jelliships · 4 months
f/o who likes to info dump!!! they love to blah blah and get excited discussing and talking about things with you! and when they do it theyre practically glowing! wavering their hands arouns and gesturing as they talk
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 2 years
fully believe that simon blackquill is miles’ favorite co-worker & the whole orca thing proved it to me. simon was just some disgraced prosecutor that had probably been forgotten by the entire world & yet edgeworth was like “no, he should prosecute again... he deserves it” & tried to get him proven innocent. simon is actually semi polite around him too so edgeworth is like “oh he’s so honest and willing to get to the truth. who wouldn’t want to work with him” & he doesn’t realize the answer is like. everybody.
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alpacacare-archive · 8 months
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#repostober#day 18 actually on time! wow#undertale#papyrus#danganronpa#dr1#kiyotaka ishimaru#yes. mashing favorite things together again#but it was meant to be#so many similarities between these two goofs#loud eccentric passionate autistic supportive of their friends always wearing the same outfit EASILY the best character in their franchise#HARDWORKING TO THE POINT OF WORKAHOLISM!!!!!!! UPLIFTING OTHERS WITHOUT ERASING OR DIMINISHING THEIR OWN GREATNESS!!!!!!#always eats the same thing (taka - rice balls toast and a banana- papyrus - DINOSAUR EGG OATMEAL NOT SPAGHETTI sorry its a pet peeve)#kindhearted and so aggressive about it genuinely believe that anyone can improve themselves and theyre both so silly and quirky all the tim#literally the only differences that i can think of are that taka would throw himself overboard if someone authoritative told him to#before they could even finish their sentence while papyrus is an anarchist arsonist who cusses and his intended jokes are actually funny#' * SIGH * ... WHAT A TROUBLED YOUNG HUMAN ... 'FUCK' ISN'T EVEN IN HIS RARE VOCABULARY ! HOW DOES HE FUNCTION UNDER THESE CONDITIONS ??#he would take taka under his wing and get him back on the straight and narrow (give him weed)#and i feel like after the three day long yell over how a skeleton is walking and talking as if that were normal he'd really look up to him#fav things about this are the way takas shirt hangs off of papyrus' rib cage cus theres nothing there but a spine#that was so fun to draw sdfhg#taka cosplaying papyrus is my gift to humanity today
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They kinda just...cry
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 13 days
I see a lot of discussion in the DR fandom on some characters that die early having "missed potential", and while I agree that definitely a few of them could have been written better or differently, part of me wonders if that missed potential is kind of the point? A character is shaping up to be something, so you get invested in their story, which then makes their early death all the more tragic. I mean, of course it's still a tough needle to thread to get it to land as tragic versus falling flat, and I'm not sure how closely some of these characters hit the mark. But I Do think some characters aren't actually "missed opportunities" and instead played their role in the plot how they were meant to, if maybe a little suboptimally.
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marty--party · 8 months
ishimondo are perfect for each other because kiyotaka irons his uniforms and folds his underwear and shines his boots everyday, but he uses dollar store off-brand men's 3-in-1 goop. meanwhile mondo will wear the same wifebeater tank for several days straight and all his socks have holes in them, but he has like 12 different bottles in his shower and spends at least 35 minutes every morning styling his pompadour.
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krynutsreal · 2 months
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If he wins I'll open outfit requests for him too!!!!! And have him in a bunny suit!!!! PLEASEEEEWW PLEAPSLEPALRWAE PLEAE...I don't think I'd be able to take the psychic damage of viewing a poll with mondo and chihiro. Not when the fandom is .like that
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picnokinesis · 1 year
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Seen a lot of discourse going around about these two at the moment, so I thought I’d draw them and throw some positivity into the void because I love them both so much! They’re absolutely wonderful characters, and also you cannot tell me that  Rose “what’s your name, your pronouns and are you in a union” Tyler and Dan “I don’t need anything so long as other people around me are alright” Lewis wouldn’t be the best of friends, like just imagine it. They’re running through space and time to stand up to injustice and also offer you some soup (and maybe a bad pun or two), and they’ll make sure each other are okay whilst they’re at it. I love them.
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chorus-the-mutate · 8 months
This is an edited repost of the Erzsebet Bathory character analysis I wrote yesterday that I refuse to let go to waste. I tried doing the right thing and tagging all of the necessary trigger warnings only for this post to be completely hidden from the Castlevania Nocturne and Erzsebet Bathory tags. Since I can't afford to tag the proper trigger warnings without being punished please do not read this post if discussions of rape or sexual assault triggers or upsets you in any way. I don't take these topics lightly and they are vital to this analysis of Erzsebet Bathory.
This post also contains major spoilers for this first season of Castlevania Nocturne.
This may seem presumptive of me to say but this thought has been stuck in my head for several hours: Erzsebet Bathory is the most rapist adjacent villainess I've ever seen without her actually being a rapist.
The first and smallest point against her is how often she mentions virgins. I know that Erzsebet's initial mention of virgin sacrifices is supposed to tie into the origin of her alter ego and consumption of Sekhmet but it's super fucking weird that it played into why she wanted to sacrifice Maria.
