#swtor chains in the dark
tiredassmage · 8 months
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in fucking tears laughing about SHOW THE KEYART, SHOW THE KEYART!!!!!!!!
anyway, SO.
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magicallulu7 · 6 months
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My baby looks great in the new lighting 🥺🥺
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imagineamagicworld · 6 months
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"I'm not afraid of Heta [...] But you don't say 'no' to Heta. You don't walk away... I don't know if I want to walk away..." — Sa'har Kateen, 'Chains In The Dark'
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swtorpadawan · 6 months
(Seriously - don't click if you haven't played it!)
They brought back Cedral Gend???
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He hasn't appeared since the Dread Masters were a thing!
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Tagging @cursedbeasts who might be interested.
Its weird because on my master SWTOR NPC spreadsheet, I decided that he was killed during the five year gap.
Now I'm wondering if I should reconsider that.
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arvadthecursed · 6 months
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the new lighting is SO GOOD And Thali looks so fucking beautiful it makes me physically ill !!!
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theshieldbladelegacy · 5 months
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Ord Mantell views.
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jolyne-best-jojo · 6 months
Just finished up SWTOR's Chains in the Dark expansion on the Republic side and one wierd thing stood out to me. The captain complains that the Republic won't send military support for the Hidden Chain raid beyond a single jedi to help the play character. But like, I have my own army at this point? With enough members to crew multiple capital ships? Why am I not sending them for support? Like I get Mandalorian's being busy dealing with the Hidden Chain in other areas but the PC not calling on any other part of the Alliance is weird.
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the-ridiculous-blog · 7 months
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What to expect in Update 7.4 in SWTOR, Chains in the Dark!
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moontheoretist · 6 months
That was a blast! I wonder what's that weapon that Heta is building. Is it related to force sensitivity or the typical super weapon bs? I hope the former, especially considering that this update introduced us to a new character that is neither Jedi nor Sith nor any other Force Religion member, Petra Nihrum - who is just a citizen of Ord Mantel who so happens to be... a force sensitive scoundrel? It's hard to pinpoint her class, but this is so cool. We are finally seeing someone who can use the Force but is not part of any side! We had some fraction of it in Raina Temple, who also is force sensitive, but the difference is HUGE. Staggering! Raina's ability to use the Force was small in comparison to Petra, who seems to have the typical familiarity with the Force that you usually can see in Sith and Jedi, who in most cases train since a very young age to be able to even lift a rock (Jedi Class Stories even show us initiates who struggle with lifting it). Petra reminds me a lot about Sith Inquisitor who as a slave would lack the background that Sith Warrior, Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight have in regard to training in the force. Sith Inquisitor is probably the only class that can't say they had formal training, but still present a staggering familiarity with the usage of the Force on the same level as Petra. I always loved this in SI's story because it implied that someone can use the Force but not know they're using the Force for the most of their lives and treat it as just some random ability they simply possess. Exactly like Petra! I hope we will see more of her in the future, because I got attached.
But it's not all. Sa'har finally TALKED TO US! I was wondering if we ever get a chance, because every time I tried before something just had to interrupt, or she just ran away. But now she talked to me, and I'm not as paranoid as Krovos to assume it was all just a part of a plan to fool me and do something to me. I don't think Sa'sar is the type to try to pull something like this off. She sounds genuine as far as I can tell. Also that scene when she just panicked in front of us? I was like "Is it a thinly veiled foreshadowing that I will become her new Master?" Like seriously, I wouldn't say no to training a new Padawan after I did the same for Ashara, but considering that the game is not told from the force sensitive perspective unless you play the class that is, there is a very small chance that we will be presented with such an option.
But damn how much I would want to raise another baby Jedi.
Anyway, there is one thing that bothers me tho. Not in a bad way, just in a suspicious way. That closeup at Sa'har's face at the end. After the warning from Krovos this closeup just feels fishy. I don't think they're trying to tell us that Sa'har just successfully fooled us, but it kinda felt sus after Krovos and her paranoia. A more logical assumption is that she is now in a tight spot. She just lied to her own brother about what she was doing (basically covering for both herself and us) and she is now once again in the center of everything, because she assumed a role in this that is more than it was before. At first, she was just going with the flow. Doing whatever Heta wanted, but now she made a step in our direction that made her more of a traitor than her unsuccessful attempts to sabotage whatever Heta was doing. Not to mention that she also had what that asshole Tyrus said in mind. It's possible that Sa'har will have to fight her own brother, and this is probably why she seemed so troubled, but... also determined to end all of this once and for all. I'm not sure if she believes she can liberate her brother from under Heta's influence. If she still has hope. But the last frame with her brows going down, it felt like she was determined to do something.
BTW I hope Shae enjoys her vacation, because the moment it was shown that she went missing my first reaction was "oh she got angry and vent on sabbatical to do something crazy". Like there is no way something happened to her. It's far more probable that she just went off the deep end and is training somewhere, or decided to invest in stealth and become a spy master that tracks Heta's every move from the shadows before she inevitably strikes like a vengeful cobra.
