everyday-quote · 6 months
Whoever listens to a verse of the Quran, it is a light for him.
Ibn Abbas (Radiallahu anhu)
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riyad-as-salihin · 1 month
Riyad as-Salihin, The Book of the Remembrance of Allah, Book 15, Hadith 34
Chapter: The Excellence of the Remembrance of Allah
Abud-Darda (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Shall I not inform you of the best of your actions which are the purest to your Rubb, which exalt you to the high ranks, which are more efficacious than spending gold and silver (in charity), and better for you than you should encounter your enemies whom you will smite their necks and they will smite your necks?" They said, "Certainly." He (ﷺ) said, "Remembrance of Allah the Exalted."
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everydaydua · 1 month
Dua when visiting the sick #2
أَسْأَلُ اللهَ الْعَظِيمَ رَبَّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ أَنْ يَشْفِيْكَ (سبع مرات)
Any Muslim slave (of Allah), who visits a sick person whose prescribed moment of death has not arrived (yet) and supplicates (seven times):
“I ask Allah The Supreme, Lord of the magnificent throne to cure you.”
…he (the sick person) will be cured.
*In Sahih Ibn Hibban, when the prophet used to visit the sick: "he would sit at his head and say seven times: I ask Allah The Supreme ..etc".
*The excellence of visiting the sick;
Ali Ibn Abee Talib related that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say,
“If a man calls on his sick Muslim brother, it is as if he walks reaping the fruits of Paradise until he sits, and when he sits he is showered in mercy, and if this was in the morning, seventy thousand angels send prayers upon him until the evening, and if this was in the evening, seventy thousand angels send prayers upon him until the morning.”
as’alullaah-al-‛aẓeema rabbal-‛arshil-‛aẓeemi an yashfeek (x7)
Sources: Abu Dawud No# 3106; At-Tirmidhi No# 2083 and Sahih Ibn Hibban No# 2975
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tawakkull · 6 months
ISLAM 101: Spirituality in Islam: Part 166
Shukr (Thankfulness)
Literally meaning gladness felt about and gratitude shown for the good done to one, Sufis use shukr to mean using one’s body, abilities, feelings, and thoughts bestowed upon one to fulfill the purpose of his or her creation: being thankful to the Creator for what He has bestowed. Such thankfulness is to be reflected in the person’s actions or daily life, in speech and in the heart, by admitting that all things are directly from Him, and by feeling gratitude for them.
One may thank God verbally by only depending upon His power and strength, as well as upon His bestowal or withholding of favors, and acknowledging that all good and bounties come from Him. As He alone creates all good, beauty, and bounty, as well as the means by which they can be obtained, only He sends them at the appropriate time.
Since He alone determines, apportions, creates, and spreads [all our provisions] before us as “heavenly tables,” He alone deserves our gratitude and thanks. Attributing our attainment of His bounties to our own or to another’s means or causes, in effect thereby proclaiming that He is not the true Owner, Creator, and Giver of all bounty, is like giving a huge tip to the servant who lays before us a magnificent table and ignoring the host who is responsible for having it prepared and sent to us. Such an attitude reflects sheer ignorance and ingratitude, as mentioned in: They know only the outward face of the life of the world (apparent to them), and they are completely unaware of (its face looking to) the Hereafter (30:7).
True thankfulness in one’s heart is manifested through the conviction and acknowledgment that all bounties are from God, and then ordering one’s life accordingly. One can thank God verbally and through one’s daily life only if personally convinced, and if one willingly acknowledges that his or her existence, life, body, physical appearance, and all abilities and accomplishments are from God, as are all of the bounties obtained and consumed. This is stated in: Do you not see that God has made serviceable unto you whatsoever is in the skies and whatsoever is in the earth, and has loaded you with His bounties seen or unseen? (31:20), and: He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you reckon the bounties of God, you can never count them (14:34).
