#the girls in question; not judging but losing their fucking minds
ghost-proofbaby · 8 months
a man said the most eddie-coded thing about me that i genuinely cannot stop thinking about it days later but he doesn’t know that i know he said what he did
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hannieehaee · 5 months
hi! i wanted to request seungcheol x reader based off of ‘how you get the girl’ by taylor swift? thank you!
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content: inspired by 'how you get the girl' by taylor swift, angsty, fight between reader and cheol implied, fluff ending, etc.
wc: 738
a/n: ive never rlly listened to taylor before so im sorry if i took the lyrics out of context i tried to research the meaning of the song but i wasnt 100% sure T-T anyways tysm for requesting sorry i took so long <3
seungcheol knew he had royally fucked up.
the details didn't matter now. it had been a while now – six months to be exact – and he still couldnt get over you. he'd see you around town occasionally, and you'd look perfectly fine. how could you be fine when he was so empty without you in his life? were you really better off without him?
he tried to move on, he really did, but no one was like you. the type of love you had was the type he wanted to be his endgame. there was no question about it. which was why he needed to fix his this.
it started with attempts to be in the same spaces as you again. he would find out where you'd be from mutual friends (okay, a little stalkerish, but it was fine!) and make sure to be in attendance to any party you'd go to. lucky for him, you were best friends with his good friends soonyoung and vernon, which gave him the perfect opening to approach you every time. at first you'd look peeved off by his presence, but after a few times you seemed to warm up to him, even laughing at his jokes sometimes. after a few weeks of intruding your friend hangouts, it was as if he'd always been there.
the day finally came in which you'd been left alone together at a party, with both soonyoung and vernon leaving one by one. it was getting late, so seungcheol offered to walk you home, which you surprisingly accepted with a polite smile. you talked like old friends on your way back, never once making any mention of the relationship you used to have. that made cheol both sad and relieved. it was good you weren't hurt by it anymore, but did this mean you were now looking for a mere friendship out of him? he had tried to bring back the old dynamics between the two of you. he had even been as physically affectionate as your newly-developed friendship would allow, but it seemed like that wasnt what you were looking for. seungcheol couldnt help but carry the disappointment in his face as the two of you arrived to your home.
"cheol? what's wrong?", you asked as soon as you caught sight of his face.
"hmm? oh, nothing. im fine. i, uh, goodnight. thanks for letting me walk you."
before he could even turn around, you pulled at his arm to grab his attention.
"cheol, what is it?"
he hesitated in speaking up again. he knew himself to be an outspoken man to a fault. and how was be expected to hold back when you looked so pretty under the moonlight and were even showing concern for him?
"i love you,"
fuck. that's not how he meant to start. and that was clearly not what you had expected him to say, judging by the shocked expression on your face.
"im still in love with you, i- i know i fucked up, and i know i waited too long, but ... seeing you move on in life without me made me lose my mind. i know i shouldve apologized earlier. and i cant even blame you for breaking up with me, i ... i was a shitty boyfriend. i didnt treat you how you deserved. but i'll be better now, i promise! just give me one more chance. ill give you everything i shouldve back then and more. i know it's been six months, but ive been losing my mind without you. i know we could make this work. please?"
he knew he mustve looked crazy as he rambled his sudden love confession to you, but he still hoped that you'd maybe take pity on him and take him back. however, after a full minute of silence from you as you didn't meet his eyes, he knew that luck probably wouldnt be smiling at him today.
he turned to leave without a word until you unexpectedly stopped him again.
"wait, cheol," you seemed kind of shy about your movements, but still offered him a smile.
"come in? do you ... will you stay the night? please?"
your shy smile was met with his bright one as his arms warmly wrapped around yours, kissing your cheeks over and over as he used to once upon a time, walking the two of you into the apartment he was once oh so familiar with.
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bluerthanvelvet444 · 1 month
‧₊˚♫ ⋅* ‧₊✮𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥✮‧₊˚ ⋅*♫ ˚₊⋅
Tate Langdon x fem!reader
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tags: smut with a plot and some fluff.
warnings: obsessive behavior, kind of a switch!Tate, oral (f receiving), dry humping, p in v.
summary: Tate encounters a Tumblr girl. (Inspirated a lot by the song I linked under.)
character count: 12k.
full fic under the cut ↓
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Tate had never really cared about looking ‘stylish’ or ‘fitting in’ when he was alive. He had his own style, which wasn’t trendy nor one of a kind just…his. He didn’t need anyone else’s approval to believe he was cool, mostly because the girls that were attracted to him were just as fucked up as him and the popular ones tended to ignore him.
Ironical how that changed in his afterlife, once he saw you. After dying, Tate’s time was spent either with the other trapped souls or by himself. Hardly ever people moved in the Murder House, and whether they did, they were a low-budget couple in their 40s. So Tate’s knowledge of the modern outside world was poor and lacking, especially when it came to his ‘peers’. That’s why when you first moved in the house, Tate was stunned, if not flabbergasted even.
You were struggling with carrying your heavy luggage, muttering curses as the wind blew your colorful hair in your eyes. The first word that came in Tate’s mind as he watched you from the front window was “cool.”
He spent the first days of your sojourn watching you from afar, admiring the way you acted. Tate found out the way you styled your outfits in the fashionable way, how you talked to your friends in slangs and how you spent your evenings taking pictures on your polaroid and on a glowing little box, that for some strange reason you called phone, to post (that’s the term you used) on a little blue icon marked with a white t. He didn’t know what was considered popular now, but he was sure you belonged in that category, judging by the way you looked and the way your pictures had high numbers under them whenever you uploaded them. He needed wanted to approach you, and the perfect opportunity showed up when he saw you type on your glowing box:
“PARTY in the MURDER HOUSE tonite!! >_< :33!!”
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The house had never been so full of alive people having fun. The doors were open, colorful lights were shining and high volume music was blasting. Tate tried blending in, although the more he looked around the more he felt…lame. The drunk teens around him were all different from each other, and none of them matched his vibe. And he even wore his favorite sweater!
Still, he had nothing to lose, so he took a deep breath and searched for you in the crowd. Tate made his way past people as they pushed him to the left and to the right. It felt weird to be seen, to be touched. He found you circled by people asking questions about the house. Was it haunted? Were there ghosts? All of which you answered with a simple “No.”.
“Of course there aren’t any ghosts, I’m keeping them away from you.” Tate thought. Since he was too nervous to actually take a few steps and start a conversation with you, he figured he’d get some punch, just to loosen up a bit. He walked towards the punch bowl, and as soon as he reached to grab a cup, his hand met yours. You both grabbed the same solo cup.
“Sorry! You can have it.” You giggled as you let him take the cup. Tate blinked a few times, eyes locked to your bright smile, before grabbing the cup and filling it up. “Be cool, Tate. Don’t mess it up.” He thought.
“Uh. So…this is your party, right?” He gulped, eyes darting around the house as if he didn’t know every single inch of it by heart.
“Yes! Thought it would’ve been fun to host a party in a so-called Murder House. Plus, this house is giant, it gets lonely after some time…You live near here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you.” You smiled.
“Oh…yeah. My name’s Tate. I live nearby.” Tate’s eyes trailed upon your figure, he had never been able to see you from so close. You simply nodded, sipping from your cup. He cleared his throat.
“You know…I used to live in this house.” He added nonchalantly, trying so hard to sound interesting.
“Really?! No way!” Your giggles rang in his ears.
“Mhm. You probably noticed some of my things still laying around in my bedroom. No one has stepped in since I last did.” He nodded.
“Oh, do you wanna see? Maybe there’s something you left that you want back.” You replied, slightly raising your voice so that it could be heard over the music.
“I uh-There’s no need t-” He was interrupted by you grabbing his hand and leading him upstairs anyways. You opened the door of the bedroom and kicked out a couple that was making out on your bed.
“Ugh!! I should’ve locked the door!” You exclaimed, closing the door behind you two. Tate looked around, some of your things were laying around, but it was mostly all his.
“Dude you left everything here!” You giggled. Tate forced out a chuckle, everything was of course still there, since he ‘lived’ there normally and never moved.
“Yeah, uh…Guess I left in a hurry.” He muttered awkwardly and grabbed some of his Nirvana CDs.
“There they were…!” He pretended as if he didn’t just play them everyday before you came.
“CDs? Didn’t you use an IPod or something?” You gave him a confused look.
“Oh uh…no, I prefer CDs.” He nodded, as if he knew what an IPod was.
“You don’t use your phone?” You asked, raising up your glowing box.
“No, I…don’t have one.” He gulped.
“Damn, how do you handle that? I could never live without Tumblr or Instagram.” You chuckled.
“...Yea, um…just not my thing, y’know?” He cleared his throat, trying his best to change the subject.
“Oh, yea. I’ve met some people like that. I envy y’all, y’know? Tumblr’s literally addicting to me. Can’t help it though, love when people comment nice stuff and see you as inspiring, y’know?” You chuckled, sitting down on his your bed.
“Uh…can’t really relate. I’ve always been pretty invisible.” He shrugged.
“Oh…you don’t seem so bad. I like the whole grungy vibe.” You grinned, pointing to his outfit.
“Oh- uh…thank you.” He hoped it was a good thing to be ‘grungy’...or whatever you said.
“Yea, looks good on you. Doesn’t really fit me tho.” You giggled.
“You’d look gorgeous in anything.” Was what Tate wanted to say, but he didn’t wanna push his luck too far, so he just forced a shy chuckle.
.⋆.‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧.⋆.
You spent something like 30 minutes just laughing and getting to know each other while laying on the bed. During this whole time, he couldn’t help but think about how breathtaking you were: your smile, your eyes, your body, your personality, your whole being. You were perfect. Perfect for him. He found himself to be completely mesmerized by you, he needed you to be his, he needed you to make him feel loved, alive. He wondered how you did it, how ever since the first second you spent next to him, his heart started beating for the first time since he died. His body felt warm, his skin didn’t feel so cold anymore, he started breathing again. He was addicted to this feeling, so he did the only reasonable thing he would’ve done if he was actually alive, he gently grabbed your cheek and pressed his lips against yours. Everything felt just better after he kissed you, as if after that whole hell he had been through he finally reached paradise. He felt even more surprised when you kissed back, your lips moving in sync with his. He moved to lay on top of you, balancing his weight so he didn’t crush you, his lips never leaving yours as his fingertips danced across your body. His tongue slipped in your mouth, swirling around yours in a passionate dance. He let out some deep throaty groans, he felt his desire grow as it coursed through his veins. He needed to feel you, so he deepened his kisses. When you moved your lips down on his jaw and then his neck, he almost lost it. He felt embarrassed for moaning so much and basically becoming a mess under your touch, but he relaxed as soon as he felt your lips curling up in a smile against his skin. He moved on to devour your neck, grinning as he felt you moan now. His hands gripped every inch of your body.
“You’re so…beautiful…” He mumbled against your skin, grabbing your breasts through the fabric of your shirt. He looked up at you while tugging at your shirt, silently asking for consent to peel it off of you.
“You can take off whatever you want...” You winked, giving him a cute smile. He immediately peeled off both his and your clothes, groaning at the sight of your body. His lips worked hungrily on your collarbone, leaving marks that will most likely turn into hickeys the next day, then placed kisses on the valley between your breasts, a tiny whine leaving him when his fingers failed at desperately trying to undo the clasp of your bra.
You giggled and helped him, throwing your bra somewhere on the floor. He immediately took one of your nipples in his mouth, suckling gently while looking up at you with those brown puppy eyes of his. You smiled and twirled a strand of his blonde locks between your fingers, soft moans escaping your lips. He kept switching between sucking your left then right nipple, his hand groping the one he wasn’t attacking with his mouth. He felt himself getting harder as he felt the warmth radiating from your body, so while his mouth worked wonders, he desperately brushed his growing bulge from under his boxers on your leg. He let out some needy whines, and he couldn’t help but mutter sweet words against your skin as he lowered down to trail kisses on your tummy.
“So perfect f’me…” His words came out muffled as he trailed his kisses down, pressing his lips against your inner thigh and then on the fabric of your panties. You moaned when his fingers hooked under the waistband of your underwear, slowly pulling it down, as his lips immediately worked on your clit.
“Ah…just like that Tate…don’t stop…” You moaned when he started to suckle gently, soft whines leaving his mouth as well. As he got more needy himself, his mouth lowered on your entrance, his tongue gently brushing against your wet folds, finally entering you after teasing you a slight bit. What you felt was pure bliss, unholy sounds leaving your lips every time his tongue sped up. When you looked down, you found Tate looking up at you with those brown doe eyes from between your legs, as he worked his magic. The sight only drove you to the edge, your moans getting louder as you came on his face. He groaned and cleaned you up with his tongue, making sure not to miss any single droplet of your cum.
“So good…you taste so fucking good…” He moaned into your ear, pressing wet kisses on your neck and collarbone.
“Wanna be inside of you…please? please let me…” He whined while rubbing his hard dick against your flesh. You nodded and just like that he didn't waste any more time, he abruptly pulled his boxer down, groaning as the cold air hit his shaft, and lined up with your entrance. While you were still coming down from your high after the intense orgasm, Tate pushed his dick inside of you slowly, moaning uncontrollably once he felt your tight walls clenching around him. You were relieved that this encounter happened when you threw a party, or every single soul nearby would’ve heard the throaty groans and moans leaving his lips.
“Mh…tight…so tight…so pretty-can I move please? I’ll be- ah…I’ll be careful-please-” He whined against your neck, as his blonde strands caressed your face gently. You agreed, and just like that he was thrusting in and out of you, first slowly, then at a steady pace. The room was filled with filthy moans, yours and his, and the repetitive sound of skin against skin, as your sweaty bodies were sliding one against each other. He felt like he was going insane as his mind couldn't help but focus on you and you only. Every moment was more pleasurable and he felt like he was closer and closer, so he muttered in your ear, still thrusting into you.
“Close…so close…don’t think i’m gonna last-ah…longer…please please please…want you to cum too…” He babbled as his brain turned into mush.
“Ah-! Mhm…m’close too…” You breathed out, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten even more.
“Please-mh…cum on my dick? yeah? wanna feel you..please…” He whimpered, he felt like he couldn’t contain his upcoming orgasm. You couldn’t even respond as the repetitive brushing of his tip against your G-spot drove you to the edge. Letting out a loud moan, you came for the second time while he was still inside of you. That caused Tate’s eyes to roll back, his groans only filling the room as the feeling of your cum dripping on his length and your walls squeezing it, was too much to bear. He quickly pulled out and came all over your stomach, then he collapsed next to you.
He spent the next moments cuddling up against you, thinking about everything. His hands were playing with your hair, and when he looked down he found your eyes closed and your breath steady. He smiled at the sight, wanting every night of his afterlife to end like this and determined to make that happen. He kept placing sweet kisses on the top of your head, while he wondered how he was gonna explain to you that he died before Tumblr even existed.
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taglist: @cxndiedvi0lets @angeldollw @doll3tt33 @marchsfreakshow @fear-is-truth @dykejugheadjones @happy74827 @evpeters87 @dont-look-behind @brightanshiny
a/n: rahhhh tate's such a loser needy boy. BTW spent sm time on this fic, I'm pretty proud of how it turned out!! hope you like it! this is for my tumblr girlies🩷
all rights reserved!!
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sim0nril3y · 9 months
First Date
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Scenario: It's no denying that their first date is a little rocky to begin with, but as things settle Simon wondered if he is in too deep. Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), mentions of alcohol, suggestive conversation, slight mention of smut, canon-typical swearing (I mean, it's Ghost for fuck sake!).
