#that's why we love him <33
cebwrites · 2 years
Helloooooo Cev! Hope you're having a wonderful day because my day became wonderful after reading your request for Mihawk & Crocodile! Unfortunately, the simp in me is always craving for me 🥺 May I request one for Mihawk, Crocodile, Smoker and Shanks (you don't have to do all of them if you don't wish to!!) please?
Prompt: The reader has hanahaki disease but still refuses to confess because they're scared to lose what they already have with said character, even if it's just platonic. You can decide the readers fate for Crocodile, Smoke and Shanks - I don't mind angst. But if you do, do Mihawk 🥺 May I ask for a happy ending for h because my soul would not be able to take it HAHA
Omg, sorry that was soo long! Thank you for reading it thus far! And thank you for writing these requests!!!
hi i'll have you know that i'm liquifying this ask and injecting it into my veins JASDFHGRSDGH CITRUS OMGGG 😭💖 dilf time baybee lets gooooo ✨✨✨ (no i’m not sorry for the pun in mihawk’s first point <33)
Hanahaki HCs (Smoker, Mihawk)
gn reader, angst, hurt/comfort word count: 0.9k
He’s frustrated, first and foremost
Frustrated that you didn’t have the trust in him to be forth right with this, frustrated that you let it get to this state, but more importantly frustrated with himself for not noticing
Smoker’s a busy man, between fielding his superiors’ scrutiny, making sure his pack of bumbling G5 idiots (affectionate) stay alive while also whipping them into shape with Tashigi at his side, he doesn’t have much time to focus on the fine print
He wasn’t even aware such a disease existed before he’d caught wind that you collapsed at another base he was stationed away from because this ailment had weakened you so
Some plucky foot new recruit from HQ had to explain, in detail, to this fuming (quite literally) vice-admiral that no, Hanahaki wasn’t a poison, or some attack, but rather.... a matter of the heart
Smoker left that conversation more confused than when he entered it - said recruit themself weak kneed and near tears - but Tashigi managed to clear it up for him in his office later on
The next time he sees you, there’s an air of concern around him but you wouldn’t be able to discern it from the way he addresses you - curt, formal, like everybody else - when he has a moment with you alone, however, Smoker takes it upon himself in all his wisdom to tell you that it would be in your best interest to get the flowers removed 
You’re taken aback, speechless at how callous he could be as Smoker talks about how the jobs you share are difficult on the individual, even more so for potential loved ones, so all things considered, being that this plant was clearly hurting you, then--
He didn’t get to finish before you left his office in a huff, fighting back tears and the itch in your throat as you weave past both subordinates and superiors alike, determined to keep this all to yourself at least until your own quarters or the nearest bathroom where you could hurl
You’re not surprised when he doesn’t follow you, if not a little hurt, but after today you actually are considering his suggestion
He’s more perceptive than most - Mihawk is an observant man by default, but when it comes to those close to him, he’s especially... Hawk-eyed 
Which is why you start avoiding him
It’s very gradual at first, not being as physical with him aside from sparring, giving him a wider berth when the two of you are in the kitchen together, but eventually it spills into things like making excuses for not being able to come over and such, actually affecting your time spent with him
Mihawk doesn’t want to intrude at first, he has clear boundaries set in place that no one is to cross so he’d treat you with the same respect
He is a little disappointed, though, when your visits to his home lessen, if not a little worried - he sees the petals following your very presence but doesn’t bring it up
It’s when the twinge of iron hits his nose, however, far way from the battlefield, that he knows something is awfully out of place
Again, Mihawk doesn’t want to push too hard, but he insists on having dinner with you, citing your frequent absences, and telling you not to fret because he’ll simply come to you, ingredients for a fantastic dinner in clutch
It’s easy to hide the tell-tale signs when you’re going over to his place, but an impromptu visit with little time to prepare (raze your home of all evidence) just isn’t fair
It’s business usual when he arrives, you chat with him as he cooks, relax in the (although somewhat awkward, now) silence for a bit, and chat a little again over dinner - Mihawk was never that talkative to begin with but now more than ever you noticed just how much you used to fill the conversation, you wonder a little to yourself if it ever got tiresome for him..
