#thank u sm anon<33
paperbooart · 11 months
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guy who likes music
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tojisun · 6 months
biker!simon sending you this…
IM CRYING AT HIS SCREAM HELLO no because whys this kinda cute and funny to imagine dhfbwhbf 😭
biker!simon mlist // star divider by @/plutism <33
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just. imagine looking out of the window, frowning in worry at seeing the snow gathering strength – unstoppable in the momentum, blanketing the streets with fluff. any other day you would've grabbed your jacket and slid into your boots to go outside, or perhaps melt into the soft cushions of the couch with a soft music playing in the background until you are reduced to this moment – soaking in the tenderness that comes with winter; a certain nostalgia that waxes and wanes.
simon's still not back, and his only ride home is his bike. he was the one in charge of closing up the shop tonight, and you're certain that he's working alone late today – john's out of the country for a vacation, johnny called in sick, and kyle's visiting his parents – so it's not like someone can drop him off.
(although you know that if johnny or, god forbid, kyle were with simon, they would've brought their bikes too. bunch of hopeless fools, the lot of them.)
you nibble on your bottom lip, playing with it in worry, before snagging your phone from the table to shoot simon a message. you pray that he's not on the road yet.
but before you could type up anything, you receive a message from simon. it's just a little five second video, with a tag-along caption that reads, "i fell."
your heart lurches into your throat, lodging there as worry creeps up and engulfs you. you play the video, not realizing just how hard you are biting on your bottom lip until you had to gasp, blood beginning to rush back into the muscle. still, you ignore the muted throbbing, busy cataloguing simon in his video.
he's staring up at the camera, eyes furrowed, and you're sure he even got his lips pinched in disdain under his balaclava. you note how he's no longer wearing his helmet, and that feeds your rising worries even more. he shows you the snow-filled streets right after, then he pans towards his bike, showing you how the little thing is tipped over and crusted with melting snow.
the video cuts out just at the apex of simon's scream.
the apartment is filled with stagnant silence, not even your heaving breaths could puncture through, before a snort scratches at your throat, the sound creeping up unconsciously.
holy fuck.
you replay the video again just to hear the inhumane screeching at the end, giggling to yourself, before finally replying to him, "send your location pls. gon pick u up."
simon responds instantly, sending you his location – a stretch that's only ten minutes away from the shop – and adds, "my hero."
you send a kissy-sticker. simon sends you the thumbs up emoji and follows it up with the snowman emoji.
what a dork, you think with fond huff.
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this aint much n im so sorry its too short :< // taggin: @babygirl-riley @teehee-47 @comeonatmebruh <33
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spacenintendogs · 4 months
For the doodle requests, snotlout and astrid making out gross pls🥺 I love them in your art style..
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say less
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very late for mermay but imagine merman gojo pleading for y/n to carry him around on land because he's tired of flopping 🧜🏻‍♂️
😭😭😭😭 PLEASEEEE he would wouldn’t he……….. whines about how rough the concrete feels and how his scales are sensitive and how you Have to carry him bc you’re the only human he trusts… i imagine mermaids in general being heavy as FUCK tho so 😭 good luck w him .
…. i could also see him begging to be pushed around in a cart . like a toddler. he’s like a puppy w their head sticking out of the car window just yapping and watching the sights like :33… cutie
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webslingingslasher · 5 months
You have a gift, I swear
omg stop im blushing...
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neuvistar · 6 months
Doing the fortress of meropide part of the archo quest and I have thoughts….. when looking for lyney, reader finds him but he hides you in a corner and is so upset about not touching, feeling, having you in so long that he just fucks out in the open. ORRR wrio giving the tour and fucks you in the office after being riled up by your sneaky attitude towards him during the tour…. LIKE IMAGINEEE UGHHH MY BRAIN IS THINKING THINGS!!!!
