#tarot practice
occultwaters · 2 months
Hello loves, welcome to my blog. Below you will find the links to my posts, feel free to browse. I hope you enjoy your visit. Make sure to read the disclaimer at the bottom before requesting anything!
Observations: I II III
Painful placements: I
Vedic: Coming soon
Extra stuff:
Introduction + free readings (closes April 12th 2024) (FREE READINGS CLOSED FOR NOW)
Just to put this out there so we are clear, divination should not be used as a replacement of legal, financial, and/or medical advice etc. Though I do readings on these topics, it is not to provide professional advice. I very much believe in divination, however I am not responsible for any actions done by anyone on the basis of my readings. Take it with a grain of salt, energy is ever changing.
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inverted-flowers · 6 months
So... Those Secret Life tarot predictions I've been doing huh? Well it's Grian's turn! Reminder that you don't really need to know anything about Tarot Cards. If you're curious though it's just a simple 5 card spread I made specifically for this. Also I did this on November 2nd of 2023 (it's a Thursday) cuz I'll probably decide to schedule this as to not spam the tags lol.
First Card - Start
So this card was rough because while I was placing it I turned it without thinking about it (which I like never do). I had to debate whether to interpret it upright (how it would've been had I not turned it) or reversed (how it was when flipped it over). As I said in the very first post, I'm doing these as practice so this is also just a 'well wtf do I do in this situation' sort of milestone. In the end I've decided to interpret it as upright with a kind of side note of reversal... if that makes sense... I'm gonna combine the meanings a little bit!
I drew the Ace of Wands... uh... funky style. (Sure that makes sense right? /silly) This card is describing Grian's start of Secret Life as involving a lot of hard work. There could be some minor setbacks but he'll likely work through them fine enough. He'll probably have a great time, honestly, if this card has any truth to it.
Second Card - Individual
This card is describing how Grian does in the game basically. For it I drew the reversed 8 of Swords. He survives through the more difficult first part of starting in a new life series world. So far he's doing very well too so this is supported! If you've seen his episodes you'll know he's not exactly down a whole lot of hearts yet. This card also talks about being open to change and new opportunities. What new opportunities? I'm so glad you asked. To the next card!
Third Card - Social
This card is meant to describe how Secret Life goes for Grian on the social end of this series. I drew the Death card which made me laugh. The death card is about change, rebirth, and transitioning from one phase to another. My brain immediately went to how everyone and their grandma were drawing comparisons between his first ep with Scar on the camel and third life. This makes me think he's either not going to team up with anyone or if he does it'll be someone he hasn't yet and well... So far it's looking like the former! It makes that lil' comparison extra fun cuz this is saying he'll be putting the past expirences behind for something new.
Fourth Card - Big Impact
I drew the reversed Page of Pentacles which is wild cuz I drew that for Joel too but as his season end. Here I drew it for Grian's 4th card which is describing what makes the greatest impact for him this season. This card talks about a lack of progress and getting lost in the details. He might get too caught up in something and forget about his task.
Fifth Card - End
I drew the 3 of Pentacles for how Grian'll end Secret Life. This card talks about collaboration and learning. He's probably very secure in his beliefs... except that those beliefs might be a strict adherence to the rules which could ultimately cause him more problems than necessary. It also means he could take the advice and criticisms of his fellow players pretty well.
So do I think this reading is predicting Grian to win? Not in the slightest. 3 of pentacles really feeling like a participation trophy here lol. Like 'yay you learned things and got to make content with all these lovely people!' Not exactly something screaming he's gonna win. If I had to take a gander as to how it goes down, I'd reckon he gets distracted and fails a hard task or fails his normal tasks multiple times (based on the 4th card). That would then somehow push him to be more strict with rule following (based on the 5th card). If that is what happens, the fail would probably happen either soon and then affect the majority of his season or later when he's low. Maybe it's what turns him red.
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blissmontage · 22 days
Y’all I wanna do some tarot today so send me your questions and I’ll do a free three card reading for the first five people who send me an ask!
