#the ocean saga is so good guys
thunderjackal · 6 months
no art for a little bit as I'm still working on christmas stuff for my friends also going feral about the new epic the musical saga takes priority
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joneevarts · 4 months
Casually loosing my shit over epic the musical. I've been drawing an idea for Poseidon all day and I'm almost done with the first design, yay!
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hawtlineblingz · 7 months
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My take on eren's moodboard + modern headcanons :) i hope u guys like it, let me know what u think!
I write while listening to this song btw:
Modern Eren is close with Carla
He at least got one face piercing and a hidden tattoo most likely on his torso and just so Carla doesn't sees it that much
Don't touch his hair or he'll bite. Consider urself special once he lets u touch his hair.
He got a mini figurines / manga collection somewhere in his room
Enjoys series that is deep and philosophical like Vinland Saga, Mononoke 2007, Big Fish, u name it
Naturally good with his hands (wink ;)) i mean litterally good at anything he tries to do, music, craft, he's just naturally skillful
Listens to frank ocean, brent faiyaz, tory lanez, summer walker, and a bunch of bedroom RnB songs
Is a sucker for night drives especially when he got alot on his mind
Loves classic cars
Is a biker ;) refers to his bike as "her", gave his bike a delicate name for no reason like "Annette" or something like that, says stuff like "her tank is so small bro", "gotta clean her asap"
Loves reworked fashion item. Often comissioned Connie for some reworked hoodies / cargos, he loves it. (I hc Connie is actually good at reworking thrifted items)
I hc that Eren is a social vaper, doesn't take vaping seriously unless its in a social / friend gatherings situation, just to blend in a bit more.
I got more but i'll put it on another post, i got tons of Eren brainrot i just gotta get it out 😩.
(Also this is my first time writing something on tumblr after 8 years having this account 😭💀)
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bookish-library · 19 days
The Underworld Saga Staging
It's finally here!!!!!! This idea has consumed my brain for the past week and it has finally been out to paper! I will be posting the next two chapters (no longer you and monster) in the next few days. I cannot wait to share this with you guys, I hope you see my vision!
Apologies for any formatting errors, I'm on mobile
Story below cut, here's the Ao3 link!
We've all listened to the soundtrack, watched animatics, and have our ideas of how each song looks, but what if it was performed live?
Laid out like a script, with staging and lyrics, this is how I think the musical could be staged. This is the Underworld Saga!
Stage directions are referenced, so here is a key: (SR/SL are if you were standing on the stage, and what your left and right would be. If you were in the audience (house) it would be reversed) SR: stage right SL: Stage left CS: Center stage DS: Down stage US: Up stage MS: Mainstage (not a real industry term, but useful for this situation) Segue: means continue straight into without stopping Check out my pinned post for a diagram of the stage!
CREW and ODYSSEUS transition to extension walkway. Lights out. Transition stage to THE UNDERWORLD. As music begins, cue backstage fog machines. CS curtain down, to hide smoke as much as possible. 
Ship ropes begin to creak (cue music) as CREW and ODYSSEUS cross out to extension. Some CREW members mime doing ship activities (choreography?). ODYSSEUS is furthest down stage/closest to audience. Lights still remain neutral, shaded with pink/blue (Circe/Ocean). CREW listens in to ODYSSEUS as he speaks:
Friends, Circe's instructions were clear
No matter what we hear
Full speed ahead
Until we find the prophet
My comrades, this land confuses your mind
So no matter who we find
Full speed ahead, until we find the prophet
ODYSSEUS (spoken):
ODYSSEUS shatters CIRCE’S pendant, and lights instantly change to grey/white/black. CS curtain drops, revealing ENSEMBLE (and FALLEN SOLDIERS). Turn up fog machines. Cue scream track. As CREW continue ship mimes, Odysseus walks extension towards mainstage in horror. Ensemble faces away from audience, a constant moving mass, a horrifying sight. 
All I hear are screams, every time I dare to close my eyes
I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died
Nothing's what it seems
Nothing's what it seems
And here in the Underworld, the past seems close behind
This land confuses your mind
ENSEMBLE turns as one to face ODYSSEUS and CREW. Turn down scream track. Front row of ensemble acts as a guard against the back rows as the back rows reach out for ODYSSEUS and CREW in waves (timed with music).
When does a man become a monster?
Five hundred fifty-eight men who died under your command
(Members become highlighted as they reach out, recognizable members of his crew)
Captain! Captain! Captain! Captain!
Why would you let the cyclops live
When ruthlessness is mercy?
“Mercy” is sung to the audience, FALLEN SOLDIERS taking various poses of pleading (lots of hands outstretched). As music continues, ENSEMBLE and FALLEN SOLDIERS begin to “pulse”  (choreography here to make it artistic), creating a scene that ODYSSEUS can hardly look away from. CREW continues to mime ship duties, shifting to become lower to the ground so that visibility is not obstructed. 
