#tf2 fics
mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
The mercs dating reader with noise sensitivity
I'm autistic with noise sensitivity. Most of my overstimulation comes from multiple people talking at once, yelling, fireworks, sirens, etc. I just wanted to write some of my favorite mercs reacting to reader who has noise sensitivity. Not all of these will be romantic because I don't feel that for some of them, but oh well. I'm writing this for myself anyway.
Content: negative stimming, more autistic medic. Scout is trying. Blood and gore warning for medics section. Sorry some parts are longer than others. Also I left out pyro and heavy, I'm sorry I just don't know how to write them.
He's a loud guy. He's has little volume control. A very bousty fella. But that's until he met you. I'm not gonna lie to you and say he's quit being a routy guy, but he tries to. Oftentimes, he'll catch himself shouting or arguing with someone, but then he looks over to see you overwhelmed, squeezing your eyes shut, covering your ears, slimming, etc, and immediately tries to quiet down. He'll try to get close to you and ask if you're alright and apologize.
"Oh shit. Babes, are you alright? I got too loud again, didn't I? I'm sorry. Hold on." He'll give you a quick hug and kiss and then take the person he's arguing with to another room and try to "quietly" solve the situation. Aka cut out the yelling and skip to the fighting. You'll even hear him occasionally im the other room shouting, "I said, keep it down, chump!" He'll come back all bruised, and if you're still having trouble calming down, he'll take you somewhere more private and try to help you relax. Blankets, music, TV, etc. He's not great and volume control, but he's trying.
He's one of the quieter mercs. Usually, writing or spending time in his lab fittling with whatever experiment he has. Aside from the occasional burst of God complexual claims or mad laughter or loud singing, he's pretty chill. But one thing that's incredibly grating, the sounds of his equipment. is easy to get overwhelmed by. So many drills and saws vurring. It's incredibly overwhelming and scary. You like to hang out in his lab alot, you two can talk while he works, and it's a great system. Especially, with how lonely he gets in the lab by himself. Your usually fine when he uses scopuples and other fairly silent tools, but when he pulls out the machine powered equipment, it's overwhelming. You can usually handle it through vigorous stimming.
One time, you two were talking, medic was busy with surgery, so he couldn't look at you too often. He pulled out the saw blade and began to wistfully cut through bone while continuing your conversion. You start stimming, trying to keep up with the conversation, but it's hard. Eventually, he turns his head to see your reaction to whatever he was talking about. And he sees you graiting your teeth, shaking your hands (or whatever you do) and asks, "Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm just a bit... overwhelmed." "Why?" "The saws. I don't like the sound." "Ohh. I see." He turns it off and abandons the body, walking up to you, covered in blood. "We certainly can't have that. Is there anything I can do to help?" "I'd like to drink some tea and watch (insert comfort show) if that's alright." "Of corse mein liebling." You'll both be half sitting, half laying down, and he'll do or get you whatever you need. "I'm sorry for asking so much, ludwig." You'd say after he's handed you your second cup of tea. "It's no problem, liebling. I get problems like that, too." You take the cup and he sits down next to you,"less so about volume and more about too much happening at once. Usually, when it's multiple people talking at once, reading and listening to any music with lyrics. Textures aren't any better, too." "Huh" you reply. "Thanks for telling me, I'll keep that mind."
He's omw of the quietest of the mercs. Usually loud if he's trying to grab the attention of the rest of the team, but aside from that, he's quiet. It's his job, after all. Even in his stride, his breath, the sipping of his drinks are very soft. More normally than not, he's not the one inflicting the noise issues. Not to say it doesn't happen. Often, when he's scolding another merc. He'll lose his temper at Scout or soldier, and you happen to be walking into the room while it's happening.
