#the Ren Sharma siblings
durtlesloveformagi · 6 months
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The BaiMei Love Children!
This Blog contains all of Baira’s and Koumei’s children.
I am aware that Koumei is a male in Anime, but he’s Transgender man in my headcanons. Hence the seahorse daddy.
Baira and Koumei are my main oc x canon ship so I gave them children.
For those who wants to see Koumei and Baira in their 40’s in my vision. Click here - https://www.tumblr.com/durtlesloveformagi/704372143728754688/okay-i-was-just-curious-and-wanna-draw-what-baira
Personality: Elegant, Graceful, Calm, Empathic, and Flirty.
Likes; Plays, Arts, playing with her pet rabbit, Yue, Nature walks.
Favorite Uncle/Aunt (besides Kouen): Kougyoku and Rasika
Favorite Food: Moon cakes and Kiwi
Favorite Animal; Rabbits
Favorite Colors: Pink and Light Green
Hero/Heroine: Moon Goddess Chang'e and Wonderwoman
Hobbie: Many Traditional Arts of Dancing, Chinese Calligraphy, and Singing. Also a secret MMA Fighter trained by Baba.
Quirks/Habits: When a child, she was not afraid to sing or dance with a big smile on her face. She loves to make new games or activities for her younger siblings. Older, Sometimes Kousachiko recites quotes from stories out of the blue. She's also very scary when angered, and forgets she has amazing strength that she inherited from her father, Baira. Always humming to herself and daydreaming.
Personality: Serious/Stoic, Quick-Witted, Strong-Willed, Overprotective, and Loyal.
Likes; Quality times with his family, especially with his mother, tasks done on time, Henna Tattooing with Aunt Rasika, and reading books in a quiet library.
Favorite Uncle/Aunt (besides Kouen): Rasika and Hakuryuu
Favorite Food: Spicy Chicken Curry
Favorite Animal; Owls
Favorite Colors: Burgundy and Gold
Hero/Heroine: Marduk and Ironman
Hobbie: Researching on subjects, Bird watching, Playing strategy mind games/puzzles, Sketching, and Polishing his combat training in his wolf beast form.
Quirks/Habits: When a child, Baldric is glued to Koumei's leg and very shy due to his lack of confidence with his stutter. Always asked Mommei what he was reading or to read a book to him. He has a stutter, it gets worse when flustered, overexcited, or angered. Can speak normally when discussing something that he's passionate about. Older, whenever he goes on his bird watching mission, he takes advantage of his wolf beast assimilated form to move quickly and quietly like he was hunting, just to draw the birds in his study books. Will defend his family over anything, even if it was just a joke. Easily gets annoyed by Meilin's mischief, and then enjoys watching him getting punished or grounded by their parents. Petty Brother? XD
Personality: Shy, Easily Fluster, Kind, Gullible, and Generous.
Likes; Ocean, Making his family happy, Kind People, and Volunteering for those in need.
Favorite Uncle/Aunt (besides Kouen): San Wenyu ( @babymagi )
Favorite Food: Sea Food
Favorite Animal: Whale Shark
Favorite Colors: Pale blue and Lavender
Hero/Heroine: Poseidon and Aquaman
Hobbie: Swimming, Crafting trinkets /jewels out of recycling like fish nets and such, and collecting Coral/Sea Shells from deep diving, and descale fish.
Quirks/Habits: When a child, Bo hates leaving the house because he was extremely self conscious. Always hides behind either Baira's or Koumei's legs. Whenever he smiles, he tries to keep his lips closed to hide his sharp teeth. Unless you are one of the lucky ones that he loves and is comfortable with. Older, Bo always constantly being the voice of reason to Meilin to keep him out of trouble. Bo wants a boyfriend/girlfriend, but is too scared to kiss anyone because of his teeth and thought he might be too "hideous." Hate to be angry because he looks too scary when snapped, but always apologize to those that he did not intend to scare them.
Personality: Daredevil, Mischievous, Smooth, Dramatic, and Saracatic.
Likes; Giving his father a near heart attack, annoying Baldric, Singing and belly/hips dancing, Crop tops, Horror/thriller theme, and Beating bullies' ass.
