#takeru takaishi week
digitalworldbound · 1 year
takeru week, day three
what if?
characters: takeru and hikari (implied takari), takeru and yamato (sorry it's a day late!)
summary: as childhood comes to a close, questions bubble up to the surface of takeru's mind. if it hadn't of been for the digital world, would takeru still eat weekly dinners with his brother? would hikari still wait for him after school if that hadn't of been whisked away to another world? Also on AO3 and FFN !
Takeru Takaishi had always thought it strange that his destiny was laid out for him, ever-present and never changing. As a young boy, he couldn’t find it within himself to complain. Patamon had quickly become his closest confidant, the one person sworn to be by his side for the rest of his life.
As he grew older, questions surmounted the adventure, doubts clouding his mind’s eye. If it hadn't been for the ominous beings that lingered on the sidelines, watching the Chosen with a close eye, would he have still rekindled his relationship with his older brother? In a world without Digimon, would Yamato still invite him over for their weekly dinners, or would they still be practically strangers? 
In an effort to regain some normalcy in his life, Takeru had taken to playing basketball. Being a part of the team helped him connect with others, free from the burden of his childhood.  Still, a voice nagged at him from his subconscious: If he had never gone to summer camp, would these people still be his friends? Would he have even liked basketball in the first place?
The halls of Odaiba High School were crowded with classmates, the late summer sun beckoning them outside as club activities drew to a close. 
Hair damp with sweat, Takeru shoved his school shoes into his locker, cramming his feet into a pair of sneakers. 
His muscles were tense with overexertion. Practice had been unusually brutal, the red-faced coach pushing the team harder than ever as the biggest game of the season approached. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, the sky aglow with golden light. 
Just on the other side of the entrance, Hikari Yagami stood patiently. Takeru could see the crown of her head as he descended the stairs, his pace quickening.
A grin twitched onto his lips unwillingly. He attributed it to muscle memory; over half of their lives had been spent laughing together. It was only natural that the sight of his best friend brought a smile to his face. The butterflies in his stomach were another matter altogether, but he had ample practice of tampering their excitement. 
Before Takeru rounded the corner, Hikari whipped her head around. Her eyes crinkled slightly at the corners, her own lips tilting upward. Around them, birds chirped out their farewells before flying off. 
“How was practice?”
By now, her question was a mere formality. Takeru knew she had seen the bags underneath his eyes and the defeated slump of his shoulders. Still, Hikari eyed him with guarded curiosity. 
“It was fine.”  
Though Hikari didn’t say anything, Takeru could hear the tension in his own voice. Silence stretched between them as his companion gave him time to think. He had learned early on to keep his feelings suppressed, the thought of burdening someone else with his problems incomprehensible.
Beside him, the sleeve of Hikari’s uniform brushed against his. Takeru relished her proximity.  Warmth seemed to radiate from her form, Hikari’s mere existence putting him at ease. 
Thankfully, Hikari remained lost in her own thoughts as they made their way down the road. Usually, their afternoons were spent discussing the minute details of their day, from homework to troublesome teachers, even their plans for the future. They had yet to find a topic either of them were unwilling to talk about; they had yet to have a reason to hide anything from one another.
As of late, the pair had been focused on college entrance exams. An involuntary shiver ran down Takeru’s spine despite the warmth of the afternoon. 
Walking down the sidewalk methodically, his sore muscles were forgotten as his mind focused elsewhere.  
Yamato had once told him that upper education was a trap. Much like their father, Yamato believed that children shouldn’t be expected to decide on a career path that will dictate the rest of their lives. Takeru remembered agreeing whole-heartedly, unable to fathom his rockstar brother smothered in a business suit, following orders from elderly men with nasty attitudes.
And yet, even his brother had succumbed to the system, his weekends spent with mathematical problems instead of sold-out venues. 
Takeru supported his brother unconditionally, swallowing his questions in lieu of congratulations. He only allowed the questions to float to the forefront to his mind late at night in those moments where sleep evaded him. 
If they hadn't spent a summer in another world, would Yamato still have loved the stars so much that he would dedicate the rest of his life to unraveling their mysteries? 
“What’s on your mind?” Hikari’s voice was soft against the breeze. She didn’t look his way, focusing her gaze on the path ahead to give him the space he needed.
Sometimes, Hikari’s perceptiveness unnerved him. Without so much as speaking a word, she could read his mood, adapting the conversation to fit his needs. 
His footsteps slowed until they stopped completely.  Hikari looked back over her shoulder, eyebrows gathered with worry. 
Words gathered at the tip of Takeru’s tongue, his thoughts murky and muddled. With unwavering patience, Hikari waited, hands delicately clasped behind her back. 
A shaky exhale was his only preamble before his mouth opened, words falling from his lips in an odd, disjointed way. “In a world without Digimon, would we still be the same people?” 
In the grass, a cicada hummed, the sun dipping even lower beyond the horizon. 
Anxiety seemed to seep from his pores, a strange sort of anticipation building in his stomach, leaving him queasy. 
Hikari tilted her head in thought, as if Takeru’s question was as natural as a comment on the weather. Finally, she met his questioning gaze, amber eyes keeping her emotions well-hidden. 
“It’s impossible to tell,” she admitted. When Takeru didn’t respond, she took a step closer, the toe of her shoe grazing his sneaker.  “Is everything alright?” 
Concern seemed to radiate off her small frame. Even as they straddled the cusp of adulthood, Takeru couldn’t shake off the need to protect her, to shield her from anything painful.
Takeru had to accept that it meant keeping parts of him away from her, too.
“Yes. No. I don’t know,” he rambled honestly. “But if I had never gone to summer camp, if we had never been to the Digital World and met our partners, met each other, would we still have been friends?”
He paused, his heavy breaths falling between them. Hikari’s silence unnerved him. Anxiously, he searched her face for an answer, coming up empty. 
Disappointment settled in Takeru’s stomach; if anyone were to have an answer to his question, it would have been Hikari. Suddenly, embarrassment colored the tips of his ears, vulnerability creeping up his neck. 
Though Hikari looked at him with gentle reassurance, Takeru took a step back, excuses bubbling in his throat. 
Without a word, he backed up, the collar of his uniform shirt overbearing against his throat. “I should probably get home. Mom needs help with dinner.”
Despite Hikari knowing that his mother was out of town on a business trip, she remained silent, stepping aside so that Takeru could pass her. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she offered.
Her voice was lost to the breeze as he broke out into a run, heart pounding erratically in his chest.
As soon as the front door creaked open, the sound of something fluttering filled Takeru’s ears. 
“You’re home!” Patamon cried, his paws burrowing into blond locks. Outside, children played in a nearby park, their laughter filling the warm air. 
The tightness in Takeru’s chest alleviated a little, Patamon’s infectious happiness making it easier to breathe. 
Beyond the doorway, his apartment was bathed in darkness. A news story had been brewing on the mainland, ushering his mother away for the better part of two months. The fridge had been stocked with leftovers and microwavable meals, but Takeru wasn’t feeling hungry.
The silence in his home was off putting. As Takeru listened to Patamon’s excited chatter, he wistfully wished to be eleven. His house had once burst at the seams with Daisuke’s personality and Miyako’s enthusiastic voice. Iori would sit in the arm chair, watching the scene unfold as Ken playfully egged Daisuke on. Hikari and himself would be off to the side, talking about their favorite books or television shows. Outside, the world was falling apart, but it didn’t matter. As long as they all had each other, they knew that they would be fine. 
Now, his apartment remained empty. Growing apart was a side effect of growing up; not even the Chosen were immune to the changing fortunes of time. 
Without the sound of his mother furiously typing, Takeru’s footsteps were too loud, too out of place. Somewhere, across town, Takeru was sure his father would be working himself to the bone, too busy or too lonely or too lazy to call. 
If their children’s lives hadn’t  been predestined for another world, would his parents’ marriage be intact? Is there an alternate universe where Takeru comes home to his family, complete and whole and together?
