#tapu lele exposed
eeyes · 7 years
why is there a dedicated tapu lele hate blog that posts in the tag. what did she ever do to you.
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artpharos · 3 years
46. "What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids?", requested by @takoyakicorn
2,904 words, Lonashipping
Figured since I took so long I may as well make it as worth it as possible 8′D
Prompt List from waaaaaay long ago lmao 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Moon loves the unpredictability of Alola. 
It comes about from living so close with nature, with the jungles and seas teeming with Pokemon. The Tapu's blessings flit in and out between every boulder, every tree. No day is exactly the same. And with each one, new challenges and new friendships are just waiting to be discovered. 
Being the Champion, she's the one that the people call on for dealing with tough and unexpected problems. It's a role she's grown into since she was twelve. Adults would turn to her for guidance after she proved herself capable, time and time again. And now she looks forward to every moment of it- knowing full well that every day, something new will surprise her, catch her breath, steal her heart away. Be it the sun, the moon, the stars, or even something beyond. 
But in between all the turmoil, all the chaos, there are a few things that Moon likes because they never change. Predictable, solid; an anchor in the swirling excitement that fills her days.
Gladion is one of those things.
Sure, at first he stuck out like one of the many many unpredictable things of Alola. Even more so, with his black clothes and dour attitude in the midst of the cheerful colours and Alola's sunny disposition. But ten years on, Moon knows Gladion- how he's loyal to a fault, how he cares deeply for the people and Pokemon around him. How sweet he can be when he offers her a malasada, or how his rare, gentle smiles always sets her heart aflutter.  
How he will always command Silvally to land a super effective hit on Decidueye when he's desperate.
Silvally caws, leaping into the air. Gladion's trained it to be faster, stronger- and now its movements are too swift for the eye to follow. Decidueye just can't keep up, and there's a victorious glow of the Fire Memory in Silvally's eyes. The flames sear around its claws as it strikes. But Moon sees the attack coming a mile away. 
"Pivot! Synthesis!"
Decidueye spreads its wings, shimmering in the light of the setting sun. It's ungainly on its feet, but it turns just enough to avoid the brunt of Silvally's attack, the flames just barely scorching its cloak. Then it's wrapped in a glow of brilliant green, and when the light fades-
"Not a scratch, huh." Gladion winces. He's long ago outgrown gripping his hand every time he battles, but his fingers still twitch at the failure of his plan. His green eyes betray a hardening frustration. "Silvally, back up-"
"Don't let him! Spirit Shackle!"
Decidueye lets out a raucous cry as it takes to the air. Energy gathers at the tip of its bow, and it fires. Silvally is fast, but it can't outrun the arrow. 
The chimera braces, its claws digging into the ground. As the dust clears, its eyes still remain fixated on Decidueye, and Moon wonders if her estimations are off. Then, it sways, and with a final trill, Silvally falls to the ground.
When a battle ends, there's a moment when time hangs in the air. When Moon can see across the field and feel her heart pounding with the exhilaration, the thrill of battle. The triumph of the moment seeps into her skin and her soul. Then the dust settles, and her breath catches in her throat. 
The sight's familiar- the frustration of defeat in Gladion's eyes across the field, the momentary twitch of his fingers. It's followed by his shoulders relaxing and his gentle exhale, skittering across the translucent floor. Then, he lifts his chin, meets her gaze with his own. His green eyes are filled with a warm respect, a small smile gracing his features. 
In that moment, Moon's stomach always flutters- silhouetted by the fading light of the sun, Gladion glows calm and warm despite his sharp features and black clothes. It always steals her breath, and she stays still, trying not to yell out the feelings that have remained in her heart for all these years. Instead, she schools her own posture. He recalls his Pokemon and steps forward to her with an open hand.
Ten years on, she's never told him how he always makes her feel like this. How she always treasures the quiet, stolen moments she has of him. After all this time, it'd just make things awkward between them, and as much as she likes unpredictability, she still likes the solidity of Gladion's presence, his touch. 
She takes his hand. The handshake is firm, steady. Expected. His grip is neither tight nor loose. Warm, his callused palm is a welcome sensation against her own. 
"Still have dirty tricks up your sleeves, I see." His words are sharp, but they're mellowed by the easy tone of voice, the familiar smile. 
Moon arches an eyebrow, feels the usual, teasing smile pull at her cheeks. "You're too predictable." 
