#that had any sort of interactive element tbh. so i added that one more because it reminded me of like when i first went to the library
brightokyolights · 1 year
@maingoes created a tag game, here is the description:
"Topic is covers of books that definitely changed your brain on some sort of minuscule but permanent level or that you think your childhood experience would’ve have been different without (longest title of a tag game ever I know) my only 2 rules are u should have read the book before age 10 and you cannot include the HP series"
Here are my books:
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I shall tag @j-purplesunsets-rainydays @jesperfaheygf @cancara @mostlykind @captainjanegay @holdingontozouis and anyone else who sees this and wants to do this! Also pls do not do if you do not wanna ❤️❤️❤️
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staghunters · 10 months
WTKAMW Bonus Content lol
The Fic is Done! I had an amazing time writing it and reading whatever y'all had to say about it haha. But, there is some more! Between outlining and the actual writing (sometimes even beyond that) the story went through some changes before it came to its final form. The first outline I had was MUCH different than what we ended up with, and inbetween there were scenes that got added/cut at the last moment.
So I guess this is a director's commentary/deleted content kind of post! A little look behind the curtain, for those that would like to. I got it all sorted by chapter in case you want to see about something specific. Enjoy!
A lot of things changed between the first and second outline. The second one was more structured to give me an idea of how many chapters this was going to be, plus it made it easier to give each chapter some meat. For comparison, here's all I had planned on the first one.
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Pretty bare bones! I cut the baby-thing eating because it grossed me out too much tbh. Other than that, things were cut/changed because they simply didn't make a lot of sense. When I plan stuff out I like to think about the concequences that every act can have. For example, if sleepwalking Tai let Jackie in the attic, what does that mean for the connection Sleeper!Tai has with Vampire!Jackie? It's the reason that Sleeper!Tai is absent from the fic in general, because having her interact with Jackie raised too many questions that were never meant to be part of this story.
Other things changed to improve on tension/character/plot. Misty at first finds out on her own, but while full on excluding her would maybe be something that could happen, involving her from pretty early on made for more exciting things.
The second outline has more on that, so that'll be posted chapter by chapter. I divided it in major and minor events that I wanted to include in each section.
Chapter 1
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Not much to say here! Chapter 1 was one that I could afford myself to work on for longer, so it got to where I wanted it to be much easier. It's a setup chapter, and how it happened was always going to be the same: Jackie is dead, Shauna improvises on her make-up routine, has a miscarriage after, Jackie comes to the attic.
The miscarriage is a bit tricky because the real reason I had it happen was because I just needed to have the baby out of the plot. Placing it after the accidental blood ritual leaves the room open for interpreting it as an extra thing the wilderness demanded in order for Jackie to come back (equal exchange and stuff). This is what Lottie is referring to when she warns Shauna here and in chapter 2. Still, like the show, I wanted to keep it nebulous what exactly is done by the Wilderness, and what simply happened.
Chapter 2
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Now what isn't on here is that the karaoke scene in the woods wasn't meant to be part of the search at first, this got added in later and originally the scene cut from when Tai tells Shauna the math example. This didn't do much for the tension of this chapter and would've lumped it all at the beginning and end instead. Didn't like that!
Plus, it gave me an excuse to start playing around with the rest of the team. Van and Tai hadn't gotten their time to shine yet, and Natalie needed a good introduction to the plot.
Personally I really see Nat as someone who will keep her head high in a storm, and isn't afraid of going against the grain if she thinks what she needs to do will ultimately lead to the better outcome. She is sympathetic towards Shauna, but she will not put her own or the others' lives at risk.
Putting in a scene with Nat in her hunter element while Jackie walks around like any predator they might encounter in the woods therefore sounded like something that could have Something in there. Post-crash Jackienat is full of slight antagonism, but not enough to have them outright hate each other. Is it easier for Nat to shoot at Jackie? Marginally so. Deep down Nat doesn't want to do it at all, but in this situation it was a necessity.
Plus, a feral Jackie! I love stripping her from the put together humanity and then throwing her in a blender hahaha. This was still at the stage where she's not really there yet, and playing around with that from Shauna's pov was a lot of fun. This Jackie is as trustworthy as a fluffy grizzly bear, and Shauna is stuck on that "if dangerous why cuddly?" mentality.
Javi was always gonna die here. Like I said in the notes, his position here in canon was too convenient not to make use of. That it is Javi would push Nat even further into the corner of Hunter instead of Teammate, plus it planted the seed for what would eventually become the end of chapter 12.
Big owl was a last minute excuse/cliffhanger!
Chapter 3
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SO, the scene where they find Jackie again went through a number of changes. The first idea was Shauna walking out in the woods on her own, spotting her, and being interupted by Tai coming to find her as Jackie disappears again. From there came Nat's hijack of her expedition.
First it was going to be just Shauna and Nat out there. They would separate, and Shauna would stumble upon Jackie sleeping in the snow. In the end I combined the first idea with the second, and added a Misty for some extra dynamic. Shauna walking off and finding Jackie on her own was a visual that I simply couldn't cut off. Additionally, it made it more interesting for me to have Jackie exhibit some agency here. Why do they stumble upon each other? Maybe it was pure luck, or Nat was right in Shauna being a lure, and Jackie does not have her new state of being figured out enough to know why she feels like going in a certain direction.
Here's that moment but from the first scenario where Shauna goes out alone with Taissa coming after her.
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It would have led to Taissa taking on a more protective position, maybe even suggesting that Shauna is seeing things, but ultimately this didn't further the plot. Switching this out for Nat, Shauna, and Misty going out on a search was bound to have more fireworks. Nat's reaction to Jackie was harsh - especially given that Jackie is getting back to her old self at this point - but it was something that would raise the stakes.
Having the cabin burn down was a big leap for me lol. I didn't know if it would land right, but it was the only way that I could realistically get them rescued earlier. This story was always going to play out mostly in Wiskayok. Don't get me wrong, I love the wilderness, but the most intriguing about Vampire!Jackie to me was it being a complete flip on her position in canon: a symbol of civilization struggles in the wilderness vs a symbol of the wilderness struggles in civilization. Though Jackie isn't the character we see the most of internally in the fic, I could have her try to grapple with what she is now from a place that still wants to cling to how she was before.
Chapter 4
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Notable changes: dad doesn't make an appearance, and the trek home was extended to more than a month. That last part was because I changed where the plane crashed on my own map. It used to be in Ontario, but that started to feel way too close to home/society. The north of Alberta became a better fit.
Every day was suppossed to highlight a certain relationship/dynamic of the people in Shauna's life. A bit more slice-of-life while we wait for our bestie to come back.
Jeff inserts himself in the story here. I wanted to balance him out in being genuinely saddened and sympathetic, while also a dumb teenage boy. This is one of the bigger changes from the very first outline, where the thought was to kill off Jeff in a premediated manner. But that didn't feel right. The way it is here now better sets up why he shows up at the Shipman house in chapter 7, and makes his demise a very unfortunate accident.
Jackie calls! I briefly toyed with the idea of Shauna picking up and Jackie simply not saying anything. It would feel more intimate, but with someone else picking up, there was the added mystery and I could let Shauna have the sudden realization of having missed something important.
The Birthday Tape is available here! The rules I set for myself were that the songs had to predate 1996 (for obvious reasons), and resemble both Shauna's and Nat's tastes in music (or what Nat would think Shauna would like). I've played this thing a lot while doing some writing haha.
Chapter 5
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The fight is a part I struggled with because while there is reference material of it at its worst, by this point Jackie and Shauna have already underwent some change since the moment that door shut. Shauna, more in line with canon, wants nothing more than having Jackie back in her life. Jackie, hurt and confused, wants to lash out but has that clashing with own longing for things to go back to the way they were. This was also the first chapter where Jackie really had to be Jackie, and I felt anxious about not getting her right as a person.
The fun stuff, however, was really putting down that while Jackie is back and totally chill, there are things that are off. As you can see, Shauna was supossed to be more directly present to take note of that, but I changed it because it made more sense to let them take some distance from each other. Plus, this is the start of "Jackie is repressing things and that sure won't have consequences later". She is aware of what has changed with her and the danger it brings, and likes to keep that as far from Shauna as she can.
It turned into a game of what they both know and are willing to share, as well as Shauna misinterpreting certain things with Jackie because we are limited to her pov. F.e. Jackie's weird little moment at the washing machine was her first brush with how good Shauna smells now (in the vampy way). It is a pretty common headcanon that Jackie has/had issues with food, which is how Shauna interprets it when breakfast goes the way it does.
Ultimately, a chapter to put down the groundworks for Jackie and her cooky vampire mannerisms hahaha.
Chapter 6
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Big changes here!