“Did you have fun today?”
If Patamon noticed Takeru’s empty stare or lackluster voice, he didn’t comment.  The emptiness of the apartment was soon filled with his partner’s chatter, Takeru taking care not to jostle him from his perch as the door of the bedroom shut behind them.
The muscles in Takeru’s legs protested as he sank into the soft mattress. He laid back, welcoming the weight of Patamon on his chest. Blue eyes unfocused, Takeru stared at the ceiling above him, idly scratching behind his partner’s ears.
As Patamon prattled on about the cartoons he had watched, Takeru’s mind drifted elsewhere. 
From the time he had been eight years old, Hikari had always been his sounding board, the one person to tell it like it was, to call him out if the situation called for it. She was sweet and kind and honest; she was his most trusted friend.
But would she have been his friend if their lives hadn't been threatened by digital creatures? Would Hikari wait for him by the gate, no matter the manner in which their friendship had blossomed?
The mere thought of Hikari, one of the only constants in his life, caused Takeru’s pulse to quicken uncomfortably. Atop him, Patamon’s voice tapered off, sentence left unfinished. 
“Are you okay?” Patamon’s ears were pressed tightly against his head, large blue eyes shimmering  with concern. Takeru’s hand moved from behind his partner’s ears to his middle, patting him in reassurance. 
Hikari’s worry from earlier was now reflected in Patamon’s eyes. Takeru tore his gaze from his partner. Posters of various sports players decorated the walls, corners curling with age. A blurred photo of him and his brother stood proudly on the bedside table, stage lights gleaming in the background. 
“Just thinking,” Takeru offered. Silence stretched between them. When an explanation didn’t follow, Patamon tilted his head almost imperceptibly. 
“It’s just,” the blond stalled, struggling to formulate a coherent thought, “I don’t know. It’s too hard to put into words.”
“Could you try? I want to help you.”
The bedsprings creaked as Takeru turned on his side, Patamon snuggling between his arms and chest. With his ears tucked neatly down his sides, the Digimon burrowed his nose into the starched button-down. 
After a moment, thoughts formulated on the tip of Takeru’s tongue, spilling out between them. 
“Without you, would I still have liked basketball?”
In Takeru’s grasp, Patamon stilled. “Without me? Why would you ever be without me? Did I do something wrong?”
Takeru pulled his partner closer to him, resting his cheek on Patamon’s head. “Of course not. You’ve been in my life longer than you haven’t; I can’t remember a time before you. But that’s part of the problem. I want to like basketball because I find it enjoyable, not because my circumstances led me to it for a reprieve.”
Patamon’s eyes glittered with an unidentifiable emotion, mouth set in a firm line. “I don’t even know how to play basketball. It seems that you don’t really need me to throw a ball into a net. If you’re worried about the team or the upcoming game, you can always take a break. I’m sure your coach wouldn’t mind.”
“It’s not just about basketball!” Takeru’s ferocity shocked even himself, heart clenching at the way Patamon flinched. 
With his pulse pounding in his ears, Takeru sat up, propping himself against the pillows. The last remnants of sunlight filtered through the blinds, bathing the room in a golden light. 
Tenderly, Takeru pulled Patamon onto his lap. “I’m sorry,” the blond began, voice thick with emotion, “I don’t know where that came from.” 
Instead of talking, Patamon opted to muzzle his head against Takeru, allowing the boy to pet him once more absentmindedly.  As Takeru’s heartbeat slowed, Patamon’s courage grew.
“If whatever is bothering you is too big to handle on your own, you could always go to Hikari.”
Takeru stiffened, warmth crawling up his neck. Unexplainably, his stomach twisted itself in knots. “I don’t think she’s an option at the moment.”
“Well, then Yamato can help. He always loves helping you out! Plus, if we go over tonight, then maybe he can cook us some real food.”
“Hey!” Takeru’s lips twitched upward with indignance. “Are you insinuating that the delectable, wonderful, tasty meals I make aren’t real?”
“Takeru, I don’t think anyone considers instant ramen to be real food.” 
“Whatever,” Takeru laughed. Fishing his cell phone from his pocket, he typed out a quick message to his brother. The bed creaked once more as he stood up, neck sore from tension. Patamon fluttered beside him, a small grin playing on his features.
“C’mon,” Takeru motioned with his arm as he walked towards the bedroom door. “Let’s go.”
Their father’s apartment was as cluttered and disorganized as the last time Takeru ventured over to the other side of town. 
His brother answered the door in a pair of ratty sweatpants, their mother’s old apron tied around his waist. “I’m glad you messaged me; I was just getting dinner on the stove.” 
From the look of the grocery bags that littered the kitchen counters and brand-new carton of eggs, Takeru doubted that Yamato had been coincidentally making his favorite meal, but he knew better than to push it. 
“Thanks for letting me come over at the last minute.” 
Gabumon smiled up at him from the kitchen table. With his little chef’s hat, the Digimon looked at home amidst the vegetables Yamato let him chop.  Patamon squirmed in Takeru’s grasp until he was released, happily swooping toward Gabumon as they began an animated discussion about one of their favorite shows. 
The smell of curry udon elicited a growl from Takeru’s stomach. Sheepishly, he grinned at his older brother, rubbing the back of his neck in the doorway.
“You must have been hungry,” Yamato commented. He turned back towards the broth simmering in a pot, humming a tune too low for Takeru to make out the melody.  
“I guess.”
“Takeru only knows how to cook instant ramen, and it always turns out crunchy,” Patamon added helpfully. Gabumon remained silent. For a moment, the sound of spring onions being dutifully chopped was Yamato’s only accompaniment. 
Takeru cleared his throat. “Mom’s been…busy.” 
Yamato nodded, the tune he hummed intensifying. Takeru didn’t miss the way his brother’s eyes narrowed or the way Gabumon sent him a knowing look.
A dining room chair scraped against the floor as Takeru took a seat. The familiar smells of his father’s house washed over him. A whiff of tobacco melded with the scent of Yamato’s cooking, creating something uniquely male. Takeru was home. 
Few words passed between the  brothers as Yamato served dinner. Forks scratched against the plates, the low hum of the television filling the space between their thoughts.
“So, what’s going on?”
Over the kitchen table, Yamato’s eyes stared intently into his little brother’s. Beside Takeru, Patamon tensed. Takeru followed suit.. 
Hard work went into perfecting the way people perceived him. Takeru worked tirelessly to ensure that he didn’t let anything slip, that he never made people feel the need to comfort him or take care of him. All of his efforts were to ensure that no one felt burdened by him, and yet, Yamato was able to read him with a single look.
“It’s nothing.”
With a raised eyebrow, Yamato leaned in. “Sure doesn’t seem like nothing.”
Despite the warm food and his brother’s obvious concern, Takeru felt numb. Immediately after their parents divorce, it was hard to look at one another, much less hold a conversation. Their summer in the Digital World had changed that, and had connected them in the most impossible ways.
Would Yamato even care this much if trauma in another world hadn't bonded them together? 
An uncomfortable warmth crawled up Takeru’s neck. The corners of his eyes felt itchy, hands clammy. “It’s just -”
Yamato’s calloused finger stopped him. “Wait, don’t tell me. Did you finally put the moves on Taichi’s sister?” 
For a moment, Takeru’s train of thought was thoroughly derailed. “Do you really think I would make a move on Hikari and not tell you about it? With how fast word travels in our group, I wouldn’t make it home without ‘Taichi’s Big Brother Intervention’.”
Gabumon cracked a smile, Yamato’s own lips curling at the edges. Despite all of the changes around them, it was comforting to know that some things would always remain constant. 
The tendrils of anxiety loosened. Thoughtfully, Takeru chewed on his food. Once his hunger had been satisfied, he was able to think more clearly. 
“Would you still make me dinner even if we hadn't gone to the Digital World?”