Bloody fucking hell. It was still beyond him why Simon had actually agreed to this mess. Why had he done this to himself? Maybe he’d had too much to drink. Maybe a pretty face made him completely lose his mind… or whatever was left of it. Whatever the reason was he was here now. Waiting in an Italian restaurant with a cold lager half-finished beside him and the chair opposite him empty. Maybe you’d thought better of it. Maybe that was for the best. Fuck, it still fucking hurt though…
A sudden flutter of commotion came from behind him. Looking over his shoulder to watching as you rushed across the room, removing your coat to reveal a beautiful silky dress that contoured to your frame seamlessly, his eyes had lingered on your body for so long he almost missed the guilty smile you shared with him. “Bloody taxi driver got the wrong restaurant.” You announced before allowing your tense shoulders to fall. “I’m not typically this flustered – I promise.”
“I believe you.” Simon then rose and stepped around the table, taking your chair in hand and pulling it out for you to sit in before tucking it in. There was a lot you could say about Simon Riley, but he was a gentleman to the people that deserved it the most. After giving you a few moments to settle Simon finally asked. “You want a drink?” Taking a swig of his own beer and quirking his brow at you. “God, yes. I’d literally murder for a white wine.” Your dramatics made him laugh, like genuinely, he wasn’t really sure the last time someone had made him do that… Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mine Simon flagged down the waiter and ordering you one.
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“What s’it you do for work?” Simon asked then, forgetting for a moment that it might be very possible for you not to be established into the working world yet, especially with how long young people seemed to stay at university now. “I’m a barmaid down at the Golden Lion.” Oh, he knew that place. It wasn’t so fancy up-and-coming gastropub. No, it was a rundown old pub owned by a miserable git. He knew the type of tossers that went in there too. “It’s not what I want to do forever, but it works right now.” There was an easy shrug to your shoulders before you admitted. “I’m an artist.” The words had drifted from your mouth with such ease. An artist. That wasn’t a real job, Simon thought. “You got any backup plans, kid?”
You blinked at him blankly before a grin spread across your features. “You sound like my parents.” Brushing away the question with another carefree shrug. That second Simon hated your optimism. It was that same optimism all kids your age had. That same sense that the world owed them their dreams. There was this malicious part of Simon that wanted to burst your bubble, deflate your self-entitled ego and remind you that the real world didn’t care about your dreams or your wants. Your voice cut through the silence again. “Who knows, it probably won’t work out, but I want to try just for a few more years.”
“Yeah…” Jesus, he felt like such a prick. He had just assumed that you was just some dumb kid that felt like the world owed them something, but… but you were just a hopeful girl that was chasing a very tricky and far away dream. Who was he to judge? You’d found a way to sustain yourself whilst also trying to navigate into a very select profession. “You any good?” His cheeks suddenly set aflame at how the question sounded on his tongue. “Your art, I mean. Is it good?”
A delicate giggle bubbled in your throat as you finished your wine with a quick swig. “I like to think I’m pretty good…” Lifting your sultry and inviting gaze to find his own. “Maybe I could show you sometime…” Simon couldn’t believe it when he felt his heart fucking stutter in his chest. Fucking hell. It was that moment that he realised was in deep here. Clearing his throat Simon adjusted himself discreetly in his seat. It was going to be a hard end to this dinner – no pun intended.
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Leading her across the carpark Simon stood beside the waiting cab, hand on the open door as you spoke softly to the driver through the window. A moment later you gazed up into his eyes and offered quietly. “I had a really nice time tonight…” The sweetness of your tone was enough to warm him even in this bitter night air. “Yeah…” He grunted out. “Me too…” Adding swiftly a moment later causing you to breathe out a subtle sigh of relief. “Are you gonna put me out of my misery and take me out again, or gonna make me beg for it?” Jesus, the idea of you begging was something that made his heart race. Knelt. Eyes pleading. Every inch of you- Stop. He can’t do that right now.
Placing a firm finger under your chin Simon jutted her head back forcing you to meet his intense gaze. “Get the feeling you don’t beg all that often, kid.” That same little smirk found your lips, watching as your eyes darkened at his comment. “M’sure it’s a sweet fuckin’ sound…” He was fighting internally with himself. Part of him screamed to just give you exactly what you wanted. Bend your tight body over that bonnet and fuck you stupid. Another part of him told himself to allow himself some form of happiness, take you out again and see what might happen. The final part scoffed and scowled at that optimism. It warned him that being with him was practically a death sentence. No, he needed to let you go, let you move on and find a boring man to turn into a husband and pop out a couple ankle-biters with.  “Are you free next week?” Your question came interrupting his cruel inner monologue. No. Say no. End this. “Yes.” A wild grin tore across your features, you had certainly won this round.
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Masterlist | Ask | 30-08-2023
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spamgyu · 5 months
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DESCRIPTION: She had grown tired of being on his back burner, the person that he had kept warm until he gotten the girl he has had his eyes set on for years... And with a little help from her friend, maybe... just maybe she'll finally be the first choice. PAIRING: Seungcheol x Reader | Mingyu x Reader GENRE: Angst & Fluff PART 4 | SERIES MASTERLIST | MASTERLIST
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"I'm gong to the gym real quick." He nodded over to the door, his protein shake in hand.
The two had managed to go back to their sense of normalcy on their way back to the hotel – all thanks to him.
Judging from her reaction, he knew that if he didn't make the first move of bouncing back to who they were before that damn kiss, that stupid fucking kiss, she would let the thoughts consume her – driving in silence.
Mingyu had gotten a glimpse of losing her in his mind and he did not want to make it his reality.
Not if he could help it.
He chose to dismiss the tension and the elephant in the room and averted their conversation to anything but what had just happened.
And thankfully, she went along with it – sitting in the passenger seat continuing the conversation of the wedding that was set to take place in two days.
"Bring me back some chips, please." She smiled as she continued to select images for today's instagram upload.
"Yes, ma'am." He saluted before slipping in to the hallway.
The truth was, he didn't want to go to the gym. Hell, he didn't even know if he was going to actually go down to the amenity the hotel offered.
He just needed a breather – a moment to process what he had done... away from her.
Mingyu rounded the corner, bounding for Joshua's room when a door had swung open, revealing the one person he did not want to run into.
"Sup." He nodded, continuing his journey.
He was two steps away from him when Seungcheol called out his name, stopping him in his tracks.
"You said you'd do anything for y/n, right?" He spoke, walking over to Mingyu.
Puzzled with the sudden confrontation, Mingyu was unable to utter a reply – standing dumbfounded in the middle of the hallway.
"Right?" Seungcheol repeated.
"Y-yeah." He replied, his tone coming out more of a question; still unable to comprehend where the conversation was leading.
"I choose her."
Mingyu felt as though the floor underneath him began to chip away, his knees feeling weak.
"I– I fucked up before but I'm going to fix things." Seungcheol continued.
He scanned his friend's face, attempting to read him. Mingyu had known him for nearly six years now. They were once quite close, up until they let their egos and competative nature get the best of them – seeing everything as a game that they both needed to score against each other.
But y/n was different.
To Mingyu, this wasn't a game.
She wasn't a trophy he needed to win.
She was the one thing that he left untouched because she was worth far more than the silent warfare the two have seemed to put themselves in.
He needed to make sure Seungcheol was genuine – she was finally smiling, he was no longer wiping tears away. He needed to know that this wasn't just another play in Seungcheol's books.
And it killed him to see that Seungcheol's soft eyes, the silent plea behind his gaze.
"What does this have to do with me?" Mingyu toyed with the cap of his drink.
"I know she values your opinion and I can't have you stand in between my attempts to win her back." Seungcheol ran his hand through his hair. "She– look, I get it. I'm not your top pick for her, but– I need you to help me."
Help him.
Help him get the girl who he sees as his world, constantly in orbit around her.
The one that he couldn't imagine living the rest of his life with, even if it's just as her best friend.
"Help?" He raised his brows.
"I just need you to let me."
"Let you?"
"Mingyu, dude, come on." Seungcheol was practically begging him. "This is why you guys are pretending right? So you can get back at me? You got it, you got back at me. Please– just let me."
The past few days of bliss had blinded him, forgetting that Seungcheol had known their dirty little secret all along. He was so caught up with experiencing what it was like to have her that he had forgotten that it was meant to end.
This was the one thing she had been waiting for. The reason why they were in this predicament in the first place.
Sticking to his word of doing anything for the sake of y/n's happiness, Mingyu allowed for Seungcheol to sway him this one time.
"Is Sunhee out of the picture?" He countered.
"Wha– yes." Seunghceol nodded quickly. "It's done. It's been fixed. It's y/n."
Mingyu wanted the ground to swallow him whole.
Sunhee was out.
There was nothing else standing in the way between Y/n and Seungcheol.
Except him.
"Okay." Mingyu watched as Seungcheol let out a sigh of relief. "But you mess up one time– I don't care if it's you being two minutes being late, I'm stepping in and I'm going to make sure you don't ever come near her."
"I won't fuck up. Not this time around." He shook his head. "I– I need you to believe me."
"The minute Sunhee comes in between–"
"She won't."
"You better make sure of it."
Seungcheol nodded, bringing his hand up. "I promise."
Mingyu shifted his gaze down to the toy in his friend's hand. "Is that for her?"
Seungcheol let out a sheepish laugh. "Yeah it's uh– a peace offering. I saw it at the ranch we were at and thought of her."
Thought of her.
For once in a long time, he had thought of her.
This wasn't a game to him anymore – Seungcheol had finally taken her off of his backburner.
She was now his priority.
"Everyone still thinks we're together."
"No yeah– I know I just– I'm going to do this right. I know this thing won't fix everything, but I'll show her. However long it takes."
Mingyu swallowed the lump that began to form in his throat as another wave of reality hit him.
After this trip, she was no longer his. Even if it was all for pretend.
The pain began to take over his heart.
He knew this would have to end eventually, more now that he confirmed it with her reaction after their kiss, but he didn't think it would be so soon.
He knew he had to let go.
For her happiness.
"Do it right."
"I will."
Mingyu didn't dare say another word, feeling the lump grow larger as each second pass. He excused himself, continuing his walk to Joshua's room – taking one last glance as Seungcheol turned the corner to the direction of their room.
She had fallen asleep before Mingyu returned to their room, exhausted both emotionally and physically from yesterday's events. Mingyu had managed to slip back into their room without making a single noise the night before, placing the bag of chips she had requested on their share nightstand that had divided their beds.
She would have thought the time alone with her thoughts, and the rest would be enough to put her mind at ease – but instead, the voices grew louder.
Pestering her the minute she opened her eyes.
He was still fast asleep on his bed, his body turned towards her.
Y/n couldn't help but stare at him as she replayed their moment together.
She had finally gotten what she wanted but why was the man, who pouted in his sleep, across from her plaguing her mind?
Why did he have to kiss her?
She was doing just fine.
She was perfectly fine with allowing Seunghcheol consumer her thoughts; like it had always had been in the last year and a half. She was content with turning a blind eye to all those times he had sent her wondering if continuing their little game of tag was worth it, only choosing to think about all the times he let her leave his home with buzzing feeling in her stomach.
But now, another player had entered the ring – sending her mind into a spiral of overthinking and despair.
She was unsure of many things, all except for two things:
The man she loved had finally chosen her.
Mingyu had kissed her and she did not feel the same buzzing feeling in her stomach.
But why is that she can't get the kiss out of her mind?
"Stop staring." He mumbled.
"You're drooling." Y/n cracked a smile.
His eyes shot open, his hand reaching up to his dry cheek. "Liars go to hell."
"Will you be my roommate there?"
Rolling his eyes, Mingyu sat up – stretching in his position. "Wanna get breakfast?"
Her mind was going at a 100 mph, but more importantly – she wanted to discuss with him what had happened when he left for the gym.
Aside from all the confusion, he was her best friend.
They told each other everything.
"Seungcheol came over last night." She blurted.
He paused his morning stretch. Of course Seunghcheol didn't disclose to her that he had run into Mingyu in the hallway. Why would he?
He had putting a great act since touching down on the island, what was another false shock look going to do?
"How was that?" Mingyu avoided her eyes, pretending to search for his phone under the covers.
"He– uh... we talked. He told me he chose me." She said slowly, keeping her eyes trained on him as he lifted his blanket, peering in.
"That's good, right?" Mingyu finally turned to face her.
The two kept their gaze, the sound of the the air conditioner starting up filling the air.
Why did she think he was going to say something else?
And why did he think she would be jumping for joy?
"No, yeah." She cleared her throat.
"What- what did you say?" He didn't want to hear what she had told him.
He would much prefer that he was left in the dark.
"I told him I'm with you."
"What?" He coughed.
"I mean, well– everyone thinks I'm with you so he can't– no stupid decisions." Y/n chewed at the skin inside her cheek. "Not until after the trip."
After the trip.
He had her until the end of the week.
That is, only for in front of their friends.
"Oh." He nodded.
"He seemed genuine. Never seen him so– I don't know, broken."
"I guess, you got in his head." Mingyu forced out a chuckle.
"Maybe. I just– Should I trust him?"
He licked his lips, letting Seungcheol's words ring in his ears.
"I need you to believe me."
"I can't answer that."
"Look," He scooted off the bed, taking a seat next to her. "At the end of the day, that relationship is between you two. I– He's the one you want right?"
Say no.
"Do you want to trust him?"
Please say no.
"I think."
"Do you trust yourself?"
She turned to face him. "Wha–"
"Do you trust that you'll make the best judgement?"
"I hope so."
"I can't hold your hand for this one but I can pick you up if he lets you down. I'm always here." He sent her a warm smile.
All the voices in her head suddenly stopped.
The person she loved had finally chosen her and the man that had left her brain rattled all night had given her the confirmation that despite the minor slip up the two had, he wasn't going anywhere.
It was more than enough validation for her to know that no matter what, he will always be in her life as a best friend.
It was all simply a lapse of judgement.
Seungcheol kept to his word.
He really was trying.
They were all gathered around the beach, for one last time before the wedding festivities began. And unlike last time, not a single snarky comment left his lips.
In fact, he seemed to happily carry on conversations with either her and Mingyu; with no signs of anger or annoyance painted on his face.
Hell, she was even caught off guard by his active actions of avoiding Sunhee – laying his towel down in between Jeonghan and Joshua, all while the girl settled for a spot at the end.
"I miss having the group back together like this." Jeonghan sighed, leaning back on his elbows. "We should do more destination weddings."
"Not everyone is bleeding money like you, Han." Joshua snickered.
"Seungcheol is." He countered. "Doubt he'll marry soon, though."
Seungcheol didn't care to protest, laughing along with a few of the boys.
It was all in good fun and teasing.
"Alright let's take bets on who's next to walk down the aisle." Seokmin clapped.
"Money's on Wonwoo." Mingyu took a bite of his spam musubi.
The one that Seungcheol had purchased just before heading to the beach.
"It's warm this time." He mumbled for only her to hear, setting the bag down for everyone to grab out from.
"I second that." Y/n laughed, holding her hand out for Mingyu to place the rice wrap in her hand.
"Get your own." He shook his head, pointing to the bag.
"I just want a bite!" She laughed, attempting to pry it from his hands – only for him to lean away. "Give it."
Taking a larger bite this time, Mingyu used his free hand to lightly push her away from him. "No!"
"God, I think it's going to be you two." Joshua grumbled while they were in their own world, practically wrestling over half a bite of musubi; earning a chorus of laughter from everyone else.
