. It looked like we were high schoolers going to our first prom and my parents forced us to take pictures. Maybe we should just hire paparazzi, who take the first picture of us together on a date or whatever”, I sigh, frustrated with myself. 
She still pats my head and slurps her soup, just allowing me to let my mind figure out something on its own.
“Or maybe we should just let our PR teams make it official and never post a picture. No, that’s not good either”, I grunt some more and sit up. Instead of answering me, Hime just holds a full spoon under my nose, not saying a word. I put it in my mouth and eat. She knows me. I don’t want any advice, I just want to think out loud. 
In the end I know I will find a solution. I always do. 
And if not, I still have Suguru, who seems like the true mastermind of solutions. 
He will get me. 
I can count on him. 
I spend the rest of the day running errands and buying myself a new phone using one of  Satorus cards. 
He insisted on giving me one. Not just to buy a new phone (it was his fault I threw my old one against the wall, obviously), but also for other stuff I want. I told him I don’t want his money, which he didn’t understand. Why else would I have agreed on being his fake girlfriend?
I didn’t have the guts to tell him everything Suguru and I had discussed and my five reasons, so I told him I have my own reasoning and it actually isn’t his business. 
While I said that, I got nervous again and couldn’t look at him, crossing my arms to at least look a bit confident. 
However, as I mentioned before he can see right through me and I swear to God he stared me down without saying a single word, just to make me more nervous until I had no other choice than to grab the card out of his hand and declare defeat by accepting it. 
But this arrangement has nothing to do with money. I’m not buyable. I do this to grow as a person. 
And for a new phone (again, his fault I broke it). 
After that I will put his card away and never touch it again. I do not want to be in his debt in any kind of way. 
It is better if he owes me something, which he does. Just by me agreeing to help him, he is in my debt and I would like to keep it that way. 
If he is on the edge of messing up, I can guilt trip him. If he is even really capable of feeling guilt.
At least towards me. 
I still don’t get him. How he feels towards me is an enigma. 
Does he like me? Ha, good joke. No, why should he? All we did so far was playing with one another. He wants a fake relationship with me because I’m a goody two-shoes in the public eye, not particularly because he likes me. 
Does he hate me? Also no, I would say. I don’t hate him. If I was, I wouldn’t be able to do this and so would he. 
That’s why my guess is he accepts me but doesn’t particularly like nor dislike me. Just what I feel for him. 
Yeah, because whatever I feel automatically applies to him. 
Nevertheless what I definitely know is that I am on high alert around him and he fucking knows it and uses it against me. Again a game he plays with me. Something to keep him entertained. 
Maybe that’s what he feels towards me. He sees me as a little plaything to help him through the boring time in recovery. 
So much for trying to trust him. Not even in my own weird scenarios do I give him the benefit of the doubt that he isn’t a sadistic ass. 
Does he really need me to save his career or is it all a charade? 
I can’t get this bile of a thought out of my head. He talked too much about my father, who is the coach of his archenemy team. I have the eerie feeling it is all connected to him and Satoru is lying to me. Lying that it has nothing to do with my father. 
In the end I have to accept I’m not a special snowflake like Suguru made me seem like in our conversation. Satoru could have chosen hundreds of other girls with a similar reputation as mine without the ties to one of his archenemies. 
And again, so much for trying to trust him.
Trust takes time, especially after everything Satoru and I have been through. He probably doesn’t trust me either. 
Maybe in the long run I am in the wrong and Satoru has no interior motives, but as long as I am not a hundred percent certain, I will have my doubts. 
Keep your fake boyfriend close, but your enemy closer, and Satoru is both for me. 
After all I didn’t not hear the final whistle. The match is still on and so far we have the same score. 
I fall in my bed and set up my new phone, putting in my old sim card and working through all my notifications I got over the last few days. 
It is around 11pm when I suddenly get a text message. I was just looking through pinterest for some inspo pictures for tomorrow's photoshoot as a message pops up: Come over.
I instantly know it is Satorus number. Who else would want to talk to me? 
Suguru maybe, but he would word it differently, even better call me. 
No, I know it’s Satoru.
For a second I ask myself how he knows I have a new phone but he probably can see the debiting of his card on an app or something. 
Why?, I plainly wrote him back after a few minutes of contemplating.
I fucked up, I get back and my heart stops for a second. 
Fucked up? What? 
This could mean a thousand things. 
Satoru, what did you do?, I type faster than I have anticipated. 
We didn’t even announce our fake relationship and he already messed up! 
Fuck against all odds, I should have known a wildcard like him has no chance of bettering himself. 
I go from shocked to angry as he simply answers me: Just come over and I will explain.
He doesn’t need to repeat it another time. I am on my feet in an instant, changing into one of my training skirts and pulling my snow boots on to keep my legs warm. I’m in too much of a hassle to even think about putting tights on. I would only rip them. 
How could he manage to mess up already? 
I stomp outside and use my phone light to navigate to the resort. It is cold but my anger keeps me warm as I sprint up the stairs onto the third floor. From Utahime I already know Satoru stays in room 301 so I don’t even ask him over text as I knock softly on his door. I’m on the edge of kicking it in, however I don’t want to disturb Shoko, Suguru and Ichiji, who are staying on this floor too.  
After a few seconds Satoru opens the door and without an invitation I step in. 
“What did you do?”, I walked inside his room, leaning at a wall across his bed and twitching my right leg nervously, waiting for him to finally talk. 
But as always he takes his time, closing the door quietly and entering the room, sitting down on the edge of his bed with wide legs. His hair is damp. My guess is he must have showered a few minutes ago. He wears a compress shirt, which must have been a pain to put on after having freshly showered. 
I try to only conduct that thought. 
Not how unbelievable tight it fits around his muscles and flexes perfectly with every move he makes. Focusing on his pants doesn’t work either. 
He wears grey sweatpants. That’s all I have to say.
If I didn’t know any better, I would say he does it to get a rise out of me. Nothing but entertainment for him. 
I will not give him this victory. I cross my arms and for the first time in forever I manage to look in his eyes. 
Anger wins over nervosity. 
“I fucked up”, he just repeats what he told me over text. 
I roll my eyes. “For fucks sake, what did you do?”, I want an answer now. No more beating around the bushes. A clear answer.
“I fucked up by believing in you”, his eyes wander from my exposed thighs to my eyes, looking sharp and challenging in a way.
“Eh?”, I mutter and frown, being flabbergasted. He just leans back on his elbows and stares at me. My anger leaves and my confusion mixes with the overall nervosity I feel when I am with him. I instantly can’t keep up the eye contact and look elsewhere. My mind starts to race. I can’t think of a reason why he should not believe in me. 
I mean, yeah my doubts about him are good reasons but he doesn’t know about my inner thoughts. 
Yes, right. He is not a mindreader, even though when he looks at me in this certain way I feel like he is. 
I hate his piercing blue eyes. They freak me out so much. Of course I think he can read my mind. His type of eye color would be given to supernatural beings in movies. Beings able to read minds. 
He laughs deeply and cuts me instantly out of my thoughts. I dare to look at him again. His focus is still completely on me and I clasp my arms firmer around me to calm myself down. 
“I believed you would be able to pull this fake relationship off, but you can’t even look at me.”
He noticed. 
Of course he did.
I take a deep breath and act nonchalant, giving him a skittish smile. 
“You called me over in the middle of the night to tell me that? Are you serious?”
“Yes, I am. So what’s your problem?”, he counters. 
“I have none”, I lie. 
“Lie”, he immediately fires back.
“I was just frustrated with the whole thing, like come on. The photos looked so fabricated in the worst way.” 
“Because they are”, he blurts and tilts his head to the side, analyzing me. God, I hate his glance on me. 
“Duh, Sherlock, but it shouldn’t look like it”, I huff and turn my head to the side. 
He holds himself more up from the bed and grins: “Well, and aren’t people in love supposed to be able to look at each other?” 
I have no answer for that. I’m caught in a dilemma, again. He knows exactly how to get me and he enjoys it. 
“So I will ask again, what’s your problem?”
He won’t let go of this theme until I answer him and too bad he seems to be able to read through all my lies. 
