#that usually only happens when I'm already overwhelmed and/or overstimulated but it's EVERYTHING today as if im stuck in a state of that
izzy-b-hands · 3 months
I know it's probably just a part of restarting the lamotrigine, but. holy fuck does it have me short on spoons and patience and. Everything mentally today lmao
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sunflowersoonyoung · 3 years
honeyed | jinho
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w.c ↠ 2.5k
pairing↠ jinho x fem! reader
genre/s ↠ smut (light bondage, overstimulation, fem!oral), incubus! jinho, soft dom! jinho, supernatural au!, office au!
description ↠ falling asleep at work leads to an oddly realistic dream about your hot boss Jinho
warning/s ↠ suggestive themes, supernatural themes
a/n ↠ wow okay can you tell that jinho is my ptg bias. I seriously thirsted over him in this oneshot. this is one of my favourite smuts I've written here! I wrote it carefully and reread it three times so I'm proud of it :)
tags ↠ @prismwon
Anxiety washed over you from head to toe, rising with each passing second. You clasped a trembling hand to your chest to feel your heart fluttering against your ribcage.
Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself before pushing open the glass door to work.
The publishing office was bright with mellow, natural lighting, an open room dotted with large desks cluttered with stationary. Some of your coworkers had already arrived and had busied themselves with various tasks - bustling distractedly around the room.
“G-Good morning, everyone!”
You tried to announce your presence as boldly as you could; despite this, barely anyone bothered to even glance in your direction. You swallowed nervously and made a bee-line for your desk.
New to the workforce and fresh from University, acclimatising had been a difficult journey. No one was willing to sacrifice any precious time to help you - or even welcome you, for that matter. You felt utterly ostracised by the team. They had all apparently established their clique, and you were not invited.
The one exception had been the lead editor: Jo Jinho, your boss and the office eye candy.
“Good morning, (F/n).”
As if reading your thoughts, Jinho’s melodic voice drifted over your shoulder. You swallowed, feeling sweat prickle your armpits in response to his presence.
“You look bright today. I hope you’re making good progress on that manuscript.”
You pivoted in your chair to face him, in turn becoming stricken by his gaze. There was something unusual about Jinho, something that had successfully hypnotised many of your coworkers, including yourself.
He was impossible to resist. From his handsome exterior to his pleasant interior, he was genuinely mesmerising - like the sunrise in the morning after a cold night.
“Y-Yes, thank you,” you stammered, forcing a polite smile. Jinho’s smile in response was a thousand watts bright, his creased eyes just as radiant.
He was gone just as quickly as he had appeared, interacting with everyone else on the path to his desk. Your nerves melted from your taut muscles, and you breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thankful that Jinho had moved on. Being beneath his attention was too challenging to handle. You withdrew your laptop from your bag and made a start on work for the day.
Unfortunately, your concentration was coming through like a sputtering hose. You were not yet accustomed to working in a room with ten other people and limited silence.
Your attention drifted around the office. You observed conversations, watching as a young girl was scolded; a middle-aged man answered the phone with a frustrated visage.
You could not help but become drawn to Jinho.
He was hovering over someone’s shoulder - Seunghee, you vaguely remembered her name to be. Girls in the editing team tended to ask him for help suspiciously frequently. It was apparent they all simply longed after Jinho’s presence.
Admittedly, it was tempting. In that position, you could feel his breath against your ear.
You quickly became absorbed in observing him. It was not just his pretty features. His expressions were genuine, his explanations clear and concise. Fully believing you were free to admire him, you forgot your surroundings and lost yourself.
Abruptly, Jinho’s gaze shifted from Seunghee’s work to you. It was such a subtle shift that you almost failed to notice it. Electricity shot across your skin upon realisation, heat blossoming from your ears to your cheeks.
Though it was too late, you looked back to your computer screen. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see him grinning. That cruel image worsened your embarrassment.
