potsquared · 10 months
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Tarami x Urasei Yatsura Collaboration Mikan #tarami #uruseiyatsura #うる星やつら
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theconjurervfx · 3 months
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Conan the Destroyer (1984) dir. Richard Fleischer.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on promotional shots of Queen Taramis (portrayed by English actress Sarah Douglas), dark sorceress and primary antagonist of American epic sword & sorcery/fantasy film, "Conan the Destroyer" (1984), directed by Richard Fleischer.
EXTRA INFO: Taramis is the Queen of the City of Shadizar and a prime worshiper of the Dreaming God, Dagoth.
Costume design by John Bloomfield
Sources: https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Queen_Taramis, X, Pinterest, various, etc...
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thinking about how many times a princess of Cashmere has been mentioned like 
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
That fake movie you've made sounds amazing. So which character does Kit play? And does Jade think she's hot using a sword? Cause honestly Kit in canon is never hotter than when she's a little beat up, killing people with a sword.
Have a plot summary:
When her father hosts a tournament for her hand in marriage, Princess Taramis (Kit Tanthalos) enters the tournament in disguise, determined to win her own freedom. Complications arise when Taramis meets the mysterious Robin (Lili Cashmere), a woman with a scheme to rob the royal nobles attending the tournament in order to share the stolen wealth with the suffering poor. The two join forces and quickly fall for one another, neither aware of the other's true identity.
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landsofnayir · 1 year
A Brief Guide to Nayir and Nations of the Surrounding Area
Nayiri Confederation: Hidden from the world by a steep ring of volcanic mountains, Nayiri civilization stands at five thousand or more years old. Named for the abundant rivers descending from the mountains, Nayiri people speak a language with no living relatives and maintain an economic system that rejects money and private ownership. The organization of the Confederation is an uneasy mix of the Flame system–a leftover of Shirayan rule–and local, non-hierarchical governance. Bells in every Citadel call everyone for prayer five times per day, which takes place in front of the household cauldron or altar. Nayiri religious practices often mystify outsiders, and they prefer it that way. Endless invasions from Nayir’s neighbors have taught them that isolation is the only way to preserve Nayiri identity.
Shirayan Empire: The influence of the Empire on the rest of the eastern continent cannot be overstated. Finely detailed, geometric architecture can be found in long-independent territories, as well as ornate paintings, damasks, and carpets. Backflow from conquest has given Shirayan culture an eclectic character in line with the topography. The Selat Sea lies to the western side, the desert on the eastern, and hilly terrain in between. This eclecticism remains a strength. Shirayan scientific institutions in particular have risen above all others in this continent and across the sea. Pahlavaneti Princedom: In Pahlavaneti, there are no kings. The Princes pay tribute and obey commands passed down from the Shirayan Emperor per their peace treaty. Pahlavaneti bridges this region of the continent with those to the south and west and has a corresponding level of cosmopolitanism. Parents across the region send their children to Pahlavaneti schools, where they learn from millennia-old literary traditions inside pastel-colored spires, clustered within the forests that make up most of the country. Coastal rainfall ensures a mild, humid climate year-round. Obalar Nations: The massive, flat steppe provides little chance for strict delineation between kingdoms, hence the plural name. Cyan cities gem the alpine meadows, full of travelers. Outside of them are camps numerous enough to darken the entire plain. Their trades are as one would expect–cavalry, mercenaries, yes, but also porcelain tiles, brooches, specialty harnesses, and other applied arts. Obalar are notorious for their practicality and flexibility, and the philosophy that given time and will, anyone can rise from their station to one of prestige and power. Batar Republics: A chain of fiercely independent peoples high in the Lajvard Mountains, the ethnic groups of Batar have worked together to defend themselves from outside aggressors. A code of honor, egalitarianism, and hospitality connects them to each other and the numerous diasporas. When directed outward, this code has created philosophers, sociologists, and political leaders. For every sword sheath is a horsewhip, for every mosaic of flying arrows are hand-woven jackets to stave off the mountain cold–a counterpoint to the narrative that all Batar has to offer are soldiers. Karani Pentapolis: The Karani are ephemeral as the desert sands they call home. The five cities are their concessions to a sedentary lifestyle, towering triumphs of sandstone that blend in with the landscape. Only the sophisticated engineering gives it away; the Karani are known for their knowledge of local springs, which are diverted into their cities and protected through a series of codes only the builders know. The protectiveness isn’t unwarranted; the cities are wealthy from trade. Frankincense and myrrh waft through the streets. Vibhavada Empire: The low, marshy river valley of Vibhavada has given rise to a civilization nearly as old as Nayir. Buildings are built atop of ruins atop of ruins again. Industrialization and urbanization progress at a breakneck speed, though some traditional arts remain: ivory carving, sericulture, and calligraphy. The current dynasty is characterized by Shirayan influences, with floral textiles and paintings of court scenes emerging as the new artistic standard. Uduravana Union: The Union has a centralized, democratic structure born from a revolution against Vibhavada four hundred years ago. Precious gems, sugar, silk, and tea flow out from Uduravana along the trade routes of the northern seas, with imported goods flowing in through the complex system of canals. These are then distributed evenly between the urban, rural, and temple cores. It is the control over water that powers Uduravana civilization, filling reservoirs and specialized bathhouses and watering leagues-wide sugarcane gardens, allowing their cities to become some of the most populous in the world.