Favorite Uncle/Aunt (besides Kouen): Sachan, Judar, and Kouha all equal.
Favorite Food: All Meat, but absolutely no beef due to family religion.
Favorite Animal; Snake or Horse
Favorite Colors: Green and Teal
Hero/Heroine: Loki and Loki
Hobbie: Gymnastic Athlete, Pranks, Collecting Crystals and Knives, Witchcraft/Magic, horseback riding.
Quirks/Habits: When a baby, he constantly cries unless Baira was holding him and he shrieks when someone tries to take him away. When a child, he was a menace, constantly jumping off shelves or a horse to show off tricks and Baira constantly had to use dad superpower to save him nonstop and always called for him when he couldn't sleep. Older, Meilin always cried crocodile tears to Baira for anything resulting in Koumei being the law against him. Hence Koumei and Meilin get in arguments weekly over his reckless and rebellious actions or unfair rules. Baira will step in to put his foot down to show that he and Koumei are serious. Despite all the pranks and mischief, Meilin has a very strong sense of right and wrong as he also inherited Baira's Beowulf Djinn Ancestor Power. Meilin also loves to tease his naive boyfriend, Sinna, Son of Sinbad.
Personality: Happy-go-lucky, always giggling, sweetheart, creative, and rambunctious.
Likes; Braiding hairs, following everywhere Mommei goes, horsey rides with Meilin, sneak attacking her baba with flowers in his office, basically all kinds of quality time with her family.
Favorite Uncle/Aunt (besides Kouen): Judar and Hakuei
Favorite Food: Milk Balls (Gulab Jamun)
Favorite Animal; Butterflies
Favorite Colors: Baby Blue and Pink
Hero/Heroine: Ushas, Goddess of Dawn and Starfire
Hobbie: Hair styling, collecting butterflies, scrapbooking, stargazing, and writing stories.
Quirks/Habits: When a baby, she shocked everyone by wanting Judar to hold her, it was mainly because she was fascinated with his braided hair and butterfly accessories given by Alibaba. Always makes grabby hands to anyone that comes near her to be picked up and giggling along with cute snorting. Always have her butterfly shaped binky on her. When a child, Koucho follows everyone, but mainly her Mommei and has her own blue jade beads jewels. She was always filled with questions. "Are you sure Mommei said you can go out, Meilin-Ge?" She even has enlarged canine teeth like her Baba. She cannot cook, yet she looks up to Hakuei for cooking like she's a goddess… Run… and poor Baira's heart is shattering. Have her own protect the baby squad among both Ren and Sharma families.
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alienzines · 1 year
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AVAN JOGIA // have you seen SURENDRA EGILSSON around the crash site? we’re trying to make sure they’re still alive after the crash! according to the manifesto HE/THEY is a 29 year old ENBY. i hear they’re known being a CHEMIST (& conspiracy fanzine publisher). REN is also known to be ENTHUSIASTIC yet also PARANOID at times. we have a couple questions for REN when we find HIM, we heard something about a secret they might have? such as he has a secret animal cracker recipe! (Rob, 28, GMT, He/They)
TW: divorce, severe depression, illness (physical and mental), family death, loss of a partner
Dr. Surendra Freyr Navin Egillsson, P.h.D (सुरेन्द्र फ्रे नवीन ईगलसन; born 22nd March) is the youngest of seven children born to Egill Tómasson (an Icelandic sociology professor from Húsavík, Iceland) and Kavita Sharma (an American physics reseachers of Indian decent, born in San Francisco). He was raised in Las Vegas, where both of his parents worked to try to make it in their respective fields. He had a happy childhood for the most part, he liked to imagine he was a Viking explorer when he was a kid “like his father’s family”, made slightly amusing by the fact Surendra’s farther looked more like a kindly fisherman than he did a Viking raider.
He grew up with 6 elder siblings: three brothers, two sisters, and a non-binary sibling. Both his parents worked long hours, which his elder brother Páll volentarily picked up the slack for when he was older. Before then Ren was told that his siblings had a nanny called Brigitte, who still visited the family on occasion, having grown close to his elder siblings. When he was around 4 Ren was diagnosed with a “mild” form of autism, which has affected his life in a lot of ways, making him feel strange and other from the children in his class, who tended to mock him for his “weird” behaviour.
