#super terrain
abirddogmoment · 19 days
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My beautiful baby dog absolutely crushed the field trials this weekend and pulled TWO third places over some really competitive and experienced puppies! I'm so so so proud of how she ran this weekend and I'm so happy the judges saw the same potential in her that I do 💛💛
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prototypelq · 6 months
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Let's press F in chat for the amazing and atmospheric concept art of DMC5, and how the game is just...devoid of any colour, except some rare cases.
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d-buggers-org · 6 months
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maniakminis · 7 months
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I played the first game of the new Necromunda Ash Wastes campaign I'm running with my buddy. It's my Corpse Grinder Cults gang vs his Delaque. We started with a Wasteland Encounter mission, I got 4 guys to start with while Delaque only had 2. At the end of each round a random D3 reinforcements would appear on one of the board edges.
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By round 3 both gangs had bottled because we had such a low starting count. Our vehicles appeared on the board and basically left the same turn without doing anything. One of the Delaque bikers with a web pistol deployed on the terrain walkways. He drove up to one of my champs and webbed him but failed to incapacitate him.
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One of my Juve reinforcements deployed behind the Delaque on turn 4. He got shot off the platform and would limp on the floor for the rest of the battle, but it was enough of a distraction for my Champion to run up with dual cleavers and kill the Delaque biker.
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By turn 5 my leader and the rest of my juves ran off the map. My Cutter continued to do work and killed one of the Delaque champions. Unfortunately I kept failing my cool checks and by round 6 or 7 all of my guys ran off the battlefield, making the Delaque the victors of the first battle.
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Also, shout outs to my champion with flensing saw. He killed the Delaque Nacht Ghuul with shiver sword, then promptly ran into dangerous terrain and sank into the sand. We rolled very high on his injury table roll and he died outside the hospital that we could not afford.
This game was very fun, but brutal. I'm down one champion with 2 other juves in recovery, I had to sell my dead champion's gear to afford a dirtbike and respirator for the next game. Delaque are also in a not so great position. They lost a fighter in the hospital and had to pay for a bionic eye for a champion that took an eye injury. After buying a replacement fighter to field the web gun, they basically made no credits after winning the game.
Our next game will be a Rolling Roads mission where the Corpse Grinders are attacking the Delaque trying to make a supply run. I can't wait!
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violetvulpini · 1 year
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I've been doodling these guys a lot and I was like, haha what if I tried to blend each characters' designs together using my favorite elements. And then uh. I did all of them.
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tswwwit · 1 year
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Consider it a WIP! I really wanna continue it, I've just been struggling with how to structure the next chapter. I know where I want said chapter to end up, it's getting there that's giving me hell.
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viridian-pickle · 4 months
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citrusitonit · 6 months
ive been writing a fanfic and ive never felt so much like an author i havent had a proper sleep in 2 weeks and ive got 12 tabs open
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yo9urt · 6 days
mine craft !!
#mine#i did cartography today like i said i would!!!!! it was lovely#i found...hmmmm what did i find#a few normal biomes...taigas and dark forests and frozen peaks or whatever#and some modded ones...yellowstone...rocky mountains...et cetera#found two villages one alive one abandoned...got some decent loot...saw some goats...and some beautiful views#adopted a third dog!!!! idk what variant she is she looks a bit like a hyena or a siamese cat. super cute#i named her hana :) i decided all my dogs will have names ending in a lol#laika and hana are named after bbhf songs freya is just a name i like#and then in the abandoned village i found the most BEAUTIFUL kitty cat and i adopted him too and named him alistair#(hana and alistair only took 1 bone/1 fish each to tame!! and i remember laika only took 2!! so lucky)#anyway i brought them all home AND i brought a few pigs into the barn :) yayyy#next project i think will have to be making a basement of some kind...#i think theres actually a tunnel or something under my house so ill have to work with that lol#but i brought a bunch of work blocks from the village so i need to put those to use plus i have an enchantment table now#and more cartography of course...rubs my hands together evilly#i accidentally made an x4 map a while ago so i think my first 4 x3 maps will just be the ones covering the same terrain as that one#when the x4 is done i'll frame it above my bed. cutes :) and maybe i'll use the basement space to make the mega-map using the x3s#im going to have more than 4 x3s obviously. im not a casual. but u know
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sonic7ischaos · 1 year
Y'know, talking about 'physics' in Sonic games, Momentum, inertia, pinball physics, slope physics, has become something of a meme in the Sonic community. A little bit an object of ridicule.
And y'know? I get it. We beg for it and criticize Sonic games for lacking it so much that I can imagine that for those of us who aren't even here for that, who picked up Unleashed or Generations or Colors and found their favorite game that hearing "It's missing momentum so it's bad" all the time is really frustrating. Like "NO! This game is amazing and you're just picking it apart because it's not exactly what YOU want!", which admittedly has SOME truth to it.
But I want you to imagine that Mario abandoned its jumping mechanics. Jumping into blocks does nothing but stop Mario's jump. Jumping onto enemies or into Koopa shells damages Mario now, and you're forced to use power ups to deal with foes, which are now just scattered across levels.
