#tango and scott are there too
alienssstufff · 9 months
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moar You Could've Applied Online fanart but its this duo in particular uvu
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anonbeeishere · 1 year
tango introducing the polycule like
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Day 91- This is the only thing I retained from Jimmy's episode dude is literally getting divorced with EVERYONE
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theintelligentfool · 6 months
hey i really like minecraft skins i think they're really cool looking so:
this is an appreciation post for CCs who have really cool skins or change into new ones all the time AND for skin artists that design them!!! please post yr fave examples here
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vivianquill · 6 months
Jimmy hoisted himself onto the edge of the pool, keeping half an eye on the fiery mer laying where Jimmy had left him. Martyn was still laying an arms-reach away from the edge of the water, soaking wet and chest heaving.
Jimmy was just thankful that he was still breathing.
With what the other mer had been yelling about, Jimmy was all too aware just how close Martyn had come to being murdered right in front of him.
He felt guilty for not pushing harder to come back out here alone. If the other mer hadn't seen Scott or Martyn until after Jimmy had made friends with him, then this probably wouldn't have happened.
"Martyn. . . ?" Jimmy questioned, reaching out with a dripping hand to nudge his leg, "Are you-- are you gonna be okay?"
It took a moment, but Martyn pushed himself up to a sitting position, letting out another stream of coughs, "Yeah-- yeah. I'll be okay."
Jimmy glanced back down at the red mer at the bottom of the pool. He still hadn't moved, beyond his fins twitching every now and again. Jimmy knew that the sedatives Martyn had used were strong, but--
He just wished that none of this would have happened this way.
"You-- uhm. I don't think that you getting in the water was a very smart idea. . ."
"In hindsight? Yeah." Martyn took a deep breath, suppressing a cough, "That was probably the dumbest thing i could've done."
Scott walked out of the house a moment later with a small stack of towels, and their first aid kit. He set them down on one of the pool chairs nearby the door, before walking over to help Martyn to his feet and over.
Jimmy just watched from the edge of the pool as Scott sat Martyn down, draping a towel around his shoulders.
"Jimmy, did he manage to bite you too?" Scott called, turning to look over at him.
"No." Jimmy shook his head, "He didn't get me. He tried, though."
"Alright. Good." Scott gave a little nod of his head, before turning back to his own bites.
The mer had given Scott quite the thrashing, it looked like. Jimmy had still been able to taste the blood in the water, before he'd come up to check on Martyn.
But they looked like they were fine. And Jimmy didn't like the thought of what might happen if they left their guest alone again.
Jimmy hadn't been able to figure out everything that the mer had been chattering about, but from what he knew about his own kind, and how the mer had reacted to Martyn and Scott, and the bits and pieces Jimmy picked up-- well. Let's just say that it didn't seem pretty. He'd been chirruping a child's call, mostly. One that Jimmy himself had yelled himself hoarse with, when he'd been freshly stolen.
Jimmy might've been taken from his pod young, but it seemed like the opposite had happened to this mer. Maybe. He obviously had a different pod now, because of what he'd said about not telling the humans at the marine rescue about them. And it wasn't uncommon for mer to change pods without anything bad happening.
It didn't feel right to leave him alone.
Not now, not after what had just happened. Not after Jimmy could see just how quickly things had spiraled out of control.
Jimmy could understand. The other mer had not only been hurt in that nasty storm, but he'd also been stolen by humans and from what Martyn said, he'd been stuck in a tiny little shallow pool barely big enough to stretch out in! And then, once he'd gotten attached to those humans, Jimmy's pod had come in and took them and the mer had thought they'd killed someone.
It was an overreaction, what the mer had done, but it was an understandable one. Jimmy would probably have done the same, if their positions were switched.
Jimmy slipped back into the water. Right now the best thing he could do was make sure the mer was okay too, because he didn't have anyone looking out for him and also Jimmy sort of wanted to make sure that the splint hadn't come loose. From what Jimmy had seen, the cuts in the other mer's fins hadn't impacted his ability to swim. at least, not in this size of a pool. Lizzie would be able to tell better, once she got here.