Bodily thankfulness is possible by using one’s organs, faculties, and abilities for the purposes for which they were created, and in performing the duties of servanthood falling on each. On the other hand, some have stated that verbal thankfulness means daily recitation of portions of the Qur’an, prayers, supplications, and God’s Names. Thankfulness by the heart means that one is certain or convinced of the truth of the Islamic faith and straightforwardness. Practical or bodily thankfulness, according to others, means observing all acts of worship. Since thankfulness relates directly to all aspects or branches of belief and worship, it is regarded as half of the faith. With respect to this inclusiveness, it is considered together with patience, meaning that according to some people, thankfulness and patience are considered as the two halves of religious life.
In His eternal Speech, God Almighty repeatedly commands thankfulness and, as in the phrases so that you may give thanks (2:52) and God will reward the thankful (3:144), presents it as the purpose of creation and of sending religion. In such verses as: If you are thankful I will add more unto you. But if you show ingratitude My punishment is terrible indeed (14:7), He has promised abundant reward to the thankful and threatened the ungrateful with a terrible punishment. One of His own Names is the All-Thanking, which shows us that the way to obtain all bounties or favors is through thankfulness, which He returns with abundant reward. He exalts the Prophets Abraham and Noah, upon them be peace, saying: (Abraham was) thankful for His bounties (16:121) and Assuredly, he (Noah) was a grateful servant (17:3).
Although thankfulness is a religious act of great importance and significant “capital,” few people truly do it: Few of My servants are thankful (34:13). Very few people live in full awareness of the duty of thankfulness, saying: Shall I not be a servant grateful (to my Lord)?, and try their best to perform their duty of thankfulness and order their lives accordingly.
The glory of humanity, upon him be peace and blessings, whose soles swelled because of his long supererogatory prayer vigils (tahajjud), was a matchless hero of thankfulness. On one occasion, he told his wife ‘A’isha: Shall I not be a servant grateful to God? He always thanked God and recommended thankfulness to his followers, and prayed to God every morning and evening, saying: O God. Help me mention You, thank You, and worship You in the best way possible.114
Thankfulness is the deep gratitude and devotion of one who, receiving His bounties or favors, directs these feelings toward the One Who bestows such blessing, and the subsequent turning to Him in love, appreciation, and acknowledgment. The above Prophetic saying expresses this most directly.
People are thankful for many things: the provisions, home, and family with which they have been favored; wealth and health; belief, knowledge of God, and the spiritual pleasures bestowed on them; and the consciousness with which God favored them so they could open themselves to the knowledge that they must be thankful. If those who are thankful for such a consciousness use their helplessness and destitution as “capital” and thank Him continuously, they will be among the truly thankful. It is narrated from God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, that
The Prophet David, upon him be peace, asked God Almighty: O Lord. How can I be thankful to You, since thanking You is another favor that requires thankfulness? The Almighty responded: Just now you have done it.
I think this is what is expressed in: We have not been able to thank You as thanking You requires, O All-Thanked One.
One can be thankful by recognizing and appreciating Divine favors, for feeling gratitude to the One Who bestows favors depends to a great extent on due recognition and appreciation of them. Belief and Islam (including the Qur’an) lead one to recognize and appreciate favors and thus turn to God in gratitude. One can be more aware of these favors, and that they are given to us by God out of His mercy for our helplessness and inability to meet our own needs, in the light of belief and Islamic practices. This awareness urges us to praise the One Who bestows upon us those favors and bounties that we consume. Awakening to the meaning of: As for the favor of Your Lord, proclaim it (93:11), we feel a deep need to be grateful and thankful.
Everyone is naturally inclined to praise the good and the one who does good to him or her. However, until this feeling is aroused there is no awareness of being favored by someone else, just as fish are not conscious of living in water. Furthermore, these favors may be attributed to the means and causes used to obtain them. If it is blindness and deafness not to see and appreciate the favors we continuously receive, then it must be an unforgivable deviation to attribute them to various blind, deaf, and unfeeling means and causes. The Prophetic statements: One who does not thank for the little does not thank for the abundant, and: One who does not thank people does not thank God, express blindness and deafness to favors and remind us of the importance of being thankful. Such verses as: Mention Me so that I will mention you, and give thanks to Me and do not be ungrateful to Me (2:152), and: Worship Him and give Him thanks (29:17) tell us that it is God Who truly deserves to be thanked, and also remind us of His absolute Unity.
