#the fucking nerve gotdamn
aqua-cultured · 8 months
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mm no i don't think i'll be doing that actually
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automatonknight · 2 years
how do you people actually play fnv i booted it up twice so far and got scared and haven’t stopped being scared since it’s been a week if not two i want to play it but how do i get over the mental blockage. hello
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agoraphobicalien · 2 years
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Here’s a cute lil Roooux
Bonus content: Roux ackin’ like she not black 😒
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tiny012 · 8 months
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Calling Manga Usagi Selfish after you claim that you read all five arcs in the manga and trying to start shit is wild...
This girl went to the damn center of the damn Galaxy to get her friends back.
She plunged herself into the center hoping desperately that their Crystals was still in tact.
And have the nerve to call her selfish???
I have spent the whole weekend being at awe over Usagi Tsukino in the manga.
At her strength
Her love
Her kindness
Her compassion
Her drive
Her will
The way she loves so deep for people she loves.
The way she will give up everything to protect the people she loves.
The people she loves is the reason why she is the Senshi of love and Justice.
She is doing this not to save the world but to protect the ones she holds dear.
Galaxia was throwing EVERYTHING at her to beat her down.
To defeat her in order to get her crystal and for her and Chaos to go at it.
Every Psychological trick in the book and she still kept going to get her friends back.
She was pretty much having PTSD and depression thanks to Gal.
But to say she's selfish??
Because yall still trying to prop up a version that if wasn't for a damn moon stick that was going to get fucking cancelled?
Meanwhile the Manga was thriving and making bank?
That the concepts that Naoko brought into the manga went so over some people's head that you can't understand them but think the shit the 90's anime did was a stoke of genius?
Oh they got more character development than the manga!
Because being a bitch to someone for no damn reason is character development.
Hell they couldn't do their damn jobs in the 90's anime for shit when a enemy come meanwhile in the manga they pick up on a new enemy when something simple as a fucking eclipse or a metor happens or a child that falls from the sky they are on it like hot rice.
It's doesn't take 35 to 40 episodes for them to be on the top of their shit when it comes to a new enemy attacking the world. That they can't do a simple reconnaissance mission to get intel for shit.
Hell the villain themselves on the top of their game and know what the fuck they are looking for and how to get it.
Just look at Galaxia in the whole Stars Arc. She knew who Usagi and her fam was and her people in place to get the crystals. It was no looking all around fucking Tokyo for 30 -35 episodes looking for this shit. They had their shit together which why it took Usagi and them by surprise.
It damn doesn't take them telling Usagi 50 million times they she need to focus on defeating the enemy when Manga Usagi is ready for the enemy to fuck around and find out when it comes to her friends. She grows as leader, fighter and has plenty of gotdamn sense.
They know what the fuck they are doing in the manga.
They can go shopping or to the lastest Starlight concert after Chaos lastest incarnation is defeated.
Like fuck
If she really wanted to she really could have ended the series with Usagi going to cauldron and us not know what the fuck happen to no one.
She really could have ended like a Greek / Shakespeare tragedy.
But she didn't.
But to call her work that started all of this trash?
Bitch fucking please.
Go watch your 200 episodes and leave the rest of us who enjoys the lore, characters, storytelling, fast paceness, and art of manga alone.
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xxavengingangelxx · 8 months
Long Way From Home 7/?
Ya'll know the drill. I assume this isn't ya'll's first rodeo when it comes to reading this but alas, because it's a dark fic, I will post triggers again. MDNI, 18+ TRIGGERS: Implied/attempted suicide, self-harm, torture, brainwashing, physical abuse, mind fuckery, Stockholm syndrome-related mental gymnastics, trauma bonding, mentions of foster care, threatened/implied/referenced rape, EXTREMELY dubious consent, flashbacks of torture, female being drugged. Self-hate in this one :( If I miss, any let me know, please! DARK FIC!
This fic is almost coming to an end...kind of. This will be the first part of the series. After MW3 comes out, I can start posting part 2. Now I've decided on an ending and just know I'm not a believer in happy, fluffy endings because that's just not real life. Read my other Graves/Reader fic As the; Rush Comes to see ;) @josieguts because they asked to be tagged :)
On top of not having laughed or smiled since Graves snatched you (2 months?) you didn’t speak unless spoken to. 9 times out of 10, you were silent. What happened to the talkative, bubbly you girl that would sometimes get on Ghost’s nerves? Oi, soldier, you never stop talking, do ya? He had said. Soap loved it because he finally had someone who matched his social energy. You’d both try to annoy Ghost until he finally said, Get lost, eh? The both ‘o yas. leaving you both to laugh. And despite his tough guy persona, you both knew Ghost would miss you both if anything happened or if your personalities changed.
But now if you said more than 10 words in a day it was a lot.
It was slow going when it came to getting back on Graves’s good side. He was still holding the night where you questioned him and argued that no, you hadn’t been dreaming when you’d heard him say you’d broke against you. You’d been right and you had heard him on that radio correctly but he hated it when anyone questioned him. Especially if they were right.
You were required to do a thing or two before fully getting back into Graves’s good graces.
There was one night when you were on your knees in front of him. He was trying to keep radio contact with some Shadows as they ran a basic, low-risk recon and he’d told you to blow him, challenging you that there was no way his men would hear him struggling to talk. If he lost the bet, you’d get that Samsung watch back.