Jimmy spread his sails as he got close, drifting above the mer, "Hey, uhm. . ."
Gosh he didn't want to just manhandle the mer to check on the splint but he didn't know how to ask.
The mer flinched, curling into himself as he glanced up at Jimmy. It was almost fascinating, how quickly his mood could change-- where before he was all puffed up and posturing, now he was doing the exact opposite.
Then again, he was sorta drugged right now.
Jimmy suppressed a shudder of regret, settling himself on the tiles next to the mer, "I just wanted-- can I touch you? I need to check the splint."
To Jimmy's surprise, the mer shifted closer, holding out his injured hand to Jimmy. Which, after a quick check to make sure everything was still in place, Jimmy let go of. But when he went to scoot back, to give the mer a bit of space, it was answered by a soft whine.
It wasn't really words? The closest thing it meant was "don't go." So Jimmy moved back, surprised to have the mer press his tail gently against Jimmy's.
Oh, poor thing. He was probably so touch starved, Jimmy knew firsthand how important physical contact was to mer.
"Oh, c'mere. . ." Jimmy warbled, pulling the mer against him in a hug and draping his tail over the other mer's. It wasn't a surprise to him when the other mer reciprocated, tucking his head against Jimmy's chest and curling his tail around Jimmy's.
Surely this would help calm him down. Whenever Jimmy got too stressed, he always felt better after some cuddles.
It didn't take long for the mer to fall asleep on Jimmy, but that was probably more from the sedatives than Jimmy himself.
It wasn't until Jimmy was running his hand through the sleeping mer's hair that he realized he hadn't told Martyn or Scott that he was gonna spend some time down here with their guest. Oh well. If they really wanted to know, Scott would come down to talk to him.
Looking down at the mer, Jimmy also realized that they still didn't know his name. Maybe he'd be able to get it from the mer when he woke up.
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petalsiren · 9 months
Manifesting a scott and tango team up for the next life series I'd literally be so fucking happy and I'd just Die of happiness PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE on my hands and knees begging for that to be REAL PLEASE
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shadeswift99 · 1 year
If I put the way you guys draw Life Series Tango and the way you guys draw Life Series Scott next to each other, and paid someone to no context guess which one is gay, they’d get it wrong nine times out of ten. by no means is this a request to stop
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greeenchrysanthemums · 4 months
Hey! I love the gg rivals au, it has been rolling around in my brain for a while (<-that’s positive). I was wondering what the relationship other characters have with the ranchers / the role they have.
Thank you and have a nice rest of your day/night! :D
Jimmy is friends with Scott and knew him when they were both children, as mentioned in this post. Despite his relationship with Scott, he doesn't really have much of a relationship with either Impulse or Gem. He's met both of them maybe once or twice in his whole life.
He had actually never met Grian until the year that he and Tango joined the resistance. He and Grian don't get along very well, mostly because Grian finds it funny to mess with him and Jimmy finds it frustrating/annoying. However, Jimmy also finds the teasing endearing in a way, and he would most likely miss it if it ever stopped. Not that he would ever admit this, though.
He and Tango supply Bigb with flour and other products for his bakery, so they are pretty good friends with him; which was actually how Grian got into contact with Bigb as well.
Tango used to be friends with Skizz and Impulse. He grew up in the capital with them and trained alongside Skizz to be a medic, but they have grown apart over the years; mostly as a result of Tango disagreeing with their choice to work in the royal army and a lack of any time to hang out with each other. He hasn't spoken to them in years, despite the opportunity to do so due to Scott's connection with them.
Tango has sensed that there was something rotten within Wintertide since he was young. A dark aura that surrounded the kingdom and the castle which only brought suffering. He fully disagreed with the war and the constant fighting and was never silent about his distaste for either. In fact, he was quite vocal about it to the point that he almost got himself in trouble several times. That was how Grian found him. He was causing a ruckus in the town square, having a very loud argument with a Wintertide solider.