Thankfulness can be divided into three categories. The first category consists of thankfulness for those things that everyone, regardless of religion or spiritual attainment, desires. The second category consists of thankfulness for those things that, although apparently disagreeable or displeasing, reveal their true nature to those who can see them as favors requiring gratitude.
The third category of thankfulness is that kind performed by those who are loved by God and view favors or bounties from the perspective of the One Who bestows them. They spend their lives in spiritual pleasure that begins in observing God’s manifestation of Himself through His favors, and take the greatest pleasure in worshipping Him. Although they are always enraptured with the spiritual delight flowing from their love of Him, they are extremely careful of their relationship with Him. Such people constantly strive to preserve the Divine blessings that have been bestowed upon them, and always search for what they have missed. While they constantly deepen their belief, love, and gratitude along the way toward Him, the “nets of their sight” are filled with different blessings and gifts.
O God! Include us among Your servants whom You love, have made sincere, and have brought unto You. Grant peace and blessings to our Master, the Master of those loved, made sincere, and brought near unto You.
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lifeofresulullah · 10 days
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Farewell Hajj and the Death of the Prophet (pbuh)
The Last Days of the Prophet Narrated by His Close Relatives
Hazrat Aisha narrates one of her memoirs with the Prophet as follows:
“When the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) came to my house, I had a pain in my head. Due to the severity of the pain, I said, ‘O my head!’
When the Messenger of Allah heard it, he said, ‘It is not important; why are you sorry? If you die before me, I will enshroud you and perform your janazah prayer.’
I said, ‘Do you want my death?’”
Hazrat Aisha spoke like that because she did not understand that the Prophet was joking.
The Messenger of Allah ended his joke as follows:
“O Aisha! Your headache will be all right. The real headache is mine; it is very difficult to recover it from now on.”
The Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakr
Hazrat Abu Bakr, who was always at the peak of loyalty to the Prophet everywhere, went to the presence of the Messenger of Allah and stated that it would be an honor for him to serve him as follows:
“O Messenger of Allah! If you let me, I want to serve you when you are ill.”
The Messenger of Allah did not let him but his answer conquered Abu Bakr’s heart:
“O Abu Bakr! You have already received the reward for the service that you wanted to do. However, if I let others service me when I am ill, my daughter and my wives will be sorry.”
The Gravest Illness, the Greatest Pain
The Prophet could not lie still in his bed due to the severity of his illness and the high fever. He was turning to the right and left in his bed.
Those who were near him said, “O Messenger of Allah! If one of us showed that he suffered so much pain, you would scold him.”
The Messenger of Allah said,
“My illness is not like the ones that you know. Allah inflicts the most severe troubles, illnesses and misfortunes on His righteous and believing slaves. However, due to that trouble, illness and misfortune, He elevates the rank of that person and eliminates his sins.”
Hazrat Aisha said,
“We have never seen an illness more difficult and severe than the illness of the Messenger of Allah.”
Ibn Mas’ud Narrates
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud describes the severity of the illness of the Prophet as follows:
“I went to the presence of the Prophet when his body was shaking due to the severity of the fever. I said,
‘O Messenger of Allah! You are suffering a lot due to the severity of the fever. O Messenger of Allah! This fever gives you double pain; it will definitely give you double reward.’ He approved what I said as follows:
‘Yes. There is no Muslim who suffers an illness and whose sins Allah does not shed like a tree sheds its leaves.’”
Umm Bishr Narrates
Umm Bishr, Bishr b. Bara’s mother, who visited the Messenger of Allah when he was ill, narrates what she saw as follows:
“I went to see the Messenger of Allah. When I saw the severe temperature in his body, I could not help saying,
‘O Messenger of Allah! I have never seen such a fever.’
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
‘Our illness is more severe than the illnesses of other people but the reward that we will get will be more.’”