All except Sunhee and Seungcheol.
Though, Seungcheol had managed to hide his disagreeing thoughts well by putting on a fake smile – not wanting to blow his and their cover.
He was trying, after all.
"Yeah, if she doesn't break up with me." Mingyu chuckled, giving in and handing her what was left of his food.
He was planting seeds in their heads for their inevitable end.
"Thin ice, buddy." She joked back, happily popping the rice and spam into her mouth.
The day went on as if nothing was out of place; as if the three didn't hold on to a secret that would have sent at least half of their friend group in to an hour long debate. Possibly even causing a great division.
The three continued about their day pretending as though their minds weren't constantly being bombarded by second guesses and stolen glances.
They all had roles to play, keeping it up for the sake of the peace of the group; something that was quite rare. It been years since they were complete and they knew that ruining the dynamic of it all over a silly little game of charades was out of the picture.
She found herself comparing the two, allowing for her brain and her heart to battle it out while she tried her best to keep a facade up that she had been fully present in tonight's event.
Jeonghan's rehearsal dinner.
She could have sworn she had silenced her mind earlier this morning, but she was proven wrong as the day went on – more than ever as Seungcheol had began his efforts to win her trust back.
It was almost as if her mind was keeping score for the two.
One minute, Mingyu was putting on a great act for their friends; staying by her side and doting on all her needs that she did not know needed to be met.
And in the short moments when she wasn't attached to Mingyu's hips, Seungcheol would find a way to approach her – making small innocent conversations. He made an effort to ask her about how she had liked the trip so far, taking note of how he seemed to be attentively hanging on to every word that left her lips. As if he was making a mental note of it all.
It had sent her head spinning.
"Getting a drink at the bar, you guys want anything?" Seungcheol announced, keeping his gaze on her.
His offer was mostly directed to her, eyeing her now empty wine glass.
A chorus of no's and no thanks were earned from those sat within earshot of him, Seungcheol lingering to see if she had caught on to his question.
Mingyu had taken notice of this, turning his head to the girl on his right – wondering as to why she had yet to reply.
She didn't hear him.
"She'll most likely want another glass of merlot." He replied for her, sending over a smile.
He was helping after all.
She had a blank stare – clearly lost in her own thoughts, drowning out the voices and chaos around her.
"Right." Seungcheol pulled his lips tight, excusing himself to the other side of the room.
Tapping her knee under the table, Mingyu leaned his body close to the girl. "You okay?"
Blinking away her thoughts, she turned to face him – taken back at his sudden close proximity. "Huh?"
"You're in another galaxy." Mingyu spoke, leaning away at the sight of her flinching.
"Sorry, just– tired." She hummed, reaching for her wine glass only to frown at the lack of it's content.
"Cheol's getting you more. He uh– offered." He sipped his water, answering her silent question.
The score was at a tie, yet again.
The night went on with ease and Y/n could have not been any more grateful that they were no longer obligated to stay seated in their assigned spots – making her way over to the bar while everyone else had decided to disburse throughout the riim.
"Making good use of the open bar, I see." Seungcheol chuckled, lining up behind her as they waited for their turn.
"Always a sucker for free drinks." She shrugged.
"Yeah, I remember from Mingyu's birthday last year." He snorted.
For his big two-five, Mingyu decided to ring in his birthday with a bang – somehow convincing their friend group that a trip to Vegas under his own expense was a great idea.
Within the first night, all but Mingyu and Y/n had tapped out; going a little too hard at the club. No one was able to hold their liquor down the way the duo did. While everyone was nearly begging for Mingyu to cancel their table at the day club, she and Mingyu were happily pregaming to cancel out their hangover.
"My liver hurts just thinking about tequila." She winced.
Seungcheol laughed, recalling to their last night at the party city; when she was out drunk by Mingyu. She had to be dragged back to her hotel room that night, unable to properly find her balance. "Yeah, Seokmin went sober for a good while after that trip."
"Oh my god, yeah." She laughed. "He was so traumatized."
Across the room, Mingyu was sipping his whisk; unable to peel his eyes away from the two. He truly did try to pay no mind to the curious voice that had been pestering him to walk over and find out what it was that had the two laughing.
Instead, he opted to keep his eyes on her – taking in how beautiful she looked.
Maybe that will get his mind off things.
Dressed in a plain yellow chiffon satin dress that ended just above her knee, with her hair pulled back in a low bun; he couldn't help but think how simplicity looked so good on her.
He could spend hours on end just look at her.
"It's cute how in love you guys are." Sunhee grinned, following his gaze.
All while everyone else were off mingling with guests, the two opted to stay back and hold the fort down – their day at the beach catching up to them.
They were no longer those young college students who were full of energy, their bodies unable to keep up with their jam packed days.
"Huh– oh yeah." Mingyu felt his cheeks grow hot as he looked down at the glass in his hands.
Sunhee had caught him staring, shyly attempting to hide the redness in his face.
"Look a you, all shy." She teased. "Being in love is a good look on you."
They weren't close.
Not even friends, they were acquaintances at best – they had only been around each other in group settings.
But like everyone else, she was well aware of the image he had; the same one her best friend had. He was well known to date around, never keeping a girl around for longer than a month.
"Thank you." He gave her a warm smile.
"At least you got to her before he did." Sunhee continued, her gaze following his – but her eyes trained on the man to y/n's right. "I– I didn't realize that I was fucking over her chances with him until the other day."
At least she was aware.
To her it was too late, but oh if she only knew.
"Did me a favor, I guess." He mumbled into his cup, before taking a long sip.
"He's a dumbass though, he never put her first."
It was like she had taken a knife and dug it into his skin, twisting it with each word that left her lips.
Silence fell between the two, but Mingyu knew she had more to say.
Maybe it was the liquor they had all consumed throughout the night, or the fact that she believes there was nothing else on the line, but Sunhee went on to speak. "We fought the other day. Because of her."
That caught his attention.
Mingyu whipped his head to meet her eyes, brows furrowed in confusion. "Why?"
"Well, not fought. I did most of the yelling. He's–" She rolled her eyes, clearly recalling back to her and Seungcheol's conversation at the zipline park. "If he had told me she had given him an ultimatum– God, how stupid could he be? Always thinking with his dick than his brain."
"He told you about Y/n making him pick?"
"Yeah, he thought we were having a moment at the damn ranch and tried to confess– Honestly, I think he finally realized that you guys are serious and wanted me as a last resort."
She was a stupid as her friend.
"Told him how stupid he was for letting her walk out. He should have chosen her. Can you believe him? God, I swear– He's irritates me." She ran her fingers through her curled her, letting out a frustrated sigh.
She was venting to him.
The knife was now buried deep in his gut and he was bleeding out.
Seungcheol had picked y/n in a panic, not because he wanted to. This was what he meant when Sunhee was out of the picture.
He wanted to get up from his seat and head straight to her. He wanted to whisk her away from him and tell her all that Sunhee had just spilled.
But he couldn't.
Mingyu glanced over at her, seeing her laugh at yet another word that had left Seungcheol's mouth; his heart sinking.
In all the times Y/n had talked about Seungcheol, it was all of moments of pain — claiming she wished things were different.
She had finally gotten all that she wanted and he couldn't take that away from her. It was far too selfish.
She was happy and that was all that mattered — and he'll just have to make peace with this.
To say the setting was beautiful was an understatement; the grassy lawn of the hotel had been transformed to any bride's dream.
Various kinds of white flowers lined the rows and the altar, creating a sight that only a girl could have imagined and pinned on her pinterest board.
Y/n's breath had been taken away when she had first taken a seat, snapping a few pictures before they were instructed to put all their devices away for an unplug ceremony.
She couldn't help but be in awe as the each second passed, shedding a few tears when she had caught a glimpse of Jeonghan's lips quivering at the sight of Eunji making her way down the aisle.
"Jeonghan," Eunji spoke into the mic, taking her turn to profess her vows in front of their guests; a wide grin on her face. "People often talk about how difficult relationships are and I happily can say that I can't relate to them. I get that relationships takes a lot of work, but being with you have never felt like this. It's like I clocked into a shift with my favorite coworker. Our days have always been filled with laughter, the only tears you've ever brought me were when you would make those stupid silly jokes that I love so much. They say love is hard but our love has been the easiest part of my life. And I guess, it's because you have made it so easy. You're not only my life partner but my best friend and I can't wait to start this new chapter of our life together. Today, as I stand here in front of our families and friends, I Park Eunji take you Yoon Jeonghan as my lawfully wedded husband."
While everyone clapped, some wiping away their tears, Y/n couldn't help but let here eyes stray to the line of groomsmen that stood behind Jeonghan — her eyes meeting Mingyu's for only a second.
He had been staring at her all while Eunji proclaimed her love for his friend, unable to help his mind from thinking about y/n.
The easy love that the girl spoke about had perfectly described how he had felt for y/n. Every single word, he could relate it back to her.
Mingyu had quickly averted his gaze back to the couple when he had caught her eyes staring back from the crowd — afraid of shedding any tears.
But that was the thing, Eunji's words had also struck a chord in her.
She kept her eyes in him, the boy that she had watch grow up alongside her — the one she called her best friend.
Eunji was right, love shouldn't be hard. It should be fun, it should be the easiest part of her day.
Just as all her times with Mingyu.
Oh my god, did she love him? Holy shit, she was in love with him
The party was at a full swing, the reception program wrapping up and the guest were invited to enjoy the remainder of the night on the dance floor — celebrating with the newly wedded couple.
The sound of a familiar chorus of voices intro blared through the speakers, a smile forming on her lips.
Baby I'm yours. And I'll be yours until the stars fall from the sky.
It was her favorite song.
"May I have this dance?" Mingyu held his hand out, a playful grin on his lips.
There had been countless of drunken nights when the two had obnoxiously sang the words to the Arctic Monkey's cover. The two's go-to karaoke song.
It was both of their favorite love song.
"Disgusting!!" Seungkwan jokingly gagged from his seat as she took Mingyu's hand — allowing him to lead her to the center of the room, joining other paired up bodies.
"Yours until the poets ran out of rhyme..." Mingyu sang, spinning her.
A laugh emitted from her lips as he caught her, dipping her before they swayed like two idiots.
"You look beautiful tonight." He complimented.
"As opposed to..." She narrowed her eyes.
"Your usual look." He replied without missing a beat, knowing that she was simply joking to counter her sudden confession.
"You clean up pretty well, too... I guess." She rolled her eyes.
It wasn't a guess.
She had nearly let out an audible gasp when he stepped out of the bathroom this morning – wearing his assigned black and white suit. She had been so used to his hair always in his face that when she had caught sight of his perfectly groomed hair, showcasing his face, this morning, she could have sworn she nearly swooned.
"Thanks, because this neck tie is choking me." He reached up loosening the fabric — earning a giggle from the girl.
He was going to miss this close intimacy.
Their end was nearing and he could see the end of the road.
More importantly, he could see Seungcheol eyeing him from across the way — nervously swallowing the drink in his hand.
It was his last night with her.
His last dance.
"Hey— about the kiss." Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts, looking down at her.
She was chewing at her lip, the now faded lipstick she had applied earlier in the night faded — showing they had once again become pale.
Mingyu was transported back to a couple of days ago, when they were sat atop the Jeep. His heart sinking as he remembered how devastated she looked once he pulled away.
"Don't worry about it." It pained him to say it.
And it pained her to hear it.
"It was a mistake." He continued.
It wasn't a mistake. I wanted it to happen. He thought.
It shouldn't be a mistake. It's you that I want. The voice in her head screamed.
"I got caught up in the moment."
I've been waiting for that moment.
It was the perfect moment.
She felt as though her heart had been stomped on.
Ripped out and chewed.
It was him that she chose.
Her heart, the one she could have sworn was reserved for Seungcheol, had won the wrestling match — Mingyu had won.
Only, it was a pity that he clearly didn't feel the same.
And god forbid she was going to opt for being on someone's backburner yet again.
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prettyyoungandbored · 2 months
Crushes [’You and I’ Side Story]
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x Female Reader
Author’s Note: Takes place before the events of “You and I.” I was driving through Hollywood and saw a cute couple that reminded me of these two. So thank you, random strangers.
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Nikki exhaled as he closed the door behind him. He was relieved to be home after a somewhat mediocre gig.
London was slowly but surely losing its edge. He could feel it and mentally, he was preparing himself for the eventual breakup.
He made his way into the bedroom, setting down his bass. His head turned to see Y/N curled up in bed, hugging his pillow. He smiled, throwing off his shirt.
He knew she felt bad that she couldn’t make it to the show. She worked a double at the diner for the second time that week, exhausting her. He told her there would be other shows. He wasn’t so sure now, but either way her rest was more important.
His pants hit the floor and he kicked it away. He lifted the blanket and crawled under the covers. He threw an arm around her waist, moving his body closer to hers.
Just as he was about to close his eyes, he heard whimpering.
Her whimpering.
He opened his eyes, hoping she was having a sexual dream. But then he noticed the scrunching in her face and realized he needed to step in. He leaned up and gently shook her.
“Babe, babe, babe,” he coaxed her.
Her eyes shot open as she let out a sharp gasp. Her hand was on her chest and he moved closer to her, putting his hand on hers.
“Hey, it’s ok,” he soothed her. “Babe, look at me,”
She turned her head to him as he pulled her into his arms.
“You’re ok,” he assured her, kissing her forehead. “You’re safe.”
She let out a final sigh. “Fuck.”
“Bad dream?”
“That’s putting it lightly. One of the scariest dreams I’ve had in a long time.”
She leaned back onto the pillow, the palm of her hand rubbing her eyes as if that would take away the memories of her dream.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he murmured, his fingers carding through her hair. “It’s over and you’re safe. I promise.”
She looked over at him, flashing a small but grateful smile. She moved her body to him, snuggling her face into his chest and letting the smell of sweat, cigarettes, and Jack Daniel’s soothe her.
He smirked. “I can think of one way to get your mind off it.”
He leaned his head down to see her smirking back at him. “Nice try, Sixx.”
He chuckled as he kissed the top of her head again. “Worth trying.”
She hummed in agreement. If she had woken up on her own without a nightmare, maybe.
“How was your gig?” she asked.
“Eh, it was a gig,” he replied with a shrug. “We were good. The band before us fucking sucked though. They were a bunch of KISS wannabes which made it worse.”
“You don’t like KISS?”
“I thought they were cool when I was a kid, but they didn’t stick with me like other bands did.” He glanced down at her. “What about you?”
“I had a big KISS phase.”
He paused. “That…somehow does not surprise me. Did Gene Simmons’ tongue do it for you?”
“No, but Paul Stanley did.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Really?”
She looked up at him. “You judging me, Sixx?”
“A little, yeah,” he snorted. “I wouldn’t have taken you to as a lead singer kind of girl.”
“I’m not,” she insisted. “I actually find other musicians who play other instruments in other bands attractive.”
A pang of jealousy hit Nikki, but he wasn’t going to show it. Instead, he smirked. “Oh yeah? Name ‘em.”
She propped up on her elbow, her eyes meeting his. “Eddie Van Halen, guitarist. You should know that considering I told you that I lost my virginity to a Van Halen song.”
Nikki made a face. “Yeah, I sorta pushed that out of my mind because I don’t like hearing there were others before me.”
“There was only one, Mr. Possessive,” she reminded him, poking his nose.
“Yeah, yeah. Ok, Van Halen is fine. Who else is there? You’re forgetting a big one.”
“I am?” she questioned. Then she snapped her fingers. “Oh yeah!”