How fucking wrong he’d been. You were under his desk, taking him into your mouth and throat. At times he’d grab your hair, hips stuttering into your lips. You were naked. He was still fully dressed and geared. You eyed that sidearm of his and a sick part of your mind that had been developing since Graves took you wondered what it would be like to suck him off while he held that gun to your head. You’d never had such thoughts before Graves got ahold of you. He’d really fucked you up, didn’t he? The relationship you shared with him was so dysfunctional, so unhealthy. But like either of you gave a fuck. Ya’ll didn’t. You both thrived on it.
When you introduced that hint of teeth on his shaft before dragging your tongue under his cock…that perfect balance of sharp and soft sensation was what pushed him over the edge. He had to take his thumb off his radio button but not before his breath caught in his throat. That same hand grasped your hair, pulling you closer as he released into your mouth.
“All good, boss?” A Shadow asked from the other side.
You swallowed what he gave you. Or tried to. You felt some drip out of your lips.
Graves had glanced down at you, seeing you use a finger to lead that cum that had escaped your lips back into your mouth.
“Gotdamn,” he rasped.
“I’m 10-4,” his breath still came in short gasps. He was sure his men could hear it. “RTB, men.”
“You lose, Graves,”
Graves was a sore fucking loser because later that night he had you pinned to the bed facedown. You’d given him the greenlight, the codewords you both understood to mean that you wanted to be fucked that night. “Show me who I belong to.”
So he’d left finger bruises on your hips and wrists as he held you down. One of his hands was gripping your hair in such a strong grasp you felt a headache coming.
He fucked you so hard you were a blubbering mess. Edged you mercilessly at least 3 times. You’d screamed and moaned his name into the covers. You’d screamed it audibly once when he finally let you cum that first time and he’d threatened to duct tape your mouth shut and fuck you until you couldn’t walk.
You fell asleep in his bed because you were actually worried you’d walk differently if you got out of his bed.
You sure as hell made sure you got that watch back. It kinda made you feel like you were selling your body, though.
Your nightmares went from involving 141 to bringing back forgotten memories of the torture you’d endured at the hands of Shadow Company before you’d broke. 141 thought you were dead so maybe your head had put them out of your mind.
They came into that tiny room and instantly you were on the defensive. You didn’t care that they’d been keeping you awake for who knows how long. If they were coming in here to hurt you, you were going to put up a fight. Plus, Graves’s threat still hung heavy like a never ending storm threatening a tornado but not yet producing one. That he’d rape you and let you be passed around. So when multiple men came into your room you instantly became on edge.
“One chance,” Graves said. “Codes to the homing beacons.”
You flipped him off, adding a “Fuck you,” for good measure.
So when a Shadow stepped forward, grey eyes almost glinting with sadism, you swung at him, making (brief) contact with his face. He was shocked.
“You gonna take that?” Graves mocked. “I already told ‘er once not to swing at ya’ll. So teach her a lesson.”
Permission to put hands on you granted, the nameless, faceless Shadow grabbed you by the shirt and slammed you against the hard, cold concrete wall. You tried to knee him but failed. He grasped your hair and slammed your head against the wall. You slid down the wall while you tried your hardest to stay conscious as you fell on your side. When he stepped towards you, you tried to kick him but your coordination was off and he easily sidestepped you.
“You seriously picking a fight, little one?”
Hearing a Shadow call you such an innocent-sounding name disgusted you.
When he leaned towards you and over you, you scratched him, screaming, “Fuck off.” You’d only managed to scratch his face briefly but it was enough. He was bleeding.
Graves laughed.
That only made his subordinate madder, and he completely unleashed his anger on you. He unleashed punches, smacks, slaps, and finally, kicks. He’d beaten you to within an inch of consciousness and probably your life. You felt your ribs bruise and maybe some of your ribs broke (again) when he kicked you so hard you slid across the floor.
“Stop!” you shrieked.
You held your arms and hands out in front of you, unable to talk over the pain as you tried getting away from him by scooting away.
“Stop, soldier,” Graves commanded. “Think she learned her lesson.”
You woke with a start.
“Bad dream?” Graves’s tone was mocking, like it was every time he asked you if you’d had a nightmare.
“I was only dreaming about what I went through when I first got here,”
Graves was quiet but then he added, “I told you, Val. You could’ve avoided all that. If you’d just talked when I first told you to.”
Shadows looked at you different.
You wondered why until you saw yourself in a mirror. You avoided mirrors as much as possible because you hated how you looked. You were scarred, broken, damaged. You were sure the cut across the left side of your face was going to scar. It ran from just above your left temple and then barely missed your eye and curved under your cheekbone. The more time passed the more you realized it was going to be a permanent mark. You could still see the marks where they’d stitched your face up. Graves and his men had beat you so fucking badly that you’d required stitches to your face.
Your nose? Broken more than once in the last two months. There as a thin line right above the bone in your nose and you wondered if they’d literally taken a knife to your face. There was still a lot of shit you didn’t remember but you were almost certain it would come back to you in your nightmares.
There were a lot of things men didn’t understand about women. One of those was that a woman’s face defined her. How a woman looks defines her. And now? Your face was permanently altered because of the shit that was done to you. Because you’d been abandoned by the only team you’d ever trusted. They’d left you to die and for all they knew, you were dead. Tortured to death. Graves had made sure you died in their eyes.