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tiredassmage · 6 months
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motherfucker out here lookin' like he's shoppin' at home depot and not in the goddamn narrative again.
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magicallulu7 · 6 months
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“have you tried thinking outside the box?” - Rass Ordo
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the-tomato-patch · 6 months
Let's goooo third Jedi knight playthrough!
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arvadthecursed · 6 months
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mad that SWTOR blueballed us AGAIN with both Rass and Arn, but this scene with Arn was so incredibly sweet. The facial expressions in 7.4 are amazing, and the lighting is so gorgeous.
My plan is to romance whomever gets a full romance first between Rass, Arn, and Tau (preferably Rass, I love the idea of Bounty Hunter x Jedi), then maybe make an alt for the other two to play out their romances. Because Thali can have a harem, as a treat.
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theshieldbladelegacy · 6 months
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I really like the lighting on the player character in this scene.
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kemendin · 11 months
Whoops I’m thinking about Them (Cas and Scourge) again - namely the rapidly shifting power dynamics that go on during the class story.
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So on the one hand, we have Caspian, an only above-average Jedi in terms of raw power, not overwhelming by any means. In most universes, he openly shies away from power. Here in SWTOR, he is wary of holding it over others, trying to use his role and abilities as responsibly as possible; he almost never employs ‘Jedi mind tricks’ and similar techniques, only overriding a person’s will if the benefits vastly outweigh the ethical question of doing so. He’s also immensely uncomfortable with anyone having power over him; for this reason he tends to rebel against authority figures (see: the Jedi Council), and calls out any instances of power abuse that he comes across.
And then we have Scourge. A man of immense power, both in his abilities and his status as the Emperor’s Wrath; a man who is clearly drawn to power and who has no qualms about using it for his own ends. A man who says that to be Sith is to break your own chains, in essence to use your own power to set yourself free of everyone and everything that would control you. And a man who willingly set all of that freedom aside, allowing himself to be bound to and controlled by his greatest enemy for three hundred years as he sought to fulfill the vision the Force had given him.
Cas’ six or so months in the Emperor’s Fortress are spent completely under Scourge’s power - there’s no denying that they are captive and captor. But Scourge is also actively - if carefully - encouraging Cas to not only resist, but to fight back against his control, and by extension against Vitiate’s. Vitiate wants Cas turned into a weapon - and in a way, so does Scourge, albeit with a different focus. And so he repeatedly pushes Cas into the path of power, slowly acclimating him into being more comfortable holding it, wielding it, because as far as Scourge is concerned, the Jedi he needs is one who can not only resist the Emperor’s power, but use their own - otherwise the two sides will only end up at a stalemate again.
And then comes Scourge’s actual betrayal of Vitiate, and the escape from the fortress, and the balance of power between Cas and Scourge is abruptly reversed. Once again, Scourge demonstrates that he has the absolute biggest balls around, and surrenders his existence to his enemy - only this time, it’s the Jedi. He has a small token of insurance in Cas, having spent six months subtly manipulating the poor guy into a shaky, intangible feeling of trust between them - but he knows that if it comes down to it, the Jedi Council is capable of dooming this entire plan, if he and Cas can’t make them understand how dire the situation is. Fortunately for Scourge, Cas’ faith in the Council is next to non-existent at this point - given the choice, Cas would far rather give the few fragments of his trust to the Sith who acted to rescue him from the fortress than the Jedi who sent him in there in the first place.
That being said, the situation with Scourge being part of the crew makes Cas deeply uncomfortable at first. While he can remember very little about what went on in the fortress, he knows Scourge was behind a lot of it, and this clashes almost constantly inside him with Scourge’s pledge of loyalty; not to mention his own confusion over the fact that however Sith Scourge might be, he never actually lies to Cas, never again tries to control him or turn him to the dark side. Whatever power Scourge held over him is, in essence, returned.
Moreover, Scourge clearly considers himself in service to Cas, just as he had served the Emperor, and Cas hates this dynamic. He hates that one of the most powerful Sith in the Empire is trotting along behind him like a servant, acquiescing to him, obeying him. So Cas is actually relieved, in a weird way, every time he and Scourge end up at odds, debating and disagreeing. Every time Scourge berates him for being merciful, or pushes him into acting instead of overthinking - it’s infuriating, but it feels better, because he’s reassured that while Scourge may ultimately be obeying Cas, he isn’t submitting to him.
This precarious relationship is why Cas and Scourge don’t really start bonding, start understanding each other, until after Cas dethrones the Emperor. Once Vitiate is defeated, they can finally be on a more even footing, neither of them holding power over the other. Scourge is no longer bound by his pledge of loyalty, and yet - with some persuasion from Cas - he decides to stay with this Jedi. They remain allies now not because they’re tied together with a fragile thread of shared purpose, but because they choose to do so. And that’s the only way this relationship can strengthen - through choice.
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