#tavvy is a theater kid
margareturtle · 8 months
So excited for all of the fluff in TWP 🥰
Clace + Sizzy weddings (maybe they already happened so we’ll get a short story at the end)
Tavvy’s First Rune (prob won’t get to see it but he will be 10 in TWP!!)
Someone’s Parabatai Ceremony (Dru+Thais, Dru+Kit, Kit+Ash, Dru+Jaime—depending on his aging in faerie) idk who but it’s not a shadowhunter series without a main set of parabatai so it’s gotta be one of them!!
Babies!!! Manifesting Baby Carstairs II and Baby Herondale
Kit is going to the 1989 World Tour with Magnus!!
Dru and Thais taking a trip into the city to see Chicago and/or Wicked on broadway!! (And Hamilton— it also began summer 2015)
Ash being adopted by Jace and Clary!!!
Kit and Ty communicating!!
(So much fun zero angst 😍)
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tilia-cacophonous · 5 months
homestuck beyond canon upd8. My god. I don't care about these characters
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Okay so I'm about to be real annoying about autism and biology(specifically genetics) real quick-
So first off, just because Ty has autism doesn't necessarily mean that Livvy does. Yes they are twins but they are fraternal twins, ie two eggs and two sperm, which means they only share about 50% of their DNA like regular siblings. Because that's what they are canonically, regular siblings who just so happened to both be conceived in a roughly 2 week window of each other and born at the same time.
Same with Mark and Helen. Only they share about 25% of their DNA with the other Blackthorn siblings.
Now autism is genetic, this is scientifically proven to be true, and as of 2023 1 out of 100 children has autism. Those chances increase if a sibling or a parent has autism because they share genes, and if one person has the gene then it's likely to assume that someone else in the family does as well.
Take my family as an example: my grandfather is autistic, so was his brother, and his sister's daughters(identical twins) were both autistic(because they share 100% DNA so if one is autistic likely the other is too), and so were their kids. So even though my great aunt is NOT autistic, both her brothers are, which meant she carried the gene for it, and it passed down to her kids and grandkids. Now none of my grandfather's kids got the gene, but all of us grandkids did. Because even though our moms weren't autistic, they carried the gene.
Now, there's not too much proven scientific evidence for how autism works genetically other than it is passed down and can even skip a generation or two. But because of how society is, especially how afab people are raised in society, there could genuinely be a significant amount of people who just haven't realized that they are autistic, not to mention the over a million people who aren't able to get a diagnosis. So please take what I've said above with a grain of salt.
NOW onto my personal headcanons with the Blackthorns-
I truly believe that Lucie Herondale is autistic and I will die on this hill. Which means that the gene could carry all the way down the Blackthorn line, all the way to present day. And since we know almost nothing about Andrew and Eleanor, we don't know if either one of them had the traits or if they just carried the gene.
Let's start with the oldest(s) and work our way down, shall we:
Mark: the nature audhd, he loves everything plants earth related and spend almost too much times researching flowers and berries that can be grown in California. He much prefers a date to the botanical gardens rather than to a movie theater(too loud) or a library(too quiet). But he loves concerts(jumping up and down bass boosted music).
Helen: the coffee autistic, she loves everything in the world of coffee, and if she wasn't so debilitated by her enhanced hearing making her uneasy out in public she would open her own coffee shop just so she could make coffees all day everyday. Aline gifts her different coffee scented candles for anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays.
Julian: the art autistic, he loves the feeling of paint on his fingers, and has spent an hour rubbing a new and soft brush over his palms and face(much to Emma's amusement). His go-to stimming behavior is sketching something either on scrap paper or with his fingers on the table or on his thigh. He loves drawing over his arms and hands with pen, and he also loves drawing all over his families' hands and arms as well.
(Ty is canon, so I'll skip him)
Livvy: the theater audhd kid, she loves reading Shakespeare and obscure off-Broadway plays. Once a week she puts on a one woman show for her siblings(mostly Dru and Tavvy) entertainment. She collects playbills, cds, records, merch, and autographs from shows she sees(she goes with Jocelyn or Tessa at least once a week) and covers her room with them.
