mcytblrsexymen · 1 year
Scott's threatening to block people who say Jimmy sweep and calling us homophobic for voting for the cis straight man weeping
Yeah this sounds like Scott.
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scribbling-dragon · 6 months
For the hurt comfort prompts, maybe Jimmy comforting Lizzie over dying first? If you wanna add extra, maybe helping with some new feathers sprouting
caged fledgling
He wasn’t first, wasn’t the first here this time, so where is she? She is exactly where we want her “And that’s not ominous at all,” he mutters under his breath.
(ao3 link)
(1,971 words)
[these two were driving me mad, they kept joking around with each other and completely ruining the seriousness that i was going for ;-; had to rewrite it several times to get it to a place that i liked hdsjkhsjk AND! have an idea for a sillier follow-up to this fic rotating in my mind already (think, mumbo lizzie and jimmy sitting in a circle like u do at a sleepover)
anyway! hurt/comfort requests are still open if you fancy seeing anything <33]
The ground around him is shattered, chunks of dirt flying into the air as the wither fires off another barrage of skulls, sending people screaming and ducking for cover, and cover, any kind of shelter that would hope to shield them from its attacks.
He can feel his heart racing, beating in his chest like a caged bird desperate to escape.
He ignores the building cry in the back of his head, creeping in and weaving between his thoughts as he ducks again, feeling the brush of withering against his skin, watching the grass beneath his feet darken and shrivel rapidly. Can feel the rapid expansion of his lungs, never gaining enough to keep him steady on his feet.
He can almost feel his throat closing up, lungs beginning to refuse working. His chest spasms as he coughs, throwing himself into one of the pits the wither had already created. It scrapes along his arms, blood sluggishly beading to his skin as he hisses at the small sting.
He doesn’t care for the injuries, doesn’t care for the preservation of himself. His fate is already sealed, his cage already locked and the key tossed away, never to be seen again. The song rises over the rest of his thoughts, drowning out any logical thought he might have.
He’s not sure if his friends can hear it like he can, the rising pitch, building towards a crescendo that threatens – promises – to bring his victory crashing down around him once that peak is reached.
He lays low for another moment, allows himself a second longer of breathing, before throwing himself over the edge of the pit and sprinting as far and as fast as he can.
If he can make it to the mesa, if he can return to their house and their singular bed and their meagre supplies, then maybe, maybe, he can survive beyond the end of his song. Can live beyond the final warning that he’s tasked with crying out.
He doesn’t even see the warden. Only watches the ground darken in front of him, watches the sky fade from view, and feels the final moments of dread, the realisation that his fate will catch up to him, even if it’s late. Even if They had to spend the entire day playing catch up to condemn him once more.
The impact rattles his bones, the weight of sheer volume bearing down upon him and making his ears ring. Probably making them bleed too. He can hear nothing aside from the quickly building song, panicky and pitchy and not at all pleasant to listen to, and the ringing in his ears.
Maybe he could have pulled himself to his feet, away from the dirt pit he’s found himself in – a shallow grave, near to the actual grave that had been built for him in advance, even his friends lacking the faith that he would survive beyond the day – but he finds that he cannot summon the will to his limbs. Cannot gather the strength to push himself up and continue running.
Maybe his friends screamed out for him as he died, a perfect accompaniment to the abrupt end of his song.
He’s dragged back to the place where he would always end up. The point that they always circle back towards. The empty darkness and clinging water that doesn’t end no matter how far you walk, and the watching eyes that prefer not to give a response, no matter how often you pleaded for one
The setting he wakes up to is no less shattered than the one he just left.
He blinks a few times, uncertain that he’s in the right place, before he’s staggering abruptly to his feet, breath heavy in his chest as he whips his head around wildly.
The void around him is fractured, shattering and splitting into pieces. Lines run through the darkness, exposing the pale light of whatever lies beyond. He didn’t even know there was a beyond of this place. It was just a void, somewhere outside and inside of time, exactly where it needed to be for the dead and dying.
He watches as a crack widens, splitting open the darkness further with an ominous sound. A reverberating cry of pain follows soon after, descending into a low humming moments later, seemingly satisfied with whatever They have just managed to do.
He feels the eyes turn onto him, feels the weight of a thousand stares upon his back.
His wings flutter nervously, self-consciously tucking them closer to his back even though he knows it will do little to hide the bright yellow feathers.