All I hear are screams, every time I dare to close my eyes Dare to close my eyes
I no longer dream, only nightmares of those who've died -mares of those who’ve died
Nothing's what it seems
Nothing's what it seems
But in the Underworld, the past seems close behind
I keep thinking of the infant from that night
I keep thinking of the infant from that night
Maybe include a small echoing cry, or have ensemble member hold a cloth bundle? 
Scream track stops, CS lights shift to become lighter, more white.
POLITES (unseen):
This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms
ENSEMBLE parts and begins to slowly exit. POLITES stands CS, highlighted but not spotlighted. During sections with POLITES and ANTICLEA, CREW descends off of extension stage but stays nearby, perhaps sitting frozen in working positions?
Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart
No matter the place, we can light up the world
Here's how to start:
Greet the world with open arms
(Stage highlight fades as he calls out one last time)
Greet the world with open arms
(POLITES exits in the darkness)
Moment of quiet, only music/ropes creaking. Stage neutral grey lighting, continue fog machines. 
ANTICLEA (offstage):
ODYSSEUS stills, facing mainstage. 
ODYSSEUS (spoken):
That voice, it can't be
ANTICLEA (entering from back of audience):
ODYSSEUS turns, looking out into the audience. 
ODYSSEUS (spoken):
Wandering the aisles is ANTICLEA, calling out for ODYSSEUS. She does not see him. She starts to make her way up to the mainstage.
Odysseus, when you come home I'll be waiting
Even if you're the last thing I see, I'll be waiting
Odysseus, remaining on the extension, calls to her.
I'm right here, mom Waiting
Can't you see? I'm Waiting
I took too long. I'll always love you
And ventured too far I'll stay in your life
While you were
ANTICLEA has reached the mainstage and is now DSL, about to exit SL.
(She turns and sees him, still on the extension)
(ANTICLEA acknowledges ODYSSEUS [blows kiss, reaches out, waves, etc] and exits)
ODYSSEUS (spoken):
Bye mom
A moment of silence, then cue fade in scream track (have ensemble member actually scream?) and ship noises back up. ODYSSEUS rejoins CREW at the extension stage. CREW begins ship motions (choreography?) once more.
All I hear are screams All I hear are screams
Every time I dare to close my eyes Dare to close my eyes
I no longer dream I no longer dream
Only nightmares of those who've died -mares of those who've died
Nothing's what it seems
Nothing's what it seems
But in the Underworld, your past is always close behind
Your past is always close behind
Down in the Underworld
At final note, highlight (same as POLITES, white/grey) on mainstage, where TIRESIAS is standing SR. ODYSSEUS and CREW are facing audience.
Segue into NO LONGER YOU
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th3lost4uthor · 6 months
Wakfu Oropo OAV : Why I love to hate it
Hum, sorry not sorry, but you read correctly, dear Kosmoz's traveller it is time to give my opinion on the latest Ankama OAV focusing on Oropo's background, and well... Let's at least start with the good parts.
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A long forgotten animation we love
The title screen framing Oropo's figure, graphically underlying he will be the center of this story is quite nice. There are few other choices of composition that are also really good and meaningful.
The animation is still... Well it's Ankama : it gives energy in the fight scene, emotion when needed, it is colorful yet pale (underlying maturity after a childish beginning for the series).
The Eliotropes' design and presentation : so nice to see more charcaterisation of this race we have still so much to uncover ! And I LOVE to see "bad eliotropes", especially this little guy there ("Rictus" in french), because if Eliotropes are Yugo's shadows, then it means that our dear "EliAtropes' king" is not as a white knight as we would like to see him ~
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The fights are pretty cool
The music... well still awesome
Don't know about the english dub, but oh well, the french one is still very neat. Even if I can not help but to find that Chibi's way of ALWAYS screaming is just tiring in the long run...
We have reached the end of the "good points", and oh boy... It can not be compared to the bad ones...
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De Profundis : why this OAV should return to the White Dimension
CHIBI : he should NOT BE ALIVE !!! I KNOW that IoW is no more canon but the fact that he is still alive after the second war against Orgonax ? Bollocks ! And his character design ?! What is this ?
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From now on... I will rename Chibi "no eyebrows stupid screamer"
And yeah... STUPID !!! For someone who is supposed to have outlived Orgonax and Qilby's "treason", how is it possible for him to be this nut-head ? He lost the fight at the end for what ? Because he only screams and yells and DID NOT THINK ONCE ! Talk about a Council's member : no shit Qilby became crazy with a brother like him for centuries.
And Grougaloragran, can we talk about him ? WHY IS HE FIGHTING NAKED ?!? Why does he not transform into his dragon version ?! WHY NOT USING ALL HIS POTENTIAL FACING SUCH A THREAT ?! And if he wants to stay in a more agile version, fine, but keep your damn clothes ON, please ! I mean, it brings up nothing interesting other than his abs : can we be serious for once ?