Gladion lets out a soft huff. His hand drops away, and Moon laughs as he turns away.
And like every other time before, he glances at her through his bangs, his fingers twitching slightly before he holds a hand out to her again. 
Moon chuckles. She takes a moment to still the butterflies in her stomach, and smiles as she threads her fingers between his own. 
_ _ _ _ _ _ 
Their favourite shop is at Melemele island's port, a stone's throw away from Moon's home and the ferry back to Aether. They buy their favourites- Moon's, a spicy Malasada, and Gladion's, a sour one. Then they sit at the docks, watching as the ships anchor and rest. The remaining Wingulls fly back towards land, and the stars begin flicker up overhead. 
Today, they make it just in time to catch the moonrise. Her namesake slowly crests above the waves. The glowing half-orb of luminous blue casts a silvery light upon the waves. Surrounded by the dusting light of the stars across the purple sky, it's beautiful.
She realizes she's staring when Gladion catches her eye, a faint smile gracing his cheeks. 
"Nothing." He turns away and takes a bite into his malasada. "Some things never change. You always stare at the moon as if it's Arceus's greatest gift to mankind. Or Tapu Lele's, depending on the legend."
"Careful, that's sacrilege." Moon lifts an eyebrow. "Wouldn't want the Tapus to hear you calling their feats as mere 'legend'."
"Duly noted." Gladion keeps his face stern. "After all, wouldn't want you reporting my bad behaviour back to Tapu Koko."
Moon laughs, and that is enough to crack his feigned veneer, the ghost of a gentle smile shining through. 
She loves that look on his face. The way he always looks warm and exposed and soft around her. It's almost enough to keep her entranced, to let her drown into the depthless pool of his beautiful green eyes.
She clears her throat, takes another bite of her malasada. Turns her attention back to the sky.
"It's just... back in Kanto, the city lights would have drowned out the stars and the moon." She giggles. "Here, it's so bright and beautiful. Growing up, I could never imagine it. No matter how many times I look at it, it always surprises me."
"Hmm." Gladion acknowledges her explanation with a thoughtful nod. Then, his expression changes back to a familiar smirk. "Unlike me?"
Moon pouts. "You make it sound like that's a bad thing."
Gladion laughs. It's a simple sound, but accompanied only by the soft crashing of the waves, it sounds beautiful. He smiles as he turns to her, leaning closer ever-so-slightly. 
"Champion, you are the first person who has ever called me unsurprising."
Up close, his smile is warmer, his eyes brighter. Over time, it's easier to resist the urge to lean closer, and instead, Moon rolls her eyes. "That's because people expect a posh businessman when they're looking for the Aether president. Not someone just out of his teens who has a fondness for black hoodies."
"And the black hoodie doesn't surprise you?"
"Maybe it did, at first, but... it's been ten years, Gladion." Moon grins. "You wake up, work yourself silly. You go to Battle Royales on Wednesday specifically because that's when Royal Mask fights. And then you show up at the League every Friday at 5pm to battle. You're as predictable as the tide."
Gladion's eyes widen, and Moon wants to remember the look on his face- the mild parting of his lips, the small crinkle of his eyes. But too soon, Gladion huffs and turns away. He doesn't retort, instead settling back to his original position. But his shoulders are relaxed, his breath calm. He continues to eat his malasada in peace.
Moon chuckles and bites into her malasada as well. She's not one for silence. But sitting here, next to Gladion, with only the stars and the sea around them and a companionable quiet surrounding them... she doesn't really mind. She looks forward to the nights like this, a routine part of her life and a man she's grown to love.
And yet sometimes she wonders what it'd be like to reach over, to tell him...
She cuts off that thought. Finishes chewing the last remains of her malasada. Tries to stifle the now-familiar pang of sadness that twinges in her chest. 
"You done?"
Gladion scarcely waits two seconds after she dusts the remaining sugary powder off her fingers when he turns to her. He's watching her, waiting.
Moon chuckles. Routine dictates that she should go home and sleep, prepare for tomorrow. Dream of green eyes as she sleeps. "Guess this is goodnight, huh?" she asks as lightly as she can. 
Gladion gets up, and holds a hand out to her. She stares up at him, silhouetted by the night sky, at the hand so close that she can remember the warmth of his touch. 
"How about we do something different for once?"
