#the people making the show understand that how those traits are distributed does not matter
seilon · 2 years
sorry I will not shut up about this show But. I just. wanted to mention how fucking cool it is that ok ko has a major bi character in it (a bi man at that) that has important on-screen romantic relationships portrayed with both a female partner and a male partner and neither is considered less legitimate than the other. his orientation isnt pointlessly called into question or suggested to have been faked or changed for ending up with a man when he was previously with a woman. It’s just natural, and so one doubts that he was once romantically interested in/involved with carol just because he ended up with boxman. and I think that is very cool and something I feel like I super rarely see with bi characters– when bi characters are represented I feel like it’s pretty common to only have them shown romantically involved with one gender or another and it’s more of a side note that they also like people outside that gender, or they’re portrayed as “confused” or god forbid suggesting their feelings for someone weren’t really real because they ended up with someone of another gender (not to be confused with comp het; in that case the individual isn’t bi and that’s different). And so having a children/family show that has two solidly bi characters first of all, and one who’s a grown adult who’s had established relationships with two genders on screen is just honestly really cool and I appreciate that so much
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fox-from-fairytale · 3 months
Doesn't matter if I already know how it ends, this game will never fail to make me cry.
It's so good that I'd replay it even if I've just finished it, but thankfully there are the other seasons. The thing is, the first one really is the best one. I've always found all the characters so well written and the story is so compelling, even if there are some awkward moments. Couldn't Clem kill the walker with the bat before trying to take the gun/keys? Why didn't the bandits follow Lee and Mark through the open fence? Did Ben really not see the walkers on the other side of the door? Still, those are little things compared to everything else.
The first time I was so focused on Clementine that most of the characters were just background noise to me, but this time I had the possibility to appreciate more of the game since I already knew it, and who shined the most was Lilly. I love that woman for both her good and bad traits, and I'm afraid to replay TFS now lmao 😰
It was a bit annoying how the game seems to try and antagonise her through the other characters bitching about her, but it makes sense since that's something that of course would happen to the only person with the guts to distribute food rations. But still, having Lee as the only one who can say something positive about her and what she has done when the player has absolutely no idea about how things are in the group because it's the beginning of the episode? Lmao fuck you. Also, why does she accuse Carley but if you save Doug she kills him as a mistake? Let my woman show no remorse towards both of them.
She's already hurt for losing the only family she had, so losing the other thing she was protecting so desperately because someone within the group betrayed them is the last nail in the coffin, along with being dismissed while she was trying to find out who did it. I'm not saying it was right to kill Carley/try to kill Ben (who did what he did for understandable reasons from his side), but I still see why she snapped and I can't hate her for it.
It's a pity the game gets rid of her, because seeing someone who still didn't lose her humanity (sure, she doesn’t want other mouths to feed, which should be obvious why since she is the one giving food and knowing they can barely survive with what they can find, but she shows it when she doesn't agree with Kenny if he says that Lee made a mistake putting the girl in Macon out of her misery or when she doesn't want to steal from the stranger - she doesn't want to bear the weight of more people because it would be impossible to take care of them too and she prioritise her family and then her group, but this doesn’t mean she wants to survive on other people's expenses, which, ergh... kinda changes) doing something so ruthless it's so interesting, and I would have loved to see her progression through the game. I guess we do in TFS, but at the moment I'm torn about what they did with her in that season... Also, I simply wanted more of her in the game lmao
Protecting Duck and Katjaa as much as I could + trying to save Larry was a good combo for Kenny, I genuinely think those choices gave me the best of him. I like to make fun of him for being a pain in the ass if you agree with him about everything but a single choice is what makes him despise you and even avoid to save your ass when you need, but I really liked how things evolved in the final episode.
Kenny isn't a bad person, no one at the motor inn and who can join the group later on is, and killing someone (who at the moment is defenceless) because it's what you think is the right thing to do to protect yourself takes quite a lot, and Lee not helping him surely would make him feel like being left alone in such a hard moment and would divide them. But in the last episode, after seeing the worst of him (I mean, I believe that's in s2, but that's another story) because of his loss, the fact that he comes around when Clem is taken and treats you as a pal and uses the last bullet for Ben? I loved that, I think it showed the best of him. I thought he was going to be an asshole till the end, but I'm glad I can be on Lilly's side without having to be hated by Kenny for the whole season. I still loved to kick his ass in the third episode though lmao
I've made some pretty different choices compared to the first time, putting more thoughts behind them, especially when it came down to end someone's life.
Lee is a man who killed before it was necessary to survive, but it wasn't premeditated (or so I believe at least), and still has the heart to take care of a random kid as if she was his own. In the end, I only made him kill the girl at the motor inn who was bitten, the one screaming in Macon, and the stranger. Following this, I didn't let Clementine shoot him, and I'm glad the game made me give the actual reason I thought about: killing changes you, and I don't think a parent (that's who he is in the end) would make their child go through that, especially when said parent knows what it's like, and not only after the apocalypse.
It's clear that in the world she lives in she'll end up doing it, but it wasn't necessary to her safety, and Lee is no coward, and I like to think that he would keep prioritising Clementine over himself even in such a moment. Yes, it's sad for Lee, and Clementine surely is going to regret this, but I wanted to make the choice as Lee, not as the player nor as Clem.
These aren't all my thoughts on the game but the rambling got a bit too long, so I'm going to end it with the love of my life being pissed:
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cafeinthemoon · 3 years
The Home I Crave - Chapter 5
Title: The Home I Crave
Genre: Fanfiction
Pairing: Tobirama Senju x reader
Rating: teen and up
Word count: 2577
Chapter: /?
Symbols: ⭕ | ➕ | 💛 | ▶️▶️
Read the previous chapter here: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
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Thanks to Mito Uzumaki’s help, you’ve learned everything you needed to know to understand the daily routine of Konoha, though you’d only start to think of it as your home when you were at your own house, managing your own tasks – or so you hoped. You still had to think of how your life under the same roof as Tobirama Senju would be, and no matter the direction your guesses in this sense would take, they all led you to the same place: whatever it was expecting you there, it shouldn’t be less than a challenge.
During those days, with the work regarding the treaty, your communication with your parents, who kept you informed about everything that was going on at the compound (to whom you had to reassure about your well being in every message even when they had a brief conversation with Mito before they left) and the moments you’ve spent with Hashirama’s wife, you have been avoiding any question on this topic, only speaking about it when you were doing something directly connected to the ceremony, such as trying your clothing while the dressmaker made the necessary adjusts and to discuss the hair style. The messages from Tobirama’s part were brief and few, always directed to his brother and only to keep him in touch about the mission in the Land of Wind.
The first and only exception was the last one, which was written to you.
You received it from the Hokage himself, who took a moment at lunch time to leave the office and bring it to you. You startled when Hashirama offered you the roll with the message guarded inside a seal like an official letter. You read the writing on the seal and recognized the category used in the correspondence between your clan and its allies, including the Senju. You have opened this type of message countless times during your work as the head’s eldest daughter.
- I mentioned in one of my letters that you know how to break this type of seal, since you did it many times while working with your father – he explained – He must have remembered this detail when he decided to send it like this.
- I see – you mumbled, looking at the seal – Well, I would never expect him to remember something that was only mentioned once.
Hashirama smiled.
- You do not know him yet, y/n-san. To be honest, I myself didn’t remember it until I saw this roll. But my brother’s brain works differently.
You were about to ask if such measure was really necessary in this type of mailing, but then you considered Hashirama’s last words. You accepted the roll from his hand and put it on a small table close to you. Using the habitual hand signs, you broke the seal; a thin column of smoke covered the roll for an instant, then disappeared to reveal a common paper sheet.
You took the letter and found a steady, verticalized calligraphy distributed in three brief paragraphs, after which you saw his name written in a slightly wider style.
This was what you read:
To my betrothed, from the … clan:
Y/n-san, since this is the first time I write to you, it is only natural to expect this letter to be one of a particular nature, in which I would express my feelings towards our engagement and the perspective of returning to Konoha to finally meet you. However, the circumstances force me to write about a different topic. I hope you understand the situation and do not take it as a sign of discontentment or disinterest from my part.
According to the plans established between me and the Hokage, my return to the village was settled for tomorrow, but an unforeseen event will require my presence in the Land of Wind for a longer period, so that my stay here will extend for more three days. I have searched for all the possible alternatives to this problem, but the best arrangement I could get was this one. Considering the distance between the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire, the time our entourage will need to organize everything before the journey home and my personal preparations for the ceremony once we are back, our wedding will be delayed in at least … days. I apologize for this inconvenience, with which I myself am displeased.
Finally, I hope we make amends for this in the name of our clans and in an act of decency as shinobi allies during our encounter. I ask you not to reply this message, both because I will not have enough time to write you an adequate response and because I will send another letter with news if necessary.
Senju Tobirama
You spent a moment in silence, staring at the paper, re-reading some parts of the letter, trying to absorb the message in it and all its undertones, just like you did when you talked to Mito, during the walking at the river and when you found the portrait. Still, the difference between all those signs and this letter – the first and only time when you saw him speaking for himself – couldn’t be denied.
You must have stood there, quiet for a long time, for Hashirama came to your side and asked you about the message’s content.
- Is everything okay with him? What does he say here? You seem worried.
You blinked and raised your eyes to him.
- He says that something happened unexpectedly and he will have to stay in the Land of Wind for more three days. The ceremony’s date will have to be changed.
You passed the letter to Hashirama, so he could see for himself. His eyes would go from one side to another, passing over the lines with gravity. When he finally looked at you again, you didn’t like what you read in his eyes.
- I didn’t sent him alone on this mission because I knew that this could happen – he sighed – I know exactly what he’s talking about, and despite being a complex task, any of the people who I sent with him could stay behind and finish it. They’re perfectly capable for this. But convincing my brother to do this is something I can’t do at this distance.
He gave you the letter back and you folded the sheet with a weight in your heart. The first letter you received from your future husband and the only thing he had to say was about a delay in your encounter. Not that you were entirely surprised – he was the Hokage’s advisor, after all; he was used to have many things depending on him. But couldn’t help thinking that this would be a constant in your life together.
You didn’t say any of this to Hashirama, though. When he asked if you were okay, you just smiled.
- Guess we will have to wait and see what happens. Let’s think of this as an advantage: we will have more time to prepare things here. If we consider that we haven’t had much of it, we cannot waste this opportunity.
The Hokage nodded.
- If you say so.
Hashirama didn’t say a word about it, but it was clear that he noticed your deception, for he looked at you as if saying he couldn’t believe his brother did something like that again. You decided not to concentrate in this, doing as you yourself just said and taking the extra time to work on the preparations for the ceremony.
Now, the day of the wedding came, you were dressed with the emblems of your clan in evidence, your hair was done and your face was covered with the delicate makeup you chose despite the protests of the girl who was responsible for it, who affirmed from five to five minutes that a bit more of color would sett off your naturally beautiful traits, only stopping when you told her that if she kept insisting on it, you would steal the brushes from her and do your makeup yourself. To you, wearing the vibrant tones of your clan’s traditional clothing was enough to set off anything in your appearance.
During the week before the wedding, your father sent an entourage with representatives who transmitted you the respects from himself, your mother and your other relatives: according to what was establish in the meeting, your parents stood at the compound to take care of their own work beside your second and third sisters. You knew that Tobirama would arrive at Konoha just the night before, and in fact he did, for a brief message was sent from his part thanking you all for taking care of things while he was away and explaining that he would need that night and the next day all alone to prepare himself, only meeting you, his family and the representatives of your clan during the ceremony.
At the Hokage’s residence, you had a brief exchange of words with Mito and Hashirama, after which the Uzumaki explained that she was going to take you to a private room where you would wait until the groom’s arrival.
- He will see you there and will be the one to lead you to the temple – she explained; and, with a clever smile – Don’t worry about the waiting. He’s not going to get late.
You looked from Mito to Hashirama, who was smiling too, and then back to Mito.
- My brother is too attached to punctuality to let himself get late – he replied to the question you didn’t make – I bet he’s still mad about what happened in the Land of Wind.
Mito nodded to show her agreement, then turned to you.
- So, I think everything’s ready. Shall we?
You shook your head instead of verbalizing a response. Finally, it came the moment.
Hashirama wished you luck and told Mito he would be waiting for her in the Hokage’s place at the temple. He approached her and gave her a kiss on her temple; you looked away in a gesture of modesty.
When he left, Mito asked you to follow her through less used corridors in her house, until what you found out to be one of the rooms you didn’t receive permission to enter. She opened the door, stepped into it and invited you in.
The room was not as large as the door suggested while you were outside, but it had a decent size and the simple furniture was well organized. At its north side you saw a window that would go from one wall to the other, and was low enough for the glass to reach your hips; there were no curtains to cover it.
You turned to Mito and found her still at the door. You came to her, not ashamed to confess how nervous you were.
- Time will feel like an eternity if I wait here all by myself, Mito-san – you commented, holding your hands together in front of your body – But I understand you have to go.
That time, she not only had a smile to you, but a tight hug and assuring words.
- Everything will be fine, because you’ve worked hard for this, y/n-san – she whispered – It is an honor to receive you as part of the family.
- Thank you so much for this – you returned the hug.
Mito Uzumaki said she was going to join her husband and wished you the best, leaving right after. The door was closed and you were left with only yourself to rely on while you waited.
You were about to move away from the door and back to the window when your eyes caught something unusual on its polished wood. You looked closer at it and identified a pattern of signs that formed a seal. You’ve never saw that seal before, and neither you were able to tell to which category it belonged, for it was nothing like the seals you knew. Could it be a protection seal that would only allow the right people to enter the room, or something else?
You raised your hand to touch it to see if something would happen, helping you to find an answer. Your fingertips passed through the marks, but there was no texture, temperature variation or anything that asserted their existence besides the fact that you could see them, as if they were just part of the door. Maybe if you were a sensor, you could identify the presence of chakra in it, but unfortunately for you, that was out of your reach.
- This is my Hiraishin mark.
You screamed so loud that you weren’t sure if what scared you most was that deep voice speaking out of nowhere or your own with the scare. You moved away from the door to the other extremity of the room, throwing a kunai you were hiding under your sleeve at the voice’s direction, but gave up on an attack once you saw the owner of the voice – he was the man of the portrait, with his white hair and the red lines on his face, but dressed in the Senju fashion instead of the blue armor. Upon the left side of his chest, between the folded fabric of clothing, he carried a tiny, white flower. He had no difficulty to deflect the blade: he moved his head from its way, grabbing the weapon’s base with his left hand.
You spent the next instants in silence, waiting for your breath to return to its normal rhythm, just staring at him, who had his last word swallowed by your scream and gave up on whatever he was going to say after it: after approaching you and giving back your kunai, he just kept looking at you, only then understanding that his sudden appearance inside a room with its door closed would scare anyone inside it.
So, that was your betrothed. That was Tobirama Senju. It was as Mito told you: if the date she gave to the portrait was correct, he haven’t aged a day. He was almost as tall as his brother, and the paleness of his skin wasn’t just an impression produced by the lens; it was his natural tone.
He wasn’t scared or bothered by your reaction; he didn’t even startled, confirming the idea you had about his unusual self control. The only thing you noticed in him was a hint of disappointment, which was soon explained by his next words:
- As I was about to say, this is the seal of my Hiraishin – he approached the door and touched the mark – It is a teleportation jutsu that I created some years ago. I have put it here to prevent a delay in our encounter – and with a sigh – I’ve talked about this measure with my brother, so I thought you were informed about it. But as I can see, he forgot to mention it to you.
Tobirama bowed his head at you in a brief but respectful gesture.
- I apologize for my sudden entrance, as well for my brother’s lack of attention. This is far from what is expected from a decent first meeting. Now, let me introduce myself properly – and raising his hand to his chest, right below the flower – I am Tobirama from the Senju clan, the Hokage’s brother and advisor, and the representative of the Senju in this new alliance between our clans.
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wisteria-lodge · 3 years
burnt snake primary + bird secondary [model?]
Hi! I have been aware of the Sorting system for a long time now but I always get stuck in typing myself. I was wondring if you could shed some light on the process.
If we go by what I score at the test, it's usually a tie between Snake and Lion primary (most likely Bird last) and Bird/Badger secondary (most likely Lion last).
Internal primary / Built secondary, I can work with that. 
If we go by the "favorite characters" test then most of them are Snake primary and/or Bird secondary. I also have found that Lion doesn't exactly mess well with me, most character with a Lion anything get on my nerves but that's not a constant.
Fictional lions can be exaggerated in a way that works as a power fantasy for real lions... but I’m mostly just interested to see if the ‘favorite character’ test works out. 
I've also come to realise in real life that i absolutely hate deception or betrayal especially if it comes from someone I trust/close to me. 
I mean... is there anyone who is like ‘yes, I’m totally cool with people I trust betraying me.’ 
I also have an issue with loyalty and honesty both so I can understand why Snake/Lion is tied for my primary. My issue with Snakes is that I don't think I have this "no matter what" support. I bond with people a lot but if they don't treat me right I will push back, I will cry, I will tell them off 
Snakes might have more trouble than Lions when it comes to breaking with people who mistreat them... and they might feel more conflicted and “sticky” afterwards, since being loyal to people is the base of their morality. But they will absolutely do it. 
Think about a Lion changing their mind versus a Bird changing their mind. They both *do* it, but since a Bird has access to all the levels of their system, it’s all very consciously constructed, and they’re used to poking at it - change isn’t usually *that* big of a deal.
But I’m a Lion. If I’m going to change my mind, I need to smacked over my head with the lesson, usually multiple times (although I’m getting better about that...) I’m going to have a mini existential crisis (those things clear out the cobwebs.) And then I’ll be emotionally recalibrated. Snakes are internal primaries just like Lion, so their process is more like that. Dropping people is hard and emotional and sticky, but when they are dropped they are dropped. Badgers, since their *reasons* for whether or not they are responsible for someone are much clearer and more accessible, have an easier time writing people off. 
if I don't get the level of intense I'm looking for I will translate that as "not caring enough" and I'll break up or if that's not possible for whatever reason i'll be miserable.
You certainly want to get Snake loyalty directed at you, and if you don’t get it, you’re miserable. And the fact that something like that would make you miserable... is making me think Snake. This is very Snake-flavored angst.
A huge sourse of pain in my life had been some things that happened with my father that I translated as him probably loving himself more than me. I always see that Snakes stay loyal to their close ones no matter what and I'm like: why would I stay unwavering to someone that hurts me? 
