#teatober 2023
fran-aka-mak · 8 months
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day 9 - drizzle
using teatober for today's prompt!
will use a lot of diff prompts this october ~
pose reference
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hispydamy618 · 9 months
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teatober 2023 prompts - October art event 🍂
i renewed the teatober prompts for this year!
this can be for any sort of art medium (writing, music, traditional/digital art, etc etc.)
if you use them, please tag/credit me! i’d love to see your work!
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dreaming-wavelength · 7 months
Teatober - Day 27: soup
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On the kitchen counter was the largest pumpkin Maka had ever seen. It took up almost most of the countertop.
"Where did you find it?”
Tsubaki put on her apron. "We spotted it shopping at the market. Black Star really wanted to buy it.”
"And he couldn't find a bigger one? We can use this to make soup for the whole school.” Maka opened the dish drawer. “There is no knife big enough for this monster.”
Tsubaki smiled. "No worries.”
She turned the end of her ponytail into a chain sickle. With a slight swing, she stabbed the pumpkin and split it in two.
"Well done, Tsubaki.”
Both took a spoon and began to hollow out one of the halves. Then they cut it into small pieces and put them in a pot with the other ingredients. While everything was cooking, they sat down at the kitchen table. The room quickly filled with the smell of cooking vegetables and spices. When everything was cooked, they pureed the soup and refined it a little.
Maka looked into the pot, a little worried. "This is definitely too much soup for us.”
"We could give something to Miss Marie and Doctor Stein,” said Tsubaki as she took the soup bowls out of the cupboard.
Maka nodded. "Good idea.”
They placed the pot of steaming soup on the table. It didn't take long for Soul and the others to arrive.
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ashes-and-static · 8 months
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teatober day 10: foliage
ok I'm the first to admit i went a little ham with this one. also i'm particularly fond of the inking pen and starburst-shaped brushes.
half of the effort was focused on that maple leaf in the middle, i can't lie. but it was fun, and I really enjoy doing landscapeish pics like this
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fran-aka-mak · 7 months
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day 30 - trail
using teatober for today's prompt!
will use a lot of diff prompts this october ~
❌pls no reupload
commissions info | VGen | ko-fi | other links
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dreaming-wavelength · 7 months
Teatober - Day 25: firewood
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The leaves crunched beneath her boots. Liz bent down to pick up another stick. She placed it with the others she was already carrying. 
A loud rustling. Leaves of all colors flew through the air. She heard a familiar laugh. Patty had jumped into a pile of leaves. She kicked it again and again, sending the leaves flying into the air. 
Liz watched her sister for a while until Kid came over. 
“And how are you getting along with collecting firewood?” he asked, looking at the collected sticks. 
Kid took the sticks from Liz and checked their length by holding them together one by one. As soon as he found a stick that was a little longer than the others, he looked at Liz. 
He pointed his stick at her. “Didn't I tell you two that you should make sure that the sticks were all the same length?” 
Liz shrugged. “What's the logic behind it? They're all going to be burned anyway.” 
Kid gritted his teeth and stomped his foot on the ground repeatedly. “All the sticks must be the same length, otherwise they are not symmetrical!” 
 At that moment, Patty kicked a pile of leaves so hard that all the leaves fell on Kid. One of his eyebrows twitched. All the sticks fell to the ground. He jumped up into the air, his finger pointed at the girls, and started to rant again. 
 Liz sighed. Whose idea was it to go camping again? 
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dreaming-wavelength · 7 months
Teatober - Day 24: duskiness
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Harvar moved slowly forward. It was duskyy around him and the damp cold reached into his bones. He had no idea where he was. More importantly, he didn't know where the others were.
Damn witch. She had appeared out of nowhere and put her under this spell. He took a deep breath. Now it was time to proceed logically.
Suddenly, a small light appeared in the darkness before him. Harvar walked towards it. His heart began to beat faster. Could this be another trick from the witch?
He turned his arm into a spearhead and continued walking. The light became brighter and brighter. Finally, he reached its origin. It was Jackie who had also turned her arm into a weapon.
The two gave each other a searching look. A soft smile came to her lips, which Harvar recognized immediately. This was really Jackie.
"Are you all right?", she asked.
He nodded. "And you?"
She returned his nod and looked ahead. "And what are we doing now?"
He thought for a moment. He then took her hand, causing her cheeks to turn pink.
"We're going to find our meisters."
The two now walked forward hand in hand. Further into the unknown.
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dreaming-wavelength · 7 months
Teatober - Day 26: forest
Maka and Crona walked across the soft ground. All the trees were covered in gold, and the birds were singing. It was a spontaneous idea on her part. A nice picnic in the forest.  
“It's so nice and quiet,” said Crona.  
Maka smiled. “Right? The perfect place for a picnic.”  
After they found a small clearing, they laid the blanket they had brought with them on the ground and sat down. Maka opened the basket they had brought with them. It was filled with snacks and drinks. She took a can and gave it to Crona.  
“Thanks, Maka. ” They opened the can and took a sip.  
A small bird landed on their blanket. It tilted its head and looked at the two of them. Crona returned its curious gaze. The bird hopped a little closer to Crona.  
Their foot jerked back nervously. With a hectic flutter, the bird flew away again and disappeared into the sky. Crona looked after it, somewhat disappointed.  
Maka put her hand on their shoulder. “Don't worry about it. It just got scared.”  
She reached back into the basket and took out one of the snacks. After she opened the package, she held it out to them. They reached in with a shaky hand.  
Their time together flew by so quickly that they spent the rest of their afternoon here in the quiet forest. 
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ashes-and-static · 8 months
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teatober day 10: jam
I went a little overboard with this one, I'll be the first to admit. spent roughly 2hrs on it?
I went more for the vibes I remember from making jams with my grandmother, 15-20 years ago. (I was tiny and official taste-tester #2) Everything felt bigger back then.
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