GOD BLESS THESE THOUGHTS OF URS ANON <3 (i might as well write something up for this.. trust) so so sorry for the late reply!
honestly.. to be honest with you anon the whole concept to me about these sort of things has me in a chokehold, like can you imagine lyney’s hands running through your body, his fingers teasing the dampness of your panties.. mumbling such sweet nothings in ur ear ( ᴗ ̫ ᴗ ) hes just so sweet to you, and he probably gives no fucks abt u both getting caught with how careless he was fucking you in the open or so !
wriothesley.. ah. wriothesley wriothesley wriothesley.. such an interesting fellow! (bye never saying that ever again) god BLESS bonus points if he’s fucking you over his desk.. his large yet calloused hands wrapped around each hip while his hot breath lands on the nape of ur neck.. ahh :(( he’s so rough sometimes it’s so hard 2 keep up but GOD BLESS.
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suedemotion · 4 months
oingo boingo babey
omfg!!!! ily thank u top tier choice! i actually DO have a top pick song and it's "just another day" because it's like the song for all days. thanks dude i love you sooooooo much fr :)
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daydadahlias · 1 year
Do you ever think about the how the word Mashlum squishes Ash in between Mike and Cal and like that's exactly where he should always be. Anyway yes I did just rewatch the tattoo tour video how could you tell
I think this is a great opportunity to showcase one of my favorite moments ever from that video where Calum and Michael touch all over Ashton's neck and shoulders to show off his condor for him. and he's like "yep :) same stuff as always :) just my guys touching all over me and manhandling me like they always do :) classic"
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so, to answer the question, yes i frequently think of Ash squished between malum bc that is where he belongs <3
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I need you to know that your magic human Silver au has completely taken over my brain. he is absolutely everything to me. rest in peace to my boyfriend who has spent the past week listening to me excitedly rambling about a bike
i want you to know this ask made my day, it's so sweet !! oh my gosh! I hope you find a loose 100 dollar bill somewhere. i hope your blorbos never die. i hope your boyfriend is enjoying your gushes!
also ... I love human Silver too! I've been meaning to draw more of him, but i've been REALLY busy. I'd love to hear all about your HCs and ideas, i definitely need some to bounce off of omg. please feel free to never shut up about it. i feel so honored. :,)
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agentmarcuspike · 7 months
do you know who would absolutely LOVE kissing your cheek? MARCUS-PERFECT BOYFRIEND-PIKE!!!!
also hi it's me, marcus anon, back with another headcanon kinda
you reblogged a post about nose kisses and stuff ik it was like two days ago but i started it and then didn’t have time to finish and it made me think about how marcus is definitely the kind of person who loves kissing you in other places than your lips (am I making sense?)
obviously I'm not saying he doesn't enjoy kissing your lips quite the contrary but he also has a habit of kissing you all the time, pretty much everywhere.
maybe it's just because I'm like that let's blame the french that I am but kissing cheeks as a greeting is something very special to me.
i’m getting less and less awkward about touching people but something that has never bothered me was kissing someone’s cheek. 
of course, most of the time it’s the regular cheek kissing (la bise) which is just putting your cheek against someone else’s and doing that kissing noise
but i’m talking about actual cheek kisses.
and our boy marcus definitely is a big cheek-kisser.
when he’s in a rush and he wants to say hello/goodbye, when he says thank you, right before bringing you into a big hug and more simply, when he’s feeling affectionate and wants to show you he loves you (especially in public)
again, it’s probably just me but i’m not comfortable AT ALL with pda. like definitely the kind to make out with my partner in public but i don’t mind low-key gestures such as cheek kisses.
while thinking about this headcanon i asked myself why i found cheek kisses so sweet and the only answer i could come up with is that it’s there is something so precious, so wholesome about kissing someone’s cheek. i believe it’s one of the most purest way of showing your love for someone and i refuse to believe it is that underrated
also i feel like just as he enjoys kissing you on your cheek, he loves receiving kisses there.
he loves it when you kiss him and crunch your nose up because his stubble tickled you, loves it even more when you kiss him after he’s shaved because his skin is all soft and warm one might even argue he shaves just for that 
and let’s be honest pictures of you kissing his cheek/him kissing yours are the cutest and you probably have hundreds of those.
so yeah, support cheek kisses for clear skin <3
hello and you are absolutely correct as usual!!! it's so gentle and pure, exactly like the way he loves. "when he’s in a rush and he wants to say hello/goodbye, when he says thank you, right before bringing you into a big hug" ahhh!!
and him shaving more often because you love kissing and touching his face so much 😩 maybe that's why i'm so week for clean-shaven P, it makes him so soft and smoochable...