As your mind buzzed with thoughts of Jinho’s grin, you struggled to return your focus to the manuscript as much as you tried. You huffed frustratedly.
“Everything okay, (F/n)?”
You wondered with horror if he intended to make things more difficult. Your humiliation should have been apparent, and yet here he was, standing directly behind you with a hand resting on the back of your chair.
“Y-Yes,” you responded, refusing to tear your eyes from your laptop. You could hear your voice quaking.
His palm settled on your desk, confining you. It was no longer possible to pretend he wasn’t there. His face was far too close for you to deal with.
“Really? Hmm,” He hummed, “There must be some other reason you were staring at me then.”
You could not even begin to imagine how crimson your face was. Was Jinho teasing you? It certainly felt like it.
He snorted faintly, withdrawing. On the edge of your vision, you could see him smiling broadly.
After getting very little work done for the rest of the afternoon, you opted to stay behind and work overtime. The manuscript was due tomorrow evening, after all.
The office buzz began to fade, gradually declining till the room was entirely quiet. The only thing disconnecting the silence was the sound of fingers against keyboards.
You decided to take a short break as your fatigue began to increase. Shadows from the night sky crept across the floor. Usually, you liked to be fed and warm at home by this time. Your eyelids were heavy, your thoughts sluggish and tired.
It was only you and Jinho remaining at this stage. You had managed to keep your thoughts away from him until now. He was wrapped up in his work; his face blank with concentration. Sighing, you ignored him and returned to your own business.
The words on your laptop screen began to blend with each passing second. You squinted, blinking rapidly to counter the weariness that was dousing you like warm water. You had never been so tired at work - it was as if you were being dragged down by an invisible force, and nothing you did could stop it. It was a similar sensation to having too much alcohol.
Before you knew it, your head had lulled onto the cold desk, crumpling the papers in front of you.
Alarm overwhelmed your thoughts as you lifted your head from your desk.
You could not believe you had fallen asleep at work. Rubbing your eyes, you looked towards Jinho’s desk in panic, hoping to apologise and then flee. Relief washed over you - his chair was empty. Perhaps he had gone home.
Strangely enough, the room was hazy. Instead of its usual white light, it was rose-tinted and clouded. It did not look familiar to you.
“You fell asleep? How cute.”
You blinked, and Jinho seemed to appear directly beside you, seated on the table with one leg crossed over the other. He was admiring you, cupping his cheek whilst wearing an affectionate smile.
It took a moment for you to react; your head was abnormally thick, so your thoughts were slow, but once you realised what was happening, you became flustered.
“Your face tells me everything - your expressions are so honest. It’s adorable.”
Jinho leapt smoothly to his feet, circling you to place his hands on the back of your swivel chair and then rotating you till you were facing him. You could do nothing, frozen with anticipation and unsure what to expect next.
He leant in closely, leaning on the armrests, and you held your breath. His nose was close enough to brush against yours, yet his expression was unchanged - still as sweet as usual.
“Why don’t you let me make you feel good?” He hummed. His gaze was direct, and you swooned inwardly when you finally met it. In contrast to his soft nature, his eyes were hard. You tried to swallow but your throat had gone dry.
“Wh-what if someone sees?” You stammered shyly.
Jinho chuckled, his eyes crinkling in amusement, “no one will see. I promise.”
He placed his hands on your knees, maintaining eye contact as he rubbed reassuringly. He pushed his hands up your thighs, catching the fabric of your skirt and baring your thighs to the air. You could not look away, dizzyingly mesmerised by him. Your head was getting light and hot.
Finally, Jinho kissed you. It was a shallow, chaste kiss that tasted of vanilla and made you feel as if you were melting into the chair.
You could not split your concentration between the kiss and the way his warm palms rubbed against your thighs. The combination was causing a spike of burning excitement to prickle between your legs.
He parted from you with a soft pop and offered you a hand. You were too flustered and weak-kneed to stand steadily, but it hardly mattered - Jinho did not make you stand for long.
