#the great all american pizza search
fauxfickle · 4 months
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Back again with the search for the ever elusive "Great All-American Pizza Show!"
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Some of you may remember my previous post sharing this little interesting clue, however after a bit of digging, I'm sad to say that this probably doesn't lead anywhere. When I looked up the OP's username, they were active in a forum about vintage Detroit TV shows. The first PTT to open in Michigan was in November of 1980 so several months after TGAAPS commercials reportedly stopped airing. Now it's not impossible that OP lived in the Bay Area and saw the commercial before moving to Detroit sometime later but I'm not too sure about this lead anymore. I still feel like it has potential. Maybe the ad was run in the Greater Detroit Area at some point but I haven't seen anything indicating this to be the case. It seemed to mostly be aired in the Bay and LA area.
Speaking of the Bay and LA area, I've been skimming through TV commercial compilations specifically from the Bay Area. So far nothing has popped up but I still have hope that something will appear at some point. Unfortunately most TV archive seem to be more interested in archiving documentaries focusing on "the real issues" like "Civil rights" and "LGBTQ+ acceptance" instead of truly worthy things like the almighty pizza rat. Joking of course, but it's a little frustrating to search archives and find things that match up perfectly date-wise, but always cut out the commercials.
Either way, I'm like 80% sure that even the smallest fraction of this commercial exists online. Whether it be on a YouTube video with only 2 views or a frame of it existing on someone's long defunct blog. A few weeks ago someone found a concept unification commercial from 1991 that I don't think anyone knew about previously and just the other day Retrontario uploaded another previously unknown ad, so it has to be out there somewhere. I'm not sure if there's any Bay Area TV Commercial forums but if there is I'll be sure to look through it to see if there's any mention of it. Until then, I'll keep looking through ad compilations.
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fanficwriter284 · 2 months
can you do a fic (teenager chiffany) where they get caught by their parents, doing that... yk
Hi there anon and since they’re underaged um…it might not be to the extent you want it…BUT Sure…Also FYI Chucky’s abusive parents died when he was 11 so these parents are his adoptive/foster parents. Mary is his adoptive mom and Liam is his foster dad. Okay, we cool!? Sorry it's a tad bit short, it's been a while since I've written. Hope ya like it anon!!!
A shy crescent was beginning to glow, over Hackensack, home to Charles Lee Loman Reinhardt or more commonly known by his American name Charles Lee Ray and his now girlfriend Tiffany Delilah Valentine. The young 17 year olds had sat both with their tender fingers interlocking, and Tiffany’s leaning into Chuck’s slender torso. Tonight the young witty couple relaxed in Chucky’s bedroom since his parents had been out late watching a movie. Chucky hung his head as he listened to the wind's howling whisps, meanwhile the gothic blonde fiddled aimlessly with his twisted locks, gently wrapping a stray strand around her finger. The two teens simply enjoyed the others' silent company. All till Tiffany gave a gentle squeeze on her boyfriend's thigh drawing the brunette's attention.
“Hm?” he mumbled, cracking one eye open to see what Tiffany had been up to. 
Tiffany smiled looking up at him, now tracing his jawline with one of her sharpened nails, grinning seeing that Chucky allowed it even leaning further into her grasp. Slowly she cupped the side of his cheek, her touch gentle and full of loving warmth grazing against his slightly heating face. Slowly she pulled him closer, his iceberg's iris locking with her coffee brown ones with the two both instinctively shutting them as their lips touched. Their kiss tender at first with Chucky gradually pulling Tiffany closer and closer to him till there was nothing between them and Tiffany wrapping her limbs around his necks. The tenderness of the kiss soon exchanged for that of adrenaline passion, the two teens now wanting nothing more than to be closer pulling and grabbing each other tighter and tighter. Tiffany’s nails now digging into her boyfriend's scalp the pain of a radiating sting growing more and more prominent that Chucky ignored and grew to love the sensation of, and Chucky’s grabbing at Tiffany’s curved hips and torso, the two soon found their themselves pinned against the wall both longing for the each others touch.
However unbeknownst to the couple Charles' parents had returned home early from the movie, their car pulling into their driveway. Mary, Chucky’s adoptive mom had stepped out the vehicle reaching into her purse searching for the house keys.
“Oh don’t worry Mary I got em. You think Chuck’s gonna be happy we stopped to get him some pizza?” Liam, Mary’s boyfriend and Chucky's Foster father grinning wide as he unlocked the house carrying the fresh pizza. However much to his surprise the house was silent, curious he ventured upstairs to see what his son was up too.
“Hey sport your mom and I—” Liam could feel his jaw drop and his body cement to the ground in shock and absolute horror. Quickly the man averted his eyes and slammed the door shut and rushed downstairs to compose himself. 
Chucky swung his head up instantly his eyes widening, “shit”
Tiffany’s face flushed red as she sat up fixing her messy hair.
“T–Tiff you gotta go…Now” Chucky whispered, opening the window.
The blonde gave a silent apologetic nod before climbing out and sliding down a lonely tree that stood outside Chucky’ window.
“So was he happy about the pizza?” Mary questioned her native smile, contracting Liams look. Her look faded instantly seeing Liam's face twisting into one of concern.
“What’s wrong? Is Chucky okay?” she questioned
“He’s in great health….” Liam utterly lacked what to say, his mind still trying to figure out what he had just seen.
“Then what's wrong?”
“U–m M–Mary….C–Chuck was…having….well….he fully clothed if it makes you feel better”
The bright hue of Mary’s face drained as her eyes widened with each word Liam said.
After what felt like hours the couple finally managed to process their situation.
“I–I’ll go talk with him…I was his age once…I know what it’s like…” 
Mary nodded as she ran a hand through her long chestnut locks wishing she was dreaming.
Liam made his way upstairs, this time knocking on his foster son's door. “Hey Chuck”
“Go away Liam” Chuck retorted from the corner of his room his face buried in his pillow.
“I think we both know I can’t do that” he spoke softly, twisting the doorknob and setting into Chuck’s room. Quietly he stepped inside and sat himself beside Chuck.
“Look…Chucky…I know you’re growing up and things are changing with you” Liam pressed, his palms sweating at his discomfort from having the conversation.
Chucky only dug his head further into the pillow clenching his teeth, feeling his body tense in discomfort.
“A–And I know…you’re to want to…try new things…l–like you did tonight but it’s important that you do them in a safe and protected way….”
“OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DAD PLEASE STOP” Chucky blurted tossing the covers off him.
Liam froze his lips tightening as he listened to Chucky and the word he used…Dad.
“I’M SURE IN THE FUTURE I’LL BE "THANKFUL" FOR THIS ADVICE BUT RIGHT NOW JUST LEAVE ME ALONE” Chucky yelled his face flushed with redness and embarrassment.
Liam backed off giving a slight nod, “Alright…I’ll give you space” he relented leaving the teens bedroom.
