#the best friend being Piama or Galen or Sevastian-
xekstrin · 17 hours
Since she would be a fourth wave love interest*, we don’t really need to start with the whole background in the Wilds.
In the prologue, “anti-monarchy rebels” are probably the ones who try to kill the queen
Game IMMEDIATELY starts out with MC in Altadellys looking for her friend Hazel. She is moving to the big city for a better life and Hazel promised to help her land on her feet.
First CG is MC seeing Hazel for the first time in years, and she’s hammering away at the forge all sweaty and focused and hot, and MC is like “……..why does Hazel look so different here…..”
Anyway they’re extremely cute and happy to see each other for two chapters! Hazel is more than happy being roommates until MC finds her own place. MC has work lined up in a noble’s house
(either Sevastian, Xenia, or Piama— in every case, Xenia is of course keeping close tabs on MC)
Third chapter would be the introduction of the main threat: a local crime lord.
Since Hazel has zero connections to the nobility, her struggles would all be more focused on the problems of the common folk. Hazel slowly reveals she is extremely rebellious and critical of the current power structures in Altadellys, which paves the path for her and The Silver Dagger to team up and keep the peace on these streets.
The local petty crime lord is terrorizing the commoners, but the nobles can’t be bothered to see how this affects them. MC gets swept up into these problems despite Hazel trying to keep her out of it. MC sees someone being hassled and steps in because she was raised in the WILDS and she has a KNIFE and she is ready to SHANK SOMEONE
They still find time to have fun in Altadellys though— Second CG is Hazel gazing adoringly at MC who is going ham on all the cool shit at the market or eating a fancy cake for the first time. “Do you like it? We can come here next week too, if you want…”
MC and Hazel get increasingly domestic and cozy. Funny, she didn’t feel like this when they were kids…
The Silver Dagger makes an appearance because he is doing his whole Batman schtick and says SOMETHING BIG is being planned in the city and the local petty crime lord is gonna do something bad but we don’t know what! Galen is also there being all secretive and knowing things they can’t share yet.
Hazel also hesitantly tries to loop Amara into things because she respects her. Amara is a Reasonable Authority Figure who agrees to help
Third CG is Hazel and MC arguing passionately — “This is getting too dangerous, Freckles” // “Do you really think I’ll let you do this alone?!”
Episodes 10-12
MC gets snatched by the crime lord who wants to have a little……. Chat. Really this crime lord only wants what is best for the people…. Outsiders from the Wilds can’t understand how complicated it is here… and MC has been causing lots of PROBLEMS….
(MC quietly agrees the Wilds were much simpler, but this crime lord (who is a hot lady, because it’s lovestruck, of course she is also beautiful) is scummy)
MC gets locked up and learns the truth that uhhhhh idk the crime lord is uhhh gonna poison the water supply or something heinous.
An invisible person (Ruelle) frees her and says “hey just hang tight, the rescue team is on their way”
4th CG— The Rescue Team. It’s Amara, Silver Dagger, Galen, and HAZEL!!!! Looking badass and battle ready. There’s a big fight, the crime lord escapes and Hazel gets to be all heroic and like “are you okay… i was so worried about you….”
The cliffhanger is they go home to celebrate their victory but the second they’re through the door they collapse into the same bed and start sloppy making out and Hazel is like “ouuughh MC i thought i lost youuuu i’ve wanted you so long” and that’s the season 1 cliffhanger
*“Fourth wave?” First wave was Amara and Sevastian, then Xenia and Lyris, then Galen and Piama, so Hazel would have been fourth wave
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
Until We Meet Again - Lovestruck AU fanfiction
A/N - This is Part of an AU series where all the Lovestruck LIs are retired together. It is based on a fic by @violettduchess that you can read HERE.
Warnings - None
Tagging - @mcira @enchantedlovestruckfan @otakufangirl-12 @remys-lucky-franc
"Would you stop fussing already?" Nikolai swatted Remy away as he continued to preen himself in the mirror. "You know she's not going to care how you look today."
Nikolai peered down at the Frenchman. "Today needs to be perfect."