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essseateatarot · 7 months
Bridging the Generations: Ancestral Work in Tarot (+ A Tarot Spread) 🔮 🌙
A universal connection beyond bloodlines
Ancestor work is a practice open to anyone, transcending cultural or familial boundaries. While family ancestors hold a special place in this connection, our ancestral lineage extends beyond blood ties. We share collective ancestors—the broader human family, and even the interconnected web of life itself. These include the pioneers, the innovators, the ancient civilizations, and the guardians of this planet. Engaging with ancestor work allows us to tap into this rich tapestry of wisdom, drawing on the collective experiences and insights of those who came before us, offering profound guidance for our journeys today.
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The veil between worlds: tarot as a divinatory channel
At its heart, the tarot is a mirror reflecting the collective unconscious, a reservoir of archetypal energies that resonate through time and space. Within this tapestry of symbolism, the archetypes encapsulate the essence of human experience—the triumphs, the challenges, and the perennial wisdom passed down through generations. When we approach the tarot with reverence and intention, it becomes a powerful tool for forging connections with our ancestors.
Ancestral work in Tarot is a profound practice that begins with a heartfelt intention.
Prior to a reading, find a quiet space and take a moment to connect with the energy of your ancestors. Invite them into the space, envisioning their presence around you. As you draw the cards, keep a keen eye on any specific symbols, images, or recurring themes that seem to echo with a sense of familial familiarity. These subtle cues are often the whispered messages of your ancestors, offering a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of ancestral patterns, potential areas of lineage healing, and even personal messages of support and love.
As we set the cards in motion, we create a sacred space, inviting the energies of our ancestors to converge with ours. The tarot serves as a divinatory channel, a conduit through which insights, messages, and wisdom from the ancestral realm can flow. Each draw of the cards is a dialogue, a communion with those who have gone before us.
The wisdom of the generations: interpreting ancestral messages
Imagine, for instance, you draw the Four of Pentacles. This card, with its imagery of a figure holding onto their possessions, could be a gentle nudge from your ancestors to explore your relationship with material security in the context of your family’s history. Perhaps there are tales of resilience or lessons about resourcefulness that echo through the generations, waiting for you to uncover. This card may be an invitation to reflect on how these stories have shaped your approach to abundance.
On the other hand, if the Queen of Cups graces your reading, her nurturing presence might carry echoes of a particular ancestor known for their compassion and emotional depth. This card could serve as a reminder to tap into the wellspring of empathy that flows through your lineage, offering solace and insight in times of emotional turbulence.
If The Tower card makes its presence felt, it could signal a powerful ancestral message of breaking free from old, limiting beliefs or structures. This card may prompt you to investigate instances in your family history where radical transformation or upheaval led to growth and renewal, encouraging you to embrace change.
Ultimately, the power of ancestral work lies in the intimate connection it fosters between past, present, and future.
Healing ancestral wounds: navigating generational patterns
Delving into ancestral work within the realm of tarot unveils a profound opportunity for transformative healing. As the cards lay bare the energies at play, we may find ourselves face-to-face with intricate patterns that have woven their way down through the generations. These patterns, silent but powerful, may have subtly influenced family dynamics, shaped beliefs, or even played a role in personal struggles. It’s here, in the dance of the tarot, that we’re granted a unique perspective—a bird’s eye view into the tapestry of our lineage.
Consider, for instance, the appearance of the Temperance card. Its imagery of the blending of elements may be an invitation to explore the delicate balance within your family, the interplay of various personalities, or even the fusion of diverse cultural influences that have left their mark. This card gently nudges us to consider how these elements have contributed to the generational story and what harmonious transformations might be beckoning.
Likewise, the appearance of the Five of Swords might illuminate an aspect of family history where conflicts or power struggles were more pronounced. By recognizing this pattern, we’re empowered to navigate present-day situations with a newfound awareness, breaking free from the grip of generational repetition.
Through the tarot’s guidance, we embark on a journey of recognition and release. We unearth these patterns not with blame, but with a compassionate understanding—a recognition that we stand at the precipice of transformation. By identifying and acknowledging these patterns, we take the first step towards healing. In doing so, we not only liberate ourselves from their grasp but also pave the way for a legacy of healing that ripples through time. We can identify these patterns and work towards their transformation, releasing them from our lineage and fostering healing not only for ourselves but also for future generations.