I contemplate on trying another lie or just sprint out of his room, which would probably be easier than feeding him another fabrication. 
However I can’t run away from him or lie my way through this fake relationship. 
In the end I agreed on our deal and talking openly about my struggles is hard and even embarrassing, especially in front of Satoru, but I would rather want him to see me as an emotional fool than a wimp. 
And I would be damned to be the one quitting this deal. 
Letting him win, no. 
Even when this shouldn’t be a competition, I can’t stop seeing everything between us as a spiel. Surely I need to accept the rules have changed and now we are playing as a unit and if I go against him, it will bite me in the ass as well. 
Granted, I still don’t trust him and probably never fully will, but I need to be able to communicate with him. 
“You”, I answer quickly and give him a side-eye. That’s all I can muster. 
“You”, I say again without a further explanation. 
“Care to elaborate”
Not really, but I have to. I lean against the wall and I am thankful for the dime light in this room. It’s just illuminated by the bedside lamp and the moonlight outside the window. 
“Just everything”, I let it slip out and finally decided to be honest: “in the matter of a few hours we went from wanting to blackmail each other to faking a relationship. We lied, argued and I threw your lunch at you. We nearly even-”, I stop but Satoru ends my sentence: “fucked.”
“Correct.”, I bite my lip: “And I could ignore all this and try my best to move on, but you keep looking at me in a way that makes my skin crawl.”
I wanted to add his teasing words and touches too, but then I would have to admit this affects me and for now telling him I have a problem with the way he looks at me is enough to confess. 
Small steps. 
“I look at you like I look at everyone else”, he sits straight on the bed and has his arms crossed too. I don’t believe him, but he’s more stubborn than me. If he doesn’t admit it on his own, he will never, even when I would call him out on his bullshit. 
If he doesn’t want to be honest, I will be dishonest too.
“Good, maybe I just have a general problem with your eyes.”
“My eyes are the problem now?”
“Yeah, your freaky blue eyes.”
He laughs deeply again and his white teeth beam in the light moonshine. 
“This is a first one. People normally find my eyes quite beautiful.”
They are. 
In a strange way. 
But I would never tell him.
His intensely colored eyes aren’t the actual problem. I know it, he knows it. It is the way he looks at me with them. It would freak me out with everyone, but his special eyes make it even harder on me. 
“Okay, got it”, he smoothly gets on his feet and walks over to a shelf. Rummaging in the dark through a section he pulls out a sweat headband. I watch him curiously as he slides it over his forehead and over his eyes.
“Problem solved.”
I start to laugh in disbelief.
“This doesn’t solve anything, Satoru. You can’t forever walk around blindfolded.”
He shakes his head and stands tall, looking in my direction. 
“Not forever, just until you are comfortable around me”, he says and for whatever reason he actually seems serious. 
“This is so stupid”, I mutter and get my full weight back on my legs, no longer leaning against the wall but my arms are still crossed and the frown never leaves my face. 
“Stupid is that my girlfriend can’t even look in my eyes without getting flustered.”
“I’m not getting flustered.”
“Sure”, he buzzes and I pucker my lips at that. 
He is right, but I would never tell him.
I hate it when he is right. Which he sadly often is. 
“Are you looking at me?”, he asks as he steps towards his bed with confidence and sits down again. Weirdly enough he is good at being blindfolded. 
“Right at your blindfold”, I answer and pronto earn a smirk from him. 
“Good girl, we are making progress.”
I snort at his comment and tap my foot on the floor. 
“What now?”, I ask and curse myself for getting a heat flush in my cheeks.
Satoru pats on the spot next to him on his bed. I do him the favor and sit down, his head immediately turning towards me as my weight dents the mattress. “Personally I would suggest that you let me fuck this issue out of your brain.”
I roll my eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, young lady.”
“How did you know?”, I look at the sweatband. It is a thick material that completely covers his eyes. No way he can see me.
“I just know you”, he grins from ear to ear. 
“Creep”, this comment even earned me a wider smile from him. 
“Yeah, your suggestion is not happening”, I quickly add before he continues his shenanigans. 
A big pout appears on his face, which gains him another eye roll from my side. For him to even suggest this out of funsies is moronic.
But what am I even expecting, he literally just blindfolded himself. 
I sit next to him and look in his face without getting nervous. It works? Weirdly enough. 
God, I am pathetic. I’m really getting nervous from his stares. How did I ever win Gold medals when just his eyes make me uncomfortable? I had millions of eyes on me and it never bothered me. 
I need to get a grip. Now. 
“No, we will do something I never do when I am in bed with a woman”, he leans slightly forward into my space.
“Talk about ourselves and all this other stuff. That’s what you ladies like to do, right?”, another smirk.
“A creep and a sexist too”, this time I didn't roll my eyes. Satoru laughs heavily and lets his back fall flat onto the mattress. His arms over his head as he continues to chuckle with his shirt rolled up, exposing his lower stomach, which moves with his laughter. With all my willpower I maintain myself from looking more downwards. 
Damn, these grey sweatpants. They should be illegal. 
I would rather look into his eyes now than seeing this. This sight doesn’t just leave me nervous, it makes me think of the night in my car as I nearly said ‘fuck it’ and would have given in to him. 
Regret is a cruel thing, especially when I see how everything after that night has turned out. Nevertheless having sex with him wouldn’t have solved anything. 
Well, maybe I would be able to look into his eyes or let’s be real, I would be even more nervous around him. 
“What’s your favorite color?”, he asks out of nowhere. 
“Why?”, I ask instead. 
“We are supposed to be a couple and barely know about each other”, he extends his arm and snips with his finger against my forehead: “and hopefully knowing me will help you be more comfortable around me. We are in love after all.”
I rub the spot on my forehead he managed to brush and wonder again how he was able to do that with the blindfold on. After a while I answered him, telling him my favorite color. He tells me his too, but I already know it. Suguru mentioned it today. 
We start to talk. First about mundane things like favorite food and seasons, but we soon drift more down into past stories and our general life. Satoru lives in a penthouse on the Upper East Side, and as he told me the price for it, I nearly fainted. He has no siblings and comes from a family of real estate and financial moguls. They weren’t happy with his choice to become a professional Ice Hockey player but Satoru doesn’t care what they think. He never let them dictate his life. 
Unlike me who was put into skates the moment I learned to walk. I envy his carefree nature. The entire time we talked he was always positive, witty and completely pleased with himself, like he never regretted one thing in his life. He laughs at his own jokes before he even utters one word and he is quick with his remarks. 
He can keep up with me, which is something I appreciate in a person. Do I still think he is arrogant, self-centered and reckless? Yes, but I can see why. 
If I had his life and success I would probably behave the same way. You reap what you sow and Satoru was born to be a living victory. Our conversation made me understand him a tad more. 
After a while of talking, I lie down next to him, looking at the ceiling. 
“I’m sorry for being difficult. I thought it would be easier for me”, I confess and feel him move closer next to me. His head turns and even with the blindfold on I can feel his glare on me. Slowly he spins in my direction and opens his arms. Instead of giving him the hug he seems to ask for, I only frown. 
“Stop frowning and come here.”
How does he know?
With an annoyed sigh, he grabs my shoulder and pulls me to his chest, slinging his arms around me. I slightly yelp at his action but let him be as he starts to slide his hand up my back to my neck, gently rubbing circles with his thumb there. 
“It’s fine, don’t apologize. We are a team now, mate” 
“Mate?”, I grunt in disbelief. All that is left for him to do now is to give me a fist bump and hand me a can of beer before burping in my face.  
I can feel him smile into my hairline as he presses his lips against my forehead. Again, I let him. No protest, nothing. 
With him it is always against all odds.
“So what are we? We aren’t really dating, we sadly aren’t fucking and I bet you wouldn’t consider me your friend.”  
“We are-”, I pause for a good second and think. 
“We are something in between that.”
He groans lightly, dipping his nose in my hair. 
“Call me what you want, just not mate.”
As if he isn’t calling me princess every other sentence. 
“I like partner”, I add and gain another snort from him.
“What, are we a law firm?”, I push lightly against his chest, just now registering that we are really close as I particularly lie in his arms. 
“Okay, partner. I have one more question for you.”