Chibi's death : no emotion. I mean, he does not seem very wise for his age, he does not listen to his brother, he does not talk about Yugo or perhaps his feelings about encountering other "versions" of his brother after so much time being appart from him. Did not particularly care about him at the beginning, hate him after seeing that version of the character.
The fact that Oropo is held into the cube.... It could be a good idea, huh ? Yes, yes... he could become.... THE F***** VOICE THAT NOX IS HEARING, RIGHT ?!?! For which reason ? Why tossing the cube into the ocean ?! How does it come back in season one ?! Can't Nox be left alone and just be a great antagonist WITHOUT OROPO being "at the beginning of everything" ?!
Ankama is probably going to follow that last idea, aren't they ? So, like at the end of the 3rd season, we're gonna have the "it was Oropo's plan"... Thanks, really.
Hum.... Did Oropo really though that they could take out a freacking dragon ? Like... He's Yugo's shadow : he knew that Grougal was powerful. Why not trying to sneak out ?
Because of that choice to show "fighting" instead of sneacking, we were stuck 30 minutes on a beach. There was only few different backgrounds with flashbacks (and we already knew that beach from season one, so not even something new).
Hum, I love the design of all the Eliotropes, but... WHY ARE THEY SO DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL ?! I mean, the saga is supposed to be part of the game too ! You're going to tell me that there are all different even though all the in-game Eliotropes have the same design ? And what about the fact that their design are litteraly caricatures of their personality ? Same note for their names ("'"poet" ? "rictus" ? "bouillon" ?) ! I mean, we're not children, and gosh, it is so... plain ! Can't they have nuances ?!
The dialogues... Lame. No emotions. No good humor. No really good informations : I had the the impression to see children taunting each other each time someone was talking.
Oropo being full of disdain towards his brothers and sisters when they are talking and suggesting other plans but being full-emotional when one of them dies : once again, show why his characterization is a fail.
Aton's death : "you were a brother... A sister... Whatever..." Is this a non-bineary reference here ? WHY ? I mean, it is not bad to have more diversity, quite the contrary but its just... there. No explanation, And for a antagonist with "no emotion" : what a great depiction for this stigmatized group... And who dies at the end... If it was just to put a reference to LGBTQ and + because its trendy or because you have a to-do list to check, please don't.
Why is Grougaloragran using his adversaries' names like he knows them even he just met them ?
The Eliacube showed Oropo the destruction of the Eliatropes' world after Orgonax came, or some kind of destruction. And he still wants to use it... Genius.
Well, I think I will stop this monolog here.
I will gladly exchange with whoever want to share their own experience of this OAV.
To conclude : I will not recommend this OAV for something else than the animation. The story is sh*t, the characters are a pain in the eliacube and I can't help but fear for the 4rth season after watching this...
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areislol · 6 months
DUDE DUDE AAAAAHHHH I have so many ideas for your Creator! Reader au. I love the reverse Saga AU so much.
Do you know how big is Teyvat compared to our world? I checked it and Teyvat is as big as Paraguay (In latinamerica), so to explain this to them you show them a map and oh boy the difference of our worlds size compared to theirs could be overwhelming. Tighnari having a existential crisis about how little not only Teyvat but the Avidya forest is compared to the Amazon rainforest (1.4 billion acres of land and only a little percentage has been explored). The fact that we know more about the space than of our oun oceans.
Watching a documentary film about our world and universe in general, Teyvat is around 2000 to 10 000 years old (I couldn't find the exact answer) the documentary shows Earth is around 4.54 billion years old (like damn wtf). The overwhelming amount of events that had occurred all over the world like the black death pandemic that killed between 5 to 40% of the world's population (25 million to 200 million people (Teyvat's population is around 10 million to 150 million depending between models)), the bombas that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the atrocities committed during the World war II etc etc I could go for days with this.
Now about the money 242.3 Mora is worth 1 USA dollar. So for a bill worth of $150.47 (from your 2nd chapter I think) would be worth 36 345 moras?? I think? After learning this they would feel so bad my poor babies
If there is any mistake sorry, spanish is my first lenguage
omg i'm so glad you're enjoying my reverse isekai'd series 😭😭 and i would love nothing more than for you to tell me your ideas (if you want) so maybe i can add them into the future chapters (with your credit ofc)
i think tighnari, albedo, zhongli, neuvillette and aether would be REEEALLLYY interested in earth's origin (the theories) and the history cuz WTF YOU GUYS HAVE TWO WORLD WAR AND POTENTIALLY WW3 TOO???
but honestly all of them are intrigued with your history but some wouldn't even be able to get passed 30 minutes after watching a documentary, the terrors and horrific things that are happening all over the world/past really gets to them and the fact you live in the world? see, this is why you should come live in TEYVAT, where you belong.
and the money conversion is a big thing too LMAO and no worries your english is all well and good! <3
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sanjiaholicreturns · 15 days
My opinions and theories about the chapter.
