#tftbl imagines
phenikas · 1 year
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I've wanted to make this ever since I finished fixing Jack's textures
(click here for a full review)
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Imagine handsome jack was trying to comfort you and he says this😭
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yandere-toons · 2 years
Platonic & Romantic Headcanons – Yandere
WARNING: mentions of violence + death, psychological manipulation, toxic mindset.
A.N. - 01000011 01101100 01100001 01110000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01110000.
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Holding a conversation becomes even more of a challenge when Claptrap decides to interject himself into each one that does not involve him. Anytime Claptrap is hit by sarcasm, passive-aggressive behaviour or even a blatant insult, he tends to either feign ignorance or react to it as if it were a compliment.
He knows that it is not meant to be kind and will most likely cry about it later in private, but for as long as the conversation lasts, he pretends not to notice in the hope of making himself appear endearing.
No matter how much evidence there may be to the contrary, Claptrap is willfully blind to all of it and believes that he holds the power in the relationship. A common result of arguments with him is for Claptrap to threaten the silent treatment, which he fails to uphold within seconds of threatening it because he cannot stand the idea of being alone.
Claptrap is a chatterbox first and a worker robot second. If he is not stopped, he will prattle on and on about how much fun it would be to gallivant around Pandora together. He keeps pushing the idea no matter how many times it gets denied, and accepting it leads to Claptrap revealing that he has a freighter and hand-me-down gear from dead Vault Hunters waiting.
Claptrap is familiar with rejection, but that does not mean he will grow out of his tendency to cry every time it happens. He may cloak himself and start sobbing about how alone he is because he wrongly thinks no one can hear him then. Whether his tears are shed publicly or privately, Claptrap is quick to milk it if his sadness inspires guilt or pity.
He has a contingency plan if it does not, which involves surrounding himself with people who he perceives as ugly to make himself look better. Claptrap also rushes to the heads of confrontations that he helped create to paint himself as a noble hero, but he is just as likely to cower at the sight of an intimidating enemy and request protection.
After inviting himself to any adventures, Claptrap offers vocal support for acts of violence and other crimes as long as they are not committed against him. However, even if he is the target of some hostility, Claptrap is eager to delete it from his memory card because he prefers bad company to no company at all.
As a travelling companion, Claptrap refuses to be dismissed. He interrupts anything that sounds like a goodbye with random thoughts about his fight against stairs and how swank having a beard would be. When he is told to leave, Claptrap seemingly obeys but, in reality, hides behind the nearest corner or big rock.
He waits for a few minutes before returning with a bogus story about why he needs to be a part of the trip, and these lies range from suddenly remembering a personal connection with the mission to presenting a valuable item that he stole from a corpse. Trying to sneak away or dupe him only results in Claptrap returning faster than expected.
If someone new joins the team, Claptrap fills every moment of silence with his descriptions of past experiences as a way of flexing what he believes to be the stronger bond. He volunteers this unwanted addition for the most dangerous tasks available with the intent of getting them killed.
Assuming they survive, he gives constant reminders that he was here first in a thinly veiled plea to remain a two-member team. Claptrap says that any companion besides himself is a lost cause and should be left to rot if captured by bandits, and he advocates for running away together, eschewing rescuing others when they are swarmed by skags that he lured near.
If the new teammate deserts or dies, Claptrap is ready to don a party hat and celebrate their downfall until he catches himself mid-cheer and hurries to an unrelated topic. His ability to fake unhappiness is shoddy at best, and it will not be long before he comments on how great it is to be a duo again.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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fan-fantasies · 1 year
Would I be friends with these borderlands characters?
No one asked for this. I'm just so bored and literally hate my reality. I guess if you want more, let me know. -Breezy
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100% absolutely would wanna be friends with him. Like I would actively be trying to be friends with him (and probably awkward as hell cause I'd do anything for him)
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Another 100% even after he falls into madness. Mostly cause I'd wanna join him in his madness.