“Mhm?”, I murmur, my eyes slightly closed as my hand stays flat on his pec. 
“Didn’t I tell you how much your little skirts turn me on?”, my breath hitches in my throat. 
“I-”, I start but never finish the sentence, heat glowing in my face. He leans down to hear me better. An act to make me more skittish. As if he doesn’t know exactly that I have no answer. 
“Don’t act coy, you knew exactly what you were doing when you decided to pull up in that outfit.” 
Did I? Maybe unconsciously. 
I try to press myself up, but he doesn’t let me go and crushes my body more into his chest. With a swift motion he rolls us to the side and hovers with his elbows next to my shoulders over me. His face inches away from mine, still with his blindfold on. The only reason I am able to look at him. 
“So let me ask you again, partner”, one of his arms travels down my side, stopping right at the end of my skirt. 
“Please let me fuck this issue out of your brain”, his fingers play with the hem of it, softly touching my skin. 
I don’t move, but my body isn’t frozen like it usually is when I am with him. This situation feels familiar, his fingers on my thighs feel familiar. It was like this when we were in my car. The same grip, the same warmth and the same rawness. I’m not sure if I can resist a second time. 
Thankfully my brain is smarter than my body. 
“This is a bad idea”, I whisper as his fingers move my skirt up my ass, exposing more of my skin. 
“It’s not, trust me. It will help both of us.”
I laugh breathlessly at his answer and stop his hand from moving in between my thighs. I love this fucking blindfold. It really helps to withstand him, but only if I keep looking at his face. Once I get his body in my sight, I will cave in.  
“How will it help you?”, I ask in a low tone. He doesn’t care about my hand holding his back from moving up. He slowly keeps going until he reaches the already soaked fabric of my panties. 
"Contractual I’m only allowed to fuck you”, he answers and it certainly isn’t written like this in our contract but in a way he is right. We aren’t allowed to have sexual contact with other people, but we can. 
I should have phrased it better. 
“and sex really helps with the enormous, gigantic, unbearing pain in my leg.”
What a charming idiot. 
Even in the dim light I see the feigned pout on his face and I would giggle at that if his fingers weren’t dipping slightly under my panties. Satoru doesn’t move his hand further in, he waits for my allowance. 
“Is that so?”, I roll my hips lightly, gaining a low hiss from him. 
“Yes.”, he snaps the hem of my panties against my skin, making me quiver. 
“Are you trying to guilt trip me?”, I blow into his ear, grazing his earlobe.
“Only if it works.”, he brushes his finger featherlight over my clothed pussy, securing a whiny moan from me.
“Where are the cameras? Want to film me a second time?”, I joke breathlessly, not able to tease him more.
“No cameras, just us. I’m serious.”, he presses his hand now on my abdomen, still waiting for my go. 
My go?
In a clear moment I realize what I’m just doing here and all my self-doubts come crashing down on me like an avalanche. I wriggle quickly back, but not entirely out of his hold. Hastily I shake my head and he can feel the movement. 
Something in his mimic switches. The playful pout is gone, making his face appear sharp and rough again. 
“Use your words”, he demands: “just say no and I will never try anything with you again, I promise.”
Instead of giving him a clear answer to his question I stutter: “What if you don’t like it?”
His forehead is immediately covered in wrinkles as he sits up, his hand appearing from under my skirt to now push down on my right hip. I know this expression so I continue to stammer an explanation: “We are on a good path, I don’t want to risk it by getting intimate.”
“I get that, but why should I not like it?” 
A logical question from his part, but a hard one to explain from my view. 
By being trimmed to be perfect all the time on ice, the urge to become excellent in every  other aspect of my life is present. Not only always looking put together, no, also always performing impeccably in everything I do. With that comes the weakness to care what other people think of me, as if to make sure my act is superb. Not only to the public, but also to people in my private life. I want to be considered perfect by them too. The fake relationship with Satoru wrench this well put together image I created of myself and it irks me. But I try to see it as a challenge to overcome it, not caring about what random people think of me. However this doesn’t apply to people I personally know. 
And I know Satoru. 
Knowing someone doesn’t instantly mean spending time with them. 
Heck, I am no virgin. I went to the Olympics. After the competitions are over, we celebrate with meaningless hook-ups. 
There is a reason the organizers put condoms in each room. 
But the keynote is meaningless. 
It was just one time and I have never seen them again. 
I didn’t have the need to perform in such a situation.
Do I still care that they thought I was good? Sure. 
But would I freak out if they thought I wasn’t? No.      
Because I certainly didn’t care at these moments. They were often quick and fun and over. A good time where I was able to finally let my guard down and enjoy being just me. 
I’m sure some of the guys didn’t even know in what segment I was competing, because I for sure didn’t know theres. In conclusion I never acted when it came to sex, because I only ever slept with a person one time. 
With that being said, with Satoru it would be different. We will spend time together. A lot of time. He knows me. Dismally the real me. 
I showed him my ugly side by being a competitive, stubborn bitch, who would have loved nothing more than to blackmail him out of my rink. 
The almost sex in my car was a performance. I wanted to trick him, so I performed in a way I knew he would like. I act and act and act to come across as perfect, but I can’t do this when it comes to real sex.
I never got complaints, but the self-doubt of not knowing for sure if I will be good, is eating me alive. I know I am good on ice, because I train my ass off. Every jump and figure gives objective points. I can count it and get a score, but intimacy is subjective. I don’t know what he likes or dislikes and even the thought of not knowing what he is thinking drives me nuts. Satoru is already an enigma to me, but bringing in the mystery of intimacy? 
No, thank you. 
Worse is, he is an expert in hook-ups. At least if I believe the tabloids. 
Screw that, I saw some of the conversations he had per DMs with some of his liaisons. He is an expert, unlike me. 
I can’t keep up this act with him. I am afraid I will slip and perform badly and this will ruin everything between us. 
In a god-awful form I would feel the need to be perfect for him, if we sleep together, because in my head he is perfect in this discipline. And now we are back at the core of all evil. My hatred for losing. Losing against him. 
What if I like it and I am certain I will but he doesn’t? I would never overcome this foul pain for failing. 
“I don’t know, it’s just a thought.”
When I’m with Satoru I mutate into an individual who’s unable to tell a good lie. 
And when it comes down to this theme, I can only try to lie. I would never tell him my real thoughts. Not with something that defines my character so harshly. Being perfect. 
“It’s a stupid thought”, he states and drops his knees to the ground, sitting in front of me, his upper body between my legs. 
I know it is a stupid thought, but it is still lingering in my mind, not going anywhere. 
“I promise I will love it.”
“You can’t promise that.”
“I can”, no hesitation in his answer. He truly believes it and this makes me even more insecure, even if he meant it to take my worries away. 
His huge hands are sitting on my hips, engulfing my entire frame as he looks up at me, still wearing the blindfold over his eyes. As he leans more forward his broad chest parts my legs even more. 
“Because I actually like you.”
I can only roll my eyes at that statement. 
“Yeah right, I gave you so many reasons to like me.”
He cackles and presses his cheek on the inside of my thigh, his hands pulling me closer to the edge of the bed towards him. 
“Right, you did. You are an absolute cunt”, this bastard chuckles, slightly grazing his teeth along my soft skin. I don’t dare to breathe. 
“and that’s why I like you. The beloved, little ice princess for everyone but to me you are a treacherous, filthy wench, who likes nothing more than to see her opponents slowly decay on the ground, while standing winning over them. Fuck baby, we have so much in common. So please, I’m begging you, let me fuck this insecurity out of your brain.”
My jaw is stiff and jammed together. I should yell at him for the way he described me. 
But… indeed I give it to him, he is right about me. I’m not the pure Gold medalist I portrait myself to be.
Still his words don’t make any sense. Why would any person like me for being in his words a treacherous, filthy wench. Only psychos would find this real version better than the one I show off to the public. 
Well, I called him a psycho before, maybe he really is one.
No… I think?   
Eventually after going over his words over and over again, I have no other answer to this than: “Okay.”
And that is all he needs as he pulls me forward with such a force, my back falls flat on the bed. Even with the blindfold on, he knows exactly what he is doing. In a rush and equally eager motion he yanks my panties down my legs, not even being patient enough to completely pull them off my feet, as he arranges my legs on top of his shoulder. 