“Yeah,” he nodded.
Nikki’s face fell. “That’s not-.”
“Roger Taylor from Queen.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “So those are your choices? Paul Stanley, Eddie Van Halen, and Roger Taylor? You sure you’re not missing any other key band members you find attractive?”
She thought for a moment. “Ok so there is a bassist.”
“But it’s not Gene Simmons.”
“It’s not Gene Simmons.”
“Ok,” he nodded. “Tell me more.”
She rest her chin on his chest, sighing dramatically. “I don’t know if you know him.”
He knew damn well where this going, but he was down to play her game. “I might.”
“He plays for this band London.”
He chuckled. “London…yeah, I’ve heard of ‘em.”
“So he’s super sexy.”
“Super sexy? Sexier than the men on your list?”
“Ooh. Ok, go on.”
“He plays like a god. Like his talent is incredible.” She snuggled close. “He has impeccable stage presence.”
“Impeccable?! That’s some high praise, princess. What else?”
“He’s got black hair. Gorgeous eyes.”
He hummed. “Gorgeous you say?”
She nodded. “He’s also really good at comforting a girl after a nightmare.”
His jaw dropped, slapping his hand on his chest. “It’s me?”
“Surprise!” she giggled.
He leaned his head back. “Wow! I don’t know what to say. I didn’t see it coming.”
She laughed, burying her face in his chest.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Out of all those crushes, which one do you like the most?”
She snorted and lifted her head up. “Who do you think?”
He shrugged. “You tell me.”
“Do you need me to stroke your ego some more?”
“So it is me?!”
She rolled her eyes as he threw his head back laughing. “You’re lucky I think you’re cute.”
“Obviously you do since you have a crush on me,” he reminded her. “So embarrassing.”
She pulled her lips back. “We live together, dumbass.”
He kissed her nose. “For what it’s worth, I have a crush on you too.”
She hummed. “And how many other crushes do you have?”
“Just one. You. You’re it for me.”
“Until you become a big rockstar and then have groupies.”
“Nope. I’m always gonna have a crush on you.”
She snorted. “Yeah, ok then.”
His smile quickly fell flat as his dark eyes softened. “Hey, I’m serious. I don’t want anyone else. Just you.”
The sincerity in his tone lifted warmed Y/N’s heart. She always knew he was serious about her, but every now and again, she needed a reminder that he loved her even if he couldn’t outright say it.
It was an issue she knew she would have to work on.
“And Y/N? I’m never going to let anything happen to you. I promise you’re safe with me.”
She pecked his lips before snuggling back into his chest. “I know. And I know you know you’re safe with me.”
His hand rubbed her back soothingly. “I know.”
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nucleo-bang-tan · 1 year
Destiny's Route | JJK
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Pairing/s: F1 Driver!Jungkook, Rich!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Smut
Ratings: 18+ Mature Themes
Warnings: Arrogant Jk, blonde!jk descriptions of an accident, jk sorta ruins his entire career, fangirls, random ass bells (like the ones from Your Name, sorry), creampie, tit play, penetration, Dom!Jk, dry humping, sex to songs (had to make my smut unique), they're in lOvEeee, major character development, cute ending, bad smut according to me, messy writing and plot
A/N: I had written this when Smoke Sprite had just came out. I might be new but judge me well and don't be a silent reader, leave comments
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Formula One: World Championships 2020
"Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook!" The entire stadium roared and he hadn't even stepped into the sights yet.
His leather racing gear tightened and the helmet in his arms was enough of a proof that he was a racer.
A smug smirk on his face and body blooming with pride in himself, he finally stepped into the stadium.
Oh, it was louder than anything you've ever heard. Louder than the thrumming hearts of the other racers standing near their cars, louder than the vrooming of the engines that would be heard in the near future and definitely louder than the poor commentators.
It was his habit, this countdown he had in his brain. Counting each second hours before his race.
'15 minutes till I start' was the thought that overpowered all the screams.
He put on his helmet and nodded to his manager who seemed to speak, but the only thing Jungkook could hear was his own voice saying '13 minutes...'
He pretended to hear them, the screaming fans, the panicking manager, the warning by the referee to get ready for the race.
Maybe the only thing that Jungkook heard was a slight horn blowing and suddenly he could hear everything.
The imaginary clock in his mind had stopped and the battle had begun.
Immediately leaving the brakes, his car began at a relatively fast speed. Some who over exaggerate might even say, it was like a bullet out of a rifle.
But those who know and watch his races could clearly say he was just getting started.
Instantly at the front, he heard over his comm, a simple, "That was a good start." by his ever so cold yet sweet coach
"And a great start by number 5, the crowd is already going wild for him." One of the barely heard commentators announced.
Jungkook was famous to say the least. Not only did he amass a male audience with his driving skills, he attracted the unlikely female locals with his charms too.
Everyone wanted to get a piece of him, being invited to various talk shows, mainstream award ceremonies, and much to his rivals' dismay, being named one of the greatest racers among present F1 drivers.
But unlike most, he was never humble about it. Why should he be, he answered whenever questioned by his coach. He works hard for it and he's different than the others, he's never lost a single race he's been in.
Nobody liked his attitude but the arrogance added to his confidence and charms.
"The first one to complete the 20th lap is number 5, Jeon Jungkook. His teammate, Kim Yugyeom is however far behind." Hey, Jungkook played his part perfectly, why should be bother about his teammate.
But his whole team knew Yugyeom wouldn't survive a second after he dared to mess Jungkook's race up.
"Pit stop?" His coach asked over the comm.
"I suppose the tires could use some help. Don't make me lose time." Jungkook replied.
His car slowed down gradually and took a detour to his team's pit stop.
It was so quick he could barely spare a glance. But he did. Something caught his eye, or rather someone.
It was like the time itself had stopped, Jungkook's eyes would've missed it if he didn't pay enough attention. Now, he had seen many and plenty beautiful girls in his entire lifetime, heck he fucked two yesterday.
But the one he saw that moment, made him forget where he was, what he was sitting in that car for. Her eyes didn't meet his eyes, but he caught all of her. Her brunette tresses, the red Formula 1 team jacket she was wearing.
She wasn't from Jungkook's team, Ferrari; he could tell. What was she doing in Ferrari's booth then?
She was smiling at someone, talking to them, he supposed. It was the most beautiful smile he had seen. Call him a fool but the first thought that processed through his head, or rather through his dick was, I need to be balls deep in her. Fuck her good.
Were those bells?
A faint sound of bells ringing was heard to only Jungkook and he suddenly became too overwhelmed by it all. They weren't loud but it was the most unique sound he had ever heard, the most beautiful one.
His coach practically had to knock his helmet to get him going. He had wasted 12 seconds of his precious time causing a commotion around and outside the pitstop.
Taking his eyes off of the girl who was now looking straight at him with her lustrous gaze, he pushed the accelerator and went level ahead without looking at where he was driving to.
"Jungkook what's wrong with you?" He heard.
"I'm horny now, shit." He replied without hearing what his coach had asked.
"What? This is being recorded man."
"Yeah, sure. What's the status?" He couldn't care less if people heard what he said.
"You're second now, damn it."
"Fuck, all cause of the bell girl."
"Get your fucking head in the game." His coach yelled. "You can still make it."
Lap after lap, Jungkook started to fall behind. This has never happened before. His mind only on the red jacket girl. He was too overwhelmed by the noises, the constant yelling of his coach, the winds that hit him.
He wanted to puke and could barely breath, a knot formed in his stomach. He was nervous for the first time in 5 years of his career.
His body started to fall weak and he was about to shed tears. He was losing his first place?
"Jungkook, pit stop." His coach said after around the 40th lap. By this time, Jungkook was barely holding onto the wheel, getting weaker per passing second.
"I'm already losing, I can't." He managed to mutter out.
"There are 20 more laps, you can catch up easily."
"I said, I fucking can't." He spat out. There was no way he was losing his first place. He was Jeon Jungkook, he never lost.
His horniness far gone, he finally decided it was time to overtake the fucker who was in the first place.
"Jeon, slow down and enter the pitstop right now!" His coach warned and he ignored it.
He sped up, going 200...210...220, testing the limits of his vehicle. Little did he know, his tires did reach their limits.
He was finally returning back to his normal state. However, when he hit 260, it was a new high to his senses, as well as his tires.
One of them ruptured by the heat.
It was a matter of split second but Jungkook couldn't process any of it. Wails of women, men alike were heard; he was mid air. And the next second he was lying upside down on the side track, his helmet cracked but still protecting his head.
He was still awake, that's what made it more painful. He tried to get out by removing his seat's safety gear, but he could barely move his legs weren't hurting, they were just numb. But his chest hurt like shit.
'Great, new low.' he thought and started losing consciousness. 'Cue my head getting dizzy, and...' was the last thing that went through his head. He slipped in and out the unconscious.
Blaring alarms, sounds of an distorted ambulance, his panicky manager panicking more than usual. He could tell why everyone was in chaos.
He didn't know why but he wanted to see the girl in the red jacket more than anything at the moment. He didn't care if he shouldn't be bleeding out of his thighs right now and the piece of metal certainly shouldn't be sticking out of the left one.
He wanted to see you. And he did.
Faraway from the commotion, you were holding a horrified expression, tears ran down your face and an older man in grey suit comforted you.
The last expression he held before passing out completely was the same he had when he entered the stadium, a smug smile; you were crying for him.
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The room was silent apart from his heavy breathing. The stuttered beeping indicated he was in a hospital. Everything hurt so bad, even breathing was a task. He slowly shifted his head and opened his eyes.
No one...
Ofcourse, there would be no one by his bedside. His parents were in another country and he had no one else with him except his team whom he treated like shit.
The door opened revealing a man wearing a white coat, presumably a doctor, who was attending on Jungkook.
Jungkook slightly raised his hand even though it was sore and gave him a slight wave.
"Oh Mr. Jeon, good to see you awake." He quickly checked the beeping monitor for his stats.
Jungkook cleared his throat, "Is there anyone waiting for me?"
"Unfortunately, your manager and team has went back to their respective cities. Only your coach stayed back."
"Where is he now?"
"I've sent a nurse to look.... And here he is." The doctor corrected himself after he saw the man barging in through the door.
"Jungkook! My man! How are you? Are you breathing good?" His coach grabbed his achy hand.
Jungkook couldn't help but smile at his display of affection by his usually stern coach.
"Ouch..." He winched slightly when his bed was slightly moved by the older man's momentum. "I'm good Mr. Bang."
"Is he good, doctor?" He looked over at the man jotting down something on his notepad.
"He'll be able to walk in 5 weeks time of full rest. After that he can be discharged."
"Thank you." Mr. Bang bowed. "Thank you so much." The doctor bowed in response and left the two of them alone.
"So, kid? Are you ready to talk about it?" He turned to Jungkook.
"I got horny, that's all." He laughed earning a tut from his mentor. "Why did the team leave so early?"
"Early? Jungkook it's been a week since the accident." Ofcourse the racer had no idea it had been that long. "Also I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"Not now, maybe later. It's something important, yeah? We have to meet to administration."
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"What do you mean, let go of me?" Jungkook had to be held back by his coach, or one could say ex-coach. His anger knew no bounds as he was about to jump his manager.
"Y-you can't let me off, I've given you so many wins, you can't." He pleaded through his anger.
"Sorry Jungkook it's not my decision take it up with the board." The manager said nonchalantly.
And so he did. He hasted into the door labeled CEO without hearing any instructions from the presumed assistant.
He burst through the door heads turning towards him. One of a man he had seen before but couldn't quite place and one of the CEO of Ferrari himself.
"Well if it isn't Jeon Jungkook!" The other man said to which Jungkook didn't pay any heed to.
"Jungkook, what's wrong? If you want to talk you can get an appo-"
"I don't want a stupid appointment, I just want to know why I'm being let off. You can't just let me off. I've given my everything for this company since I was 18. And no one, I say, no one can give you as much money as I earn a single minute. It was just a minor accident, we can work over it, doesn't mean I need to be fucking thrown out of the company." He pointed a finger at the man in authority.
The CEO was quiet through his rant and finally spoke, "Jungkook please have a seat."
"Just answer my fucking question." He reluctantly took a seat, his leg was starting to hurt a bit.
"Jungkook, do you know who this fine man is?" He pointed towards the familiar man in the gray suit.
"No, and I don't necessarily care." The hot headed man scoffed.
"This is the CEO of McLaren. And he has offered $90million for you."
Jungkook's eyes widened in realisation, he wasn't being let off, he was being sold off. Any other driver would have been estatic, jumping off the ceiling, but Jungkook was horrified.
Ferrari had been his home since the beginning of his career. He couldn't possibly let go of his home, his team and especially his coach.
"No." Jungkook said, mind not able to process the information.
"Yeah we know, we knew you wouldn't like being traded and after the stunt you pulled, not listening to your coach, our reputation has been tarnished severely. Have you been seeing the news? People are furious that we let you drive like that.
So to answer your precious little question, you can't be traded neither can you be kept in our company. Hence, we're letting you off."
Jungkook got up and banged his fists on the glass table, cracking it a bit. "Fuck off, I don't care, coach will find a way to get me back in."
"Jungkook, he won't. You're not coming back on track. Not from Ferrari atleast." He smiled.
Jungkook was in tears at this point, leaving his home because of his own mistake was something he thought would never happen in a million years.
It was you. It was you that had caused it all. Even though it may have been unbeknownst to you, it was your fault.
Ever since Jungkook saw you, he had this uneasy feeling in his stomach, almost as if he drank tons of alcohol and couldn't puke how much ever he wanted to. Nothing had been going right, and Jungkook wasn't having it.
"F-fuck all of you." Was the last thing he said before storming out of the CEO's office, never to enter it again.
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"So father, how did it go?" You asked. "Did Jeon agree?"
"Ofcourse not. I know racers like him, he lived for Ferrari, and he wouldn't give in that easily." Your father said, adjusting his gray suit.
It was a bright, huge building. You were sitting in its spotless lobby. You could tell it was built to perfection, down to the last bit as you couldn't find a single flaw in it what so ever.
It reminded you of your father's main work building. Though your father's was brighter and more lively, filled with people you know since your childhood.
"Well, do you still have work here? Or we can go home?"
The older man laughed, "You can go have a walk baby." He looked out the window. "Oop it's raining, stay inside then, I'll get you something to keep you entertained."
"No, I'll prefer to walk." You knew Jungkook had stormed out and you wanted to look for him. He wouldn't have gone far considering how much it was raining at the time.
"Find yourself an umbrella then, dear. I have to go." You hugged your father and he walked into an elevator.
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Jungkook couldn't tell if he was just dreaming. If he was still in the hospital, and still in his sleep. It certainly would be better that way.
His thoughts were cut off by a loud sound followed by a sudden gush of rainfall hitting his face as he looked up at the sky.
'Great, how bad can it get' he thought as he stopped walking and sat down on a bench.
The park in front of the Ferrari head office was always his favorite place. He'd come here when he had no friends to go to. No family to look up at.
He sighed, rain still drenching him. But it was an enjoyment of sorts. He closed his eyes feeling each raindrop as they hit his face, he smiled knowing this was the most peaceful he'd be in a long time.
But the rain was stopped by someone. He opened his eyes to see you smiling brightly, holding an umbrella over him and you, right in front of him.
Jungkook was extremely pissed off by now. The last thing he needed was you to come out of nowhere after he'd lost everything.
He scoffed, "Nice of you to grace me with your presence." The knot in his stomach relaxed for some reason and he was feeling a lot better.