Before you can sink too deep into your thoughts, though, he pulls you from them with a gentle touch to your shoulder, leading you to the worn loveseat in your living room
He takes your hand and you have to suppress the urge to cough when something physically blooms in your chest, Mihawk then asks if there’d been anything bothering you lately, his gaze gentle yet still characteristically piercing, how if there was then he’d be more than willing to lend a hand but if it’s not something he can help with, he’d like you to know that you’d always have a shoulder to lean on with him
It’s then and there that everything you’ve tried to cast aside in his presence comes to ahead - the sincerity in his voice, how his eyes seem to soften ever so slightly just for you and only you, the growing sear in your chest - it’s all too much, and you crumble
The first thing out of your mouth is a fit of coughing, followed by the petals that always came with ever since you realized your feelings for this man, but after that it’s a stream of apologies, for worrying him, for ruining your friendship, you struggle to properly put words together, although they were all in your head
You can’t look him in the eye through your tears, but stiffen when you feel his arms tentatively wrapping around you, Mihawk says that he wished he pursued his hunch sooner; you relax and hug him back, still not quite believing this, all you can do is laugh
He holds you wholly and tight, now with your full permission, and presses a soft kiss to your temple, returning your smile with one of his own
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chaosinterlude · 1 year
thinking about lucifer again and how much i hate the “sadist” image he has.
in the words of the lovely kazuya yamashita (lucifer’s va) in what is probably my favorite otaku fm episode: i believe lucifer thinks about his brothers constantly. honestly love how much kazuya seems to understand lucifer’s character pretty well.
and it doesn’t take that much digging to realize how much lucifer cares about his family. he signed away the freedom he just earned to save his sister. he kept it a secret from his brothers to save them the hurt - thinking it’d be better if that burden fell to him alone. he hid belphie away in the attic to prevent diavolo from finding out belphie wanted to destroy humanity - and face punishment that’s likely worse than death for it. lucifer relies on mammon the most, the one who he seems to be the strictest with. and honestly, i’d be strict too if the last time i rebelled against authority i lost my sister. lucifer is strict with them to protect them, to protect his family.
and i keep thinking about mammon who expressed to have no regrets following lucifer after the celestial war. about beel who sees it as his duty to follow and protect lucifer. about levi being introduced to anime and manga through lucifer.
it’s really no wonder that the way to lucifer’s heart is getting along with his family.
this is only the tip of the iceberg, and there’s so much more to say! but yeah, i think the sadist label is a huge mischaracterization.
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murdleandmarot · 1 month
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@toki-toro I had a grumpy cat in mind. And his friend :)
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My two favs are keeping me company at my desk <3
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ty-isnt-there · 2 months
split it up into 2 parts bc i can't add more than 12 options :') here's part 2!
reblog for a larger sample size!!
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smile-files · 2 years
teardrop for the win!
of course i have a bias for teardrop, but for several reasons i believe that they really are one of the best object show characters of all time - teardrop by definition changes the game while also changing as a person.
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for one thing, if given a list of all of teardrop's areas of expertise, one would assume that she was a guaranteed winner - she is incredibly intelligent and cunning, knows how to author, draw, and code, can easily operate regular tools as well as firearms, can walk up walls, is quick on her feet with good balance, has an amazing throwing arm, can work under pressure, can shoot lasers out of her finger, and is astoundingly ambitious and laser-focused on winning. if ignoring the social aspect of challenges, teardrop would've easily won every season they participated in - which is all of them.
however, one can't ignore the social aspect of challenge-based shows like bfdi - and, whether they're in her control or not, that's where most of her shortcomings lie. the fact that teardrop doesn't speak affects how a lot of their fellow contestants treat them, often causing them to take advantage of teardrop in challenges or otherwise harass them. for that reason alone it can be incredibly difficult for teardrop to make friends, in teams or alliances, as most other contestants refuse to see her as anything but "the quiet one" (even well-meaning contestants refer to her with similarly reductive epithets).