With a hunger I have never experienced with another person, he leaps his mouth unto my pussy. His flat tongue moves up from the hole to my clit, making me jolt.
“This is not-”, before I can continue, he slaps me firmly against my ass, making me choke on my sentence. 
“I decide how I will fuck your insecure, wet cunt, so shut up and enjoy.” 
I do as I’m told, but I can’t keep quiet for long. I moan his name, not caring about the others on this floor. Satoru isn’t bothered by this, he lets me be as loud as I want to be. 
Holding my hips tight, he is not letting me squirm away. Torture, everything is torture with him as he draws slow but steady circles with his tongue. I just know he likes to see me wince, even now when he is physically not able to do so with his blindfold. Feeling his devilish grin appear between my folds each time I whimper, makes me feel more and more like I’m losing. I talked about the debt I don’t want him to have over me. 
Well, that is now more apparent than ever before. I will never be able to repay him for this pleasure. I’m a hundred percent convinced.
“I already love it”, he declares before filling me up with two of his digits. I grab into his oh so soft and damp hair, wanting to feel him more. His fingers move in rhythm with his tongue. In and out, slowly like he wants me to suffer. Which I do.
He finds the right spot every time his fingers are back into me. I swear to God he knows it, by the way he can feel my inside starting to clamp around his insanely long fingers.
But he mocks, even ridicules me by not letting me come to my high. I’m so embarrassingly close to begging him. 
To please just let me cum. To please just let me finally lose, so I accept it sooner that I will be in his debt forever.  
Luckily he picks up his speed once I clasp my legs around his face, resting my heels on his hard shoulders. 
“So perfect for me”, he chuffs and every little insecurities in felt before melted right away at his words.
I won’t tell him I’m close, I just want to cum without him dragging it out over and over again. 
And he will if he knows. 
Yet, I’m not good at keeping my closeness hidden as I grind absolutely feral and needy against his tongue, shifting my hips hastily up and down. Just chasing my own peak, not caring for a second what Satoru thinks, oddly enough.
But I forgot he has done this rodeo more than enough to read a woman's body. Right as I can almost taste the pinnacle of my orgasm, he stops and bites harsh on my inner thigh. I jerk up, completely out of breath and mad. 
Oh, so mad. 
Before I have the chance to throw ruthless cusses at him, he softly kisses the spot and pushes my legs off him, tossing me downright to the side. He stands up towering over my frame on the bed. 
“What are you doing?”, I ask with teary eyes in between rapid breaths.  
“Did you forget? We are a team now and for our first play I want us to cum together.”
Still I don’t know how he knows exactly where which part of my body is, but he grab my jaw harshly and snickers: “I know how fucking much you love a fair game.”
His thick thumb presses against my lips and I let it in. A mistake. He pushes it down my tongue, trying to gag me by moving it more and more down my throat. First I can handle it, sucking on it. But Satoru is never satisfied, he always seems to take it to the extreme as he holds my throat with other hand in place, lightly choking me from the outside too. I bite down on it as I can’t take it anymore, finally being able to breathe again as I gasp for air. 
“If you ever do this when my cock is in it, you will regret it.”
Spit is traveling down my chin as I look up at him. His face is turned to mine and if he didn’t have the blindfold on his agonizing eyes would look right at me. 
“Want to give it a try?”, I counter in a challenging way and instantly hate myself for it. Satoru is unpredictable and I’m not in the state to deal with his dick down my throat when he is sullen. 
After a few long, gnawing seconds he smirks at me and I allow myself to fill my lungs with air again. 
“Another time gladly”, he just announces before stepping back and gripping the rim of his pants. Satoru hasn’t even seen my naked body, but I can see the rock hard outline on the fabric. I gulp.
“But for today I have already told you my plan.”
His pants are down and he’s not wearing boxers. I knew it from the almost sex in my car that he is huge, but seeing his cock so close in front of my very sight, I whiz down the bed. Satoru notices instantly and grabs my ankle. 
“Satoru, I will die”, I share my unfiltered thoughts with him. I know confessing this will feed his ego well, but I don’t care. 
“No one has ever died”, he wipes over his mouth, which glistens with my juice and uses it to pump his colossal cock with his other hand a few times and adds with a wide grin: “so far.”
It is way longer than the average, even with both my hands I wouldn’t be able to completely cover it. The head is soft pink which sticks out against his pale skin and is already dripping precum. His girth is massive and overall slightly curved to the left. Mother nature really has her favorites and she decided to bless Satoru more than everyone I have ever encountered. 
“Not funny”, I murmur with a dry mouth as he pulls me towards him again, leaning over me. 
“I thought you like challenges.”
“I’m serious.”, and I’m being serious.
He sighs as he slowly reaches out to my face and collects the drool I choked out before. Holding out his flat palm to me, he doesn’t even need to say a word for me to know what he wants me to do. I still hesitate. 
“Never took you as a quitter”, oh, this fucking asshole. 
He knows exactly how to rile me up.
I spit in his hand, drawing a little smile out of his focused face as he coats his length with it. 
With his range I will need all the help I can get, even when my pussy is right now more wet than she ever was. 
Casually he leans on top of me, upholds his own weight with his left arm, so he doesn’t crush me as his right hand aligns the tip of his cock with my hole. I stop squirming and let him gradually insert his tip in. I whine into his shoulder, biting down on his neck as my hands claw into his back. He gasps heavily and shows mercy by giving me a few seconds to accommodate the sensation. 
The only fucking plot twist is, I never truly accommodate to it. It feels like he is splitting me open, leaving me raw and wounded. Once he starts to roll his hips, I see stars and cry into the crook of his neck.
“Psht, my angel, trust me, it will be fine”, he holds my head in his large hand, wiping a tear off my cheek: “I was made for you and you were made for me.”
I can’t even register his lovely words as all my cells are entirely focused on his dick entering me. 
He stops the movement of his hips for a second to kiss my temple, before slowly starting to move again after I adjusted myself a bit. I feel more than full, ready to break into two. He is stretching me completely out. 
After what felt like forever, he is fully tucked in. At this intensity all I’m able to do is keep my mouth open and try to breathe so I’m not fainting. He was right, he can fuck the insecurity out of me, because my brain is not able to think in this state. Every cell is targeting what Satoru is doing to me. 
Gently he takes my hand and guides it down from my chest to my abdomen, letting me palm his bulge inside of me. I can sense it twitching and pulsating inside of me. I whimper.
“See, you didn’t die”, he tries to joke. I would like to think that he does this to smoothen my angst, but he probably means it in a tantalizing way. 
“Ready?”, he asks and the rational part of me screams No! but I want to, no, I need him to move. 
“Mhm”, I weep and wrap my legs around his waist, ready to let him in even deeper. 
“Good”, he quickly purrs and I should have known that he won’t hold back. Slipping out of me, he barges into me again in a rough and provoking manner. Completely out and back completely in. My entire body feels equally nothing and everything all at once. I’m wholly at his mercy as he picks up the speed, pulling one of my legs up his chest unto his shoulder to penetrate me even further. Babbling his name and incoherent words all together, he puts his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. I sink my teeth into his palm and grab the sheets, hoping my body will get used to it, but it never does. Unable to form a thought, just getting dumbfucked for what felt like hours.
Satoru doesn’t seem to be out of breath, while I get brain fog and grasp that not even my training for the Olympics made me feel this exhausted. 
But I don’t want this to stop, it’s painfully good and he hits the right stop each time, bringing me closer and closer but I try my best to suppress the coil forming in my insides that wants to finally be released. He wants us to cum together and he’s not there yet. My hands wander from his back to his chest under his compressed shirt, that clings even more to his body now with all the sweat and heat coating it. Once I touch his chest to caress his solid muscles and he starts to groan gravely into my ear, I can’t take it any more.
“Please, I can’t ‘ake it no more”, I sob: “Allow me to cum, please.”
He only chuckles intensely at my statement, letting his lower body crush more into mine as I feel the waves of mocking laughter.
“I said together”, he is stern again, making it clear that there is no way around. Right now I want to please him more than anything in this world, so I listen and be good.  
