#the primals
dawntrailing · 6 months
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mongo-the-liensis · 1 month
The knowledge that the man's feelings are not mutual is like a dagger in its heart, if it had one. It wrestles daily with this realization, teetering on the edge of indecision. Do I protect him because I love him? Do I kill him because he doesn't love me back? Do I continue with my duty? What would become of me if I simply disobeyed? It's a lot of stress for a creature not used to having any emotion. It's almost too much. But even if this creature wanted to end it all, it couldn't. Its master has the ability to bring it right back, over and over again.
Reminder that the AI is genuinely in love with Carl as a whole, and not just his feet.
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deep--dive · 7 months
Silence, warning us to violence... Violence, swearing us to silence... Black mark payback, marking time With a stone of white do we mark up the night Shadows shifting, paradigm To the man behind prithee, pay no mind Silence, warning us to violence... Violence, swearing us to silence... Black mark payback, marking time With a stone of white do we mark up the night Shadows shifting, paradigm To the man behind prithee, pay no mind Roughshod riding, overdrive Tilting windmills wicked, wandering blind Milling slowly, grinding fine All the rotten grist on which I dine
from Forge Ahead : FINAL FANTASY XIV ~ Arrangement Album ~ (on sale 11.29.2023)
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radiant-flutterbun · 1 month
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New scenes for these dragons!
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sapphire-mage · 2 years
Not to gush about something nerdy, but FFXIV has this official band known as The Primals, created and performed with the XIV official sound director, Masayoshi Soken. The mostly play the boss themes of the primals from FFXIV. Primals often consist of elemental deities like Titan (primal of earth) or Leviathan (primal of water).
Or in this video's case, Alexander... who, for the sake of brevity, is a giant robot that can manipulate time.
And for their performance of Alexander's boss theme ('Rise'), THEY ACTUALLY MIMIC THE TIME FREEZE FROM THE FIGHT! They'll play the jingle from when Alexander stops time, freeze themselves, and in some performances, the audience freezes with them! THAT'S SO COOL!
Sorry, I'm probably gushing about something that is common knowledge in the FFXIV fandom, but I just think it's neat.
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chiclet-go-boom · 6 months
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risensung-alchemist · 7 months
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miqojak · 2 months
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harmonicstupidity · 2 years
Tales of loss and fire and faith Every word on our hearts engraved In the dark you will not stray Forge ahead, till the end, we pray
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voidsentprinces · 2 years
Babe wake up new To the Edge performance just dropped
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buppypark · 10 months
Fuck it I'm posting the text. Fanfest Day 2: Still as hectic as the day before. Merch line sold out by like 9:30am. And ADA people got screwed over by that and the Primals concert getting rid of their seats??? Positives were I got to do the Battle Challenge, localization panel and the Primals Concert was genuinely amazing. Dont know if ld come back in 2 years tbh if its the same as before. But had fun and met some online friends
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dawntrailing · 6 months
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mongo-the-liensis · 20 days
If I had a nickel for every character that had a stupid outfit, was going insane, made friends with NPCs, and hated the AIs in their respective stories, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
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deep--dive · 1 year
Home Riding home Dying hope Hold onto hope... Ohhh...
Home Riding home Home, riding home Hope, finding hope... Ohhh...
from Scions & Sinners: FINAL FANTASY XIV - Arrangement Album (2021)
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radiant-flutterbun · 4 months
For Lore Talk!
With such a high concentration of primal dragons, does the offshoot of your clan that takes them in experience more frequent/more large-scale magical incidents due to the members who can't-quite control themselves? Is there a protocol for this when it happens to minimize harm/stop the incident sooner?
Do the dragons at the Beacon Market have to deal with theft or con-artists frequently? Do any of the shopkeepers or vendors have a particular method for dealing with customers who might not be there for completely wholesome reasons?
I'm assuming for the first question your referring to my Primals tab, which is an entire clan on its own instead of an offshoot.
I would say yes they do experience more magical incidences and mishaps due to the fact every member (besides Xeno) is a Primal. And many are Primals that have not had any training to control their powers.
I don't think there's any official protocol since the entire clan is held together by string and duct tape and is led by the very, very reluctant and traumatized Grim, but the clan does act as a found family and every member cares for one another. So with team effort they're willing to solve whatever problem occurs when it does. They may not always have the perfect solution, but this clan is full of scrappy losers with nothing left to lose but each other, so they're going to try to work out a solution however way they know how. Whether it's with Grim's determination, Ammil's kindness, Murrma's strength, Yulene's creativity ect.
As for the Beacon Market, I would say yes each vendor has had their run with theft and cons and other shady fellas. How each deal with this depends on the individual and the circumstance.
Starsong for example sells meat, and is willing to let a little theft slide here and there. He figures if someone needs the meat that badly, then they're probably having a tougher time than he will with a little less money in his pocket. If he notices it happening frequently with certain individuals he may confront them, not because he's angry about it, but because he'd be willing to work something out with them.
Raven, the thrift store owner is also quite lax with the occasional theft. She finds it more amusing than anything. But if she catches a thief one too many times, she sees it fit to start pranking said thief. If someone is going to take advantage of her, then they'd better make it entertaining to her. Same goes with con artists. If they make it funny they can get away with it. If not, then they're entertainment to Raven.
Rambutan, Mitosis, and Suvi are a bit more strict when it comes to theft with their own wares. They may demand repayment of some kind if the thief is caught.
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daardyrnitta · 2 years
“You are not sorry.” I actually was. Sort of. “You grabbed me.” “Do you stab everyone who grabs you?” “Yes!” I exclaimed. “Especially when I am in a house with a dead body and someone grabs me from behind without any warning!”
You go, girl! Get him (figuratively and literally)
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