A tarot spread for ancestral work
Ancestral Presence: This card represents the overarching energy of your ancestors in your life. It may offer insights into the predominant qualities or messages they wish to convey.
Ancestral Guidance: This card speaks to the specific guidance or wisdom your ancestors have for you at this moment in your journey.
Generational Patterns: This card sheds light on any recurring patterns or lessons within your family lineage that are relevant to your current path.
Message of Healing: Here, you’ll discover what aspects of your ancestral lineage are seeking healing and transformation through your conscious awareness.
Legacy and Blessings: This card illuminates the unique gifts and blessings that have been passed down to you from your ancestors, shaping your current path.
Gratitude and Connection: This final card offers insights into how you can continue to foster a deep and meaningful connection with your ancestors, and how you can express your gratitude for their presence in your life.
Remember, this spread is merely a guide. Trust your intuition and feel free to modify it to best suit your personal connection with your ancestors.
Final thoughts
Ancestral work in Tarot is a profound testament to the interconnectedness of all souls across time. Through the cards, we bridge the gap between generations, recognizing the enduring legacy of wisdom and love that flows through our veins. As we navigate life’s journey, we carry with us the strength and guidance of those who have walked before us, their presence a source of comfort and inspiration. In the sacred space of Tarot, we find a sanctuary where the wisdom of ages whispers through the cards, reminding us that we are never truly alone on this journey of life.
Read the full article here:
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119/366 - reflect•recharge•return
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lunasapphire · 4 months
Todays tarot card for y’all! - Queen of pentacles, as always takes what resonates :D
Practicality/practical, comforting figure/motherly figure, financial security, earthy/down to earth, growth, advice, business, nurturing, and joy - if any of these key words ring a bell, do take what resonates.
A motherly/comforting figure may appear or you may be the mother/comforting figure. Growth might happen, along with financial security. There is a earthly nature and practicality. Happiness and joy are emotions that will be prominent.
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oraclekleo · 10 months
Practice your Tarot Skills with Kleo (Tarot Game)
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Status: CLOSED
More Tarot Games 🎲
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nothoughtsgayboy · 6 months
I wanna try get better at (preferably Greek, to start off with) deity identification, so if u want I could do one for you? Even if u already know who the deity is, it'd be good practice. If you want, shoot me a message or an ask, tyyyy
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journeyofdream · 2 years
Tarot cards explained;
0 - The Fool
Upright meanings: new beginnings, freedom, innocence, spontaneity.
Reversed meanings: recklessness, naive, gullible, distracted.
The Fool depicts a youth walking joyfully into the world. He is taking his first steps, and he is exuberant, joyful, excited. He carries nothing with him except a small sack, caring nothing for the possible dangers that lie in his path. Indeed, he is soon to encounter the first of these possible dangers, for if he takes just a step more, he will topple over the cliff that he is reaching. But this doesn't seem to concern him - we are unsure whether he is just naive or simply unaware. The dog at his heels barks at him in warning, and if he does not become more aware of his surroundings soon, he may never see all the adventures that he dreams of encountering.
Symbols on the Card: Dog, Ice, Mountains, Rose, Sun, Wreath
Dog: Human’s best friend – symbol meaning of the dog deals with fidelity, honesty, loyalty, and truth. When the dog symbol pops out at us, we might ask ourselves one of the following questions: 1) Where are our loyalties? 2) Where are we putting our faith? 3) Are we being true to ourselves? The dog in our cards is also a good indication that we’re on the right track as they are symbolic of stability and righteousness.
Ice: Ice symbol meanings deal with isolation, patience, waiting, distance, and objection. Ice is used in the Tarot to convey a feeling of separation. It is also used to portray a time of deep contemplation or a process of growth that is not perceived until much later (cycle of season) for example, spring is only evident after that.
Mountains: Seen on many of the cards, mountain symbol meanings deal with triumph, challenge, attainment, and realization. Mountains also represent timelessness and an endurance that is infinite. When those mountains peak out of the cards into our attention, we may consider the vastness of our universe, and contemplate our place within it. We may also want to consider the heights to which we are climbing, and what the realization of our goals may mean for us and those around us.