Tai's departure in chapter 4 with her family was suppossed to last much longer. This changed because I wanted to add in the school environment where the Yellowjackets are dealing with coming back to their old lifes and have to deal with the reactions coming from it. Given that Tai has a pretty important role as the other one to first see Jackie back amongst the (un)living, I wanted to do some more with her screen time. Hence, Shauna tells about Jackie staying at her place.
Jeff coming around again was cut because I genuinely didn't know what to have him do/say that would be different from the first time. The whole reason to have this at all was to poke at that past with Jackie and Shauna, but I figured it would do much with the next chapter in mind.
This turned more into them growing closer together again. Stealing booze from the nightstore was fun to write jkasdhf. When they break into Jackie's room, I wasn't sure how much I wanted Mr Taylor to be suspicious. In the end, I'm happy with how minimal it is. I do think the Taylors grieve in their own (fucked up) way, and that Jackie's presence linger everywhere is kinda what I wanted to do with him just saying her name like she is there (not knowing that she actually is, of course).
Other than that, some tipsy thoughts about feelings lol.
Chapter 7
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I think I had the part where Jackie kills Jeff written out since chapter 3, though I changed the location a couple of times. Please do envision me on the train smiling like an idiot while I'm thinking about all the ways I could kill this boy.
There was a concept of Jackie already going bad and Shauna noticing. Here she locked the door to her room and Jeff for some reason would go there and be jumped immediately. I cut this out in favor of what is in the fic now: a very slow build that has you experiencing this loss of control with Jackie. Though she sort of knows what is coming, this was still the first time that Jackie is breaking down in this way. Hence, there is some balance with taking precautions but also Not Knowing What Is Going On.
Dream sequences my beloved <3 There's a cameo of Laura Lee in here that would become a reminder for what I wanted to do with her later. Ghost realm Laura Lee functions in a similar way here as she does in canon, and I just wanted her to still be part of all this. Overall, the first dream sequence is very much inspired by what Lottie sees in Old Wounds. The second one deteriorates into something nightmarish much quicker. This is a highlighter for past trauma in the wilderness, and fears of the future. The ending of this one with a repeat of Jackie's pounce on Shauna and Nat shooting at her, but with changes from what happened in reality, was the start of it all coming together and imploding in chapter 12.
I was also in the middle of my memory-themed thesis write at this point, so that was very inspiring to incorporate. Jackie's recovered diary came in as a handy tool to really show the difference of her mental state at the start and near the end of the chapter. This was definitely my favorite chapter to write, in that regard.
Obviously the last point of Shauna calling for help was pushed forward to the next chapter. Switching povs at the end felt stupid after all this, so I had it end on Jackie leaving.
Chapter 8
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To quickly pick up the Shauna calling point from the previous chapter: Nat did get switched out for Lottie. At this point, Lottie has much more of a bond with Shauna than Nat, especially in regards to their stance on Jackie. Lottie, being the pacifist that she is, still takes Nat along, of course.
Other than that, Shauna was going to have a private conversation with Tai on her feelings for Jackie. What I ended on instead was Shauna's confession in the car with Van and Tai, a little moment with Van at the bridge, and Taissa's suggestion at picking this topic up later. Partially because this spread it out and got more perspectives on it, but also because I didn't feel like inserting a long and deep talk on sexuality in the same chapter as them dumping a body lol.
Bobby's attack is something I pulled from chapter 10 on the outline, but I'll explain that more in detail later.
Chapter 9
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SO YEAH BIG CHANGES HERE. From this point onward, the outline changes dramatically from the final product on some points. At a base level, it is the same, but the changes made do change certain moods significantly.
Shauna works through her own things in here, but the big cloud hanging overhead is that Bobby got jumped and everyone suspects Jackie. Jackie is still absent, but I had her move to Taissa instead of Shauna for reasons that made more sense for her character at this point. Also I like Jackie and Tai being forced to work together. I have a lot of thoughts about what their dynamic could've been had Jackie lived in canon.
So, while offscreen, Jackie has had some toned-down version of the "feelings about Shauna" talk with Taissa. The ultimatum was to get Shauna under some stress here as well and badabing-badaboom, there we have the culmination of it all asdjkhfks. A bit short and sweet, I'm still too embarrassed at times to write actual smut.
As previously mentioned, the Bobby thing got pulled forwards so that it could be used here. Misty has been cooking stuff up and this is a good enough reason to get the gang back together.
Chapter 10
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Bobby attack and meeting in the same chapter would've been A Lot to cover in one go. That being said, revealing that while we already know that Jackie couldn't have done it felt a bit meh to me.
So I'm really glad for pulling Bobby forward and changing when Jackie and Shauna reunite! The comments sakdfhksjadjf. Sitting on the info while everyone was shaking their heads at Jackie was incredibly fun.
The culprit puzzle was then ofc turned obsolete and instead became a meeting to think about how to take care of this Jeff. Sleepover shenanigans happen, and I was able to do more with actual character interactions and flesh those out more. Jackie's annoyance with Misty's prying and Nat's conflict resulting from it took some center stage, but would also open the way for better communications (thank you Lottie Matthews!). Them having a smoke out back was the first scene I wrote for this chapter.
Chapter 11
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Basically all of this was pushed into chapter 12. I felt like some time needed to be put between the planning stage and the action, so chapter 11 became an intermission with a lot of talking out. Talks about the past and future sort of happened but not as Intense as I had the initial idea for.
Chapter 12
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I guess taking that Travis point from the previous part to here, Travis isn't as active in the search as he initially was in the outline. It didn't make sense to me to suddenly have an outsider involved and possibly in the know on everything. Plus, him barging in and finding the scene that he does made for an all the more chaotic finale to this chapter.
I didn't have much action planned out ahead, as you might've noticed, but one thing I really really wanted to be happening was the fatal shot going through Jackie and into Shauna. Vibes, ya know?
Even in a very very early draft version (in which Misty snitches on Jackie to Travis, he chases them out of Shauna's house and gets her in the back while Jackie was behind her). It was always going to go that way, because I couldn't really come up with a way to make the rest of it work otherwise
Chapter 13
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Some changes!
Travis is out of the picture for the most part. I didn't want him to go to jail for the thing, which is why I put in that he's moving away with his mom.
I had the "final line" written down and then didn't use it haha. I thought them going back to Seattle, as trivial as it may be, would be more fitting than something general.
The epilogue was first just them meeting up at Vantai manor lol. I liked it at first, but it felt like a disservice to the rest of the cast. It turned into a much longer epilogue that checks in with a pov from each side character that we came across in a scene with Shauna, Jackie, or both of them together. A lot of this was written out ahead of starting with 13 proper, BUT I did change the final one with Bridget and added in the Van's movie store on the day of posting haha.
The og Bridget ending can be read below. I like some lines I had in it, in particular Britt and Shauna's private little moment at the door, but ultimately it didn't make sense to jump from a to b where Britt is just suddenly aware of Jackie's existence and the scene doesn't even get mentioned. With Shauna I could accept it because that's her daughter and she'd already survived one suppossed death lol, but I felt that Jackie's reintroduction would need some sort of planning.
Also, it comes full circle with Jackie's return at the start of the fic.
Anyway, here is the silly fluffy fix-it ending that was cut
“So then you tap here, and it calls me directly. Of course, we both need to have service, but I don’t think that should be much of an issue. Otherwise, I’ll text you beforehand. But if you can’t reach me at some point, you can scroll a little down to here and there’s Jackie.”
Bridget tries to keep up with Shauna’s hand moving over the tiny screen, but it all goes a little too fast for her to really take in the information. “Why isn’t there one with regular buttons?”