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Pairing: Arthur Ketch/Dean Winchester
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 877
Summary: Arthur finds Dean has had a bad day and will do anything he can to make his partner feel loved and desired by him. ❤️
Dedicated to my wonderful @spnfanficpond Manta Ray , @heavenssexiestangel
Arthur Ketch and Dean Winchester were an unexpected couple when people met them. The Brit and the American tended to argue, even in public, but were quite affectionate with each other. When they spoke about the other, their eyes showed how much they adored one another.
When Arthur came home one evening to an empty kitchen, it was a surprise and worried him. Dean loved to cook and bake; he was quite the natural caretaker that seemed to enjoy it. Immediately, Arthur took off his shoes and suit jacket, putting them in their usual places before he went to search for his love throughout the penthouse.
Arthur found Dean on their bed, wrapped in his gray robe with at least two fingers of whiskey and binging Dr. Sexy.
“Dean,” Arthur called
Dean hummed, questioning.
Arthur walked over to Dean’s side of the bed and put his hand over Dean’s heart. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
Dean takes a swallow of the whiskey before replying. “Bad day.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“No,” Dean replied in a monotone voice.
“Have you eaten?”
Arthur took a deep breath trying not to show his annoyance when Dean is drinking on an empty stomach and is probably drunk.
“I’m going to order out. Do you have a preference?”
“Not hungry,” Dean stated, never taking his eyes off the television.
“How about pizza? I’ll order your favorite.”
Dean shrugged, noncommittally.
Arthur quirked a brow at his partner. He started contemplating all of Dean’s favorite foods and activities that they could do at home. He patted Dean’s chest, gently, walked away and out of the room as he ordered Dean’s favorite pizza and his own separate one to be delivered. He opened a delivery app ordering an apple pie from Dean’s favorite bakery and went into their playroom looking for the hat and boots Dean just loves him to wear as he quietly practiced his (awful attempt at) Doc Holiday accent that Dean seemed to enjoy. Arthur began to wonder if he was going overboard but last time he had an awful day at work, Dean just went all out and made the evening about him. He remembered how loved and desired he felt. He wanted to do the same for Dean.
After gathering the two pieces, he realized he needed to wear more clothes so they could eat and cuddle before any undressing would occur. He beelined for the laundry room and grabbed a pair of blue jeans and his black button down he wore when they went out to the club last weekend.
He waited downstairs in his black button down and jeans with matching socks. He was putting on the belt buckle on his belt when the doorbell rang. With a smile, he greeted the pizza delivery man and took the pizzas and signed the receipt. “Thank you,” Arthur greeted and closed the door. He was getting his boots on when his doorbell rang again. He was greeted with the smell of pie. “That was quick,” he said to the delivery woman.
“You had great timing. They just came out of the oven.”
“Oh, thank you so much!”
“Of course, Sugar. G’night.”
Arthur made sure to tip her extra for getting a hot apple pie. He was so excited that he put the hat on and stacked everything up along with forks, napkins, and a few cold water bottles before headed back to their bedroom.
“Is ther’ a Dean Winchester her’?” Arthur greeted Dean, resting his hip against the doorframe. Instantly, Dean’s attention was on him, looking him over and the food.
“Is that pie?” Dean smiled, trying to not laugh at his boyfriend.
“Apple, righ’ outta the oven from your favorite bakery.”
Dean gasped and paused the show. He scooted up, back to the headboard. Arthur was so proud of himself. Dean looked so excited to him.
“I also have dinnuh.”
Dean laughed. “Ketch, babe, stop with the accent.”
Arthur rolled his eyes and huffed, “Fine.” He walked to his side of the bed and set down the pizzas and boxed pie in the center on top of the comforter before climbing up on the bed, making sure to sit on his hip with his knees bent to show the boots off.
Dean practically purred at Arthur’s display. “You’re really pulling out all the stops tonight.”
Arthur shrugged noncommittally. “I love you.”
Dean’s face softened. “I love you too.” He leaned over, placing his hand on his cheek and kissed Arthur with fervor. Arthur hummed his approval and pulled away. “Food, Dean. Then play.”
Dean playfully pouted before reaching for the pie and a fork.
Arthur laughed. “How predictable.”
“It’s pie, man.” Dean inhaled, loudly. “Oh, Apple, how I love thee.”
Arthur laughed again. “Dean, eat it, not attempt poor poetry.”
“Hey, I’ve read Shakespeare.”
“I remember reading it to you,” Arthur said, fondly.
Dean stuck his tongue out at the man who has his heart with a small smile. He opens the pie and digs in from the center.
Arthur smiled and placed his pizza box on his lap, leaning back against the headboard. He glanced at the tv. “Which episode?”
“Um, where he cheats on Piccolo.”
“Limey bastard.” Arthur took a piece and bit into it.
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windycityazan · 1 year
Looking to make some Penpal friends
Been searching around trying to find any pen pals from Instagram mostly, dont really trust the FB groups that are made for pen pals.
I did meet a pen pal on IG but she had stopped really with the letter writing or damn USPS got lame and may have lost her letter that she said she was gonna send months back so not sure if I am just personally bad at making any friends in the real World.
I haven't done one in ages since i was prolly in my elementary days but i guess being in the late 30's can be boring. But would love to meet new people either online or on paper which I rarely have done.
Is anyone on Tumblr looking to make Real Life friends?
I am 35, American (Korean) born and raised in the hell hole Chicago has become now with all the crazies going on. Likes: pretty much all sort of tv dramas from the American to Kdrama and C dramas and some animes (will take on recs for any other Asian style dramas if there good plots) If you want to know more I can post a list. Music: Kpop (mostly the boy bands like BTS, ATEEZ, SF9, Astro,Seventeen) some Black Pink- had some favs as teen but been so long since I listened to girl bands and cant remember much, have gotten back into Kpop for about the time Covid started but slowly building into liking more bands) Also love listening to certain Kdrama OST's which lead me to fall in love with korean music more as the shows aired. But i have a spotify playlist i build for a bunch of KDrama songs. Also Chinese music has also gotten some of my likes from Ren Jialun (Allen Ren) has some great songs and acting, Zhang Zhehan who was a good actor now mostly into singing is pretty good too. I like also being creative with digital art like fan art of tv dramas like making gifs or plane fan art posters and such, used to do a lot on LiveJournal if you know that site. Been mostly making short vid clips for Twitter here and there haven't really done gifs in a while but I sometimes do for the fun of it. I also graduated from Uni with a BFA in concentration in Graphic Design since all I love is being on the computer so have that as a hobby. Fav foods: korean bbq love spicy pork and pork wit lettuce also the short ribs marinated. American wise Pizza, pasta, Chinese cuisine a bit of mix of everything. Fav books: scifi fantasy, romance, mangas ( Sailor Moon, Haikyuu, Shadowhunters series, Harry Potter series, Twilight saga, Fifty Shades series, Gabriels Inferno series)
If you have any questions you can DM if you want to snail mail hopefully t doesn't get lost in the mail on both ends or we can chat before deciding on giving out addresses.
