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jakesilly · 1 year
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Some of my favourite scenes 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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tsahikkk · 1 year
Eupneic Chance
pairing: aged up!neteyam x fem!metkayina!reader
a/n: after thinking about writing again, this is my first Avatar (Na'vi) fic and whosever worthy to break my hiatus than my love, Neteyam te Suli Tyeyk'itan. I hope you girlies like this :> I also take requests or message me ya kno let's be mutuals!! <3
PSA! the whole premise of eupneic chance is from @theblueflower05 's First Love/Late Spring. they own the intellectual and abstract property of this fic. check it out and bask in all of fic neteyam's glory <3
word count: 3.9k+
warnings: this story is extremely explicit so minors dni. you are responsible for your own media consumption, bestie. also, if aged up! ATWOW is not of your likes, kindly click off. boundaries are there to be observed and respected.
✨SMUTTER SMUTTERY SMUT✨, mentions of drinking and swearing, a lil' jealousy somethin somethin, mutual masturbation, mentions of mating, the d taps ifykyk, not a warning but uhhhh a lotta' fluff if u blink alot
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summary: Ftxozä si Eywa'eveng, a celebration of Pandora as the Great Mother blessed her children with fertility, abundance, and grace. Tonight is the height of the week-long celebration in Awa'atlu. Singing and dancing as the Metkayina celebrates all in the praise of Eywa around a large bonfire shone in the heart of the feast. Yet again by the bonfire, Neteyam finds himself enthralled by your presence. Liquid courage and a little nudge might just work as he finds himself wanting you.
vocabulary: Ftxozä si - (v) celebration; Eywa'eveng - Pandora; olo - clan; zeykoyu - healer; Eyweveng - colloquial term for Eywa'eveng; ma'metsmuke - my two sisters (literal transl.); utral - tree; tarpongu - hunting party; eykyu - typically temporary leader of a small group (in this case, a hunting party); timuntxa- mating; sa’sem - parent, a set of parents; Ma'sa'nok - my mother (literal transl.); ma'pxetsmuk - my three siblings (literal transl.); syulang - flower
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Amidst the eclipse, people have began piling in the tent as Ronal and Tonowari sat at the head of the banquet. People have brought in baskets of food and abundance while others rolled in barrels of kava in celebration of Ftxozä si Eywa'eveng. Dried driftwood and other organic materials were brought in by the women and children, piling them at the center to make the bonfire.
The opening at the center of the high tent peered light through as the midnight sun and the torches illuminated. As the men piled on organic material, Tonowari stood up from his seat to address his people. "My good people of Awa'atlu, I welcome you to Ftxozä si Eywa'eveng! I thank the Great Mother of the abundance and grace our olo has received this season," he paused as Ao'nung handed him a torch and made his way to the unlit bonfire at the center, "I no longer wish to hold pause on our celebration of Eywa. Let us feast!" He threw the torch as the bonfire is set ablaze.
Log drums were hit as the elderly sing songs of praise. Women and children dances and sang along filling the air with rejoice. You were in the circle along with Tsireya. Feeling your body as you raised your hands in a trance-like dance swaying your hips close by the bonfire. Tsireya laughed light-heartedly as she saw you enjoying yourself. She leaned in to whisper, "You seem to have eyes on you, ma'tsmuke." Tsireya laughed as your eyes widened and you halted dancing. "Stop it, Reya!" you laughed. "What? It is only but the truth Y/N!" Tsireya light hit your arm as you resumed enjoying yourself in the presence of your best friend.
Unbeknownst to you, what Tsireya said is true. Eyes have been looking at you. Many of unmated Metkayina men have been looking for unmated women of the clan to court as Fertility Season is coming in the next few months. They've completed their iknimaya and are now recognized men and hunters of olo' Metkayina. As you were one of the eligible maidens of the clan, celebrations and feasts like this prop as an ideal place to find possible maidens to court; ultimately, find their mates.
Even so, one of these men aren't too keen on looking for mates. Neteyam bore in his mind to the need to carry his weight even if he is an accomplished member of the clan. It's not that he hasn't been growing fond feelings for a fair Metkayina zeykoyu-to-be, its just that the weight he bears is something he didn't find the need to share with someone else. It seems as if he sees it as a baggage that hinders his chances at love.
Neteyam sat in the conversation circle along with his siblings, Kiri and Tuk who seem to have been having a conversation of their own. Lo'ak comes over with a wooden cup of kava. He nudges the cup towards his older brother to drink. "What's up with you and the silence, bro?" Neteyam sighed and drank the kava ignoring his brother. Ao'nung came and sat down beside Lo'ak. "How are you guys enjoying Eyweveng?" clunking his cup with Lo'ak's. He turned and answered, "It's a bit different from what we'd do back at Hometree but same same."
Ao'nung looked over to Neteyam who still silently drank his kava. "What's up with this skxawng?"
"Why so serious, bro? You should be enjoying." Lo'ak nudges Neteyam again. "Must be fawning over Y/N again. I saw him staring at her earlier." Kiri teases. "Yeah! If looks could melt, she'd be a puddle by the bonfire now!" Tuk laughs.
"Oh shut up, ma'metsmuke!" Neteyam replied, annoyed, breaking his silence.
Rotxo laughed as he propped himself against the log they all sat on. "Come on, brother. I hate to pry but your performance in your iknimaya is attractive to all the ladies. Come with us, options, you know? Have some fun!" Ao'nung laughed as Neteyam rolled his eyes, "Give me another." His cup was then filled with kava near to the brim by Rotxo.
"Y/N and 'Teyam sitting on utral! K-I-S-S--" Tuk sang earning the laughter of the circle. "I don't want another lady, Rotxo. And you skxawngs stop the teasing. I'm just fine on my own." Neteyam said in light laughter. While it is true he's fine on his own, he's always been fond of you. Your smile. Your laugh. The way sunlight hits your face when you're out doing your duties for the zeykoyu and the clan. Not to mention, your physique, how blubber made you look supple and perfect in his eyes. Your hair flowing in the sea breeze. Almost as if it's inviting him to come to you.
He chugged the kava he was holding and nudged yet again for a refill. Twice. "Woah, 'Teyam. Calm down. We were just teasing with the kava." Lo'ak said trying to take his brother's cup from getting refilled with the potent liqour. "Kava is not for the light of heart, brother. Take it easy!" Kiri told her older brother who was now propping himself up to sit better.
"I am fine, guys!" Neteyam pasued as he glanced at your laughing self by the bonfire. "Ao'nung, why don't you tell everyone the story about that time when..." Rotxo segued the circle into story.
"Oh thank Eywa." Neteyam thought.
He finds himself enjoying their company but as he looked back to glance at you, only find that you were looking at him as well. You quickly broke eye contact and turned to Tsireya and the other ladies of your circle, blushing mad. Neteyam smiled to himself. He just caught you staring at him and he wasn't gonna let it up.
Tsireya caught the interaction and prodded her shoulder to yours. "You sneaky sneaky! I saw that!" She laughed. Your ears were pink as you defended yourself, "What! There was nothing to see, 'Reya!"
"Y/N still trying to defend herself while her ears are all pink!" Silwani teased. You buried yourself in your hands laughing with them. It was true. You've had your eyes set on the former Olo'eyktan's first born. You didn't care if people whispered demon blood then when they first asked uturu. He was no different than you or any other Na'vi. He is an absolute gentleman and a great hunter, definitely the best if it was up to you. His warm smiles drove you into puddles. And his eyes! His yellow eyes that shine brighter than the most precious gems.
Nonetheless of dreaming, you replied, "But the last I heard, he isn't interested in looking for a mate this fertility season."
"Y/N! How can you say that? Over a rumor, tsmuke? Don't lose the door yet. It hasn't even been opened!" Unipey said feigning to be hurt of your words. "I'm too busy training under zeykoyu to even think about this, my sisters," You said, "I think I need a breath of fresh air. I'll be back." Standing up from your circle to excuse yourself, you were approached by Maru, eykyu of the recent tarpongu. "Kaltxi, ladies," Maru nodded, "Kaltxi, Y/N." You nodded in reposnse.
"What brings you here, Maru?" Silwani asks. "I would like to ask Y/N for a dance if she wills it."
Neteyam seeing this unfold, stood from the log as well. "'Teyam? Where you goin'?" Tuk asked looking up at her brother, stopping the chatter around them. "I have to do this, guys. I can't lose the chance to ask Y/N to Maru. fuckin' Maru." He swigs the last of his kava before walking towards you.
"Oh no, skxawngs. That's Maru-" Lo'ak says, "and 'Teyam..." Kiri continues knowing how much Neteyam has propped Maru as competition since their iknimaya. "This I'd like to see..." Ao'nung leans his legs on the log comfying himself as they all watch the spectacle of winning over a lady.
"Oh, Maru... I'd love to but I have to decl--" You trailed as you see Neteyam coming up to your presence as well.
He gestures to the other ladies of your circle, pressing all four fingers to the brow of his head and sweeping it down slightly to the bridge of the nose before departing from the face downward. "Glad to see you, 'Teyam." Tsireya returns the gesture and announces the obvious while adding emphasis to his name. He stood there proud with a confident smile on his face. "Y/N.." He gestures oel ngati kameie again, to you this time, making sure to maintain eye contact before revealing his dashing smile. Your nod as your cheeks turn a dark hue while your hands fiddle with a strand of your hair as you reply shyly, "Hi 'Teytey."
Maru clears his throat, "As I was offering, Y/N.. I'd like a dance...with you if you will it." He bows his head as his hand prop up for you to hold in acceptance but to his dismay you decline his offer. "Maru, your offer is flattering but I have to decline. Apologies." You said with a smile.
Neteyam's chest puffed in relief and confidence as if he'd prevailed in "winning you". "What are you here for, Neteyam?" Unipey asks as her tail swishes excitedly. The other girls laugh at your now shy figure trying to hold composure in front of Neteyam.
You took a deep breath and squared you shoulders as you looked up to Neteyam. His frame towering yours as you dashed a soft smile looking up at him. "Yes, Neteyam? How can I help you?"
Your eyes dazzling reflected by the lit fire. Neteyam can feel his heart pounding for such beauty before him. He regains his confidence and says, "I'd like to ask you to dance if that's okay with you? I'm not much of a dancer--" He trailed. "I'd love to 'Teyam." You held his outreached hand, "Just don't step on my toes." You laugh.
"I'll sure try not to." He laughs. Taking you by the hand, he twirls as the elderly began singing about the forbidden love of the sky and seas. Other couples began taking the floor. Even Ronal and Tonowari swayed as the song calmed down the heightened feast.
He twirled you around. You danced perfect as if Eywa had blessed your body to flow in dance. "Stunning." Neteyam thought. His hands resting on the small of your back as your rest your head on his chest and your hands found their way to the nape of his neck. "You look beautiful tonight, Y/N..." He paused as if thinking he said the wrong thing, "I mean you're always beautiful, not just tonight. I hope you got what I meant. I didn't mean to--"
You laughed and it was music to his ears. "It's okay, 'Teyam! I understood you. Thank you." You blushed nearing to lean on his chest. You can feel him warm and his heartbeat pounding. You chuckle, "You okay, 'Teyam?"
"Huh? Yeah--yes, I'm good." Snapping him out of his daydream. This dance feels like a dream to him. "Would you like to get some air? Let's take a walk?" You offered. "That would be pleasant." You held his hand through a sea of lovers dancing when you reached the jungle.
"So... what made you come out tonight?" You asked, mentally hitting yourself for such a stupid question just to break the silence. Neteyam lead you up to a large tree trunk top where the ocean and skies came to view. Gathering up his courage fueled by his smug win and the potent liquor, he replied, "I wanted to see you...", he trailed, "Ma'sa'nok didn't want me to just stay in my hammock considering it's a rest day. I decided to join ma'pxetsmuk in the celebration. How about you? I know you're very busy with training." He answered sighing as he pulled it off.
Hearing the waves calmed Neteyam down a little. He noticed you're still holding his hand. His nose picked up a scent, it was you. You smelt of dapophet and healing rose nectar, but its as if your phermones were screaming to him.
"I wanted to see you as well... I also hoped to dance with you..." You replied smiling shyly, blushing still. "Well, it looks like we've accompished something today, Y/N" He leaned to you. Your stiff gait nestled to his as you both took in the beauty of Pandora around. Neteyam looked at you. You are so beautiful in the midnight sun. Your ocean blue eyes glimmered as if it was from the stars. Your hair blew with the breeze as you smiled eyes closed.
"Wow. This view of Awa'atlu is stunning, I must say 'Teyam. How did you find this peak amongst it all?" You replied in amazement. Opening your eyes as you turned to see Neteyam smiling at you in adornment.
Neteyam felt butterflies fluttering in him seeing you. His fingertips lingered on your chin before cupping your cheeks. His eyes bore into yours as you find yourself leaning to his touch. "I know a view way more stunning." He replied before crashing his lips to yours.
His soft lips on yours felt like an absolute dream. Bliss washed over the two of you as your lips parted, immediately missing the feeling.
"Oh my Eywa." Neteyam mumbled while looking at you and holding both your hands on your lap. "'Teyam..." You laughed lightly as you touched you lips and seeing his ears turned a pinkish hue.
He welcomed the beautiful view by just looking at you. He tucked a loose hair strand behind your ears. Noticing how pink they've become. Blushing nonstop, his yellow orbs stared into yours. Making your heart jump. You couldn't help but kiss him again. Making him fall and lay down the moss whilst still enthralled by you.
You straddled his hips while his hands snaked your waist holding you down. You separated for a while, panting while looking into each other's eyes. "Oel ngati kameie, Y/N. I see you." Neteyam said smiling lovingly at you.
"Oel ngati kameie, Ma'Teyam. Oel ngati kameie." You replied as yur hands cupped his cheeks, kissing him with more hunger and want now. His tongue licking your bottom lip asking for entrance. You opened your mouth a moan as his hand gripped your hair inching the distance between you two. "Oh so you like that, yawne?" He teased breathlessly.
"'Teyaaaam--" You whined and wiggled. The more you moved on his lap, he felt himself getting harder and strained with his loincloth. "Syulang, please stop wriggling," He chuckled lightly, "there's gonna be a big problem if you don't stop."
"Oh yeah? What big problem am I gonna have to deal with if I don't stop?" You moved slowly on top of him, teasingly. Your antics led you to being flipped. Now, Neteyam hovered your breathless figure. He still gripped your hips so you won't move. He smiled suggestively as you looked down to see his loincloth restricting his bulge.
In his view, your sprawled hair, blushing cheeks, and swollen lips was all he needed to send him over the edge. "Oh my Eywa, you're so beautiful." "And so are you, my love." His braids fell down the sides of his face. Lips swollen from kissing you a bit harder than you both thought.
"'Teyam, I want you." You said getting red again. "Are you sure, yawne? It's a bit early for timuntxa. I do not want to rush making love to you... I want to do it properly, syulang," That he meant with all his heart. He wanted to make love to you properly just as you only deserve the best underneath Eywa's sky where your love is blessed on the peak of Fertility Season. He imagined you laid beneath him comfortable by a warm fire. To him, making love is a sacred bond of two souls. If he is to mate with you, it should have the approval of your sa'sem, “Is that okay with you, Ma'Y/N?"
"Yes, yawne," you giggled as his dreamy eyes gazed upon yours, "but that doesn't mean I can’t pleasure you." You caressed his bulge, earning a hiss from Neteyam's lips. Palming him through his loincloth, Neteyam was weak to your touch. “Now, I don’t know what you did, when you did, what you did to me,” His breath hitched as your thumb caressed over his clothed tip,” but you got me, baby.”
He slowly sat himself up with you following suit sitting down on your knees as you fondled with the strings of his garment. Neteaym spoke breathlessly, “You see, I don’t normally stutter…” His eyes trailed to you learned over to his body. Your warm hands electric, caressing his shoulders, down to his chest until you stopped at his V-line, “but it’s y-y-you! It’s like you’ve got a spell on me.”
With his breathing getting troubled, you pulled his strings that made hit loincloth fall. His hardened manhood slapping his abdomen with a bit of pre seeping on the tip. Your eyes ogling his size, “‘Teyam! It’s so big.” Your fingertips touching its tip and Neteyam hissing, “Yawne! I’m so sensitive,” He whined as he propped himself near your mouth. Tapping his hard on one side of your cheeks before slapping it lightly on your lips.
“Open up, princess.” Your eyes grew darker at his smirk. Your lips parted sucking the tip lightly. Neteyam groaned at the warm feeling enveloping his manhood. He holds your hair, gripping the underside as you moaned against his cock. The vibrations sending him frenzy. “You’re so good to me, princess. Makin’ me feel so good.”
You held his cock pumping it before fully sucking it down and up. Licking the head, cleaning his pre with your tongue, Neteyam’s head is thrown back, “Oh Eywa, you’ve blessed with such a woman.” Deepthroating him for a good second almost choking. “Y-Y/N! Shit! Just like that, syulang… just like that.” He used his grip on your hair to bob up and down on his cock.
You slid his cock on your tongue out. Leaving a trail of saliva from your mouth to the tip, looking up to his eyes. He felt himself struggling with that look you gave him, “You will be the end of me, yawne.” Your swollen lips with tears edging your eyes, Neteyam swipes his thumb on your eyes. “You gonna take me in your mouth like a good girl?”
You nodded, “Yes, sir,” as you sucked his cock again. His grip on your hair tightened, throwing his head back nearing ecstasy. Seeing this response, you sucked harder bobbing your head on his big manhood. “I’m so c-c-close..hhhnnggg…tiyaawnn!”
You pulled it out from your mouth for a brief moment to kiss the reddened tip before sucking just the head ever so yearningly. Neteyam groaned doing his best to look at you nearing his finish. “Just like that, princess. Take me like the cumslut you are.”
“I’m gonna c-cum. Sh-shit! Where do you want me, yawne! Ugh!” He slid his cock off of your mouth, pumping it with his hand. You sat and looked up to him with your big ocean eyes, sticking your tongue out. “Right here, sir. Aaaah!” You playfully responded.
He leaned down to kiss you sloppily before throwing his head back, “I’m c-cumming! Uughh! Fucking having me so good, princess!” spilling his seed on your mouth, dripping down the sides of your mouth to your chest. You swallowed his seed before smiling proudly. “So beautiful, ma’tiyawn.” He said caressing the side of your face as he leveled himself with you sitting down.
He nears your lips smiling, “So so beautiful, Y/N.” Closing the space between you both, he laid you down as the kiss turned hungry. Neteyam panted as he broke the contact.
“Maybe you’d like to rest, Ma’Teyam?” You asked concerned. His hands trailed to wipe his aftermath from your cheeks. “You think I’m done, yawne? No, no, no, my love.” His hands trailed your clothed slit. “You’re so soaked, baby.” His amused tone teased you.
“Neteeee’ don’t teaseee!” You said closing you thighs with his hand in between.
His hands held your knees as he forced them apart, spreading them, “Who said you can close them?” He said smirking before snaking down to your bottom hem. “Hhnggg Ma’Teyam, please!” you begged as his hot breath fanned a tease.
“May I, princess?” He asked tugging on your bottoms. “Yes, please.” You wriggled them down, throwing them over yonder to be found later.
As your legs spread, your fingers prodded your lips down there open revealing the glistening pink flesh. Neteyam licked his lips before having his tongue swipe your clit in a slick motion. “Ah shit!” You gasped as he swirled his tongue on your heat. Neteyam playfully blew raspberries on your clit earning an approving giggle from you. “‘Teyaaaam.. quit playing!” You giggled.
His hands slowly held yours removing it from the grip on his hair and your thigh. He looked back up to you smiling a toothy grin. “My sweet, sticky,” grazing his nose on your thighs, “pillow princess. Aren’t you, Y/N?” He kissed your inner thighs, butterfly kisses intensifying your satisfaction.
Butterflies were replaced by a knot on your stomach as Neteyam filled his desire of your pleasure. Paying attention to your sensitive bud as he licked. "O-oh!" You yelped as he slid a finger while savoring you, "Just like that, Ne'te!" Neteyam obliged then curling his finger in you as it motioned in and out glistening of your come. Your head thrown back as you gripped his hair ever so needful. "N-Ne'te! Oh my.. Ah!" Your words fail as floods of exhilaration and euphoric moans voiced agape of his feeling. Legs tingling as your breath hitched. He halted with a soft kiss on your labia, abdomen slightly shaky of the high.
He fondled with your folds, all wet and slick from fornication. "Oh Eywa... you've come undone before me, my love." You try to sit up bellowing the end of your arousal. You wiped Neteyam's forehead as you both smiled, smug and sweaty.
Neteyam redressed and sat by you as you heave yourself calm, redressed beside him. You leaned your head towards Neteyam's shoulder. "You know Y/N, if I hadn't caught you staring earlier, we wouldn't be here right now. I don't know where I'd get the courage to ask you." He broke the calm silence of your breathing. "Must be all the hava you chugged, Ne'te." Your words implying a jest at his nervous state by the bonfire earlier. Just as you find your hands cupping his cheeks, wanting to kiss him yet again. Your soft kiss caught him off guard. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach you broke apart giggling.
"I'll never get tired of you kisses, syulang." He said.
"Oh, you better not, mister!" You replied at his ostentatious flirting, "and for the record, I wasn't staring!"
"Oh yeah, you were! Kiri and Tuk saw you!" Neteyam chuckled, "and I got teased because it. They're never gonna let this down now."
"Well, you have me as proof that all of your hopeless romantic courting signals are effective. You no longer have to pretend you have herb deliveries for the Tsahik." You said bursting out laughing as his hand ran through your hair. "You think I wouldn't notice, you skxawng?"
"But in my defense, you've been eyeing me! I just know it!" He laughed in jest as your laughter rang music to his ears.
Sea breeze blew as your laughter died down. As you feel lulled by the waves to rest, you nuzzled more into his warmth atop Awa'atlu in all of Eywa's grace. Neteyam felt himself cherishing this moment. A light snore he heard from your already resting form made a smile creep to his face. Your weight he beared as you both laid underneath the stars. Wrapping his arms on your waist, you snuggled to him sound asleep.
Neteyam kissed your forehead, wishing this moment to last more than just a eupneic chance.
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siberiascaravan · 1 year
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They are probably concerned for our mental wellbeing. Who is sane and simps for Quaritch?
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cyberfreaky · 6 months
ur fave as a big, burly man w/ a dad bod <33
he’ll have you in prone bone, the weight of his body heavy on top of you as he fucks you slow and deep. the pudge of his tummy would lay upon the small of your back, while he left wet kisses across the back of your neck.