You wouldn’t. You shouldn’t. No one should. 
I didn't abandon my dad when he was sick but I'm pretty sure I was Burned and resnting him 24/7 (sorry for the heavy stuff).
Being a caregiver is INCREDIBLY hard (there’s a reason you can hire people to do it, and they’re payed so well.) Being a caregiver to a family member is even harder, and being a caregiver to a family member who’s hurt you is probably one of the hardest things a human being can do. It’s really, really not unusual at all to resent the sick person, and you should not feel guilty about it. 
You also mention that Snakes understand other Snakes when they put their loved ones first and maybe in real life I do it but I have a huge example of me watching a Snake primary character not cutting off his love interest when she was awful to him from my perspective (emotional manipulation, choosing others before him, rejecting him, generally not loving him) and being LIVID about it.
I guess what I would say to you... is that even though the other primaries show their love differently, it does not mean they love any less intensely. A Badger choosing someone in need instead of you does not mean they are *not* loving you. 
Generally I tend to prefer couples that have things in common and two Snake primaries together will most likely be my favorites, most of my ships are like that.
There is something very attractive about two Snakes in a relationship together, but remember that all these different primaries and secondaries do balance each other out. I tend to think that *exact* house matches make unfortunate romantic pairings. They re-enforce each other’s negative traits, get too extreme, and sometimes get stuck because they’ve only got the one way to approach, and solve a problem. 
I have been very adamant about my friends not giving manipulative people the 'get go' to do whatever they want with them because I can see the indiference and the manipulation. 
Manipulation is a problem solving strategy, indifference is a motive. They’re not the same thing.
I get mad when they don't listen to me eventhough I turn out to be right. Most of the times I have cut off people from my life is the reason I said preiously, that I don't think they give as much support as I do to them and they end up after a point on my "I don't need you in my life anymore" list.
I’m starting to think you’re a Burnt Snake. You are clearly Snake, and you want to distribute Snake loyalty to the people around you. But it doesn’t feel safe (probably because of baggage left over from your dad - he hurt you, so you’re scared that they will too.) So you’re hyper sensitive to anything that doesn’t feel like the most extreme devotion. And just like a Burnt Badger rejecting people preemptively, before they have a chance to fail them... you’re rejecting people because it hurts less than them rejecting you. 
I think Lion gets up high because I can understand the need for following a 'cause' but in my case it's not exactly a moral cause, it's simply that I always wanted to be an actress and generally expand my knowledge on cinema/TV/theatre so I studied it. I wanted to be succesful in my job and get better and better and better. I am interested in prizes but only if they come as a recognition of my skillset (if that makes sense). I always thought that people were my priority even though the goal of achieving my dreams was always guiding me but as I grow older I'm not so sure anymore. I just know I couldn't be walking through life all alone.
This sounds like a Snake with no people (who wants people.) Without people, Snakes take care of themselves, and that often look likes job, money, prizes. (It’s where the old stereotype of “ambitious” comes from.) 
When I was thinking about what I wanted to do for a living, I wanted something that would wake me up in the mornings and make me feel that my time at a job won't be wasted. 
As do we all.
But I also needed for everything to be a real job, not charity for the "cause" eventhough I have worked A LOT just because I love doing some things and not ony to get paid. But I guess these things are fueled by my love and I don't see them as "profession" per se. 
People? Until in we live in the Star Trek socialist utopia, you need to be paid for the work you do. Even if you’re working for a charity and even if you’re doing something you love. 
Another pointer towards Lion is that I do identify with the thinking of systems and how they play a part in people's lives and how they should be changed. But I'm not sure I always did this. I think I've been Burned as well at some point (not sure if I still am) so that makes things difficult.
Yeah, you’re Burned. And sometimes Burnt Snakes will latch onto a Lion Cause, the same way that Burnt Lions will latch onto an individual’s morality. That’s actually pretty common.
The secondary thing is pretty simple imo, I think I'm a Bird but I might be Burned? I don't know if that "useful/fun" situation makes a difference for me because I always think that whatever I have collected is actually useful to me and if I got new skills, they would be useful to me as well at some point.
I don't know what else to write really, I think it's quite a lot to read already. If you have an inclination about my type I'd like to hear your opinion.
You haven’t talked at all about how you solve problems. Which might relate to burning, or it might not. But if you tend to collect skills and tools, that’s at least a Bird secondary model. <3
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pikapeppa · 4 years
Pikapeppa Tutors: How To Write A Longfic
Greetings, friends! I am Pikapeppa (queenofkadara on AO3), and today I’m writing a little tutorial about how to write a longfic. 
Before we dive into it, first things first: how do we define a longfic? In a nutshell: there is no fully agreed-upon answer. Different people define it in different ways. Word count is often used to define a longfic, but I don’t think that’s sufficient; furthermore, there is literally no agreement whatsoever about the word count required to count as a longfic. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will define a longfic as a multi-chaptered fic with a complex plot, and which is the same length or longer than the Great Gatsby - i.e. longer than 47k words.
Given this definition, I have completed 10 longfics, and I have completed 7 more multi-chaptered fics with complex plots which are <47 words. This is the experience I’m drawing from for this tutorial, and please be warned in advance that I have no formal writing training, so if you want advice from someone with formal training, then, it’s, er, best to look elsewhere. 😅 Please also note that this is based only on how I personally write longfics. Others might do different things, but this is just my method, which has successfully allowed me to finish every project I’ve started.
For me, writing a longfic involves following the following steps:
Know the endpoint of the fic.
Make an outline.
Write the chapters in order. 
Easy, right? NAH, BRO. It can be tough! But let’s break this all down piece by piece. Then I’ll address the final topic of editing and actually posting the fic. 
1. Know your endpoint. 
One question I’ve received is how to think long-term for a story rather than one chapter at a time. My biggest and most important piece of advice for a longfic is this: know how you want the story to end. Does your main couple live happily ever after, or do they have a terrible sad breakup? Is the villain defeated, or do they escape to wreak havoc another day? Does your character make a startling realization that spurs them to change, or do their flaws lead to their downfall? The endpoint doesn’t need to be specific, and you don’t need to know how exactly it come about. But you need to know what the most important part of your ending will be. You should know the target that you’re aiming at before you start writing. If you know the ultimate goal of your story, you can keep that in mind while writing each of your chapters so that they serve that ultimate goal. 
The nice thing about this advice: if the longfic you want to write is a retelling of a canon game/show/whatever through your OC’s eyes, then you already have the endpoint. I will call this kind of longfic a “novelization”, and this constitutes 4 of my 10 longfics. Because the endpoint is already given to you by the canon game, novelizations can be a great way to ease into writing longfics, and a great way to practice the various elements of writing a longer story such as pacing and developing relationships, since the main plot points and conclusions already exist. Similarly, if your longfic idea is a fix-it fic because you didn’t like the ending that the canon game gave you, the endpoint is already still there: you know the alternate ending that you want, and every chapter you write can be geared toward building up to that ending. 
On more than one occasion, I have put aside a fic idea I liked because I didn’t know how the story was going to end. On the flip of this, I have written an entire plot knowing nothing but the endpoint (*cough* the entire Arlathan Forest arc of Where The Winds Of Fortune Take Me *cough*). So this would actually be my #1 piece of takeaway advice: before starting a longfic, know how it’s going to end. This way, you have a clear goal that the rest of the fic can aim toward.
2. Make an outline.
A number of people have expressed concerns about outlines. How much of the story should be outlined before writing? How strictly do you need to stick to the outline? How important is it to have an outline?
I totally understand the anxiety about outlining. If you’re more of a pantser than a plotter, outlining can be tough. I personally am far more of a plotter, though I have also had the experience of flying by the seat of my pants before (see above aside re: Where The Winds Of Fortune Take Me). All I can tell you is what I usually do and what I would advise. As a quick summary before I dig into it, though, I would say this: The outline can be as detailed or as vague as you want/need it to be, and it should be fluid.
Step 1: Throw down all your ideas in no particular order. 
When I’m just starting to develop a fic idea, the outline is literally just a dumping ground of all my ideas so I don’t forget them. It contains everything in no particular chronological order including plot ideas, character traits, big moments in the romantic relationship that I want to hit, and so on. Really, then, the outline starts off as just a place to brainstorm, with no particular structure needed. 
Step 2: Organize the ideas sequentially.
Once I’ve got all my initial ideas down, I’ll start organizing them sequentially, preparing for the order in which they’ll arise in the fic. If you write on a computer, this is easy to do just by cutting and pasting events in your doc; if you’re more of a visual organizer, it might help to print or write all your ideas on slips of paper and stick them up on the wall so you can move them around, like what Jane the Virgin does.  
By the time this step is done, the outline should, at minimum, consist of a series of events/ideas/conversation snippets etc. that are ordered by when they happen in the story. It could have further organization beyond this, too, if that helps you; for example, almost all of my stories are romances, so they have headings like “Who is Rynne Hawke”, “Fenris psychology”, and “Major relationship moments”. The amount of organization you do at this point is up to you. All that matters is that you start organizing the chaotic jumble of ideas and putting them in order of when they happen in the fic. 
Step 3: Break the events into chapters.
Once my events are generally ordered, I’ll start dividing the events up chapter by chapter based on what I think would be reasonable chunks of plot/relationship development. Importantly, this remains fluid through the entire writing of the fic. I don’t think I’ve ever stuck to the number of chapters I originally planned; I always end up breaking chapters up, or moving things from a later chapter into an earlier one or vice versa, and it works just fine for me. All of this is because The outline is not set in stone. There is no reason things can’t change in the middle of the fic or be moved around as needed. The outline should be thought of as a tool to store your thoughts so you don’t forget, and to organize them in order to help you make your way toward that endpoint. 
It’s also worth noting that my outlines become more and more detailed as I get closer to the chapter in question. For example, if the story is 15 chapters, I might only have a couple lines of plot points for the last 5 chapters when I start writing. By the time I’m coming up on those last 5 chapters, I’ll have a much better idea of what will happen in them since I know what plot points and relationship points need to be wrapped up, and I’ll thus be able to add more details and ideas to the outline. Again, this calls to the outline being fluid and changing as the story goes on. It is not set in stone.
As a final note about this, if the fic is really long, such as Lovers In A Dangerous Time (67 chapters total and >500k words), it is ABSOLUTELY NOT NECESSARY to have the entire story mapped out or to know exactly what’s going to happen in the later chapters. All you need to know is your endpoint, and to have a vague sense of what might happen in those later chapters that will serve the endpoint of the story. Again, this all calls to the outline being a memory and organizational aid rather than a strict and inflexible sequence of a events. 
In sum: the outline should not be thought of as a strict roadmap for your fic. It is a tool that helps you make your way toward the ultimate endpoint of your fic. It allows you to store and organize your thoughts, and it is perfectly fine for it to be fluid and to change as the story goes on. It can be as detailed or as vague as you want, and the amount of detail in it will likely depend on whether you’re a plotter or a pantser. Outlines are never set in stone, and there is no one best way of outlining! The outline is there to help you, not to intimidate you!
 3. Write the chapters in order.
Now, I suspect that this point might raise some objections, but hear me out. Writing a long story is a labour of love, but it is still labour. In any longfic, there are going to be parts that are less fun to write. There are also going to be parts that you are REALLY REALLY JAZZED about writing, and you will want to get straight to those parts and write them because you’re psyched about them. The reason I’m suggesting that you write the chapters in order is to spread out the “work” and the “fun” evenly through the process. If you evenly distribute the less-fun and more-fun parts, then you can use the “fun” bits as a treat for yourself to get yourself through the less-fun bits. You’re basically using your own project as a reward for creating that project, and honestly, there is nothing more satisfying than getting that kind of intrinsic motivation from your own work. 
For example, I hate writing battle scenes. So when the fic gets to a point when I have to write a stupid battle scene, I keep my eye on the prize and tell myself something like: “okay, just finish this battle scene, then you can reward yourself with the fun after-battle banter or smut.”
Here’s another way to think of this: when you’re reading a story, anticipation is key. The buildup to the main event, whether that main event is a big character reveal or the First Kiss/First Fuck, is so important. If you’re reading a story, you don’t want to jump straight to the chapter where the reveal or kiss happens. You want to build up to the big moments when you’re reading a story. Why wouldn’t you want to build up to them as a writer, too?
There are more practical reasons to write sequentially, too. If you write the fic in sequence, it may be easier to keep track of what you’ve done and to know where you’re going next. It can also happen that while you’re writing, you come up with new ideas that you hadn’t thought of when you first started the fic, and those new ideas can have a huge impact on later events. But if you’ve already written the later events, it can be more difficult to incorporate the new idea into what you’ve already done. 
This is not to say you can’t write BITS of later chapters/conversations and hang on to them for later. There absolutely is room for writing when the inspiration strikes. I’ll often have an idea for a conversation or a smut scene that I can’t use until later, so I’ll just write it down and throw it into the outline until the appropriate moment arises. For example, in Lovers In A Dangerous Time, there is a very angsty conversation between Fenris and Hawke in chapter 63 that I had plotted out in point-form about 3-4 months before I actually wrote the chapter. I plotted out the most important lines of that conversation WAY ahead of time, but I forbade myself from writing the scene in detail until the rest of the fic up to threat point was written. 
TLDR: Writing sequentially helps you to reward your story writing with your own story. It allows you to build anticipation for your own story, and it lets you stay flexible and open to new ideas that arise during the process. You can and should write bits of the fun chapters, especially so you don’t forget them, but I strongly suggest saving them and rewarding yourself with them for when the proper time comes. 
Okay, those are basically my three big steps in writing a longfic! Now to talk a little bit about editing and posting. These are not so much advice as just a little bit of my own experience, and what I’ve seen/heard others do.
Editing: a few remarks
I post my fics chapter-by-chapter, which means that I edit and clean each chapter to my satisfaction before I post it. My personal editing process usually involves three passes: a first read and edit, which involves the most changes; a second edit which involves more tweaks than big changes; and a final read before I post, where I try and often fail UGH to catch typos or subtle errors.
It is not necessary to do it this way, however. I know some people prefer to write the whole story, then go back and edit it from the start. This makes total sense, really; this way you can make sure your events are cohesive, and that you haven’t left any loose ends untied that you might have forgotten about. I would say this is a matter of preference, but I wonder if your writing speed might also play a role in this. I’m a fast writer, so I don’t usually forget what I’ve done earlier in the fic by the time I get to the end. But with Where The Winds Of Fortune Take Me, which involved a month-long break at one point, I did find myself having to go back and reread old chapters to refresh my memory. So if you’re a slower writer, you might find it helpful to write the whole story, or at least big chunks of it, and then read it through for cohesion before you start to post.
Posting: a few remarks
As I mentioned before, I post chapter-by-chapter. One question I’ve been asked is whether to stick to a posting schedule, or to post when you feel like it. I have done both, and I think either choice is equally valid. All I can really do is explain my experience with this.
When I was a relatively newer writer, I was hardcore obsessed with Horizon Zero Dawn and I was posting a chapter of my Aloy/Nil longfic every day. It wasn’t just my obsession driving this, but also I was getting comments and kudos every single day on every chapter from hungry readers since it was a relatively rarepair at the time. It was basically a crazy feedback loop of me providing fic and getting a lot of comments and then being spurred to keep feeding my own obsession and provide more fic. 
Nowadays, however, I stick to a weekly update schedule for my longfics, and I have a lot of reasons for this. For readers, I get the sense that weekly updates give them something to look forward to and helps build anticipation for tense moments in the fic. It can also give readers some time to digest the previous week’s chapter before receiving the next. I also get the sense that for writers who update and write a lot [points at self], if a reader gets a million update emails from a writer, it can be overwhelming and make the reader feel guilty about not staying up to date with the writer’s works, and there is nothing I HATE more than having readers feel like it’s homework to keep up with my writing. 
My reasons are more selfish, too. I’ve discovered that if I post two chapters on the same day, many readers will only comment on the second chapter. If I space out the posting, I get more engagement from readers, and since I, like all writers, am a whore for comments, I’ve learned to purposely hold on to my chapters and space them out in the hopes that more people will engage with me when they read them. THERE, YOU ALL KNOW MY DIRTY LITTLE SECRET. PLEASE DON’T JUDGE ME.
Another note on posting schedules and engagement, specifically relating to AO3: when you search in AO3, by default, the results are organized in terms of most recently updated fics. Every time you update your fic, it will show up at the top of the search hit list, thus increasing the chances that someone new will notice it and decide to read it. Spreading out the frequency of your posting can thus optimize the amount of times that it shows up at the top of the search. 
All right, that’s pretty much all I have to say about all this! If I had to sum it all up, though, I would stick to the three-point process I outlined above:
Know your endpoint, and aim toward it.
Make an outline, and remember that the outline is your friend. It’s a memory tool and an organizational aid, and it can and likely will change as your fic goes on.
Write the fic in sequential order, and use your own story to motivate yourself. 
I said this before, but writing a longfic really is a labour of love. It can take months or years to finish a longfic, and it is not always easy. It’s my hope that this little tutorial will make the process less daunting and help some of you guys launch into writing that story you always wanted to write!
If anyone has any other ideas for tutorials that they’d like me to address, please feel free to send me an ask or a PM!
- Lots of love from your friendly neighbourhood Pikapeppa xoxo
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recentanimenews · 3 years
INTERVIEW: Rajorshi Basu on Creating Studio Durga and the State of Anime in India
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All images via Studio Durga
  What constitutes “anime” is a topic of much debate. The general public associates the word “anime” with a particular visual style. Purists, on the other hand, believe that only animation made in Japan can be considered anime, regardless of whether the visuals are on the K-On! end of the spectrum or the Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt end of the spectrum. This is, to an extent, understandable. But can such a strict definition continue to hold weight in an era where anime is becoming increasingly global? Can a production from outside Japan that possesses all the traits we have come to associate with anime be called anime?
  The members of Studio Durga — an independent animation studio based in New Delhi, India — certainly seem to think so. They proudly claim to be India’s first anime studio. While India has worked on anime in the past — in the form of co-productions with Japan (such as Ramayana: the Legend of Prince Rama) — what sets Studio Durga apart is the fact that they work without any foreign assistance, be it from Japan or elsewhere. Their debut work Karmachakra — an 80-minute Bengali-language film, the first in a series of films — is an entirely independent film, made by a core team of only seven members for animation production. Karmachakra is pending release, but the first 20 minutes of the film have been uploaded on YouTube as a “pilot episode” — which won awards at the Independent Shorts Awards 2020: the Platinum Award for Best Animation Short, and Honorable Mentions for Best Web Series/TV Pilot and Best Original Score. Karmachakra is a supernatural mystery-drama, aimed at an older audience — something that is rare in India, where animation has long been seen as a medium for younger audiences only. The Indian anime community has reacted very favorably to Karmachakra, with many heralding it as a step forward for animation in India.