County of Taramis: Hundreds of years ago on the opposite continent, Taramis was founded by devotees to a thunder god. They noted that unusually strong storms often blew onto the coast from the Selat Sea to the east, and decided to place their abbey there. The city grew outward from this abbey and now hosts fisheries, dairies, a small marina, and endless fields of lavender. Much of the population comes and goes with the seasons. The climate and calm atmosphere attract tourists and people seeking rest and healing by the seaside.
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theactioneer · 9 months
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"SARAH DOUGLAS stars as Queen Taramis, a treacherous beauty who uses magic to enlist Conan's aide to help her carry out her evil plot."
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lowkeyed1 · 1 year
rewatching the first ep, looking for characterization and etc. really admire the subtlety tony revolori brings to graydon. he starts seems so impassive compared to how demostrative and expressive kit is, or boorman -- but you can see the way he's closing himself off. when kit is ranting about taramis he's very guarded and gets more so, and then when she talks about the chance to choose her own fate he looks a little lost for a second. when kit is yelling at him about the flute and he tries to defend it at first, then as she goes on his face just closes up. the way his expression goes all neutral, then his mouth tightens up. he's been so beat down by his life he's barely able to try any more... and when you follow that progression to where he is in an ep like Shattered Sea it's a remarkable transition.
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potsquared · 10 months
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Tarami x Fleet Girl Collection Kan Colle Collaboration Mikan #tarami #fleetgirlscollectionkancolle
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theconjurervfx · 3 months
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Conan the Destroyer (1984) dir. Richard Fleischer
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dreamofthemaidenless · 6 months
taramis is making me taste test various goos and goops and i hate to eat anything let alone goos and goops so i told him i shan’t but he said my opinion is the one that matters so i’m trying all these goos and goops and after each one i’m saying Blech! Argh! Ach! Not Good! and taramis is smiling and nodding and taking notes and the goos and goops keep getting worse
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blackcatrph · 1 year
»  ━━  WILLOW  (2022)  QUOTES  :  EPISODE  ONE  :  THE  GALES.  PART  TWO.
quotes  taken  from  the  2022  series  “willow”.  please  alter  any  pronouns  if  required  when  sending.
“How’s the party?”
“You should see the prince, he’s a mouse.”
“We both know how fond i am of our little chats, but unless it’s to bring me a slice of cake, why are you down here?”
“Maybe it’s because you want me to tell you not to force your child into a loveless marriage?”
“You know I don't have a choice.”
“Everything I've done, I've done to protect the people I love. It costs a lot. I’m tired.”
“How long can you keep it up?”
“Maybe I'm overreacting. It doesn’t mean that our life has to change…”
“I’ve been accepted to train with the shining legion. To become a Knight.” 
“They’ve made an exception. It’s their first ever, actually.” 
“I wanted to tell you before, but I didn't know how to…”
“So. We’re getting married. That’s weird, right?”
“Why? You don’t even know me.”
“I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the realm.”
“I am getting acquainted with my betrothed here, but you can go wherever you want, as you’ve made abundantly clear.”
