#tai tag
sin-sidejob · 2 years
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jackals-ships · 5 days
whomst is number 1 f/o of all time (on your list)
[f/o numbers game]
i need one of y'all. to put me under a glass and study The White Haired Bastard Obsession there's gotta be something pathological going on there- /joking
also im putting this one in a glass and VIOLENTLY shaking him. there is no enrichment in his terrarium !! none for bastard boy !!
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anyways HJF so. aemond is actually shipped with my primary HoTD self insert known as The Storm's Sovereign who is just a lil guy. if you ignore the whole god king part and the Might Be A Lil More Than Human part. also the fact it's dragon (Hoarfrost) may or may not have given it free top surgery. just ignore All Of That and it's a totally chill dude <3
i can never Quite settle on how they meet but the important parts are; it makes itself an Instant menace to civilized society and it immediately imprints on aemond like The Worst Possible Duckling. no one is helping him, no one wants it imprinting on them instead, aemond always wanted a dragon now he's got three(?) of them
their relationship is so funny to me tho bc aemond is initially very much not down with it's whole. Everything. and sovereign is just "🥰 ours. Our Targaryen. put him in the nest with the Hoard 🥰 yaaay" and even after he warms up and they start courting theres still an air of "..this one. this is the one. it brought me a bear heart and got blood all over my sheets and I'm Still kissing it. WHY"
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mantasunray-art · 4 months
Mas vc n gosta de carmaval? De bloquinhos? Purpurina grudada no cabelo até março? 😭😭😭
nunca fui em nenhum bloco na minha vida pq meus pais odeiam carnaval e eu quase n tenho amigos (KKKK) ent pra mim é a mesma coisa q um feriado grande sem nada 😭😭😭
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zel-zo · 2 years
Your hc is totally valid ! I mostly think of chihiro as genderfluid so they alternate between many pronouns. ((I agree other hcs are also valid)Taka is.. interesting to Say the least PBPBPB
Genderfluid chihiro is sooooooooooooo valid tho, so much respect💗🤍💜🖤💙
As for Taka, he became my favorite the moment he started yelling (witch was probebly his first line honestly). He's just super straightforward and wears his heart on his sleeve, and I just kept finding myself wanting him to sucseed.
I just think he's neat<3
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jaimeroyalrobertson · 2 years
💌 <33
hi again!!! happy birthday!!!!!!
squirreling through a pint of ice cream for the good chunks. reading a book with a flashlight under the covers. sitting outside at night in the summer. watermelon candy. lighting a candle. david byrne! old movie posters. double knotting ur shoe laces. a favorite old mug. AND HATS THAT LOOK LIKE TOMATOES!
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stiffyck · 7 months
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I dub them the eleven duo!
I’ve been thinking about them so much I think they should be besties. I am desperate for m/f platonic or qpp relationships
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vegaseatsass · 19 days
Sorry sorry I'm supposed to be doing something else but I'm still spiralling over
Tay Tawan: Gun kissing me made me lose my videogame and now youre complaining at me on the internet? Was I put on this earth to suffer? Anyway it's not possible to be friends with Gun and NOT kiss him. Get real
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tai-lung · 5 months
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sin-sidejob · 1 year
(still ghost jr anon, might as well use an emoji for the peeps who dont know me so ill use the ghost emoji! 👻)
What about 28?? 👀
HI GHOSTJR ANON! I’ve missed you! 💋
28. is there one piece of art that you’ll never forget?
oh there’s more than just one lmaoo
there’s the artwork by skoshibuns on insta with the Halloween art of the Inside Job main cast that inspired the entire Halloween series that has Ghost JR, obviously 🤷🏻‍♀️
any artwork by @ilonacho in general, but I absolutely adore her Inside Job drawings and any moment she draws JR — like this work of hers that I constantly look at with heart eyes
can my answer just be @olexxx ?? Lex is constantly killing me with art that they post and even more than they don’t so I’d just collectively say any of their art — from beetlejuice to alpha beta to honestly anything — but their art of bodyguard Alpha Beta or just shirtless JR lives in my skull rent free
there’s the JRDelaney art Anise @flyingspicerack made me for the holidays that I adore and will never stop getting smiley over. They’ve also drawn my sona and it’s stapled to my forehead forever.
then it’s also any art by @bimbotron2000 like the bohemian grove manhunt art — or @mollicutes entire collected works + I couldn’t pic a fave even if I tried (just twitter alone) — and @cowboylovin jrab comic interaction that I find just darling — and also @swimmingcreatortyrant with their art nouveau Alpha Beta (im a slut for art history) because I love literally anything any of them draw, their art styles are so unique and just MUAH ugh I love them your honor — OH and also @overgore the entire collected works but the one I think about, mainly whenever I make a poor-taste golf joke, is this one of JR & I love their art but this one is just the sticky note stuck to the fridge of my brain reminding me to pick the kids up from school, just love it — AND LASTLY @jrdickconnoisseur who’s art of JR with the beard remains the driving force in some draft I’ve got sitting somewhere + some of their art on twitter that inspired at least one fic (I think? At least one.)
also — I probably will come back with many more artists and works that I’ve sadly forgotten and edit this lmao
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nehezt · 5 months
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(extremelly delirious and feverish) toji tai lung peng megumi
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mantasunray-art · 4 months
your tags for that c.lingy clip are breathtaking
o ranço q eu tenho deles dois agr meu pai do ceu
i am soooo glad my haterisms resonate with you ^-^
mas é eu tenho um ódio profundo muito profundo é anormal
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zel-zo · 2 years
Chihiro is the only character ever in Danganronpa.(surelly youre familiar with the very first game right ? I Hope its not a spoil or anything lmao
Chihiro my beloved<3 Was one of my FAVORITE dr1 characters when i played (my fave was Taka so, really, not far).
I know people debate their pronouns, and I think all takes are valid af. I tend to use he/they?? Because of danganronpa S ??? But again that's just me 💛
(lol and yes, I've played all of Dr1, Dr2, Ultra Despair girls, and watched the anime, and am playing chapter five of v3!!! So ALMOST completely free of spoilers~!)
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catskullery · 10 months
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namchyoon · 3 months
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vegaseatsass · 20 days
Someone tell me why I'm in between catching up on 10 different television series many of them quite excellent, but the only thing I want to post about is Tay saying "Gun's not into gaming, so when New and I play videogames he teases us for attention and we have to include him so OBVIOUSLY we kiss back!!!" and "Gun is like this with Off too but he sees him all the time so he misses us more and when he sees us we HAVE to sniff each other" and Tay and New saying "we were raised differently than Gun [very rich subtext here] but he likes skinship and now that he's part of our gang we've all changed and we all like skinship" and Tay saying "we've been this way for 10 years, fan scolding may stress out a younger group of acting friends and convince them to keep their distance but you're not going to change us, we're like this and we're going to stay like this"
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nighhtwing · 2 years
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guys WHAT is going on here ??!??!?!
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