The Messenger of Allah Wants Pen and Paper to Have Something Written
It was the month of Rabiul-Awwal, 8, Thursday…
The most painful moments of the illness of the Messenger of Allah… There were Hazrat Umar and some other people around him. He said, “Bring me pen and paper; I will write you something so that you will never deviate from your way after that.”
Hazrat Umar said, “His illness is dominant over the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). We have the Quran. Allah’s book is enough for us.”
They hesitated to bring pen and paper.
Some people confirmed the words of Umar. Others thought it was necessary to bring pen and paper. When the Messenger of Allah noticed that there was a disagreement, he said, “Leave me. Do not argue near me. Leave me alone.”
Thus, what the Messenger of Allah wanted to be written could not be written.
The Day When His Illness Gets Better
The disease of the Messenger of Allah was getting worse day by day and hour by hour. Once, he wanted cold water. He had the water poured on his body.
After that, he felt a bit relieved. When he noticed it, he leaned on Hazrat Ali and Fadl b. Abbas and went to the mosque. He ascended to the pulpit and sat there. He addressed the Companions as follows:
“O people! I have heard that you panic because I will die. No prophet lived eternally among their ummah; how should I live? Know that I will meet my Lord soon; you will meet Him, too.
O Ansar! I advise you to do favors to muhajirs.
O muhajirs! I advise you to do favors to Ansar. They helped you. They allowed you to their land. They entertained you in their houses. Although they were in financial difficulty, they helped you. If any of you rules them, he should do favors to them.  
O people! Everything happens in accordance with the pre-eternal divine will of God Almighty. Do not try to overcome Allah’s qada and qadar; you will be defeated. Do not try to trick God Almighty; you will be the one that loses. I am compassionate and merciful to you. You will meet me again. The place where we will meet is near the Pond of Kawthar. If you want to meet me near the Pond of Kawthar, keep your hands and tongues away from unnecessary things.
O people! Know it very well that committing sins causes to change bounties and kismets. If the majority of the people are good, their administrators will treat them justly. If the people tend to disobey and commit sins, their administrators will tend to oppress them and treat them unjustly.”
After this address, the Prophet went to Aisha’s house and went to bed.
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basicsofislam · 14 days
HAMNA BINT JAHSH (radhiallahu anha)
Hz. Hamna was the daughter of Umayma bint Abdulmuttalib, the paternal aunt of the Prophet. She was also the sister of Zaynab bint Jahsh, one of the wives of the Prophet. Thus, she was the sister-in-law of the Prophet. She became a Muslim in the first years of Islam. She was loyal to the Prophet with her heart. She was married to Mus’ab bin Umayr, one of the great Companions. They led a happy life.
Hz. Mus’ab took part in the battle of Uhud and fought heroically.
The Muslims were about to gain a big victory but when the archers located by the Messenger of Allah left their places, the course of the battle changed. The Muslims were defeated. It was also rumored that the Messenger of Allah was martyred.
When the female Companions who were in Madinah heard this, they ran to the battlefront. Hamna bint Jahsh, the wife of Mus’ab bin Umayr, was also among them. When they heard that the Messenger of Allah was alive, they became very happy.
However, Hz. Mus’ab was martyred. In addition, Hz. Hamna’s brother Abdullah bin Jahsh and her maternal uncle Hz. Hamza was also martyred. The Prophet wanted to give this news to Hamna himself. When Hamna came over to him, he said,
“O Hamna! Show patience and seek reward from Allah!”
Hamna said,
“O Messenger of Allah! For whom shall I show patience?”
The Prophet said,
“For your maternal uncle Hamza.”
Hz. Hamna was a woman who believed in qadar. She said,
“We are slaves of Allah and we will return to Him. May Allah show him mercy and forgive him! May Allah give him glad tidings and rejoice him with the reward of martyrdom!”
The Prophet said,
“O Hamna! Show patience and seek reward from Allah!”
Hamna said,
“O Messenger of Allah! For whom shall I show patience?”
The Prophet said,
“For your brother.”
Hz. Hamna said in patience and resoluteness,
“We are slaves of Allah and we will return to Him. May Allah show him mercy and forgive him! May Allah give him glad tidings and rejoice him with the reward of martyrdom!”