“Have you ever heard the story of Taramis?”
“She was, like, by all accounts, like, the most gorgeous woman that ever lived.”
“Make yourself useful.”
“What? Scared you might blind my pretty twin brother?”
“I’m worried about that..”
“You embarrassed the prince.” 
“You showed everyone in that room who you are, a petulant child who needs to grow up.”
“I’m a prisoner, sentenced to a life I didn’t even choose!”
“No one chooses their life.”
“It’s fine. Everything’s fine. I spoke to the prince.”
“He’s not actually such a terrible guy if you get to know him.”
“I think you should stick to chasing girls rather than sticking your nose in matters that you are incapable of understanding and are not your concern!”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Huh? Oh, are you going to beat me up? Because I’m a little tired.”
“I didn’t ask for your help.”
“No. But you’re going to get it anyway because you’re my sister and I love you. Despite your winning personality.”
“Everybody loves you because you’re so charming and fun, as long as they don’t expect anything from you. The moment that they do, you’ll just leave.”
“Just like dad did.”
“I’m not him. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I think it’s best we stop seeing each other.”
“Seeing you with them just… made me crazy! Made me mad.”
“I was so distracted, I… I burned my muffins.”
“I never burn anything, ever!”
“I suddenly realised, how can I expect you, the prince, to commit to me, muffin girl, when you’ve countesses and trollops shamelessly throwing themselves at you!”
“What if i did? What if I was ready to commit?”
“It’s not the greatest marriage proposal, in fact, it might be the worst. But what if… what if it was better?”
“That's definitely something we can discuss.”
“You scared the blummins out of me!”
“I’m leaving. I came to say goodbye.”
“I know you’re upset…”
“I’m thinking clearly, for the first time in my life…”
“I’m looking for something, and it’s not here. It’s out there.”
“You’re going to be a great knight, but I’ll still kick your ass.”
“It’s a symbol of my commitment to you, just until I can get something more real.”
“You could just look at me, just like that, for the rest of my life.”
“You know there’s nothing brave about running away…”
“I’m always… relatively careful.”
“Let our love be your strength!”
“Right. Definitely gonna do that…”
“We’re under siege.”
“Fellas, fetch my cleaver.” 
“Would it be too much to ask you not to do anything stupid?”
“Oh, man. I'm sorry. I thought you were gonna let go of her.”
“He was just behind me, fighting that witch.”
“They took him. I think… he’s what they came for.”
“False. Patently false.”
“I was concerned for the welfare of the animals. Is it a crime to care, huh? To feel?!”
“You’re just the leader this expedition needs.”
“Where the Princess goes, I go.”
“You know, I think we’re good, fellowship-wise.”
“You’d let your bride-to-be travel beyond the barrier without you?”
“It’s not ideal, but I'd learn to live with it.”
“Terrific. All the sorcerers are gone.”
“The last thing he said to me was that he would never leave me and when he said it, I… I didn’t care.”
“Just be careful. We have enemies without and within.”
“A knight is defined not by skill in battle, but by the oaths they keep.”
“The fate of Tir Asleen may well rest on whether you succeed or fail.”
“I won’t fail.”
“I won’t let anything happen to her.”
“She’ll need you to be sensible when she’s rash.”
“I’m counting on you as I would any knight.”
“Don’t worry. There’s plenty of stuff I’ve done that you haven’t.”
“I think someone’s following us.”
“You know, that’s what I thought. Then I realised you’d have to be daft to follow us, considering we’re all going to die.”
“Wait, you think we’re going to die?”
“I wish someone had told me that. I’m really scared of dying. That and communal bathing..”
“Hey, they’re coming. Get down.”
“You think I’m a fool, fine, I don’t care. What we have comes around once, maybe, if you’re lucky.”
“Have you ever been in a fight?”
“You mean like, verbally?”
“I mean like, defending yourself against someone who wants to hurt you.”
“I can do other stuff, whatever you need! Tend to horses… Somebody’s gotta cook, right?”
“Are you any good?”
“I’m phenomenal.” 
“So, what can you cook out here?”
“Seriously? You brought a flute?”
“Yeah, was that not a good idea?”
“My nan believed that music was a balm for the soul…”
“This is not some jaunt or your chance to see the world. It’s dangerous.”