Hey, hey, hey, I really liked this chapter for several reasons:
Because everything VegaPunk explained reminded me of the myth of Atlantis, which was destroyed to its foundations by the Gods, who got fed up with man's arrogance and sank it so deep that it is impossible to find any remains, becoming a legend since Plato's time. The image of that civilisation sunk to the bottom of the sea, with the kings of the sea strolling among its ruins, has enchanted me. Although I'm addicted to this myth, so, you know, I squealed.
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I also liked that the ponyglyphs are more than just a route.
Let's see if you guys remember better, but I think the only time anyone ever talks about the content of the ponyglyphs beyond the direction to follow is Robin in Skypiea when Joy Boy is first discussed. If anyone is in the mood for a bit of a refresher, they are welcome to.
So I am more and more convinced that the One Piece is like Pangaea (the one united continent).
Since the X marks the place (the X has always been there since the beginning of OP), I understand that Marijoise's X is the "scar" VegaPunk refers to in his communication, and I'm also more and more convinced that everything will explode there. Another theory is that it is Luffy + Allies + Laboon underwater who will smash the earth into a thousand pieces to provoke the announced cataclysm.
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What's more, the cataclysm will cause the earth to break apart, the sea level to rise and perhaps the ruins of the lost civilisation hidden deep in the oceans to rise: that way, I'm sure we'll also have Sanji's All Blue.
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And, well: I liked that Zoro indirectly stood up to Nami. The truth is that Nami is very nice and I would party with her, but in this arc her role is zero below zero (more than in other sagas) and I don't like that. I love her and I really want to see her in action. I liked Sabo's face of concentration as he listened to the communication. That Momonosuke knew something about Joy Boy is logical, because he was on Roger's boat when he was very young. I thought Demalo Black's asshole, who now thinks he's Captain Kid, was really funny. The guy is such an idiot that it's funny. The fake killer's costume is hilarious.
My wildest theory is that Imu's shadow looks like a DenDen Mushi. I wonder if the world is ruled by a giant snail? XDDDD
Things I'm hoping for: that they get together and escape for good, because I'm getting tired of all the running up and down.
I need the plot to move forward and get straight to the point. But, well, I'm happy with the way things are going.
PS: It goes without saying that Zunisha and the robot were members of Joy Boy's crew.
And that's all, I liked very much this chapter. I hope there will be no break next week.
Sorry my english!
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Guys, I keep bringing up the "Epic" the musical)but, it's music just slaps, IT'S SO GOOD! The Ocean Saga just came out you guys need to listen you won't regret it! I especially wanted to bring up the song "Ruthlessness" from the Ocean Saga.
Up until now, I've just been talking about how much Sir Uther screwed over MK & Sir Arthur... but he screwed over everyone in the GSA, now going to dive into how he messed up our dear Falspar...
I've mentioned it before in the voting poll, he branded Falspar the Fool, stripped him of the title as general, took his squadron (used them as death fodder), and then brutally burned him in front of everyone... he made an example of him. As punishment for failing to protect the Fisher King (making him lose one of his most powerful supporters).
I'm gonna do a deep dive on Falspar soon...
(In reality) he punished Falspar for his soft heart (for protecting his soldiers & the people first). As for the song... this is what I'd imagine Sir Uther would be singing to Falspar... "RUTHLESSNESS IS MERCY UPON OURSELVES!" (same themes & vibes :3)
(Art content on this soon) Look forward to it!
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mythology-void · 6 months
there are literally no misses he eats down
every single piece of content from this account for the next month and a half will be in depth literary analysis and random sh*tposting about this musical and this musical ONLY
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The rest of the sticky notes:
- Kind of fucked up that the dreks used to be people. Fortunately they were Nightshades so it's okay.
- I love the idea of Nightbane as a potent drug with healing properties when processed correctly, because I'm a scientist. The metaphor for Isla as "both curse and cure," however, is incredibly forced. Also not a strong enough motif to justify having the book named after it.
- Please please please stop with the segues into the flashbacks. It reads like a fifth grade essay I'm begging you
- Being able to teleport everywhere kind of kills the tension and urgency
- All Of The Spicy Scenes Are The Same
- Also if the book is allowed to have this many straight-up sex scenes, I kind of feel like they should also be allowed to swear, or at least use less tepid insults. Isla calling Grim a bastard or a son of a bitch would soothe my soul
- I want to scruff Grim like a kitten and toss him in the ocean. He's still not a good character and he has no personality and he's awful. Every time I feel a shred of warmth for Grim I have to remember that it's because my version of him is so unrecognizable against canon that I probably need to start from scratch again just to be able to call him the same character
- Cleo ily never change (but also shoehorning in a dead son just to give her a reason to side with Nightshade is so bland I'm losing my sense of taste)
- And They Were Married (Oh My Unnamed Gods They Were Married)
- Is. Is this a normal amount of sex scenes for a YA novel.