The Prophet said,
"O Hamna! Show patience and seek reward from Allah!”
Hamna said in suspense,
“O Messenger of Allah! For whom shall I show patience?”
The Prophet said,
“For Mus’ab bin Umayr.”
Hz. Hamna, who had not lost her patience and resoluteness up to that time, changed suddenly. She thought about her children and started to cry by saying,
Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
“There is no doubt that a man has a different place in the eye of his wife. Hamna showed patience and resoluteness when she heard about the death of her maternal uncle and brother but she could not maintain her resoluteness when she heard the death of her husband.”( Sirah, 3: 104. )
Hz. Hamna could not show the same patience for her husband but she did not oppose qadar. She calmed down with the prayer and consolation of the Messenger of Allah.
Hamnah later married Talha bin Ubaydullah, one of the ten Companions who were given the good news that they would go to Paradise. They led a happy life. They had two children called Muhammad and Imran.
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sunanannasai · 1 month
Sunan an Nasa’i: The Book of Fasting, Book 22, Hadith 2420
It was narrated from Jarir bin 'Abdullah that the Prophet said:
"Fasting three days of each month is fasting for a lifetime, and the shining days of Al-Bid, the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth."
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sahihmuslim · 4 days
Enjoining Good Manners, and Joining of the Ties of Kinship, Book 45, Hadith 169
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying that there was a tree which caused inconvenience to the Muslims; a person came there and cut that (tree) (and thus entered ) Paradise).
Enjoining Good Manners, and Joining of the Ties of Kinship, Book 45, Hadith 169
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questionsonislam · 4 days
What does worship mean? Why do we worship?
Worship means to fulfill the orders of Allah, to keep away from His prohibitions, and to act in accordance with His consent. As for the issue why we worship:
* First of all, we worship because it is the purpose of our creation because Allah created us, human beings, so that we would know Him, believe in Him and worship Him.
This issue is stated as follows in the Quran:
"I have only created jinn and men, that they may serve Me." (adh-Dhariyat, 56)
As believers, we act in accordance with our purpose of creation stated in the verse and try to fulfill our duty of worshipping our Creator.
* Furthermore, we worship Allah to thank Him for so many bounties he gave us.
We thank somebody who gives us a small gift several times; if we do not thank Allah, who gives us so many bounties and gifts, by worshipping, we will definitely have shown ingratitude. We try to fulfill our duty of worship faultlessly to avoid such ingratitude.
Allah created us out of nothing, equipped us with thousands of feelings and organs, created everything that those feelings and organs need and he gave us humanity, belief and guidance along with life.
It is stated in the Quran that the bounties of Allah are endless and that it is impossible to count them as follows:
"If ye would count up the favors of Allah, never would ye be able to number them: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (an-Nahl, 18).
What we need to do for endless bounties is to know and love God Almighty, who is the owner of those bounties, to show that we love Him by worshipping and to show Him our thanks and gratitude in return for the bounties He gives us.
* In fact, our worship and thanks are not sufficient at all for the bounties given to us in this world. As a matter of fact, Allah prepared greater bounties for us in Paradise if we believe in Him and worship Him and He promised us endless bliss in Paradise. In that case, the bounties that Allah promised us to give in the hereafter are completely His special favor, grace and grant. They are not given to us in return for our worship and thanks.
The Prophet explains this issue as follows:
"Your deeds (worship) cannot take you to Paradise. My deeds cannot take me to Paradise, either. It can be possible only through the mercy of Allah."
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risalei-nur · 28 days
The Words - The First  Word - Part 2
Bismillah is a blessed treasure. It transforms your boundless weakness and poverty, by binding you to the All-Powerful and Merciful One’s infi- nite Power and Mercy, into the most heeded intercessor at His Exalted Court. When you say bismillah, you act in His name. You are like a soldier acting in the state’s name, fearing no one, doing all things in the name of the law and the state, and persisting against all odds.