When Surendra was 7, however, his parents split, having simply “grown apart”. This meant that Ren found himself frequently bounced between living in his mother’s new house and the house he’d always grown up with with his father. Though he still loved both of his parents it was hard for him to understand why they didn’t love each other any more. The change was especially hard for him to understand, given his autism. One of the traits Ren presented was an inability to cope with change.
On top of this, it distressed Ren as, much as he didn’t want to see less of either one of them, he was jarred by the constant hopping back and fourth. It was decided several months down the line that he would live with his father and spend the summer holidays with his mother, with visits from the other parent throughout. In High School the bullying continued, but something in Ren managed to get to the point where he decided that if he had to be the “weird” kid, he was going to make it his thing. 
Though it was absolutely a case of faking it until he made it, made possible only with the support of his father, and eventually he did. Eventually he got to a point, at around 15, where he just didn’t mind what people thought of him (NOT an easy thing to accomplish). This allowed him to gain a bit of charisma. It was at this point in his life that Ren’s favourite special interest came to stay: true crime and conspiracy theories. Though, by no means, does he believe all of them, he certainly seems to believe in a lot of them. It was also around this time that Ren came out to his family, the response was mostly positive.
Upon graduating high-school, Surendra attended university in San Fransisco, where he studied Chemistry, among other things. It was during this point of his life, when he was around 18, he met Davinia Zapatero with whom he quite instantly hit it off. Davinia was 19 and from a well-to-do family from Phoenix, and thussly had some amount or arrogance around her for this reason, but other than this, Ren loved everything about Davinia. When they’d both graduated from college, they moved in together then later married.
Their marriage worked well , and the pair had a son called Hari Zapatero. Surendra continued his research at the university now as his job, working as a research chemist. After Davinia had completed her residency, she took up a job as a surgeon at one of the local hospitals. Unfortunately all was not smooth sailing for long, as one night Davinia suffered SADS overnight, having fallen asleep and just not woken up. Ren lived much of that month in a state of numb disbelief. It was his father, Egill who helped the young man by picking up the slack where he wasn’t able to do everything he used to.
A year after this, just as the young man had started to recover, Ren’s sister, Hildur Egillsson, died in a car accident while on her way home from work. The tragedy shook the family to the core, perhaps none more strongly than Surendra’s father, Egill whose mental health fell through the floor to the point he needed to retire from his job as a professor, as he could no longer handle the stress. It was Ren’s turn to help out, he offered have his father move in with him, as he could use the company himself and he hated the idea of them both being alone in their grief. To bring in a little bit of money, and to keep himself busy, Ren’s father played folk music.
Ren’s current situation was living with his son and his father, looking after both in some ways, though also enjoying his occupation of theorising about everyone’s imminent demise and who, or what, might be responsible for it or trying to cover it up, all of which were published in his popular ufo-themed fanzines. 
Taking a sabbatical from work, due to the recent tragedies in their life, Ren, his father and Hari decided to go on the vacation Egill had always wanted to: Australia. Hoping it would be a nice trip to help them get away for a bit, they set off on flight AA78 to Sydney.
Unfortunately, they’d never get to Egill’s dream vacation destination…
Full Name: Surendra Freyr Navin Egillsson Nickname/Alias: Ren Gender: Masc Enby Pronouns: He/They Orentation: Pansexual, Panromantic Ethnicity: Indian, White (Icelandic) Nationality: American Diagnoses: Autistic, Dyslexic, GAD, ADHD Age: 29 Birthday: 22nd Mar Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada Occupation: Research Chemist, Popular Alien Phenomena-themed Fanzine publisher Secret: he has a secret animal cracker recipe Faceclaim: Avan Jogia
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inklore · 3 years
— 𝐅𝐀𝐐 ⋆ ˚。
this blog is strictly multifandom, but that does not mean that i don’t play favorites for certain fandoms/characters. so there will most definitely be more writings for certain characters and fandoms.
requests: are closed, but thots are always welcome!
