#tad 🐉
applejongho · 3 months
On gender: sometimes I wonder if I'm actually nonbinary or if I just want to be alt and am doing it to break away from my parents' expectations. It's so frustrating to the point it's caused me partially not to come out to certain people because like. what if I'm wrong? And that sort of implicit disapproval masked as concern is so. It's so hard to confront anyone about it because of how it's framed.
I think the good and bad thing about both gender and identifying with a subculture is that there's not a strict set of rules you must fulfill to "join" either. But that means that you can come and go freely in any if you want to, or stay with one/a few forever. Whichever is more comfortable.
way more under the cut bc i started talking and never stopped 🤠
I can't speak on the nb experience because I've never identified as it or thought I was nb, but I can at least speak on why I'm not nb AND why I resonate with alternative subcultures all the same. I really resonated with alternative subcultures bc of the music and political ideologies but also because growing up I consistently never felt like I fit in with other girls around me. They all presented or acted in ways that just didn't click with me, to the point where I thought something was wrong with me for it. I didn't have the word or the idea that a girl could look like something else, so I dressed like they did bc I thought that's what I was supposed to do as a girl (but also my parents forced gender roles on me so it's not like i had a choice). I didn't get how others could like what they were wearing and feel comfortable in it. But then I started dressing "edgier" (when i got older) and all of a sudden I understood.
But the key here is I didn't ever feel like I wasn't a girl despite not resonating with the girls at school. And I can't exactly articulate that bc gender is so personal but I just know that I felt proud of female accomplishments in history and wanted to follow in their footsteps, I felt a social connection to girls and didn't feel "othered" (besides them liking how they dressed and i didnt), and when nb people started appearing in my life I didn't connect w them in that way or wish to be like them (in the sense like, I didn't want to "present" like them* or say my pronouns were they/them or whatever "precursors" there are to being nb). I've also heard that some nb people before realizing they are nb is they feel uncomfortable when they are indirectly called a girl or boy in a group of afab/amab people by a professor/teacher/adult/whatever saying "hey girls/boys!" and I never had that issue.
* = nb people present in a variety of ways and it's not a one size fits all, I just mean generally if I saw someone with they/them pronouns I wasn't like *kicking my feet* I want that
But like tldr, despite alt subcultures and being nb being similar in the idea that you're breaking society's expectation of [something], I could recognize I felt ok in the broad woman gender box while also feeling not ok in a specific gender presentation box. And that's all easy to say now that i went through my Self Expression Arc but it's a lot of trial and error, soul searching, Thinking, crying, observing others... until you begin to get a semblance of who u might be.
But like back to feeling like you're "faking it," ig something I've learned is that even if you're faking it, that doesn't negate your time labeling as That Thing (ie using certain pronouns and backtracking) and no one that matters will be pissed off that you backtracked. We're all figuring that shit out and if someone wants to be weird about it, whatever lol. Ig my advice is just do whatever you're comfortable with, come out to as many or as few people as you'd like to, and if you still feel Wrong ("they/them doesn't feel right to me anymore") then don't be afraid to try on a new set of pronouns or change up your style a bit. Unfortunately a lot of finding out yourself is just trial and error until something sticks.
I hope my experience/advice helps clear up some things and maybe others can comment too if they want, ie nb people that can fill in the gaps that I can't fill. Much love ❤️
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ventique18 · 1 year
Grandmother Maleficia sees you for the first time, and she immediately inspects your person from head to toe. You and Malleus aren't dating.
👵: "So this is the beautiful 🌸 I frequently hear spectacular stories of... from anonymous sources."
🌸, confused: "You know me? Beautiful?"
👵: "A tad exaggerated if I were to judge, yet that in itself is a healthy indication of earnest affection. Very good."
👵, chuckling: ""A being lovelier than any marble sculpture I've ever laid eyes on... Warm and soft skin that puts to shame any and all expensive blankets the world has to offer. A smile more radiant that the sun itself... And a voice whose song chases away the most piffling or dismal of worries..." "
🐉: "Grandmother, I beg of you."
👵: "Why are you affected, dear? Did I not say anonymous sources? This conversation should not concern you, no?"
👵, gasping dramatically: "Unless..?"
And she cackles at the mixture of shame and dread in her grandson's face. He remembers that his dearest, most illuminated and majestic Queen Grandmother is a witch, through and through.
