#taggie tagged
mcfallen-god · 17 days
Tagged by @zaegreus thanks bestie ✨💜
Do you make your bed?
I often make the bed when I leave for a couple of days, or for a night over, so when I come back home I feel comfy and all hehe.
What’s your favourite number?
Yub, 3
But why? Eh.. The shape? The 'color'? The vibe? Occurrences in my life liked to the three? Idk, just 3 and all the 3 related numbers (33, 333 etc)
What is your job?
Student is not a job, because I am the one losing money, but yeah
If you could go back to school would you?
Probably, I'd like pre-school/middle-school, when I could learn new but easy things lol and I loved the smell and things at my school back then. I'd like to go back in whatever you call that period between 15-18 yo school time, but not for all aspect, let's say I was in a school specialized in art and it was a lot of fun to have a class like that. And for some reason too (but definitely NOT ALL ASPECTS) I'd like to be back to study literature, a part of it...
Can you parallel park?
Yub kinda but I don't like it, and I think it is easier to park on the left part of the road than the right (note: my country drives with wheel on left and road on right)
A job you had that would surprise people?
I didn't had any real job, but maybe the fact I study English literature... Because when I was a kid, until hmm 13/14? I had a deep hatred for English language xD don't ask me why, it is just a fact... This, and me studying literature to begin with, when I barely ever read.. (note: I love to read, but due to other reasons I have a very, very hard time to read even things I really really wanna read :( sed)
Do you think aliens are real?
Sure, but not in the sci-fi kind of way. I think it is absurd to think Earth is the only planet in the infinity of space that met the right conditions for life to develop. But I doubt these forms looks like... humanoid-green/grey skin beings or that they look anything as we know on Earth. I don't even know if there's any 'developed' (in human's terms) form of life, but definitely things that feed and live. (Once again, I doubt they come on Earth with super technology and such... if they do, I really hope they see their mistakes before making first contact and go far far away, before getting involved with the toxic humanity...)
Can you drive a manual car?
Lol of course I can (this question sounds very American oriented question(?) but in my country, manual car is base, we have many non-manuel, but majority is manual) but yeah, I can drive it
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Uh... I don't really know... Some shows? Some I don't even 'like' but more because it reminds me of my youth? (Glee, Ugly Betty, Bones, etc) Idk if it is count as guilty pleasure... If anything else... uh I have unspeakable kinks (only in fictional/role play dimensions, nothing sicko irl), collecting PopMarts figurines? Fried chicken with spicy sauce?? Chocolate biscuit with chips??? I DONT KNOW
Not yet, I wish to have some one day, but first I need to find *the one* I have many artists/kind of tattoos I like, but eh
Favourite colour?
Green and Purple (mostly all the hues) but also: pale mint, pale yellow, pale peach, pale pink, pale bleu, pale lavender, black, white and orange...)
Favourite type of music?
I literally can enjoy anything, from rock, pop, electronic, classical, ethnic/traditional, etc... I have some issues sometimes with some form of Jazz or RnB, but I still enjoy songs from these genres, so I can't say I hate it... I would say rock is always a go-to?
Do you like puzzles?
Most of the time yeah, if it is like puzzle board game 🧩 or puzzle video games 🎮 or riddle games ❓I love it all (Im not saying I am good at it, I say I like it)
Any phobias?
Won't say it is phobia? But I feel grossed at any .. milling bugs? Like colonies of ants or when baby spiders get out of mother spider 🤢 This and I'd say it is more anxiety, but I have a hard time being in crowded place/windowless places (a bit agoraphobic/ claustrophobic but since I can manage to deal with these situations sometimes, I won't call it phobia)
Favourite childhood sport?
Maybe archery🏹 ? Or hmm basketball 🏀 and badminton🏸 ... And I kinda like to play football ⚽ but the toxicity around that sport is making it annoying and boring
Do you talk to yourself?
Rarely out loud, but pretty often in my own head. I feel dumb when I hear my own voice/sometimes it is even stressful because I grow aware of silence around me after I spoke....
What movie(s) do you adore?
Hmm tough question... Many for many different reasons.. But let's say: Legally Blonde (the vibe and the topic, go girls, can be barbie and have a brain), Princess Mononoke (base), FFVII: Advent Children (thirst), Nanny McPhee (chiiill), Crazy Kung Fu (top tier), Ne Zha (2019) (bery nice), ... That's it for TODAY's pick, what about tomorrow..?
Coffee or tea?