Twitter: judy1987
IG: jca_creates (online store coming soon and where some of my art gets posted or judychodesigns (was made mostly for university senior art class reasons) has some of my works kind of
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baking-accident · 2 years
personal community episode recommendations in honor of the movie announcement!
pilot - genuinely funny and sets up the study group. you can also read an early draft of the pilot script here, it’s super interesting to see what was different before casting and filming
introduction to film - the famous “i don’t want to be your father/great, you already know your lines” bit, and the first of several Sad Abed Episodes
environmental science - one of the first troy/abed plots, and the song cover of all time
contemporary american poultry - the study group become a mafia family controlling the school cafeteria’s prized chicken fingers
modern warfare - the first of the famous paintball war episodes
basic rocket science - space mission episode, but on an earthbound fried chicken van
messianic myths and ancient peoples - shirley and abed’s christian and muslim faiths come into conflict when abed makes an increasingly meta film project with himself playing jesus. very sweet resolution
epidemiology - zombie apocalypse with an abba soundtrack
abed’s uncontrollable christmas - stop-motion animated christmas musical Sad Abed Episode
paradigms of human memory - clip show of miscellaneous, never-before-seen study group adventures
a fistful of paintballs/for a few paintballs more - second paintball game, this time a two-parter with western and star wars parodies
remedial chaos theory - the group face six different timelines decided by the roll of a die. source of the famous “troy walking in with the pizzas to see everything on fire” gif. script can be read here!
horror fiction in seven spooky steps - halloween episode, the group tell their own twists on scary stories
documentary filmmaking: redux - dean pelton tries to film a new greendale commercial and goes insane
regional holiday music - another christmas musical, dan harmon really hates glee
pillows and blankets - war documentary on troy and abed’s campus-wide pillow fight
virtual systems analysis - annie rescues abed from a breakdown in his “dreamatorium” simulation room
digital estate planning - the group play an 8-bit video game to secure pierce’s inheritance, feat. giancarlo esposito
basic intergluteal numismatics - crime thriller about the search for a campus prankster   
geothermal escapism - campus-wide game of “the floor is lava”, also the devastatingly sad troy/abed goodbye episode
app development and condiments - greendale descends into a dystopia after testing an app that rates people on a scale of one to five
emotional consequences of broadcast television - the study group finally part ways and ponder their lives after greendale
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Arrival and first day!
Monday, January 23rd:
I met Emma at the airport and we went through security easily! We decided we were hungry, so we went to have our last American meal! A chick fil a chicken sandwich and fries, my personal favorite. I was feeling surprisingly calm and not worried about forgetting anything, which usually happens whenever I fly. 
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We flew from Dulles to Frankfurt, Germany first. Our flight left at 7:00 pm, and we arrived in Frankfurt, Germany at 8:15 am (but to us it felt like 2:15 am due to the time change). We had a couple of hours before our connecting flight to Florence so we stopped to get pretzels because it felt like the right snack to get in Germany. I didn’t get a lot of sleep on the flight, and it caught up to me once we were picked up by our program provider and heading into the heart of Florence. Once we made it to our apartment, we hauled our suitcases up the steep stairs and checked out our apartment which was better than we had imagined! It’s a small building with only three apartments. Our other two roommates, Lydia and Ari came back soon after and we talked for the next couple of hours before leaving for dinner.
We walked to Trattoria Borgo Antico where Emma and I split a Margherita pizza. We actually sat outside because there were heaters! After dinner, we headed back to our apartment and went to bed early because we had orientation the next day. 
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Jan 25th:
Lydia, Emma, and I walked to orientation around 9 am and learned lots of helpful information about Florence and our housing. After, Lydia and I walked over to the SAI office to see if her lost luggage had arrived. Unfortunately, it was still in transit so we went in search of lunch. We ran into Lydia’s friend on the street and he told us to go to Pino’s Sandwiches, and I am so glad that we did. I ordered the Emily sandwich (Mortadella, pecorino cheese, artichokes, fresh tomatoes, pesto) because of course I had to! It was a big sandwich and the ingredients were so fresh, and it really hit the spot.
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When we finished eating we met up with Emma and Ari and headed to Galleria dell'Accademia to see the David statue! The artwork was amazing and we all especially enjoyed seeing the many sculptures done by Lorenzo Bartolini. I’m sure we will visit again! We had some more free time before the next half of our orientation so we walked around and explored a high-end vintage shop, a jewelry store, and a clothing store. During the next half of our orientation, we learned more about the university and our classes. The last part of our orientation was a welcome dinner provided by SAI at Palazzo Borghese where we mingled with other students and were served Italian food aperitivo style. 
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Despite the jetlag, I am feeling great and am so excited to get to know my way around Florence. I am looking forward to the moment when I don’t need to use Apple Maps to find my way to my apartment, and I can feel immersed in the city.
Until next time, ciao ciao!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Pepperoni Pizza Day
Almost everyone would have to agree with Mr. James about the feeling of pizza. There are a series of promises inherently made in that fragrant, warm cardboard box. Rich, savory red sauce and the long tantalizing stretch of delicious cheese are held within, a delicious treasure to share with friends and family, or hog all alone. The perfect topping for this delicious dish absolutely must be some slices of well-spiced pepperoni. National Pepperoni Pizza Day reminds everyone to give this classic a place in their day, and take a well-earned break from cooking.
History of National Pepperoni Pizza Day
Pepperoni pizza has become the standard pizza for people all over the world. In fact, it stands apart as the singularly most ordered type of pizza on the entire planet. Whether buying pizza for a birthday party or a day at the office, pretty much everyone knows that they can be guaranteed a positive response by buying one topped with pepperoni!
The pizza is believed to have first been developed in Italy in 1889 by Raffaele Esposito, though others claim that the first one was sold in 1738 in Naples, Italy.
Pepperoni is one of many cased meats (like salami, but spicier) that likely traces its origins back to Italian immigrants to New York City in the early 1900s. At least, the first known mention of pepperoni is when they began appearing in delis and at pizzerias all throughout the city, made from a mix of beef and pork and some added spices (specifically peppers–which is where the name was derived from).
With a finer grain than most Italian meats, pepperoni is softer, which makes it a favorite for putting on top of pizza!
It wasn’t until the 1950s that pizza became a widespread dish in the United States. The first mention of pizza in the US was in a New York Times article that called it “a pie popular in Southern Italy”. And, even then, it was continuing to develop flavor over time. One of the best developments, of course, was the addition of pepperoni. And it has grown into an American icon ever since.
Now it’s time to celebrate National Pepperoni Pizza Day!