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onyichii · 2 months
🔞NSFW Wakfu Headcanon!!
Yugo has dragon blood right?
Ok Bet 😏
Due to his dragon blood, Yugo has very little dragon characteristics/traits. Let's say he's 98% human 2% dragon. 1% comes out via wakfu horns and dragon markings when he powers up. But that other 1% though.... That one is only apparent when it comes to his home and partner. Dragons are territorial. Come for their partner (or their home) and they will F-- you up BAD
Then there's being intimate... and for the FIRST TIME? Amalia better be ready for one hell of a night.
When Yugo and Amalia are making love (or "f--king" for those who are raunchy) for the first time, as a mating/bonding ritual I can see his inner dragon characteristics coming out. His eyes glow while he bites into her neck (or any other part of her. Maybe as he bites her lips....). There is a lot of biting on the first night. But all these bites transfer a bit of his wakfu into her.
(All the biting is why Amalia is so covered up in the manga! lmao)
The wakfu transference does three things.
A) Marks his Amalia! As a way to keep others away! It works well on dragons and eliatropes. (Did you think he was a little territorial in OVA/season 3? Well after the first night, he'd be REALLY territorial when it comes to her.) B) Extends her life expectancy a little. To be with him a tad longer. C) Makes it easier for him to find her, should she go missing. Think of it as a trail when using his wakfu vision.
Additionally, due to his high energy (y'all saw how Goultard was tired as fuck after fighting Toross but Yugo was chillin' at the end of ep 13) he tires Amalia out.💀
Fuck like a dragon 🐉🐲 lmao!
Just had to get this out of my head!
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livealittleoc-cb · 4 months
Happy 23rd Birthday Njord!
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🌊: Well…it’s my birthday-. I don’t really have much to say. I don’t really care much for this but Tyr does…a lot-. He got my cochlear implant decorated and also got me some covers incase I get bored of the design. He only did it because I, in passing, mentioned how I was bored of how my regular one looks…I said that months ago and I don’t even know how he remembered-. But the gesture is sweet… *barely there smile* he had some other stuffed planned for the day but won’t tell me…I hope it evolves caramel though. We’ll just have to see I guess.
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⭐️: Another muse who’s profile is still in thr works! Just as a heads up and fair warning Njord is a tad bit stand offish and sometimes comes off as cold, he just doesn’t really like new people or is used to them 🤧 he’s also deaf, so also be aware of that! :D
🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤 && 🏴‍☠️🤍] @theinvitation-bot [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥 && 🐿️❣️ && 🐉🩶] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵💍] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥] @lavienrosecabaretxo [👑🖤] @obsession-cb [🍰🖤] @clubwnderland [💃❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @domxbot @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @doom-bc @hearthstone-apothecary @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @darkloversxcb @9ateez-multiau-bot @mxthxbot @mirage-ocs @raiden-oc @fntsybot @adminhoney @crimson-l @themanor-cb [DM + / -]
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
House of the dragon fic list
Prompt list
🐉Daemon Targaryen 🐉
(Requested) We only have each other pt1 pt2 sequel
(Requested) my dragonfire tw: sh, suicidal thoughts, depression, self deprivation.
(Requested) daemon x healer!reader
(Requested) daemon x stark!reader
(part 2 coming soon??)
Some daemon shit I came up with on a whim
Sick!reader being taken care of by Daemon.(requested)
Sleepy cuddles and good morning kisses (requested)
The curse called love Pt1 pt2 pt3 pt3.5 pt4
Aemond Targaryen
Aemond’s reaction to reader doing something badass (requests.)
Aemond x reader where he shows off his sapphire eye. (Requested)
Possessive!Aemond x Stark! Reader who had to go back home. (requested)
Aemond x Fem! Lannister!reader who’s like Cersi but a tad nicer (requested)
Aemond x highborn! Fem! Reader who can fight and defends his honour by threats. (Requested)
Dark!Aemond x fem!reader who’s secretly just as Dark. (Requested) tw: Yandere like tendencies and a poor bloodied and bruised stable boy.
Aemond x reader song lyric fic (requested) tw: death, stabbed, blood
Aemond x fem!Stark! Reader who hated each other for ages but one situation changes all that. (requested)
Aemond x male!reader who dies in repentance for Lucaerys’ death. (Requested)
Aegon II Targaryen
A small Drabble I made up on the spot.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown. (Full credit to @goldensunfyre )
Valyrian Steel Heart (part 2 of @goldensunfyre idea)
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“C’mon, we’d look cute together.”