Shauna looks up through her eyelashes. “They don’t really make those anymore. But I agree, it’s stupid.” Her attention goes right back to the phone between them. “You only have to use the calling and texting bits of it, though. I doubt you’d even wanna throw yourself into the rest,” she laughs. Bridget doesn’t mind not understanding anything that is being explained to her. She’s already happy enough to have her daughter her like any other mother might. Even if it’s only for a short time. “With this, I can call you any time?” Shauna purses her lips in thought. “Yeah, in theory. I’m not sure if I can pick up immediately every time. But texting should be fine. I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can.” “Well, I better not be hearing too many excuses.” “Oh my god, mama…” “Just kidding, dear. This is already much better than having to wait for you.” “I know.” Shauna’s hand reaches across the table to lie it on her mother’s. It’s moments like these that Bridget cherishes with each visit. As if on cue, the other sunshine comes in. “Got everything set up, Britt?” Jackie asks as she props her chin on top of Shauna’s head. “Ooh, I don’t know. But it will come with some practice, I’m sure. Will you look out for this one to answer me when I call?” Jackie salutes as Shauna sighs dramatically. “Aye-aye, captain.” She then eyes the phone with its stock-image background. “Shaunaaaa” Jackie drags out as she drums her hands on Shauna’s head. “We should make a lock screen!” Shauna leans her head back to shrug Jackie off. “What do you mean, make her a lock screen?” “What is a lock screen?” Bridget interjects. “Oh, it’s like a screensaver. You can set whatever picture you want. So I’m proposing,” Jackie drags Shauna up from the chair, “that we make one right now!” “Ah, okay, and how do I do that, exactly?” Bridget follows them to the living room as Jackie sets Shauna down on the couch. “Okay, so…” Jackie trots over to her and starts swiping around on the screen until it pulls up the camera. “Now you got the camera open, and you can take a picture like this.” She taps the circle at the bottom and the screen briefly flashes before showing a still image of a slightly awkward Shauna on the couch. It disappears again after a second. “You can tap it a couple of times and then we’ll pick the best one.” Jackie giddily steps over to sit next to Shauna. It’s a little clumsy. Between Bridget not having her reading glasses on, and Shauna not being a huge fan of being in pictures in general, it is a miracle that they end up with a somewhat-decent-albeit-slightly-blurry picture of Jackie resting her head on Shauna’s shoulder and her leaning back with an arm around Jackie. “There,” Jackie says after another series of taps on the phone screen, “now you can see us whenever you want.”
When the time comes that they will leave, Bridget tries to drag it out as much as she can. She has a whole discussion with Shauna about giving them some cash for transport, while her daughter insists that they always end up fine. After all, they don’t need a train for the sake of saving time. Still, Shauna ends up taking about $200. They never say goodbye from the doorstep, because this is still the same neighborhood that Shauna had lived in for at least the first eighteen years of her life, and who knows who could still recognize her. Her or the ever-bright face of Jackie Taylor. “Do you have everything? Your notebook and the camera?” “Yes, mama.” “Got enough from Misty?” “Yes, mama.” “Is your route planned out?” “Yes, mama.” “Okay…” Bridget fixes the stray hairs hanging on Shauna’s face. Jackie hugs into her side. “We’ll call you tomorrow, Britt. I promise.” “Thank you,” Bridget murmurs while planting a soft kiss on her forehead. Jackie gives her a last squeeze before stepping away to put on her coat and get her bag. She puts a hand to Shauna’s cold cheek, who leans into the touch, holding the hand there with her own. “You’ll always be my little girl. You know that, right?” “Wow, way to rub it in.” “You know what I mean.” “Yeah, I know.” They stand like that for a moment, for as long as Bridget can make it seem in her perception. The spell breaks when Jackie shuffles back in. “You ready?” she asks Shauna, but Bridget tries to think of her own answer. She never really is, not in the many times that this scene has played out. Maybe it is because of that one time, now almost twenty years ago, that made it harder. Maybe it is that her daughter still looks the same as the picture they used to show who had gone missing on that flight. Once they stand at the door to step out into the world again, Bridget hugs Shauna close for just one more time. “I love you so, so much, baby. Never forget that.” “Of course not,” comes the answer as Shauna blinks her own tears away. “I love you too, mama.” It is always colder when she needs to let her go. The draft that comes in through the open door brings in the soft late-summer air in which the crickets chirp. The low evening sun silhouettes Shauna in the open doorway as she has one hand on the handle. Jackie holds the other and plays with her fingers. “Shauna?” Bridget stops her before she can completely close the door. “Come back soon, okay?” She gets a smile. The corners of Shauna’s eyes squint to show how earnest it is, and Jackie confirms it further when she leans into her to show Bridget a reassuring look. “Always.”
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innovativestruggles · 4 years
TsukiYachi speculations, thoughts and theories based on canonical evidence
So I wanna share my thoughts with everyone - especially ya’ll TsukiYachi lovers (notably @mimi-cee-hq​) whoever that’s left (and clearly I should be working but doing this cause I apparently like to procrastinate)
Canonical Evidence
I want to reinforce the point here. When I write about character analysis and speculations, I base things on canonical evidence - that is - based on what I see and interpret from the manga and anime. I usually prefer to use manga as that is the ultimate canon but seeing as the anime is quite loyal to the manga, I’ll be using it too. Of course, this is all interpretation base (and maybe biased) which is why I will put forward evidence that I see so it helps people see where and how I got to my conclusion (instead of looking like I just made something up). Teehee.
Manga Vs. Anime
I only recently started the anime and reading the manga (yes yes I am aware I am late to the party but I’m FASHIONABLY LATE) and it is amazing how loyal the anime is to the manga (so far) but I have noticed a few discrepancies. And because this is a TsukiYachi post I am going to focus on this. 
The anime unfortunately toned down some of the interactions between Tsukki and Yachi, which is a huge shame - BUT it does make up for some parts by extrapolating and adding more cute details that was not seen in the manga. So I suppose there are elements of balance, although the details the anime omitted was important as it gave off more interesting vibes. 
For example; this interaction below was downplayed in the anime. Yachi only talked of Tsukki’s liveliness and the flustered “he usually acts so cool” was left out. So sad, I would have totally liked to see a flustered Yachi talking about Tsukki <33
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AND THIS ONE BELOW! THE MOST DISAPPOINTING OF THEM ALL! I was sooooooooo sad when the anime left this specific part out where Tsukki and Yachi were sitting next to each other. In the anime, Yachi was somewhere on the other side holding plates or something. LIKE SERIOUSLY? When manga panels are drawn, they usually draw who they would like to emphasise in the centre or draw them bigger. LOOK AT TSUKKI AND YACHI BEING THE CETNRE OF ATTENTION! LOOK AT HOW BIG THEY’VE BEEN DRAWN!! LOOK AT THEM SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER. 
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Anyways, one thing I did like about the anime was them extrapolating this scene. Teehee. Look at Tsukki just staring at Yachi even whilst Yamaguchi was talking. And then Tsukki continues to talk to Yachi as if Yama didn’t say anything at all. This scene was so adorable <33
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So moving on
I gotta agree with everyone here and the obvious is that the interactions between Tsukki and Yachi are minimal. It is so sad but you know, Tsukki is a side character and Yachi is like a side side character so I do understand why their interactions would have very little screen/page time. In saying that, whenever they do have their interaction, or when one talks of the other, it was rather significant. This was most notable in the Shiratorizawa arc. Let me explain;
Yachi is extremely caring of all her teammates and her interactions lie predominantly with Kiyoko and the four first year boys. Of the four, Hinata would be the one she interacts with most. I suppose this is because Hinata is the main protagonist so he gets thorough interaction moments with all characters. It is a given. 
Kageyama’s interaction with Yachi was second in terms of screen/page time but I believe the vast majority of the time, it was together with Hinata (ones that are significant anyways). 
Then there is Yamaguchi, who so adorably thinks she is cute. I am still unsure whether he actually likes her (maybe a little crush?). But I reckon Nishinoya likes Kiyoko more than Yamaguchi likes Yachi LOL. So it might just be a tiny crush, I don’t know. Anyways, YamaYachi have very little screen time as well and their direct and indirect interactions don’t particularly stand out to me. I mean, they do have their little fluff moments but nothing significant in terms of development.
Now we have Tsukki. In terms of screen/page time, Yachi and Tsukki, like I said earlier, have minimal interactions - but I mean this in a direct interaction kind of way. What I noticed were their indirect interactions! I’ll explain more later.
I went into watching Haikyuu with a very neutral standpoint and my TsukiYachi shipping did not start until quite some time later (most notable during the Shiratorizawa arc).
Shiratorizawa Arc
Tsukki underwent a major character development during the Shiratorizawa arc so this was a time where he shone the brightest. During this arc, Yachi had some of the biggest screen/page time - it was so awesome! 
Aside from when Yachi was first introduced, we never really got to see much of her, but her screen/page time appeared a lot more during this arc. It so happens that this very arc was the most important for Tsukki. Three major things I noted from this arc,
1. Akiteru’s presence
2. Akiteru and Yachi’s interactions (direct and indirect)
3. Yachi’s commentary of Tsukki
Akiteru’s Presence
Akiteru, we all know, was Tsukki’s biggest influence when it comes to his ideas around volleyball, so naturally his presence there during Tsukki’s major development would be significant.
Akiteru and Yachi’s Interactions
These two have an absurd amount of interactions during this arc. Have a look below!
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This was only a handful of times! There were so many more I couldn’t possibly add them all to this post! They only just met that day yet they talked so much to each other! And it wasn’t just all about Tsukki, it was about the game in general and I just love the friendly interactions between them. Like the most important person to Tsukki was interacting so much with Yachi <33 My heart...
Furudate could have made Akiteru interact the same way with any of the other three on the stand i.e. Saeko, Takinoue or Shimada but he made the focus on him and Yachi. And to have Yachi closely interact so much (and on a deep level regarding Tsukki) with someone so close to Tsukki, I thought this was so adorable!
