#talk to me about joan adopting that cult kid
transgenderoliverritz · 7 months
dad oliver this dad oliver that
mom joan ????? feminism.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
Well, that was some plot twist, can I just say that Cami and Antoine were the real MVPs of this chapter? I loved every single thing they did and said in this chapter and I really really hope we see more of Antoine and Abigail, they are the only sane couple of this story (at least for now).
But I have soo many thoughts!
Most of the next generation, especially the kids you chose, to live in the same building has got to be one of my favourite plot twists. I'm shooketh. This has so much potential. Regine and Arthur? Kincaid wooing Arthur? Kincaid and Joan training and Arthur with Regine thirsting after them? Regine working through her feelings and becoming a better person? Lance witnessing Kincaid being a decent person and maybe being somewhat similar to him? Them hiding from the adoring crowd to a closet or something? Theia and Kincaid being amazing siblings in law? That storyline is a major game changer and I'm thrilled to see how you'll explore it!
I love love love Gwen and I'm so glad she's back! And telling Lucifer to respect Lance? Queen behavior right there
Does every Knightstorm have to be a bigoted nightmare? Blood supremacist, homophobe, what's next? No offence Mikkel but we have enough problems to worry about without you trying to create a cult. On a side note, super stoked to see what happened to him and Hermes. I have a feeling they used to be close? And most likely it was platonic but maybe a little romantic too? Maybe?👀
Here are some things that feel like they're connected (but probably aren't): 1)Theia mentions in LBAF 5 that she "sees" Lance dating a mundane blonde girl, like a Barbie girl, which reminds me of Regine 2)It's been mentioned a lot that Regine/Lance were going to be married/parabatai by Madeleime when they were kids a lot 4)Arthur sees Lance with a parabatai rune. I honestly don't even have an actual theory about this, those things just seem to connect?
Speaking of the parabatai rune, if Lance and Arthur don't end up becoming parabatai(I can see Atlas figuring the runes problem) Kincaid and Lance kind of make sense? Not because they are close but because parabatai are supposed to share a soul. And both Kincaid's and Lance's soul is Arthur. So, in a way they're already sharing a soul.
Another crazy theory: The prophecy isn't talking about Lance/Kincaid but about Lucifer/Micheal and Lance and Kincaid clash is just the beginning of the war between the other two. Or when Kincaid burns Lance, it would destroy the pandemonium but Lance would live, and it would be the prince of darkness' demise because he would no longer be a portal? Or even that it would destroy Lucifer and not Lance? Can Kincaid use heavenly fire to hurt Lucifer?👀
I was so convinced that Joseph would come back I just had a feeling! Oh, I can't wait to see his interaction with Madeleine and how he reacts to what he hears everything she has done. I can see Madeleine believing that it's not really Joseph or at first believing it and after he tells her what she's doing is insane, her being convinced it's a ploy by Lance. But that means his death is a canon event 😭
I am DYING just picturing how the conversation between Max and David planning the trial went. How they came up with using the alliance rune. That would've been an amazing scene, I love these two
Okay, while it was very in character, the Lance/Max interaction I didn't like. Because I feel like Max should have listened to Lance. He was the only person Lance would've told the actual reason to. The only person that could assure Lance that what he did was pointless. He did the same thing with Magnus in LBAF II and the "I hurt the people I love so they should stay away from me" mentality Lance has adopted screams Max so he really should've heard him out. Because it wasn't a "bullshit excuse" it was an actual reason that makes Lance feel bad about himself. And Max had an opportunity to comfort him and ruined it. But Lance needed a good whooping. I hope he talks to David about this. Let David do the comforting part.
Lance being happy about Arthur breaking up with Kincaid, while completely understandable and in character also feels wrong. He should've asked, because Arthur is so terrified and when Lance shut Theia out it was because of very similar reasons. But he wasn't alone in it. He had Gwen and Arthur. Arthur is alone. And he doesn't deserve that. And for a really long time he chose it. He hid it from other people. But now they know. So they have a say in it. To question, to help , to support him. They have an opening now and I really hope they take it. David asking why Arthur broke up with Kincaid made me so happy. I really hope he questions Arthur a little deeper about it. Because Lance and Max won't. And I get why. But someone has to. David really is holding them all together isn't he?
Every other villan in this story doesn't hold a candle to Lucifer. The guy is not here to fuck around. He kept to the point, he didn't have unnecessary dramatics. I can really see why he is considered the smartest out of all of them. Again, he DOES NOT fuck around. And that was crystal clear when Lance said he hates feeling unwanted and Lucifer made it sound like he doesn't want him. He used his insecurity against him and whether he meant it or not it was a very strong start for him to manipulate Lance. Never underestimate Lucifer indeed.
On a happier note, a small reminder that this isn't the first time Lance gives Theia flowers! But it's the first time they reach her-bad Kincaid
I live in Dream Denial Daydream world. It's like Barbie's world, except in this world all the good guys that came back to life can stay with zero consequences and only the assholes have to return to the dead. Some of them sooner than others. Pwease🥺
The Magnus changing the canon event- his dreams going away- Max treating Alec like that are things I have locked away in a little box and I refuse to revisit them until we get to LBAF 7. But Magnus not having these dreams makes me super worried about Other Magnus and the epilogue will probably let us know about what happened. I am so scared about that🙃
I can't believe that we are getting to the end of the first part! It was a wild ride and I loved every minute of it. Anxiously waiting for the epilogue and then it's back to Mavid fluff, I can't wait🥰
Cami and Antoine are indeed the MVPs. Really out there doing what needs to be done. We'll definitely see Antoine and Abby more...Maybe on a double date 👀
This is one of my favourite things about the next season (yeah I am saying it now too). I've been waiting to bring them all together. There's just gonna be a lot of bonding and I'm soooo pumped about it hehe.
Gwen, we missed you 🥹
Knightstorms being cunts, who else is surprised? Hermes and Mikkel is platonic I swear 🤣
They are not connected hehe. But then again I lie all the time so who knows?
Lance having a parabatai is hilarious to me idk why he'll be like "tying my soul to someone ew" But i'd love that for him
I've heard this theory before. I must say it's quite popular 👀
I remember when Joseph died, I let it slip that it's a canon event, I'm glad none of yall remember it kdjnkjsnjkdcs
You're very right about this. It's in character, but it's also not the sensible thing to do. I feel like Other Max would've handled this before (he thinks with his head whereas Current Max very much still thinks with his heart)
Same thing. In character, but like bro why did you do that? I think Lance might have been too relieved to think too deeply about it. But maybe he'll start noticing how the break up affects Arthur? When mavid find out Arthur broke up with Kincaid, Max asks 'when' and David asks 'why' - a small hint there that David is indeed worried and doesn't understand why Arthur would do that. Hopefully they'll have a chat.
Lucifer 🫡
Wouldn't that be nice oof
Yeah all of it not good. very bad. terrible.
Wild ride is definitely right. Thank you for sticking with me through it 🥹🧡
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