“Let me taste you, gorgeous.”
Jinho was simultaneously gentle and firm as he guided you to his desk, carelessly sweeping it clear. You gasped when he spun you around, essentially folding you over the surface. The varnished wood was cold through the thin fabric of your shirt, momentarily sobering you to reality.
With your ass in the air, he hitched up your skirt to reveal your underpants. You were uneasy about the fact that you could not see what he was doing.
“Hands behind your back, please.”
This was Jinho’s first true order.
The way his voice dropped a few notes sent chills down your spine, goosebumps travelling across your skin. You were trembling as you obeyed, swallowing a nervous squeak when he loosely wrapped fabric around your wrists, tying them together.
“I’m not punishing you, sweet. It’s just some extra fun for you,” Jinho reassured. Admittedly you were both anxious and aroused by his decision to tie you up. It made your heart pound fast against your ribcage.
With you properly restrained, Jinho determined that it was time to begin his ministrations.
His fingers ran up and down your slit through your underwear before hooking the fabric and drawing it aside. You strained against your bonds and arched your back when he made direct contact with your pussy. It was only a subtle touch, and yet pleasure was already rippling across your body.
“That feels good, doesn’t it?”
Jinho’s voice was dripping with honey, and yet his fingers were cruel. He grazed your clit with his fingertip and then dragged his finger back down between your lips and teased your entrance with slight pressure, and then repeated this process.
He was not entirely giving in to you, and you were becoming so sensitive that tears of desperation were beginning to sting your eyes.
“J-Jinho .... please,” you pleaded, feeling helpless - frantic for more.
“Please, what?” He hummed in response, “Tell me what to do, sweet, and I’ll do it. Use your words.”
Despite being dazed and overwhelmed, you still managed to respond, albeit in a small voice, “I-I want your lips and your fingers.”
“Of course, sweet.”
He pressed his thumb directly to your clitoris, and you gasped, toes curling. He languidly rolled his thumb, observing you whilst cleverly allowing your pleasure to build. Your focus honed in on his touches, no longer paying attention to the noises passing through your lips.
“The more I touch you, the prettier noises you make,” Jinho commented.
Abruptly, he filled you up with his forefinger. Your breath hitched in your throat, hardly expecting him to make that leap.
You cried out when his lips sucked in your clitoris, gradually fucking you with his finger. He eased you into a swift orgasm, pressing fluttering kisses to the backs of your thighs while you trembled.
“Good girl~. One more time?”
Before you could respond, Jinho had added a second finger and was pistoning them inside of you much quicker than earlier. You were incredibly wet thanks to your orgasm, and he seemed to be using that to his advantage.
His tongue teased your swollen clit, and you sobbed, “I-I’m too sensitive!” Seemingly uncaring, Jinho dragged you into a second, far more intense orgasm that had your legs thrashing and drool spilling out onto the desk.
Your ears were ringing, but you could hear Jinho chuckling as he removed himself.
“Was that too much?” He mused, cleaning his fingers with his mouth, “Can you take any more?”
You were still an empty shell, electricity and heat clinging to your skin mingled with a sheen of sweat. His hands smoothed over your ass cheeks, a comforting action that made your heart soften. You twisted around to look at him dazedly.
Jinho was just as gorgeous as ever, though he had lost some of his neatness. The restraint around your wrist was apparently his necktie, which was missing, and he had undone his button-up shirt to reveal a sliver of his flawless chest. He combed his fingers through his hair, gleaming at you proudly.
“The look on your face tells me you want more,” he purred, rolling his hips against your backside. You mewled and rocked backwards, feeling his hard cock straining through his pants. You had never been so delirious, hungry to feel every inch of him.
“Ho~ such an insatiable girl,” Jinho unzipped his pants, sliding the tip of his cock over your slick folds. Even that simple action felt incredible.
“Oh, my God.”
Jinho filled you up, stuffing you in one lazy stroke. You were so full, your pussy throbbing delightfully around him.