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This queen. Dude I'm such a giant simp for her. Though since she's so cool I feel like she wouldn't even know I exist. So I'd just be watching from a distance. (Especially if kreig is around)
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Let's be honest, I'm terrified of this dude
. 😂 another one that would 100% not know I exist and if he did, he's probably trying to kill me.
Handsome Jack
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Another man I'd be terrified of, but I'd also be the biggest simp. I'd just be another one of his fangirls.
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I legit can't stand claptrap, (which people may be mad at me for) I just can't stand his voice.
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She falls under the same category as Maya, I'd love to be friends with her, but like I'm a random nobody soooo....
The Calypso Twins
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I'm 99.9% sure they would both kill me. Once again, I'd be 100% simping for them but that would likely be the reason I die. 🤷‍♀️
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Idk what it is with sirens, but God damn, though I'd likely be so intimidated of her that I wouldn't even be able to glance in her direction without fearing for my sanity.
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I just wanna show Timothy some love cause well he hasn't had a great life. Considering all he wanted was to pay his student loans. But yes, I'd 100% be friends with Tim.
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Added a bonus Rhys! :D Seeing the request made me vividly imagine her thinking about Rhys and giggling and like kicking her legs on her bed. I’m not good at doing poses like that yet so I settled on this!
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digitalcactusblog · 2 years
it's actually too bad vasquez got killed in chapter 3 or 4 of tales because i would pay real, actual, good money to see his face when someone tells him that rhys is now the ceo of atlas
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handsomejack-ingoff · 3 months
characters commonly percepted as skinny by the fandom but actually arent (the character designers told me themselves fr)
arcade gannon (hes not a twink hes got pudgy IT guy body)
felix millstone. hes fat to me. maybe not fat fat but definitely enough that he was called "husky" as a kid yk
nick valentine. hes a middle aged detective he cant be scrawny. no i dont care if hes a synth the institute made him fat anyway. diversity
vicar maximillian desoto. hes got middle aged man body hes kinda flabby and hot. dont lie to me and say hes buff or skinny
handsome jack and by proxy timothy lawrence. jack has dad bod, good tum with a muffin top, kinda flabby biceps, slight boob jiggle, the whole shebang. tim looks heavier, but since hes gotta look like jack hes got the same general body type and fat on him, but i imagine hes got some more muscle under it all. you can feel that hes a bit firmer than jack is. i like to think tim lost some of that muscle and fat while hiding in the casino
rhys strongfork. ill give tftbl to you. hes skinny then. but by bl3 hes got some stress pudge and hes put a bit more weight on just by being a CEO. more expensive and indulgent food
moxxi. not that shes even percepted as skinny shes actually depicted typically as more curvy than she is in canon. but shes got mother fat to me.
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handsometheo · 2 years
Hello hello, and soft Rhys headcanons? ^^
Hiiii ofc you can my dear <3
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Not my gif
Pairing: Rhys Strongfork x reader
Reader pronouns used: They/Them/Their's
Warnings: None as far as I was aware
Summary/Notes: Mentions Handsome Jack, Vaughn, Zer0 (He/they pronouns are what I use for Zer0) and Lor
Tales from the Borderlands Rhys:
-> He needs so many hugs
-> I mean look at him he's a nervous wreck
-> He needs support, constantly.
-> When Vasquez is a douche and starts messing with Rhys, just try and pull him away and comfort him
-> However if Vasquez says anything about you, that becomes far more difficult
-> yk
-> because he looooves you~
-> Vaughn and you being close is his one of his favourite things about you
-> He lives that you can be good friends with his best friend
-> right so I'm not sure about what the living situations on Helios are like but there's a designated living area if I remember right
-> when you come over, he'll put on some music and you must dance with him
-> you can both be awkward wobbly messes together while you dance
-> Loves a good slow dance, no matter how clumsily you both do it
-> He tries to hide the fact he is lowkey obsessed with Handsome Jack for weeks into your relationship
-> however he gets caught when you come over for the first time to his place
-> You better not judge him, he would feel horrible and like some weird freak if you judged him for it
-> if you like Handsome Jack as much as him (and me) honestly he will rant to you about all the stuff he thinks is cool about Jack.