“Well, you’re all so naive, it’s adorable.”
“You’ve never known pain, fear, hunger.”
“Out there it won’t matter who your parents are, or what you think you deserve. The world is bigger than you could possibly imagine, it doesn’t give a damn about any of you.”
“I know this is a silly question, but what is the barrier exactly?”
“It’s a force field, forged by Raziel and Cherlindrea to protect the realm. It was a refuge for those who wanted a life that was more than just survival.”
“I was the only one who survived.” 
“That what you really think or what you wanna believe?”
“Why would I want to believe that he chose her instead of us?”
“Sometimes it’s easier to hate them.”
“One night of sleeping on the hard ground will cure anyone of their romantic fantasies.”
“Got to admire her persistence.” 
“She’s going to get herself killed!”
“You’re not the boss of me, Princess! Not out here!”
“I like her. We should keep her.”
“Enough. We don’t have time for your bickering.”
“I don’t care if you like each other, we’re all in this together now.”
“Out here, in the world beyond, if you’re not vigilant at each moment, you will not survive.”
“This is exactly why you can’t come with us.”
“Why are you riding so slow? We’re being chased!”
“That’s not me, mate! You’re thinking of someone else!”
“I've never seen horses do that. What is Hsu-Gala?”
“It's an ancient Angorian word. It means, "Stop."”
“I wanted to say, I'm sorry, for the way I behaved. I was very childish.”
“I can understand not wanting to marry someone that you barely know. I wasn’t happy about it either.”
“You’re a very pretty person.”
“I just think you should be in love with someone before you commit to spending the rest of your life with them, right?”
“What about our responsibility to unite the realm?”
“One day you and I are gonna be in charge, and when that day come, we don’t have to do things the way our parents did.”
“Oh, Daikinis. Terrific. Just what I need.”
“What happened here?”
“Plenty. And if you’re not careful, it’ll happen to you too.”
“I’m out of the sorcery business now.”
“I’ve retired. So jog on.”
“My mother told me that once long ago, you stood together against the forces of evil and defeated them.”
“The world needs you again. It needs your magic.”
“It’s okay. She is who she claims to be. I read her mind.”
“Had you there, didn’t I? I didn’t read your mind.”
“You remind me of your mother.”
“Your brother’s alive.”
“I'm sorry, did you say, "beyond the Shattered Sea "?"
“I've travelled all across the world, met some real magical marvins, but I never met anyone who crossed the Shattered Sea. That's where all the maps end.”
“And that's where we must go. Beyond the edge of our world, into the unknown.”
“You shouldn’t be here, but it’s so good to see you.”
“No, you’ve made a mistake. I’m not… I’m nobody.”
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commanderbuffy · 11 months
Heart’s Canyon - “Snowed In” (Ch. 4) - snippet
“What about Princess Taramis?” Kit asks. She gulps down the last of her wine and drifts across the tub, cleaving through the foaming bubbles. 
“Do you remember how to find her?”
“Point her out to me,” Kit says, her voice dropping a register. She takes Jade’s wine glass out of her hand then wraps her fingers around Jade’s knuckles. Kit watches as Jade’s eyes quickly dart down to her lips, then to the hand that Kit is holding. She lifts a pointer finger.
“Those four right there, make up her bow and arrow,” Jade says.
Kit shifts their hands and drags Jade’s forefinger through the crisp night air. “Her body. And the crown hidden behind her back.”
The constellation and the story behind it were made by two girls on their first trip together to this very cabin. They’d snuck out in the middle of the night to make out under the stars and created their very own mythology.
Kit turns and rests Jade’s hand on the ledge of the hot tub, anchoring it with her own. She backs Jade’s body into the corner and anchors her other hand on the adjacent ledge. Satisfied that Jade isn’t making a move to flee, she runs her palms off the slick skin of Jade’s forearms and muscular biceps.
“What are you doing, Kit?” Jade asks.
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
“Not something friends do.”
“I know,” Kit admits. She takes a step closer until their chests just barely brush with each exhale. “I don’t want to be your friend, Jade.”
“Kit…” The word comes out as a whisper, too soft for either of them to know the true feeling behind the word. It could’ve been an admonishment. It could’ve been a prayer.