You are defiant, Their voices tell him. We do not like this.
“Didn’t exactly ask for your opinion on it,” he scoffs.
He wasn’t first, wasn’t the first here this time, so where is she?
She is exactly where we want her
“And that’s not ominous at all,” he mutters under his breath. He doesn’t care that They’ll hear it anyway, giving a rude gesture in Their vague direction. Which is everywhere. “Where is she?”
Where we need her
A chunk of the void separates from the ‘ceiling’ of this place, crashing down into the water below it. He covers his face, ducking his head, as it summons a wave strong enough to unbalance him. He feels the water soaking into his feathers, making them hang heavy at his back.
“You know, even a vague location would be nice,” the place continues to crack around him, falling to pieces as he speaks. “Maybe I’ll even be the solution to whatever little problem you have here.”
You are the root of the problem. The bane of all existence, They hiss.
“What a way to make a guy feel wanted. Maybe I’ll just leave, then.” He makes to turn around, barely makes it a step before the water latches onto him.
You shall not leave
“Then what is it you want me to do?” The water quickly forms into shackles, keeping him rooted in place. “This is very obviously falling apart, and whatever you're trying to do is not working.”
They remain silent. He’s not sure if they're considering his words, or if they're simply giving him the silent treatment.
“You know I'm right,” he adds, after a moment. “You can admit it, it’s not a personal failing, I'm sure we can work through this-”
Your input is not necessary
“Well maybe neither is yours. Your voices are giving me a headache.”
You are insolent. And rude
“If I'm rude, then what are you? I've never made you fight in death games and kill your friends and betray everyone you-”
You are distracting Us
“Oh, I am so sorry,” he nods along in mocking sympathy, feels the fury of Their eyes grow. “Now, where is it that you're keeping my friend? I’d rather like to see her now.”
If it shall keep you quiet. She has not stopped her wailing since she came here
“Funny that,” he mutters, and almost inhales a lungful of water as his shackles pull him below the surface. He splutters as he’s spat back out, hunching over and trying to breathe again. His wings are truly sodden now, feathers sticking up at odd angles that make him shudder in disgust.
He doesn’t even manage to regain his bearings before Lizzie is throwing herself at him and hugging him tight. It’s like she’s trying to squeeze the non-existent life out of him.
“Hey, Lizzie.” He pats her on the head, a little awkward with the angle. Her hair tickles his face, loose strands of it poking up, as though she’s been running her hands through her hair frequently. “Can’t believe you’d die before me, huh? Trust me, it was a surprise to all of us…”
He trails off as she looks up at him, eyes watering.
“This is horrible!” she all but wails. “How do you stand it if it’s like this every time!”
“I- what?”
“You! How do you stand this? Every single time, here, alone!”
“Don't think you're meant to remember that, Liz.”
“Well I remember it now! Because apparently I've got the same freaking curse as you!” A tear slips free of her eyes, trailing down her cheek slowly.
“Woah, it’s not all that bad. I got some perks out of it.”
“If you're about to convince me you can fly with those tiny wings I am going to hit you.”
“…I got no perks out of it?”
His voice trails off into a silence that lingers. It’s only made worse by the cracking sounds of the realm around them. It’s almost like pottery breaking, cracking apart more and more by the second.
“This sucks,” Lizzie says, a lot quieter than before and far from the almost upbeat bickering she’d seemed all too eager to start earlier. He can feel her shaking, slightly, her skin clammy and cold.
“Yeah,” he deflates a little, energy gradually being sapped away. “Yeah, it really does, huh.”
Lizzie sniffles, a quiet, tiny sound. It’s enough to make Jimmy start to stress a little- he can’t comfort crying people, he can’t comfort people full stop. He sits there, awkwardly, as he listens to Lizzie cry. The only thing he can think to do is wrap his arms a little tighter around her and hope that They don't choose to ruin the relative peace that has settled over their small corner of the crumbling apart world.
“I don't know if I can stand this,” Lizzie says. Her voice still sounds teary, and it breaks his heart, just a little, to hear her so sad.
“You're gonna have to,” he tells her. It’s not the most reassuring thing he could have said, but anything else would be a lie. “Maybe you’ll get lucky and forget about it as soon as you're out of here.”
“But you’ll still remember,” she protests.
“I’ve remembered just fine on my own every time before this.”
“It’s not fair.”
“Didn’t really think the omnipotent beings that toss us into death games for fun would be looking to make sure everything is fair.” He teases.