Dru: the thriller audhd, she loves everything that gives her a fright and makes her adrenaline and blood pressure skyrocket. Her favorite "dates" are amusement parks with Thaís and Jaime, she makes them go on every terrifying ride. She, Livvy, and Emma have movie nights where they binge vintage horror movies and play indie horror games. She went bungee jumping for her 18th birthday.
Tavvy: the music autistic, he loves everything in the music realm: instruments, songs on the radio, Broadway musicals, and Julian humming while he cooks. He learns to play over 16 different instruments and uses each one to stim depending on what environment he's in(if he's at Cirenworth then it's violin or piano, but if he's at the NYC Institute then it's drums or guitar, his favorite is playing the pan flute on the LA Institute rooftop with Mark and Kieran).
I also hc that Livvy is trans that her and Ty ARE actually identical but apparently it's weird to say that😒
Sorry if this doesn't make any sense I just woke up from a nap😅-
dude. this is such a detailed ask. shaking screaming silently in excitement that i get to answer this!! all of this detail for me!! this is such a fascination of mine! anyway ANYWAY SO
I love your hc's about the blackthorns especially tavvy, idk why i see him as a musician as well but it just FITS. and hey, they are in LA right?? he def spends his teens sneaking out to see live music and he def gets SUPER into like a handful of artists and spends hours just playing around with their songs, remixing them or whatever (do i do this? am i talking from experience? do i have a sideblog dedicated to it?) and dru is absolutely that kind of adrenaline junkie. so am i! i say she gets really into lead climbing (rock climbing, but the rope is below you instead of above and when you fall it's TERRIFYING) and it helps her get really comfortable with her body esp when she goes with mundanes and downworlders and shadowhunters all mixed up. and i love theatre livvy, i really do, but her canon thing is computers and maths isn't it? maybe she's both. i can see that, different sides of her personality: she's into STEM a lot as a kid but realises she also likes to act when she's a bit older. you're dead right with julian, tbh what he was going through in the tda era makes it hard for me to see his neurodivergence clearly but yeah i can see it, and he's a cassandra clare male protagonist after all, he's gonna remind me of a bunch of people i know irl who are--slowly realising their neurodivergence, shall i say. mark and helen are dead right too. i see it. never did they come across as neurotypical to me.
and i do know, genetics of fraternal twins--if you're referring to the 'twin thing' or whatever i said i was meaning the bond between them and how they communicate so naturally! which is in part due to their proximity being together since the womb, but also because they are naturally so similar and also complimentary and actually, the fact that they both 'adopt' kit into their group is just another neurodivergents unite moment. like, it just works. so naturally.
and i 100% agree with you that yeah, sure maybe they're not ALL autistic in the family but with underdiagnosis and stuff and genetics it does make sense. Also irl i do think that 1% is a MASSIVE understatement (idk what the actual number could be, but the way i go out in public and in community with people i've known for years even when we're not brought together by things in common, and i just get the vibe of people, i'm pretty sure a lot more than 1% are autistic). now, with lucie. i never was quite sure with her, she's very much a could-never-have-been-neurotypical-herondale but the more I think about it the more it makes sense. it's really interesting to see her and james interact as siblings bc they're SO different but there's this common thread of likely being autistic, in fact a specific genre of autistic that clearly runs in their family (and i could say the same of anna and christopher, but that's for another post). anyway. just for fun. I reckon we can trace it back up both sides of their family to Linette Owens on the Herondale side and to Aloysius Starkweather on Tessa's side. and cassie invented genetics again.
but seriously, i fondly summarise tlh as 'bunch of neurodivergents adopt biracial traveller who doesn't fit in anywhere'. like SO MUCH of the cast is autistic coded, trust cassie to do that, there's also a heap of rep of adhd and cptsd and bipolar in the mix and then. there's cordelia
I also have to say I do love your trans livvy hc!! the more i think about it the more i'm like, oh, that could make sense. in the way she presents her femininity (which trans women don't have to!! I know!) and imagine her bonding with diana over it! anyway that's all i have to say. slightly differently coloured features to ty--that's just a technicality right? no, this could definitely work.
