#thank you for sending this in <3
sukunasweetheart ยท 3 months
I was rereading some of your fics and got inspired so please hear me out๐Ÿ™
Reader being college!sukunas pretty little gf but going through a bit of a insecure phase. Having to wonder if sukuna using her for her body. While also having to endure people trying to flirt with him at every party (sukuna has never and would never flirt or cheat but since reader is going through something, she's obviously bothered)
This continues for a few weeks, reader brings it up but sukuna always gets annoyed and shuts it down(Sukuna and reader both not knowing how to efficiently communicate). Reader's insecurity is kind of building up๐Ÿ˜• so atp shes debating whether to break up with him because shes just so tired of feeling like she's not enough.
One night reader gets drunk during a night out with maki and nobara so they have to call him to go pick her up. Sukunas kind of mad since she hasn't called or texted him all day so he calls her out on it while driving home. Reader being a emotional drunk decides its the perfect time to unleash how she feels. Sukuna listens to her and starts worrying when reader very briefly mentions a break up. So when they get home sukuna gets her to spill the beans before she knocks out. Meanwhile sukuna spends all night thinking about how to reassure reader that he loves her (he doesn't want to lose her๐Ÿ˜ญ)
Next morning reader wakes up in his arms and he tells her he wants to talk about what happened last night now that shes sober. So they have a serious talk about it (tears were definitely shed)
Edit: THIS WRITING WAS GNARLY IM SO SORRY๐Ÿ˜ญi had a vision but i couldn't put it into words correctly. i gave up near the end but i kind of just wanted to hear your thoughts๐Ÿ˜–
i love the angst and happy ending, always ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ it hurts so good </3 just them being so unsure of each other and what to do, even if its clear that they both are so deeply in love <3
very relevant angst bc someone like sukuna would find it very difficult to understand what it feels to be insecure... it makes you wonder how much patience he could have for someone who is intensely insecure (me)
anyway i can imagine drunk reader being a sobbing, bumbling mess when shes at home with him, talking in a way thats barely comprehensible, weeping in between sentences and sukuna just not knowing what to do with you except wipe your tears away (he'd call you cute if you weren't actually so upset) but then you mention that maybe its better off if the two of you break up, which wipes the smile off his face
imagine him wracking his brains at night while he observes your sleeping face, not knowing what to do... he'd never thought that what he was doing now wasn't enough in making you feel secure with him and that he was making you so unhappy
maybe what you need is more verbal affirmation, bc sukuna is so action oriented, he realises he doesn't nearly as often tell you that he loves you and only uses gestures to show it instead.
idk this might be corny but imagine you and him practicing saying 'i love you' while sitting face to face, holding hands, and for the first time you see his ears get pink, its certainly not something he says often. you bursting into laughter at the stiff way he says it makes him even more bashful.
"stop fucking laughing! it's your turn now, hurry up."
but when you say it, it sounds so natural and genuine and sweet, even when you're saying it in between laughs. it makes him wonder how you're doing it.
anyway, seeing sukuna's ears get so pink and seeing how awkward he is for a change, is strangely healing to you and probably helps you gain some confidence back bc who else could incur such feelings in him other than you?? especially when he usually has such an idgaf attitude :)
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luimagines ยท 6 months
I had a dream about Wind, I found it incredibly sweet, so here! Feel free to add onto it! : DD
Wind was currently staring at the portal in front of the chain, he was nervous yet it was something he had become used to. The swirling colours within the portal caused a sense of dread and excitement in him, when the group stepped through the portal the smell of sea water immediately filled his nostrils.
A sense of familiarity washed over him like the waves of the ocean around them, the island they found themselves on was his home island which caused him to eagerly bounce in place as he ran off before the chain could ask him what he was so excited about. When his eyes landed on the blonde hair of his sister who was playing happily with someone the chain didnโ€™t recognize, when his sister and the person beside her lifted their heads to see the hero racing towards them caused the two of them to immediately crash into him.
The other person looked rather surprised and relieved, laughter from all of them left the trio when they fell to the ground. The person who clung to him had short dirty blonde hair, the red handkerchief which was around their neck gave them a hint yet they wanted confirmation.
โ€œ Whoโ€™s this? โ€ Time asked with a light hearted chuckle at the heartwarming reunion between the trio, Wind looked up at the older man and smiled brightly as the three of them all stood up.
โ€œ This is my special person and Tetraโ€™s sibling, [Reader]! [Reader], these are the people I told you about in my letters! โ€ Wind said with a smile, his childish response to the question caused all the heroes to let out a collective laugh.
Reader smiles and looks up at the others in the group. The reach over and tug on Wind's sleeve. "Are these the people you talk about in your letters?"
