#the fear in aaravos' eyes lol
platinumrosetail · 8 months
Hi it's me again! I was wondering if you could do a Yandere Aaravos refusing to let go if his reincarnated Lover aka reader after losing them in elarion??
Hello again! And yes! I’ve been waiting for a Aaravos request for so long 🤩.
Warning: noob author, , yandere romantic character and others.
Character: Aaravos.
You were a simple servant to Viren, you mostly take care of dusting and straightening things that were out of place and needed fixing, unaware of the eyes of a invisible; with Viren being the one to see him, startouch elf named Aaravos.
Aaravos soon realized that you’re the reincarnation of his past lover which he lost long ago when he was still free and not stuck in that mirror he is in now
Aaravos decided to manipulate Viren to get you to help out more around viren’s office so that he could see you more and learn what new things you liked as there was new things made that weren’t in existence in the past when you were still his lover before you died.
While you do your job you notice that a little caterpillar like creature appear when you’re in lord viren’s office, you decided to let the little crawl up your finger so that you could hold it but wasn’t expecting it to crawl faster up you arm to your neck and around your ear before a deep voice started to speak.
The deep male voice kept saying how he’ll have in his arms again and that he’ll never let you go again along with how you’ll never leave him again and not even death will take you after he has you in his hands, you were fearful about all of this but didn’t know what to do as you needed a job to have a stable life and this was the only one with good pay as far as you were aware, you decided to keep quiet unless it escalates to more trouble then you would tell lord Viren about the caterpillar creature, though what you didn’t know was that your choice on leaving it be was a bad decision on your part.
Aaravos began on making sure to execute his plan faster and more calculated seeing as you were put into the mix which was unexpected even for him, so he has to make sure he doesn’t lose you again.
Though he did find a spell that could bring you into the mirror and decided that, that was the better course of action as he can keep a better eye on you, make sure you don’t run off, get injured or worse, and so he can finally have you in his arms after so many centuries since your passing.
(A/n: hope you like it!! Also I can’t wait until season 6 and hope we get to see more Aaravos and his past cause i feel like he isn’t doing all of this just for fun especially after seeing some pictures of Aaravos that I believe is for the next season, also I really hope I get more Aaravos as I love this man even though he’s a villain 😍 lol and I know some of y’all can agree with me, also I’m hoping to create a book for this man sooner or later so wish me luck 😁, anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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aviradasa · 5 months
Love long lost Pt2
Aaravos x Fem!reader
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{angst} @delusional-mushroom @hubba-hubba1 @jellyfishxxi
Warnings: blood, wounds, depicted Self inflicted wounds,
Hey my little goblins guess what time it is! Time for my ass to post part 2!! I am honestly loving this little mini series so I've decided a part 3 maybe 4 will be seen in the near future lol. Anyways I hop you all enjoy and thank you for your patience also I will be @ ing all the folks who ask me to!
Ps: don't forget to leave a request! I will be linking my masterlist here please read it before requesting! Anyways have a happy read!
Pt 1 linked here
Pt three linked here
It takes a moment for my eyes to open again but when they don't see the stone walls of the storm spire, No all I see is that I am in an old Human tavern, As I look around everything has a blue tint-like that of the magic that Aarvos used on me, looking around i see large groups of human and elves sitting at tables, drinking, talking, and listening to the upbeat music, I can even smell the various foods being Cooked in the back the rich scents wafting about and mixing assisting in making the atmosphere even more warm and inviting.
I walk through the tavern and head to the front bar and take a seat in front of the barmaid. I don't know where I am, it seems familiar but I just can't place it. I need to know why Aaravos sent me here and why.
“ Hey, there miss, busy night huh?” I ask the barmaid, earning no response. Maybe she just didn't hear me over the music, I think to myself so I decided it best to possibly try and ask again. “ hey miss, it sure is a busy night huh?” I ask once more. The barmaid does not react at all and I start to wonder if she even knows it there. She has to know I’m there. I'm sitting right in front of her, maybe she just isn't in the talking mood. I think to myself as I stand up, I walk over to a human man who is sitting at a table with some other people and way my hand in front of his face earning no response. He just continues talking to the other folks at the table, and that's when the panic starts to seep in.
I run table to table seat to seat tapping, screaming, hitting everyone I see but I get no reaction each time, no one in the tavern can see me, hear me, or feel me. I am simply a phantom in this place. Once I've exhausted my options I run to the door of the tavern and try to yank it open to no avail, I tug and pull, kick, punch, and scratch at the door until my nails are shredded and bleeding alongside my knuckles, leaving bloody scratch marks on the tavern door as I weep, not just because of the pain I've inflicted upon myself in the moment, but because I am trapped in this place alone and scared. What makes it even worse is that Aaravos put me here and I still have no idea why.
A few moments pass and I wipe my tear-stained face, and take a seat at a darkened table in the back of the tavern. It almost seems like the light from the firepit in the middle of the room is too fearful to illuminate the spot . Once I take my seat the sound of the music in the tavern is changed to a more eerie circus-like sound as one of the bards step onto the stones surrounding the firepit. It appears he is a moonshadow elf mage. Suddenly he casts a spell and The room dims slightly as he begins to speak.