"How many times do I have to tell you?? Grenades are NOT toys! You can't just toss them around as a prank!" His gaze quickly flashes over to you, trying to quickly cross through the room to get to where you need to, covering your ears. He face palms, dragging his fingers down his face and grumbles. Shit. He thinks. "Boys, I'll continue this conversation later. Don't be idiots." And quickly shoves past them. He doesn't rush to you. Quite the opposite. Slow strides. He tries to make it look like he casually bumped into you, but you both know that's false. Not that you mind. "Hello, y/n. Sorry about earlier." You shrig and give him a "it's alright." He knows you're fine now. The interaction wasn't very long, so you should be fine for the most part and are more than competent to deal with it yourself if there is still a problem. But he loves any excuse to pamper you. "That may be so, but I still owe you some form of apology." You chuckle, "Oh? And what may that be?" "Perhaps some... private time?" "Really? And in what way are you suggesting?" "Any way you'd like, ma colombe." He smiled back. God, he's to smoothe. Suddenly, an explosion is heard at the other end of the base, followed by scout and soldier laughing. You see, spy Rev up to scream, but he stops mid breath. Slowly letting out the air in his lungs as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "crétins" he whispers. He takes a moment to calm before speaking to you "let's go, shall we?" You both cuddle in his smoking lounge in front of the fire, sipping on your favorite drinks and peacefully talk about your days.
he's one of the sweetest ones out there. Let me just tell you right now. whatever you are most comfortable with, he'll go all out keeping you alright. he always keeps his voice down around you, never raises his tone, he always senses when something is wrong immediately. one issue, though, is the sound of... engineering. normally able to handle smaller sounds like wrenches, but the fact is when he's welding or using other power tools, it gets overwhelming. he usually insists on you leaving before he starts up work, but once or twice, he forgot. lost in conversation with you while setting up shop absent mindedly. he didn't realize till he looked up and saw you fidgeting your fingers and clenching your jaw. he almost immediately turned off the tool and started apologizing. "I'm so sorry, pumpkin. how ya doin'?" You tell him you're fine. didn't last too long. it'll take a couple of minutes for your nerves to go down, but you're fine. Because he knows you can handle it on your own, he kisses you on the cheek and told you he'd be out as soon as he's done. if it was a bigger reaction or longer run time on the noise, he'd immediately pack up shop and ask if you want his assistance.
i feel like he's less pushy about taking care of you. of course he does but he also has a lot of faith in you taking care of yourself. i mean they all do its just. with dell its easier to see. he worries he's to much of a nag tbh but he cares about you deeply. if you ever want or need him for calming down he's immediately on it.
he's a loud dude .probably one of the loudest in the group. but he manages to keep quiet around you mostly. it takes him quite a bit to getting used to volume control tbh. i imagine he's kinda similar to scout in this scenario. he's trying. he keeps forgetting but he's trying and he immediately apologizes every time. also similar to scout when he does remember and some ones being loud he's gonna beat their ass lmao. "oi, bloke! me partner don't do well with volume keep it down!" he declares while shouting. he remembers when other people are doing it but is completely unaware when he's loud. just have patience he'll get it eventually lmao
oh boy.
there's no denying he's the loudest of the group. he doesn't even know he's screaming most of the time, it's just become how he speaks, so when he starts dating someone who's practically allergic to loud noise, he sweats bullets in realization he immediately thinks "I'm gonna be a shit boyfriend." he takes a while to quiet down for sure. again, no grasp on volume control, but he feels so bad about it it.
he'll say the sweetest things to you while shouting and you're trying to listen and show appreciation but its volume it to grating. he sees how you respond he he just panics "IM SORRY CADET" and your forcing a smile and telling him its alright but he sees your still fidgiting and stimming and goes "IM STILL YELLING ARNT I?" you nod trying to keep calm. "IM SORRY" and then he panics and walks off. i feel like there was a moment after that he just tried to avoid you. he didnt like that feeling of being the cause of harm to the person he loved. it made you worry after a while. after days of him completly avoiding you you confront him. about why hes been acting so strange. he hands you a letter stating hes sorry. hes worried to talk to you cause he dosnt want to hurt you. There's gonna be a good bit in your relationship where he communicates to you strictly through pen and paper lmao
You never have issues with him being loud. He always has his voice at a neutral tone, he's very patient and understanding when you get overstimulated. He's not the issue here. Bless him. It's the guns. Guns are kinda his whole thing. He knows not to use them around you, but there's been a few times you drove to the shooting range to drop off lunch cause he forgot to pack, and it was just incredibly jarring and overwhelming. When he eventually spotted you he came over as soon as he could and checked if you're alright.