Remy turned and shook his head. "Perhaps you can talk some sense into him?"
Nikolai cocked his head towards Sevastian, who joined the group silently. "And take fashion advice from the man who cannot close his shirt?"
Sevastian smirked and took a long sip from his wine glass. "My MC prefers me like this." Nikolai pinched his brow in frustration.
"Enough," Remy exclaimed. "Onyx has gone all out on tonight's party. No expense spared. Nikolai, you'll feel much better when you have a drink in you."
"I'll feel a lot better once she's here," he mumbled under his breath. His hopes that no one heard were dashed when the Winter Prince gave him a wistful smile.
The men entered the main room, a raucous party already underway. It was evident Onyx had truly spared no expense - the drinks were free flowing and the spread of food never ending. There was glitter slowly falling from the ceiling, surely the result of someone's magical capabilities who Nikolai was certain was an acquaintance of Jett's. 
Dressed in their best were the remaining members of the Poppy - Leon, Zoe and Jett; their excitement easily evident from their smiles. 
"Let's grab a drink and make our rounds," Remy whispered to Nikolai as he tipped his head, acknowledging his dearest friends. Remy grabbed a freshly opened bottle of champagne and a pair of glasses and draped his arm around Nikolai's shoulders as he steered him towards a small group.
"Ladies!" Remy called out in his most charming tone. "I was told that one of you is the infamous Zhora?"
A tall lady with rather long and colorful hair nodded and spoke. "Yes, I'm Zhora."
Remy held his hand out to her. "I'm Remy..."
"I know who you are," she replied matter-of-factly as the other ladies in the group snickered. 
Remy straightened, surprised by her answer. "Oh, my apologies. I was wondering if I could offer any of you a drink? Or a refill perhaps?"
The blonde dressed in what looked like a cop's uniform raised her beer bottle. "I'm good, but thanks for the offer."
The sultry redhead who Remy recalled only joined the group a few days ago shook her head. "That won't mix with what I'm having."
"What I'm drinking is a bit stronger than what you're offering," Zhora added with a smirk.
"Forgive my intrusion then, ladies," Remy said as he backed away from the group. He knew when he was not wanted, and this was definitely one of those instances.
"That was truly spectacular," Nikolai whispered to Remy as they surveyed the room. Nikolai spotted Atlas sitting at the bar, his MC happily sitting in his lap, the two of them drinking what was most likely that ridiculous whiskey. Nikolai never understood what was so special about the pilot's beverage of choice after being forced to try some during an equally ridiculous poker game.
"She's late."
"She's not late," Remy countered, while glancing at his watch. "Vivienne is never late."
Just as the last words left his lips, the doors opened and there they were. Vivienne and his MC.
"Go on, go say hello," Remy urged, his hand on Nikolai's shoulder. But Nikolai wasn't budging; he was frozen in place. Remy turned to look at his friend, waving his hand in front of Nikolai's face. "Earth to Niko!" 
Nikolai looked down at the ground, shifting his weight from one foot to another. "I had only recently left. I'm sure she will want to greet the others first..."
Nikolai heard soft laughter, and was about to scold Remy for mocking him. But when he looked up, he found himself staring into the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes. His solnishko. She came to him. Nikolai felt his entire body suddenly relax, not realizing until now the full extent of his anxiousness. 
"You're here," he whispered, gently taking her hands in his.
She nodded, and immediately stood on her tiptoes so she could give Nikolai a soft, sweet kiss. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," Nikolai replied, practically beaming. "Come, I have someone I'd like you to meet."
The prince was not difficult to find. He was playing cards with his usual crowd - Lyris, Nathan, Nav and Darius. Sevastian was draped over the chair in a fashion that lacked any sense of grace. When Sevastian noticed the Thief Lord beckoning to him, he put his cards down and immediately followed.
"Sevastian, this is my solnishko," Nikolai proudly introduced.
Sevastian lowered himself in a small bow. "It's my pleasure to finally meet you." He smiled at the couple, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm sure you both have lots to catch up, the hallways are usually quiet."