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samstarium · 4 months
What are your classpect headcanons for the omega kids?
ooh ooh ok! so im goin off the theory that the omega kids will "fill in" all the classes and aspects we only have 2 canon players for atm (aka no other humans have them yet)
i talked abt this a bit in a server so im gonna copy over my ideas!! autistic ramblings below
the one that interests me the most atm is vrissy bc theres the assumption she'll b a standard serket and this a light player, but it would b cool to kill the theory that all descendants need have the same aspect. personally i would love for her to stay a thief but b mindbound instead. for a couple reasons
one hs^2 (or hsbc, or whatever) and especially the candy route is abt how the world and thr characters in it have deviated from The Canon and havin vrissy keep her ancestoral title but on the class side instead is like a fun way to show that. its like oh this is not how its supposed to work is it. two i think tyin her to terezi in a way is kinda interesting. bc there's some parallels that could b made (vriska searchin for a scourge sister replacement, vrissy's relationship w/ harry anderson as a mirror for terezi and john?) but it would have to b explored a bit more since she still hasn't been in the canon for very long
as for the others i rlly want tavvy to b rage… i have him as a sylph but im not married to that. i would rlly love to have a male sylph tho! i think his sensibilities could work nicely, and we already have some (if brief) content of him interactin w/ kanaya (https://homestuck2.com/story/336) so there's potential to strengthen their connections and parallels.
for rage like ofc the purple and gamzee shit and everything puts that in my mind automatically but also. as a contrast to his hope parent and his maid parent. bein a sylph of rage just creates such delicious symmetry. hard to see a sylph-y personality just yet but it's a possibility imo, n rage i think can b interpreted from the gamzee corpse shenanigans
harry anderson im unsure of but w/ what we have i suppose bard of doom could work ok. it would b nice to have a bard who wasnt um. Well. yknow. and show some other parts of the class that weren't represented in the 2 canon bards. there's the obvious connection and punnery involving his affinity for musical theater, and his laissez faire approach to life could serve bard functions.
doom… eh. yea idk abt that but i'll take a stab at it. on a thematic level if sollux's doom craft motif is coding, havin his be stitching is kind of cool. like the connection to binary code in thread (https://www.tumblr.com/swords-n-spindles/625244898586755072/the-fibre-stuff-moiraecrochet-synebluetoo) idk. but on a more conceptual level his upbringing could give him some connections to doom, living with roxy who for the longest time was entrenched in the jane propaganda machine (harry as anti-life?).
w/ yiffy left she takes mage of blood. mage kinda iffy since the canon mages r pretty different and only one gives us much to work w/. one thing i will say on mages tho is that both of them r missin a certain sense: sollux sees no evil, meulin hears no evil, and yiffy? well i'd say she doesn't rlly "talk", at least not yet in the traditional sense, so we can complete the proverb and have her as the third mage who speaks no evil
but blood is a lot clearer. blood, bonds, connections, relationships? thats like the whole conflict of her character. i think phrasin it as yiffy "knowing" blood is kind of fun. bc she probably does have a very keen understanding of the complex relationships between the ppl around her (jane and jake and gamzee im sure she knew much of). also the literal connection of blood to her fangs, and cementing the parallels of her and karkles as blood brothers (lol)
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
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Normally I open up the Homestuck 2 liveblog with a tongue-in-cheek comment about how reading HS2 is pain, but I just watched the debate and HS2 looks incredible by comparison, so let’s see if this good mood carries over. Looks like we’re on Candyland, too, Candy updates tend to be better (or at least bad in a funny way) than the oft-boring Meat updates, and personally, I think “The Omega Kids fuck around” is the best part of HS2 by yards.
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Man, that lamp is almost perfectly positioned to draw a line through the image separating the two scenes (the dialogue for which is on two separate columns), but it’s just the tiniest bit off-center. I wonder if that was intentional and mobile-responsiveness is just a cruel mistress. It’s a cute touch, if so. I suppose the door (and the photos, which are the same height as the door) also serves the same purpose of having the two scenes be sectioned off. I don’t really know a lot about “scene composition” so maybe I should stay in my wheelhouse, but I think it’s divided very nicely
HARRY: and some of us aren't gods and shit. JOHN: i'm detecting a hint of judgement in your voice, there, harry anderson JOHN: don't you enjoy being a part of all this? finally getting to be in the thick of it all?
John, always dense, has not picked up on Harry Anderson’s demotion to Harry. He’s also inserting a lot of his own desires onto Harry, here, too. Vrissy is the one who wanted to be in the thick of it all (thematic idea to stick a pin into to see if it plays out: John should be mentoring Vrissy and Vriska should be mentoring Harry. Some evidence that HS2 is building this idea, but not a lot yet)
HARRY: now YOU look like you're hiding some extra commentary. JOHN: oh, i don't need to burden you with all the bureaucratic stuff, it's boring.