Rose: A long-standing symbol of purity, promise, and beauty. The rose symbol meanings deal with the promise of new beginnings and hope. We must also take the thorns into consideration – with the promise of new hope, we may have to endure a few stinging thorns (painful ordeals) along the way. Overall, the rose is a poignant symbol of the beauty that is ready to unfold within each of our hearts and a reminder that we must take the opportunity to savor the beauty around us.
Sun: So much is dependent upon the existence of the sun, its symbolic meanings are endless. Primarily, the sun is a symbol of expansion, growth, energy, and creativity. When the sun shines upon your consciousness in a reading, pay attention to its position in the sky (setting, mid-day, or rising) as its position is also symbolic. Rising the sun is a symbol of new beginnings, setting indicates an ending or transition and mid-day indicates going full force in creative endeavors.
Wreath: Typically wreaths of laurel are depicted on the various feature cards (listed below). Wreaths of this type have long been a symbol of victory ever since the first ancient games upon mount Olympus where the victor was crowned in laurels (hence the term “resting on his laurels” comes when one relies on his/her credentials rather than further drive/action). A sweet-smelling laurel wreath is also a symbol of protection, peace, and purification and is associated with the god Apollo. It is a message that the favor of the Gods is upon us, and that we shall be the victor in this stage of our lives.
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sunflower-palace · 1 year
Taking a break! Will come back!
Free General Tarot Reading
Hi! I’ll be practicing my tarot reading once more. A little rusty, and require lots of practice, feel free to drop any questions. I won’t be too active but I will try my best to answer.  Decks: 
Runes for Modern Life
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believe in your own magic oracle
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The Sacred Self-care Oracle
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Please include: Initials/Nicknames, sun, moon, and any other information that you feel comfortable to share. 
Disclaimer: No mental health or any other health-related questions. Please do not take my reading 100% seriously as I am still a beginner.
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psych0d3l1c · 1 year
Free 3 card tarot readings & pendulum readings!!
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I plan to start doing commissions soon so to gain some traction I’m gonna do some free card pulls for a while :)
Dm me for inquiries, and send me a preferred name, your pronouns and a question and we’ll go from there!
My only rule is to please reblog!!!
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onyxtides · 2 years
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Journal update! The font has been changed and bottom graphics have been updated! I just submitted this to Llewelyn and Red Feather publishing, but you can still buy the digital copy via my Etsy shop : HollowedPumpkin! If you want this in a physical copy message directly, I can see about making a physical copy for you.
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inverted-flowers · 6 months
Secret Life Tarot Reading no. 6!
It's Scott's turn!
Quick reminder that as of reading number 5 with Tango these are done after episode 3s have come out. Also! You don't really to know anything about Tarot Cards to enjoy this post. Just understand that I'm using them to predict how our lovely ccs are gonna do in Secret Life.
First Card - Start
So to describe the (now passed) start of Secret Life for Scott I drew The Hanged Man. This card feels like it's more so saying he did well in terms of avoiding rash descions. How? My thoughts are on how while everyone else was taking silly bits of damage, from falling off of things for example, Scott didn't really do that. He did very well in thinking through his situations to avoid losing hearts.
Second Card - Individual
This card is meant to describe how Scott plays this season. I drew The Lovers. This card talks about positive collaboration and how trust in your team provides strength. I'm thinking this is saying Scott plays with a strong bond with his team or at least intends to. He wants to be able to work with his team and trust in them.
Third Card - Social
This card is supposed to describe how things go for Scott on the social aspect. I've drawn Justice in Reverse which discusses dishonesty and one-sidedness. It's funny because at first I was just looking at this card and the one before it and wondering how the heck that could make any sense. They're kind of difficult for someone to have at the same time here ya know? But then I changed perspectives a bit and it makes more sense.
There's a few ways we can take this. Usually when I'm drawing this card when someone's I'm got a team assuming that it's going to refer to their team first and the rest of the server second. Since we're looking for the more major kinda baseline stuff it just makes sense. So I suppose the first idea here is that this card is referencing Scott's social experience outside of his team. I'm not really feeling that theory but it felt best to mention it anyway. The next idea is that the dishonesty is coming from either Gem or Impulse. I'm also not going to completely shoot down the idea that Scott is the perpetrator in either of these. I just think the cards are saying he gets deceived- maybe marinated if we don't mind using Among Us terminology lmao. Someone pulls the wool over his eyes and keeps it there.