“In case it wasn’t obvious, I fucked up. Six and a half years ago, I gave up on the only true love I thought I’d ever have. I realize that now.”
“Kit.” A plea.
“I’m not going to make that mistake again. I’m not going anywhere.” Kit takes a shaky breath. “I’m going to win you back.”
Jade inhales sharply. Her eyes widen in surprise.
“I don’t care how long it takes,” Kit promises. Her limbs are hot from the water. Her face is flush from the wine. But it’s the heat from that love flooding back in the form of butterflies in her gut that Kit feels most acutely. 
“That’s…that’s…” Jade’s eyes are wild, looking all over Kit’s face as if she isn’t sure she actually heard the words Kit said. “That’s a lot to take in.”
“I know,��� Kit nods. “I just had to let you know.” Their faces are so close. She’s not sure who has moved to close the gap, but she thinks it might have been them both. She brushes her nose against Jade’s, and the butterflies turn to a thunderstorm. Kit feels the heat of Jade’s breath on her lips.
“Kit.” Yearning.
“Tell me to stop.”
Jade doesn’t speak, but her mouth answers anyway. Soft, plump lips touch tenderly against Kit’s. It’s a tentative question that Kit answers in the affirmative. Their mouths slide like velvet over one another.
The kiss is nothing like the hot, frenzied mess in the bar bathroom two months ago. Instead, it’s gentle and slow. It’s exploratory, like finding their way home after being lost for too many years. One of their lips quivers. Kit isn’t sure whose, but it leaves an opening. She runs her tongue over the curve in Jade’s lower lip and swallows the girl’s moan when their tongues first touch.
Kit briefly registers the sound of a splash as Jade’s arms drop into the water. Hands grab Kit’s waist. The touch is so familiar, but there’s an aching pain to it. Finally feeling the touch she needs. How had she not realized how starved for touch she was?
Kit’s arms find their way around Jade’s neck as she leans off the hot tub’s siding. She lifts her legs beneath the water and wraps them around Jade’s waist. Jade catches her and pulls her in tighter. She carries Kit across the tub, drifting listlessly as tongues and lips continue to find their way back home. Kit lets out an oof as her back connects with the far side of the hot tub.
Their kisses slow back down again, fade to a peck and foreheads resting together. Heaving breathing the only sound for miles.
“I don’t know what this means,” Jade finally says. “I don’t know what I want.”
“That’s okay.”
“Fuck,” Jade says before surging forward to kiss Kit again. It’s just one kiss. Long and full of yearning, but just the one. 
“I’ll prove it. I promise. I’m not going anywhere.”
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Fic Preview
I'm writing a soulmark AU for the first @willow-wednesday-offical prompt. It's not Wednesday, but have a preview of the first part.
Kit remembered loving her father’s stories of soulmarks as a child. Her mother had been part of her bedtime routine before Madmartigan’s quest, of course, but stories were all him. He’d bring them to life—voices for each character, big actions to go with, moments sprinkled in just to make her giggle or gasp. They’d almost all end with Kit snuggled against his arm as he told her the happily ever after, usually a couple realizing they’d been destined to be together the whole time. Even when that wasn’t the ending, Kit loved them. She loved the idea of knowing a perfect person for her existed out somewhere.
When he left, her mother tried, but it wasn’t the same.
Sorsha didn’t do the voices as convincingly as Madmartigan had, and she wasn’t the kind of person to flail around.
The real problem, though, was that she didn’t seem to know the whole stories.
“That’s not the end, Mommy,” Kit snapped at her one day as her mother tried to kiss her forehead to say good night. “Princess Taramis has more to say!”
Sorsha pursed her lips. “No, honey, that’s the end of the story. She bested the three suitors and revealed herself. She got to live a long and prosperous life ruling on her own.”
“You forgot the soulmark part,” Kit said with an exasperated sigh. She wiggled out from under her covers to stand on the bed, swinging her arms about in her best impersonation of her father. “When Princess Taramis reveals herself to the gathered crowd, she turns around and lifts her hair to reveal a bare neck. ‘I have no mark,’ she says. ‘I am not destined for any of you by fate, and none of you have proven yourself by skill. If the universe has destined me to be alone, I shall do so happily. I’ve won my own hand and my right to rule alone.’”