"Thanks for coming over, love. Sorry about the noise, you alright?" You nod handing him the lunch. "I'm fine. Feeling a bit anxious and probably a little irritable but I'll recover enough soon." He fidgited with his hat before responding "d' ya want to hang out with me for a little bit? The scenery should help." "Yes, I'd like that."
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cusimmrbrightside · 7 months
ok im moving on to the TexasToast fic i promised this beautiful nation of TexasToast fans, what do ya'll want
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giddlygoat · 1 year
whoops! fear of scaring them away so crippling that your indecisive and compliant nature leads to them slowly slipping from your grasp yet you still can’t bring yourself to ask for anything for yourself is becoming my favorite trope once again. time to reread a tavern named keep
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peefartress2 · 1 year
more likely than you think!
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homkamiro · 4 months
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That one tf2 comic scene but it's Dadspy
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jaratedeguadalupe · 3 months
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what do you mean this isn't canon
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friendlyengie · 5 months
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lead0 · 6 months
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based on from the outback with love by @neo-my-geo
no idea how tumblr works so no guarantee that link will work ahaha :,)
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chuhanchik · 7 months
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The day RED Sniper encountered a BLU Scout who was behaving so strangely that it threw him off guard, Sniper couldn't bring himself to kill him. That decision alone led him to insane discoveries that divided his life into "before" and "after".
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What exactly was wrong with this Scout? Who were BLU and RED really? What other monstrosities are hidden from the mercenaries?
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And what's up with the "faces"?
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katy-133 · 4 months
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Fanart I made for an amazing Sniper/Spy fic I found (From the Outback with Love by @neo-my-geo) where Spy is a famous 1960s A-list actor and Sniper works as a lighting technician at the studio the mercs are filming in, and someone tries to kill Spy in a "freak accident." I don't normally read ongoing case fics, but I saw fanart recommending it, and the way the mystery is written is genuinely intriguing and I think the characterisation is on point.
Made in Blender.
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bonkonomicon · 5 months
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I love their dynamic ^_^
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cusimmrbrightside · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Team Fortress 2 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Engineer/Pyro (Team Fortress 2) Characters: Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Spy (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2) Additional Tags: Minor Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Minor Scout's Mother/Spy (Team Fortress 2), Fluff, First Dates, Pining, Dating Advice, Gay Medic (Team Fortress 2), Divorced Spy (Team Fortress 2), They/Them Pronouns for Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Nonbinary Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Selectively Mute Pyro (Team Fortress 2), I Promised This Ages Ago Series: Part 2 of TF2 works Summary:
Engineer has quite a few issues. Heartburn flareups, a habit of day drinking and a big fat crush on his closest friend and coworker. so he does what any reasonable man would do; keep up a lie that it isn't pyro and that it's actually a random woman who isn't actually real just so medic and spy don't make fun of him for falling in love with the pyromaniac. and somehow it works.
it is done!! i am not that big on it. i don’t really like it but oh well, i didn’t want to delay it anymore by restarting it with a brand new plot and story.
im fairly new to these characters still so im sorry if theres any issue with characterisation.
enjoy :) requests are open btw!!
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gearbroth · 10 months
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Believe me, darling, the stars were made for falling
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peefartress2 · 8 months
read my goofy ahh tf2/one piece crossover (real)
What do you mean this isn't the Grand Line?! Luffy Meets the Mercenaries of Team Fortress! (4369 words) by forwardAerial Chapters: 4/? Fandom: One Piece (Anime & Manga), Team Fortress 2 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy & Team Fortress 2 Ensemble Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Team Fortress 2 Ensemble Additional Tags: Crossover, Some Cursing, Oblivious Monkey D. Luffy, title meant to sound like an actual one piece episode lol, Attempt at Humor, a completely normal tf2 fic except luffy is here :), …and maybe others? Summary: Pirate Captain Luffy finds himself in the ruthless badlands of New Mexico, separated from his crew. (or: luffy meets the mercs man idk)
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aerowolf · 2 months
Fem! Reader x Scout with reader meeting Scouts Ma and/or brothers for the first time? 👉👈🥺
fem!reader meets scout's family for the first time
waahhh this ask was so cute I'm sorry it took so long !!! here ya go
includes: Scout, Scout's Ma, Scout's brothers
cute romantic, fem!reader, fluff
warnings: n/a, this is basically all fluff
You've been dating Scout for a bit now, and he decided it was time for you to meet his Ma.