Yachi’s commentary of Tsukki
Then we see Yachi’s commentary. FML don’t get me started on this. I don’t tend to be too observant with these kinds of things but I remember when I was watching this arc for the first time, the amount of times Yachi made some sort of comment about Tsukki was pretty much the only time she had screen time (aside from when Akiteru was talking to her). 
I don’t know whether Furudate was being deliberate with this (he probably was), but anyone on the team could give the same comments as Yachi regarding Tsukki! They probably know his play a lot better as well, but then the audience were given scenes of Yachi commenting on Tsukki instead. ALSO, NOT JUST ANY COMMENTS, they were quite deep-seated ones too. Yachi was just so observant of him and she watches him so closely it was so sweet. She seems to know his state of mind really well <333333
So have a look at some of her comments
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Of course there was the one panel earlier when she was talking about how lively Tsukki appeared. I won’t duplicate it. I really can’t help but notice how much she talked about Tsukki during this arc, and they were all mostly directed towards Akiteru as well! HOW IMPORTANT IS THAT? I gotta reinforce this but talking so deeply about someone to the most important family member of that person is so.....HNNNGGGG!! It was no wonder Akiteru was so surprised that Tsukki may have other friends other than Yamaguchi. Teehee. 
Also note that Yachi has not spoken about Kageyama or Yamaguchi (or even Kiyoko) in such a deep manner. She has done so bits and pieces toward Hinata, but tbh not as much as this arc here re; Tsukki.
Below are some Yachi reactions specifically towards Tsukki spiking (first two images) and blocking (last two images) - I had to put these in cause it’s soooo cute!
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Something extra for thoughts. I really love the below panel. Something about Yachi speaking of this was so sweet and tender. As if she truly knew exactly how much pain he was in. AAAAAHHHHHHH T____T My gorgeous babies.
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Also this one below as well, which occurred earlier in the manga. I just love how Yachi looks out for everyone but she finds Tsukki just that much more challenging to decipher. It just makes it so great when she was able to tell the differing emotions from Tsukki later on in the series... even though he was so apathetic most of the time...
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Finally this image below which I already posted above but would like to say a bit more about. So this scene occurred right after Karasuno beat Shiratorizawa. I just love it how with all the emphasis between Yachi and Tsukki during the entire arc, it was so beautifully wrapped up with them sitting next to each other <333
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Extra Side Story
Right I ain’t gonna leave this one out. This panel below just goes to show that there was something going on here. Whether I have overanalysed it or not, on face value, it just seems a bit too different for me. What I mean is that Tsukki is a very apathetic, standoff-ish kinda person. If he is not being aloof, he is making some sort of snide and snarky remarks about someone. So Tsukki literally going out of his way to try and say something nice, to make Yachi feel better about her body and then getting a bit miffed because it didn’t get through the way he wanted, was very, very out of character for him. Which is why I just feel like he may have a soft spot for Yachi. Or maybe he is nicer to girls? Though I haven’t seen him saying anything remotely encouraging to Kiyoko.
Then I thought of what he said. As I mentioned in some other post (I posted heaps I don’t even remember where now lmao). “There are definitely people who like smaller girls...” If the translation was done correctly from Japanese to English (I can vouch for this as I can read a bit of Japanese), then the word ‘definitely’ he used was rather brazen. It just means he knows with 100% accuracy that there are people out there who likes smaller girls... And it’s normally a reference to the person speaking because they obviously know that they like the person hehehe.
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Okay almost done with my thesis.
Star References
Yo this one is so fluff I fucking love it. I already made brief comments about this in some of my other posts and replies and Mimi (@mimi-cee-hq​) has done an amazing job writing two mini fics on this for me (ILY MY TSUKIYACHI SOUL HAS BEEN FED). See Matching Stars and the sequel A Blue Star! Thank you Mimi you’re a legend <33
So I started watching it a little closer in the anime (and manga), and Tsukki really favours his star shirts a whole damn lot (like the whole moon and star reference probably re; play on his name). Yachi on the other hand favours her star hair ties, blue ones she wears as manager and black ones during school times. I mean come on! Subtle references much? Either I am overanalysing this way too much and Furudate was half asleep when he designed these accessories or he truly be putting in some sneaky TsukiYachi references <333
P. S. Couple accessories that reference each other in subtle ways are common in Japan.
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Concluding Thoughts (this honestly feels like an essay fml)
So these are my evidence for this pairing so far. I may have overanalysed this and Furudate could be like “wtf this person be taking this whole thing out of context that was not what I intended” OR “yeah man she totally nailed it right on the spot. I’m surprised she could pick this up so well” HAHAHA. 
Either way, this was my interpretation based on what I saw/read. As a long time manga reader, I know that manga artists portray characters and place emphasis on certain things in differing ways because the audience reading and seeing a drawing is different to them watching something. It’s a lot more difficult to portray your point across to readers than watchers. So that’s why when I read manga, parts such as drawing things bigger, more detailed and at the centre signifies more emphasis, as well as having certain characters together in panels.
At first glance, I actually thought this pairing would be like a crack pairing because there was no absolute way there could be anything remotely romantic about this ship. But the more I watched and read, the more I realised that this pairing does have some sort of potential. I mean, just because of all the direct and indirect interactions I wrote about them here, it does not automatically mean that there would be a romantic development. What I’m trying to show is that there is a lot more to this pairing than just thinking of them as a crack ship, b/c there are developments for these two. Furudate seems to make it so that these two know each other a lot more than what the audience is being given. Do I even make any sense? LOL
Feel free to refute every single thing I wrote here. I love a good debate. As long as you can back it up with evidence and keep things civil that is. It would be so nice if Yachi ends up with Tsukki but yeah who knows. I’d rather her end up with no one if she doesn’t get together with Tuskki (but that’s my personal opinion). Leaving things to interpretation can be a good thing.
LMAO YACHI! HAHAHA! But I just love it how Furudate drew her close to Tsukki again <33 T___T so beautiful. And Tsukki in his giant star shirt...what’s new? lololol
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Nervous Yachi awaiting results of Tsukki’s injury. AHHHHHHHH LOOK HOW ADORABLE SHE IS! LOOK AT HER! I can’t make GIF but if you go and watch this scene she is literally shifting nervously on the spot. My precious gorgeous girl waiting for her man. I can’t, I just can’t ....
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That’s all folks!
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EDIT: I made a Part 2! Read it here
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yuzuka-rei · 4 years
my last hours: chain of gold review
its practically tradition for me, every time i finish a cassie claire book, i whip open my long abandoned tumblr and yell about characters. 
discussion is always welcome but if you’re like SUPER into this book don’t read this you’ll just get mad. also claire dont read this. 
my biggest problem with this book is that it doesn’t take enough risks, it sticks to a known successful formula (the infernal devices remains the best shadowhunters series) and what results is a book that is nostalgic, not bad, but not breaking any new ground. 
i’ll talk about what i liked first. i loved some of the storylines claire brought up in this book, BUT SHE BARELY EXPANDED ON ANY OF THEM.
you know what would’ve felt fresh and painful? charles fairchild. i want to read about Charles Fairchild, and his ambition, i want to read about his love for Alastair and how all he wishes is for his lover to just understand how much he *wants* to be consul. i want to read about his conflicted affection for Ariadne. i want to sympathise with HIM, because that would be so interesting, similar to what we had with jessamine, but with a man this time. we don’t have to like him, he just has to be interesting. 
what i’d also have loved would be more about lucie’s insecurity about being “the second herondale”. tbh, it would’ve been really interesting for her to have turned to the dark but this is a shadowhunters book the moral conflict always comes with the relationships, not the fantasy plot. but anyways what is the DEAL with “the beautiful cordelia” that is the fucking gayest thing i have ever laid eyes on in my entire life. also thats all lucie and cordelia’s relationship is based on, just the fact that lucie writes to cordelia, and it makes it feel so cheap because all cordelia does is think about james. lucie reminds me of dru, the forgotten younger sister, but because dru was not expanded on in tda i think it would’ve been fresh to read about lucie and her insecurity
also: matthew fairchild. right now he feels super repetitive, basically just will herondale again but this time he also fucks boys!! what a CHANGE. will shouldve been able to see his younger self in matthew and help him, so this makes minimal sense. even if we *have* to have this super repetitive plot element, i want to read about matthew and how he is different drunk and sober. i want to see him literally fail his friends and risk their lives, multiple times, because he is too drunk to do shit. i want to see him sober, suddenly so uncharming and pitiful. also i fucking want to see hints that he’s in love with cordelia. yes there are “hints”, but this “love” feels really cheap as well. basically so many of the relationships in cog feel super cheap because you’re supposed to believe that matthew falls in love with cordelia because of like three interactions. (although a parallel to this would be cristina and mark, who also didn’t have that much interaction before they fell in love, but mark was so broken and cristina is literally the sweetest, that made more sense. matthew and cordelia?? kinda a cheap play esp considering how will and jem were also parabatai) 
WRITE MORE ABOUT ALASTAIR. matthew seems way too put together and a “tragic romantic figure” in this book to make us Really see alastair as someone who should be hated. i want to HATE alastair but at the same time feel so much pity and pride for him. i know claire tried to make us dislike him but didnt work lol
oh i also loved the merry thieves i LOVE their friendship please give me more of that sweet sweet friendship juice. now this sort of marauders (im sorry im such a big marauders fan) brotherhood is something i haven’t seen from claire before and id love to read more about it
1, james fucking herondale. he is the most blandly and poorly written “male lead” in a claire book i’ve read for a long time. i’m all for reading about very stupid boys who are stupid about girls but the whole wild shift between grace and cordelia makes him seem like trash even with the bracelet influence. i disliked julian (i literally forgot his name and had to search it up), but julian’s fierce devotion to his family was interesting and grounded him. james is just ?? i guess he has the ability to go to the shadow realm?? like ngl i know nothing about his character and tbh i dont want to know more. 