“That’s not part of the story,” her mother said quickly, gesturing for Kit to get down.
She plopped onto the bed with a sulk. “That’s the way Dad told it.”
“Your father was a romantic,” Sorsha relented as she retucked the covers around Kit. “He loved soulmark stories. Not every story needs one. Most don’t.”
“Yours did,” Kit points out.
Sorsha smiles fondly. “It did. But we didn’t know that then. We found each other in battle. We didn’t even know we shared a mark until later. Marks aren’t the most important thing, Kit, darling. Our other responsibilities come first.” She stood, then hesitated and turned back to her daughter. “Besides, not having a mark doesn’t mean you have to be alone. Anyone can choose to be with whoever they would like, regardless of if they share a mark or have one at all.”
Kit didn’t agree with it then, but when she and Airk later decided to draw each other’s for them, she realized why her mother might have been so insistent on that fact as her brother moved his long hair aside to reveal a bare neck.
“Do I have one?” she asked in a mild panic, already turning around.
Years later, Kit could acknowledge to herself that it had been a horrible way to tell her brother the universe thought he should be alone.
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mowsyling · 1 year
Willow Lore transcripts
(&other interesting tidbits, cutting out less important bits)
Ep1: The Gales
Story of Taramis
Have you ever heard the story of Taramis? She was a princess of Cashmere thousands of years ago, and she was, by all accounts, the most gorgeous woman that ever lived. So the King invited all the knights and all of the princes to complete for her hand. The winner of each event advancing to the next until two remained. This cocky young knight of Galladoorn and this helmeted warrior from some far off distant land who's face no one had yet seen. After a fierce battle, our mysterious stranger bested the knight, then removed his helmet. ..... It was princess Taramis.
Writing on the wall scene
"We stand at the threshold. We peer into the void. We bear witness to his glory. The Eternal One, the healer of worlds. (Rumbling) As he stirs from his deathless slumber deep below the surface, the Harbinger of the Wyrm will come." (Rumbling)
Meeting Willow
Your brother is alive. A prisoner of The Withered Crone, who dwells in the Immemorial City that lies beyond the Shattered Sea. The four who came to Tir Asleen are her servants.
You are Elora Danan, Last Blood of Kymeria, future Empress, High Priestess, Semprum Sorceress of the Nine Realms, and the worlds last, best hope against the evil coming to destroy us all.
Ep2: The High Aldwin
Boorman about Madmartigan &the cuirass
...he spent five years searching the world for it.
Ep3: The Battle of the Slaughtered Lamb
Cuirass story intro scene
It was ten thousand years, and about three weeks ago.. Thuul, heir to the Kymerian Empire, had been sick as a child. When his father died, his younger brother, Tiberius, felt he'd make the stronger king. For forty days, Tiberius lay siege to the capital (capitol in subs?), starving his own people to force his brother to abdicate his throne. So, their mother, Annabel, a fay of the Grove, forged for her son, Thuul, a cuirass of pure Khromium. Then she assembled the Lux Arcana, a magical key that activated the enchanted armor, so it would only serve he who was worthy of it's power.
Watching the storm scene
*The Crone speaking pnakotic*
The stars align, the door is open. The sphere turns, a God is awoken. Extinguish the flame, snuff out the light, and exile the child to the Thirteenth Night.
Ah, so you speak cursed Pnakotic?
They're gonna kill her, aren't they?
No, if they killed her, her spirit would endure, be reborn. But if they banish her, they can imprison her soul for all eternity. It's what Bavmorda was trying to do when I stopped her.
Rain fight
I've seen the future, Jade. Looked into the void. The Eternal One will cleanse this world of all disease and pain. We shall be free.
Ep4: The Whispers of Nockmaar
Tapestry scene
The Crone:
Do you renounce your name, your family?
Young Bavmorda:
I do.
The Crone:
Will you embrace the light of the Eternal One? Pledge your life to our endeavour, that we might deliver this world from suffering, into his warm embrace?
Young Bavmorda:
I will.
The Crone:
The Blood of the Six runs in your veins. You shall be his harbinger. Primal Priestess of the Wyrm, Queen Bavmorda.
End scene:
What is the Blood of the Six?