Fourth Card - Big Impact
This card is meant to tell us about what has the biggest impact on Scott's season. I drew The Chariot for this. This sounds like he survives something by the skin of his teeth. That or it's describing something like what usually happens to the last green (which Scott has plenty of experience with). If that's the case I'd reckon he sees it coming from a mile away and narrowly avoids it.
Fifth Card - End
I drew The Emperor in Reverse. This card talks about being blind to others needs as well as hiding one's true intentions. This sounds like it could be a callback to our 3rd card. Someone, whether that be a teammate or someone else, decieves him.
Final Thoughts and Theories:
I somehow drew all Major Arcana cards for this reading? Also as I was interpreting this the song Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine by The Killers popped into my head which was ironic with some of these cards. (I always have a song stuck in my head at this point I swear.)
Is he gonna win a second time? This reading certainly doesn't sound like it's giving a definite 'no' but I'm not sure it's a 'yes' either. If I had to make a guess as to how it unfolds I'd say he trusts someone he gets deceived by (cards 3&5) and it does him in. Could he pull a gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss? Sure but thats not the vibe I'm getting. Maybe he gets decieved and it results in him being unable to help his teammates. That would leave him alone after he builds his game around working strong together. If we wanna go back to my previous reading with Impulse, I said there's a chance he betrays or just overall messes things up with Gem & The Scotts. Maybe Impulse stabs him in the back for a task? The task would be the need Scott is blind to here (card 5). There's also the whole thing with how Scott is usually one of the last alive. Those who will be around towards the end of his season are likely to all be red. Yeah we'll see I suppose!
'Til next time! :D
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blissmontage · 3 months
Had a dream I was reading tarot with my Wandering Star Tarot Deck so I’ll do like ten free readings today if you send me an ask!
Tarot FAQ if you want
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essseateatarot · 7 months
Honoring ancestors through ritual and gratitude 🪞🌛
As Halloween approaches and the air becomes infused with a certain mystical energy, many believe that the veil between our world and the spirit realm grows thin. It is during this enchanting time that we are drawn to honor our ancestors, those who came before us and whose wisdom still whispers through the ages. Crafting a Tarot altar for our ancestors is a powerful way to connect with and pay tribute to those who have paved the way for our existence. In this post, we will embark on a journey into the sacred art of creating a Tarot altar dedicated to our forebears, a place where their presence can be felt, their guidance sought, and their memory cherished. So, let's delve into the mystical realms of Tarot and ancestry, and discover how to craft an altar that bridges the gap between the living and the dearly departed. 🌌 🪄
Incorporating ritual into ancestral work not only deepens the connection but also provides a tangible way to express your gratitude. This practice is akin to setting a special table for beloved guests, acknowledging their presence and the profound impact they continue to have on your life. Here are some ways to approach this sacred work:
Creating an Ancestral Altar: This act involves selecting a dedicated space, be it a corner of your home or a specific piece of furniture, to honor your ancestors. Adorn it with items that hold meaning, such as photographs, heirlooms, or objects that evoke their memory. This becomes a focal point for your ancestral practice, a place where you can come to commune with their energy.
Lighting the Way with Candles: Lighting candles holds deep symbolic significance in many cultures. The flame acts as a beacon, illuminating the path for your ancestors to join you in your sacred space. Consider using colors that resonate with ancestral energy, such as white for purity, red for vitality, or black for spiritual insight.
Offerings of Love and Remembrance: Providing offerings is a poignant way to express your gratitude. This could be their favorite food or drink, or even items that held special meaning for them in life. It’s a tangible act of remembrance, demonstrating your respect and love for the legacy they’ve passed down.
Engaging in Meditation and Reflection: Set aside time for quiet contemplation. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow your mind to journey back through the annals of your family history. Visualize the faces of your ancestors, feel their presence, and let any messages or insights come to you naturally.
Sacred Sound and Song: Music and chanting have the power to transcend the physical realm and reach deep into the spiritual. Consider incorporating ancestral songs or chants into your ritual. This resonant energy can serve as a bridge, connecting you to the wisdom and experiences of those who came before.
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123/366 - cda•idaho•america
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