“Is that my shirt?” (Modern AU request)
“What? Am I not allowed to look at you?”
#Dorito-dust convos🦦
This is the section where you tell me your ideas and such and I go on a tangent longer then my love life cuz I’ve got so much to say. 🦦
Wingman Vhagar
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Your Fav OP Hotties reacting to their smol S/O admitting that they love the big boy that is OP Boy.
Look at the size of them OP Hotties! 100% love at first sight! The moment their S/O laid eyes upon them it was an immediate: Yes! I came! I saw! I will conquer! You will be mine! I don’t care if you’re a mountain and I’m a pebble! This is happening!
Could’ve been anything else. They could’ve said something about looks, personality, or whatever. Nope. All S/O needed was one look and were like Moto Moto. “Goodness girl, you huge.”
Haha, love this! All girls love tall guys but my One Piece hotties changed all our types now😂😂😂
Headcanons for my One Piece hotties reaction to finding out their S/O likes them because of their height
He couldn’t help but laugh a little in amusement before leaning down to kiss his S/O’s forehead, “Well it’s not like I can change it so I’m glad you do like it…”.
He’d raise a thick eyebrow before smirking, “…and here I thought it was my dazzling personality…”, he would say sarcastically before kissing the top of his S/O’s head.
Ryokugyu 🌱
He would burst out in laughter, “What was that?! Can’t hear you from all the way up here!”, he would said just to annoy his S/O.
Sir Crocodile 🐊
He would inhale his cigar and then blow the smoke out slowly as he looked at his S/O after their confession before smirking, “…that’s quite the confession, love…what the next one? You like being spanked?”, he’d asked just to tease his S/O.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
He’d grin at his S/O and then laugh a little, “Well it does give the advantage of always looking at your cleavage from all the way up here…”, he’d say just to make his S/O blush.
Benn Beckman 🔫
He’d give a little smile as he looked at his S/O from the corners of his eyes, “Ah…you do like to make this old man’s heart flutter, don’t ya?”, he tease.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
He’d give a pained expression before a moment before closing his eyes and sighing softly, “…you’re going to make me blush…stop”, he’d say but of course he was already blushing under his scarf.
He would scratch his mask and give a weak chuckle, “…I’m glad you like it…I guess”, he’d respond with a tad of confusion.
He’d laugh so loud that everyone would be hearing it even if they were at a distance away, “I’m always so surprised with whatever comes out of that smart mouth”.
King 👑
He would looked at his S/O and sigh softly, “…you can be so childish at times…I am glad you are shorter than me though…I can spot better you when I’m flying”, he would say with a little smirk.
He would chuckle and carry his S/O before smothering them with kisses, “Whatever you say, short cake…I’m all yours”.
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Falling in love with rhaenyra 🐉👑
You were a Valeryon born under the house of corlys and rhaenys.
As a child, you were often compared to Princess rhaena I. Your personality was alike and to top it off, your mount was dreamfyre.
Your cousin rhaenyra targaryen was a pretty girl, "the realms delight" they would call her. She matured with age and beauty.
You were rather close to rhaenyra, the two of you bonding becoming kindred spirits.
You disliked her father, believing he wasn't a very good king, unlike his grandfather, King jahaerys "the old king" or even as great as aegon the conqueror.
You felt protective of rhaenyra, wanting every chance to be near her if daemon wasn't stealing her attention.
You were a candidate if leana hadn't been successful to be betrothed to the king but..luckily he chose Alicent Hightower.
You had known her for most of your life since you were born. You felt a deep connection that you couldn't explain.
As you grew older, you become more infatuated with the young princess who now only turned your age.
You would train and study the language of high valerion, you knew of the old kings and queens learning about their history.
You grew up to be a rather dreamy person, perhaps even bordering on being a dragon dreamer.
You couldn't help but admire rhaenyra. Everywhere she went you felt drawn to her.
Upon hearing Daemon getting exiled from kingslanding to go back to bloodstone in the stepstones due to a "scandalous night" with rhaenyra in the silk streets.
You were a tad jealous but also fascinated by rhaenyra and daemons relationship.