The anger built up inside of you before you knew what to do with it. And you had to let it out. You couldn’t swing at Shadows and you sure as fuck couldn’t swing at Graves. So you launched a sharp punch into the mirror in front of you. The shattering sound was so satisfying and you were fascinated by the glitter of small glass pieces as they fell around you. The anger had come on so suddenly and you had no idea what the cause was. Was this going to be the rest of your life? Anger and feeling numb?
You glanced up and your dark gaze was briefly visible to yourself amongst the webs in the shattered mirror. It was not a gaze you recognized and that was when you realized that Graves had won.
The woman looking back at you was not the same woman who had flown into Las Almas planning to use her bilingual skills to help build bridges. It was not the same woman who wanted to use her counterintelligence and recon skills to make the world a safer place.
That woman had died in that room after you’d pulled that IV out of your arm.
“Somethin’ got you upset?” Graves drawled from the doorway.
In the past you might have been afraid that Graves would hurt you for destroying property but when you did it out of searing anger, he didn’t seem to mind. Almost as if he liked it that he’d turned you into this monster that he could take to the field with him.
You met his gaze in the smashed mirror and while you might have been seeing things, even Graves did a doubletake. Even he knew you were different. And if you weren’t mistaken, you’d swear that was a smirk pulling at the corners of his face.
You were beginning to see Shadows as your teammates. You didn’t really have a choice in the matter. You’d been here over two months now and 141 thought you and Graves were dead. You hated that when they talked to you, you noticed their eyes briefly shift to the permanent marks on your face.
Marks they and their kind had inflicted. But strangely enough, you didn’t blame them. You directed the blame at yourself because like Graves had told you multiple times: “You could’ve started talking a lot sooner. And if 141 really cared, they would’ve rescued you.”
Mirrors had been removed from common areas because you had destroyed all of them. You fucking hated how you looked. Being righthanded, your right hand held multiple cuts, some of them deep, from where you’d punched mirrors. But there were some on your left hand, too, just not as much. Adding scars to the growing list, weren’t you? So you took to wearing gloves.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you, soldier,” Graves commented once. “But I like it.”
Now, before you couldn’t stand anything except for your hair touching your face. That was why you never really wore a mask, even though some of the members of 141 did. You’d never quite understood why until now. When you hate how you look, it’s a respite from having to look at yourself in anything that had a reflection which were lots of things.
You wore a dark mask and only took it off around Graves. Because Graves saw those scars every night so his eyes no longer fixated on them. The mask only covered the front of your face so you hair was free to flow over your shoulders on base. In the field it was in a single tight French braid on the back of your head to help your helmet fit better. Of course, you always had the problem of your bangs in your eyes but you didn’t mind those. It fixed the problem of Shadows looking at you and then shifting their gaze to the scars on your face. Your unstable mind swore you would’ve taken to breaking windows next. Anything to avoid seeing your reflection.
Graves had stopped replacing the mirror in the bathroom connected to the bedroom you two shared most of the time. Because you’d just break it whenever the mask came off. It got to the point to where you were scared someone else was going to see you, even in your sleep, so you slept with it on when Graves wasn’t next to you.
The next thing that bothered you was when someone would look at the deep cuts on your left arm, both from suicide attempts. One of them had been when you’d taken that piece of glass you’d found in that cell you were first put in and dragging it across your wrist no less than 3 inches. From one side of your under wrist to the other. The other? From ripping that IV out with such force you’d added another three inch laceration to your arm.
Your left wrist was also…different. You couldn’t put your finger on it but you guessed you’d hurt a ligament or something else due to being kept in tight zipties sometimes for 12 hours at a time. When Graves didn’t have anything else to torture you with all those months ago he would just have your hands tied behind you just to make you hurt and just to make you uncomfortable. You couldn’t move your left wrist at 100% anymore of that you were sure. You wondered if you had broken some of the smaller bones in your wrist because it cracked every time you rotated. He’d had you put in zipties after you’d picked a fight with one of his men and it had made the pain in your ribs that much worse because of the awkward position.
So you wore long sleeves. Even when you ventured into hot climates. You preferred dark clothing and that’s what Graves acquired for you. He hadn’t been lying that he would spoil you if you just cooperated.
You wondered if Shadows judged you before you started wearing long sleeves because of the obvious proof on your arms that you’d attempted to take your life.
The third thing that bothered you were unexpected noises. Loud noises were the worst. Now when you were in the field surrounded by your mask, your goggles, and other heavy clothing, the noises didn’t bother you. Plus you were in battlefield mode.
But during downtime at the base? Any unexpected noise made you jump. And when you jumped you looked ready to start swinging. So you were given those good quality noise-cancelling headphones for the base. If someone approached you a certain way or got to close you’d flinch.
Graves picked up on the fact that you seemed to dislike the chopping sound of helicopters the worst. You never really told him why but it was because it made you think of all the times you’d been with 141 on helicopters and it made you scared they were coming to take you away from Graves.
But 141 as well as the rest of your identity was fading away and fast.
Graves wouldn’t even call you by name anymore unless you were in the same private room you shared. If he needed you, he’d send you a notification on your watch. Sometimes during times when you were half-asleep you were sure you forgot your real name and heard only your callsign. All this thinking made you realize that…you didn’t remember your first name. You’d gone a little more unhinged over the next few days when you grasped that no matter how hard you tried you could not recall your first name.
You’d actually forgotten you first name.