"I know what this is." Moon arches an eyebrow with a grin. He looks so confident, so eager to prove himself, that it makes her heart warm. "What do you have in mind?"
He smirks. "I'm told you like surprises."
Moon laughs. Without a single mote of hesitation, she takes his hand.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 
He leads her down the familiar paths of Melemele, away from Hau'oli and towards the wilderness they both love. The moonlight filters through the large palm leaves, and when she looks up, Moon can still see fragments of the night sky; the stars and the milky way. All around her, the trees are like a comforting blanket. It enshrouds them in a gentle darkness, scented with freshly fallen rain and barely-trodden soil. Gladion's hand holds hers throughout, the faint smile on his face guiding her on through the dark. 
Eventually the familiar trail lights a spark of curiosity. This turn from Route 3, this scent in the air- Moon says nothing, doesn't voice her questions. Then Gladion guides her to the hilly overlook where the Melemele meadow stretches out in front of them. 
Moon gasps. 
She's been to the Melemele meadow at night before. The moonlight shines upon the yellow flowers. Now they're illuminated, almost glowing with a gentle blue. There's nobody else here this late at night, and the air is scented with sweet honey. A gentle, brisk breeze flutters through the sheltered field. But what truly steals her breath is the sight of the Cutiefly, dancing among the flowers, sparkling motes of light following their every movement. They form a trail of sparkles across the field, a web of light that Moon's never seen before. 
Truly, something new that catches her by surprise. 
"Figured we'd be just in time to catch the Cutiefly." Gladion watches her with a small, triumphant smirk. 
"How'd you know they'd be here?" She can't keep the awe from her voice as she watches the Pokemon dance, their little chitters filling the air with a pleasant song. 
"I'm President of Aether." He shrugs in response. "Learning about Pokemon behaviours is part of what helps our conservation efforts. And I learned a while back that the Cutiefly tend to be active during the half-moon. I hadn't seen it myself, but I figured you hadn't either, so..."
Even though his face is stern as usual, there's a faint colour on his cheeks, a warmth in his eyes. His hand grasps hers loosely, so easily, that Moon feels a swell of affection towards him. 
She leans against him, giggles as the wind blows fairy dust around them. "Thanks, Gladion. It's a very nice surprise. Maybe you're not as predictable as I thought."
He huffs and turns away. The angle hides his eyes, but his fingers twitch against hers. He says nothing at the close contact, doesn't move away nor react. 
"You're predictable too, you know."
He doesn't meet her eyes. His words, soft on a breath, sound... different. Reverent, even. Intimate. And even though she's used to his moods, his curtness, it's not a tone of voice she's familiar with. 
A shudder runs down her spine. But instead of laughing, instead of pretending she doesn't love him, doesn't love how close he is right now... she threads her fingers into his hand. He doesn't pull away. 
"You wouldn't hesitate to help anyone in need." Gladion smiles when he looks at her then.  "You're always up early in the morning, because you're eager to live the day. You laugh, even when you're upset. You love everyone- humans, and Pokemon alike. And even though you treasure your unpredictability, I know exactly what goes on through your head."
His green eyes pierce into her soul. His hand burns against her skin. And quietly, she asks, "Is that so?" 
"Yeah." Gladion nods, and his chuckle sends goosebumps down her arms. "You're happy right now, aren't you? That we're here together, watching the Cutiefly. That it's something that reminds you how much you love Alola."
Moon shivers. He's so close that she can feel his breath against her cheeks. Feel the intensity of his beautiful stare. Almost imagine that, just this once, maybe- 
"Moon?" He leans in close with a frown, and she realizes she's been quiet, too quiet. 
But Gladion's always gentle, always kind, always honest and bright and she loves him and maybe... having him surprise her like this, having him being unpredictable, wouldn't be that bad a thing. 
"You're half-right, you know." She licks her lips, searches his face for any hint of repulsion, rejection.
But instead he smiles, soft and sweet. "Yeah?" 
And Moon takes a deep breath, takes a chance.  
"What if I told you I’ve been in love with you since we were kids?"
The fairy dust flutters around them. The moon continues its upward climb. The moment holds. The Cutiefly flit about the glowing flowers, and the meadow sways in a gentle breeze. 
Gladion's breath catches. His green eyes widen. He says nothing. In the moonlight, his beautiful, angular features may have been cut from stone. 