Close up, you looked much better than he had assumed. If Jungkook was asked to draw a perfect face, he'd draw yours. Words couldn't possibly express how overwhelmed he felt when he was in front of you, in a good way ofcourse.
"What do you mean?" You tilted your head in confusion. Jungkook would be lying if he said he didn't get goosebumps at the sound of your voice. "You know..." You wiped the seat beside him to sit on. "...I've been a big fan of you."
"I don't care, just leave me alone."
"I'm Y/n, Kim Y/n."
He sighed looking off into the distant with an uninterested look, "Jeon Jungkook." This was weirdly not how he had expected your first interaction to go. He could feel that you somehow felt the same way he did.
The drops from before slid down his porcelain skin, you almost wanted to reach a hand out to touch him, you wish you did.
"I know." You smiled. "And I know you felt something too."
He snapped his head towards you, "What?"
"The weird feeling in the stomach, yeah, I've been feeling it too." You looked down at your fiddling hand in your lap. "I-I heard the bells as well."
There was no way, Jungkook looked at your profile silently. Half admiring you, half being shocked at the new information.
Jungkook had always wished he'd find his soulmate the same way they found each other in Your Name, by the sound of bells. Of course, he was kidding himself, a way of coping with the fact that no girl interested him. However, he secretly wanted it to actually happen, it'd save him the trouble of finding a date at least.
Jungkook would never have imagined a random nobody to be his so-called soulmate.
"Have you heard the bells?" You asked meekly. You weren't sure if he did and didn't want to seem a weirdo. He nodded much to your relief.
An awed Jungkook looked at you for an explanation, you seemed to know more than him.
"Well, are you gonna tell me?"
"Tell you what? I'm dumbfounded here too." You shrugged.
'Well, that was stupid', both of you thought.
It was awkward, to say the least. Jungkook didn't want to speak, you didn't know how to speak.
"I'm sorry for the accident, how are you doing?" You finally broke the silence.
"Well, you should be apologizing. I'm good thank you for your concern." He smirked down at you.
You were sitting so close to him. Arms brushing against each other, his warm breath hitting you. He placed a hand on your thigh, letting his impulsive thoughts win.
"What? Why should I be apologizing, you idiot?" His warm hand brushed up against your skirt-clad thigh, dragging it up to touch your smooth skin.
"I don't know, you caused it all. I couldn't focus because of you. That's why I was late to start from the pitstop."
You were lucky the park was empty; because the way Jungkook was dragging your skirt up was vile, he was vile. Who does that to a girl he just met? He clearly didn't give a fuck who was watching.
He leaned closer to your blushing face and said, almost whispered, "The rain has stopped baby, what are you holding the umbrella for?"
You closed your eyes in embarrassment and pulled the umbrella shut as Jungkook laughed. "I'm sorry, but I don't see my fault here. How was the accident my doing?"
Jungkook took his free hand to a stray strand of hair covering your face and tucked it behind your ear, only to touch your cheek as if you were a piece of art. "Look at you, how could you not cause the fucking accident. Walking around in this skirt, being such a sin."
Okay, you were officially done with him. You quickly got up from your seat beside him making him retract his hands from you.
"Being cheesy with me isn't going to help your career, Jungkook. You're a lost cause at this point. I didn't cause your accident, your own dumb brain did it." You spat, walking away.
"You can't talk to me like that." He said getting up and walking after you.
"So arrogant." you mocked, walking faster. "You know, I came here to make you feel better, you aren't helping."
Jungkook realised you were a hard one, offence wasn't going to work and he definitely wasn't going to let his potential soulmate walk away.
"Fine, I'm sorry. Let me fix it."
"This isn't about....you're so difficult." you groaned. Jungkook stopped and held your wrist making you come to a halt and turn back at him. "This is assault you know."
"Shut up and let me take you out to tomorrow night"
"Ask politely."
"I never ask anyone out, that's all you get."
"Ask politely."
He sighed for what seemed to be the millionth time that week, "Would you please do me the honor of going out to a date with me?" He ridiculed.
"Meet me right here at 8pm tomorrow."
"How do I trust you?"
"I might be a douche bag to others but I know how to treat women right."
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"Damn..." Jungkook whispered under his breath. He knew you were a walking nightmare for him and his dick but the skin tight silver dress you were wearing was sinister for him.
Though you were wearing a coat, he could still see the outline of your curves making his pants a bit tighter than usual.
You were zoned out staring at the night sky, on the same bench you two had your first awkward encounter on.
A lot of things on your mind. Jungkook, your father's quickly devaluating company, and did you mention Jungkook?
Maybe you were obsessing over him more than he was over you, maybe this was all wrong and you were never meant to even meet.
You have had been a fan of Jungkook since his first ever race 5 years ago. Being such a big fan, you knew he was a playboy and wasn't going to commit anytime soon. Numerous scandals of him cheating on his celebrity girlfriends popped up from time to time and honestly, you were scared.
Scared because you heard the bells and scared because it might have been a misunderstanding.
Even if it was a misunderstanding, you got a chance with him and you were afraid of losing it.
A teardrop rolled down your face due to the anxiety.
"You know..." You were startled by the man beside who suddenly appeared beside you. "I would love to see you cry..." He reached out and wiped the tear. "...but when you're under me." He winked.
You brightened and hit his arm for being so cheesy again.
He laughed and asked, "What were you thinking about?"
"Yeah, no shit. What stuff?"
"Yeah, baby?" You felt butterflies in your stomach at such a simple gesture and he knew how he affected you.
You gulped, "W-What if we didn't actually hear any bells, it was just a coincidence both of us were hallucinating at the same time?"
"Well, those bells fractured my leg and 3 ribs, let's assume they were real shall we?" He smiled. Not an ounce of doubt could be seen on his face.
"You're something else." You smiled.
"I've been told." He adjusted his leather jacket. "I believe we have a date waiting for us?" You nodded.
You got up, following Jungkook's movements. "So, where are you taking me? To an orgy?"
"Hah, close enough. We're going to the beach."
You scowled, "Are you fucking kidding me? You're taking me to a beach, in this dress?"
"Stop complaining, honey." You both reached the exit of the park where Jungkook had parked his vehicle.
And it's not like he couldn't have chose one of many of his luxury cars. It's not like he couldn't have gotten a Lamborghini, or preferably a Porsche for you to sit comfortably in.
He chose a fucking motorcycle...
You were supposed to sit on a motorcycle with a minidress...
"I am not sitting on a motorcycle, my father would kill me."
"I have a license baby, don't worry, it's safe."
You wanted to smack him in his dumb head so bad at that moment. He clearly didn't think things through.
"I trust you but it's no-"
"No buts, you trust me. That's all I need." He put on his gloves and helmet and gave you one for yourself. You sighed, you should've never agreed to this.
You struggled to get on the motorcycle itself and the sloped seat made your front slide right into Jungkook's back.
Oh, he enjoyed every minute of your agony. You held onto him so tight, your boobs were squished flat against him.
It was special to Jungkook: meeting his soulmate. Though he was pissed off at you first, he couldn't deny his that you were his soulmate. He didn't care what the world believed or what you believed.
He was dead-sure that he heard the bells, and he wasn't going to hear otherwise.
That's why Jungkook brought his favourite motorcycle for you. He wouldn't let anyone, not even his older brother touch it but he readily brought it to impress you.
"Enjoying the ride?" He asked as you had stopped at a signal.
"Uh-" You were half disoriented at this point. "Very."
"Just let go of me. And try to enjoy wind in your hair." He suggested. He sounded so geniune there was no way you couldn't try it out. Even if it meant that you might fly off into the abyss.
You slowly let go of him, finally holding him just by his waist and striaghtening your body.
You felt peace. You understood what Jungkook meant for you to do but you were still a bit afraid to let go of him completely.
But before you knew it, Jungkook was coming to a stop.
You looked around to see nothing but an empty road and a barely lit beach which seemed to be private as no one was on it.
"We'll have to walk from here." Jungkook said as both of you got off.
"Are you gonna assault me here too?" You jested, adjusting your dress and your coat.
"Just ask me, I'll do anything, baby." You still hadn't gotten used to his nickname. You knew he didn't mean them but they still felt very personal.
"I bet you say that to all the girls you meet." You stated as you started walking. The soil slowly turned to sand. "And I bet you bring every single girl here and fuck them."
"You really take me as a playboy, don't you?"
"Because you are."
"I only fuck girls in my mansion and I've never ever brought anyone out on a date, especially here."
"That still makes you a playboy."
"I can be loyal for you." He suggested and you laughed. But for some reason he didn't.
He stopped on his tracks, "Y/n, I'm serious. I could be loyal for you."
"Jungkook, you can't be loyal to anyone. There's nothing in the world that can make me think that you'll do that to me."
You reached the shore and were still confused as to what you were going to do here.
"Wait here, I'll grab a blanket from the house."
You hadn't noticed but there was a big beach house nearby. You assumed it was Jungkook's. You never took Jungkook as a guy who owned a piece of private beach.
It was almost romantic. You walked into the ocean, water barely reaching your ankles. It was full moon, so it was well lit despit the beach having only a small number of lamp posts.
You took a deep breath, feeling better to have had agreed to come here. The smell of salt and sand tickled your nose almost teasing you to enter the ocean.
Jungkook exited the beach house with a blanket big enough for 5-6 people. His eyes fell on you bathing in the moonlight. He didn't get horny, rather, he got goosebumps.
'So beautiful' was one of the million thoughts circuiting through his brain at the moment. He had never seen such a view before.
How he wished time were to stop right then and there.
He snapped out of his trance after you turned at him and smiled brightly, the beach had made you happier than before.
"Well, are you gonna do something with that blanket or...?"
"Uh- yeah." he shaked his head and spread the blanket for you two to sit on.
"You know I never took you to be the romantic type." You joked as you took a seat beside the man.
"I never thought a person could be so beautiful, but here we are." He stated matter-of-factly and you blushed.
"Jungkook, stop staying stuff you don't mean."
He grabbed you by your arm and pulled you down with him to lay on the blanket. You fell onto him with a sqeak which Jungkook found very endearing.
"I have meant every single sentence I said since I met you, Y/n."
You were blushing extremely hard at this point so you placed yourself such that he couldn't see your face.
"I love coming here, just laying here and watching the stars. They're so much clearer here than the city."
"You come here with friends?"
"No, alone." He had a sad tone to his words. Who could blame him? He didn't have any friends to begin with.
"You know, when I first came into racing, everyone hated that they were getting beaten by an 18 year old." He said.
"What are you talking about?" You got more comfortable with him and laid on his arm, using it as a pillow.
"My seniors, they used to hit me for being too naïve. It hurt their egos because they were being defeated at their best game."
"Jungkook, I'm so sorry."
"That's why I ended up being so entitled, it seemed to scare them away. And it kinda stuck with me."
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." You tried to lighten the mood.
He laughed, "You think I don't know that?"
He was so pretty, you couldn't help but reach out a hand to caress his face. "How are you so.... perfect?"
"Genes, baby." He carefully got up, laying your head on the blanket and got on top of you. His body tightly bond against yours.
He cupped your face, "I'm not trying to be cheesy again but, you're the most perfect girl I've ever met." He closed the distance between the two of you.
So close yet so awfully far.
In your defence, you couldn't control yourself when you held the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
Contrast to Jungkook's personality on the track, it was slow, so slow.
He didn't move his lips for a few seconds, dazed in your touch. Both of you could swear there were fireworks ongoing in both of your stomachs.
When he finally decided to move his lips, it was full of passion; wild, crazy, boundless passion summed up into a few slow estatic movement of both your lips.
Jungkook held you as if you were made of fluff, ready to crumble at his fingertips. And you were crumbling, submitting to your list for him. His hand was on one of your thighs, making you wrap your leg around him, pulling him closer than he could possibly be.
Jungkook had become addicted to your lips, they were like a drug to him, he didn't want to let go.
But he did reluctantly when you eventually had to catch a breath, your stamina clearly wasn't as much as his.
He grinned, "Now that wasn't so 'difficult' of me."
"Hey now, I didn't mean it." You giggled as he rubbed his nose against yours. A gesture you found extremely romantic.
Over the night, you talked, laughed and almost cried with him. It felt so... nice to be around him. You started to wonder if he was actually your soulmate by the way he made you feel. You hoped it was true despite it being practically impossible.
"Wanna go take a dip?" Jungkook suggested.
"No way, this is a one of kind Louis Vuitton masterpiece you know, bringing it to the beach was already a big enough mistake."
"Then take it off." He said simply.
You gasped dramatically, "And be naked around your playboy ass? I'd rather not, I'm not looking to be fucked tonight."
"Am I an exception?"
"Maybe..." You trailed off.
"You're mean, you know that?" He leaned in for another kiss which you gladly gave in to.
Ofcourse, you didn't get laid that night. But you experienced a whole new side of the arrogant play boy you had always seen.
Jungkook and you met way too many times after that and you were honestly surprised at his ability to control himself from fucking you right when he sees you.
Jungkook grew too attached to you to the point he'd end up at the gate of your mansion the second he missed you.
Your father, whom Jungkook had never met was not happy with the fact that you were dating a F1 driver famous for sleeping around. He had clearly stated he hated seeing you go out everyday and waste your time over a jobless and hopeless excuse of a man.
It was obvious to you that your father held a grudge against him for not joining his company.
But you were stubborn, you never let him stop you from sneaking out the mansion only to hop onto Jungkook's motorcycle.
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"So why don't you take up my father's offer?" You brushed Jungkook's hair back and out of his face. You wondered why he bleached it so much. Your legs straddled him and you both were sitting on his couch.
"And become a McLaren pawn? No thank you." He scoffed.
"You were a pawn of Ferrari before this. How does that make any difference." You shuffled around on his lap innocently.
"Ferrari is different, I don't know how to describe it to you." He almost groaned at your crouch and thighs rubbing against his manhood.
"McLaren is different too. We've got the coolest team, they're so friendly and sweet, it's crazy. We have had some of the best times together. There's Taehyung, Seokjin, Jimin-"
"Shh..." He hushed you. "Are you betraying me? I thought you were my fucking fan." He was slightly 'concerned' as he might put it, at your words. You hung out with other guys? Other drivers at that?
"Jealous are we?" You smirked connecting foreheads with him. The movie you were meant to watch was long forgotten. You shuffled a bit more making him whimper.
You were already too much for him, he would not be able to restrain himself. Heck, he didn't want to at this point.
"No, ofcourse not. Why would I be jealous?" He buried his face in your neck as you chuckled. "And stop fucking moving before I ram into you without any warning."
Oh, you realised it now. He was hard beneath you. You could feel how big he was. You grinded on him a little to test the waters, earning another sound from him.
You gasped as you felt a sudden kiss followed by a sharp bite on your neck.
"Please, baby." His voice was all raspy and groggy sending shivers all across your body. "Please let me fuck you."
You didn't need to reply, you just had to grind. And you did. He threw his head back onto the couch as you continued to rub against him.
You reached out to kiss him. Both of you had made out before. You had lusted over each other before but that moment, knowing the proceeding act you were going to do, it was different.
Jungkook was a bit reluctant, a bit too scared that he might hurt you. But you showed no signs of stopping.
"Fuck me..." You said between the kisses, "Please, Jungkook, I can't take it anymore."
He pulled away, "Are you sure, baby? I'll try to go easy."
"No." You smiled, "Let go, don't hold yourself. Use me, Jungkook."
Oh, how hard he got by only those words. His pupils darkened, and he grabbed you by your chin roughly planting a small kiss on your lips biting the lower one as he pulled away.