“My good friends old and new, We have a special show for you tonight, filled with frights, lights, and One of the most beautiful creatures of the night. You know her,you love her, she's the one and only Y/n!” he says as a black sheet appears on the floor in front of him. The mage sprinkles some sort of powder onto the sheet before grabbing the corner of it. The mage lifts the sheet spinning it elaborately, sending the purple dust into the air of the tavern giving the little light in the dim room a purple glow before he dramatically throws the sheet into the air, revealing an elven girl dressed as a dancer. Posing in the middle of the room as the whole tavern erupted into cheers.
“y/n?..” I ask myself, I'm confused in every way possible, but before I can think about what I'm witnessing I hear someone speak.
“Amature magic at its best.” I hear an oddly familiar voice say beside me, I jump in my seat turning my head so fast I could have broken my neck. I know that voice anywhere but could it be? My whole body freezes in place as I stare at the figure In the seat next to me, they are wearing a very elaborate cloak with an odd symbol on the hood. They are sipping from a tankard, with their eyes glued to the girl in the middle of the room. But just as I look back to the middle of the room the performer turns her head and everything goes black.
I awakened once more in a forest, it had the same blue haze as the tavern did but this time it was lighter than before. I spin around slowly taking in my surroundings but stop suddenly. Right in front of me is a small pond in a small clearing of the forest, it is surrounded by many types of Xadian flowers and plants being illuminated by the moonlight that is cast upon the small pond’s waters, and standing beside the pond with their back facing me is that same cloaked figure from the tavern.
Suddenly I hear a voice quite like mine call out in a whispered shout, “Aaravos is that you?” the voice says, the cloaked figure turns around and takes down their hood revealing the familiar elf, he looked nothing like he did when I saw him through the mirror, his skin is a more vibrant purple and the star freckles on his face glow brighter than they had when I saw him, his hair is neater and pulled out of his face, its held in place by a golden circlet. He looks divine and ethereal, he almost looks like he shouldn't belong to Xadia, but some far-away planet that we could never even dream of.
I turn around to see the elven performer girl from the tavern, this time I can see her face clearly she looks like me.., but I only see her for a moment as a smile creeps onto her face and she runs to him wrapping her arms around his neck, he returns the embrace and her smile as he wraps his arms around her waist and spins her around for a moment as their laughter intertwined with the wind. She shares my voice and from what I saw my face. But how can this be, Who is she? I wonder as I watch the scene play out. But once her feet touch the ground, their laughter fades and it all goes black once more.
This time I woke up in a cave. I take a moment to gather myself and let my eyes adjust to the darkened area before I feel comfortable to stand. I hastily make my way to the cave entrance and look out and see the edge of a new forest. I hear a loud crack and snap my head in the direction of the sound. I can't make out much but the light the stars provide is enough to illuminate two silhouetted figures moving through the trees in a panic. the taller one dragging the other by the wrist as they run, I have a good idea by now of who those two figures are and I am proven correct when they enter the cave.
They are both visibly disheveled with her hair being knotted with twigs leaves and mud, her clothing is freshly ripped and torn, and she has cuts, bruises, and blood scattered along her skin. His appearance is similar, but his hair is less messy and his clothing is more dirty than tattered, though they share the same amount of wounds it seems. “Aaravos…What did you do.” the girl says wiping away tears but smearing the blood and dirt on her skin more by accident. He doesn't respond to her, he just looks away avoiding eye contact. She visibly gets frustrated and shoves him with all the force she can muster as she chokes out a sob. “WHAT DID YOU DO?” She screams at him through tears.
He still doesn't look at her nor does he respond. He doesn't even seem affected by her shove or screams, he just stands there. She approaches him once more and hits his chest “YOU BASTARD TELL ME WHAT YOU DID! WHY? WHY WON’T YOU TELL ME.” she screams again, I jump back When all of a sudden he snaps back “ I DID WHAT NEEDED TO BE DONE!” he screams back at her, grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her into the cave wall behind them as she chokes out another sob. “Let go, please… Let go, it hurts.” she cries. He drops her and she collapses onto the ground as he turns his back to her slamming his fists into the cave's jaggad walls. He didn't flinch once his blood started pouring out of the wounds he just placed his head against his bloody forearm and let it bleed, as his love cried in the background.
Then once more the scene went dark. But this time i did not appear in another memory.
I feel myself being shaken awake “y/n! y/n wake up are you ok? Y/n! Guys she's waking up!” I hear Raylas voice call out as my eyes drift open. I take a sharp breath as I come to and I shoot upright. Grabbing onto Raylas shoulder for support and i take in deep rapid breaths i feel a stinging on my forehead and when i reach up to touch it,it burns my fingertips. When i get my bearings I look around at everyone with a fearful,and shocked expression.
“You guys aren't gonna believe me when I tell you what I just saw.”
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1, 2, 4, and 5 for aaravos
Thank you for the Ask! 💖
1. Show us a favorite gif of your f/o!
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^ This one, because I love the subtle eye movements
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^ Or this one because it shows his movement while talking. (There’s another associated with it that actually shows his bangs’ movement more obviously as he moves his head a bit quickly). Man the attention to detail on these animations...)
2. Show us a favorite picture of your f/o!
So it’s between this one:
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From season 3. His astral projection self appearing for the first time in a while, right after the central villain has a weirdly funny (and-unknowingly to the other party-embarrassing) conversation with his son.
I just love the (probably mockingly teasing) entrance and expression. Even if it’s upside down, it’s nice to see him smiling like this. lol
And this one:
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From season 2, his physical form inside the mirror prison space. There’s no particular reason. This still just makes him look so polite and calm. Which he can be, but it gives the false impression of innocence as well. lol (I did color correct the irises too...but that aside, it’s still a good picture I think)
4. Is there any sort of spin-off media you’d like to see of your f/o’s source material? (i.e. If your f/o is from a film, would you want to see a video game based off that film?)
