theres-a-body-here · 5 months
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The fucking nerds found my Minotaur post.
It's so over
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theres-a-body-here · 4 months
"Thanacon, write some about demons who are yandere and possessive"
Lol okay sure, but rarely. Instead, I'm writing about demon lovers who:
Are basically overworked dads, maintaining and leading their cults
Are loving mothers, who take in the outcasts of society
Behave and look like Angels
Are manchildren, who only created their cult so they can be pampered and attended to
Don't need an entire cult to worship them, only you
Inhabit your body, becoming one with a higher power
Are pathetic and weak and need constant praising so they won't fall apart
Are completely inhuman by nature, writhing flesh with no distinct human features
Are hiveminds and insist that you'll be able to love all of their host bodies
Would much rather worship you
Live in the deep abyss, only able to communicate through telepathy
Thank you for listening to my rambling
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theres-a-body-here · 6 months
Why did they make him so fucking hot?
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This is an attack on me.
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theres-a-body-here · 2 months
Yes bruh, we need more reader fics where the reader is a crashout menace who will literally destroy their own and others's lives for their love interest
I'm still working on the Miguel x Venom!Reader thing but after that I'll definitely be writing more Yandere!reader
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theres-a-body-here · 2 months
Whenever I have characters in smut scenes doing specific positions, I use my JoJo figures to keep track of where everything is so my writing feels smooth and less choppy.
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theres-a-body-here · 2 months
Thanacon PSA:
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I label my writing male!reader because I wrote it for male readers.
As simple as that.
I don't need to mention that the character has a cock every 1.2 seconds for a character to be perceived as male. If I say it's a male reader...
It's a male reader.
"but it can be interpreted as..."
No buts. I labeled it as it should be to take the guess work out of interpretation.
If I write anything with a gn!reader tag, then that work is gender neutral.
It's an exception, not the rule.
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theres-a-body-here · 3 months
This skin dropped for Chaac on Smite and he's so fucking hot. I'm kicking my feet and twirling my hair. I might write a fic about him
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theres-a-body-here · 3 months
I just wanted you to know I love and enjoy your writing and stories, along with your incorrect quotes with the Dead by Daylight! Especially your Tomie!reader one, can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous they are sometimes.🤣🤣🤣🤣
So I made this from how I see Tomie!reader being around the others!!!! 😂😂😂😂
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Omg thank you. You're the first person to make a meme about my fics. I'm honored
I'm currently trying to get back into DBD so there'll definitely be more content coming.
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theres-a-body-here · 4 months
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Why do the Monster experts always find my posts?
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theres-a-body-here · 5 months
If you sent me a request before, please send one again. Tumblr fucked up the drafting system for asks and now I can't edit what I was working on.
Besides that, this is a reminder to send me requests for anything and for any fandom. Don't be shy. (MLM only)
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theres-a-body-here · 4 months
Does anyone else, as a writer, realize they could write the most batshit, incompatible crossover ever just because they can?
Cringe culture is dead. I want my fanfic NOW. Click to learn more.
Overwatch x JoJo drabbles coming soon.
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theres-a-body-here · 2 months
Hii- I was wondering if you did yandere, I just want to make you comfortable with it, if your not that's totally fine!
Yes, I do write yandere!
However, because of the oversaturation of yandere!characters on Tumblr, I'm only writing for Yandere!reader.
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theres-a-body-here · 4 months
Can someone tell me wtf are adoptables because I got drunk off da Absinthe and purchased one. I have no idea what to do with it.
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theres-a-body-here · 3 months
This isn't an ask but I just wanted to pop in and apologize for my spamming you with likes and reblogs, as someone who's recently realized they're a trans man you're the first writer I've found who writes male readers consistently and it's very affirming.
Whenever I'm down or growing disinterested in writing, comments like this absolutely make my day, especially when it comes from my own communities.
I love my queer, colored, and neurotic followers so much, and I'm so happy to hear they found some representation in a sea of white, cis, and straight writing.
P.s. - I don't mind the spam interactions :3
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theres-a-body-here · 7 months
Hi can I request gang orca x reader smut? Kugo has been feeling a strong pull to his 3 year intern from UA. They are amazing partners and have helped out each from near death too many times to count. But within that time Kugo has held himself back and has tried to not be so vulnerable around her, but it’s hard. The reader plays the support type role and that drives him crazy and taking 4 cold showers doesn’t help. The reader has the quirk that allows her to go invisible on command. She also has feelings for her boss but she hides it. On one hot day while doing some community service hours with Kugo she says they need more supplies before the kids arrive. Kugo, who is still wearing his white button up and pink tie just no blazer, says he’ll help and goes in after her. He rolls up his sleeves and the reader watches and blushes badly. But she while admiring him, she accidentally trips but before she could fall he picks her up. She holds on to his shoulder as he asks if she’s okay, and she nods. The two stare at each other before Kugo confesses his love for her, and the reader confesses she feels the same. They kiss and as they kissed passionately and Kugo carry’s her into a table and says they shouldn’t do this. And the reader says she knows but it’s too late for that. And then smut happens. (They do use protection. And Kugo does feel a little guilty for having feelings for his intern but they get resolved). The end!
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Sorry but I only do male readers or AFAB male oriented readers.
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theres-a-body-here · 5 months
Your a uhm... intersting and creative person
Aww thank you :3
I'm severely mentally ill so I'm pretty creative.
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