2, cordelia. carstairs. who is basically if you scrambled clary and emma together and added a pinch of cristina. she’s not a BAD character, and since we’re supposed to see her as the “self insert” (i assume), her being a bit bland was probably intended. but this IS like... the fourth shadowhunter series. can we get a female character who is the hot troubled one instead?? i want HER to be the one with the tragic terrible secret, i want her to lash out and go drinking and push everyone away. cordelia in this book exists to love and protect james, and that makes her... even more boring than clary, who you know at least had her own strong agenda instead of this “oh i have to save my father wait hes a drunk” arc
3, matthew fairchild is basically just will herondale if he were less in love with his parabatai and more gay coded (oscar wilde?? waistcoats?? really???) . i wish he were written as a proper casanova, seen dating a different girl or boy every scene because then it would Hurt to see cordelia dismiss his feelings because of his behaviour. tbh i just,,, like matthew fairchild but hes so similar to will it hurts that his potential is being squandered.
4, this book just feels like tid but the side characters are like the tda ones. 
5, anna lightwood is basically magnus bane and i hate it but i love it
6, tbh most of the romances weren’t heart wrenching. cordelia having to marry james as an alibi was the only cool thing out of this book and even that was a bit odd. alastair being charles’ secret lover was Pretty out of the blue and that hurt but he literally left the relationship after one scene?? thats not realistic?? i want alastair to fall back into old habits, then try to leave again, then fall back again, then leave for Good. all of these romances are so whirlwild and mean so little, and they probably seem really cool to a 14 year old child but now they just feel... childish and stupid. TDA may have spoilt me for well built relationships, as much as i dislike emma and julian, their romance made SENSE. kit and ty? had feelings development. kieran and mark had their whole “we had to love each other to survive but now we don’t have to now what” struggle that was well laid out anyways. 
also: if jesse blackthorn, a dear character in our hearts, showed love towards his mother, she would feel more three dimensional but alas sakjfh
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i had an amazing day with my friends :-) ! a lot of rambling about it below ! 🌈🧸
i really can't even verbalise how good today was - i was just buzzing the entire time which i guess is a good sign?? but jeeeez today was incredible!!! i was feeling super inauthentic and fake and doubting if my personality was real etc the last couple of weeks but like… being around these three goofs who i've learned to call my genuine friends (even though i've only known them since sept when we started college) has made me feel so real and heard and involved and aaaaah i would do anything for them.. they are. so wonderful ?? 
i never thought id find a real life group friends like this honestly. and i mean, internet friends are a whole different thing!! i just can't even explain how amazing it is to have people who know me for who i am irl first and foremost rather than what i sometimes feel like i am online which is some sort of idealized version of myself (which isn't true either way. i'm being myself regardless babie and i'm trying to remember that!!) but i just... i just feel so alive and unstoppable with them and i actually feel open expressing things to them?? for the first time i sent them a sentimental ramble kinda like what this is which is very big for me honestly.. when i met them i was fully prepared to never? be truly open with them?? and yet how supportive they've been towards me has completely blindsided me and i'll forever be grateful for all they've done for me so far :,)
i didn't know how they would respond to me being so passionately thankful to know them when they may not reciprocate it. but today really helped me like.. realise that they do care about me and that they love me back which i never expected. today really just kinda… put me back inside my body??? they make me feel like myself again and that its okay to be myself - i wanna cry about it tbh i just feel so happy and grateful to know them. and we saw sonic together btw!!! which was. so wholesome and fun and genuinely enjoyable omg. it had... like elements of all of us in our group of 4, jack said it was like the epitome of us which idk that stuck with me like wow we really have like... learned each others interests and everything after 5-ish months of being friends and it's oddly soft to have that irl :( and i had never seen a movie with more than one friend before this?? so being with my group and just passing our giant popcorn together and bonking my head against one of my friend’s (selin) shoulder bc physical affection babie and calling her pretty and going wild when we saw an ad for our college being like “omg put us in we go THEREEE !!” and. again just. not being afraid to express that i genuinely love them was the best…. i’m v overwhelmed in a positive way sjddjksks. 
i just feel so real and secure in who i am because of them and i hope i get to feel like this more as i...... ?? “recover”? idk i’m still struggling with realising that what i've gone through and been hurt through is enough to validate some sort of recovery but i know i deserve it. everyone deserves that inherently :(
also, if you have seen the sonic movie already, you will know that there is a certain song near the beginning by uhh my fav band wink wink i don't wanna spoil incase any fans see this i want them to see the movie and b surprised with seeing this song playing bc i almost cried. and i ??? hand flapped openly when it played and my friends didn’t judge me or anything i love them i… ??? i’m overwhelmed ohh my gosh i love my friends …. i love them so much. they've been so supportive and there for me when they could have just been these... very uninvolved friends who didn't make any attempt to talk to me unless i initiated it but they aren't that. they're conversational and supportive and care enough to remember the things i like and actually who i am and involve me in things and treat me like i actually add something to the group and asdfghjdfklj i’m v. very thankful for my friends oh myy goodness... i love them so much. 
ALSO. ??? okay silly thing. i hugged all 3 of them today which i ? also initiated which felt very risky bc i always have that lurking fear that my affection or kindness will be rejected and i guess that has made me suppress those sort of things a lot but i hugged all 3 of them!! with selin its a regular thing and her hugs are v soft, harrison’s one was quick bc he had to leave but i just love that despite the other two giving him fistbumps i felt confident enough to jsut.. give him a liddol hug bc i appreciate him and i hope he knows that :( the only other time so far weve hugged was bc he got super excited about his christmas present i got him (its a pin and he wears it everywhere now i could cry!!!!) 
and i hugged jack for the first time which is !! like a v silly little thing but for a bit he was the one i talked to least? but gradually we’ve been closer with each other which is v fun bc we are solidarity in many ways fjsdnvfhkfrjgf...... the curly hair.. the hypermobility (we found this out today and we both went wild btw!! spiderman pointing at each other meme in real life im telling u), the way we say the exact same things, the gay solidarity... anyway i love hugging people oml i haven't had this many hugs in one day maybe *ever*!! so it was euphoric leave me aloneeeeee let me be dramatic i am ridiculously touchstarved goshfhj. they're also all taller than me which isnt saying much i UNDERSTAND THIS (tumblr has made me think my height was average until i went to college and EVERY person i come in contact with is taller than me by a good bit) but omg... hugging taller people as i've now found out... is truly very neat!!!!!! u people that have previously been lucky enough to hug a tall ppl were right :D  it was gentle. hold each other gentle like hamburger !! 
harrison had to leave a lil bit earlier so he missed out on the sick group hug but jhkdmljdskfhg ogmjhkkh i feel so overly dramatic about that but genuinely just.......... and i didn't initiate that one! selin did and it meant so much to me like. idk i've had the fear for the longest time that i was just grotesqueeeee and nobody would be willing to interact with me let alone give me physical affection so having that and kinda just being comfortably squished between them......... the bliss i experienced in that moment u guys........... i cannot......... dang that was a long ramble just about the hugging alone can u tell how happy today made me ohmygogoshd........
argh okay last paragraph u get my point....... i never thought i would have friends like this so it's just like, im not exactly FEELING hope that it will happen it's the just the. god i don't know another more emotive word for it but just?? the realisation that it has happened and i have these guys and that i'm apart of something bigger than just myself instead of strictly one-on-one friendships, im apart of a group and i feel trusted by them and i feel just. i don't wanna say i was “meant” to meet them but i truly feel that meeting them has changed everything for me and i'll always be over the moon about that :,) ! 🌙🧸🌈💞🌙🧸🌈🌙🧸💞🌈🌙🧸💞🌈🌙🧸💞🌈
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Why we started shipping Shaphne. Just Random Rambling-
I’m gonna go ahead and say this is not an argument on why Shaphne is better than Fraphne because no ship in better than another, especially in the Scooby-Doo universe.