“Please,” you begged, wanting nothing more than for him to fuck you, “Jinho-ah, please.” He scoffed in response before giving in to your desires.
The way he fucked you was utterly sadistic in contrast to his sweet nature. He was relentless in the way his hips slammed against yours, no longer offering you any mercy. You were defenceless to him, only able to dig your nails into your palm whilst bracing yourself.
“So tight,” he groaned, hanging his head back in bliss.
He angled his hips upwards, the head of his cock meeting a sweet spot. You started contracting around him, the pleasure in the pit of your belly peaking.
“I’m gonna-,” you managed to slur out before you came hard, so hard that stars speckled behind your clenched eyes. You practically ascended into the ceiling, losing all sense of Jinho’s thrusts and anything else around you.
Ink drowned your vision as you passed out.
Your head was weighty as you lifted it, heat throbbing between your legs in response to the vivid dream you had just woken from.
Jinho was peering down at you, his hand warm on your shoulder.
“You should go home if you’re so tired,” he sighed, wearing a concerned expression. You were in shock, simply unable to process that what had just occurred had been entirely in your head. You could still feel his thickness inside you, still feel the intense climax he had given you.
“Are you okay? You look flushed,” Jinho cocked his head, the worry growing on his face. You waved your hand dismissively.
“I-I’m fine. I should go home.”
He hovered nearby as you packed away your laptop, silently observing you. You were ready to leave when he finally broke the silence.
“Let’s do that again,” Jinho suggested innocently, his smile no different from his usual one, “you’re so cute when you beg.”
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denqis · 4 years
the bakubros walking in on their fem! s/o masturbating
warnings: should be obvious, smut, 18+
kaminari denki
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- you two used to satisfy each other's libido's almost daily
- but ever since moving into the ua dorms this kinda stopped
- training kept you both busy and exhausted
- plus, sneaking into each other's rooms in the middle of the night was way too stressful in the long run
- especially since aizawa had almost caught you two in the act
- it has been two weeks since you last welcomed denki to your room
- you were so horny it was insane
- during training denki accidentally ripped his shirt and the exposed abs made your mouth water and sent a pang to your heat
- right after training you had him pinned against a wall, panting from running from your classmates
- "i need you to fuck me against this wall right now or i'll go insane."
- boy oh boy he was so overwhelmed
- usually he was the horny one initiating everything
- ngl he was pretty riled up too but
- "i'm sorry hon, but i promised kiri to train longer with him today."
- you were very very VERY horny and disappointed
- "well you might as well tell kiri to suck your dick then because i won't do it anymore."
- you just left
- this wasn't really like you but you were desperate and h o r n y
- that night you had an amazing bath and finally felt at ease
- you laid down on your bed, only in your bathrobe and rubbed your freshly shaven, soft legs together, sighing
- your left hand found your left boob and you instantly melted into your touch
- another sigh fell from your lips
- the fingers of your right hand ghosted over your clit
- as soon as you felt just how wet you actually were you inserted one finger into your core
- your back arched and denki's name escaped your lips
- two weeks without sex was way too long
- another finger followed and soon you were a sweaty, shaking mess, moaning denki's name over and over again
- you felt the familiar knot in your stomach and felt tingles slowly starting to spread
- just when your orgasm was about to crash down on you, you noticed another presence
- there he stood, your boyfriend
- "honey?!"
- holy shit he was embarrassed but also so turned on
- he initially came to you to apologize but he heard your moans from the hallway
- at first he was scared that you might've hooked up with someone else
- but when he heard you moan his name he just felt bad for not satisfying you
- "mind if i help you out?"
- you stood up and walked towards him, your juices slowly running down your legs
- "not at all."
- you grabbed his hand and laid it flush against your heat
- "go on, chargebolt, make me cum all over your fingers."
- you were so close it only took a feverish kiss and a few plunges of his long digits in your core for you to finally cum
- your orgasm was so intense you almost fell back as his name and a few curses spilled from your lips
- "fuck you're so hot."