- Some of this feels like borderline retconning (eg. Isla surviving being shot through the heart in the first book not just because of the Heart of Lightlark but also because of the ill-defined power of the love bond)
- No training montage for Isla learning to steal Grim's powers :(
- There Are Hot Air Balloons. The Event Is Called The Launching Of The Orbs.
- Grim and Isla have a moment where they both gush about everything they've learned about each other, and it's nothing. It feels like they don't know each other at all, but of course we're supposed to find their relationship heartwarming and intimate
- Am I going to have to make a spicy sideblog for this oh my god
- Pointless baby dragon. Did I zone out at the wrong time or did nothing become of that?
- The Terra fight is also nothing :((((
- Just like the first book, so many bombs are dropped at the end of the book because simply resolving the existing plot threads isn't enough I guess. Anyway the founders of Lightlark came from another world and created Lightlark in its image like reckless teenage gods but anyway GUYS there are HOT AIR BALLOONS
- Unearned final battle. Book once again lacks the guts to kill a major character and expects us to be moved by the deaths of interchangeable background cast members
- Damn crow-caller is right this REALLY aggressively sets up a third book. I'm wondering what middle book syndrome looks like for something like the Lightlark Saga and whether this is it
- This book was Not Good. It feels like poor fanfiction of the first book and I cannot stress enough that I enjoyed every second of it no matter how frustrating it was. Thank you Ms. Aster I owe you my life
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dementeris · 6 months
Wakfu Oropos' OAV : Why I love to hate it
Hum, sorry not sorry, but you read correctly, dear Kosmoz's traveller it is time to give my opinion on the latest Ankama OAV focusing on Oropo's background, and well... Let's at least start with the good parts.
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A long forgotten animation we love
The title screen framing Oropo's figure, graphically underlying he will be the center of this story is quite nice. There are few other choices of composition that are also really good and meaningful.
The animation is still... Well it's Ankama : it gives energy in the fight scene, emotion when needed, it is colorful yet pale (underlying maturity after a childish beginning for the series).
The Eliotropes' design and presentation : so nice to see more charcaterisation of this race we have still so much to uncover ! And I LOVE to see "bad eliotropes", especially this little guy there ("Rictus" in french), because if Eliotropes are Yugo's shadows, then it means that our dear "EliAtropes' king" is not as a white knight as we would like to see him ~
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The fights are pretty cool
The music... well still awesome
Don't know about the english dub, but oh well, the french one is still very neat. Even if I can not help but to find that Chibi's way of ALWAYS screaming is just tiring in the long run...
We have reached the end of the "good points", and oh boy... It can not be compared to the bad ones...
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De Profundis : why this OAV should return to the White Dimension
CHIBI : he should NOT BE ALIVE !!! I KNOW that IoW is no more canon but the fact that he is still alive after the second war against Orgonax ? Bollocks ! And his character design ?! What is this ?
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From now on... I will rename Chibi "no eyebrows stupid screamer"
And yeah... STUPID !!! For someone who is supposed to have outlived Orgonax and Qilby's "treason", how is it possible for him to be this nut-head ? He lost the fight at the end for what ? Because he only screams and yells and DID NOT THINK ONCE ! Talk about a Council's member : no shit Qilby became crazy with a brother like him for centuries.
And Grougaloragran, can we talk about him ? WHY IS HE FIGHTING NAKED ?!? Why does he not transform into his dragon version ?! WHY NOT USING ALL HIS POTENTIAL FACING SUCH A THREAT ?! And if he wants to stay in a more agile version, fine, but keep your damn clothes ON, please ! I mean, it brings up nothing interesting other than his abs : can we be serious for once ?
Chibi's death : no emotion. I mean, he does not seem very wise for his age, he does not listen to his brother, he does not talk about Yugo or perhaps his feelings about encountering other "versions" of his brother after so much time being appart from him. Did not particularly care about him at the beginning, hate him after seeing that version of the character.
The fact that Oropo is held into the cube.... It could be a good idea, huh ? Yes, yes... he could become.... THE F***** VOICE THAT NOX IS HEARING, RIGHT ?!?! For which reason ? Why tossing the cube into the ocean ?! How does it come back in season one ?! Can't Nox be left alone and just be a great antagonist WITHOUT OROPO being "at the beginning of everything" ?!
Ankama is probably going to follow that last idea, aren't they ? So, like at the end of the 3rd season, we're gonna have the "it was Oropo's plan"... Thanks, really.