How does everything recite bismillah through its very mode of exis- tence? For example: A stranger arriving in a city can order its people to gather at a certain place to work on a certain task. If this order is obeyed, the stranger obviously is acting in the name of the ruler’s strength and authority, not his own. In the same way, everything acts in the name of God, the All-Mighty. Small seeds and grains carry huge trees on their heads and raise weights as heavy as mountains. Each tree says bismillah and, filling its hands with fruit from Mercy’s treasury, offers them to us on a tray. Each garden, a cooking pot from the Divine Power’s kitchen where count- less varieties of delicious foods are prepared, says bismillah.
All blessed animals (e.g., cows, camels, sheep, and goats) say bismillah and become fountains of milk from Mercy’s abundance. They offer us, in the All-Providing’s name, a most delicate and pure food like the water of life. Every plant and blade of grass, every root and stem, says bismillah. All plant, tree, and grass roots and fibers, soft as silk, say bismillah and pierce hard stones and soil. Mentioning His Name, the Name of the All-Merciful, subjects everything to them.
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jami-attirmidhi · 3 months
JAMI’at-TIRMIDHI: The Book on Legal Punishments: Hadith 1834
Narrated 'Ubadah bin As-Samit:
"The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'Take from me. For Allah has a way made for them : For the married person who commits adultery with a married person is one hundred lashes, then stoning. And for the virgin who commits adultery with a virgin is one hundred lashes and banishment for a year."
Reference:  Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1434
In-book reference: Book 17, Hadith 14
English translation : Vol. 3, Book 15, Hadith 1434
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everyday-quote · 6 months
I know of no action that draws one close to Allah than good deeds to ones parents.
Ibn Abbas (Radiallahu anhu)
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riyad-as-salihin · 2 months
Riyad as-Salihin, The Book of the Remembrance of Allah, Book 15, Hadith 32
Chapter: The Excellence of the Remembrance of Allah
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "For him who says: 'Subhan-Allahi wa bi hamdihi (Allah is free from imperfection, and I begin with praising Him, and to Him),' a palm-tree will be planted in Jannah."
[At- Tirmidhi].
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everydaydua · 3 months
Dua to heal the afflicted by the Evil eye or other afflictions
بِاسْمِ اللهِ أَرْقِيكَ، مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ يُؤْذِيكَ، مِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ نَفْسٍ أَوْ عَيْنِ حَاسِدٍ، اللهُ يَشْفِيكَ بِاسْمِ اللهِ أَرْقِيكَ
In the Name of Allah. I recite over you [for purpose of healing] from all that troubles you, from the evil of every soul or of the eye of an envier. May Allah cure you; with the Name of Allah, I recite over you [for purpose of healing].
Bismil-laahi ar-qeek, min kul-li shai’in yu’dheek, min shar-ri kul-li naf-sin aw ‘ayni kul-li ḥaa-sid, al-laah yash-feek, bismil-laahi ar-qeek
Sources: Muslim No# 2186 ; At-Tirmidhi No# 972
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tawakkull · 2 months
ISLAM 101: Spirituality in Islam: Part 193
Basira and Firasa (Insight and Discernment)
Literally meaning perception, intelligence, discretion, evidence, and witness, insight (basira) is defined as having an eye of the heart open, deep perception, an ability to see consequences just at the beginning of an act, or foresight. Insight acquires a different, deeper dimension among Sufis. It is considered the sole source of spiritual knowledge obtained through reflective thought and inspiration, the first degree in the spirit’s perception of the reality of things; and a power of conscience that discerns and establishes values originating in the spirit, whereas reason becomes entangled in colors, forms, and qualities. It is also a power of perception so sharpened by the light of nearness to the Divine Being that, when other powers of perception become exhausted by imaginings, it acquires great familiarity with mysteries lying behind things and, without any guide or evidence, reaches the Truth of the Truths, where reason is bewildered.
Seeing is one of the luminous Attributes of God Almighty, and one’s insight, as declared in: We have shared among them (43:32), is proportionate to one’s ability to receive the manifestations of this Attribute. The greatest portion belongs to the one who, having benefited from that Divine Source to the fullest, poured his inspirations into the hearts of his followers, namely the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings. He is the most polished mirror of the Truth’s manifestations, and is unequaled in receiving them. The Divine declaration: Say: This is my path. I call to God on clear evidence and by insight, I and whoever follows me (12:108) points to the greatness of the share of that Divine gift belonging to the prince of the Prophets and his followers.