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in no way shape or form should minors be interacting with anything on or posted to this blog. this is an 18+ space. anon hate and celebrity discourse also has no place here, so please respect that. if you are racist, homophobic, bigoted, zionist, islamphobic, judgmental to what people enjoy writing/reading, can’t depict fiction from real life, you will be blocked.
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𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
rpf, necrophilia, incest, pregnancy, daddy/little play, age play, spitting, kitten, bimbo!reader, foot fetish, animal play, race play, watersports, underage scenarios, alpha/omega, domestic violence, kid fics, male!character x male!oc, i hate the word ‘doll’ as a pet name so i avoid it like the plague.
𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
smut (refer to the above list when it comes to this), fluff, age gaps, poly/threesome+, reverse harem, dubcon, noncon, yandere, toy play, cheating (to a certain degree), blood play, knife play, some bdsm, breath play, violence, gore, capture x captive, hunter/prey, praise and degradation, power imbalance, step siblings, supernatural, villainary, choking, mommy/daddy kink (to an extent).
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marvel ↷
miguel o’hara, hobie brown, marc spector, thor odinson, loki laufeyson, peter parker (all variants), yelena belova, joaquin torres, doctor strange, wade wilson, carol danvers, eddie brock, scott lang, hope van dyne, kate bishop, hela, pietro maximoff, logan howlett, wanda maximoff, steve rogers, kraven, cable, druig, makkari, thena, blade
dc universe ↷
dinah lance/black canary, diana prince, clark kent, pamela isley/poison ivy, arthur curry/aquaman, harley quinn, adrian chase, pattinson!bruce wayne, edward nashton/the riddler
top gun: maverick ↷
jake 'hangman' seresin, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, natasha 'phoenix' trace, beau 'cyclone' simpson, reuben 'payback' fitch
star wars ↷
poe dameron, finn, kylo ren/ben solo, bo-katan kryze, din djarin, young!han solo
scream ↷
ethan landry, stu macher, billy loomis, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin, amber freeman, tara carpenter
bridgerton ↷
anthony bridgerton, colin bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, kate sharma, simon basset, phillip crane
house of the dragon ↷
ser harwin strong, daemon targaryen, aemond targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen
american horror story ↷
cordelia goode, tristan duffy, michael langdon, harry gardner, madison montgomery, kit walker, xavier plympton, ally mayfair-richards
etc shows ↷
villanelle, lip gallagher, tommy miller, carmy berzatto, luca (the bear), kate parks, daisy jones, billy dunne, warren rhodes, geralt of rivia, love quinn, max wolfe, olivia benson, roman godfrey, dream the endless, lucifer (sandman), jonathan pine, mira phillips, the salesman (squid game), hwang jun ho (squid game), kim geon-woo (bloodhounds)
movies ↷
john wick, finnick odair, peeta mellark, johanna mason, han lue, cipher, walter de ville, tangerine, dave lizewski, thomas sharpe, james conrad, neil (tenet), edward cullen, millie / molotovgirl, dante reyes, thrandull, steve kemp, charlie swan, marquis vincent de gramont, keys (free guy), akira (john wick), beverly marsh (it two), ben hanscom (it two), keith (barbarian), frank (don't worry darling)
adam driver ↷
kylo ren/ben solo, adam sackler, flip zimmerman, phillip altman, charlie barber, henry mchenry, commander mills, rick smolan, officer ronnie peterson, matt the radar technician, clyde logan, paterson, jude
oscar isaac ↷
santiago garcia, poe dameron, nathan bateman, jonathan levy, william tell, blue jones, rydel keener
pedro pascal ↷
din djarin, javier peña, frankie morales, javi gutierrez, joel miller, dieter bravo
chris evans ↷
ransom drysdale, lloyd hansen, andy barber, ari levinson, frank adler, steve rogers, jake wyler
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yourhostsurendra · 5 years
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Hey it’s Robin again, I’m a 24-year-old non-binary (they/them & she/her) software engineer from England, if you wnat to know a little bit more about me I said some stuff here and you can always feel free to hit me up on here or on discord!
have you seen SURENDRA EGILLSSON around town? We’re trying to make sure they’re still in town, especially with everything that’s been happening lately. HE is a TWENTY FIVE year old CIS MAN. currently residing in Perfection Valley, but they’re originally from LAS VEGAS. they are best known for being a RADIO HOST, and i hear they’re pretty CREATIVE yet also PARANOID at times; i hope they continue to survive.