In the beginning, in the Grove, six fays betrayed the Mothers to serve the dark power. That line continued through the ages, strong magic but corrupt. The Blood of the Six.
So Bavmorda, she was the Blood of the Six. Which means so am I. - And so is Airk.
Ep5: Wildwood
Wand&magic talk scene
This wand is a splinter from the Great Tree at the centre of all things. ...
In the wrong hands, Cherlindrea's wand is a powerful instrument of unimaginable destruction.
Scorpia interrogates Boorman scene
The relic? You didn't find it?
*shakes head*
And the others? Allagash?
Trolls got him. I only hope he suffered as much as possible before they killed him. Long story.
And Madmartigan? They got him, too?
Scorpia/Jade mark scene
Here, by the child's hundredth day, they get seared with it's family's mark, so they remember where they came from. This is my father's mark. The mark of Kael.
General Kael.
You've heard of him? He was the first Bone Reaver. ....
My father was a free man, killed by your people.
He was killed by Madmartigan at the Battle of Nockmaar. Your mother was killed by the rangers that kidnapped you and took you to Tir Asleen. ......
Kael served Bavmorda. Bavmorda served the Crone.
Bavmorda made a pact with the slaves of Galladoorn. She'd help them overthrow their masters in exchange for their loyalty. People do whatever's necessary to be free.
(After Nockmaar fell)
Those who survived, fled. The armies of Tir Asleen and Galladoorn, they persued us. They feared us. As they should.
Ep6: Prisoners of Skellin
Door riddles scene:
So I pass from sire to heir, and each of brothers takes his share. A gift or curse I may be, used by others more than thee. (A: Name)
Beggars have what wise men crave, but both shall take it to their grave. (A: Nothing)
Ep7: Beyond the Shattered Sea
Dinner scene:
What are you doing out here all alone?
Uh, well, I was a warrior. Paladin of Cashmere.
One of three sent to rescue the princess who was taken by servants of a dark power and whom I loved, though she was betrothed to...
-This one was to find an enchanted pool, that granted whosoever drank of its water...
-Years, wandering the Shattered Sea. Our boots rotting, our swords rusting in their scabbards. Till we forgot who we were, what we were searching for. And in the end, turned on each other. Murdered each other.
What's beyond the Shattered Sea?
Some say that, uh, eventually you reach the edge of the world and get swept off. Others speak of a leviathan, so monstrous that even to see it is to lose your mind.
2nd Airk/Crone (aka "Lili") scene:
I think, maybe, I know why we're here. How much do you know about Cashmere?
Just what everybody knows. The Paladin Circle, Ivory Tower, streets lined with moonstones.
It's very beautiful. High walls that keep us safe, isolated. There are rules, and so long as you follow them, you'll never want for anything. Except...
There were rumours of a secret sect that worshipped some sort of ancient blood magic, called The Order of the Wyrm. Their acts of sedition were small, at first. Desecrations, fires, crimes without culprits, but they'd always leave their mark.
One night, they fought their way into the tower, killing the guards and kidnapping the princess.
Why? To what end? To seize power?
Maybe. I don't know. I woke up here.
Willow & Kit inside the sled
What is the Wyrm?
If magic is the bloodstream of the universe, the Wyrm feeds on it. Imprisoned a long time ago beneath the surface of the world, it waits, sleeping.
When it wakes up?
Stares at Kit, haunted... sounds/echoes of screams leading into a vision of Mims..
Mims looking bloodied, pressing her hands to an equally bloodied, wounded Karthy's side.
Da! I really need you right now. I wasn't strong enough to keep him out. Please!
Season Finale
Ep8: Children of the Wyrm
Kit hearing her father's voice
Kit... Can you hear me?
I need you to listen. I don't know how much time we've got.
Is that really you?
I need your help.
Are you here? Where are you?
I'm with you. Always.
You kinda left a while ago.
It was the hardest thing I've ever done. But love is sacrifice. You've gotta be willing to give up what you want for what you believe in. It's the only way to save Elora.
Dad, I'm not you.
Yes, you are.
No, really, I'm not.
All right, you're not. You're better. You are her shield. You are her sword. And I am already so proud of you. Now go.
Wip will updated. Please lemme know if I forgot something important. 💜😊
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