- the two week wait was worth it
- he devoured you that night
- he'll definitely ask you to masturbate in front of him a lot from that point on
kirishima eijirou
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- "eiji babe, truth or dare?"
- "dare, of course!"
- "i want you to make out with bakugou for two minutes."
- the room fell silent
- you, kirishima's own girlfriend wanted him to kiss his best friend, in front of everyone?!
- looking back at it you probably should've at least warned your boyfriend about your desire to see him with his best friend
- they didn't end up making out and you were so embarrassed that you stormed out of kiri's room where you had planned to stay the night
- the next morning he confronted you and tried to understand your point of view
- a few days after you went to the pool with the bakubros and kiribaku somehow ended up on top of each other
- gosh you were turned on to the m a x
- their godlike, wet bodies in such a compromising position made you wetter than the water in the damn pool
- you swifly excused yourself and fled to your room where you quickly stripped down and rinsed off
- your mind was full of them
- you loved kirishima, a lot
- he was so fucking sweet and hot at the same time
- the sex was great too but bakugo just amplified all his great traits
- your moans flooded the whole dorm, thank god everyone was still at their respective outings
- "what the fuck y/n?!"
- kirishima stood right in front of your bed, judging by his huge bulge for a long enough time
- "if you want me, just tell me. or do you only want me and bakugo now? am i not manly enough for you?"
- he crawled towards you and you shivered
- his eyes were so dark, if from lust or anger or both you couldn't tell
- "i'll make sure you know who's the manliest guy here."
- he fingered you for hours, overstimulating you severely
- "tell me, who's making you feel this good?! me or bakugo?"
- "you! it's you! eiji, you're fingering me so well, fuck!"
- you never dared to even look in bakugou's direction after that incident
- you didn't need to masturbate anymore, kirishima kept you nice and filled at all times
- because having your girlfriend masturbate eveb though you're dating her just wasn't a sign of manliness
- it was your birthday and he led you to his room, blindfolded
- "happy birthday."
- you lifted your blindfold and there they sat
- both naked and hard
- it had taken kirishima months to convince bakugou
- this was the only and last time you were allowed to masturbate
- "don't even think about this happening again sweetheart."
- you didn't need it to
- you realized that kiri was the man of your dreams
- your sex life only improved further after your birthday
sero hanta
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- you had been crushing on hanta for the longest time
- specifically ever since the usj attack
- kurogiri had obviously taken a liking to you
- you were one of the main reasons tenya could escape as you distracted him with your ass(ets)
- but as soon as tenya had fled, hanta pulled you back with his tape, your back hitting his broad chest
- "if you ever look at her again i'll make sure you'll regret it you disgusting pig!"
- ngl his heart was racing at having you so close to him, ass against his crotch
- while he was praying to not get hard right then right there, you were shaking in his arms, flushed a deep red
- both of you remained like that until mina raised an eyebrow and sent a smirk in your direction
- how she was still able to think something inappropriate in a situation like this was beyond you
- "thank you so much, sero. i really appreciate it. no one's ever defended me like this. now let's kick some ass."
- if he wasn't attrackted to you before this, he definitely is now
- this night you constantly replayed the happenings
- every time his words replayed you threw a pillow across the room squealing
- shit, you couldn't be whipped for a classmate this early on
- you were here to become a hero, not to find love or get distracted by boys
- little did you know that the boys had a meeting in hanta's room gossiping about you
- kirishima was so jealous of how manly sero was
- mineta wanted to know how your ass felt
- oh and he bragged, the boy was enjoying his five minutes of fame
- truth be told he never was popular with girls so he's just so proud he could impress you
- a few months later and your crush grew along with your desire to have him use his tape for something else than hero work
- "y/n you like sero, right?"
- mina is so smart how did she know?!
- you were so flustered and didn't know what to do or say
- "m-maybe?"