Grian pulled him away from the fight and told him all about the resistance and about how well he would fit in. It was only natural that he jumped at the opportunity to help when Grian offered him a place in the resistance.
I have said in the past that the ranchers mostly only help out with supplying food and the occasional intel, but that's only really true for Jimmy, to be entirely honest. Jimmy is a bit clumsy and easily injured, so he voluntarily chooses to stay away from active fighting and missions as much as possible. For Tango it is a bit different.
He's hot headed and quick to get himself in trouble, so Grian doesn't really let him participate in most things, despite heavy protest from Tango (this will cause problems). However, if they need another person for whatever reason, or need intel from somewhere they wouldn't be able to get it otherwise without being suspicious (say, from a shopkeeper who would know and talk to Tango but not them) then Tango is their go to.
Jimmy is happy with this arrangement. Tango is not.
Scott and Tango have a bit of an odd relationship. Tango doesn't like him very much by virtue of him being a Wintertide knight, but he knows that Scott is an important person to Jimmy so he keeps his mouth shut whenever Scott comes around for Jim's sake. Scott knows Tango dislikes him, but he also tries his best to keep the peace. They mostly sit in an awkward, slightly hostile, silence around each other.
Tango used to not like Etho and was very suspicious of his intentions, but they very slowly grew close over the years and bonded over a hate for the Wintertide army and its corruption, as well as a love for creation. Tango invents as a hobby and occasionally helps Etho and Mumbo out in their workshop.
You have a wonderful day/night as well!!💚💚
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nova-skittle · 1 year
teehee its art dump time!! my sketchbook is really chonky and im jjust over halfway through soooo here yall go! each picture shall have a lil caption bc some arent self explanatory (and yes, the yello sticky notes are so as to not dox myself ty)
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the cover! win for the gays am i right
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tango of the tek variety!! hes so silly
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what thats crazy more tango???
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im very normal abt this man
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notango this time! just a lim. life cleaur that has so many layers of marker on it
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esmp s2 katherine! sorry some pics r rotated lmao
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katherines scars + tattoos bc she deserves them :) they look cool
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these two pages are like my favorite in my sketchbook so far lmao
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silly hermitcitizen stuff <3 no their names not myriad i just like the word
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the fog witch feat. a built different ferret
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various silly doodles!
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when i started doing lim. life designs! pearl + cleo (and a lil lizzie as well)
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eefo! id never drawn him before but i loveeee his design sm
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clockers designs! also, gem cleo
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BAD BOYS! i have an unhealthy love for joel smallishbeans
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mean gills??? you bet your ass
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again, random doodles (featuring me trying to figure out an impulse design)
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little ol me :) honestly my favorite drawing on that page
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what if lim. life scott and esmp s1 lizzie were besties,,,, what if,,,,,
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i love my silly hermitcitizen sm
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esmp s1 finale. ough. i cried
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ahem. anyways
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scott smajor???????
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messing around w some pens i found
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a little nosey, eh?
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whao a silly
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whats this
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pearl page!! i love her
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the silliest ever
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pearl in an outfit i wore (scarland hoodie)
well we've reached the image limit so the rest have to wait <3 this sketchbook is literally so chunky yall have no idea
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mleemwyvern · 2 years
why do so many men keep flirting with jimmy solidarity
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
I had an idea that could be a writing prompt if you want
Someone hears Jimmy and Tango blow their horns and thinking nothing. Then, in the chat
<Grian was slain by SolidarityGaming>
<GoodtimewithScar died fighting TangoTek>
Then, two goat horns sound off. A warning, and a promise.
Horns of War
He barely hears the horn when it sounds off, the slightly lilting and more musical tones something he’s adjusted to ignoring over the past few days. The creaking of the door opening covers it almost completely. They sound a little further away than normal. “Don't respond to that.” He reminds Cleo, not pulling his eyes away from his current project, sharpening his axe.