Time seemed to stand still. Yamato’s fork hovered in the air, Gabumon frozen beside him. Patamon seemed to be the only one unaffected, happily humming to himself as he continued to eat. 
Just as Yamato gathered his thoughts, Takeru barreled on, the words rising up with such ferocity that he was unprepared for what stumbled out of his mouth. 
“If we had never gone to that summer camp, would you even talk to me, or would you push me out just like you did Mom?” 
The fork clattered onto the plate. “What?”
Takeru said nothing. He attempted nonchalance as he shoveled another forkful of dinner into his mouth, but his hands were shaking. 
Underneath Yamato’s incredulous stare, Takeru’s chest grew tight. It was as if a balloon had been inflated, pushing everything out. His words still hung in the air, the tension in the room unbearable. The itchiness in the corners of his eyes only grew stronger, his cheeks inflamed.
Takeru made no effort to stop the tears that welled up in his vision. One by one, they trickled down, trails of water etched down his face. 
Slowly, the anger drained from Yamato’s eyes. Takeru had grown a lot since their adventure, the older boy mused. Barely seventeen, Takeru’s height rivaled his own, his boyish features maturing into that of a young man. 
Despite all the physical changes, Yamato could still see the boy with the green hat. Takeru had been so young, so recklessly joyful that Yamato was sure he would be fine.
And for a while, Yamato supposed he was.
Yamato’s silence gave Takeru enough courage to continue. Sniffling, Takeru met his brother’s gaze. 
“As soon as we stepped into the Digital World, our lives were irrevocably changed. How can any of us go back to normal after caring for another creature, watching our comrades disintegrate no matter how hard we fought to protect them? I didn’t even know how to take care of myself, much less Patamon. I was eight years old! Eight! And I didn’t have a choice.
“Getting to meet the others and bond with you was the best part about all of it, don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful to have been chosen as Patamon’s partner and to be your brother, but the choice still wasn’t mine. Omnipotent beings took our destiny into their own hands, creating a story that fit their narrative. Mom and Dad splitting us up was bad enough, but then we were pulled from the only world we had ever known and were told to defend it with our life if necessary.” 
Takeru took a deep breath, his cheeks dry.
A strange sort of passion had taken over him. He no longer thought about what he said, but let the words fall where they may. Even Patamon had stopped humming to listen, food forgotten
Across the table, Yamato was still with attention, guilt simmering in his stomach. 
Taking a sip of water, Takeru continued. 
 “It was as if our lives were never in our hands, not truly. And now, I can’t tell which decisions are mine and which are Theirs. I use basketball as an escape; I do my best to live an average life. I want to feel like a normal kid, but if I had never gone to the Digital World, would I have needed an escape at all? If I had lived a normal life, do you think that I would have chosen a different club for myself? Would any of the others have been my friends? If - If I had never gone to the Digital World, would I still feel this way about Hikari? Would I have even met Hikari?”
Takeru’s chest heaved with every breath. A strange look crossed across his features, hands curled into fists on top of the table. “Would we have gotten closer without the Digital World?” 
The question hung uncomfortably between them. Gabumon excused himself, dragging a disgruntled Patamon along. 
Yamato’s bedroom door clicked shut; the brothers were finally alone. 
Finally, Yamato spoke. His dark eyes bored into his younger brother’s crystal blues. He was mistaken earlier, Yamato amended. Looking into his brother’s face, any trace of the reckless eight-year-old was gone. In front of him sat an anxious mess of blond hair, doing his best to live life on his own terms. Takeru was a man in the making.
Takeru could shoulder the truth.
“Probably not.” 
The color drained from Takeru’s cheeks, fists trembling. “But, Yama-”
“Takeru, you are the most intuitive person I know. You knew the answer before you asked the question. Our parents would never have let us spend that much time together unless we went to summer camp. I didn’t even want to go to summer camp, but I knew it was the only time I would get to see you. No one could have made that decision but me. Despite the fighting and the loss, I have never regretted my choice. Have you?”
Takeru let Yamato’s words stew for a few days. School was a blur, his thoughts preoccupied with the ‘what-ifs’. 
At night, visions of his parents fighting followed behind his closed eyelids. If he hadn't been predestined for another world, would his parents still be together? 
Only the sound of Patamon’s even breathing could coax him back to sleep. 
It didn’t take Hikari long to notice the difference in his disposition. The dark circles underneath Takeru’s eyes had grown larger, his normally neat hair mussed with carelessness. Even at the big game, Takeru fumbled the ball, costing his team the point, and eventually, the game. 
In the evenings, Takeru was uncharacteristically silent, his mind seemingly elsewhere. 
This time, Hikari didn’t pry. She stayed near him, as if she were trying to comfort him with her presence alone. Truthfully, it scared her to see Takeru so dejected. 
Still, Takeru was stubborn. The more people pried at him, the further he retreated. 
Hikari had learned to be patient, her efforts eventually rewarded. 
Summer’s heat had begun to slip away. Clouds had clung together in the sky, the world washed in gray. Remnants of a thunderstorm formed puddles in the street. The air was uncomfortably sticky, moisture almost suffocating.
Takeru’s sneakers splashed carelessly, his head downturn. The first time he had splashed water onto her legs, Hikari ignored it. By the fourth time, her annoyance peaked.
“If you’re going to mope, maybe you should do it somewhere dry.” Her amber eyes looked at him pointedly before she wiped off the dirt and water with her sleeve. 
He offered her an apologetic glance, the corners of his lips twitching in mirth. “And here I thought you enjoyed a nice swim.”
Hikari didn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her smile. She wouldn’t let his humor deflect from whatever was going on; for once, she held her ground until he gave in. 
“I’m just going through a lot right now.”
Together, they turned the corner, bodies pushed closer through the crowds. A row of shops decorated the side of their path, groups of people lingering on the street. 
For a moment, the sounds of bicycle bells and murmured conversation were enough for Takeru to gather himself.
“Do you remember the first night after we got back from the Digital World?” He looked at her, satisfied only when Hikari nodded. “I laid in bed, so tired, so sleepy, but my eyes wouldn't close. At first, I thought it was because I was worried about nightmares. Devimon had scared me pretty badly and I still dream about the way Puppetmon chased me. That first night, I didn’t shut my eyes until I could see the sun peek over the horizon.”
Ahead, the path opened up. Even with his mind elsewhere, Takeru felt a small hint of satisfaction when Hikari remained close. As always, she was his constant, always beside him whenever he needed her. 
Fighting the urge to put her palm in his, Takeru stuffed his hands into his pant’s pockets, an easy smile playing on his lips. 
“It wasn’t until later that I realized I was waiting for the sound of Yamato’s harmonica to lull me to sleep. For months, the sound of his music was the only thing that could console me. No matter how bad things got during the day, I could always depend on my Aniki-san to be there.
“I’ve been worried that, in a world without Digimon, my brother would be absent. I was worried that he would be just some guy I knew in another life, a body to fill the crowd at my wedding or something. And truthfully, it’s probably true.”
Hikari stopped, her hand reaching out to grab his arm. “Takeru, your brother loves you.” 
Takeru looked down, smiling softly at her concern. 
The crowd of people parted around the pair as they stood in place. 
“I know,” he whispered.
With Hikari’s hand still on his arm, he started walking forward. It was almost time for the both of them to part ways, their apartments too far apart to walk side by side much longer. 
“Yamato loves me, and that’s why he was honest with me.”
Hikari’s grip tightened. Takeru could feel his cheeks flush, but made no move to hide. Hikari always had a way of knowing exactly what he was thinking.  
“I think,” she began, voice sturdy against the noise of the shops. “I think that wondering about what life could have looked like is only natural. There will always be a part of us that wonders if life could have been easier or happier or better, but I don’t think it matters. Even though it wasn’t our choice, we will never know a world without Digimon. And if your brother is closer to you or loves you more because of Digital World, then maybe our trip is a cause for celebration, not regret.”