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aside from this, teardrop frequently has had little to no regard for the wellbeing of others, perfectly willing to hurt them if they bother her or if their pain gives her the upper hand. most of the time this has been in response to how others treat them, in that nobody cared about their feelings, so they weren't going to care about anyone else's; similarly, teardrop's ambition might've stemmed from a notion that since nobody cared what they wanted, they were going to take what they wanted. even so, teardrop's hostility has often affected people who have done nothing specific to hurt her, such as gelatin, leafy, or flower - out of an unadultarated drive for victory for all three cases, but for the last case also out of impulse. teardrop is notably very impulsive, frequently jumping into actions or decisions without considering all of the options or really thinking about how they might affect those around her. it's clear that teardrop has been here to win, not to make friends - or at least that's what she thought at first.
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this initial picture of teardrop provides a fascinating dichotomy between her immense technical skills and meager social skills - both of which being essential to really succeeding in a competition (aside from helping in the team/alliance setting, social skills are important in making the viewer want you to stick around). and, sadly, because so few really accepted them as a person, nevermind a fellow contestant, teardrop's opportunities to utilize her skills and really help her team had been few and far between, meaning that for a significant portion of the series teardrop had been left to languish and be eliminated for no good reason.
i can't say that teardrop didn't get along with anyone before bfb's split; not everyone was actively hostile towards her, for one thing, and a select few were actually reasonably nice to her and actively engaged her in and out of challenges - like leafy, bubble, and especially needle. unfortunately, though, it's hard to find a needle in a haystack (pun intended)...
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at the start of bfb, most people were treating teardrop like they always had - why, the first episode is titled "getting teardrop to talk", as even newbies were keen on harassing them about their lack of speech. right from the beginning of that season it was cemented in our minds that people still saw teardrop as a "silent type" with whom understanding is impossible. it was their trying to force teardrop to speak. it was their ignoring teardrop's nonverbal cues. everything seemed the same as always...
but if the first episode's title being named after her tells us anything, it's that bfb was the beginning of teardrop's ascension. into a winner.
before the split, teardrop did what they could to help their team, as they normally would; it was after the split, though, which marked their prime opportunity not only to make friends but also shine as a teammate.
her new team consisted of balloony, bubble, gelatin, leafy, lollipop, ruby, and herself - two people who were already nice to her, three who had never harassed her, and one with whom she was acquainted but who hadn't accepted her yet. i believe this group of people presented teardrop with the ultimate opportunity to not only succeed in the competition, but also grow as a person and get better at making friends.
throughout this new era teardrop got to help immensely in nearly every challenge while simultaneously having fun - they seemed to be a lot more comfortable with this team than with prior ones.
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most importantly, she came face-to-face with how her actions affect others. a continuous victim of teardrop's impulsive violence was gelatin; this reasonably made him upset and uncomfortable. however, instead of fearing teardrop and treating them like a monster, he openly told them how he was feeling - actually treating them like a person with feelings themselves. and so teardrop could actually take a step back and think about how she made him feel, and then apologize the best way she could - she might not've been able to say she was sorry, but with her party for gelatin she definitely showed it. and gelatin recognized that.
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(my favorite image ever ^)
and so the rest of the contestants began to recognize teardrop as well... there was a subsequent ripple effect from gelatin's open discomfort to teardrop's apology to him to a friendship with him to a friendship with lollipop, which in itself resulted in a willingness to risk their immunity for the sake of their friendship and alliance... which is completely unprecedented! teardrop is so driven to win that her willingness to potentially lose is shocking.
before this, teardrop only ever fought for herself; after all, there was really nobody else for her to fight for. teardrop had had amicable acquaintances, but they didn't really have friends who actually got on their level and put the effort into understanding them. and no, gelatin and lollipop hadn't always been that understanding, but via gelatin's kindness the two of them could now see teardrop in a new light - she wasn't mysterious and scary, but rather just fiercely determined... and misunderstood. they could now see that not only was teardrop a worthy competitor, but a worthy alliance member as well - all because gelatin extended that olive branch.