You didn’t give it much thought after that because…surprisingly you didn’t care anymore.
Graves didn’t like to have you in the field. But sometimes he had no choice. He and his Shadows were big and tall. So when they needed someone to slip into a building or crawl under a gate or into an air duct, they used you. But when he did have you in field, you were covered in head to toe with gear. The only skin visible was the skin around your eyes and behind you goggles. He still made you wear a thinner Kevlar vest under your uniform shirt plus your larger Shadow vest. Double protection because if someone recognizes you, they’ll shoot you on sight.
He seemed nervous about losing you. Why? You weren’t exactly sure why. You’d eavesdropped on a conversation between Graves and Shepherd. You heard Shepherd tell Graves to not let you become “another loose end.” Graves responded, heatedly, that “She is not nor will she ever be a loose end.”
But while Graves liked to limit your field exposure, his narcissism shone through when he did put you in the field. Because while you were indeed geared up, he couldn’t hesitate to make sure you had brief pink accents to your gear. It was like he was proud to have a female on his team. It was like he saw you as a diamond in the rough, an advantage no one else had. Who else had the chance to seduce targets? Who else had a femme fatal? He knew he had a lead no one else did.
You noticed one day that your uniforms were no longer big on you. They fit you almost perfect. When did that happen?
The first time you killed someone in a field operation it was in the Middle East. Graves couldn’t use your bilingual skills here because you didn’t speak Farsi or Arabic but he sure as hell liked using you for recon. You’d been to so many places, boarded so many planes and choppers that you lost count. You had your watch but you’d lost interest in keeping track of time.
The Middle East was hot but you kept your long sleeves and mask.
The enemy combatant in question was shorter than your average male. By a lot. So even you were able to tackle him from behind after he fired a few shots towards some Shadows. He instantly turned onto his back and noticed the brief touches of pink on your gear. You heard him call you an American whore in Arabic.
You swung at him repeatedly and kept swinging, feeling bone and teeth break under you. Your gloves and hands became sticky with blood. A Shadow tried to pull you off the man but you then reached for your sidearm, raised it and shot him in the head.
Your second ‘victim’? A low-level, know-nothing enemy combatant who’d dropped his weapon. You raised your rifle and shot him anyway.
Back on base, you learned that each Shadow kept track of how many enemy combatants they’d killed on the inside of their vests. They’d taken yours and proudly added two tally marks before giving it back to you.
Notes: Ya'll, she is soooo far gone :,(
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themanifestingbrat · 1 year
Favorite things I've manifested using the law.
Dating my sp There was a third party and "challenging" circumstances but I truly did not gaf. I persisted by saying that's my boo anytime I saw or thought of him, ofc seeing him all the time helped.
Desired apartment When I was moving with my mom, I fell in love with the first apartment we toured. I told her that's the one and despite her doubts and concerns, I didn't care. There was no way in hell I was going to live anywhere else. The application and move in process was extremely easy.
Desired jobs Pretty much every job I worked at, I manifested. Whether it was me simply imagining myself working there, "hearing" the call back that I was hired, or also "hearing" a family member saying they were proud of me.
$200 I felt like I had "blocks" in regards to money so I chose a small amount to manifest. Just claimed it and thought about what I was going to do with it. Came in less than three days. Randomly saw the amount around $300 added to my bank account from the government I think??
Desired friend Despite both of us being in two different cliques and having only a few classes together, I thought she looked so cool and just wanted to be friends with her lmao. I think I initiated conversations with her at first but then before I knew it, she was coming over to my house and we would hang out after school a lot. We are still close to this day.
Free drinks/food This is easy since I already had people always buying me free shit. So whenever I wanted to eat but didn’t want to pay, someone somehow always came through!
People's response/reactions These are usually instant because I'd immediately assume what they would say before they even get a chance to. I would simply imagine their response in a way that felt real and go from there.
Braces This one took me so long to manifest because I would not let it goooo! I wanted to fix my teeth so fucking badd. But after finally giving up and not caring about it anymore, randomly my parents just said they’ll pay for my braces.
Beauty I was hella insecure even though I always been told that I was beautiful. I didn't want to be beautiful tho, I wanted to be hot, cool, and sexy. I wanted to be desired and pull people left and right. I started to just tell myself that I was hot regardless of my insecurites. Now, while I didn't manifest any major appearance changes, just my mindset and confidence (maybe a lil makeup too) helped. I now can pull anyone and have people constantly staring at me, calling me hot, gorgeous, stunning, etc.
Desired School I was in my senior year and happened to tour a prestigous fashion school. Even though it was hella expensive and not everyone could get it in, I wanted to go to school there just for status lmao. I persisted and got accepted! Now, if only I could've manifested my parents to not force me to go to college...
Desired Sister I used to bitch and complain about how my sister is irresponsible, inconsiderate, and rude all the gotdamn time. But I learned EIYPO and I stopped. Whenever she pissed me off, I didn't react the way I usually would, I would leave it alone and maybe affirmed in my favor at times. Then her whole demeanor changed, she more kind, caring, and dependable and we don't fight anymore. She still be getting on my nerves sometimes tho.
My old friend to reach out This one was a doozy. So I was bored at 2am and watched a Youtube video about the 369 method. I decided to try it and chose a friend I haven't spoken to in a year because of a bad falling out. I kinda missed her so I used her for the method and went to bed right after. I get up a few hours later for work and I check my ig and she dm'ed me exactly what I wrote! I thought I was in a twilight zone, I couldn't believe I manifested it so fast!