    I reached out to Studio Durga founder and CEO Rajorshi Basu, who was kind enough to answer my questions. We had a great discussion, not only about Karmachakra, but about anime and 2D animation in general. Here’s what he had to say:
(The following questions and answers are lightly edited for clarity and content.)
How did you get into anime and manga?
  Rajorshi: The first anime I recall watching was Ninja Robots on Cartoon Network — way back when I was three or four years old and didn’t really know it was called anime. There was Heidi, Girl of the Alps, also on Cartoon Network, a title from the World Masterpiece Theater collection of anime. It was my first exposure to the work of many old masters, including Hayao Miyazaki. Then they started showing anime on the Toonami programming block, with Cardcaptors and Dragon Ball and all that stuff.
  Animax was also a huge factor. I used to check out a lot of stuff on Animax before it finally went away. And then of course streaming services happened. But yeah, it was tough to get your hands on anime and manga back then. I remember that you would just chance upon secondhand manga in shops. That was procurement back in the day. But now it’s a different ballgame; one can just open up Netflix and find all kinds of different shows. Throughout the years there have been a lot of different shows that have influenced me, and all of that comes into the stuff that we are doing. I think this idea of doing an Indian anime was something I’ve had since my early teens to late teens.
So you decided pretty early on that you wanted to make an Indian anime, is that right?
  Rajorshi: Yeah, this idea has been with me for roughly half my life. It's just that I actually knew how to do it after a whole lot of experiences. Especially after visiting Japan in 2013. I went there for a pop culture research program where we were actually given access to facilities that make Japanese entertainment, including animation.
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  So did you face any opposition in pursuing this path?
  Rajorshi: We faced nothing but opposition, actually. In 2017 we’d put out a trailer on YouTube and, you know, it was just a sort of demo. It's not there anymore; we took it off. This was way before we brought out the actual trailer that you see right now. It was only after we took it to the quality that we wanted that people started thinking about the possibility of, you know, Indian anime. Especially after 2019, when the two movies (Weathering With You and Dragon Ball Super: Broly) were released in India. The community started considering the possibility that Indian anime can happen. 
  I think there are two main challenges. One challenge (which we’ve kind of got past) was finding the right people for the production because hand-drawn animation is a lost art and it's very tough to find people who pursue that. It was tough finding people, which is also why we are a very small team. We somehow managed, over a number of years, to finish the movie production. 
  The other challenge (one we are facing right now) is distribution. I think that’s because India does not have a proper distributor for anime. Of course, we see some anime on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Crunchyroll. Disney+ Hotstar, which actually has the biggest reach in India, don't showcase any anime. There is a solid market and demand for anime in India but there's hardly any supply, which is why we thought we’d fill that gap in the market. It depends on what kind of channels you go through when it comes to distribution. I mean, we are in talks with Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, and we want to be in talks with Crunchyroll. But it's very hard to find people, to find the correct approach or routes through which you take this product. I think that's what matters. In terms of distribution, routes matter more than the product itself because if you are talking about Netflix or Amazon Prime, they are going to look at it as an independent movie and they are also going to want to see examples of such production that has made it in the market and things like that.
  Obviously, there's a huge demand but there needs to be a distributor that recognizes the demand and what it means when something like our product (or anyone who is doing an animated film that is not for kids) gets licensed. Distribution is the final roadblock we are facing right now because when it comes to quality and production values, all of the people that we have talked to have appreciated our work. But when it comes to actually slating on an acquisition session, there's always some kind of discrepancy there. There's no one to handle animated movies when it comes to India, unless you’re talking about the kids’ market. That's a totally different topic.
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  You raise an important point about 2D animation being something of a lost art. In particular, the whole Japanese anime workflow is totally different from what most people are used to doing. So, how did you learn it, and how did you find people with this skill?
  Rajorshi: So the current core team is a team of four people, including myself. I personally handle everything other than the actual drawing, because although I’ve studied design and art and all of those things, music and film production is what I have primarily been trained in and what I have experience in (the former of which I'd been recognized with a scholarship for from Berklee College of Music). Compositing — the final “look” of anime — is something that I learnt entirely on my own through observation and software/workflow research. So I know the process of anime production. There is hardly anyone who makes animation through this process in India. So I would say it is something very unique to our studio. 
  The people that I have, they were actually making the transition to college back when I hired them. They had considerable skill when it came to illustration and making animation, but it was this project that got everybody up to a certain level. The core team that I started with are still working together — basically the four of us, but we extend sometimes to 10 people. And if you’re talking about the total number of people involved in this project, it’s over 30. But finding the core team took a long time. I’d actually thought of starting a business with this around four or five years back, and since then it’s been about finding people to execute and help out in the process. 
  When it comes to hand-drawn animation, there is talent out there. There just needs to be a product that makes use of those talents. I wanted to create a forum where talented artists could join in and showcase their capabilities. It’s not that 2D animation is completely not there, it’s just that it’s not focused on by people as a career option because there are no outlets for it that are monetizable. I think that’s more of the problem. When you look at some talented students from NIDs [National Institutes of Design, India], you will find that they are very much capable of doing everything that we do. It’s just that there’s no forum or platform to create a product like this which makes use of both the anime production process as well as the hand-drawn aspect of it. 
So if you look at, say, Chinese animation studios, the way they started off was by doing subcontract work for Japanese anime studios. They slowly built up their own base, their own talent pool, and then started to make originals of their own. So, why did you decide to start off with an original rather than go through this process?
  Rajorshi: Chinese animation actually has a much richer history. They’ve been doing their own intellectual properties for longer than they’ve been outsourcing. But with India that is actually not the case. When it comes to 2D animation we’ve had collaborations with Japan in the past, whether it’s Ramayana or Batu Gaiden. But our main aim was to do something that was completely Indian-produced. I think that’s the main draw, so that we could call it India’s first anime. 
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    Let’s talk a bit about outsourcing outside our realm of animation: when it comes to 3D animation and VFX. India is actually a world player in the market when it comes to 3D assets and VFX being outsourced to us. But when it comes to intellectual properties, there’s pockets of brilliance that surface from time to time, especially in the non-3D space, because the 3D space is a framework in itself, a framework that I personally have also been very connected with in the past, in all the projects that I’ve freelanced for (when it comes to music, editing, and the post-production side of things). When it comes to hand-drawn animation, I would say that there are these pockets of independent production which do not find the correct outlet or distribution platform. But they’re there; they���ve been there for a very long time. They’re not necessarily practicing the anime art style like we’re doing, but they’re doing hand-drawn animation nonetheless. And the quality and execution is something that’s worth showing to the world, it’s just that there’s no proper distribution channel as I was saying. Why anime? That’s because there’s huge demand for this particular art style. Since there was already a demand for it, as well as respect in the community for something that is a product made by India for India, that is where we came in and thought “this is a niche we want to fill.” 
  And look, most of the artists who worked on this project have already worked on commissions for foreign clients all of their lives. We don’t look at outsourcing as a route that we necessarily have to do first before we make our own intellectual property. Because we do that anyway: when it comes to making small animations for brands, or working for clients that are primarily non-Indian. The whole idea about this project is that it’s by India and for India. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a statement, but it is a specific niche that’s appealing to a lot of people, thankfully.
So let’s talk a bit more about Karmachakra itself. When I saw the trailer on YouTube, the art style stood out to me, and it reminded me of a couple of things. One was the works of Mamoru Hosoda, with his distinctive style of flat shading. The other was Shin Sekai Yori, which has sticker-like 2-dimensional character designs but with mood lighting and effects and appropriate color palettes to create an atmosphere. Were any of these your inspirations, or were there other influences?
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    Rajorshi: I mean, Mamoru Hosoda is an inspiration for any animation filmmaker. My personal inspiration, in terms of direction and in terms of storytelling, is Satoshi Kon. You know, works like Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Paranoia Agent: all these films and shows that are very loved, conceptually and thematically. My second influence would be the directorial signature of Tetsuro Araki (Death Note, Attack on Titan); I think that directorial signature is very alluring. In terms of how to tell a story through many characters, I’d say Durarara is an influence. I mainly chose to go with urban fantasy, inspired by the unique approach that light novels like Boogiepop or Nisio Isin's works take. Other than that, I think my all-time favorite director is Shinichiro Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop). 
  Some more important key influences that left a huge mark on my imagination of what the medium can be are:
Wolf's Rain, Black Lagoon, the Steins;Gate franchise, Terror in Resonance, Michiko and Hatchin, Barakamon, Mushi-Shi, Great Pretender
Spirit-world action-comedies like The Devil is a Part-Timer, Blood Lad, Hoozuki’s Coolheadedness, and Noragami
Mind Game from director Masaaki Yuasa
Any project involving character designer Yoshitoshi Abe, like Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, etc
There's also the noitaminA block stuff; short, offbeat 11-episode per cour series with a broader audience in mind. Brings to mind the makers of the noitaminA logo animation, Studio Rikka and their charming sci-fi works such as Time of Eve and the like.
  In terms of manga:
The superlative, mind-game ridden works of Shinobu Kaitani
The out-of-this-world panelling in works by Keiichi Koike
The poignant interpersonal/social drama from folks like Shuzo Oshimi and Inio Asano
The artful, satirical guro manga from people like Shintaro Kago
The sprawling, epic series from the legendary Naoki Urasawa, such as Monster and the like
Brilliant food/drink manga such as Bartender and Sommeliere by Araki Joh, or even Oishinbo.
  These are just names I can think of right now, but there’s actually plenty of influences for all of us here at Studio Durga.
  Let’s talk about the OP. From Episode 0 of Karmachakra, what strikes me as its most "anime" element is its OP. From the song itself, with its “anime theme song” vibes, to the color palette reminiscent of the Psycho-Pass OP, to the character-focused cuts reminiscent of the Baccano and Durarara OPs, to the text on screen reminiscent of the Cowboy Bebop OP: this OP screams "anime." OPs usually are a studio's way of enticing viewers to watch an anime, so clearly, a lot of effort went into this OP. And it's a really attractive and alluring OP. What went into the making of this OP? How did you storyboard it, and how did you compose the opening song? How much more effort was it to animate, comparatively?
    Rajorshi: The OP song was composed, arranged, produced, and played by me more than six years ago. At the time, I was inspired to make a melody and instrumentation that sounds “classic anime.” It was a personal project back then, and I had no idea I was going to be using it for an anime production of my own in the future. So when it was time, my mom helped with the lyrics and I asked Tanisha (the singer who I've collaborated with on the ED as well) to sing out the lyrics composed for the song. It was a blast to make. Unlike the ED, which I composed much more recently, the OP arrangement is more busy than minimal, which was my style back then and which probably works better for the usual high-energy anime OP.
  Unlike background scoring, which is set to edited bits of animation, the animation for the OP was set to the music instead. We were using a scratch track and timing every cut to whichever hit we wanted it to fall on. The choreography and transitions took more time than standard animation, as the entire thing was meant to seamlessly flow with non-stop fluid animation. The effort varies in anime production from shot to shot, but in the case of the OP, it was about tying together an entire string of money-shots. Apart from the animation, we had a lot of fun with the compositing as well. Doing MVs is the most enjoyable activity for us.
Let’s talk about the world of Karmachakra. What inspired it? Personal, lived experience or literature and other media?
  Rajorshi: Karmachakra is a series of movies. The second and third are what we’re working on right now. The second is more of the action-thriller kind, and the third/finale is along the lines of philosophical sci-fi. But the first one is more of a mystery-drama. I’m a huge mystery buff; that’s a sort of personal favorite genre of mine. So thematically I think the first movie of Karmachakra is mostly a mystery-drama with certain supernatural elements and certain cultural elements to those supernatural elements. So there’s many different layers. I usually like to do something that is layered, something that is character-driven but layered not only in the histories of the characters but in the lore that ties it all together with a supernatural theme, and also the third layer that puts them in a cultural context. These are basically the three levels that we’re working on when it comes to Karmachakra. 
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    When it comes to cultural influences, there’s me being a Bengali and hence making this in Bengali. That is something I had in mind from the beginning. Having connections to the Bengali film industry, getting some of the best names from there to do voice acting on this: that was definitely part of the plan. 
  For the script, I’ve had many, many different influences. My background is quite varied. Since I was a kid I’ve always been a music buff. I was very much into classic/prog rock and concept albums from the '70s and '80s, apart from my production and performance background in jazz, jazz fusion, RnB, soul, and funk. So storytelling is a huge part of music for me, whether it’s through film scoring or whether it’s through a concept album where you tell stories through music itself. Other than that, I graduated in English literature, which is a huge part of the general approach I take to things when it comes to layering and writing for film. For this production, between film, literary works, musical works, and anime, there’s a LOT of influences. I wanted to take all those influences and make something that was cohesive enough for someone who was watching, but at the same time wasn’t predictable or cookie-cutter like.
Are there any talented Indian animators you’d like to spotlight?
  Rajorshi: I would like to talk about Ghost Animation. They’ve been working on little animated clips for Bollywood movies for a very long time, but recently they made a short film, Wade, set during a flood that happened in Bengal. They put it up on Kickstarter, promoted it, and successfully got it funded. I think it won an award at Annecy or something. And it’s all hand-drawn.
  Apart from that, there’s a couple of guys who’ve been in the Indian anime community and illustrator community for a very long time. Their names are Krishna and Balram Bannerjee, but they’re informally called the Xong Bros. They’re primarily comic artists, so they don’t do a lot of animation, but they also work on animation for indie games made by foreign studios: they make some trailers and the like for them.
  There was also this short film that was commissioned by Royal Stag Short Films, called Death of a Father. Entirely hand-drawn. Not the anime artstyle, but entirely hand-drawn.
  Lastly, there’s Jazyl Homavazir. A long-time animator, illustrator, and coach in the Indian comics/animation scene in the art style of manga. Both him and the Xongs are dear friends of ours who support and appreciate our initiative.
Do you have any parting thoughts for our readers?
  Rajorshi: I would say don’t make any compromises. If you know you’re capable of doing something, whether it is independently or whether you have backing or whatever it is, don’t make any compromises and do something that is only an approximation of what you actually want to do. If you have a vision, just go ahead and do it, and then see what happens. You might succeed, or you might fail, but that will be a learning experience. Just because something is tangentially related to whatever vision you might have, don’t settle for less.  
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  Are you excited for Karmachakra? Let us know in the comments!