You were always one for tradition, normally speaking in high valerion tongue.
When you heard rhaenyra was about to be married, you thought it was fair to ask a question.
Ivestragī īlva letagon īlva ānogar, hae aegon gōntan rūsīr zȳhon mandia's. Rūsīr ao hae issa ābrazȳrys. Nyke emagon se ānogar hen zaldrīzes running rȳ issa veins, nykeā valeryon se ao nykeā targārien. Hēnkirī īlon zālagon brighter pār se rest jorrāelagon cousin.
Translation: Let us bind our blood, as aegon did with his sister's. With you as my wife. I have the blood of the dragon running through my veins, a valeryon, and you a targaryen. Together, we burn brighter than the rest, dear cousin.
Rhaenyra's face expressed disbelief. She had no idea of such a thought but smiled politely.
You knew she was going to be wedded to leanor, but you did all you could.
It was wrenching. However, you stood your ground and congratulated her.
The only thing you could give in return was a kiss to know your uniting bond will hold forever.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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just-another-star-47 · 6 months
Hello and welcome.👋🏻
You can call me Ri and I'm currently stuck in the world of Hogwarts Legacy.
Beeing a mood-writer and a perfectionist you'll find here bursts of creative work right next to phases of nothing and some mandatory meltdowns - all mixed together in an explosive potion for absolute chaos.
Currently, I'm focused on writing for my three main-stories and doing some word-building for them - and maybe I dove a tad too deep into my own thoughts and got lost..😅
If you want to see beautiful work from other lovely people, go to this blog and browse through the page.
What exactly you'll find here:
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Dive deeper into the Victorian world of Hogwarts Legacy and accompany Luscinia through her fifth year in a new school, far away from Durmstrang.
Get to known all of the characters even better, stalk the grounds of the castle and the nature and villages sourrounding it.
Your Hogwarts letter awaits, so let's meet in Diagon Alley and get you everything you need. 🦉🔮
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You are searching for some One Shots around Hogwarts, Hogwarts Legacy and Sebastian Sallow that haven't any background stories to them?
Get into the Hogwarts Express and look out for the Header above. 🚂 🏰
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You want some bad boy Seb, who bickers with MC, lives in the 90s and loves to uses the secret rooms at Hogwarts for more intimate reasons?
Hold on tight on the motorcyle and look out for the header above. 🏍🐈‍⬛
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You're into slow-burn, forbidden love, Auror Seb, or maybe just have a thing for authoritative figures?
Then welcome to the Auror Special Force and as always, look out for the header above. 🐉⚔️
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arttrampbelle · 9 months
Chosen one/mk champion au self insert
This one is basically I'm the new chosen one. So this is an au of mk1(the og not the new shitty 2nd reboot),2,and 3 and a tad of 4. Sorta
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Shang tsung bein a flirt to one of raidens warriors.
Hee hee.
Raiden isn't happy. Considering he thought maybe this timeline/verse would be different or better? Unfortunately the odds are not in his favor quite. Because eventually(after mk2) his chosen one switches to be under shang tsung.
But fortunately kung lao became champion....unfortunately....i had to fight him....oof. oh well can't win em all.
Btw we are supposed to be on the boat. (Like in the 95 movie)
(Used a base)
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raz-writes-the-thing · 2 months
i would be so down for a dr who zombie apocalypse fic. or hotd zombie apocalypse fic. how would u translate in show worldbuilding to apocalypse setting? -🐉
Hey! Great question ( i love that you ask me stuff like this- it's super validating)!
So,, for Dr Who, it wouldn't be THAT far outside the realm of possibility within canon-style stuff anyway? Just a tad darker than BBC canon. So for Doctor Who I think I'd style it like an AOTW/MOTW. We all know the TARDIS materialises and dematerialises where the Doctor is needed most. So if the TARDIS materialised in an AU after being damaged for whatever reason and then started phasing in and out maybe? I dunno if that's what you mean but that would be how I'd probably approach that. And then from there you'd be able to follow along a basic guideline for a MOTW episode layout to get from a to b. Plus then you'd get to explore some really dark themes that our family friendly Dr Who series does not necessarily look too closely at.