I would love to see him in the video game the team may or may not get to make. I just hope it isn’t as a Boss Battle or an enemy of some kind in general. (I think being the tutorial guide would even work)
But I kind of hope to see him in one of the comics too. There are going to be graphic novels made on the side (I don’t know if they have a limit decided on) with one out already and one other will be coming out soon.
The first one didn’t even mention Aaravos (thankfully, as it takes place shortly after season 3) and the next probably won’t either. It’s a story taking place in the young childhood of one of the main heroes.
But I would love to see how he looks in the style of the comics. That would be very interesting.
5. Give us a song you associate with your f/o / your ship!
Answered here, but here are more:
This is either Megavos or him to whoever the very important person we’ve been hinted on is. (Mostly it fits “The Fallen Star” though)
Again, probably more “The Fallen Star” appropriate than Megavos in general on his end.
Very much an Aaravos song relating to my Headcanons on him and his past. Both childhood and before his imprisonment to after.
I think this fits him best. He has basically been labeled as an ancient, mysterious threat and Xadia hates and fears him. We don’t know why (though the creators hint it’s not as simple as it looks) but that is what he is to them. Not a hero, but a monster and a lost cause.
* * *
These admittedly could fit Viren too...at least the first two and the last one (“Broken Soul” being about his friendship with Harrow and how he’s pretty lost now after Harrow’s death and everything after.)
And at least one line of lyrics from “My Demons”-“They’re all around me, circling like vultures. They want to break me and wash away my colors” sounds like the council and Xadia and everyone not listening or trying to stop him while he thinks he’s right. (And though not really...maybe Aaravos, as the only one that seems to get it aside from his blindly loyal daughter, is the other person in the song)
“Me Against the World” is self-explanatory there after season 3.
Media Ask Game!
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wildselkie · 4 years
Top 10 Scenes in TDP Season 1 (pt. 1/3)
Top 10 Scenes in TDP Season 1 (pt. 1/3)
*not ordered in which is better or worse, but it will be in chronological order*
Also some things are worded weirdly. I have a pain in the ass time trying to get my thoughts across in words so... I thank you for your patience :))
1) The scene where Callum, Ezran, and Rayla find the dragon prince. Ep. 2
I think this is one of the more pivotal moments in the show. I mean it is literally the scene that sets the story in motion after all! Two human princes, an elf assassin, and the lost dragon prince (who was thought to be dead/gone/egg destroyed(?)).. this is just IT.
*also i’m aware that Ez probably found the egg first cos he already knew about this secret area but still
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2) Viren (attempts to) proposes the idea to trade his life in for Harrow. Ep. 3
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Now there are other well thought and well written posts on this scene with Viren and Harrow, so I won't waste your time with all the gushy stuff. I find this scene important because it shows the lengths that Viren would go for his friend. Whether he's doing out of the goodness of his heart or some other selfish reason... maybe both(?)..
In the book Moon, it dives deeper into the plot along with expressing the characters' thoughts and feelings. As for Viren, it's stated in the book that he wanted to:
"offer his life for Harrow's, but he wanted him to understand that this was more than just a sacrifice of a subject to his king. This was personal"
"... he would need to be straightforward. He wanted to say simply I love you and I will die for you" (Ehasz 80).
I have no doubts that Viren didn't not love Harrow or anything of the sorts, but at the same time it feels like there was another motive. Maybe there was, who knows.
All we know about Viren is that he's a father of two (Claudia & Soren), divorced/ separated from his wife, and he's a dark mage. Of course there's some more (like he's taller than Harrow according to the character line up)... also his staff... like if you look at it, it's the same one as the mage who faced Sol Regem all those centuries (?) ago. Maybe he's related to him, or possibly descended from one of the followers. I'd imagine that teaching dark magic may be a thing within his family and ancestors... he taught Claudia dark magic. That doesn't prove anything but it's a small thought.
ANYWAY-- this scene is one of many scenes that show Viren in a vulnerable state. The book gives a look into how he felt when he decided to sacrifice himself and everything. It's just interesting and I'm here for it. 
3) Amaya and her weapons grade baguette Ep. 4
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On a less serious and more fun note, the fact that Amaya is a breakfast connoisseur is just perfect. Amazing. Fantabulous.
"As a breakfast connoisseur, she was offended that Ezran would neglect a hearty morning meal" (Ehasz 120).
I only emboldened and italicized "offended" because in the show YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE HER FACE WHEN EZ TELLS HER.
Bruh she was so offended lmaooo
It's right at 13:36 time in the show... the slow zoom in and all 😂
4) Amaya and Gren meeting Viren at the statue Ep. 5
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I’m trying to see if I should have paired this with the first scene where Amaya arrives first. That scene is pretty calm but has a somber feeling. It introduces the relationship of Amaya and Sarai without having to directly say it. 
But this scene here is... interesting. Not in a good way or bad way, but we see they’re reminiscing of the past. At some point, they all got along nicely. Callum even noted in his spellbook that Viren’s family became like a second family to him when he moved to the castle. 
This interaction was cute tho. It started out positive (sort of) with them joking about Viren eating the last jelly tart which pissed Sarai off lol. But then Viren went on to apologize to Amaya and reassured her that what he does is out of the goodness of his heart and love for Katolis. But...