Picking up his pace again, I notice his thrusts getting sloppier, his groans becoming lower and sharper. 
“Now, angel. For me”, and I do as he says as he dives into me one last time, painting my walls with his warm cum. My eyes roll back into my head as I come undone. After a few seconds of breathing heavily with closed eyes I open them again and see him staring at me. 
No blindfold. 
How could I ever find those eyes scary?
“So beautiful”, at first I thought I said it outloud, but these are Satorus words.  
I push his sweaty hair back and kiss him. For what we just did, this kiss feels way too innocent, but it is the ideal ending. Shyly letting my fingers linger against his jaw, he kisses me a second time with more force but still nothing compared to the dirty kisses we shared in my car. Resting his forehead against mine, he pants lightly before giving me his usual wide flirtatious smile.
“Did it work?”
I still lie under his huge body, mouth slightly open and my mind too blown to register what he wants from me. 
I just let out a confused noise, which scored me one of his lighthearted grunts. He strokes his nose alongside mine, not breaking eye contact.
“Fucking your insecurities away?”
“Obviously”, I whisper, his eyes being the only things in my field of view. He hovers himself up and glides out of me, making me miss him immediately. 
I watch him putting his pants back on as I just lie there, unable to move. For a minute I am sure he broke something in me because I can’t maneuver my limbs. 
“No need to thank me”, he discloses with a wide smirk as he pulls my panties up and my skirt down to cover me. I’m actually glad that he isn’t cleaning me up or inviting me to take a bath in his room. I will do this on my own. The kisses were already on the edge of being too romantic. Can’t risk more.
“I wasn’t planning to”, I snap back, becoming defensive again as I lift myself up, feeling the soreness in my legs and core. As I manage to stand up with wobbly legs, Satoru watches me with a fat grin. 
“Will you be able to be on the ice tomorrow for the photos?” 
I glared daggers at him for this mischievous tone. 
“I had tougher challenges.”
“I should have really filmed this, just so I could repeat the part where you sobbed because you thought my dick would kill you.”
I show him my middle finger and step past him, concentrating on keeping my steps steady. I walk to the door and turn one last time around, seeing him leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. 
“This was a one time thing”, I declare, but not really believing myself either once I uttered it.
“Sure”, he replies with his mouth twitching slightly upwards. I know he is holding a simper back. 
“I’m serious.”
“And I said sure.”
I roll my eyes and open the door.
“No word to anyone”, I demand and slam the door behind me way too loudly for the time of the day. 
I hush down the stairs and stroll as fast as my aching legs allow me to home. His cum is already leaking out of me as I step under the shower. I regretted not fucking him in my car and now I wish I could say the regret I felt wasn’t worth it. I should regret sleeping with him, but I don’t. 
It was as good as winning feels like, at certain times even better. 
But I was right. It has to be a one time thing. He already cracked my body open, no need for him to get closer by doing the same to my mind. 
I let him in today. Not just in me, I mean my inner thoughts. I laid my self-doubts out like an open book while he still hasn’t shown me a bit of a vulnerable side. 
He gained the lead this night, but I’m on his heels. A second time I won’t let myself be so frail and delicate in front of him.
Never again.
The next day I wake up with throbbing legs and a raw feeling in my bottom line. I swallow two ibuprofen pills and wait for them to hit, so I can at least attempt to put my stockings on. I opt for a light grey set. No skirt, a leggings this time. I won’t be able to stand his teasing today. 
I arrive at the rink on time. Suguru is talking with Shoko as I step past them on the tribune. I wave them hello and they both smile at me before falling back into their conversation. I fall heavy on a seat and begin to loosen the ties of my skates, so I can get them on. The painkillers help but everything still feels tender and bruised. Satoru is on the ice already with Mei Mei. Once he notices me, he glides over the ice towards the tribune, ignoring Mei Meis fierce instructions. With his signature smile he walks over to me. 
“Hi”, he says before looking me up and down.
“Hi”, I mumble back, able to look into his eyes. 
“No skirt?”
“No skirt.”
“I don’t want a certain person to enjoy himself too much.”
He snickers and takes my skates out of my hands. 
“Can you walk?”
“No, I flew here”, I roll my eyes: “Of course I can.” barely
“Feisty today”, he catches my legs and gently guides my foot into the skates. He is so enamored in his actions that he doesn’t notice me gloom over his sudden affectionate side.   
“How are you?”, I ask him to break the silence as he ties my skate. He quickly looks up at me and tilts his head like he would have never imagined me asking him such a question.
“Good, but I’m pretty sure Mei Mei is actively trying to kill me with this training”, his hair is already sticky again from all the sweat and his pale cheeks are rosy. 
God, is he beautiful. 
I shake myself in disbelief after that thought. 
“But thanks to a certain person the pain in my leg is bearable”, he grins down as he slips me on my second skate.
“So, you and the certain person are even?”
He huffs and looks up at me after tying my second skate. 
“Not at all, I still expect a ‘thank you’ card and chocolates.” 
“Idiot”, I snarl, but end up smiling. He still kneels in front of me like he did yesterday, but this time it feels lighter, better. Like we made a huge step into the right direction for our deal to work. 
“By the way, you did great yesterday, partner”, he slaps my leg a couple of times.
I give him a dirty look and complain instantly: “You are so corny, it is unbelievable.”
Before he can counter something, probably something even more corny, Suguru shouts from a few feet away: “I got the photo!”
We turn our heads confused at his direction as he walks over to us with his phone. He shows us a picture he just took from us. Satoru with his hand on my lower leg, grinning up at me and me smiling down at him. 
A real smile. Filled with affection. 
“I like it”, Satoru states, getting back on his legs. Both men are now looking at me for approval. I nod, rambling: “it’s really good”, before Mei Mei screams at Satoru to go back on the ice and Suguru tells me he will send me the picture. I just nod again, ignoring what happens around me.
“Hey, are you alright?”, Suguru asks me this question way too often and whenever he does, I am never alright. 
The way I smiled at Satoru in this picture. 
Ayo I’m fucked. 
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zombiepuke · 6 months
wlw cecilia pederson hc's
I haven't seen ANY Cecilia content and you know what. that is just homophobic. idc I love her so much and I can't stop thinking about her so here have some thoughts. leave it to me to love the character everyone despises
wlw gay stuff ahead // I try to keep her in-character but yknow I'm not perfect so - pls feel free to reblog/comment it truly means the world to me xoxo love you all!
—Being with Cecilia is. Something. To say the least. She’s difficult to keep up with, even harder to be with. She’s mean, cold-hearted, and doesn’t really open up to you, ever. She doesn’t necessarily go out of her way to physically harm anyone, but she also doesn’t have much of an issue of morality when she needs to use violence. Whenever you find out about her scams, you’re undeniably angry, but she has you wrapped around her little finger so tightly, you don’t dare to even think of turning her in, or even worse - leaving her. So you take all of her bullshit in stride and try your hardest to stay on her good side. 
—She’s manipulative as fuck. Obviously. But she has an extreme soft spot for you and you only. Any other person in on her scams are expendable, and she chooses to not give a fuck about them, but time and time again, she chooses to care about you. You’re not entirely sure how that makes you feel about yourself, but she’s so good to you, and she fucks you so sweetly, you find yourself also not giving a fuck about your situation, either - so long as she keeps fucking you and treating you the way she does.
—You lowkey hate yourself for how easily she has a hold on your life. She can tell you to do anything and you’re scrambling to get it done like a dumb little puppy, just for her. Your entire identity, your entire sense of self was gone in her presence. You would burn the world to make her happy, to keep her attention on you (you secretly wished she would feel the same about you, but you know you’re just as expendable as the rest).
—(You’re actually not expendable, to her. You’re the one most important thing to Cecilia in her life, but she would absolutely never, in a million years, make that fact known. She, too, would destroy the world for you.)