This matchless perceptiveness allowed that holy traveler on the path of Ascension to reach in one breath the realms beyond corporeal existence, which those devoid of even the least perception regard as dark or unknown or categorically deny. He studied those realms like a book, and traveled on the “slopes” of the Unseen where the archetypal tablets are exhibited and the melodies of the pens of Destiny, which make one’s heart jump, thrilled him. He visited Paradise accompanied by heavenly male and female servants, and received a Divine welcome with the breaths of two bows’ length, or even nearer (53:9), at a point where space and location are undefined or undifferentiated.
The pleasure of observance given by insight sometimes acquires a new, deeper dimension when the believer begins to discern and discover the spiritual dimension and meanings of things and events. His or her spirit experiences other dimensions in this three-dimensional realm, and his or her conscience becomes the eye of existence with which it sees, as well as its pulse and intellect.
In addition to perception and understanding, discernment (firasa) denotes the deepening of insight when perception becomes a source of certain knowledge. Those who discern the manifestations of the light of God, the Truth, own such a radiance that they see everything, every issue, in its full clarity. They are never confused, even when encountering the most intricate, similar elements, and are not lost in particularities. Seeing at the same time, for example, sugar with the sugar cane and hydrogen and oxygen with water, they refrain from all deviation (e.g., pantheism and monism) and recognize the Creator however He is, and the created however it is.
From the face of each individual believer to the face of the universe, every point, word, and line in existence is a meaningful message, even a book, for those to whom the verse: Surely in this are signs for those having insight and discernment (15:75) refers. Those who can look at existence from a point stated in the Prophetic Tradition of: Fear the discernment of a believer, for he sees with the light of God, [1] make contact with reality, become familiar with the invisible side of existence, and, revealing the real face of everything, shed light on events. While some spend their lives in “black holes” they are enraptured with increasing pleasures on Paradise-like “slopes.”
For one endowed with such discernment, existence is a book of countless pages, with each animate or inanimate part of creation being a word shining with thousands of meanings, and the face of existence and each person expressing many hidden realities. Those of true spirituality see such things in the “verses” of that book and in the luminous “phrases” of those verses, and receive from them messages that even the greatest minds among the non-believers are unable to discern. The unimaginable surprises awaiting believers in the other world are according to the rank of each, and are revealed to them together with all the spiritual pleasure that they give.
[1] Al-Tirmidhi, “Tafsir al-Qur’an” 6.
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lifeofresulullah · 5 days
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Before His Birth, His Birth and His Childhood
The Famous Grandfathers of the Prophet
Undoubtedly, we do not have much knowledge on all the ancestors who carried the Master of the Universe’s light as a Divine trust on their foreheads. The ancestors about whom we have the most knowledge are the ones who are closest in time. Here we will take a short glance at their lives and personalities.
Qusai, the fourth grandfatherof the Holy Prophet and whose real name was Zayd, was a very important figure. He had only one male sibling by the name of Zuhra.
From these two siblings, Qusai was granted the honor of bearing the noor that came down from Hazrat Adam. From childhood, Qusai garnered much attention for his talents and grew up to be one of the leading figures of Mecca. In a short time, he gained much reliability amongst the people of Mecca for his fair decisions as well as his skills in governance and administration. For this reason, the governance of Mecca was given to him.  He divided Mecca into districts for the first time. He situated every tribe into the district that he allocated for them. The most important decisions of Mecca were discussed and decided in his home.  Important tasks such as safeguarding the Ka’aba, providing water for and hosting the pilgrims of Hajj, erecting the flag at times of war, and governing the Meccan assembly, were entrusted in him. The first house that was across from the Ka’aba and whose door faced the Ka’aba was specially constructed for Qusai. This house was a parliament, like a type of governmental building or the state of the Meccan city, where all sorts of works and issues were discussed. Historically, Qusai’s residency was known as “Daru’n-Nadwa” and it found fame with this name. It was conserved until half a century after the Hijra (migration).