From the perspective of someone who grew up with Mario, hell, the average person with a passing awareness of what Mario IS, maybe they enjoy it for a game or 2. "Hey cool, this Mario game really zeroed in on using powerups and combat with enemies! New type of Mario game!" Then 5, 10, 15, 20 years pass and they're STILL doing it, They've alluded to some of the old mechanics here and there. "Hey, jumping on enemies doesn't hurt you now, you can bounce off of them like the old games" But still, the focus is on using powerups to defeat enemies. It doesn't feel like they've "changed things up" anymore, that they've "iterated on the old", it feels like they've abandoned Mario's core design, because they HAVE.
And before Mania, and now Superstars, that's what happened to Sonic. The core idea of Sonic was thrown completely to the wayside like it didn't matter. Imagine growing up with Mario, connecting with it enough that it's a part of your identity, not because you failed to find your own, but in the way that anything you love with your whole heart becomes a part of you, and then having the thing you fell in love with cast aside like garbage, just waiting for it to come back.
You break down Sonic to its very core, remove the imagery, the animation, the character design, attach the character controller to grey squares on grey platforms with grey backgrounds, and you still have what makes Sonic fun. It's in the programming, the design and functionality of mechanics, in the shape and functionality of the environment. Sonic the Hedgehog is merely the name and identity we attached to a game about building inertia and rolling on sloped terrain. And for decades it's been missing.
And listen, I LOVE Sonic Frontiers. It isn't perfect even in the areas where I love it, but it has the rest of the things that make me love Sonic. The stuff that you add on top of the grey squares, the visuals, characters, music, stories, even parts of the gameplay. Still, the game about building inertia and rolling on sloped terrain isn't in there. The last 3D game we got about building inertia and rolling on sloped terrain released in 2001.
There's a part of me that's terrified. That I'll die before I see another one. A modern 3D Sonic game built on that same idea. The grey squares becoming cubes. That I'll die waiting to see what could've been done.
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mew-cake · 1 year
HEY not to post tome on main but like
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flamey :)
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Okay so anyone else know those glitched seeds like one with just infinite repeating ravines on Bedrock before the seed numbers were all shuffled in 1.18?? Well I thought the ravine one was cool after seeing it in a video and right before 1.18 came out I decided to make a world with that 1.17 seed so I’d have it, assuming that when 1.18 shuffled all the seeds it would be lost. 
BUT one interesting thing I noticed recently in my survival world, that was made in 1.17 but is now in 1.19, is that when the terrain changed in 1.18, a couple of the existing lava ravines had near duplicates directly below them past Y-0. 
So anyway I finally got curious, opened an updated copy of the infinite ravine world, and sure enough:
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(entirely possible other people realized this a long time ago but I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere so I’m posting anyway. Look how cool it is!!)
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It’s still there! Just darker and spookier and so much cool. 
Here’s one end of this section.
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Here’s the other!
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(there’s actually a zombie spawner at this end, just to the left of where it actually ends and at the very bottom) 
Imagine you’re just exploring a huge dripstone cave under a mountain and wander out on to a ledge like this completely by accident or something. How do you even react to that lol
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I even opened a completely new world with the seed just to make sure it wasn’t a glitch in updated worlds, and it’s still there, but rather than starting at Y-0 it actually starts around Y-level 50! part of it is under a big snowy slopes biome
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plus several mineshafts that bridge each side, if you’re not afraid of heights and/or a mob punching you off the edge
WAIT, I typed this whole post and decided to check if it actually ended or if some terrain just broke it up, and guess what! It is definitely infinite and was just cut off put a deep body of water. If you go to 6, -1247 it’s actually visible from the surface. I’m sure there are plenty of other spots where it is too if you followed it for a while.
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Anyway the seed is 1669320484 and if you go to around -632, 50, -632 you should find it under the mountain range once you dig down a bit, or just any of the coords on the screenshots that have them 
I haven’t tried it on Java, but I assume since there’s seed parity now it would be there? Idk, someone test it and let me know lol
definitely don’t dig straight down for this one though. you will fall about 100 blocks likely into lava lol
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prismportrait · 10 months
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Select scouts, huzzah! Sadly I got 1 spotlight and 1 dupe in NY Dawn in the 33 rolls for free but betterto have NY Dawn dupe than nothing.
I was soooo torn on my Holiday girlies but I'm happy to have them regardless. Maybe next year, Summer Hilda.
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randomisedgaming · 1 year
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Some of the many classic Amiga games available with the A500 Mini and the official website.
Games shown in order left to right: Pinball Dreams, Citadel, ATR: All Terrain Racing, Simon the Sorcerer, Cadaver, Alien Breed: Special Edition 92,Project-X: Special Edition 93, The Chaos Engine, Alien Breed 3D, Kick Off 2, Stunt Car Racer, Zool, Titus the Fox, Super Cars II, Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe, Qwak & Arcade Pool
Watch our mini review here: https://youtu.be/uAd8Or26WyM
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sdmsims · 10 months
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woe oversaturated reshade screenshots be upon ye
i'm having fun with the create-a-world mod (ignore the fact that the lot is just a hedge square so i knew where the borders were)
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dredsina · 2 years
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