Takeru’s smile deepened, the corners of his eyes crinkling. It wasn’t fair that Hikari could sum up his worries and thoughts in such a simple way. It wasn’t fair, but he loved her all the more for it. 
“Thank you, Hikari. I was just so consumed with the thought of a destiny I didn’t choose, but Yamato made me realize something.”
“Despite me not choosing the Digital World or the fighting, despite that I will never live a normal life, I realized that I wouldn’t want anything different. Because of the Digital World, Yamato and I are closer than we ever could have been. I am strong and confident and have some of the best friends both worlds can offer.”  Takeru inhaled, his pulse irregular and palms sweaty. 
“Because of the Digital World, I met you, and I could never regret that.” 
Around his arm, Hikari’s hand squeezed. Her smile was soft and shy, cheeks tinted pink. Against the gray sky, she beamed, and Takeru couldn’t help but to smile. Even if he hadn't chosen the events that led him to this moment, he would never know of anything different. 
He wouldn’t want anything different. 
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ashxketchum · 4 months
Now it feels like we’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary 😍
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This new art for an upcoming collaboration with Karatez is just simply stunning. The theme is (very obviously) “idol” and I personally love the futuristic pop concept they’ve added to the outfits. Although exact date and merch details haven’t been shared yet, they shared a few layouts of the key art.
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The outfits are also great this time around because of their little references to the partner Digimon’s Perfect evolutions. Listing them down one by one as always.
Taichi: The blue markings on his jacket plus robotic arm markings on his right sleeve are a nice shoutout to MetalGreymon.
Yamato: We see WereGarurumon’s pattern on his jacket and a few belts wrapped around his hands that captures the punk-grunge vibe of WereGarurumon well. It may be Yamato’s affinity to music, but he looks extremely in his element in this art, it’s not often we see him so raring to go in official merch art (he’s more of a soft smiles guy usually).
Sora: Her gloves and the red bandana on her arm coupled with the feather in her hair are clear shoutouts to Garudamon. It’s kinda funny to me that being the girl who’s crest is a heart symbol, she’s making a victory sign while Mimi and Hikari are both making different types of finger hearts 😆
Koushiro: Honestly they were really subtle with the reference for him and even twitter couldn’t exactly answer my doubts so I’m gonna have to see Koushiro stans step up and answer whether the reference in his outfit limited to the markings on his jacket resembling AtlurKabuterimon’s chest?
Mimi: I think she’s the one with the most easy to catch references, her skirt resembles Lilymon’s and her hair tie looks like Lilymon’s flower canon. I love that she’s making the big finger heart because it’s just so very Mimi. If Yamato suits the passionate side of being an idol, Mimi is definitely meant for the cutesy visual vibe that can make fans go crazy over just a wink and a smile.
Jou: He’s wearing three belt like bracelets around one wrist like Zudomon which makes his a minimal reference though not as subtle as Koushiro’s. I do feel that they could’ve done a bit more with his look, maybe add a horn to the side of his headset? I also can’t wait to see the full art for each kid individually cuz I do think him and Yamato are wearing similar bellbottom pants!
Takeru: The feather on his headset and the yellow suspended straps are a decent reference to HolyAngemon. Considering that they wanted to keep the outfits limited to one colour per kid, I think this is the best way they could slip in the reference, though I wouldn’t have minded a few rings.
Hikari: The feather on the headset, the corset-ish belt around her waist and her gloves are very nice references to Angewomon. Keeping Hikari’s innocence as a kid intact while referencing a Digimon that is undoubtedly considered one of the most sexiest mons in the franchise would have been really tough and I salute the illustrators for coming up with this design! I also like the OG Korean finger heart she’s making, such a cute look on her.
The cherry on top are each of the Digimon partners holding supportive cheering goods for their kids. Piyomon’s love for Sora goes hard with her big name banner. Meanwhile, Agumon and Palmon kept it simple with haoris, Tailmon and Patamon too decided to go the simple route with light sticks. Gabumon, Gomamon and Tentomon seem normal from afar with their hand fans but when you get a closer look on all the hearts around Koushiro’s name on Tentomon’s fan, you know the three spent time making those themselves.
All in all, a pretty amazing illustration to be able to get merch of!
But wait that’s not all, andGallery has also teased a future cafe collaboration with Digimon Adventure on their twitter, more info will be announced on 19th Feb but they did share a preview of what to expect.
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atsoraasayoma · 9 months
The Digimon 02 sequel movie is set to release October 27th, 2023. I have been watching every day for Takari information.
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No new updates for Takari week. What the hell happened? No way I missed it. Anyone have any information?
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uniarycode · 1 year
Hikari Yagami Week 2023 - Day 4 - Sports
for @hikariyagamiweek
Hikari and Takeru had only been in the same class for months, yet there was no one else in the school she was closer to.  It wasn’t that they knew everything about each other, but they didn’t need to. 
Takeru always knew when Hikari was down, and had a talent for picking the best gifts for her.  Franchises she didn’t even know he knew she liked, necklaces that instantly fit her aesthetic, sweets she’d never reject.
And in turn, she could just as easily read and adjust to his moods and attitudes.
So strong was their bond, it came as a shock, to her, to him, likely to all their observers, when Takeru nonchalantly kicked a soccer ball to her feet.
Hikari instantly retreated.
“I-I don’t play.” She said simply.
Takeru blinked.
“You don’t play?”
It was a ludicrous statement.  Hikari knew every rule of the sport.  Could be just as loud as her brother in calling out the referees when she felt they made an incorrect call.
She was also intricately linked to the soccer club.  Having assisted the team readily when she and Taichi shared the same school.   It was how she met Daisuke.  It was how she’d met Sora.  It was even how she met Koushiro.
And while she wasn’t n Sora or Taichi’s level, Hikari was still an athlete.  She could handle herself in other sports.
And yet, she didn’t play. That wasn’t a lie.
Takeru looked at her, attempting to solve her riddle. “Well, could you pass the ball back?”
Hikari glanced at the ball, then at her feet.  She felt woozy.  She reached down and scooped the ball up with her hands, throwing it to her best friend.
It was too much to ask for that to be the end of that.  Takeru had let the subject drop, but only because there were other people about.  Two days later Hikari found herself cornered, with a well-intentioned blond and a bag of soccer balls.
“Takeru, if we’re going to waste time, couldn’t we spend it destroying dark towers?” she asked.
He saw right through her on that. “we already agreed to take a break from that.  Relaxation is important as well.”
She didn’t feel very relaxed.
“I don’t play.”
“You don’t?  or maybe you won’t?  or maybe you can’t?” he set a ball down, about a yard in front of her.  “Can Hikari not kick a ball?”
She felt part of herself rise to the challenge and the rest fall.  “It’s not about can.” She said simply.
“Ohh?  Well then, if you can get this ball in the net before we have to leave, I’ll spend the extra time treating you to that ice cream place you like so much.  But you gotta kick it.  No hands.”
Of course, he knew what tempted her the most.  “Takeru… it doesn’t matter.  I don’t play.”
“I’m not asking you to play, I’m asking you to kick.  What’s the worst that can happen?”
Sirens, bright lights, doctors yelling words she couldn’t understand.  An angry mother, a tearful father, a frightened brother.
“You never know.”
Takeru sized her up.  “is the ball going to turn into a dinosaur?  Or maybe an evil robot?  I don’t recall those stopping you before.”
She twitched. “it’s different.”
“Well, maybe it can be the same?” Takeru said.  “Maybe this ball is Ladydevimon.”
Hikari brought a hand to stifle a giggle. “What?”
“it is.  It’s her head.”
“It’s her head.  She sat there taunting you, and she called Angewomon a goodie two shoes.  Are you going to let her get away with that?  Come on Hikari kick her -”
“Takeru!” Hikari said. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because you can’t go through your entire life scared to kick a ball Hikari.  You want to be a teacher when you grow up, you’ll have to help kids learn as well.”