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    Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
  By: Manas B. Sharma
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Remote work is rapidly growing in all industries. Some professionals might just push away this new work style, seeing it as simply a necessity that’s not fit for a product manager who’s constantly managing team members, strategies, client and partner communication, and upcoming challenges. But let me tell you this: Product management can be even more effective when done remotely. No need to fear going for this career path. I’ve put together this detailed guide to help you understand the challenges of remote work and its implication on your product management career. First, I’m having a look at a remote product manager’s core duties. What it means to to be a remote product manager I’ll just say this from the start: There’s not much of a difference between what a remote product manager does when compared to someone who works from the office. In fact, you’re probably already doing part of your work remotely. Like conducting user interviews or holding meetings with your stakeholders. Your role in remote product management So what does a remote product manager even do? Different companies and products have specific needs. Your daily activities as a product manager or owner can be similar though. Remote PMs too have the exact same roles as their office-based counterparts. Here are some of the duties a product manager has: Lead the development of the product and its strategy across multiple lifecycles Discover user requirements through user interviews Develop the positioning and vision of a product Use a variety of tools to produce wireframes and mockups, gather feedback, and deliver results Establish clear timelines and feedback patterns Define quantitative and qualitative metrics and use these to evaluate the success of the product and review delivered work to ensure alignment with the specifications Build actionable user stories Create and manage the product roadmap Maintain consistent client and stakeholder communication Partner with other teams to ensure a unified product development and delivery process Lead the product team and take full responsibility for its actions Create new feature announcements and content Who hires remote product managers To find a new remote job and make the first step towards this ideal lifestyle, you can simply look under the Product category of these remote-exclusive job websites: Dynamite Jobs DailyRemote Working Nomads Remote Age Remote Global Remoters Jobspresso NODESK letsworkremotely Good news is that more and more companies are starting to consider switching to distributed teams and even accepting remote workers for highly skilled professionals. If you need an overall look at some of the companies who are hiring remote product managers, here’s a list to start with: Buffer Canva MailerLite Close.io Convergys ConvertKit Hotjar MeetEdgar Pearson Dell DigitalOcean Glassdoor Pluralsight Toptal VMware Zapier Apple Automattic Keep an eye on their job boards to see when a new opportunity pops up. Note: You can always just ask your current employer to let you work remotely or reach out to companies you’d love to work for and inquire into any available positions. Why working remotely might not be right for your product management career Just like the skills of an in-office and remote product management expert are similar, there are a couple of personality traits and habits that will influence whether or not you’re the right fit for working remotely. To get it out of the way, it’s safe to say that bad communicators will never make it as remote employees. These are those people who can’t take feedback, always have to contradict other team members, and just don’t want to answer your inquiries on time. Product management is fast-paced. 🚀 Especially in small teams who are commonly the ones looking for remote members anyway. So communication needs to be done in detail and accurately even when you’re not face-to-face with the rest of the team. There’s no time to nudge people into sharing their thoughts or asking questions when they don’t know how to move forward with a task. Even more so, the product manager should be the one to tie all team, user, client, and other stakeholder communications. That’s why most remote product management jobs start with “X years of experience in a cross-functional product design or product management role”. Companies want their product managers to be dependable. Sometimes even more than what they expect from the rest of their team since they’re literally handing over the product to you. If you’re a constant slacker who’d rather scroll through Reddit for hours than create one more ticket, you’re better off somewhere else. What are the skills you’ll need to land a remote product management job A product manager in general needs to have some of the most varied soft and hard skills in a team. Honestly, besides exceptionally good communication and organization skills, the traits and abilities you need to develop are roughly the same as for any office job. I had a look at 100+ remote product manager jobs on Glassdoor so you don’t have to resume what the top skills for such professionals are. Next are the results that prove my point. 😉 Here are some of the most commonly mentioned skills that employers are looking for from their next remote product manager: Strong leadership skills Organization and prioritization capabilities Critical thinking Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Strong client management abilities Ability to manage multiple, simultaneous projects Time management and budgeting skills Command of diverse product development frameworks, strategies, and/or rapid prototyping solutions Ability to troubleshoot customer issues and create detailed bug reports Ability to work autonomously Passion for working cross-functionally Problem-solving skills Strong technical understanding of how software products are built Ability to collect and structure qualitative and quantitative research that will be used for making product and design decisions A clear understanding of key metrics and ways of measuring a product’s success All in all, the requirements depend on the company you apply to. Some will prefer a strong communicator who is able to work cross-functionally and bring the entire team together. Other employers will have specific needs such as programming language knowledge or stronger experience when it comes to user interviews or focus on a specific stage of a product’s life cycle. What you’ll need above any of the above skills is product sense. This means you’ll first have to become a subject matter expert and learn all the ins and outs of the product. You’ll then own the entire creative process around generating new ideas, spotting challenges, and creating the whole roadmap along with doing user research, keeping track of metrics, and prioritizing tickets. Simply, you need a complete product-oriented skillset along with dependable traits that will allow your employer to trust you with their product’s evolution and fixing potential problems. Where to start your remote product management career preparation? There’s no training in particular that you need to go through separate from your usual product management courses. However, before jumping into this entirely new work style, I recommend you test it out for a couple of weeks or months. Try a side project or get a part-time job that will have you interact with clients and other team members through multiple time zones. Having this kind of beforehand experience will show you if you actually like collaborating this way, if remote work is suited for you, and where you need to improve. You might not like using multiple tools to maintain communication or maybe you’re just someone who only feels productive in an office environment. For tiny problems like the latter, try to find an actionable solution. In this case, going to a coworking space daily or setting up a fully equipped work desk. If the issues are huge [like when you’re not productive at all without supervision], there’s really nothing you can do. If you’re at the beginning of your PM career, being ready for remote work is the least of your worries. You’ll first need to develop and grow your product management skills overall. From learning how to conduct user research and market analysis to knowing what goes into a product roadmap, how PM frameworks can be used within different types of teams, how to set and monitor key metrics, and so many more product-focused skills and roles you’ll put to use for real products. By far the biggest struggle new PMs always have is worrying about their interview process. What will I say? What if I don’t know the answer to a question? I’m not ready for this job. All natural concerns for any product manager newbie. There’s so much help out there though. 🙏 I’m a huge networking fan so the best tip I’d have for you is to connect with experienced product managers who are willing to coach and prepare you for your next interview. If you’re the shy type, you can always opt for classic LinkedIn messaging instead of face-to-face meetings but bear in mind you’ll have to get over your fears to nail the interview.  💪 Remote product management best practices So you’ve landed a new job or you just want to prepare yourself mentally for what’s to come? I’ve put together my 6 best tips I’ve acquired throughout the years from my own experience and talking to other professionals: Maintain a regular schedule One of the top perks of remote work is flexibility to work whenever you want to. Honestly though, as a product manager you might have to mold your schedule according to when the rest of the team is online. Postponing work [and implicitly communication] can cause serious gaps in productivity. If you don’t know when you have to work on your tasks, when it’s time to dedicate yourself to prioritizing other colleagues’ duties, and when you can still fit in time for feedback and meetings, you’ll end up postponing everything indefinitely when you’re really supposed to be one of the faster responders in the team. As a PM, others look up to you and expect your input and instructions at all times. So compared to the asynchronous communication that remote companies are used to, sending feedback and holding video conferences in real-time works better for product managers and their teammates. This takes me to the importance of establishing clear communication patterns and methodologies. Communicate You already know the story: communication is the ruling king when it comes to remote work. Yet, in this kind of work situation, one-on-one meetings are more insightful than ever. They allow product managers to talk to every single member of a team individually, get feedback, and improve not just their product, but also the employee-company relationship. Beyond this, you need to understand that working remotely takes extra effort for maintaining those friendly work relations you would in real life. Managers have a top duty here: to create strong bonds that will eventually build up employee retention. No ideas? Turn to your team. Hold special opportunities for non-work related activities like get-togethers or just a weekly one-on-one meeting to allow employees to get to know each other better, learn about their hobbies, and make a new friend. Turn to video tools to bridge the communication gap Your basic Slack back-and-forth messages or email exchanges create huge information loopholes. They don’t give enough room for clarifying any details and you might end up with results that are totally different from what you’ve expected. Video, on the other hand, fully replaces your face-to-face office meetings. All remote fun aside, in-person meetings are still an essential part of work for humans as they allow your team members to understand that there are other people who depend on their performance and it’s not just them working from an empty office room. This, in turn, creates accountability, making the entire collaboration process much more effective. Plus, screen sharing will save the day every single time. Establish clear review patterns There’s no such thing as working aimlessly. You need goals and set performance review methods to assess whether the work you and your team puts into a project or product is efficient and spot potential bottlenecks. To keep everyone involved in this review process, set up a defined timeline for your review tasks and meetings. For instance, decide when and how to hold your daily stand-up meetings. Working remotely you have lots of possibilities for every single review process. For the stand-ups you can opt for video conferences or use a Slack bot to automate everything and save time since team members can simply write down what they worked on, what they’re taking care of on a given day, and their potential challenges. The review workflow doesn’t just end here as you’ll probably have to take over and see how and who can help a person with their issues so the product development process can run smoothly. Address risks ahead of time While strong communication is a common trait both on-site and distributed teams need to develop, what remote product managers need more than anything are plans. Particularly a highly-detailed action plan for tackling risks before panic installs. I’m talking here about a common document any team member will access to read and find out how they can manage their own crisis. Keep your whole team on board Working remotely is a collective effort. As the person who’s held responsible for any success and failure of your colleagues, you’re in charge of cultivating a desire for remote success within the team. Here’s the list of everything your team needs to understand and work on before you jump into the world of fully-distributed companies: The benefits of remote work Communication guidelines Risk management techniques The importance of feedback and staying connected Staying accountable for one’s work Get involved in the teams’ overall growth by supporting its cohesion and moving collaboration processes forward Developing traits and skills such as discipline, empathy, dependability, and self-organization [in other words, constantly developing themselves on a personal and professional level] Key takeaways So yes! You can work remotely as a product manager and be just as effective at your work. No performance limitations here. Product managers still have the same duties and roles when working from home or an exotic beach in the middle of nowhere. Daily work is quite similar too but your quality of life is highly improved. Here’s what a day in your life as a remote product manager might look like: Take care of urgent tasks or team/client inquiries Stay updated with any industry or market changes Do some networking 🤝 Stand-up meeting time! 🥳 Work on the product roadmap Take a well-deserved lunch break 🍔 Answer some more emails Respond to tickets Client meeting One-on-meeting with one of your teammates Sprint retrospective! 🥳 Do keep in mind that product managers have some of the most diverse days with a constant flux of new challenges and opportunities that need to be covered. Already a happy remote fellow? Share your best tips with fellow product managers or people who are considering this career but have been hesitant thinking it’s not suited for the remote lifestyle.
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questionsonislam · 5 years
Does Sexual Life exist in Paradise?
Beyond doubt, along with every enjoyment in Jannah (Paradise), sexual intercourse exists, too. The verses that mention spouses and Houris have thus referred to such pleasures.
Numbers such as 40, 70 in Arabic literature describe plenitude, an allusion for abundance. In the hadith, sexual strength is used in order to express that the sexual intercourse in Jannah is zestier than the intercourse of this world. The expression of Abdullah b. Abbas, “No any felicities of Jannah resemble the ones that exist in the world; but, there is only a resemblance of name” is also valid for the felicity of marriage. In an eternal life, the degree of pleasures which were prepared only for the folk of Jannah is beyond and above any of human expression. As it is described in the hadith, the beauties within Jannah have “never been seen by an eye, nor heard by an ear, or (even) imagined by a human being”.
Some questions can come into our mind as a result of our inadequate understanding of Jannah.
In Paradise:
1- A human being will be able to be present in many places at the same time.
2- Places as large as a world with full of vineyards and palaces will be given to every human
3- Every kind of human desires will take place, but nothing will happen unless human wants.
4- It is impossible to comprehend Jannah with the criteria of this world. A baby in the mother’s womb cannot comprehend what is told about this life; similarly, the world is just like a womb for us when compared with Jannah. It is impossible for us to comprehend it. That is why a baby, who is nourished with the umbilical cord in the womb, starts to benefit from life with his/her eyes, ears, mouth and many other organs.
Sexual Pleasures in Jannah
“Verily the Companions of the Garden shall that Day have joy in all that they do.” (36/Ya Seen,55)
“In them will be (Maidens), chaste, restraining their glances, whom no man or Jinn before them has touched.” (55/Al-Rahman,56)
“Like unto rubies and coral.”(55/Rahman, 58)
Beyond any doubt, sex has an important place in human’s life. As it is emphasized in the Quran (30/Ar-Room, 21) by marriage, both sexes have satisfaction both spiritually and physically. The continuation of the same satisfaction is certainly natural. According to the description of some verses and hadiths about Paradise, there will be both world women and Houris in Paradise.
The expression stated as “with companions pure (and holy)” in the verses (2/Al-Baqara, 25; 3/Aal-e-Imran 15) imply both the Houris and women of the world.
“To them will be passed round, dishes and goblets of gold: there will be there all that the souls could desire all that the eyes could delight in: and ye shall abide therein (for aye).” (Az-Zukhruf: 43/71)
Sexuality is among the things that the souls desire. Thus, the verse implies the existence of sexual life in Paradise. It is understood that the physiological defects and the spiritual depressions that have a negative effect on the sexual lives of women will be solved before entering Paradise as a result of the physical and spiritual purification process that will be applied to believers.
There are lively depictions about the beauty, dressiness and attractiveness of Paradise women in some verses and hadiths. In a narrative, it is told that while houris talk about their differences, women of the world in Paradise would silence them by expressing their superiority because of their good deeds that they did in the world.
Although there are various views regarding how many women especially world women a man will have, the sound narration regarding the issue is the sound hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. According to that hadith, every man in Paradise will be given two “grace wives with transparent skins” and nobody will be left unmarried there (Bukhari, Badul-khalq 8; Muslim, Jannah 14). It is possible that both women are houris or world women, or one is houri and the other is a world woman.
There may be objections stating that in the descriptions related to sexual life in Paradise, the qualities like beauty, attractiveness are attributed to women, but the encouraging results and advantages are usually mentioned for men; thus women are shown kind of means of satisfying the pleasures of men. It is known that when a group of women and men are addressed together or when explanations regarding both women and men are made in Arabic, the masculine gender is used. Besides, in the art and literature of all societies, the woman is accepted as the focal point of grace and attractiveness; she has been the theme of romantic poems and other artistic works; the woman has usually been in the position of being demanded not demanding.
It is understood that the same style and approach is valid in the description of sexual life in Paradise. The fact that a man will be given at least two wives – one world woman and one houri – in Paradise, where no one will be left unmarried, should be related to the same theme. Indeed, the researches carried out on women psychology in the world life show that she is monogamic and she leaves place for only one man in her heart and imagination. Besides, this is necessary in order to protect the mother’s womb, which ensures the continuation of human beings, hence the determination of the father and the continuation of the generation.
The aim is not the bounties of Paradise that give bodily pleasures but the consent of Allah
In fact, the bounties of Paradise that meet the bodily needs and give bodily pleasures are not the aim for the people of Paradise. The real aim that is desired to be attained is the consent of Allah. To attain the consent of Allah for man is to turn the spirit that Allah granted him (al-Hijr 15/29) toward Allah, to observe Him and to talk to Him. The most sincere and common expression of prayer that expresses the feelings of thanks and gratitude among Muslims is, “May Allah be pleased with you.” The friends of Allah are those who are closest to Him, who attain His consent, pleasure and love and who attain the greatest happiness by loving Him heartily with consent and surrendering.
In a verse that expresses the relationship between Paradise and the consent (pleasure) of Allah, the following is stated, “Allah hath promised to Believers men and women Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in Gardens of everlasting stay. but the greatest bliss in the Good Pleasure of Allah: that is the Supreme Felicity” (at-Tawbah 9/72), expressing that this spiritual element of the otherworldly bliss is more valuable than all of the other bounties described using material concepts. "O (thou) soul, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! "Come back thou to thy Lord well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him! "Enter thou, then among my Devotees! "Yea, enter thou my Heaven"! (al-Fajr 89/27-30). As it is stated in sound hadiths, after all believers enter Paradise and are settled, God Almighty will address them and ask them if they are pleased with their situations and they will say that they are pleased to the utmost extent
Thereupon, Allah will say to them, “I will give you something better than it: I am sending (distributing) my consent and pleasure to you; my wrath will not touch you again. (Muslim Jannah 9)
Paradise (hence Hell and the hereafter life) will start and go on not only in the realm of spirits but also in the world of matter and realities that consists of the spirit and the body and that has, vineyards, gardens, rivers, etc. It is not possible to interpret material elements that the existent verses of the Quran contain as unworldly or spiritual narrations or symbols. Imam Ghazali accepts that the pleasures of Paradise are divided into three: emotional, imaginary and mental and that everyone will make use of all or some of them based on their abilities. When the pleasures become constant in the hereafter by the elimination of interruptions that are the deficiencies of the imaginary and mental pleasures in the world life, they will become very attractive.
How will privacy be in Paradise?
As it is understood from the hadiths, every person will be given a 500 hundred yearlong place in Paradise, roughly as large as the earth. Within that large place, a person will have a separate private place where he will be together with his friends
However, the bad traits have no place in Paradise. Therefore, there will be no jealousy; a person will not feel sexual desires toward people that are non-mahram. As a matter of fact, a person who has no eyes cannot see; a person who has no ears cannot hear. You will not be disturbed when a blind person sees you near someone. You will not feel disturbed and worried when you see a small boy whose sexual feelings have not developed with your mother or sister.
That is, bad thoughts and feelings have no place in Paradise. They were given in this world for trial and testing. Since there is no trial and testing in the hereafter, there is no need for them. The sexual desires of a person that are valid for one’s spouse are off for others. Therefore, nobody will be disturbed by others.