—She expects a lot from you. She sees you as her equal, her only real friend - and she expects you to act like it. You’re intelligent, level-headed - just like her, and she knows it (regardless of your intelligence, Cecilia is your main weakness - she makes you stupid for her). She absolutely will make you feel like garbage sometimes, if you fuck up or do something not up to her (high) standards, she’s livid. She’s not above slapping, hair grabbing, cussing at you - and you take it all, you’re in too deep with her to argue, and because you know you wouldn’t win against her, anyways. Plus, you figure you have it pretty decent, being on Cecilia’s good side - she definitely love bombs you and is overly sweet on you as a manipulative tactic (and, she genuinely likes you. Not that you know that.)
—She is possessive as HELL. She will make it well known you are hers and hers only. 
—Cecilia spoils the fuck out of you. If she likes you, you would pretty much be set for life. I hate to say sugar mama buttttt, if there was anything you wanted or liked, you would get it (and you never question how she gets her hands on some things). She has money, and she likes to spend it, especially on you. She spoils you with extravagant gifts, jewelry, clothes, perfume (HC Cecilia has tons of high-end perfumes cause why not), and even dates - she loves to dote on you and show you off, show the world what she has (you’re her most valuable asset). Cecilia is surprisingly romantic, very elegant and pretentious, very hedonistic - her pleasure is of utmost importance, and your pleasure is her pleasure as well, so you enjoying yourself is something she takes very seriously. Yes, she’s a very cold person and she is not above bloody violence, but she is also very womanly, therefore, treats you very much so like a lady - so different than how she treats her victims or how she acts when she’s angry. She takes you to the fanciest restaurants, always buys the most expensive bottles of wine for you to share (HC she’s definitely a Cabernet girly!). She won’t stand for you to go wanting for anything.
—And she absolutely spoils you with orgasms, too. Cecilia likes to make you come. A lot. Too much, sometimes - your time in bed with her always ends with you hardly able to walk because your legs are like gelatin. Knowing she can make you scream, can make you come that hard that many times, it’s her favorite fucking thing in the world and she can never get enough. She’s really fucking talented at learning your body and what you like, what makes you tick - she maps you out, calculated, like she is with everything in her life. She knows exactly how to touch you to get you shaking, exactly how you like your cunt to be eaten, exactly how to slide her fingers just right to get you squirming - and she’ll keep doing it, over and over, until you can’t keep up with how many orgasms you’ve had. 
—You absolutely have to ask (beg) Cecilia’s permission to come.
—The PRAISINGGGGGG AND DEGRADINGGGGGG with this woman is INSANE. She talks a LOT while she’s fucking you and man, she says some dirty shit. She definitely talks you through it constantly, sweet nothings in your ears while she’s sitting behind you, her chest pressed to your back and one of her hands in-between your legs, the other clasped across your chest, her lips planting kisses on your up-turned neck. She’s really good at balancing being incredibly mean to you and incredibly sweet, touching you gently but whispering some of the iciest words to you. Like sometimes she leaves you in tears she’s so mean to you. Look at you, filthy slut, gonna come on my fingers? Let’s see how many times that worthless cunt can come for me tonight, hm? You would be nothing without me, sweetheart, you need me to take care of you, just like that whorish cunt needs me to take care of her, too. Dumb bitch, making a mess all over me like the dirty harlot you are. Look at you, about to come already - I don’t think so, baby girl. You think you deserve to come? You think you deserve me? Think you deserve me fucking you? No one else will ever fuck you, except for me. No one else could ever fuck you like I do, baby. Say something smart to me again, whore, and I’ll never touch your pretty little pussy ever again. That’s all you want, right? Is for me to keep playing with that spoiled little cunt? Aw, the little slut is crying. What a rotten, stupid baby you are, pretty girl.
—In addition to how cruelly she speaks to you, sometimes she just straight up refuses to let you come for long periods of time. I’m talking hours, days, even, of no relief for you at all. She loves to see you defenseless, powerless, begging her to give you something. It’s either you don’t come at all, or she’s making you come so many times you can hardly see. Yknow a good mix.
—But her praises would be just as intense, when she was in the mood to treat you a little nicer. Being with her is a whirlwind, she 180’s like crazy. The pet names are endless, constantly calling you baby, baby girl, love, sweetheart, good girl, princess, etc. Sometimes it’s strange hearing such sweet names pour from her lips as she’s also saying the most cruel, vile things to you, but all you know is that you cling to everything she says, drink up every word she utters to you. Oh, my sweet girl. Look how precious you are, so desperate. Tell me how it feels, hm, darling? Is that good? You’re so pretty, grinding on my leg like that, honey. Just relax, baby girl, and let me take care of you, I know you need that, need someone to take care of you, I know you need me. Oh, tsk tsk tsk, I know it feels good, baby, let it all out, sweet thing, let me hear you. You sound so lovely moaning my name like that. You’re such a good girl for me, angel, you’re so good. God, you’re so beautiful, so perfect, so flawless, your cunt is so pretty, she’s all mine. You’re all mine, princess. Can you come for me again, baby girl? Come on, I know you can do it, come for me, come for me, elskling, just like that. Oh, I’m so proud of you, godjenta. 
—She speaks half english, half Norwegian when she’s fucking you - usually when she’s praising you - a lot of the pet names she uses are in her native tongue. Hearing her speak to you in Norwegian sends you into another dimension. 
—Cecilia typically prefers to keep her clothes on while you’re intimate. It’s just how she is, very hidden and secretive, not that she minds you knowing anything about her. It’s just what she’s comfortable with most of the time. You like it, though, there’s a sense of power she has while you’re completely naked and she’s fully clothed. You also love the way the expensive fabrics she wears feel against your skin when she’s on top of you, or holding you to her, or draped across your back.
—Thigh riding. With her clothes on. Her watching you smugly, trying so hard to get yourself off right there on her leg. Dirty worthless slut, trying so hard to come. Look at you. It’s a privilege to even use my leg. Just think about that.
—Speaking of that, it takes an incredibly long time for Cecilia to allow you to see her naked, or to even touch her. She is a control freak through and through, and she doesn’t like relinquishing that - but eventually, she trusts you enough, and lets you touch her, see her body beneath her clothes. She’s beautiful everywhere, not just in the face, and you’re really excited to be able to touch her, too, bring her as much pleasure as she brings you. It’s different, complicated for Cecilia to let you in in that way, but once she gives herself over to you for a change, she learns to adore it. You worship her the first time she lets you touch her, pressing your mouth to every piece of her body, amazed, in awe of just how gorgeous she was, how reactive she was to your touch. The first time you ever make her come, you feel like it was akin to seeing some sort of ancient god - seeing her, usually so ice cold and stoic and uncaring, arching her back and pulling at your hair and her pretty face flushed and scrunched up in ecstasy, her blonde hair spread across the pillow like an undeserving halo, the noises of desperation and your name coming from her lips in a whimper, the taste of her cunt behind your own lips. The sight could have made you come right then and there with her. She grabbed your chin and kissed you, hard, panting into your mouth, body visibly shaking. God, darling, you’re so fucking good at that—
And then, you’re just as addicted to pleasing her as she is to you.
—She babbles to you in both languages as she comes. Absolutely.
—Her favorite thing to do to you is go down on you. Something about it is just it for her. She likes having direct power over you, and over time she’s realized that her mouth can break you down like nothing else, having you making noises you’d never thought you’d make, sending you to places in the stars. Cecilia is one thing and that is determined, and that determination is very clear when she’s eating you out - she won’t stop for anything. She doesn’t care if you have already come three times - she’s staying right between your legs until she’s had her fill of you, not that you’re complaining. She’s honestly pretty sweet with it (as she is with lots of things involving you - the contrast between her career choices and how she treats other people and how she treats you, it gives you whiplash sometimes); she’s slow and steady, pressing tantalizing kisses all down your frontside, in the creases of where your pelvis meets your legs, up your center - landing right on top of your clit, tongue slowly dipping down into your cunt, the pace making you shove your face in your hands and wail your desperation into your palms. She murmurs soft praises and maybe some harsher degradation in between your thighs, in tune with the even softer movements of her mouth against you, looking up at you through blonde lashes all the while, gauging your reactions to everything she does. She compliments and praises everything about you. Oh, my pretty girl, such a precious little pussy, hm? I know you need it, sweetheart, be patient. I’ll give you everything you need. Her hands would be busy, too, coming up to rest on your upper thighs, your hips, your lower stomach, nails scraping gentle patterns to your skin. She’s a tease with everything - she wants you desperate and dripping for her and she likes to hold your neediness for her over your head. But once she stops barely touching your skin and running her tongue across your lips, she’s latching onto your cunt like it’s air, not letting up til you’re crying and trying to thrash away from the intensity. And all positions are game for her - she especially likes to eat your pussy from the back while you’re on all fours, elbows to the ground and ass hiked up as far as you can arch, one of her hands wrapped around your thigh and the other pressing a thumb to your clit while her tongue is pressed into your cunt. Or she likes you to sit on her face cause she can grab onto your thighs and hold you down to her. She also likes to eat you out while you’re standing, pressed against the floor-to-ceiling glass panels in her home, her mouth nestled between your legs and her arms wrapped around your thigh as your knees shook from her circling your clit with her tongue.