Next point against her is the lawyer's daughter. I'm not sure if this lady was a virgin but when she's first brought to Erzsebet she's already terrified and too dazed to fight back. It's obvious that she doesn't want to be there and that even if she did that she can't really express that desire. But Erzsebet still takes this lady out of a literal gilded cage, sits down and sits this lady on her dress to admire her despair before drinking her blood. The next time we see the lady she's still dazed. The only differences are that she's dolled up and seems more suggestible. Even with hundreds of people in this ballroom scene the lady is literally ignored by everyone except for Erzsebet who dances with her and parades her around for her own amusement. Everyone else knows that Erzsebet likes to make her victims suffer and they still refuse to acknowledge the lady because Erzsebet has made it clear that she's her possession. Hell the only person who is unhappy enough with Erzsebet to go rogue at this point is Olrox and he STILL IGNORES THIS LADY. When the lady is dragged outside to be fed on again without anyone batting an eye it reminds me of a rapist roofying their target and proceeding to do everything in their power to seem interested in their victim's well-being in order to take them to a second location. And no one speaks up since Erzsebet is the Harvey Weinstein, Prince Andrew or Thomas Jefferson of the vampire world; the embodiment of people in power getting away with abuse until the damage has already been done.
The last and biggest point against Erzsebet is the entire scene where she turns Tera into a vampire. For me personally that is just an allegorical rape scene and it's executed very well. Erzsebet makes her entrance at the abbey as a lioness of a woman, a literal predator who wants to take Maria as a sacrifice and turn her into a vampire to ensure Emmanuel the Abbot's loyalty. Tera protests and offers herself to Erzsebet instead. This is such blatant coercion that Tera refers to herself as the ram Abraham sacrificed to God instead of Isaac. And the only question or concern Erzsebet has at this point is if her sacrifice should be a virgin. The only reasons she accepts the sacrifice are Emmanuel's genuine love for Tera and the fact that Tera is a powerful sorceress. Once Erzsebet settles for Tera and physically lifts her to her level no one can stop her. Maria gets knocked out for trying and Richter gets bodied immediately after. Their only option is to get the hell out of there once Annette makes an opening and Richter rightfully runs for his life. Even Maria, the only person that could look back and see Tera turn, is knocked out and that feels like an intentional writing choice to give Tera one last shred of dignity. Erzsebet holds Tera really close in this sort of hug as she feeds on her and once she's fed she literally sits Tera on her lap for her turn to feed. Then Erzsebet cuts herself and the blood starts dripping down on Tera, starting at her skirt, going to her blouse and reaching her face. At first Tera doesn't react but then her body responds to the blood and she feeds even though she doesn't want to. Even though no one wants this for her. And that is exactly what it's like when someone has an unwanted orgasm. Tera's body is protecting itself the same way a victim of assault would and that paired with the blood on her skirt being reminiscent of the blood on a woman's thigh in the aftermath of an assault hammers home the rape allegory. It's very sad and uncomfortable to think of Tera's turn to vampirism this way but the thought lingers hours after like a grimy film on my brain.
I 100,000% believe that Erzsebet would have been an actual rapist if Netflix Castlevania didn't romanticize Lenore raping Hector and ending their relationship on friendly terms. Not to mention Sumi and Taka's sudden shift from allies to sexually assaulting Alucard out of spite. Castlevania Nocturne seems to shy away from rape and sexual assault in favor of allegories or moments so brief that I missed them unlike its predecessor. So I'm blaming the gratuitous depictions of sexual assault in Castlevania on Warren Ellis, the creator of Netflix Castlevania, who doesn't work on this show for a very good reason.
Everything from her size as Sekhmet to her tendency to torture women and girls before killing them contributes to the allegory of Erzsebet being the vampire equivalent of a rapist. She exudes power and not only does she enjoy making others feel helpless she's also great at it. She is a sadist without honor, willing to parade her lady victim of choice around vampire high society or hang a young girl on hooks to drain dry rather than let any of them die a quick death. The dragged out, needless suffering Erzsebet inflicts along with her preference for women and virgins frames her feeding as something more sexual in nature than the other vampire nobles who simply indulge in their gluttony. Even Olrox feeding on his former boyfriend isn't framed sexually, it's framed as a desperate, romantic gesture to keep his lover alive. And every vampire I remember from Castlevania has their feeding framed as a tool for political power or sheer, simple gluttony. Even the vampire general Cho was shown to be more of a tyrant or a general sadist clinging to power in Japan than a deviant.