“That’s when I’m an adult.”
“You can’t put it off forever,” Takeru said.  “Look at you, I’ve seen you do incredible things.  Things no other kid can say.  And you can’t kick a soccer ball?  Where’s the girl who was antagonizing a perfect-level she-devil.”
Hikari paused.  She looked down at the ball, and did her best to do as Taekru directed. Imagining the ball was actually that hag’s head.  She sulked up until the ball was right in front of her right foot, curled her knee, closed her eyes, and let it go.
It was not the most accurate kick in the world.  Not by far. But of the two kicks of the soccer ball she’d taken in her life, it was by far the least disastrous.
Hikari far preferred ice cream to hospital beds.
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Day 2: First Date
a callback to this:
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stravanerry · 2 years
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🌸#𝐻𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑊𝑒𝑒𝑘2022 ♡𝐷𝑎𝑦 04: 𝐹𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 ♡𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑌���𝑔𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑇.𝛫. 𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑏𝑦 𝑚𝑒
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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@izumikoushiroweek prompt: Everyone loves Koushirou
Koushirou Izumi, despite being one of the most vital riddle solvers, information gatherers and community connectors among the original Chosen Children, is often assumed to not exactly be a social butterfly. As he is also often described as mentor while being on his path to decipher all the mysteries of the Digital World, this may lead to him displaying a more “work like” attitude towards it all. However, through all of this, one may never forget how lost they all would be without him - as he would also be lost without them. Working, learning, sharing laughs, collecting memories, going through thick and thin and, among it all, enjoying life together - his bonds with his friends, partners, mentees shall never be overlooked.
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windfighter · 1 year
Not only thunder roars
Prompt: ”I’m scared.”
Takeru curled up next to Yamato and Yamato put an arm around him.
”I’m scared”, Takeru whispered.
Lightning flashed across the sky, thunder roared. I’m scared too, Yamato wanted to say. But he couldn’t. He needed to be brave, Takeru’s rock. Needed to be a good brother. Or else mom and dad might start fighting again.
”I know it looks scary, but lots of things that look scary aren’t”, he said. ”Like that bug you found yesterday!”
A bug was far from the same thing as lightning though. Another flash crossed the sky and Yamato supressed the need to flinch. Takeru did instead, pressed harder into Yamato’s side. Yamato lifted him into his lap. Part of him wanted to suggest they hid in the wardrobe. He pushed that part as far away as possible.
”Why is the sky angry?” Takeru asked.
Yamato didn’t know. He raked his brain to find what he had done to wrong the sky, but nothing came up.
”Maybe….” he started and tried to think something up on the spot. ”...maybe there’s just been too much work for it lately. Like how it is for dad sometimes.”
Thunder roared again. Takeru gripped Yamato’s shirt and pressed his face against Yamato’s chest. Yamato watched the rain run down the window.
”He’s not angry at us, just very loud”, Yamato said.
He wished he could believe his own words. Takeru seemed to calm down a bit though, the tight grip around Yamato’s shirt loosened. Yamato lifted a hand to his cheek. The bruise had disappeared, but the pain was still fresh in his memory. He swallowed and hugged Takeru.
”He could never be angry at you”, he whispered.
”Is the sky angry at you?” Takeru asked.
Yamato blinked. Shook his head.
”Maybe it is”, he said. ”Maybe it’s angry I’m holding you in here instead of letting you go out and greet it.”
Takeru looked at him. Yamato did his best to grin and Takeru laughed. Settled more comfortable in Yamato’s lap and looked through the window. Yamato did as well, tried to keep the memories of dad’s hand and the pain away. Takeru leaned his head back and looked at Yamato.
”You’ll always protect me when it’s angry, won’t you?”
Yamato wasn’t sure what they were talking about any longer, but he knew one thing. He ruffled Takeru’s hair and gave him another hug.
”I’ll always protect you.”
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ri-ships-takari · 2 years
a hint of lavender rose (one-shot)
pairing: takeru-hikari summary: There was no doubt about it. Takeru Takaishi was in love with someone. And Hikari was going to find out who. [ao3, ffnet] note: this was supposed to be for the takari week prompts letters and first date, but i finished late. anyway here's some fluff with barely any plot for you ^__^ it's lowkey a prequel for shimane in spring too for how they get together genre: fluff words: 3667
There was no doubt about it. Takeru Takaishi was in love with someone. And Hikari was going to find out who.
Until last week, she had never really thought about Takeru being interested in anyone. He just couldn’t have had the time. Since middle school they’d been almost inseparable — in every possible world — and even when they were apart, each knew precisely where the other was and why.
Rain or shine, Takeru’s day would begin with a good morning from Hikari. Though they both knew these functioned more as wake-up calls than actual well-wishing.
Both could identify the precise day this habit started. It was that day in high school when Takeru slept through all his alarms and missed first period. This would not have been an issue if he hadn’t borrowed Hikari’s notebook the night before to study for their math test set for second period. (Not that Hikari needed the notes to cram any studying that morning — she knew every equation by heart from having tried to tutor Takeru on the subject the weekend prior — but it was the principle of it.)
Since then, she never let him hear the end of it, but this censure ended better than either of them could have expected. A conversation opened that day and never closed.
Simple ‘good mornings’ led to ‘see you soons’, that eventually evolved to the more provocative ‘race you to class’ (which Hikari, as a Yagami, took so seriously that she tripped enough times running across the school yard for Takeru to add the obligatory ‘Take care,’ or more jeering, ‘Don’t hurt yourself’ to their daily ritual. When the competition was close enough, Takeru also made the additional habit of reaching for Hikari’s hand as she rushed to beat him. She always accused him of playing dirty for these, but he’d saved her from face planting across the school steps enough times — pulling her up just in time — so she never passionately pressed the argument.)
Class would put a pause to this daily banter but they would pick up right back where they left off during breaks and at dismissal. Hikari might come over to Takeru to share some of her bento, from a recipe he had shared with her last night, while Takeru would walk her home as she briefed him on any homework he missed out on while daydreaming during class.
That’s where it started, those carefree days in middle school when the setting sun painted their youth in its golden glow. They found themselves caught in a conversation with no conclusion. Even on their busier days — buried in books as they struggled to get to university — they somehow found the time to stay connected, studying together, or calling the other for a break in between more stressful study sessions.
Going to different universities did pull their academic lives a few wards apart, but though they spent school days away from each other, their routine remained, albeit adjusted slightly.
They endured as each other’s first greeting in the morning, though the frequency of banter did die down as the two tried to manage the additional academic load of being university students. 
Besides academics, Hikari got a bit busier than Takeru when she started taking part-time jobs to support herself, as her brother had previously.
First she tried working at the local pachinko parlor her brother part-timed when he was a student, against Taichi’s own advice. He had warned her about all the sleazy creeps she’d encounter if she dared to work at that place, but if anything she took this more as a challenge than as a deterrent (the only thing keeping Taichi from arguing about this was the acknowledgement that she probably got this adamancy from him.) 
The older Yagami then tried to ask his former workmates to watch out his sister for him, but the night she got wind of this, he found his sister at his doorstep, brimming with irritation (I am not a baby and I don’t need a babysitter, nii-san!) She then let herself in and served the home-cooked meal she prepared for him that night (which both made no sense, and absolute sense to Taichi.)
Hikari constantly reassured her brother that she was perfectly fine at work. In fact, she was enjoying the unique new characters and challenges she faced at the job. To prove a point, she even sent him selfies daily of how happy she and her co-workers were in the staff room, which concerned him only more, firstly, because he knew of her tendency to mask her struggles with a smile, and secondly, because he himself had had more than a few burnt out breakdowns in that same room.