Hum.... Did Oropo really though that they could take out a freacking dragon ? Like... He's Yugo's shadow : he knew that Grougal was powerful. Why not trying to sneak out ?
Because of that choice to show "fighting" instead of sneacking, we were stuck 30 minutes on a beach. There was only few different backgrounds with flashbacks (and we already knew that beach from season one, so not even something new).
Hum, I love the design of all the Eliotropes' designs, but... WHY ARE THERE SO DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL ?! I mean, the saga is supposed to be part of the game too ! You're going to tell me that there are all different even though all the in-game Eliotropes have the same design ? And what about the fact that their design are litteraly caricatures of their personality ? Same note for their names ('poet" ? "rictus" ? "bouillon" ?) ! I mean, we're not children, and gosh, it is so... plain ! Can't they have nuances ?!
The dialogues... Lame. No emotions. No good humor. No really good informations : I had the the impression to see children taunted each other each time someone was talking.
Oropo being full of disdain towards his brothers and sisters when they are talking and suggesting other plans but being full-emotional when one them dies : once again, show why his characterization is a fail.
Aton's death : "you were a brother... A sister... Whatever..." Is this a non-bineary reference here ? WHY ? I mean, it is not bad to have more diversity, quite the contrary but its just... there. No explanation, And for a antagonist with "no emotion" : what a great depiction for this stigmatized group... And who dies at the end... If it was just to put a reference to LGBTQ and + because its trendy or because you have a to-do list to check, please don't.
Why is Grougaloragran using his adversaries' names like he knows them even he just met them ?
The Eliacube showed Oropo the destruction of the Eliatropes' world after Orgonax came, or some kind of destruction. And he still wants to use it... Genius.
Well, I think I will stop this monolog here.
I will gladly exchange with whoever want to share their own experience of this OAV.
To conclude : I will not recommend this OAV for something else than the animation. The story is sh*t, the characters are a pain in the eliacube and I can't help but fear for the 4rth season after watching this...
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ncisfranchise-source · 7 months
Don’t get us wrong, the Australia-set NCIS: Sydney, premiering Stateside this Tuesday on CBS, boasts a terrific cast, and one that is 66% Australian (plus two Brits).
But Sydney native and CBS procedural vet Alex O’Loughlin was right there, people. (Well, somewhere. I’m not entirely sure what he is up to these days, three-and-a-half years after the Hawaii Five-0 reboot said aloha.)
As such, “Where the hell is Alex?” is a question I may have directly asked NCIS: Sydney creator Morgan O’Neill during our recent, in-depth convo.
O’Neill and I shared in a chuckle, after which he said, “Look, we haven’t written off the possibility of him popping up.
“Alex is a fantastic actor, as you would well know,” the Aussie EP added, before launching into a celebration of the land Down Under’s countless, fine contributions to the U.S. television scene. (Think Chuck‘s Yvonne Strahovski, House‘s Jesse Spencer, The Mentalist‘s Simon Baker, Damages‘ Rose Byrne, Fringe‘s Anna Torv and John Noble, Brotherhood‘s Jason Clarke…. The list goes on, and on.)
“I don’t know what it is in the water down here, but Australians have a tendency to kind of bat a bit out of our weight category when it comes to producing actors and creative people,” O’Neill proudly observed. “So, I’m pretty sure Alex will pop up somewhere. He’s a fantastic actor and a good guy.”
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In NCIS: Sydney, U.S. NCIS Agents and members of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) are grafted into a “multi-national task force, to keep naval crimes in check in the most contested patch of ocean on the planet.” Olivia Swann (Legends of Tomorrow) and Todd Lasance (Spartacus: War of the Damned) lead the cast as, respectively, NCIS Special Agent Michelle Mackey and her 2IC AFP counterpart, Sergeant Jim “JD” Dempsey. Rounding out the merged team are Sean Sagar (Fate: The Winx Saga) as NCIS Special Agent DeShawn Jackson, Tuuli Narkle (Bad Behaviour) as AFP liaison officer Constable Evie Cooper, Mavournee Hazel (Neighbours) as AFP forensic scientist Bluebird “Blue” Gleeson, and William McInnes (Blue Heelers) as AFP forensic pathologist Dr. Roy Penrose.
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mrmallard · 4 months
So I just sat down and watched the Nintendo Partner Direct. I didn't know what to expect, though I do generally like Nintendo Direct presentations.
Legit, it had a few reveals that had me reeling. I'm really excited. And overall, it was just a really good set of reveals.
Grounded was an unexpected announcement, but I'm into it. If I can get my controller fixed, I'll give this one a go for sure.
Arranger is cool. Puzzle games are underrated, and while I probably wouldn't go for this one, I think it's a novel idea and I'm sure it'll hit with the exact audience it aims for.
I'm not a Monster Hunter guy, but I would consider playing the RPGs. The first one on 3DS is finally getting remastered, so if I was gonna play any Monster Hunter game, I would play this one and the sequel. Good call by Capcom, don't split up your sequels like that.