Wind grins and gets up, virtually carrying his sister in his arms as he does so. "Yup! And I bet you're going to love them!"
Reader gives them all a salute before they wrap their arm around Wind's shoulders. They smirk. "I'll be the judge of that."
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sarastuss ยท 10 days
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BATTLES ARE EMBEDDED INTO YOUR CORE, : THE SUN SHOWS JUST HOW OVERWHELMING ITS' ENERGY IS. she accepts this, ๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐ƒ๐”๐“๐˜, ๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐…๐€๐“๐„ : to be a weapon. ... but still, despite the BRUTAL, FIERCE FLAMES, WITHIN HER CORE BEATS A GOLDEN HEART. one who could not help but worry for others, one who seeks to save everyone. no matter should it cost her very being. eyes scan the surroundings, no sign of him yet. lush lips pressed against each other, as if to contain the anxiety. ARMORED BOOTS CLICK, searching for the bright soul amidst the cruel aftermath. nobody had seen him yet, &. the concern only continued to swirl within, its' current grew ๐’๐“๐‘๐Ž๐๐†๐„๐‘ &. ๐’๐“๐‘๐Ž๐๐†๐„๐‘.
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BUT SHE CLINGS INTO HOPE, : SHE HAS TO. refusing the threat of doomed fate, his abilities are stronger than that. they have to be. ... &. it seems you are heard, ๐Ž' ๐–๐€๐‘๐‘๐ˆ๐Ž๐‘! IN THE FAR DISTANCE, SHE SPOTS A FAMILIAR FIGURE! her steps fasten the pace, hurrying towards him : perhaps bruised, but alive. ... finally, she is close enough for her words to reach him. โ you're ... โž yet words are stuck in her throat, @ivlius ' still standing, no matter what you heard. ' but he finishes her sentence for him, laced with slight humor if she detects correct. ... &. ๐€ ๐๐‘๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“ ๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐Œ๐Œ๐„๐‘ ๐–๐ˆ๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐ ๐‡๐„๐‘ ๐‡๐”๐„๐’, lips curving upwards if only slightly. โ i should have known you are not one to go down easily. โž
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inseparableduo ยท 1 month
๐Ÿ–Š + arguments
Meme || Accepting!
Alex glares at his twin. "What?" He snaps.
The question hangs in the air as Jennifer takes a step back. Her arms wrapped around herself as she looks back at him in fear. She regrets bringing all of this up but, now, she can't take it back. It was too late. This is exactly what she was afraid of but, she couldn't live, keeping the thoughts to herself anymore. She had to face this. She was tired of just keeping quiet for the sake of peace.
"I just... I need to know! I need to know why did he lie to us? Why... did he put us through all of that? Is he even alive? Did he just move on the second we were gone? I-"
"Why? What the fuck do you think that's going to help? He might as well just be dead. Who the fuck cares what that bastard has to think." He cut her off before she could say anything more. He didn't want to hear it. He couldn't help but, wonder if his sister was deranged.
All of her answers should be obvious, and even if they weren't why would she want to see that man again? He remembers very clearly how horrible that man was. He could never forget it. The way he tried to drown them, pushing them downstairs, beating them unconscious.
They were only children then.
What the hell would he do to them now that they were much older? Would he even recognize them? Acknowledge them? He remembers trying to convince his sister to just run away with him that night. He couldn't convince her then, but all he was trying to do was protect her. Why could she never see that?
"I fucking care! I'm tired of thinking about all the what if's and why's. I want to fucking know!" She then punches the wall to empathize her point. Her fear and sadness turning into anger as she was brushed off.
She just wanted answers. She wanted closure. What was so wrong about that? Why wouldn't he just hear her out? She couldn't see him alone. She needed him.
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cidsin ยท 2 months
For the asks! ๐Ÿ’• Whoโ€™s your biggest Zelda crush(es)?
๐Ÿฆ Any Opinions or Headcanon(s) about a certain Zelda Race?
๐Ÿ’ƒ Favorite BOTW Outfit?
LoZ Ask Game
First off thank you for sending three in right away! <3
๐Ÿ’• Whoโ€™s your biggest Zelda crush(es)? - By now for some years its Ganondorf... But the very first Zelda character crush for me was Sheik from the N64 Ocarina of Time game. Even when finding out ingame that this was Zelda, didn't hold me back in liking that character a lot :,))
๐Ÿฆ Any Opinions or Headcanon(s) about a certain Zelda Race? - *stares slowly to the Gerudo, then to the Zora* just one? We have written already so much over Gerudo, which my cutie and me try to work on something own for.... So lets jump to the Zora a bit. I do enjoy how they look in the newer games.. BUT GODS FUCKING DAMN IT! How in all worlds did they ended up like this? Where is the evolutionary line? What went how to this state? I know I should not try to find logic in a game series that was originally not connected like fans connected them then... But they make the least SENSE in evolution in my eyes... This might get longer so I better not get into to much rambling ^^ยฐ but yeah... Please someone explain why their bodies started looking like this in the terms of the timeline fans found and Nintendo took over.