Disappointment swirls in her chest. His touch burns, his proximity sending a sharp pulse through her. She moves to pull away-
Then his fingers thread with her own. 
Green eyes search hers. He inches forward slowly, and his free hand lifts to graze along her cheek.  
"Have you really?"
His bangs are like a curtain against the moonlight, shielding them from the field. He runs a thumb across her knuckles, and he holds her closely, so intimately, as if...
His lips are softer than she imagined, pressed against hers. Warmer, too, far warmer than her dreams. He pulls her flush against his body, his arm wrapping around her back. She shivers at the closeness of his touch, the warmth that floods her body from his kiss, her legs trembling. But he braces her, holds her close- kisses her, until she realizes that this is very very real. 
"Moon." He whispers her name as they part, the flush on his cheeks as warm as her own feels. A small smile dances across his face, and he looks so buoyant, so happy, that it stirs a soft giggle from her lips.
"Did I surprise you?" she whispers.
"It's a good surprise." His thumb brushes her bangs aside, leaving a warm trail on her skin. He chuckles. "And here I thought I had you all figured out."
"Likewise." Her smile is shy, but it makes him hold his breath and widens his eyes once more- and Moon has barely enough time to register the reaction before his lips are on hers once more. 
She pulls him closer, tugs his head down towards hers. His laughter bubbles against their lips, and when she looks at him again, he watches her with a warmth so pure, so bright, that she's sure it's a sight nobody's ever seen before.  
It catches her breath. Steals her heart away.
"Come on." He pulls away with a smile. He's barely a few paces away before he turns to her, holding a hand out to her once more. 
Without hesitation, Moon takes it. Threads their fingers together, secure. 
Gladion grins. The look on his face is bright, beautiful. He tugs her towards the meadow, where they're surrounded by the glowing flowers and the dancing Cutiefly. And when the moon rises to its peak and the fairy dust swirls around them, they dance, hand in hand, laughter and joy filling every inch of Moon's heart.
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jadeazora · 7 years
Nightmare Fuel/Upsetting Dex entries, Round 2!:
UltraSun edition!
Under the cut since may include spoilers!
Graveler: It travels by rolling down cliffs. If it falls into a river, it will explode with its last gasp.
Grimer: The wastewater coming from factories is clean these days, so Grimer have nothing to eat. They're said to be on the verge of extinction. (So Lapras has been saved, only for Grimer to start dying.)
Muk: Because they scatter germs everywhere, they've long been targeted for extermination, leading to a steep decline in their population.
Gastly: Poisonous gas comprises 95% of its body. It's said that the remaining 5% is made up of the souls of those who died from the gas.
Haunter: It's dangerous to go outside alone on nights when you're feeling sad. Haunter will catch you, and you won't be able to go back home.
Gengar: Even your home isn't safe. Gengar will lurk in whatever dark corner of a room it can find and wait for its chance to catch its prey. 
Marowak(Alola): When it beats opponents with its bone, the cursed flames spread to them. No amount of water will stop those flames from burning.
Chansey: Because the eggs on their bellies have been overharvested by people in the past, the Chansey population remains very small.
Kangaskhan(Mega): When the mother sees the back of her Mega- Evolved child, it makes her think of the day when her child will inevitably leave her.
Gyarados(Mega): It zooms out of the water at Mach speeds. Even large ships caught in its path are split cleanly in two!
Lapras: They've been so cherished that there's now an overabundance. The fish Pokémon population has declined in waters with too many Lapras.
Eevee: Its genes are easily influenced by its surroundings. Even its face starts to look like that of its Trainer. (Well that’s an...unsettling visual.
Lanturn: It lives far down in the depths of the ocean. It blinds its prey with light, using the moment they're dazzled to swallow them whole.
Aipom: It searches for prey from the tops of trees. When it spots its favorite food, Bounsweet, Aipom gets excited and pounces.
Scizor: Once it has identified something as an enemy, it will continue beating them with its steel-hard pincers until there's nothing left but scraps.
Scozor(Mega): It's better at beating things than grasping them. When it battles for a long time, the weight of its pincers becomes too much to bear.
Houdoom(Mega): Houndoom's entire body generates heat when it Mega Evolves. Its fearsome fiery breath turns its opponents to ash.
Tyranitar: This Pokémon is a mobile disaster, leaving mountains crumbled and houses destroyed in its wake.