How to Celebrate National Pepperoni Pizza Day
Celebrating and enjoying National Pepperoni Pizza Day comes with all kinds of delightful–and delicious–opportunities! Try these ideas or come up with a few other creative ones to enjoy the day:
Eat Pepperoni Pizza All Day Long
Pizza can certainly be consumed at every point in the day, piping hot for dinner and lunch, and cold in the morning. Some people even profess that pizza tastes far better cold than it does hot from the oven, though it seems that would be largely dependent on the type of pizza.
People who want to go all out for celebrating this day can enjoy starting National Pepperoni Pizza Day by popping a pepperoni pizza Hot Pocket into the microwave for breakfast. They are simply delicious and a great (even if not so healthy) way to start the day.
Then, of course, there is the pepperoni with pineapple for lunch and pepperoni with olives and mushrooms for dinner. No matter what is added to a pizza, as long as it starts with pepperoni, it is guaranteed to be absolutely delicious.
Learn Fun Facts About Pizza
Family, friends and coworkers will enjoy the fun of National Pepperoni Pizza Day much more when they hear these interesting and fun facts about the day! Try these trivia facts to share or search online for others:
Pepperoni is considered to be the most popular pizza topping in the United States, with a majority of at least 66%. Even though people get more and more creative with pizza toppings each year, pepperoni continues to hold its own as the favorite.
In August of 1994, the first ever physical good to be purchased on the internet was a pepperoni and mushroom pizza. It was purchased through Pizza Hut’s website, at the time called “PizzaNet”. The company’s record for the most pizza sold online in one day was set on Super Bowl 2021, where more than $10 million in digital sales were made even before halftime hit.
Americans consume more than 250 million pounds of pepperoni on their pizza slices each year. Now that’s a lot of delicious pizza!
The first pizzeria to open in America was Lombardi’s in New York City, New York. Originally a grocery store, it started selling pizzas in 1905.
Host a National Pepperoni Pizza Day Party
Get together with friends for a pizza party, and share what everyone’s favorite additions are to a standard pepperoni pizza. It’s easy to pick up some cheap pepperoni pizza at a local pizza joint, or throw some frozen pizzas in the oven.
For a fun National Pepperoni Pizza Day Party activity, try making individual pizzas and letting everyone top add their own toppings. Buying premade refrigerated pizza dough makes a super easy base to start with. Then supply tomato sauce (better when doctored with spices), grated cheese and, of course, ample amounts of pepperoni. Bake them and serve them hot to each individual guest. This is a party activity that is loads of fun and also delicious!
Get Deals and Discounts on Pepperoni Pizza
This is a day when many restaurants and pizza places like to celebrate with their guests by offering their customers a super cheap deal on pizza, side dishes or drinks. Each restaurant is different, of course, so it’s best to check with local places to see what they have on offer. But here are some pizza chains that have been known in the past to offer sweet deals in celebration of the day:
Papa John’s Pizza. With stores located all over the world, Papa John’s is famous for their takeout pizza. Special deals are usually decided locally, so pop into the restaurant or call and ask what their National Pepperoni Pizza Day specials are!
BJs Brewhouse. This is an American restaurant with more than 200 locations. In the past, they have been known to offer half off of a large pepperoni pizza in honor of the day (online only).
Pizza Hut. One of the original pizza chains, this company has stores in several international locations as well as all over the United States. Celebrate National Pepperoni Pizza Day here with various discounts such as 20% off or two medium pizzas for $12.99. Check the local store for details about current deals.
Consider Other Pizza Toppings
Oh, and for those who are engaged in that whole ‘pineapple vs no-pineapple’ debate, many people think that pineapple is a fine pizza topping. Anyone is allowed to disagree, of course as certainly people shouldn’t be stopped from going about the business of being wrong!
Of course, it’s likely that eventually most people will come around but, in the meantime, people can certainly agree on pepperoni pizza being the best pizza of all!
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helenflaneur · 2 years
It’s all about the shade....
7th July - 21st August
We’re having a heatwave, an ongoing heatwave……
It’s hot, hot, hot. Hot, hot, hot.
France and most of Europe are sweltering in an unrelenting heatwave. 100 French regions are officially in drought and many have no drinking water.
After a mild winter with little rain the reservoirs are low and as a consequence the canals are struggling. 
Belgium has just closed small canals and pleasure boats like us can only travel the big canals with the commerce who always go first into the locks (as they should).
The water situation in Europe is much worse than 2018.
During July and August our travels along the Marne river have focused on finding shady moorings. Shady tree moorings along a river bank so we can ‘swim’ and cool off. 
Not really swim but a cooling dip into the reasonably clean green river.
Daily our minds are occupied working out where the sun was likely to set along the looping Marne. 
Most of the official pontoons and quays were always on the sunny side of the river so finding tree moorings with enough depth, the right distance apart, no fishermen and not at the bottom of someone’s garden took time and trials. 
Between shade searches we touristified ‘un peu.’
At Meaux we visited the ‘Musee de la Guerre’. Despite its name the museum focused on WW1 along the Marne, not the entire war and emphasised the American contribution in the area. They only arrived in 1917. 
The collections were creatively presented although this one, half in and half out of the case, made me jump.
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Baldrick  and Captain Klink made a surprise visit.
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France likes to celebrate Mark’s birthday on July 14 and for once we were here to enjoy the celebrations but it was so Hot!
With temperatures heading north of 37degrees we spent the holiday with our NBF’s (New Best Friends) Peggy and Gary off ‘Viking’. We were partly tied to trees in a forlorn hope of some shade before the sun went down. Mark swam over to the shore to get lines around tree trunks. He wasn’t complaining. Gary very kindly made gf pizzas as a birthday treat.
Here we are having snacks and drinks with Gary and Peggy, their grand daughter and daughter visiting from Toronto.
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Chateau-Thierry boasts a fortress first mentioned in 923, as you do. On the hot Sunday we visited a Medieval Fayre was in progress. Apparently Medieval performers only create costumes for cold weather.
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Except this one. 
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The outstanding modern activity at the fortress is not the eagle display but the tree walk. Mark and other adults greatly outnumbered the few children up in the nets. It was the best place to  catch the cooling breezes and to gently bounce.
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It did rain one day. 
It drizzled most of the day. 
It was marvellous. 
We walked across the river to a champagne village named Oeuilly to visit the ‘Maison Champagnoise Musee’.
Apart from winning the prize for the most head-scratchingly-creative English translation pages (must have been done by the work exchange student back in 1998) this mannequin exhibited at the Musee is a podium contender for our Museum Mannequin 2022 award. 
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The competition is hotting up. 
Like the weather. 
The never ending heatwave was closing canals all over France.
We arrived in Chalons-en-Champagne and could go no further towards our goal of wintering in Strasbourg. In 2018 when we were last here ice was our problem, now it is lack of rain. 
Chalons is a great town. It used to be called Chalons-sur-Marne and was mentioned as far back as 451 when the battle of Chalons turned back Attila. It is also notable as the crash site of of Snoopy when he fought the Red Baron! Incroyable! 
In the main square is the most fanciful carousel ever. 