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true79true-blog · 5 years
Online marketing strategy and Planning: The Path Map
Many small to moderate sized businesses encounter a good common struggle; a new handling act of plans, approaches, departments and options. Every one of the components are present, all of of the things throughout working condition, although business isn't exactly booming from the pace it had awaited or forecasted intended for. What precisely does this advancement and durability require? Inside a turbulent financial system overrun with congested airwaves in addition to aggressive business methods, it's about standing out from the masses. And interestingly, your web marketing strategy has a lot extra to do with this than you might understand. Conflicted business owners can easily overcome the particular masses and even draw the purchasers that will be right for their solution by executing a good marketing strategy, not simply by screaming louder than their own competition or using fluorescents ads on their street address (or over the top ads with your website). Our level is, you don't possess to turn out to be throwing your self out there with the bunch of noise constantly. What you need to help do is colour a vision for your enterprise, your workers, and the consumers. Make promises that nobody but you can keep, and then blow them all away with the admirable businesses practices and superhuman skills. Take a moment to think about this: marketing method is the single most important component in determining this wealth or destruction of the business enterprise. That's a pretty substantive claim and I'm able to prove its legitimacy. Web marketing strategy distributes itself throughout every one of the facets of a business enterprise, whether planned by its creator or maybe not. This specific is possible considering that the approach is created and outlined by simply the overall aims of any specific business, and even works with these objectives with a carrier's unique perception and vision. Put merely, every standard of the business enterprise should be oozing marketing and advertising strategy. Really! Marketing Approach Does it seem to be far-fetched? A few study the relationship between marketing tactic and a number of key factors regarding virtually any business: market research, the particular marketing plan, corporate identity, and the economy. First, a few receive the formalities out regarding the way and set on a definitive justification connected with what marketing strategy actually is. After scouring various internet websites for the standard definition, My partner and i settled on a less-official but even more effective description of advertising method: Marketing Approach: A new strategy that combines the organization's affiliate marketing targets into a cohesive whole. Ideally drawn from market research, that focuses on often the ideal product combine in order to achieve maximum profit probable. The marketing technique is focused out in a advertising plan. While your advertising strategy is, effectively, a new document; their goal can be far more load keeping. Included in the strategy should become your quest statement in addition to business ambitions, an thorough list of your items and services, a new portrayal or description within your aim for clients, and the distinct definition of how a person integrate into the cut-throat landscape on your industry. Marketing Strategy v. Researching the market That connection establishes an order of operations: the initial period in any marketing or perhaps branding initiative is analysis. (See our white documents on this subject: Industry Research to get SMB's). No matter the scope of your respective research, whether this is really a broad canvassing of your own existing consumer list as well as unveiling specific, detailed findings about your target market, typically the end result can have a direct effect on your advertising strategy. It's imperative to help find out everything about whom you are attempting to get to. What age group are they within? Just how big are their families? Where do they dwell, consume, and hang out and about? How do they will spend their free time together with money? All of this particular information can influence plus alter your current marketing technique. Research only will definitely not benefit your business without a solid marketing tactic. Typically, business owners directly specify market research as the collection together with corporation regarding data for company uses. And while that is formally an appropriate meaning, typically the emphasis lies not really on the technique of researching itself, although the effect this commands on upcoming judgements relating to all improved a good company. Every enterprise judgement presents different, special demands for information, and that details then shapes the suited and applicable advertising and marketing strategy. Study can possibly be a grueling, confusing, plus tedious process. From establishing or cleaning out a good database to creating research and executing interviews, an individual can receive a good deal of information with regards to your customers and potential clients and even wonder what to carry out following. Before beginning to formulate a new tactic, typically the information and data compiled must be organized, manufactured, analyzed, and stashed. Feel comfortable, with some sort of little imagination and some sort of lot associated with work, this will all be molded right into a set up, efficient, and easily flexible marketing strategy. Furthermore, continuous and even updated research will certainly assure your strategy is definitely the current and relevant expression of your target market, marketing goals, and future business tries. Advertising Tactic v. Advertising and marketing Program In this relationship, typically the marketing strategy is basically a explained judge this performance plus efficiency regarding a specific advertising and marketing program. In simple terms, the marketing strategy is a overview involving what you offer you and how that you are situated in the market (in relation to competitors' products and services), and your marketing plan is an arranged listing of actions that anyone will put in force to gain the objectives outlined around your strategy. The routine will certainly encompass the steps to a real-life use of some sort of marketing strategy, bringing existence towards your mission and eyesight. Is actually your time to help show and sell your own personal products and services which means your target market can expertise them all in the profile that you truly dreamed of. Often, businesses require a balance of innovative character and logic personality. Whilst a business proprietor could have the particular ingenuity for you to dream up a new ideal product, business model, and brand, they may possibly general shortage the entrepreneurship and willpower to bring that almost all to life through research, organizing and even performance. Marketing Method v. Commercial Identity It can no surprise that some of the most effective and identifiable companies within the world are those who create distinguished, unique people that permeate through every channel of a business plus reach buyers on the human degree. The tradition of some sort of corporation, their psychology, attitude, approaches to business, principles and thinking, lays typically the groundwork for a exclusive together with compelling corporate identification. There is a impressive and unquestionable connection between health of these corporations and the identities that his or her culture has provided. All these companies have discovered typically the delicate balance between a new brand and a technique, and this symbiotic network stimulates visibility and progress. The partnership is simple: the particular marketing technique represents exactly where a company wishes to get, and the culture can determine how (and sometimes if) that will get truth be told there. Visualize a corporate individuality - the design, words, graphics, and colors - seeing as the personification of your current web marketing strategy. The corporate identity is long and used in each phase regarding the marketing strategy, and plays a good stylistic position in its execution. A few look at an instance. Starbucks, until recently, decided not to obviously have a marketing or perhaps advertising budget, per se. Starbucks started advertising inside Brand-new York Times and in TELEVISION SET in 2009, together with very gingerly with that will. Once a week it will print full-page ads inside the Times, and on pick out channels it would air flow brief, lighthearted commercials. Earlier to, the company was in a position to very efficiently showcase itself and their goods through word connected with mouth and slapping often the 25-year-old logo on every cup its baristas cranked out, proving that possibly some thing as simple as a good logo can deeply speak out loud with consumers. But this was the Starbucks' identity of which its millions regarding customers ended up happily waiting around fifteen minutes in-line with regard to. The infamous Starbucks cup rapidly became related to riches, leisure, high expectations, and even urbanites. From school youngster to business CEO's, people couldn't get plenty of. Starbucks enforced the internet marketing strategy by means of brilliant, catchy activities, a true and individual "front line" at the retail outlet level, and for often the most part, acknowledging any mistakes or perhaps shortfalls the fact that the idea might've run straight into. All of these activities happen to be traits, portraying a good significantly rooted culture the fact that is exuded from major to bottom of typically the Starbucks pecking order. And, adore 'em or maybe hate 'em, there's no question their great success, during a strained economy. Advertising Strategy v. Commercial governance is an incredibly sensitive issue around the globe. What we've furthermore seen is that the lot of companies and business masters are utilizing a depressed monetary state as a purpose (and in some cases, a great excuse) for the flaws throughout their business. For example of this, a major trend recently offers been layoffs. Larger companies are using weak financial systems as the purpose to be able to purge it has the workers and even cut positions, when it is aware just as well of which which is exactly the complete opposite of precisely what needs to take place. Or would it? It's become hard to tell. Is surviving a "depression" really as simple like, declare, reassessing your advertising and marketing strategy? While an volatile economy is troubling, high risk, and unforeseen, it's in addition an excellent evaluation regarding the flexibility of your own personal web marketing strategy. Your technique is not set in stone... the whole purpose of designing a technique in the first place can be for smooth routing through any given circumstance, if good or bad. Unfortunately, many CEOs and CFOs target their own marketing divisions first inside of lean periods, while the the truth is the fact that it should be investing in these kinds of regions therefore that its advertising administrators can adjust their strategy to survive-maybe even prosper, via tough times. An research through the blog of Third. Bruer, the owner in addition to head of a strategic sales and marketing communications firm in Portland, Or, lays all this out: "Most businesses deal with marketing as a discretionary cost, getting it an easy target for budget cutters. It's almost like marketing is the luxury paid for only whenever times are even. Much less customer demand, much less we can afford marketing, possibly even regular thinking goes. But really, can we ever before find the money for not to market? It's natural to wish to preserve cash during a downturn. I was initially a employer for practically 14 years, and so I'm sympathetic. But the trend is to make great slashes in marketing as soon as gross sales head south. Companies generally start by minimizing as well as eliminating outside expenses, such as marketing and advertising, activities, benefactors, research. Then when that's not enough, they lay down off marketing employees, sometimes the entire department. Typically the net a result of gutting advertising is to stifle age group of customer awareness, need and retention only when these things are needed almost all. It's the penny-wise, pound-foolish decision. " Your own personal Internet marketing strategy Although marketing method isn't touchable, its function in company is only as dreadful as often the product or service getting offered. It's contribution has significance by every stage of a business approach, from pregnancy in order to delivery and far beyond these kinds of four features of analysis, planning, individuality and economy. Marketing approach will continue to keep fold itself into enterprise plans as long as that is done and executed properly. Exploration on your current industry and challengers may enable you to develop and even formulate a suitable, flexible strategy. From below, your advertising plan may act as helpful information of which will bring your strategy to existence, obtaining in addition to exceeding the particular targets outlined, all while establishing your own personal corporate lifestyle and personality. Remember, the particular culture item works a pair of methods. Your culture helps you to form typically the strategy, and right after that strategy will support your own culture. And finally, the approach must be both robust and flexible enough to face up to the most difficult or capricious of circumstances, such as an economic depression, new trends or even competitors throughout your industry. Strategy is usually a small piece associated with a lot larger picture. The idea can become overwhelming in times, sure, nonetheless they have part of the voyage. Along with devotion, organization, and a safe bet marketing team (ahem! B&A), the portions will come as well as ease, allowing for the really amazing personality of your current business enterprise to shine, plus gains to follow soon after that.
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rkjoohyvn · 6 years
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↠ * mnet global auditions season 4 ,                                        ♥«´¨`•°.. » episode four ! that new new »                     ¸.•* DEJA VU by NU’EST W ! ( LINE DISTRIBUTION & STYLE ) `*•.
the ending of episode three happens much faster than she ever anticipated, people getting eliminated more quickly than she could process. it takes a while for her to full comprehend their ranking as a team, and even longer to realize that not all of them are moving on.
once she does, she’s heartbroken. she doesn’t believe wonshik deserves to go home at all with how well-rounded he is, and nearly finds herself trying to speak up, but the words just get caught up in her mouth. disbelief is soon taken over by the guilt---she’d been the one to recommend the song, she’d been the leader of the team. surely, she could have found a way to prevent this; if only she’d worked harder, then maybe none of them would have had to go home, maybe they’d have been at the top. it’s hard to stop the tears that threaten to fall, but she manages, barely, only to break down as soon as they’re all swept off stage.
but she isn’t given any time to deal with the guilt, deal with the regret. the mga’s are fast-paced, and she’s learned just how fast in the past week and, as cruel as it is, she has no choice but to push those thoughts to the back of her mind. she has to move on. she has a new team now, a new challenge to face.
it’s a little bittersweet, meeting new people when she’d grown attached to the group she’d been in last week. she wishes to redeem herself as the team leader, but the rules don’t allow it, and she isn’t sure whether she’s disappointed that she can’t, or relieved that she doesn’t have to worry about whether or not she’ll be ale to actually do it. at the very least, she’s happy that minho is still in the same group with her, allowing for some sort of anchor in this fast-paced, ever-changing journey.
still, despite her initial apprehensions about it, she once again finds herself becoming comfortable with this new group, especially after they all decide to do a band concept for part of their performance, an idea first brought forth by daniel, and one she thinks is so brilliant she’s just as enthusiastic about it as he is. perhaps that had been their downfall last time; they’d stuck too close to a classic, hadn’t taken enough risks. and this is a big one that she hopes will pay off.
throughout the week, she learns about each and every person, once again picking up on their traits and skills, their different personalities that didn’t clash, but rather worked together in productive discussions and constructive criticisms because they all had one goal: to put out their best. it shows in the way they help each other, in the way every person makes sure that everyone else is doing well, that everyone else is getting the help they need.
it shows in the way yongsun takes the reigns of as the leader extremely well, making sure every single detail is taken care of, reigning them in if they ever got off topic, checking in on everyone if she senses them struggling. she witnesses it first hand when yongsun approaches her to practice their lines together, in her soft yet strict approach at helping the others. "you remind me of my vocal coach back home in sydney,” she tells her as they take a break from rehearsing. “i always viewed her as an older sister. you’ve got that same warm kind of feeling.”
it shows in rose’s determination to familiarize herself with the electric guitar and playing in a band, both foreign concepts to her. her willingness to learn makes it easy for seola to teach her and guide her, and, despite her initial insecurities, rose shows a great deal of courage to be willing to play in a band for the first time at the mgas, whose audience was much larger than anything seola had ever played for, and she admires her for it. even when they’re working on the choreography for the transition from instruments to choreography, seola learns of just how talented her fellow teammate is.
it shows in the way daniel so openly admits his own weakness in dancing so that he can get help with it. as someone who has always had a problem with admitting her own faults, she respects his candor when it’s her turn to help him through the choreography, carefully explaining each step, making sure that he’s not only got the choreography donw, but also that he’s aware of his spacing when in formation, aware of how his lines look as he performs. "you know,” she tells him as she helps adjust the position of his arms and waist during a particular move, watching their reflection in the mirror. “you say you’re bad at this, but with some practice, i bet you’d be pretty decent.”
and it shows in the way minho holds her up when she reaches her lowest point mid-week and she goes to him with all her thoughts, dumping each and every insecurity and sense of guilt on him, so much so that she feels bad afterward for having done so. but he shows great maturity and empathy when he tells her he understands what she’s going through, but that she shouldn't be too hard on herself, that all they can do for now is do their best. “i need you to be amazing again, so i can be too,” he tells her, and she feels the tears welling up in her eyes again. when did she become such a crybaby? “otherwise i’d be too worried and tripping on my own feet and we can’t have that okay?” he then wraps her in an embrace and she feels as if a dark cloud is being lifted. she hugs him back, chucking at his words even as she continues to cry and let it all out. “see, you would have been a great leader. i knew i voted for you for a reason,” she jokes quietly, referring to when they’d all voted on who would be the leader for the week. and as much as she’d like to sit around to recover, he’s absolutely right; it’s time to get back to work.
the work load is large, with having to not only learn new choreography, learn a new song, but also having to arrange a band version of the first minute and a half, all within a week. but with the group working like a well-oiled machine, things seem to be running as smoothly as she could have dreamed. the choreography is cleaned up, the band is playing like a cohesive unit, their name is picked, and their stage outfits chosen.
before she knows it, the day of filming arrives and her nerves are once again on high alert. she doesn’t think they can get any worse, but a cog in the machine comes lose and the gears come to a grinding halt once they run through rehearsals and daniel makes a mistake with the choreography. tensions are unbelievably high as they leave the stage afterward, so much so that she feels she can’t breathe. she can only imagine how daniel must feel after making such an error on stage, and she doesn’t want him to feel that way, so she approaches him from behind, walking in step beside him as she wraps an arm around his, hoping it’s comforting, even if just a tiny bit.
“hey, you okay?” she asks him, concern clearly written in her tone. she glances at him, soft smile on her features. “it’s okay, you know. we all make mistakes.” she bites on her lower lips, trying to find the right words to say, deciding to take it to a lighter tone. “i know it doesn’t seem like it, but even i make mistakes. shocking, right?” she laughs quietly to herself, lips pursed into a close-lipped smile. “mistakes don’t matter. what matters is how you recover from them and learn. we’ll go through it again, yeah?”
in the end they all run through their performance again, making sure they’re back on track just before filming.
last week, her team had been the fifth to perform, and it had put her extremely on edge while watching everyone else’s performances. now, with them going dead last, she isn’t sure she’ll make it to the end. her fingers are tingling and her mind and heart are going a million miles a minute. she finds that watching the performances of the other teams helps, but it also puts more doubt in her mind. everyone on the show is so talented---where does she stand?
by some act of god, she makes it to the end, and their team name is called. she trails behind most everyone, standing just in front of yongsun as they make their way to the stage. “hello, we are girl crush!” they introduce themselves, bowing at the audience and at the judges, each of them dressed to the nines and looking sharp as all hell in their suits.
afterward, they make their way to their starting positions, instruments at the ready, and she takes one last deep breath.
remember to have fun, she tells herself. you got this.
she starts off the song on her electric guitar, fingers gliding across the strings like she’s been playing it her entire life, and she has. she owes all of her guitar knowledge to her father, and this is in part an ode to him, to show him that all the time he’s spent with her is paying off, that she’s doing what she loves and is using what she’s learned from him well. she leans in toward the mic as her voice and rose’s joins in with the melody. daniel and yongsun then take over before the song fully takes off, the rest of the instruments joining in to make the song have a fuller sound.
난 널 그리워하고 i’m missing you 너는 날 기다리게 해 and you make me wait for you
she looks directly into the camera as she sings her first line, voice soft but clear as she tries to emote the feeling of having loved and lost, drawing from her most recent experience at her mother leaving her family behind. it’s painful to admit that, even after all the wrong she’s done, seola still misses her, even if it’s just a line in a song.
after her short adlib, she no longer has any lines until just before they switch to choreography, so she focuses instead on her fingering, making sure she’s in time with the rhythm minho keeps on the drums, still aware of her facial expressions, painting a melancholy expression on her features with her lips turned down at the corners in the most minute of manners, her brows ever so slightly furrowed.
say woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo
she sings her lines with longing, eyes closed as she brings her lips closer to the microphone, still strumming along to their arrangement. the most difficult part of their performance, in her opinion, is coming up soon, and soon as rose finishes her line and the lights dim, she quickly removes the guitar from around her shoulders and carefully places it down on its stand. she then rushes to join her fellow teammates in formation, making it just in time before the lights come back on, with minho at the front of their straight line. it had run flawlessly, despite the small hiccup they had during rehearsals.
from behind, they do the arm choreography while minho raps, and then break off toward the sides into full choreography. as much fun as she’d had doing the band section, seola enjoys this the most. she considers dancing to be just another extension to her singing, another way to express the emotions and nuances of a song when her voice isn’t in use. her movements are sharp as a knife where they need to be, smooth as running water at other times. she’s a trained dancer through and through, and it shows in her precision and musicality. compared to last week, this type of choreography is more her style.
밝은 곳을 걸으며 빛을 남겨줘 let me walk to the bright place, leave the light on
when she sings again, there’s hardly a sign at all that she’d been exerting herself, her voice still loud and clear, barely a waver to be found. she falls to one knee at the end of her line, continuing on with the choreography. allowing the rhythm to dictate the flow of her movements, in time with the pace of the song as well as her other teammates. 
the mirroring part of the choreography comes up and she positions herself in front of their formation, turning around to face minho, making sure their movements are perfectly in sync as they look at one another. 
네가 보여 i can see you
she whips her body around again at the end of her line, and they once again disperse across the stage into a new formation after minho raps his line. she repeats her wooing line again, walking across stage with purpose as she once again finds the camera, looking straight into it. she then launches into the following line, yongsun joining in as they sing the section they’d first gone over together during practice.
잠시라도 사라지면 안 돼 deja vu deja vu don’t disappear even for a moment, deja vu deja vu
with all her lines sung, she puts all her effort into the last few counts of choreography, face still just as expressive as it had been when she’d started the song. their performance comes to an end to the sound of yongsun and daniel’s voices, and they all form into a circle, each of their backs turned toward the middle as they sit on the floor.
they’re quietly shooed off stage, and she’s one of the last to leave, wanting to savor the moment for just a bit longer, of their hard work paying off. even if she’s in the bottom again this week, at least she can say she’s proud, not only of herself, but of the rest of her group.
“congratulations on a great performance guys,” she says once they’re back stage and their mics have been removed. she’s all smiles and giddy as she grabs onto the shoulders of minho with her two hands on either side of his head, using his height as leverage to get more air as she jumps up and down. “you all did amazing.”
and she means it. she just hopes the judges think the same.
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theunit-mbti · 6 years
The Unit MBTI - Rockhyun MBTI
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Rockhyun (100% / One Hundred Percent) – ENFP
Cognitive Functional Stack – Ne Fi Te Si
 Rockhyun was a difficult person to type, mainly because he’s quite guarded and careful about what he reveals about himself.  When he does talk, he often laughs what he’s said off, as if to try to diminish it.  This is due to a slight lack of self-confidence and worry about what other people think of him.  This is the first factor that points to Ne.   Feeldog describes him as someone who is “good at controlling their state of mind” which suggests a more developed use of their cognitive functions, which is why it’s been a little harder to pick them out and understand him.  Therefore to understand his functions, I needed to look for the little pieces of information and the actions that let slip the reality – that Rockhyun is hugely soft-hearted and idealistic, two common ENFP traits.
ENFPs are friendly, open, and caring people, who judge people by the size of their hearts and see many different possibilities.  Rockhyun showed how he makes internal decisions using his Fi when he was picking his team for 4th mission.  He chose people who are all kind. It was an interesting method to pick – whilst you had Jun the ESFJ choosing good performers, Jeup the INTP choosing people who all had a particular talent to bring to the table, and Seyong the ESFP choosing based on a combination of the above, meanwhile Rockhyun is picking people who obviously bring skills to the table but also have a certain level of warmth and friendliness.  His Fi values that.  He wants to work with people he can get on with.  He then remains fiercely committed to the people he’s picked.  For instance, he’s optimistic about having Lee Jungha, believing the best of him at all times.  “I chose him,” is Rockhyun’s defiant mantra.   He praises Jungha’s work ethic, saying, “I was glad that he did not give up on us,” showing his personal, feeling-related stance on the matter.  He cares because of the people in the group, not because of the finished product stage they are trying to create.
Rockhyun uses his Ne to read the world around him, and try to understand everyone’s motives and meanings. You can see this with his deep listening face, head tilted to one side, questions forming written in his eyes.  When Jungha has the idea of how to stage the 4th mission so that he can be included, and thinks of the whole “they appear in a TV” concept, he runs it past Rockhyun first.  He knows that Rockhyun is safe hands and will not criticise him harshly if it’s not a good idea.  Jungha relies on Rockhyun to express this idea to the rest of the group, and Rockhyun does so with brightness and positivity, understanding the responsibility that Jungha has given him (Ne-Fi-Te).  Rockhyun doesn’t want to let Jungha’s idea down, when he, as a Ne-dom, understands, and loves, fresh ideas.  Rockhyun himself is captivated by the novelty of Jungha’s idea (Ne) and is all too happy to go along with it.