I’m gonna take a few moments to discuss the worst portrayal that ruined my opinion on Fraphne for a long time. 
And just because Shaphne is always gonna be the OTP of this blog doesn’t mean I don’t get why people ship Fraphne. I’ve seen every incarnation of Fraphne to date and they actually are cute, I get it.
Okay with that, let’s have some fun!
Mystery Incorporated:
Let’s start by addressing the only Scooby show that actually made Fraphne canon, and how they managed to screw it up so poorly it wasn’t even funny.
Now listen, MI was the incarnation I grew up with so I do actually have a lot of sentiment attached to it. But I am not going to argue with the fact that it did a poor job of characterizing all of the gang, Scooby included.
It tried it’s best to try and flesh out the gang to have them feel more, real. Like actual teenagers.
But oh my Lord they just made it worse.
And I think the one who got the worst of it was Daphne.
Her amazing and well rounded character that had existed since forever had been pushed down to the pretty girl that had a crush on Fred. And for most of the first season none of her actions were outside of her crush shenanigans. 
And she absolutely did not deserve that, Daphne was not part of Scooby-Doo solely to be Fred’s love interest. Way back in 1969 they understood that because Daph’s actions did not revolve around Fred 24/7.
When I watched the show when I was younger I never caught onto just how much of her “development” was her managing to get Fred to say something romantic to her. I honestly love the episodes in season 2 where Daphne isn’t in love with anybody because she actually gets the chance to just be herself.
Be quirky awkward Daphne.
And then she comes full circle and returns to having the same kind of relationship she had with Fred in season 1.
When they were together it wasn’t any better.
Rewatching the episodes when they were dating now when I’m older honestly made me uncomfortable. And when they got engaged it was laughable how poorly that was executed. Tbh I’m sure Fred had no idea that he proposed to Daph and just went along with whatever she said.
Then he just goes ahead and dumps her like it’s not painful or any sort of big deal while it actually crushes Daph enough to distance herself from the rest of the gang.
Season 2 Fred made me incredibly freaked out, like I love Fred Jones to bits and pieces but MI season 2 Freddie was the worst version of him and anyone who believes otherwise can explain why they disagree. 
I’m honestly curious if other people weren’t bothered by his disturbing behavior towards Daph for the beginning of that season.
Anyway bottom line, MI was why I had lost interest in Fraphne.
And why I gained a new interest in Shaphne.
I’m sure everyone remembers that episode in season 2 where...um...stuff happened.
Mod Silas is still convinced they slept together and I feel like it’s strongly implied but whatever.
That’s not what made me ship Shaphne since during all of that Daphne though Shag was Fred and Shag also thought he was Fred. Anyone feel like explaining how they managed to experience the same hallucination? So seeing that whole thing as Shaphne does kinda seem pointless.
What made me ship them was the short scene that happened afterward.
Both Shag and Daph quickly figured out what had happened and for like a few seconds they just stare at each other and don’t say anything. Like no panic or weirdness until Fred and Scoob reacted.
Shaggy ogles over being kissed by an angel, like twice I think.
Now both of those things don’t seem like a huge deal until you remember how much of a disaster these two’s relationships in the past were.
Both of them being in very forceful and controlling relationships.
Now it’s very probable that both of those reasons mean absolutely nothing and of course I’m reading into things as always.
But that was enough to catch my attention and pull me down into a void.
Because I’m gonna go ahead and be 100% honest with everyone:
Shaphne is never gonna be canon!
We all know it.
This isn’t a Riverdale/Bughead situation where people had wanted Betty and Jughead to get together long before the idea of Riverdale was created.
People were always for Fred and Daphne. And since the dawn of time it’s been clear that Fred and Daph are always gonna be each other’s respective love interest.
Hence why Shaphne is a void of pain.
But as I became open to the idea of it I made an observation.
Though Shag and Daph have very little interaction in most of the shows it was enough.
Shaggy and Daphne always take care of and understand each other. And it’s also super obvious that Daphne is very protective of Shaggy. Different from how she’s protective of the rest of the gang.
I’m not sure why their dynamic has always been like that, but it’s a dynamic that’s survived all the way into the modern age which means a lot to me.
Another thing that’s clear is Daphne loves Scooby.
Possibly just as much as Shaggy does idk.
The significance of that fact is best explained through a motto that Mod Silas and I have always had since we started shipping it:
“You can’t get Shaggy without getting Scooby.”
This was the biggest amount of drama with Shelma in MI was that Velma always saw Scooby as a dumb dog, as Shaggy’s pet, when it came to their relationship. And never saw him as Shag’s best friend, which is exactly what he is.
So when Shag broke up with her, she chose to blame the dog even though the reason he gave her was he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship.
And for the rest of the show Velma only ever gives Scoob sarcastic and condescending treatment.
 But Daphne has always loved Scooby, that much is clear,
Scooby and Daphne’s bond within MI alone is something to be appreciated.
And over the course of time I just kind of enjoyed the fact that Shaggy and Daphne would have a very healthy relationship, platonic or otherwise, if it had ever been further explored.
That’s a good portion of Shaphne, unexplored potential. 
And it’s definitely gonna stay unexplored.
However MI was just the beginning of my unhealthy Shaphne obsession.
The rest of the Universe:
Now the other Scooby shows had me approaching Shaphne differently because I wasn’t comparing it to Fraphne or Shelma in anyway since I didn’t have anything against the other incarnations of the ships.
For this I was able to just appreciate the dynamic Shag and Daph provided as a whole and not have to have that be my central focus for whatever show I was watching.
Like I can actual enjoy the friendship between the gang.
This version of Shaphne is the most relaxed and the one I wish got more attention, because this is the one where you see that they respect and understand each other. They also seem bonded over their love and protectiveness over Scooby which always gets me grinning like an idiot.
Daphne being protective of Shag is also another nice thing that’s presented.
However, in the old Hanna Barbera cartoons, romance was never supposed to be the main focus, or even really an element in the shows.
And to be fair romance isn’t meant to be the center of Scooby-Doo, it’s the friendship between four kids from very different social classes. 
I will say that shipping Shaphne and keeping up with all of the made for TV films is typically a treat since there are a good handful of them that just provide plenty of scenes showing the perfect dynamic they share.
For people who are looking for recommendations I’d say #1 is Scooby-Doo and the Legend of the Phantosaur, which on it’s own is a really good movie just to watch. But the Shaphne on top of it is a nice addition.
For #2 I’d say both of those live-action movies Cartoon Network made. The Mystery Begins and Curse of the Lake Monster.
While I have problems with those movies, *cough cough* Fred with brown hair *cough cough* 
I think those movies do the best job of portraying Shaggy and Daphne’s relationship and it’s really sweet to watch.
13 Ghosts + New Scooby and Scrappy:
I’m gonna go ahead and finish this off with the two key pieces in the Shaphne art museum.
I’m sure everyone is already aware of the existence of the two shows where it’s just Shag and Daph and company.
These are the ones where we actually get to see Shaggy and Daphne work as a team it’s all I ever needed and more. While the main reason these exist is because Shaggy was the most popular character and then they added Daph ‘cause they needed a pretty girl.
“How to make a famous cartoon in the 70′s 101.”
Now both of these shows focus like a lot more on the “comedic relief” and their fun shenanigans than on the duo but that’s to be expected since this show was made for kids.
But for the most part it’s worth sitting through Flim Flam just always talking and never shutting up or Scrappy constantly saying “Puh-pup-puuuppyy Powweerrr!!” Every 8 seconds to see Shag and Daph in the background acting like overwhelmed babysitters that aren’t getting paid enough.
Plus there was all that fun drama where people thought they were living in the same house together.
While I am very certain that these shows don’t exist because everyone at HB was secretly the biggest Shaphne shippers in the world, I am very thankful for them.
In then end I think the reasons I ship Shaphne aren’t because I want the underdog to get the girl in the end. And I don’t want it to be like some sort of ‘guy on the wrong side of the tracks dating a pretty, rich girl.’
I really just want these two to be happy and functional and honest and themselves.
I always just see it as them being there for each other because though they may be really different people it’s never bothered them before. I just see two people who accept and help each other and that’s just something I see even though their dynamic gets no screen time.
At the end of the day Shaphne is always gonna be a fill in the blanks kinda ship. 
And I’m fine with that.