Full Name: Surendra Freyr Navin Egillsson Nickname/Alias: Ren  Meaning: Means “lord of gods” from Sanskrit सुर (sura) meaning “god” combined with the name of the Hindu god Indra, used here to mean “lord”. Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Orientation: Pansexual & Panromantic Ethnicity: Indian & Icelandic Age: 25 Birthday: 2nd March 1994 Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada Occupation: Local Radio Host Faceclaim: Avan Jogia
Surendra Freyr Navin Egillsson (सुरेन्द्र फ्रे नवीन ईगलसन; born 2nd March 1994) is the youngest of seven children born to Egill Tómasson (an Icelandic sociology professor from Húsavík, Iceland) and Kavita Sharma (an American physics reseachers of Indian decent, born in San Francisco). He was raised in Las Vegas, where both of his parents worked to try to make it in their respective fields. He had a happy childhood for the most part, he liked to imagine he was a Viking explorer whem he was a kid “like his father’s family”, made slightly amusing by the fact Surendra’s farther looked more like a kindly fisherman than he did a warrior.
He grew up with 6 elder siblings: three brothers, two sisters, and a non-binary sibling. Both his parents worked long hours, which his elder brother Páll picked up the slack for. Before then Ren was told that his siblings had a nanny called Brigitte, who still visited the family on occasion, having grown close to his elder siblings. When he was around 4 Ren was diagnosed with a mild form of autism, which has affected his life in a lot of ways, making him feel strange and other from the children in his class, who tended to mock him for his “weird” behaviour.
When Surendra was 7, however, his parents split, having simply “grown apart”. This meant that Ren found himself frequently bounced between living in his mother’s new house and the house he’d always grown up with with his father. Though he still loved both of his parents it was hard for him to understand why they didn’t love each other any more. The change was especially hard for him to understand, given his autism. One of the traits Ren presented was an inability to cope with change.
On top of this, it distressed Ren as, much as he didn’t want to see less of either one of them, he was jarred by the constant hopping back and fourth. It was decided several months down the line that he would live with his father and spend the summer holidays with his mother, with visits from the other parent throughout. In High School the bullying continued, but something in Ren managed to get to the point where he decided that if he had to be the “weird” kid, he was going to make it work. 
Though it was absolutely a case of faking it until he made it, made possible only with the support of his father, and eventually he did. Eventually he got to a point, at around 15, where he just didn’t mind what people thought of him (not an easy thing to accomplish). This allowed him to gain a bit of charisma. It was at this point in his life that Ren’s favourite special interest came to stay: true crime and conspiracy theories. Though, by no means, does he believe all of them, he certainly seems to believe in a lot of them. It was also around this time that Ren came out to his family, the response was mostly positive.
Upon graduating high-school, Surendra attended university in San Fransisco, where he studied Chemistry, among other things, though he later changed majors to media production with a minor in music. It was during this point of his life, when he was around 18, he met Isaac Zapatero with whom he quite instantly hit it off. Isaac was 19 and from a well-to-do family from Phoenix, and thussly had some amount or arrogance around him for this reason, but other than this, Ren loved everything about Isaac. When they’d both graduated from college, and when the government would let them, In the July of 2015, Surendra married Isaac.
The newlyweds moved to Perfection Valley, where Isaac had gotten a surgical residency at a local Hospital. While Surendra hadn’t originally seen himself moving to such a small town, Ren fell for Perfection Valley in some ways, because it just seemed to be the kind of place just weird enough to handle Surendra Egilsson and he had seen a posting saying that they needed a new radio host, it felt like the perfect job for him, and while he wasn’t sure he could get it, he had a hunch. 
Their marriage worked well for a while, and the pair had a son called Hari Zapatero, via a surrogate, in 2017. Surendra had gotten the job and, despite his “quirky” talking points, his charm and personality has managed to gain him gain quite the following in the town. While Isaac had completed his residency, his hours were still long and it was hard for the couple to cope with, this eventually led to marital breakdown and divorce in mid-2018, though Surendra isn't quite over it there's few he'll admit this to. 