I was surprised that the Epic Mickey game was a remake and not a remaster. Not interested but it's certainly notable.
Star Wars Battlefront is an inspired choice. Aspyr has been on fire lately, they're remastering games left and right with their new engine and they just launched a solid trilogy of Tomb Raider remasters that fared pretty well review-wise. Battlefront is notable because the original devs were apparently working on a third instalment for a while, until EA got the license and shuttered the project.
The first of EA's Battlefront games was extremely light on content, built on the same iteration of the Frostbite engine as Battlefield One but with very little variety to actually play. There wasn't even a campaign. Then Battlefront 2 got blasted for predatory microtransactions that offered gameplay enhancements, and which resembled the effects of a slot machine when players interacted with the lootbox system. EA's Battlefront 2 started a nuclear fuckstorm that we're still seeing today, leading to multiple countries looking into regulating lootboxes as a form of gambling being aimed at children.
So after that entire saga, to see the original Battlefront games come back? I do think it's an inspired choice. I feel like no-one expected this to happen given EA's iron fist over the deal they signed with Disney, but then again - Star Wars games have been coming out in droves on the Switch. Very interesting reveal.
The Gundam game looks cool, and fuck yeah new Monkey Ball!
I'm looking forward to a potential Snapcube VOD because of games like Penny's Big Breakaway. This is where the Direct began to lull for me, but it absolutely obliterated me with the last two announcements. Pocket Card Jockey is a great get though, and I'm very cautious about the new Contra game but I hope it's good.
SNES Killer Instinct. I physically have the cartridge for this game in my apartment. This was my first fighting game, and I LOVE it. I haven't renewed my NSO subscription in a while, but I absolutely will so I can play KI again. I was just talking about how I found Maximillian Dood over his fandom of Killer Instinct, and now it's back in my life - I'm so happy.
And I have to just talk about Endless Ocean: Luminous.
A part of me feels weird seeing 30 players exploring the same sunken ruins. It reminds me of the commodification of the ocean, and the associated waste and disturbance that comes with droves and droves of people boating out to go diving. That's a personal issue that isn't an issue with a virtual game world, I just felt weird about seeing all those players.
It's interesting that the game is going for a randomised game world. An endlessly replayable Endless Ocean game is really cool on paper, but a part of the experience used to be in exploring set areas and slowly uncovering a map as you upgrade your stuff. I'm concerned about if the game's randomised chunks that it constructs the game world out of can flow seamlessly and not come together as a bunch of obvious pre-fabs stuck together like glue. I like roguelike games like A Robot Named Fight which do have very obvious chunks it draws from, but I kind of need this new Endless Ocean game to nail the execution.
And the reason why I'm being so critical is because I LOVE ENDLESS OCEAN
I had the second game, Blue World, on the Wii. This was years before the Game Grumps played the series on their show. Blue World is an incredible game with a fantastic soundtrack, they used licensed music from a group called Celtic Woman and it pops off. The title screen music is a song called Carrickfergus, which seems to be an Irish folk song about youth and reminiscence. It's very bittersweet:
And you have Nella Fantasia, which is absolutely gorgeous:
And The Prayer:
Beautiful songs, combined with the unique, serene gameplay where you swam, fed fish, searched for treasure and advanced a surprisingly riveting story full of stuff like survivor's guilt and conservation of the ocean. Incredibly underrated game, even with the Grump Bump.
I played Abzu because of Endless Ocean. They're very different games, but they share the fact that you can identify sealife, see their names and even physically interact with some of the fish. The biggest downside was that the original games had those janky PS2-era human graphics where everyone looked like a wax statue.
Here's what I want out of Luminous:
Treasure hunting. This was my favorite part of Blue World.
An actual narrative, singleplayer or not. I want to uncover something beautiful, mysterious and unknown. My hopes are high given that the game has fucking Anomalocaris in it.
Everything else looks good, but these two aspects of the game would make this the easiest game purchase I've made in almost ten years.
This Direct was worth it for KI and Endless Ocean alone. Everything else was a bonus.
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animebw · 1 year
If you asked me to describe the appeal of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, it would be this: it feels like it was written by a kid.
Admittedly, that sounds like a backhanded compliment. And in some sense, perhaps it is. But for better or worse, no other story, in any medium, so perfectly captures the feeling that it was brought to life specifically by a child’s active imagination. Hell, even saying it was “written” by a child feels too concrete a description. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is like one of those colossal, ongoing make-believe sessions you’d dream up with your friends on the playground, a story you would all craft together on the fly as you pretended to be heroes and villains and wield whatever nonsensical powers you could dream up. I shoot you with my energy laser! Nu-uh, my magic vampire ice powers make me immune to lasers! Oh yeah? Well I punch you with my magic punching ghost who can also stop time! Not so fast, I also have a magic punching ghost but when he punches things, he heals them! And you just keep going, making up new characters, new powers, new settings and new stories to tell within them, coming back day after day to continue the ongoing saga with second and third and fourth generations of your own make-believe heroes. Plus there’s a lot of pointless gross-out humor because you’re all like seven or eight and some dude almost being forced to lick a dirty toilet seat is still the height of comedy.