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The nearby Jard was hosting a free 3 day music festival for female musicians. On Friday night we joined the locals to watch the mostly fantastic musicians. 
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Our position on the pontoon meant we were part of the festival whether we visited it or not. It was too hot to do anything else but enjoy the music. 
Chalons also boasts a ‘Musee des Beaux-arts et d’Archeologie’ which includes a collection of almost 3000 stuffed birds from all around the world. They exuded a spooky kind of charm. 
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Moi avec lyre birds. All of us a very long way from home.
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It was very nice to see this self portrait by Aline Hurault de Sorbée from the Musee celebrated in the busy Jardin area.
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We would like to travel from left to right (west to east) to Strasbourg but as the map shows our way is all red and ‘You shall not pass!’ 
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 Doights croisés some of the canals will return to green as August passes to a cooler September.
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fuzzygardenercrusade · 5 months
Global Gastronomy: International Cuisine Hotspots in Connaught Place
Located in the heart of Delhi, Connaught Place is not only a busy commercial hub but also a beautiful restaurant that attracts food lovers from all over the world. Connaught Place is a fine dining destination with a variety of international cuisines providing a passport to the delicious world. In our search for 'The best food in connaught place', we delve into a world of international culinary experiences that have transformed this place into a garden in the heart of Delhi. We are happy to learn about health.
Italian style at La Piazza:
La Piazza in Connaught Place is the favorite of those who love authentic Italian food. This beautiful restaurant invites its customers to a healthy journey in Italy with its expert pizzas, healthy pastas and delicious desserts. The rustic interior adds to the rich flavors, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of a classic Italian trattoria.
Mamagoto's Eastern Richness:
Mamagoto, which means "playing with food" in Japanese, summarizes the essence of Asian street food with a modern touch. This popular restaurant in Connaught Place offers delicacies from Japan, China, Thailand and more. From vibrant sushi rolls to aromatic Thai curries, Mamagoto's eclectic cuisine and vibrant atmosphere create an immersive experience in the heart of Delhi.
Mediterranean magic of Lavaash by Saby:
Lavaash by Saby introduces customers to Connaught Place for the power and diversity of flavors of the Mediterranean. With its warm atmosphere and modern design, this restaurant offers great Greek, Turkish and Armenian cuisine. From small plates to delicious grilled meats, Lavaash is a testament to the richness of Mediterranean cuisine.
Heaven-Asian paradise at The Fatty Bao:
For those who enjoy Pan-Asian cuisine with nuances and bold flavours, The Fatty Bao at Connaught Place The Fatty Bao is a simulation of discovery. This stylish restaurant offers the best Asian cuisine with a modern twist. From Japanese ramen to Chinese dim sum, Fat Bao's recipes reflect the complexity and depth of Pan-Asian culinary traditions, offering a delightful journey through the flavors of the East.
French charm at Le Bistro Du Parc:
Le Bistro Du Parc transports diners from the heart of Delhi to a charming bistro in France. This Connaught Place gem exudes French sophistication, serving classic dishes with a modern twist. Ranging from escargot to chicken wine, Le Bistro Du Parc's menu embodies the essence of French cuisine, making it a must-visit for lovers of Gallic cuisine.
Sanchos' Mexican Miracle:
Sanchos in Connaught Place exemplifies the vibrant and passionate flavors of Mexico. One of the best food in connaught place restaurants in the region, Sanchos captures the essence of Mexican cuisine and brings it to Delhi. This casual restaurant offers a variety of tacos, enchiladas, and refreshing margaritas to get you in the right mood for a Mexican vacation.
Hard Rock Cafe's American Charm:
For those looking for a classic American experience, Hard Rock Cafe in Connaught Place stands tall. This iconic location combines American comfort food, rock 'n' roll memorabilia and live music to create an authentic American atmosphere. Hard Rock Cafe brings the best of American cuisine to Delhi, from juice to finger-licking ribs.
Zizo's Love for Lebanon:
Located in Connaught Place, Zizo fascinates consumers with its aromatic and beautiful Lebanese cuisine. From delicious kebabs to delicious baklava, Zizo represents the essence of Middle Eastern hospitality. A cozy and inviting place to complement the taste, providing a respite from the hustle and bustle of Connaught Place.
Taste of Spain in Seville - Claridge's Hotel:
Seville is home to Claridge's Hotel in Connaught Place, offering a taste of Spain in the heart of Derry style. With its beautiful interiors and authentic Spanish cuisine, Seville is a culinary oasis. From paella to tapas, every dish celebrates Spanish flavors, making this one of the best places for those seeking flavors of the Iberian Peninsula.
Seduction of Thailand at EEST - Westin:
EEST at the Westin Connaught Place will be dining in the Thai cuisine area. EEST is renowned for its excellent Thai food, with a menu that reflects the balance of flavors in Thai cuisine. The beautiful atmosphere and care complete the experience, making EEST a great choice for Thai food lovers.
International food spots weave a rich story of world flavors in the culinary fabric of Connaught Place. From the streets of Bangkok to the bistros of Paris, every restaurant is a gateway to another corner of the world. These restaurants are redefining the culinary landscape of Connaught Place and inviting food enthusiasts to an extraordinary journey through the diverse geography of international cuisine.
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contentusdigital · 9 months
Voice Search and Content Optimization: Adapting to Changing User Behavior
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With the ever-changing time, the mode of content searches and consumption is also totally changing. Though, at a gradual rate, it's essential to understand this from the core to properly adapt to the dynamic voice search and content optimization.
Contentus Digital has been an early leader in this shift. Businesses may benefit from our in-depth knowledge of voice search dynamics as well as content developments, which helps them to better navigate the unknown seas of speech-driven user conduct.
Our custom-made services guarantee that your material will always be up-to-date, so let's examine the evolution of voice search and content optimization in more depth.
Growth of Voice Search Leading To Dynamic Voice Search & Content Optimization
Even when it comes to online searches, few individuals write the way they talk. Typing forces you to use a formal shorthand, such as "Mumbai weather." It's more probable that you'll ask "What's the weather like in Mumbai?" in its whole when you're speaking the inquiry. Voice searches follow this trend as well.
Great software like Cortana, Google Assistant, etc is already very well established and known among the general masses. The ability of search engines to understand human language is becoming more critical. With the use of AI, voice searches can now understand and reply to:
Automate Spelling Corrections: If you ask Google to show you an image of Wales and instead get a photo of whales, you may correct your spelling by typing "W-A-L-E-S," and an illustration of the actual nation will appear.
What Has Been Said Before/What Has Been Looked For: If you were to ask, "Where is the Taj Mahal?" and then, "I desire to view pictures of it" and "What kind of person built it?" Google may infer the meaning of "it" depending on your first query.
App-Based Context: Asking "How far is the airport from the Church Gate?" using your voice while at the Mumbai Church Gate provides relevant information based on your current location. Using the phrase "the Church Gate" will let Google know that you are now at the Church Gate in Mumbai.