For HOTD- I think given the setting of the show (ie fantasy/medieval type stuff) a zombie apocalypse would be interesting to explore the dynamics of how the Greens and Blacks came together (or are driven further apart) in the face of something so country-consuming. You'd really be able to explore the inter-familial dynamics as reports start coming in from the outlying regions of a plague or a sickness spreading. That followed by reports getting closer and refugees starting to amass at the capitol. How would the different family members want to get that under control? How would they fight for power when the realm is threatened by collapse? How would they keep their power and not be hoisted out by the people when things start to get bad? So many questions that would be really interesting to play with. If you're asking how I think it would have started? I feel with HOTD it would have to be, like... Maestor's experimenting with sickness cures or magic/spellwork or something. Something small that takes over when you look at the long run. OR you could also play with historical events. Say,, a ship from three millennia ago from a far away land that froze in the North but the many Summers have chipped away and melted away the ice on the ship, allowing the contagion to go free. There are definitely a lot of interesting ways you could play with it.
Does this answer your question? If not, feel free to ask me to clarify things! Or if you have other questions please feel free to yeet them my way!
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earlgreytea68 · 10 months
So I know you wrote it in 2019 but im curious based off of Pete's stage designs for tourdust if that spurred any thoughts of the stage design for the Stumped Musical in your musical au fic 🐉
I wrote that musical fic very early on in my FOB fandom. I feel like it might have been the first long fic I wrote for them? And the longer I spend on FOB fandom the more I'm like, "God, Pete Wentz would looooove to write a musical" hahahaha. And also Patrick Stump would ALSO love to write a musical, I think. So I have no idea what is holding them up! Except I do think I'm probably right that Pete would write something completely incomprehensible that would totally make sense to him and to Patrick and to absolutely nobody else. And then they WOULD send a librettist in and Pete would hate it the way he hated having an editor on his actual book (another reason I love Pete Wentz lol). Like, Pete only wants one beta and that's Patrick, no one else is allowed to edit Pete Wentz. So I think, sadly, we never WILL get a musical out of them.
But! I actually think Pete has such wide-ranging interests and likes that it's impossible to predict how he would go for stage design. Tourdust is extremely whimsical and I adore that, I love how it's over-the-top and full of life and color and drama and I think that would suit their Morpheus retelling well, he would light the Underworld so luridly fabulously, I think. But then I think of, like, the aesthetic of Youngblood Chronicles, which feels on the other end of the spectrum in some ways, like, still over-the-top but in the opposite anti-whimsical direction lol. Like, YBC has the most ridiculous things happen but they're all dressed up in this hard debauched tone that doesn't land as softly as the Tourdust stuff does. And their videos likewise run the gamut in a lot of ways.
That said, if I had to put my money on it, I think Pete Wentz leans more whimsical Tourdust in general. He might love horror movies and sci-fi and stuff, but I think inside he's just full of pink cotton candy and bubblegum at heart. Like, most of their videos are light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek, comical affairs and I think Pete would go that way for staging my fictional musical, it would all be a tad too much in a fun way.
I spent way too long considering this entirely fictional question lol but thank you for it!
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thebestkatayanagi · 3 months
Kyle. Can we do a transfer of consciousness between myself and my robotic counterpart???
- Ken 🐉
Can I ask why?
This is a tad concerning to me.
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jennyandvastraflint · 6 months
Dragon's wing🐉(no wing emoji sorry) and dragon's breath💨 for the ask game!!!!👀
Hehe thank uuuu
Dragon's Wing: share a snippet that you daydreamed about before writing it (or a snippet that you were really looking forward to writing.)
Okay for this I just have to share this moment from the second part to Turn Loose the Mermaids! This was essentially the one scene I wanted to write, and so I decided to expand on the plot. Which then turned into about four parts XD But "Vastra gets a skirt and loves seeing it go spin" was pretty what I wanted. The thought is just so damn adorable, you know. It's been on my mind for weeks before I could actually sit down and write it...