While this was happening, Ren's sister, Hildur Egillsson, died in a car accident while on her way home from work. The tragedy shook the family to the core, perhaps none more strongly than Surendra's father, Egill whose mental health fell through the floor to the point he needed to retire from his job as a professor, as he could no longer handle the stress. Ren offered to have him move in with him, as he could use the company himself and he hated the idea of them both being alone in their grief. To bring in a little bit of money, and to keep himself busy, Ren's father plays folk music.
Ren's current situation is living with his son and his father, looking after both in some ways, though also enjoying his occupation of theorising about everyone's imminent demise and who, or what, might be responsible for it or trying to cover it up.
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ao3feed-robron · 5 years
by RobronSugdenDingle
Robert loves his life. He's happy with his boyfriend of two years, has already planned out his future job and he knows he wants a dog called Olivia because Aaron never shuts up about wanting one. He has plenty of friends, gets straight A's in everything and works hard to achieve his goal.
Until an unknown number begins to text Robert various mean comments, telling him he's ugly, fat and disgusting. Robert eventually ends up leaning out of his perfect life and creates a new one where he's alone.
And no-one can help him.
Words: 58729, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Emmerdale
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aaron Dingle, Robert Sugden, Chas Dingle, Paddy Kirk, Jack Sugden, Victoria Sugden, Andy Sugden, Ross Barton, Adam Barton, Finn Barton, Pete Barton, Priya Sharma, Leyla Harding, David Metcalfe, Moira Dingle, Katie Sugden, Original Dingle-Sugden Child(ren), Annie, Original Sugden-Dingle Child(ren), Rebecca White, Chrissie White, Jessie Grant, Ellis Chapman, Billy Fletcher
Relationships: Aaron Dingle/Robert Sugden, Adam Barton/Victoria Sugden, Chas Dingle/Paddy Kirk, Ross Barton/Rebecca White
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, High School, Established Relationship, Teenagers, Alternate Universe - Teenagers, Teenage Drama, Teenage Rebellion, Teenage Dorks, Bullying, Cell Phones, Eating Disorders, Eating, Anorexia, Sharing a Bed, Sex, Anger, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Body Modification, Body Horror, Body Image, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Angst and Humor, Attempt at Humor, Sexual Humor, Inappropriate Humor, Swearing, Complicated Relationships, Tears, Father-Son Relationship, Fatherhood, Siblings, Sibling Bonding, Sibling Rivalry, Protective Siblings, Vomiting, Force Choking, Past Relationship(s), Depression, Depressing, References to Depression, Bulimia, Fat Shaming, Healthy Relationships, Skipping Class, Running Away, Running, Sports, Protective Aaron, Robert's Rebellion, Drunk Robert, Scared Robert Sugden, Sad Aaron Dingle, Young Aaron Dingle, Suicide Attempt, Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide Notes, Overdosing, Pillow Talk, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffy Ending, Romantic Fluff, Cute Ending, Cute, Adorable, Social Media, Social Issues
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baby-prince-oppa · 7 years
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[NOTE: Like a dumbass I was, I accidentally deleted the original post of the Descendants Family Tree while I was updating it, so I’m posting this again. Please show as much love with this one as you did with the first by reblogging! Thanks!]
♔ ♕ - Disney’s Descendants - Family Tree  ♕ ♔ 
Note: I may update the chart once there are new characters that will be introduced in any upcoming books, movies, spin-offs, etc.
I made this chart so I can group the characters in their respective movies and whom they descended from. Most of the information I got was from Disney wiki. There are possible cases where some characters only adopt their children and raise them as single parents (hence the ??? at the opposite side of their name). If you know any other information that I have overlooked, please let me know.
There are some things I want to point out (and thoughts I had while making these charts) so here’s an explanation under the cut.
Beauty and the Beast
The fact that there are Descendants characters who are named exactly/closely similar like their parents really irritates me to no end. Like how lazy can Disney be anyway? But let’s be real though; Gaston would definitely name his sons after him because he’s that much of a narcissist. However in Descendants 2 and Rise of the Isle of the Lost, Gaston has a third son named Gil. This raises two questions: Does Gaston have any more kids other than these three? Do they share the same mother or not?