“Aaaaand, he’s back, Amaya thought” (Ehasz 150). 
And then went on to sign that he’s on a bunch of bs. See? Even Amaya knows he’s full of shit lol. But really tho... it makes me wonder how much of bs Viren goes on even before the events of the current story line. 
5) Rayla saves Bait from the sea monster Ep. 5
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Let us give a round of applause for Rayla going against her fear of water to save Bait, the grumpy frog who hates her. I think this just goes to show how compassionate Rayla really is. This would include the time when she goes back to grab bait back in the banther lodge in episode 4. 
6) Viren giving his kids their *secret* missions Ep. 6
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Okay this isn’t just one scene. I cheated yeah yeah whatever >:3
When Viren is telling Soren what he must do when he finds the princes, at first he doesn’t fully get it, but then.. OH n0
Viren’s intentions are starting to unfold and come together as one. Like, this man just told his own SON that should he find the princes, he should kill them. This 18 yr old bby 
And Viren didn’t say it aloud, but he heavily implied it. Only to then gaslight him later on when Claudia confronts him in prison. 
As for Claudia, Viren tells her that she must retrieve the egg. And do everything in her power to bring it back, even if it means that she’ll have to sacrifice Soren... her own damn brother ;-;
7) When Callum finally lets Rayla hold the egg Ep. 6
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This scene is pretty big. Rayla knows that Harrow is long gone and is trying to find a way to tell them. Obviously she doesn’t choose the best time to try it.
They were in a dire situation that could potentially kill them (even tho they had plenty of those moments already). The reason why this scene is so big is because it shows her struggle to break the bad news (ever since the right binding fell) as she continues to grow closer to them. Here you can see Callum passing the egg to her, despite her hand being in the terrible state that it is in. It is also the scene where right before passing it, he finally tells Rayla that he trusts her. 
8) Human Rayla!! Ep. 7
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Human Rayla is so corny but it’s the good kind of corny. One of the best comedic jokes in the series! 
That is all cos human Rayla needs an AU of being a nighttime tv host or smthg
9) Viren and Runaan Ep. 8
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yo this is alot okay. The scenes with these two introduced some Moonshadow philosophy and such (ie. not being scared of death). Runaan being the stoic and serious assassin that he is. And Viren not having any of this shit. 
There are three major things here:
 Runaan knows about the mirror and is most likely aware of who Aaravos is. He literally says, “That mirror? You have found something worse than death.” Goddamn...
And then Viren just... trapped his soul.. his essence into a goddamn coin. Just like that? wow. And hold it, almost admiring it in front of Gren. 
Also this is the first time we officially see Viren in that form. In the beginning of episode 5 we are given a darkened silhouette of Viren and the butterflies. But here we see the damage resulted from years of having done dark magic, and it’s horrifying. He is the high mage and all but goddamn. I mean with every action there are consequences so- 
10) Callum destroying the primal stone Ep. 9
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I feel like this is one of the “of course it’s this one!” scenes but it really is! Callum realizes that only a sky dragon can be hatched in the eye of storm and there he is with a literal storm in his hand. By now, Callum has come to understanding what feels right and that being a mage is his destiny. But he also understands that he needs to sacrifice some things for new beginnings. This whole journey was to get the lost dragon prince home and restore balance and peace and with the egg starting to die... well you can’t really do that without the egg. 
It’s at 18:50 where he realizes all of this. It’s one of the big boy moments in the show. Seriously, it’s a big moment and the suspension helped get the feels in. And we got a cute baby dragon!! 
End, begin. it’s all the same. (pls someone get that reference ;-;;;)
Some honorable mentions:
- Episode 7: Claudia and Soren interacting. I love their sibling bond; it’s so silly and sweet and I love it. It makes me wish I had an older brother of some sort. 
Ellis and Ava,, I like the flashback story given when they meet the dragang. I just like it, okay? Smol chiald w/ smol wolf pup and a hippie Lujaane seeing the beauty & strength in Ava. 
CGI Coran. That all I have to say about that guy lmao
- Episode 8: When the group is going up the cursed caldera and they encounter that giant leech. Like can we just appreciate Callum’s funny way of making out a plan? Fat respect for that. 
Another is when the group split up and waited for the leech to leave. The conversation between Ellis and Callum were sweet as was the one between Rayla and Ez. I loved Ellis’s admiration for Callum being a mage. And her expectations of what a mage was is pretty hilarious. So wholesome. The same goes for Ez when he gave Rayla that daily fill of positivity. 
Like... Ellis is telling Callum how smart and confident and cool he is. And meanwhile Callum is like... it’s not me, it’s this. *whips out primal stone* And she goes on to tell him that she believe he’ll be amazing with or without the stone. 
And Rayla is telling Ez how she failed in her job of killing the enemy. And Ez is telling her how she’s awesome at everything she does.
this is the positive wholesome shit I come for like... this is parallels but GODDAMNIT it’s so.. ;;;;-;;
Yo this is long ENOUGH! Thank you so damn much if you read to the end. You’re the real beauties. Anywho... uh parts 2 and 3 will be up soon. 
 It’s 11 now so I need some sleep. goodnight kids
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trashyvirster · 5 years
Anyone else thinking about how Viren and Aarvos are literally reflections of each other??? When they first meet, they each have to look into the mirror, where they see the other, to communicate.
Okay, they look like complete opposites but hold on!