- mina's plan was working perfectly, hanta would come out of the shower in a few more seconds
- she knew he only ever snuck out the shower with a towel around his waist
- his room was right across from the showers, it was convenient
- what she didn't plan, though, was a completely naked, semi-erect hanta to show up
- while she quickly ran for her life you were frozen
- "u-uhm..."
- your pussy clenched around nothing, heart beating out of your chest
- his eyes scanned you while your eyes were glued to his abdomen
- who knew he had extremely prominent abdominal v-muscles and a happy trail
- you were done for
- that night you didn't get any sleep, sero's figure keeping you up
- you had masturbated to him before but this night was so intense
- "has anyone seen y/n?"
- sero had planned to confess to you today, but you skipped school??
- no one knew why and he was worried, what if you were sick?
- he went back to the dorms and knocked, once, twice to no avail
- when he heard a stifled moan he decided to let himself in, you sounded distraught
- but what he saw was you on all fours, fingers pumping in and out of your aching, dripping core
- you didn't hear him knocking because of your airpods and your insane focus on the picture of sero on your phone
- "instead of masturbating to me you could simply fuck me, you know?"
- you screamed so LOUD
- "oh, baby, don't scream already, you'll scream enough when i'm done with you. you want me so bad that you're skipping school? i'm honored."
- you didn't know what to do, but seeing him strip out of his uniform and crawl onto your bed
- pressing your upper body down into the mattress and eating you out as if he had been starving for years
- did something to you and when he sat you up and confessed you could only kiss him
- he'll never let you live this down and every bakubro pretty much knows about it because he always tells the same stories when drunk
bakugou katsuki
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- katsuki had told you once that you're forbidden from masturbatring when dating him
- you had obeyed his rules and especially this one for almost two years now
- needless to say the busy schedule of your boyfriend had kept you two separated
- sex life? absent.
- you couldn't take this anymore, plus you really wanted to be a brat today
- you knew when he'd return to the dorms and knowing him he'll head right to bed after
- so you settled on his bed, pulling out a vibrator and slowly starting to guide it all over your body
- you were wearing your cutest set of lingerie
- which was usually reserved for very special occasions but if you wanted to be a brat you had to go all out
- everything around you smelled like him it was heavenly
- before the vibrator even reached your core you were dripping
- if it was his scent, your libido or the adrenaline on purposely breaking the rules responsible you couldn't pinpoint
- the vibrator reached your clit and you almost squealed in pleasure
- it had been so long since anyone had touched you
- you bit down on his shirt he wears to sleep, drowning in pleasure and his scent
- "katsuki, katsuki, katsuki."
- his name was falling from your lips like a mantra as you ground yourself against the toy and your fingers
- "well, well, well. who do we have here?"
- his face was unreadable
- "breaking the rules princess? and i really wanted to fuck you today..."
- "you can still fuck me.. please katsuki, i'm so horny."
- he smirked and leaned down
- "brats don't get what they ask for, now continue. put on a good show for daddy."
- he didn't touch you once that night, only palming his cock and instructing you
- when you came a third time and collapsed he sighed
- "too bad i was really enjoying the show. you were impatient and broke the rules. you can't even be a good slut, i think we have to teach you a lesson, no?"
- the next morning you shakily walked into the classroom
- bakugou's shit eating, cocky grin following you
- when you sat down you almost let out a breathy moan
- your vibrator was tugged neatly into your panties and was set on the highest setting
- you were so embarrassed and on edge the whole time and when aizawa called on you
- you stood up, the change in position making you cum, hard
- your head fell back, your whole body shaking and face red
- "y/n, can you answer my question?"
- you could barely form a sentence when your knees gave in, trembling from your second orgasm crashing over you
- "i'll take her to the nurse."
- you thought katsuki would have mercy on you and remove the vibrator
- but instead he pushed you into a bathroom stall and fucked you senseless
- by the end of it you were on the bathroom floor, uniform stained with his cum and unable to walk on your own
- "learned your lesson?"
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