The Beast doesn’t have an official name according to his character wiki (although I was really tempted to type “Adam” since that name stuck with me out of nowhere throughout my entire childhood).
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Sleeping Beauty
I’m really curious as to who is Mal’s father (like seriously. As said from someone else in some other post, “WHO WAS BRAVE ENOUGH TO BANG MALEFICENT?!” which to be honest, sounds like a game show title. LOL). According to the novel, The Isle of the Lost, we definitely know for sure that he is human. When is he gonna make an appearance? Along with the other missing parents of the Rotten Four?
Snow White and the 7 Dwarves
We can see here that Evie and Snow White are stepsisters and Prince Florian is her brother-in-law.
I’m wondering if Snow White and Florian have any children yet at this time. If so, this would’ve make Evie an aunt. :D
Doug has 3 other cousins, Bashful Jr., Sleepy Jr. (both in School of Secrets), and Gordon (Return to the Isle of the Lost, chapter 43). 
Two things are mentioned in The Isle of the Lost: Aladdin and Jasmine had a son named Aziz and Jay mentioned he has a cousin named Jade. Since Jafar has a twin sister named Nasira (who appeared in the video game Aladdin: Nasira’s Revenge) it would make perfect sense for him to have a niece.
Another thing mentioned in Rise of the Isle of the Lost, is that Aziz is the eldest son, implying that Aladdin and Jasmine may have more than one child.
In Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams, Jasmine has a cousin named Sharma who was a schoolteacher, but it wasn’t clear as to whether she’s her maternal or paternal cousin.
Genie is in a loving relationship with a female djinn named Eden on the show Aladdin: The Animated Series. With that much devotion to each other, I’d be pretty surprised if they don’t end up having a child together in the Descendants verse (unless Disney happens to overlook that fact as well. Just like everything else. -__-).
There’s also another unknown fact (not sure how many people know about this) that Aladdin has a canon father, Cassim, who appears in the movie Aladdin and the King of Thieves.
In the live-action Aladdin (2019) movie, Genie had 2 children with Jasmine’s former handmaiden, Dalia; a daughter named Lindy and a son named Barro. It seems that Genie’s other daughter, Jordan, doesn’t exist in this particular universe.
101 Dalmatians
“Who was brave enough to bang that crazy bitch, Cruella de Vil?” would’ve been added to the list of questions that will probably go unanswered. Although someone did pointed out that in the original novel of The Hundred and One Dalmatians, Cruella was married to a furrier but that detail was omitted in the Disney verse. (Discussion about that can be found here: 1 2 3 .)
There is official info on Cruella’s relatives, so her having a nephew named Diego seems plausible. I tried to fit them in with what space I had. Looking at it however, I’m pretty sure either Cecil B. de Vil is Diego’s father or Cruella has some other unknown sibling who is the parent of Diego.  
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The Dalmatian puppies listed on the chart are the ones that Perdita and Pongo have naturally. The other 86 puppies are adopted (like hell I have the energy to name every single one of them LOL).
It has been confirmed that Carlos’s middle name is “Oscar”. Carlos Oscar de Vil.
Anastasia have just entered in a relationship with the local baker in the sequel Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True (he even made a small cameo at the end credits in Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time). I had a discussion with a few other friends that the baker might have went with Anastasia to the Isle willingly and if that’s not the case, then Anastasia might have had children with someone else (which made me sad to think about, since she and the baker seemed to genuinely love each other). I’m willing to bet that Anthony Tremaine (who appeared in The Isle of the Lost) is Anastasia’s son, if we are to follow the “first name alliteration rule” that applies to almost every Descendants character. He also seems to be Lady Tremaine’s only grandson.
In Descendants 2, Drizella has a daughter named Dizzy (another stupid name). Might appear to be her only child if we were to disregard the Isle of the Lost novel.
The novel doesn’t specify how many granddaughters Lady Tremaine has.
As we can see here, Chad Charming is cousins with Anthony and Dizzy.
There are questions whether Jane is either a full blooded fairy or a half blood. This post addresses that.