-> he hyperfixates on things
-> He gets so happy when you let him talk about his hyperfixations
-> like he starts stimming
-> starts shaking his arms, getting a giggly and so so smiley
-> He's just like me fr 😌
-> When he leaves to Pandora, he trust you to tell you what is happening
-> but you cannot go with them
-> Rhys values your safety more than anyone elses
-> He'll call you with is ECHO eye every day at least once
-> He worries that either he will get killed and never get a chance to tell you how much he loves you
-> or he worries that while he's away, someone may try to take advantage of you or kill you
-> When he goes back to Helios he doesn't tell you about Jack
-> Jack however knows plenty about you however since he's been stuck with both of you two's biggest fan.
-> When shit starts going bad, Rhys calls you to tell you to leave as soon as possible
-> you find an escape pod and make it to Pandora
-> After all the dram with the Gortys project however, you are very happy to help Rhys rebuild Atlas
-> that's another thing he adores about you, you so supportive of him
-> We love him
Borderlands 3/ New Tales Rhys:
-> When he's big boss man Rhys, he has less time for you and let me tell you, that destroys him
-> you are the main pillar for his mental stability so when he's there fighting off Maliwan because some psycho wants to be besties with him and you can't be there because you have your own work or just happened to be away for a week, you can imagine how he's feeling
-> When he does have you in his arms however he's snuggling his head into your neck
-> you are his safe haven
-> always have been
-> let's you pick what fish he has in that huge fish tank of his
-> you know the dancing thing from before? It's so much more fun now that you have his entire office to yourselves
-> you can just take a moment to chill out with your CEO boyfriend
-> Zer0, Lor and you are all really good friends
-> Zer0 is just as protective of you as they are of Rhys
-> oh yeah, did I forget to mention? He plans on proposing soon
Sorry that the last part was shorter than tftbl Rhys but I've been working on my Handsome Jack fic still, that should come out this week hopefully and I'm trying to get back into the flow of writing.
I just beg that everyone is patient with me and writing 🙏 I don't mean to take so long but I really am hoping to keep it somewhat consistent.
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the-cpu-system · 4 months
Music genres + bands I relate TFTBL characters with :3
Fiona: Electro Swing (Caravan Palace)
Sasha: Indie rock (The Crane Wives)
Rhys: Indie pop (Glass Animals)
Vaughn: UK R&B/hip-hop (Gorillaz)
Holojack: Arena Rock (Imagine Dragons-- or any "dad music" type band)
August: Rap (Eminem)
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spectre-writes · 2 years
Ntftbl critique
Alright, so... I've summarised by issues with the new tales from the borderlands game in text form. Keep in mind this contains spoilers so don't read if that's a problem for you.
Admittedly this is a little subjective, but I didn’t like the main cast. Anu was probably the best, but she was just… awkward over the top ness dialled up to 100 all the time, and it was just kind of painful. Also, she was supposed to be a smart scientist, but we legit don’t see any evidence of that outside of her creating the ‘device’? Falls for two traps, cannot figure out a ‘pull’ door, doesn’t realize that ‘freeing’ animals is meaningless in space cos they have nowhere to damn well go… we don’t see her using her intelligence to do anything meaningful. Her ‘arc’ is kind of forced since they literally take her on a dream adventure to spell out her flaws and what she needs to do better despite not really showing us this in the game before.
Octavio is just annoying. Could have done something interesting about him being insecure about being less intelligent that his supposedly smart scientist sister, but instead he’s just dumb for the sake of delivering jokes. His goal of just ‘be famous and successful’ is vague and meaningless.
Fran has two jokes - is sexual, and is violent. Oh, and froyo. That’s it. That’s her character. 
Loui3 is vaguely interesting but never felt much for him.
Stapleface could have been interesting but was barely used, appeared briefly in ep 1 then never seen again until last ep when she is disguised as a Tediore soldier now and then dies.
Radon and Dimond Daniel literally do nothing for the narrative.