You get a day away from the base and he takes you to his home to meet her; and some of his older brothers.
Note: We will be calling his brothers that you'll meet Ricky, Aaron, Lionel, Frank, and Daniel. The other two are off on business for plot reasons i guess
When you arrive at the house, Scout is holding your hand. He pulls you eagerly up the porch steps to the door and rings the bell, rocking back and forth on his heels in a cute, nervous sort of movement as he waits for his Ma to answer.
The moment the door opens, and Ma sees you, her face lights up. She recognizes you from Scout's descriptions of you when he called home and from the few photos he's sent her.
"Oh! I've heard so much about you dearie!" Her bright red lips form a grin as she takes your hand in both of hers, happy as can be. "It's so wonderful to finally meet you!"
You're quickly led into the house and told to take a seat at the table. "I can't believe my darling Jeremy finally got a girl of his own!"
Ma has a meal prepared for you, and she's very quick to set it up! She charters her older boys to set the table, but makes sure you don't have to do anything. She nudges Scout and he fumbles, realizing she wants him to help. With a sheepish smile he brings you your plate.
You're a bit overwhelmed by everyone, but they seem very friendly! You count five of the seven older brothers Scout mentioned having, and they all sit down at the long table with you and his Ma.
Though they're all at least 24, some of te younger ones are pretty rowdy, but most of them are pretty well behaved. Mama didn't raise no brats.
"All right, dears, say hello to your brother's gal!"
Each of them say your name overlapping in hellos and his, all of them seeming genuinely happy to meet you.
"Now, darling, I gotta tell you, I am so happy you're here! It's so good my baby Jerry finally has a girl in his life. I know you're just perfect and he better be treatin' you right. He is, right?" She shoots a glance at Scout.
You assure her he's doing great and she smiles, seeming relieved. He's likely had his share of messy relationships; nothing too bad of course, just him being him.
While Ma can certainly be a lot, she's much more open and inviting compared to some of the other parents of past partners you may have had. She's very easy to warm up to and you find yourself talking to her easily.
She starts telling you and embarrassing story about when Scout was younger. His brothers start laughing and she tells them all to shush. The further she goes, the more Scout's face reddens. He groans. "Aw, Ma, c'mon..."
You like hearing those stories, and you giggle when you hear them.
Lionel, Scout's third oldest brother, also starts talking. He's got a job in business, married with two little kids, and he's happy Scout's with you. He really sees that you love each other and he believes you're the best match he's had. He loves you tons.
Frank and Daniel, the twin brothers who are two years older than Scout, are by far the loudest, but they are definitely respectful towards women. When they call you ma'am, Scout's Ma winks at you. She taught 'em how to treat a lady. They ask you tons of questions, especially teasing ones about Scout, and you have fun talking to them.
Aaron, who is the next oldest after the twins, tells you that he's an aeroplane pilot. He tests aeroplanes but doesn't fly them commercially. His eyes are bright and he's more than happy to tell you about what it's like flying. "It's awesome. You go 'bout that far up and your ears pop like you're hiking or something."
Ricky is sandwiched between Aaron and Lionel in age, and he tells you he's a writer. He asks you a lot about whatever interests or profession you may have, eagerly paying attention to every word you say.
After a while, the conversations spread out, everyone talking to everyone.
Scout sits there, far more quiet than usual in this circumstance. He seems to want to talk, but only really to you or his Ma.
She senses this and shoos everyone else away, leaving just you three alone.
"Look, I'm awful sorry if that was too much for you. Everyone got so excited and wanted to see ya, ya know? But they're all done now, 'kay?"
When you're all three alone, Scout seems a lot more excited and willing to talk. He's loud as always but far more nice than he is in public, telling his Ma how much he loves you and she's so happy to see him this happy. So are you.
You're so glad Ma loves you, and you hug her tight when you have to go. She gives you a kiss on the cheek and smiles. While Scout gets in the car, she says, just to you, "take care, hun. You're the one for him, I just know it."
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escargon · 6 months
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bushmed fandom come get your juice and go read heatstroke by @eurovamp okay? okay.
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