Lizzie laughs, then sniffles, then hits him. “Don't make me laugh, I'm trying to be sad for you.”
“And I'm trying to make things a little bit less depressing. It’s my job, y’know.”
“Oh, yeah?” Lizzie cocks an eyebrow at him, the effect only slightly ruined by red-rimmed eyes. “You get a contract to sign and everything? Terms and conditions?”
“And paid time off,” he agrees. “Wonderful job, dying bit sucks.”
Lizzie giggles at that, and he does too, finding it unreasonably funny. He’s sure They hate it, hate the levity of the moment when They're only looking for more suffering and agony to feast on. Something that he won’t be giving Them. Won’t be letting Them take.
“You're ridiculous,” Lizzie tells him.
“Made it this far, though, haven’t I?” He’s not sure how far he would have made it, whether he’d have ever made it out of the first endless void without allowing himself this small break. He doesn’t want Lizzie to remember this, doesn’t want her to remember the deaths of all their friends, having to pull them out the depths of the water and tell them they cannot return, that they’ve lost that last life and must remain here, in the darkness, until their other friends come to join them.
At least he has his voice this time, he muses, he’s not sure what he would have done if he were unable to comfort Lizzie.
They both jolt as another piece of the void crashes inwards. He feels the way Lizzie’s grip on him tightens, threatening to tear the fabric of his jacket, ignoring how he’s probably holding her just as tight in return.
He’ll take the small comforts.
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cydanite · 2 years
Later on do you think Cod!Jimmy will go and correct Pic on his findings? Like
"Shrub and Katherine weren't dating, they just liked eachother" to some document on the raptured rulers lives
Also how does Jimmy feel about the church of Saint Pearl? The fact that while she didn't, her name survived thousands of years later, and maybe they aren't all only still alive in his memories
I'm getting to that, hold your horses! Comic is done when it's done! (I'm being just a little dramatic as a joke, the answer is yes he does and will be explored in the comics c: )
I can very much picture a scene where, while Jimmy is mourning the friends who have past on without him, he enters the Church of Saint Pearl for the first time. It's an empty, cavernous structure, his footsteps echo against the walls. But it's warm, standing inside it feels like the sun kissing your skin. The church is grand, with massive stained-glass windows and meticulously burning candles. But it is not elite. It says: "Come inside, kick off your muddy boots. Eat, wrassle, laugh!" There is no sanctity in perfection, the work boots and worn threshing scythes and calloused hands are holy here. He and Pearl were were on opposing sides, Cod Alliance and Wither Rose Alliance against each other. But there is no hostility here. For the first time in a very, very long time, Jimmy feels like he's smiling beside an old friend again.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 7 months
I think that Doc's a really good babysitter/caregiver other then the fact he has a habit of also regressing when around littles
So someone has to watch them with him
It's more like letting the 12 year old neighbor kid watch your toddler as their first babysitting gig while you do the dishes than actually hiring a babysitter, but he and the other regressors still have lots of fun together.
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bisexualsmallishbeans · 2 months
I think Laios would smoke a fat blunt and then die immediately when it touches his lips
Chilchuck and Senshi finish it off
i think this post killed me
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pacificwaternymph · 1 year
So I started thinking thoughts, which never ends well
Faeu Xornoth knows a lot about Jimmy from Scott, but does Jimmy know a lot about Xornoth?
Because if not there's the lovely image of Jimmy shyly introducing himself to Xornoth and Xornoth knowing a strange and scary amount of info about him
Jimmy is forever a little wary no matter how much time passes
Oh lol that's hilarious.
Xornoth has had to suffer through so many rants about Jimmy and how unfair it is that he gets to be pretty and talented and kind and so fucking endearing at the same time.
So yeah, he knows a lot. They don't really mean to freak Jimmy out, I mean if things keep going well there's a very good chance he might end up being their brother-in-law someday. But he keeps forgetting that Jimmy does not know as much about him as he knows of Jimmy, and it keeps slipping out during the most inconvenient times.
The first time they officially meet with Jimmy as Scott's boyfriend is a disaster. Jimmy keeps being way too formal with them and they're way too casual (as casual as they can be. Dramatic bastard) and Scott is just desperately trying to get them to get along.
It's like you said, Jimmy will always be a little on edge around Xornoth, even though all things considered, they seem pretty nice.