They took the hint and giggled as they wandered off, hopefully to a quiet corner somewhere. Sevastian sighed as he glanced around the room. Amara was seated at a table, immersed in a chess game. Lyris was occupied at the card table, squabbling as only he could. He missed his MC, their MC. She was being cared for now by Xenia, Galen and Piama. Occasionally he was called for a quick reunion, but it wasn't the same. It's never the same when it's not your story. He missed his voice.
With that, he tightened his cloak around himself and skulked off, seeking the solace of his thoughts.
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onehopefuldreamer · 4 years
Lovestruck Writers Appreciation Week Day 3
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Which series is your most favourite and why? 
Reigning Passions 
There were quite a few series and routes I really enjoyed before Reigning Passions but it wasn’t until this series premiered that I actually understood what it was like to be truly passionate not only about every LI currently releasing but about pretty much all the side characters as well. 
I’m a huge fantasy fan but despite loving Helena to bits and enjoying Altea a fair amount Love & Legends never did it for me properly. Sweet Enchantments was lovely and is definitely a fave but despite loving almost everyone there (Liora, Runa and Zain, you all ended way too soon for my liking!), there were still LIs I wasn’t as interested in (sorry, Lucien and Roman!). Reigning Passions was the first fantasy release by Lovestruck that completely captured my attention as soon as it was announced. I absolutely loved all the character designs we were shown, was over the moon about the new MC not being human (and being a redhead with freckles, I love redheads and freckles) and very intriguied by the idea of a capital being separated into different seasons. This all looked like something I’d potentially enjoy a whole lot. 
And I was not wrong in my initial impression. Reigning Passions quickly became the one series I am always excited about. It finally made me turn the sound of the app on in order to listen to its beautiful soundtrack while I read. I grew to love all the main characters incredibly quickly and despite being all about Xenia pretty much from the get go I still developed a profound appreciation for the wonderfully loyal Amara, the tough looking but actually very respectful and supportive Sevastian and the cheerful and self-sacrificing Lyris. 
What really impressed me was the fact that although there were similarities in the stories’ set-ups each of them felt very unique and presented me with a different view of the same world and MC. So much so that it felt like if I wasn’t reading them all I was missing out on something precious. Different side characters became villains, different twists and turns were explored but at the core of it all was always the same group of wonderfully loyal friends and allies that kept me coming back for more. 
Now, what I love most about Reigning Passions is actually not the music or the art or the absolutely amazing (and wholesome and healthy, each and every one of them!) romantic relationships, although this is all a huge plus. It’s the amount of time dedicated to building lonely orphan MC a stable circle of friends who are always there for her and support her no matter what. From childhood friends Hazel and Rosie to constantly bickering Piama and Ruelle and playful Lyris, from always flirting but surprisingly reliable Galen to stalwart Gideon as well as new allies like Nisse, Pax and Quince. I’m probably forgetting someone but that’s only because Reigning Passions has the most impressive supporting cast of characters in any Lovestruck series. I love them all. I wish they could all get their own routes. And I absolutely love that they’re such good friends to an MC who is used to being the one ridiculed and left out. You have no idea what it means to someone who grew up as the odd one out and had difficulties making friends for a long time to see a character that feels so similar get so many wonderful friends who stick with her through thick and thin. It makes my heart sing every time I see the others being there for MC and showing her she is loved and cherished. Reigning Passions has not only the best writing, plots, art and music but the best friendships as well and it’s the friendships that ensure it gets number 1 spot on my list of favourites. 
Honorary mention: Ever After Academy
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Now I know this is a very new series but I still felt the need to add a quick mention of it because it’s come to mean a lot to me. As someone who is all about equal representation for everyone it made me so happy to see Lovestruck finally add a male MC! It felt like a step in the right direction towards a more inclusive app where everyone can find something for themselves. And despite the premise of the series being relatively simple it drew me in immediately. 