What does Viren see when he looks into the mirror and sees Aaravos? He probably sees a mysterious scholar, someone IMPORTANT, powerful, maybe dangerous and untrustworthy, elvish, the answer to his problems, a prisoner (well im assuming Viren thinks this lol) and...sexy.
Viren doesn’t see any of these traits within himself, but I think Viren stans would beg to differ! He may not have the mysterious allure of Aaravos, but he sure as hell keeps his secrets. No one seems to have any idea how much he loves Harrow. No one suspects he turned Harrow into the bird (okay that hasn’t been canonically confirmed but come on! The show would make no sense if it aint canon). No one knew, until now, that he kept the egg. And we currently don’t have any canon confirmation that Harrow even knows about Viren’s secret lair.
Everyone takes him at face value, they don’t realize just how deep his secrets and mysteries are.
Sure, Viren’s got insecurity issues and doesn’t think himself important (thanks Harrow) but the man literally saved 100k lives with his plan. And who was it that ultimately slayed Thunder? He’s probably the most famous mage since the first mage. Plot wise, Viren is arguably the protagonist of his own story, team Callum doesn’t need to exist to tell any of it! Harrow chose him to stand in the Kings portrait by his side. VIREN IS SO IMPORTANT AND HE’S SUCH A MESS HE DOESN’T REALIZE HIS OWN VALUE.
Dangerous and untrustworthy, check.
Elvish. Ah. The dragon prince twitter once asked a really weird question “anyone have any head canons that Viren is half elf?” What an odd question! I haven’t seen any fandom metas that Viren is half elf. Obviously, I doubt he is. But fans have noticed that his corruption is making his skin color, eyes and hair, the same as Aaravos. It’s almost like he’s mutating into a startouched.
Viren only thinks he needs Aaravos to solve his problems. He feels just as trapped in his situation as Aaravos physically is. And a lot of fans think he’s just as sexy as Aaravos!!
Oh and powerful?? I get it that dark magic is like “cheating”. But Viren is powerful. No, he’s not “magical”. But not just anyone can do what he can. Callum blacked out after just doing one black magic spell! Claudia fell on her knees and lost her breath after healing Soren. Black magic isn’t always easy or cheap. And this man freaking SLAYED THUNDER.
Whatever spell he used, probably would have killed any other mage. The mans a beast!
So yeah, I think he’s powerful! But once again, Viren doesnt recognize this quality in himself. But it’s there in his reflection......
Okay what about Aaravos? What does he see in Viren? LOLOLOLOL.
He probably sees a desperate man, heart broken, lonely, vulnerable. Curious and thirsty for power/magic. He sees a man frustrated at himself for not being able to accomplish his goals. Someone easily....influenced. And he sees a dark mage ready to do anything; the opportunity Aaravos has been waiting for.
It’s hard to say without Aaraovs’ backstory, but I think he fell in love with Elarion and whatever that story is, it’s gonna be tragic and ultimately lead to him being trapped in the mirror.
So yeah! I think he’s just as heart broken and desperate as Viren is. A startouch elf, doing some blood pact ritual with the first damn human to see him?? His need to hear Viren’s voice?? His offer of servitude?? His promise to stay with him even after Viren fails to escape??
Sure, Aaravos isn’t doing any of these things because he’s in love with Viren. No doubt he’s being manipulative. But his manipulation is born of fear; the fear of being cast out again as nothing. He insists on helping Viren because he needs to prove he’s useful, USEFUL. Not just to manipulate Viren, but because if he can’t prove how useful he is, he’s afraid he won’t see or hear from another soul for another 1k years.
Which makes sense why he would promise to stay with Viren even after Viren failed to escape rather than decide the human mage is useless to him. NO! Viren is still his only chance.
Frustrated at himself? You bet. Whatever Aaravos was trying to do 1k years ago, I think he failed. Viren thinks he’s frustrated?? He doesn’t know frustration lol.
I didn’t think much of it now, but these two idiots actually reflect each other and truly think the other is the answer to their problems. Its so poetic to have a mirror represent them!!
Knowing that they reflect each other means we can speculate where their character arcs are going. Their reflections should start to merge....Viren is gonna become more like Aaravos, POWERFUL, dangerous, someone who can change the fate of the world, and you know...not human!!
While Aaravos while finally lose his cool and have some epic emotional breakdown, because at the end of the day, he just wants to be with his lover again.
...just a thought....
And this is just viravos trash talking here, but what if Viren is the ONLY person who can see Aaravos because the magic that binded him has only one loophole....its a bloody mirror, only his own reflection can look back at him. His name is Viren.
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lostinthewinterwood · 4 years
Fandom 5k 2020
Showing up over a week late to the party.
Hey friend! So. Uh. About that letter…
Well, if you’re already on your way, that’s great!  Feel free to ignore this letter completely.  It is, after all, quite late.  If, however, you are like me and haven’t started yet, and you’re wanting a little something more for inspiration, here’s… something, at least. Most of this is in my signup, but there’s a bit extra here.
Good luck!
 General DNW
Rape/non/dub-con; non-canonical major character death; heavy angst; hurt no comfort; graphic depictions of deliberate and methodical self-harm*; graphic depictions of suicide; anything E rated; smut; gore; heavy gender dysphoria; grimdark; complete downer endings; character bashing; incest; cringe comedy; a/b/o; mpreg; unrequested full setting AUs (canon-divergence is fine); graphic eye trauma; graphic and/or permanent hand trauma (unless the setting can provide a more-or-less fully functional prosthetic or equivalent); issuefic; unrequested identity headcanons; a focus on unrequested romantic relationships.