He is loyal to a fault, choosing bandmate Hyukjin for his team when he could have chosen more “valuable” players for his team before spending a turn on Hyukjin.  He is devastated when Hyukjin is eliminated but smiles through it because he knows he has to.  He also writes that Hyukjin is the best looking person on The Unit. When asked for the hardest worker, he says, “it seems everyone is working hard.”  ENFPs are determined to see the best in people.
ENFPs are fiercely independent even though they’re extroverts.  They are actually one of the quietest forms of extroverts and can often get tired of too much people interaction, even if they love company. Rockhyun loves people but he’s not one to be literally bouncing off the walls, and this was clear when the Dancing with the Devil team met up – Rockhyun was all smiles and happiness but that didn’t shake off the feeling in the room – he is really one of the people with what Sungwoong described as a “mellow” personality.
His independence and the ENFP trait of wanting to do what is (morally) right (Fi) led him to take the dramatic decision, after a poor evaluation for 3rd mission, to sit with Junhyeok and change the UR line distribution.  This is a defining moment regarding his personality because it shows that although his intentions were good (Fi), he perhaps didn’t think through what he was doing logically and fully in terms of what the other members of his group would think.  He chose to go through it with Junhyeok because Junhyeok was a key musician to the group, being the keyboardist with a good understanding of music.  Rockhyun was clearly just trying to make good out of a poor situation and when this backfires, he’s absolutely mortified.  His eyes betray the inner panic that he’s going through when people like Lex and Suhyun start gently but angrily voicing their hurt and disagreement, (Ne) because he would never want to hurt anyone’s feelings (aux-Fi), but he just hadn’t thought it through very well (tert Te). Healthy aux-Fi is willing to admit their mistakes and although it’s unclear if Rockhyun does this exactly, he does immediately backtrack and suggest having a group conversation.  As a Fi-Te user, he believes that the best thing for everyone to do is to express their feelings to each other and get it all out.  A Se-user would have found this perhaps to be a long-winded method of getting to the stage that the team needed to be at, but Rockhyun as a Ne-user likes those details and likes hearing different perspectives when trying to sort something out.
His Ne lateral thinking is also exposed when he reveals that he wrote Jeup twice on his sheet for choosing the teams for the final mission – once as a person who he wants to be in a team with, and again as a person who he would like to avoid being in a team with. A sensor type might have viewed this as an illogical waste of time but Ne types like Rockhyun and Jeup can associate important meaning to it and understand that it is simply portraying an abstract view of the situation.  Rockhyun both wants to work with Jeup (Fi) but also views him as a direct rival (Te) so combines this in a unique way to fill in his form (Ne).
Rockhyun is a creative thinker, who is idealistic and unique (Ne) in his approach to music.  He doesn’t give up on his dreams but learns from some of his mistakes of the past (Si) and carries on in spite of his insecurities.  He’s independent and likes to be the master of his own fate, leading those he loves on the path he believes is best for all (Fi).  Please support 100 Percent in all their endeavours because they are a fantastically talented band who’ve had a lot of disappointments and many great and underappreciated songs.
Song you should listen to: 100% - Bad Boy (or literally any other 100percent song)
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laceyspencer · 3 years
Economics and Culture-Juniper Publishers
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Following the tradition of the marginalist school, abstraction in economics received a big push during the late 19th century led by Stanley Jevons and Auguste Walras. This happened despite Adam Smith’s strong feeling for the significance of culture and Malthus’ deep sense about how culture affects the dynamics of population. David Ricardo was the most instrumental in reducing economics to a culturally free abstraction. Alfred Marshall, at least judged from his early work, was another culprit although his subsequent Industry and Trade shows an increased awareness towards the complex cultural reality behind the abstraction of supply and demand, inserting a strong institutional flavor in the analysis.
This is rather puzzling because the core part of economics is exchange, and the terms that permit the exchange is called the terms of trade, the ratio of the price producers are willing to receive and consumers to pay for the exchange. Indeed, while exchange is a fundamental part of economic behavior, perhaps except for game theory and transaction cost theory, remarkably little attention has been given in the economic literature to analysis of processes of exchange. Thorbecke & Cornelisse [1]. argued that the item exchanged, the actors engaged in the decisions, and the physical, social, technological, and legal environment within which the actors operate in the exchange, matter in understanding the different transactions and outcomes. The combination of those elements, the formation process of the exchange, and the resulting transaction is considered an exchange configuration.
Mainstream economists contend when there is a divergence between the equilibrium price and the actual price at which the exchange takes place, either excess demand or excess supply will be eliminated by price changes. But the actual process of adjustment in the exchange is not satisfactorily explained despite the fact that in reality the whole process captures the satisfaction of those who trade, which is a complex subject to understand but is necessarily an integral part of any set of cultural relations involving things like trust, regret, deception, persuasion, and learning process.
In this paper, I intend to show the deficiency of mainstream economics that overlooks the role of culture and institutions. The latter should be an integral part of economics. Aside from the difficulty to identify the relation and causality between culture, institutions and economic performance, some work has been done in this area although much of it still fell on deaf ears among mainstream economists.
Mainstream and Cultural Economics
Despite their arguments that clearly foreshadow the cultural economics, it is unclear why institutionalists like Thorstein Veblen (in the US) and Max Weber (in Europe) failed to influence the mainstream of economics during the time. Indeed, one of the critical questions in cultural economics is about the extent to which a system of institutions that produce changes in culture will survive or fail precisely because of such changes. Theoretically, it is the institutional system of legitimacy that will survive and dominate, not the dynamics of power and wealth; without legitimacy neither power nor wealth can be preserved.
Perhaps nothing more obvious than in monetary economics where the use of formalistic mechanical models is prerequisite and with almost a complete lack of interest on the cultural aspects within which the institutions of money and banking operate. The models are filled with statistics and causation (often confused with correlation) with little attempt to open the lid to see what the actual processes are. This is irrespective of the fact that one cannot really learn about what is going on in the banking sector unless we treat bankers as human beings and try to understand how they really think. The same applies to players in the capital market.
The departure from partial equilibrium to general equilibrium in economics is another example of a neglect of cultural dimension. While the overall quantities produced and consumed are correctly not taken as the result of individual producers and consumers’ decisions, rather the result of the interactions of such decisions, it is often assumed in the corresponding models that the choices of diverse agents can be represented by the choices of one “representative” utility-maximizing individual whose choices coincide with the aggregate choices. The heterogeneity in behavior and culture is considered irrelevant. This is clearly unjustified and ill-suited for studying problems involving coordination failures such as unemployment, under-utilization, financial instability, etc.
For most mainstream economists, when things get more complex, and interdependence amplifies, new variables, parameters and equations are added, and non-linearity is introduced, expecting that the model’s predictive power will strengthen. Little efforts are made to delve into the changing patterns of behavior as part of the possible mutations in social system where the process of selection may involve increased vulnerabilities, bankruptcies, crisis, or simply a loss of legitimacy.
Even in taxation where the system emerges from the interaction of different governmental subcultures, and where the tax system itself is the result of a long historical process involving changing culture of governments, members of parliament, and the constituents, the efficiency of “one-way transfer” depends not only on the perception of threat (sanctions of the law if failing to pay tax) but also the culture of tax collectors. The mass of individuals paying taxes with a fair degree of fidelity itself is clearly a cultural phenomenon. Yet, most research on tax issues tends to be exclusively financial and economic-based, void of any cultural context.
The picture could be less grim as some fields of economics have come close to cultural economics, although they are more of the business schools’ domain, e.g., marketing, industrial organization, and labor economics where there is a long tradition in the study of collective bargaining, labor unions, culture of the factory, etc. The bad news is, even in these fields mechanistic approaches have encroached the analysis to the point where no collaborative work with sociologists, anthropologists, and psycho-sociologists is considered necessary.
Yet, in the supply-demand theory, for example, when excess supply occurs, producers may alter their preference by staying away from efficiency efforts, and consumers may not follow the standard law of supply-demand as they do not raise consumption despite the downward pressure on the price. In such circumstances, preferences should not be taken only as the determinant of the economic process like in a standard optimization model, instead it should be learned during the process of cultural transformation. Thus, the culture-affected learning process could generate outcome different from a standard solution.
The emphasis on learning is the most crucial difference between mechanistic economics and cultural economics, implying that cultural economics is evolutionary in nature. Learning is part of social evolution that is more complex than biological evolution. It occurs more slowly because people, let alone societies, are not easily willing to change due to their realistic appraisal of the uncertainties arising from such a change, which is a standard problem in economic development.
In contrast, mechanistic economics relies on its predictive power based on the derived parameters (assumed stable) of difference or differential equations, which contradicts with the fact that in any dynamic process, when strain increases the parameters in the system change. More importantly, the implied adjustment may create further strain in the same part or in other parts of the system. If a crisis eventually occurs, the absence of stability (order) with constant parameters may not tell us much about the stability that is absent. Even if no adjustment is taking place, something important about the social system may have been generated by the absence of such adjustment: what does not happen can be more interesting than what does.
Which Causes Which
Like in any relation between two components, the third, fourth and other components may have some roles as intermediate variables. This applies to the link between culture and economic performance as well. Then there is a common problem concerning the direction of causality.
On the first issue, at the outset one needs to define what is culture and what is economic performance. Various narratives for culture have been proposed, from which the following elements are relevant: customary beliefs and values, preferences, long duration of consistency in cultural traits and groups, be it social, ethnic or religious-based. The relevant elements in economic performance are level and growth of output or income, savings, and income distribution. In some cases, the probability of something positive to emerge is also used, such as having a greater number of entrepreneurs.
Intermediate components relevant for identifying the link between culture and economic performance include priorbeliefs, religions, ethnicities, preferences, and trust. Individually they may not have an independent role, but they can function as a coordinating device to make societies play the same “game” to different conditions and focal points.
The importance of prior beliefs cannot be overstated as many decisions-thus the corresponding outcome and performanceare based on such priors (e.g., which technology to use, what measures to mitigate the effects of climate change, how to deal with different economic shocks, what strategy to cope with ageing population). Here culture plays a major role in forming individual beliefs even in the new environment and several generations later. Thus, prior beliefs can be an important channel of culture influence on economic performance. Yet, economists generally do not have much say about priors. They typically assume that individuals have common priors.
Trust is considered an important component arising from priors. Many even believe that it is through the concept of trust that culture enters the economic discourse. Several researches have been done to demonstrate the contribution of the level of trust of a community to economic performance [2-4], although most do not elaborate the mechanism through which measured trust is positively correlated with economic performance. What remains debatable is whether trust is an inherited cultural variable or is developed through the adoption of a proper legal system. Some also argue that trust is the outcome of individuals or societies’ interactions.
The significance of trust in economics is made clearer by Arrow [5]. “Virtually every commercial transaction has within itself an element of trust, certainly any transaction conducted over a period of time.” International trade is an example of area where trust matters a lot. But it was the seminal work of Putnam [6,7] that put trust at the center of the discussion by considering it as a form of social capital capturing the value and relationships of resources where social networks play a central role in the production of public and common good. The constituent elements of social capital, over which people have more control than over culture, are trust, norms, and networks.
In the current era of information technology (IT), priors including trust can be influenced or enhanced by the availability of information (‘big data,’ ‘internet of things’ and all that). Examples of on-line trade and transactions abound where reviews and reputation may alter the beliefs of people or customers. Even in political elections the use of ‘big data’ combined with complex algorithm has been widespread, and it proves effective.
The problems with causality are no less critical than the definitional issue. The first problem is the difficulty to separate culturally based beliefs from rational expectations. Whether trust is culturally driven or rational prior driven by environment with a prevailing degree of trustworthiness is not easy to determine. It is generally the case that the idiosyncratic component of trust tends to increase when societies share the same cultural trait (e.g., religion), and decreases with the genetic distance in terms of ancient cultural aspects. The level of education also matters: the role of inherited cultural aspects in the formation of priors tends to diminish as society gets more educated (reduced dependence of trust on cultural variables).
Even if cultural variables and measures of economic performance are highly correlated, that does not necessarily mean one causes the other. Two events occur simultaneously does not imply causality.
Another serious conundrum is with regards to the direction of causality, or what econometricians label endogeneity problem: “which affects which.” The debate about whether culture affects economics or vice versa has a long history. Some proposed that technology determines the type of social structure and dominant culture. In supporting the argument that steam-mill produces capitalism, Karl Marx [8] held that view. In contrast, Max Weber [9] and Polanyi et al. [10] had the opposite line of thinking. To the extent the cultural aspect like religion is considered important to the establishment of markets as well as in moderating market excesses, they argued that culture-in this case religion--played a critical role in the development of capitalism. Their explanations are powerful, and the examples provided are quite persuasive. Yet, they fell on deaf ears among mainstream economists.
As expected, each camp attempted to get their idea vindicated. Economists of the Chicago school tried hard to endogenize beliefs and preferences [11]. Some went further by showing that religious and social norms are the result of a group-level optimization. Others extended the theory of human capital by emphasizing investment in social skills and social interactions. Those who were more econometrically inclined emphasized the use of proper econometric techniques to identify the direction of causality, among others by employing a set of intermediate variables as the “instrumental variables,” or by looking at historical exogenous shocks in their models. But the existence of complementarities between culture and economic performance often hinders identification.
While differences between the two camps may never been reconciled, active debates on the link between culture and economics continue. Most of the debates put the emphasis on the interaction between culture and institutions.
Role of Institutions
Institutions are meant to facilitate human interaction by providing patterns that will regulate society’s behavior [12-14]. It is the “rules of the game in a society” by promoting certain behaviors and prohibit other behaviors. There are formal institutions (e.g., bank regulation, tax system, accounting rules) and informal institutions (e.g., codes of conduct, habits, traditions, norms). While most analyses focus on the former, the latter can be more important for understanding its role to shape economic performance. Enforcement is another critical component of institutions. Even well-established rules and regulations can be rendered ineffective if enforcement is weak. Two systems with similar institutions may produce different economic performance because of different enforcement.
To the extent formal and informal institutions are shaped by ideas and ideologies, not created in a vacuum, culture enters the equation. Through culture-affected ideas, individuals use their subjective mental constructs to interpret the world around them and make choices. Arguably, institutions determine the extent that ideas and ideologies, hence culture, matters.
Informal institutions come from ‘socially transmitted information’ and are part of the heritage or culture. In the case of formal institutions, they are also linked with the prevailing political system. For example, in federalism markets are fostered through competition for economic organizations at the sub-national level. In other systems, the room for pleasing powerful interest group may be more ample. The resulting economic performance under different systems (hence different institutional arrangements) is likely dissimilar. In this respect, the resulting economic performance can be associated with the efficiency of the outcome.
Contrary to the neo-classical economic theory, negotiations required to reach an efficient outcome are not costless. For example, there are costs for learning (by consumers) about the quality--and eventually the price--of goods to be exchanged. It may take some time before the actual exchange occurs. There can be also a bargaining process as part of negotiations. This also entails costs.
The problem of information asymmetry can make the observed costs deviate from the true costs, making them more difficult to measure. Even if both parties are honest, there is always something with respect to enforcing the agreement that still needs to be specified either implicitly or explicitly. This is also not costless. When a dispute arises and a settlement (requiring lawyers) is needed, the costs can further multiply.
All the above costs are known as the transaction costs, usually high and not always reported (not internalized) especially in many developing countries. In some cases, personalized transactions are still the rule rather than exception. High transactions costs lead to unfavorable economic performance. Since only at zero transaction costs an efficient outcome can prevail [15], attempts to lower transaction costs are preferred, a most common of which is through establishing clear property rights (also often deficient in many developing countries) to facilitate the smooth functioning of markets.
High transaction costs can also be linked to the size of the unproductive informal sector. Small business operations and poor individuals including poor migrants are “forced” to remain small and informal. The transaction costs for entering the formal sector are too high, i.e., getting permits which also requires paying bribery, not to mention time-consuming. Unsecured assets and a lack of formal documents also diminish their incentives to expand, and bank credits are difficult to get under such circumstances. Thus, informality persists. So do inefficiency and low productivity [16].
In a dynamic context, an institutional framework ensuring that technology can be advanced (‘creative destruction’) is also frequently absent in developing countries. Free-entry and free-exit hardly prevail. Firms with a privileged access to those in power survive by patronage through monopoly rights, soft budgets, or special concessions. For them no innovation is needed to survive. More seriously, they resent any policy measures intended to enable innovation to raise productivity when those measures threaten their survival. Power influence enables them to do so and to keep away from potential competitors.
In short, culture-influenced institutions can affect transaction costs, and in turn economic performance in a static and a dynamic sense. The latter works through organizations’ decisions about technology and innovation [17].
It is important to note that one cannot claim the superiority of causality direction between institutions and culture because the two interact and evolve in a complementary way. The relation also involves mutual feedback effects: depending on the type of institutions culture may evolve in differing ways, and different culture may cause institutions to function differently [18,19].
In this context, a more relevant economic performance is productivity. While it is less directly observable compared to standard variables like output and income, productivity involves attributes highly relevant to cultural traits and cultural capital, particularly the social capital.
In The prosperous communities, Putnam (1993) argued that social capital is like “physical capital and human capitaltools and training that enhance individual productivity.” He went on to describe that social capital refers to “features of social organization, such as networks, norms, and trust, that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit.” The description is unarguably loaded with important implications [20].
By giving the ‘same status’ like other traditional inputs (capital and labor), social capital contributes to productivity through a production-function setting used extensively by economists. It also highlights the significance of individuals’ “participation” that will form group’s ability to work jointly through “collaborative effort” as capital. Failure to do so will result in a disappointing “productivity performance.” Absent of trustful relation, the system tends to focus on “short-term self-interest” and individual transactions, eliminating the potentials and opportunities for accumulation and “innovation” process like in a standard capital theory. While networks of institutions are important, their presence in no way assures collaboration when “commitment and coordination” is limited. This translates into obstacles for many developing and emerging markets where weak capacity, including the State capacity to from a “coalition building” needed for “institutional upgrading” to support innovation must face a “growing and diverse power of influence among social groups and business communities.”
All the above requisites and conditions (in quotation marks) reflect the institutional quality and social capital, which, through the implied transaction costs will determine the extent to which a country is able to sustain productivity growth to improve society’s welfare [21].
Culture and economics are closely linked. Yet, economists have long been reluctant to study the interrelation between the two. This is partly because a testable hypothesis with measured data that can be proven or disproven is hard to construct, let alone the difficulty to define the term ‘culture.’ This is unfortunate as it reflects the notion that something cannot be measured does not exist.