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justtrashperson · 1 year
May I humbly ask about your mafia au because Jimmy who is simultaneously pathetic and terrifying is delightful
at the moment the au doesn't really have a definitive plot or story because this au was literally because I am a sucker for a bit of terrifying jimmy and the trope of like, oh the guy who looks pathetic in the group is actually the final boss (also codfather and godfather lmao-)
but the current idea I have right now is like, the others works under Jimmy obviously, and they're the ones constantly in the field, while Jimmy works in the background, the one behind the screens, this mysterious guy named the codfather.
Pix is more of a calm yet terrifying aura, but is also a bit petty, Joel is literally still a cocky bastard who don't take things seriously but he can be serious if it interests him enough, and Lizzie is a nice warm lady in the front, very terrifying and scary in the back.
people who only heard about the codfather would be terrified from the description, while people who have seen his image at first thought he's the easiest target to take out, since he looks very very pathetic and goofy.
He's a bit...pathetic, yes, but he is very observant and knows when to use it for his advantage, that's why the people who tried to mess with him would fall immediately to his traps and tricks, because they underestimate him severely.
also, the cod alliance mafia members are very protective of their boss, so people who met the codfather were very lucky, if they manage to get through the others first.
though yes the members of the mafia do dramatizes his role/appearance, in reality he's still a bit pathetic lmao.
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spacedykez · 1 year
Otter you rebloged a thing and you said it was 9
Otter it's nine over here too
Timezone buddies ?!?!
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shubble likes to embroider!!
gem has royal tatoos
gems dress has lots of intricate golden embroidery on it (intricate clothes are a sign of wealth and power in Dawn)
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skyward-floored · 1 year
For the word thingy, hero? Or gods
Like every wip I’ve got has the word hero in it XD
“Being the hero doesn’t make you invincible,” she says sternly, and brushes a hand over his hair. “You can’t be expected to always save everyone from everything.”
And there weren’t any for gods, but there was one with just god in it—
Cloud pulled his glove back on. “I used the Master Sword to redirect lightning against a god of destruction in a realm he created specifically for us to fight in.”
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sculkshrieking · 1 year
Are you alright with people using your art as pfp's with permission on other social media sites such as Discord? With credit obviously
yeah feel free!! :D
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transfemoliorionsound · 10 months
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they’re in gay love
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scribbling-dragon · 1 year
Xornoth threatening Jimmy but not for demon reasons for "Scott is gay for you and I need to make sure you can take care of him" for fic ideas?
wait- there's a brother!?
He laughs, even more nervous than before as the demon seems content to continue observing him, eyes flicking over Jimmy’s face as though studying him. “Really?” He asks, summoning the courage to speak those few words. That same courage shrivels and dies a few moments later as the demon looks him directly in the eyes, mouth ticking up at the corner a little more.
“Oh, yes. Certainly an interesting one, definitely interesting if you've managed to catch the attention of my dear brother, hm?”
(ao3 link)
(1,929 words)
He hums, flipping open another barrel lid, pushing it back until it’s leaning up against the wall. Not at all in the position to fall on his hand and trap it. Not that that’s ever happened before. That’s the kind of thing that would happen to an idiot that doesn't know how things work. And he knows how barrels work. Everyone knows how barrels work. Not knowing how a barrel works is something an idiot would say.
There’s hardly any slime left in the barrel, only a few dregs lying abandoned at the bottom. He lifts one of the buckets of fresh slime, balancing it on the very edge of the barrel before tipping it forward, watching as the slime slowly inches out of the bucket, slow as treacle. It doesn't taste like treacle, though, and is far too thick to be anything like treacle. Which he knows from second-hand experience as well, because eating slime is not something that the dignified and refined Codfather would be caught doing.
The first bucket only fills the barrel halfway, so he leans down, grabbing the second, hauling it up to balance it on the edge of the barrel.
He blinks, staring at the bucket. And the barrel. Only he can't see the barrel. He can only just make out the parts of the bucket closest to him, no matter how many times he blinks. It means that he’s just stood there, blinking rapidly like an idiot, trying desperately to regain his vision.
It was only early evening when he entered the storage building, and even if the sun had set faster than he expected it to this evening, there are still plenty of torches hanging from the walls of this room. He’d made sure to light several of them on his way in, but when he turns he cannot see any of them.
He cannot see anything.