“mm, that’s it…f—fuck...” he’d grunt in your ear, making you whine in response. “takin’ me so well, baby. so fuckin’ good.” his thick, girthy cock was stretching your pussy out, your hole gripping his dick each time he pulled out and slammed right back into you.
your head fell between your shoulders, the feeling of being crushed on the bed made you feel dizzy. your whimpers and babbles didn’t go unnoticed, it was music to his ears as he began to roll his hips a little harder. his breathing was staggered and heavy, melodically mixing with the squeaking of the bed.
you were rendered speechless as your orgasm pulled on your core, about to send you over the edge with a few more sloppy and languid thrusts. he felt your slick cunt tightening around his dick, his heavy balls slapping tirelessly against your clit. it was impossible for either of you to hold off any longer.
his moans resembled a growl almost, as you both reached your climax. you’d cry out as he stuffed your pussy, thick, hot spurts of his cum filling you up to the brim. he’d continue leaving sloppy kisses across your shoulder blades, beads of his sweat dripping onto your warm skin. he was absolutely spent, but he couldn’t pull out just yet.
it wouldn’t take long before he’d fall on top of you. he tried his hardest not to suffocate your smaller body, caging you between his big, bulky arms. he’d breathlessly rut into you slowly, fucking his seed deeper and deeper inside you.
— simon (ghost) riley, jake sully, könig
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 5 months
꧁𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖꧂
✧ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒎𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔<3
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✧ 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔. 𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒅𝒂, 𝒑 𝒊𝒏 𝒗, 𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒔𝒎 𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒂𝒍/𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍, 𝒔𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒄𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒇𝒊𝒙𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚'𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒔 (𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒋𝒔 𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒊𝒕 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒐), 𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍 (𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈), 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈/𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚/𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔, 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒅𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂, ’𝒔𝒊𝒓’ 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒕. 𝑳𝒎𝒌 𝒊𝒇 𝒊 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒔💕
✧ 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔: 𝒀𝒂𝒘𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒚𝒊̀𝒑- 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒆, 𝒀𝒂𝒘𝒏𝒆- 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅, 𝑶𝒆𝒚𝒂̈- 𝒎𝒚 (𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆), 𝒀𝒂𝒘𝒏𝒕𝒖- 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒆, 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓, 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏, 𝒕𝒊̀𝒚𝒂𝒘𝒏-𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝒚𝒐𝒗𝒐-𝒚𝒐𝒗𝒐 𝒇𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒕, 𝒕𝒔𝒂𝒉𝒚𝒍𝒖- 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒏𝒅, 𝑵𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒙𝒂𝒏 ’𝒆𝒌𝒙𝒊𝒏, 𝒐𝒆𝒚𝒂̈ 𝒕𝒊̀𝒚𝒂𝒘𝒏- “𝑺𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝑴𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆“, 𝑻𝒔𝒖𝒏 𝒌𝒆 𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒊̀𝒏𝒈 𝒏𝒈𝒂 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒏- 𝑪𝒂𝒏’𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚
✧ 𝑩𝒐𝒕𝒉 𝒏𝒔𝒇𝒘 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒇𝒘 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒅𝒏𝒊!! 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒆𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒔𝒇𝒘 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒇𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒐
✧ !!𝑨𝑳𝑺𝑶!! 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏!𝒔/𝒐, 𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒚𝒂!𝒔/𝒐, 𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒌𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒂!𝒔/𝒐. 𝑺𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓. 𝑬𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚☺️💕
──☆*:・゚──☆*:・゚ ──☆*:・゚✧𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒉𝒄’𝒔
- they’re all extremelyy protective over you. And always so ready to defend you.
- very touchy, weather it’s a little hand hold or a full on thigh grab he needs to have his hands on you at all times.
- they’re all very fertile, and so are you. (So yk what that means😘)
- their aftercare is AMAZING 🫦
Putting his hand on your back to lead you somewhere
Saying “no” in a stern but caring tone
Opening things for you/ Making way for you
Giving you reasonable instructions
Telling you “come here” and/or pointing to the ground to where they want you
Fixing your appearance (like fixing your hair or loincloth)
Lifting your chin up
“look at me”
Fixing your posture
And so many more😩
- always so quick to do anything for you. Want food? He already out the door. Cold? Blanket is already covering you. Need a hug? Immediately wrapping his arms around you and kissing you gently. This man is in loveee with you😭
- they got the besttt hand placement 😩
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- loves taking you out on late night beach walks, the bioluminescence of the pandora making you look even more gorgeous.
- whenever you two go on walks in the forest he always hold your hand whenever the path gets too uneven. And whenever he has to climb or jump over something he’ll always pick you up so you don’t get hurt.
“Teyam! I’m fine! I’m not a child you know.”
“Mhm. Yeah sure, yawntutsyìp. Now come on.”
- hates when he sees other guys looking at you, almost like he can hear their thoughts. So he’ll just wrap his arm around you and trail kisses and a few bites all over your soft skin, making sure everyone know you’re his.
- whenever he gets mad his jaw does that thing, and ik yall know what im talking about 😩
- keeps track of your period/heat cycle, so he knows the exact day you’re going to get it.
- he baby’s you a lottt during these days, making sure his girl is ok.
“Here tahnì, kiri made this for you. It’s supposed to take some of the pain away.”
“Thank you, baby. You’re the best-“ and there it was again. That sharp pain shooting up through your core. It felt like someone was trying to tear you apart from the inside out.
You yelp in pain, neteyam automatically leaping next to your side and pressing his big hand into where the pain was coming from.
“Shshsh, yawntu. It’s ok..I know it hurts but I’m here baby. I got you.” He coos, the warmth and pressure from his hand soothing you immediately. The rest of your body weight pressing into his chest.
“That’s my girl.”
- always is looking at you even when you’re not looking at him. You always manage to catch his eyes tho, it’s hard not to when he’s staring right into your soul.
- but when you finally do meet his eyes they’re always filled with love and affection, it makes you smile all giddy every time
- his tail always betrays his words, like whenever you feel like he’s getting jealous, you’ll ask him upfront. And ofc he’ll say no, but two seconds later you feel his tail coiling around your thigh possessively. Or when you guys get into a fight and are still mad at each other afterwards, his tail will still wrap around your calve as a comfort. But he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.
- does the lil “come here” waist grab combo before he kisses you🤤
- loves seeing how flustered you get by him just doing the smallest things, like when he flexes his arms or lowers his voice a little just to see your thighs clench and face get all red/purple
“Y/n..you listening to me, yawntusip?” He questions with a smirk that tells you he already knew the answer to his own question.
“Yes, yes I’m sorry, baby. Continue.” You responded, mind still focused on how the way he was looking at you and his deep voice made your panties unbearably slick.
“Mhm.. no. I rather do something else instead.”
- has such a huge breeding kink. Like he’s downright obsessed with how pretty you look all cockdrunk with his cum just leaking out of you. Makes him feralll.
- also has a courruption kink, size kink, slight spit kink, biting kink, Dacryphilla, and yeah this mf js freaky asf (but he keep it on the DL)
- speaking of him being freaky asf, he’d definitely fuck you in public. Like this man is balls deep inside of you, hitting your sweet spot every time he thrust back in, and he’s over here telling you shit like “shshsh, yawne.. don’t want them to hear you now do you? Mhm~fuck.. you must want them to with the way you’re clenching around me huh?” Like MHM😩
- he’s a eater. He’s such an eater. (js like his brother and daddy) your pussy is basically stress relief to him😭
- puts his hair in a bun before he eat it🫦
- doesn’t mind when you ask to return the favor, bc he loves seeing you on your knees in front of him, pretty lips wrapped around his thick tip and hands desperately gripping at his thighs as you try to push the rest of him into your mouth. The sight makes him js 😵‍💫
-so whipped for you 😭like this mf will do ANYTHINGGG for you, just say the word.
- loves watching you try to hold in your moans and whimpers, the way your face gets all puffy and hands start shaking and squeezing him desperately makes something primal awaken in him. And watching the tears finally spill over your face when he makes you cum? Fucking perfect to him.
- has a ‘sir’ kink too, you found out about it accidentally tbh😭
“Make sure you clean that cut, oeyä yawntu. Don’t want it getting infected.” He ordered softly, making you smile at his gentle yet stern demeanor.
“Yes, sir.” You quipped sarcastically, looking down at the bandage infront of you.
His whole body froze at the name, ears perking up and tail standing up in a ridged way “What?” He said lowly, his switch in energy making your body mimic his.
“I-uhm sorry I-“
“No. Don’t apologize, yawntu.” He walks over to you quickly before kneeling infront of you, kissing you hungrily. “Say it again.” Your tail sways around excitedly at his tone, body getting hotter by the second.
“Yes, sir.”
- a titty man definitely, he loves watching them bounce whenever he fucks you in missionary
- whenever he punishes you, orgasm denial/control and spanking are his go tos. He just loves how needy and whiney you get from him not giving you what you want.
“T-teyam, please! I’m sorry!”
“Yeah? You pissing me off says otherwise.” Another harsh slap.
You writhe and squirm under him, but it’s no use. Tears of frustration stream down you face once you feel two more slaps to your sensitive flesh.
“P-please, teyam. No..more.” You whine, chest heaving and mouth dry from your screams of protest. His expression softens at your small voice, hand coming down to rub the irritated skin back and forth gently.
“Alright, yawntu. No more.” He coos, leaning down to leave soft kisses on the back of your neck, “but don’t think I’m gonna let you cum at all tonight.”
- loves kissing you when your sitting on something, weather it be a counter or your bed, he just loves kissing you like that.
- grabs your waist to grind you down onto him/guide your movements
- “I’ll make it fit, Yawntu.”
- when he starts getting close he’ll whisper the DIRTIESTT shit in Navi to you 🫦
“Mhm~..Teyam, please..” you whine, the feeling of him using you and stretching your small, leaking pussy proving way too much for you.
“I know, ma’yawntu. Need you to be good for me ok?” He coos, holding the side of your face gently.
You lazily respond with a head nod, slowly losing yourself because of the feeling of your 4th orgasm building up in your core.
He shudders when your pussy clenches around him repeatedly, making him lean down to cadge you in with one of his arms, while the other holds your leg. Leaving slow, sloppy marks and kisses all over your soft skin.
“Hah~fuck..Niftxan ‘ekxin, oeyä tìyawn..Tsun ke ne tìng nga a prrnen~“
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- likes having you on his lap while he does small chores that don’t require him to be standing
- and he does that thing where he pats his lap so you know where you’re supposed to be😩
- whenever your stressed he’ll always trace the same pattern on your back, and it soothes you almost immediately
- veryy affectionate with you,he’s a man after all. He loves to show his woman how much he loves her.
- he always lifts up your chin/ grabs your waist before kissing you
- when you guys argue (which is rarely) he’s definitely a “come here” typa mf, bc he hates making his girl feel bad
- likes to bring you to his meetings just to have you sit there and look pretty
“Baby, what does that mean?” You ask while looking up at him innocently, the sight making him smile softly.
“It means knowing our location, babygirl (knowing our 20)” he responds, placing his hand on your head as you let out a soft “oh..” and continue to listen to him talk to the other warriors.
- likes to form tsaheylu before you guys fall asleep
- hugs from behind 🫦
- loves you guys height difference so much
- another one that babies tf outta you, no matter what. Especially if you’re close to your period/heat cycle
“Hey babygirl, how you feelin?” He says with a soft smile on his face as he walks over to you with a basket of your favorite fruits and cold water.
“Oo! You got yovo for me? You really didn’t have to do that, oeyä tìyawn. I’m just feeling a little lightheaded is all.” You explain, sitting up on your hands so he can sit down in front of you. And that’s when the pain hits. A sharp pain going straight up your spine into your head that makes you cry out. The ringing in your ears getting excruciatingly loud.
Jake is quick to get to your side, placing you on your side so your spine is stretched out. Reliving the pain almost immediately. “I know babygirl, I know. I’m right here.” He coos, pressing firm circles into the base of your neck, massaging out the excess tension. “Just breathe, okay, hon? I gotchu.”
- the emotional security this man provides is AMAZING LIKE🥹🩷
- you always crave him, not even just sexually but physically too. Just his smell,his vibe, his company. Just him. And it’s the same for him too.
- he never stops trying to impress you, just because he has you it doesn’t give him a reason to stop
- he does that thing where he’ll say your name and then point with his head/eyes to where he wants you to be😩
“And I just don’t know how I could-“ you ramble, stressed out because of the celebration later tonight.
“Y/n.” Jake says sternly, but softly. His baritone silencing you immediately.
He looks at you before looking at the bed and tilting his head softly, making you obey his order silently.
Once you sit on the bed, he stands between your legs, cupping your face with his big hands gently. “Baby..” he pauses to kiss your forehead gently. Making you melt into his touch. “Relax. We’re gonna figure it out,ok?” You nod softly at this, letting your nerves leave you.
“Plus I can’t wait to see how sexy your gonna look to-“ “OK, Alright!”
- lovesss having you in mating press and missionary, something about seeing all of your expressions makes him drill into even harder, just to see how you react.
- when you start whining and whimpering from the overstimulation, he’ll just cup your face and place soft kisses on your skin while saying, “I know, baby, I know.” Not even bothering to slow his pace on your poor cunt.
- “you look so pretty like this, baby” and “that’s my good girl” are his favorites
- finds it so hot whenever your tail wraps around him when he’s fucking you in doggy, it’s such an ego boost for him.
- pushes your legs back whenever he’s eatin it😩
- he loves cockwarming after a long day lemme tell you 😮‍💨
- he absolutely loves praising you, but also degrading you a little too🙈
“Awh hon, this wet just from a little kissing? Such a needy little slut for me.”
- his biggest kinks are breeding and size kink
- likes using toys on you, and definitely slips one inside you before you leave in the morning, just to watch your knees buckle whenever he presses that little button
- definitely an ass man, he loves squeezing it and watching it bounce whenever he has you in doggy
- “sir” kink 100%, especially when he’s punishing you.
- speaking of this tho, his brat taming? Phew lawd😩 he gives you exactly what you want and also you nothing at the same time.
“Ja-Sir!, please! Im-sorry!” You yelp, voice bouncing from his harsh thrust and tears streaming down your face from the overstimulation.
“Nuh-uh. Too late for that shit now, babygirl. Wanted to act like a little whore, so I’m gonna fuck you like one.” He growled, leaving yet another hard slap on your ass, making you whine in pain.
The pace he set was fast and deep, avoiding your sweet spot every time he thrusted back in. And pulling out whenever you got too close. It was absolute torture. Yet you craved it nonetheless.
“Sir..please. I can’t..” you say softly, making him finally hit your sweetspot with his thick tip, turing you into a moaning mess. “Alright, babygirl. But this is the only time you’re cumming tonight.”
- forehead kisses after sex🥹
- speaking of kissing, he’s such a good kisser (obvi bc he has experience but still🙄) he always goes at the pace you want, he knows where to put his hands, and he always puts so much feeling into them like ugh🤤
- cockwarming with you while you sit in his lap>>
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- such a cuddle bug, like my baby loves being touched and touching you
- when you’re standing and he’s sitting, he’ll wrap his arms around you and pull you close to him. (Even tho he’s eye level with you because he’s so tall😭)
- hates seeing you sad, angry, etc and he does everything in his power to get you out of it.
“Hey mama, I got you some chocolate norm had stashed in the fridge.” He announces while walking into your room, shutting the door behind him with his foot.
“Thank you, sweet boy. I’m not that hungry though..” you say softly, tone quiet and deadpan. His ears perk up and flick at the tone of your voice, brows knitting together at your mood.
“Mama, what’s the matter?” He says softly as he climbs into your large bed, fit for the both of you. You say nothing, instead just rolling over and wrapping your arms around his much larger frame.
Chuckling softly at this, he kisses your head lovingly. “It’s ok, mama. I gotchu”
- likes teaching you the lingo his dad uses on the throat com, he just loves how genuinely intrigued you are when he tells you about it
- gets jealous very easily, he’ll be so quick to pick a fight with someone it’s not even funny
- hates when people touch his hair but loves when you do it
- whenever you guys talk, he always does the triangle method without realizing it. And it gets you flustered every single time😭
- “my girl can wear whatever tf she want but if you touch her ima break your jaw, it’s that simple” typa bf
- loves playing with your hair/ braiding it
- always stares at you, always. Whenever you walk by him and flash him a quick smile his whole train of thought just stops, kiri and neteyam always make fun of him for it😭
- especially if you guys are talking in a group of people, just a lil hand hold or eye contact with you will have this man melting
- he’s definitely an eater just like his dad and teyam, but before he eats it he always kisses your thighs before he does
- the second he puts his hair into that ponytail..phew yk you done for😩
- loves doing the finger + tounge combo js to hear you scream and cry out his name
- speaking of that he loves hearing you say his name, deadass makes his eyes roll back just because of the sound of your voice and the way your pussy squeezes him so hard
- does the knee thing whenever you guys make out (and always has his hands on ya tittes🤭)
- the make outs you guys have?..phew😩 sloppy and slow and bodies all pressed tg😩
- you put on a mini skirt one time as a joke and phew lawd..the way he bent you over so quickly and fucked your brains out🫦
- steals his dads camera to take pictures of you so whenever you guys are apart he has something of you to keep him company 🫶🏽
- absolutely adores your body, he loves how soft and squishy it is, especially your thighs and ass
- such an ass man, (like Jake😭)
- loves having you in doggy and missionary
- also I see him liking 69ing too, but he didn’t realized he loved it so much until you introduced it to him
- a switch, loves being in control and making you a cockdrunk mess for him but also loves when you fuck him
- he has such a huge oral fixation, like if you stick your fingers in his mouth while you’re riding him, he turns subby so quick 😮‍💨 or whenever you start randomly kissing and sucking on his hands his brain turns into putty, poor baby gets so overwhelmed by how good your mouth feels he almost cums untouched 🙁 breathing all heavy and face a mess.. ugh😍
- doesn’t really like quickies, but if you both are desperate he’ll do it. He just rather take his time with you, he loves watching you fall apart for him.
- he has a thing for whenever you touch his hands, like when you massage them gently and tell him how pretty they are or how nice they look he turns into a blushing mess, tail wagging and thumping against the floor wildly
- likes touching you in public to see how long you can keep quiet
- “Awh, what was that mama? I couldn’t hear you.” While having the most shit eating grin on his face
- loves teasing you about how much your tail sways and wags when you’re around him. And how much it’ll instinctively wrap around him.
- one of the ways he likes to punish you is making you sit in his lap while he tells you how to touch, cooing and teasing you when he sees your delicate, slow strokes turn more aggressive and needy. So he holds your hand to guide you at the pace he wants.
“Lo’ak!~ please..wanna cum so bad..” you whine frustratedly, moaning softly as he curls your fingers into your sweet spot. But it isn’t enough. You need him.
“Awe that’s too bad, baby. Shouldn’t have been such a needy slut before you got into this. Now you just gotta take it.” He says sternly, removing his hand from yours and placing them on your inner thighs.
“Lo’ak I-“
“I don’t care. Now keep touching, mama. And if I see you speeding up you’re not cumming at all tonight.”
- and yet anotha man that’s whipped asf for u, when you guys were officially mated, he swore he fell even more in love with you. Mf was already making plans for kids😭
- so so vocal😩 especially when you force him to be submissive(he acts like he hates it but yall both know damn well😭)
- another one who grabs your waist to grind you down onto him😩
- another “I’ll make it fit” mf, but he’ll taunt and tease you for how much your legs are shaking and the tears endlessly flowing from your eyes.
“Fuck!~ lo-lo’, wait..it’s not gonna fit..” you writhe and yelp, pathetically trying to push him away from you with your shakey legs.
He growls angrily at this, grabbing both of your legs with his hands and pushing them down next to your ears, folding you like a pretzel under his strong frame.
“Don’t, fuckin’ push me away, mama. Ever.” He seethes, your faces inches apart from each other. “Plus, your pretty little pussy seems to be doing just fine. Poor girl keeps getting greedier and greedier the more I push into you.” He places a slow, sweet kiss on your lips before pushing the rest of his cock inside of you, rubbing your clit to open you up even more.
The stretch makes you cry out and squirm, tears spilling down your face at the stimulation. “Awe, look at you sweet girl. Is my cock too much for you? You can handle it, baby. You said it yourself.” He teases, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face when you try respond to him, but all the comes out are little moans and whimpers.
He thrust into you softly, testing out the waters. You moan loudly at his slow movements, pussy clenching around him repeatedly as you reach for him aimlessly, mind already turned into mush. He chuckles at this, giving you his hand before carefully speeding up his pace. “My pretty girl, already cockdrunk? Mhm~ Fuck..can’t wait to turn you into my personal little cock sleeve~, want that, mama? Want me to fuck you so much that you only crave me?” His words make your pussy clench and squeeze around him repeatedly, letting him know everything he needed to before his pace turned ruthless.
𝑨/𝑵~ bc why did this take sm more longer than an actual fic? Im done 😭 I tried to make them all as even as I could, but some of them have more than the other (let’s take a huge guess on who I’m talking ab😭). Might make another one for the girls tbh🤭 but I hope yall like this, and if you want me to write more lmk🩷 I had fun with this one🥰
𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔: @xylianasblog @strongheartneteyam @professional-yapper @itchaboi-itchyboy @blue-slxt @hotdsworld @plooto @quicktosimp
𝑫𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒃𝒚 @eloquentreverie
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w-i-s-e · 1 year
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sully family photo human edition by @calsz0ne on Twitter and @caffecal on tumblr
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pandoraslxna · 9 months
Lo’ak using visiting Spider as an excuse to come over and steal your panties to Jack off with later 🥴 he conditions himself thag your scent = getting off, and now he can’t jack off without them AND he has to hide his dick coming out of its sheath every time he gets too close to you
Addicted to you
adult Lo‘ak x female human reader
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Words: 4.7k
Summary: The first time it happened, could be considered an accident. He didn’t mean to come over and steal your underwear, stuff it in his tweng and take it with him, like a dirty little secret. The second time however, was less an accident and more a strategic planned theft.
Warnings: explicit smut, perverted Lo‘ak being a little panty thief, masturbation, scent kink, slight somnophilia (with consent), childhood friends to lovers, fluff, mutual pining, reader is spiders sister, oral (f receiving), obsessive behavior, Lo’ak has retractable genitals
Tweng = loincloth
Tanhì = star, bioluminescence freckle
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Lo‘ak, by all means, is no pervert.
He’s not a freak, even if some small minded people had called him that before. But that’s because of his fingers, and not because of this.
It’s hard to explain how any of this has even started.