But Vastra had barely heard them anymore; she was busy watching her skirt brush against her legs and swaying from side to side, watching the fabric move. Jenny quickly thanked the shopkeeper, and Yaz left and appeared again with a shirt that seemed to Jenny to be the same size. “If you could hold still for a moment,” Yaz said gently, and Vastra followed her instructions more or less. She stood straight now, but Jenny could see her wiggling her toes in her leather slippers. As soon as Yaz had measured the shirt against her body, Vastra began slowly turning around her own axis, and she let out a gasp when the skirt lifted a little and floated around her. “Jenny! Did you see??” she asked, immediately turning faster. Jenny’s heart fluttered in her chest at the sight, and she committed the carefree, joyful expression on Vastra’s face to memory. Heart swelling with pride and love, Jenny watched on, until Vastra’s expression dropped the slightest bit. She stepped forth to catch her. Vastra had made herself dizzy. “Careful,” Jenny hummed, steadying her, running a hand over Vastra’s cheek. She’d pressed her eyes shut in an attempt to stop the room from spinning on. “If you spin too much, your head gets all dizzy.” “But the skirt looks so beautiful when it spins, my sweet,” Vastra responded, already resting her head in the crook of Jenny’s neck.
I will say I did contemplate putting a scene from the Missy fic here that I've been dreaming about writing, but it's a tad angsty and it's kinda spoilery, sooooo...
Dragon's Breath: Share a snippet that makes you laugh.
Bound to be those two being idiots you see. I suppose there would be a lot of Strax moments, and Vastra forgetting a Silent four damn times really does come close XD But I love, love, love writing them being Like That. So, have a snippet from Iron and Gold and Pearls
With an exasperated gasp Vastra took a step back and whined, “I have a criminal in my house!” Jenny could only roll her eyes. “Ma’am, breaking into some of London’s most secure banks and emptying their safes is probably much more of a legal issue…” “I didn’t empty them,” Vastra said with a shrug. “I only took what I needed to get us this nice house!” “And a comfortable living for the next few decades, hm?”
Thank you so much for the ask!
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cherubicwitch · 7 months
a little sariel x estinien pre-relationship/ARR dragoon training fanfic i posted on ao3 today 🐉link here🐉fanfiction under the cut as well! <3
Estinien had been assigned Sariel to train as the Azure Dragoon; he finally calmed down enough from his fiery feuds with Alberic to properly see to the task. She wasn’t much younger than he was, and had a keenness in her eyes and a sharpness in her actions that he saw potential within. That’s what he told Alberic when he had pressured him anyways.
The two went on hunting excursions on occasion, testing their survival skills by pursuing large hunts. The trips would sometimes span a few days within the Coerthan cold, leading them to find a place to camp for the night when opting to travel on foot. The two were hunting a dragon that had been terrorizing local knights and caravans passing through the area. They began from Camp Dragonhead and trekked towards their destination, the weather acting particularly harsh. The weather and the early setting sun forced the two to take refuge in one of the many alcoves and caves within the frozen wilderness.
“Take rest further ahead.” Estinien grumbled shortly at Sariel, not paying her much mind as he slung his adventurer’s pack down and took a seat on a nearby snow-dusted boulder.
She eyed back at him over her shoulder, gold limbal rings flashing in the shadows before flicking back forward as she did as told. The two of them silently squatted in their respective places of rest on opposite sides of the small cove. This was often the case, per Estinien’s barking most times, but Sariel understood the tactical nature of their arrangements.
The two set up their camps, then separated out some rations for the night before one headed to sleep. They kept their own packs on them, thus no reason to really stray from their parts of the cavern. Sariel wasn’t first watch, and so she took off parts of her armor to get slightly more comfortable for rest. They were still within each other’s sight albeit a tad far from one another. She shuffled her hands about in her bag for a spell, facing towards his side of the cave but tried keeping her head down as to not seem conspicuous. Sariel saw as Estinien removed his helmet and slumped over into a comfortable sitting position, dried jerky in hand as he settled for a brief moment. She was too far to really make out his finer facial features, but she could easily see his silvery white hair fall from his helm. She had caught it once before, and was stunned enough to make enough of an effort to try to catch an intentional glimpse this time. The way that the blizzard roared at the mouth behind him made his snowy locks seem to shimmer as bangs fell around his face. The rest of his hair was tied up in a ponytail, revealing his pointed Elezen ears. Sariel’s glowing limbal rings slightly betrayed her, revealing the line of her gaze in the dark depths.
“Oi, what is it you’re staring at?” Estinien groaned, cocking his head away from her stare. It’s no doubt he had caught her staring. She wasn’t as sneaky as she had thought she was, piercing golden eyes peering from overtop her backpack from the darkness.
Sariel’s tail straightened out as she startled from getting caught. She kept her voice smooth but her eyes became fixed towards the ground, “I was just thinking about how I’ve only ever spied glimpses of your face tis all.”