Jungkook held you by your hips and lifted you up taking you to his sanctuary, his bedroom.
Gently placing you on the bed while kissing, he didn't want to let go. He couldn't let go.
Your hand went between you two grabbing his belt and trying to undo it. Jungkook being his impatient ass, grabbed one of your hands to stop you and did it himself.
He suddenly got up and walked towards the other side of the bed looking for something in his drawer. You whined at the empty feeling, if anything you wanted to be in his embrace for longer.
"What are you looking for? A dildo?" You asked turning over onto your front.
"Why would I have a dildo, I'm probably bigger than those" He pulled out a speaker from the drawer.
"Are you for real?"
"I don't know, I just feel like it."
Fine, you were willing to roll with it as long as he put on fuckable songs. And you knew his music taste was immaculate.
He connected his phone meanwhile you had discarded your clothes leaving you in your lingerie much to Jungkook's surprise when he turned around.
"Shit..." He murmured, crawling his way toward your frame.
His first track was moderately sensual. Just an instrumental so who knows what song. But it seemed to you he got even more turned on by it. Little did you know it was you who caused that.
"I know, I don't have the modelesque features you're used to, bu-"
"Are you kidding with me? You're literally the prettiest girl out there. I'd prefer to see you everyday single fucking day over any other woman."
He gently pushed you onto the bed, giving you a slight peck while he's at it.
"Let me worship you, yeah?" He said making you gush with juices.
Jungkook had understood you so well, he knew what words to use, what gestures to do in order to make you lose your cool. He had never even touched you but he knew you like the back of his hand.
He splayed butterfly kisses across your neck, biting and licking a few, more sensitive spots. You were never the quiet type and he enjoyed your moans more than anything.
He swore his heart skipped a beat everytime you said his name. It gave him some sense of being yours.
The music was still slow and sensual matching his pace.
He kissed your body all the way down to the valley of your heaving breasts. Hooking a quick hand under you, he untied your bra removing it all together.
His breath got heavier as he processed the view in front of him. He could cum at the sight without the slightest of touch.
"You're so fucking angelic, Y/n." He leaned in only to take a mild bite of your erected nipple, stretching your skin as he pulled on it with his lips. "My baby." He said, with your nipple still inside his mouth.
"Jungkook..." you gasped and panted at every single one of his touch. Moaning as he paid equal attention to both your boobs, your fingers locked themselves in his smooth blonde-dyed hair.
Neglecting your other breast for a while, his hand moved downwards as he still sucked and lapped at your chest.
Finally reaching to the hem of your underwear and playing with it for a while, Jungkook decides to move his hand inside.
His hand made contact with your clit right away, "So wet, baby, so wet." You could hear the smirk in his voice.
You flinched, it's not like you hadn't touched yourself before, it's just the touch of Jungkook's padded thumb that had you going crazy.
It was known to Jungkook that you were a virgin, part of which was why you were so hesitant to have sex with him.
Oh, but it drove Jungkook over the edge. Getting to be the first and possibly the only person to ever touch you? He was so estatic when he first heard it; he'd never question the meaning of life again.
"It's okay, just trust me yeah?" He let you hold his arm as he came eye level to you, resting his forehead on yours.
At this point the song had changed to a much faster one and who knows how many had passed before this one.
Jungkook knew well to match his speed up with the song. He inked digits dipped in you as the beat dropped sending you over the moon.
"Please, Jungkook. I want your....fuck..."
"What's that, angel? Could you repeat that?" He knew exactly what you meant but it got him off, knowing he was making you so much dumber with just his two of his fingers.
"I-I want your cock." You managed to coax out.
His belt was already undone, he just had to pull his pants down. Which he did along with his hoodie leaving you both in just your underwears.
"I suppose you're ready." He said adding a third finger to the two already plunged inside you. He was knuckles deep sending you into a moaning frenzy.
It was too overwhelming with pain for a second but you managed to calm yourself through it. You didn't think you'd need that much preparation for his dick but you'll soon know you were wrong.
He pulled his fingers out, all of them were very much covered with your juices. He brought his tatted hand in front of your face,
"Suck." He simply demanded. And you followed. The scene itself was so disgusting, it turned both of you on more than before, if that was even possible.
"So good to me, only to me." You released his hand to help discard both of your underwears.
He was certainly big, similar to most of the porn videos you had seen. He was blessed with both length and girth and you had no fucking idea how you were going to fit around him. He smirked seeing you gawk at his length.
The music changed to more of something you knew. A song featured by one of your favourite artists, RM.
"Such a whore for my cock, can't even keep your eyes off of it." His words surprised you, he had never used anything close to a derogatory term for you. He had always been respectful of you. But this change in his words had you excited to say the least.
"It's my property." you said boldly.
"You're my property."
He teased your entrance with his head making you both hiss at the feeling. He put in just the tip to begin with. But the tightness made him double up in pleasure.
~Yeah, it's time to go off-site, smoke sprite~ The music blared through both of your ears.
Jungkook took his chance to bottom out, both moaning in unison.
"Fuck, you're so tight." He said clenching his jaw while your mouth was agape at the warmth inside you.
~Take on my knees~ You were turned on beyond what you thought was humanly possible.
"Gonna cum soon." You vocalized somehow.
"I'm close too."
Your legs were wrapped around his body. His hands crept up to your neck holding you, or rather, choking you. You were beyond gone at this point.
But Jungkook kept thrusting powerfully, practically drooling at the sight of you barely holding on to reality. His leaking cock hit your cervix at every ram.
~Fire to the low, lower, low, ah yeah don't run away~ Her words punctuated Jungkook's thrusts.
"Jungkook, I'm cumming." was all you said before you got tighter around Jungkook making him gasp. But he didn't falter, he kept fucking you deep until your back arched under him. Peppering kisses all over your face, calming you through your orgasm.
It was RM's voice that got you over the edge for some reason.
"That's my baby." He said, kissing your lips. Removing one of his hands from around your neck and hooking it under your thigh, he got a deeper angle.
"Koo... too much..." You panted. Your mouth could barely form legible words.
"Like I care." And honestly, at this point, he didn't. All he wanted to do was cum inside of you. Completely ruin you.
Keeping his pace constant, he was wonder-struck at how well your pussy swallowed him, how your body reacted to his touch, how your belly displayed a bulge going in and out of you.
"Look at....me..." He asked not so politely. You somehow opened your tear-filled eyes to look him straight in the eyes. That's when you heard a faint ringing of bells again. You looked around and at Jungkook to confirm it.
There were tears in his eyes too but not because of the pleasure. Jungkook had just realized how hard he had fallen for you. He was in love with you for sure. And nothing could stop him from confessing right at the spot.
"I am in fucking love with you, Y/n." He whispered and smiled. You could barely hear him, but you did.
"I-I love you too, Jungkook." You weren't hesitant in the slightest.
He leaned down to kiss you for the millionth time that night but then again who was counting?
"I gonna cum inside you okay baby?" You nodded and he released a copious amount of seed inside you. He thrust his cum in deeper, riding out his high.
He plopped down beside you and you both faced each other. He cupped your cheek affectionately, "I love you so much, you have no idea." He planted a soft peck at the tip of your nose making you giggle.
"I bet I love you more." You said kissing his palm which cupped your face.
"One more round?"
"Are you shitting me Jungkook?" Both of you laughed simultaneously, "No, but seriously my dad is gonna kill you if he finds out what we just did."
"Speaking of your dad..." He laughed, "I might just take up his offer."
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Formula One: World Championships 2022
"And please, please, please make a pit stop when its necessary." You said.
"Okay, I get it. I will." Jungkook pulled you in his embrace for one last time before the race. "Promise me you'll take care."
"I'll be fin-"
"Jungkook, let's go. It's time!" Taehyung, Jungkook's teammate yelled from outside the locker room.
"Be at the finish line as I win, I have a surprise for you." He kissed you deeply for a quick second and left after Taehyung.
'10 minutes before I start.' He couldn't hear anyone at the moment, not the screaming fans, not his usually calm new manager, not his coach dragging him to sit in the car.
A shiny McLaren logo above the number 7 on his back was enough a proof that he was a racer.
Maybe the only thing Jungkook heard was a slight horn blowing and he suddenly could hear everything. The imaginary clock in his mind had stopped and the battle had begun.
Your voice was the loudest screaming cheers of encouragement.
He let go of the brakes and as usual, he got the lead, followed by Taehyung. The plan was to get 1st and 2nd ranks for them respectively.
"And number 7 gets back on the track after almost 2 years of hiatus due to his accident."
"That's right." The other commentator chimes in, "Ferrari seems to have let a gem go."
"He'll be perfectly fine." Your father patted your shoulder relaxing you.
"I know, but it's his first time, I don't know I can't help but feel nervous for him, dad."
Turned out all your father ever wanted from Jungkook was for him to join his company.
Jungkook had gotten closer to McLaren drivers due to them being your friends. He was much less jealous. You finally saw a side of Jungkook that wasn't selfish or arrogant when he was with them.
Ever since Jungkook joined Mclaren, the press and the fans went crazy. Everyone wanted to get a piece of Jungkook with his new partner.
This in turn generated a lot of publicity and money, Jungkook had practically saved your father's falling business and stocks.
"He has you now, he won't be so careless this time, trust me."
"I would sure hope so." You smiled looking at the racing cars in front of you.
It was around the 25th lap and Jungkook had just come in for a pit stop. He was barely there for 5 seconds but he made sure to spot you and blow you a kiss at the bleachers. Even though he had his helmet on, it was clear what he intended to do.
Many fans surrounding you didn't know who you were and assumed it was for them, screaming at the act of endearment. You felt weird not having people know Jungkook was yours.
The rest of the race majorly included a couple more stops and just sitting around hoping your boyfriend wouldn't cause any mishap again.
Jungkook and Taehyung maintained their positions throughout the race ensuring their wins.
"Jungkook, what the fuck?" His coach shouted through the comm. "Slow down a bit, you'll burst a tire again."
It was the final lap and Jungkook was supposed to speed up but only so much so that he was in the first place. However, he had other plans.
Winning was something he had done a ton of times. But setting a record was something Jungkook had rarely done.
He sped up almost bumping into another driver earning some oh's from the crowd.
He was already in the first position and had a clear road ahead of him and he wanted to make this a recording breaking lap.
280 was a new high for him.
"Um, dad he's not slowing down." You gripped your father's hand tightly
"He'll be fine..... I think." You both were seated on the VIP bleachers.
"Jungkook, slow down!" His coach yelled. But he didn't want to listen.
"Woooo, it's 320, coach." Jungkook howled.
Everyone held their breaths, the fans, the team, the coach, you... They could just anticipate the well being of Jungkook.
"And this is just in, Jungkook had broke his previous record for the fastest speed ever in F1 races by going 360 Kmph." The commentator said through the microphones. "A legendary man indeed."
Finally reaching the end of the race, Jungkook came first only to be followed by Taehyung almost a minute later.
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You ran towards a tired Jungkook, hugging him in front of millions. The crowd roared in chaos. Who was this girl? And more importantly, McLaren won over all the other companies.
"I'm so glad you're okay." You hugged the man tighter than what's humanly possible and he reciprocated, dropping the helmet in his hand.
"That was..." He started
"That was stupid." You slapped his chest only to further bury yourself into him.
"I know, I'm sorry, but hey, I won." He lifted you up by your waist and spun you around making you squeak.
"Jeon Jungkook, put me down!" It's not like he hadn't done this before. But seeing his boldness to do it in front of people surprised you. You of all people should've known by now that Jungkook would do anything to flex you off.
He let you down and took a step back. A teammate brought him a microphone on cue making you confused.
"Kim Y/n." He said. The whole stadium could hear him. Everyone seemed to go nuts over hearing their idol's voice.
"Jungkook, what are yo-"
"Kim Y/n, I- uh thought I had this covered. But I forgot half the lines I had prepared so Imma just wing it." He chuckled.
"I never believed in myself truly. I was always the arrogant, selfish one in the lot. Always being alone, always being neglected because no one wanted to deal with me. But when I met you, I couldn't help but change for the better. I didn't believe in soulmates. I never thought I meet mine because she simply didn't exist and I was bound to be alone. But I'm not. Loneliness was something I got used to until you showed up. You were mean to me at times, correcting me as we went."
You were in tears at this point, smiling through the tears of relief. Relief that you had him, relief that it was you who could call him yours.
"And I believe in soulmates now because I found mine. Through trial and error I became a better person. All for you. And I love you, more than you could ever imagine. So, Y/n..."
He got down on one knee, but you weren't shocked. You had read through the lines when he began talking.
"I've had this in my pocket while driving." He laughed as he pulled out a small velvet box. "Probably shouldn't have down that."
"No you shouldn't have." You agreed and laughed with him.
"But would you do me the honors by marrying me?"
You couldn't even bother looking at the ring he held in his hand. You bent down and kissed him with all you had. Forgetting you were in front of millions of his fans, forgetting your father might kill you, forgetting everything else but him.
You could hear the crowds going absolutely bonkers with the scene unraveling in front of them. The two of you were on the big screen.
Jungkook placed the mic down and cupped your cheek wiping off the tears that rolled down along it.
"I love you." You said.
"I'll take that as a yes."
You nodded, "Ofcourse, you dummie. It's a yes."
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fcknstar · 1 year
,, need you here "
harryosborn x fem!reader
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a.n : hi uhm yes ill be posting more the next day since my hand have been itching.
warnings : nsfw MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
**lowercase intended**
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it wasnt long till harry fucked himself so hard into obliviation. watching himself in the mirror twitching, harry had it coming. he saw the way you looked into his friends eyes, the way youd talk so angelic, the way youd hit his shoulder whenever hed tease you. of course it infuriated him when he realizes that its peter you are talking to. he couldnt help but imagine the things youd do with peter. 
harry didnt just want you, he needed you, but he hardly admits that. he felt the way his heart yearned for you, the way his dick yearned for you, how his dick wanted to fill you. and you, you in that darn filthy black dress you had on during tonights party made him feel more needy and whiny for you. he wanted to pull his heart out of his body and gift it to you if he could. show him his beating heart that gives him the chance to watch you, to be here breathing with you.
hurried knocks erupted from the other side of the door, releasing harry from his thoughts. 
"hey man, i really need to take a piss. " whoever it was from the other side clearly wanted a death wish. harry wasnt even able to cum peacefully and had to hold that uncomfortable feeling he felt in his stomach, with his dick twitching at such small contact. 
" yea, yea hold on. " harry quickly zipped up his pants, washing his hands and cleaning the counter for any remains he might have left. 
walking out of the bathroom, the guy from the other side rushed in and slammed the door shut. harry heard a content sigh, and started walking towards the homemade bar that the host made, wanting to drown the feeling in his shots.
there, he saw you and peter still talking. annoying, he thought. harry couldnt even get to talk to you, and here is peter, stealing harrys only shot to talk to you. peter just wanted to show harry who you liked more and harry wanted to kill peter so badly that hed serve peters head on a silver platter on your doorstep. 
" come on dude, tonights the party and shes going. go and talk to her - just like the way you talk to every girl you see. able to sweep her up with your charms. " peter had been trying to convince harry, hoping itd change his mind about the party. 
" okay, but will you be there, with me? i dont know. i just turn all fuzzy for her man. " harry hid his face in his hands, sighing as his options began closing in on him.