It’s just, you’ve always been there. Always running around with him and his siblings, playing in the mud and chasing each other through high branches of trees. Riding piggyback on his shoulders, letting Kiri braid your hair. Crying into Neteyams shoulder when you scratched your knee and then letting grandma take care of it. Sitting by the campfire together, baby Tuk in mums arms while dad tells them stories from earth, from the place you’ve never even been before, yet it’s where you come from. Originally. But to Lo‘ak, you’re all na‘vi. Just like Spider is all na‘vi.
You’ve always been there, small little tanhì. Until you’re not so small anymore. And Lo‘ak isn’t small anymore either.
When they come back, years after seeking oturu with the metkayina, his eyeballs almost pop out of their sockets at the sight of you.
Small little tanhì, he scoffs at the memories of his childhood friend. You’ve grown. Not much for Na’vi standards, still the size of Tuk when she was like 8, but Norm makes jokes about you and Spider not being kids anymore, so he assumes you must’ve reached your maximum height. How cute, he thinks. Lo‘ak however, well, Max says he’s making dad competition now. Almost choked on his coffee when he first saw him again. Apparently you must’ve realized the change in his physical appearance too, because you said stuff like the ocean did him good and giggled when you asked what they were feeding him over there, squeezing the muscles of his upper arm with your small hands.
Apart from your size, Lo‘ak was surprised to see you in human clothing. He assumes, and maybe that makes him a little sad but he would never admit that out loud, that after his family had to leave and Spider was also gone for a very long time, you barely had any reason left to visit the village, other than accompanying Norm and Max to the lab. So you ditched the loincloth for a pair of pants and a shirt. That however, doesn’t change how beautiful you are to his eyes. His little tanhì.
Luckily, that’s pretty much everything that has changed.
Funny enough, because that meant Spider still had to share a room with you now that he’s back. Neither of you are very pleased about this, but as long as he and the Sullys are finally home, none of you would openly complain about the temporary living situation, until Norm had moved some of his stuff out of his office so Spider could move in.
The room you and Spider share isn’t that big. Two beds, a window, a small desk and a wardrobe, that’s basically it. It’s even more cramped when a full grown Na’vi lays sprawled out on Spiders bed, but that doesn’t keep him from coming over every couple of days to hang around like he’s still a lazy teen.
Lo‘ak still can’t get over the sight of you running around in these human clothes. They’re odd. Even worse when you wear them, when you’ve changed so much and there’s so much more, so much new of you to see and now you’re hiding it from his gaze, underneath those entirely too long and plain looking fabrics.
Lo‘ak can barely peel his eyes off of you, swirling around the room with a woven basked on your hip, picking up stuff from the floor while simultaneously nagging at Spider to strip and— pause.
"Anything else?" You ask, taking the shirt that Spider had just worn to put it into the basked.
"Nope", he says, pronouncing the p with a little pop sound. Glancing around the room for the final time, you spot a pair of dirty socks in the far corner and as you bend down to pick them up, something seems to fall out of the basket that you don’t notice right away. Before Lo‘ak can react however, you’re already out of the door.
Sitting upright on the bed, Lo‘ak wants to reach for the tiny piece of fabric that you had lost, but then he’s interrupted again.
"Oh shit, I forgot to give her my tweng", Spider groans, pulling a woven cloth out from where it was sandwiched between the mattress and Lo‘aks butt. "I’ll be right back, bro." And then he basically sprints after you.
Chuckling to himself, Lo‘ak now finally gets to pick up what had fallen out of your basket.
It’s pink and small, looks like a triangle almost. Too small to be any kind of clothing. No, there’s really not much fabric on it. Strange, he thinks. He turns it in his hands and then spots a tiny, white ribbon on what he assumes must be the front, and now that he holds it like that…
It almost sends him off the edge at this very moment as he realizes— It’s underwear. Great mother, those are yours!
Lo‘ak almost passes out as he spots a tiny wet patch on the fabric. It makes something in him throb, knowing that your cunt was once pressed there, your sweet, sweet pussy rubbing and pressing against the soft cloth, while some of your juices leaked out and stained the material.
He swallows dryly.
Your clit must have rubbed on it, too, he thinks before he can even stop these thoughts from coming. And Lo‘ak, by all means, is definitely no pervert, but he can’t help but imagine the cute little nub dragging across the fabric, the nub that he just wishes he could wrap his lips around and slowly suck, watching as you writhe and cry out from the stimulation on your sensitive form.
Lo‘ak doesn’t know, can’t even explain it to himself as to what has driven him to his next move, but he then puts the fabric to his nose and, almost on instinct, inhales.
The very scent of your sex on the fabric makes his head spin and his cock stir to life.
Oh, how he loves your scent. That filthy, sinful scent on your panties, the lovely fragrance enhanced all around the cloth. With each trembling intake of your smell that his soul inhales, the harder his cock grows, until it finally unsheathes, bulging a tent into his now entirely too tight tweng.
The first time it happened, could be considered an accident. He didn’t mean to come over and steal your underwear, stuff it in his tweng and take it with him, like a dirty little secret.
The second time however, was less an accident and more a strategic planned theft.
Lo’ak now knows where to find them, knows that there’s a small woven basket in the far corner of your room, and if he lays on Spiders bed and stretches enough, he can just reach into it with his very fingertips. So when you and Spider are busy with something else, he so casually stretches his long limbs and grabs the first, black little slip he can reach, stuffs it in his tweng and then pretends that Neteyam is calling him through the throat comm or that he suddenly remembered he had stuff to do at the village or whatever reason is believable enough to hurry out of the door and hide somewhere in the forest.
Once his heart stopped pounding in his ears and his lungs stopped burning, Lo‘ak settles against a tree and pulls the small piece of fabric out of his tweng. Pretty black, cotton panties. Warm now, from rubbing against his skin on the way here. His hand twitches as he examines them in awe.
In all honesty, Lo‘ak really thought that the silly little childhood crush he once harbored for you was finally filtered out of his system after spending the first few nights at the metkayina village bawling his eyes out because he missed you so much. But no amount of other girls he tried to occupy himself with to forget you could change anything about those feelings that came rushing back to him like a tsunami, the very moment his eyes fell on you again, even after all those years apart. And now you’re all grown up, both of you are, and he’s not that awkward little guy anymore, had his fair share of girls to know how to talk to you, how to flirt and maybe even confess his feelings that could lead to something more, yet here he is. Cock throbbing in his palm with your slip pressed against his nose while he furiously jerks himself off to your scent. Like a pervert.
He was gritting his teeth as he stroked over his shaft, squeezing the light blue tip of his cock just right, forcing the very first droplets of pre-cum to form and spill over his knuckles. There’s a tightness, a warmth that swells inside him and it gets even worse when he inhales deeply, your scent filling his nostrils. His hand strokes faster, harder and he moans against the soft cotton.
Speeding up his movements, Lo‘aks hips were already bucking up to fuck into his fist. His imagination, those clear images in front of his minds eye, of your pussy dragging over the same spot he was rubbing his nose against were only egging him on more.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck", Lo‘ak was chanting curses as he felt the coil in his stomach threaten to snap. His head was thrown back in bliss, your underwear pressed tight to his nose and he couldn’t help but bite down on the fabric to stifle his moans when he finally came.
And suddenly Lo‘ak feels like he’s 14 again, blushing like an idiot whenever you’ve hugged him, not getting the words out when it was just the two of you together.
He was so head over heels for his little tanhì, that this seemed to be the only way to give him some temporary relief, until he would finally get his shit together and gather enough courage to ask you out.
But before this could even happen, things were already getting out of hand.
The first time might be an accident, the second time not so much, but the third, fourth, fifth … and then the tenth time— that’s when he realized this was growing into some strange form of addiction.
Of course he made sure you would never realize what a perverted friend he was, always making sure to rinse his cum and any stains out of the fabric before stuffing them back to the basket in your room, switching them out for a new pair. But not making you realize how perverted he actually was, that was easier said than done.
Naturally, all Na‘vi had a keen sense of smell. Lo‘ak had always been able to smell your natural scent when you were near. And in the beginning, just holding your used underwear in his hands got him hard, made his nose twitch, fingers itching to get them closer, bury his whole face in them and inhale. It was intoxicating.
But Lo‘ak didn’t even realize what he had done to himself, up to the point he came completely untouched for the first time, just from smelling them. That’s when it finally dawned on him. Your scent was enough to get him off. He had actually managed to condition himself to this– coming to your scent, not being able to come when he couldn’t smell you.
Oh, that was bad, he thought. That was really, really bad.
Even worse, because you’ve always been touchy with him. Always hugged him, held his hand, jumped into his arms. And Lo‘ak was so used to carrying you around on his shoulders or his back, that it would’ve been strange of him not to. So now here he was, again, suffering from the consequences of his own actions.
One of your soft, squishy thighs on either side of his shoulders, the back of his head snugly pressed between your thighs and his hands holding your ankles so you wouldn’t fall off as you wandered through the forest.
Normally, he’s a good listener. But he has long stopped listening to whatever you were talking about, now that your scent was so close to his nose that his cock was already pocking out of his sheath and Lo‘ak was slowly loosing every internal battle of trying to keep it in there until they had reached high camp.
Every time you giggled or laughed, Lo‘ak could feel the vibrations against his neck. He could feel every shift, every drag of your clothed cunt against his skin. The warmth radiating from your core, the softness of your thighs on either side of his head, while dainty fingers played with his braids.
Suddenly there’s tug on his braids and Lo‘ak damn near whimpers as you pull his hair to get his attention and— no, no, no you had to get off, you had to get away from him, because this is all too much.
"Lolo", it’s the silly nickname name you gave him as a child, the one that still makes his eyes roll because you used to tease him wit it. "Are you even listening? I asked you a—"
"Sorry it’s just, you– you’re getting kinda heavy, tanhì." Two hands grab your hips before you can even protest and there’s a look of utter confusion on your face, once your feet meet the ground again. Too heavy, Lo‘ak mentally slaps himself. He can lift you up with one hand, so who’s going to believe that?
You look at him with your brows knit tightly together, eyes narrowed to scan him up and down like you were trying and could actually see through him and fuck, his body was working against him in this moment, because the feeling of his own slick coating his cock as it slowly slid out of its protecting sheath sends a shiver up his spine.
"C‘mon let’s keep moving, we’re almost there", he hastily blurts out, leading the way now, hands clenching into fists at his side.
Lo‘ak tries to ignore that your scent still lingers heavy in the air, even as you walk behind him. He also tries to ignore how silent you had suddenly gotten, tries not to look back because he knows you‘ll look hurt or confused, or both, as to why he had suddenly decided to put distance between you and him –and called you heavy, on top of that.
The entire walk back to the village was filled with silence, and even though it felt heavy in his heart, it’s what he needed to calm himself, to make his cock soften and breathing even, to put his focus on something else other than the flowery sweet smell that’s walking just a few feet behind him.
It’s not hard to guess why he doesn’t see you the day after that. Spider visits high camp alone, says you’re out with Norm somewhere to gather ar'lek seeds so they can plant them in the small herb garden in hells gate. He knows that’s just partly the truth.
The next day, Lo‘ak doesn’t even wait for you to come over, or not. Spider spends the day with Kiri anyways, and maybe that’s his sign to finally get his ass up and do something about this whole fucked up situation, apologize for acting so weird and put an end to his strange addiction.
It’s already late in the afternoon when Lo‘ak reaches the human outpost camp. He taps the code into the small keypad on the front door of the facility, puts a respirator on and walks down the hallway. Several turns later and he finds himself at your door, knocks ever so lightly, it’s almost too light, before slowly opening the door, crouching under the frame and stepping inside.
The sight he’s met with definitely gets his knees a little weak.
You’re curled up on your side, your lashes are softly resting on your cheeks, lips slightly parted with quiet sighs of sleep falling from them. Your shirt has ridden up a bit, exposing your hips and stomach to him, blanket nowhere to be found. His gaze wanders over your body, the curve of your waist, down to your legs and eywa help him, you’re not wearing pants. All that’s covering you, are those pink panties that seem very familiar to him and fuck, if that doesn’t make him swallow hard because he just realized these are the ones he’s first taken from you. The ones he had completely soaked in his cum until he nearly passed out, shooting blanks from how many times he jerked off with them pressed to his nose and then wrapped around his cock once he had completed inhaled your scent off of them.
And now he has to hold himself back, because your deliciously sweet scent almost suffocates him the moment he settles to sit on the end of your bed.
He can’t help the way his hands move on their own, just a soft caress up and down your thigh. Completely harmless, he wants to make himself believe.
You hum in your sleep, eyebrows pinching together for a brief moment before you relax into his touch. It’s like your scent grows more intense the longer he strokes his warm palms over your exposed skin, running up your thigh, the curve of your hips. His fingertips trace the cotton fabric of your panties, hooks it under his finger, plays with it, before he runs his hands back down your legs.
Lo‘ak feels his body heat increase the longer he plays with you like this. Feels his sheath opening up, the tip of his cock teasing against the cloth of his tweng, the retraining tightness of trying to keep it in there. His tail curls like he’s in pain from holding himself back, and then your thighs spread into his hands, opening up like a pretty flower, subconsciously presenting yourself to him.
He knows he shouldn’t… but he can’t help it.
Swallowing hard, Lo‘ak kneels at the end of the bed. Careful as ever, he pulls you towards him, holds you open like a five course meal on a silver plate with both of his hands on the backside of your thighs. He nuzzles his nose against your skin, tenderly. Inhales, places soft kisses here and there, moves further to the inside of your leg. His nose never breaks contact to your skin, you just smell too good, he’s completely lost in it. Addicted.
His breathing soon turns into shallow pants of air, his mind growing dizzy and pupils dilated to the absolute max as he continues to scent you like a drug.
The content little, "Mmh…" followed by the arch of your back as you stretch yourself, hands coming up to rub the sleep in your eyes away, do little to faze him now, let alone stop him from what he was doing. It’s too late to stop anyway.
Glancing down on yourself, Lo‘ak feels your breath hitch in your throat in a shy little gasp, thighs trying to close shut, but his hands keep them in place.
"Lo‘ak?" You ask, face flushing red and for a moment he comes back to himself and his heart aches because he thinks he fucked up, crossed every possible boundary, ruined your friendship because he got too lost in his perversion– but then you bite your bottom lip and brush your dainty fingers through his hair, cradle the back of his head and pull him closer.
He grins.
Lo‘ak doesn’t break eye contact with you as he kisses your inner thigh, fangs grazing your skin before he sucks a small hickey right there. He kisses the purplish mark on your flesh before he moves further, eyes on yours before he presses his nose against the cotton fabric of your underwear. Your hips rise off the bed, impatiently bucking against his face and Lo‘ak groans.
"You smell so good, tanhì", he murmurs, nosing your clit, nudging the little nub until a whimper falls from your lips. "So sweet, I just… sorry, I had to."
A soft laugh draws his attention from your clit back to your face and he lifts his head up to properly look at you.
"Don’t apologize", you say, chest heaving, "I was waiting for the day you finally decide to make the first move." He smiles at this. And maybe he blushes a bit too, but there’s barely any time for you to see it, before his face is buried between your thighs again. He inhales sharply, letting your scent cloud his mind and then he presses a kiss to the outline of your clit, feeling it twitch beneath the thin fabric.
Hooking his fingers under the waistband, he tells you, "lift your hips for me", and as you do, he slides them off of your legs completely.
You watch his eyes darken with lust once you spread your thighs further for him, watch him part your folds with his thumbs almost tenderly, brushing over the little hood of your clit to get it into his direct view.
"Don’t tease", you then whisper and Lo‘ak thinks, if only you knew how much he was holding himself back right now. "I would never", he chuckles, and you squeak when he grabs your thighs and pulls you closer, bends your legs so your knees are almost touching your ears.
Flattening his tongue, he then licks a board stripe from your dripping entrance up to your clit, and oh tanhì, you’re making even the sweetest fruit competition. Lo‘ak groans, loud and shamelessly, once your slick juices run over his tastebuds like sweet nectar. Your hips jolt, moans spilling from your mouth as he closes his lips around the little nub of pleasure and sucks, hard.
You gasp sharply, hands fisting his hair tighter and mindlessly tugging as your thighs snap close around his head.
"O-Ohh god, fuck, Lo‘ak", you moan, back arching to get his mouth closer to you and Lo‘ak thinks it’s adorable. You’re panting, gasping and moaning like you can’t believe how good he’s making you feel.
Between your thighs, you hear him hum at your taste, your clit drags against his nose and those puffy lips, while he slurps your slick like he’s starving.
A glance up at you reveals that you’re staring sightlessly at the ceiling, slack-jawed and dazed, and Lo‘ak feels a surge of amusement and affection. So cute, looking almost as sweet as you taste on his tongue.
While sucking on your clit earned him the most of a reaction from you, he more often switched to sticking his tongue into your clenching hole as far as he could reach– which was deep, considering the proportions of a Na‘vi compared to a human. Like this, he could perfectly smooch the flat of his nose against the little nub that made you cry out, could smell you at the same time he was tasting you and that combination made something in him twist into a tight knot, daring to snap at any moment.
"Lo’ak, Lo’ak, oh– holy shit, Lo’ak", you moaned his name like a prayer, and the sound of it was send straight to his cock that had fully unsheathed itself by now. It throbbed heavily, pre-cum soaking his tweng and bringing friction to the sensitive tip once he’s started humping the air, hips bucking and thrusting, searching for more.
There’s nothing he wants more than to bring a hand down to his cock, get rid of the loincloth and start stroking himself, fuck his fist if necessary, anything to get the edge off. But his hands can’t, don’t, want to move. They’re perfectly comfortable where they are, holding your thighs, spreading you wide open while he devours you. He can’t bring himself to do anything other than grind his face against your pussy hungrily, tongue gliding through your folds, sucking and slurping and kissing until tears prick at the corner of your eyes.
"Lo, I’m close", you whimper, hands tugging harder on his braids and he loves it. "I’m- I think I’m coming. Please. Please don’t stop!"
And stopping is the last thing that’s on his mind.
Your tiny hole clenches around the tongue that’s thrusting in and out of you, and Lo‘ak can’t help but imagine how you’d feel around his cock. He wants to, he really fucking wants to split you open on it, bend you in every possible position and feel your tight walls clamping down on him. But this right here is his priority. He wants you crying out and coming on his tongue, wants to drown in your slick and inhale your scent for a good while longer before he can stuff you full of his cock.
"Yeah? You’re gonna come, tanhì?", he mumbles against your clit and your hips buck against his mouth, desperately searching for more. "Come for me then, c’mon. Let me taste you, give it to me."
"Uh-huh", you nod frantically, lifting your head up to look at him. Your hands tug on his braids, guiding him back to where you needed it most and Lo‘ak gladly complied your order. And then your hips were rising off the bed, and you nearly sobbed as you chanted, "m’coming, m’coming– oh– fuck!"
Your hold on his hair loosens just as everything below your waist tightens.
The sounds that were reaching his ears were a combined chorus of groans and high-pitched whimpers coming from both of you. While Lo‘ak feasted on your arousal, his tweng got equally as soaked in his cum than his face got soaked in yours.
You like the way that the gold in his eyes seems to glow up at you from between your legs, when you manage to pick your head up and look down at him. You like the way that his fingers dig into your skin as a stern reminder for you to stay there, and you like the way that his tongue continues to lave at you, despite the trembling of your legs.
The expanse of his tongue drags methodically against your cunt one last time, gathering your taste like he means to savor it. Then, his head raises, all glistening lips and prideful eyes, his hands sliding up your sides to hook around your waist. 
"Holy fuck", you exhale a shaky breath. "Lolo, what the hell, where did that just come from?" You laugh in disbelief, a bit more than just breathless from the intense orgasm, and Lo‘ak chuckles with you, crawling onto the bed to settle himself between your thighs.
"Don’t call me that childish name when I just made you come on my tongue, tanhì", he purrs into your ear, grinning, and the feel of his canine grazing your ear sends a shiver up your spine. Lo’ak then nuzzles his face into the crook of you neck, pressing his weight down on you and if it weren’t for the uncomfortable slick and sticky feeling between your thighs, you could actually enjoy this.
"Can you give me my underwear", you whisper, blushing, "please."
"No", Lo‘ak tells you ever so nonchalantly, face still buried against your skin. Your brows furrow and you can’t help but laugh, "What– Why?"
"I‘m keeping them", he says, "As a little souvenir."
Hearing that, makes a completely new wave of heat wash over you, lightening up your cheeks in crimson red.
"Perv", you mutter quietly, a smile tugging at your lips.
"Hmh, yes I am. But you also can’t have them back because…"
Theres a pause, two arms snake around your middle and hug you tight, before he rolls over and drags you with him. You gasp at the sudden change of position, now straddling his stomach with him laying flat on your bed. Rising a brow, you look at him, waiting. Lo‘aks hands then grab you by the waist and he pulls you up in one fluid movement, your hands fly up to catch yourself just in time, both of them on the headboard of your bed now as your core hovers only mere inches from his face.
His breath his warm on your skin, sending goosebumps all over your body as it fans over the slick covering your inner thigh. Licking his lips, he grins up at you, the hunger in his eyes evident, as he says,
"Because I’m not done with you yet, tanhì."
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pandorxxx · 11 months
Another man’s treasure
Neteyam x omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: cursing, oral (reader receiving), p in v, multiple orgasms, neteyam having a size kink, neteyam being “Mr. Steal yo girl” kinda, creampie, marking, scenting.
Listen to Mr. Steal yo girl by Trey Songz for the best experience 😊
Synopsis: You wanted lo’ak, and it was no secret. However, you were scared to talk to him. When you went to Neteyam for help, he made it known that lo’ak wouldn’t be interested in you because of your abnormal (among navi) size. But you soon realized, that what one brother didn’t like, the other one loved…
“Cant you find something else to do? I don’t have time for this today.” Neteyam chuckled, pushing leaves out of his path as he went to fulfill his duties. This was becoming an everyday thing almost. You’d follow Neteyam into the forest as he did his daily chores just to bug him about the same old shit.
You had a huge crush on lo’ak, and since you and Neteyam were…somewhat friends, you decided that the only way to get in good with lo’ak was with the help of Neteyam. Although he wasn’t much help.
“Neteyam come onnnn. I’ll leave you alone if you talk to lo’ak for me.” You whined, running behind him to keep up with his long strides. You were alittle younger than both of them, but that didn’t stop you from trying. Also, you were alittle smaller than the average female Navi, so you got made fun of sometimes. But you had a “Fuck you” mentality when it came to bullies, you couldn’t care less.
“Why don’t you talk to him, huh? Why are you bugging me about it? I’ve got shit to do y/n.” He spoke calmly, making sure to hold the leaves down for you to walk through. He was such a gentlemen without even trying.