Using Apps as a Context: It's possible to ask Google to "Show me the menu" from inside an app if you're having a conversation about a certain restaurant. Based on your current location and preferences, Google will automatically pull out the dining options for the dining establishment you want.
Context and Discussion: As voice search develops, contextual and conversational search becomes more important. Marketers should carefully implement a voice search strategy on their websites and put more emphasis on producing high-quality content in a natural, conversational tone.
It's important to note that the folks who use voice search and those who write in their queries are not always the same. While the "talker" may be OK with waiting for a response, the "typer" may want immediate gratification. We must find a way to please both sides.
For instance,
In search of information on Akshay Kumar on Wikipedia? Since Akshay Kumar is the "Akshay" you have on screen right now, when you ask voice search to "Show me pictures of Akshay," you'll get a plethora of photos of him.
 You don't even have to specify who "my" refers to when you ask Google, "What's my office address?" to get your business address.
Also, let’s not forget how Google’s Voice search is going all great with even making purchases. Ordering a big pepperoni and mushroom pizza from Pizza Hut or a size 12 pair of jeans from American Eagle is as simple as saying "Show me blue jeans" or "Order me the pair" using voice search.
Strategies For Voice Search and Content Optimization
Optimizing for voice search is, at its heart, traditional SEO with a more narrowed emphasis on speech recognition. Let’s check out some strategies that can get you started on this road...
·       Go For Longer Based Keywords
When doing a voice search, shorter-tail phrases are less useful. Pay attention to long-tail conversational terms like What is promotional writing?
·       Markup Schema to Add Context
Make use of schema markup to improve search engine indexing and ranking, especially for industry-specific content. Better search engine rankings and more useful voice search queries are possible outcomes.
·       Design Frequently Asked Questions Pages
Make a frequently asked questions page covering topics like "who," "what," "where," "when," "why," and "how." Talk back to them in a natural way to make voice search happy.
·       Consider Both Mobile and Local Options
Keep in mind that voice search is a natural extension of mobile and local search. Improve page load times and page performance for mobile users doing "near me" searches.
·       Advancing Methods for Enhancing Voice Search
It won't be wrong to say that the youth is taking a great dive at voice searches. It's time to prioritize voice search optimization since there's no sharing of search traffic. Go ahead and make the most out of this dynamic of changing user behavior and SEO practices.
It won't be wrong to say that in the world of digital, if you wish to stay ahead, you must be quite dynamic in your lifestyle approach. To be more visible in voice search results, it's important to understand and account for the subtlety of spoken language and user intent. The gradual rise in voice search will eventually make way for many websites to start optimizing their content for it. Make this journey easier for you by collaborating with ContentUS Digital and riding on the wave of voice search and content optimization.
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fauxfickle · 3 months
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We now return with your regularly scheduled and all too familiar feeling of malaise and the search for "The Great All American Pizza Show!"
So it's been a little under a month since my last post and I've been skimming through commercial compilations from the LA area. I've found some cool YT channels that archive old ads from that area but I obviously don't have anything to show for it. The ads are either too early or too late to be part of this campaign which is a bit frustrating. Something I neglected to mention last time was that I was also looking through Colossal Pictures demo reels to see if they had a snippet of the animated commercial but of course, there's nothing. There seems to be a cutoff point in the early 80s as most demos only show things from that far back. I was able to find some obscure, silent, avant garde, sci-fi film possibly connected to Colossal but I don't think that'll help me much.
Colossal had some sort of "meet the crew" type video where all the employees said they're names but only their first name so I can't really track them down or anything. I'll keep looking, I didn't look all too hard as I was kinda at my wits end at that time looking through ad comps for hours.
I took a bit of a break for a while before reading through the old Pizza Times newsletters from Dec 79 - May 80. The May 1980 newsletter had some cool info about commercials and news features filmed at the various stores. Some of these aren't technically part of TGAAPS campaign but ehhhhhh I don't really care. They're part of early PTT history and I wanna see them damnit!
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Let's go through these starting with Citrus Heights. The Citrus Heights section is loaded with info regarding lost media, 3 in fact! Sacramento's Channel 40 (KTXL), which has since been bought out by FOX in the mid 80s, did a Newsplus at 10 feature on the cyberamic systems at the new store during it's opening week. If we consult the ever so useful Chuck-E-Pedia, we can find that this feature would have been shot and most likely aired on Christmas week of 1979. A perfect pin point set of dates to look through! Next, Chuck was seen in the lead up to the United Cerebral Palsy Telethon which also gives us some idea of where to look. Finally, a TV commercial was filmed, possibly with TGAAPS slogan. Bob Wilkins' ad agency produced it but I couldn't find ANYTHING regarding this company. It's mentioned on his wikipedia but not named, and a even his own website doesn't mention anything about it. It's surprising that someone who seems like a local celeb in there area could have an ad agency that goes almost entirely undocumented.
Next, we move to Sparks, Nevada. Channel 2 (KTVN) filmed a feature on the store for the PM Magazine. The store was visited by reporter Keith Hirshland. Now I'm actually pretty sure I've found this dude! I found a local online article talking about him and the timeline works perfectly. Assuming this was filmed in early 1980, Keith would of been still fresh out of college with a degree in journalism and around 23. He also says he grew up running down the halls of the KTVN office. As a little aside, I'd just like to say don't bother this man or anyone/company mentioned in any of my posts. The last thing we need is to scare off these people.
This last little piece of lost media probably has the best chances of being found out of all the rest. Ben Wattenberg's 1980, from what I can find, is a dry, uninteresting TV news segment hosted by an equally dry and uninteresting host, the neo-conservative Ben Wattenberg. Ben Wattenberg's 1980 itself seems to be almost entirely lost media as only a few stills, episode descriptions, and TV listings exist online. However, this show was on PBS which no doubt has it somewhere in it's archive. What's better is that that there not only an exact date of when the episode will air, but also the name of the episode itself! One user on taptalk was able to find a TV listing which unfortunately doesn't lead anywhere and isn't archive on the WayBack machine. Luckily people actually said the name of the supposed episode which would of been "Silicon Valley: The New Entrepreneurs". We can also find evidence of it in a newspaper from that June 15th.
I sent e-mails to KTXL-40 and PBS on 2/24, so far no responses. I'll wait a little longer and in the mean time look for more leads and contacts. As I said before, don't bother these people/companies. I don't want them to be swamped with calls and e-mails and clam up on us. Bye for now!
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dohabarloun · 9 months
Savoring the Flavor: Discovering the Best Brunch in Astoria, Queens
Nestled in the heart best brunch in astoria queens borough of Queens, Astoria has earned a reputation for its rich cultural diversity and a thriving food scene that reflects it. While Astoria boasts a wide array of culinary delights, it's the brunch scene that truly shines. Let's embark on a gastronomic journey to uncover some of the best brunch spots this vibrant neighborhood has to offer.