Tyranitar(Mega): The effects of Mega Evolution make it more ferocious than ever. It's unclear whether it can even hear its Trainer's orders. (We find out in the other Dex entry this is because its back splits open.)
Carvanha: With its sturdy jaws and fangs, it can easily chomp wooden boats to splinters. It fights with Basculin over food.
Sharpedo(Mega): The moment it charges into its opponent, sharp spikes pop out of Sharpedo's head, leaving its opponent with deep wounds.
Flygon: People continue to have their hearts stolen by its enchanting songs and find themselves stranded in the desert.
Cradily: This carnivorous Pokémon lived in primordial seas. It catches prey in its eight tentacles and dissolves them with digestive fluid as it eats.
Banette: Resentment at being cast off made it spring into being. Some say that treating it well will satisfy it, and it will once more become a stuffed toy. (I mean, I never let them faint and always have max affection in Amie/Refresh, but I’d rather a happy Banette than it being a lifeless doll....)
Banette(Mega): Mega Evolution increases its vindictiveness, and the cursing power that was held back by its zipper comes spilling out.
Absol(Mega): It converts the energy from Mega Evolution into an intimidating aura. Fainthearted people expire from shock at the sight of it.
Huntail: Deep seas are their habitat. According to tradition, when Huntail wash up onshore, something unfortunate will happen.
Metagross(Mega): When it knows it can't win, it digs the claws on its legs into its opponent and starts the countdown to a big explosion.
Bonsly: If its body gets too damp, it will die. So, in a process reminiscent of sweating, its eyes expel moisture.
Garchomp(Mega): Its disposition is more vicious than before its Mega Evolution. Garchomp carves its opponents up with the scythes on both arms.
Weavile: Thanks to its increased intelligence, scrapping over food is a thing of the past. A scratch from its claws will give you a case of frostbite!
Froslass: It's said that on nights of terrible blizzards, it comes down to human settlements. If you hear it knocking at your door, do not open it!
Trubbish: If a young Pokémon or child breathes in the toxic gas that Trubbish belches out, it could be a life-threatening situation.
Frillish: Using the invisible poison spikes on its veillike arms and legs, it paralyzes its enemies and causes them to drown.
Jellicent: Fishermen are terrified of Jellicent. It's rumored to drag them into the sea and steal their lives away.
Golurk: When the seal on its chest is removed, it rages indiscriminately, turning the whole town around it into a mountain of rubble.
Floette(Eternal Flower): Terrifying energy is concealed within its ominous flower, but Floette still swings it about innocently.(Are we ever going to get this event or will we have to wait for the Kalos remake?)
Dragalge: It blends in with seaweed to ambush its prey and then takes them down with a poisonous liquid strong enough to melt metal.
Mimikyu: A gust of wind revealed what hides under this Pokémon's rag to a passing Trainer, who went home and died painfully that very night.
Mimikyu(Busted): Sad that its true identity may be exposed, Mimikyu will mercilessly seek revenge on any opponent that breaks its neck.
Tapu Lele: Although called a guardian deity, Tapu Lele is devoid of guilt about its cruel disposition and can be described as nature incarnate.
Necrozma(Dusk Mane): This is Necrozma's form while it's absorbing the power of Solgaleo, making it extremely ferocious and impossible to control.
Necrozma(Dawn Wings): This is its form while it's devouring the light of Lunala. It grasps foes in its giant claws and rips them apart with brute force.
Zeraora: It approaches its enemies at the speed of lightning, then tears them limb from limb with its sharp claws.