“You know him better than I do. I just figured you could help me out…TEYAM!” You shouted his name, making him halt in his tracks with an irritated sigh. He turn to you, walking alittle closer.
“Y/n please. I don’t have time to get in the middle of this shit. And plus, I personally don’t think that lo’ak would go for this.” Neteyam confessed.
“And why do you think that? I’m pretty, no?” You asked with a hint of aggression, eyebrow cocked as you awaited an answer. He chuckled, crossing his arms.
“You’re very pretty. But you know that’s not what I meant.” He shook his head. Your eyes narrowed, picking up on what he was insinuating.
“Well what DID you mean, Neteyam?” You asked, anger radiating off of your skin. He eyed your small frame up and down in curiosity.
“Fuck, don’t make me say it. It’s very obvious.” He ran his hand through his braids with a loud chuckle. You were now visibly angry, tail swaying high in defense as you clutched your bow. Although you were smaller, you were one of the best warriors here. Some would even say better than the mighty warrior himself, so he knew you meant business.
With a loud sigh, he finally fessed up. “Y/n…you’re tiny as fuck.” He nodded with a sarcastic grin.
“Neteyam, what does that have to do with anything? Huh?” You asked with heavy aggression, shifting your body weight to one hip.
“If I were lo’ak. I wouldn’t even wanna touch you. Might break your little ass.” He joked, however you didn’t find it funny whatsoever.
“Fuck you. I can take any male in this clan, you and lo’ak INCLUDED. Size means NOTHING!” You snapped, poking his chest angrily as you peered up at him. He let out a loud laugh, placing his large hands on your shoulders.
“I promise you, and I mean this in the most humble way possible. You cannot take me, y/n.” He spoke passive aggressively, his tone becoming alittle serious.
“Neteyam, check my fucking stats. I’d have you crying when I’m done.” You growled, smacking his hands off of your shoulders. It was no secret that you’d been with other males before, what girl hadn’t? Though small, you knew exactly how to please a man. And men just like Neteyam would underestimate you all the time…until they got their feel.
“Oh y/n, please. I’ve heard about you, trust me. But I’m a REAL man. Those little boys you’ve been with have NOTHING on me. You hear me? NOTHING!” He growled, jaw clenching in restraint. You laughed in his face, taking a step back to scan his body from head to toe.
“Oh, ok there big boy. Calm down. Did lil ole’ me get under the mighty warriors skin?” You mocked. Neteyam was a man of great restraint, but you were really pressing his buttons today. He let out a deep sigh, before chuckling to himself.
“Don’t make me ruin you for lo’ak.” Was all he said, in that deep tone of his. The one that meant business. The one that created a pool of your own slick in your loincloth. The one that made you shift back and forth experimentally, trying to find some sort of friction.
“A lot of open ended sentences today. Tell me what that’s supposed to mean.” You commanded, arms crossed as you took a step forward.
“You know what it means, don’t act so innocent y/n. And DONT challenge me. I’ll snap you like a twig.” He trailed off, eyeing you up and down. You laughed in his face again, at his sudden sexual advances. It was always lo’ak for you, but Neteyam was just as hot, if not hotter. He was stronger, taller, sexier, and a lot more mature.
“So do it. You have nothing but space and opportunity to show me. If I’m being honest, this sounds like a bunch of bs. I can’t take you seriously in this light, Neteyam. You’re always so uptight.” You teased, hoping that it would make him angry enough to take you, right here…right now. But he quickly caught on to your antics. He stepped closer, until your plump breast met his stomach. Peering down at you with a crooked grin.
“Oh, I don’t know y/n. You’re too small to ride this ride. I don’t wanna hurt you. You’re better off finding lo’ak. He’s more your speed.” He nodded.
“But the things I’d do to you…it’s unspeakable.” He whispered, running his large hand down your torso, all the way to the band of your loincloth. You bit your lip, directing your attention to the scene.
“Tell me about it, I’m all ears.” You spoke sensually, eyes meeting his once again. “Well first…I’d rip this fucking loincloth off of your hips.” He spoke, simultaneously ripping your cloth off. You gasped, finding your balance again from the unexpected force.
“Then…I’d turn you around, and bend you over.” He spoke. His tone low and full of lust as he spun you around, bending you over into a 90 degree angle. Your hands immediately finding refuge on the bark of the tree infront of you. You let out a little giggle as you turned your head to look back at him, waiting for his next move.
“Mmmhm.” he groaned, smacking your ass as he watched your arousal leak out of you like a stream. You let out a small whimper at the impact, so desperate for more.
He kneeled down behind you, coming face to face with your dripping cunt. He licked his lips before diving in. His calloused hands holding your cheeks opened as he devoured you whole.
“G-God, Neteyam!” You whimpered, digging your nails into the bark. He didn’t say anything else to you, didn’t even bother coming up for air. All you could hear was nasally gulps, and squelching sounds followed by low hums of satisfaction from him.
You could feel his tongue flicking, sucking, and gnawing on your sensitive clit before licking all the way up to your ass, giving it a small peck. And then he would go back to work on you. Your legs were starting to shake as your whines increased in volume.
“I-Im sooo close.” You spoke in exhaustion from holding yourself up. He hummed in response, wiggling his head as you used the flat of his tongue to taste you completely. This in turn, sending you over the edge. Without much warning, you released into his mouth. You tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but his strong hands held you in place as he lapped up your juices. All of your essence dripping down his jaw and neck.
“This pussy tastes like heaven, baby.” He chuckled, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before standing to his full height behind you.
“I want you to stay juuust like this for me. Think you can do that?” He asked as he untied his loincloth from around his his gently. You nodded in response, feeling his tip graze past your slit on the way up to slap his stomach.
He grabbed his cock, using the tip to play with your clit. “Mmm…” You hum, leaning your cheek against the bark as you watched him with desperate eyes.
With little to no warning, just a devilish smirk, he slide into you slowly. His cock was stretching you out more than you’d ever been, yet it felt like the perfect fit once he bottomed out. You let out a series of loud whimpers once you felt his tip probing at your cervix. That was a feeling you’d never had before.
“I know, baby. I know…” he moaned, thrusting into you slowly to get you used to his size. His large hands trailed all the way up your back, giving it a light rub before finding their way to the back of your neck.
“You’re s-sooo big!” You whined, knuckles turning white from the grip you had on the bark infront of you. He didn’t know what it was about your cries that turned him on so much. Maybe it was the fact that you were a tough girl, and seeing you so helpless at the hands of him made his head spin.
And as much as he loved to make fun of how small you were, he secretly loved it. The comparison of you to him had him aroused from the start. He was a relatively big guy, very strong, and muscular from his endless training. And although you were a warrior too, you simply didn’t look like one. You were very fragile…delicate to him. And he loved that he could have his way with you.
“Mhm, keep talking.” He growled, now picking up the pace. His warm sack smacking against your sensitive clit, creating the right amount of friction. On top of the constant pounding to your sweet-spot. You couldn’t even form a complete thought at this point. The pleasure was consuming you. And at that point, you realized that you’d never had sex like this. Neteyam had proven to you why he was the better choice.
“I-I can’t even….I-I d-don’t- FUUUCK!” You rambled. So flustered that you couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. He let out a breathily chuckle, rutting into you like he’d never see you again.
“Ok! ok! ok! I-I can’t take this shit. y-you’re killing me, Teyam!” You whined, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You were on the verge of such an intense orgasm, unlike anything you’d felt before. It was becoming too much for you to handle.
“But you’re so fucking close, baby. I can feel the way you’re squeezing me, sucking me in. I thought you could take me?” He spoke in a condescending tone, the same devilish grin plastered across his face as he watched your plump ass ripple with every thrust.
“I-I can’t take you! I CANT!” You whimpered, tears blurring your vision. He slowed down for you, just alittle, but not nearly as much as you needed. You began to gnaw at the bark in desperation, just trying to find some relief from your incoming orgasm.
“And why can’t you take me? I wanna hear this shit.” He spoke in a low tone, shifting his hands to your hips for more leverage. He began to thrust into you slow and deep, nearly knocking the wind out of you with every stroke.
Oh, how he loved this. He knew why you couldn’t, he just wanted to hear you say it. Hear you tell him how strong, and how big he was. It was an ego boost for him, and to have you completely drunk off of his cock was a huge turn on.
“Mmm t-oooo big. Way t-too big!” You spoke deliriously, legs beginning to shake as that knot in your stomach started to unravel. Your walls clenched around him before releasing your essence. You let out a series of loud moans, just like music to his ears.
“Thaaats right, baby. Cum on this big dick.” He moaned, smacking your ass with his bottom lip in between his teeth. His cock began to twitch Inside of you, signaling that he was about to cum. So instead, he pulled out of you quickly with a loud groan. He held your hips in place so that you wouldn’t fall as he caught his breath.
“Fuck.” He whispered under his breath. You managed to turn around in his embrace, leaning your back against the bark of the tree lazily.
“Y-You didn’t-“ you began, before he lifted his finger to silence you. “Don’t worry about me. I just wanted to give you alittle taste. I don’t wanna hurt you.” He confessed, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
“What if I want you to hurt me?” You spat, bringing him flush to you by his hips. He cocked an eyebrow in confusion, but mostly curiosity.
“Give me your all, Neteyam. Give me everything, please. Even if we have to go at it all fucking night. I want more than a taste.” You spoke sensually, wrapping your arms around his waist before planting a kiss on his chest.
“Fuck, don’t talk like that. Please.” He chuckled, rubbing your arms lovingly as he stared down into your desperate eyes.
“And what about lo’ak, huh? I thought you had a thing for him an hour ago.” He asked playfully, already knowing that lo’ak was the farthest thing from your mind at this point.
“I want you now. Is that a crime?” You asked, not even letting him answer the question before you stood on your tippy toes, engaging in a passionate kiss with him. His hand found the back of your head, gripping your hair to deepen the kiss. The other hand snaking around to lift you up, pinning you to the tree behind you. You immediately wrapped your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck.
“Mmm, take this off.” He spoke between kisses, referring to your top. You backed away from him slightly, leaning all the way back on the bark. He watched you intently, as you began to untie your revealing top. It popped open with the last knot, revealing your plump breasts. And just like a man, he licked his lips as his eyes locked to your chest.
“Fuuuck me.” He groaned before attacking your nipples. Gently gnawing at them to create love bites, and running his warm tongue around your areola. He nuzzled his head in your chest with low groans of satisfaction as he scented you. Everyone would know who you belonged to from here on out.
Without warning, he lifted you up by your ass, and slammed you down on his cock. You both moaning in unison. He immediately set a merciless rhythm, impaling you over and over again roughly.
“Oh great mother, yessss!” You praised, squeezing your eyes shut as your voice rippled through the forest due to his unbearable pace.
“Mmm, keep screaming like that.” He demanded, thrusting into you harder, knocking the air out of your lungs with every stroke. There wasn’t much else you could say, you were completely silenced.
“I-I..” you stuttered, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You let your head find refuge on the bark behind you, revealing your unscathed neck to Neteyam…big mistake for such a territorial male like himself.
He bent down to your neck, taking a deep breath before flashing his fangs. He grazed your skin, sending shivers down your spine. Without anymore hesitation, he bit down on your neck gently. Still hard enough to leave a mark.
“Oh my-“ you started, your head going completely limp on the bark behind you. You could feel another orgasm building deep in your stomach.
“B-Baby, Im so close. Sooo so close!” He moaned, watching your breast bounce from his hard thrusts. He was slowly loosing it, and he couldn’t contain himself much longer. He could feel his stomach muscles tense repeatedly, which is something that’s never happened to him. Beads of sweat began to roll off of his frowned forehead. His mouth was slightly agape, low whimpers falling from his lips. And at that moment, he realized he’d never had sex like this.
“FUCK!” He growled, his hand slapping against the bark behind you as he bounced you on his cock quickly.
“Give it to me, pleaseeee!” You screamed, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly, leaning your head on his shoulder. Your body began to tremble in his arms as your toes curled. You couldn’t hold it anymore. Your peak was nearing quickly.
“Ladies first. Cum on this dick again, baby.” He whispered in your ear, kissing the lobe gently. The act alone sending you over the edge. Your eyes rolled back, jaw slack as you released on him for the second time. Loud squelching sounds filling the forest as his cream coated cock slid in and out of you. He could feel your walls contracting around him, and he just couldn’t hold it any longer. “Ohhh, shit! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He chanted, releasing his seed deep into your empty womb with a loud groan.
“Don’t be sorry, I-I wanted it. Juuust like that!” You whined, rolling your hips into his to bury his seed deeper into your tight cunt. You both took a few minutes to catch your breaths before he pulled out slowly.
“Mmmhm…” He hummed, watching his excess cum drip to the ground beneath you. For a moment, you two stared at each other in awe, completely whipped by one another.
He had his mind made up, and it seemed as though you had changed yours. Neteyam was the only man you wanted from now on….
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @skxawngmia @j-jinxee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @cumikering @pxndorasdream @itsaleidasworld @atxxokirina @yeletta @blueslxt-primary @eywascall @valeriearriana37484 @avatarsslut @bee782916 @atxxokirina @taylormarieee @sweethoneycn @dollyloomis @luvv4j4ybe11
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ollisid · 1 year
“Mighty warrior” Neteyam. Sketch
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12K notes · View notes
jujouzdk · 1 year
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This movie lives in my mind 24/7
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tsahikkk · 1 year
All In The Name of Time
pairing: avatar 2009!jake sully x omaticaya!fem!reader
a/n: this is gonna be a POV based series based off of the timeline a little bit after of the first avatar movie in 2009. lengthy read ahead but i do hope y'all enjoy reading! <3
word count: 2k+
warnings: use of Y/N, death of a loved one, ritualistic action, burial ritual
summary: The sky people have left your beloved Pandora to rise in and of itself, to mourn the loss of your people, and to rejoice the life it has saved. The aftermath dawns upon you, your duty as tsahik has betrothed you to Toruk Makto, Jake Sully. yet you find yourself questioning the Great Mother of her plans for you.
vocabulary: tsaheylu - neural bond; metute - two person(s); seykxel ti'efu - strong (emotional, mental, not physical) feeling (literal transl.); tsahik - matriarch, high priestess, interpreter; uniltìranyu - dreamwalker; sa’sem - parents; Eywa’veng - Pandora
Tsa'u tipe'un, oengeyä syen tipe'un, si tsaheylu mikam metute si Eywa, ma'ite - It is a decision, your final decision, and a connection between you both and Eywa.
Slu seykxel - become strong (emotional, mental, not physical)
the first time.
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"Tsaheylu is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person. To love someone isn’t just seykxel ti'efu, Y/N. Tsa'u tipe'un, oengeyä syen tipe'un, si tsaheylu mikam metute si Eywa, ma'ite." Ma'sanok said as her hand held mine while we sit by the steps of our home, "the people need you... Omaticaya needs you and you will be Tsahik"
"Will I ever be truly ready, ma'sanok?" I said, tears falling, as mother raked her hands through my hair. I held her hand tighter, praying that Eywa blesses me with more strength as tears streaked down my cheeks.
The sky people have left my beloved Pandora missing. I mourn the loss of my people but I am the daughter of the fallen Olo'eyktan, and I have prepared my whole life for this... for ma'olo Omaticaya. It is in my blood to lead my people through and through but what is this hollow yet heavy feeling in my heart? It feel as if it can never perish from me.
Mama wraps her arms around me. "When your baba asked me for my blessing before he left for war, I made him a promise," she hands me a pouch and I open to reveal Baba's necklace, "This is the necklace I made him the day we first met. He wanted you to wear it… to remind you, slu seykxel, 'ite." Mama wiped my tears as she herself cried. "This is a new beginning for the both of us, ma'syulang. Your baba would not want us to dwell in his death for he is with Eywa now." Mama is correct. Baba did hate it whenever one of us would cry.
He used to say, "'Itetsyip, you come from the blood of strong men and women. You may feel pain in your heart but never succumb to it. Slu seykxel, ma'syulang. Slu seykxel."
The breeze blew silently as an atokirina came near us. I smiled thinking that maybe Baba has sent it. "Oel ngati kameie, Tsahik," Jake Sully greeted as he paid to visit, "oel ngati kameie, Y/N. I'm afraid it's time."
Mama stood and arranged herself, "We must attend to our people, 'ite, 'itan." "Yes, mama. Jake?" I gestured him to follow us.
"How are you, Y/N? I am sorry for the loss of Olo'eyktan. I get that you’re goin’ through a rough time. I’m here if you need anything." His head hung low as he quietly said.
"I know, Jake. Thank you. I do hope Mama is coping better than I am. I cannot imagine the feeling of losing a mate, you know. The pain of losing a father bores a hole through the heart but a mate..." I shook my head, "only Eywa relieves it."
I can't help but think how I would be if I lost my mate. I am betrothed to Jake. As tradition, I have to uphold it but it's not much of a loss. Jake has lead the people through victory. He is Toruk Makto. Many know his stories. He had become Olo'eyktan after Tsu'tey claimed for him to be the new leader of Omaticaya. Baba basically took Jake under his wing in training. "He is a warrior. Omaticaya tsamsiyu!" Baba said. Tsu'tey, on the other hand, needed a little more time to warm up on him but time came and they fought together. They were brothers--Jake was his last shadow.
My shoulders felt heavy as we approached Vitriya Ramonung, the Tree of Souls. Atokirinas surrounded the air as families came and sat with their departed loved ones. Mama was already hovering Baba’s fetal-positioned body as she held an atokirina, tears falling silently.
“Jake… I don’t think I’m ready.” I halted, “I don’t think I will ever be ready to see Baba like this.” I turned to face him, leaning my forehead to his chest. His arms hugged my weak frame, caressing my hair soothingly, “All in Eywa is well, princess. Olo’eyktan was a great man. He will always be with you, I know it.”
We walked towards Mama who has her hands raised as people surrounded the tree. “We have gathered before Eywa to mourn the loss of our people…our Olo’eyktan,” she sat down and began swaying, humming.
Utralä (a)nawm ayrina’l(u) ayoeng,
Everyone sang with her. Widowed husbands, wives, and partners held their mate’s baubles. Clinging as if singing to Eywa would bring them back— bring their hearts back. Children would sit near their sa’sem, huddling close as they too sang.
A peyä tìtxur fpi na ma ki-ya Eywa?
The wind calmed as men of the clan started placing departed loved ones in their cists. Families following suit placing an atokirina with a kiss in with the body. A mother wailed for the loss of her son. A wife wept and begged for her love to come back. Eywa gives life but life comes back to her too. She gives and she takes. Life happens in Eywa’veng as she upholds the balance every day. No one is free of her plans but no one goes astray of Eywa.
Mama held my hand as the men neared to us. I looked over to Jake as his calloused hands drew calming circles on my back. “Breathe, Y/N. Breathe.” He said as my chest heaved, feeling refreshed of the air filling my still lungs.
Jake stood as Mama did. Jake walked over to Baba’s fetal positioned body and carried him to the foot of tree. In his cist, laid his feathers and his robe. Mama handed me the atokirina where I placed a kiss hoping it would grow into the Tree of Voices.
She dipped down and blew a breath towards Baba as her hands held his songcord. She placed it on his chest, nestling between his hands. Jake covered Baba with the tree bark, sealing him in to be with Eywa. “Baba is with Eywa now, Mama.” I said wiping Mama’s tears.
The drums stopped beat as Mama stood. Her hands swaying in the air as if inviting the fronds of tree to go downwards. She knelt, holding a bowl with a red paste made from nectar and ground burial flowers. She muttered prayers as she smeared the paste on the tree’s bark.
People slowly stood and left the Tree of Voices as Mama held her head low, praying for the lives taken by war. Jake looked at me as he offered his hand for me to hold.
“Go, ma’ite. I might take a while. “ Mama said pausing in chant. “Mama… I can wait for y—“ I tried to reason. “Jake, ma’itan, please.” She asked Jake firmly. Her hands trembled as she held a wooden bowl with kava.
I looked at Jake with eyes pleading, asking him to let me stay but he stood holding my shoulder, "Jake…. please. I want to stay. Let me stay. “
“We have to go, Y/N. We have to let Tsahik do this.” He said helping me to stand quickly. “Mama! Please! I can’t go yet!” My eyes crying as I darted for the bark covering Baba, “Baba can’t go yet. Not now, not ever!”
Mama paid me no attention as she continued to pray. She doused the foot of the tree with the kava on the wooden bowl. “Jake ‘itan. Please take her home."
"I'm sorry but we have to go, Y/N." He said opting to carry me out as I shook my head, wailing, "No, Jake! You put me down right now. My baba is there...he is there..."
I sobbed curled in his arms as he carried me while he walked towards home. He moved the hammock to the side as he laid me down. His fingertips grazing slight as the hammock cocooned me. He laid down on the hammock beside mine. "Jake, have you lost people too?" I asked, sniffing. He looked up at the night sky and said, "Back on Earth, I lost them. My brother died fighting against getting mugged."
"What is... mugged?" I asked sitting up to look at him. "Oh it's when a thief steals from you then they attack you in a public place." "I'm sorry to hear that, Jake." I said. I never knew much about his family. He was never one to talk about them especially his former life. "You never talk about your loss on Earth..." I tailed looking up the stars.
"It's been weeks since I passed through the eye of Eywa. I went in human and woke up Na'vi, Y/N. I even have a songcord like you." He said breathing easy. Maybe he favored this life. He has his body fully functioning and his freedom. "There is not much to like in my former life. So much more to look forward to... even a life with you." He said slowly looking over to me.
I know how timuntxa happens; how mine and Jake's arrangement happens. I was Tsahik-to-be and he is Olo'eyktan. It is not that I did not love him. I climbed to his hammock sitting by his feet tucking my tail on my lap. "It is not that I do not like you, Jakesully," I sighed, "I just wanted to fall in love too. Growing up, I saw love built between Mama and Baba. They had duties but our home was filled with joy and love. I want that with my own family too."
Jake Sully has become my confidant, rock, and partner since I found him almost killed by a palulukan. I ought to kill the uniltìranyu when an atokirina landed on my arrow. He was significant in Eywa's plans and that he did lead the people to victory. He tamed Toruk and became Toruk Makto. Everyone knows his storied. I’ve seen it firsthand.
"I'm sorry if I’ve brought you into this. If you do find yourself wanting others than me, I understand. I can call all this off," He said looking down, fidgeting his fingers, "You are skilled, caring, and... beautiful, Y/N. Anyone would be so lucky to have you as their mate. I would not want to take away your chance of looking for love."