*I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this. however, something like cutting would not be appreciated.
  General Likes
– I really like plotty fics
– Secret identity and disguise shenanigans, the more layers to them and more absurdity the better.
– Crossdressing for whatever reason and gender disguises, also for whatever reason.
– Time travel and time loops are always fun, especially as a fix-it.  I have a general preference for Peggy Sue style (aka, an older character getting put back in their younger body at an earlier point in the timeline) over the character’s physical body stepping back in time, but either one is good.
– A focus on family and/or friendship, especially characters realizing they’re not nearly as alone as they think they are, and just generally characters who like each other and enjoy spending time together
– Found family; families of choice
– Character studies
– Worldbuilding
  Fandom-Specific Things
 Original Works
Adolescent Supervillain with a Secret Identity & Adolescent Superhero with a Secret Identity
Child Superhero & Their Concerned Supervillain Nemesis
Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & His Older Female Mentor
Priestess Of A Dying Sun & Goddess Of Endless Night
Prophesied Hero & Prophesied Dark Lord
Prince/Prince of Enemy Country He’s Met on the Battlefield More Than Once
- Action/Adventure
- Character Development
- Interpersonal Drama
- Science Fiction
- Fantasy
- Hurt/Comfort
- Worldbuilding
 Fandom-specific DNW: neopronouns, random pronoun changes within a PoV (changing because of disguise purposes is fine, great even; I have a lot of trouble with characters who go by multiple pronouns within one PoV basically at random)
 Superheroes—for the kids with the secret identities, do they know each other as their civilian selves? As their cape selves? Both? Do they like each other, dislike each other, is this a rivalry thing… with stories that have this dynamic, I always end up spending half my time cackling internally and the other half of the time going children no when they’re friends as civilians and enemies in masks, but honestly I’d be here for any dynamic they could have. For the child hero and concerned nemesis, I absolutely adore the dynamic of the kid going “I’m here to defeat you!” and the villain being like “…okay I may be a criminal and a villain but you are a literal child what are you doing where are your parents,” and it going from there.
Student Mage & Mentor—ngl this is at least 85% inspired by all the “girl disguises herself as boy to become warrior” books I read as a kid, and I always wanted a gender-flipped version—so tell me! Why is he disguised as a girl? Does his mentor know? If she does, is she actively helping him, or begrudgingly accepting, or something else? Anything around this would be great, and ruse/identity reveals are always delicious if you want something more specific as a prompt.
Priestess & Goddess—I really like the idea of this; it has a very melancholic feel to it, like the end of an age, and I would love worldbuilding this place that allows this relationship, or a dual character study, or, of course, both.
Prophesied Hero & Dark Lord—I love explorations of fate and prophecy, especially in regards to people who are supposedly destined for roles they may or may not want—do the hero and dark lord know each other before the prophecy kicks off? How do they feel about their respective roles, and about each other? Is this a story where you can break from your role, or can you not fight fate? Are you destined to fulfil the prophecy, even if you try to defy it? I have no opinions on the gender of these characters—ignore the gender implications of the tag if you want to.
Prince/Prince—I’m picturing something with delicious snarky banter between the two princes. I’d love to see something with, like, a grudging mutual respect turning into something where they like each other and then they go and fall in love and go “oh… well, fuck,” and have to sort it out from there.
  The Dragon Prince
- Character Development
- Worldbuilding
- Fantasy
- Fix-it fic
 Fandom-specific DNW: Aaravos/Viren, at all.
 This show is wonderful and heartbreaking and I adore it.
Claudia, Soren—I love them and am somewhat heartbroken over their choices this past season; I’d love any sort of character study focusing on them or their relationship to each other (and their dad, though I’d rather Viren not take the spotlight in any fic you write). After the show or during it, or something pre-canon—all of those are great. I’d definitely be down for things exploring the fallout of season three and the choices they made there, especially at the end.
Aaravos—I’m fascinated even as I somewhat dislike him. For him, I’d love to see something pre-canon—why did he get locked up in that mirror? What was the world like, when that happened? He’s our narrator at the beginning—what’s up with that? If you want to keep it more canon-era, I’d love a look into his head during the events that go down; what’s his angle on all of this? Is it just to free himself, or does he have broader plans? How much is he lying in all of this? For him, I’d be happy to get an outsider PoV or in-universe meta about him, especially on what he was before he got locked up—he’s in books! Clearly he wasn’t totally low profile back in the day.
  The Court Jester
Princess Gwendolyn/Sir Griswold
Hubert Hawkins/Maid Jean
Hubert Hawkins & Giacomo
Hubert Hawkins
- Character Development
- Getting Together
- Humor
 Fandom-specific DNW: Gwendolyn/Griswold relationship that isn’t reciprocal
 Okay, so, this has been a favorite movie of mine since I was like ten lol. I love it and its comedy and its characters and like… I mean. Look at my Thing for secret identity nonsense; it shouldn’t be hard to see the appeal here.
Gwendolyn/Griswold—so, Griselda tells Gwendolyn that she’ll marry for love. Now we all know that she doesn’t get to marry her jester; but who’s to say that she doesn’t end up marrying for love anyway? After all there’s no real other reason to pair her up with Griswold in the end; certainly there’s no longer a political advantage to be gained by doing so.