Taichi just couldn't shake his worry for his sister, but he had to be less conspicuous. So he sought a more subtle accomplice: Takeru. This made more sense anyway as they already spent most of their off hours together anyway. It felt only natural that he might check up on her at work too.
That’s what Takeru was doing at the pachinko the day Hikari got fired.
It wasn’t that she had done anything wrong. Takeru even could see that she was one of the most attentive staff at the parlor, kindness shining through over the cold incandescent lights. If anything, the problem was that she was too kind, and too attentive.
Hikari had somehow befriended a few of the regulars and gotten them to open up about their home and personal lives. She even took to counseling some of the more aloof customers, convincing them to try and get out and reconnect with their friends and families. That touch of care and random kindness was precisely the push they needed to lead them to seeking their dopamine fix elsewhere, in the comfort of real connections, rather than in synthetic wins at the pachinko parlor.
Needless to say this was not good for business, and her manager was obliged to fire her (though not without contention from the rest of the staff and some of the regulars who were still in the process of kicking the habit. Takeru had never seen so many grown Japanese men cry, and he found himself needing more to comfort them than Hikari herself.)
Though slightly saddened at the loss, Hikari was generally unfazed. A job was a job, and she could keep the friends she made along the way anyway. (“Don’t worry, Ojii-san! I’ll still help you win back your wife!”)
More pressing for her was that she had to find another part-time job. 
She was hoping to apply for teaching aide positions at a nearby preschool, but it was early summer, and those wouldn’t start hiring until the next month. The school year was fast approaching and she had tuition and school fees that needed saving up for.
It was Takeru who found her next job, at a flower shop near her university (he internally debated whether to finally admit the source of the flowers he had been getting for her regularly since they started uni — daisies for winning scholarships, sunflowers for surviving sad days — but the owner was kind and he knew she’d be in good hands.)
Once she started working at the shop, Takeru continued his commitment to Taichi to check on his sister at work, perhaps with some added accountability, as it was the younger boy who had recommended the place to her in the first place.
This was their second summer at university: ‘Good mornings’ turned to ‘see you laters’, and spending days together at the boutique, perhaps the most time they’d spent together in person since starting university. (Takeru had his own summer job at the time, editing papers for STEM graduate students, but whether he worked cloistered by dusty old books at the library or surrounded by sage buds with Hikari, the grad students were none the wiser.)
It helped that the Takeru and the shop owner seemed to already be good friends by the time Hikari started at the shop, so him hanging around all day did not face much administrative objection. He’d sit next to her by the counter working on his laptop, sometimes helping her clean up or keep stock, and often chatting with the shop owner. If anything, Hikari felt she was the one who was tagging along, when the two would whisper in the back room, thinking she was out of earshot.
That was how Hikari figured out something was up with Takeru.
“So when are you going to ‘fess up?” her boss whispered.
‘fess up? Had Takeru done something wrong? But what was with the whispering?
“Eh,” Takeru sighed. “I’m not sure I can right now.”
Her boss stifled a chuckle. “You’re young. You might feel like you’ve got all the time in the world, but if you truly love this woman you’ve got to tell her. Tell her with your whole heart.”
“I’m just not sure how. I can’t seem to find the words.”
“Don’t need no words. Tell her with flowers.” 
“I’m not sure if she understands flowers.”
“Guess you gotta give her better hints then.” her boss said, before returning from the back room with the bouquet he had just finished arranging for the customer Hikari had been attending to.
That’s how she knew. Takeru was in love. 
Now that she thought about it, she noticed the obvious symptoms, the tell-tale signs they show in all the rom-com montages. There was a sparkle in his eyes, the skip in his step, and if she truly listened she could hear the song in his voice when he talked to her.
But wasn’t he always this way? When could he have fallen in love?
He wasn't the type to get flirty with schoolmates. She knew this from having been in his class all the way up to senior high, where she watched countless classmates confess their affections for the boy, consistently to no avail. She always thought he was too serious about his studies — as she was — to entertain such a silly thing, and she respected him for that.
Outside school, they still spent most of their available time together — him cramming papers, and her poring over course material. When they weren’t studying they were both working, and when they weren’t working they were catching a quick bite to eat, at either of their homes, or at a local convenience store if they were really busy. 
Sure they had other friends, but she also knew all his social groups, and was certain all of these were platonic. (She’d actually even helped some of his friends courting the objects of their affection by providing them with the nicest, freshest flowers from the shop.)
Hikari had absolutely no idea who Takeru could have been interested in, but she was going to find out. What were friends for if you couldn’t tell them things? What kind of friend was she if she couldn’t even help her best friend with something so dear to him? And why was he keeping these from her?
She couldn't keep ruminating about it though. She had to act. She spent most of last week waiting for her chance to bring it up. 
This afternoon she finally got the chance. Her boss was out of town for the week, so it was only the two of them at the shop. Takeru had uncharacteristically stood from his laptop to inspect the carnations display.
“Looking for something?” she asks, disguising her personal curiosity as professional duty.
He nods casually, not even meeting her eyes.
This was her chance.
“Is it for someone special?”
Another nonchalant nod, as he checks every color of carnation.
“A girl?”
“Well, aren’t you interested?” he chuckles, finally meeting her eyes.
“Am not!” she huffs. “It’s literally my job.”
“Alright, then I could use some of your professional advice,” he teases.
“At your service,” she bows with mock professionalism. “What do you need?”
“Some flowers, for tonight.”
“Got a date?” Hikari tries to hide her eagerness.
Takeru laughs. “Today? Don't you remember?”
Remember what? She tries to recall if he’s told her of any date he was planning, or if he’d mentioned asking anyone out. Unless he was the one asked out?
“What’s up with today?” she asks, at a complete loss.
He clicks his tongue, annoying her only more. “What kind of best friend forgets such an important day?”
“What kind of best friend keeps secrets about their dates!”
“Who told you I had a date tonight?” he asks.
“Not you! I had to figure it out from all your whispering in the backroom!” she counters, crossing her arms.
Takeru’s instant blush is all the confirmation she needs. Caught red handed. 
“I know you’re keeping secrets, Takeru Takaishi. How could you keep something so important from your best friend?” she pouts, sincerely hurt.
At this he walks over to her at the counter to hold both her hands in his. “I’m sorry, Hikari,” he says, caressing her hands with his thumb. “I’m sorry I’ve been keeping things from you.”
Her eyes light up. “So you’ll tell me who you like now?”
She feels the pulse in his palms speed up, all color abandoning his face. 
“Eh— um—”
Beads of sweat build up on his forehead.
“Um—” He clears his throat. “I’ll tell you in a bit. Could you help me pick out flowers first?”
“Fine, but—” she says, pulling her hands from his hold and lifting her pinky at him. “Promise?”
Hikari could see the boy stop breathing for a second, like his soul left his body as they spoke.
“Promise?” she repeats, soft eyes piercing his soul like hooks, reeling it back into the conversation.
A minute passes. Hikari could imagine the internal debate playing out in his mind, as she had helped him process countless times for other concerns great and small before.
Finally, he takes a breath and sighs, lifting his own pinky with hesitation. As he brings his pinky to lock with hers, he pauses to say, “As long as you promise it won’t change anything between us.”
Why would anything change? she wonders. She thinks about this herself a moment, then finally resolves, “As long as you do too.”
The caveat surprises Takeru for a second, but he soon nods once in solemn agreement.
They lock pinkies, press hands, then perform an intricate seven step secret handshake that involves complex hand signs, knuckle bumping, and some spit-infused, slapping conclusion. 
“We really should update that handshake,” Takeru comments.
"Hey, 'if it aint broke, don’t fix it,'" Hikari replies, Yagami ease shining through.
Takeru nods.
“Okay, so what do we need?” Hikari asks, with newfound focus.
“Guessed so far.”
“—for tonight.”
“For your date?”
“I guess you could say so,” Takeru laughs lightly.
“Okay, what do you want to say?”
“Um, ‘I got you some flowers’?”