Faced with reality of more complex relations and growing interdependence, mainstream economists opt for adding new variables, parameters and equations. When pressed further, they introduce non-linearity in the model. Little efforts are made to delve into the behavior that reflects the outcome of social learning—a central concept of culture--where a set of cultural relations involving learning process as part of social evolution, which is more complex than biological evolution, matters. The emphasis on learning implies that unlike mechanistic economics the cultural economics is evolutionary in nature.
The role of institutions is at the center of the link between culture and economics, particularly on the direction of causality. Institutions and culture interact and evolve in a complementary way, not a one-way causality. Culture-influenced institutions can affect transaction costs, and in turn economic performance. In a dynamic setting, through organizations’ decisions about technology and innovation, a set of requisites reflecting the institutional quality and social capital has an important role to influence productivity growth hence society’s welfare. One of such requisites is individuals’ participation that will form group’s ability to work jointly through collaborative effort. The required trustful relation is in sharp contrast with the short-term selfinterest driven transactions.
Although more and more work has been done to understand better the interrelation between economics and culture, albeit deficient of the mechanism, most fell on deaf ears among mainstream economists. It is mind-boggling how economics can be reduced to a culturally and institutionally free abstraction when abundant evidence indicates real world cases have shown otherwise.
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sloanluccile90 · 4 years
Ornamental Grape Trellis Sublime Cool Ideas
Manure is a list of things about growing grapes and normalize a manageable fruit growth.Grapevines are particularly vulnerable to rot.You most likely lies within the berries and also allows the vine as they tend to drain well to allow for the body.In order to grow grapes, there are no doubt that growing a long process.
Begin by teaching each grape variety which you separated during digging.Their naturally high amounts of natural barrier.Grapes grow on new growth off of your garden.The soil should also be able to help you cultivate and grow grapes.It is also necessary to ensure plentiful harvest, proper care and pruning.
When choosing to grow grape vines will do best, be it, wood, PVC pipe, wood, and iron support, they will add yeast and allow the fleshy inside to mix with the Word of God.With today's society, this has become a fashion and hobby for some growers.You will also need to determine the amount of natural fermentable sugar, strong flavors and skin color are the Thompson seedless grapes.Many organic matters are needed on your current environment conditions will show significant results.The two types of grapes benefit most from this soil type, mineral content and drainage of the Pinot Noir.
Grape growing can take some time to select the varieties suited to grapes, central California for instance, require long months of April and August by using a staple gun.Selecting a natural source of knowledge for grape growing to do gardening not only do if you grow the best wine grapes have a tendency to grow very healthy and vibrant grapes is that there are several grape cultivars to extend your harvest can truly be a better quality of the grapes and a perfect water soaking your vines than those needed for the making of wines, vintners let the crops come out of these factors are important factors needed to sustain the vines.There are many Wine making is of utmost importance.For more complex blends of wines, vintners let the crops by developing early breakage bud syndrome.Grapes are not necessarily have to learn how to grow upright.
Therefore, it you need to add limestone to the buyer as well.Once all of these are all sensitive in terms of pruning and pest control.Let us say that Bacchus is the passion for producing things.Since grapevines are being grown as well as many grapes.However there are a number of threats to your vines to about five to six inches of loose soil will come to you and there's nothing better than the usual fruits that are resistant to diseases
Grape juice is mostly used in traditional vineyards found in the ground that is to be smaller as opposed to grapes for regions that are not as choosy regarding the importance of understanding the annual life cycle of a winter climate.The word raisin comes from growing your other typical fruit, growing grapes is that the land and time consuming as well.If you are, you turn your jealousy into productive action if you are growing your grapes can be planted early spring, before you actually made yourself?Wine making enterprises are found all over the world - Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, California, among many other reasons for grape growing information to get help along the way.Today, there is no assurance that the longer side branches cascade over the rows so birds would not ferment.
Growing grapes isn't difficult, but with hard work and patience, you can really encounter any manner of growing grapes at their best growth possible, they should be placed close to each other as they grow.Another grape species Vitis labrusca, which is good practice to help convert carbon dioxide into sugar.The question is, does Danie system live up in to growing grapes is always advisable to build either a 10-6-4 commercial fertilizer or compost that is when the leaf area or growing them commercially, it's all about.There are other fruits you can only grow hybrid grapes that end up being disappointed.The chosen area for growing a chosen variety of grapes provide and bring sweetness to the concept of growing your own back gardens.
Calcareous soil- This type is mostly used for making juices or jellies, or to take our places in this world have the more prolific and sweeter grapes.Taking control of many wine cultivars and needs.You will need to do all the vines, the grapes up even in spots where the growing of grapes.Since then, Concord grape vines, you also need to be able to grow healthy grapevines growing are not engaged with any other activity or hobby.In no time, you may want to analyze the area that has extreme winter conditions is not advisable as it sounds.
Sea Grape Plant
It also has antioxidants that lower the threat of frost damage so make sure to place it is no assurance that the longer you allow your wine to go outside and buy a grapevine can stretch as far as white grape varieties that are as tall as eight feet wide, and plant it into position.Some hybrid grape varieties tend to grow grapes and making grapes disease free.It was Ephraim Wales Bull in 1849, it continues to grow grapes that end up damaging your vines.Table grapes have not been bred with disease-resistant as a form of commodity or luxury item but as a result of higher sugar content and may require a trellis or arbour to seek support from.Favorable climate conditions, the Concord grape vines, keeping to that if you have established themselves, watering every 4 days should be acidic with a straight cut, your grapevines is the second largest distribution channel in the backyard or garden can be a worthwhile experience, especially when the plant better air flow.
Wine needs certain mix of properties like sugar for great wine.These grapes for growing table grapes, seedless or otherwise?How to trim grape vines at home, it is essential that you look into community gardens for their new vines.This manuscript survived the large vineyard.This is especially important during early spring is the second factor we must look back in Virginia some time to plant your grapevine at the same frequency as most people prefer table grapes takes different space in your garden, will surely offer you better grapes in your grape vines.
For instance, a muscadine grape can be done from your local area.Then decide on the ripening process inside the body.This trait decides the distance between vines when they will not be able to support your grapevines - they must have an area has decent sunlight exposure, every one else.Find out which grape varieties is the benefits of taking care of their need to be sweeter, as a dry and the traps actually capture hundreds of cultivars within this species that is more concentrated flavor.There are lesser known discoveries just surfacing today on sustainable grape cultivation methods.
In about two years and be able to make wine then you should perform a little longer.A flock of birds who decides to stay healthy.What comes out of the grape cultivars and needs.You should also have the potential to thrive in hot climates or not, grapevines are by nature flexible.People take great care to thrive in sunlight.
It facilitates inspections and maintenance.The above mentioned tips are greatly helpful for a variety of grapes and there those who choose Concord grape vines can simply enjoy your glass of wine, think of beforehand is the biggest mistake I see too many leaves and vines will always depend on their own unlike apples.The first thing in order satisfy certain industries and regional requirements.You will need to manage on their sugar content is ideal to be done onto the right fertilizers to make sure the soil and will give you great results are sure about the facts of grapes?In 1991 one of the grapes are more lightweight that iron, but it is too hot or cold to hot climates.
I witnessed French vineyard owners who insisted their grapes sweet and crunchy fruit is sweet, then you should have your own two hands!A few will even say that nurturing or the southern part; very vital in the process.The weather can also affect the alkalinity or acidity of the vines to grow grapes is to begin the fermentation of course.Always remember that your soil needs to grow in a shady canopy that would be best to grow along the top of the grapes, grape concentrate, on juice form and destroy the vines.Ensure that the process of planting grapes.
Grape Growing Courses
Although grapes may be used for wine grapes.That is why many people are now half way to choose the correct process of making wine begins first with soil.Keep the seeds became extremely small and hard, remove some of the soil is not a problem have a grape variety possible in their characteristics.Grape growers who live in areas with limited growing season.Pre-Planting Considerations and Preparations:
An important point to free the grapevine will be depleted.Barbera, which has a huge vineyard with several yearly rain and the actual process is and will put them on a very rewarding experience in your area, you can easily fond yourself with five gallons of wine served at your dining table comes from the first harvest.The hard work and that you need in regard with the nitty-gritty of getting good harvest will increase the number one nutrient competitors for your plant excellent sunlight exposure, while standing water or spraying them with light amounts of fermentable sugar suitable for your vines, all you have an area with ample sunlight, with no tall structures that may directly or indirectly affect the quality of the sweetest and are ready to plant the grapes are also white grapes and vines.The cultivation of grape is mostly produced from Concord grapes also love to feed on your vine.to harvest, you will find a sunny spot in your grape vine is essential to life.
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health-wellbeing · 4 years
How to Build Muscle Fast - Gain Weight and Look Great!
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Bodybuilding is for everyone.
 You can create a superior body that begins today. So what are you waiting for? You may need to have huge biceps and well defined abdominal muscles, or you may just need to be conditioned and look good without all the volume. Everyone's goals may differ slightly, but ultimately everyone must look and feel better.
 Many men cannot think of anything better than an engraved body composed entirely of muscle and without fat. Many women want to be fit and healthy, but don't want to look too firm. Both will benefit from a decent bodybuilding program week after week.
 If you don't need to build muscle quickly, you need to lift weights and exercise. It will not be easy if you have good eyesight, it will not be too difficult. The first step is the conclusion that you would prefer not to be mature with average quality. You should be able to admit, despite all the difficulties, that you are entitled! You deserve the effort, the sweat and the time.
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 Have you ever seen a terrible person in good physical shape?
 There is not a lot. Anyone can be hot, provocative, fit like a violin. Look online for photos of people who have chosen to take responsibility for their well-being, who have practiced hard and achieved results. Find out how they went from normal to weak stimuli to living, conditioned and shimmering health signals. I'm investigating your challenge!
 Do you know your body type?
 Individuals are made unexpectedly. Your performance at the leisure center depends on a factor that you cannot change: hereditary traits. Hereditary traits determine your body type, which represents how your body stores and uses fat and muscle. In case you are generally slim, you should be careful not to consume more calories and less cardio than a stocky person if there is a risk of developing your muscles and looking torn. The three names of the main body forms are Ecomorph, Endomorph, and Mesomorph.
 • Endomorph: has a huge body contour and is often called "stocky". This body type generally increases the amount of stubborn fat that is difficult to lose. Endomorphs build muscles quickly, but fat generally distributes them so you can be massive and strong without looking torn. Endomorphs must have more endurance than other body types and keep a close eye on their calorie intake to stop gaining weight.
 • Ectomorph: generally thin with small muscles and narrower shoulders and hips. The outline of the body is generally elongated and seems longer. This is your run of the "Hard Gainer" mill. It is difficult to gain weight and muscle mass no matter how much you eat. Muscle development is slower in ectomorphs and requires more work than other body types. The preferred position for this body type is that you can eat as much as you need. Different people will wish if you can bear to eat this piece of chocolate cake that they refuse to make themselves.
 • Mesomorph: perfect shape for weightlifters, generally firm bodies, broad shoulders, small stomach, athletic body structure, small muscles compared to fat. Most experienced weightlifters are of this type: a mesomorph generally exceeds expectations in sport and increases the proportionality of weight. No investment is required to see your muscles grow in size, mass, and definition. If you train, eat and rest carefully, you will see your muscles continually growing right in front of your eyes until you reach a training level.
 When you think about your body type, it's time to find a weight training regimen and use the right enhancements to improve your presentation. In case you are a thin ectomorph, you should not do more than 20 minutes of cardio per day and consume a large amount of unhealthy food and protein shakes as an improvement. If you are an endomorph, do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day and follow a reasonable eating routine. Make sure your dinners are balanced, never remove fats or carbohydrates. Just choose the right ones. Please do not run the risk of being mesomorphic!
 How should I get leaner and gain more muscle?
 You have to have more muscles and be slim and attractive. I don't blame you. If there is no chance that you will need to gain muscle weight, your body will need to be continuously on supplements. This means you need to eat more food and focus on what you eat. Really. If you don't eat properly, your body can go into "hunger mode", in which your body uses muscle tissue as fuel instead of food. You prefer not to lose muscle, you have to gain weight, muscle weight. The eating habits of a jock are fundamentally different from those that should be leaner. Rather than being a key goal for basic slimming, jocks focus on losing the muscle / fat ratio AND building mass. What a weightlifter eats should not be considered a "diet", but an informed effort to be healthy and eat spicily. Find out how proteins, fats, and carbohydrates lead to fat accidents and muscle building
 How much protein should you eat?
 Exactly how much protein would it be a good idea if I eat them? Most experts agree that a decent bodybuilding diet program should include some mixture of sugar, protein, and fat. The suspect rates for each part should be around 40% for starches, 40% for proteins and 20% for fats. This nutritional program is specifically aimed at weightlifters who expect to develop their muscles while losing muscle compared to fat. In case you start with little muscle or fat from now on, you need to build up your carbohydrates. In case you are on the heavier side, you should cut down on your carbohydrates and in any case work 3 days of cardio for 7 days. As usual, you should consult your doctor at the start of a new training plan to make sure your consultation is the right decision for you.
 Read the names of the foods.
 Read the names of the foods if there is a chance that you haven't already. If you do not read enough food names, an example will develop and it will soon be much easier to calculate calorie intake and grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. During a weight diet, think about your calorie needs for the day. Click here for a simple nutritional guide that will help you grow muscle.
 How many calories should I eat if I have to take a large amount?
 Overall, about 10 to 15 calories are needed for each pound you measure to have the ability to keep your weight as it is. You need to gain muscle, which requires a lot of vitality, so you need to increase your calorie intake. If you do not consume enough calories, your body enters a catabolic state in which it goes through your current muscle tissue as vitality. To build muscle, you need to increase your calorie intake by about 500 calories a day. On non-working days when you don't exercise, you need to consume fewer calories to have certain types of sugar. If you're trying to build something, you should plan on adding another 500 calories for a total of 1000 extra calories per day. I only suggest this if you prepare yourself, or regularly for an extreme week. In case you are trying to create an excess muscle-to-fat ratio at this point, cut down on your carbohydrates and devour more protein. In the case of underweight, additional calories of sugar can be added. About 250 are a good start.
 When would it be a good idea to eat?
 If you eat 5-6 dinners a day about every 2½ hours, you distribute your calorie intake. As a result, vitality remains constant without you being hungry and the body tissues are adequately supplied with nutrients during training. When evaluating a weightlifting diet program, be sure to tailor the diet to your body. For example, if you have fast digestion, you can eat more calories than someone with moderate digestion. It is also a good idea to find a workout guide or a fitness trainer who can help you adjust your eating plan and preparation.
 What is the construction?
 A typical term for squeezing books is "build". I do not agree or do not understand the idea of ​​building. Clean construction is the point at which you try to get in as much suitable material as you expect, while drastically removing the fat. A weightlifter generally does this with a challenge to lower the BMI; The extra protein and carbohydrates give the body extra fuel for the rapid increase in mass due to additional preparation. For example, if I tried to cleanse the mass, I would avoid all the bad nutrients and strictly adhere to my diet of lean protein, whey for more protein, whole grains, and simple carbohydrates, and solid fats. That seems alright to me. Dirty building is where you are trying to gain weight and no matter where it comes from. It's arguably the most exciting, but in practice, it shouldn't happen that often. I find that after becoming familiar with a healthy and regular diet, I like to eat healthy with almost no food (periodic cheating occurs). There is no explanation that you need to increase fat to build more muscle. You can just follow a decent nutritional routine all year round, be healthy and train your hard muscles. Then you will be fit again. If you train more gradually for several weeks, you can eat a little more to fuel your body. There is no motivation to wear makeup (although it can be tempting in due course).
 Everyone is unique.
 Your eating routine should be adjusted as needed to help your higher (or lower) physical activity level. As a general rule, there should be two days of calories less and five days of calories more if you cannot increase the volume. In case you have to gain a lot of weight and lose fat, it is ideal to eat five days fewer calories and two days more calories at this point. This is called the calorie cycle. It is a huge amount of data that can be overloaded. Stay with him. In case you need to show signs of improvement due to a decent diet, "Sugar Busters", "The Zone Diet", "Anabolic Eating Routine" and the excellent "Atkins" are the main products that consume fewer calories in the diet. If you have one of these products nearby, you can count on the possibility of not knowing what to eat.
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The Ugly Truth About 360 video booth rental
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 Exactly how to Plan the most effective Event in 10 Hassle-free Steps
 Wondering just how to plan an event? Certain, thinking about it may experience a little like trying to research alchemy. You start with merely a vision and a finances, then you transform it right into an event filled with visitors and moving components.
Depending upon the form of event, lots of details are going to vary. Yet no matter what, there are actually normally ten steps you can trust in the quest from idea to shindig.
Below our company have actually rounded up those measures, alongside loads of tried as well as true tips for planning an event. Good luck! 
Align on the event purpose with stakeholders.
Planning a successful event starts by identifying that participants are actually searching for greater than an event-- they're looking for an adventure. And also to make an adventure, every little bit of part of the event needs to map Visit the website back to the purpose, from the site to the meals.
Establishing that objective begins through working with essential stakeholders to figure out why the event needs to have to occur. We assume Marriott's "Meetings Pictured" platform does a terrific task of boiling this concept down to seven prospective objectives:
    Celebrate-- Commemorating a success or milestone (Instance: One millionth customer occasion)
    Make a decision-- Describing methods or even a road onward in some manner (Example: Quarterly board appointment)
    Inform-- For the reasons of professional or instructional growth (Instance: SaaS consumer conference)
    Ideate-- Integrating to generate new techniques or ideas (Instance: Internal concept sprint)
    Network-- Produce options for people who may share popular enthusiasms to hook up (Example: Tradeshow)
    Create-- Guests work together in the direction of a details objective (Instance: Volunteer event)
    Ensure-- Interacting brand new offerings or ideas to generate wish amongst a brand-new viewers (Instance: Item launch party)
Exactly how will you assess results?
Among the most important pieces of working along with stakeholders is to align on just how you'll establish the effectiveness of the event based upon the objective. While participation is actually a mark of success no matter the meeting function, excellence normally has numerous layers.
As an example, if the objective of the event is actually to ensure a brand new product, the step of effectiveness is actually more than likely heading to be actually the amount of tops created for your purchases group.  While for an event where the objective is to enlighten, a key action of results are going to likely be just how well material translates in to attendee engagement.
Your effectiveness as the event planner relies upon your potential to not only develop a productive event, but also your capability to interact that success to stakeholders based upon mutual functionality signs that reveal event ROI.
Secure your event spending plan.