๐Ÿ’ƒ Favorite BOTW Outfit? - ok this honestly is a harder one... But would mostly go with Yiga/Sheikah clothes there. There are plenty interesting outfits in the Zelda games, but I have so often a bit of grumbles with them... In terms of if they even fit that kind of setting aso... So yes, Yiga/Sheikah it be!
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mxdam ยท 9 months
โ i shouldn't think about you that way. โž from liz!
"Oh," Margarethe says, head lolling against the arm of the sofa, "have some courage."
It isn't that she doesn't respect Elizabeth's position. Heaven knows she's been in it--is in it--herself, matriarch of an estate, locked into stiffness and isolation and a cold loneliness by the necessities of her place; but here, in this room, it's only the two of them, with a decanter of brandy mostly drunk, and hair long since loosed from its pins and ornaments, Elizabeth just as disheveled as she, sprawled in the chair opposite, the space between their bodies heavy and thick with what Elizabeth daren't say.
"Tell me," she says, and arranges herself prettily, lifts her chin, tucks a casual arm behind her head, letting Elizabeth look at her. "Tell me what you think of, dear." She lets her eyes move, intimate as a touch, over the other woman's flushed cheeks, her stiff, uncertain posture, imagining how her hands would loosen every tense muscle. She lowers her voice, purring, coaxing. "It's only me, isn't it?"
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girl-please-study ยท 9 months
sage, for your ask game
What โ€œmediumโ€ of art is the most touching to you and why?
I would go with films. It speaks to me because you have multiple dimensions of the idea/theme that's being conveyed to you. The choreographic choice, background music, characters in the frame, the background objects โ€” if they blurred and why, timings, colour scheme.
You can replay it over and over to find out more layers that you couldn't pick out before. You can come back to it after years and still find something new! That's why I love art in video form.
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justsasuke ยท 1 year
For the Naruto ask game please ๐Ÿ’ž
21) in the akatsuki what color would you paint your nails
22) who would you want your partner to be in the akatsuki
most esteemed mutual, thanks for sending this in~
21) in the akatsuki what color would you paint your nails I'd probably go for a really basic dark, dark blue or black. Anything to add to the edgy S-class criminal vibe.
22) who would you want your partner to be in the akatsuki I was deliberating between Kisame or Kakuzu for a little bit but ultimately I'm going with Kakuzu. only because I'm deathly afraid of sharks and thus wouldn't jive with Kisame if he ever had to go into this samehada form thing (this was the only thing Kisame had against him)
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seavoice ยท 1 year
๐ŸŽ€ ๐Ÿ’Œ for the game!!
๐ŸŽ€give yourself a compliment about your own writing
for some reason it's always tailored exactly to my tastes! ๐Ÿคจfunny how that works out...
(lmao seriously though -- i guess i like that my older--like old old fics are so blatantly insane and indulgent. genuinely think that made me better at writing)
๐Ÿ’Œshare something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
there's so many stuff in process, like even simultaneously, but from the doc i opened last:
The first time Sally Jackson held her son in her arms, she decided that no matter what freaky world-ending prophecies and immortal pessimists warned was in store for her son, he would live a long and happy life.
โ€œLong and happy is pushing it too far. Choose one,โ€ Poseidon, immortal pessimist, would have said, had Sally explained her determined goal to him. He had already made his peace that his sonโ€™s life would be neither. Maybe he would have spoken from some area of experience, his life having become so long that happiness would never again be a meaningful measurement for it, but it would still have been an unfair thing to say to a young woman who had just given birth to an eight pound half-godly baby after spending sixteen hours in labor, especially since she would have to raise the baby on her own. So it was good that Sally did not voice her hopes and Poseidon did not voice his fears.
Percy Jacksonโ€™s parents had very different attitudes about the whole freaky world-ending prophecies business.ย 
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fatesdesign-archive ยท 1 year
of all the rapunzels i know at the moment, you are my favorite. call me biased but it's a) because i know you for a long time now (what is it? two years? three? something like that). b) you were my first introduction to ranpunzel roleplay basically. your rapunzel was the first that i ever followed and not just with jafar's blog. i think you have a great grasp of who she is. i am not a pro and barely know the movie myself but the bits and pieces i have seen leave no doubt in my mind that you love this woman and simply know what you are takling and writing about. i appreciate you for the things you teach me in when i read your headcanons. oh and i am a sucker for your ship with flynn. you two are adorable. i really love seeing you both on my dash.