“ of course, id be there. now what do you plan on wearing? “ 
harry felt like shit, seeing his best friend go for the same girl he liked. i mean, who was harry to assume but it seemed liked it and it had destroyed him internally. it was like having your eye on a target anyone barely knew and telling someone about it, but the same person has its eye on it the same as you after entrusting him with a secret. 
walking up to you two, he saw how close your faces were, as if peter was going to tell you a dirty secret. placing his hand onto your shoulder, he had interrupted your conversation. peter now understanding what harry wanted, backed away and beckoned goodbye to you. 
“ hey harry, whats up? “ your voice was mellifluous . if he could, he would want to spend his whole lifetime just to listen to your voice. even if you were to be angry with him, he would do anything to listen to you, to please you.
“ i just want to see if you are alright? “ it sounded more like a question to himself. with you, he didnt know how to cleanly start a conversation, but with other girls, he just blurt out whatever he had on his mind. he was afraid that you would judge him, scared to lose his nonexistent chance with you. 
“ yea i was fine until you came..all jokes. “ you laughed. the number one rule of talking to you is that to prepare yourself for some sarcastic remarks, you thought were funny. maybe thats why he was afraid despite harry himself throwing sarcastic comments left and right. 
“ oh right.. you and peter..? “ the scene of your faces being close together really irks him knowing that you were breathing the same air peter was breathing. 
“ oh, we were just talking. he was telling me about something rather…private? “ private? what could be so private that you needed to bring your faces so close. jealousy bubbled in his stomach, not realizing that his jealousy  reflected on how easy angry hed get. you had nearly let out peters secret but covered it up quickly. 
“  private? whats so private that looked like you were going to kiss him? “ harry had let that slip out. harry hadnt noticed that you were quite sober, being able to down alcohol without getting drunk immediately. sensing harrys tone, you were confused as to why he acted like that.
“ its just private alright? why are you being so - i dont know. its just really complicated. “ your eyes darted towards peter who were currently socializing with others. peter had previously shared with you about his newly developed web shooters, you being one of the people he told about his newly found secret life hes been multitasking with his school life. 
“ yea, well. everythings complicated with peter. i dont do complicated. “ harry flashed a smile before downing his left over alcohol. 
watching him with content, you noticed how you never really paid attention to him. if you could, you would spend hours watching him if it didnt appear creepy.
harry noticed your staring and couldnt help but blush lightly at the thought that you might feel the same way. the way your eyes got all big and doe excited him. it was as if you were a test paper he couldnt wait to solve ; you are such an openbook yet mysterious. he couldnt get enough of you and didnt know what to do. 
“ youre so pretty. “ you whispered, thinking that it was your thoughts that spoke and not you actually saying it outloud. it was when harry laughed when you took in what had happened. 
it was now harrys turn to look at you. when you met his gaze, you quickly looked away with how intensive his gaze was. filling yourself up another cup, you saw harry put his empty cup down and felt his hand snake around your waist. of course youd start to tense up, who wouldnt. 
moving your hips against his towards the soft music playing in the background, you cant help but stay stiff. harry soon felt himself get hard again.
“ do i make you nervous, (name)? “ he whispered. his face dangerously close to your neck and you felt his breath against your sensitive spot. oh how dearly did you want him.
inhaling to gather up courage, you turn towards him and crushed your lips onto his. fuck, harry thought. he was so dizzy that it felt like he died and his wishes were playing, dying on him. but no, there you were, taking in his air as if you were going to die and depended on him to supply you air. 
wrapping your arms around his neck, you pushed him against the counter that was behind him. and with that, he allowed you to take control of him, of his body. he almost felt like a porcelain doll with the way you handled him. it was soft and gentle, yet rough and needy. smiling into the kiss, he dipped his head lower to taste every depth of your mouth, wanting to taste how sweet you made the alcohol. 
pulling away, harrys lips followed yours like a pet. looking behind you, harry spotted peter watching with a content smile, bringing his hands into a gesture of a thumbs up. harry was confused. why would he be so supportive and proud when he was previously trying to get you? maybe it was up to peters plan, knowing how harry can be a wussy if it really meant to him, peter wanting harry to probably quicken the process. or maybe peter wanted to prove harry that he too can have anything in his life if he worked hard for it. 
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yanderecrazysie · 11 months
ur yandere bakugou is so good can u continue it?/nf
Of course! (This was written around the time I released “Hate That I Love You”, so I assumed that was the oneshot you were referring to- I hope that’s the case >3<)
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Title: Hate That I Love You (Part 2)
Pairings: Bakugou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, physical harm towards reader
Summary: Hating you would be easier than what Bakugou feels.
Part 1: here
“And I hate how much I love you, girl
I can’t stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you, girl
But I just can’t let you go
But I hate that I love you so.”
-from “Hate That I Love You” by Rhianna
 Bakugou couldn’t bring himself to throw away the Heroes Weekly magazine. Not when it had you featured on the cover and centerfold.
Of all things you could wear, why a swimsuit edition?
It doesn’t help that he’d taken to following you around like a lovestruck fanboy whenever you were on patrol and he wasn’t.
He wanted to show you how pissed off at you he was- hurt you like your words had hurt him.
Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to do so.
And maybe he could’ve been fine. He could’ve taken time to cool his head and get a hold on himself again.
If you hadn’t been assigned his sidekick for a full week.
He knew on the first day he wouldn’t make it long. He even considered calling out sick, because he sure felt sick. His stomach was in knots when he got close to you and he felt like he might throw up all over your iron-toed boots.
He had grown weak.
On your fourth patrol with him, he remembered what you had said about him not too long ago and decided to question you about it.
“I don’t remember saying that, sorry.”
You were so infuriating he wanted to strangle you right there and then. But he’d continue on, palms sweating and a blush constantly heating his cheeks, because he wouldn’t give in to these asinine feelings.
Bakugou’s a strange guy.
You couldn’t help but feel ashamed that he’d overheard you talking bad about him to other heroes. That was definitely not something you wanted to end up in the papers. You could see the headline now “Drama between two well-known heroes…”
There wasn’t any drama between you, though. He hated you equally as much as everyone else, if you could judge his glares and gruff orders correctly. Maybe a little more than that, since you had a feeling he didn’t approve of quirkless people trying to become heroes. 
The muscular pro hero was storming away… in the wrong direction. Letting out an annoyed huff, you called out to him and waved him over. If the lightning wasn’t so dim, you probably could have seen the blush spreading up his cheeks at your call.
“We were asked to go north, remember?” You were impatient, yes, but it wouldn’t be anything ruder than what Bakugou had to say to you every time he opened his mouth.
“Fuck that, we’re going south.”
You threw your arms up in the air, exasperated, “And why the hell are we going to do that?”
He glared back at you with blazing red eyes. His gaze was so fierce you were a little afraid you might spontaneously combust.
“Fine, fine, we’ll go south. Geez…” You reluctantly followed the explosive hero, knowing full well he wouldn’t listen to you anyways. It was easier to pretend you had a say than fight him on it and lose.
You followed him a ways, chewing on your lip in boredom. There wasn’t anything down this way and, if you got called to help, you’d both have to rush extra fast north. This was stupid. He was stupid. Why did you agree to help his stupid agency?
“Ladies first,” Bakugou said, mockingly gesturing towards a dark alleyway. Confusion and light suspicion clouded your mind. Why was he suddenly telling you to go ahead? Was he going to ditch you? Was he actually scared to go down a silly alley?
“Fine,” you scoffed,squeezing by him into the narrow alleyway, listening for the sound of him following you. It didn’t come and you started to turn around to yell at him to hurry up!
One of Bakugou’s small grenades came skittering down, rolling across your feet. You barely had a second to recoil in surprise before blinding light shocked your vision and your ears began to ring.
A flash grenade? What the hell?
You wanted to yell at him, but the sound in your ears was making your head spin. And your vision literally hurt.
Something made contact with the back of your head and your vision went from white to black, Bakugou catching you before your legs buckled too much. He swung your body up and over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.
“Serves you right, lying to me,” he snorted, looking apprecaitively at your unconscious body.
Maybe he liked it better when you couldn’t talk back.
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jadedrrose · 2 years
hello!! I have a request for u if u don't mind! And yes LAW centered!!! I just love very much our grumpy boy ;-;
So it's a headcanon but you can write it however you want!
How do you think this introvert right here *points to Law* would act with his s/o once they're "comfortable enough" with them? cuz I feel like his s/o specifically would have some kind of "privileges" kind of like with Bepo and a somehow a "different treatment"?? if you know what I mean (◕દ◕) like hold his sword when he needs both hands or something along those lines. Like pure fluff stupid couple things that he would do VERY discreetly cus he has a reputation to uphold (¬_¬).
I love this so much lol. I hate when people see things like this and say Law would absolutely not be romantic in any way possible, like that’s not what I’m asking for!!! Besides I totally think that if he has a soft spot for Bepo, he could have one for a partner too.
Warnings: Mostly none. One headcanon has to do with ass-smacking but in a funny way, not smutty in the slightest.
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• I always like to imagine that reader knows Law from pre time-skip, because let’s be honest: it would take this man quite some time to get comfortable, convincing himself he won’t lose you just because he loves you, and that it’s okay.
• So once he is comfortable, I think pre time- skip Law would like to show you off almost. Less in a doing suggestive things in public way, more in a “that’s MY girlfriend and she’s fucking hot. Nobody can have her but me.” way, like you could just be standing there looking menacing, and he’d be like “that’s my girl.” with a little smirk on his face.
• Post time skip Law would maybe take a similar approach, but keep it more private at the same time. It would be something more subtle, like maybe you have a matching tattoo or something like that, and if anyone asks he’d just say “yeah, it’s for me ‘cause she’s mine. What about it?” And leave it at that.
• But as far as special privileges go, he’d totally let you cuddle with him when you’re alone in bed together. He probably wouldn’t initiate it, but he wouldn’t complain if you curled up against him, with your arms around him.
• When you’re just around the crew and no strangers, he may be open to you holding his hand, or at least just having it resting on top of his. He’d also allow small kisses on his cheeks but no lip kissing, it’s too intimate to do in front of anyone for him. (If he’s a little drunk he’d totally let you sit on his lap and put a hand on your thigh). But he knows his crew wouldn’t judge him and would probably be very happy that he found you, ‘cause otherwise he’d be in a bad mood more often.
• On a more “funny” note, pre time-skip Law would 100% smack your ass randomly just to catch you off guard and make you mad and/or yell. It’s cute to him. Post skip Law may do this, but not quite as often.
• Honestly, I feel like as long as the two of you are alone, Law would be pretty open to many things. Now he wouldn’t baby-talk you, be overly romantic or anything like that. But he’d still kiss you, hug you, talk in a much more kind tone, etc.
• Also he 100% would let you wear his hat. No questions asked. Possibly in public, too.
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bbyannabeth · 2 years
prompt from this list that i saw and couldn’t stop thinking about:
I didn't know you wore glasses and I'm thinking normal and platonic thoughts about you right now I swear
annabeth all but collapsed into the seat across from him. “i got no sleep last night,” she started, barely even bothering to look at percy as she opened her lunch. “and i ended up not even presenting today because the professor was sick. literally stayed up until 4 am for nothing.”
she angrily took a bite of her burrito bowl, stabbing the fork back down into the rice. finally, she looked up at percy, who was staring at her blankly. “what?” she asked.
“you wear glasses?”
a stupid question because obviously she did. they were square-ish frames, black and silver. the bottoms of the lenses rounded out a bit and rested gently on her cheeks. she had no makeup on, but the glasses highlighted her eyes in a similar way to how her mascara normally did, maybe even better. in the sunlight that washed over them as they sat on their usual picnic table, he was rendered speechless by how good she looked.
“oh,” annabeth said, slightly less pointed than before. “yeah. i always wear contacts, but i was too tired this morning.”
percy nodded dumbly, his lunch completely forgotten as he looked at her. annabeth didn’t seem to notice how his brain was short circuiting as she continued to eat and tell him all about how much effort she’d put into this presentation, only for her to still have three more days to work on it now.
percy didn’t realize he had a thing for moody girls in glasses, but he very much does. he’d always, on some level, recognized that annabeth was beautiful but it had never clicked in his head just how beautiful. now, as he tried to act normal and resume eating his sandwich, he was finding it increasingly hard to focus on what she was saying and instead found himself getting distracted by the way the light reflected off her glasses and onto her cheeks.
“you’re being weird,” she said after a few minutes.
“no, i’m not,” percy lied. he had just been studying the way her hair looked tucked behind her ear with the arm of her glasses holding the curls back. which was, admittedly, kind of weird of him.
“what’s up?”
“you just look so different with glasses, i don’t know,” he shrugged.
“you’re still on that?” she asked.
“i don’t know. it’s weird, okay?”
wrong thing to say, he realized immediately. but annabeth nodded once and said, “thanks.”
“not a bad weird,” he corrected himself. annabeth rolled her eyes though. she lifted the glasses off her face and instead set them on her head, pushing her hair away from her face.
“better?” she asked.
no, not better. it was worse, actually. because this was how annabeth normally looked to percy, and he was still tongue-tied over how fucking pretty she was.
“i like the glasses on you,” he said, trying to sound genuine. “they look good. good weird.”
annabeth stared at him for a few seconds before bringing down the frames again and settling them on her face.
“anyways,” she said, trying to steer the conversation towards something else. “did your quiz end up going okay?”
they fell into a relatively normal conversation, but percy couldn’t stop himself from occasionally losing focus. if annabeth noticed, which he was sure she did judging by the handful of odd looks she gave him, she didn’t say anything. they sat there for the next hour until percy had to leave for his next class.
“you should wear the glasses more often,” he said as he stood up from the table. “they suit you.”
annabeth stared at him, the look in her eyes hard to read. “you’re weird, jackson,” she said finally, but there was a hint of pink in her cheeks that hadn’t been there before.
“yeah, but you knew that already,” he smiled.
“that i did,” she nodded. “now go away.”
he left with a small wave, mind focused only on how the rims of her glasses looked brushing against the blush on her cheeks.
when he saw her the next day in their english class, she was wearing her glasses again.