My “perfect” partner I wrote a long ass list of things I wanted in a partner. But here's the thing, I admired my sister's relationship with her bf because they were so in love. So when I finaly met and started dating my bf, he checked off almost everything on my list AND the qualities of my sister's bf, the good... and the bad, which is why he's my ex now lmfao.
My dream car Way before it was time for me to get a car of my own, I always wanted a Jeep wrangler. Anytime I would see it on the road, I would claim it as my car, I would tell people it's my dream car, and I had it on my vision board. I even went to a dealership to test drive one, it was so fun! I also visualized myself driving it. When it was time to find one, I did get scared I wasn't going to find one I liked at a good price but I persisted and now I have one!
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(SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR MIRAGE, EMPYREA, AND POLARIS) Okay horrid name games and completely hilarious poll aside, once again I am rising out of my trash heap to offer my perspective and opinion on another Wizard101 character that I like A LOT. Let's talk about Grandfather Spider okay. C'mere let's talk about Old Man Cob
Okay yeah I know totally different from my Forgotten OCs Posts but I've always really liked GS as a character even as a little kid. I'm really fond of those "Actually Super Evil but Still Treats Protagonist Like Their Child" tropes. And it's so funny because this is Satan. This is the magical wizardly world's equivalent to Satan and yet he straight up admits "Yeah I've basically adopted you at this point"
Also the fact that Grandfather Spider has a little (a fuck ton) more personality than your generic "wise ancient being from beyond the universe" and he's actually just petty and slimy as fuck. Like remember in Mirage where he literally revives three of our greatest enemies from the gotdamned afterlife just to say "Epic Gotcha Moment :)"
But his silliness aside, I wish the game explored Grandfather Spider's apparent """fondness""" for The Wizard more. Like don't get me wrong that fucker is evil as all hell and has manipulated The Wizard many many times to suit his own goals, but you can still see where he """cares""" for us in his own weirdass way.
Like, I totally believed him in Empyrea when he offered to make the new Chaos World in our image if we joined him. Fucked up? Yeah Absolutely! Manipulation was GS's whole entire thing and even if we actually decided to be like "okay fuck it, sure your ex wife is getting on my damn nerves anyway" and he got some Immense Glee out of seeing the Spiral's Savior and Grandmother Raven and Bartleby's most trusted scion under his beck and call, I still think that Grandfather Spider legit still viewed us as one of his kids.
Like the moment where he appeared to The Wizard in that cave in Polaris and said "man you're so tired. you'd be so much better off staying at home man trust me :)))" was so impactful, like.... he used Grandmother Raven's growing paranoia and wrath against her, in the most "I'm the better parent" way possible. Grandmother Raven hit us up on the phone just to say "if you fuck this up im mowing your ass like it's grass" and not a second later Old Man Spider calls us and goes "hahaha man isn't this all wild? lmao you do too much you deserve to rest", but he says it in like this fatherly, soothing way.
Point is, this bitch KNOWS what he's doing. Grandfather Spider uses his own feelings of kinship towards us to his own advantage, it's a mix between "I see this child as my own" and "Even so I'm gonna screw them over and hopefully they'll join my side. Weeee" and that is so funny and fucked up. The game did a good job I think portraying that and even still I wish I had more
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monkeymindscream · 1 year
6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 23. SALT FOR SALT, UNLEASH THE BEAST.
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Overall, I pray every night that I will never again be placed within the vicinity of more shippers who are anything like Starco shippers. Skin me with a cheese grater over that.
But that's not especially topical for me at the moment (and anyway, I've barely touched the Star vs. fandom since its finale, so for all I know they've calmed down since then). So in terms of a group I've encountered more recently that's gotten my nerves:
Lunter shippers.
I've been dipping my toe into the "toh critical" tag lately, for my own mental health. It's been a very cathartic experience for the most part, save for the slew of anti-Huntlow sentiments. Most of the people I've noticed decrying Huntlow are Lunter shippers. Which, I'm sorry, puts a massively different spin on any arguments they may try to dredge up against it.
Which listen. I fully acknowledge that Lunter is, thematically speaking, 100% the superior ship. And I don't just mean that when compared to Huntlow, it eclipses Lumity by a green mile. Like - yes Lumity is a massively important milestone, culturally speaking, yes it's very cute, no I'm not trying to lobby that the show would have been better without it or whatever, but I'm sorry these are the facts. Luz and Hunter had better chemistry as enemies than Luz and Amity did, and once they were on the same side they confided in each other more than Luz and Amity did. The payoff of them getting together at the end of the series would have been better than the Lumity payoff we got. ("They're siblings-!" fanon likes to interpret them as siblings; they don't share blood so this argument holds no water.)
All of this is course coming from a purely objective standpoint, you understand, because I'm very firmly Team Huntlow. Which, getting back to the point at hand, Lunter shippers apparently are aggressively against. I'm not saying they don't have valid points to their arguments (because lord knows this show turned into an incomprehensible mess by the end), but I resent that they frame those arguments as objective when they're obviously grasping at whatever they can to justify why their ship is superior. (On this note, I don't think it's a coincidence that most of the anti-Lumity sentiments I saw in the critical tag were also primarily from Lunter shippers.)