Cafe Boulis
Our brunch adventure begins at Cafe Boulis, a cozy and unassuming gem that transports diners to the Mediterranean with its Greek-inspired delights. Indulge in a classic gyro sandwich, perfectly seasoned and wrapped in warm pita bread, or opt for something sweet like their heavenly Loukoumades (Greek honey donuts). The laid-back ambiance and friendly staff make this spot a local favorite.
For those in search of a more contemporary brunch experience, Milkflower is a must-visit. Known for its wood-fired Neapolitan pizzas, this spot also boasts an innovative brunch menu. Try their breakfast pizza topped with eggs, pancetta, and fontina cheese, or savor their avocado toast served on homemade bread. Pair your meal with a craft beer or a specialty cocktail for the full Milkflower experience.
Queens Comfort
If you're in the mood for comfort food with a creative twist, Queens Comfort is the place to be. This diner-inspired joint serves up dishes like the "Elvis" pancake stack with bacon, bananas, and peanut butter, or the famous "Mac N' Cheese" pancakes. The eclectic decor and quirky menu make Queens Comfort an unforgettable brunch destination.
Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company
While the name suggests Brooklyn, this beloved establishment has made its mark in Astoria as well. If you're craving the perfect New York-style bagel, Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company delivers. Customize your own bagel sandwich with a wide variety of spreads and toppings or opt for one of their signature sandwiches, like the Astoria Panini.
Sanfords Astoria
For a classic American brunch experience with a touch of elegance, Sanfords Astoria is the go-to spot. Their menu boasts a range of options, from the classic eggs Benedict to more adventurous choices like lobster mac 'n' cheese. The ambiance is refined yet welcoming, making it a great choice for a leisurely weekend brunch.
Ditmars Station
Ditmars Station brings a touch of sophistication to the Astoria brunch scene. This chic eatery offers a well-curated menu featuring French toast brûlée, smoked salmon benedict, and other gourmet delights. The cozy outdoor seating area is perfect for enjoying your meal on a sunny day.
Astoria, Queens, is a brunch lover's paradise, where you can explore a wide range of culinary traditions and flavors from around the world. Whether you're in the mood for Greek-inspired cuisine, artisanal pizzas, indulgent comfort food, or classic American fare, Astoria's brunch spots have it all. So, as you plan your next weekend outing or catch up with friends over brunch, be sure to explore these fantastic eateries that make Astoria a foodie destination worth savoring.
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brews-and-pubs · 1 year
Gilgamesh Brewing, Salem OR
28 June 2023
Gilgamesh has several locations in Salem; I chose their "The Woods" location based on typical crowds, and I was not disappointed -- it was practically empty.
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The menu gives a brief explanation of The Epic of Gilgamesh, and it was the name "Gilgamesh" that caught my eye when I was looking for somewhere to stop in Salem, so I'll give you their story verbatim:
"The Epic of Gilgamesh, written 4,500 years ago, told the story of the Sumerian demi-god, King Gilgamesh. To distract the tyrannical King Gilgamesh, the gods created a bestial heathen named Enkidu to challenge the great king. King Gilgamesh sent a temptress to meet with Enkidu and presented [him] with beer, bread, and earthly pleasures, turning the heathen into a man. Enkidu and King Gilgamesh later became best friends, drank lots of beer, battled beasts, and went in search of eternal life.
"Our logo is the character for beer in ancient cuneiform, the worlds' first written language. It resembles a conical fermentor, the basic shape that brewers use to this day. The fermentors were made of stone and buried underground to keep the temperature just right for the yeast. Many historians believe that the beginning of civilization started at this point in ancient Sumeria.
"The Gilgamesh brewing philosophy is to bring a sense of community, build relationships, and make us all a little more human."
First up, of course, was a flight. You can see their logo on the flight list and the flight itself is presented on their logo, inverted. Descriptions begin from the closest beer and continue clockwise.
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Mamba ("Unique malt beverage," 6.5%) - They say this one can only speak for itself, and that's for sure. It's very malty and really unusual; I'm glad I tried it but would never have more than just the taster.
DJ Jazzy Hef (Hefeweizen, 5.4%) - I've never had a hefeweizen with Jasmine in it before ... at first blush, it's a pretty bog standard hefe, but the Jasmine does come through as a delicate aftertaste. Interesting ... but maybe a bit too off the beaten track for my palate.
Hopscotch Ale (Scottish-influenced ale, 8.2%) - I liked this! It was fairly recognizable as a Scottish ale, but with their own subtle twist on it.
Cold Gold Vol 2 (Cold IPA, 6.1%) - Of all the beers I tried here, this was my absolute favorite. It's a double-dry-hopped IPA but fermented on lager yeast, hence, the "cold IPA" appellation. If they had sold crowlers, I'd have taken one of these with me for the evening!
Tropic Blunder (American Wheat Ale, 5.5%) - This is a bit uncategorizable given that it's a dry hopped wheat ale. It was good but not great, probably because I really had nothing to compare it to.
Hazy IPA (IPA, 6.5%) - Continuing the theme of pushing the boundaries, here is an IPA that includes both rolled oats and additional protein to create a silky mouthfeel. It was good.
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If they had offered pizza, I would have jumped all over one! Instead, I went for their 1/3 pound burger as I'm also happy to see a place that doesn't make me try to stuff a full 1/2 pound burger in. This includes an IPA aioli and it was excellent (if a bit messy).
I finished up with a Double or Nothin' IPA, a 9.6% monster that was surprisingly malty. I'm a fan of double and triple IPAs because they're so well balanced (on a good day) with the alcohol not noticeably present. This one was both malty and alcohol-heavy ... not my favorite of the visit.
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On the way into Salem, I saw signs for another place that looked intriguing ... so check out my next entry!
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musicudio · 1 year
Natalie Hall- Net Worth 2023, Bio, and more
Natalie Hall, a singer, and actor from Canada, will have a net worth of $3 million in 2023. Natalie Hall is a well-known and prosperous celebrity in Canada who has produced some very outstanding work over her career. She is a really beautiful actress who has been in a lot of movies and TV shows.
PersonalInformationFull NameNatalie Elise HallNick NameNatalieDate of BirthJanuary 25, 1990Age33 yearsBirth PlaceVancouver, Canada
She has been employed in Canada’s entertainment sector since 2004. Her portrayal of Colby Chandler in the American television soap opera All My Children has made her well-known all over the world. 2009 to 2011 had a good run of this program. She also participated in the American biographical drama movie “Only the Brave” with Miles Teller, Jeff Bridges, and Josh Brolin. Since 2017, she has been wed to US Marine Jack H. Robbins.
Early life, Family, and Relationship, Favourites
Family & Relatives
→Brother: Grew up with 2 brothers
→Marital Status: Married
→Husband: Jack H. Robbins (m. 2017)
→No. of Children: 1
→Son: 1 Son
Natalie Hall Favorites
→Hobbies: Traveling
→Favorite Food: Pizza, Chinese Food
→Favorite Colors: Pink, Purple
Hall was born and raised in the Canadian city of Vancouver. Her mother used to dance in dancing shows. Hall played Annie in a play put on by a neighborhood theater group. She received first place in a nationwide singing competition, representing British Columbia. Hall graduated from the London Academy of Ballet with top honors aged sixteen.