Rhys is there for ep1, then calls Anu to ask for help getting the vault key back, then never contacts her again and only shows up as a silent hologram towards the end. Not a fan of his characterisation, but they could have done something interesting with him becoming the thing he previously decided never to be (Jack) and trying to reconcile leading a successful company with maintaining his morals. But they do nothing with that.
Major issues with pacing. First ep, Fran serves some customers and deals with an insurance claim. Octavio goes on an errand with L0ui3, then goes to get tacos with his friends. Then Tediore ‘invades’. Even Anu wastes time in her science room setting stuff up. Compare than to original tftbl where we begin right where Rhys has gets his promotion swiped out from under him and decides to screw Vasquez over by stealing his deal (literally what sets the main plot going), and in Fiona’s part we start with the con (turning what we thought on its head). If the writers of the new game wrote that one, they’d make us waste most of an ep seeing Rhys close the Eridium mining deal he mentions before getting the promotion. 
We also get large portions of the game which are just standing around talking to one another in a room while not advancing the plot at all, and not advancing any character arcs either cos they’re just being awkward and making jokes. They really drag their heels and stuff often goes on for far longer than it should, which overall wastes time. 
Failure to build tension
Cannot for the life of them build tension cos they can’t go 10 seconds without trying to crack a joke. Completely ruins potentially emotional or dramatic moments. I don’t feel like the characters are in danger when they’re just joking with one another all the time, someone has had their leg bitten off and the other characters are just joking about giving mouth to mouth etc. Someone is supposedly bleeding to death and someone is busy trying to figure out how to open a door but failing to realize it’s a ‘pull’ door. There’s a time to make jokes and there’s a time to be serious/dramatic, but this game just doesn’t understand that at all. They are literally having a showdown with the ultimate big bad guy and they’re still joking around, just… doesn’t work. 
Imagine if during Rhys’s final confrontation with Jack the two of them were just cracking jokes the whole time? If during Scooter’s final moments, Fiona was cracking jokes? Just… no.
When they’re fighting the vault monster, they also duck round some rubble and have a five minute conversation about their plan to defeat it, because apparently the vault monster lacks object permanence and has no sense of hearing… It also barely gets any hits in… grabs Fran once, then licks Octavio… that’s it. A literal vault monster. The creature vault hunters take down. The thing you spend entire games building up to. Having a scary design doesn’t create tension by itself. Show me that it’s a threat.
Character arcs
So… Anu’s supposed arc is realizing that she’s kind of a dick to people, and she needs to focus less to ‘saving the world’ and more on the people in front of her… and they do this by making her go on a dream sequence where she goes back and sees events that we never witnessed in game where she is mean to people, and then has a talk with the crystal entity about it, and has her literally spelling out her flaws and what she needs to change and it’s just… so forced and fails to understand the importance of ‘show don’t tell’. 
Octavio’s arc is just him realizing fame is less important than the people around him, but like… having a choice between saving your friends lives or keeping a cool echonet device that makes you powerful is just a lame and easy decision. Like… who in their right mind would let their friends die and let the villain keep a super weapon they can use to wipe out entire planets… And it also feels like they’re spelling out ‘oh he’s changed cos he sacrifices this device’ which is dumb… The other story line has him showing Anu that he listened to her, but like… that’s not a change? That’s just something that he apparently already did but gave no evidence of in the game.
Fran supposedly deals with her issues, but results in zero changes to her character.
L0ui3 sort of has an arc? All the other side characters don’t have enough to do with the story to change or develop at all.
Common sense out the window
So… this game often sacrifices common sense to make a joke, or to make something happen. There’s a part when they decide they need new headquarters since Fran’s shop is rubble, and Octavio spends all the money they won from a mystery investor… to buy the rubble of Fran’s shop because apparently he’s too stupid to recognise it. The place that he literally worked in. The place they spent most of the game in. The place he would have known the directions to cos he needed to go there so often. For a joke. 