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
(Hollow Knight!)
The amount of people I see out here acting like it's even feasible that the Pale King went through all his offspring, one by one, and then chucked them into the Abyss when he deemed them "failures" is staggering. It is honestly the stupidest fucking take I've ever seen. That pit is filled with husks. There's thousands if not hundreds of thousands of them. How much time do you think this motherfucker had?
Also, he's a gotdamned bug. Who was married to someone who had to chain herself up to prevent her urge to breed. How has no one come to the conclusion that he placed their eggs in the Abyss to imbue them with Void, and then Hollow was chosen to be the vessel for the Radiance because they're the only one (seemingly) who managed to fight their way back out? That getting out was the first test they had to pass to prove their worth?
(This shit-opinion is so prevalent that it was stolen for another piece of media, and it makes just as much if not less sense there.)
10. Worst part of fanon
Donnie is fucking everywhere and is used for moments that would better suit/make more sense for his brothers.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Considering the prevailing attitude in most of the fandom spaces I've fallen into in the last five years seems to be "if they've done something bad then they're horrible characters and don't deserve any time in fanworks unless they're getting dunked on/being a complete piece of shit!" I'd say most if not all of my faves fit for this? Soo lightning round!
Emperor skekSo: Is he one of the worst of the skeks, if not THE worst? Yes (which is a con for you people, for some reason). Does he also have some of the most humanizing motivations out of all of them, is actually very effective at redirecting the group as a whole towards a mutual goal, and unarguably has the best design? Also yes.
Pale King: First of all, what the fuck would any of you have done in his position when faced with an entity that wanted her subjects to be eternally, blindly obedient, and who then wanted revenge when you took that away from her? Even though he made untold amounts of mistakes and less than stellar decisions in his efforts to protect his kingdom, his intentions were good. Tragic, morally-grey, haunting-the-narrative characters are wonderful, actually.
Krangs 1, 2, and 3: They get absolutely no love in fanworks, but they should. They're collectively badass, their personalities and entire dynamic with each other is really entertaining and interesting, if you give it even the barest amount of effort, and the implications of what we can infer of Krang culture from them is wildly fascinating.
Philip Wittebane: Honestly at this point I think everyone should like him just because the irony of the fandom-puritans constantly shitting on him (an actual Puritan) for essentially fulfilling his role as an antagonist has long worn thin, and I'd like to make them uncomfortable.
KIKIMORA: KIKI IS FANTASTIC ALRIGHT?? She's a funny little guy, she's ruthless, she's got an abusive family (or at least mother based on the snippet we got), she'd sell you to Satan for one cornchip, she has one of the best designs in the whole show-
(Also she's proof that people are shallow as all fuck, because if she was conventionally attractive/more human-looking, she'd be a fan-favorite and have people writing essays to defend her. That's how Lilith got away with everything.)
16. You can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
(Cult of the Lamb!)
Having Narinder need to apologize to the other characters. He's the only character I see people taking the stance with. Which is especially egregious when it involves the other Bishops. It's usually something to the tune of him needing to make up for the injuries he cased them.
I'm sorry, how did the entire fandom manage to leapfrog over the fact that he only injured them because they were actively trying to imprison him?? I'd be cat-scratching at people too, no pun intended. If people are apologizing I don't think the cat should be the one made to head the line.
Also, in regards to the Bishops, I never see art/fic of the Lamb being salty towards them when they join their cult, but I see loads of art/fic of Lamb being a sadistic fucking bully to Nar over their whole debacle. And it's presented as either just a silly joke or totally justified and what Nar deserves. Fuck y'all.
23. Ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
I didn't plan on falling head-over-heels for Leuno. I even resisted a little once I first felt it pulling me down. Didn't last. Look how that turned out.
Also John/Rhi, but only by virtue on not wanting to like John at first
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translucent-at-best · 9 months
I be stuck on that water challenge tag like I was stuck on that bussit tag a while ago. I fully get why men be so mesmerized. I really do.
Stepping on an elevator smelling good only to be told how good I smell by the other people on it never gets old. A Black woman told me I smelled "diiiii-viiiiine" yesterday. She wasn't wrong 😌
I'm tired of being so far away from my family and not being able to do anything about it when somebody dies. I'm tired of my family dying. I'm tired of grieving and no one around me knowing and having to keep working and showing up like I'm not. I'm just tired.
The amount of Black men who will exclaim "Protect Black Women" but at the same time pretend they have no earthly idea who we need protection from is wild. Is it all men? No. Is it always men? You know good and gotdamn well. Stop deflecting and start calling your homeboys out.
I've never experimented with a hairstyle and not liked it. It's been relaxed, natural, big chopped, braided, twisted, dyed, curled, and cut. And here I go, being cute as the fuck every single time. The nerve of me.
Somebody I know wrote and self-published a book, which is a huge accomplishment. I finished that book a couple days ago. Still haven't told them. It's... pretty bad. I need to figure out some way to not lie, but also not say that it's good and... I'm struggling. And I'm also mad at the editors (plural) that were paid to make sure it didn't end up looking exactly like it ended up looking. Just plot holes and spelling and grammar errors galore. I shudder to think about what it must've looked like before the edits.
I had two friends over the other day and since I'm still balling on a budget due to this upcoming move, I cooked for us instead of ordering food. Made a big pot of pasta and just knew I'd have leftovers to pack for lunch for a few days. One. I had one day of leftovers. Them niggas had multiple helpings and took food home. I'm glad and flattered that they loved it so much, but shit.