He swallows, breath sticking in his throat a little, hand tightening around the handle of the bucket. He knows exactly what this is, this sudden sightlessness, the sudden and all-consuming darkness that has surrounded him so swiftly is something that has been carefully recounted at several meetings over the past few months, each emperor detailing every single encounter they've had with the demon.
He lets out a breathy little laugh, eyes darting about as though he could hope to see anything in this darkness.
“Looking for something?” There is a presence behind him, stood close enough to be felt, but not close enough to be touching. He jolts away anyway, hand releasing the bucket of slime, uncaring for the way it clatters across the floor. Uncaring for the way it is definitely going to be a pain to clear up later.
He’s got more than clearing up slime to worry about if the demon plans on killing him. He’s not strong enough to escape it on his own. The other emperors recounted how dangerous this demon is, and Jimmy would have thought their tales were just tall stories with lots and lots of embellishments if it wasn't for the similarities in accounts and fear present in each of them as they spoke of their experience with the demon.
He laughs, the sound wavering as he backs up a step. He locates the demon easily, spotting their glowing eyes, easily visible in the surrounding darkness that has swamped him. They glow a deep red, menacing, and very obviously getting closer.
He takes another step backwards, though his movements are more sluggish- take far more effort than normally required. Like he’s treading backwards though slime, through the thicker-than-treacle consistency, struggling to maintain his footing as he stumbles backwards, away from the demon.
Away from the advancing and probably murderous demon.
They don't seem to struggle with the air turning to treacle around them, stepping swiftly forward, the shadows almost seeming to part around them as they move forward, cutting a straight path towards him.
“I'm sure we can talk about this-” he cuts himself off with a squeak as the demon stops in front of him, staring up at the being that is now far taller than he first thought they were. They tower over him easily, leaning down with a leer on their face, sharp teeth revealed in a smirk as they look over his face.
“You certainly are an interesting one.” Their voice causes the air itself to vibrate around him. He can feel his chest trembling with the force of it, like there’s an incredibly loud sound right beside him, reverberating through everything. Yet the demon’s voice is uncharacteristically quiet, not at all the commanding shout that he had expected from the being.
He laughs, even more nervous than before as the demon seems content to continue observing him, eyes flicking over Jimmy’s face as though studying him. “Really?” He asks, summoning the courage to speak those few words. That same courage shrivels and dies a few moments later as the demon looks him directly in the eyes, mouth ticking up at the corner a little more.
“Oh, yes. Certainly an interesting one, definitely interesting if you've managed to catch the attention of my dear brother, hm?”
“Brother?” His voice squeaks embarrassingly, but he’s honestly proud of himself for not immediately turning tail as soon as the demon appeared. Standing his ground is far more than the other emperors ever did, and he’ll tell this story like that. He stood bravely before the demon before they disappeared, and he definitely did not die. That’ll certainly be something to share at the next meeting. “You have a brother?”
The demon looks almost shocked, for a moment, eyes widening briefly before returning to normal again. He blinks, their smirk plastered so firmly across their face that Jimmy’s almost convinced that he imagined that look of shock on their face.
“I suppose he hasn't told you,” their voice rumbles as they reach a hand forward, grasping at his chin, holding his face in position. He attempts to jerk backwards, to pull himself free from their grip; but it’s like iron has closed around his face, holding him firmly in place, unable to free himself from the demon’s grip until they wish to do so themselves. He only hopes his death will be a quick one. “Though that certainly is no surprise. He was always rather concerned with his image, yes?”
“What are you talking about?” If he’s going to die, he might as well die with all his questions answered. Questioning the already murderous demon isn't going to make them any more likely to kill him than they already are. His fate is already sealed, was sealed as soon as he stepped foot in this room probably. He might as well ask the few questions he can.
“My brother.” The demon frowns. “Who I believed to have interest in you, unless I've misread the situation entirely. Do codfolk not still compose a song for their loved ones?”
“I- what?”
“I must admit, it has been several years since I've observed the traditions of the oceanfolk, but I was friends with several codfolk in the past, and I saw several of them attempt to woo potential partners with a song. But perhaps the tradition has changed? It has certainly been a few centuries, long enough for such a change to have occurred.”
“No, I- it’s still the same, yeah.” His anxiety levels drop a little bit, lowering in favour of confusion taking over everything, squinting at the demon. Maybe this is all some horrible prank. It seems like something Gem and fWhip would conspire with Sausage to do- and Sausage is rather good at mimicking voices. And there could be several potions at work here. Modified potions worked on by both fWhip and Gem. But the glowing of the demon’s eyes is certainly not something Sausage could replicate. And neither is the sheer height of the demon something that Sausage could achieve.