Erzsebet's sheer sadism actually contrasts quite well with Dracula's humanity and restraint. He understood humanity, only feeding to survive or strike down the merchants who slighted him. (He probably also used feeding as a tool for political power but I don't think we saw that directly.) Dracula ultimately came to understand humanity so well that he fell for Lisa Tepes, the exemplar of what it means to be human. And that love is why I believe he respected Lisa's wishes and let her keep that humanity instead of turning her into a vampire. And after Lisa's death Dracula stopped feeding entirely, hoping to extinguish his life and take out as many people as he could because he believed that humanity should've been better. He believed that the people who lived alongside Lisa would've stood up for her and they betrayed her out of a mix of fear, religious reverence and apathy. Meanwhile Erzsebet doesn't care about humanity, seeing people like the lawyer's daughter as possessions or people like Tera and Emmanuel the Abbot as pawns to further her own rule. She might be taken aback by Drolta's death once she learns of it but there's an equal chance that she wouldn't even bat an eye.
So what do these points of analysis mean for Erzsebet and Tera's future dynamic as master and pawn? The one thing that's certain is that Tera has been fundamentally changed, forced into an unprecedented nightmare scenario that will drag her down a dark path. But I'm an optimist and I believe that Tera will ultimately be redeemed. She may never be human again but her humanity, her love for her son and daughter will save her soul. Ultimately I hope that Tera lives and recovers from the trauma of Erzsebet turning her. I hope that she goes home to her children and is taken in with open arms. But if Tera dies she will die as Tera, not as a pawn, and that is because Erzsebet could never kill her humanity.
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kiyocuck · 7 months
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stupid naeishimondo au? its more likely than you think!
(takas design is a bit of early concept, i'll figure it out later on possibly :^) )
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schrodingers-romy · 3 months
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minimechacowboy · 8 months
i think you have the monopoly on strange kiyotakas more than anybody else. he is so weird. nobody gets it.
Why thank you! 😋
But I've only scratched the surface on my weird Taka iceberg, truly if I went deeper I would become an outcast.
… But since we’re here my favourite thing to dig deep into is how he actually speaks in game cuz… it’s so weird?????
There’s dialogue where he speaks super formal and then he randomly switches to really informal and uses slang words and idioms a lot and it’s really funny cuz instead of saying something like “it’s raining really heavy outside right now!” he’d actually say something like “Wow, sure is raining cats and dogs!” And he says stuff like that A LOT and no one ever brings that up.
Idk if I’m just crazy and digging to deep into it but viewing Kiyotaka at face value as just an annoying rule follower and teachers pet and then seeing all these random phrases he says is really interesting. My guy loves his idioms and metaphors!
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Anyways I’m here all night thank you.
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They look like parents watching their kid play sports.
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nite-puff · 1 year
The duality of Taka doing really well in Danganronpa specific polls while not being put in any bigger character brackets, and Mondo doing surprisingly well in the character brackets while tripping and falling down seventeen flights of stairs in the Dangan specific polls.
They truly are soulmates in that way.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 12 days
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I'm going to be honest... he can kinda sing... like the song is alr, like okay drop the beat. I CAN'T HEAR TAKA IN THIS THOUGH- then again, Danganronpa was made 14 years ago now, and people sound different when singing.
Listen to his Japanese VA sing these songs instead, they slap harder and IDEK what they're from.
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takaska · 2 months
yes yes we GET IT, it's better to love yourself or at least be neutral- but STOP. TELLING. PEOPLE. THAT NO ONE WILL LOVE THEM IF THEY DONT LOVE THEMSELVES. that does NOT make people go "ohhhhh wow, I thought hating myself was like... the best way to live life, how could I be so dumb!" it just makes people who already are in a dark place double down on that darkness! you are telling a drowning man that he should just swim!
I ONLY learned to be neutral to myself once I had friends who showed me what unconditional kindess and support meant. I ONLY learned to stop hating what I saw in the mirror when friends reassured me that my presence was wanted in their life. I would NOT be alive without them telling me I am wanted, because the voices in my head have spent over a decade telling me I'd be better off dead. I would have LISTENED to those voices if I didn't have people tell me they loved me, because it was (and honestly still is sometimes) BEYOND DIFFICULT to stay alive when you hate yourself.
if you hate yourself, and you think you are better off dead, you NEED external support. you NEED people to show you how to take baby steps to reverse that view. you DO NOT need people to say "wow, you're so fucked up that idk if anyone can help, let alone love you :/" which is all that some people take from "you won't be loved until you love yourself"
sometimes not hating yourself is the hardest thing you have to learn. no one can do it alone. stop telling people who are scared of being alone and unloved that you, personally, think they're the reason they aren't loved. we are already afraid that that is the case. we don't need your condescending "well, if you don't love yourself, why should anyone else?"
if you're out there right now, scared of being unloved forever, I'm sorry. I'm sorry people have failed you, I'm sorry that date didn't go well, I'm sorry they rejected you, I'm sorry they left one day and never came back. I'm sorry you've never had anyone, I'm sorry you thought you had The One until you didnt anymore. I'm sorry you're alone. I'm sorry you hate yourself. I'm sorry I can't make everything better.
if you hate yourself, I understand. it is mentally healthier to figure out what would make you like yourself more, even just to a point of neutrality, but that's NOT a pre-requisite to being deserving of love. you were BORN deserving of love. it came free with being alive.
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