Hawkins/Jean—I like their dynamic, their mutual respect for each other’s skills and abilities, how they know each other and rely on each other and idk man I just want More.
Hawkins & Giacomo—this is a ridiculous prompt, in that they spend all of five minutes together before Giacomo gets knocked out (or is it killed? Not clear tbh) and disappears from the movie. I mostly think it would be really funny if somehow they had to drag Giacomo along? And then he’s trying to complete his original mission, but he and Hawkins have to pretend to be the same person, for Reasons, and… anyway I just think this would be very funny.
Hawkins—just give me anything about him; I’d be here for just about anything tbh, he’s great.  If you want something more specific, maybe tell me about his past, how he came to be part of the Black Fox’s group, or his childhood before that.
  現実もたまには嘘をつく | Genjitsu mo Tama ni wa Uso wo Tsuku | Sometimes Reality Tells Lies Too (Manga)
Terazaki Kaoru & Ousaka Shouko
Terazaki Kaoru & Ousaka Nanami & Takekawa Izumi
Terazaki Kaoru & Ousaka Nanami
Ousaka Nanami & Ousaka Shouko & Ousaka Toshio
- Character Development
- AU – Genre Shift
- Fluff
- Slice of Life
 Fandom-specific DNW: sexualization of Kaoru’s crossdressing, romance between Kaoru and Nanami beyond light shiptease à la canon, full justification of Kaoru’s fears re: Nanami’s dad
 I love these kids and their adorable friendship and character development. Honestly, anything you can give me with either of them I’ll probably treasure, since as far as I can tell this fandom is basically nonexistent. Some of my feelings here are just wordless warm fuzzy feelings but I will Try to give prompts.
So, for more specific ideas:
Kaoru & Shouko—I love how mom-like Shouko feels around Kaoru, and I’d love a deeper look into their dynamic. Half of me thinks she already knows or at least suspects that “Kaori” isn’t really a girl, or at least isn’t a cis girl, but I rather suspect she’d just not say anything, at least for the time being—“Kaori” is her daughter’s only friend, after all, and has been pulling Nanami out of her shell, and she wouldn’t want to disturb that.
Kaoru & Nanami & Izumi—these three are a lot of fun together, I’d love any sort of shenanigans with them, the more ridiculous the better.
Kaoru & Nanami—look they’re just. adorable. Anything exploring that friendship I am here for.
Ousaka family—I really like their dynamic. I’d be here for anything exploring it, really, including a look into Nanami’s backstory—it seems she wasn’t always as much of a shut-in as she is at the start, but there’s pain there too—what happened? I’d also find it quite funny if her parents have actually figured out Kaoru’s secret but aren’t going to let on to the kids just yet.
General things I’d be into seeing explored in anything with the relevant characters: Nanami’s past, Kaoru’s past/family/home life—he seems awfully lonely at times, do these kids… go to school? I kinda have the impression that Nanami doesn’t, but what do you think?, their mutual obsession with Peten-Chan
If you want to do a setting AU here I’d be down for that, as long as you keep the characters and their dynamics and don’t make it too dark.
  Thank you so much for writing for me and good luck with your writing!!
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For you and Aaravos!! : 😰😨😭😂😝 :3
Thank you for asking! 💖
Emotional self ship asks!
😨 How does your f/o act when they're scared? Do they cower behind you or act even more bold?
Definitely the latter. lol Unless you know him personally, you don’t realize he’s scared. He doesn’t lie verbally, but can act with his body language for sure. So he’ll stand straighter and have this air of condescending sass...but his posture is rigid and his speech more formal.
Not at home, though. At home...well, there are certain fears he has and in the comfort of a safe space he is free to express that fear. Usually curling up against me and hugging me around the waist while we cuddle as I try to make it better. If I’m not there he hugs a pillow for a substitute. I may have a one-shot in the works for just this scenario, in fact...
😰 Alternatively, how do they act when you're scared?
More protective, but depending on the situation it’s more subtle than other times. He’ll put a hand on my shoulder or back in some instances, or just brush his hand against my arm in others. At home he holds me close, reminding me he’s here and it’s going to be okay. He doesn’t lie, so how can I not believe him?
He also stands rigidly again, but when he smirks, it’s a warning sign. Rarely will he waste magic power on the threat...but he will if it comes to it or he feels the danger is that big a threat.
😭 How do they cheer you up when you're sad? And vice versa?
It’s once again dependent on circumstances. If I’m up to talking about it, we talk. He doesn’t sugarcoat anything, but he is careful with the words he uses, and if permitted will hug me. Maybe holding me in his lap. If I don’t want to talk, just the last part if I’m okay with being touched.
Sometimes we turn on a feel-good movie too so we can forget about it for a while, then face it.
When he’s sad, I try doing the same thing. He finds it harder to be open though, so sometimes it takes longer to get him to. So I suggest similar things, but if he’d rather be alone I don’t push. Though more often than not he just holds me in silence and that’s okay too.
😂 What is your f/os sense of humor? How do they feel about puns?
Sassy af this guy! XD Sass is his main attack on the humor front, but he also likes teasing. Though his sense of humor can be dark too, which I can get behind. I’ve got a pretty macabre sense of humor, myself. X’D Though he will give a chuckle at some of the memes I share.
Puns? :3
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I don’t...dislike them.
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But they have to be clever. Otherwise you are just asking for a Fulminis spell somewhere you don’t expose normally.