Qusai was loved and respected by everyone without exception. The noor belonging to the Master of the Universe that he carried on his forehead, made him beloved to and the bosom friend of the Meccan people.
In accordance with the custom, Qusay handed over the role of the family chieftain to his oldest son, Abduddar when he got old and said, “My Beloved son, I appoint you as the chief of this tribe”.
However, Abduddar did not possess the skills to undertake such a great duty. Throughout his life he was unable to fill his father’s place because the noor of the Patron of the Universe was not shining on his forehead, but was on his younger brother’s, Abd Manaf who had four sons: Hashim, Abdusshams, Muttalib, and Nawfal. 
Hashim is the grandfather of the Holy Prophet from the second generation.
Hashim was a tradesman; he was one of the notables of Mecca’s gentry. As the birth date of the Holy Prophet was nearing, the noor of the Holy Prophet on his forehead was shining even brighter. In addition, he had eminent virtues.
He was extremely generous. During a year of drought, no bread could be found. He had snow-white bread made from the pure wheat he brought from Damascus, cut several camels and sheep, and offered a huge feast composed of bread, meat, gravy, and broth to the whole of Meccan people.
Because Hashim was of high moral character, aptitude, was wise, generous, virtuous, was loved and respected by everyone, and had a noble personality, his name became the title for his family and posterity. For this reason, they termed this great lineage that includes our master of the Universe as the “Hashemites”.
Hashim had four sons: Shaiba (Abdulmuttalib), Asad, Abu Sayfi, and Nadla. 
Hashim’s progeny continued from his sons Shaiba and Asad. Shaiba is the Holy Prophet’s grandfather from the first generation whereas Asad is the uncle of Hazrati Ali’s mother, Fatimah.
However, when Hunain, who came from Asad’s progeny, did not have any descendants; every Hashemite was descended from Abdulmuttalib’s branch, proliferated, and spread across the Earth. 
Shaiba (Abdulmuttalib)
Shaiba is the Holy Prophet’s grandfather from the first generation. Since he was born with white hair, the name “Shaiba” was given to him; he gained fame with his nickname, Abdulmuttalib and was mentioned more by this name.
The story of how he was given this nickname:
Shaiba stayed with his maternal uncles in Medina during his childhood. One day he and his neighborhood friends were throwing arrows with the other children in a public square in Medina. Amongst all the children, he was easily distinguished by the noor belonging to the Master of the Universe that shone on his forehead. There, a crowd of grownups gathered to watch the children compete.
It was Shaiba’s turn to throw an arrow. He placed the arrow in the bow and stretched the bow in a confident manner. For a moment, he stopped breathing and unleashed the bow. The arrow that sprung from the bow hit its exact aim. When everyone looked at him with amazement, he brought the following words to his tongue through the happiness and excitement that he felt with this success:
“I am Hashim’s son. I am Sir Betha’s son. Of course my arrow will find its target”.
The adults that came to watch heard Shaiba’s commendatory words. One of Harith bin Abd-Manaf sons came close to him and learnt that he was Hashim’s sons by cross-examining. On his return to Mecca, this man explained the situation to Muttalib and remarked that it was not right for such a talented and intelligent child to be left in a foreign province.
Upon hearing this news, Muttalib immediately went to Medina and brought Shaiba to Mecca. As Muttalib was arriving to Mecca with Shaiba on the back of his saddle, they asked:
“Who is this child?”
Muttalib was afraid that this child would be affected with the evil eye so the words “my slave” came out of his mouth.
When he arrived home, his wife, Khadija, asked the same question. Once more, the answer was “my slave”.
The next day Shaiba began to roam the streets of Mecca with the new and beautiful clothes that his uncle bought for him. Everyone became curious about his identity and began to ask questions. Those who knew answered, “Abdulmuttalib” (Abdulmuttalib’s slave).
Despite his identity being later revealed, his nickname remained “Abdul-Muttalib” from that day on.
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