His ears were pink by the time he finished. I chuckled at his unusually shy demeanor. "Jake, you did not bring me into this. I even think I brought you into this but I have fought beside you. My baba... he trusted you--I trust you, there is nothing to not like. I see you.” I said.
“I see you, Y/N.” He smiled.
I have now found Jake’s presence comforting. His strong arms craddled me as I laid beside him. I leaned to his chest, listening to his heart beat. “You know, Jake..” I trailed, “Elders used to say that Eywa started life with people but they had two head, four arms and legs, you know two of the normal body parts.”
“Oh yeah? Tell me the story.” He said as his hand rested on my back soothing circles on.
“It was said that Eywa loved na’vi so much. They took care of her creation. But one day, their queues had gotten tangled because of a disagreement and it cause great pain to them all.” I said wincing at the thought of my queue tangled. Jake chuckled at my expression, “Go on…”
“Eywa felt pity towards her creation who was still in pain so she separated them. Leaving them with half of what their body used to be of. Their queues untangled but separated. Elders say that tsaheylu brings you back to your separated half. You become better, you feel the beauty of Eywa when you find your mate.” I sighed. Oh Eywa, to be in love and be loved in return.
“I used to believe that everyone is made from the same star. My father used to tell stories of his adventures in the stars and how a moon far away from Earth hosted life.” He talked,“I think he was talking about Eyweveng. I dreamt of flying and going through a forest following a tall blue woman that I think is na’vi.” He hinted a tease as I laugh at his assumptions. Maybe Eywa truly brought Jake to my people— our people. Maybe Eywa did bring Jake to me.
“And look where that got you, skxawng.” I poked his side earning a laugh from him. His laugh brightened me. I loved hearing his infectious laughter that never fails to bring a smile to my face. The wind blew and I can feel my fatigue washing over my heavy eyes. I snuggled more onto his chest. Basking in his warm embrace. I wish I could stay here forever if he’ll have me.
“Well it got me here…laying with a beautiful woman hoping she chooses me.” His eyes got dreamy as he looked at me already asleep. He laughed lightly as he wrapped his arms around me. Jake comfied himself and he kissed my forehead, hoping his confession wasn’t heard. Lightly touching the hem of the hammock to cocoon us to sleep.
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cosmictheo · 1 year
𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦
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(gif credits to @peace--n--love)
— summary: ao'nung calls you the way neteyam usually calls you, which makes him feel jealous and insecure, but that finally pushes him to confess something he has been feeling for too long. — pairing: neteyam x female!na'vi!reader — word count: 2k —warnings: pure and comforting fluff, ao'nung being ao'nung (an idiot), love confessions, jealous!neteyam, neteyam being the purest and most beautiful angel.
* Neteyam is aged up, for obvious reasons, of course; he is 19 years old. * Sluyang means flower.
neteyam's playlist i made for inspo
writer's note: english is not my mother tongue, so please forgive me if there is a grammatical error. hope you like it!
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You liked to observe the beauty that Eywa gave to Pandora, you were still surprised by how beautiful the forest and the places it could hide, even after having grown up there and having been all those years among its leafy trees, even so, the forest hid secret and beautiful places, worthy of being seen and found by only those chosen ones.
Your mother was sure that you had a special connection with Eywa, practically since the day you were born and opened your eyes for the first time, green as a pair of emeralds. She told you that you had come into the world for a purpose, that you were Eywa's chosen one, in fact, those were her last words to you before she passed away in your arms, haunted all her life by an illness from which she never got better. And since then, Jake and Neytiri had taken care of you, accepting you into their family as if you had always been one of them. You soon became close to their children, especially with Neteyam, as you were close in age.
And because of that special fascination you had for the forest and nature in general, Neteyam made a habit of always bringing you things from his many explorations and hunts, things that reminded him of you; flowers, leaves and even rocks, bright and beautiful, out of the ordinary, that stood out among everything else, just like you.
“You don't have to, 'Teyam.” You always said every time he came to you once again with a new gift. But he would simply shake his head, offering you a charming and gentle little smile, ever so kind, ears slightly bent and gaze so bright every time he met yours that it seemed to dazzle you, leaving you completely mesmerized.
With a coy smile you tried to avert your gaze from his, analyzing the object now in your hands. “Really, it's not necessary.”
“I like to do it.” He would simply reply, seeking your gaze with his big, captivating, coaxing eyes, as if it were something insignificant, something that didn't matter, something that wasn't like the nicest thing anyone had ever done for you. And you would do nothing but grin at him. You couldn't stop smiling, your cheeks felt almost numb, but you were happy, content, he made you happy. And you knew that this, in the long run, would bring serious consequences, not so good, you supposed.
And now, in the huge ocean, when you thought nothing would surprise you anymore, Eywa seemed to turn every assumption you had upside down. Jake had taken you with him and his family to the place where the Metkayina Clan lived, leaving the Omaticaya behind, leaving the shelter that the forest offered you, to now be surrounded by the ocean; salt water and sandy land.
They had been kind enough to accept you into their home and to show you their ways, noting the great difference from your own, but, apparently the younger members of the clan were not as friendly to strangers as the older ones.
Ao'nung had been rather harsh with you, especially Kiri, whom they had addressed as a freak, as they had nicknamed her, and from there, the problem grew larger, for you and Lo'ak had taken up against them in her defense.
“Look at her.” Ao'nung called out, following Kiri like prey, looking at her with big, disgusted eyes. “Is she a freak or something?”
“Don't call her that.” You stated in a not at all friendly tone, scowl and defiant eyes looking up at the chief's son, pointing at him with your index finger and thus causing him to move backwards. “You have no right to call her that, did you hear me? The Chief's son or not, I'll kick your ass.”
With a tilt of your head, you stated the threat, making him snort ungraciously, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
“For such a pretty little girl, you sure have a big mouth.” His big eyes narrowed as he spoke, demonstrating a smug attitude as he heard a couple of snickers from his little friends at his words. “You are one of us, little flower. Why you waste your time hanging out with these aliens?”
“Hey!” Lo'ak exclaimed, appearing at your side, fists clenched and face angry. “Don't call her that, get away from her!”
“Please, leave us alone.” Kiri grumbled behind your back, hearing how now, you were the target of annoyance from the little group.
Your mouth hung open wide, totally offended now, feeling the fury shake your body from head to toe, your tail wagging angrily as you lunged at him at the same time you heard an 'oh uh' from Lo'ak.
But your movement was halted as you watched as a body larger than yours stepped between you and the bully, leaving you in view of nothing but a broad back you knew all too well and blocking Ao'nung's smug, sneering face from your view.
“That's enough.” Neteyam said in a stern tone, deep voice and tense body, always as diplomatic and calm as ever, braids moving under the command of the wind and his head, which rose slightly, giving him a more stern and much more menacing stance. “As long as we are here you will treat my family with respect and call no one by other than their names.”
His head moved so that he could look at the faces of the little group that had formed, friends of Ao'nung, as silly as he was, apparently, but who, in Neteyam's presence, seemed to have been brought back to reality and put back in their places. They were not so foolish after all, they knew that against him they would have no choice but to flee. Cowards.
“(Y/N) is just fine for you, got it?”
“Whatever.” Ao'nung replied, rolling his eyes and starting to walk, bumping his shoulder against Neteyam's as he walked past him, his eyes met yours for a couple of seconds and he offered you a smirk, making you grunt and by the time you could take a step towards him, a hand found itself on your forearm, stopping any act of violence you had planned to do.
“Cowards.” Kiri spat, rolling her eyes.
When you looked back, Neteyam was looking at you with eyes, dark, but now filled with concern, his fingers barely caressing your skin before he pulled away from your arm.
“Are you okay, syulang?”
You rolled your eyes, sighing heavily. “I'd be better if I'd beaten that skxawng—”
“Hey.” He interrupted you, noticing how your ears were still bent and your tail twitching behind your back and he laid both of his hands on your shoulders now, in an attempt to reassure you, giving you delicate petting strokes. “It's okay, it's all over now.” His gaze traveled to his siblings behind you, moving his head and face transforming to one of authority, chin up. His voice came through loud and clear, almost scolding. “Home, now. You've had a lot for today.”
Lo'ak lifted his hands, looking incredulous. “But they were bugging-”
Neteyam was quick to interrupt him. “Home. We will talk to father later.”
The younger boy let out a snarl and without further ado, began walking back to where his family was staying, followed closely by Kiri, who kept a glum face, arms crossed over her chest.
And now, all of Neteyam's attention landed on you, as it naturally did, as his body always seemed to do instinctively, even though he didn't even intend to, he always focused on you, as if you were the center of the universe, the sun of his world, the core of his heart, the magnet of his mind and the horizon of his eyes. He saw you. He had always seen you. And practically everyone in his family knew, perhaps everyone on the whole planet, except for you, of course.
Neteyam had expressly refused any offer or even, even idea from his parents to find him a Tsahik as his position as the future leader of the clan, it was his duty and it behoved him to follow to the letter the duty that rested on his shoulders as the future chief, but now, all that had been left behind with his leaving. Now all he cared about having was you. All that mattered was you.
With a beautiful sunset behind him, he began to speak to you once again, hands gently running over your shoulders and arms, becoming more attentive, affectionate, but still concerned. His brow furrowed slightly and you knew immediately that a scolding was coming now. “What were you thinking, hm? Fighting them all?”
He was always like that with you, especially when you were alone together. Neteyam never felt he was enough for his father, and he too never seemed to be satisfied of him, let alone see all that his son did for his family, for his siblings and for him, but with you, with you everything was different, he could be different, he could be himself and he knew that was enough for you, you made him feel enough, you made him feel special.
“If that's what I had to do for protecting Kiri, Lo'ak and their family's honor, of course.” You answered immediately and with your words, sounding so sure and affirmative, Neteyam felt his heart be flooded with a most familiar warmth, an emotion quite well-known to him whenever you were near him and said things such as those, always putting others before yourself, putting the welfare of his family before yourself.
A smile tugged at Neteyam's lips, admiring you with bright, big eyes, his hands trailing down your shoulders, sliding down your arms to your hands, taking them between his own tenderly, fingers toying with yours absentmindedly as he watched the clear size difference.
“He called you little flower.” Neteyam stated after a silence of a couple of seconds, twisting his head. His jaw was clenched and ears barely tilted back. “I call you that.”
You bit your lower lip, holding back the smile that threatened to curve your lips at his clear display of jealousy. He was upset about it and you had to reassure him. Your fingers caressed his wrist, tracing imaginary lines down his forearm. “I like it better when you do it.”
“I sure hope so.” He smiled again and tugged on your hand, inviting you to walk with him, both of your hands tangled between his arm, and he didn't waste a second in drawing you to him. “I want to show you something.”
. . .
Neteyam had found the spot walking along the local beach, it was a bit far from the place where his family was staying and it was far from the town in general, but that made it a perfect location. It was a small bay, surrounded by coastal vegetation, a couple of palm trees and soft silky sand, but what was really amazing, was the glows of bioluminescence under the clear ocean water, algae of all colors, small animals swimming, with the sunset light bathing exquisitely over the turquoise sea.
It was beautiful, of course. But your reaction at the sight of it was even better; mouth half-open, eyes huge and amazed, face in wonder.
“'Yam… it's beautiful.” You murmured in a soft, barely audible tone of voice, but he was right next to you, as close to you as possible, so he could hear you perfectly. His fingers were intertwined with yours and he pulled you with him across the sand to the perfect place to sit.
“Yes it is. I found it as I was passing by... I immediately thought of you.” His gaze lowered with a hint of embarrassment flashing across his pretty face. “I know how much you love nature, all the things our great mother has given us, so, I thought, you would like it.” He stated and then shrugged, attitude becoming quite braggy now. “I've seen more beautiful things, though.”
You rolled your eyes, pushing your shoulder against his in amusement as you wrapped your arms around your knees, admiring the scenery in front of you. “Don't lie now.”
“I'm serious.” He laughed, looking up at you, analyzing every expression on your pretty face. “I'm no liar, you know that.”
You raised an eyebrow, turning your head so you could look at him now. “Really, huh? So what have you seen? What possibly have you seen prettier than this?”
Neteyam smiled thinly, stirring his arm lightly, his hand passed down your back, resting on the sand, fingers fiddling with it. “Something prettier than this?”
“Hm.” You hummed, looking at him curiously.
His ears perked up, gaze dropping to his lap, steeling himself inside, trying his hardest to calm the nerves that were practically eating him alive. And then, he moved his eyes up your body, until he met yours. “I'm looking at it right now.”
Your breath hitched and your mouth parted, feeling your body freeze. Your arms fell to either side of your body, adjusting your position.
“Nete…” You whispered in a shaky voice.
“Yes, sluyang?” He tilted his head softly. “I'm being honest.” He swallowed saliva, his hand trailing up your arm, caressing your shoulder and tracing your jaw, down to rest on your cheek, fingers tracing every inch of skin he could, arranging your hair and tucking it behind your ear. “I've always seen you as the most beautiful thing…” His lips trembled, faltering for a few moments. “I see you, (Y/N).”
You closed your eyes and rested your forehead against his, nuzzling his nose against yours. “I see you too, Neteyam.”
He closed his eyes too, caressing your face with his. “When that idiot called you flower and treated you that way… like you were nothing.” His hands cradled your face now, and you rose up to face him, completely silent, breathing agitatedly. He was breathing in an agitated way too, looking frustrated, disturbed. “I was furious. They should respect you. Every one of them should know that you are mine and they should treat you as such, as my equal, as my mate.”
You opened your eyes to find his eyes already on you, your fingers stroking his arms subconsciously. Your lips brushed his as you opened your mouth to speak in an agitated voice. “I want to be yours, Neteyam.”
“I can't pretend anymore.” He declared between shaky breaths, gaze traveling between your eyes and mouth as he shook his head. “I don't care what anyone else says, I don't want anyone else. I have already chosen. I just want you, (Y/N)... I was made for you.”
“Then just take me.” You murmured against his lips before joining them with yours in a needy, agitated kiss that felt as if everything at last, made sense, as if life had been created just for this moment, as if you had been brought to life just this moment, for each other.
It felt as if all the constellations had aligned for you, as if you had all the stars just for you, and that was given just once, you knew. Everything made you feel as if Ewya had created you for each other. You were made for each other and perhaps the Great Mother had aligned the whole universe for it, for you.
“I am yours.” He promised. “I always have been.”
Your legs tangled between his as you landed on his lap, being drawn in by his arms chaining themselves around your body, massaging your waist, tattooing his touch on your skin.
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cyberfreaky · 8 months
you were whining pathetically, feeling a fire burning down your thighs as you bounced on his cock. he was leaning back on the recliner, one hand placed nonchalantly on your hip while the other nursed a glass of whiskey.
his eyes were fixated on the screen behind you, casually sipping his drink while you got yourself off on his lap. your sweet moans mixed in with the re-runs he watched on the television, and he’d eventually turn up the volume slightly. you were the desperate, little thing that wanted to ride him during his cool-down time. he didn’t feel the need to stop you, but that didn’t mean he had to pay you any attention.
though, the way your perky tits bounced with each lewd movement soon caught his interest. your dark hair flowed down your shoulders, pretty mouth agape as you whimpered in pleasure. he’d give your ass a hard slap, biting down on his lip with a rough grunt. you’d squeal at the sudden sting, earning a heart laugh from your lover. you were so caught up in the intimate moment that you hadn’t even noticed him staring at you again.
“there she is.” he’d chuckle, kneading the fat of your ass as you fucked yourself on his thick length. “havin’ fun?”
“mmhm..feels s’good..” you’d babble pathetically, tears pricking your eyes with each languid bounce. his fat tip kept hitting your sweet spot, your quiet mewls gradually turning into pitched cries. “f-fuckfuck!”
a smug grin would paint his lips as he felt your walls squeezing around him. you were such a good girl, even when you were a ‘lil needy. the pad of his thumb rubbed firm circles into your puffy clit, the added stimulation made you see stars. you were minutes away from gushing all over his manspread lap.
the squelch of your creamy pussy was delicious, he loved seeing you work so hard for your sweet release. “that’s it, darlin’.” he’d jeer. he watched you with amused eyes as your movements became slow and lazy, faltering into sensual hip rolls instead. “atta girl. ride daddy’s cock, make a mess f’me.”
jake sully, miles quaritch, simon (ghost) riley
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— all rights reserved © cyberfreaky (2023) do not repost, translate or copy my work without given permission.
3K notes · View notes
jeanbie · 3 months
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FANTASIZE ★ masterlist.
pairing: jake x reader
warnings: explicit sexual content, fem!human!reader, semi-public sex, piv sex, dirty talk, size kink, manhandling, breeding kink, cumming inside, glowy cum | wc: 16k | ♬
note: i've been promoted to: avatar writer. my first time writing for it (def not my last!) lemme know what u think ;-) also his smirk in the header....GET INSIDE ME
★ ⏤ fantasize | all the time (if you were mine)
⏤ It's official - Jake is sick and tired of Norm giving him shit. While he can't claim to know as much about Pandora as Norm does, there's still a few things Jake can afford to do to piss him off even more for the fun of it, and it just so happens that Norm's sister works as a scientist in the lab - which to Jake spells perfect revenge in its simplest form.
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It’s official — Jake has had enough of Norm’s bitching and whining.
For the last two months, Jake has endured a lot, more than he ever asked for or wanted; whether it was Neytiri on his ass about becoming an Omatikaya and never missing a single beat of training for it, Grace nagging him about video logs, or even Norm giving him so much shit over every single thing he didn’t spend three years learning in simulations and classrooms — he’s sat and listened to all of it without complaint. 
Jake has never once fought back, never once raised his own grievances about how tedious and time-consuming everything actually is on one man’s shoulders, and yet it all keeps coming.
The worst thing is that he can understand all of it to an extent. There’s a necessary need for attentiveness when learning the ways of the Omatikaya, and the longer it takes, the worse his chances get with the rest of the clan. The video logs? They’re not that important, Jake thinks, but it keeps Grace off his back for the small kernel of time he actually spends in the real world and not inside of his avatar. 
But with Norm, Jake can’t seem to understand what is actually bothering him enough to be so goddamn bitter about every little thing.
Of course, he’ll never fit into Tom’s shoes, not in the way everybody expects him to. He didn’t spend three years of his life learning how to control an avatar or how to function on Pandora — every day is quite literally a learning experience, a practical education that neither a lab nor a stuck up prick like Norm can teach. 
And, while he’s on the subject, Jake actually thought Norm would be a decent ally, at least until he almost died and got saved — with reluctance — by the daughter of the Olo’eyktan and somehow ended up being thrust into learning their way of life. 
Nobody seems to remember the giant part of the story concerning how he almost got devoured by an oversized dog in the process.
Instead, Norm wants to bitch about how Jake knows nothing, and treats him like a genuine idiot. Jake might be a few years short of being educated on the Na’vi, but he’s not stupid. He can still do stuff, stuff that Norm can’t; but reasoning with the man is like trying to convince the Na’vi that the Sky People are actually friends and not foes, and it’s pretty obvious that that’s never going to happen.
When Norm begins his daily ritual of berating Jake on his lack-of knowledge regarding the Hallelujah Mountains that surround their shitty little containment, Jake’s willing to sit through it and take it like a champion. 
Norm starts weaving his conspiracies to the cluster of scientists about how Jake is a terrible candidate for joining the Omatikaya clan and that all he cares about is sucking up to the Chief’s daughter — not true, by the way, for Neytiri can only stomach being near Jake because she has to and on rare occasions, he can do something absurdly dumb to make her laugh — and Jake begins to mentally tap out of the debate, rolling his eyes to the side and sighing as he watches you duck your head through a low archway with a bowl of slop in your hands.
Jake watches you for around three seconds before the lightbulb flickers alight above his head.
And then he grins.
It’s hard to believe that you and Norm are related — Jake can’t find any similarities between the two of you. You’re incredibly compassionate and communicative, never letting Jake suffer in his silent struggle of stupidity, and not to mention you’re incredibly beautiful; whereas Norm is just… Norm. A bitter, angry, red-faced man who does a piss poor job at hiding his insatiable jealousy of how wasting your life in a classroom or behind a book actually means very little in the grand scheme of achieving your goals. 
Example A: Jake of the Jarhead clan, ex-military, future Omatikaya. Cross-reference to Norm: sad loser. Jake signs his name on the mental essay he’s compiling as Norm drones on about culture and ignorance and narrows his gaze on you as you close in on the group.
Jake’s actually always liked you. You’re a no nonsense kind of woman who loves science and the Na’vi, and, unlike your brother, you actually treat him like an equal. Even now, as you slip next to him and lean back against the low metal work-surface, you meet Jake’s gaze with an eye-roll and smile, and his grin only widens from it.
Oh, how he loves that you like him. Although you spend so much time engrossed in your work and documenting on paper whatever Jake recites from his daily activities within the clan, Jake happens to know that you like him, and in hindsight, it’s never been a secret. For the first time, Jake lets himself consider the possibility of that being just another reason for Norm to suddenly despise him, but the idea warms his stomach rather than churns it.
“I can totally see Jake ruining all of our chances at building bridges by just burning them all together,” Norm huffs, folding his arms and wrangling a dirty glare in his direction. Jake welcomes it with the same smile that’s been blooming over his face for the past two minutes, which worsens Norm’s mood. 
“I don’t see you building any bridges, either,” you say to Norm. “Jake’s been more valuable to this program than you have as of late.”
Norm bristles. “One of us has actually been doing research while the other is trying to seduce an Olo’eyktan’s daughter—”
“Jake’s doing field research, Norm,” Grace says, her eyes still glued to her microscope. “And he knows better than to seduce anybody when we haven’t properly studied the relations between Na’vi and avatars yet. And there are bigger issues at stake right now.”
“I can get results on that if you want me to,” Jake offers.
“No, Jake.”
Jake shrugs. While Norm continues his tirade against Jake’s rather noble endeavours with the Omatikaya, he turns his gaze back towards you and lets his mental clogs turn.
At this point, Jake thinks that even if you agreed with some of Norm’s points, it wouldn’t make any difference. There is absolutely nothing he can do to please Norm, and so maybe he should just stop trying. Then again… There’s something hideously funny in how worked up Norm gets when somebody jumps to his defence, particularly you.
And considering most of Norm’s insecurities come from seeds he planted all by himself without any concrete evidence to support most of the points, Jake knows that anything he does from here on out will drive Norm into a slow burning insanity.
“Is it because I’m in a wheelchair?” Jake asks suddenly.
Norm huffs. “Of course not. It’s because you don’t take any of this seriously. Everything is a game to you. All of us here have spent years building up to this assignment while you read a manual and called it a day.”