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fairycosmos · 7 months
girl hey how are you?? any tips when you get rejected from a job you really wanted?? 🤡🤡 please send me your wisdom also hope ur doing well hows georgie give her a kiss from me xx
godddddd i'm so sorry to hear this!! the job-hunting landscape is fucking awful at the minute and i know it's extremely difficult to hold out any sort of hope when stuff like this keeps happening. i feel like whenever this has happened to me that i was always told to just kind of move on and pick myself up and while that's true to an extent it's also like ok but i'm losing my mind this is the fucking worst so i think you should allow yourself room to feel like shit over it. don't judge it or try to push it away but don't internalise it or drown in it either (e.g don't fall into the trap of thinking in absolutes such as "this is always going to keep happening" or "i've got no chance of finding a good role because that was my only shot" - it just leads to pointless despair that often isn't based on anything factual.) it's ok to cry or vent or write or scream about it, it's ok that you feel bad because something bad happened. and no it won't always be like this and yes you will have ample opportunity in the future to find another version of your dream job but recognising that right now you're in pain can be healthy and good, too. whenever i'm job-hunting i always try to get to a place where rejection just feels like a dull hit and then i move on to the next, like truly i just force myself to go in with no expectations, fuck it nothings real, trying out whatever persona i think they'll like best and then leaving it all behind me when i get the rejection email LOL. but when it's a position you deeply want, understandably, you'd need some time and space to process not getting it. i rmr what sometimes made me feel a tiny bit better was going over what i learned from the experience, even if it was just getting more comfortable in an interview setting or answering a question well, and building a plan to optimise my approach and basically give myself a better shot at the next interview based on the one i'd lost out on. i could console myself by saying at least i'm growing and at least i'm building up my interview skills and how i present myself every time i do this crap. i can say it wasn't a waste of time even if i didn't get it. if they offer feedback ask for some so you can work on whatever so-called "weak" spots they perceived if any (at the same time though seriously! do not internalise anything job people say to you as like a severe moral flaw like these people would reject an applicant for not smiling enough it's truly meaningless. but for the sake of job-hunting it's just something to keep in mind.) anyway i've noticed sometimes we feel a bit better about this sort of thing if we're able to exert some control over it, if there's some actionable steps we can take like working on our speaking skills or upgrading your CV or whatever. ultimately i think it's good to remember that there are so many different ways for your life to turn out well. the illusion of one path being the absolute key to everything you've ever wanted or dreamed of is just that, an illusion. there's endless versions of the future spanning out in front of you and you have happiness in so many of them - when it comes to friendships, jobs, dating, whatever - there's no singular right way to "be." sending you a massive hug. i know words ring hollow then you feel terrible so maybe come back to this another day if you want to. will give georgie the biggest forehead kiss from you <3 mwah xx
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zubeedubi · 10 days
elle woods and emmet forrest. thats it. send post. nevermind i need to talk about them because OH MY
they help each other’s development; supporting and offering genuine advice and a shoulder (one with a big chip in it) to lean on. like emmet didn’t and doesn’t judge her based solely on her appearance (when she was in costume, the ‘bend and snap’)(“cause you saw beyond all the blonde to my mind”) and was a constant source of reliability for elle (in callahan’s (FUCK HIM) class when she got kicked out, after the ‘costume’ party, during thanksgiving and christmas break, in the trial, basically throughout the whole musical and more). and elle listened to him (his advice, his story, his compliments) and in turn let him relax (red bull and department stores for life) and stay true to himself (during the trial; of valuing your client’s trust). they share in their successes (he shares the toast made to him because, yeah, she’s the one who found out the dude’s gay); a duet, not a solo. never stealing the spotlight from the other (“why are you always right?” “you’re a genius!” “why do you always have to be right?”) , instead pushing to be the best versions of themselves together.
they built a friendship (“you trust me, don’t you?” “of course”) before anything (“you are the best thing here”), removing rose-colored glasses or fantasized versions of each other. throughout the musical, you’ll notice as they grow closer together— through time, touches, jokes (“you butthead”), and song— and it’s natural, not rushed. they have a handshake (CUTE). unlike elle towards warner, she doesn’t try to impress or prove anything when she’s around emmet; she’s just herself and more. like emmet is aware of elle’s plan to get warner back, and he doesn’t sugarcoat or feed into it, instead inspiring her to follow through in her studies as she gains a passion for law (tap tap tap on her shoulder “woah! is that my name up on that list?”). and elle knows of his aspirations and drive to make it in life, and she believes in him (“the outside is new. but now it reflects whats already inside you”)!
they don’t pressure each other (even when she’s leaving). when the other’s close to the edge, it’s comfort offered and belonging reassured. in fact they constantly back the other up with positive words (if i had a shot for each time they complimented or smiled wide at each other i’d be dead on the floor) and a hand to support (emmet HELD HER HAND it was very dark but i SAW IT did nobody else see it. DID U SEE IT PLS TELL ME U DID).
the entire song of ‘Legally Blonde’ (which i have on REPEAT). elle has lost faith (in herself; in all she’s achieved so far) but emmet hasn’t (“that’s ludricous”), in fact his faith in her has strengthened as well as his feelings (im BLUSHING). he doesn’t question elle for a second, instantly on her side and there for her. he doesn’t tell her he loves her— she just went through a traumatic experience; kissed by a man she thought her mentor— wishing instead he showed it more, and showing it still as he asks—begs— her to stay. and elle; she’s losing hope on her dream, one that used to be solely for love but grew into a determination to fight. talking about going back home, living life as the blonde people see her as. (“some girls fight hard. some face the trial. some girls were just meant to smile.” but she has. she has done all!!) (“i need you to stay”)
and when she comes back (!!!) he immediately lets go of callahan ((FUCK callahan) what he’s worked three years for) and supports her. (“did you actually think i was gonna let you get away?” SIR??). as she fights for the case, he’s there ready to reassure elle because she can do this.
warner’s proposal (can this guy not not propose); she’s focused on her career now (‘serious’), she found a love for it! and even though the reason she entered harvard because of her love for warner, she made it through with the love surrounding (her friends; the greek chorus, paulette, her family) and growing around her (emmet forrest. the law students that stood by her). and i love that they handled and talked it out maturely, there’s no hate or anything untoward. and (“so many dreams to earn”) she’s reaching for dreams now, continuing her story outside of him, outside of being ‘blonde’. and she’s not gonna give up; she’ll earn it, striving hard towards her new goal.
and, of course, the end. elle is our valedictorian (congrats I LOVE U ELLE WOODS) and we see how the people in her life grew as well, not just her! they all empowered each other!! AND THE. AND THE PROPOSAL (ms woods comma elle my poor heart can only take so much please) (third time IS the charm). she takes initiative, she’s the one asking on one knee. and she’s in her graduation robe; not an engagement outfit or anything. it shows her; her life, her self, what she values!! (and they are SO CUTE. oh my god ohmigod you guys).
(unrelated: i love that they all have pink on them at the end!)
(unrelated unrelated: i adore the actors all of them. every facial expression, vocal delivery, movement or dance (the footwork on “little miss woods comma elle” OKAY), literally Everything i adore this cast. i love elle and emmet’s noses By the way)
anyway, rant over. elle woods and emmet forrest. send post!
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lizardzap · 7 months
mutual 1: the voices the fucking voices
mutual 2: Situationship update: She threatened me with a knife? I think she likes me,
mutual 3: accidentally turned on discord light mode. 12 dead 3 permanently blinded.
mutual 5: blorbo x reader (lemon!!!) chapter 4/13 (no read more) #blorbo #my show
mutual 6: Do you think the Virgin Mary would like Bladee? Would she appreciate his homage to her or consider it blasphemy? One could consider The Flag Is Raised to be a form of prayer, like some sort of neo-hymnal. Truly, Bladee’s mastery of his craft makes it difficult to judge if his lyrics are sincere or ironic in nature.
mutual 7: Guess who just found out apparently you’re not supposed to look at the solar eclipse without the special glasses!
mutual 8: If you drink the blue liquid from a Magic 8-Ball you can see the future trust me my friend Keith did once & said he was gonna die & then he did
mutual 9: I think we should all be a little kinder to staff, they work hard to keep this disgusting website running and are generally incapable of wrongdoing.
mutual 10: “kill them with kindness” WRONG!!! CLOWN ATTACK🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
mutual 11: time sensitive question how flirt girl. throw rocks at she. Hot Dog. kill her.
mutual 12: To all the angry people in my inbox, just because my parents work for Lockheed Martin doesn’t mean I’m a pro-war nepo baby okay. I’m turning off asks.
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sidesteppostinghours · 2 months
9 and 25 for all of them !! :)
evening gideon!! thank you for the ask :]
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
ok. so. the thing about me is that i dont actually listen to music all that often??? its mostly when i draw digitally, and im primarily a traditional artist so i dont really know that many songs. i also have shitty memory so its hard for me to remember quotes. aka this is a pretty hard question for me to answer, but i will try my best:
Caine-"Oh, captain, make up your mind/Before the salt burns your eyes and you run out of time/'Cause you're popping the cork, you get lost in your brain/And you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane" - Ship in a Bottle (fin)
honestly ive never really associated this song with him before but i looked into the lyrics just to see whether it had anything i could think of them with and theres??? actually a bunch of lyrics there that fit???? like to the point i was struggling to decide which one to use for this. but i think this one, the second chorus, really encapsulates the biggest parts of their character. hes the decision maker out of all my steps, the one that knows how to make the logical choices and think his way out of a problem. but hes on a time limit. he doesn't know when it will end, just that it will at some point, and they cant stop if they want everything done in time. also sight and eyes is something i associate caine with a lot, especially closing your eyes/refusing to see. "you get lost in your brain/and you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane." COUGHS. coughs. caine has the most gates open out of all my steps. i also fully intend to make them the source of hb 2.0. yeah.
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look him in the eyes and say this to his face. he will look like he got hit by a freight train.
Cecilia- another quote!
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im just gonna go ahead and put my own tags to this one because thats where i put it best:
#thinking about this again with ceci#the best part is the bullet hole#like yeah shes not ready to face the fact that everything shes been doing up till now#was just to distract herself from the absolute misery life became after heartbreak#she has FRIENDS she has people she CARES about and they even seem to like her back!!!!#she even has a girlfriend!#isnt that enough?#tell her thats enough#cecilia rider
theres a reason shes a thrill seeker yall.
Cynthia- "I swear, I'm so fucking sorry/I'm not a good person, I'm barely a person at all/But someday I'll be perfect, and I'll make up for it all" - Against the Kitchen Floor (Will Wood)
uh. *looks at cynthias relationship with ortega* uhhhh. *looks at cynthias relationship with sidestep*. uhhhhhhhh.
this song was also difficult to choose lyrics out of, but there is just something so special about girls who simply have to be the best they can to make up for the sin of being. there is something equally as special about girls who take their past selves as judge, and their lover as executioner. also "im not a good person, im barely a person at all" kills me. the regene flavouring on that line??? utterly insane of mr wood to make a song just for her.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
THESE BITCHES ARE SO CONTRADICTORY!!! THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING CLASHING ABOUT THESE FUCKERS AND ITS DELICIOUS. not even just trait wise, but with their themes? their core ideals? their relationships???? its always some sort of fucking fundamental difference shaping the way they act and i am Obsessed with it. also all of them are dangerous and it makes me vibrate a little bit. rangers you are so lucky that none of them are interested in leaning into being a full blown villain. but this question is,,, also difficult to answer because idk how to pick just one favourite lmfao. i will attempt it though.
Caine- he is the normalest guy around. there is also something Deeply Wrong with him. my favourite thing about caine would probably be how fun it is to dive into his psyche! ill often have times where i get bored of them and wonder why i got so interested in the first place, and then i get hit with another round of it and i remember "oh right! its because hes insane." his whole character revolves around what is going on inside their brain, from their high subterfuge to their connection with heartbreak and his relationship with the puppet. theyre the most fun to play with in their mind.
Cyrus- god. my favourite thing about him is a tie between his stubbornness and his surprisingly strong sense of empathy. both of those were the things keeping him from becoming a villain in the first place, and now its whats stopping him from going back to being a hero. i want him to confront what hes become so bad yall dont understand-
Cecilia- cecilia is just. a breath of fresh air. shes easy and super fun to play, and while she certainly has her moments (i am looking directly at the checkpoint three mortum reveal scene), shes mostly lighthearted fun cruising through the game as nothing more than a silly guy. i think the next game will actually dig into her character more deeply and allow me to showcase the parts of her shed usually keep hidden, but for now im having a good time getting her to kiss argent and embarrass her friends.
Cynthia- somebody come pick her up please before she starts crying in this club. she is crying because of me but lets not talk about that. i think my favourite thing about her is the contrast between her general wimpy sad lovergirl disposition and her revenge scar, and how she chooses to cope with it! because like,,,, it is just so so tasty watching her fumble with the overwhelming emotion, Especially since the emotion is hurting people. she never learned what to do with the anger! she does not want it! she wants to be as kind to other people as possible! "im not a bad dog, i dont know why i bite" etc etc. eventually she might figure it out, but Definitely Not Now lmfao.
questions from here!
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kpoplesbianism · 7 months
in my mind the seukiji men are like this:
chan doesnt really get the appeal of clubbing n going out he thinks it's stressful hes not judgy abt it its just not his thing he doesnt like anything beyond a full club and alcohol. he doesnt like weed cause it makes him groggy. but hes also done so mucb speed in his studio to get things done like so much staggering amounts but hes chill abt it. prob tried using TCM to sleep once. it freaked him out. but also has def tripped on prescribed ambien a Coupletimes
rino hates it all so much he judges ppl that use drugs so much he thinks theyre infantile and idiots. he drinks but he holds his alcohol really well. like if he gets invited to do shots he does it with astraight face and deosnt get really hammered but also i would not be surprised if he ever did shrooms or ayahuasca during one of his camping trips like a fucking idiot. but also. both chan and minho know a lot abtdrugs safety. chan very willingly ! gives the infomration and minho kinda judges whoever asks for it. simultaneously tho he's weirdly done everything before and no one can figure out When that heppened timeline wise
changbin def parties like a girls girl he goes to the clubbb he gets all dolled up and drinks his silly little edible glitter drinks and then snorts like a couple tips of cut coke in the bathroom with his friends just for funsiesss hes just having a good time!!! he stumbles home and then kisses ppl and then cries cause hes emotional and then goes around everyone saying he loves them soooomuch. hes a gal
hyunjin is scared of drugs hes okay with going out sometimes but he gets kinda disgusted when ppl start sweating or knocking him around or throwing up. like i dont think he's a drink gay he probably drinks like gin or something hes okay with getting a little drunk but hes also very ew>:[ abt it. when he does get drunk tho. happiest littel guy on earth
felix is a messy gay abt everything. he cant handle bitter so he only orders like 27 bucks bullshit drinks like Rose Water and Hybiscus Liqueur and Gin that are mostly ice and watet and have 10% alcohol content but he drinks like 20 of them + like. absinthe shots or something. and then he's out of his mind for the night and no longer 100% there psychologically and does everything he's offered no discrimination. but he's def a uppers kind of guy he doesnt like slowing down and hallucinations are scary :( what im saying is he's a molly gay. probably did G one time and got sooooooo wrong he went crying to chan the next day. but anyways he's out of control. going out is not a one night thing he Will go on a 4 day straight bender complete with losing his phone getting sidequested and having to walk everywhere with 2 different shoes and apartment hopping between his hook ups and then going to chris to relearn how to be a person. messy little molly twink. he and changbin have a great timetogether
jisung would Love to be a rave club kind of dude but he gets scared so easily and clubs are a social anxiety Triggerhell and he probablly had a bad trip on like lamotrigine or some bullshit. so he's a stay athome and smoke weed kind of guy. regularly got scammed by his dealers or orverchrged so bad until seungmin was like baby this is embarrassing ill do it for you. probably tried a hallucinogenic straind at one point and saw mickey mouse on top of his wardrobe or something so thats out of the question. just a scared anxious little stoner. does buy a lot of weed paraphernalia just cause its fun
seungmin is an easily exciteable drunk. you give him the littlest narcotic and hes giggling his laughing hes immitating a monkey he wants more he want to go somewhere else hes boreddd lets gooo. get him drunk implies putting him on a leash. but hes also susprisingly levelheaded with everything else. probably does some downers sometimes to take the edge off. knows what works for him. i can kind of see him as a stoner too
jeongin is like.the mystery partier. he's like 'hey im going out for a cpouple hours' and then hes back very normal. and then like a week later he's like ' haha yeah i did euphoria a couple days ago' and everyoneslike jeongin you did what. he's just in it for a fun time! he's okay with losing sanity for a couple hours. he thinks it'sfun. doesnt take it seriously (good) but also doesnt take it seriously (BAD!) like mixes eberything willy nilly as it appears in his vicinity then goes to rino like hyung i dotn feelwell and rinos like no shit jeongin youre halfway to a heart attack and a coma right now sit the fuck down. hes just a fun guy tho!
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