...The butt. He means the butt. Don’t...get the wrong idea. XD
😝 How does your f/o engage with you and your special interest/fixation? Do they help you infodump, learn as much as they can about your interests? Do they buy or make you things related to them?
All of the above, yes. He is so patient with me...he’ll sit and listen to me infodump about things most of the time. The only times he doesn’t is if he’s busy and needs to focus, or gently explains to me he needs a break from it. But he knows to reassure me I’m not annoying him.
When not doing that, he will do research on the interest so he better understands it. We don’t always share the same interest, though, so there are times he can’t get into it. But he’ll let me ramble. Says my eyes practically sparkle when I get like that, so full of unrestrained excitement and passion.
He’s made me a couple of my plush toys related to the focuses too. Like my Corviknight when I was obsessed with that Pokémon when I played Sword for the first time. My team leader was Raven the Corviknight, and he knew how much I loved that big metal birb, so he made me one instead of buying or me buying one online.
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The Confrontation
(Sort of a what if, or an actual scene. Up to you. I wrote it months ago, but tweaked it a bit just now. Posted because of this.)
Meg starts to doubt Aaravos. She’s admittedly still afraid of him and after what he did to Viren she has good reason to. So after learning the full story, she confronts him. They argue and she points these things out. He contradicts every one of them:
“You got Viren arrested.”
“Correction, he got himself arrested.”
“If I recall, he was already in trouble when he finally accepted my help. He came to me as a last resort of desperation.”
“You helped him kill three guards!”
“I cast Primal magic spells that he utilized to his advantage.”
“You provided the ammo.”
“He aimed and then fired.”
“You told him to motivate the other kingdoms with fear.”
“Fear does not mean death.”
“But war?”
“War is imminent. The assassins were only step one of the elves and Dragon Queen’s revenge. Did he tell you of the Sunfire elves at the boarder? The dragons flying overhead the outer villages?”
“What? No...I...didn’t know about that.”
“Hm...I’m not surprised.” He frowned, looking a bit disappointed about something. “I suppose he thought you were safer not knowing about this.”
She looked away.
“Am I wrong?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t think it’s got anything to do with him caring about my safety...it isn’t in my area of work, so why would I be told? I’m not in the council and I’m not near important enough to hear all the goings on of the military. All my information came from Gren and sometimes Corvus...but I haven’t seen him in weeks...”
She didn’t see the frown crease his lips or the slight narrowing of his eyes as he noticed what appeared to be an almost longing expression on her face.
“...Xadia is prepared for war. If the kingdoms don’t wake up and see the signs, you won’t stand a chance.”
She looked back at him to see the seriousness on his face.
“...so you wanted this. But not for revenge purposes.”
“Have I ever given the impression I have plans of revenge?”
“No, but I just thought...” Maybe she was the guilty party. He hadn’t said anything about hating elves or killing anyone for personal reasons. He hadn’t said anything about a revenge plot. All he said was that he didn’t know where he was. Not how he got there or why, or what he thought of the other elves and the dragons.
Aaravos’ voice interrupted her thoughts.
“War is coming. There is nothing we can do about this but let it play out.”
“So we just wait then? Wait for the conflict to end?”
“No. I didn’t say I was removing myself from the board. But you are free to walk away at any time.”
“Why?” She looked at him in surprise.
“You said it yourself. You are not important to military operations. This is not your fight.”
“It is if it involves my kingdom.” She frowned, straightening up to her full height (which wasn’t saying much next to Aaravos...who still towered over her) “Katolis is my home, and I swore my loyalty to the kingdom and the crown.”
He didn’t respond right away. There was an unreadable expression on his face, an unfamiliar look in his eyes. Then slowly his lips curled upward in a smirk, but there was something different about it from usual.
“You say that now...but how long will it last?”
(I wasn’t sure how to finish this one...but I think I like the ominous, cryptic final words from Aaravos. lol
That...is how it would go if Meg confronted Aaravos on what he and Viren did. He did say he’s persuasive...and as you can see, he was.)
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Guess who found another old piece of writing done before season 3 came out. This girl! lol I reread this just now and I’m still pleased with the result, so I decided to post it.
Writing before the title is the original author’s note.
This takes place after Aaravos and Meg have been communicating a while. They know each other’s names and he’s starting to genuinely like her. Maybe more than he thought he would...
In this story they are having another casual conversation. She’s telling him more about her job and what it involves. Then with coaxing she reveals her secret, deep desire. To walk into Xadia freely. Without having to be accompanied by armed guards or a Dark Mage like Viren or Claudia. To be allowed to experience the beauty and magic without being afraid of being attacked.
The Promise
“It just seems unfair...ALL humans were pushed out of the East for a few Dark Mages? Didn’t any of them have friends that were elves or dragons? What about families?”
He was quiet as she spoke. Back resting against his side of the mirror as hers was against her side. A part of him wanted to tell her the truth about what Greater Xadia had been like before the split. But that would give away too much. She would fear him all over again for what he had done.
“I just wish the fighting would stop...all I want is to walk into Xadia without fear of being attacked. I’m tired of stealing from them and sneaking around...”
He looked back at her. She was looking down at her sketchbook in her lap. It was on a sketch of an area of the new Xadia. An area he didn’t recognize but that she had made several notes on.
“That is what you need?” He asked, looking for confirmation. She looked back at him, their eyes meeting.
“Maybe not what I need...but it is my dream.” She smiled.
“Then it will be done.”
She blinked. “How do you know?”
He smiled that mysterious smile.
“I will make it happen.”
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