“What? I’m serious. I’m one of the best avatar drivers here,” Jake says smugly. Grace finally looks over with an irate look — something tells him he wasn’t supposed to tell everyone that she had told him that. 
Norm’s face turns a whole new shade of pink. 
“I’m also a quick learner. The Omatikaya are trusting me more and more each day, so while I go out there and find out valuable field research for this program—” Jake looks at you with a deliberately sweet look and you laugh quietly, “—you can stay here and look at plants and mud and cells.”
“You probably don’t even know what a cell is.”
“Sure I do. Where they lock up all the bad guys.”
Norm opens his mouth to say something more, probably missing the joke like he does every time, but this time Grace swirls in her chair and sighs loudly, looking between the two of them like they were children.
“Alright, ladies, you’ve measured your dicks at equal length. You’re both doing good work around here, so Norm, why don’t you just let Jake go back to doing his work with the Omatikaya and you can just get some rest. Jesus, you’re both making everyone miserable, it’s affecting my work ethic…”
“Yeah, sweet dreams, Norm,” Jake calls, and Norm gives him a filthy scowl before snatching his things up off the desk, holding them secretively to his chest as he stomps towards the back room lined with their bunks. 
Jake feels the dark and evil energy follow him out the room and then he finally looks around the lab in disbelief. 
“Jake, go, you’ll be late, don’t keep Neytiri waiting,” Grace reminds him, switching off the bulb to the microscope and stretching her arms as Trudy claps her hands and silently announces her retirement to the bunks after Norm. “Don’t forget to make a log when you get back. Don’t let him forget, will you, Spellman?”
Grace looks at you with a look that suggests no room for negotiation. It was an order. She collects her things, claps Jake on the shoulder and grabs a cigarette from the net by the archway and takes it with her towards her separated bedroom. 
When the door to her little cubicle rattles shut, Jake shakes his head with a quiet laugh and rolls himself forward, giving you room to assemble your own work station where he had just been.
“Staying up late tonight?” he asks you, taking a swig of water before pushing one of the buttons to the link unit, waiting as it whirs to life.
You settle your stuff down and walk towards him. “Yep. I actually do have some work on cells to finish up.”
Jake’s lips quirk. “Not your usual ballpark, is it?”
“No, but there’s not really a surplus of Na’vi around here to communicate with,” you say in reply, rummaging with the unit to help Jake into the gel pack mattress. Usually he dismisses the help, but when it’s you helping him get comfy, then he’ll stomach his pride and accept your kindness. He’s surprisingly light, as normal, and you frown. 
“Don’t forget about the real world, Jake, you gotta take care of yourself.”
“Don’t worry, I got this,” he assures you. “You need anything while I’m out?”
Another thing that will shave a few years off Norm’s life — Jake bringing you things, extraordinary and otherwise unattainable when stranded in the mountains things for you to study and report. You hum thoughtfully at the offer, pushing his head down softly when he wriggles restlessly, a little to eager to get to whatever he’s doing in the forest tonight.
“If you happen to cross paths with a tsawksyul, a simple cutting would be appreciated,” you tell him, opting for something a little more simple than normal, considering Jake’s busy these days training. “If you don’t forget while you’re busy seducing daughters, of course.”
Jake’s grin returns, if not out of genuine amusement then just to see you smile in return and do the little head-tilt thing that Jake’s discovered he adores.
“Not my thing. More into scientists,” he tells you, watching in the final moments before you shut him in the pod at how you shake your head and turn yourself away from him.
There was no rejection. No refusal. Just a smile.
A smile that sets his plan into motion.
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No wonder Norm is always in a terrible mood. You find that his notes on the cells found in the mossy undergrowth of the forest is as chaotic as it can possibly be, which has left you using Grace’s Bible on Pandora botany as a guide and squinting to find the connections between his barely legible notes.
It’s basic knowledge that when cells die and a genetic material begins to unfold, a charge of energy is released; this concept has been the fundamental structural point to Norm’s notes on the moss and how each step at night causes a ricochet of expanding light, but there has to be something more than everybody is missing. Even in Grace’s book, there’s not enough information regarding how it works; if it’s connected to Eywa, if it is a response to another organism, whether it breathes and lives as its own entity.
Alongside Norm’s notes, you very sparingly begin to make an analysis of the communicative features of Pandora plant life, and begin jotting a vocabulary to use in a later research assignment, when a sudden knock against the glass above your head makes you jump quite literally up and out of your seat.
The Hallelujah Mountains are so isolated from the rest of the human population on Pandora and used rarely by the Na’vi during the night, but you distinctly make out Jake’s looming form standing outside with a smile on his face and relax. His skin is a bioluminescent explosion of colour, and for a moment you’re struck dumb staring at him until he waves his hand as if beckoning you outside.
You throw a cautious look over your shoulder, but the lab is silent and still. With that in mind, you reach for one of the exo-packs and shrug on your cardigan hanging on the back of the chair you were just on and hesitantly begin to make your way outside.
Very sparingly have you been outside of Site 26 to explore, and never once on your own. Grace has drilled into you the strict importance of respecting the laboratory rules and curfew, and if you’re going to wander outside after hours in the name of research, then please, wake her up too. 
But you won’t be alone out there, not when Jake is waiting for you outside.
Jake drops to a squat in anticipation when the airlock doors to the lab force open with a wheezy breath, and he sees you cautiously step out and secure a button on your cardigan in place. The gesture almost makes him croon. He rarely sees you at night since he’s learned the value of getting rest in between his adventures in his avatar, but now he can’t believe what he’s been missing out on seeing past his bedtime.
You look tired, your hair out of place and messy, but he recognises your attempt to look more alert when you step towards him with a slight bounce.
“Hey, tìyawn,” he calls to you, as you stare up at him even whilst drawing near. Thanks to the crouch, you’re about eye-to-eye, and he watches your expression widen with wonder as you map out the illustrations of light across his nose and cheeks, before sweeping to his forehead, then his neck, and then his bare chest.
“Hey, yourself,” you laugh, finding his eyes again as they glow in the low light. The Pandora skies are littered with stars and balls of unimaginable white light, but even the surrounding forest gathering around the lab to protect it from the harsh dropping winds of the mountains are pulsing with purple light, every single shrub and leaf and plant glowing with life.
Jake stares at you for a moment before producing a gift from behind his leg. You take it from him with a wide and gasping smile.
“No way!”
“Way,” Jake says, watching you handle the flower with so much care that one might assume it would break with your touch. With the way Jake was swinging it around on his way up here, he’s actually shocked that it’s still in one piece, but something in the way you respond to everything Jake does or brings tells him that even if he’d brought a portion of it, you’d be just as pleased.
“Thanks,” you say, turning slightly as you tell him you’re going to put the tsawksyul in the lab for safe-keeping. But Jake reaches his arm out to trap you from leaving, cocking his head to the side with a soft smirk when you round back on him curiously.
“It’s not gonna die if you leave it out here, it’s a flower,” Jake tells you, jerking his head in another direction. “Wanna look around with me?”
You pause, and he can tell you’re genuinely conflicted. Grace said not to leave the vicinity under any circumstances out of respect for the Na’vi and the lab rules. But she also said not to go outside without her, and here you are.
“Grace will be mad if she finds out I’m gone,” you tell him slowly.
“And Norm.”
Jake feels a rush of something at the mere mention of your brother, and his tail swishes against the rocks behind him. 
Jake leans closer to you. “Well, him I don’t care about.”
Mindful of the plant in your hand, you gently push Jake’s chest back until he rolls on his heels, unable to fight the smile on your own face.
“…Where will we be going? I can’t go far just in case Grace wakes up and comes looking for me.”
Jake tilts his head up to the sky and to the top of the mountain peak that houses the lab. From his own experience scouting up there, Jake knows there’s a small incubation of trees that offers a compelling view of the entire mountain range, as well as offering a minor collection of plants he thinks you’ll die over once you see.
But that just wouldn’t be as evil as what he originally had planned. He then rolls his head towards the small section of trees that border the back of the lab, close to where the bunks are, and he then looks back at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“We’ll stay close,” Jake promises. 
You hesitate once again and guiltily look at the lab. It’s not like it’s going anywhere…
“Alright,” you sigh, looking back at Jake and watching his smile widen as if he’s just obtained a great victory. There’s no room in your stomach for suspicion to grow — it’s overrun with butterflies when Jake points his head in the direction of the snug tree line and holds out his finger for you. 
You stifle a laugh and reach to hold it, setting the tsawksyul on the ground tucked under the same window he just scared you from and join him on the slow walk to wherever he means to take you.
Being with Jake has always felt easy, but being with Jake’s avatar is practically uncharted territory. It’s a struggle to remember that it is actually the same man you like so badly back in the lab, the same guy who deliberately rams your ankles with his wheelchair just to watch the way you catch yourself as you fall, the same guy who you think uses you as a factor to piss off your brother but in a way that you find strangely attractive. 
Now, he’s an almost ten foot Na’vi leading you in the whimsical dark towards a cluster of trees, and you don’t know how to begin separating the feelings you have for Jake from the feeling of nerves you feel around his alter ego.
You can barely make out Jake’s face all the way above your head, not until he feels your stare and looks down at you beside him. There’s a similarity in his human expressions with his Na’vi ones, which is fortunate considering there was a time where you thought the avatar looked more like Tom than it did Jake. Now that they’re one in the same, and now that Jake is in front of you in his avatar form and the feelings you have for him are still lingering, you’re beginning to accept the likeness between the two of them. 
“What did you do today?” you ask him, referring to his ritualistic training with Neytiri.
Jake hums thoughtfully. “Nothing compared to Norm, I’m sure.”
At that, you laugh. “I’m seriously asking, Jake.”
“Alright… Neytiri has me reading the signals of the forest whenever we go hunting,” he explains sparingly, seeming not in the mood to talk training now that you’ve reached the lay of forest near the back of the lab. He surveys the setting and the space between the lab and the fringe of leaves and bushes and nods, as if satisfied but then pulls you deeper into the thrush of leaves.
“She says everything’s connected,” he continues. “She also says I’m a terrible shooter.”
“You’re missing your shots?” you tease. Jake turns back to you with a grin that you honestly walked into when you asked.
“Not all of ‘em.”
After the short walk, Jake is finally satisfied with the burrow of bushes and rocks that outline the small selection of forest behind the lab, and he looks up to once again gauge the distance and is pleased when the lab doesn’t look too far away. Jake hears you rustle and sit on one of the low rocks with your knees to your chest, and then drops to his usual squat in front of you, arms rested on his knees, gently fiddling with his fingers.
“How’re your cells?” he asks, but you’re so busy gazing at the forest around you and the stars above your heads that he fears you’re not even listening. Jake instead settles for watching you.
He knows he’s in over in his head when even his avatar likes you. Jake’s had nowhere near as much experience navigating his way around how to use this body than the other drivers, let alone time to understand the signals his body sends him or the feelings different things have to him, but he can tell the difference between being you friendly and not, even when he’s not totally familiar with how it all works. And on top of that, there are so many random variables to being Na’vi to get his head around that he never even thought of until Neytiri or Grace filled him in on what the hell was going on with his body at certain times of the month.
He’s stupid sometimes, true, but not totally naive. Jake recognises the tug in his chest as he looks at you — he feels the same thing when he’s in his human body. He’s no expert on Na’vi, never claimed to be, but he feels there must be something instinctive in the way he feels for you and the way his avatar senses it. And with Norm’s fresh-faced hatred in full flush whenever Jake makes that fact known, he’s not at all surprised that those feelings have suddenly become so full frontal now that he’s had enough of Norm’s bullshit.
“It’s amazing out here,” you say, to Jake but also to the wind as you completely crane your head up to look through the cracks in the branches and leaves. “Don’t you ever wish Earth had looked like this?”
“I haven’t really thought about Earth since I left,” he confesses, shuffling closer to you while you’re occupied with mapping out the stars in the sky.
“Not once?” You look down at him. If you’re taken aback by the sudden closeness between you, you hide it well. 
Jake shrugs. “Nothing I need is there.”
Fair enough. You stare at him for a moment and think about that before agreeing. 
“Me too.”
The branches above your heads sway in a gentle breeze and Jake watches you hug your cardigan around yourself before asking, “So, why’re we here? Did you wanna show me something?”
“What, the stars not enough for you?” Jake looks up to the sky.
You laugh quietly. “I’ll never get enough of them, actually. Beats the lab ceiling by a long shot. Looking at the stars through the window’s not the same… I wish I didn’t have to use this mask—” You throw him a playfully exasperated look, “—I wish I had an avatar.”
“Why don’t you?” Jake’s never asked, never thought to ask. But you’re the only scientist in his close collective of scientist ‘friends’ who doesn’t actually drive an avatar, and is instead limited to just studying everyone else's.
“It was never really my thing,” you explain, settling comfortably atop the rock and throwing the glances to the sky away to focus on him. Like the lab, they’re not going anywhere, and the ones tattooing Jake’s skin are far more interesting. “Okay, that’s a lie. I think the avatars are fascinating, just like the Na’vi, but sometimes you take what you’re given when you’re given it. Norm has always had to be better than I am, always one step ahead. Plus, our inheritance only stretched as far as to cover the contract costs of one avatar driver.” You laugh, “And Norm’s older.”
“Damn, so we just got stuck with Norm,” Jake comments, only to make you laugh again, which thankfully works. “I’d have a better time out here if it were you and not him.”
“He’s actually very insecure about that,” you tell him, watching his amusement grow without knowing the exact reasons for why. “He always goes on about how your avatar is much more built. I guess Tom was just more athletic and the avatar reflects it, I don’t think Norm’s used so much as an elliptical since high school… Anyway, he’s very vocal on how unfair the avatar program is in that regard.”
“You agree with him?”
Jake’s fingers ghost across your ankle.
“One: he’s my brother, and I’m not going to answer that question honestly. And two: let’s not forget who the avatar is modelled off. Tom was very handsome.”
“Growing up, I was always the pretty twin.”
You hum. “I couldn’t tell.”
Jake’s never ever considered the fact of you knowing his brother well before he died. He’s never had to think about it before, not until now, but he pushes the thought away and falls back into the thoughts of what he came here to do in the first place.
“You don’t think I’m handsome?”
He watches your grin widen. “I didn’t say that, did I?”
Jake creeps forward slightly, and this time you notice, moving your toes back further towards your bum on the rock while Jake continues his close creeping. 
“I think you’re a very pretty woman,” Jake murmurs. “Beautiful, even.”
“Norm’s not here to get mad at you for saying that,” you remind him.
“‘m not saying it for Norm to hear.”
You feel Jake’s hand sliding to wrap around your ankle and you shudder when he smooths his way up to your calf. You’ve never interacted with any Na’vi like this before, never felt their skin pushing against your own. With a glance down at his hand, you frown and work your way back up to his face, his eyes lit up in the dark.
“It’s not fair that you’re using your avatar against me right now,” you mutter, making him laugh through his nose and bring his body closer to the round edge of the rock. He considers it progress when you remain rooted in place once his hands run up the length of your legs to your waist.
You watch his nostrils flare slightly as he observes you, which only makes you feel more nervous and trapped here.
“All I’m doing is talking,” says Jake.
You scoff at him. “Does all your talking involve hands on the waist, Sully?”
He shrugs. “Only with really pretty people.”
Jake’s ears prick when you sigh and look back up at the stars. He doesn’t move his hands, but he senses your body tensing beneath his touch, smells the change in your body as he speaks. He’d love that part of being Na’vi a lot more if he knew what those changes meant exactly, and he can’t figure it out even as he stares at you intently.
His thumbs smooth from left to right, feeling the nub of your ribcage with every stroke over your tank top and tries to level his face into one of absolute neutrality when you look back down at him. 
“What are you doing, Jake?”
Not what he was expecting you to say, if he’s being honest.
“Nothing,” he says.
“You’re being weird,” you reply, narrowing your eyes suspiciously. It has the opposite effect, and you watch him struggle not to smile. His hairline raises when his brows do, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes when you figure him out, “Did you actually bring me out here just to flirt with me?”
He does nothing except look at you, as if the answer is painfully obvious and you’re stupid for not realising it sooner.
You sigh loudly. “Jake, I’m sorry that you didn’t get the memo like everybody else, but you didn’t need to lure me out the lab in your avatar if you wanted to get my attention.”
His thumb continues to move and his eyes drop slightly.
“I wouldn’t say I lured you out here,” Jake replies. You watch his eyes zero back in on yours and you fight your body against the urge to wrap up and hide from him. 
“You can’t be that stupid, I refuse to believe it,” you laugh disbelievingly, which makes him raise his brows questioningly. Even with a layer of plastic obstructing your face from his, Jake can’t get over how pretty you look. “You have to know that I like you even when you’re not a big blue alien.”
Jake’s grin widens, his fangs glinting in the moonlight. “I know. You’re really bad at hiding it.”
“Okay,” you say, feeling under your cardigan for his hands and attempting to wrestle them away, but he doesn’t budge. You laugh again, as if the whole thing is genuinely funny for you, “then you can always make your thoughts about that known when I see you in the lab. In person.”
“I’m not doing anything I wouldn’t in there if I had the chance,” Jake tells you, moving his hands but only to sandwich them between your tank and your skin. The feeling of his palms flat against your stomach makes you jump slightly and reach for his wrist. 
“Please. I see you every single day.”
“Yeah, and your brother, and Grace, and Trudy,” Jake points out. “I can’t get a second alone with you. What would you have me do, make a move with your brother breathing down my neck about it?”
“You could just be upfront. Save me from looking like an idiot.”
“Come on, baby, let’s be real.”
The smile he has on his face is unmoving, and you search every corner of it to find signs of his sincerity falling and find nothing. But something feels wrong.
You’ve spent close to two months in the long shadow drawn by everything else in Jake’s life, and considering Jake’s newfound role of future Omatikaya warrior, you feel that the time he spends in your company has become less and less. So now that Jake has decided to pick up on whatever signals you were sending him and respond to them, you assume it’s all in the name of good fun to piss off Norm.
Feeling Jake’s hands creeping up your body in the middle of the Hallelujah Mountains and with no older brother here to glare at either of you, you’re rethinking everything you thought you had figured out.
“I don’t get it,” you say finally. 
Jake just laughs quietly. “You thought I just rammed my wheelchair into your feet for fun?”
“You mean to tell me that was your way of showing interest?” you ask unconvincingly.
“…Nah. I liked watching you fall, though,” he grins. Jake picks himself up from his squat and looms over you like a shadow, watching you fall back onto your forearms as you stare up at him. He sets one knee between your legs and leans down slightly, breathing in deeply in a way that has you thinking he’s actually sniffing the air around you. 
“Honey, I’m all kinds of obsessed with you.”
You blink. “You certainly gave nothing away.”
“I bring you shit all the time.”
“I’m a scientist, I didn’t know you did that because you liked me. I thought it was just because I wanted better samples than Norm.”
“I mean, that definitely helped motivate me to find everything.”
“You never even told me you liked me.”
“Well, I’m telling you now.”
“Okay, well, tell me tomorrow when you’re awake and not all…big,” you frown. 
Jake chuckles. “You don’t like me now, or something?”
“I definitely never said that. I just want to hear human Jake Sully tell me how he feels without using his avatar to try and win me over.” 
Jake’s tail swishes behind him. “You prefer the dummy in the wheelchair?”
“I like your wheelchair,” you tell him quietly, running your hand up his arm as he pins you flat against the boulder with a hand on your stomach. 
“I don’t,” he murmurs. “I like being like this. I like being bigger than you. I like smelling how much you like me.”
All of a sudden, your legs swing shut around him and you look at him in disbelief.
All he does is smile. 
“Come on, Jake, I actually don’t have time for this,” you say around a groan, trying to move against him but failing miserably. An exasperated smile falls on your face. “Really? What are you even trying to achieve? You’re seducing me with your avatar?”
His ears twitch and he angles his head to the side. “Yes?”
“Why am I getting the impression that all of this has something to do with Norm somehow?” you sigh in reply, but Jake notices the way you fall relaxed underneath him, and he has the feeling you’re in no real hurry to get anywhere else tonight. 
“Well, it might have something to do with it,” Jake confesses, his voice lower than it was before as he draws his nose close to you and takes a deep inhale. The feeling of his braid flicking down from his back and brushing against your thighs makes you shudder, not to mention the feeling of his snout against your collarbones. “Really, I just want to spend some time with my girl while I got the chance to.”
Whatever you want to say or have planned to say dies away when you feel Jake’s lips wander and press against your sternum. 
Sighing, you shift your hands to his arms that have you pinned down and carefully squeeze. “Good luck with that, Sully.”
He runs his tongue flat against your skin and hears you exhale through your nose, a noise of satisfaction muffled by your closed mouth, and all at once, Jake’s decision is final.
He is going to fuck Norm’s sister. 
And he’s going to rub salt on Norm’s wounds by doing it in the way that will piss him off the most.
Jake kisses his way down the length of your body, his hands moving around your figure like a sculptor until his hands find their way to your thighs. Though oversized and covering most of them, Jake’s hands circle around the width of your thighs and he strokes his thumbs across the inside skin of them, all while laughter bubbles in your chest.
All of this is just so absurd. If someone had told you this morning that Jake so much as liked you back, it would have taken some convincing, but if they had gone as far as to suggest he’s be attempting to seduce you in his avatar in a little chunk of forest behind the lab you pretty much live in, you would have laughed at the delusion of the thought. But now, there’s no denying the very tangible view of Jake’s Na’vi hands pressing down on your thighs, his eyes staring up over the slope of your body as you pick your head up to look down at him.
“This is crazy,” you gasp.
Jake’s teeth reveal themselves against the stretch of skin he was just pressing kisses onto, his smile widening as he speaks. “You don’t want to, baby?”
You weigh your options. It’s either leave and go back to the lab and hope that Jake follows through on his apparent feelings for you in the morning… Or you can relax and enjoy.
“Jake…” You pause for a moment. You want to enjoy it, and you feel the pool of desire deepen inside of you and know it’s a sensation Jake can most likely smell. 
He’s still your Jake, still the same guy you dote over when he remembers he has a life outside of being Na’vi. The only difference now is that he’s blue, and mobile, and double your size in every definition of the word. And suspiciously attractive, but you don’t know for certain if you think that because it’s Jake or because it’s actually true as a fact. But you just can’t help but wonder if Jake’s climaxing feud with Norm is the only reason he’s pinning you to a boulder in the forest and kissing your stomach. 
“You’re not just doing this to piss off Norm, are you?” you ask, feeling serious all of a sudden. The only way you know Jake notices is from the way his ears flatten against his head and his eyes grow round with concern. 