-Mod Ninja 
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rainingskyguy · 6 years
Fanfiction reviews (BnHA)
Okay, so I’ve been meaning to do this for the longest of times. From time to time I’ll randomly share my thoughts on stories, books, comics, any media I think deserves more recognition.
Editing to be less pedantic holy shit
I’ve been a fan of Boku no Hero Academia since it began serializing as a manga but I never quite went looking for fan creations of any sort, because I’ve been busy so for this fandom these two are the only ones I’ll be commenting.
Story #1
A Golden Voice by FruitPastilles
A Golden Story.
No really, this is gold.
The story is based around the idea that Izuku has a second quirk that can heal wounds, and it’s basically a drabble series as we follow along the shenanigans of Izuku and co. with this new element added on top of the main story,
If you are familiar with this author from their KHR stories or Haikyuu drabbles, you most definitively know what kind of vibe this has. Except from a couple AU chapters, there’s little to no angst (as of now), and it is chapter after chapter of brilliant comebacks, teeth-rotting fluff, and it has had me on stitches since the very beginning.
I don’t know what this author has that can actually make laugh outloud with their work, without fail. And their portrayal of the characters, is very spot-on, and Bakugou’s portrayal has not let me down. He’s as hilariously antiheroic like in the manga, and really, I’ve been laughing my ass off For over 12 chapters.
Also, as plenty of FruitPastilles other works this is sort of everyone pinning for our main character, in hilarious, endearing ways, or treating him like a precious member of the family, be it AllMight acting as a doting father, EraserHead competing for the position, Iida making sure the boy stays as healthy as possible.
And also, we seem to have a Polyamory ship sailing bit by bit with our main three boys Todoroki, Bakugou and Izuku.
tbh my main ship is Izuku x Ochako, followed by Izuku x Shinsou and Izuku x Todoroki, and I generally don’t like Bakugou paired up with anyone (I love him, but he’s too much of a jerk and an ass as of now), but I’m rooting for those three in A Golden Voice.
So go check it out, and other works by this author.
Story # 2
Classroom Shenanigans by Lightning515
A completely different story from the one before, in a way. While both deal with Class 1-A’s misadventures and day-to-day, this author’s writing style is different.
Lightning’s writing style is soothing, relaxing, makes me think of a hot cup of tea and a soft warm blanket around me. This story is not so plot-driven, also in a drabble format and with more emphasis on the class’ interactions with Aisawa, or Eraser Head.
It’s a perfect read if you’re feeling down, or lonely or just in the mood for some heartwarming fluff and heartfelt interactions.
You’ll see how they all act like one big family, and how Aizawa does his best to make sure they are all safe and happy to his best abilities even though he’s not the best man at verbally expressing affection. He’s a silent man, he’s gruff, and he’ll take a bullet for any one of his many children.
The drabbles are short, the feeling generally light-hearted, and the humor will have you smiling like a fool and laughing.
This story only has 4 chapters but Lightning515 has more stories of BnHA on their profile if you crave for more, and she’s also well regarded for their KHR stories.
Their general writing style is very endearing and comfortable and I really like it both for the story content, the amazing capture of the character’s behaviour, and attitude, and with almost no spelling mistakes. I do recommend it if you’re ever feeling down, or tired.
Something worth to mention is that while I think that both author’s way of portraying Aisawa is accurate and in character, FruitPastille’s is more of a brusque man, while Lightning’s shows he cares a bit more. I prefer Lightning’s as I do think the man has been shown to have a soft spot for the class, and isn’t necessarily as terse as in the beginning of the series, but FruitPastille’s attitude is perfect for the story, both to act as the only sensible person around (lmao what) and as the perfect dry-comeback that will set me off laughing.
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invinciblerodent · 7 years
(I omitted the name of the person who posted this response and I won’t tag them or link the post because I would honestly feel shitty if I were to put them on blast like that. I know that if one wants to find them they can do so fairly easily, but that’s on them, and I’m sorry- this is the most discretion I’m physically capable of giving you! Please, next time feel free to send me an ask anonymously!)
Anonymous replied to your post:
you can like a character knowing fully well that character is bad / morally gray, not to mention Ryder's hands aren't exactly clean either. In fact, half the fun for me personally with this pairing is because it's so problematic and causes Ryder to question both Reyes and his own actions throughout the game.
I feel like I should clarify before things get out of hand and people get carried away.
Please keep in mind when I say this- I may be using your response as an example, but this is not specifically a response to you. It’s a response more to the general sentiment, the thoughts exemplified by what you just said, because I have been in discussions like this before. I know that if I let it go too long or ignore the initial responses, I’m going to start getting oodles and oodles of responses by people who think I’m not aware that enjoying something doesn’t immediately mean endorsing something. This isn’t my first rodeo, and have studied this sort of shit pretty extensively- I figured I better clear things up before I lose control of the situation.
First things first, I know I didn’t make it absolutely clear and didn’t use those exact words, but the purpose of the post was venting. (I phrased it as “getting words out before they would ferment in my brain”, which I know is not exactly the same, but regardless. I know that doesn’t mean that one can’t respond to it, by all means you can, it’s more of a warning that the following is just one’s subjective thoughts and feelings, but I implore you, grain of salt.)
It also added the appropriate tag and the appropriate disclaimer, and within the body of the text, I believe I said multiple times that what moral judgments I am making are my personal opinions and feelings. Which, I think, I am free to express on my personal blog, so please don’t send me hate y’all because -and I don’t mean to be rude- I  just really do not want to repeat myself more than necessary at this point.
Second, the very first sentence of the post is me saying that I don’t hate the character, and I find him an interesting and necessary element to drive the plot forward. My exact words were “there need be ones who have questionable morals to make things interesting”, and while that’s a very simple way of putting it, I stand by that.
What I did proceed to do was simply point out the choice of tropes in which the team indulged while writing him, and how that made for a character (and a story, tbh) that in the current political climate could have been told in a more sensitive way. Slash, without coding supporting him as a “better” choice (let’s be real, the number and the kind of cutscenes and interactions one has with him are blatantly meant to invoke sympathy in the player, whereas the ones with Sloane are clearly meant more to intimidate rather than endear, resulting in roughly morally equal characters whose perceptions are in stark opposition with each other, even though they essentially do the same shit.) Slash, could have in general been received with us as a community giving him less of a free pass, which I assume in many people’s cases stemmed from that sympathy.
And, now that I’m this deep in it, I’ll have to stress this again- please, do not put words in my mouth.
I try my best to no longer use the word “problematic” (sometimes I can’t avoid it, but not once did it appear in the original text I posted), as its meaning is way too broad for me to use it comfortably. The most I said is “that’s so deeply fucked up”, which is a subjective statement that expresses my personal opinion, and that it “baffles” and confuses me that people are capable of ignoring all that and still enjoy that particular story segment without feeling as repulsed as I do.
But, despite that, I also never explicity said anything about anyone’s enjoyment of the character, only that I find him irreconcilable with my own, personal morality, and that I find it confusing that others do not. I never implied that Ryder is a morally perfect, Lawful Good character (it would be silly to do so either way, as they are a customizable protagonist of an RPG, really putting any sort of universal marker on them is a gross overgeneralization. Like, I play mine as someone whose previous job was literally watching grass grow and only received military training for the sake of a scholarship. Different strokes.)
I understand emotional gut reactions. I really do, I’m know to have had some myself and really the base of this discussion itself was one. But, and please don’t take this as an attack because I say this with nothing but the utmost respect: if a stranger pointing out that something that is factually and unarguably correct and saying that that one specific person finds that morally reprehensible and repulsive to them makes you feel defensive or like it is a personal attack on your enjoyment of the thing, taking a step back and taking a moment to think about why exactly it triggers that emotional reaction may be beneficial for the sake of future discussions.
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sassafrasx · 7 years
Hello my dearest yuletide author! :D
Thank you so, so much in advance for writing something for me. Please feel free to ignore all of this if none of my ideas work for you; I’m really flexible and enjoy most everything, so please go with whatever inspires you! I would never want anyone to feel forced to write something.
My requests this year are particularly queer-focused (as in they all involve canon queer characters, which \o/) and I have a lot of love for all of them; so if you get stuck on the fandom we matched on, the other two may also be up your alley as well. Both The Get Down and American Gods have only one season, and Captive Prince is a trilogy which is a fairly quick read.