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eificopper · 6 years
(Rough) Pantheon of Pokémon Deities in Twinkle
Kanto Major deity: Mew (creation) -Has many many vessels called “Mages” Minor deities: Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres (guardians of ice/wisdom, lightning/instinct and fire/valor, keepers of the environment)
Johto Major deities: Ho-oh (skies, rainbows, sun, fire, summer) Lugia (seas, storms, moon, water, winter) and Celebi (time, nature, spring and growth) -Ho-oh and Lugia have few vessels who are specially trained to be summoners or servitude of the deities, and receive titles of (grand) “priests” and “priestesses”. Some are still “commoners in hiding” though, no matter how much the Shinto dislikes and denies this. -Celebi has few vessels as well, they can see their patron’s Time Ripples and are very in-tune with nature and its protection, they’re also avid nurturers. -Gold and Silver generally represent Lugia and Ho-oh. Ubame forest and the Enju tower’s paths are sacred ground. -Celebrations include the Equinox and Solstice, the anniversary of the burned tower and the gathering for Celebi. Minor deities: Entei (ruler of fire and volcanoes), Raikou (ruler of lightning and thunder) and Suicune (ruler of north winds, auroras and purifier of waters)
Hoenn Major deities: Groudon and Kyogre (Maker of land and seas respectively, keepers of nature and environment) Rayquaza (Master of skies, wind, hope for the future and keeper of balance between other deities) Jirachi (wish granter) Latias and Latios (Eon Duo, the eyes of the gods, guardians of life flow) -Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza have few vessels and are often called “Agents”. When well-trained they can see the world’s energy Ley Lines and even borrow power from them. Rayquaza’s Agents also have the ability to see Dragon Trails. -The closest thing Jirachi has to vessels are flocks of Taillow and Swellow that have a subconscious innate bond with their awakening, a tradition passed on by generations until they’re needed every 1000 years.  -Latias and Latios have many many vessels called “Messengers” who constantly communicate and report with each other and to their patrons, effectively being a sort of communication network through all the regions. Once a year during the “Messenger’s Jamboree” the vast majority of them reunite in a big celebration where their patrons even participate. (though keeping their identities hidden) -The Cave of Origins and Mt Pyre are sacred ground, but the region is known for having lots of small shrines scattered in cities and towns for the different deities. Minor deities: None
Sinnoh Major deities: Arceus (Creator) Dialga and Palkia (Masters of time and space respectively, keepers of reality) Giratina (banished deity, Master of matter and distortion world) Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf (embodiments of knowledge, emotions and willpower respectively, Lake Guardians) -Arceus has no vessels himself for he is the ruler of the other legendaries. -Dialga and Palkia have few vessels and they’re almost never contacted, only in times of need do they arise. -Giratina followers and vessels are very fierce defending their beliefs and are amongst the most loyal despite being heavily criticized by society in general. -Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf are said to choose only one vessel at a time and bless them with their virtues, they’re often called the “Lake Heirs” Minor deities: Shaymin (gratitude, nature and growth) Cresselia and Darkrai (crescent moon/new moon, and dreams/nightmares respectively)
Unova Major deities: Reshiram and Zekrom (Deity of truth/beauty and ideals/strength respectively) Kyurem (keeper of balance) Victini (patron of victory and good luck) -Reshiram and Zekrom have only 2 or 3 vessels at a time who are referred to as “Hero of _____” They serve their corresponding patron and Black or White Kyurem respectively. Minor deities: Virizion, Terrakion, Cobalion, Keldeo (Swords of justice, protectors of nature and rabids)
Kalos Major deities: Xerneas, Yveltal (Mortality duo/Keepers of life and nature) Zygarde (Deity of order, balance and prosperity) -The Mortality duo often refere to their vessels as their “children” following the birth and death theme. They can also sense and see Fairy and Dark Auras in proximity. - Zygarde’s vessels are usually publicly known as they fill a more active role partaking in battles or disasters to help keep pace over Kalos. Generally they’re in places of power or are influential/capable people to lead and follow a cause. They’re seen as heroes and “popular” or “famous” beings but it’s also for these reasons they’re more easily exposed to danger. -celebrations include the Èpanouissement (Xerneas) Chute des Feuilles (Yveltal) and the Cultural week (Zygarde) Minor deities: None
Alola Major deities: Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini (Island guardians) Solgaleo and Lunala (sun/sunlight/day and moon/moonlight/night, protectors of the realms) -The Tapu Guardians’ vessels are just one per guardian and island, and are always the Kahuna of said island, when chosen for their position they are immediately given the legendarie’s blessing unlike all other deities who chose their vessels much earlier in their lives. -Solgaleo’s and Lunala’s vessels serve both deities equally and thus are often just referred to as “Celestial vessels” rather than pertaining to a specific deity, they can also sense “Ultra holes” Minor deities: Necrozma (Absense of light, void, abyss) Ultra Necrozma* (Light/energy) Zeraora (thunder, Lightning and Courage)
Average amount of vessels per deity +Messengers (100) Mages (50) Children of Mortality (20-25) Celestial Vessels (20-25) Giratina (20) Priests/Priestess (12-15) Agents (10) Celebi (10) Victini (10) Dialga/Palkia (4-6) Heroes of Truth/Ideals (4-6) Kyurem (5) Island Kahunas (4) -Lake Heirs (3)
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ladykailolu · 7 years
Ouma’s like...really fucking cute tho. Like, I know he does some awful fucked up terrible things and everyone hates him for it and he lies a lot, but he’s still so fucking cute. He’s smol, got them nice hair flips, adorable eyes and baby face
Like, cute + cruel
He kinda reminds me of Tapu Lele, the cutest of the tapu Pokemon, but it’s cruel. One of it’s scales can temporarily relieve even the deadliest of diseases...but when it gets bored, it uses its magic to bring unbearable suffering onto its victims. It’ll heal them on the spot one minute but casually bring them into ruin if they’re exposed too much. (and it has those cute hair flips too!)