@grandvizier || How's my portrayal
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Awaah! No you don't know how much I needed this. Thank you! I'm so glad you picked up Jafar you're doing such a great job with him and he's definitely your vibe! I love him and I love that he makes Rapunzel anxious it's fun to write and explore that side of her.
I am also a sucker for the ship with @riidcr!
I started Rapunzel for Iris's Eugene and she just gets stronger the more I write with Iris.
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unspecifiedfigure ยท 1 year
Just wanted to say I hope you have a great day! I saw your post about only having gotten that ONE ask, so here's another one!
But to ask you a question (since this is an ask), whats your favorite colour and why? I know it's not the most interesting question, but I'm curious
hi!! thank you so much!! i hope you have/have had a great day as well <33
my favorite color is orange because when i was little my dad was home for a short while (he was almost never was) and he planted these beautiful orange rhododendrons outside of the house and i can see them so vividly in my mind, their color makes me think of happiness and childhood innocence :)
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demcnsinmymind ยท 1 year
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@demonstigma @innerwar @adeathsentence asked: 1. something you think you do great. with the lovely bonus from Tommy (thank uT_T): because give yourself some positivity, friend. you deserve it! especially from yourself because lbr we're all too hard on ourselves and forget too easily to give ourselves some positivity too! | Munday Meme | Always Open!
Something I do think I got a knack for is conveying emotions and thoughts in my replies. Just because I always happen to feel them myself, and that strongly, whenever I write. I've always been this way and I enjoy the hell out of it, which is exactly why my replies tend to get so long all the time. I just have a lot to say about those things, especially since you can only really explore them in writing. Like, sure enough, in drawings or on film you can see it and kind of guess them by just looking at the body language and what the voice and the eyes are conveying, but you never truly know what motivates a character in that moment, what they're really thinking and so forth. You can only really explore that in writing, and that's why I love to do it and like to think I do a good enough job of =) It just adds so much more to a character, especially someone like Lance for example. Because if you just took his dialogue and the way he acts most of the time, he comes across as a total dick. But he's not, and that's what I loved about the way they shot canon specifically - he gave insight into his thoughts, worries, fears and motivations in private video logs, and he could do that all thanks to the found footage format. And I'm trying to replicate that :>
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natiesims ยท 2 years
For the ask thingy: amber and flannel <33
amberโ€” how do you prefer to spend a rainy day?
laying on the couch watching a rom-com while eating popcorn and drinking lots of wine.
flannelโ€” do you prefer sweaters, hoodies, cardigans, or zip-up jackets?
cardigans all the way!
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jasonsmirrorball ยท 1 year
Iโ€™m obsessed with your story bane of my existence, object of my desire. Itโ€™s so good and I adore the dynamic between Aemond and reader! Iโ€™m so excited for the next part
thank you sweet love!!! i'm excited to get it out!
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anchoragecafe ยท 1 year
๐Ÿ’ฌ cyrek & gerard ( i thought this would be fun after reading the bottom of his intro ๐Ÿ‘€ )
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prompt i got: ย "There's something I need to get off my chest."
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย gรฉrard ran his hand over his shaved head before downing the last of his drink.ย  โ€œso uh, listen.โ€ ย he sinks into the couch cushion, knowing he had gone too far this time. ย โ€œthereโ€™s something i need to get off my chest.โ€
how is he supposed to say ย โ€˜iโ€™ve been using you to get more intel on miroirsโ€™ ย in the nicest way possible? ย  ย  โ€” ย  ย itโ€™s weird. gรฉrard almost feels as though he betrayed a friend; ย were they even close enough to be considered friends? probably not. but itโ€™s not like he can control how he feels.ย ย โ€œi donโ€™t really know how to go about saying this, so iโ€™m just going to blurt it outโธปโ€ย ย gerry turns his head to look at cyrekย  &ย  opens his mouth to speak . . . .
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hells-musing-along ยท 26 days
// โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’˜
โค๏ธ: What are some of your best qualities?
Hmm... one of my best qualities is the ability to think on my feet in real-life situations. When I'm writing for Lilith, there are times that I don't know what to do for a thread. It takes me a bit to figure it out.
๐Ÿ’˜: What and/or who do you consider near and dear to you?
It would have to be my friends. They accept me for who I am and don't expect anything except me to be myself with them. It's really nice. If I had to pick an object, it would be the internet and my car. I live in an area where you need a car to get around.
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