Both but ✨☕C O F F E E☕✨(even if Earl Grey Yin Zhen is honestly DOPE)
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
🤔 Idk which come first, but I remember I had the mad project to do "all my dream jobs at once", so I'd have been: a painter, going around the world with a circus where I'd be acrobat and magician, and yet, using the world-travelling to heal any animals I find on my way 😂🤣
A forever go-to @davi-doo
I tag... *go through mutuals*
@beardedladyqueen @kales09 @chinchilla-7 @astraluxe @general-kalani @alladeline @chromium-siren
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puppyrelp · 10 months
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ohmysheetmetal · 3 months
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i made this for my friend
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minskerr · 11 months
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nymphinia · 10 months
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pieflavoredartz · 5 months
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HAPPY BELATED TOADIE KIRABOSS ANNIVERSARYYYY‼️‼️ pfft it was yesterday but time lost me ( honest, we were walkin togethert then BAM time.. gone)
its been a slower year but ta thonk think its been like 4-5? amaztasicccc dawg. i hope this yea i can make yall happy w more kiraboss as this ship has made MEE HAPPY YAYYY
anywelps take these *hands em too youuu* :]]
n a lil surprise under the cut ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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nailtagyuri · 1 year
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ikilledtvguy · 5 months
tpot more like. pee pot.
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almostholysandwich · 2 months
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Rhe drawinfs by themsefls
Cause they uh ehjesj
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watercubebee · 2 months
Last tag game!!!! Taggy by @marvagon
GRACIAS POR TAGGEARME COMPIIII ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
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atm i only have these two i would like to go into digital...💪🏼
Imma leave it open for anyone who wanna play toooo ᕦ⁠(⁠ò⁠_⁠ó⁠ˇ⁠)⁠ᕤᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ
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killanyone4you · 5 months
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@lordgroose tagged me to post 6 pictures from the last year. this really highlights how i only have one angle 🙃😂
thanks for the tag 🥰
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trashbins-stuff · 3 months
i like tpot 10 !!! i like black hole anf fannys convo, and clock and winners convo, and price tag and book!! also i need bomby and pillow to fight each other by throwing food idk why, I HOPE ROBOT FLOWER COME BACK RHRHRHRR COME BAK GIRL also bell and grayss yay!!!! ^^ :D
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gidaryeong · 1 year
Mr Queen fic masterlist
Noticing an influx of comments on my Mr. Queen fics now that it’s on Netflix, so here gentle readers is a masterlist. I spent the better part of a year writing these stories, most of which are novel-length!
Are you a cheolbong truther, and wish the show would have committed to the wacky queer love story of our dreams? Or does your heart beat for the silenced Kim Soyong, who got pushed out of her own narrative? I’m here to fulfill all your fix-it needs! ❤
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Mrs. Queen
Summary: She has always been good at hide and seek. A retelling of Mr. Queen from Kim Soyong's point of view.
This was my first MQ retelling where Soyong and Bong-hwan are both awake and bickering inside their mind, wrestling for control. Soyong/Cheoljong endgame; Bong-hwan is mostly around to matchmake and cause trouble like the gremlin he is.
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And I, and Silence
Summary: Jang Bong-hwan can feel his mind disintegrating, and he is looking for a way back to Seoul. Suddenly Kim Soyong is back. And, as it turns out, she is already married.
The last thing Kim Soyong remembers is jumping into the lake. Now she’s back mid-story and forced to fend for herself without any memory of what has happened in the past few months. Lots of angsty pining, gratuitous Emily Dickinson references, and the birth of my most beloved crackship ByeongJin (Jo Hwa-jin/Kim Byeong-in).
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The Raw Ingredients
Summary: After a miserable year in Seoul, Bong-hwan finds a way back to Joseon. When she returns everything is very different from how she left it.
We’ve got magical trans girl Bong-hwan returning to Joseon, only this time in the body of a lowly palace maid. How ever will she get to her king? Well, with a little help of cunning minister Kim Soyong, of course.
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Summary: Sobong returns to her king.
A ficlet with the same basic premise as The Raw Ingredients but much shorter.
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The White Grass
Summary: Kim Soyong discovers the hard way that her clan would do anything to ensure that the next royal heir comes from the Kim bloodline, no matter who they have to hurt to do it. To survive in the palace she makes a deal with the king. AU where Jang Bong-hwan never came to Joseon. This one has some dark and gritty dubcon sex! It’s also got a Kim Soyong who girlbosses, gaslights, and gatekeeps her way to power in a patriarchal government, and accidentally falls in love with her husband along the way.
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Whatever Souls Are Made Of
Summary: Kim Soyong and Jang Bong-hwan are the same soul reincarnated. On the same night, 170 years apart, they both drown. That’s when things get weird.
In this story Sobong is just one (1) person, but with two sets of memories from two points in time. There’s some multiverse theory, library sex, and a journey of self-discovery for our dear genderfluid queen! This is my personal favorite of the bunch.
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needlenotneedy · 3 months
mmmmmm you like women
needle droop
yes, I like women BUT SHHH!!! SHHHUSH!!
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sweetcheesecakeflower · 3 months
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whatbecrackalackin · 3 months
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Won't you join her rebel squad? >:]
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ITS OK the bird was ok
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