ALSO sidenote, someone wanting to take facekissing pictures with me??? crying. the bar is on the floor but still.....
ps i'm gonna be a bridesmaid at a wedding in france next year and if marcus isn't there to la bise me???? bye
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metagalacticx · 2 years
omg if you're still doing these, 8,9,12,15 for thiam??? if they're too many, feel free to ignore them, it's okay !! i just loved reading your thoughts on the other two posts!!! <333333
omg yes of course and i’m sooo happy you like my silly ramblings about them ;A; <333
8. Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t?
liam is really good at swimming, and i think he used to swim when he was younger for cardio. mason was enrolled in the same swim school but he only did the bare minimum. liam took it very seriously and was good at it. he wasn’t the fastest but he had good lung capacity and sometimes while mason was sitting at the edge of the pool liam would wade over and they’d see how long he could hold his breath under water. mason started taking that very seriously and soon had a whole notebook he covered in purple plastic shrink wrap with all liam’s times organised by date and whether it was before during or after lessons. theo can swim as well. he’s slower than both liam and mason.
9. Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?
answered here!
12. Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
silence is okay as long as there is something else there to distract them, like a tv on in the background or a kettle whistling on the stove. even when they’re not speaking they both tend to make noises like tapping nails on a hard surface or rubbing their hands across fabric. complete silence is uncomfortable for them both. neither of them is as vocal as the other people around them, and it’s fine. sometimes though… if liam is quiet it means he’s obsessing over something and might need to vent, so theo would ask him if he wants to go for a walk, which always gets him to start rambling about whatever’s on his mind. theo’s silence is not remarkable, it’s not concerning and usually means he’s content. if he’s thinking about something, whether about his feelings towards liam or about trying to help save people and it’s overwhelming, he’ll seek physical comfort from liam. liam does not communicate well when it matters! he will come up with a plan and give what he thinks is a decent overview but it just leaves people confused like "are you hearing yourself? you want to do what?" theo will look at him with this puzzled, slightly annoyed expression every single time and say, "explain it to me like i’m five" to which liam rolls his eyes but sighs and does exactly that.
15. Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?
answered here!
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Soft daddy Natsuo has my whole heart omg <3333333
Imagine reader asking to paint his nails, and he agrees because it'll make his baby happy. 🥺
And then proudly showing his brother his nails because he thinks she's so talented and can do no wrong 💕
waaah cactus!!!! this is sooooo cute oh my goodness 🥺
i love it!!! and he totally would, too; he’d let her paint them whichever colours her sweet lil heart desires. he’d even sit there patiently as she applied cute designs, charms, and stickers, using whichever hand is free to scroll through his phone, make phone calls, or read + annotate the newest research papers and academic literature in his medical field <3 bonus points if he gets to hear her precious little squeals about being Daddy being extra careful! with his actions and fingers, concerned that Daddy’s going to ruin her freshly created designs.
it’s kind of relaxing, actually, watching as she painstakingly works to make art on his wide but short nails, unable to stifle the coos bubbling up in his throat at her adorable little looks of concentration—a scrunched nose and tilted head, the tip of a cute tongue poked out from between pursed lips, eyebrows knit in extreme concentration as her eyes squint with focus—and snapping a few conspicuous photos on his phone as she diligently labours over her tiny masterpieces. the act of sitting with her as she tries out new ideas and creates new designs every other week has become a cherished tradition he readily looks forward to <3
it’s impossible for him to dim the blindingly brilliant smile that breaks his face any time one of his patients, clients, or colleagues comments on them or compliments them, proudly explaining to them that his girlfriend painted them herself and often whipping out his phone to show off some of his favourites of her previous designs. even touya has to admit, the girl has style <3 touya might even have to bully her into doing some designs for him, too—all blues and blacks and silvers, of course.
natsuo also absolutely buys her several nail art kits and specialty tools to help her improve her craft <3 and yes, of course he will always be there for her to practice on <33
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tojisun · 6 months
hi!! just wanted to say that i’m in love with your bimbo!reader and simon pairing!! my favorite was the sonny angels one ❤️🎄
omg thank u so so much sweetheart!! i love them too soooo bad <33
shes such a sweet girl n simons so enamoured n honestly thats all the plot, n yet i cant stop writing for it ughhhdhehrh
AND I LOVE THAT ONE TOO!! i saw honey’s ask (@actuallyhiswife) and screamed into my pillow bc of how soft it was!!! simon carrying the sonny w him??? ugh i love it sm i might just buy a sonny angel for me atp ☝🏼😔
thank u kindly again sweet luv and take care <33
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
How're you today?
