#the characters i have in mind for the rest of this series will beeee
watatsumiis · 2 years
Been walking around a lot today so I figured I'd write about some headcanons about walking with some of my faves!
Going to upload this in a few parts (about 4-5 characters in each one!)
Characters: Albedo, Al Haitham, Ayato, Capitano, Childe, Dottore,
Gender neutral reader (referred to as 'you'), platonic friendships with the listed characters (unless you consider handholding to be inherently romantic), just some cutesy bits about walking around with them!
Albedo enjoys quiet on his walks, he stops a lot to look at things that interest him, to take notes and the like. He walks at a bit of a meandering pace, with you by his side. I imagine that he can be a little touch averse so he's not super into the idea of holding hands or anything like that, but he'll call you over every now and then to look at something of interest, he won't make you feel silly for asking questions, he's super kind and gentle when explaining things when he's got a low-effort whole body activity like walking to do at the same time!
Al Haitham is a fast walker, he'd probably leave you in the dust without realising. He can be a little flighty/unsure about walking somewhere without a set destination in mind, but after a few walks he begins to notice that taking a break from his studies to get outside and walk about really does help him let out some of that anxious energy. He's probably also kind of touch averse (especially on hotter days) but he might be okay holding hands every now and then, especially if you're somewhere crowded or busy.
Ayato doesn't often get time off to just wander around aimlessly, so he revels in going on nice long walks - especially in places that aren't very crowded, he loves nature walks especially. He almost subconsciously offers him arm out for you to take when the terrain underfoot gets rocky or uneven because he's just a gentleman like that. He's a fast walker, but a steady one - I'd imagine that while he doesn't love crowds, he's a very good person to walk behind when there are a lot of people bustling about simply because of how much of a presence he holds, both in terms of his physical height and appearance and his high-ranking status as the Yashiro Commissioner! He'll definitely treat you to boba and snacks if you're out at the markets!
Capitano goes on a lot of walks, he's a very physically fit person so his morning routine probably consists of like a 2 hour jog or something intense like that. He's not very talkative, he's more of the 'silent company' type, where you both just walk side by side, but he'll stop and listen to you if you have something you want to say or point out. He won't actively seek out physical contact, but he won't actively oppose it if you initiate it, he's kind of laid back in that way. He's very pleasant to walk with I think, he'll contently listen to you as you ramble on about whatever is on your mind.
Childe is like a little kid, darting about a few paces ahead of you as he checks out every single little thing - he loves walking around markets or forested areas, anywhere where there's lots of things to look at and keep him entertained. If you turn your back for a few moments he's just suddenly run off to go talk to some random merchant or investigate a funky looking rock. He can and will just randomly grab your arm and drag you over to look at something he finds interesting. He also has no qualms about holding your hand and using you like a living, breathing fidget toy.
Dottore likes to observe - both you and the environments around you. He's big on people watching and will point out when he sees others doing strange or interesting things and come up with theories as to why they may be doing those things. Walks with him are pretty quiet at first as he acclimates himself to your walking routine, learns what your 'normal' patterns and such -- I imagine he can be very routine-oriented when he's doing things such as this, wanting to focus more on your habits and how you do certain things so he can log it. He'll let you do what you like, which includes holding hands or linking arms, but if you change things up from your normal routine he'll want to know why.
I reckon I'll do some more later, if you have any characters you'd like to see me write some headcanons for with this prompt, please feel free to send me an ask, anon or not and I'll see what I can do!
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ranmarukurosakis · 4 years
👀 Do you own any merchandise?
Yeeep, mostly posters and figures….I own all of the Quartet Night figures and 3 out of 7 Starish figures…oh and I have Natsuki’s best of album! but the one thing I’m the proudest of is my Ranmaru/Tatsu ita bag I spent hours working on lol tho I really wanna fecking start a Natsuki ita bag
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🌧 Something about the series that makes you sad/emotional?
that the otome games don’t get fecking localized bc a shit ton of character development is just missing for some of the guys in the anime…and I wanna know more about every single one of them. 
It also makes me a bit sad that the rest of QN is always hella mean to Reiji…he deserves better
for the what makes me emotional part…watching the seiyuus get emotional during lives
😂 Funniest moment in the series?
what immediately came to my mind was Reiji pissing Tokiya off every time lmao….OH! the scene where Tokiya dressed up as a woman to help Masato with his role was hella funny too….and basically every time Natsuki bothers Syo
⛪️ Who would you like to live with/have as roommates?
either Ran Ran or Natsuki…a completely unbiased answer right there
🔊 What’s your favourite song from your favourite band?
my favorite Quartet Night song would beeee hmmm The World Is Mine I think…I love the way it rocks
🎀 Favourite Shining Live card?
I have…quite a few lmaoo
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Setsugetsuka Ranmaru (normal shot): I love the cherry blossoms and the soft light and aaaaa I’m glad I finally obtained the card
Evil Villains Ranmaru (normal shot): I’ve always been fucking weak for attractive villains and suffering through this event was worth it because damn it looks like he’s gonna fuck you up real good
Be My Partner Ranmaru (normal shot): everything about this card is beautiful…Ran is a gorgeous sleepyhead amidst all those pretty flowers
Steal Your Heart Ranmaru (normal shot): I almost died the first time I saw that card because dayummm he looks seductive as hell. I wish I would have tiered for this event sdhdd
Force Live Ranmaru (special shot): this was my first favorite UR and I wanted it so badly…I love the Force Live outfits and the red aura surrounding him is just fecking gorgeous
Serment du Ciel Etoile Natsuki (special shot): THE ONLY GLIMPSE OF SATSUKI KLAB EVER GAVE US PLEAS E GIVE US MORE KLAB I AM THIRSTY…the line about him using the card to slice your throat did some things to me
Milky Way Viola Natsuki (normal and special shot): oof everything about those cards is just gorgeous…in the normal shots I really love the colorful meadows and such and how happy Natchan looks while in the idolized version I love the starry sky background and aashbhffdhb tiering for this UR was worth it
😇 Who’s your best boy & what drew you to him?
I DONT KNOW ANYMORE IF I SHOULD ANSWER THIS FOR RANMARU OR NATSUKI IDC IMMA DO BOTH….for Ranmaru it’s uhhh Suzuki Tatsuhisa I seem to have a thing for rocker dudes and I love how he’s really passionate and if you finally get past his barrier of grumpy grump you can see how soft hearted he is and that he really cares about his bandmates especially Reiji *cough* which is really cute
hmmm what drew me to Natsuki….it’s Taniyama Kishou….how cute he is and loves to squeeze anything cute and smaller than him and aAAaA a good boy…I also like how he keeps trying his best to conquer his childhood trauma and become a better version of himself. plus he can be a giant goofball but he knows when to be serious and wELL there’s also Satsuki so well you get the best of both worlds
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