Natalie Hall’s Income
MoreDetailsNationalityCanadianReligionChristianity (Catholic)EducationGraduate
College: Saint Mary’s CollegeProfessionActress and singerMartial Status
(Spouse Name)  Married
(Jack H. Robbins) July 1, 2017 – present (1 child)Net Worth$ 3 Million (2023)
A well-known figure in Canada’s entertainment sector is Natalie Hall. She has been working in the theater business for more than twenty years, and she is still doing a great job. In her work, she has reached amazing heights in a relatively short amount of time.  She has amassed enormous money thanks to her acting profession.
Physical Appearance 
Height5’4” feetWeight52Figure34-26-34Hair ColorBlondeEye colorBrown
Natasha Hall Assets
Home – Natalie Hall is a well-known Canadian personality and has worked in Canadian show industry for the majority of her life. She currently owns a huge estate in New York where she resides.
Automobile- Natalie Hall has an extremely fine collection of automobiles. In her garage, she keeps some of the most exquisite vintage automobiles. She has many cars, some of which are Mercedes, Porsches, Fords, and others.
Natalie Hall’s life story
Natalie Elise Hall or Natalie Melinda Hall who is better known as Natalie Hall is a Canadian Actress and Singer. Her mother was a woman who performed ballet. She and her two brothers were all reared in Vancouver.
She played football on an all-boys team when she was younger to keep up with her siblings, and now she says she’s a strong competitor. She was also quite enthusiastic about the performing arts. She once took part in plays and dramas put on by her school.
Natalie Hall Career
→Profession: Actress, Singer
→Known For: Famous for starring in Pretty Little Liars tv show
→Debut: Film
→Film Debut: Rising Stars (2010)
→TV Show: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (2008)
→Net Worth: USD $300,000 Approx
The career of Natalie Hall is evidence of her unwavering enthusiasm, extraordinary talent, and unrelenting pursuit of excellence. She rose to prominence in the entertainment business from modest beginnings in Vancouver, Canada, enthralling audiences with her range and charisma.
Natalie Hall has appeared in a wide variety of stage, screen, and screen-based works. Natalie Hall spent her early years in the seaside city of Vancouver in the Canadian province of British Columbia. Natalie relocated to New York in search of more promising employment prospects on Broadway.
Natalie’s career spans both television and cinema, and she has worked on a variety of different projects. Her debut roles were in popular TV series like “Pretty Little Liars” and “All My Children,” where her complicated, believable portrayals of multidimensional characters were much praised. These early accomplishments gave Natalie the confidence to branch out into different genres and broaden her artistic interests.
Natalie Hall gets her early dance lessons at the London Academy of Dance. She finished dance school at the top of her class when she was 16 years old. Natalie Hall played Val in the first performance of A Chorus Line on Broadway. Natalie’s performance as Val was praised by both the audience and the critics. Natalie Hall went to Los Angeles in 2010 after becoming famous very quickly.
Natalie Hall has a strong acting background, but she is also a talented vocalist, which adds to her excellent skill set. Due to the pop and country influences in her songs, she is able to appeal to a wide audience. Natalie has a devoted fan following and has received favorable reviews thanks to her compelling performances and deep vocals.
Natalie has collaborated with renowned directors and gifted co-stars throughout her career, which has furthered her artistic development. Her efforts have produced standout performances in films like “Rust Creek” and “Only the Brave,” where she has proven her talent for engrossing herself in enthralling stories and bringing characters to life.
Natalie Hall is committed to developing her skills and taking on new challenges as her career progresses. Her tremendous talent and love for storytelling will ensure that she leaves a lasting impression on the entertainment industry for many years to come.
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
6 Popular Games for a Movie Night
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For many people, the last few years have changed some routines and habits, which isn't necessarily bad. Staying in to enjoy a movie night has once again gained the same popularity as when Blockbuster Videos were in every neighborhood. If you're like a good chunk of Americans, you likely watch several weekly movies with friends and family members. If you want to take your movie night up a notch, incorporating more than appetizers and pizza can make your next screening to a new level. One of the best things to connect everyone at a movie night party is playing games together before settling down to watch the movie. Keep reading for the most popular games to play during a movie night and how to incorporate them into your party.  Movie Charades  You're likely familiar with the game "Charades" from playing as a child and seeing it being played in many of your favorite movies. Why not use movies to inspire your Charade game during movie night? You can take things a step further and make all the answers about the movie you're watching, the cities in the film, the main characters,  or the actors portraying them.  Question of the Day  Question of the Day is one of the world's most popular trivia games and a great icebreaker option if all your guests don't know each other well. Question of the Day is available on Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and other smart home devices. If you don't have a smart home device, it's also available as an app for your smartphone, and the best part is it's free! Famous Movie Lines  This game can get everyone in on the action by asking them to write down quotes from their favorite famous movies and put them in a bowl for players to choose. When you select a piece of paper, you simply recite the famous lines and see who can name the correct film. If you want to set a competitive tone, choose teams for everyone at your movie night and compete head-to-head, losers pay for the pizza! Costume Night  Knowing how to plan the perfect movie night can feel stressful as you want to ensure your guests have a blast and leave them waiting for your next event. While a costume night isn't a game exactly, letting your guests know that you'd appreciate them dressing in characters from the movie you're watching is a great way to set the tone for a successful night. Turn costume night into a game of sorts by making it a competition. Best dressed, win gift certificates to your local movie theater or a basket full of concessions. Scavenger Hunt  Most movies have clear themes, and props easily become scavenger hunt items. Get the party started by hiding props related to the movie night and divide the party into teams. Let people search the home and yard for all the items on the scavenger list, and the first team to complete the list wins. While this game takes some money upfront to source the items for the list, it's a fun way to get people in the mood, especially if your movie fits a theme like Indiana Jones or Clue. Drinking Games  While this is for adults only, and you want to ensure you take everyone's keys after arriving, movies lend themselves to excellent drinking games. It's simple, whenever characters do something on the list, people have to take a drink. Say you're watching Twilight, and drink every time Bella and Edward stare at each other awkwardly. Each time someone uses their powers, drink. Whenever a vampire and werewolf have a stare-down, drink. You may want to pick harder rules so people can stay awake through the movie, but you get the idea. And remember, always drink responsibly.  Movie nights are a great way to relax and connect with friends, but that doesn't mean the entire party has to be spent on the couch. By incorporating the above games into your next movie night, you and your guests will have a great time. Don't forget to have plenty of snacks and comfortable blankets, and choose movies that all types of people can enjoy. Happy viewing! Read the full article
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allamericancdjr · 1 year
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