These past few days have been teaching me... I'm a counselor wherever I go. Whether it's my job title or not. it's just who I am. It shows up in my conversations and dealings with people all the time. Not in the sense that I take on an expert role and tell them how they should live their lives, but in the sense that... I'm very good at making others feel comfortable around me. Comfortable to the point of telling me all their business. It's not something I ask for, it's not something I set out to do, but it happens. Often.
Now that I'm a month out from my last retwist and my roots are getting fuzzy, I'm noticing a lot more gray hairs than I remember having. I'm used to seeing a good two or three, but the other day I counted at least 10 of them bitches on one side of my head alone! I'm not mad at it, but it did surprise me.
I'm proud as fuck of my credit score. Saying that out loud feels like bragging, but this is my page, so... 🤷🏾‍♀️ Me and my roommate applied for an apartment we want and the score they came back with for me? Shiiiiiiit I'm out here lol.
Coco Gauff said, "Debt? I don't know her. I didn't go to college so I don't have student bills and my parents never put me in a position to have debt." What an iconic answer. Love that for her lol.
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dxsole · 1 year
"Will you pipe down? What are you twittering on about, now?" - from Marcus to.. whomstever!
Not Accepting.
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"I'm not wired that way, man." Corvus sputters out, sweating through his suit, wiping at his brow with a twitchy hand. Everyone had their idea of how a hitman should conduct themselves in a time of stress— no one ever told Corvus apparently.
"I need a cigarette." It's said weakly, practically pleading with the other he was gripping by the shoulder and refusing to let go. Marcus was his only tether to this Earth at this point. "I p—put a...hoooo boy." Columba was going to kill him. Not literally, maybe, but she'll definitely make him feel really, really bad.
"There's...there's a...nerve agent in the vents." He nods furiously, lips pursed tight as he tries to explain. "It was— it was supposed to go into...was supposed to be hosed into one room but it...i dunno man, somethin' got fucked and it's goin' into the whole place." Thankfully, they were both outside but it was only a few more seconds until anyone on the inside of that building became essentially boneless.
"I—It shouldn't...it ain't gonna kill a whole lotta people." He really needs that cigarette. "But everyone is definitely gonna shit their pants. That shit's strong...you lose all your bowel motility...it's a fucked up thing to happen on a Thursday...and then I gotta sift through the shit to inject the real target— you know what, I'm gonna call out sick. That's what I'm gonna do— someone else is gonna have to be the gotdamn shit sifter."
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jams-sims · 2 years
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It's in that tiny garage V finally feels the need, to be honest. Sharing the same air as Misty. In a Garage, she had never been in before. And how fitting was it only after his death did she know it existed. It almost made her life, Misty said she felt like the only one that knew the real him. Yet here she stood in front of a mural, with not a gotdamn clue what it meant or what it was supposed to mean.
It was beautiful, Misty said it was ugly but they both knew it fit him. Perfectly. It was the slight break in Misty voice that made the bile from her stomach come up. The Heavy grief she thought she had buried deep down to come to his funeral had come right back up. Fuck on the drive up she even called his phone. Praying... Hoping he would answer. That maybe he somehow pulled through. That maybe he was laying low in some ripper doc office off the grid. V knew- V knew he was gone and that little bit of hope had her hang up and say how stupid this was to do.
But as she stood in front of his family picture. V couldn't help but start talking at first in was to fill the air but she knew.
"Ya know when me and Jackie first met.. He uh he saved my life. Of course it was to shake some eddies off my Corpo ass but. Once I tossed my empty wallet at his dome. He laughed- I mean seriously out there in this broken ass building he was laughing at me. I think I laughed to-"
When V started talking, Misty didn't chime in she kept quiet probably realizing this something V needed to get off her chest.
"He had the nerve to exchange info with me- that fucking dumbass. I could have sold his ass off to some corpo ripper doc. I even told him that- you can't trust Corpo rats. Wanna know what he said?" V still hadn't turned around as she traced her fingers across the belt on the table.
'come on chica what the point of life if you can't trust a little? I mean I got a pretty big back a lot of room for stabbing. But I got a good feeling about you I wanna take a chance.'
"I mean it took a year and a half before anything got rolling. And then he pitches me this idea to fuck over my corpo boss steal some money off the top. Give him details on mission and shit. Pad out my case files with some wins and as I raise through the ranks. He- he would help me."
There was a long pause before Misty chimed in.
"Help you with what V?"
V couldn't help the small choked up sob ecaspe her lips as she stared at that photo of Jackie and his Mom.
"No wonder he was so sympathetic- we got drunk one night together when we still lived in Mama welles house. I told him that I only started doing Corpo work to kill my father. He left my mother high and dry in the fucking slums. After feeding her some bullshit about a better life. A better life where he could pretend he hadn't slept with a prostitue or had a kid with one." V wiped her face and a bitter laugh encased her lips.
"I mean stories like that are a dime a dozen. But now I know why he stuck around and I couldn't have asked for anyone else." Silence fell again when the flood gates of tears opened they couldn't really stop. And V didn't want Misty to see her like that. Maybe she wanted to hold onto that small bit of pride she had left.