I hope you're doing well
~have a cookie! 🍪
I really like your content!
Have a nice day/night!
hello hello! i'm doing good, but i had to make two of the hardest decisions of my life today (joe hills vs wil & scar vs techno) but otherwise i'm doing well! i hope you're doing good asw :)
ahh thank u for the cookie anon!
and jdfsjaj u don't know how much that means to me, thank u sm :D <3 have a good day/night asw :]
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HII im new here and i LOVE the way u write 😭😭🫶🫶 trust me when I say that when I stumbled upon ur prince!gojo fic i fell to my knees. The way u wrote about his devotion and feelings for the knight 🥹🥹🥹🥹 ITS SO GOOD i read some of Ur other fics and the way u write suguru is so perfect like i don't usually read suguru fics cause ppl usually tend to mischaracterize him but U WROTE HIM SO PERFECTLY and im here to just appreciate ur writing and ask if there are any books or films that inspired the way u write? Genuinely curious 🙏🙏
ANON 🥺🥺🥺😭😭 u r the absolute SWEETEST welcome to my silly lil blog!!!!! i cant tell u how much it means to get messages like this and knowing that ppl enjoy my writing T_T thank u so so much!! <333
and wahh!! the fact that u like how i characterize sugu is also such an honour to me…. ive said this before but i rly do think hes so complex and multifaceted so it means a lot to know ppl enjoy my version of him 🥺🥺
AND AND AND…… we are so linked anon. i was literally JUST thinking abt different writing sources that inspire me (bc there are a Lot psjdjs)……. 
i think that just in general i try to emulate the kind of writing that i like the most!! so my writing style is probably like… just one big patchwork of every book/movie/game ive ever loved LMAO. but here are a couple of the most prominent!! 
first off all… poetry!!! :D a lot of books have probably inspired me too but i think poetry especially!!! since its usually so full of imagery its just become a super big inspo source…. :’3 some of my absolute fave poets are frank bidart, clementine von radics, AAAAAAND richard siken <333 hes my favorite ever and inspires me sm. my fave poetry collection of his is war of the foxes literally every single poem in it is so jjk coded ……
aaaa but also…. poetry aside!! i love kurt vonnegut a lot. his writing is so nice!!!!!! i recommend him a ton!!!!!!!! 
AAAAND honestly anon…….. my biggest inspiration source ever ever ever when it comes to writing is disco elysium!!!!!!! its my fave game and honestly probably just my favorite writing source in general? if u havent played it or watched someone play it pls do urself a favor and do so….. the writing is so earth-shatteringly good and pretty it makes me jealous. it’s such a genuinely funny game too (but also so so heartfelt!!!)…. gosh. i love disco elysium like i love nothing else in this universe.
if u play it and then read my fics its GLARINGLY obvious how much its affected my writing i think psjdjd 😭😭 here r some quotes from it for reference!! they’re so good it makes me cryyy
the last dream will be total annihilation. cinders peeling off the fuselage.
a white mourning. a modern death. divorce, or something similar. all you can do is put more distance between you and him, make him smaller. make him less *you*.
”every combination of words has been played out. the atoms don't form us anymore: us, our love, our unborn daughters…”
”where *are* we, lieutenant kitsuragi?” ”in elysium,” he replies, “behind our eyes. like all human beings, detective. (…) the world is what it is. i’m glad to see you’re stable. keep it that way.”
SORRY im just. so genuinely obsessed w this game psjfjdj i seriously could not recommend it enough!!!!
aaaa but what abt u anon??? do u have any sources that inspire u? or general recommendations? 👀👀 i would love to hear em if so!!! <33
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terracyte · 1 year
I didn't know you drew I thought you were just funny
YOU THINK IM FUNNY ✨💕💖❤️💗💗❤️✨❤️💓💖💕💓❤️💓✨❤️💓
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