Things I enjoy (in no particular order and organized in a way known only to my brain):
Humor, banter, wit, sass, dialogue, intelligence, competence
Worldbuilding, plot, action, shenanigans/ridiculousness, sense of adventure, wonder
Most genres, fluff, angst, smut, really anything but too much focus on H/C (I’ve had enough of that IRL in the past few years)
ALL the AUs, all of them, I’ve never met one I didn’t like: magic, fantasy, scifi, space, historical, modern, mundane, college/university, fairy tales, dystopia, D/s, movie/tv/book fusions, daemons, canon setting or divergence AUs, urban fantasy, magical realism, magical/mythical creatures, time travelling, coffee shop/any kind of shop/restaurant, etc (tl;dr if there’s an AU you’ve always wanted to write, I’ve definitely always wanted to read it)
Friendships, families of choice, queer themes, awesome women being awesome, equal relationships, relationships that are earned and have a long and winding road, relationships that just flow together naturally from the beginning, loyalty
As with the AUs above, I have great love for most any trope you can imagine as well: friends to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers, UST, pining, pretend relationships, ‘didn’t know they were dating’, slow burn, bets & wagers, obliviousness, road trips, travel of any kind, cats and other animal companions, epistolary, texting/messaging, case fic, clothes sharing, sharing a bed, forced proximity, quests, soul bonds/soulmates/soulmarks, a/b/o, age difference, etc
Trope subversion, particularly of the soulmate and a/b/o type tropes, or anything really that generally subverts or inverts expectations
Absolutely anything relating to mythology
The little details that speak volumes about characters even when nothing is said at all, realism, especially moments of realism grounding things in the midst of something fantastical or ridiculous or funny, and vice versa — those quiet moments of humor while everything else is going to shit
Kinks sold separately (so you may ignore more easily or zero in on them, depending on your smut-writing inclinations — I will be equally as gleeful whether I receive g-rated gen fic or the kinkiest PWP):
Rimming, comeplay, manhandling/athletic sex, switching, pegging, intercrural, oral sex, masturbation, dirty talk, all kinds of sex toys, sex magic, edging, bondage/restraints, spanking, phone/webcam sex, dubcon of the sex pollen/magic/aliens made them do it variety, crossdressing, lingerie, I could go on but I will spare you. Suffice it to say I enjoy most things of the porny variety ;)
My only DNWs: explicit noncon or major character death, as well as pregnancy, infidelity, character bashing or humiliation, animal harm/cruelty.
(Having said that, if dark fic is really your thing, I am definitely open to those sorts of themes; I’m just much more careful about what/when I read noncon and character death. But outside of that, please feel to go somewhere dubious or dark. Fics that get into morally grey areas and make you think are great. Ambiguous or open endings instead of outright unhappy ones generally preferred in this case; bittersweetness has always hit me in the gut more than complete tragedy.)
If none of the prompts below are working, please feel free to pick and choose from the top section here and write whatever inspires you! Fantasy AU fic, PWP, 1k of light-hearted domestic fluff, any weird experimental piece you’re dying to write, most anything at all, please have at it. Or ignore everything on here completely; optional details are optional and I will be unbelievably excited about anything you write for me. <3<3
I added this last year, but honestly it still applies: if recent events have you wanting to write all the dystopian AUs or dedicate queer, filthy porn to a politician of choice, I will be here with my chin in hands.
Captive Prince (Damen, Laurent)
Ahhhhh, I just have so many feelings about these two and their impossible, slow, perfect development. SO MANY. They’re the sort of pair whose relationship is just so satisfying and well-earned and who complement each other so perfectly, despite rubbing against each other in all the wrong ways through so much of their relationship. It’s the sort of thing where I could read their story in a thousand different ways through a thousand different AUs and be totally, wholly content. And I want all of those stories! All of them! So a lot of my ideas listed below here are heavily AU-centric, both canon and non-canon based.
Some ideas to throw against a wall:
Mermaids, selkies, daemons, that mysterious witch in a blue dress that people in the city keep whispering about
I know this is already a fantasy series, but I kept craving more fantasy elements while reading, so add some dragons, high fantasy, whatever have you to the canon universe and I will be pleased as punch
MYTHOLOGY - whether adding in some mythological elements to canon (there was a surprising lack of any sort of folklore or mythology in the series) or a total AU I am all here for anything with a myth-type twist
The stereotypical modern AUs: coffee shop, university, we live in the same building and your cat keeps sneaking in to steal my underwear, WHATEVER, I’m always down for meet-cutes and ridiculousness
Urban/modern fantasy, magical realism, all that jazz is my jam; my love for urban fantasy has no bounds
Non-traditional a/b/o - while I love a/b/o in general, any sort of twist or subversion is basically my ultimate iddy happy place - Damen/Laurent alpha/alpha AU anyone?? Or any other way you’d like to imagine it.
Porn. Anything from the top section, porn is always happily consumed.
Rival space pirate clans, because space pirates.
For the more canon-inclined, that’s awesome too! I realize a lot of my random ideas above are complete AUs, but I love canon fic as well. I particularly love divergence scenarios — not just major ones of the Auguste Lives type, but what if some small moment in canon happened differently, or didn’t happen at all? So much good stuff to explore there. Role reversal canon AUs, outsider POV and missing scenes are always awesome as well. Whatever sandbox you find most fun to play in really :D
As for side characters and whatnot, the more the merrier generally speaking! Nikandros, Pallas, and Lazar are particular favorites in this corner over here.
The Get Down (Dizzee)
I also requested this last year, and after the second half of the series, my request is still largely the same. One of the things I love about this show is that sense of the city in the 70s, the visceral feel of it, and how it was so well-done and it left me craving more — particularly more of Dizzee’s story.
(Confession: I am a New Yorker, which is part of why I loved this so much, but I was born about a decade after this takes place and in a different part of the country than where I now call home — so please don’t worry about me nitpicking historical details ;))
While we did get to see more of Dizzee in the second half of the series, I’m still hung up on that one scene with him from the first half of the series (the one where he goes with Thor and the other girl to the club) and that is probably completely responsible for this request. It hit me like a pound of feels straight to the chest. Queer culture in the 70s, the underground balls, the music, the voguing, drag, and everything else. GAH. And watching Dizzee navigate all that, open his mind to everything around him and recognize himself, so much love. And the way the scene fits in with the shows overall themes, how so much creativity and how new genres can come out of oppression, the way all these different groups and sounds interacted and fed off each other, which is so rarely acknowledged anymore. Anything that explores any of this will be loved forever and ever.
I didn’t specifically request Thor because Dizzee is my main interest here, but I think he’s great too! Or the girl from the club — or both! However you want to approach it, my queer heart will be excited. You could write a continuation scene (porny or not porny), Dizzee getting deeper into queer culture afterwards, some introspection, or just the scene from the show as it happens from Dizzee’s perspective, anything really. Same with the scene from the second half of the season where Thor and Dizzee paint each other. And I have no drug or alcohol triggers, so if you really just wanted to write 1k about Dizzee rolling his ass off tbh, I’d love to read that too.
Much more so than I usually request, this one really is a lot about the setting for me. Having said that, if you wanted to do it as a some sort of dystopian AU with similar themes and Dizzee as the focus, I’d read the shit out of the that. So much. (As an example — feel free to insert other AU compulsions if that’s your thing.) And I think there are a lot of awesome characters in the show, particularly the moral greyness of so many of them, but the queer themes of Dizzee’s story admittedly resonate with me on a much more personal level; please do feel free to include as many or as few of the others as you see fit!
American Gods (TV) (The Jinn, Salim)
I have been an enormous fan of the book since it originally came out and have reread it many times over the years; needless to say I am so unbelievably happy with the show so far and how they’ve chosen to expand upon and approach the original canon. Particularly, I love how they filmed the scene between these two characters, and then decided to give them a larger role in the series, which they didn’t have in the book.
For these two, I would love anything that explores their relationship, maybe what Salim was feeling or thinking when they met, how that sort of transcendent experience touched him, what his life was like afterwards as a cab driver in his new identity. Or something about his journey to find the Jinn again! How does he get there? What does he find at the end? What is their happily ever after? I’m so thrilled they’ve decided to go that route on the show, and can’t wait to see how it connects to the larger story. (As I’ve read the book, there is no need to worry about spoiling me if you would like to include details from future plots based on it; or go wild and go somewhere completely different! I’d love to read it all.)
The Jinn’s perspective would also be amazing: he’s been alive for so long, the things he’s seen, and he seems lonely when we meet him on the show? What has his experience/existence been like as a god, how has he seen history, particularly from a queer perspective, what does it mean to him when he meets Salim?
It would also be really interesting to see something that explored the mythological aspects of the show more -- or a complete myth AU! I think these two also lend themselves well to a lot of AUs and tropes in general and I’d love to read about all of them; if you wanted to raid any of the AUs or tropes above and go crazy that’d be amazing. Some kind of soulmates universe (with or without the mythology of canon), magical creatures of some kind, some sort of normal/modern AU, anything at all and anywhere you want to go, have at it!
Please feel free to include whatever canon characters you like; while I selected these two, I enjoy all of them and would be happy to see anything involving them. And while these requests lean more shippy, please make it as gen (backstory for either of the characters would be awesome) or as shippy as you’d like.
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