I admit I love fairytales, always have, but I’ve also always hated the assorted stereotypes they come with. So it’s such a treat that Ever After Academy does not only not resort to the traditional fairytale stereotypes but actively questions them in all routes I’ve read so far. Moreover all the characters are extremely lovable and I’m already deeply attached to both MCs, Nora, Lucas and Ezra as well as Arin and Omar. Nora’s and Lucas’ premiere seasons brought me heaps of joy and Ezra is off to a very promising start. I can only hope the people working on these characters will have the opportunity to return to them after the strike under better working conditions.
Support the Voltage writers in their fight for fair working conditions! Follow @vowtogether!
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megatraven · 3 years
What do you think of a Astoria and Reigning Passions cross over? Lyris would flirt will all the li's, what about a karaoke battle between Lyris and Alex?? Ajjsjs-
hydra and sevastian would be kindred spirits and lyris would think its hilarious vuv may would see piama and ruelle fighting and sidle up to them like “so how long have you two liked each other” and they’d get very defensive but may would Know. medusa would probably get along very well w xenia. i think alex and amara would hit it off, too hmmmm..... cerberus and leoa? best friends. chimera and galen would be trading stories and chimera woiuld be like “maybe i should try out being a pirate some time”
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alixennial · 5 years
Have you played reigning passions? Your thoughts about the story?
Hello! I have been playing Reigning Passions, yes. I like the idea of it - the politics and back-stabbing and game playing as they all fight for their position - maybe we’ll see more of that in seasons to come? (plenty of opportunities missed in S1)
I really like Amara and I think there’s still a lot more to learn about her character and motivations. She’s very self-disciplined and restrained and I’d like to see that tested - I’m sure that’s what they have in mind for S2.
I’m 50/50 on Sevastian - I think I would have preferred two distinct personalities for him and his alter ego, and for his other identity to be a bit more.. idk, enigmatic. He’s supposed to be shrouded in mystery - I think I just wanted him to appear more dangerous or elusive or something. And actually I didn’t want to discover his identity at the start of S1 - disappointed!
Piama is a definite candidate for back-stabbing MC at some point, but I wish that wasn’t made so obvious - sometimes it’s good to be surprised. 
I do like Xenia’s character, she seems dramatic.
Galen’s character seems inconsistent to me. And it feels like they’ve been given extra screen time but with no real purpose. I can only assume they will ‘win’ the vote to be one of the next LI’s.
Lyris seems a lot of fun - I’d definitely like to see more shenanigans from him!
Gideon has been given barely any screen time. His story seems very interesting and I love his awkward friendship with Amara but I don’t think they have any intentions of giving us his story.
Hazel is a great best friend. I can’t see her being any more than that - she’s definitely May / Robin / Cleo material. They need to give her a sprite without a hammer though, she will have back problems carrying that thing around everywhere!
Thea’s very pretty. I don’t really have anything else to say about her though - I’m a bit confused about who she is and what she does tbh.
Tristan is successfuly nauseating.
Have I missed anyone?
As things stand, Amara has the edge over Sevastian for me. The series itself is… entertaining… but I like QOT a LOT more. Thanks for the ask - let me know what you think too! X
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
Something sweet with Hazel/MC pretty please? 🥰
Thank you anon for this request. I hope you enjoy this fic 😊
“Hazel, I need you,” I say, panting, as I close the door to her shop behind me and lean against it.
Hazel puts down her hammer immediately, and looks up at me, her eyes full of concern. “What’s the matter, Freckles?”
“Nothings really the matter…” my voice trails off, not sure how to begin, but not wanting to worry my oldest and best friend. “I couldn’t sleep, and I just really needed a friend to talk to, so I ran all the way over here. That is, if you weren’t busy or anything.”
Hazel comes over and takes me by the arm. “I’m never too busy for you,” her smile is warm and bright and instantly calms me. “Come, let’s have some tea.”
Once the tea is made, we settle with our cups in front of her hearth. I find the warmth welcoming and soothing, a stark contrast to my upbringing in the Winter Wilds. How things have changed.
“So…” Hazel finally breaks the ice. “Tell me what’s bothering you. Is it boy problems?” She winks at me. “Or maybe girl problems?” And then nudges my elbow.
I frown and my eyebrows furrow. I take a long sip of tea before divulging the details. “Maybe a bit of both?”