In the light, his tail flicks from side to side in the way you recognise most Na’vi do when they’re nervous, and you fight the urge to look away from him when he stays quiet for a second, thinking of what to say in a loud silence.
Of course he’s doing this because he knows it will piss Norm off if and when he finds out. As soon as Norm catches a stinking whiff of Jake on your body when he’s in his own avatar surveying the mountains, there will be nowhere for Jake to run or roll off to and avoid Norm’s volcanic rage. But he knows as well that this is a long time coming — that he’s been chasing circles around your feet for the fun of it, and now the chance has come for him to bring what he’s buried to the surface and shape it into something more.
Jake very carefully thinks of what to say. “Knowing that if I fuck you right now it will piss off your insanely annoying brother makes me want to do it more. But if the only reason I was fucking you was to piss him off, then I’d be doing it in front of him.”
Your brows raise. 
“Okay, that came out wrong,” Jake says quickly. “My point is… I go crazy thinking about you. And everything I think about doing to you can be made possible when I’m, as you said, all big.”
“But… Norm—”
Jake groans, all smiles. “Oh my god, can we please stop bringing up your brother for a sec? It’s a huge turn off.”
“It doesn’t make me feel any sexier, either,” you point out, “but I’m just thinking—”
“Don’t think,” Jake tells you. “This is the one time you don’t have to think about anything at all except for how you’d like me to take care of you.”
Jake returns his face to your stomach as you blink furiously, a flustered feeling creeping up over your body at the bluntness of his words. If you thought he was playing around, you’re officially convinced when his hands tighten around your thighs and he spreads them apart, pinning them down against the boulder he’s made your bed for the night. You inhale a deep breath when Jake’s thumbs dip underneath your shorts, bunched around your inner thighs.
“I suppose it would be like killing two birds with one stone…”
Jake laughs against your skin. “Jesus Christ, Spellman, quit talking so much. Who knew you were such a yapper?”
“Am not,” you protest.
You shudder when he plants another kiss on your abdomen, pings the fabric of your shorts back against your skin with a sharp sting and he grunts with a nod.
“Okay,” Jake agrees, his ears high and tail swishing playfully. “Now take off your cardigan.”
Still watching Jake on your forearms as he hooks his fingers around the waistline of your shorts in an effort to pull them down, you wrangle a sigh of protest and lift your lower body up for him, all whilst reaching for the buttons on the front of your cardigan. 
You breathe heavily as you mumble, “Do you really need to take off all my clothes, Sully?”
“One of us is halfway there, honey, and it’s not you,” replies Jake. His golden eyes watch with intent as he pulls the shorts down the expanse of your legs with your underwear in tow. As you shudder with the breeze fanning between your legs, Jake takes a big inhale and stares.
He barely moves an inch once the shorts and panties are in a bunch around your feet, but you busy yourself by sweeping a look at Jake’s own attire, or striking lack of. Between his legs hangs his tewng, a simple and sparsely intricate item of clothing that leaves little to imagination when it comes to what is growing between his thighs. 
It’s standard attire for the Omatikaya, but you’ve never seen it up close, and never on Jake himself. It hits you then that he’s still in his entire hunting gear, as if he finished up with Neytiri and brought himself here right away.
Jake’s thighs clench as he finally moves, readjusting his footing in his dropped squat; to him, this position has become as natural as breathing, but you stare at his thighs bulging and wonder how he’s not in agony from it alone.
Jake looks up at you after his allocated time spent analysing the spot growing wet between your legs and you gulp, feeling almost nervous. 
“Well, you’re gonna be an Omatikaya soon. One of the consequences is wearing your little g-string everywhere.”
His head leans to the side as his amusement grows. “It’s called a tewng, genius.”
That makes you laugh, and say in a melodic and sweet tone, “I know.”
But Jake bites back with the same sweet tone as you and says, “Then shut up,” and you comply. It’s the least you can do for him when he smooths his big hands back between your legs and up close to your cunt.
Pressing a kiss to the inside of your knee, Jake inches his hands further, relishing in a deep breath as he returns to staring at the spot just inches from his fingers. From his perspective, you are hideously tiny; given the obvious lack of research on Na’vi and human sexual relations, Jake isn’t totally sure you’ll be able to withstand what he wants to give you.
Worth a try, though.
Jake’s chest rises and falls as he stares in wonder at your pussy, the scent divinely pronounced, and he runs one of his fingers between your folds and up, collecting the juices on his finger as he rounds your clit in a rather observational manner. 
You bristle, your legs instinctively trying to close — all the good it does, as Jake pushes them back open. His eyes flicker back up to yours, as if assessing his next steps, before he lowers his mouth to your cunt and without doing you the kind service of looking away, stares at you as he spreads his tongue flat between your folds.
His actions earn him a strangled moan of pleasure, and his ears twitch in satisfaction. The feeling of his tongue against you is strangely addicting, rough and soft at the same time, warm and wet and enough for your hips to lift. 
“Jake…” You gasp, feeling your eyes close, half with the pleasure of it all and also sheer embarrassment. 
Like a predator watching its prey, Jake never looks away from your face and the way it twists, your jaw hanging open as he licks your cunt. With the size of his head alone, his tongue virtually covers every corner of your pussy with no difficulty, leaving you with no untouched itch, no ignored stretch of wet skin. 
You can’t even bear to look down at him again, and you toss your gaze up to the stars as they twinkle above, blinking, conspirators to your escapade. Biting down on your lip to stop yourself from moaning too loud, your hips slowly roll up and down as Jake sucks around your clit, his big hands working overtime to keep you from wriggling away entirely off the rock and to the ground.
“Oh, god…”
Between your legs is a flurry of warmth, a tingling feeling rippling down to your toes. After five dry years, it comes as no real shock that even someone’s tongue could be ripping this kind of response from you. 
“You good?” Jake murmurs.
“Mmh. Hot,” you rasp. It doesn’t help that there’s an exo-pack warming your face with every deep breath you take. Jake moves his mouth from your cunt momentarily as if trying to hear you, watching with curious eyes when you bite back another noise which stirs as he slides his finger towards your entrance. 
“This mask is really ruining my vibe right now,” you groan, your voice so throaty and strangled that Jake has to fight a smirk. He fails miserably.
“Take it off and hold your breath,” Jake replies; a laugh rumbles from his chest when you lift your head to scowl at him.
“It would frighten people if they knew how much of a genius you were.”
Jake hums, his eyes glistening as he cocks his head, “I’m incredibly humble.” Then he wastes no more time talking and sinks his finger into you.
He sinks in with plenty of ease, your wetness guiding his finger all the way in to the knuckle and you choke back a strangled sound; one of Jake’s fingers feels like two of your own, the stretch unfamiliar but not unwelcome after your dry spell of five cryo-stolen years. 
Jake grins widely and inches his tongue back between your legs, swiping it over your clit and forcing the moans out from hiding in your throat.
You turn your head to the side, sparing a glance at the distant laboratory. You can only hope you’re not loud enough to startle your sleeping colleagues and brother.
“Eyes down here, Spellman,” Jake mumbles, his voice vibrating across your pussy and pulling your eyes back towards him. Tears spring to your eyes as he looks up at you, working his fingers in and out of you slowly while matching his licks to the tempo.
His tongue is slightly rough and textured, each lick leaving you feeling almost ticklish. A rush of warmth pulls from your cunt up to your neck, and your thighs tremble around his head with a flushed squeeze, but Jake doesn’t seem to mind; he pulls your one leg further apart with his other hand and slips in a second finger, the stretch of your hole making your back arch with a half pained, half pleasured moan.
“Jake!” you gasp, your hips bucking up against his mouth, his fangs brushing across you. He has the nerve to laugh all of a sudden, pulling his mouth away after pressing a sloppy kiss to your clit. “Jesus, fuck, Jake—”
“Goddamn, you are a yapper,” Jake comments, and you glare at the almost human look of pure smugness on his face, his chin coated with saliva and juice. 
“Fuck you,” you huff, feeling the absence of his tongue immensely, despite his continuously moving fingers. Jake’s fingers are thicker than they looked from afar — it feels like you’re full already, but you’re not willing to confess that to him. He already looks far too proud with what he’s doing.
You suppose, now that you’re thinking about it, Jake’s had years to become familiar with a pussy; he seems to be back between your legs with a certain hunger for you, the taste of your juices sweeter than he initially expected. 
His fingers are coated in juice, slipping into you with no resistance and curling his fingers up to make your hips lift once more. He almost wants to make a comment to fluster you, to tell you how insanely good it feels for your cunt to be quivering around his fingers, welcoming him up there as if you’d prepared for them beforehand. Jake parts his fingers inside of you, stretching you out, his mouth comfortably attached to you.
His ears twitch when you let out a wobbly cry — actually, he’s not sure if you’re crying for real or not. His eyes follow your hand as it creeps down to the hood of your pussy, just above his nose, and he pulls his mouth away for a split second.
“No, no, go back,” you pant, and like a dog given a command, Jake pulls his soggy fingers out of your cunt and pushes his head back between your thighs, satisfied by your own pleasured sounds when he does.
Jake hooks his arm across your lower stomach, effectively pinning you to the sloping boulder while he uses his other hand to keep your legs wide apart. You forget all about modesty and self-control and open them as wide as you can for him to help, your hand stroking the top of Jake’s hair as he burrows his way back between the wet spot he was devouring. 
You suck in a tight and high-pitched breath when Jake’s tongue shifts from left to right over your clit, the feeling of his tongue strange and almost like a vibration. Your hips lift from the boulder again and shift up and down — Jake’s barely even trying, barely broken a sweat, but when he glances up at you he’s both amused and surprised by how twisted in pleasure you look. All he can see is the underneath of your jaw tilted to the sky, and one of your hands curling up around your tit under your tank top.
Jake guides his arm from trapping your abdomen up to push the bottom of your tank up above your wrist. There’s no way he’ll let you gatekeep the sight of your tits when he’s the one making you touch yourself in the first place. His eyes are wide with excitement when you fist the fabric of your tank and yank it up above your boobs, the curve of them bouncing with the quick movement of your hand. 
Jake groans into you, his tail curling up high. Jake’s tasted a lot of pussy in his life, but he doesn’t know what exactly you’ve done to taste so good to him. He momentarily convinces himself that it feels different because he’s in a whole other body — it must just be because he’s big and strange and he’s been fucking you in his mind for a while now that you somehow feel ten times better than anyone else he’s ever been with. 
The pool of warm juice between your legs leaves you incredibly soft and squishy, like a tìhawnuwll that he has to remind himself he can’t just sink his teeth into.
It could be because you’re Norm’s sister. Could be because you usually appear so big when he’s resorted to sitting down all day, but now you’re helplessly tiny underneath him, trapped by his arms and head. Or it could just be because he’s an idiot who quashes his feelings rather than gives in to them.
He blinks. Your hips are so high off the boulder that Jake has to bring his arm back down to hold you in place. The less you squirm, the more drawn out he can make it, but he’s acutely aware of the tremor in your legs, the impatient rutting against his lips, the painful hardness under his tewng.
“Sweet,” he grumbles. The word leaves you flustered, and the heat brewing like a bomb against his open mouth begins to rise through your body again. You forget to be quiet as you let out a high-pitched moan, feeling your toes curl in your boots and you desperately finger at your nipple, rolling and tugging on the hardened nub of flesh as Jake pins you tighter against the boulder. He laves his tongue down your cunt towards your entrance, the warm tip of it pushing to the tightened hole that Jake wants more than anything to squeeze himself inside.
“Mf — Jake, come on,” you whimper.
One of his thin brows raises. “You seduced yet?”
“Fuck off. Yes.”
You feel the rumble of his laughter against your pussy. Jake presses a kiss against it and then moves his mouth to the soft skin of your inner thigh. 
“I never let a woman go without making her cum,” Jake says, his voice muffled against your leg. He feels you quiver beneath him, and his grin widens. “You wanna at least cum first, right?”
“Please, Jake—”
A startled cry of pain rips from your throat when Jake gently sinks his teeth into your leg — Jake knows his own strength and pulls back before he can draw blood, glancing at the red outline of his teeth imprinted into your leg, a ridged ring of saliva in his wake. Your head is lifted entirely to gape at him, and he looks at you with a coy expression.
“Did you just bite me?”
He smirks. “Accident. Sorry.”
“Yeah right.” Your legs shift slightly around him, but Jake can smell the twisting agony of pleasure leaking out of you — he’s never been more thankful for his Na’vi body and its strange sense of smell than he is now, to be able to pick up on the need you try to hide from him, a scent he actually understands. Normally he can admire your determination, but right now, he’s more concerned with finding out how to break down your walls and unravel you the way he knows you’ve been wanting him to for the last two months.
He smooches the bite one more time, his ears pricking when you whimper out a sort of desperately small sound and say, “Come on, Jake. You got me out here, don’t torture me about it.”
“Me eating your pussy not enough for you?” he asks smugly. He knows it would be more than enough — call him conceited, but he’s sort of an expert on it by now.
You don’t say much, nothing worth noting, at least. Jake’s ears are tall as he lifts his head slightly, but his thumb continues to rub up and down your slit, carefully smoothing over your swollen clit almost sympathetically.
“Please,” you beg in such a small and desperate voice that Jake smiles at the sound. You see his eyes flutter, half-lidded, as he cocks his head to the side until his temple is against your knee. 
“Hm? You just wanna say please and get it over and done with?” Jake mutters. “You can’t take any more of my fingers?”
“Don’t be a prick,” you whimper. “You want it, too.”
You feel that unkind heat simmer over you again, but not for the reason you expect. Jake blinks at you lazily, like an unimpressed cat, and then you watch as his eyes curve into crescent moons, the slint of gold virtually glowing in the Pandoran night. Then, the fucker smiles again, looking so smug that you feel embarrassed somehow, caught under his gaze.
“Yeah, I do,” agrees Jake. “I’ve been wanting you a long time.”
“Then, come on,” you urge. Something excited claws at you, and you feel your heartbeat race when he lifts himself slightly. “Come on, big guy. You got me out here, you win.”
He swells with pride, pleased by what is leaving your mouth in a flustered flurry. 
“You think you can take me all by yourself?” he asks, his hands coming to rest on your knees as he turns his gaze back to the clenching hole between your legs. Jake looks almost thoughtful as he stares at you, as if analysing. “You could only just take two fingers.”
For such an intelligent woman, Jake finds himself amazed when you look anxious about that statement. What, do you really think he’ll just give up and go? Jake doesn’t care if it takes all night to get himself up your snatch, because no matter what, he’ll get himself in there.
He sniggers when your mouth flounders like a little fish, your tank sliding with the angle of your body back down over your tits, but then he tuts and reaches back to pull it up. In fact, he decides it’s better off, and he uses one finger to pull the whole thing up to your chin, and lets you suffer in an anxious string of actions — you tug the tank up over your head, eyes wide, lip pouting. 
“Wanna try?” Jake asks, if not to speed along the increasing agony of his hard cock tenting under his tewng then just to put you out of your misery. “Or should I go back for seconds?”
“Jake…” Your chest rises and falls as you gape at him. He went through all the trouble to get you here, and although you never expected to look at Jake’s avatar and feel a throb between your legs, you can’t even look at him without feeling overcome with the terrible, pressing desire to squeeze whatever weapon he has under his loincloth into your cunt. Jake watches your eyes look down at the darkness between his legs, to the pretty band of string tied around his middle, and then looks back at you with a sickeningly sweet expression.
“Aw, honey. You want me to fuck you?”
It takes an incredible amount of effort not to scowl at him. Jake is lucky he looks so attractive with your arousal around his lips, otherwise you’d be up off the boulder and marching back to the labs for being so unbelievably full of himself. 
But even though he’s double your size and consumed by a cocky smugness from being able bodied and towering over you, you can’t think of enough reasons to warrant your leave. The only things on your mind are how much it’ll hurt to get him inside you, and how good it’ll feel once he is.
“That’s why you brought me here, after all, isn’t it?” you murmur, your lips curved slightly when he bows his body over you, his hands flat against the boulder on either side of your waist. “You’ve been thinking of me, right? Oeyä sayrìp tsamsiyu — you must have thought about this every time you went and found me a flower, right?”
Jake’s smile turns wolfish. “Yap, yap, yap.”
You all but whine underneath him. It is so unbecoming of you to be so desperate for something that you resort to writhing like a brat, but with Jake just straddling over you without doing anything, you feel the eager feeling of want coiling in your lower stomach. Your hole clenches around the air, as if trying to feel for Jake’s fingers again, and you lift your hips up off the boulder as if to entice him.
He barely even looks down at you, which only infuriates you more. 
For a moment, you wonder if the only reason he lured you out here was to satiate a desire of his own; maybe he just wanted to prove that he still had what it took to make a woman beg for him — though he needn’t have tried so hard, considering you’d have writhed and whined for him just as much, if not more, had he just made it known that he knew about and returned your feelings sooner.
But having you touch him in an impossible silence in the shared bunks pales in comparison to now, to having you look so small and soft and inviting; for you to beg for him, to let yourself be ravaged by him in all of his strength. Why would he prefer to have you while he feels useless when he can make the most of the strong, brawny and big body his brother passed down to him?
Jake breathes deeply through his nose and chews on the inner skin under his lips. You watch in the dark as his tail coils, his ears flat, until he lowers his body down like he’s doing a press up and pushes his nose against your sternum. 
“You smell so pretty, baby girl,” Jake mutters, pressing a kiss against the skin sloping between your tits. Biting your lip does little to suppress the moan that spills out when Jake cups one of his hands around your breast, and you hold the back of his hand as he gently squeezes. 
The hanging cloth of his tewng brushes past your pussy and you jolt in surprise, just in time for Jake to bring his mouth down over your other boob. The sheer size of Jake dwarfs every feature of yours, but something about your tiny size only excites him more. 
With his lips wrapped around your tit, you try your hardest to muffle another moan at the feeling of his tongue toying around your nipple, desperately trying to find something to focus on that isn’t the absurdly good feeling of Jake’s mouth or the tewng brushing past your pussy every time Jake rocks his hips backwards and forwards.
You clench your hand over his, feeling your legs squirm around him as his sharp teeth scrape against the squishy curve of your breast. Fear should rip through you when you feel his teeth tighten around the top of your tit, but it doesn’t; instead, a rush of warm excitement burns you from the inside out when Jake’s cheeks hollow, sucking a purple blot into your skin.
“Hey—” you say cautiously, but the damage is already done. It’s as if Jake’s determined to make you the same shade as him; the mark he leaves is blooming and bright, and he looks all too proud of himself when he looks up in acknowledgement of your voice. His tail thrashes excitedly. 
“Leaving that so everyone can see what you were doing when they wake up,” Jake explains, licking a strip from the swelling bruise to your neck for good measure. “My dirty scientist.”
That is if you ever make it back to the lab in one piece. 
Feeling the pleasure spreading across your body, you’re half contemplating staying here on this rock forever, hoping that Norm or Grace never come back here looking for samples only to find your corpse. You’re overcome with a conflicting contrast of emotions — you suddenly feel so exposed, so unraveled, half guilty for encouraging Jake to shove his big blue fingers up your crotch, and even guiltier about the fact that you want more from him.
“Enough. Come on,” you huff, and Jake dips his attention back to the rutting of your hips, the glossy shine of your arousal. “While I’m wet.”
“You really think I’m gonna let you dry up before I can get inside you?” Jake asks, as if the idea is beneath you both. “Have some confidence in me, Spellman.”
“I do. Full confidence. So, come on, gimme.”
Jake grins; he leans his weight up on one knee and in the light, you can just about see the protruding point of his tewng and feel your desire pooling. It’s only when Jake undoes the string around his waist and frees what hides beneath that you start to feel your body tense unexpectedly; it is beyond you how Jake has managed to keep the spear he calls his cock hidden for so long, and even more unthinkable as to how it will fit inside of you. 
You stare at it with wide eyes. Meanwhile, Jake holds the base of it with his hand and assesses the space between your legs again. When he guides the tip to your folds and strokes himself up and down, you feel your heartbeat quicken and your legs turn like jelly.
“You like it?” he asks, ever so sweetly, as if it’s a new gift brought back for you to enjoy. In a way, it is a gift, something for you to sample. Jake’s body seems to vibrate with nothing short of delight at the speechless state his dick has left you in — and he hasn’t even put it in yet.
“Big, right?” he continues to ask, a smirk on his face.
All you can say is, “how do you walk around with that thing?”
He barks out a laugh, his head tilted to the stars as his smirk widens. Jake then pushes the tip against you again with his thumb, choking down his amused sniggers as he drags himself up and down your cunt, and more than anything, he wishes he could see your face better in the moonlight. Luckily, Jake’s spent hours staring at you in his wheelchair to be able to piece together the smudges of your features he can see in the reflection of light hanging over the front of your mask. And what he can’t see, he’ll hear, and what he’s not satisfied with not seeing he’ll seek from you again later.
“It’ll be a tight fit,” Jake thinks out loud, prodding the tip of his cock against your entrance and looking up at you once you whimper, “but I know you can take it.”
“I dunno… Looks kind of big—”
“You can fit it in,” he tells you confidently.
But now you’ve seen it, you’re slightly nervous. “What if I can’t—?”
“You were just begging me for it,” Jake says pointedly. “While I’m wet, you said.” Then, he leans forward so that the wide slope of his nose is pushed against the front of your mask. “I don’t care if it takes all night trying. I’ll help you fit it all in, okay?”
You breathe in sharply, feeling your hips grinding up against him. Jake tries to find sympathy for you; he supposes that if he were you and some ten foot Na’vi was trying to burrow his cock between his legs, he’d be apprehensive too. 
“Just…” you rasp, watching him desperately, and he waits kindly, though his tip is on the verge of being swallowed by your cunt. Your legs tremble when he smiles at you, one hand on his cock, the other flat against the boulder. “Just go slow, okay?”
The way he looks at you is as if you’ve just said something stupidly endearing. “Sure thing, Spellman.”
Jake does his best to keep up his presented facade of coolness, but you feel so warm and wet, his arm begins to shake as he supports his weight on the boulder, grunting when he aligns his cockhead with your hole and very slightly pushes in. Even though he only just had his fingers up there, he can feel your pussy resisting, and it’s only the tip. 
Your mouth hangs open with a pained whine, the stretch uncomfortable but in spite of it, you arch your back as if trying to feel more of him inside of you.
“Easy,” he chuckles, very slowly pushing more of himself into your pussy. The noises from your mouth grow louder, and something proud purrs in his chest. His tongue pushes against the inside of his lower lip as he smirks, teeth showing, as he makes an almost amused groan. You’re insanely tight, and unbelievably squishy and wet — and hey, it’s been five years for him, too.