You gotta subscribe to John’s $20/mo Patreon tier for that, Harry.
JOHN: because here i am, sitting in the dugout, same as you. HARRY: in the dugout? JOHN: oh, or, uh... JOHN: what's a metaphor you might like better... HARRY: no, JOHN: i'm like the uhh...understudy. HARRY: dad. no, jesus, you don't have to do this. JOHN: or i got cast in as babysitter number 2 when i had auditioned for, i dunno, HARRY: yeah, please, i got the baseball metaphor. HARRY: i'm not a complete fucking nerd.
John doesn’t really “get” theater kids, I get. It makes me think a little of how John’s dad thought John was massively into clowns. Also, this is a cute.
JOHN: it's been really nice to get to spend so much time with you. HARRY: um. yeah, it's not so bad. HARRY: anyway, before you ruffle my hair or anything, it looks like things are getting a bit heated between the vriskas over there. HARRY: maybe we should offer them a snack to bring the mood back down? JOHN: me, mess up your hair when you’ve worked so hard on that look? i do know you at least that well, harry anderson HARRY: thank god.
This is also cute. Harry maybe the only person in the entire cast of Homestuck or Homestuck 2 to have a semi-normal relationship with his parents.
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Speaking of semi-symmetry, the line where Harry says how happy he is to stay home almost lines up perfectly with Vriska being furious that she has to stay home. I wonder again if that’s a coincidence of if someone had a really clever idea that didn’t make it fully intact through editing (or was considered not worth the effort). 
VRISKA: How are you so calm right now? Your lusii were training you, right? And you’re a troll, you’re definitely five times stronger than a human! And if you’re my clone, you are way more 8adass than little miss Fussy Fangs.
Vriska is making several false assumptions here, but the most interesting one is that Vrissy is Vriska’s clone. She’s not. She’s descended from Vriska, and takes after Vriska very strongly, but it’s not a one-to-one thing.
VRISSY: 8ut I guess this Situation is Kind of Serious? VRISSY: There’s a whole Plan and Stuff Like that. VRISKA: Clearly not a good plan, 8ecause then I would 8e part of it!
VRISKA: That’s just even more indication that they don’t know what they’re doing! Lalonde and Maryam have had however many sweeps to get older and stupider, 8ut from where I’m standing, it was literally only a few days ago that I was their commander! I am primed for the 8attlefield!
Okay, this line is across from John saying he’s in the dugout. There is absolutely an intentional, if not one-to-one strict, mirroring of these two conversations that’s actually really neat. I should go back to the other times HS2 has had conversations formatted like this to see if this mirroring has been happening all along. It’s a really good use of the format! I like this a lot! 
JOHN: so anyway, as you can see, this would have worked just fine! HARRY: no i think karkat’s right. this looks like shit, dad. JOHN: you know, me letting your earlier use of the word "fuck" slide wasn't a blanket approval for all cursing in front of me. HARRY: sorry. HARRY: try not to make such a shit plan, and i won't call it that. JOHN: haha wow.
The other thing I like is the John/Harry dynamic. 
HARRY: it's not like i think i'm any better! HARRY: i mean, i still can't believe i told vrissy and them to bring a dead celebrity to school. HARRY: what was i THINKING. JOHN: you were thinking it sounded hilarious! JOHN: but yeah, in hindsight, maybe not the best call. JOHN: maybe it’s genetic? HARRY: yeah. HARRY: i kinda can’t believe we’re all still alive, actually. HARRY: and how did YOU make it this far, being so bad at this? JOHN: i had my friends with me, i guess.
John your friends repeatedly tried to kill you and succeeded at least twice. 
He’d spent so long seeing mostly the best parts of Roxy in Harry Anderson. He forgot, he guesses, to look for himself in there, too. And if what they have in common right now is a lack of strategic foresight, hey, he’ll take it.
I’m slowly developing a theory that John is subconsciously the narrator of Candy, given how everything suddenly started going John’s way after Calliope left (and how the narrator seemed to really hate Gamzee last chapter). Remember, John has spoken in narration before in HS1, but never seemed to realize he was doing it. I probably need to essay this theory out at some point, but not now.