Hazel’s eyes widen, her mouth agape. “I’ve noticed you’ve been quite popular since your arrival here but didn’t think you were that popular!” Hazel’s mouth breaks into a huge grin, unable to hide her delight.
I groan and close my eyes. “Why does everyone here have to be so gorgeous?”
Hazel breaks into laughter. Great, she’s enjoying this, getting pleasure from my pain. Maybe this was the wrong decision to come here. “Time to spill, Freckles. Who’s caught your interest?”
I swallow my fear, and begin to open up. “Well, first there was Amara…”
Hazel looks like she might fall out of her seat. “The Captain?”
I look away, trying to hide my blush. “Yes, she’s really quite lovely once you get to know her. I know I haven’t been here very long or know her too well, but I think we have become close friends, and I enjoy her company perhaps a bit too much than I should?” I take another sip of my tea. “And I think she feels the same way.”
Hazel hums, mulling this over. “I’m still shocked. Ok, continue…I know there are more interested suitors out there.”
I glare daggers at her. Suitors? I wish. “Lyris started off being one of my best friends here, helping me navigate the rather complicated ways of life here in Altadellys. I don’t know when it happened, or how, but I see him as more of a friend now. And I find myself hoping that all his friendliness is not just an act as a courtesan.”
Hazel shakes her head. “Lyris wouldn’t string you along as the fool. No, if he is paying all that attention to you, he is certainly interested in you.” Hazel pauses, pondering her next words. “Just stay clear of Hortensia…”
“Who?” The name was not familiar to me.
Hazel waves her hand. “Never mind, forget I said anything. Go on, I know there’s more.”
I fidget, playing with the hem of my sleeve. “Sevastian…” my ears turn shades of pink just by mentioning his name.
Hazel chuckles loudly. “I had heard you have become a regular at his parties,” she says while waggling her eyebrows. “Have you two, you know, participated in any shenanigans ­–“
I hold my hand up, stopping her from continuing my further embarrassment. “No. Never. Neither of us. He never participates in that stuff, it’s all for show, for the other guests.” I bury my head in my hands and sigh loudly. “One minute, he’s charming and funny; the next cold and pushing me away. He is the most impossible, infuriating, irresistible man I know.”
“Is that all, Freckles? Or are there more after you?”
I nod my head. “Xenia…she’s mysterious and beautiful. I don’t spend much time with her, but the times I do, I feel she is always testing me. Maybe seeing how far she can push me. And she has four arms. Four arms, Hazel! Imagine the things you can do with four arms!”
Hazel shoots me a look that screams calm down, girl. I take another sip of tea, hoping its warmth relaxes me. “Right. And now Galen has been finding every opportunity to flash their charming smile at me. I don’t know what they’re after just yet, but they are certainly interested in me.”
“This is a rather impressive group you have to pick from, Freckles. I don’t envy you one bit,” she says with a smile.
“There’s one more. Princess Piama. She was so cold to me at first, but now? We keep running into each other here and there. I feel like maybe she’s interested? But every time I try to spend time with her, she has something else to do. Maybe she is too busy with Ruelle…”
“What about Gideon? Or Master Quince? You haven’t mentioned them yet.” Hazel eyes me, prodding me for more details.
“Gideon is always in his tower, so I don’t expect any interest to come from him. Though, if I am being completely honest, I wouldn’t say no if he ever offered me a hug. And Master Quince? If anyone has ever needed a friend, it’s him. Despite my best efforts, he remains to be the shyest person I’ve met in Altadellys.”
Hazel leans back in her seat, contemplating all that I have shared with her. “You know I cannot tell you who to pick. That’s for your heart to decide who is right for you. And your heart will tell you and guide you to the one that’s best for you.” She pauses for a moment, before breaking into a slight smirk. “But, whoever you don’t pick…could you maybe out in a good word for me? Maybe even get me an invite to one of those parties?”
“Hazel!” I grab the nearest pillow and swat her with it. For all the teasing she has put me through tonight, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Hazel truly is the best friend anyone can ask for.
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