(AO3 Link)
(562 words)
i think jimmy and tango deserve a little murder, as a treat
(reblogs >> likes!!)
He barely hears the horn when it sounds off, the slightly lilting and more musical tones something he’s adjusted to ignoring over the past few days. The creaking of the door opening covers it almost completely. They sound a little further away than normal. “Don't respond to that.” He reminds Cleo, not pulling his eyes away from his current project, sharpening his axe.
She hums in response, and he listens as her footsteps retreat, the creaking of chests following her departure as she rummages around for whatever it is she came looking for. He allows that noise to fade into the background too, allowing the task at hand to absorb his entire focus.
A second horn follows the first, the same tune echoing out across the surrounding hills. He assumes that’s Tango or Jimmy responding to whoever blew it first, responding because they all know no one else will.
The sound of him scraping the stone over the axe’s blade almost drowns it out completely, a grating sound filling his ears as he stares down at it, completely absorbed in his task. His communicator vibrates to his left, and he ignores it in favour of running the stone over the blade again.
“Scott?” He hums, not looking up from his weapon, “Have you checked your comm recently?” She sounds a little worried, and he looks up then, away from where his face was reflected, distorted, in the shining blade of his axe. She’s re-entered the room, holding her communicator in her hand, staring down at the screen and not at him.
“Not recently no,” he glances over at where it lies, remaining quiet, “It buzzed a minute ago but I was busy.”
“Maybe check it?” She says, voice sounding a little thin to his ears.
He rolls his eyes but leans forward anyway, over his axe, reaching for his communicator. He grabs it off the end of the table, almost knocking it to the floor as he stretches for it. Still, he brings it closer to him, pressing the power button and watching as the screen flares to life.
There are only two recent messages, but it’s enough for him to feel like he’s plunged into powdered snow again, ice rushing through his veins as his breath leaves him in a gasp.
<Grian was killed while trying to escape SolidarityGaming>
<GoodTimesWithScar died fighting Tango>
“What?” He manages, “How?”
“They're red,” Cleo reasons, “It was probably only a matter of time before one of those two pairings went for the other. They've been at each other’s throats for most of the season. Though, I did think it would be the other way around.”
“So did I.” He can seem to pull his eyes away from the two messages on the screen, flicking over to the player list to find Scar and Grian’s names greyed out and faded. He swallows, eyes flicking to meet Cleo’s, “Jimmy’s always the herald, canary in the coal mine or whatever, so what does it mean this time?”
“He’s a herald for something different this time.” Cleo stares back at him, “Is it selfish to wish he had been the first to die again?”
A horn echoes in the air towards them, singing in the absence of sound. The sound makes his skin rise in goosebumps, shivering a little when a second horn joins the first.
“Not at all.”
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oakskull · 2 years
big shout outs to @notthebestatart for drawing Scott's hair and making me go "OHHHHH" so have some Scott's (and a bonus tango inspired by a comment from @voidindite)
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andyling · 1 year
how the fuck has Tango not died yet
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grain-my-beloved · 2 years
Imagine accidentally killing your friends/neighbors because someone misled you about the danger of what you thought was a lighthearted game and then believing that four other people also died as a result of that accident.
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not-a-mongoose · 2 years
team rancher slowburn where tango wakes up in empires after the end of third life with extremely vague memories.
All tango know is he needs to find someone but he doesn’t know shit about them except some vague details about their appearance and where they lived.
he decides to try and find the place and meet his soulmate (sorry but it doesn’t work that way tango)
Meanwhile jimmy wakes up in his empire after a strange dream/nightmare.
shenanigans ensue when, in his search for his soulmate, tango steals some supplies and, more notably, a horse in the stables of a nearby settlement. Turns out horse theft isn’t taken lightly here (either), and he ends up being chased by The Sheriff, enforcer of the law of the lands, throughout empires.
Meanwhile, Jimmy just wants his horse back from The Bandit.
you can probably guess the climax of this one lol.
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