—Her handssssss her hands are so pretty. Cecilia is super talented with her fingers and really enjoys holding you to her chest while she plays with your pussy, dipping her fingers down into your wetness to rub your clit with, yknow yknow the good shit. Or she knows exactly how to hit every damn spot inside of you to have you howling her name into the blankets.
—Scissoring? Hell yes. She’s all for it, and she doesn’t care if she’s on top or bottom. Sometimes she likes when you take control, swiveling your hips against hers, your arms wrapped around one of her legs to fit your bodies together, being able to see her lovely face react, eyes closing, brows furrowing, as you tilt down to get the friction just right. It felt like you were fucking her instead of the other way around (even though her iron grip on your hips told you she was absolutely still in control). Or, when she’s on top, and her hips thrust so perfectly in tune with your own, your sex gliding so wonderfully against hers, her arms reaching down to rest her hands on your chest for leverage - taking one and slipping it to lay against your lower stomach to press her thumb to your clit, just to give you that extra bolt to send you over the edge. Her hair flows and swirls over her shoulders, her head thrown back with her eyes closed, focusing on the feeling, the way her muscles and bones move with her, the heat of her body radiating onto you, it’s addicting. She’d lean forward and press her forehead to yours, eyes meeting your own, forcing you to look at her while she thrusts and fucks you into oblivion. It’s an almost sweet gesture, one of her hands coming up to hold your cheek and urge you to come for her.
—She’ll make you watch her fuck you in the mirror. Seeing her hand come up to wrap around your throat from behind while she’s railing you, her breath on your neck as she’s whispering dirty things into your ear, her eyes on yours in the reflection - you like seeing her face as she’s unraveling you.
—Definitely uses toys on you - she would absolutely hold a vibe to your clit til you literally feel like blacking out, or hold a wand to you while fucking you with a strap, or suck on your clit while fucking you with a toy, too. 
—She’s rough a lot of the time, slapping you and throwing you around, pulling at your hair and forcing you down. But other times, she touches you like you’d break, slow and gentle and calm. You couldn’t ever say that she loved you but, maybe in her own sick, fucked up way, she did. Above all she enjoys being around you, she enjoys making you feel good and spoiling you, and she’s down for most anything.
—She does care for you - again, in her own fucked up way - and she doesn’t leave you hanging, especially after sex that was particularly rough or degrading. She will absolutely hold you close to her and let you come down from the intensity. She’s not completely heartless. She’ll rub your back, stroke your hair, kiss your forehead, get you water, have intimate, deep conversations for hours - all the sweet gooey shit. She really likes to run you baths and even join you in them (let’s be real we know this bitch has a huge bathtub). Long story short she’s not gonna say or do some fucked up sadistic shit to you and not make sure you’re okay afterwards - she’s not completely evil, she just puts herself first in most situations, but when you come around, she kinda melts for you and only you. One time, she was on top of you, fully clothed, kissing at your shoulders and grinding her hips down into yours, and she buried her face into the crook of your neck, whispering oh, god, what are you doing to me, sweetheart? referring to how soft she was around you sometimes, how warmly you made her feel, how you saw right through her cruel bullshit and melted her into a puddle. She eventually opens up to you about a lot of things in her life, her childhood, her past, how she became the woman she was. It makes your heart jump. Sometimes, she is so loving to you, and so mean to everyone else, it makes you feel like the luckiest person on the planet, to have such an intense, cold, self-centered woman like Cecilia take a fondness to you. 
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doublestandardlove · 3 months
i'm sorry y'all but i'm sitting at this park w nothing to do so you're just gonna have to deal until my phone dies-
per somewhat special request, @nico-the-overlord this one's for you 👉🏿👉🏿
here we go!! my tony green headcanons
okay so curt mega is playing this amazing man and i wish i had the schquillz to draw him :/
tony's actually pretty awkward beyond standard customer interactions. he can make small talk and banter, but anything deeper than that and he's cooked (mood)
my guy went to sycamore, idk what to tell you
he went to hcc (hatchetfield community college) and completed general classes before attending the university of michigan with a major in mechanical engineering and moving back to hatchetfield.
tony's body shop 100% has uniforms. he customized these coveralls and makes ethan wear it every time he comes in for work to "boost morale." (i haven't decided if it's a nice forest green or an absolute eyesore of neon green.)
tony claims that he works out of the garage to reinforce the family-owned business schtick, but obv it's bc he can't afford an entire second property. besides, he finds that it's kind of true. customers tend to trust that he won't scam them and working from home is much more convenient.
he wants ethan to go to california, actively encouraging him to not let hatchetfield hold him back. guaranteed that he comes back and visits every once and a while, of course.
listen, ethan's mama is a whole other post but he's the straight man (even though he's anything but) to her wise guy.
speaking of straight, yeahh my man's bisexual. he known since high school but finds dating as an adult mortifying. he has his shop and his kid, which he convinces himself is enough for now.
obv he and tom have history. c'mon y'all, we're sleeping on their friendship. they've been besties since their senior year of high school, and tom insisted on helping to raise ethan once he came back from iraq.
and i'm sorry but i can't resist- tom was 100% tony's first real crush. before they became friends, tony went to sycamore and while he wasn't a complete loser, he was a bit of a social drifter. they met at a party that tony's classmates invited him to and just clicked.
he claims that he's married to his work, but the truth is, making friends has never been his strong suit. he has a handful of people he keeps close and that's cool.
tony knows more than he lets on about the supernatural nature of hatchetfield, for sure.
he wakes up at the crack of dawn to "start his day off right" when he really just wants to enjoy his coffee with six sugars, cinnamon and nutmeg in peace.
anyways that's all i got (for now)
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brunhielda · 3 months
Because apparently this account is now for random movie rambles as I rewatch films for the 100th time-
A watch through of Princess and the Frog:
Anyone else think it is hella suspicious that someone wanted that sugar mill only after she wanted to buy it?
- After the movie was done, it was explained to me by friends that this is a common scam to squeeze more money, especially targeted against POC potential buyers. No one else was bidding, they just wanted more money. My child brain just didn’t fit that together the first couple watch throughs- I mean, they clearly still had it for sale a long time later in order to be threatened at the end of the film… assholes.
Gathering a group of travelers by appealing to thier dreams is a very American story, Ala Wizard of Oz- the idea of the individual goals. This is Naveen, Tiana, and Louis. But then comes Ray, who is just trying to be helpful. That feels more old world, and he leads them to the old world magic- the woman of power in the wilderness. :)
Lawrence was frightened by the idea of a controlling wife, while Naveen was impressed with a well thrown book, and Tiana had dreams that included showing all the boys how it’s done. And her friend is very commandeering, and the object of all the men. There’s a theme of strong women and respect for them here- which makes sense. 1920s fairytales are just out of the Victorian era and the invention of the fairy godmother. And here comes Mama Odie. She even has the mother title.
Naveen and Tiana are so perfect for eachother. Beyond him being ok with her ambition and hustle, she needs his people skills for her resteraunt- you need a front man 😁
First time I can think of in a Disney film that an outside perspective for love song had thier own love to sing about 💘
Every good char in this movie is immediately willing to help someone out, even when- especially when- it inconveniences them. That is how you let your characters be very strong characters, even occasionally overwhelming other characters, and still be good people and likeable. This is how we bond with Lotti, and then Naveen, despite them having domineering personalities.