“Yeah,” Jake groans, pushing his hips further and pulling out, each stroke gentle and tentative. He wants more than anything to go rough, to make you mewl and cry and curl up against him, but the tearful look on your face makes him reconsider. Each time he sinks in a little bit deeper, softening the resistance of your walls as they make room for him. 
It takes an incredible amount of self restraint to stop himself from shoving all of it in at once; you’re so tight, the tightest pussy he’s ever felt closing around his cock, and easily the best. Jake closes his eyes for a second, honing in on the squeezing clench around his cock and the unnerving, uncharacteristic silence leaving your gaping mouth. 
“Talk to me, Spellman,” Jake groans, inching deeper inside. His ears perk again when you cry as he sinks in deeper. “Say something.”
“You told me I talked too much,” you manage out, admirably trying your hardest to remain quiet despite the pushing twelve inches of Na’vi cock up your cunt. Jake’s barely even inside of you; more of his dick is out than it is stuffed inside. 
“I love hearing you talk,” replies Jake, even though he had just poked fun at your ability to talk someone’s ear off. Had he known it would swear you into silence now, he’d have never said anything. What Jake wants now most of all is to hear your voice again, hear your pleasure, your instructions, your pleas. 
Hearing you slip out a high pitched moan when he pushes more of his cock inside of you feels like a reward almost. 
“Could listen to you yap away all damn day,” he murmurs quietly, his eyes finding yours behind the glaze of the exo-pack. “I know you’ve always got something to say, so why’re you so quiet all of a sudden?” Jake’s grin brightens when you manage to suck in more of his length, “Talk to me, baby, tell me what you want, hm?”
“Just… Put it in,” you whimper, and his eyes widen excitedly. 
“You said to go slow.”
“I know what I said, but I need more.” Your eyes are so blown open he’d laugh if it didn’t look so goddamn sexy. “Please, Jake.”
“You sure?” he croons. 
“Mm. Please — come on, please—!”
Jake snaps his hips forward so quickly that more than half of dick disappears inside of you, and the primal noise that leaves your mouth takes Jake completely by surprise. 
“Fucking shit, mama,” Jake groans, his voice rasped as he bows his chest over yours, dropping to his forearm on the boulder as he adjusts to the warmth enveloping him. “Holy shit.”
You swallow a deep breath, your hands gripping tightly to Jake’s shoulders which forces his eyes to your face. He can make out the distinct shimmer of tears under your eyes, and he brushes his fingers across the side of your neck, tapping you to bring your eyes open and searching for him in the dark. 
“You with me?” he asks, chuckling slightly. “You good?”
“Oh my god,” you squeal, cunt clenching. “Wait—”
“Breathe,” Jake says quietly, pressing a kiss to the swollen bruise he sucked into your skin earlier. “You can do it, pretty girl.”
“Keep moving, it hurts when you just stay still.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he mutters, his hips falling back into a slow rhythm to keep you adjusted to his twitching cock. It’s almost disturbing how easily you’re taking him now he’s forced more of his length inside, how wet and responsive you seem to be as he sinks deeper into you.
At first, Jake goes slow, familiarising himself with every noise you give him, every twitch and shift in your body, every clench around him. You feel the smooth ridges of his cock kissing your insides, the sensation unfamiliar and strange but so fucking good. He snakes one hand under your back when you lift up off the boulder; his large palm is flat against the arch of your spine, his fingers curled around your hip. 
You look like a toy underneath him, something he could easily just hold with one hand and fuck himself up into.
His hips snap again, faster than he intended, and more of his dick disappears inside of you. You could easily take all of him if he took his time getting you to that point, but the warmth wrapping around him like a glove is so sinful that he can’t think of anything less appealing than going slow. He sucks in a deep breath through his teeth and squeezes your waist with his hand; one desperate little cry from your mouth later, and Jake forgives himself for having waited so long to get you in this position, to fuck you stupid. 
It’s been so long since Jake’s been able to fuck a woman like this, and for his first time since his accident to be with you, of all people — well, Jake could think of no greater victory, no better reward for all the shit he’s endured so far. 
He stares down at the gap between your legs, watching as his dick vanishes and reappears with every rock of his hips. You’re taking it so well, like a champion. Pride blooms in his chest — he’d expect nothing less from his woman.
Pulling your hips down slightly to meet him as he thrusts up, Jake shoulders the control and moans in a low tone, pushing until he feels your body seize underneath him. Then, he pulls back, falls back in, and gets himself comfortable.
The stretch no longer burns the way it did, but you feel as though you can barely breathe as Jake ruts his hips up. He’s so big in every definition of the word. He doesn’t seem to notice nor care about the deep indent of your fingernails in his shoulder; he seems entirely devoted to gaining momentum, creating his own pace with his ears flat against his bowed head.
“God… Jake,” you moan, feeling the slight point of the boulder against your shoulder blades and his hand squeezing your middle as you finally speak, after what feels like eons of silence to Jake.
He latches his gaze to the rise and fall of your breasts as he fucks you, his breathing heavy. “Oh, you like that?”
Ever so slightly, he hastens his pacing, eliciting a tearful sob from your mouth. “Mmf—”
“Is it everything you hoped for?”
His stomach churns when you laugh, albeit with a strangled kind of tone, and clench around his cock again.
“You’re so full of yourself.”
“So’re you,” he points out, lifting his chest slightly to glance down at your stomach. It should be criminal how turned on he feels by the sight of his own dick outlined in your lower tummy — it should be criminal how insanely good it feels knowing he’s fucking a part of you nobody else has before. You’ve lost all self control as you decide to let yourself be noisy, which Jake is all too pleased to hear.
Peering down at your hips, you marvel at the sight of Jake’s frightening length pushing up against your stomach. It looks just as weird as it feels. Jake hisses and runs a hand across the spot his dick is hitting.
“Feel that?” he asks. He knows you do. It’s a stupidly dumb question, but you whine at it all the same. “I told you it would fit. Look at you, taking it all, no problem.”
“Mhm. Feels good; so, so, so good, Jake…” Your body feels limp and tingly, and you let your head fall back so your gaze is pointed up at the sky. Even as you blink dazed up at them, they have the striking appearance of Jake’s skin, the dark blue wash of sky with littered balls of bright white light. The image of him is printed on your mind, and no matter where you look to avoid his gaze, you find him again.
Jake shifts. Keeping his dick sliding in and out of you with more of an upbeat rhythm than before, he bows his chest back over yours and brings his ears close to your ear.
“A perfect fit for my perfect girl,” he mutters. He becomes so reliant on his one hand on the boulder when he uses the other to hold your leg up around his waist, bringing forth an entirely new burn from the stretch of it. His breath is warm on your ear, making you shudder. “How long you been waiting for me, baby?”
You scoff disbelievingly, trying to think of something to say despite your mind being both full and empty at the same time. All you can think about is the building pressure in your tummy.
“Long,” you offer, snaking a hand up his neck to the back of his head. 
Jake licks his tongue across the arch of skin connecting your neck to your collar. “Thinking of me with your fingers up your cunt at night, huh?” His hand squeezes around your middle when you begin to shift with his thrusts further up the boulder. Even with your loud cries in his ear, Jake can hear the squelching wetness around his cock, the tightening spasms around his length bringing him closer to giving in to the dull ache in his own stomach. “Bet you wheelchair Jake Sully couldn’t make you feel like this. Next time you get off to the thought of him, I want you to think of what we’re doing right now, about who’s got you feeling this way.”
“How…how do you even know about that?” you gasp, half pleasured by his thrusting and half horrified by the revelation that Jake might have been privy to the fact you masturbated with him in mind when everyone went to bed at night.
Actually, he didn’t know. But he sniggers smugly that his teasing jeer turned out to be true. 
Jake presses a kiss to your collar and peppers a line of them up until he is thwarted by the mask covering your face. Peering down at your face hidden behind it, Jake gives you a sad pout and says, “I wanna go fast.”
“I…” you start, his hips already moving and you feel the heat simmering below again. Anymore from him, and you’ll be finished, cumming all over him. “I don’t think… I’ll — I’m gonna—”
“Then let’s get it done,” he says with as much finality and refine as he can muster before he picks himself back up, finding the energy he had before to pin you down against the boulder. You keep your leg wrapped around his waist as he sets one hand down over your tummy, the other on your shoulder, and then the real fun begins for him.
Jake isn’t ignorant to the twisting ache inside of him — like you, he knows he probably doesn’t have that much longer until he’s completely tuckered out and ready to fill you up. What can he say? It’s been a long time, and he doesn’t have the same kind of stamina as he used to. You’re tightening up around him in anticipation; it’s like being gripped in a vice. 
He pulls his hips back and then pistons himself back in with so much speed that you almost fly up off the boulder in surprise. Too fast, he thinks, so he gets accustomed to a regular fast pace and sticks to it loyally. In return, he’s rewarded with a litany of pretty sounds, your hands curling around his arms, desperately trying to hold on. 
“Yeah, oh yeah,” Jake groans, feeling your cunt fluttering around him as he fucks in and out, slipping in and out of your wetness as if he owns it. The hand that’s pressing your shoulder slips to your throat, and while he doesn’t squeeze, you claw your fingers around his and feel his grip tighten ever so slightly. 
“Fuck!” you squeal, clamping your eyes closed suddenly. “Shit—Jake, baby—”
He moans at that, really moans. A ringing rises in volume in his ears as his thrusts grow more rapid, relentlessly smacking his hips up until he slides all of his dick inside of you. 
God, you’re fucking perfect — he can’t name many women, if any at all, who could take a dick this size with as much ease as you are now. But the increasing pressure in your tummy is so overwhelming that you’re not even too aware of the size of what’s getting comfortable inside of you. All you know and understand is that in the next three seconds, you’ll be seeing white.
Jake’s name falls like a mantra from your lips, and he looks at you in surprise to see that you’ve very bravely opened your eyes to stare at him, although the tears lining your waterline and smeared down your cheeks make your stare look ten times more attractive to him. He almost wishes he hadn’t looked — his hips stagger slightly and he growls, the noise earning him another whiney moan from the undone woman beneath him, the woman he’s committed to filling with his cum and making his.
“I—!” You say nothing — you don’t even have to. Jake feels your cunt strangling his length like a goddamn fist, and by the buffering look of pure ecstasy on your face, he’s fairly certain all of those things mean you’re about to cum.
“Yeah, mama, cum for me,” Jake coaxes. “Lemme feel you.”
The warmth around him clenches, and all of a sudden, your body seizes with a jolt, your back arched so high off the boulder that it leaves him hitting entirely new angles inside of you, pushing your orgasm to a new level. 
For you, it feels like you’ve been blown up. Your entire body is consumed by a blazing heat, your legs going immediately limp as you cum around him. Jake’s eyes instantly shift to your quivering hips, to your cunt still swallowing him up, the white dribbles of cum leaking down the length of his cock. He watches the small cluster of glowing freckles decorating his dick disappear behind a rolling drop of your cum and his jaw goes slack.
“My girl,” he crows, his head bowing as he eagerly fucks into you a few more times, muttering the same thing as he does: “Oh, my girl, my pretty girl—”
The hand around your throat rips itself away only to squeeze into your hips, as though Jake intends to leave fingerprints there once he’s done. He grips you tightly and with a monumental and low, throaty moan, he snaps his hips one final time and feels a tug in his tummy.
You probably feel him cum before he does. Jake seems caught up in his thrusts while you register the unmissable burst of warmth inside of you, ropes of cum spilling out as if his sole intention were to breed you, stuff you full of his seed. 
In actual fact, Jake just wanted to fuck you silly, fill you with boat loads of cum, and bask in the evil satisfaction of watching Norm smell Jake all over you, claiming you as his. 
“Mm—fuck, Jake!” you rasp, squeezing your little hands around his wrists. The feeling is enough to bring him up to the surface he was drowning under, the ringing in his ears dulling as he catches his breath and opens his eyes, staring down at the embarrassingly wet mixture of cum and juice between your legs. 
He stays inside of you for a moment, his dick still hard and even more pronounced up your cunt than it was before, and it’s as if his eyes are unfocused in absolute awe as he observes the sight of you stretched open, locking him in place greedily. 
It sinks in that you managed to fit all of him in, that he just used his avatar to fuck you in the forest behind the lab. You. Norm’s sister. The object of his desire. The woman of his literal dreams.
Jake lets out a loud and heavy breath, a sigh of relief, and rubs his palms up and down your stomach gently. Despite having had him fucking you just seconds before, you feel a heat flush over your face when he looks up at your face, sweaty and tear-stained under the exo-pack, and he grins wolfishly.
“You’re incredible,” he laughs, which makes the act of looking at him feel ten times more rewarding. Your body warms with the praise: all you’ve wanted was for Jake to like you back, and now, to be full of his cum and knowing he thinks you’re incredible… You laugh with him. 
A few disbelieving laughs later, and Jake finally moves his hands under your thighs and slowly pulls himself out of you. The bump of each ridge along his length knocks past you, and Jake stifles a howl of laughter at the whiney, high-pitched moan you make as his cock pulls out of you with a slick, wet pop. He cranes his head slightly to watch his cum pool out of you and you pick yourself up on your forearms, looking for his dick between his legs to have a final peek, a good look at him covered in your cum and his…
Your eyes widen. “Your cum glows.”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “What? Scientist of Pandora didn’t know Na’vi cum glowed?”
“I haven’t exactly had a selection of Na’vi men or women to tell me that it did!” you reason, your eyes still marvelling curiously at the shiny soft blue stain over the hanging fruit between his legs. 
He hums, poking a finger against your folds and smirking when you flinch. “Hm. Put that in your research notes. Wanna take samples?”
“Fuck off,” you laugh, keeping your legs wide as you struggle to sit upright. The discomfort between your legs is suddenly making itself known, and already the cum around your pussy and thighs is drying, sticky and thick. “Jesus, Sully. Look at me.”
“I know,” grins Jake, his eyes soaking up the image of you. “You’re fucking sexy.”
You roll your eyes with a twisting smile. While Jake seems incredibly fascinated with the marks he has either left accidentally or on purpose over your body, you groan and roll your shoulders. Frankly, you wish Jake had just thrown you down on the grass and fucked you there — in hindsight, the boulder had been a bad idea and you know it will come to haunt you in the morning.
Lazily, and yet with a rush of shame and exhilaration, you glance back at the lab, sitting in the curve of moonlight and caged by bioluminescent flowers and shrubs, each glowing vibrant spectrums of cyan and purple and lime. 
“You’re the luckiest woman alive if nobody heard you yapping,” Jake says playfully, rising upright to stretch the agonised muscles of his legs. “You’re so noisy, honey.”
“I apologise for not thinking too much about the volume of my voice,” you drawl sarcastically, your eyes still glued to the glazed thick glass windows looking into the back of the lab. Anxiously, you glance at him, “Was I that loud?”
He gives you a tight, sympathetic smile. You frown.
“You weren’t quiet yourself, you know,” you grumble, feeling the pinch in your back ease slightly.
“Yep.” And he seems smug about that fact, for reasons beyond you, although you wager a guess as to why he seems proud all of a sudden.
As you shuffle awkwardly off the boulder, you wince as you lean for your shorts and panties, dropping a little look at the sliding dollop of cum slipping out of you. 
“You gotta keep it in there,” Jake says. 
“Jake, as soon as I stand up and walk around, it’s all gonna come pouring out anyway.”
His lip curls with disappointment as he watches his cum drip out of you onto the edge of the boulder, splatting on the wisps of grass around your ankles. It’s a good thing he’s full of copious reserves of cum to give back to you another time.
“Can’t wait for Norm to get a whiff of me,” Jake tells you, and you fight the urge to sigh and roll your eyes, because of course — of course that had been a motive for the gallon of glowing blue sperm Jake just squoze into you. “The look on his face when he figures out I’ve been breedin’ his little sister—”
“I have never been more thankful of the fact that Na’vi and humans can’t reproduce together. Hand on my heart, I mean that.”
You slide your shorts and panties back up your legs and reach for your thrown tank top. The inconspicuous smudges of green from the boulder across the back of it fill you with a puny drop of dread — you’ll just pray really hard to both God and Eywa that nobody pays it any mind. 
That and the bulbous bruise on your tit, the bite on your leg, the finger indents on your hips.
“I was doing that thing you were doing. Killing two birds with one stone,” Jake says as he searches the ground for his tewng. “Fucking you ‘cause I wanted to and fucking you because I know wanting you is gonna piss off your annoying big brother.”
You had said that, hadn’t you? And even though the entire scheme of Jake wanting to scorn your brother so badly that he has to use you as a human fuck-toy seems ludicrous, you can’t deny the very minuscule jolt of thrill it gives you. It would be fun to piss Norm off a little bit. He has been a total arse lately.
“Norm’s all you think about,” you tease. “You sure you don’t like him instead?”
“Shut up.”
Jake hands you your cardigan with an amused smile, his tail whipping to and fro happily. 
“Your coat, ma’am.”
“Love how you only have one thing to slip back into,” you point out as you take the cardigan from him, and he reaches for the tewng and chuckles. “You could’ve just lifted it up.”
“Could’ve, would’ve, didn’t,” he replies.
There’s an uncharacteristic silence between you both as you climb back into your clothes, and while Jake fiddles with his tewng with his tongue between his lips, you look back at the lab and sigh. 
Somewhere in that lab is the man you’ve been thinking of for two months — Jake in his human form, lying in a link unit as he takes control through another body. You wonder what he might think when he wakes up: will he come searching for you in the dark? Come kiss you, tell you how he feels?
Jake creeps up to you with an alarming light foot, and the feeling of his hand on top of your head makes you look up suddenly. 
“What’s on your mind?” he asks. 
“You,” you sigh, looking back at the lab. “Are you going to follow through with tonight when you’re back as yourself, or is this an avatar Jake exclusive?”
“Come on. You still want that loser in there?” Jake feels his heart tug — he doesn’t know if to feel offended that you’re still thinking of someone else, or flattered because that someone else is technically him, the real him, the version of him that Jake hates the most.
“You’re so mean to him,” you grumble. Then pause, and add, “To you. That’s literally still you in there. If anything, doesn’t that make me look a little bit obsessed?” Jake gently pushes your head as you fall into a slow walk in the direction of the remote lab. “Wow. Actually, I just realised that’s true.”
“Finding out that you liked me was the only reason I started spending more than five minutes at a time in the lab,” Jake tells you. 
“Who told you?”
You both accept a short silence as you stride past the wall that most of the bunks are built against, and you feel an anxious knot forming in your stomach when the clearing at the front of the lab expands into view. 
“I meant it when I said you were horrible at hiding your crush on me,” Jake reminds you. 
The tsawksyul Jake found you is thankfully still where you left it, and you slip out of Jake’s touch to fetch it from under the window, but when you turn to him, his eyes are pulled back across the miles of suspended mountains.
“You have somewhere else to be?” you call.
His top lip curls into a half pout as he says, “Not now. But tomorrow I’ve got to do some hunting. If I make a clean kill, I start my iknimaya.”
“Impressive,” you comment, twirling the tsawksyul between your fingers. “You… Will you be gone long?”
Jake hesitates for a moment. Is he reading into it, or are you looking a little bit more crestfallen now you know he’ll be gone for a little while longer?
“Why, you wanna go again?” he asks with a laugh.
“Respectfully, I think my vagina is broken and I need to lie down,” you quip, making him laugh even more. “I was just…curious. If you’re gone too long, I’ll be asleep before you get back.”
Jake creeps towards you and drops to a painful crouch. He’s definitely going to feel the cry and protest in his legs in the morning from being haunched for so long. Still, he frames your face with his hands and takes a long look at your face.
“I’ll roll past your bed extra quietly,” he promises. 
You snort and push yourself away from him. “Safe travels, big guy. I’ll see you in the morning?”
Peering up at him, you breathe in the sight of him one last time as he nods once and rises to stand. The long shadow drawn by his lithe figure falls over you.
“Affirmative,” he states. You look up at him for a second and smile. Did it take having his cock in your stomach for you to realise how pretty he is like this, or have you known all along?
“Go,” you tell him, nodding towards the edge of the cliff before turning to the door. Over your shoulder, Jake scoffs a laugh and turns on his heels, his eyes scanning the mountain range as he approaches the edge. 
The bravery you had before died long ago and you quickly twist the air-lock to the door and force it open, your heart in your throat. You don’t look back at him, even when he looks back at you with an endearing smile on his face.
The lab is deathly silent when you slide back inside. You were half expecting someone to stir at the sound of the door sealing shut, but if anyone’s awake, they make no effort to show it. Tip-toeing to the small bathroom, you very hurriedly go about your business and wipe away the eternal flood of cum from between your legs. With the amount Jake just put inside you, you’re fairly confident that even a human with an average sense of smell could sniff him all over you.
The long stalk back to your bunk is made silently and carefully. Norm is fast asleep on the top bunk he unhappily shares with Jake, the aforementioned’s bunk empty and cold, the link unit whirring quietly. Just the sight and sound of it makes you unnaturally nervous, and you turn to speed towards your bottom bunk and peer at Trudy. She’s out like a light. 
The thin blanket is pulled to your chin once you settle in the sheets, and you refuse to accept that it’s cowardice you feel when the sound of the link unit slowly begins to fade and Jake hauls himself out with a pained groan. You remain very still as he fumbles for his chair, though you fight the urge to get up, help him and while you’re at it, kiss him until he can’t breathe.
You hope your acting has improved since your terrible attempts of hiding your crush and try to make it look as though you’re asleep, but the distinct sound of rolling wheels makes its way towards where you sleep; you steady your breaths so it looks like you’re out of it, and perhaps Jake will fall for it this time. 
Your stomach tightens when the wheels stop next to your bed, and you’re uncomfortably aware of the set of eyes staring at you curled up and facing the wall.
Jake’s hand brushes the back of your head gently, and you’re not sure if that means you’ve been caught, but then you feel Jake’s fingers brush a section of hair away from your neck and nearly sigh at the feeling of his mouth pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck. It is so sweet, so fond and gentle, and annoyingly quick. He pulls away and the sound of wheels roll towards his own bunk.
Every sound he makes feels like it’s right in your ear. 
You almost wish you’d rolled over and took his face into your hands. But Jake’s smooch against your nape feels like a stolen secret, something shared between only you two, something special. 
No matter, you think as you wriggle to get comfortable. He’ll be there in the morning. And it’ll be the man you’ve wanted the entire time who wants you back who receives all your stirring desires.
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gurrlscarlet · 1 year
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It had to be said lol 
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
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I‘m going absolutely feral over this
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