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the newbie alliance, which teardrop was now welcomed into, flourished; the three began to understand each other like siblings; even if they weren't always successful in challenges, they cheered each other on through every loss, every elimination, not even letting a spot in the final divide them. teardrop came in third while gelatin was allowed to advance, but she wasn't angry at him - she was upset with the circumstance, of course, but was also able to move on quickly due to how proud she was of him.
and in the finale, the three worked together beautifully in the group's pursuit of four... and to gelatin and lollipop, their best friends, their siblings, teardrop was no longer "the quiet one". teardrop was the smart one. the perceptive one. the determined one. the one who can inexplicably walk up walls. gelatin and lollipop saw in teardrop what most people refused to, and so teardrop realized that not everyone will refuse to see the good in them. by the end of bfb, teardrop's strengths - all of those incredible technical skills mentioned before - are truly realized, now that they have the strength of their loved ones supporting them. bfb might've been the happy ending for gelatin and flower, but it was also teardrop's beginning.
teardrop abruptly left the scene of bfb for what we now know to be tpot - and her level of confidence is skyrocketing! they're incredibly bold now in a way that they never could've been before - as, even though they're away from their friends, teardrop still has their strength from afar. teardrop still is that ambitious little droplet we know and love; she never stopped aiming for the top, even after being eliminated in bfb. teardrop stuck around until the end, but once things settled down for everyone else, things just picked up once again for them.
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it's notable that after a season of finally being able to thrive in a team/alliance setting, teardrop should now be competing on her own; i think this is incredibly interesting, as now she relies entirely on her raw power and talent. after all, not only does teardrop not have teammates to cooperate with, but they also lack the luxury of the chance to be saved from elimination by the viewers - as their team's loss is an automatic elimination for them. we can see that teardrop is struggling on her own, but at the same time her gun-slinging swagger is making her out as a worthy opponent to her fellow competitors. i wouldn't be surprised if somewhere down the line multiple teams want to alliance with them, as to harness this dark horse's power...
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in addition, teardrop has really made a name for herself in the eyes of both the viewers and the other characters by joining tpot... the focus was put on them with their disappearance at the end of bfb; then that suspense culminated in their arriving at the setting of tpot; then two made an exception to let them join; then they were put on a solo team bearing their own name; then they somehow pulled through despite being solo. back in bfdi's days teardrop was easy to miss due to her early elimination and lack of screentime - but now the screen is hers. tpot doesn't stand for 'the power of two', no, but rather 'the power of teardrop'... because they're owning it.
teardrop really is coming into her own now, which is so amazing - with every step she comes closer to being the ultimate challenge, and i believe she has it in her to go far in tpot, even if she's at a major disadvantage. but then, teardrop has always been fighting the odds; they're a breakthrough character and a real paragon for the strength of communication, understanding, and friendship, all of which being central themes of bfdi as a whole.
teardrop is a guaranteed winner. i know she's going to do well and have a blast while doing it - and all the power to her! teardrop's already winning and nothing can stop her. come get your crown, teedster...
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it's waiting just for you.
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4izawas · 2 months
aventurine pfp so cute hic sniff
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mad-hunts · 1 day
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lbr, johann would be fascinated with barton’s mask and compliment him on how well preserved it is.
❝ holy shit. i almost gave up hope with this stupid card, but it seems like someone is just my type, ❞ barton let out a loud incredulous laugh upon seeing that ALL of the boxes for this card were ticked. he was almost tempted to ask if johann was lying about some of them, but what would he really have to gain from that besides... his favor, i guess you could say? and the other didn't really seem like the type to try to manipulate him. at least, in this way. barton honestly was kind of speechless — he hadn't really planned for someone to be perfectly compatible with him, so what the hell was he supposed to do now?
marriage. that was the only solution.