The way Naveen admires things about Tiana even before he likes her- then when he loves her, the way his face lights up as he watches her.
The wishing star has a name now 🥰✨ Evangeline
Anyone else think froggy Naveen is based a little on John Bob from Swan Princess? Those leg spots look familiar is all I am saying.
Never has good foley hurt so badly as that tiny crunch. 💔🪳
Most important line- “He didn’t get what he wanted, but he had what he needed” was given to her by her mother, who also introduced her to the upper class of town. He mother was so important to this story.
The marrying of Lotty is very “old chivalry” anything for my lady, while the tale itself is very peasant tale of pulling together to get through. As many American tales do, you gotta get ALL the tropes in there. 🪄
Ray is such a well designed character. He is wise, and has common sense, and allies and skills, and LIGHT to oppose the shadows- and they balance it by making him small and fragile. Is… is he the wizard of the party? Not nessisarily in the DND way that is very academically type, but in the LOTR classic fantasy way, that makes one member of the group to be the big support to everyone else, but can also be fridged when needed. 😅🥲 Brings wisdom and all else you need but destined to go out ina blaze of glory???
Happy that his parents seemed to be- “finally someone took him in hand” and could care less about her social position.
First time this white girl heard Neo was sitting through the credits of this film in the theaters. Still love his music. 🎶
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For Curtis’s crew: Jake Jensen on the floor trying desperately to score babes (striking out majorly) God the Bounty Hunter is being weird and aloof and won’t stop bothering the pretty bartender and Charles Blackwood is there trying to scope out a new sugar mama he can scam
Ahaha I like Jensen for sure. I'm so undecided with those! But God does sound intriguing. Him and Curt are two strange beans in a pod. The third... Charles or Ransom are rich boys hehe. They both fit.
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izacore · 1 year
What was the sugar daddy mess? I can’t remember
Sugar Daddy was the dude who sued Louis' baby mama because she scammed him for fake boobs (that he didn't even see!). He also:
bought Briana medication for her coochie infection
revealed Louis pays her 5k dollars a month in child support
said he bought Freddie an ipad cause Briana was broke (remember F's dad is supposed to be a millionaire)
was buying Briana and Louis' beloved child groceries cause father of the year couldn't care less that his child is starving
revealed that Louis' little lad didn't have any health insurance DURING PANDEMIC
said he took F's hair and who knows maybe he is still storing it
took shirtless selfies in bed with F
... and there was probably more things that I forgot about.
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keeganmantle · 5 months
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Good morning. Shiver's Mama Bear is kicking in as in 2 days it'll be 4 years of my Facebook. Lots of awful stuff happened to me on there. Facebook is the main reason why I have these comfort characters. They helped me remember there are good women in the world.😊
But seriously, how would you feel if a stranger started messaging you and asking you creepy stuff? This happened to me. I was only 17! I just needed a place to promote my YouTubes and Facebook was already on my phone. But no, a bunch of middle-aged kinky desperate moms had to flirt with me. Apparently for women, p*dophilia doesn't exist.😒
It was probably more of a grooming situation but you get what I mean. Women can be perverts too! I dealt with them! Then I finally left Facebook in 2021 once I got hacked. But of course I can't get over what those strangers did to me. It's traumatizing. See why I keep saying Meta is the perv capitol? Old women everywhere trying to hit me up when I was a minor just shy of being legal!😐😁
Asking creepy things like if I wanted a sugar mama? No, I do not! Asking if I wanted to see 50 pics of their everything? What kind of man do you think I am?! I'm just glad to be away from it. And I'm scared with Elon Musk being a moron, Twitter will become a Facebook 2.0. But instead of p*do women flirting with me, it's crypto s*x bots trying to scam us! I'm so glad I have a girlfriend now who's about my age and will protect me from these morons.🥰
As you can see, I've been through a lot. And I'm trying to fight it off and remain safe on a platform everyone is on. Some people don't get it. That's because they don't know the trauma or anxiety I'm feeling. If they were in my shoes, they would know. So to some certain people, don't come yelling at me for having comfort characters or for turning down an art trade. Because you don't know. You don't know why I love these female characters. Be thankful it's for a very wholesome reason.❤️
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dearestgojo · 1 year
I was thinking about Sugar baby Toji just now and let me tell you the more I think about it the more it makes sense to have fics where he has a sugar mama. Like our man goes around living with women after women cause he be gambling his money, tell me he would not look for wealthy women to scam.
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sweetcloverheart · 1 year
TBH the GDV/Emilie & the Peacock Miraculous backstory reveal spoilers just makes Gabemoth come off as even more pathetic (derogatory) than ever and makes all his rich guy posturing from the previous seasons hilarious in hindsight
“Us Agrestes have always been soloists” Dude you had to have two different boss bitch (emphasis on the “bitch” part) business ladies sugar mama you so that you’d get to sit at the big kids’s table for the richies cult after having to change your name so you wouldn’t get laughed at and got your “fortune” from tricking your bro-in-law with a IVF-scam your wife came up with first. You “solo-ed” nothing.
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Listen one day when I have all the money I will just send you some and say, Write from the idea folder, so you can just sit with a useless cat and dog and write amazing fics and bake all day! Also just to let you know! You have inspired me! I’m going to write a book! Already got it started just need to work on it more!
Quite literally the dream. To sit at home and bake and write all day. I used to think I'd just grow up and do that? And then I became an adult and realized I have to work a full time job just to keep the lights on so I CAN write and that just felt like a scam ughhhh. Hashtag, looking for a sugar mama.
And OH Exciting! Writing is so fun! One day if I can ever manage to be brave enough I'm going to try again to get published. If you get there before me, put in a good word with your publishing company lolol
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penig · 10 months
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Ida Juana's psychic job is headquartered in Bigg City (and don't listen to Andy; it's not a scam, it's just...an art, not a science) and she likes to wander around. Hi keeps running into her when he's out on the prowl. Which is convenient. He could really use a sugar mama, which Ida Juana is not a good candidate for, but she never turns down a date.
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Well, damn.
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I'm afraid it's possible that Ida Juana will hold a grudge.
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brilliancetheory · 1 year
Those sugar daddy/mama scams on instagram are so funny to me because they always follow the exact same format, and sometimes if I've got nothing else to do I'll string them along just to see how soon they give the scam away, but at the same time I'm getting tired of the audacity of strangers not just giving me $2000 for being pretty.
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trinibago71 · 1 year
Can I be your sugar mama? If yes Dm with your cashapp or PayPal and get spoil immediately 💕💕💕
Hey I don't have PayPal but I have cash app and is this a freaking joke,Prank or Scam ?
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reindeer-dad · 2 years
Get to know my character through an ask!
💍 - Does Rudy wear any type of jewelry?
Back in college, Rudy once pierced his antlers to put gages in it. He even considered getting a septum piercing! The deal-breaker was that he didn't want to “break the shine” of his nose, which he had finally learned to appreciate (Noelle’s not the only one in the family who had weird ideas about random stuff).
Now a settled-down old guy, wearing his wedding ring is a given. He has a set of cuff links and a necktie pin gifted to him by his father-in-law used for formal occasions, such as for his wife's city council meetings. The classy pin doesn't fit his kitschy ties and he’s not that particularly fond of the over-expensive set. However, Carol likes him wearing them, so he'll do it for her.
📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in Rudy's mailbox.  How does he react?  Who would it be from?
Speaking of jewelry, the mysterious letter would be attached to an A4-sized flier of necklaces for sale. It'd say:
CAN'T [functioning] A COMPUTER BUT WANT TO [friend request accept] THESE [obvious scams]?
[Run] THROUGH THIS FLIER TO FIND THE [fattest], SHINIEST [chain] TO [trap] YOUR VERY OWN [sugar daddy] AND [sugar mommy]. CHOOSE BETWEEN [yellow], [sliver], or [floss]. MIX AND MATCH PENDANTS  FOR [adverse affects]. YOUR [hochi mama]S ARE GUARANTEED TO SAY "[shove it]" AFTER [financing] IT TO THEM!
Rudy would be like, "Hey. How ancient do they think I am?? I know how to use a computer!" and wonder if he's suffering a stroke or something. XD
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