"I was so in love with him Misty." The last bit of the damn finally broke. What was small sobbing, turned into shaking shoulders. The last shreds of her pride flew crumbled away. V had told herself that she would die with those feeling as long as Jackie was happy. He didn't need to now and she liked Misty. V didn't want to complicate Jackie's life. Shit her final plan was to stash enough eddies in Jackie's jacket one day so he and Misty could finally get that apartment, or go on that vacation. Not once did his death ever across her mind.
V doesn't know when Misty got up from the couch and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm so sorry misty."
"It's okay V I know. I always knew." the hug was tighter and V could feel some droplets of tears fall on her back. Jackie was right Misty always knew, she was stronger than both of them.
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
Um. Allow me perhaps to get the zoomies 🧐
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GIRLLL THE WAY IM SO LOVINGGG THIS GOTDAMN SEINFELD SHOW IM. I'm so livinggg i haven't had an hyperfixation this fun in quite a bit and i FUCKING NEEDED IT 😭😭😭
And like ughnhmhbgn it's HARD because i am trying to teach myself to STOP being mean to myself about it bc I'm like ah that's so cringe that's so dumb BUT ITS NOT!!!!!!! IT'S SO FUN AND SILLY AND ABEHRNFVDNVFV I LOVE ITTTTT I LOVE LOVING THIS GOTDAMN SILLY SHOW SMMM!!!!!;;!!
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tbh y’all generally need to stop copying and pasting your white woman criticial discourse from r/incel and r/MGTOW and just adding white every time they say woman. frankly, for literally the past decade i have NEVER seen one of these directed specifically at white men and it is because y’all are all too busy kissing their fucking ass and plagiarizing their male supremacist manifestos to criticize them directly
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doctorclown · 5 years
Y’all REALLY fuckin slept on Gotye huh
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just-antithings · 3 years
incoming rant 😩
tbh the ppl who tout the garfield You Are Not Immune To Propaganda meme like it’s some sort of “gotcha! conversation over 💅🏻” type thing, and call every cop show copaganda and every mcu movie military propaganda really get on my nerves. like that could totally be true, wouldn’t surprise me if it was but.......i dont think these people actually know how propaganda works. they act like people take out their brains and replace them with sponges before they watch tv, like they have no choice but to absorb whatever pro cop or pro military message they see.
that ain’t how it works. i like military/war movies. i love police procedural type stuff. criminal minds, bones, hawaii 5-0. shit, one of my faves is a cop show from the gotdamn 60’s-70’s.
a lot of the time when i watch this kind of stuff, especially movies that are meant to be emotionally moving, i let myself be emotionally moved. i let myself pretend that cops or soldiers really are all selfless civil servants and heroes who will do anything to protect innocent people, or who try their hardest to fight corruption in the system.
and then when i’m done watching, i go back to reality.
i still hate cops. i still hate the military. bc i’m capable of critical thought. i think, “man i wish that’s the way things were”, but i know it’s not.
believe it or not, i can even recognize when they do bad shit in the movie/show! i might think, “wow that was cool” or “i’m glad they disregarded the law to get the bad guy” or i might see them do some shady shit and think “i hate how the cops always treating suspects like shit is portrayed as justified”. depends on what i’m watching! but no matter how i feel about it, i know that it would be a fucked up thing that i would never excuse in real life! because i have a brain and i use it! there was even one show, NCIS, that i couldn’t get through more than a season or two of because of all the ways they fucked people over in their investigations.
it’s just like with most things on the internet people saw a chance to be more woke than everyone else and ran with it, leaving any sense of nuance behind.
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tiny012 · 3 years
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1. Of course they don't understand a character that the OG creator created by mixing two existing characters that they already messed up in that version.
2. I have talked about this scene enough untill I'm blue in the face but
1. Usagi sees the rose and is shocked which becomes a trigger for her vent.
2. She sees a shadow and thinks its finally him.
3. Come to find out it's not him but S.A.D
4.Attack and destroy the monster.
5. Vents to S.A.D about missing Mamo and she though she was strong enough to handle this on her own.
6. Famous " Am I not good enough" scene in which I translated it too " Oh Ok but what about Me? Am I not good enough? You got me! He's not here but I am."
I have kept saying that I don't think they meant to be emotional manipulative but comes out that way.
It comes out being so insentive to her feelings in which people just dismiss her and be like " Oh poor Seiya! You are good enough!"
So many people see that scene as being so sad instead of being like " What the fuck?? What a great way to make the moment about you."
Cause that moment was about her. I'm really tried of seeing so many scenes in the 90's anime that her feelings get sideline for someone else. I'm tired of the part of fandom saying it's about both of them.
She is literary on the damn ground in the gotdamn rain venting about missing her (dead) boyfriend cause she doesn't have a clue why he's not replying in which she told NOONE the whole damn season that she haven't and you have the nerve to be like " Am I not Good Enough"
Yes you fell in love with her cause she's a beautiful soul even tho she told you COUNTLESS of times during the course of the season that she's in love with someone else.
Unrequited love is a bitch but come the fuck on.
Mamo would never...
Ok If I ever vent to someone that I trust about something that I held on to my chest for a while which I finally got it out and they straight up like " Oh Ok but what about me?" when it's not about you we aint friends no more.
Point Blank because it's not about you in that moment.
Especially I'm the type of person who is always the ear to other people when they vent. I never make it about myself cause they need someone to vent to in which I'm hear to listen. So if I need to someone to be by ear for a min and they make to be all about them...
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