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4525yaoi · 2 months
chat, i think i'm starting to have a crush on someone
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starlightkun · 1 year
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still havent given up on u hockey player bf sungchan
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minasweep · 1 year
(sees your tags in my fanart if Mitch Williams) you. you understand
I haven't watched glitch techs in ages but we were ROBBED of his character development
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nevermeyers · 2 years
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hellaephemeral · 8 months
sanji for blorbo bingo? i am also so incredibly not normal about him
omggg thank you sm for asking for my bbg 🙏🙏🛐🛐 it’s impooossible to be normal about him fr 😭😭🤝🤝
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have you ever seen a man more bbg?? more pathetic?? more squishable?? no <3
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(he is innocent <3 oda is making the choices sanji has nOTHING to do with them <3)
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tklpilled · 1 year
rant abt the bsd dub in the tags (both good and bad)
#ok WHO was in charge of the dub voices in the last season#why do oda and fukuchi share a voice#why do teruko and kyouka share a voice#what was going on with nikolai and how do we STILL not know who his actor is#jouno and tecchou's voices were wonderful though <33#like EVERY other character's voice matches them so well and then.#i mean cherami leigh fits both kyouka and teruko but. why does she have to voice two at the same time. they could've found someone new#like tara sands!! she already voiced q but they're not in the current arcs#and i think her voice would fit teruko much better. she voiced bisky in hxh and they have similar personalities#at least w the whole fukuchi/oda thing oda is like. dead. he's not Getting voiced anymore.#but i dont think his voice fits fukuchi at all im sorry </3#mushitarou's voice wasn't my favourite at first but it grew on me i like it a lot#also im pretty sure yokomizo and kunikida share a voice#and i think it actually turned out well but idk its not how i would imagine yokomizo to sound#its not bad though#sigma's voice is fine but it's SO masc#which like yeah CANONICALLY theyre a man but i thought it would be at least a little more androgynous#this all feels very negative so#i LOVE max mittelman as atsushi#i love him in general bc you can tell he loves all his roles#also sometimes i forget that he also voiced meruem in hxh because theyre?? so different?? and they SOUND different too#hes v talented#and kaiji tang as dazai!! so good!!!#again another va you can tell LOVES his role#and he captures dazai's energy so well and he's like. pretty much exactly how i'd imagine him to sound#and RAY CHASE'S (fyodor's) ACCENT. like he did not have to do that but he DID and it sounds so good#adored tachihara's old va but i do get why he had to leave#his new voice is gonna take a little getting used to but that doesnt mean its bad at all!!!#i do think ranpo's old voice fits him better but obviously that's not what's most important#and i think landon mcdonald is doing a good job!!!!
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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Yes PLEASE flashback to how we got to hell oN EARTHHHHHHH
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Bless him
He’s so fkin awkward now
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…..what in the homosexuals
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astrxealis · 1 year
40 mil is the highest points i've had for gw ever tbh so i am proud of myself so far <3 also !! almost rank 175 >;D
anyways hi just small update/rambles uhm. i've been more productive w school but also school ew !!! and 6.3 is so fucking soon holy shit i am not ready at all & i hope this week i can finally start omori and/or p4g <33
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#still obsessed w p5. ALSO mcr music is so slay AND uh yeah that's mostly it. rlly obsessed w buncha kinds of rock music rn#i looooove rock <3 rock and orchestra are my favorite genres (i'm kinda into all kinds of music tho fr!) hehe <33#i love my fire team now tbh. like. nemone & athena together is perfect imo and i'm glad i realized that a long time ago already#but woa me w having both michael and percival is absolutely amazing hehe#arghhhhhhh ... i wna play nier vv badly but i need to wait for lune yeah ? but anyways in reincarnation i have all the automata characters#which i'm vv glad about >;)) 9s refused to come home months ago but now he has and heheheheh i love him#tbh it's so hard to manage my time now bcs on saturdays i'm busy and then sundays should be my rest but we often go out as rest ??#and i like it but also my gaming time and writing time and whatever time is lowkey a big Rest In Peace <//3#I LOV MY FRIENDS but i haven't properly talked to. quite literally ANYONE for a bit now i'm so sorry#unless they approach me first somewhere that isnt social media of any sort or i've seen them irl bcs of school or yk my family or class#ive fixed my sched quite a lot but also there's still a lot to improve !! by the end of january i hope that i'm happy w my sched then <3#okay small update OVER !! today was a pretty good day so far tbh uh. like bad shit happened but strangely i'm all okay !! <33#like uhh ive been a bit more active in class and actually reciting more! i am usually vv shy and only just comment my answers if ever#BUT YEAH !!! and there was smth that was supposed to happen and my class forgot so i reminded them. and we're like 30 in class#okay rambles OVER !! im anxious still to open my notifs sorry i cant explain why bcs idk how but yeah. uh. if you want to contact me#for anything IDK HOW YOU SHOULD TBH. SORRY. but yeah !!! probably ask for my sideblog for mutuals ??#but tbh i havent checked that in a bit too and just ramble sometimes. SORRY......
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