Hikari fights the urge to smack the boy, but the future educator in her overpowers this. “No, no. I mean, what do you want the flowers to say?”
Takeru stares at her in surprise.
“Like, ‘I appreciate you’, ‘I’m grateful’, or if you’re a bit bolder, even ‘I love you’.”
The boy blushes. 
“Something like that.”
From under the front desk, she pulls out a thick catalogue filled with photos of flowers in every color, each annotated with various symbolisms and implications. Hikari herself wasn’t yet so well-versed in flower language, but she imagined Takeru should have at least encountered this reference in the store before (though perhaps he never truly needed its insights until this moment.)
Opening the compendium to its table of contents, she asks, “So what do you want to say?” 
He settles next to her, huddling shoulder to shoulder over the large book. He ponders this question for a bit. “I guess something along the lines of, ‘I’m thankful for you and all that you do.’”
How cute. how coy, Hikari thinks as she flips through the pages to find the section on gratitude. “Hydrangeas are in season, I think. We got some fresh ones this morning.”
“Those feel a bit too apologetic. I was thinking of more carnations or something. I think she’d like pink.”
Aha! So it was a she, Hikari notes. Carnations though. “What is she, your mom? If we’re going for pink anyway, I’d recommend pink roses.”
“So you like pink roses?”
“That’s my professional opinion, based on the official guidelines, of course,” she says, pointing out a section of text on every color of rose. “Our display is over there by the window.”
He knew every inch of the store just as well as she did though, and he had already stood to inspect the selection of roses before she even finished directing him to it.
After some deliberation, he chooses a humble bundle of pink roses, precisely as she had advised. As he turns to ask her to check them out, he pauses at the roses section once again.
“What do you think of lavender roses?” he asks, toying with the tempting purple petals of a single rose on display.
“Hmm,” she sounds, looking for that item in the catalogue. Not finding it in the ‘Rose’ section, she flips through both the table of contents and the index, but fails to find any notes on that specific color of rose. “I guess they’re kind of pretty.”
“So you don’t know what they mean?”
“Well it’s not in the catalogue,” she concedes.
“Tsk, tsk. I should bring this up with your manager,” he jests.
“Fine. If you’re so smart what do they mean then?” Honestly, this was more frustrating than the pachinko clients, she decides as she gives up on the catalogue. When she looks up from the text though, he surprises her by having already made his way to the counter, a bouquet of pink roses in one hand, and a single lavender rose in the other. 
“Could you ring these up for me, please?”
She nods, remembering she was on the clock. “Do you want me to arrange the lavender one in the bouquet for you?”
“No need, I’ll be giving them separately,” he smiles.
He then picks two gift cards from the display by the counter. Could it be Takeru had not one but two dates tonight? This boy had some explaining to do.
She sets aside her suspicions just long enough to account for the sales and wrap the two purchases separately. By the time she’s finished, Takeru has already written on both cards, folded them tight, and was prepared to promptly secure them into their respective bundles, before Hikari could even take a peek at who they were addressed to.
“Thanks for all your help today,” he says, as he picks up the pink bouquet and casually makes his way out the store.
“Hey! ” Hikari calls out. ”Aren’t you forgetting something!”
“Yeah, look at the time! Got to go or I’ll be late for dinner.”
“You promised!”
“I’ll talk to you later then,” he bids with a salute. She meant to push the argument, but a couple of customers entered exactly as he was leaving, so she had to set aside her annoyance for the meantime. 
The rest of the afternoon is so unusually busy — with more customers filing in today than the entire week prior — that it isn’t until the end of the day, as she was cleaning up to close shop, that she finds the single stem Takeru had purchased earlier, on the counter precisely where she had left it.
Or at least she suspects it’s his. With the traffic they got today she can’t be sure, or this is how she justifies peeking into its gift card, folded tight and snug its crisp paper wrapping.
To her surprise, it was addressed to her. It reads:
Dearest Hikari-chan, Thanks for all your help today ♡ about the bouquet, you were right. They’re for mom. It’s her birthday (You greeted her this morning, remember? ;) ) This one’s for you. Would you know what it means? If you don’t, you could google it haha or would you be up for dinner tomorrow? My treat. Sorry I was so wishy washy. I’ll explain everything tomorrow, for real, promise. (Here was a rough doodle of what Hikari could only guess were two locked pinkies, with sausage fingers so chunky that she had to laugh. Takeru was a writer after all, not an artist.) Sorry I couldn’t commute with you home today too, but please let me know when you head out so I could tell you to take care. And don’t hurt yourself ;p Talk to you later! See you tomorrow (?) — takeru
Hikari sighs. Help a boy out and he gives you homework. Somehow she isn't even annoyed though. For some reason she couldn’t identify, she is even relieved to learn the only object of his affections today was his mother. Maybe he and her boss were talking about his mom all along. It didn’t make as much sense, but it was definitely a possibility.
In any case, she would appreciate the free meal. They’d been surviving on home cooking and convenience stores for a while, so this occasional treat would be nice.
She thought of googling ‘lavender rose’ on the train home, but decided against it on principle. He’d already made her think too much today. She’d let him walk her through this one tomorrow. She had no idea what Takeru had to explain, but she could at least rest in the assurance that whatever it was, nothing would change. All that they had cultivated since childhood would remain. At least in that much, she could trust.
In the meantime, the flower was a pleasant companion on her commute home. She was surprised to find that it smelled ever so slightly like the flower of whose namesake it got its color, as the hint of lavender rose to envelope her in its soothing scent, enkindling in her a sense of excitement for what was to come.
a/n: if hikari did google what the flower meant, she might have found this:
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as usual this came about cause I needed to get this out of my brain to function T_____T its also midkey 'Fluff without plot' (no plot in this house we go on vibes)
this was also lowkey takari week 2022 for the prompts 'first date' and 'letters' but I'm not gonna push it because it so lowkey and also so late oops it's also remotely monster at the end of this book, if any of you grew up with that
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DigiWeek Day 5: Crossover
I always pictured my Digimon fanfic taking place in the Adventure/ 02 world. I would love for my characters to me some of the international DigiDestined that the main cast meets on their travels. I wanted to do the 02 characters as well, but I ran out of room and time.
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Koushiro Week 2022 - Day 2: Adoption/Family
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: Embracing My Past Characters: Koushiro Izumi, Tentomon, Taichi Yagami, Yamato Ishida, Sora Takenouchi and Takeru Takaishi. Summary: Koushiro turns to Taichi, Yamato, Sora and Takeru for something he's wanted to do for a while. Koushiro happily opened the door of his apartment to Sora. Yamato, Takeru and Taichi were already there eating some snacks and drinking oolong tea. “Looks like I’m the last one to arrive.” She said as she looked at the three boys in his living room. “So what did you call us here for?” “There’s something I want to tell you.” Koushiro sat down on a chair and handed Takeru a picture. “Who are they?” He looked up after staring at it. “These aren’t your parents.” “They are.” “What?” “This is something I’ve been holding in for a few years. And lately I’ve been feeling the need to share it.” “Did you get to know them?” Sora asked while looking at the photo. “They were a very beautiful couple. I can see you look a lot like your father.” “My mother says the same thing.” “I’m sorry you didn’t get to spend time with your biological parents, Koushiro.” “It’s okay, really.” He gave them a reassuring smile. “I’m actually very blessed to have such lovingly and amazing parents.” “I’m sure they feel the same way about you.” She smiled and then gave the picture to Taichi. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what happened to them?” “They died in a car accident when I was only a few years old. My biological father was my father’s cousin. My parents had lost a child when they adopted me.” “Wow…” Yamato pressed his hands together between his knees. “I had no idea.” “I was never comfortable telling this story until now.” “I’m glad you are now, though.” Sora smiled warmly. “I’m sure that must have been difficult for you.” “It has. There’s another reason why I told you this, however.” “What reason?” “My mother told me where they are buried and I want to go see them. I want to know if you all would like to go with me.” “Of course!” The girl was the first one to reply, and in an excited way. “You can count on me too.” Takeru quickly echoed his future sister-in-law. “Me too.” “Let’s do it.” “Thank you so much, guys. I was afraid you wouldn’t agree with it or try to convince me not to do it.” “We would never do that.” “I think it’s great that you want to visit your biological parents’ graves. I have no doubt your parents will be very proud of and happy for you.” “Thank you, Sora.” Koushiro said with a smile. “I think so too. Oh and by the way, we’re gonna have to take a small trip for that, since it’s in another city. Is that okay with you?” “It’s absolutely fine.” Taichi replied, looking at the other three people. “I’m always up for a road trip.” “Great. It’s not that far, so we can go and come back tomorrow. And I want to thank you for doing this with me.” “You don’t have to thank us, Koushiro. We’re flattered you turned to us for such an important moment of your life.”