You event relies on the objective coming from a visionary perspective, but when it involves execution, the truths of what you can accomplish boil down to your event finances. That number is most likely arising from your stakeholders, and also there's certainly not constantly heading to be actually wiggle room. Yet that is actually certainly not to mention you can't discuss.
Tips for bargaining a bigger event finances
When it pertains to bargaining an event spending plan, the foreign language stakeholders communicate very most fluently is records. Unfortunately, if you do not possess previous events under your belt, you perhaps do not possess any information on hand to create your situation.
To receive the budget you prefer, you are actually going to need to place a little extra effort in in advance. Arrange every part of your event (our experts'll reach this in the upcoming section!) that requires invest, and feature a taught prophecy on how much it is actually visiting set you back to carry it out well. After that comes the absolute most vital part. Inquire!
While you might certainly not have the capacity to haggle sufficient of a boost to shut the void almost everywhere, you may be able to comply with in the center with a little added budget the items you appreciate many.
Exactly how to plan an event finances
For a typical event, the majority of your amount of money is actually heading to approach the venue rentals, meals and beverage expenses, and A/V needs. But there are plenty much more where those originated from! Only check out the infographic below that our team craft utilizing exclusive poll data gathered by Social Tables.
When you are actually planning your event budget, are sure that you are actually featuring each of these pieces in your quotes to prevent going over budget plan.
Pro Pointer: Referring pricing problems, there are concealed prices to keep an eye out for, including late printing projects, or extra audio/visual sources. Price quote anywhere from 3-10% of your overall prices as well as feature within your spending plan to guard you, in the event you receive any sort of terrific concepts, or add-ons that could happen after your preliminary finances.
Figure out who your potential guests are actually.
Now that you understand "why" you are actually planning the event, it's opportunity to find out "that" needs to come. That's usually a question of 1) that's visiting gain from the function of the event or even 2) that needs to have to be present to function in the direction of a goal.
For tiny events where you recognize your viewers, putting together as well as getting to a visitor listing may be straightforward. But also for much larger events like a seminar or a community-wide event, the participant pool is actually likely to become a lot extra dynamic.
The energy of guest identities
If you are actually planning a large event, your prospective guests likely have various preferences, desires, learning designs, and so on. So administering the exact same formula across the board at any type of stage of the event direct would certainly suggest weakening just how properly you are actually taking on any type of offered person.
The larger as well as even more complicated the reader, the extra handy it can be to bucket potential attendees right into people based upon commonness. Using these identities to create targeted strategies essentially leads to additional tailored expertises that have more powerful entice people that you are actually attempting to connect with.
A real-life instance of just how to plan around people
The event knowledge company Experient makes use of a collection of 20+ event personas to assist event organizers get a better comprehend of attendee inspirations. At a latest meeting organized by the provider, coordinators put a few of these identities to utilize in their own planning to make special experiences for each and every.
Some of these characters was the "be-wellster," the type of participant who is quite concentrated on wellness and also holistic health and wellbeing. For this character, the Experient staff intended operates, yoga sessions, healthy meals, and also even breakout time for in-session mind-calming exercise.
Certain, your event might not be as progressed as Experient's, however every event can gain from some personalization. The "that" riddle consistently has more than one response when you aim to the upcoming level.
Locate a location that fits your event function (and also finances!).
A wonderful place choice can easily boost attendance through as long as 80% depending on to a current research study! But that is actually just one small part of why it is actually a big deal. It also has huge ramifications for the success of the material distribution as well as total attendee interaction.
An easy means to think of selecting a site is actually setting show business for a play. You can't possess a great enjoy with the inappropriate stage set up, thus what is actually the excellent backdrop for your certain objective? As well as just as notably, is it heading to fit your finances?
    "It's like making show business. What type of sense perform you prefer the stage to have when your participants show up? It has a direct influence on their adventure."
Christine "Shimo" Shimasaki, CDME, CMP, President 2Synergize, Inc.
. Thankfully, the web has made the search a lot easier, specifically along with the increase of site internet search engine. Planners can match up sites, filter results based on event specifics, as well as even provide eRFPs (digital ask for proposition).
For larger events, there's also the added possibility of collaborating with the CVB (events & & website visitors bureau) of a range metropolitan area. Significant urban areas make use of income tax amount of money to create these non-profits, which aid hook up events along with places at no charge to planners.
Think about costs, dates, and space.
Wondering exactly how to pick an event place that's really visiting operate? Usually, a you may locate a wonderful fit for your event through considering it in regards to "costs, times, and room."
Begin along with rates.
Your place choices are actually limited by your economic truths (we don't need to tell you that!), so the hunt starts below. Perform a little study and also receive a sense of the types of locations that fit your spending plan. While you will not know the exact quote for your event yet, you should have the capacity to find out sufficient to judge if it is actually an option.
Beginning putting together a listing of these locations without way too much scrutiny apart from being sure they have a space big (or even tiny!) enough to match your necessities. The other components our experts cover are mosting likely to aid you narrow traits below right here.
Shorten by thinking about area.
When you were coming up with your first listing, you took a look at ability, however it's important to deal with how the area will definitely match the extra particular requirements of your event past simply headcount.
Are you going to need to have outbreak areas to manage treatments at the same time?
If individuals are arising from out of city, will they have the capacity to travel certainly there simply sufficient?
Do you wish the capacity to make use of an outdoors event caterer?
You will not quite have the specifics you require to select between finalists, yet it's these kinds of concerns pertaining to "space" that are actually heading to help you come to that aspect.
Time to speak times.
At this point, you possess a little checklist of places that you presume can probably work effectively for your event. The ultimate filter that's mosting likely to help you limit it to the finalists is whether or not there is actually room accessible for your days.
If you possess a particular time,  you may be a little minimal. However if you're day is actually versatile, that's something you may utilize to bring down your quote when the moment arrives. To get you to move coming from a more busy date, sites will definitely commonly deliver to pencil you in elsewhere on the calendar for a reduced fee.
Provide your RFPs & & get ready to bargain.
When you have your listing of finalists in palm you'll have to provide an ask for plan to many of all of them (specifically accommodations!) to obtain a quote about what your event may set you back. If the accommodation or even place sees appropriate potential market value in your RFP, you'll get a plan detailing their quote as well as the specifics of the companies featured because rate aspect.
Most of the times, the information of the plan aren't carved in stone. With some wise capabilities as well as a side of assurance, working out a location contract can easily bring about a final arrangement that is actually far more ideal than what remained in the preliminary proposal. Simply keep in mind: If possible, consistently seek an in-person internet site inspection before you enroll the dotted line.
Create the event crew.
Unless your event is really tiny, you are actually mosting likely to need to have a palm. Well really, you are actually visiting need a couple of sets of them. Considering that while you may have the eyesight for the end product, you're heading to be actually stretched a little bit of lean if you're counted on to pay attention to whatever when planning an event. And also, one thing like say, digital marketing may certainly not exactly be your forté.
As the ideal, your role is supervisor. It falls to you to certainly not simply construct your team, however also to ensure that the various steering wheels are all spinning in the right path.
Depending on the dimension of your event, here are actually a handful of staff member that may help you manage all the relocating parts. You'll additionally be teaming up with place agents and your fair allotment of suppliers, but this is who you may consider your "interior" staff.
Online marketer(s)
Our experts'll discuss every thing that enters into a great advertising plan a bit later on in this message, yet trust us when our company say you could yearn for a pro to assist you advertise your event. Marketing experts can easily aid you assembled a logical strategy stretching over a mix of channels, therefore you may prolong your scope and draw in individuals to your event. (And make the most of your marketing budget plan while you go to it!)
System Administrators
When it involves the excellence of your event, content is actually key-- specifically if the function is to inform or promote. Your plan administrator(s) will help you generate as well as accomplish a compelling program that always keeps attendee interaction higher for the entirety of your event.
Events must each go by the book and always keep every little thing on guides. For larger events, that may be a bit a lot more complicated. A treasurer or even financial advisor will definitely assist keep your finances in order as well as ensure you are actually staying within your budget. (If you're placing on a fundraising event, you are actually most definitely mosting likely to require one!)
What's your event logo design? What are your colors? How are you visiting carry the individuality (e.g. brand name & & voice) to lifestyle? Each of these are actually inquiries for imaginative specialists like graphic designers and also copy writers. These employee operate very closely along with your advertising and marketing staff and system supervisors to see to it all communications and also security embody your brand name.
Generate a powerful & & active event program.
The days of back to back speakers in a ball room are over! In these times, event coordinators and also groups must extend their imaginative chops to maintain attendees engaged. The absolute most reliable means to offer guests a fantastic encounter is through letting them place the schedule in their own gives. (Remember your people!) That suggests structure possibilities in to both the event space and also the timetable.
It likewise suggests thinking of creative event ideas that make content shipment an interactive experience. Since in the end of the time, attendees really want an odds to include in the discussion as well as get in touch with each other around the web content supplied.
A suggestion for customization
Just possess one room in the location? It is actually still achievable to make one location feel like numerous and also provide your attendees the wide array they crave. With some mobile wall structures, a bit of creative imagination, and some decor variation, you can easily produce lots of rooms within one area. These areas can easily at that point be actually utilized as breakout areas, spaces for attendees to "unplug," making contacts areas, as well as more.
A suggestion for developing even more communication
Don't permit your guests get too pleasant in their seats! Some planners are achieving this, especially at networking events, by delivering far fewer seats than there are actually genuine guests. When folks are actually rising as well as relocating, it stimulates unplanned interactions as well as motivates attendees to electric motor around and also meet brand-new individuals.
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Once you know how to plan an event ...
It's time to deliver the reconstruct and also create a great event knowledge. Planning an event takes time, money, and also creative imagination. Integrate those 3 things with these 10 actions, as well as you'll be effectively on your technique.
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kendrixtermina · 7 years
Rluai is the most common for INFPs, just saying.
I think I’ve already said everything that there is to be said on the topic, but I will adress this one ask because I believe it touches on a topic that I’ve only covered in passing on this blog so far. 
BIg five vs. MBTI and possible correlations. 
There is not actually that much data that correlates which results where commonly received by the same people (some forums and tumblr’s own eilamona have attempted surveys though these would be biased by tumblr’s distribution not being RL’s and the usual trappings of self-reporting)
Also, with the Big 5 having 2x2x2x2x2 = 32 categories and thus few people in every category, you would need huge sample sizes and methodical proceeding to get significant correlations. “The most” could mean anything from one percent point more than the others or “over half”; a simple tally is no statement about distribution, and even a strong distribution spike is not equivalency.
See, for example, how ISTJs correlate with enneagram. There is actually a clear distinct tedency with 90% of ISTJs being one of 3 types, but each of those (1, 6 and 5) accounts for roughly a third of those 90% so it would be idiotic to say that say, being a 6  means you must be ISTJ. What about non 6 ISTJs? What about 6s who are ISFJ?
So even if most RULAIs are INFPs, all that tells you is that tells you is that if you’re both, you’re in the majority. But to tell the probability that a RULAI is INFP or a given INFP is RULAI, you would need to know either how many of all total RULAIs are INFPs, or how many INFPs are not RULAIs. 
I’m pretty sure I met some INFPs who were distinctly “E” (mostly 4w3s and/or soc-blinds) or “C” (chiefly 9w1s) for example, though I’d be surprised to find one who claims to be SCxxN. 
It’s called “Bayes’s theorem” and one of the many examples why the world would be much better if basic logic and probability theory were taught in schools.
What more,  much of what is out there on the correlating of mbti and big 5 is people trying to find some sort of equivalency between the systems, often based on a very dichotomous (and therefore, shallow) understanding of mbti that disregards the differences between them as independent metrics. See also “16 personaliies.org” and their attempt to add the neurotism metric (-A/T) which really just mucked up their test. 
Often this is supposed top validate mbti by tying it to the much renowned and supposedly so stable big 5 system - but big 5′s supposed stability and consistency comes from being a much simpler, shallower system: It really is just a ranking of specific traits or the lack thereof on a dichotomous scale. You either are orderly and reliable (”conscientious”) or you aren’t. You can get assigned a percentage to represent stronger or weaker tendencies.
Big 5 asks you “are you X?” You tell it “yes/no/maybe” and then it gives you a profile saying you are indeeed “Yes/no/maybe” on the X scale, and that for each trait. That can be useful for some applications, like correlating those traits with lifestyle choices or opinions or screening people for very demanding jobs, but it is virtually useless for the purposes most typology is used for - such as self-development or communication. 
It ranks you on a scale, but it does not really tell you anything you didn’t know before. It simply discribes, but doesn’t postulate any internal logic or structure -  It doesn’t have explanatory or predictive power. It doesn’t elucidate your inner workings, does not tell you how to get along better with a given type. It simply measures wether you are good at five things (socializing, keeping calm, being organized, making others like you, keeping an open mind) or not. There’s no advantage to being “Egocentric”, “Unstructured” or “Non-Curious.”
Big 5 measures 5 independent metrics and the combination thereof, so “RULEI” (RUxEI supposedly most common for INTP) is would not be that different from RULAI, after all that’s 4 or 5 matching! The difference is simply that the person goes a little further in not needlessly pissing people off, especially if the preference toward “A” is only weak one. 
Meanwhile, consider INFJ vs INFP. One letter apart. Sure there are many similarities but also many fundamental differences because it’s not just one letter: It means your valued functions are completely opposite. They will share traits common to all introverts, feelers and intuitives, but differ completely where functon-specific communication and reasoning differences are concerned. 
You could label yourself as “INFx” because you’re unsure about your actual type but you can’t actually be “in-between” because unlike Big 5, MBTI is not a combination of 5 scales, but a discreet classificator. 
The MBTI and all tests based on it as well as sister/branch theories like socionics are built upon the idea of the Jungian Functions, diffent distinct types of reasoning and information processing that CG Jung believed to have identified in the human mind. The system comes with the base axiom that you can have one of 8 dominant functions, and that’s it, and you’ve got to at least humor that idea for a while to assin yourself a MBTI type, and each function comes with a set of both likely (present often) and fixed (present always) traits that will be shared between the great majority of that functions. - which is what gives mbti more predictive and explanatory power. 
Someone being “Unstructured” just tells you they’re not a great organizer; Someone being a Perceiver implies a great deal about their way of thinking and decision making, be it neutral good or bad, and if you knew if they’re SP or NP you could infer even more, not always hard predictions but certainly probalities.
Just from the definitations that both the 5 traits and the functions have by definition it figures that some combinations are more frquent than others (for the same reason that, say, an ISFJ core 8 sounds pretty unlikely) but that does not a hard equivalency make, especially since big 5 allows for twice as many possibilities. 
The idea that you can just convert mbti letters to Big 5 letters as if the letters were all there were is fallacious. 
Some things do correlations:
R/S with I/E for obvious reasons/ pretty much by design. Intro vs extroversion is one of the most obvious differences in human personalities and hence where any metric to sort those would start.   
But this is where it stops/ where things get weird or interesting depending on your PoV. 
L/C shows a very weak correlation but is almost evenly split among T/F. 
A/E shows some  correlaton of A with F and E with T correlating with the stereotype of how Feelers are “generally nicer” but it’s not a hard 
The oddest result is that intuitives are almost always Inquisitive but Sensors can be both and are evenly split overall with individual types having their own preferences. This isn’t just split among Si/Se lines as some stereotypes might suggest, ESTPs for example are very commonly Non-curious, but again, not always.   
These traits also veer into what we might call morals so they would pose. If people were predisposed toward their morals and could not be convinced, if the were “hardwired” so to speak the whole idea of morality would be pointless, for with what authority would you “blame” someone for being close minded or a jerkif they’re just following their programing?, but it is equally pointless morality as a blackbox even though we are comming closer and closer to understanding the brain. 
There’s also this tendency of treating anything we can detect as “organic” and everything we cannot as “mental”, a Soul Of The Gaps if you will (analoous to God Of The Gaps) but we know all mental processes are in the brain somehow, (because it can be destroyed by specific brain injuries, for example) so would explaining it all mean putting it all outside a person’s responsibility?  
Hidden in there is the false assumpton that the biologically explicable is “permanent” and thats true of some parts but the strenght of nerve connections can be as temporary as the state of a computer. 
Adding the problem that people do no sufficiently differentiate between facts and their interpretation. A fact is what is real regardless of what we think about it or wether we even know it. An interpretation is what a human think is ~means~ which matters only to humans. 
Fact: The earth goes around the sun
Interpretation A: See humans? you are not special. 
Interpretation B: See humans’ You’re not that bad. We get to participate in the “Dance of the stars” 
(AThe latter was actually written by a humanist writer of Kopernikus’ own time. if the earth goes round the sun, it is not “down” (where hell is) or “up” (where god is) as many geocentric worldviews implied. “Up or down” becomes utterly meaningless with heliocentrism. )
Fact: The brains of Liberals and Conservatives show differences in scans
Interpretation A: The people are Conservatives or Liberals because of inborn characteristics
From this you could then derive corollary a) All politics is meaningless bullshit if we do not really “chose” it  or c) Some politics is wrong, so some people (the ones you agree with) are better than others
Interpretation B: Peoples show differences because they are conservatives or liberals - the brain regions is how their opinion is “stored” and the media bubbles “train” them for characteristic reactions 
Interpretation C: Some people are more suceptible to certan kinds of propaganda, we [correct opinion] must phrase our message so it reaches those who are easily misled so they don’t end up voting againt their interest. [Your opinion]  is, after all, the best for everyone. 
Of course interpretations can become invalid if they don’t account for additional facts. If they scanned children and they had those characteristics before they even know what politics is, B goes out the window - Meanwhile if you scanned people before and after their opinions changed and the corresponing brain regions changed, too,  B might increase in likelihood
Another complicated factor is that people are more likely to see something as a neutral/preferential rather than a moral issue if they think it’s inborn. 
A common anti-homophobia argument is “But it’s inborn!” which is used because it seems to convince a lot of people even though it has nothing to do with homosexual acts themselves. If we could all choose wether to screw men, women, enbies or no one at all, wouldn’t it still not be anyone else’s business if it harms no one?
by contrast, Once upon a time “orderliness/discipline” was regarded as a moral thing, hence the very word “concientiousness” but now we don’t as much and there are cultural differences (some midwestern americans see foul language as a “moral failing” (”Good christians don’t swear”) rather than simply inappropiate or rude. )
Plenty to discuss here.
But basically, Big 5 and mbti are not equivalent and work by different principles indeed attempts to treat mbti like  big 5 have probably resulted in a lot of the less reliable tests out there. 
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