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Oh, hey! Jane does have goons! And they’ve slightly change the way they draw Rose’s hair, so her head isn’t a perfect circle with lines on it. This looks much better. 
JANE: I haven't given a political speech in years, Ms. Lalonde. I don't know what you're referring to. I'm just a simple business woman. JADE: right with her own talk show JADE: and multi billion dollar merchant company and lobbying groups! JANE: That's what a business woman is, Jade, dear.
I know that this is supposed to be Capitalism Bad, but “You claim to be a businesswoman when you own a merchant company!”. Jade. Come on. This reads less as Jane going “Of course I’m evil, I’m a CEO” and more that Jade literally doesn’t know what a business woman is. 
JANE: You are on my territory, in the presence of my secret police, laying your hand on my investment.
Jane you don’t own “territory” do you not know what a businesswoman is either?
JANE: Your ship is in contested airspace. You will land, whereby it will be confiscated by the Royal Human Guard. After that you will be taken into custody. 
JADE: shut the fuck up for a minute and look up!
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There’s a BIG-ASS spaceship like ten feet in front of you! Did you not notice until Jade pointed it out?
Also why does the Rebellion ship have the Crockercorp prongs on it?
JANE: Or have you forgotten who has been paying for her schooling and taking charge of her introduction into society? JADE: i never asked you to do that! JADE: you offered! JADE: so stop calling me ungrateful for not sucking your dick over things i never asked for!
Sorry again, Jade, are you implying that you wouldn’t have given your daughter an education had Jane not offered? “Rose and Jade entrusted their daughter to Jane, who they were at war with” is an enigma of a plot point.
The world is watching her be dressed down by a couple blood traitor rebels, one of which has very prominent dog ears. Jane wonders if either of them are even recognizable to the assembled as two of the old gods. One of her PR managers had recommended that she keep her look as static as possible, so that people can always recognize her as Jane Crocker, Captain of Industry, Creator of Earth C, Maintainer of Peace and Plenty.
Jade has always had dog ears what the fuck? I guess this is supposed to be Jane’s warped thinking.
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So, anyway, Kanaya fake-holds Tavvy hostage, Jane buys the threat as real and they build up like Jane is going to sacrifice her own son for PR points but she ultimately stands down and lets everyone go. It’s left intentionally vague whether or not she was always going to do this, or if she didn’t want to do it in front of Jake, or if the presence of Jake stirred something in her that made her change her mind. I like the ambiguity. 
This was a very “Homestuck 2″ update. The plot of kind of nonsense, but it’s carried by the character interactions and a bit of cleverness.
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margareturtle · 6 months
All the things Dru Blackthorn has done between QOAAD and TLKOF (an ongoing list)
1) She saw Frozen in theaters with Tavvy
2) She saw Avengers Age of Ultron with her siblings
3) She gets into makeup (she can do the coolest eye shadow now)
4) She takes up Portuguese (to oppose Jaime at first and then later for Thais)
5) She’s on Tumblr in 2014 and is part of the ya dystopian craze (she’s a big hunger games fan)
6) Speaking of she sees Catching Fire in theaters in 2013 and Johanna is her bi awakening
7) And bc of Johanna she decides she’s gonna specialize in Axe Wielding/Throwing (Lucie Herondale descendant that she is)
7) She had her Red Era. Red lipstick became her go to and she went to the Red tour in 2013
8) She makes Mark and Julian go viral on Vine bc she posts a video of him that’s smth like the strawberries at the diner scene
9) HAIR HIGHLIGHTS!! In 2015 she’s at turquoise, but she’s already gone through purple, red, pink, and platinum
10) She finds out about the First Heir — not that’s it’s Kit but she gets into Faerie history and it’s only a matter of time
11) She gets into Rainbow loom with Tavvy
12) When Helen and Aline go to New York to meet with Magnus and Alec (adopting kids, hangout, and running gov/institute meetup) Dru agrees to babysit for Rafe, Max, + Tavvy in exchange for tickets to Wicked on broadway
13) Tavvy gets into baking and Dru helps with decorating (Tavvy gets covered in sugar a few more times but Helen and Aline allow it as long as he bakes enough cookies to share and he eats Aline’s kale salad)
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