One of the demon’s claws scrapes against his skin, and his stress levels skyrocket again, heart thudding against his ribcage a little more insistently.
“Then you are trying to court my brother. I do appreciate the traditional approach. And my mother would certainly enjoy the romantic aspects to your song.”
He can't help it. Can't help himself. “You have a mother?”
If he has ever been given a withering stare before, it pales in comparison to the one the demon shoots him now. The only one that has come close to making him feel as though he should simply curl up in a ball and await his death so effectively is Scott, and that was before they were on better terms-
Oh gods.
“You're Scott’s brother?” He doesn't shriek it- he doesn't. But it’s a close thing. The demon winces at the pitch of his voice at the same time he does.
“Good to know you have a brain rattling around in there somewhere.” The demon releases his face from their grip, and it very suddenly feels like he can breathe again. The relief almost makes him dizzy, and he has to blink to get rid of the vertigo. “Though I’d appreciate a little more vocal control from you.”
“Yeah, well, I’d appreciate you not terrorising the server at every opportunity.” He spits back. His brain catches up with him a moment later, and he almost kicks himself, watching as the demon’s eyes narrow.
“I’d hardly be a good opposition to Scott if I didn't terrorise everyone at every opportunity.” The demon cracks a grin. “And you've been positively delightful to tease, little Codfather. Did you know I can hear your heart?” They tip their head to the side, long ears (almost reminiscent of elf ears- and really someone should have put the dots together sooner) pricking forward. “Your bravado is impressive, certainly when your heart is at a speed on par with that of a terrified rabbit’s.”
The demon sighs, disregarding him entirely. “Pity I shan’t be terrorising you much any longer. Though,” they look back at him, smirk gone. It is far more chilling than the near unhinged grin of before. “If you do choose to break my brother’s heart, and it is a rather fragile one mind you, I won't have any qualms with spreading your entrails from here to Rivendell.”
The image that summons is unpleasant enough to make Jimmy feel mildly sick, taking a hurried step backwards, relieved to find that he can once more. He pulls his arms up, crossing over his chest in a defensive position in case the demon decides to go with that plan anyway.
“Relax,” the demon waves a hand, turning away from him. Leaving their back open and exposed, an obvious sign that they do not see him as a threat. “You seem rather sweet, and I'm sure we’ll have a better chance for conversation at the upcoming festival.”
They disappear rather abruptly, all things considered. There one moment and gone the next, shadows evaporating with them.
The torch in the sconce nearest to him flickers merrily, dancing back and forth. Its light - and the light from several other torches - does the wonderful job of highlighting the spilled slime. It’s managed to creep over a sizeable area of floorboard, already beginning to sink through the cracks.
He barely manages to hold back a groan, realising how much of a pain this is going to be to clean up.
It would have been more of a mercy if the demon had killed him. At least then he wouldn't have to deal with this shit.
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cydanite · 2 years
Swamp duo au
I feel Pirate Joe has definitely at least heard of the seablings. He's a pirate! Of course he knows of the ancient God of the see and her brother!
Aye, he's heard legend of ancient sea gods alright! It's an old seaman's tale, two siblings of the ocean once ruled the sea. Any sailing ships that ventured far beyond the coast would have their blessing or be at their mercy. One day they tried to take on mortal forms and rule over land as well, and for their hubris their kingdoms were destroyed. They were both plunged back into the sea, but their anger at their loss means a crew must be careful on open water. Lest the ocean siblings see you as easy pickings to sate their rage.
It's a story mainly told to keep novice ship hands from slacking off, but all story have roots in truth. I think as well as Pix, Shelby calls upon Pirate Joe to ask about Jimmy. But whether or not Pirate Joe recognizes the Codfather as the younger ocean god? I'm not sure, I think he gets a sense that he's more than your average sea monster.
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thedo0zyslider · 6 months
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Glad to see the people are enjoying my latest efforts
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bisexualsmallishbeans · 3 months
For the ask game
What's your thoughts on the newest hermit Joel small balls? 🎤
well. i bet he's short. and ugly. and annoying. and weak. and lots of other very accurate descriptors. also i hate him forever and ever
(ask "game")
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