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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xnicowritesx · 2 years
Sweet Love Chapter 7
Fandom(s): Digimon - All Media Types, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Adventure tri.
Relationship(s): Takaishi Takeru | T.K. Takaishi/Yagami Hikari | Kari Kamiya
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Series: Nico's Digimon Events
Summary: Takeru and Hikari realize their feelings for each other, but both are hesitant to tell the other just how strong those feelings are. Written for Takari Week 2022.
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atsoraasayoma · 9 months
Preparing for Takari Week and all of the shipping posts
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Shipping versus canon.
Two thought processes battling it out and not mutually exclusive.
But inbetween impossible and plausible…nay, there I thrive…
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I’ll order takeout for the canon shipping possibility.
If it’s not on the menu takeout me instead…
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patamon · 2 years
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Happy Takeru Takaishi week! - December 4-10th, 2022 [Digimon Adventures - Chosen Profiles]
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Day 7: Post-Series
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bagerfluff · 20 days
Romcom Realization
Older Takaishi Takeru x Male Reader
Prompt - Realization
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You started at the ceiling.
This was your routine for the past week or so. Wake up, eat, lay on the couch, do some stuff, mostly watch TV, eat, stare at the ceiling, eat, shower, sleep, repeat.
With some other stuff mixed in like class, hanging out with friends, playing with the Digimon that were currently watching TV. The main reason you were like this was because of Takeru.
Not because he did anything, it was because he had left.
Takeru wants to be an author. He wants to write and create. You were fine with that, but not right now. Takeru had gotten an opportunity to go see a famous author talk about writing.
You, being Takeru’s best friend, told him to go. That was a week ago, and now you were kinda regretting it. You thought you would be fine, you had class and the others to keep you company, plus, Patamon was staying with you.
t was fine, but the more time that went on. Now that apartment was empty. You and Takeru share an apartment, now that Takeru was out of it.
You realized some things.
You realized how much you missed Takeru. You realized how much you liked having him around. Even the little things. Like him always bugging you to check his writing for class.
Him taking hot showers before you so you only had cold water. Takeru not knowing how to cook, he would always ruin dinner somehow.
That leads you to cook and Takeru to clean. You missed getting him away from his laptop to eat, or sleep, or just to hang out with you. You missed how Takeru looked in the mornings.
Seeing him in a baggy shirt with messy hair holding a cup of tea. His morning voice and the smile on his face. You missed watching TV with him, and studying with him, and him
You hadn’t realized how you and Takeru had created a little family.
You, him, Patamon, your Digimon. The more you thought about it, the more you realized how weird it felt. You weird it was with the sound of laptop keys, the laughter, the playful jokes.
But overall, you missed Takeru.
You just missed having him around. The thought that you couldn’t barge into his bedroom to see him on his laptop, made your heart hurt. That was something you didn’t know.
You turned your head to the TV. A romcom was playing, one that you and Takeru normally watched after dinner. You felt your heart hurt again, it was after dinner time but Takeru wasn’t here.
You looked away from the TV, why were you feeling like this? You thought for a bit before you heard someone on the TV say something.
“I just miss him so much”, they said. You turned your head back to the TV, intrigued by the dialogue. “He’s been gone for a week”, another character said. “I just miss him, it feels weird without him here”, the first character said, making you sit up.
“So you’re in love”, the other character teased. You stopped listening after that. That sounds a lot like you. You missed Takeru even though he’s only been gone for a week.
But were you in love?
You thought about it. You loved being with Takeru, you never wanted to leave his side. You love the sound of his laugh and the feeling on your stomach when you see him smile.
Your face started to get red. You feel jealous when you see Takeru with other boys, especially when they're flirting with him. You love to hug Takeru, just touching him made your heart feel full, like you were meant to be forever.
You buried your head into your hands. You were in love with Takeru, in love with Takeru. “Are you okay Y/n?” You peaked out of your hands. Your Digimon and Patamon were looking at you with concern on their faces.
“I’m fine, just”, you stopped. Patamon and your Digimon moved over to you. Patamon flew over to you, sitting on your head while your Digimon sat in front of you.
“Just what?” Patamon asked and you sighed. “I’m in love with Takeru”, you said. No point in hiding it, but when you said it you smiled. It felt nice.
You loved Takeru.
You smiled wider, it felt amazing. You thought you knew what love was, you’ve had a couple boyfriends in the past. No, this was love. “Yay!” Patamon yelled, confusing you and D/n.
When Patamon realized you and D/n were confused they moved to sit on your Digimon’s head, facing you with a smile. “Takeru said that he loves you!”
Patamon said and your jaw might have dropped. Takeru liked you? Was that true, or did Patamon just miss hear? You didn't even know Takeru was gay, or liked guys.
You were thinking about what Patamon had said when you heard the door open. At first you were scared, you had the door locked. You snapped your head up and your jaw dropped again.
“Takeru?” You said with shock. Patamon immediately looked at the door, yelling Takeru’s name like you did and flying to Takeru. You just started at Takeru as he placed his bag down and hugged Patamon.
“Yup”, Takeru said with a smile, making you smile too. You stood up, your Digimon running to hug Takeru too. “You weren’t supposed to be back yet, did something happen?”
You asked Takeru, deciding to ignore the realization you came to and what Patamon said. “I just wanted to come home”, Takeru said while petting your Digimon. You blushed and nodded.
“Hey Takeru guess what, Y/n said that he loved you!” Patamon yelled, shocking you and Takeru into silence. Patamon, having no idea what they just did, just smiled and the both of you.
“Patamon”, you sneered in a slightly annoyed tone. Patamon just flew out of Takeru’s arms and back to the couch, happy that the romcom was back on. Your Digimon followed, completely ignorant of what just happened.
You just started at the ground while Takeru looked at you with confusion and fear. “So?” Takeru asked while you just stared at the floor. “So what?”
You asked, trying to play dumb. Takeru crossed his arms over his chest. “Is what Patamon said true?” Takeru asked and you finally looked at Takeru. His face had a look of fear, but happiness too.
“Yes”, you said, caving into Takeru’s look. “I just found out today actually. I missed you when you were gone. How I felt made me realize that I love you. I probably have for years”, you explained.
Takeru smiled and uncrossed his arms. “You know”, Takeru walked closer to you. “That’s why I came back, I missed you too”, Takeru said and you smiled too.
You were overcome with emotion and ran forward to hug Takeru. Takeru hugged you back, wrapping his arms around your neck when you wrapped your arms around Takeru’s waist. You buried your head into Takeru’s shoulder.
You missed this.
Takeru was hugging you just as tight as you were hugging him. You could feel his breath on your neck. You took a deep breath, you could smell the vanilla conditioner Takeru used. You never wanted to leave, you wanted Takeru right by your side forever.
Yeah, that was love.
“Never leave me again please”, you said and Takeru nodded. “Never again, I’ll just bring you guys with me”, Takeru said. Including Patamon and your Digimon.
You smiled, holding Takeru tighter.
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