The only thing I have to say about this is; I wonder if Shan Yu has a kid in this universe too? (Even though I don’t really agree that every single Disney character should bear a child.)
The Princess and The Frog
Tiana’s and Naveen’s child(ren) has got to exist somewhere.
I have this headcanon that Freddie was actually reborn from another life by the help of Dr. Facilier (or somewhere along the lines of being resurrected from the dead), but due to some complications from knowing the facts (i.e. magic can’t be used on the Isle and voodoo probably doesn’t work that way) that headcanon is pretty short lived.
Dr. Facilier happens to have another daughter named Celia who appears on Descendants 3.
So I’m really confused as to who Rapunzel’s and Eugene’s daughter is. From the web series, “School of Secrets”, there’s a girl named Anxelin who was said to be Rapunzel’s daughter, yet in “Wicked World”, a girl named Ruby was also confirmed to be Rapunzel’s daughter. It’s still unknown whether or not they are sisters or if it’s the same character renamed.
Ginny Gothel is a character who appeared in The Isle of the Lost.
The Little Mermaid
Ariel is the first Disney princess to have a child in canon (The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea), so shouldn’t that count for something? But knowing Disney, they would probably throw in a redhead girl whose first name starts with “A” just to fit in with the criteria.  -___-  Either that or Melody would only be mentioned as the “older sister” of this girl.
In “School of Secrets”, Ariel has a niece, but it’s not clear as to which of her sisters is the mother of this girl.
In Descendants 2 and Rise Of The Isle Of The Lost, Ursula’s daughter, Uma, was introduced. 
Ursula has a sister named Morgana (The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea). Morgana is often very jealous of Ursula because their mother always considered her to be her favorite daughter.
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Thanks to @auradone who pointed it out, there’s a musical that portrays Ursula and Triton as siblings. This means that Ursula (and Morgana) is Ariel’s aunt and Melody’s great aunt. Although to me it’s kind of confusing since they’re both a completely different species. (Honestly I’m not exactly on board with this story line since Ursula and Morgana’s mom was shown above. Definitely doesn’t seem like she’d be related to Triton.)
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Peter Pan
Before, I thought Harriet and CJ were the same person but the confusion was cleared in Rise of the Isle of the Lost that Harriet, Harry, and CJ are apparently siblings (oldest to youngest in that order). Still unsure as to whether or not they all came from the same mother.
I strongly disagree that Peter Pan would have any kids himself. He’s a child and will always be a child, so I highly doubt that he would take on the responsibility of being a parent. EVER. If Disney ever try to shove that bullshit under our nose, I will completely lose ALL faith that they’re going to put any effort into accuracy.
Mr. Smee had a son named Sammy in the 1st novel Isle of the Lost, but has 2 other sons in Descendants 3, Squeaky and Squirmy.
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The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Thanks to @72crowe89 for reminding me that Phoebus and Esmeralda had a son together.
Quasimodo and Madellaine had a happy ending in The Hunchback of Notre Dame ll, so I’m pretty sure they have to get married at some point.
I guess since Frollo was so used to have Quasi as a personal slave (and so abusive towards him), he had to assign that same fate to his daughter (hence her job as the bell ringer at Dragon Hall, the school on the Isle). How sad…
Again, who’s in charge of naming the kids of Disney characters when their “originality” is as dull as a brick?
Clayton has a sister named Lady Waltham who appeared in a spin-off TV show, The Legend of Tarzan. 
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Alice’s sister doesn’t have an official name (it wasn’t even mentioned in the credits), but in a few sources, her name is Mathilda. I just went along with it, because it would look weird if I only put in a nameless sibling.
Pin? JUST PIN?!! THAT HAS GOT TO BE THE LAZIEST NAME EVER. They couldn’t even give him a legit Italian name that starts with a “P”? Are you serious right now?! I pray to God above, that better be just a nickname. This was mentioned in the second novel Return to the Isle of the Lost.
Yzma apparently has her own little family; her mother, Azma, and her two nephews, Zim and Zam, who all appeared in the TV show spin-off The Emperor’s New School. Yzma’s daughter, Yzla, appeared in the books Isle of the Lost and Return To The Isle Of The Lost, while her son, Zevon, appeared in Wicked World.
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