That is the appeal of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. That is the special sauce that makes this series truly one-of-a-kind. Yes, all long-running shonen are written for kids to some extent, but only Jojo’s truly captures that primal, lizard-brain euphoria of seeing your actual childhood imagination play out before your eyes. And while that style is responsible for all this franchise’s weaknesses and lowest points as well, it provides a niche that simply is not being filled by anything else. If you want to revisit that very specific feeling of being a kid and making up grand stories with your friends, in the days before you were fettered by the expectations of professional writing and could just let your imaginations run free, then Hirohiko Araki’s almost-four-decade-long magnum opus is by far your best option. Who knows, maybe Araki actually is immortal and his childlike whimsy has remained immortal with him. It would explain a lot, honestly.
I bring all this up to put my own feelings toward Jojo’s in context. I like Jojo’s. At times, I love Jojo’s. But when I see so many Jojo’s fans who treat it like gospel, who attack anyone who enjoys it the wrong way (*cough* let people watch parts in whatever order they want *cough*), who embody all the worst aspects of toxic, possessive fandom, and I just can’t help but think... really? This? This, of all franchises, is what you’ve chosen to devote your entire personality to defending? The show that, again, feels like it was written by an actual child? This is the show we’re treating like holy text and excommunicating people for daring to criticize it or see it from a different perspective? Like, guys, come on. This is the show where Araki forgetting how powers work or retconning stuff he no longer likes is literally a running fandom joke and some of y’all losers still treat it like this sacred cow that must not be defiled on pain of death. Get over yourselves already.
Anyway, my point is, as much as I’ve enjoyed Jojo’s, I have never once taken Jojo’s seriously.
Until Stone Ocean.
Stone Ocean is the first time that Jojo’s has felt like an actual fully realized story. Not just a collection of especially dynamic poses or an often logic-less stream of consciousness, but filtering all that insanity through a narrative with genuine stakes, with characters who genuinely grow and change, all building to one of the single most bonkers endings to any anime ever that nevertheless feels like a more meaningful conclusion than any other Jojo’s has managed. It’s so good it honestly makes all the previous parts look worse by comparison. You’re telling me we could’ve had the lovable cast of Diamond is Unbreakable with a plot that doesn’t wait half the season to show up? You’re saying we could’ve had the sheer propulsive energy of Golden Wind with a protagonist who has an actual arc and presence in the story? You mean all this time, Jojo’s could have channeled its childhood-imagination stream of consciousness into a genuinely compelling story without losing that free spirit at its core? Araki took thirteen goddamn years to figure out how to actually write, but the result is so goddamn entertaining it’s hard to care. Stone Ocean is peak Jojo’s, and until Steel Ball Run comes along to show us anime-onlys why it’s apparently the single greatest work of art to ever exist, Jolyne Cujoh will remain the queen of this ridiculous franchise for quite some time to come.
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calebs-hangout-corner · 5 months
Listen to the Ocean Saga guys it's so good
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gremistired · 7 months
So uh I haven’t posted in a hot sec huh-
Imma be real here I have no art to post cus my most recent ones are wips or sketches but I do live
Still dealing with art block digital art wise, but I have a few plans for digital art that are both a cool lil drawing of one of my characters and the other being a concept drawing for my OmenTale grillby sycamore! I’m not gonna share the sketch here cus 1 I’m too lazy to put my watermark on it and 2 I don’t feel like it (also as I type this my iPad is on its last legs of battery-)
Also my not drawing was certainly not helped by my fucking stomach bug that knocked me on my ass for an entire week that I JUST got over the symptoms for (Twas, not fun-)
But I do live, and I’m being very silly goofy over both Lycus and calamity (both whom I’ve shown here before) rn cus like yesterday I found a cool song that fit calamity if she was in love and that sparked the start of an art piece that I’m loving rn (still wip ofc) and today after hearing epic the musical will be dropping the ocean saga on the 25th of December I went down a mini rabbit hole of listening to what parts were given and found the underworld snippet then dropped everything giggled an audible gremlin giggle kicked my feet and sprinted to the info dump channel in the friends rp server I run just to brainrot over this
I’m very normal about my ocs guys did you know tha-
iiiimmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaa stop talking now before my iPad dies soooooo yeah! I still live, I’m still kicking, and I’m very autistic over my ocs (sorry for no art on this post, I really don’t have anything good to share and the stuff I do I don’t wanna share wips-)
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