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floralfiness · 7 years
Types of Natural Energy used by Pokemon
Nature Power
Nature Power is a move that only a few selected pokemon can use naturally, while a great handful of pokemon can learn it through TMs. Pokemon that can learn Nature Power can draw Natural Energy from the environment and use that energy to gain an advantage in battle. Caves and Mountains result in Rock and Ground natural energy, burial grounds can result in ghost natural energy, ect.
Ultra Space natural energy, when used with Nature Power, becomes Psyshock, which means the environment has psychic natural energy in it.
Using natural energy in space turns Nature Power into Draco Meteor, which means dragon natural energy can be found in space. It’s the only location in the entire world where dragon natural energy can be found and used, and so little people have practiced and used it.
Natural Gift
Natural Gift is almost like a hand-held version of Nature Power, except a lot more pokemon can use it compared to Nature Power and it only lasts for one turn unless the pokemon knows recycle.
Almost like Nature Power, except instead of drawing Natural Energy from the environment, the pokemon is drawing Natural Energy from inside a specific berry. Berries reside from nature, which means that each kind of berry has a different type and amount of damage depending on what berry is being used. It’s thought that the rarer the berry, the more powerful it is. It’s almost true, although some berries are actually easier to get ahold of compared to others.
Why these berries have different natural energy is unknown, but berries have each different type of energy that can be used in battle.
Hidden Power
Sometimes this power can be used in different areas and locations depending where the pokemon is located. It’s a rare case that a pokemon’s Hidden Power can change based on different environments, although it isn’t impossible… it is rare to find. Pokemon that can learn Hidden Power naturally have more of a chance in honing in on this, but the results aren’t absolute.
Hidden Power is the natural power that is being drawn out from inside of them. Depending on what their nature is, each pokemon will have a different type of Hidden Power compared to another of their own species. Using Hidden Power is one of the most common uses of Natural Energy, although those who can use it by learning it naturally have a better ability in grasping and unleashing it.
Secret Power
Secret Power is the focus of using natural energy in the environment, but it also comes with a 30% added benefit from the attack depending on where the pokemon is located. It is almost equivalent to Nature Power, but it’s not as powerful. This move also has the power to create a secret base; a temporary hideout that allows someone to stop and rest when they need to.
Terrains (Electric / Misty / Grassy / Psychic)
Terrains is a natural energy that can be summoned to in order to change the environment to suit the pokemon. Only a small handful of pokemon have practiced this skill, and it’s a natural practice that can only be perfected over time and when the pokemon is heavily in tuned with Nature. Grassy Terrain is by far the most practiced out of all four terrains, with Grass-type pokemon being the primary focus of it.
There are only four pokemon that are the most experienced in using terrains: Tapu Koko, Tapu Fini, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Lele. These four deities are the most in tuned with Nature (aside from Xerneas) that are able to summon forth terrains and nearly perfect their practices with it. They are believed to be spirits of the land and guardian deities, so no other pokemon has been as masterful in terrain summonings than them.
Terrain Extender 
An item that can help extend a terrain from five to eight turns; it’s very effective if a trainer wanted to make a terrain last longer!
Seeds (Electric / Misty / Grassy / Psychic)
Seeds to be consumed by a pokemon when they’re exposed to a terrain change. With the correct seeds being ingested, a stat from the pokemon will raise as long as they’re still exposed to the specific terrain.
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ihatetapulele · 7 years
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ihatetapulele · 7 years
Tapu Lele told Lillie her hair looks terrible
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ihatetapulele · 8 years
Tapu Lele kicks over little kids' sand castles
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