And the scene where Anu gets her leg bitten off, and the trio spends time joking around for a whole minute because apparently they all just forgot they have a literal healing device? That they were using a few scenes ago, and went to this place to showcase… I feel like they just made all of them forget about that so they could squeeze some jokes in when it makes no sense.
The scene I mentioned before with the vault monster is also dumb, because it really makes no sense for a vault monster not to know that the three people there literally just ducked behind some rubble and are three feet away having a loud conversation about how to defeat it… 
And when Susan creates these elaborate traps to trick the cast into cages, I can’t help but wonder… what was to stop her from just separating them and then shooting them with a stun gun the second they walk into the room? None of them are fighters, except for maybe Fran but she can gain control of Fran’s wheelchair so that should be no problem? Just seems like a lot of trouble to go to that was entirely unnecessary…
Why couldn't they just heal Stapleface when they literally have a magic rock that can heal/bring people back from the dead in seconds? Why doesn't Anu even seem to notice she's been shot for a full five minutes? Who knows, the game just decided she should die cos they think that would be emotional but also completely screw up the moment by having a joke scene where they can't open a 'pull' door right in the middle...
It’s just very hard to immerse myself in a story that just ignores logic anytime it wants to make something happen.
Ignoring existing lore
So… Tediore was, in my opinion, a bad choice for the villainous company. They’re the joke company of the Borderlands universe. No one respects them. Everyone jokes about how they’re inferior to the other corporations. Now we’re supposed to perceive them as a threat? And they’re supposed to be led by a ruthless and cold CEO? Just… doesn’t fit at all. Vladof would have been a better choice, as we know very little about their leadership and they could have been more intimidating. 
Also, Athena just showing up as a hologram with the CEOs of the various weapons corporations? Implying that she leads a company now? That makes… no sense from a lore perspective. Athena was tricked by the original Atlas into killing her own sister, then destroyed them in a revenge quest, then worked for Hyperion and left after she saw what Jack had become… she should want absolutely nothing to do with the corporations. And even if she did, how the hell is she leading one? And if she isn’t, what the heck is her hologram doing there?
Openings lack creativity
The openings to the original tales episodes were wonderfully done, and showcased a lot of creativity and thought. The new ones?  Not so much. It often feels like they just jam a bunch of events together, slap some music over it and call it a day. They don’t accomplish what the original did, and really, they seem shoved into there cos the game felt it had to have them. Not a fan of the music choices either, though I’ll admit that’s a little subjective.
Final thoughts
Game is inferior to original tales in every way save for the character animation. I didn’t find the jokes funny, and dear God they just do not stop, it’s a joke every second line and I got maybe… two moments I found vaguely amusing out of an entire 9hrs of game. I would be happy never to see these characters again, or for this story to just be considered non-canon. Now I guess we just have to factor in that the entirety of Promethea just endured a Thanos snap, and there’s a teleporting robot with a powerful crystal floating round the universe somewhere. 
For all of that… some people seem to have enjoyed the game, so there is a chance you might still get some enjoyment out of it, but yeah… it really wasn’t for me.
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helioshellion · 2 years
That new tales from the borderlands box art fucking blows why is it an npc robot dude and not like. The main characters. Imagine if for tftbl the boxart was just a jpeg of loaderbot
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handsomejackai · 2 years
rhys strongfork has the funniest fans imaginable because 75% of the screenshots of him in tftbl looking debatably attractive but throughout the whole game he’s nothing but weird and awkward
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Borderlands Imagines
Hi, I’m a new Borderlands imagine blog. I’ve been a major fan of the series since it came out, and have prior experience for writing Borderlands pieces. If you have any interest in leaving a request, feel free to check out my rules and leave one!
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katagawajr · 2 years
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early atlas rhys from @timothylawrence’s fic “You’ve Begun to Feel Like Home” (this is your sign to read it)
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raven-cl · 2 years
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I can't say what possessed me to draw these but as soon as I saw them I had to
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handsomeassjack · 3 years
Handsome Jack canonically does shrooms and i feel like not enough people appreciate just how incredibly swag that is.
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