Estinien paused for a moment then responded simply with, “I suppose you’re right.”
“You have beautiful hair.” Sariel responded suddenly, as she started unraveling the wrappings on her own dried foods to snack on. Sariel didn’t quite understand why Estinien hid his face away from people he trained so closely with. Strangers, sure, but she had been deemed his charge and still had only caught moonlit glances. Learning of his past, she could sympathize with his turmoil and she wanted to help him understand that he wasn’t alone. If she could just help him break down a few of these walls…
Estinien immediately choked and coughed on his food upon hearing the compliment, especially coming so plainly from Sariel’s mouth.
She realized how the statement had sounded out of the blue, not intending on hitting on him so blatantly like that. She tried to backpedal slightly from embarrassment in low inaudible mutterings between stuffing rations in her face, shifting about in her nervousness. She swallowed and breathed sharply through her nose, “I’m just saying that you need not hide yourself away from everyone all the time…”
Estinien cleared his throat, “Aye, ahem, I see. Mine apologies, I was merely caught off guard.”
He tried not stumbling over himself, also turning to hide his face from Sariel, “Tis only an old habit of mine… Perhaps one day I can..break it.”
Sariel smiled softly, sitting down to begin to settle onto her bedroll, “‘Twould be nice to finally see the face of a friend.”
Estinien, grateful he had fully turned his back away from Sariel, felt his face warm up despite the battering blizzard outside. He cleared his throat one last time, “You should get some rest ere we head out tomorrow morning.”
She sighed and laid on her side to face him. She found herself staring at the back of his head, his bright pink Elezen ears visible from beneath the moonlight.
“You aren’t ill are you?” Sariel questioned, eyebrows furrowed as she narrowed her gaze.
“I, wha, no. I am fine.” Estinien barked back, his frame hunching over as he sank into himself.
”She must be seeing my ears… By the Fury, go to bed and leave me alone.” Estinien pleaded with himself as he shrank his frame as best as he could.
“But your e—“ Sariel began.
“Rest!” Estinien snapped, arms folding tightly in front of his chest.
Sariel grumbled and decided to drop the subject and listen, “Gods spare me, if you get sick…”
Sariel had fallen asleep and Estinien couldn’t help but have her on his mind… the way she fought earlier in the day, she had so much precision and tenacity. But then he began thinking of Sariel, not as his assignments had him, but of what she startled him with at the end of the evening. He could feel her piercing gaze from across the cavern, her eyes were deep with shadows yet glowed with such radiance. She reminded him of dragons in ways that made him shiver in conflict, yet some of those draconic features remained outside of the battlefield. Those complex eyes being one; he was drawn in towards them. He wanted her eyes to land on him again. He wanted his soul to be pierced by her gaze again even just once more, that vulnerability of being seen straight through. Of being seen as the writhing monster you feel that you are, and yet being trusted anyways. His mind wandered but he snapped himself out of it, pushing away that brief moment of connection he sought out in another. She was to take over the mantle of Azure Dragoon so he could have a successor after he sacrificed himself to eliminate Nidhogg. That was all he was good for, not anything as warm or soft as being perceived and loved. Nonetheless, by her, a woman who he had pushed away and cursed and tried to ignore as much as possible already. He didn’t deserve her kindness. But that didn’t mean he didn’t want it… didn’t enjoy its warmth however brief.
Hours passed and the two were to switch shifts. Sariel, being used to the traveler’s schedule, began to wake slowly. Estinien went to wake her, this time taking what she had said earlier to heart. He left his helm near his bedroll as he went to grab Sariel’s shoulder.
“Sariel, time t—“ Estinien started then caught his breath in his chest as Sariel opened her eyes to look up at him as she woke.
She was startled too, but in awe, as she woke to Estinien’s face staring her down. She widened her eyes in surprise, and a bit in shock. She wasn’t expecting Estinien to show his face to her, especially not so close or so soon. Nor did she expect him to be so handsome. She had already seen his soft lips from his helmet but the striking ice blue eyes stunned her more than she anticipated. He was beautiful in a brooding prince kind of manner, it truly caught her off guard. She began to feel feverish like she had tumbled into some kind of fairytale where a prince wakes a princess with true love’s first kiss. The whimsy of a little girl’s idea of romance washed through Sariel’s aether as her face turned bright red, unable to break eye contact.
Estinien was rendered immediately speechless, locking eye contact with the very same eyes he had found himself daydreaming of during his entire watch. He felt naked without his helmet, so he was easily stunned by the sudden wonder that filled Sariel’s expression. He realized in that moment that because he had his helm on so often, he hadn’t ever seen her face this close either. She was more regal than he thought… Had she always had such high cheekbones and yet such a soft face? Was it because he was so much taller than her that he never really looked at how tantalizing her lips were when she spoke to him? Dazed, the two of them awkwardly stared until Sariel’s face turned red. Estinien saw her blush and thought his heart stopped, pulling himself away immediately as he felt his face flush just the same.
“Apologies, I- I was only trying to wake you for..” Estinien stammered and cleared his throat, turning away from her again completely.
Sariel straightened herself up, preparing herself for the post as her heart thumped against her ribcage with reckless abandon, “Ahem, yes, for watch, thank you.”
She paused, wringing her hands slightly, “Mine apologies for startling like that,” she chuckled softly between her statements, “I was not expecting you to show me your face so soon!”
“Your words made me consider some things, that’s all.” He kept looking away, settling himself down for finally getting some rest himself.
Her eyes stayed fixed on the ground, “Truth be told, I wasn’t expecting you to be so handsome.”
“Wh-“ Estinien started to be offended but was conflicted when he had realized that she was also complimenting him. He cut himself off and groaned in confusion and frustration.
“You probably got away with a lot as a kid, being that pretty.” Sariel continued, trying to recover from the offense she had already detected in his voice and giving an awkward chuckle.
Estinien snickered, able to curb the sudden flustered feeling that arose as Sariel shifted the conversation, “Probably much more than I should have.”
He smiled and muttered quietly so only he could hear himself, “You’ve probably never been in trouble a day in your life with a face like yours.”
Sariel cocked her head and asked for clarification, unable to hear him fully. Estinien smiled tenderly, laying on his back and staring up at the cave ceiling, before calling loud enough for her to hear, “Don’t worry about it.”
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nefhithiel · 2 years
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I got a new doll yesterday and I dyed him to customize into Tad Cooper 🐉
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Op hotties s/o tells them that they're a very jealous and selfish person, because they want to keep their man all to themselves and don't want to share them with anyone else.
Kizaru ✨: *sighed softly in response* “Now you know that’s not very nice, I barely have that much time with you due to work so the time I do have with you is treasured…let’s be reasonable”.
Akainu🌋: *huffs in response* “…it’s sweet that you want me all to yourself…but that can’t always happen…especially with my job”.
Ryokugyu 🌱: *rolls his eyes* “…you can be so childish at the best of times”
Fujitora 🐅: *frowns in response* “…I understand…but it’s not always going to that way…I deal with many people on a daily basis…”.
Sir Crocodile 🐊: *raises a brow* “…now we both know that I am a busy man and when we do have time together it’s special…you’ve got to learn to share”.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: *huffs in response* “…now now, don’t be like that…I can’t always be at your side”.
Benn Beckman 🔫: *pinches the bridge of his nose* “…that’s not going to work out well if you be this way…be open minded”.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: *sighs softly* “…it’s not practical, love…you’ve got to be realistic”.
Killer🔪: *pouts* “…it’s cute but you know I’m away most of time so we got to be understanding of that…”.
Kaido🐉: *laughs in response* “…you already get all my attention and somehow it’s still not enough…you’re so cute”.
King 👑: *sighs in annoyance* “…you’ve got to understand that it’s not a healthy relationship to be that clingy…I work with a lot of people and you’ll have to learn to share”.
Queen👑: *pouts* “…you know I have a lot of fans and they’re important to me too”.
Izou🔫🔫: *sighs softly* “you are being too demanding…it’s not healthy for our relationship to be like this”.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: *sighs but nods* “…it’s not realistic, you know how I work and that too work with a lot of people…you need to be understanding of that”.
Oven Charlotte 🍞: *huffs in response* “…you’ve got to learn to share…I don’t do that to you so I expect the same behavior from you”.
Buggy🤡: *frowns a little* “…as much as I want to be by your side all the time, I can’t…please try to understand”.
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: *frowns a little and sighs* “…thats a tad smothering, love…it’s just not healthy for us”.
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